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GV supplement #51/GV 144


I would like for everybody to know that I'm so thankful for my wife (Swiss Joy Phoenix). She's always faithful to catch me when I fall; she's my inspirationalist, my friend, my shepherd, my shock absorber, my lover, the mother of my son, and my wife. Though we took it by faith to get married, mainly because of our son and because both of us felt that it was the Lord's will for us to get together, now I can testify that I'm so thankful that we obeyed. I just can't live without her. I love you, sweet wife, and will love you forever because you are Jesus' gift for me. You're my Miss Universe. Though sometimes during our rough times you're my Miss Romania, after a few hours you get back your status of being my Miss Universe, ha! (Right after we solve our problem because you're so faithful and true to me and love the Lord very much.) I love you, sweet wife, and I would like everybody to know that I love you very much. Thank you for being such a good, faithful wife.
       -Your husband, Josiah PI, Romania

       This summer the Lord opened the door for myself (John C.), as well as Andrew (13) and Julie-Grace (9) to visit the Home in Zimbabwe for over four weeks. We lived with them and blended in with them, participated in their activities and got a taste of what it is like on the field. Hanna, Andrew, Christy, Jasmine, and Nyarai opened their Home to us and made us feel one with them. Andrew and Julie got to know some new friends and Andrew regularly went on outreach with Christy, while I mostly accompanied the new disciple, Nyarai.
       But what made this visit so special was that I saw my daughter Jasmine (now 21) whom I had with German Selah. Selah got together with black Nathan Te Amo at her birth and our paths took different directions. I had kept Jasmine in my prayers and left it up to the Lord whenever He would see it fit that I would meet her in person.
       Jasmine had visited Germany for fundraising after she had joined the CM Family a year ago in Zimbabwe. On her tour she took the initiative and came to visit us in the beginning of this year. That is when we saw one another for the first time.
       It was a very unique experience to see your own flesh and blood that had been raised all her life without you, but finding so many similarities in character (strength and weaknesses). It was awesome! I saw a spunky, on-fire young lady before me, full of ideas, zest, and going strong for the Lord.
       Her Home in Zimbabwe was the only one that had a workable opening for us to go to visit during this summer. With somewhat mixed feelings I went on this journey. But the Lord made it such a wonderful experience that I for nothing would want to have missed it.
       Jasmine and I had long talks till late in the night where we shared our past, and I related to her the relationship and my feelings and emotions for her mother, how I kept her in my prayers and tried to find out about her life, how she was doing, and once in a while even got to see photos of her. She shared with me her growing up and all the experiences she went through, and how the Lord led her to change from FM to CM a year ago, and how she also left it up to the Lord to bring us together in his time.
       What I wanted to express is my gratefulness-gratefulness for what the Lord has done in this child's life, in all of our lives, and gratefulness to Selah, who raised her to the best of her abilities in faith, and gratefulness to Nathan Te Amo who raised her up as his own flesh and blood and stood by her side, whenever she needed help and support, and gratefulness to the Family and Dad's vision, that has made such love in our lives livable.
       -John C. (of Sara), Germany

       Big time thank you for your help with accommodations, food or provisioning and any and all your help and more, plus your sweet fellowship when on the road. Thanks to dear Maria and girls in Erfurt; John, Sara, and family, Datteln; Dave, Heidi, Phillip, and Angela, Switzerland; Abner, Mary, and family, Switzerland; Peter Activated and the desk; Dave and Heidi, Victor and Jasmine and Homes in the Czech Republic; Matthias, Conny, and family, Stuttgart Sepp; Anneliese, and daughters, Munich; Micha, Christiana, and family, Frankfurt; and all the rest of you we got to see. It was really fun to see you! We really appreciate all your help, please know we are praying for you!
       -Much love, John and Kaylee, Cameroon

       This goes to Nehemiah and his mom, Melody (a.k.a. Esther). Once I was at my wits' end. I was not sure if there was anyone to love me and to support me. I wanted to go on, but I could not find strength within me. And then there was someone who showed me the love of Jesus in the most wonderful way. Melody was there for me when I needed counsel and mostly prayer and encouragement. She cried with me and she held 24-hour prayer vigil for me when I was very sick. She waited for me online when it was 3 and 4 am for her, just to make sure that I had someone to counsel with. She shared with me her heart and testimony. Through all this, Melody and Nehemiah were on the opposite side of the globe, and I never met Melody in person, yet… what a Family we have! That experience helped me to have faith that no matter how difficult the road, in our Family we are never alone. There is always someone "keeping the candle for you," believe me! This is the most wonderful feeling on the whole Earth. This is for Melody (and Nehi):

       When I was weak
       You gave to me
       That vision bright
       That I might see
       The plan of His all-loving hand.
       You helped me, dear,
       To understand
       How much He loves me.
       Yes, you did,
       By sharing lessons,
       Losing sleep,
       And giving me the precious gift
       Of love and time-

       When yesterday was meeting morrow
       In twilight listening to me,
       You took my problems, pain, and sorrow
       And … brought it, desperate, to Him.
       How do I call it, other than-
       The sacrifice of a faithful friend?

       Friend, who is there
       When none is up.
       Who cries, when I am sad,
       And laughs
       At the funny things I do and say…
       So humbling … but she understands,
       Because she walked the humble path
       Herself in many years past.

       How do I call it, other than
       The love of Jesus through my friend?
       -Esther Skylark, South America

       I spent a big part of my life serving the Lord together with this beautiful couple, who gave the Lord their entire lives-25 years in the Family, 25 years married, 25 years of life by faith. Job and Ruth are the most special people I have lived or worked with! During the time we served the Lord together, I learned so much, in small ways and in big ways. Their sample is the sample of real missionaries. As I look back on those years, it gives me faith to "do what Jesus would," because it worked for them wonderfully! I want to take my hat off to the love, faith, dedication, and courage of my best friends, from whom I am now apart. My prayers are with you. I really love you! Ruth, thank you for your love, and Job … for your patience, understanding, and courage.
       -Esther, South America

       A big heartfelt THANK YOU to Ruthie andJames for helping me with arrangements for the operation that I needed when I was on the road away from my Home. Thank you for standing by me in prayer! Thank you to dear Ruby, John, and the Orchard Home for always opening their Home to traveling missionaries, even on very short notice! (Sorry about that!) A big thank you to Lisa and Brian (USA), Gideon and Lamb (Norway), Mark and Home in Japan, and many other dear ones for helping me with encouraging notes and prayers and gifts during that difficult time in my life. A BIG "thank you" to my parents in the Lord, Italian Peter and Praise, for always being there for me, through thick and thin, always praying, supporting in the spirit, and making me feel like a part of their family. Thank you Daddy, for always helping during difficult times, and dear Praise, all the prophecies you got for me, when I needed them the most, they helped me to make it! And a big thank you to Steven, Grace and Ivan, you are such a beautiful people to live with!
       -With love and prayers, Ukrainian Esther, South America

       We recently had a beautiful baby girl and we wanted to thank those in our city for their help during this time. Thank you so much, Andy and Joy,for giving of your time to accompany us to the birth. We couldn't have done without your support and help with translating. Many thanks to Ben and Dove and Rose for your gifts! Because of your generosity we've been able to get all of our baby's needs. And finally, thank you Mom, Dad, and family for coming over and lending a hand. You truly gave us a needed boost. We sure have experienced firsthand the benefits of our Family. We love you all!
       -Much love, Dan, Heidi, and little Shannon

       We had the pleasure of having a few precious and dedicated young people for some time in our Home. How refreshing! Fiona and Heaven from a Home in Tanzania, and our son Gabriele who will soon move there, were a great source of inspiration for all, young and old, with their cheerful spirits and hearts on fire, GBT! Their positive sample was convicting for our kids, and made us adults reflect on our too westernized habits, LHU! I was so impressed by their faithful use of the new weapons, their willingness to help with anything, and their enjoying being even with us older folks!
       Thank you, Fiona, for your delicious cooking, your gentle ways, your sharing precious lessons from your heart, and your constant availability. Thank you, Heaven, for your ever-present radiant smile, your contagious fire for His service, and your help with the little ones. Thank you, Gabe, for making us so happy and proud of you. Thank you for your love for the sheep and for being such an inspiration to Dad in your road trip together.
       We love you and we'd love to have you anytime!
       -Rose, Italy

       My dear Home, I love you so much and will miss you once I go to India! I hope that the memories that you will remember of me will be edifying and good memories. Sorry if I lost my patience with you and others sometimes, and I'm sorry for having hurt you many times. I'm sorry for this and really hope that you can forgive me for this. I really love you!
       -Lots of love, Emanuele (16), Brazil

       A few months ago, Francesco's brother, who used to be a catacomber for a while, went to work in Portugal. He paid a big sum of money to get there, only to find out that the job that he was promised there before leaving the country was a hoax; it was just a way for the travel agency to make money. He wrote us a desperate message, asking us if we could put him in touch with any Family members there. We remembered dear Robin, whom we used to work with together in Bucharest a few years ago, and we wrote to see if he was still there, explaining the situation to him. Two days later we got an e-mail from Francesco's brother, telling us how the very next day after our message, Robin came to his Home. He said this dear saint had to come twice, since he hadn't found him at home the first time around. He brought him some supplies and promised to try to get a job for him, which he did, in a short time. He has been helping him and feeding him the Word ever since. It gave such a boost to our brother's spiritual life!
       Just writing about it gives me goose bumps. The Lord started a miracle, which dear Robin and Autumn were willing and humble enough to perform until the very end. We have no words to thank you, dear ones! We are both honored and humbled by your help. Thank you from the depth of our hearts, and may the Lord bless you! We can't help but think that this is just what Grandpa would have done, that this is just what Jesus would have done in your place. You did it, too, "for one of the least of these, His brethren." Thank you!
       -Francesco and Priscila, Moldova

       We want to express our thankfulness to the dear ones in the New Day Home in Constanta, Romania, for their hospitality, support, and sacrificial giving during the few weeks that we stayed at their place. We had trouble with the Mafia in Moldova, and we had to find a place where to stay for a while. These dear ones took us in, offering to keep us as long as we needed to stay, even for the whole summer. They went as far with their generosity as to invite our whole Home to stay there for the summer, which we didn't have to, as the Lord worked out our problems, but it was such a comfort at that time when we didn't know where to go next. They encouraged us, prayed with us, and made us feel a part of their Home! Thanks a million, dear ones! We love you! God bless you!
       -Lots of love, Camelot Home, Moldova

       Dear Celeste, thanks for answering my two-year-old prayer! You don't know how much it means to me! I've been trying to complete my set of Ladybird readers for the past two years, till it dawned on me out of the blue that I have a dear friend right in UK (that's you). Not only did you promptly provision them for me, but you also went further, and provisioned activity books for us. You have no idea what a help this is! Thanks a million! Wherever you are, please know that we here love you!
       -Priscila of Francesco, Moldova

       To the sweetest ones in the world: Asher, Shalisha, and Alyssa. I love you guys tons. You were the ones that helped me through a very difficult time in my life. You were always there for me.-A listening ear, getting stuff for me, even when it wasn't your responsibility, you always showed me such love. You made me feel part of your family (that's the way I always felt around you). It was great being around you guys during those first months of being pregnant. You will always hold that special part in my heart. I hope one day I'll be able to repay the love you once showed me. Love you always.
       -Joan (18), India

       I once read: "There are no great men except those who have rendered service to mankind." That's so true! That is why I would like to highlight the names of a few people who have recently rendered service to me and to a bunch of other young people, Phil, Coral, Virginia, Rafa, Ester, David, Rick, and Pedro. Thank you all so, so much for taking some of your precious time to plan and give the teen meetings. You were all great, and for sure made a difference in our lives; at least in mine! The dedication you all showed us set an example I'll never forget. Words are not enough to express my gratitude for what you guys did; even though it might not seem like you did much, the fruit that's being borne in our hearts because of the love and service given to us will last forever.
       I know we weren't all that easy, and I'm sorry if at one point or another we gave you a rough time, but despite that, please know that the effort, the work, the love and prayers you put into it, were not in vain, and I sure want to make it known to the whole world! The retreat was awesome, and God alone knows how much it helped me. I know that dedicating yourselves to this job is no easy task, but it sure is changing a lot of lives out here, so please don't ever give up. From the bottom of my heart I'd like to say I love and really appreciate you all! You guys rocked!!!
       -Ever so thankful, Pollyana, Brazil

       A very big thank you to Micah and Jewel in Japan for their labor of love in copying hundreds and hundreds of CDs for us to use in our CTP witnessing, Bible camps, as well as school CDs for the kids schooling, many family CDs for our inspiration and feeding, and much, much more. On top of that, they took the expense of purchasing the CDs and posting them all the way to us here in Nigeria.-And all without our even asking, even though they were very needed. We greatly appreciate and love you. Thank you so much. Our prayers are with you that the Lord will more than repay all you've given away and spent on us.
       -Love all us in Lagos, Nigeria (NI1510)

       Special thanks to: Agustin, Paloma, Ana, Idyand Home for their love. JaredandHannah for their help and love. Eliasand Angela for their understanding and support. Eva, Gabriel, Ricky andCarol for making it possible, simple and easy for us to move on. Oliver for being there. And to all our other very special friends … you know who you are.
       -Love and thanks from Arthur, Celeste, and Anya, Spain (soon Middle East)

(End of file.)