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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 144; November 15, 2002.)

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. All Family members in China use pen names for their contributions to the Grapevine. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 500107, San Diego, California, USA - 92150-0107e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2002 by The Family

French Activé news
By Peter, for the French Activé team
in French is rolling! We sent out the first French Activé mailing this month with the rest of the Activated mail--a total of 45 Activé magazines. Most of the addresses were sent in by the Home in Tahiti, GBT!
       Please send in your addresses of French speakers to: active@activated.org and we'll be happy to help you feed your French-speaking sheep. A subscription of 12 Activé magazines for Western Europe, or any affluent country, is 17 Euros or US$17, and for Africa and any Third World countries it is 10 Euros or $10. These subscription prices do not include your commission. This is what we need to cover the cost of 12 mailings. (Please note that a year's subscription of French Activé is 12 magazines.)
       You can also order Activé issues 1 though 4 for your own witnessing needs at the same address for 20 Euro cents or 20 US cents each. Subscriptions and order payments can be made by credit card via our Web site: www.getactivated.co.uk
       DV, Activé issues 5, 6, and 7 will be printed shortly. God bless all those who worked behind the scenes doing the translations and getting French Activé printed. Please continue to pray for Activé!


       You may have noticed in GV #142, page 12, "Our Children's Education and Record Keeping," that copying and pasting the Web links into your browser doesn't work. Our apologies! That's because the font used was an all-capital font, and the Web links will only work in lower case. To use these Web links, convert the link to all lowercase, or download the RTF file from the MO site, which displays the links correctly. Thanks!

Downloading Comictrax from the MO site? Read this!

Dear Family,
       For your convenience, there are two versions of every tract PDF posted on the MO site-a low resolution version (low-res) and a high resolution (hi-res). The low-res version is for your viewing pleasure, so that you can download and look at a new PDF quickly, and see what it is without a long download time.
       If you decide you'd like to actually use the tract (or any GP tool posted for downloading), please download the hi-res version (called "PDF_HI" on the MO site), as this is print quality and although the download takes a little longer, you'll have nice, crisp, and clear tracts to pass out to your sheep. Happy witnessing!

Christmas mag

Phillip, for the CEAD (Central European Area Desk)
       Dear Family,
       GBY! With the Lord's help we have been able to produce the new Christmas Activated mag for 2002 in Bulgarian, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, and Serbian. If you have any friends in your local area that would appreciate the Christmas mag in one of the above languages, please write and order your mags from us today at: cead@bluebirdfoundation.org
       We pray your Home's Christmas witnessing will be tremendously fruitful, winning many to our Love and activating many for His Kingdom.

The Magic of Miracles--New illustrated tract

       Dear Family,
       God bless you! There is a new illustrated tract called "The Magic of Miracles." The target audience is older children and preteens. We wanted to share some counsel from the Lord for you to take into consideration before deciding to print and pass it out in your country or city. Thanks for continuing to pray and confirm with the Lord any lit you'd like to pass out, so you can be sure to give the right message to the sheep around you. God bless you!

Purpose of "The Magic of Miracles" tract

       (Jesus:) The main purpose of this magic tract is to put something out there for the sheepy kids who have never been told how awesome and how powerful I am. You should consider this tract as bait for the little sheep who will hear My voice and follow Me. It will be a seed planted that will sprout and bring forth fruit in their lives. It's not an all-encompassing witness, but for the target age group, you can't inundate them with too much information or make it too complicated, especially if they've never really heard about Me before.
       Basically, this tract is an advertisement that there's a kind of magic that's good and clean, that washes you inside and out. It's the magic of My love. I have no qualms about using the word "magic," and you don't need to worry that it will lead the little sheep astray, or that they will become confused and mixed up, thinking My magic and the Devil's magic as portrayed in the deceitful books and movies of the world, are one and the same. My Holy Spirit will bear witness that these simple words are true, and will create a hunger in the hearts of those who seek for truth and true love.
       In this case, with this tract, you can't fight the evil by trying to demean or belittle evil. The most powerful answer for the sheep is to let My light in, and as they let My light in by faith, the darkness will flee of itself, and another lost lamb will be rescued from the snares of the Enemy.
       Also, the Family can keep in mind that when they pass this tract out to children they should be faithful, whenever possible, to further witness to those children. Of course, even when a further witness is not possible, don't hesitate to give out the message, as there will always be an address on the tract for the sheep to write in.
       Also, don't forget that although this tract is aimed at older children and preteens, it will be appropriate for all ages, so don't hesitate to pass it out to whoever I might lead you to. Young and old alike are fascinated by the world of magic, and this tract will be effective in many different situations. (End of message from Jesus.)

The Devil is the great imitator. He gets the credit for magic as portrayed in movies and books today. My power is so much greater, yet doesn't get the same kind of coverage in the world today. However, each Home and Family member should use wisdom and the weapon of prophecy before using this tract, as it will be suitable for some cultures and specific situations and not others. And if in doubt as to the fruitfulness, the Family can instead distribute one of the many other tracts already available. (End of message from Jesus.)

Some MO quotes on good versus bad power:

       (Maria: Some people have a problem in understanding the difference between the Devil's work and the Lord's work.) [Dad:] Because the Devil's work is such an imitation and such a close counterfeit! (Maria: If the world could just understand this one little point: That everything that God has, the Devil has a counterfeit of it, then it would be easier for them to understand.)
[Dad:] In fact, the Devil can't do anything; he doesn't know what to do, except to imitate God! Because he knows what God does works! And so in everything he does, he's trying to be God, he's trying to be God and imitate God, so everything he does is trying to imitate the Lord. So that is interesting! (ML #275:113-114)

       The church has been completely scared away from anything supernaturally spiritual, so they'll have nothing to do with spirits whatsoever because of the counterfeits and because of the evil spirits and the witches and wizards and familiar spirits and the ones that are evil, against which the Lord warns. (ML #622:35)

       Everything the Devil has is an imitation or counterfeit or copy of something God has already thought of. (ML #1522:3)

board happenings
With the boards taking off around the world, space has run out in the Grapevine to report on every single board activity, fellowship, meeting, camp, etc. So please don't miss checking the MO site for all the latest board news, pictures, and excitement! Don't miss out! Here's the link: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/archives.php?searchcat=21

"AMBER" holds a camp

       By AMBER VS board, EE

       Since the start of the board vision the Lord has redefined the national areas of Eastern Europe. Our area is now known as the AMBER area, acronym for the Area of Moldova Balkans East (Albania, Montenegro, and Kosovo) and Romania.       
       When seeking our Lover's guidance at a VS board meeting, He said: "It is My desire to gather My precious ones in your area for a time of reprieve, away from their business and hard work for My Kingdom, a time when their hearts can unite in love and be filled with My joy, praising Me together as one body, one soul, one mind. During the years they fellowshipped with each other in camps organized in different areas, but it has never happened in their own area and that in itself will be very special for them and a gift from My hand for them."
       Wow, a new team and a special fellowship of our own! What a treat!
       On the 18th and 19th of June we held a two-day camp with people arriving on the evening of the 17th and leaving on the 20th. Most of the Homes were able to attend, sending at least a good portion of their members. It was a feat to organize and even more so for some of our Family that had to come from long distances with two or three days of travel, and even some complicated visa situations, but with our Husband's guidance and help it turned out to be just what He had promised. We found a beautiful, recently renovated place on the outskirts of the city of Timi?oara, Romania. (Tidbit: Because Timi?oara was the first European city to have electric streetlights, the city was known for a time as "the city of lights.")
       We started each day with a short devotional meeting, composed of songs, special Words from the Lord for our area, and prayer. Being a diverse bunch, with families, singles and young people all mixed together, there was a lot of variety in our activities--enough to meet everyone's needs--including a nearby swimming pool, which was a fellowship hot spot, or shall we say "cool down" spot.
       Our sweet Jesus used this time to bring us closer in spirit, as most of us live far from each other. It was also a great opportunity to introduce the new VS team for this area. The CGO board also hosted a testimony night to highlight the various outreach ministries covered by the Homes in the area.
       At the end of each day we had special activities with an inspiration led by Jason (a.k.a. Jonas). The last night of the fellowship was reserved for a farewell party where we had dancing, games and refreshments.
       The administrator was touched by the sample of our JETTS and teens and asked for special permission to bring his own teenagers so they could benefit from the positive atmosphere and the Word-based fellowship. These teens followed us everywhere and got turned on to the spirit. At one point, his 14-year-old daughter asked, "How can people from different countries, ages and backgrounds be so happy together?" God bless this dear man, who was so moved by his children's reaction that he offered to receive us again any other time we organize such event. He also thankfully received a copy of ContactS (Romanian version of Activated).
       We are so thankful for our wonderful Husband's provision and care and the special gift that this camp was to each of us. We would like to say a special thanks to all those who helped us to organize it, including brethren from different Homes on the field.

Japan Active members meeting

       By Joanna and Julian, East Japan CGO board members
The East and West Japan CGO boards held an Activated retreat (called "Activate Meeting") for three days, from October 12th-14th in a beautiful location at the foot of the famous Mount Fuji.
       The Lord said that we should gear the retreat toward our potential disciples, the ones who have been faithful as Active members for a number of years and have the potential to be leaders among their fellow Active members. We also invited CM/FM members for their inspiration, and also for training in how to feed Active members and raise up new disciples. We had about 90 attendees (30 AM, 10 FM, 50 CM). Of these 90 attendees, only four were not nationals, so all the classes and activities were in Japanese. Attendees came from all over Japan. Many of the CM/FM brethren who attended hadn't met for many years and some were meeting for the first time.
       It was very exciting to have three new on-fire disciples (all girls!) attend, who have joined the CM Family within the last year and a half. They all gave their testimonies. One of them joined only three days before the meeting! Also attending the meeting was a new FM brother who joined this year.
       The classes were prepared by Stephen (CO) and Paul (CGO board member) with other brethren (including other CGO board members) assisting. It was a blessing to involve a lot of CM/FM members with staff jobs, leading inspiration, taking care of praise times, skits, filming, prayer vigils, etc. It was a united effort. During the classes, we organized children's activities and classes for the attendees' children. The Active member parents were so happy that their kids could get good influence from our Family children and teachers.

       Day 1:
Upon arrival, the attendees received a small booklet made especially for the meeting, called Action through Prayer. This booklet consisted of the selected prophecies from the GN series of the same title, selected key promises by category, and praise kisses.--A powerful tool for their prayer lives!
       In the evening we held the keynote meeting and read a special message from the Lord. Then four CM Homes shared video clips of their witnessing activities, English camps, TV programs covering their activities, etc. Two of the CM Homes were represented by their Active members.

       Day 2:
The morning class was entitled "The Era of Action and the Keys of the Kingdom." To go with the class we made a booklet that had excerpts of GNs on the keys.
       After a brief explanation of the era of action, we projected photos of the Family's activities around the world onto a big screen, including the Brazil national retreat and the healing miracles that took place there, the World Summit in South Africa where the Family met the present and former prime ministers of Japan, and Jonas and Christy's Lukthoong ministry. It was impressive.
       The next part of the class was on persecution. The Lord showed us to include this as part of the Active members' training, to help prepare them for what is to come. We covered the Japanese media and how they attack small religious groups, how we are different from the churches because we live communally, our belief in the Endtime message, prophecy, etc. We explained why those beliefs attract persecution, and most of all that "all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."
       We then went on to share many testimonies about the keys, including healings from serious afflictions from Active members in Colombia. We were able to show some video clips of them. We also shared some outstanding keys testimonies from Active members in Japan.
       The afternoon class was on fighting evil spirits. An explanation was given of Pan, Bacchus, and other demons and how to fight them, along with a skit to illustrate the points in a way that the Active members could relate to. Parts of the "Heavenly Thought Power" and "Keys Turned into Swords" GNs were shared. This class was built around the stirring message from the Lord which Mama's Home received for us.
       Nighttime was a Loving Jesus inspiration by candlelight, followed by a birthday acknowledgment for our Librans. Then we shared more on the Activated vision, including reactions from subscribers. SGA Rejoice and the kids did a lively performance about the "Keys of the Kingdom" to complete our activity night.

       Day 3:
Promoting the Activated program was this morning's class. We started it out by sharing Japan's witnessing stats and announcing the shiner Homes. Then we explained the purpose of the Activated program, encouraged their faith that it "can be done," shared how-tos on getting subscriptions, and reminded them to return to their Homes and situations with a new vision of getting more subscriptions and winning more Active members.
       The last meeting was centered around prayers of deliverance collected in the morning. After an outline of the different hindrances that can weaken us, we shared how we can use the power of the keys to drive them away. After this there was united prayer led by the VSs, laying hands on the person next to each one for deliverance and healing. We then heard from the Lord through selected channels and finished with a time of praise.
       The meeting went very well. Many Family members commented that it was the best Active members' meeting ever. We are hearing many testimonies of lives changed from the Active members and their Homes. It's only the beginning! The Lord said, "I will perform mighty miracles through you. I will reap a great harvest in this land through your faithfulness."

       Editor's note: To read the prophecy Mama sent especially for this Active member meeting in Japan, check out the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/1558.

study month material

       By Peace, PACRO

I wanted to send a little reaction to the October/November Study month materials. I peeked ahead a little, and well, when I realized how much wonderful, power-packed basic fantastic Word was there I just flipped! As I looked through it (can't wait to study it in depth!) I started thinking about what a wonderful effect this is going to have on our JETTs and junior teens. Many of them are "somewhat familiar" with a lot of these Letters, but I believe this presentation is going to affect them deeply and they're going to suddenly realize just what exactly we are all about--maybe for the first time for some of them--and get excited about it! It's all so powerful, and those that worked on it did a super great job. PTL! It's like a big, sparkling, priceless live and living jewel has descended to us from above. I know "it was there all the time," but you [Mama] and those there in WS have mined it out and presented it to us in a fantastic way. I'm so inspired and excited about it!

       Rose T. (of John), Turkey:
Did you ever think of the possibility of witnessing in your sleep? Last summer I spent a couple of days visiting one of my sons, who is a college student. His house resembles a hippy commune of bygone days! Besides his three official roommates who occupy the three bedrooms, there were an additional three "rainbow" guys who were occupying the two living room sofas and the back shed! As my son's room didn't have room for another mattress, one of the roommates gave me his bed to sleep on, as he was going to be up all night at the library. This roommate seemed like a sweet guy, but was also an atheist and into a lot of weird trips as well. The next night, he asked me politely if I would mind if he would sleep on his sleeping bag in the bedroom, and of course I could still use the bed, and I said that that was fine.
       I was so surprised the next morning, when he told me that I'd been sleep talking, because I rarely do that. He told me that I'd been talking for maybe two hours! He couldn't sleep, so he'd been listening to me. When I asked him what I said, he said the first 25 percent was in a foreign language, then I said, "Jesus loves you," and then I started quoting from the Bible.
       He said, "I guess it's because that's what you're into." (He knows I'm serving the Lord.)
       So I said, "Well, maybe it was a message for you!"
       He believes in spiritual things, so that kind of shook him up and made him think. We ended up having a long conversation, he told me all about his life, and I was able to tell him how I, also a former atheist, got saved and came to know the Lord. It was so encouraging to me to see how the Lord got through to this guy in a special way, just to reach him, and to give me the faith and opportunity to witness to him.

A far-reaching birthday party!
       Joy Victory, UK:
In Sri Lankan culture, when a child has his or her first birthday, the parents hold a huge birthday party and invite all the relatives and friends from wherever they happen to be around the world. Our deaf live-outs, J. and V., had to organize such a party in order not to offend their Sri Lankan family, so they contacted me to ask for help. They said that their son is Jesus' little boy and they wanted his party to glorify the Lord.
       Normally at these parties, plenty of hard liquor is served. The men all go to one corner and knock it back, while the women and children sit around bored. Then the meal is served, everyone eats, then goes home.
       J. and V. decided to do something radical--no booze! They wanted people to mix and mingle and talk to each other. I enlisted the help of Sharon and Marie from another Home who sacrificially made time in their busy schedules to do face painting, balloons, and a Christian magic show. I took care of the games, gifts, and general organization. There was a stage that I was able to stand on, so all the deaf people there could watch me interpret the magic show. It was a hit with everyone--a miracle considering that half of the people were Hindu or Muslim.
       It was everything J. and V. had hoped for! The children and parents were very happy, and the rest of the adults had a good time chatting with each other. But there was an extra special blessing included! Many of J and V.'s deaf friends and acquaintances had been avoiding each other for over a year due to petty arguments. J. and V. were burdened about this mass breakdown of communication and friendship. When these people met at the party, all was forgiven, and are friends again!

Undeniable miracles
       Charity, David, JD, and Richard, India:
After the most trying month in the history of our Home, we needed a change. We could do nothing but call on the power of the keys. The Lord answered our prayers in more ways than we can name. Here are some of the miracles the Lord did for us last month:

       *       We had the best road trip ever with nearly 50 VCDs and ICDs out. As if that wasn't enough, while processing the order for the school, the principal ordered 750 books--our largest order ever.
We performed our first seminar for teachers. Naturally one would think we would be doing this at an insignificant school, where our mistakes would not seem so glaring. But our miracle-working Husband gave us an opening at one of the top schools in the country, and they loved it. Even our first attempt at live music, backed by Jason (of Cathy) was very well received.
       *       On the closing day of our financial month, we had scheduled a trip to the movies as a treat for our school seminar team. We had only just crossed the halfway mark in raising our monthly budget (and only half a day was left). When we heard from the Lord, He said that we should go ahead with the movie, but that David should go and check out one of our contacts for "Mottos" sales. So the teens got dropped off for the movie while David visited this contact who booked an order for 300 "Mottos"! This fulfilled our budget requirement on the last day of our financial month! This was our largest ever, single-sale of "Mottos" and coming on the last day, made it an unbelievable keys miracle.
       *       Apart from our budget, through a dream, the Lord touched the heart of one of our supporters to donate the money for a needed keyboard.
       *       This is also the first October where contacts are calling us and wanting to book us for Christmas! Last year we were calling them in mid-December.
       *       Our vehicle went in for a major clutch job just a couple days before our road trip. We dropped it off at one of our contacts and when we went to pick it up the next day, we found that our contact had done the entire job completely free of cost.

Reaching Fujimori

       Japanese Lynn, Japan: I've had a special burden for Mr. Alberto Fujimori since he became the Peruvian president. He is a son of Japanese immigrants and is now in self-exile in Japan. I was praying that somehow the Lord would open a door for me to reach him with the Word of God. His whereabouts are kept secret for security reasons, since the Peruvian government wants to bring him to trial in Peru. But it was proven again that nothing is impossible with God and the power of the keys!
       One day I learned that one of the speakers for the Japanese Christian Businessman meeting in Tokyo, which I've been attending and helping for some time now was going to be Mr. Fujimori! I decided to make a package to hand him when I saw him. I typed up a personal letter for him in English, since he can't read or speak Japanese so well. In the letter I said I was praying for him and included some comforting words and Bible verses for him. I also put a couple of Spanish Reflections, a "Color of Love" tract, a bilingual (English and Japanese) quote calendar, and Activated photo cards, also bilingual.
       Joseph (of Sarah) and I attended the meeting, and Fujimori came with a former Japanese ambassador to Peru. There were about 180 people in the audience and in his Spanish speech, he explained what he was doing for the people there when he was a president. Before he left, there wasn't much time to talk with him, but we could take photos with him and hand the package I prepared to him. And Joseph gave him a copy of Japanese Activated, asking if there was somebody to translate for him and Fujimori said, "Yes!"
       This was a dream come true for me. I pray that he will read all the materials we gave, and get close to the Lord through this time of trial for him.

Music era
By Esther WW (19), Brazil
Music is such a huge subject to write about. I can assure you that not even all of the books written in mankind's history would be able to do the subject justice. And, of course, what we're talking about here is more than just plain music. It's heavenly music! It's music inspired by the God of the universe and all His immortal angels and spirit beings. When you come to think about it, our little minds are so small and ignorant to contain all the beauty and magic therein.
Did you ever wonder how and why this heavenly music can just take you away from this "low" place to a great spiritual "high," until you get to the point that you forget who you are and what you're made of, and you think that you can defy all the laws of nature and fly away to the land of no impossibilities and amazing ecstasies?
Thirty years ago, during the beginning of the Family, there was a time when amazing, anointed songs just wouldn't stop flowing--and they weren't just ordinary songs that made you feel good and happy, but they were eye-openers that have brought thousands of souls to make decisions that would change their lives forever. Most of our older disciples that were there in the Early Days have a clear memory of that "music era," and how those songs went deep in their souls to the point that, "all we wanted to do was serve Him." Many of us young folks also remember our parents singing those songs and though we couldn't really understand what the great message was, we could feel the spirit, and we fell in love with those songs too, to the point that until this day, they are still our favorite songs.
       I think the reason we get goose bumps and start wearing a great-big-smile-on-our-not-usually-smiley-faces whenever we hear those oldie-goldies, is because we get overwhelmed by those memories. And I'm not talking about the "normal" memories that make you kind of smile and carry on with life type-of-thing, but we remember the spirit of those early days, and get overwhelmed with those same feelings. It's like those feelings take control of you and you feel like you're living those old times again, walking along the road with your old nylon-string just trying to find anyone to witness to because you just found the answer through this simple three-chord-song and you want to sing that song to the first guy you see walking on that lonely street because you want him to find the answer too. It's the memory of that music era, as I like to call it, and at some time we all wish we could go back in time to relive the feeling of "climb that mountain, no matter how steep," "I'd rather die for something than to live for nothing." Am I right, or am I right?
       But why can't we? I refuse to believe that it's over and that we're never gonna be able to go back and re-live those feelings. Why is it different now? God is definitely not dead and I'm sure He still has got the hots for music. I believe that what made music alive in those days was the people. The fact that they were sucking for that heavenly input so strongly, because they were so fed up with this "flatlander" world that couldn't satisfy their need for something more.--Something that was not of this world; something way out there! You have got to agree with me on the fact that those songs weren't "earthly" songs. They did not stand for any earthly values and what gave them life was that they were full of Heaven.
And why can't we suck for those songs again? They had a purpose for their time, but our God is always moving and I'm sure He has a few thousand new songs for this time too; in fact, I know He does because He just told us that in a recent GN, and He never lies.
       But what's the secret? One of the secrets is to desire to receive that heavenly magic so strongly that you'll be willing to forsake all the earthly toys; the other secret is to be in direct contact with the lost sheep so that your heart breaks for them to the point that you desire that music so badly because you know how much that lost sheep needs to hear it. It has to come to the point that you're really "living the life" and not just sitting in a studio trying to write a pretty song that people will like, because you should know that you don't have it in you to write a song that can really change someone's life, but be fully aware that it has to be directly from Heaven. Wouldn't it be wonderful to look back ten years from now and remember all the songs that were given to us in this special time of our lives? I look forward to showing them to my kids as I tell them of all the miracles that occurred in the time that they were being born.
       It's the era of action! We can't let it slip through our fingers just like that. We need music for our era, and if we really want those songs and we get back to the basics and cry out to the Lord for that same fire and same anointing, I'm sure that He wouldn't mind giving it to us. He'll probably say: "What took you so long?"
People, let's make this our music era too. If you close your eyes for a second and ask the Lord to show you what He wants to give us for this era, you'll probably break down in tears with so much emotion, seeing that not only can we go back to that overwhelming, wonderful feeling, but also it can be multiplied 100 times more in our hearts. This is the day all the prophets have dreamed of! Boy, oh boy, that's pretty important!
       And the most amazing thing is that it doesn't really matter how talented you are. The Lord Himself said it. I've seen so many young Family missionaries that live in their small Home, do their simple jobs, but at night when they come back to their rooms, they pull out their guitar, and they receive beautiful songs from Heaven. Many times they are quite simple, but you know that they came from the deepest part of their hearts, so it touches your heart too. I've been there and most of the time I didn't feel like it was any big deal, only a little hobby, but it's a weapon, people. We can't forget that! All of you young folks that fit in that category, remember that if you're really serious about fighting the Devil and rescuing souls from his wicked hands, music is one of the best weapons you have. Don't be scared to use it. Don't feel intimidated. The Lord gave you a talent, and you have no right to bury it in the ground. I believe with all my heart that this era can be a new music era for the Family. I'm willing to give my all to make it happen, but I need help. It's got to be something that we all believe together.
       One day we'll meet and cry over the beautiful songs that the Lord gave us because we opened our hearts and forsook the earthly toys for heavenly magic!
       Are we gonna do it, or are we gonna do it?!

Mix-up laughs
By Philip (of Maria), Japan
Here are some amusing provisioning testimonies as related to me by different folks.

       (As told to me by a Colombian brother many years ago:)
In the early 70s in Venezuela, an on-fire Latin brother went on the attack to provision typing paper for the secretaries. He found some paper companies listed in the yellow pages and picked up the phone. After a few calls he got through to the boss of one of the companies and explained the need. "Our girls are really desperate. They need paper urgently. They have been out of paper for a few days now and they really can't do their work properly without it."
       "This is an unusual request…"
       "Sir, this is really urgent! The girls really need paper. They cannot do their work without it. Can you please help us?"
       "Well, okay! Please come to our factory and pick it up."
       "Thank you, thank you! You have no idea what a blessing you are being to our work. God bless you."
       The pick-up team left quickly only to return a few hours later with a donation of several rolls of toilet paper! Ha!

       (As told to me by a brother in Spain several years ago:)
We were pioneering a Home in Valencia, Spain, and had many needs to set up our Home. One day I was out trying to provision foam mattresses for our team and ended up talking to a storeowner about our need. My Spanish was still quite basic at the time. I explained our work and then presented him with the need.
       "Señor, necesitamos cojones."
       The shop owner burst out laughing and I couldn't figure out why. I continued.
       "Estamos durmiendo en el suelo and necesitamos cojones para dormir mejor."
       He laughed even harder.
       "Puedes ayudarnos con cojones?"
       He was so amused he ended up donating all the mattresses we needed. Thank God for a sense of humor. I found out I had asked him for "balls" (testicles or private parts) and had told him we were sleeping on the floor and needed "balls" to sleep better, instead of using the word "colchones"--the correct word for mattresses in Spanish.

       (As told to me by a French Canadian brother:)
I was in Spain and I was out shopping for fruit for the Home. In French, the word for peaches is "peche," so I figured if I put a more Spanish-sounding ending on the word I would hit on the right word for peaches in Spanish. So I asked the cute Spanish girl who was attending me if she could give me "dos pechos, por favor!" She grinned and then I turned red as my partner explained to me I had just asked her for two breasts! Ha!

       There are other amusing language mix-ups that I have heard or had related to me such as someone witnessing to a sheep and telling them that Jesus "es el Camion, La Verdad y la Vida" which means "Jesus is the Truck, the Truth and the Life," instead of using the "El Camino"--the Way! A French-speaking girl in Spain used the word "pescado" (fish) instead of "pecado" (sin) when leading someone in the salvation prayer. Then there's the witnessing testimony from a brother who was singing a song to a sheep in Japan and discovered later he had been singing, "The answer is a chair," as the word for chair in Japanese is "isu" and the word for Jesus is very similar, "Iesu."
God bless our faithful brethren who launched out into unfamiliar territory to pioneer and witness to others about Jesus on many foreign shores. My hat goes off to them and I salute them for their brave efforts to bring people the truth. In no way do I wish to demean their struggles to communicate with others how they had found freedom and to offer salvation to those willing to receive it. These stories are just to share amusing moments that occurred as a result of their endeavors.

The keys overcome daydreaming
By Mercy (24), Romania
All my life I have been a chronic daydreamer. Since I was a small child I can remember spending my free hours in this pastime. All children daydream to some extent, and most people give it up by a certain age, but for me it kept on going until … two days ago!
       Yes, I know all the Letters written on the subject. I practically have them memorized. But I never really had the desire to give up this thing that I found so pleasurable. It had gotten to the point that I couldn't do anything without daydreaming. It was a habit, one that was so deeply ingrained, that I was sure I would never be able to get rid of.
At this year's Feast when praying about the questions in "Focus on the Power," the first thing the Lord told me was that I had to stop daydreaming, mainly because it was hindering my Word time. Then we read "Full Possession." I was praying about the question concerning what we need to give up in order to put on the Lord's mind and to be able to use the gift of Heavenly thought power. I then got a sobering prophecy about how I needed to get rid of my daydreaming problem if I was going to make progress.
       (Jesus speaking:) It doesn't matter what things you daydream about, it is just not healthy to always be imagining scenarios that may never happen. … Daydreaming can be an inroad of the Enemy if you don't keep it in check. Many times you imagine negative things, situations that would make you very sad, and these get you on a negative train of thought. … We are going to have to call it quits with this. I just don't want you to do it anymore. [When you were] a child I winked at what you did, but now as an adult you must "put away childish thinking" and start maturing in this area. (End of excerpt of message from Jesus.)
After this I did try my best to give it up, but my best didn't work because I didn't want to give up daydreaming. I thought it would be too hard. I would pray and ask for help, and for maybe a day or two I would manage, but then I would slip back into it again. I would resist the checks that I had specifically requested from my spirit helpers, so after a time I wouldn't hear them. Like the quote says, "Truth resisted loses power over the mind," and I was resisting strongly.
       Finally I was starting to get sick of it. Yes, I was still daydreaming, but every time I did I would feel bad. I was finally starting to hate it. I would get mad at myself for it, but I still hadn't realized what I needed to do. Lately the Lord has been working on me to pay more attention to the spiritual and all the new moves of the spirit. Some quotes that helped me see I needed to let go of this problem were, "If you are going to use the full power I have given you, I cannot share your thoughts with the carnal mind. I cannot perform mighty works through you in coexistence with the mind of man--for this hinders, it sets back, it stifles My Spirit from fully and completely performing great feats through you. It prevents you from activating the full capacity of spiritual powers that are at your disposal. If you are going to work greater miracles, if you are going to fulfill your destiny, you must be Mine. You must be wholly, totally, completely possessed by Me, and in order to do this, you must put on My mind. You must allow the spirit of My mind to become one with the spirit of your mind. Your brain must be My brain. You must put on the totality of the mind of God" (ML #3376, GN 973). I had been wondering why I wasn't able to avail myself of Heavenly thought power. I had read these quotes many times, but only recently did they stand out. Now I knew. I had to let go of my desire to entertain my brain in order to have God's brain.
       I was taking my prayer time in the morning and my very close and personal spirit helper suggested I claim the power of the keys to overcome this problem. There was the answer staring me in the face and I hadn't seen it. I had been using the keys for other things, but it had never occurred to me to use them for this. So I did. I prayed a desperate prayer and claimed every key promise I could find on the topic. My favorite one is "Nothing is impossible to those who call upon the power of the keys of the Kingdom." It says it clearly there: Nothing is impossible! So I prayed against daydreaming like I had never prayed before.
       It has now been two days and I have not daydreamed once.--A complete miracle! Yes, I was tempted, but I now have key power behind me and am able to resist the temptations that I had not been able to before. So here is proof that the keys do work and that serious problems that you may have had for years can be overcome. The Lord told me that part of the healing would be to testify of it, so I'm doing it. If it worked for me it can work for you. I will end here with another key promise I really like: "Never underestimate the power of the keys. All things are possible with the power of the keys. Power to the people with the keys."

letters to the editor
       Re: Flame, Diwali CD

       By Simon Simple, India
The Diwali CD card is prophetic! The song that John Listen wrote, "Love Is the Light of the World" has the words, "Sound of war from the four corners of the earth; voice of pain in every land. Cry of the orphan, the homeless, the dying, I see a storm of suffering. ..." When the CD first came out, I wondered if those lines were a bit overdone, but just days after we received Flame for distribution, the terrorist attack on the WTC happened and the song took on a whole new meaning. This CD is fantastic. It's just what is needed! Lord help us to get it out by the tens of thousands!

Re: So much to be thankful for!
By Talitha, Thailand
It is nice to see so many tips, information, and instructional material on raising the standard in the area of educating our children being published in the Grapevine and Kidland. We have so much to be thankful for and so much to be accountable for. It's a constant flow of inspiration to me. I'm praying for those with less experience and those stepping out to homeschool their kids instead of sending them to System school-that they can get all the help they need and especially the inspiration and faith for today. Even if there isn't a lot of time, with a vision and a will fueled by all this fantastic stuff, there is a lot to fit in the day even if you have to teach on the run.


       By Dick Innes of ACTS* International (*ACTS: A Christian Teaching Service)
You have probably read how "Einstein was four years old before he could speak and seven before he could read. Isaac Newton did poorly in grade school. Beethoven's music teacher once said of him, 'As a composer he is hopeless.' When a boy, Thomas Edison's teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything. F.W. Woolworth got a job in a dry goods store when he was 21, but his employers wouldn't let him wait on a customer because he 'didn't have enough sense.' A newspaper editor fired Walt Disney because he had 'no good ideas.' Enrico Caruso's music teacher told him, 'You can't sing. You have no voice at all.' And the director of the Imperial Opera in Vienna told Madame Schumann-Heink that she would never be a singer and advised her to buy a sewing machine.
       "Leo Tolstoy flunked out of college. Werner von Braun flunked ninth-grade algebra. Admiral Richard E. Byrd had been retired from the Navy as 'unfit for service' until he flew over both Poles. Louis Pasteur was rated as 'mediocre' in chemistry when he attended the Royal College. Abraham Lincoln entered the Black Hawk War as a captain and came out as a private. Louisa May Alcott was told by an editor that she could never write anything that had popular appeal. Fred Waring was once rejected for high school chorus. Winston Churchill failed the sixth grade" ("Humbling Cases for Career Counselors," Dr. Milton E, Larson, Phi Delta Kappan, February 1983. Volume LIV, No. 6; 374).
Speaking personally, my father wouldn't allow me to go to high school. I was only 13 when he made me go to work to earn my own way. But through faith in God and His purpose for my life, hard work, and determination, I not only graduated from college but also from graduate school.
       My advice: Don't allow your past to determine your future. Discover God's purpose for your life and, with His help, give it all you've got.
       Remember, failure is an event--not a person. When you stumble and fall (and you will from time to time), don't stay down. Get up, learn from your mistakes, and go on! Every day for the rest of your life commit and trust your life and way to God and He will be with you every step of the way.

More successful failures
"And when He [God] had removed him [King Saul], He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, 'I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will'" (Acts 13:21-22, NKJV).
       I don't know about you, but I get great encouragement knowing about other people who have experienced setbacks, discouragements, criticism, mistakes, and failures, but with faith, hope, persistence, and determination have risen above their circumstances to become and do all that they were capable of becoming and doing.
       For example, here are some more successful failures:
       Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame had his chicken recipe rejected 1,009 times before a restaurant accepted it.
       Zane Grey became a dentist and hated it. He wrote several novels. They failed. He wrote a western novel, The Last of the Plainsmen. It too was rejected. He was told he had no future as a writer and to give it up. He persisted and was 40 before his first book sold. He had 65 books published while he was alive--24 after he died. His books sold more than 50 million copies. Forty-nine of his novels were made into movies. One million of his books still sell every year (Insight, No.77, p.9).
       Decca Recording Company turned down the Beatles in 1962. They said, "We don't like their sound. Groups of guitarists are on the way out." (Yeah, right!)
       Van Gogh sold only one painting in his entire lifetime and that one was to his own brother.
       Richard Hooker spent 17 years writing a humorous war story which was rejected by 21 publishers before William Morrow bought it. The title of the book? MASH! (And we all know the rest of that story.) (Insight, No.53, p.23).
       Wilbur and Orville Wright's father believed that his sons' desire to fly was heresy. Walt Disney went broke seven times and had a nervous breakdown before becoming successful. And Thomas Edison failed more than 6,000 times before making an electric light bulb that worked.
       So, if you feel like you've ever failed, remember David who blew it big time with God in his adulterous affair with Bathsheba and having Bathsheba's husband killed. So why did God say David was a man after his own heart? Because David was honest with God, admitted his failure, confessed his sin, and God forgave him. He'll do the same for you and me too. When we fail, that's the time to give God a chance. Surrender your heart and life to Him, give Him your failures, and in time--with growth--He will make something beautiful out of your life too.
       Remember, "Failure is an event--not a person!"
       Healing key:
The power of the key of healing knows no limit, and that power is yours to possess!

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
       By Crystal Faithful, Germany:
I have a misplaced vertebra that pushes against the nerves and gives me pain in my back and legs. This affliction started about 23 years ago and has gradually gotten worse. The Lord gave me promises of healing through different people, and I hung on to those during difficult times.
       Recently I overdid and the pain in my back and legs became so bad, I felt I was going mad. I sent in a prayer request and our dear Love answered! It took a few days because I had to make a few decisions and learn how to apply the keys, but I was healed!
       I was in bed, exhausted and in pain, desperate for a miracle. My mind was churning with worries, fear, doubts, questions, and concern about the pain. I came across the GN "Focus on the Power," but I was struggling to concentrate and my sight was blurred. So I lay there in the dark, battling in utter desperation.
       There was a possibility of an operation in which they'd attach my misplaced vertebra with a screw to the next vertebra to keep it in place, but I had made the decision before that I didn't want to go with the operation, as I was certain that the Lord could heal me. But after living with this pain for years, and now faced with an intense battle I started to waver, wishing I could have the operation so that the pain would stop.
       At the time I couldn't understand why I wasn't getting healed, if not completely even to just return to the "bearable" state, the pain would've been manageable. I had prayed so desperately claiming the power of the keys … why didn't it work? In the confusion of my mind the words clearly came to mind, "You must focus on the power."
       "I focus on the power," I began to repeat aloud, taking hold of the lifesaver that had been sent my way.
       I made a conscious effort to only see Jesus, to go past all the questions, worries, and fears, and not even think of the pain. I kept quoting that phrase, along with the verse, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
       I fell asleep quoting that phrase and verse.
       Six hours later I woke up with the sun shining in my face and a song in my mind and in my heart. The pain had subsided! I still have to be very prayerful to not do things that will aggravate my back, which forces me to watch and be in tune with the Lord and ask Him about what I can or can't do.
       I then read the "Focus on the Power" again and was thrilled to find exactly that what I had been led to do was right there in the Word: Forget about looking at the obstacles and set my focus only on the power. Focus on the keys, focus on the Lord and His Word, and exercise that faith in the Word by obeying and acting on it.

       By Andrew and Praise, Thailand:
We'd like to thank all those who prayed for our daughter Sherry (1). She was originally diagnosed as having infectious diarrhea, but we later learned that the reason she was unable to digest and absorb the needed nourishment was because she was lactose intolerant. When we discovered this, we sent out another prayer request locally and after cutting out all dairy products from her (and Praise's) diet, she was totally fine. Now six months later, the Lord has completely healed her from this allergy to milk and she's able eat normally without any digestive problems. Praise the Lord and thanks to everyone's prayers!

       By Andrew, Mary, and Michael, Kenya:
We would like to express our deepest gratitude and thanks for all of your prayers for Steve (15), and to testify of the great answer to prayer. Just before we sent out the last request, Steve was not doing well. He had headaches from the intense chemotherapy, he was in a lot of pain, was quite discouraged, depressed, and it was very hard for him to pull out of it.
       Basically the day after we sent the prayer request out we started to see a remarkable difference in him. His headaches stopped, the pain he was feeling disappeared, and most importantly his spirit was lifted. He was a lot happier, inspired, and the change in his spirit was amazing.        
       Right now he is still on an intense chemotherapy course but he is better, healthier, has more energy, and is more inspired than he was when he was in remission (which is when he is on a break from chemo). Everyone is amazed that he is doing so well. If you met him you would never think he was in the middle of a strong chemo block.
       We know it's only because of all of your faithful prayers. We feel so privileged to be part of such a wonderful, sacrificial, and caring Family. Thank you for taking the time to pray for Steve. Your prayers are working and we can feel and see them. Steve has even been able to cook a meal for the team and that is truly amazing considering how he couldn't sit up for an extended period of time prior to this. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
       We love you so much!

       By Becky (of Sam), USA:
Thank you, dear Family, for praying for our 11-month-old baby, Elena. Her liver is doing much better. Two months ago she couldn't take her medicine anymore. She gagged on it and couldn't swallow it. We stopped giving it to her since then and she is feeling great without it. PTL! Her blood results also show improvement. This is a real victory because the doctors prescribed four or five different medicines for her, including an antibiotic for life twice a day. Now she is a living miracle!--No medicines, just the power of the keys. Glory to our wonderful Husband!

       By Marie, USA:
After reading in a prayer list about a sister who had a cyst in her wrist, how she put her hand over the cyst and prayed in the power of the keys for the Lord to take it away, I was encouraged to do likewise. I had a cyst on my wrist that a doctor friend had told me wasn't a serious problem. He said that if there was some way to get under the skin, you could just squeeze the cyst with your fingers and pop it. He did advise me to keep an eye on it to make sure it didn't get bigger. However, it did start to get bigger and started to be annoying, although not painful. That's when I read that sister's testimony. I thought if it worked for her, it would work for me too. So I placed my hand over my cyst and claimed in the power of the keys for the Lord to take the cyst away. I didn't really notice when the cyst went away, but it is completely gone now! PTL!

       By Rebecca Wood, USA:
For some time I battled with glaucoma, an incurable eye disease. My doctor prescribed eye drops to arrest it, but that didn't cure it. I threw away the drops and asked God to heal me. I also did my part which was to pick up the gift of prophecy and use it more!--And now I'm healed!

: For her fibroid to shrink; against anemia and frequent severe migraines.
       Kelly (3, of Andrew and Praise): Chronic problem with worms.
       Sherry (1, of Andrew and Praise): Frequent fevers; low immune system; to gain weight; hemangioma (a benign tumor or birthmark consisting of a dense, often raised cluster of blood vessels in the skin).
       Situation in the M.E.: Against the threat of war against Iraq by the U.S. and against the continuing oppression of the Palestinians by the Israelis. For the Lord to raise up those who have the moral courage and the political strength to speak out against this threat of war and the innumerable injustices against the Palestinians.
       Liberty: Serious asthmatic cough; internal bleeding, for proper diagnosis.

Europe and Africa
(of Dulci): Hospitalized and recovering from various wounds received during an explosion at a shopping mall in Finland. His face that had several fractures is healing very well and no surgery was needed. He can now hear well in both ears. The eardrum was broken in his left ear, but will heal within a month. Splinters and metal pieces have been removed from his arms and shoulders and his skin is now healing from these smaller operations. His left eye was badly damaged in the explosion, and it had to be removed. He will get an artificial eye to replace it a month after the operation to remove it. His right eye was also hurt, but has healed and he now has 90% sight in that eye. Please pray for continual and complete healing after the operation, for protection against infection, and good health for his right eye by calling on the power of the keys and the miracle-working warriors for complete healing.
       Joan's baby girl: At birth one of her arms was hurt and she can't move it. She has feeling and can move her fingers, but her arm just hangs. The doctor says it can be healed, but only time will tell. Pray that the Lord touches and heals her little arm so she can move it and use it normally.
       Sonny, Pauline, and team: Finances for our Home in Russia, especially regular sponsors, to support our home as we help translate and lay out Activated Russia.

North America
       Dave Psalms
: Recurrence of skin cancer on his nose; hepatitis C.
       Elena Glory (11 months, of Sam and Becky): Gas in her digestive system, causing her discomfort, irritability, and fussiness.
       Timothy (11, of Cephas and Mary): Neuroretinitis, a form of optic disk edema also called Cat Scratch disease. This is a swelling on the optic nerve of the eye that affects the vision.
       Valorie Nicole (of Tim and Maya): Cystic fibrosis; possible liver problems; upcoming tests.

(of Iona): Metastatic melanoma; accurate results from the PET scan.
       Barry (of Windy): Chronic diarrhea, feeling weak and dehydrated.
       Bradyn (5, of Cesco and Cryssy): Strong asthma attacks.
       Ellie: Fibroid tumor in her uterus.
       Grace (8 months, of Mike and Faith): Anemia; diagnosed "involuntary breath-holding" spell.
       Jay (of Megumi): Complications from mumps. He's lost hearing in one ear and has dizzy spells when trying to walk.
       Marina (of Tim): Breast cancer.
       Megumi:Tumor on her right ovary.
       Natsumi (2, of John and Lily): Serious kidney defect. His kidneys are bloated and swollen as the kidneys are allowing a backflow of urine from the bladder.
       Shane (3, of Cesco and Cryssy): Eye disorder.
       Trevor (8, of James and Jenny): Localized scleroderma, a serious skin disease that affects the tissue and muscles under the skin and causes the skin to tighten and become hard on the surface. Three of his fingers on his left hand and one finger on his right hand are crippled and deformed. His left elbow is unable to straighten out completely. We would like to ask for prayer that his skin will return to normal and that there will be no long-term crippling from the disease. Also that he will gain mobility in his arm and hands.
       Windy (of Barry): Thinning of the jelly-like substance that coats the eye, which can cause eye problems.

reactions from your subscribers

       Congratulations! Contato is the best magazine I've ever read. It always has excellent articles. I've been receiving the magazine for the past four months and look forward with eager anticipation to each monthly issue. The parts I like the most are where it suggests study verses and the messages from Jesus. Thank you for helping me to find the way and follow Jesus. Thank you so much! Congratulations! Lots of love to your whole Contato team, God bless you all!
       --Simone, Brazil

       Since I received the book Obstacles Are for Overcoming, I've been reading portions of it every day before going to work. When I finish it, I start all over again. This book has helped me to overcome the difficult financial crisis this country and the world are going through. The book with God's Words strengthens me and I've been able to continue progressing as well as running my company. The book mentions another book, Hearing from Heaven. I'd like to buy it. God bless you all!       
       --Marcos, São Paulo, Brazil

       Dearly beloved, I impatiently anticipate your letters and read them with great interest. I like everything you send me and here is the reason: You don't water things down but bring them right on, hammering in the nails of God's Word, without adding from your own philosophy, like many do. I like that in your letters. Sometimes I get bored reading the Bible, God help me, but your letters help me renew interest in God's Word.
       I'd be very interested in receiving the Activated magazine. Please send it to me if you can.
       --O., Ukraine

       I am a regular reader of Activated. Activated has changed my approach towards Christ. I feel closer to Jesus. Please tell me how I can subscribe as I have only received a few issues. The most spiritual part of the magazine is the "From Jesus With Love." This part is so encouraging and wonderful. I would like to buy the book From Jesus - With Love. I am a first-year computer engineering student. I feel Jesus will speak through you to me. Please teach me how to receive the Holy Spirit.
       --Hephzibah, India

Testimonies from you about Activated
Our captivating mags
By Maya Woods (of Tim), USA
       I want to share a testimony of how captivating the Activated mags are and what happened to me while I was helping in my aunt's office (law firm), answering her phones. Since the "Conviction vs. Compromise" GNs came out, we have been aiming to find as many ways as we can to be a witness for the Lord and the Family.
       A salesman, David, walked into the office and wanted to give a promotional speech. During the time he was waiting for the office manager, he noticed an Activated magazine on the desk (the one about Jeremy Spencer) and asked if the firm was producing a magazine. I told him that it was a Christian magazine and that it's inspirational reading, including testimonies from missionaries, etc. I also told him that I am a missionary and have been one all my life. After a few moments of talking about the magazine and after thumbing through it he started to become teary-eyed. He told me that he needs prayer for his wife. They have only been married for one and a half years, they're both 25 years old and want to have kids. However, just three weeks ago she was diagnosed as having breast cancer. They are both Christians and they know the Lord has a reason and plan for it, but he said, "It's hard to keep the faith when someone you love is suffering."
       Just then the office manager came in and David had to switch from sharing his heart to then be the salesman, and do his job. After five minutes their conversation was over and he picked up where he had left off. He asked that we pray for his wife, Kristin, who is undergoing chemo. I shared with him about my daughter having cystic fibrosis and having to fight to keep the victory in sight with her too. He then said that if I would pray for his wife, he and his wife would pray for Valorie Nicole.
       David and Kristin came from large families and have gone on missionary trips; however, since they got married they settled down. He wants to come to our Home and get back into being "sold out" for Jesus. He took the Activated magazine to read to his wife. I told him that he could contact us or the Activated office for other materials to help during the difficult times they are experiencing. He was really touched.
       I was so inspired after he left as I felt the Lord had orchestrated it to bring someone back to Him.

A new strategy

       By Marianne Fighter, USA
       We've been getting out Activated pretty regularly now that we have been getting the mag of the month. Some people we visit regularly and they receive a magazine each month. Lately we've been wondering how to be able to get more tools out--some new strategy. Then we came up with the idea of taking the small collection of the tools that are being featured in the magazine that month--that way the people we visit can see them and look through the books or listen to the tapes and have the opportunity to order them. The tools usually go along with the theme of that mag for that month, so we have a new topic to talk about each time and a new feature, rather than just having the whole catalog to push, or none at all.

The shift to Activated
By Sonnet (of Caleb), Canada
We have a testimony to share which we hope will encourage everyone who is struggling, as we have been, to make the shift from the non-witnessing methods of outreach to more faithful follow-up and deeper witnessing. It is no credit to us that we made this shift rather abruptly, as we moved to a city that simply did not have sufficient "spots" for ballooning. We had been using this as a major source of funding for more than a year and though we were very eager and excited with Activatedfever to get the tools out, when we moved to this city we discovered the methods we had been using were a tougher sell than we were used to.
       At the suggestion of our dear Home member, Sarah C., the Lord gave us the burden and vision to do regular visitation at a local rehab hospital where there is a constant flow of patients recovering from severe burns, brain injuries and other debilitating conditions. It has always been touching to visit and share love and cheer and a little Word with these patients. Alongside this, we have been having regular weekly Bible studies--attended primarily by Wine Press members and former member young adults.
       A few weeks ago Sarah and I went to the hospital, but were very rushed as we only had minutes to stop in before making another pressing appointment. We were disappointed to hear that L., one of Sarah's favorite patients, was no longer there. We were happy, for his sake, to hear he had been discharged, but Sarah prayed she would somehow be able to regain contact with him. By a miracle, the following day, Sarah encountered L. at a shopping mall very near our Home. You can imagine her surprise when she discovered he lived in the same apartment complex as we do! Sarah invited L. to attend our Bible Study and he promised to come.
       L. showed up for the Bible study, as promised. L. was similar to those described in "Reach The Rich"--keenly interested and feeling quite comfortable to speak up about anything he didn't understand or agree with. It was challenging! We got that we should take more individual time with him, so Sarah began to invite L. over for individual study once or twice a week.
       This happened in the wake of real financial struggling and daily desperation as we have been living much like we did in the early days, as we learn to depend more on the God factor. So many times we felt like we weren't accomplishing much, but we are so inspired with what the Lord has done and is doing as we just continue trusting Him.

daily key prayer
By Daisy, Romania
It was such a struggle and at times the most discouraging thing to try to get our sheep to come to our weekly Activated classes. They all are willing and come at one time or another, but never on a regular basis; out of 10-15 we would invite every week, only one or two would actually show up. But once we (the team of three who prepare the classes) started having regular prayer vigils for our sheep, things changed from one day to the next!
       We claimed the power of the keys to bring in each of the sheep by name, rebuking any attacks of the Enemy in trying to delay or sidetrack them, and it worked every time. Each person we name in prayer usually ends up coming. It's such a victory! Also, we desperately pray throughout the day for fruit of the meetings in their lives, that none of them go home unchanged or unaffected in some way. More of our friends have started testifying how the classes are changing them and of miracles happening in their and their friends' lives. This way we get more and more new attendees each time, as those faithful few witness to and invite their friends. Now I can't even start thinking of preparing any kind of class before having a desperate prayer with my team, covering every specific detail about our sheep and what we want the keys to do on their behalf.
       The same goes for getting Activated subscriptions out. I found out that the greatest and most important part in subscribing people is to just being faithful to desperately pray for them every single day, specifically mentioning the names of the people we'd like to subscribe! It's the Lord's work. We don't have to try so hard on our own. It usually ends up in a mess of things anyways. Yet when we let Him do the work, everything just flows into His wonderful miracles!

"Activated parties"

       By Gideon Newheart, Norway
       As a CGO board member, I have visited a few Homes to share the Activated vision in the form of an "Activated party." This is similar in concept to the Tupperware or Mary Kay home demonstrations to promote their products.
       I have found that most Homes are slow to use all of the wonderful Activated tools produced by Aurora, but once they get involved with more personal witnessing, as most are now, then they see the need for feeding materials. What I found helpful was to use an occasion, or make one, when all the Homes are together and give a presentation of all the different Activated products.
       I would lay the products out for display for all to see and give a short rundown about how I use them in my personal witnessing and follow up. I explained how the series were set up, the parenting and childcare series, the Bible Basics books, the booklets on prayer, the Holy Spirit, etc. I gave testimonies of how people reacted to different ones and how it was often times different than what I had expected.
       For example, I was hesitant to give From Jesus -- With Love or My King and I to churchy people, thinking it would blow them away, but I found those were the ones they liked best! The same with the Activated mag, many have told me their favorite section is the back page with the "From Jesus -- With Love" section.
       During these "parties" I found it helpful to have several copies of each item available for people to buy. Many don't have them all. I also encourage people to read the materials together as a Home for their daily devotions until they become familiar with them.
       Speaking of the Activated mag itself: I would encourage every Home to order some copies as part of the mag-of-the-month program. I personally use them instead of the thank-you cards I used to buy, and now send contacts a copy of Activated instead. It is so much better and puts us on a whole new level with many of our contacts. People we know and have provisioned from for years now take a real interest in who we are and what we do; they begin to see and appreciate the spiritual value of our ministry, versus the humanitarian and good works part of our work.
       I don't forget the videos and CDs. I found everyone wanted copies of Countdown to Armageddon and The Final Stand. These are great follow-up tools and perfect for launching Bible studies.
       It is a perfect time to promote the Christmas cards as well. I can't remember a better selling product than the Christmas CD cards. I mention how they can print labels for the inside of the card in the local language using a home computer and printer. I found the English cards go well here in Norway, because of the traditional songs they contain.
       (For the labels we scanned in the logo of the company and then put in Norwegian, "Thank you for your business throughout the past year. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" and also the company's name. In smaller text, at the bottom of the label, we printed, "We sponsor the work of The Family." This way we got some good advertising as well.)

a hit
By the Chile desk
       From Jesus - With Love keeps having a tremendous impact in our area! One sister in Chile tells us that a dentist friend of hers read the book and so far has bought four more because she insists on giving it away to friends and relatives. She keeps a copy by her side and reads portions of it to people in need of spiritual counsel.
       Another Home in Paraguay reports that many of their sheep have expressed to them that FJWL has helped them incredibly to overcome discouragement and to raise their morale and self-esteem. A friend of theirs who runs a computer business told them that sometimes she gets calls from clients as far away as São Paulo, Brazil, and she reads them portions of the book. She says they are fascinated and deeply thankful for the messages contained in the book.

Replaced with Activated
By Abel, USA
       I started using the Activated mags as a distribution tool instead of the poster tracts that I was using before, and boy, what a difference they've made! Everyone was so happy and inspired to get the mags and it seemed to really help pick up the donations, as people saw they were getting a better product then just a tract. Donations averaged out to be about a dollar which is five times the original investment, and when you think of that in terms of marketing, that's quite a profit margin.

Display our tools--sell more!
By Shemaiah, USA
       Something that has helped get out the tools is to have them on display, as visitors come by and see them and always end up taking something new that they don't already have. It even inspires the brethren that visit to read some of the things they might not have ordered.

news from your Activated desks - September 2002

Our Homes sent in 319 new subscriptions! At this time last year we had signed up 1,113 new subscribers (January-September 2001). So far this year we have 2,253! More than double last year's rate! Please pray with us that as we enter the peak Christmas witnessing season we will break all records.
Christmas mags and tool brochures: We have finished our Christmas printing, TTL, avoiding the year-end rush. Mike, our computer guy, made us a nice color flyer featuring the new Christmas Secret book/CD set along with our beautiful Christmas CD cards and other materials. The Homes have started ordering their Christmas mags, which are beginning to sell well. We may even re-print these mags before Christmas.
       Subscribers-only southern Brazil retreat:
The Southern Brazil CGO Board is organizing the upcoming Southern Brazil National Retreat in mid-November. We have instituted a new policy of only accepting reservations from Contato subscribers. This is a decision that our regional board recently ratified. Even though most of the sheep and Active members who are going to this retreat are already subscribers, sadly, many are not. So this policy automatically brings in subscribers and has several other positive effects:
       *       It sends a signal to all of the sheep and Active members that the Contato magazine and program are the "official" Family standard.
It makes it clear to the CM/FM Family that the magazine subscription is a minimum requirement for the sheep to participate in Family activities.
       *       It gives the Homes an excuse to get their sheep, who are sometimes a bit recalcitrant, to stop stalling and sign up! The Homes can "blame" the organizers of the event, ha!
       *       It guarantees that the participants will be receiving at least a minimum monthly feeding through the magazine, even after the retreat ends.
       Contato club progress:
We plan to try this on an experimental basis starting in January 2003. The basic idea is to offer all of our products (books, videos, CDs, etc.) at two different prices--a slightly higher "normal" price and a special discount "Contato subscriber" price. Since we have a goodly number--over 1,000--of tool customers who are not subscribers, we hope that this incentive plan will encourage them to subscribe to Contato, as well as buy tools. We also believe that this will encourage some of our current subscribers who don't purchase tools, to begin doing so!
       Christmas shiner contest:
We announced our local 2002 Christmas subscription contest. In conjunction with the Brazil Service Center, we are offering bigger prizes than last year, payable in tools instead of cash. We hope this will promote both the Christmas tool sales and the magazine subscriptions. We are claiming the power of the key for a repeat, or better yet, an improvement over last year's success!
       500 at once: A Home here in Brazil had witnessed to the owner of a company that ended up buying 300 Activated subscriptions for his employees last year. This year the Lord blessed and prospered his work and he has 200 more employees. He now wants to renew the subscriptions for the 300 and sign up the new 200! That's 500 new subscriptions!

CEAD (Central Europe Activated Desk)
       Romanian printing and mailings:
This month we able to move the mailing of the Romanian mailings to Romania, where the PPC team is helping to print and mail the magazines for us. The combination of the provisioned paper and the larger print runs in Romania (meaning that there will be no international shipping costs to get the mags there) will enable us to lower the seedcorn price of the mags for the Romanian Homes.
       Christmas 2002 preparations: We have begun translating the Christmas Activated mag into five languages--Russian, Romanian, Hungarian, Croatian and Bulgarian, and likely Ukrainian too.
       Attending the Russian fellowship: At the beginning of September, Phillip (together with Dawn and Julie) attended a fellowship in Russia where he was able to spend time talking with the different ones and further explaining the Activated program for Russia. After the fellowship, the CGO board for that area had some meetings, which helped our desk gain a better understanding of how the Activated program can work in Russia. Many Homes are inspired about getting behind the Activated vision in Russia. They were inspired to hear about the new Christmas mag for use there.--With many wanting to place their orders right away.

       Color tracts:
We were able to print the color tracts mentioned in "Making Conéctate a household word"!--10,000 of them for free on beautiful shiny paper! And guess who printed them? One of our Activated members! We minister to them their spiritual needs and they minister to us our physical needs. Once people catch the vision for Activated they usually want to help in any way they can, PTL!
       Books and calendars: The books and calendars continue selling like hot cakes here in Chile and southern South America! This month we had record sales of in books and "Mottos"! The Word is quickly spreading and the brethren are catching the fever!
       Mag of the Month: Our Conéctate Club based on the Homes buying the Mag of the Month has increased our magazine sales. Some Homes haven't joined yet, but we are making it as tempting as possible for them to do so, offering special prices, gifts, etc.

"Mottos for Success" in Japanese is now available!
       New subscription system introduced:
Starting January 2003 there will be a new subscription system available. This new system doesn't replace the existing one. We'll be sending these mags to new subscribers on a bi-monthly basis. This new bi-monthly mag program will serve as an extension to our existing 12 mag/one-year course, or can serve as an introduction before the existing course. In any case, a subscriber to the bi-monthly mag will receive a mag every two months for a year.
       Christmas magazine: We produced a local, original Christmas magazine for this year's distribution.

       Mexico retreat:
Four of us attended the first Mexico retreat, which was tremendous. Kayte helped with the emceeing of the retreat, and Phoebe did the daily newspaper with pictures and news of the day, which was a hit with the live-outs.
       Bible classes: Our Home started to host weekly Bible classes to follow-up on the retreat, and the sheep are very envisioned to keep growing and committing themselves more.

       CGO/Activated seminar:
The seminar was tremendously fruitful, thanks to everyone on our team here and from the CGO boards who worked so hard to bring it together. There were a total of 15 united sessions and workshops, plus evening meetings and inspiration time. (See GV #142.)
       Seminar videos, notebooks, and CDs:
Justin C. is working on compiling and editing the video footage from the seminar and we hope to have the videos available for the Homes to order soon, along with the seminar notebook. The notebook has 250 pages of class notes and extra handouts, plus a CD containing additional material, including the notebook classes from Seminar 2000 and 2002, the 12 Foundation Stones course (teacher and correspondence editions), a complete set of Wine Presses, New Wine, Activated magazine text files (for use in e-mail ministries), e-mail stock paragraphs, the "Fax of Life" from Anthony (South Africa), a Home contacts database, and other helpful material.
       Tool sales at seminar: Mike, Darren and Steve set up a mini tool desk at the seminar, and sales of the new tools were terrific! Everyone was inspired to see the new tools, the new spinner racks and displays (for the CD cards).
       Plans for Introductory Wine Press booklets: The idea came up to put together a series of Wine Press booklets that we can send out to new Wine Press members to help bring them up to speed on what they've missed over the years. We haven't finalized the content yet, but we're hoping to cover the new weapons, using prophecy, Loving Jesus (the WP version), the keys, etc. There will probably be three or four WP-sized booklets.

help wanted
Hi! I'm Victoria (SGA). I've been living in Thailand for the past 18 years and will be moving to China soon. It's a big new step in my life but I'm really excited about it. This is where you come in … being that I'm in a small Home and am mostly doing childcare, I don't get to go out fundraising that much. I wanted to ask if any of you would like to help me out with some of my fundraising. I need roughly US$900 total. That's for everything--visa, airfare, and landing funds. I have nearly half of that. My goal is to be able to leave for China very soon! If any of you feel the burden to help me, you can send donations through the TRF to TH08, designated for Victoria (SGA). Even a small donation is worth it 'cause here a little goes a long way. I love you all. Thank you so much.

open forum: childcare heroes and heroines, II
* How can we, as a Family, preserve and support our wonderful childcare workers?
* How can we prevent those who care for the children from experiencing burnout?
* How can we show those who pour into our kids day and night appreciation?
* How can we give teachers and childcare workers prominence in the Family?

By an FGA mother, China
I have been involved in childcare for most of the 28 years I've been in the Family. I am one of those people who loves childcare and counts it my calling.
       For the last four years we have been in China the Lord has opened the door for me to work in a System kindergarten teaching a class of 20 three-year-olds. This job has provided support and visas for our entire family, also freeing my husband to shepherd our Home situation as well as help with VSing in China.
       The job is full time. I leave at 7:30 am, return by 4:30 pm, five days a week. (Since writing this note, the Lord has told us it is time to cut back on the hours spent on the job as I've been doing it for four years and it's starting to take its toll on me as it does occupy most of my day.) During my time at this job I have often thought back on the Family's school days and felt it would be so nice if instead of schooling System children, this could be a Family day school and I could be pouring the Word into the children.
       I wanted to comment on a couple of points, the first one being the idea of using Family schools again to help some families in the educational training of our children. I agree that in the right situation this could be a wonderful solution. The situation I am in now is a day school. The parents drop the children off at 8:30 am in the morning and pick them up at 3 pm. The parents pay a fee to cover the costs of running the school and paying the teacher. The Family could adopt a similar system where they have a property or Home (whatever they could afford in their situation) to serve as the day school. The Homes involved could pay a fee that could help support the property or teachers involved in teaching the children. The parents would then drop their children off at a designated time, having already dressed them and fed them breakfast, and pick them up in the afternoon or evening to return home for dinner, parent time, activities, and bed.
       From my past experience in Family schools the children were pretty much with their groups 23/6, with an hour of parent time a day and one Family day a week. Since the Charter and my move to being with my children full time, I feel it's important, as the recent GNs bring out, for the parents to be involved in the children's training and upbringing, including discipline. If the school is a day school, then the parents are still involved with the children in the evenings and mornings, and have their daytime hours to do their various ministries or witnessing. If they need to have evening classes or follow up, perhaps the children could be involved in some of this or one parent can do the follow up with the older children and the other parent can take care of the younger children.
       Perhaps the teachers could also help with some of the evening witnessing ministries; I feel teachers can make some of the best activated class teachers since they are already teachers. Besides, it is good for the teachers to get some time off to pour into sheep and witness. For me, fundraising on the weekends was a nice break from being with the kids all week. Giving classes to sheep would be even more fulfilling. When I make a follow up visit after a long day at school, I leave the class feeling so refreshed and excited.
       This brings me to the problem of childcare burnout. I've seen this problem firsthand and have experienced it myself to a certain degree. No one has to convince me of the joy and fulfillment to be found in the childcare ministry. Showy ministries never really tempted me nor did I desire them too much because I truly enjoyed childcare and its rewards, not to mention the fact that I have ongoing battles with shyness and timidity. A child's love is unconditional and so pure. When you work with children you receive this kind of love in such abundance. It's a reward in itself. When you teach a child a new spiritual principle or educational fact and you see them repeat it or apply it or understand it, that is a reward, too.
       Like Dad has said, working with children is like painting a masterpiece. I love it! But at the same time, childcare, when done properly, is very physically, mentally, and spiritually taxing, and when sufficient rest or time away from it is not provided you get childcare burn out. I found in the Family combo schools that teachers were left with the kids too much. One hour a day, which was sometimes spent with the teacher's own kids, was just not enough to give them time to rest and recuperate before starting class again. When it comes to discipline, children are always testing to see where the limits lie and for any teacher this takes its toll so you need breaks to keep the vision.
       Another area of childcare that can be very fulfilling is the education of the children, but something that is hard for some Family teachers is not having time to prepare materials, activities or your class plan for the next day. I always found a joy and fulfillment in preparing new materials for teaching the children. Sadly, in some Homes there were no funds available for art or school materials for the children or there was no room to store materials for teaching the children. Whenever possible it is a blessing to have a schoolroom set up for the children--especially the younger preschool age group--where they can have a room to work and play with materials set out and available for them to use during class time.
       One complaint I've heard from teachers in the Family is that at times when a situation like this is set up, parents don't respect this room, but allow children to freely go in the room and play with the equipment when it is not school hours. The equipment which the teacher has tried to keep in good condition for school hours is broken or lost and this is very discouraging for the teachers who may have spent hours preparing the materials. In their eyes it would be the equivalent of the teacher allowing the children to go into the parent's office, play on the parent's computer, draw on his important follow up materials, and generally leave the office in a mess when they're done.
       I feel if we want to win back some of our CC folks that have experienced CC burnout, then the best way is to offer them a situation where they could truly reach the sky in their aspirations as teachers--to give them a real classroom situation to work in, to give them the equipment, responsibility, training, and help to do a truly good job. Perhaps with these conditions we could win many of them back into the CC fold, and at the same time win new teachers to this wonderful ministry.

Upfront: A Teacher's Frank Viewpoint
By an anonymous teacher
Thanks for opening up a space for discussing these topics! I'm very thankful for the attention the Lord, Mama, and Peter are giving to the need for improvement in the care of our children and in parent-teacher/caregiver relationships. Now that the Activated/follow-up vision is really happening in many areas, I believe addressing these issues and implementing solutions are vital steps in continuing to become the Endtime Family the Lord needs us to be. The following are some thoughts on the subject more or less in point form, though not necessarily in order of importance.
       God bless all our precious teachers and caregivers, young and old, as well as our wonderful kids and parents! As a team we do it better! "With His Word and lambs in our hearts and hands we can win the world for Jesus!" ("What Is That in Thy Hand?" ML# 315). Let's do it together!

The quality of the parent-teacher relationship can make all the difference!

       >> In every area of parent-teacher relationships there is a vital need for free-flowing, honest, frequent communication! I can't stress this enough. I want to hear about it--from you personally, not through someone else--if you have a question, or if there's something you don't feel is right about my teaching, my relationship with your child, discipline, etc. And I want to be able to be honest with you if I feel there's a need for improvement in some area. Lack of open communication between parents and teachers can be detrimental to the children, to their education and shepherding, and to the spirit of the Home and its overall unity, and consequently its fruitfulness. It can also be incredibly discouraging to a teacher.

       >> Give teachers and helpers meaningful authority and back them up in front of the children. Treat disrespect seriously so your kids know you mean business. If you truly respect your children's teachers, it's easier to correct and instruct the kids along these lines and to keep your expectations high. As the Word teaches, disagreements can be discussed later, not in front of the kids.

       >> If your child's teacher has a suggestion or a concern, please be open enough to take it seriously and prayerfully consider and discuss it with him or her. Treating teachers as partners helps them feel respected. Otherwise a teacher can be tempted to feel like a baby-sitter with a fancy title, when all the teachers I know have an awful lot to offer to the children in their care and even to the kids' parents! This takes humility and overcoming sensitivity on everyone's part, but what better reason to work on these things than for the good of our precious children?
       The mother I've most enjoyed working with in my entire time in the Family made me feel truly trusted and respected. We had great communication: If she felt I was "off" on something, she'd tell me, and I was happy to listen and really tried to take it to heart. Likewise, when I had a suggestion or concern, she listened just as respectfully and would often take action right away! And she was my shepherdess two times over, as she was both the CC TWer and my VS! It's funny, because even though she's somewhat "organizationally challenged" (she's the first to admit it!), and I really like things to be organized and follow a schedule, etc., I loved working with her and her kids, and would jump at the chance to do so again. She made me feel like part of her family, and to this day we have an enduring friendship. God bless her!

       >> Something that makes it more likely for someone to enjoy helping you with your kids is if you make an effort to teach and help the kids to be pleasant to be around! I'm not talking about expecting them to be "perfect little angels" or expecting them not to have any spunk (I love spunky kids, and was one myself, ha!), but if you help them learn to be reasonably communicative, polite, obedient, and respectful, it will make them lots more fun to be around, as well as give them social skills that will be invaluable for the rest of their lives! Even if you're not with them very much, they know if these things are important to you, and your values are the ones that have the greatest influence on them, especially when they're young.
       Even if you're weak in this area, if you're willing to work with others and be open to counsel, and accept the need to improve and work on it, things should work out fine. This does take a lot of yieldedness and can be a sensitive area, though, so it's important to make it clear to your helpers that you do need and want their input.

       >> Another area where open, honest, mutually respectful communication is extremely important is when your child might not be making, or seeming to make, appropriate progress in his schoolwork. I've seen teachers get "blamed" for not doing their job well in circumstances like these, when better communication and working on possible problem areas together could have helped solve the problems. Sometimes a child may be hard to teach, and thus is not making the progress you feel he should be making in school, because your own expectations of him, as a parent, in the areas of obedience, respect, and/or self-control are not what they should be, causing a lack of these qualities in his character and life. This, of course, will affect his behavior in the classroom, maybe even causing the teacher to spend less time than needed on teaching the other children due to handling behavior problems. Of course, there are many possible reasons why a child might not be progressing as we think he should be; this is by no means the only possibility, but I have seen it happen. A very important element in discovering the reasons and finding the solutions, besides hearing from the Lord, is good communication.

       >> If you or your mate is on the Home teamwork or is a shepherd or leader of some kind, I think it's very important not to "pull rank" when, for example, there are differences of opinion with the teachers, childcare helpers, or others in the Home about your kids or about childcare related questions in general. The times I've seen this happen it wasn't necessarily in an obvious, out-front way; it was usually subtle but very real. Taking differences to the Lord together and hearing from Him can be very unifying in situations like these, and after all, it's His insight and answers we want and need!

       >> Be especially careful to check out any stories the kids tell you about "unfair" things their teachers did, as these are often, of course, very one-sided accounts, and sometimes, sad to say, laced with downright untruths. If parents take these accounts at face value without asking the teacher about them and discussing them with the teacher, it can be devastating to the teacher/parent relationship, cause serious disunity, and undermine the child's respect for the teacher and eventually even for authority in general. Communication and trust are essential.--Let's build bridges instead of walls! If you don't truly trust and respect your child's teacher, your child will sense it, and this will drastically reduce the degree to which that teacher will be able to influence your child's life in a positive way.
       Of course, the other side to this coin is the "Birdie and the Cupcake"-type situation, where the adult judged hastily and meted out an undeserved "consequence." I wholeheartedly agree with the beautiful, convicting lessons Mama brings out there (ML #3056:90-108).
       >> It's wise and loving to make sure that you're not expecting more of the teachers and helpers in the sense of dedication and the quality of care they give to your children than you are of yourself. Of course, I don't think anybody does this on purpose, nor is aware of it, so maybe it's a good question to check in with the Lord about once in a while. You might even want to ask your helpers about how they see the situation.

       >> I've been in Homes where the singles and couples without young children were pretty good samples of living One Wife in the sense of all the children being "ours" and helping out cheerfully, taking a sincere interest in the kids and being sensitive to the parents' needs for help. Yet the families rarely helped each other or teamworked when there was a need.--It was sort of "every family to their own tent." This makes things seem a little one sided, and also causes the kids to miss out on beautiful lessons of sharing and including others. Maybe it would be good to check in with the Lord on this one from time to time, too.

       >> Realizing that even the best of teachers usually have certain areas they shine in more that others, and taking that into consideration, can be very helpful. Maybe physical education isn't someone's forte, but try not to make them feel as if they're failing you and your children. Maybe you or someone else can take the kids for vigorous, organized get-out several times a week to make up for the teacher's weak area. There are many possible solutions, and of course, many of our weak areas can be strengthened by Word studies or finding practical teaching tips. I'm not suggesting we teachers not strive to improve. My point here is to try to meet the need in a creative, positive, non-critical way, and to have realistic expectations.

Good organization and planning shows consideration for your helper's time

       When someone is helping a large family or a single parent at family time, for example, or other times when one or both of the parents are also present, it helps a lot if the Home's schedule is respected. If kids' bedtime is supposed to be 9 pm, for example, really try to stick with it. This way the teacher or other helper knows when he/she will be free for whatever else he/she needs to do. It helps a lot to be respectful of gentle reminders during these times, and not get offended. However, often when the parent is around, a teacher or other helper doesn't feel very comfortable "calling the shots," so to speak, so it's pretty much up to you to make it happen.
       Along similar lines, if your children and their teacher are expecting you to get the kids at a certain time and you aren't able to for some reason, it's important to let them know and make sure it's all right. Otherwise, be on time. (This is important to the children, too.) Not being faithful in this can make it seem as if you're taking their help for granted, which can be discouraging.

Now that I've written this, I feel kind of silly, as it seems that most of what I've said has already been said, and much more articulately, by Mama, Dad, and the Lord in recent Letters. I hope this hasn't come across negatively. I just feel so strongly that, besides the fact that we need to be in unity and obey and uphold the standard of the Word in the area of childcare in order to fulfill Jesus' commission, the other bottom line is that our kids are far too precious for us to fail them by not giving them the best possible training in their God-given heritage! It would be tragic to shortchange them due to our unwillingness to make the sacrifices necessary to truly work together in their care and training!
       Every single one of our priceless children was uniquely created by God Himself to fulfill a royal destiny. I can't think of a more thrilling commission than to be a part of that! Thank you, Dad, Mama, and Peter, for all you've poured out already on the subject! My little two-cents seems really paltry by comparison. I pray I can be part of the solution!

* Do you have any practical tips or ideas that you can share with the rest of the Family via this open forum to help preserve and support our wonderful childcare workers?

       By C. (22, female), Europe
I believe trust is the greatest support you can give a childcare worker. Understandably it's not always easy for a parent to readily agree to give a young person that kind of trust, especially those who may at times seem reckless or overly carefree in their personal lives. However, it was trust that changed my outlook on childcare. When I was 17 I tried to help with the care of the child of a 23-year-old parent, but when she told me that she didn't trust me, I was crushed. I concluded that my previous 10 years of childcare training was worth nothing, and sadly it even made me question what I was good for, as I'd made childcare my life's endeavor.
       In my next situation, though, one of my previous JETT teachers showed me such unconditional faith in the raising and caring of her five boys and one girl, that it renewed my vision in childcare completely. Her faith and belief in me, even if I was less skilled in caring for her kids than she was, gave me a reason to want to put my heart into childcare. I cared for her children with her, schooling them and becoming more than just a childcare worker.--I was part of their family.

* How can we prevent those who care for the children from burnout?
By an SGA childcare worker
For many years, because I was shy, I used childcare as a way to hide. I loved children, and I enjoyed caring for them, but there were many times when they were my shelter from having to do something else. Because I rarely communicated things that were inside of me, no one really understood, and my enjoyment of childcare was at times taken advantage of, or so I felt.
       It's important that each childcare worker, no matter how needed they are, or how much they profess that "it's okay, I can take the baby" or whatever, gets a break. In fact, childcare workers have to have a break. If not, as in my case, I found that I soon resented the parents, mostly because I expected them to guess my need for time off and away from the kids, rather than have me express it.
       Make time for your childcare worker/s to take a breather. Let them get away for a couple hours a day or one day a week; in the long run it keeps the childcare inspiration at a higher level. I found I was much more creative after taking a break, and often in those times away from children, I got ideas of what I could do with the kids--a project, a school activity, or just something out of the ordinary--that probably wouldn't have come to mind if I hadn't taken time off.

* * *

By Gentleness Fighter (of Jahmai), Taiwan
Some ways to say "thank you" to teachers and CC personnel are by giving them extra free time or perhaps a little gift, the possibility of going on a road trip, or taking them out to a meal or a movie, or bringing them breakfast in bed, or some simple kindnesses. The kids or parents could write present and past teachers thank-you notes. You can bring them encouraging prophecies that you have received for them.
       Another way to both help appreciate the teachers and help them avoid burnout is to strive to have happy, well-disciplined children for them to take care of. This is easier said than done and takes a lot of effort, communication, and prayer on the part of the parents, teachers, and the whole Home. There is no easy, quick solution to achieve this, but the results will be a blessing to all--not just the CC personnel. People enjoy being around happy, well-adjusted, well-disciplined kids. In the outside world, schools have principals to send students to for disciplinary action. In our Homes we need a number of brave souls (daddies and other brothers are very handy for this) who will be backup for the teachers and tired mommies, and at times provide needed, firm correction for youthful offenders.

Have a comment on our wonderful teachers and childcare workers? Send it in today! We'll be running one more issue to close this open forum. Write today to: gv@wsfamily.com

* * *


       Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
Hilary Swank, Jonathan Pryce
       In pre-revolutionary France, a young aristocratic woman left penniless after her family's fall from grace and the death of her parents tries to avenge her family's name and estate by scheming to steal a priceless necklace.

This movie is based on history and is interesting from that perspective. It is full of the intrigue of the court at the time before the French Revolution, when the corruption of the French monarchy was at its height. It shows a dandy-bad example of royalty--spoiled children thinking only of themselves.
       Marie Antoinette was correctly depicted as being only selfishly concerned for appearances and wardrobe and snobbery when her people were suffering. This should make you thankful for your own loving queen, who lays down her life daily for you and for Me.
       The movie's plot, which follows the fate of a young girl intent on regaining her heritage and the lands that were taken from her family, shows how the corruption of the evil regime spread. The lesson here is that the end does not justify the means. In partaking of their corruption, she was not only as wrong as they were, but she suffered for having chosen to use theft and deception to get what she considered to be an honorable goal. It is never good to fight evil with evil. Evil will only be overcome by good.
       This is not a lighthearted movie. It has some deep lessons, and the time period of the French Revolution was not a happy time. It should make you thankful for the heritage you have by faith, which was given to you by grace and not something you had to prove or fight to retain in the flesh. If you serve Me and follow My ways, I will avenge those who wrong you. It never works to sink to the same awful depths as your persecutors and to try to avenge yourselves. Let Me mete out justice, and you follow the ways of good and love and mercy and truth.

Robert DeNiro, Frances McDormand
       New York City homicide detective Vincent LaMarca has forged a long and distinguished career in law enforcement. But on his latest case, the stakes are higher for Vincent--the murder suspect he's investigating is his own son.

This is one of those traumatic but realistic movies that tells the tale of some of the difficulties and problems people in the world face. It's based on a true story, which gives more punch to the point that life out there is very hard for many. It depicts the very real seedy side of life, rife with drugs, crime, violence, and personal problems.
       It could be said that the main characters were a product of their heredity and environment, and the movie makes that implication. The point that comes across is that in great part the blame can be shifted to something or somewhere or someone other than their personal shortcomings and the choices each one personally made that brought them into the state they were in. This, as you know, isn't necessarily the way it works according to My spiritual laws.
       This movie makes you thankful for the wonderful lives of happiness, love, and peace in the Family. It's not the type of movie that most would like seeing because of the trauma. It's not for the fainthearted. If you have a hard time watching drug addicts and violence, it isn't for you. It's also not a movie for those who have a difficult time dealing with broken marriages and personal relationships. If your son or daughter is in serious trouble right now, this might be a good one to skip. It's not upbeat or inspiring. It's pretty much a real-life drama of a cop's life and a peek into his family.
       The movie shows the reality of how people who get dependent on drugs live these days. It will help you pray for our young people who have left or are contemplating leaving God's service, that they don't get involved in gangs, drugs, crime, and filth, but that they'll acknowledge Me enough to be a witness or at least lead a "good" life and be a blessing to those around them. I am able to use difficult circumstances and hardships to help people come to the end of themselves and to reconcile, grow, and gain victories.

Jacki Chan, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jason Isaacs
       A hapless chauffer must take a comatose secret agent's place and use his special gadget-laden tuxedo.

This is an action-packed movie where a simple man takes on an assignment he's given and endeavors to right the wrongs in this make-believe scenario.
       Much like you, My children, don the new weapons and wear the new armor to give you increased powers in the days to come, so this man puts on a suit that gives him extraordinary powers. It's a good parallel and one which can be easily applied to the times and days you are now living in and approaching.
       There are a few parallels you can draw from this movie. The tuxedo is like the Holy Spirit, and it's like the keys. When you use the keys, you can do things you didn't know you could do. Sometimes you might get a little wild and crazy in the Spirit--almost to the point of being out of control. You can do things you never thought you could do. All shyness and timidity is gone when you're filled with the Holy Spirit and have the keys to back you up. The inspiration sometimes only comes once you have the courage to put on the suit of faith and step out on the water. The main character didn't feel smooth or capable--just like you don't always feel capable of yourself. But through the power of the keys, all things are possible to you.
       Like this man, you each are nothing until you've put on My power and let Me take full possession of you. Yet I do not seek to work through your strength in the flesh, through your using carnal measures such as martial arts, for that would only give you the glory and make you think that such power is your own doing. The secret to gaining My full power is through putting on My mind and fully accepting My will in your life, doing the things that I have asked you to do in order to prepare for performing the mighty miracles of the End.
       There are a couple of gross scenes in the movie, where the bad guys die.
       It's not a heavy-duty, lesson-filled-type movie. But if you're looking for fun entertainment, this is one you can watch.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
       BIG TROUBLE (2002)
Tim Allen, Rene Russo, Stanley Tucci, Jason Lee
       The lives of several Miami denizens, from ad agents to gunrunners to street thugs to law enforcement to teenagers, intersect with outrageous results. Based on a novel by Dave Barry.

This is one of those rather unusual and off-beat type of movies. It's pure entertainment. It isn't meaningful or deep, but neither is it evil or crass, as many movies are today. It has its mildly meaningful side, which is an exposé of sorts on how quirky and weird the world and some of its inhabitants have become.
       As in many of Dave Barry's articles, there is not only humor, but an underlying commentary. He is making light of the idiocy many folks make of their lives through nearsightedness or self-centeredness. He pokes fun at the System and its wacky ways of doing things.
       If you're looking for a movie with some humor, some very light entertainment, and you're not expecting too much, this one might bring you a few good laughs.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

       Daniel Radcliffe, Ciaran McMenamin, Ian McKellen, Bob Hoskins
Made-for-TV BBC adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic.

This movie carries the spirit of triumph, and shows how one's life will be triumphant as long as love is the major goal. He gave and gave, and kept on giving, and love conquered the obstacles not only in his own life, but in the lives of those that his life came in contact with. As this love came together, it conquered the evil that tried to ruin their lives. It's a strong message on the power of love being the way to rise above the problems of life. It shows love for the unlovely and love for the lost and lonely as well. It's worth watching for this reason.

Yes, you can be a dreamer and a doer too, if you will remove one word from your vocabulary: impossible.

Libby (of Abe) is looking for Paul(Emanuelle, Ghanaian), last heard of in Ghana. Where are you? We miss hearing from you. Also looking for an address for Betty (daughter of Polish Rebecca) and Claire Blossom (of John B.). I'd love to be in touch with you all again. Please write us at this e-mail: lewis@go.net.pk

       Gideon R.
, where are you? I lost your e-mail ages ago. Write me at e-mail: davidrocky77@yahoo.com

       Looking for Danny and James Donohue in Brazil. Would love to catch up! Aichan and Felipe too! Write sometime to e-mail: raindancer@mailandnews.com - Tina

       This is Marie looking for Angie of (Ben and Dove). We lived together in Mozambique. Please get in contact with me! My e-mail is: m_h_rebel@hotmail.com or m_h_14@yahoo.com

former members - seeking contact
From Nidia (former Family member in Mexico): Hi! I'm looking for Nata (formerly married to Sharon) and Ana, or their son Benjamin C. Please get in touch with me, or whoever knows about their whereabouts, please contact me at the following e-mail address: nca9actl@cfe.gob.mx. TYSM!

       Peter Corinthians (former member) would like to get in touch with Rosita. From Peter: "In 1978 while traveling to Peru, I met Rosita Magdalena who eventually led me to the Lord. She is a Peruvian national who has lived in Chile and I think Europe. I'm planning on going back to Peru for a visit in December/January and would greatly enjoy communicating with her." (You can get in touch with Peter via e-mail at: family@thefamily.org.)

       A JT countrywide meeting was held in the Philippines for 26 JETTs and teens,
including classes, activities, and more. Read about it and see the pictures on the MO site! http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1528

       Read the beautiful account from Andrew and Ana
--how the Lord and Joy (Andrew's wife who passed on in May 2001) engineered a new family for Andrew and their nine children. On the MO site: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1529

Also included:
Chart of Activated World Stats
Total witness to date chart
Personal witness to date chart
Souls won and baptisms to date chart
Total lit distributed to date chart

(End of file.)