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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 145; December 1, 2002.)

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. All Family members in China use pen names for their contributions to the Grapevine. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 500107, San Diego, California, USA - 92150-0107e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2002 by The Family


       Check out the MO site for some Christmas activity pages for your kids
-a Christmas calendar, Christmas crafts, Christmas activities, and more! Look in the CC/FED section and do a keyword search for "Christmas activities."

       Looking for Church of Love material for the Christmas month?
You'll find on the MO site (under “Contributions”), available for downloading, five sample Church of Love "sermons" and handouts (for attendees), courtesy of Tommy in Brazil. It's a five part Christmas series-one for each week of Christmas. Check it out--you're welcome to use or adapt them as you like!

EURCRO postal address change

       Dear Family,
       We love you! If you have mail to send to the EURCRO office, please use the following postal address:

       A.K. Grafik
       Postfach 1558
       CH-8401 Winterthur

Last worldwide Activated prize

This Christmas season, it's our prayer that the Family will rock out with Activated like never before. After the final quarter of 2002, we'll give out the last round of worldwide WS Activated cash shiner prizes. Thank the Lord, He has provided the funds to give the top 10 Activated subscription shiners a cash prize for the past two years. We hope that they have been a blessing to you who have received them! After hearing from the Lord about it, we've decided to discontinue the quarterly prize for the time being, due to financial constraints. As of now there are still nine positions open within the 10 shiner prize places for October through December. Go for it and try to get your Home on that list and get the prize!
       We will continue posting the worldwide shiner stats on the MO site for your information and inspiration--so keep striving for the top! The Activated desks will also sponsor local shiner prizes when possible, according to their means, as some have already been doing. God bless and keep you activated!

Christmas has been rocking for a while!

By a Home in El Paso, Texas
       Our Home has had a terrific start with our Christmas CD card sales, and we've been selling them to individuals, companies, shops, Germans, cops and Rabbis.-Yes, even Rabbis! It all started on a fine September day of parking lot mania. As we prepared to pack our bags, lo and behold, we found a few leftover Christmas CD cards from last year. So we packed them in our bags and took them on our merry way, thinking, Well, even if people aren't ready for them, at least it'll give us more variety. Boy, were we in for a surprise! Within the first 10 minutes, we sold every single one of the Christmas CDs, leaving us wishing we had more, and determined to place an order ASAP! We ordered 100. The same week, two of us ventured out to try something new (well, at least new for us). During our shop-to-shop witnessing we thought we'd bring along some borrowed samples of the new Christmas CDs from the other Home and a brochure. The response was amazing! We got orders amounting to about 100 CDs and it was only September! So by the time our order came in from Activated, all our CDs had already been promised in orders. Alas, we were left CD-less once more. So, this time, we thought we'd order 200 (oh we of little faith!). Once we got that one in, part had already been promised through orders, and the rest we sold over our weekend witnessing. All that to say, we learned our lesson, and have since ordered 1,000, and have already gotten out almost a hundred of them! Our Christmas CD stats are already over 400, and growing every day! TTL for such a professional, impressive tool that makes Christmas witnessing so much fun!

New Heaven's Library books available for Christmas!

       Dear Family,
       We love you, and pray the Lord is blessing you with a wonderful Christmas season. In celebration of Christmas, there is a new Heaven's Library book available to download.-Alice and the Cards! Since the printed book will most likely not reach you in time for Christmas, we've posted the PDF and text version of the book on the Members Only Web site in the "Heaven's Library" section under "Pubs," so you can enjoy and read this book over the Christmas season (rated 12 and up). We hope you enjoy it!
       Additionally, you'll find another exciting Web-only story posted on the Members Only site close to Christmas day. The story, called Love & Exploits, is rated for ages 12 and up. We hope you enjoy it. Stay tuned for more Heaven's Library books coming your way this year, both on the Members Only Web site and to your mailbox. We love you!

       Much love,
       Your Heaven's Library editors

Thanks for your comments

By the WS GP department
       Thanks to each of you who send, via your TRFs, your reactions on the new GP products, as well as your suggestions for new GP products, or changes to existing ones. We value your input, as it's helpful for us to know what you like and how the new things are working for you; and also to get your ideas for possible new tools.
       We aren't always able to reply to each suggestion personally, but we do go through them, consider each one, and keep them on hand and in mind. Many times they're suggestions to create or improve on things we actually already plan to do--which is always encouraging. As for the brand-new ideas, we have a very long list of projects in the works--and we have a pretty small team--so it takes some time before anything gets from the idea stage to completion. We have to ask the Lord about the priorities as well as counsel with the GP board, the PCs, and others, before investing a lot of time and resources into a project, and that can take time.
       All that to say, thanks for your patience and understanding if you have sent in a great idea that you haven't yet seen put into effect. Do keep sending your ideas in if you have them! We hope you've been enjoying the many new GP products that have come out in the last couple of years, and DV there are more to come!

On the MO: Muslim Ministry Materials

There's a new subcategory in the "Contributions" section of the Activated page on the MO site where we will post various materials that the Arabic Lit-Pic team has created, as well as others that Family members may create, which could be helpful for Muslim ministries worldwide. So far the Motivated magazines are posted there, and there will be other materials coming bit by bit. (Please check out the notice regarding Motivated (in the Activated news section), as it has counsel which generally applies to all the material in this section.) We pray that these pubs will be a blessing to those of you who are ministering to Muslims! God bless those who put a lot of hard work and prayer into creating them.
in My arms
       Written by Gideon [of Lamb], Norway:
God bless and keep you close to Him! We wanted to let you know that our son, Timothy, passed away in his sleep. He was 22. He had undergone open-heart surgery on October 29, to correct a small hole between two chambers of his heart that he was born with. The surgery went well, as did his recovery. He came home from the hospital three days ago (Nov. 7). Yesterday, November 10, he died in his sleep. Needless to say, we are all in a bit of shock. We would like to ask for your prayers for our family during this time, especially for Sonja, his wife. She is due to have their second child in January.

Put it in My hands now, My loves--all the pain and the suffering, all the questioning and the wondering why. Let it go. It will do you no good to carry these weights, as this one you love is now with Me--knowing true happiness, as he is freed from the weights of this life.
       Like a bird learning to fly, he has entered a new world with wings, and it is in your yieldedness to let him depart for a while, that he will find rich fulfillment in his new life, and soon it will be repaid to you. And in time, you will be returning to your real home, and see there My purpose in his passing, and the greater joy that it was able to bring for you all.
       It is difficult to let loved ones go, especially when they depart suddenly and there's no time to say those last words, to feel that last embrace. But to think like this is wrong, My loves, for they are always embracing you. Night after night they seek to keep you company. They still are attached to you and have been by your side, hearing your thoughts, and saying their words of love to you in hopes that you will know how much you still mean to them on this side. … The love they felt for you on this earth is able to be fully completed in Heaven, and no purer love has been seen by humankind. (End of excerpts of message from Jesus.)

mag available in European languages
Dearest Family,
       God bless you! Thanks so very much for your continued help, support, and prayers! During the last two months we have been able to get Activated rolling in a number of new languages. As of today we have Activated mags available in 10 Central and Eastern European languages (in alphabetical order): Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Hungarian, Serbian, Slovakian, Romanian, Russian and Ukrainian! TYJ! Still to come are Czech, plus a mag for Muslims (Motivated) in Russian. We know we couldn't have done this without the Lord's help, the power of the keys, and your help, so we want to send you a very special THANK YOU.
       We here at the CEAD want to send heartfelt thanks to each of the wonderful Family members worldwide that are helping to sponsor subscriptions for the many hungry sheep in both the Central and Eastern European area. During the months of September and October we received sponsorships from:

       CN625       (Willing and Mary)
       CN635       (Heartlands)
       CN634        (No name)
       CN610       (Ben, Dove, and team)
       IN06               (Bathsheba, Esther, John, Simeon)
       JA020        (Hilltop)
       JA039        (Crystal and Jesse)
       JA062        (David, James, Pandita, Vicky)
       TH822        (John)
       TH02              (Bangkok DF Home)
       BS081       (Emmanuel and Estrella)
       FR650       (Emanuel and Daniella)
       US4926       (Lebbaeus and Abi)
       EN451       (James Link)
       SW1426       (David and Heidi)
       WG724       (Andres and Mary)
       IT1190       (Monopoli)
       US3967       (Robby and Michelle)
       IT1139       (Juan and Letizia)
       US4000       (Marianne, Shine, Timothy)

       God bless each of you! We know that the sheep who received these subscriptions are so very thankful for your gifts--which are benefiting so many people, as many of those who receive them share the magazines or the contents with their friends and associates. Just this month P., a pastor in Russia, wrote: "I found your magazine to be very interesting and spiritually uplifting. If you don't mind, I'll be using some of the material published by you in my sermons. I have been elected a pastor of our church and am in need of help and advice so that I can spiritually nourish the congregation. The magazine you offer is one of the best Christian courses I have seen yet."
       And Olga from Russia (who previously was receiving the MM course) wrote: "For a while I thought that our correspondence would not continue, as I can't afford to pay for your letters, but now I see that you didn't forget about me and I want to thank you for that. You've always been part of my family, even though I've never met you. God bless you for your care for me, and probably many others like me, and also for your labors. Your letters and articles are the best I could ever read and you offer it to me for free. Thank you again and please write me more."

subscriptions available for CE/EE nationals living abroad:
Recently, several Homes have written asking us how much a subscription would cost for Central or Eastern Europeans living abroad, for example, a Hungarian sheep living in Switzerland, or an Albanian living in the States, etc. Though we are currently working on a Web site in a number of different languages (soon to be one for each of the different languages we produce Activated in!) that will explain in detail how to go about subscribing, we thought it might be good to explain this to you in advance in case you presently have sheep that would like to receive the Lord's wonderful Words in their language.
       In the CEAD area we have some languages that are presently being produced with a half-year subscription. This is not because we don't want to produce a full-year's subscription, but simply due to the fact that in some of the countries in this area we only have one or two Homes. And since we are presently limited in the funds available to translate, layout, and print the Activated mags, the Get Activated book series, plus the 12 Foundation Stones, we cannot afford to produce a whole year's worth of mags and not have them distributed.
       So to help us stretch the funds He has given as far as possible, the Lord has shown us that with some languages we should start with a six-month subscription course and see how it goes from there, with the understanding that if the Homes get behind it and start sending in subscriptions, we would go on to produce a full-year subscription in that language. We're in communication with the different Homes in these countries and already we've heard from one Home that they would be glad to help buy whatever quantity of mags are needed, which they would then distribute themselves, in order for us to produce the mag in their language. GBT!
       (For your information, a half-year subscription includes six monthly issues plus one complimentary mag (for subscribing), making that a total of seven Activated mags. A one-year subscription includes twelve monthly mags, plus three free issues for subscribing.)
       The following is a breakdown of how much it costs for an Activated subscription for different CE/EE nationalities living abroad. (Please note that while at present we are producing some mags in other languages, these are the only languages we are presently able to offer subscriptions in.)

Language        Length       Cost for W.Eur/Japan       Cost for
       U.S./rest of world

       Albanian       ½ year       8 euros              US$7
       Bulgarian       ½ year        8 euros              US$7
       Croatian       1 year        16 euros       US$15
       Hungarian       1 year       16 euros       US$15
       Polish              ½ year       8 euros              US$7
       Romanian       1 year       16 euros       US$15
       Russian       1 year       16 euros       US$15
       Slovakian       ½ year       8 euros              US$7
       Ukrainian       1 year       16 euros       US$15

       If you meet sheep from these countries that are living abroad and they want to subscribe, please go ahead and sign them up (using the subscription fees listed above), and then send us their names and addresses.

       If you meet CE/EE nationals traveling abroad who live in their home country:
TTL, for the most part, subscriptions for CE/EE nationals within their country are lower. On average these are between US$4-5 dollars for a half-year subscription and US$8 for a full year's subscription. (We want to explain this to you who are helping to sponsor subscriptions, as previously we were able to offer a one-year subscription in many of these countries for US$7. But recently our System printer raised his costs by 25%, and while we are still able to use provisioned paper for the mags, we did have to raise the price by 14% to US$8. Thanks for your understanding of this.)
       If you meet sheep from these countries who are traveling abroad, but living in their home country, please go ahead and sign them up (charging the average of US$4 for a half-year and US$8 for a full year.) Or if you'd prefer, you could send us their address and we will arrange for someone to communicate with them when they return.

We pray that this is a help. Please let us know if you need any further details about subscriptions for any of these languages, or if you would like to order individual copies of these mags for witnessing in your area.
       You can write us at: cead@bluebirdfoundation.org (Please send us a copy of your PGP public key so we can communicate directly with you. Thanks so much!) GBAKY!

       Phillip, for the CEAD team

board happenings
SEA CP Seminar

By Michelle (SGA, CP chairperson), Thailand
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
       Date: September 19, 2002
       Hosting our first CP/FED seminar was a very exciting event. Over 40 attendees filled the meeting room to capacity. God bless the dear SC Home that offered the use of their lovely Home for the occasion. We had beautiful picture displays (photos of the children in our area) put up around the meeting room. There were also display tables filled with educational material, teaching aids, CDs, etc.--things which the Homes could order via the CP and FED boards.
       The CP board hosted the morning meeting while the FED board hosted the afternoon meeting. It was inspiring to work together with the FED board. We really appreciated their expertise, help and resources, and couldn't have given as much to the Homes without them.
       The morning meeting started with a short introduction and reading CC victories from our area; we were able to compile these stats and testimonies from a questionnaire that we'd sent out to all the Homes earlier. Dear Leah then led everyone in a rock'em, sock'em, raising the roof-type inspiration.
       The main theme for the CP portion of the day was Word time! To set the stage, Mary (of Adam) and Pearl (of Steven) acted out a teacher's life in a morning devotions setting. One was an inspired teacher who had a plan for the morning's Word time. The other was uninspired and, just making do as she went along. It was hilarious and motivating.
       We read some prophecies on giving inspired Word time, and presented some new, ready-made Word classes (including prophecy classes), Word compilations on giving the Word and shepherding, using the Word and prophecy, etc.
       Everything that was shared during the meeting (prophecies, game ideas, devotional activities and quizzes, quiet time projects, prophecies received by a mom about shepherding her kids, and more) was included in a pack, which we gave to the attendees. The pack included printouts of what was shared, as well as a CD containing all the material we shared as well as material from former CC seminars held here in Thailand.
       Next we launched into the very important topic of teaching the local language to our children. Thai Charity was able to share some testimonies on how she taught her kids to speak, read, and write Thai, which was helpful and encouraging.
       The Lord had given us some P&P questions concerning the practical application of teaching our kids the local language and having a more "Thai" atmosphere in our Homes. We gave these P&P questions out to all the Homes and encouraged everyone to pray and follow up on what the Lord showed them.
       There were a few more tips and tidbits shared, but time would fail us to mention them all. We closed our CP segment with a round of prayer, calling on the keys for the children and parents and teachers in our area, followed by lunch and dessert that the Lord supplied through various hotels and contacts, ice cream and scrumptious cakes and pastries for all.
       The Lord deserves all the credit for making this seminar a reality, as it certainly was a miracle how it all came together. TTL for the boards, and for teamworking between the boards! We couldn't have made it happen without each member, not to mention the Homes and attendees.
       (Editor: See photos from this board meeting on the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/artphotos/thms.php?id=0&cat_id=24)

"Let's Get Activated!"--Active member camp
By the FAROUT Home, Albania

       This camp, to which we invited our Active members, was the first to be held since the Lord's call and plea to reach Albania. Prophecies have been received from Mama and Peter's Home about this being Albania's hour. And what better way to do it than through Activated?
       Five days. Five days to catch the vision and start reaching the needy and hungry sheep of Albania. Yes, to not only give them the message of truth, but to show them how they can reach others and become active themselves. As Peter put it so well, if we would only have followed up on 10% of the souls saved we would have such a great increase, not only of Active members, but we would also have these precious members reaching out to others and giving them the message of truth.       
       So here we are with the vision, and due to the Lord's faithful and never-ending supply and provision, we had the means and finances to make it into a reality.
       Our five-day camp was held in Daiti, which is located about 45 minutes from Tirana, Albania's capital, where most of our attendees are from and where our Home operates.
Day one
We woke to the excitement of our first day of camp. The first team headed up the mountain where the camp was to be held, and the rest followed afterwards.
       The morning was spent meeting and greeting people. The afternoon was used as a time of rest and exploration, enjoying the wonderful sights and views, while some of the boys played soccer.
At 6:30 pm we got together for our keynote, followed by an inspiration. When that was done we had a number of fun activities and games.

Day two

       The Lord led us to have two sets of classes. One set majored on our spiritual warfare, and we read portions of how to expose Pan, Bacchus, the Selvegion, and Ashran, who is a demon that fights against our efforts to reach Albania. It was so beautiful to see people's reactions and the prayer requests each person had to be delivered from the various ways these evil forces had attacked them. The second set of classes was called "Let's Get Activated." Everyone got very excited and ready to do all we can to make Activated explode in Albania. We are just waiting now to have the mags in our hands and let God's Spirit do the explosion for us by covering the land with His Word.
       Our morning meeting started off with inspiration. The first class of the day was on exposing Pan and his influence on our lives.
       Here are a few reactions from the attendees:

*       Now that I know the face of the Enemy, I know that I can win through the power the Lord has given us (the power of the keys). Before knowing the Lord and the Family, I was always interested in intellectual writings and fields in general, but now I understand that it's all vanity. It's being as good as dead if you become a slave of Pan.
       *       The class about Pan and his influence in our lives opened my eyes to see things that before I couldn't understand. Now I see that Pan has been fighting me all this time through ways I didn't know. I learned how Pan influences my life and how to fight him back. Thank You, Jesus, for this class!

       The afternoon class was a continuation of the morning class. In the evening our activity committee had something planned for us: Indian night.
       Once everyone had gathered around in a circle and we'd prayed, the guitars and bongo started playing some good old Gypsy songs. Now why Gypsy songs? Honestly I don't know, but I figure there aren't many Indian songs available, and even if there were, we would all find ourselves dancing around the fire jumping up and down in some tribal dance. Ha!
       After a few fun games, we all moved on to a good night's sleep.
Day three

       The morning class was on Bacchus and the Selvegion. The attendees had a desire and interest in the Word and all that is transpiring in the spirit world. Our classes were composed of three feeding hours in the morning and another two in the afternoon. Here are more reactions:

       *       Today's class about Bacchus and the Selvegion made me ponder my life and the love I have for Jesus. It helped me to be thankful and appreciative one hundred times more for everything He has given me.
       *       This second class helped me understand how Pan and Bacchus have been working closely together against me, in wanting me to attain higher and greater knowledge--a device of Pan and a slavery of Bacchus.
       *       The influences of Bacchus have been closely linked with Pan's devices. In the past, Bacchus entangled me with his tentacles in making me dependent on things such as TV, System friends, and all these other things that have distracted me from Jesus and the Family. Thank You, Jesus, for the freedom we found through reading these Letters.
       *       Knowing another archdemon, Bacchus, has helped me know more the face of the Enemy and his influences in my life that I didn't pay much attention to before.

       We'd planned to watch something that evening, but due to the road conditions, the TV that was brought from home didn't work. So at the last minute we got together and decided to have skits for the evening. Though unprepared beforehand, the skits turned out great. Everyone was involved and we had a good time. Each team had to prepare a skit, basing it on a Bible story.

Day four

       The attendees flipped out about Activated, as all of them love to witness and feed the sheep, and actively go personal witnessing with us. But many felt they lacked knowledge of how to witness after the initial witness given and the soul is saved. We do have a follow-up method, but presenting the Activated vision has helped them to get more on fire as well, and now they see that follow up can be done.

       *       Activated is fantastic! It's the best follow-up method for the sheep that we are never able to feed. I believe Jesus' promise that Activated will be distributed all over the world, and I know that our faith will be the means to fulfill it.
       *       Activated is wonderful, but to make it work will take lots of courage on my part and those of my brothers. It helped me wake up and catch the vision for my future. It was a total awakening!
       *       I believe that Activated is the best method that Jesus gave us to feed the sheep, and a very effective and practical way to help the national church grow in a short time. It's a wonderful vision that will keep us all on fire for Jesus.
       *       Activated is the future of the Family. It makes our work easier in feeding the sheep and it's a way to feed many different people, wherever they are.
       *       Activated is the right way to make me active for the Lord. It's wonderful to think how Jesus continually changes methods of how to reach people in the best way, to show His love, and bring joy and happiness to their daily lives. Activated is it!--Not only for the present, but for the future also.

Day five

       Everyone was a bit pooped out from the dance the night before, but actively participated in the morning meeting where prophecies were read and the vision given on how to fulfill the calling the Lord has for us. We all realized that we needed to put our faith and desire into action. With much discussion and prayer, the Lord helped us to organize various departments to help us move forward.
       We have to thank our doting Husband and Lover for having supplied the means, finances, location, and all the other many details, which weren't mentioned for lack of space and time, yet without which, the camp wouldn't have been possible.
       Also, a big thank-you to the management team, John and Francesko, and all who pitched in to give a hand and lighten the load.

Encouraged about the boards

By Sharon (of Grant), chairperson of the West USA JT board, USA
I am very encouraged to see how the boards are taking shape. Even though everyone is still seeing how it's all going to fit perfectly and when to have or fit in meeting after meeting to get things rolling, I know the Lord is going to help us do this. It makes you so proud of the Family to see how everyone is stepping out by faith to enter in and make it work. Also a big thank-you to the Homes for giving of their personnel and Home members to make the big changeover. It's causing a new revolution for the better. Our kids are excited and our teens and adults are excited to see each department pulling the load, and progress being made in so many directions.

Miracle of supply
       Talitha Dawn, South Africa:
We had four young people over for classes one evening. Among other things we had explained to them the miracle of the Lord's supply and our life of faith. As we were saying goodbye to them in our entrance hall I noticed something on our doorstep. (Our front door is made of glass, so we could all see that there was some kind of white box on the front steps.)
       I went to open the door and to our amazement there were three big trays of chicken on the steps. Just that morning we had prayed with our children for supply of meat! Our visitors were awestruck at this miracle of supply, as were the rest of us. We were all praising the Lord as they stood there with their mouths open in amazement. Our children keep looking with wonder at their dinner, asking, "Is this the miracle chicken?" This miracle has continued to be the talk of the town in the community where we live, and to this day we have not discovered who put the chicken there.

Quote selection
       Joan (of Simon), Nigeria:
E-mail is one sure way I've found to feed the sheep that the Lord has brought across my path. Some of our friends who have been regularly supporting us in one way or the other, or are directors of big companies, managers of banks, etc., don't have much time to read the Activated magazine or the Reflections that we give them, as they're so busy with their work. When I prayed about how I can make a lasting impact in their life, the Lord showed me to use e-mail.
I started by choosing 5 to 10 quotes from the Good Thots. I've categorized the contacts into two groups: the ones who are really sheepy and love the Lord, and the ones who are not so sheepy, but who would still benefit from the wealth of material that we have. I selected "Faith and Trust" for all the Christians, Pentecostals, and those who really love the Lord, and the others get quotes on "Relationships with People," "Redeem the Time," "Success and Failure," "Visions and Goals," etc. I choose ten quotes, and in the first paragraph I write a brief recap about our activities of the last two weeks, so they know what we are doing and what our upcoming projects are. I send these quotes out individually twice a month and the response has been awesome.
       Recently one of our friends, who is a Catholic and a very lukewarm Christian, lost a baby during delivery. However, I've been sending her these quotes, and after five months she said, "There comes a point in one's life when they realize that they need God. Those quotes on faith and trust kept me alive. I'm so thankful for them. Thanks." She was a changed person.
       Another one of our friends, after telling him in brief that we would be having a sports day for the children, told us to come and collect a check. This man has been giving us large donations yearly and has given us whatever we needed, and has become so close to the Family.
       It's amazing how much impact these quotes are having. I never thought that it would mean so much to them, but it shows that a little attention and care goes a long way. Especially when you make them feel that they are important and you're not just there for their money or when you need their support, but that you really care about them and their soul. Then they're so much more willing to give. When I go out now, some even call me the "Quote Lady." It shows what the Lord can do if you're just faithful to feed His sheep and take care of people that He's placed in our path. Lord help us not to fail them!

Coincidence or a plan?
       Consuelo (of Jeho), Brazil:
A 3x4 Gospel tract--can it do much? Yes, it can! It can do miracles.
       A friend went out to rent an apartment and gave a small Gospel tract to the real estate agent who was trying to help him. This tract made an impact on the agent, who called to ask for further information as to what our mission was all about. We had several visits with her and when she was convinced of our sincerity and dedication, she explained that there were some people that she wanted us to meet.
       A young couple came to her looking for a new apartment since they had to move from their home as soon as they could. Their four-year-old boy had just died after falling from a six-story window when they had left him with a nanny. This couple was devastated to say the least, and could not face the same surroundings and needed to get away from the recent tragedy.
       We didn't know what to expect when we went to meet this couple, except to try to give them some comfort or words of encouragement. Many times people reject God or blame Him and anyone who tries to bring God into the picture at such times of seeming unnecessary and pointless loss.
       We brought the message of the tract to them to give them hope for salvation through Jesus Christ. We shared with them the comfort of a loving Father when a cruel world strikes us a blow. This couple received the Lord's message with humility and meekness. They met with us week after week to be strengthened by the Words and stories we shared with them from the Bible.
       They had been told they could not have another child because of a medical problem that would take some serious treatment. During this time the mother became pregnant again and gave birth to a beautiful little girl, which they consider a miracle and a gift from God.

Special Olympics for handicapped athletes

       Islamabad Home, Pakistan: From September 28th to October 1st Special Olympics Pakistan (SOP), Islamabad Chapter, hosted the 6th Special Olympics National Games for mentally challenged people at the Jinnah Sports Complex in Islamabad. There were over 400 athletes/coaches/attendants from all four provinces of Pakistan.
The Family in Islamabad helped with:
       *       Seven volunteers for four days
       *       One music and clown show for over 400 special children and 100 volunteers
       *       Gift of 228 Treasure Attic videos, 35 tapes, and 10 CDs for distribution to SOP affiliated schools in three provinces (Thanks to the Karachi Home who helped by raising funds for 100 videos!)
       *       Gift of 100 "Mottos for Success" calendars for all the coaches
       *       150 Motivated magazines to the volunteers aged 16-21. We have already received comments raving about them.
       It was a wonderful experience and we had the best response yet to our show, children singing and dancing to the sound of local popular songs sung by Claire and Arthur. The clown dramas were a hit. One volunteer said, "Sir, you have put a smile on these children's faces. God bless you. I am so proud of you!"

Activated follow-up taking off

By Seek (of Servant), Mexico
We are so excited about what has been happening in our Home since the Conéctate national retreat. It's not even that all our Activated members went to the retreat, but it just seems like things have started to accelerate in some wonderful new ways since that time!
       We have been working with a youth group, giving them Bible studies and taking them out witnessing. But it was a little difficult in some ways, as they are all new Christians, some are shy, and some are still young teens who have very little foundation in the Word. So, although they like to go out with us, most of the witnessing fell on our shoulders.
       Through a series of miracles some young married adults who generally only came to our monthly Activated meeting and sometimes to our Bible studies, heard about the witnessing at the last monthly Activated meeting and got turned on about witnessing. These are real powerful, leader-types, who have a lot of fire and energy and want to carry the ball when out witnessing.
       The first time it was like jumping into the deep water in order to learn how to swim. They went with us, and although they had little experience, they had a lot of enthusiasm. The next week we gave them a New Testament and we had a class going over and marking the salvation verses. We also had a class called "Wonder Working Witnessing," which they got excited about.
       It was so neat to see them talking to students with their Bibles open, one on one, sharing verses with them. We have been witnessing at housing for poor students, as Morelia is famous for being a university city. There are 15 houses like this, which are fields white and ready to harvest. For example, there might be 300-400 people living in one house.
       Corie and Christian are one couple that have started witnessing with us. They said they were looking for a challenge. It's been a lesson for us that our Activated members get a lot more excited if we get them involved in witnessing projects, and generally it seems to be best if we can go with them.
       Corie had to stay home with her two little boys when Christian went out with us, but one afternoon she and I went witnessing and Christian kept the kids. We went to the housing for girls and she watched as I talked to a small group and prayed with them to receive Jesus. Then I saw a girl sitting by herself and went over to witness to her. Later I couldn't find Corie and she was in one of the girl's rooms talking to all the girls there, and she had prayed with all of them to receive Jesus! Generally when we go out we are able to pray with about 30 students to receive Jesus. Then we invite them to come to our Youth Day every Saturday afternoon, where we have volleyball, a big meal, a Bible study, and an English class afterward. This has been very uniting for our Activated members, as they enjoy the fellowship as much as our visitors.
       Our witnessing group is not just young people. A woman doctor friend attended the retreat with her two children. She had come over a couple of times to visit, but was very quiet. She had gotten to know Nehemiah and Manantial, and was helping a poor lady who has a serious disease. At the monthly Activated meeting she overheard us talking about witnessing to university students at the student housing and she got turned on and had a lot of suggestions. So, she has been actively involved and has started to bring a friend who is an executive secretary to a judge.
       Also, our faithful Activated members, Miguel and Morelia, who went to the retreat, also attended our witnessing class and joined in the fun and discussion. We are seeing that the Lord is putting a team together to start more consistently winning this city. We are uniting together in prayer to claim new Activated members, new converts, and new laborers. We are also hearing from the Lord with them about what the Lord wants us to do and how. We just read together "For God's Sake, Follow God," and they really liked it.
       Our doctor friend has an amazing healing testimony. She is a regular M.D., but specializes in a natural cure that she is developing. So, she gets a lot of patients after other doctors give up on them. Just before the national retreat she had a patient who was in his last stages of leukemia. His organs were bleeding internally and breaking down. She said she didn't ask for public prayer for him at the retreat, but she personally prayed for him. When she got back he had gone back to his original doctor for tests, and to the doctor's amazement he was completely cured! The doctor was amazed and has asked us to pray with her for her other patients.
       We just had our most exciting monthly Activated meeting. A puppet/clown group came from Celeya and did a program for both adults and children, which everyone enjoyed. The house was packed with people. Also, Zamora sent Lilly to help with music. So three cities worked together to host the monthly Activated meeting. The puppets and clowns did the Dr. Chainbuster skit.

Our coffee shop

By Augustine and Maggie, Mexico
We'd like to share with you the wonderful testimony of how the Lord gave us the vision and the means to start a coffee shop, which has enormous potential to help us reap the harvest at the top in our city of Saltillo, which is full of universities.
       It all started on one of our free days, as we were hearing from the Lord. He gave us a clear vision of how we could reach the upper class: an English conversation coffee shop! We have a lady friend who we have been ministering to for about three years. She owns a restaurant, and in the back part of it, she has an unused hall, equipped with tables, chairs, everything--just waiting to be used. She told us several times that she wanted us to do something there. After the Lord told us about starting the coffee shop, we shared the vision with her. She listened carefully, then said, "When are we starting?"
       Another friend, who's also a restaurant owner, after hearing about this vision, donated a professional coffee machine, cups, glasses, plates, napkin holders, etc. And a fellow missionary in the Texas area offered us a cappuccino-espresso machine for US$15! Yet another restaurant owner gave us a bunch of matching tablecloths! "Where God guides, He provides!" This was all a confirmation that He really wanted us to do this, and thanks to all of you who decided to lend us a hand.
       As we started into the project, we got very busy provisioning the material for an outside advertising sign, a room divider to hide all the storage the owner had in the room, posters, printing, promotion cards, paint, thermal cups, cookies, cakes, wallpaneling, and everything else needed to make the place into a cozy, well-equipped, pleasant lounge where people would feel free to come and talk.
       It was so encouraging for us to see how many of the people we had met over the years rose to the challenge and offered to help in so many ways. Before long, the Lord had supplied all the wood needed to condition the place, make a stage, a 2.40 x 6 meter room divider, which the local Plastic Arts School offered to paint a mural of our logo on, wall paneling for decoration behind the stage. Upon seeing the Lord move in such a way, the owner of the restaurant donated the first batch of soft drinks, complete with a Coke fridge to put them in! We got a glass display cabinet to fill with a very complete assortment of all our tools both in English and Spanish, display stands, and we were on our way! We have only started, but we already have a lot of very supportive English teachers, university students, art school attendees, and professionals who have promised to come.
       The plan is to read a Reflections in English with those coming, then have conversation about the theme. Also, we offer live music, (Augustine plays with sequenced arrangements) 15 minutes of every hour, plus background CD music playing all the time.
       As of now, we have prayed with four people to get saved, one epileptic girl to get healed (she was healed!), and have several invitations to help different CTP projects. Maggie is going to all the top universities to meet and offer promotion cards to all interested, plus we are distributing fliers wherever we can, placing posters in strategic locations, and inviting all our friends. We need your prayers and we also need those wildly willing workers with a vision to help us in this ministry! Are you one? Can you serve tables, play music, paint, sell tools, witness? English is fine, as you learn Spanish! Let's go, guys! Contact us though the Mexico ABM.

"Helmet" still on!
       Jonathan Fighter (of Amor), Taiwan:
I visited a couple of my kids, who are no longer in the Family. I came at a time that they were going through difficult things, in the hopes of helping them. But what I saw in my time with them is that their spirits reflect so much of the training and discipline and Word and input we gave them as they grew up. They are "special" (all their friends say so, over and over again), and definitely have their "helmet on."
       It's obvious that all our labors of love and trying to make them the best disciples they could become paid off. Even though they're not in the Family and being missionaries right now, they're the Lord's and He's using them and affecting many people's lives for good. A big encouragement for a parent!

How do you measure faithfulness?
       Talitha (of Anthony), South Africa:
Over the years I have looked at the Lord's requirements for my "being faithful" in many different ways. I worked at it, I tried different things, I've "let go" and didn't do anything at all, and subsequently fell into condemnation for never attaining the state of faithfulness that I was sure the Lord wanted me to have. I can't say that there isn't enough Word on the subject; there's tons, and I've read and reread it and still I'm not where I should be.
What do you do when you find yourself falling short over and over again? Well, I never found out! But I did find out what you don't do. You don't quit! You don't stop! You don't give the field to the Devil just because you can't reach the goals you've set for yourself. I've learned that you've gotta keep going even if it's all you do. You've gotta keep on keeping on, and before you know it you've won another soul, changed another diaper, washed another dish, and taught another child John 3:16.
       Like Dad said, "To be faithful unto death, just be faithful today, this hour, this minute, this second." The only way I've been able to implement that is to just keep going. The Devil can't get you for quitting if you keep going.
       I look back over my years of service for the Lord and I haven't accomplished many outstanding feats. I haven't done any way-out, far-out and whoopdie-doo things for the Lord. Sometimes the Devil even tells me that I've done nothing worthwhile at all, that I'm a flop and a failure as a Christian and certainly as a disciple. Maybe he's right on some things, but this one thing I know, he will never be able to tell me that I quit, that I gave up and stopped trying. As long as there are souls to win, diapers to change, dishes to wash and little ones to teach about our most wonderful, sweetest, dearest Lover, I will continue to keep on doing just that and give it my all while I'm at it, one second at a time.

Have a large electricity bill?
       Pierre and Renee, Panama:
We have an old house that we have been living in for the past three years and we have quite a high electricity bill; in fact, it's too high. We've complained repeatedly to the company and compared our bill to others living in better areas who use even more electricity than us. Finally, we are getting an answer.
       When a friend who is an excellent handyman was installing our secondhand fridge, he noticed that the sides of the fridge were hot. He told us to get it double checked, because he felt the electrical circuits in the wall were insufficient for the amount of electricity the fridge needed, and therefore it was creating high monthly bills and a hot fridge. We had noticed the fridge being hot many times and had it checked by a repairman, but the repairman told us that that was the way it was supposed to be.
       Obviously this "professional" repairman wasn't much of one and therefore it was never fixed. Also, we never sought the Lord about it to ask His advice and counsel--a mistake that could have resulted in big savings for our little Home.
       I am writing this in hopes that it can be a lesson and tip for our dear Family. If the bills seem to be too high: 1) ask the Lord; and 2) follow through with His counsel, which in our case was to have the lines checked throughout the house.
       Another point is, if appliances blow out or get ruined as ours have (a very good blender burned out), that's a good time to have the electrical lines checked. Even though we don't have an experienced handyman in our Home, nevertheless, through the Lord's voice of counsel and instruction, our problems can be solved.

More on the World Summit!--Details of reaching the top!

By Gideon, Rachel, Marie, Leyland and team, South Africa

Meeting President Mbeki
The president of South Africa arrived, surrounded by his entourage, and Leyland just started walking alongside him, arm in arm, talking to him for about 10 minutes. By a miracle, Mbeki's bodyguards let Leyland. Mind you, Leyland does look like an African head of state, GBH! Leyland explained to President Mbeki who we were and how our children had prepared a program for him. Mbeki said he was very happy and welcomed us to his country. He had a very sweet spirit, was very cordial to us, and was smiling the whole time.
       So here we were, walking alongside the president, while security was holding back hundreds of people, the press was flashing and filming us nonstop, and the cortege of volunteers in costumes were cheering and singing as we passed by. President Mbeki made a few stops in the big cultural center, but then went straight to the South African Pavilion where our stand was and where we'd been praying he would come. Just before he entered the pavilion, Leyland told him the children were waiting to sing for him over to the right. The plan was for the president to keep walking straight through. But instead, following Leyland's invitation, he broke all the rules and freaked out the security guards by turning right and stopping in front of our stand, where the children started singing and dancing to "The Spirit of Africa."
       One journalist lady had situated herself right in the middle of the kids who were trying to dance. We weren't sure what to do, but needn't have worried, because the president himself pushed her aside, saying, "Can you please move? I want to watch the children sing!" All the cameras were flashing. It was just incredible. Rachel gave the president a hug, and handed him a laminated prophecy we had received for him, along with "My King and I," and our newly printed Family brochure for Africa. Last miracle, out of all the events he attended that day, what the news showed was the clip of the children singing for him, and the Family stand.
       Needless to say, all our new friends at the exhibition were flabbergasted to see this happening before their very eyes. It was like the Lord had engineered the whole thing, even allowing us to break all the rules and making exceptions in order for the president to receive the witness and the prophecy. The power of the keys is truly amazing. Later on in the afternoon, while Leyland was witnessing to a sheep walking through the international pavilion, he bumped into the president again, who came right up to him and said, "Here we meet again!" And he was still holding the prophecy in his hand.

Opening ceremony

       On the day of the opening ceremony, all the delegates started arriving after 1 pm. They did a bomb sweep and the general public were no longer admitted, but as official exhibitors, we were allowed to stay. There were camouflage trucks everywhere, sharpshooters, helicopters over our heads beaming their highlights on us, and here we were. We were desperately praying how we could get into the special opening ceremony that would take place in the evening, which would be presided over by President Mbeki. Only dignitaries would be invited, and security was very tight. The Lord showed us (SGA Carole, Rachel, and Leyland) to get ready and go by faith and stand at the entrance with our new beautiful pack of literature, PR brochures, and prophecies, and give them to the government officials and ambassadors as they came in. So we followed the Lord on this and it was amazing how the Lord answered and worked everything out, as if angels were surrounding us and opening doors for us which were closed to everyone else!
       As we mentioned, the security was so tight that they were not letting anyone even near the delegates, except for us! They thought that we were the official welcoming party. As the delegates started arriving, we were passing out our very official-looking folders to them. As they stopped to receive them, they even started giving us their personal invitations to go in, thinking we were officials. So we sweetly showed them the way to go. We reached the ambassadors of Mexico, Palestine, Uganda, Malawi, Argentina, Germany, the UN, the EU, and many South African dignitaries from different parts of the government.
       While we were there, Leyland recognized the president's top security officer and two women officials from his office. After we had been there for about an hour, passing out our brochure to all the dignitaries, the two women from the president's office came to Leyland and said they wanted to give him an official invitation, which was a gold card from the president himself. This card was the only thing that could get us in, as they were not letting anybody in besides the delegates. He didn't even have to stand in line, because it was a gold card!
       The top security man was the one who had brought the First Lady around earlier in the week to our booth, and we had also met him with the president the day before his walkabout, so he knew about us and our work. The woman said that it was because of our sincerity in doing what we are doing that the president was presenting us this special invitation. This is a total miracle, and an incredible answer to the power of the keys and our "Reach the Rich" prayer day. We sat on the same row with the Mbeki's entourage, so Leyland was able to give these security officers our folder and brochure. The South African delegate sitting next to us during the opening ceremony told us, "This is fabulous what you're doing--bringing Jesus to the Summit!"
       One evening we went to a forum on deforestation at the Japanese pavilion. After sitting through some very long speeches, we were able to identify the key people present. Rachel and SGA Angie spoke to some top people there, including a minister from Cameroon, a representative from the American State Department, Japanese representatives, and the Brazilian minister for environment, who was the guest of honor. As the American representative and the Brazilian minister were talking about how Brazil won the World Cup, Rachel was able to comment how the best thing in the World Cup was when the players took off their team T-shirts and they had "Jesus loves you" written on their new shirts and then prayed and thanked God for the victory in front of the world's media. Then the minister looked into Rachel's eyes and squeezed her hand and said, "I love Jesus, too!" Rachel told him that we are The Family and we love Jesus very much, and gave him our contact details to keep in touch.

World Health Organization meeting

       One afternoon, the WHO (World Health Organization) was holding a large meeting of delegates at the convention center opposite where we are situated. Rachel was able to walk in and listen to the speeches. It turned out to be a ministerial roundtable where the ministers of health, environment, and agriculture of Southern Africa were holding a discussion. How often does one get the opportunity to walk into a ministerial roundtable and talk to the government representatives? During the breaks Rachel was able to talk to and hand out prophecy packs to ministers from Mozambique, South Africa, Angola, Tanzania, Lesotho, the executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa and the special representative from the World Bank to the United Nations. They all gave Rachel their business cards so that we can follow up on them. The ministers especially were very sweet and some of them humbly begged us to come and help their countries.
"A little child shall lead them…"

       We heard that some heads of state might be coming to the Ubuntu village exhibition where we have our stand. Security was very tight and nobody was saying when they would visit. So we had to rely on the Lord's leadings. But still, how could we reach these heads of state? Well, the Lord had His plan and it involved our wonderful children. If you are ever tempted to think that the Lord cannot use you anymore because you have lots of children and sometimes you even ask yourselves, "Is it really worth it?" well, just remember this testimony.
       We saw that the Malaysian stand was getting ready, so we went over and made friends with the people at the stand. By this time we had met and ministered to many of the exhibitors, and we found this became extremely useful later on. We had a special folder prepared for the heads of state and government officials, which included the prophecy "So What Does God Think?" slightly altered so that it addresses the individual personally, and printed on attractive cardstock. When the prime minister arrived we had Tirzah (5, of Chris and Meg) ready to give him the prophecy and we were able to explain briefly our work and mission. The prime minister must have thought Tirzah, who looks Malaysian, was part of the official welcome as he took her by the hand and continued on his official walkabout with her with the world's media snapping away!
       Next we heard that the Canadian prime minister was on a walkabout. His security was very tight, with bodyguards who looked like the Men in Black surrounding him. When Carole, who is French Canadian, tried to approach him, the bodyguards would not let her through. Again, the Lord helped us to have Tirzah in the right place, and he walked straight up to her, received the prophecy, and kissed her, and had photographs taken with her.
       Next the Romanian president was arriving, so we took Tirzah and Francesca (9, of Gideon and Rachel) over to the champagne reception they were holding for him. They still had on their beautiful singing costumes, so it was easy to be introduced to him and deliver the prophecy and a few words about ourselves. Again he took it as a photo opportunity, and everyone took photos of him with the children.
       The same day the children, who had been performing for all the delegates outside the South African pavilion, were asked to sing "You Are God's Child" on Trans Africa Radio, which was recorded right there at the Summit. Another lady from a small radio station also asked them to come and sing for her listeners in October.
       The next day we were checking out the international pavilion for any signs of government leaders, when we noticed that the Turkish stand was filling up with men in suits and one or two of the media. The children and Rachel stopped and started to chat with everyone there, and the officials fell in love with the children. We told them that the children would love to meet the Turkish president, and they said of course we should! When the president arrived, he was surrounded, as they always are, with a legion of security men and the media. The photographers as a rule do not care who they stomp on to get their pictures, and this was no exception. They started to crush the children, and one of the women we had introduced ourselves to shouted at them, "Stop that! These children want to meet the president!" They backed off and the president saw them and reached down and kissed and hugged them, received the prophecy and had pictures taken with them.
       The president of Brazil was on his way, so Carole and Becky went to the Brazilian stand and chatted with one of the officials. They explained who we are and why we wanted to meet the president. He was extremely helpful and tried to get us past the security, although we were unfortunately turned back. However, when the president arrived amongst a flurry of security and media, this same official led the president straight over to us. The president came up to us and received the prophecy and we were able to talk to him for a few minutes. He reached down to touch Tirzah's cheek and Rachel was able to whisper in his ear, "Jesus loves you very much!" It was a beautiful experience!
       Our young people spent a long time witnessing to all the officials at the Brazilian stand after the president had left. They also spent time with the Minister of Environment (who we had met on another occasion), who was so interested in The Family brochure that he was looking through it while the media interviewed him.
       The following day the children and Rachel met the United Nations delegates on a walkabout, the top official from their office in Paris, who is Japanese, and we were able to give them a prophecy pack as well as some of the others, and they wanted to pose for press photographs with the children. We then bumped into the commanders of the armed forces of South Africa (army and navy) on their walkabout and passed out packs to them.
       Our friends (all top Japanese businessmen) at the Japanese pavilion, who had come and visited our Home the night before, told us that they were expecting the Japanese prime minister, and four of us met and talked with him. Our friends were so excited that we had met their prime minister! Charles, whom we have been witnessing to from the very first day, kept saying, "How do you do it? Nobody would let me near a president!" Alan, from the stand next door, would ask the kids whenever he saw them, "And how many presidents have you met today?" Tirzah thinks all presidents are such lovely people as they all like to kiss and hug her, ha!
       Next came the prime minister of Norway, who received the prophecy from us even though his aide tried to push it away and said, "You don't need that!" The prime minister insisted on taking it anyway.
       Meanwhile Becky had heard that the president of the United Arab Emirates was on his way. She and Janet talked to the officials who came in advance to prepare things for his arrival and explained all about our work and how she wanted to present it to the president, and they said they would introduce her to the president. Becky was able to spend a few minutes talking to the president, presenting him with the prophecy and brochure, and his aides promised us that they would follow up that evening and talk to him further about our work.
       All in all, the Lord really used our second generation (everyone was extremely impressed with them!) and our third generation to reach the top! It really pays to claim the power of the keys!
       P.S. For more photos check out the Web site: www.realhopeforthefuture.com

Healing key:
Through the power of the keys you can tap into the wellspring of health and experience freedom from all sickness.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
       By Gabe (of Sunshine), Mexico:
I want to thank all those who have prayed for my heart condition. I have felt your prayers and am feeling much better. My body seems to have stabilized and I've gotten accustomed to the special diet and exercise program that I am on. I am still under observation, so do continue to keep me in your prayers. The Lord is doing it!
       By Gabriel and Ruth, Mexico:
Andy (18) had a successful operation on his left eye to reattach the retina. The doctor was very pleased with the results and no problems were encountered. Andy was a testimony of trusting the Lord. Continue to pray for a good recovery with no infections and for Andy's encouragement and patience.
       By Augustine (of Maggie), Mexico:
Thank you so much for praying for me! I went for a final exam at the end of September, and the four ulcers I had are totally healed! All I have now is some minor irritation and the bacteria helicobacter pylori is present, but after reading the article in the END about broccoli, I am now trying it. So all credit to the power of the keys!
       By Charity (of Asaph), Pakistan:
Thank the Lord and due to everyone's prayers, my appendicitis and colitis pains have subsided. I rarely get pain now and am basically healed.
       By Ruth (of Sammy), Turkey:
I was operated on to remove a large double cyst near my womb and ovaries. Thanks to the prayers of our Family and friends, the operation went very well and I am now at home recovering.
       By Tamara, Brazil:
My sister, Claudia, had serious neurological problems. The symptoms were strong headaches and inability to walk straight; she would hit her head frequently because of the dizziness she would feel. One well-known specialist did over 40 different exams, which showed she had Alzheimer's disease. After prayer, another exam was made to see what damage the disease had caused her, and another was an IQ test to test her memory. After seeing the results, the doctor was amazed, as the disease had not only disappeared, but her IQ had gone above normal! It seemed the Lord not only healed her, but also "increased" her brainpower! One more miracle of the keys!
       By Celeste (of Andrés), Ecuador:
Because of the keys I am completely healed! For more than three months I was having unbearable pain on my left side near my back, which got so bad I had to be in bed for some days. The pain began to get worse and worse, but I didn't have faith for doctors. At a fellowship, the VS was talking about the power of healing and how each one of us has our own dispensation, and all we have to do is ask and receive it. Everyone prayed for me, calling on the power of the keys. The prayer had barely ended, I opened my eyes, and the pain in my back had completely left me and I was able to move around, totally flexible!
       By Phil and Cristal, Brazil:
Thank you so much for your fervent prayers in interceding for our little girl, Kristen (3). After one and a half years of having convulsions from a genetic sickness in her brain, we want to testify of the miracle that in spite of that, Kristen is a healthy, happy child. At our last visit to the doctor, he said, "It is a miracle to see her walking, running, and being so active, sociable, and communicative. After all those convulsions, she should be an invalid or handicapped in a bed!" The Lord has begun a good work in her and will perfect it until the end.
       By Bernardo and Clara, Brazil:
Our son, Emiliano (former member), suffered second-and third-degree burns on the lower half of his body in an accident. Thank you for your prayers. He is out of danger of infection and has stopped taking antibiotics. PTL! It seems that the skin grafts may hold and he will be released from the hospital.


       Abi Fisher (of Dan): Diabetes.
       Andrea (18, of Mark and Becky): Hospitalized due to ulcerated colitis and amoebas. Unable to keep food down, is bleeding internally, and is extremely weak. She has had a blood transfusion, and may need another one. Is presently on steroids but her body has not been responding to the treatment. Pray for the will to fight, against pain and discouragement. [LNF: She's doing much better, but still needs our prayers!]
       Esther Spark (of James): Muscle spasms and tremors due to cervical spondylitis (inflammation of the vertebrae).
       Ivan (of Liberty): Ongoing pain in his hip.
       Penny Davidson (of Jesse): Osteoarthritis in left hip.
       Charity Bush (of Asaph): Pain in the womb, ovary, cervical area.

Europe and Africa
(of Talitha): Serious urinary tract infection. All counts were way too high, and they suspect a more serious cause for the infection. Complete healing and that there won't be further complications with either the liver or kidneys.
       Katrien (29): Veins around her heart were plugged up; she underwent open-heart surgery twice. Though this should have solved the problem, she is still in a lot of pain, needs oxygen, and can't sit up for more than five minutes.
       Mark Heaven: Marphan syndrome, progressive aortic enlargement and mitral valve (heart valve) prolapse (a slippage or sinking of a body organ from its usual position); possible open-heart surgery required. To be healed without surgery, for the aortic enlargement to stop, and the aorta and other heart valves to work correctly.
       Patrick: Working on an Activated Web site for the different EE languages. Anointing, wisdom, clarity of thought, and the Lord's divine guidance in how to write the computer programming code for this site which will start off in 11 languages.
       Timothy (6, of Anthony and Talitha): Down Syndrome; that all his hair will return, as he has large bald patches all over his head; to start talking.

(2, of John and Lily): Serious problem with his kidneys, causing them to swell to twice their normal size. He has had surgery to try to open the urinary tract. Please pray this will be a complete correction of the problem and that no further complications show up.
       Marina (of Tim): Breast cancer.

South America
(of Dulci): Was ballooning in a mall in Finland when a bomb exploded, killing six and injuring over 80 people. Although Aaron was quite near the blast, his life was miraculously spared. He did sustain serious injuries, however, including the loss of his left eye, damage to his right eye, and several of his facial bones were broken. His face is healing up nicely and his right eye is fine now. Please pray for his continued recovery, for the artificial eye they are going to put in, and also for Dulci, who is pregnant, and for their five children in Mexico.
       David (of Susana): Gall bladder stones, pancreatic inflammation, and gas in his intestines and stomach, which had stopped functioning. He was operated on to remove his gall bladder, but they had to wait until the swelling in his stomach went down. Though the first operation went well, things got worse and he was placed in Intermediate Care and possibly Intensive Care. His lungs have been affected, and the oxygen level in his blood was very low, which increased his heart rate. If everything normalizes, he'll be okay, but he'll probably have to be hospitalized for at least a month, as he is in a very delicate state.
       Ecuador: Protection of our Family and friends from the eruption of volcanoes, especially against water contamination from the ashes, and for supply, as they have been unable to leave their houses for a while.
       John and Esther's Home
: Their house was recently assaulted and they were held at gunpoint for about two hours. The robbers took everything that was of value in the house, including almost two-thirds of the Home Loan funds that they had just gotten to pay bills. It was a general assault on their little condominium, but they happened to be the first house. Please pray for them, their encouragement, and that if possible the Lord might restore their belongings to them.
       Magdalena: Painful cyst in her left breast, that it will not grow or become malignant.
       Paciencia: Cysts in her breasts and problems in her womb.
       Ricardo (3) and Dieguito (5) (of Diego): Intestinal infection causing vomiting, diarrhea, stomachaches, and fever.
       Vicky (14, of Mateo and Bruni): Large cyst on her right ovary that has twisted and is causing very strong pains in her leg and intense pain in her chest. The doctors say they need to operate as it could cause intestinal complications.

mama's mailbox

       Dear Mama and Peter,
       Before reading GN 1006, the adults in our Home had asked the Lord about the young people in our Home, and one thing the Lord brought out in prophecy was that there is no way around the power of prayer. We've found in our Home that it's easier to talk about the problems, but we pray very little in comparison.
       I read "Pleasure Seekers or Frontline Soldiers?" from "Issues 12" (ML #3418, GN 1005) with the examples of people who have sacrificed so much to reach their goals. The young people respond to these stories and we have been including them in our devotions for the past year. We recently started reading together the story downloaded from the MO site of C.T. Studd. This man's life is so convicting. We read portions of it in sections along with new pubs and other Family pubs. We also started a study of the basic pubs from the Junior Daily Breads as we tried to have a little competition one devotions, and found the young people were totally in the dark about these basic Letters, but they seemed to be interested.
       We have a collection of Heroes of the Faith paperback books on famous people and especially famous missionaries. Samuel Morris is one of them, and this young man's short life was the most impressive; during one reading people were constantly fighting back tears. (Heroes of the Faith Internet address for selections available and ordering is http://www.barbourbooks.com)
       There's an interesting quote in "Bible Basics" in the dark green DB that says "you should know your Bible … it would even help you to believe the Letters better if you knew your Bible well, because the Letters are based on the Bible and they are in harmony with the Word." A lot of [Family] kids nowadays don't own a Bible of their own. A nice, good-value Bible could even be a good Christmas present. It's also nice for the kids to have their own set of Junior Daily Breads. I find these really good for the teens as well, as they like things that aren't so lengthy.
       --an FGA mother, Mexico

letters to the editor
Re: Vine CD
By Joshua, Taiwan
Everyone in the Home really enjoyed the Vine CD that was sent out with a recent mailing. These visual testimonies of the work in different parts of the world add a lot of inspiration to Home members and help to broaden the scope of the work the Family is involved in. A great piece of inspiration! Thank you!

Re: Australian raids testimonies (GV #135)
By Joshua, Taiwan
It was super inspiring to read what some of the young ones from the raids are up to now. Glad they stuck it out!

Re: "Can you relate to this scenario?" (GV #135)
By Marissa, French Polynesia       
       This article helped me not to feel condemned about the fact that sometimes I don't have the time to read all the New Wine that we get. It's a relief to know that if we don't have the time to read it all at once, the Lord and Mama and Peter don't condemn us!

help wanted
Dearest Family,
       We are a Home in a sensitive CIS country, comprised of five adults and six (soon seven) children. We had a faithful 14-year-old car (lovingly given to us by dear Polish Tommy and Lydia, who are serving the Lord in Africa) and during the two years we owned it we have driven over 80,000 km with it. This month it broke down irreparably, and from one day to the next we had to junk it. Needless to say, we desperately need a vehicle big enough to accommodate a family of eight. Without it, some of our ministries virtually come to a halt. Besides the daily need for a vehicle, every half a year we have to make a trip to Poland (3,000 km one way) with our 12-year-old daughter Miracle for medical reasons. There we pick up a half-a-year's supply of growth hormones, which we need to bring back here refrigerated--something which was possible to do with a small car refrigerated box, but not possible by train.
       We are claiming the power of the keys of the Kingdom for a miracle to raise the funds needed to buy a vehicle--a task which we definitely need the power to rise above and do the impossible for. We also want to ask you, our dear Family, for any help you are able to give. We will greatly appreciate your prayers and any donation--even the smallest (please send via TRF to RU037). Thank you so much for considering our request.
       --Love in our wonderful Husband, Jan, Eva, Faithy, Ben, Gloria, and children

reactions to some recent FSMs
Re: "Speak for Yourself" (FSMs 388, 390)

By Rose Prose, PACRO
The two FSMs with reactions to Daniel's letter were a thrill to read. As with everyone, I've known plenty of young people with attitudes (similar to Daniel's), but to hear other young people speak out with such a clear and bold dedication to the truth and the Family is a thrill that I can't describe. I'm so excited to know that there are so many young people out there that feel the same about the Family as I do--that it is a calling above all in this whole world and it's worth any and all sacrifices that it takes to make it work! I've been in the Family for 32 years and I count it a privilege to be numbered therein.

By Sharon (SGA, of Andy), Italy
Each and every reply and reaction to the "Professionals" GN was sooo beautiful, so inspiring, and uplifting. I couldn't keep my eyes off that mag. I cried through each person's testimony. It encouraged my faith hearing of other young people's reactions to that Letter. It impressed me reading through it how even the youngest had such maturity in the way they wrote and expressed themselves; it shows how the Family background and upbringing bears such good fruit. If you talk to any other young person in the System (at least here in Italy) under the age of 21, there is really no comparison in maturity and dedication and conviction to a cause. It makes me proud of being part of this Family, and it's a real boost to my faith.
       Thanks a lot to each one of you who contributed in making these mags, they were awesome! The thing I really liked about the whole "Professional" readings is that it increased my love for the Family, Mama and Peter, and for each of our dear brethren who are so dedicated and who give their lives at any cost for the Lord and His service. It's teaching me a lot of beautiful lessons in my life that really make a difference!

By Daniella (of Emanuel), France
Wow! I cried several times, reading the power-packed and Spirit-led, convicting and exposing articles and responses! What a Family. He sure lets the wrath of man bring forth praises for Him! It shows how the faithful care and the powerful words of David and the young people's decisions have borne a lot of very good fruit! I'm sure it will help dispel a lot of questions and doubts that others might have been tempted by.

By Katrina (SGA, of Andrew), Latvia
I really enjoyed this FSM. It was so encouraging to know that I am in this fight with so many wonderful and dedicated Family members. Some parts made me laugh; folks out there sure are funny! It also spoke to my heart and gave me so much courage, as right now I am battling in the spirit on many fronts. Funny how God causes the wrath of man to praise Him! The Enemy sure hung himself that time. I am proud to be part of this Endtime Army!

By Ariana (SGA), SEA
I liked this FSM and the fact that so many people wrote in response to Daniel's letter! It's so nice to see that there are lots of us young people that are proud of our Family heritage and willing to give up any pleasures we could get for higher things! It's so nice to hear from the Family all around the world, their experiences, and how they made it through the hard times! It is good when something like that happens, to unite us and reinforce our conviction in the Lord and the Family!

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
Goldie Hawn, Susan Sarandon
       Two former rock groupies and best friends reconnect after 20 years; one is still as wild as ever, while the other has adopted a more conservative lifestyle.

This movie is warm, humorous, and entertaining. The two women in the title roles have a lot in common with a lot of our FGAs, because they were part of the same sixties hippy/drug/rock scene. It shows the danger of compromise and melting back into the System, and also the dead end of living in the past.
       For the SGAs, it's a glimpse into the era that their parents came from. It's also a pretty good portrayal of life in the System as a teen. It shows what a profound impact a little love and understanding can have on some of the most unlovely and hopeless people. There's a lot that can be gotten from this movie, if you pray about it.
       This movie is a good portrayal of life in the System on the two extremes--the loose, be-yourself side, and the formal, play-a-role side. It makes it clear that neither extreme is enough to make you happy. The lesson to "be real" is a good one, but it's not enough in itself to solve the world's problems, or even any individual's problems. The solution is the Lord and His love, and a goal that's worth living and dying for, a goal that lasts, something you can hang on to through the tough times.

Salma Hayek, Edward James Olmos
       Drama about four sisters in the Dominican Republic, who became political activists against their corrupt dictator in the '50s and '60s. Based on a novel by Julia Alvarez about the Minalta sisters, who in real life became known as "Las Mariposas" for their heroic efforts in the underground resistance.

I love to watch these true-to-life stories about real people, fighters who are willing to pay whatever price is necessary in order to live according to their convictions, rather than compromise with the System and the Devil for mere pleasure, wealth, convenience, security or comfort. This is a touching story, based on the lives of these very brave sisters--"The Butterflies."
       This movie isn't for the fainthearted, as it depicts what it was like to live at the time of this brutal and cruel dictatorship, and the atrocious conditions the people of that country were subjected to. There are prison scenes and some graphic violence, along with one dramatic torture scene. It might be shocking for some that these things happened, as it has not been widely published. But things like this happen in many places around the world with few people knowing or caring.
       Pray and go into this movie with full faith that the Lord is able to see you through anything and will bring you out victoriously. You have nothing to worry about and you need not fear persecution, as He will never leave or forsake you.
       The movie is based on a fictional novel, rather than a fully factual account of what took place, but the spirit of conviction and courage prevails.
       Like I always taught, it's the rich, the sons and daughters of the wealthy, the intellectuals, who have what it takes to organize and carry out a revolution. Although the message of hope must reach the ears and hearts of the poor and the suffering, it's the upper classes, the well off and educated, who must take it to them.
       Go to the rich and the educated. Preach to their hearts with boldness and conviction. Give them the peace and the answers that they need and are desperately searching for. On the outside, they may come across as self-sufficient, unbelieving and proud, but in their hearts, many of them are crying out for real purpose in life, and a sense of worth that only the Lord and His service can give them.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
Eddie Murphy, Owen Wilson
       Action comedy. A professional boxer is teamed up with a U.S. government agent to recover a missing jet.

This isn't a "great" movie, but it's fine to watch for entertainment--a spoof on spies and spy movies. It isn't as funny as you might expect, given such funny subject matter and funny actors, but it has its moments. It's somewhat mediocre as far as the quality of production and the script. The humor is generally wholesome, which is nice.
       There's not a lot of message or depth to it, but you can see some good points in it about teamwork and learning to appreciate, value, and work with others' strengths and styles, even if they're very different from your own.

Woody Allen, Tea Leoni
       Comedy. A film director who was once very popular, but is going through some lean years, gets an unexpected offer to make a big film--by the producer whom his ex-wife is now engaged to.

Woody Allen can be a funny man. The Lord gave him a special gift of wit. Of course, Woody Allen doesn't acknowledge the Lord or look to Him for his inspiration, so his work is hit and miss. This time I would say he did okay. This movie is strictly light entertainment, but if you're in the mood for that, I think you might enjoy it.
       This movie is highly unrealistic, and yet at the same time it shows the selfishness, ludicrousness, and ridiculousness of the movie industry. It shows how the spin is everything, and how Hollywood is fueled by insane and egomaniacal people. It's also a sweet and happy story about true love.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

       Leigh Lombardi, Sam Hennings, Claude Akins, Logan Hall
       When Jed and Martha Richards agree to raise young, orphaned Daniel, Jed is delighted. But Martha, still grieving for her two little girls who died on the trek West, can't help comparing them to this awkward, dirty young boy who annoys her at every turn--and needs her so desperately.

This is a good movie, made from the heart about issues of the heart. The lessons on forgiveness and trusting Me are very real and will help to illustrate why the children need to stay close to Me and in the Word so that no matter what happens, they know I am in control and the Devil can't get in. It shows how you can learn to make lemonade out of whatever lemons life may give you.
       Some parts are over dramatized, which would make it a little scary for younger viewers, and there is some heavy subject matter in it, such as death, sickness, doubt, and bitterness.
       It shows children that adults go through things too. It gives them an understanding when they see this woman suffer, and that though she may seem to be uptight, it's because she's battling.
       The mother's doubts and the focus on the boy's misdeeds would need explaining, especially to younger kids, that it was because of the mother's attitude that she could only see the negative until she was touched by My love on Christmas.
       The woman in the movie has a lot of bitterness toward Me, and that's very obvious, so it will be easy to bring out this lesson for the children who watch it.
       One drawback of this movie is that the woman's bad attitude and negativity goes on for so long, right up until the very last minute of the movie. But overall the message is right, and it does have some funny and happy moments throughout, and good lessons.
       The little boy in the movie does have a sweet and kind heart, but some of his antics are pretty bad. It should be pointed out to kids that this boy didn't get the training that he should have gotten, and because of that, he didn't know any better, and that's why oftentimes the dad was defending the boy, when the mom was trying to correct or punish him. That should be explained, otherwise some children might get the idea it's the norm that parents don't agree on discipline standards, when ideally there should definitely be a united standard.
       This movie shows that unconditional love and patience conquers all.

You will never stub your toe standing still. The faster you go, the more chance there is of stubbing your toe, but the more chance you have of getting somewhere.

Children's Christmas pubs

       Happy Christmas! Here is a reprint of the list of Christmas pubs available for you to use with your Home's kids. Most of these pubs can also be used with the children of your Active members as well.
       (Note: If you don't have these in your library, many are now available on the MO site.)

and Kidz mags

#13"…To Every Creature!" (MLK Book, Vol.1, page 137)
       MLK #37, "Christmas Angels!"
       MLK #53, "Spirit of Xmas!" (found in Kidz mag #86 DFO)
       MLK #95, "The First Christmas" (found in Kidz mag #88 DFO)
mag#71 DO (Kidz book, page 211)
mag#71 DFO (Kidz book, page 219)
       Kidz mag#75 DO (Kidz book, page 359)
       Kidz mag#75 DFO (Kidz book, page 395)
mag#84 DFO (Kidz book, page 627)
       Kidz mag#86DFO

Family Care Pubs (FCP)

#21, "Journey to Bethlehem" (See the MO site if you wish to download and print it out in color.)
       FCP #32,"A Special Night in Bethlehem"
       FCP #49, "Christmas Flannelgraph"(See the MO site if you wish to download and print it out in color.)
       FCP #50, "Be the Artist #3"

*       Kidz mag#75includes arts and crafts and Bible-related activities.
       *       Build your own manger scene by using "A Special Night in Bethlehem," FCP #32-a paper model to be colored, cut out, and assembled.
       *       Try page 12 of Kidz Mag #86 for some pictures that can be photocopied and pasted onto the front of your Christmas cards, or used as decorations for your Christmas tree and Home.
       *       Kidz mag#86a is a Christmas poster to color and put on the wall.
       *       Use MLK #95, "The First Christmas," along with FCP #49 and#50, "Christmas Flannelgraph" and "Be the Artist #3." They are simply designed so that older children can teach the flannelgraph, following the story in "The First Christmas" MLK. These two pubs can also be used for Christmas decorations or for homemade Christmas cards. "Be the Artist #3" makes Christmas art so simple that kids can draw their own well-made Christmas cards. You can also use these pubs to make Christmas decorations for around the house-wall murals, mobiles, and tree decorations. (FCP #49can be found in color on the MO site.)
       *       A game that you and your kids can play with the children of your Active members (ages 8 and up) is, "Journey to Bethlehem," FCP #21. (This is now in color on the MO site, if you wish to download it and print it out in color.)

(Suggestion: Take photos of these activities, and encourage the kids to send the pictures and their testimonies of using these different pubs for Christmas activities to
Kidz Biz at: kidzbiz@wsfamily.com.)

New pubs available this year
MLK #140 DFO, "Christmas Candles" (along with seven accompanying posters)
The children have been called upon by Jesus and Grandpa to be "Christmas Candles," to shine not only in their Christmas witnessing, but also by praying daily for the Christmas witnessing around the world. There are seven prayer requests in this MLK, one for each day of the week.

*       MLK #141 CM/FM, "Christmas Praises" (with four accompanying activity pages)
       This MLK goes along with a new GN for Christmas, so we won't tell you here what it's about.-Just that it's terrific!
       Also, included with this MLK are two poster pages for coloring and putting up on the wall, and two pages for helping keep track of souls won and new Activated subscriptions gotten out during Christmas witnessing.

*       FCP #52, GP, "The Joy of Christmas Coloring Book" (a 20-page Christmas coloring book for younger children)

Christmas Heaven's Library issues
Heaven's Library #s 17-19, 21, 49, 51, 74-76, 97-99, 118-120

New pubs available in 2002

       *       MLK #169 DFO, "Christmas Joys"

(Note: The above list was taken from "Children's Christmas Index," printed in November 2001, FCP #53. This list can also be found on the MO site. http://www.familymembers.com/pubspages/search.php3?searchpub=15)

Dear Romanian Lily, we miss you and are dying to hear news from you! Please write us via the PCDESK at CN 639. With lots of love, Praise and Michael

in the DF Home, Bombay, India, please write to Meeya at

Shine On-October 2002:
TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total

       Rosita, Mexico       3,750       7,500
       Josue/Maria, Mexico       1,544       6,175
       Pablo Testificador, Ecuador       1,189       2,378
Ezequiel/Rejoice/Tabitha, Brazil       1,119       7,830
       Salomon/Belen/Cristal, Mexico       857       6,000
       Faithy/Mark/Premika, India       529       4,238
       Christopher/Luz/Nani/Paulo, Brazil       459       1,835
       Juliet, Brazil       447       1,340
       David Daniel/Maria Rosa, Brazil       360       720
       Esdras/Raquel, Mexico       250       500


       David/Magdalena, Mexico       2,400       4,800
       Peniel, Mexico       1,000       3,000
       Rosita, Mexico       853       1,705
Jeremy/Lena/Sarah, USA       718       2,153
       Maria/Michael, Japan       650       3,254
       David/John/Libertie/Love, Japan       647       2,588
       Elene/Joanne/Joshua/Rima/Sharif       616       3,081
       Dust/Joy/Nathan/Rejoice, Japan       614       3,071
       Abel/Ben/Phil/Seriah, USA       583       5,826
       Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA       514       6,173


       Aneta/Ben/Kelvin, Botswana       667       2,000
       Nina/Jay, USA       125       376
       Ana/Dito/Pedro, South Africa       101       404
Charity/John, USA       92       184
       Abe/Gentleness/Mercy, Taiwan       91       274
       Claire/Joanne/Joe, Brazil       90       451
       Josue/Salome, Brazil       87       260
       Christmas/Sayuri, Japan       83       166
       Angelo/David/Heide, Brazil       75       827
       David/Marc/Steven, Portugal       67       269


       David/Marc/Steven, Portugal       50       200
       Angela/Elias, Spain       26       51
       Jose/Ester, Columbia       22       67
John/Maria, Brazil       22       111
       Gentleness/Tiago, Brazil       18       127
       Juan/Rut, Chile       17       67
       Daniel/Rejoice/Spring, Indonesia       16.2       97
       Ana/Cristal/David, Ecuador       16       160
       Andres/Virginia, Brazil       15       30
       Esther/Jonathan, Norway       15       30

(End of file.)