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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 143; November 1, 2002.)

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. All Family members in China use pen names for their contributions to the Grapevine. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 500107, San Diego, California, USA - 92150-0107 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2002 by The Family


       Comictrax.net is launched … page 2
       NuBeat 2000 Christmas radio special … page 2
       Offer: Children's Bible books … page 3
       Offer: Library 2020 … page 3
       Rendezvous … with Jesus … page 5
       Conéctate meetings in Mexico … page 6
       Lazarus-Activated group? … page 8
       Sheep in the Middle East … page 9
       Open forum: childcare heroes and heroines … page 10
       Christmas witnessing ideas and tips … page 14

Every great move forward in your life begins with a leap of faith, a step into the unknown.

Reactions to Activated from the subscribers!
This is the best Christian magazine I have ever read! The others pale in comparison! These other magazines don't really feed me so much, but every article in Activated is concise, power-packed, to the point, and very feeding! I love it, my son loves it, and my husband loves it! Do you have any other books?
       --K.J., India

It's totally awesome that no matter whether I read the mag when it first arrives or save it for a few days later, it always speaks to me on something that I need right then, that minute.
       --Jerry, Philippines

       Michael Ryan
,5th child, born to Renee and Pierre on December 9.--Panama
       Nila Ellya Selena, 4th child, born to Pandita and John on August 8.--India
       Kathrine Estel, 4th child, born to Erika and Shawn on August 19.--USA
       Evan Costello, 3rd child, born to Rebecca and Ryan on September 10.--Puerto Rico
       Gaby, born to Joan and Timothy on September 12.--Sweden
       Selina, born to Estrella and Emanuel on September 19.--Spain

       new disciples…
(25, Romanian) joined in Romania.
       Peter (21, Romanian) joined in Romania.
       Vanja (23, Croatian) joined in Bosnia.

Reminder: Are all pubs in your Home purged?
When you last filled in the Home Self-Evaluation Checklist, perhaps you noticed this point under heading XIII:

       89. All pubs purges and BAR pub instructions have been explicitly followed.

       Perhaps not surprisingly--considering it's been 11 years since the Pubs Purge Advisory was published in June 1991.--It's easy to answer "yes" to this question without being sure just which pubs should have been purged. Perhaps your Home opened and you received a full library or inherited some books from another Home. Perhaps you ordered some books from your NPC. Maybe you assumed that books you received have been purged.--But are you sure? Do you even remember which books were withdrawn completely?--Which sections of books were to be edited or cut out?
       For your own protection and that of the children in your Home, it is important that you have thoroughly checked all the Family books you have in your possession. If you haven't done so recently, take some time to look through the books in your Home. Don't forget to also check the books that the children have. Remember, this is a Charter requirement, and it will also prevent you having problems associated with this.
       If you need a copy of the Purged Pubs List, request one from your Continental Reporting Office.

       The Charter, "Responsibilities of the Charter Home: Regarding the Welfare of its Members," clause 3 a): "All publications in the Home must have portions deleted or modified if necessary, in accordance with the WS purge advisories."

Offer: Children's Bible books!

By the TEAM Foundation

       Dear Family,
       We'd like to let you know about a "new" offer for the Children's Bible books that we have available! As you read in Grapevine #138, we offered five different books. The titles were:

       *       The Picture Bible
       *       How the Bible Came to Us!
       *       Children's Discovery Bible
       *       First Look: Jesus
       *       First Look: The Bible

       We were able to find these books at a very low price. Now all of the books are gone! We're sorry if you weren't able to receive some and we apologize for any difficulty that some of you may have experienced when e-mailing your order to us! To help avoid future difficulties, we'd like to pass on two e-mail addresses where you can contact us:
       *       mail@teamfoundation.com
       *       fpcteam@myexccel.com

       The good news is: We have located another supply of Children's Bible books. This offer is to all Family Homes worldwide. Here's a list of the titles and prices. (These prices are a little higher than those we previously offered, but not by much.)

       *       ThePicture Bible (*hardback cover): $5.25
       *       The Children's Discovery Bible (hardback cover)       $5.25
       *       The Toddler Bible (hardback cover): $3.50
       *       The Pre-school Bible (hardback cover): $4.50
       *       The First Step Bible (hardback cover): $4.50

       (* The previous Picture Bible was a paperback cover.)

       (Editor's note: To get more information on each book, please check the following MO site link for a review of each book: http://www.familymembers.com/fed/announcements/index.php?faid=11)

       This offer of Children's Bible books will have a slight increase in price per book. This is because our seedcorn cost is slightly higher and we also need to add in a touch extra so we can cover order processing and shipping/handling. Still, these books are greatly discounted from the regular price at a bookstore or even an online retailer. The Picture Bible, for example, normally sells for nearly $20. So, at $5.25 per book, you are saving nearly 75%!
       This book offer is limited. We are trying to get enough copies to fill everyone's order, but at times we run out till more stock comes in. We ask for your patience and prayers.
       If you are interested in ordering in bulk (three or more of one title), we will try to have the company ship these directly to you.
       When ordering: Please remember that these prices do not include shipping. Shipping costs extra, and we will try to quote you a price for having your order sent by airmail or surface mail.
       Please include your e-mail address, shipping address, and what method of payment you will be using. We offer payment by money order, bank check, credit card, or TRF (by TRF is the slowest). All payment must be in U.S. dollars. When we receive both your order and payment we will fill your order.

       You can contact us at:
       TEAM Foundation, P.O. Box 797804, Dallas, TX 75379 USA
       Phone: 972-931-9335
       Fax: 972-380-6923

       For credit card payments, please send us the following information:
       Name of card-holder; number on the card; type of Card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express), expiration date; billing address

Comictrax.net is LAUNCHED!

--Check it out and tell the sheep!

       Dear Family,
       God bless you! We're excited to announce the launching of a new Web site, hosted and maintained by Michael of Marianne in Australia, God bless him! Comictrax.net has all the Comictrax in the series to date and you can see many of them in color on the site (thanks to Julie and the Activated USA Home for coloring many of the black and white trax).
       Here are a few ways that you can help the sheep to find and be fed by this new Web site:
       >> Promote the Web site by putting www.comictrax.net on the back of the trax that you give out.
       >> Use the "Tell a Friend" referral on comictrax.net by sending it to any of your contacts and friends who may be interested.
       Also, to help us to gather accurate soul stats on the Web site, please refrain from clicking the "did you say this prayer" link at the bottom of each tract.
       Thanks! We pray this Web site is an inspiration and blessing to many sheep. We've heard that already one soul has been saved through Comictrax.net. PTL! It's started!

Highlights of www.comictrax.net:
-- A total of nine wonderful Comictrax (more coming!!), five of which are already in color! Check 'em out today!
       -- A "Kewl Links" page, with links to www.activated.org; www.thefamily.org; the MP3 free music page on www.thefamily.org; and www.countdown.org. That means the sheep who go to Comictrax.net have access to OODLES of feeding Word--including the Activated magazines--to help them grow!
       -- An "Xtras" work-in-progress page with interesting tidbits and previews of future comictrax.
       -- A "refer a friend" and "e-mail" feature.
       -- A "downloads" page so the sheep can download and print black-and-white copies of the trax to give out!

NEW OFFER: Library 2020

       [Note: This is not a WS production.]

       Parents and teachers, especially those who travel a lot or are in sensitive countries:
This might be the solution for you in implementing the CvsC series, in giving your children easy access to the Word! All publications are in PDF format on three CDs, grouped by age groups. They are easy to read on the computer and to print out if you need to! They are going to be updated on a regular basis. But don't wait! Order it today because your children need it NOW!
       MP3 music and Word fans! It's cheaper than the Internet! Save the missionaries' time!
We know you have some MP3 music files here and there on your computer. You download them at night when it's cheaper, copy them from others passing by your Home, try to sort them out, give them new names, and eventually record them on CD (if you have a CD writer, of course). To save an immense amount of missionaries' time and money worldwide, some people have done the hard work for you. Enjoy it! And you won't get it any cheaper!
       Parents and children who don't have easy access to the computer!
Don't despair! We have the solution for you and your children too! All that is available on MP3 computer format is also available as audio CDs!
       Word and Family music lovers!
You were wondering where to get some CDs that are not available anymore. Or what to do since the tapes you like were chewed up a long time ago by your old tape recorder. Here is the answer! Library 2020 will, DV, soon offer you everything that was ever produced in the Family on audio CDs, with a nice label! If you really want to get back to the Family revolutionary spirit, listen to Dad's early Letters! It will blow your mind! Send your order now! Tomorrow you might have to wait for too long!
       Check us out on the MO site at:
http://www.familymembers.com/announcements/index.php3?anid=49. Look here to download our flyer with all that Library 2020 has to offer!
       Write the CD number and the amount of copies you would like, and send your order to us via the Russian ABM or directly to us at e-mail: thelibrary2020@yahoo.com. We will mail you your CDs after we receive your donation via the TRF for the Library 2020. Don't forget to send us the address where you'd like us to mail your CDs to (and your PGP key if you contact us directly via e-mail).
       The cost of the CDs includes shipping. A single CD is $2.50. If you take more than five, the price goes down to $2.30. For more than 10, you pay $2.10 per CD. For over 20, the cost is $2.00 per CD.
       (Note: All CDs are for personal Home use only, not for distribution for free or reproduction for sale.)

2000 International Christmas radio special!
By Simon Peter, for RadioActive Productions, Uganda

       The NuBeat show, produced by RadioActive Productions in Africa, is going international with a one-hour Christmas extravaganza! It includes skits, interviews, Christmas anecdotes and stories, plugs for Activated, plus, of course, the best Christmas music in the world! Hear NuBeat producers and singers introduce tracks from the new Rhythm of Christmas CD!
       Countless radio stations all over the world are looking for something new to play this Christmas! Give them Christmas Treasures and Little Drummer Boy and tell them how they have sold over a million copies worldwide in several languages. Then give them the new Rhythm of Christmas CD as well as the NuBeat Christmas special radio show that includes tracks from all three CDs, plus interviews with the artists who produced it.
       Help our wonderful Christmas music and message be heard on hundreds of radio stations all around the world this year! It's suitable for secular stations and non-Christian countries. Great gifts for friends and contacts too!
       The show will also be posted on the MO site, if you wish to download it and check it out.
       E-mail your order to rap1539@myrealbox.com. Please send $10.00 for the first copy, and then $3.00 for each additional copy via your TRF. Our Home number is #UG1539.
       Please do so as soon as possible so that we can get the shows to you in plenty of time for Christmas. We will e-mail back to you some tips that may be helpful to you in approaching radio stations to book the show.
       We are working on producing an international version of the NuBeat show, and are aiming to have 26 shows ready by Christmas. So stations that broadcast the Christmas special can afterwards have the option of continuing to broadcast the NuBeat show.
       The show is in English, but many non-English speaking countries now have English FM stations or have some English programs. Check out what radio stations people listen in to in your area and pray and see if the Lord would like you to try booking the NuBeat international Christmas special this Christmas!

Color Reflections for Christmas

By your Reflections team
       Two of our Christmas Reflections (#175-176) from last year contain original art by Kristen. For this year, Kristen has colored these pages, and they (along with the individual pictures) are posted on the MO site, if you would like a color version for your friends and contacts. Merry Christmas!
       Here's the link: http://www.familymembers.com/pubs/rfl/en/175/pdf/rfl_175-176.pdf.zip

The postcards

By Christian (SGA), Japan

       This fantastic new local project of beautiful color postcards, illustrated by Michael Christian, has been in the works for a while. We hope you will have as much fun getting them out as we have had making them. As a field Home, time is one luxury we find ourselves in notorious short supply of. It has just been a miracle of the Lord that all the equipment, time, and talent, has been pooled together to put these post "cards on the table." (Pun totally intended!)
       Contrary to popular opinion, the Japanese are very open to the Gospel. They are the hippies of the twenty-first century. Only they are richer, more intellectual, and have tried so many more "avenues to truth" than their predecessors of the sixties. As a result, they are even more hungry and searching for the answers. They know about Jesus, Who He was, what He did, etc. However, most of them know little or nothing about salvation. When presented in a non-condemning, "unreligious," and unchurchy manner, the majority of them will readily pray to receive Jesus just about anywhere--on the street, at the park, on the train, in the nightclubs. It is an amazing phenomenon, to which we owe all credit to the Lord! (Just an honest little plug for the field of Japan.)
       To complement the Activated program, the Lord has used Michael Christian's artistic talent to make this wonderful set of eight beautifully illustrated postcards.
       *       Complete, with a short witness and salvation prayer (in English) on the back,
       *       An optional insert, (in both English and Japanese) giving Michael's personal testimony (also in the first issue of the English Activated)
       *       And our upcoming online gallery Web site is included at the end
       We have had some very encouraging feedback from both Family and former Family members. The postcards are presently being used as:
       *       Wedding ministry gifts
       *       Personal witnessing tools
       *       A quick, personal alternative to e-mail for following up on people
       *       A great way for a newly saved person to tell others about salvation in an informal "unreligious" sort of way
       *       I'm sure you can think of many more ways, such as starting a mail ministry of randomly collecting addresses and sending them these postcards, etc.
       (These postcards and their message were not merely approved of, but raved about by chapels in Japan where some have been presenting them as gifts, after conducting wedding ceremonies.)
       For more details, please contact us via e-mail at: s.fdoers@nifty.com
       Here are the fantastic wholesale prices we are currently able to get these postcards to you at:
       20 sets of eight cards at 150¥ per set
       100 sets of eight cards at 135¥ per set = 13,500¥
       500 sets of eight cards at 120¥ per set - 60,000¥
       (Shipping cost is not included in these prices. However, the optional inserts are included in these sets.)
       Your donations will be a real blessing for the furthering of this project and help us fulfill the greatest CTP project there is, in our full-time witnessing ministry here. God bless you in your service for Him. We love you and hope that you will find these a blessing.
       (Editor's note: To see all these postcards in full color, check out the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/artphotos/thms.php?cat_id=89)

Bombings in Bali

By Steven (of Faith), Bali, Indonesia
We just witnessed one of the most tragic events to hit Indonesia. A couple of bombs exploded in the center of the tourist nightlife area of Bali, killing nearly 200 people. We visited one of the hospitals to give some comfort and prayer for some of the injured, and it is quite sad to see so many innocent people injured and dead. Please continue to pray for us here in Bali for the Lord's protection as we continue helping those in need during these trying times.

Witness via media

       Abe and Mercy, Taiwan: Two articles were published about our family. The first one was in the South Taiwan edition of one of Taiwan's biggest dailies (circulation about 200,000). It had a big caption and large photo of us. The article mentions that we are missionaries of The Family, but not part of any church. It describes how we live simple lives, are saving, and homeschool our children. The reporter tells how we use our time and energy to cheer up the needy and preach the Gospel, and how our lives, though not rich in material things, are rich in faith and happiness.
The same reporter had already written about us three years ago. This time she came to our house to do a longer interview, and at the end she got saved, PTL! She published another article about us in the largest Buddhist newspaper, (circulation 200,000). That article reached all of Taiwan and it was interesting to note how the reporter adapted our story to make it more appealing to Buddhists. She omitted the Christian references and emphasized our simple living and doing good to help others, which is exactly what the Buddhists encourage their believers to do.        
       We have already received some good reactions from the public. One man called and offered free haircuts for our whole family. Another man who owns a restaurant offered free meals. An old friend who lost touch with us called after reading the article and wants us to do a show at his school.

"I don't want to miss a thing!"
Alf, Japan:
Joseph and Praise are good friends of ours who we have been ministering to for the past few years here in Hiroshima. Both of them love the Family, and they have been helping us in many ways. Joseph has recently taken the role of accountant in our NPO (nonprofit organization). He is a tremendous blessing, as financial recordkeeping in the way the System requires can be quite an ordeal.
       Joseph works at a venture enterprise that deals with computer equipment. His main jobs there are headhunting and personnel management. However, his boss has been quite demanding toward Joseph and putting too much burden on Joseph. He had been shifted from one place to another where he had to live apart from his family. He was trying to take it by faith at first, but things had gotten worse recently with Joseph's health problems. He wanted to be with his family here in Hiroshima, but his boss never listened to his plea. As Joseph has real ability in his job performance his boss relied on him a lot. But his boss is the kind of boss who orders people around and doesn't care about the workers' feelings and emotions, much less their families. Joseph was afraid of losing his job, as Japan has been going through a big recession. However, he came to the point where he couldn't take it anymore.
       Finally his boss ordered him to move to Fukuoka, only a month after he'd been sent to Osaka from Tokyo. Joseph and Praise were very annoyed by this turn of events, and in desperation decided to come to our Home to ask for prayer and prophecy. They told us on the phone, "Please pray and hear from the Lord for us about whether Joseph should quit his job or not. He doesn't think he can go on like this anymore."
       Claire and I asked the Lord for His leading, and He said that He would speak to us. We told them that they could come to our house for P&P. Joseph and Praise visited our Home the next day. They brought their daughters to attend the prayer session, too. We marveled at Praise's faith in prophecy when we saw a small tape recorder in her hand. She said, "I want to record the prophecy so I won't miss anything from the Lord." GBH!
       The Lord spoke wonderfully regarding Joseph's job. He told Joseph to stand up for his convictions and tell the boss that he would stay in Hiroshima no matter what, even if it meant losing his job. The Lord was encouraging Joseph to believe in His power. The Lord also said that they didn't have to worry about their future, even if he were to be fired. They both took the prophecy to heart, and sincerely agreed that the prophecy was indicating to speak the truth to his boss face to face or in a written statement concerning what Joseph wanted to do.
       It was a step of faith for Joseph, as he doesn't like confrontation. But Joseph obeyed the Lord and told his boss what he wanted. His boss right away told Joseph that he would be fired! Joseph said that it was fine. GBH! The next day, to Joseph's surprise, his boss called him up and pleaded with Joseph not to quit. Ha! The boss told Joseph that he could work here in Hiroshima and that he wouldn't have to move around anymore. Joseph was super excited to see the Lord's miracle-working power to change even his hardhearted boss' mind and heart. This strengthened Joseph's faith in the Lord and helped him to have conviction. All the glory to the Lord!

Rendezvous …with Jesus!

By Simon Simple, New Delhi, India

       Every year in September, all the major colleges and universities in Delhi have what they call "College Festivals" in which each college hosts three- to four-day long inter-college rock concerts, fashion shows, theatre performances and more. This year, witnessing teams from the Family invaded "Rendezvous," the annual college festival of India's largest engineering college in the city. What made this witnessing invasion unique was that it was comprised primarily of JETTs and teens! (God bless the JT board for working out all the logistics.)
It was not only an inspiring three-day witnessing adventure, it was also a dream coming true.--The dream of seeing our JETTs and teens witnessing side by side with the FGAs and SGAs, falling in love with lost souls, discovering the power of the Word, and seeing that they really do have the answers to the world's problems! At this point we turn the floor over to the witnessers themselves:

       Usha, 12:
When we first started witnessing, I was a little nervous. Sharon (SGA) and I met a sweet college student and she was really interested in the tracts and Activated, and we found out that she was a Christian. She prayed with us to receive Jesus and wanted to stay in touch with us. Then I teamed up with Sam (junior teen). I didn't think I would actually have the courage to go up to someone, but after the first few times, it became quite natural and we won eight souls, TYJ!

       Richard, 16:
I had finished talking to Sharon on the phone and she'd asked me if I would like to go witnessing the next day. My answer to her was an irresolute, "Sure, yeah, okay, whatever." As I put down the phone, I thought to myself, Oh my! These guys must be nuts! Don't they know how terrible I am at witnessing? I started shivering, sweat poured down my face. I was getting cold feet and my head was throbbing. (Before this incident, I didn't know that it was humanly possible for so many weird things to happen to my body all at the same time!) It was scary.--I couldn't remember the last time I'd been out witnessing!
       Actually, I did remember the last time I went out witnessing (at least, I think it was the last time). Memories of my childhood days started coming back to me. I remember being on my mom's shoulders, passing out tracts (and drooling too!) from my precarious perch.
       I'm not a shy person by nature, but when it comes to witnessing, I get tongue-tied and I just never seem to know what to say. As I sat on the sofa, I finally decided to pray, and bring it all before the Lord. I claimed the power of the keys, and rebuked all the demons of Satan. I felt calm after that, and I knew the Lord would give me the faith to go out and witness.
       The next day, as we arrived at the witnessing spot, I once again felt terrified. Every face I saw somehow bore the resemblance of Godzilla! I shot up a quick prayer, rebuking Pan, Bacchus, Selvegion, and the rest of the gang. I once again felt at peace, but I knew I'd have to keep fighting and not let my guard down. We started witnessing, and I still did become tongue-tied at times, but I knew the Lord was with me, and it resulted in me winning seven souls! Believe me, I was stunned myself!
       The highlight of my day was (the ice cream! Sorry, just kidding!) when we saw a gang of 14 guys and girls, whiling away their time, talking about ludicrous garbage. We approached them with the tracts and asked them if they already had them. They (literally) grabbed them from us (with the attitude of an avaricious boy), and asked us for more! Wow! I was flabbergasted! It was amazing to see these guys jump on us for the Word! We asked them if they wanted to hear a song and they shouted, "YES!" They screamed as if we were Savage Garden! All of them were so touched. It turned out that they were doing a play at this university, and it was about people who were so empty in life, and how they try to hide it behind a facade.
       Boy! This is what made my day! It pays to face your fears, and it sure pays to claim the power of the keys.

       Anna, 13:
Our team won about 60 souls in just a few hours. We also passed out over 150 tracts and some Activated mags. We got some phone numbers of youth that are interested in coming to our weekly youth meeting. Our youth meeting numbers have shot up. It was lots of fun for us JETTs and teens to personal witness, hand out tracts, and sing songs to the hungry youth.

       Deepti, 14:
We witnessed to a couple of girls who were sweet but said they weren't sure if they believed in God. These girls incidentally had been trying to get free passes to attend the rock concert, which was about to take place. So we told these girls, "Look, if you really want to prove that God is real, why don't you ask Him to supply passes for you?" (It took a bit of faith for us to say that as there were literally hundreds of young people trying to get into the auditorium.) So these girls said, "Ok, we'll do that!"
       Exactly two minutes later, one of them came running up to us really excited and said, "It worked! It worked! We prayed and we got two passes! I just had to come back and thank you! This is amazing!" Ha! We are following up on these girls and will be meeting them soon to give them a Bible class!

       Healing key:
Complete renewal of your body and spirit is yours to obtain by calling on the keys of the Kingdom. Miracles are yours for the asking.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
       By Rose (of John D.), India:
Thank you for your prayers for my cervix. The specialist confirmed that a biopsy is not necessary and the mammogram showed that all is clear on one side. The specialist said, "Your cervix looks good! When you first came to India almost five years ago the diagnosis looked really bad." So TYJ, and thank you, dear ones, for your prayers. Please pray for good results of a further ultrasound test for a small non-malignant breast cyst.
       By Tracy(18), Bolivia:
I had asked for prayer because of problems from a kidney infection, cysts in my ovaries, heavy bleeding, and to be able to provision the tests. And the Lord did it! The last tests showed that I don't have problems anymore.
       By Carolina (of David), Brazil:
Thanks so much for continuing to pray for me. The Lord has continued to strengthen me and this last month I've been able to go to three Family meetings by bus, something I hadn't been able to do in the last three years because of the pain I experienced and fainting. And, after the most recent desperate prayer for healing from the symptoms, the Lord took away ALL the dizziness I've been feeling for over five years, which also made me pass out frequently. It's so wonderful to feel this sudden and drastic change. I praise the Lord every day for raising me up!
       By James (of Flower), Mexico:
We had asked for prayer for our daughter Crystal (20) who was pregnant. Her baby was stuck sideways and the doctor insisted that it would be a complicated C-section. We would like to thank all who prayed for her. Not only was Teron Archer born naturally, without any need for an operation, but it was the easiest and quickest birth we have ever witnessed. The delivery took about 10 minutes after what was a fairly easy labor. Thank God for the power of the keys!
       By Gabe (of Sunshine), Mexico:
I want to thank all those who have prayed for my heart condition. I have really felt your prayers and am feeling much better. My body seems to have stabilized and I've gotten accustomed to the special diet and exercise program that I am on. I am still under observation, so do continue to keep me in your prayers, but overall, I am feeling much better and know that the Lord is doing it!

       Situation in the Middle East:
Against the threat of war against Iraq by the U.S.; against the continuing oppression of the Palestinians by the Israelis. For the Lord to raise up those who have the moral courage and the political strength to speak out against this threat of war and the innumerable injustices against the Palestinians.
       Akemi: Fibroid to shrink. Anemia; frequent, severe migraines.
       Jesse (of Sarah Tree) and David and Joe (of David R.), Indonesia: Continued faithfulness and protection while serving mandatory time in the military.
       Liberty: Serious asthma; internal bleeding.
       Zena: Painful lump on her arm to go away and not grow any more.

North America
: Cancer; undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

(of Gracia): Bronchitis and asthma.

South America
(4, of Pierre and Raquel): Glaucoma; operated on to reduce pressure in eyes; full recovery.
       Emiliano (former member, son of Bernardo and Clara): Suffered second- and third-degree burns on the lower half of his body in an accident with an alcohol heater which exploded while he was working on it. He has received large doses of sedatives for pain and antibiotics to guard against infection; he also underwent plastic surgery. Please pray that his body will accept the grafted skin, that the wounds that are still open will not get infected, against acute pain and any side effects of the medication, and that the Lord will heal him supernaturally. Also for faith, grace and continued encouragement for Emiliano, Bernardo, and Clara.
       Giovanni (6) and Iván (8, of Filippo and Fe): Hepatitis.
       Gloria:Kidney and large intestine infections. Balance in her system and relief from pain.
       Marcello (of Kelly): Herpes and pains in his body that seem to be from his sciatic nerve; for encouragement and strength.
       Mateus (5 mo., of Marcos): Hospitalized for five days with serious respiratory problems and strong asthma.
       Family in Mexico: Cancun and Mérida were affected by Hurricane Isidore. For abundant supply; against sickness, and for the protection of our brethren in those areas.
: Inactive thyroid gland, enlarged uterus, which causes heavy menstrual bleeding.
       Victoria del Alma: Typhoid fever and Malta fever; for the normalization of low blood pressure and against a possibly benign tumor in the womb.

Christmas witnessing/follow-up ideas
Christmas appreciation for your contacts

By Marty, Taiwan

       Here's an idea for showing appreciation to your provisioning contacts! In the past we have given appreciation plaques to our friends. Even better is to make one with your friend's photo on it, perhaps together with your kids or yourself. For Christmas we visited all our fruit contacts early in December and took a digital photo together with them. Heidi then used Microsoft Publisher to make a simple, but very attractive one-page presentation for each individual; including the photo, a word of appreciation, and a little Christmas message. She arranged it all nicely and then printed them out in color and we had them laminated. It didn't take too long. And wow, did these folks ever like 'em! Really grabbed their attention and touched them personally. The overall reaction was the best we've had yet for our efforts along this line. You might want to try it too!

Open houses

By Chris and Lily, Ukraine

       During the Christmas season we held two open houses for our friends, kings, and our fold. The program consisted of reading something about Christmas and the Endtime, songs, a skit of the Christmas story, then fellowship, snacks, and refreshments. Afterwards we had some games for those who stayed later.
       People really enjoyed it, and it was a time of uniting for our entire fold. When the idea came up of having an open house, the Lord said that it would be good for all our friends and fold to get acquainted, so that in harder times in the future they will be able to help each other. At the end of the open house we gave each of our guests an envelope, which included a Christmas card with a special message from Jesus for all of them, and an assortment of lit.
       Doing the whole skit in the local language (even though some of us mispronounced the words) made it even more personal. We acted out the skit of Jesus' birth, but as if it was happening during modern times. For example, the angel had a mobile phone, and instead of donkeys we had cars, and the stable was a hotel garage. It was interesting even for us, as it made it once more clear that people, as far as characters and reactions, haven't changed with time, meaning that if Jesus would have been born in our days many people would have reacted exactly the same as people reacted then, the only difference would probably be more advanced technology.
       While praying about having the open house, Jesus encouraged us to have a time of thankfulness of looking back at the past year, and also a time of appreciation of our precious kings and queens. It was neat as you could see them enjoying it and they felt a part of the work we had done over the past year.
       While telling people what we are thankful for in the past year and what our goals are for the next year, you could feel and see the interest they had and it had a good effect. After the class was over, we mingled with people and had some personal talk time.
       (Editor's note: To read more Christmas witnessing and follow-up ideas, see the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1459)

letters to the editor
Re: Reaching the rich in China

By Christina (of Marcus), Taiwan
I've been reading a Chinese book that I got from a recent road trip in China. It's called Christianity in China and relates the history of Christianity in China. I'd like to share a small part of it with you.
       This book shares that for centuries it was really tough for Christians to make a crack into China; they had more downs than ups. But in the 16th century, an Italian Jesuit, Matheo Ricci, made this opening by a different approach. He saw that in order to reach China, he must "reach the rich," and he believed that after converting the top, they would grant the Catholic Church the freedom to convert the people, or that the saved upper class would carry the Gospel to their own people. So he came into China as a merchant, "became one" and dressed in the clothing of officials and scholars in China. In those days, as in ancient Europe, each class in China dressed in a distinctive kind of clothing. There were classes of royalty, nobleman, higher officials, lower officials, scholars, merchants, peasants, etc.
       So he wore the garments of the officials and scholars to reach these upper classes, grew a beard in the Chinese way and wore Chinese hats that belonged to these classes. He was well versed in their language and literature, and could use quotes from it to witness to them about the Bible, and he got great results! The officials and scholars flocked around him. Many converts were won. It was these converts in high places that later arranged for him to meet the emperor, and he won his favor. The emperor granted him a mansion in the court, and he used it to continue to reach the nobility, officials, and scholars. In some days, tens to hundreds of scholars or officials would come to his mansion to talk with him about science and religion.
       After his death, the emperor granted 200 acres of land in the palace for his tomb and graveyard--a very high honor in those days. Even most high-ranking Chinese officials didn't receive such honor. Because of his effort, he's left a door open for other missionaries to come to China. The Jesuits enjoyed a high position in the government for many generations, which enabled them to use it to bring in hundreds of missionaries to continue to minister to the Chinese.
       I thought it was really neat that even other missionaries have found similar principles that Dad and Mama have been trying to teach us, that the keys in having a fruitful missionary work have always been "becoming one" and "reaching the rich." I pray this historical account encourages you. I'm sure it's the same key for us to reach China nowadays as well.

RE: "Making Activated a household word"

By Marie, South Africa
When Dad talked to us via the GNs about making Activated a household word, I was in India at the time. I had no idea India would become the Activated world shiner. I thought it was mainly for Brazil, and I could see all kinds of reasons why Activated might not work out so well in India.
       First, there was intense persecution against Christians at the time, starting when the Australian missionary, Graham Staines, and his two sons were killed, soon followed by daily persecution of nuns, priests, and missionaries in some provinces. The price seemed a bit steep for the majority of the population, and I don't know if you remember the first cover of the first issue, but it didn't seem to be designed for India's conservative dress. (God bless WS, who immediately acted upon our suggestions to make it easier for us!)
       So how did India get to become the Activated world shiner, month after month after month? A miracle? Yes! Fulfillment of the era of action? Yes! Nothing is impossible? Yes! And now the power of the keys!
       I would also like to give credit to where credit is due. I believe the Lord used Cephas to propel us as a country into action. He, accompanied by Penny, went around to I think just about every Home in the subcontinent to envision us, and held city council meetings to promote the Activated vision. He simply believed that what the Word said about Activated applied to India. He had the faith to look beyond the natural circumstances and conditions, and he had the determination to obey no matter what. It's not like either of them have charismatic personalities that spurred us into immediate action. It was just their faithfulness and obedience to the Word that was shining through. God bless a few key Homes who led the way by example, giving it their all, and making Activated a priority (Ho and MaryAnn's, Bangalore Service Home, Mumbai DF Home; and now many more are following suit).
       At first it was a step of faith, because everybody still had their same budgets to raise, and pushing Activated subscriptions did not bring in immediate income. But that's what it took, that initial step of faith, to dedicate one or two days a week solely to pushing Activated subscriptions. Did the Lord bless it? Yes! Did the Homes benefit financially? You bet, as there was a $500 shiner prize for the shiner Home! That's without talking about the long-term benefit of reaching new people who became Active members, and eventually pledgers or tithers.
       I believe many other countries could reach the sky with Activated subscriptions, just like India has. Maybe the Lord anointed India to lead the way to encourage every country that if it is possible in a non-Christian country like India, it is possible almost anywhere!

Re: TheGrapevine

By Lili (of Joe), The Gambia

       Thank you for the Grapevine. It means so much to read about the happenings all around the world in our wonderful Family. I feel closer to each one who writes about what is happening in their part of the world. Thank you for taking the time to send in your testimonies. They are very inspiring. When you are in a secluded area of the world, it helps to feel a part of the overall work in other areas as well. Thank God for such a Family. We never have to be alone no matter where we are in the world.

mama's mailbox

       Dearest and sweetest Mama and Peter,
       I'm writing to you 'cause I feel the burden to share with you something wonderful that happened to me at the Feast. During the time the Feast came along I was facing the most severe battles I have ever faced in the Family. A lot was happening all at once. The Lord had me go through a crash course of a 1001 lessons at one time. The battle was intense and the Enemy didn't stop attacking for one minute.
       Sadly, I wasn't yielding to the Lord. I was taking the easy way out (or so I thought). I wasn't willing to go through the fire. I felt like running away, and leaving everything behind. I have a husband and three kids, so it was even worse as I couldn't just think about myself, although that's what I was doing. I decided I was not going to make it, so I stopped trying. I packed my bags and was ready to leave.
       One thing that was keeping me a bit was knowing that the Feast was near, and for me the Feast has always been a very special time, a time that I'd always treasured. I knew this one was gonna be even more life changing than any other, but since I wasn't yielding to the Lord, the Enemy was taking control of me and I was in very bad shape.
       To make a long story shorter, my husband phoned anybody we knew and asked them to pray for me, and formed a prayer chain. Everybody here was really sweet and supporting me with their prayers. I decided to wait for the Feast to give the Lord a chance to do something to get me out of that state.
       Well, the Feast happened. At first it seemed impossible, as the first day I was still very much attacked. We started reading the GN, "Focus on the Power," and I prayed and kept praying that I could drink in every word and that any other thoughts would be cast away. It was as if my mind was blocked from anything positive and was just flooded with negative thoughts, so much so, that as hard as I tried to concentrate, it was just not doing it for me.
       After we finished reading I thought it was too much, that I couldn't keep up with what the Lord was asking of each one of us. It seemed too hard to achieve and I thought that I was not going to make it. I guess I was trying too hard in the flesh instead of letting the Lord move me.
       A very dear friend of mine phoned me to see how I was doing, and I started crying over the phone. I told her that it was too much, that I couldn't make it, that the Word I read wasn't sinking in, and I just wasn't getting fed by it. She started praying for me over the phone. She told me not to give up, but to fight with all I had in me. It really encouraged me. She rebuked the Devil and reminded me to focus on the Lord and the power, so I went to my room and prayed. I rebuked the Enemy and I reread the GN.
       The next day, as we read the other GNs, I felt a lot better. I was finally smiling. I started feeling a ray of hope coming my way. It was still a battle, as the Enemy didn't give up. He was still trying to throw in some nasty thoughts, but this time I decided I was not going to listen to him.
       I went into my room again, locked the door, and knelt down and started praying and crying out to the Lord like I never had before. I asked the Lord to fill me with His Spirit, to fill me with His thoughts, and to give me His mind. I asked Him if it were possible (as I never really felt I had the gift of prophecy), to give me a prophecy or a vision or to take me on a spirit trip. As I was weeping and praying, I started having this vision that was the beginning of a new life for me.
       I could see myself stepping onto a circle which was lifting me up like an open elevator, that was taking me up to see my Lord; I needed so much to talk with Him and pour out my heart to Him. I was slowly going up, but it took time. It seemed to be taking so long that I was wondering if I would ever get there 'cause all I could see around me was darkness. Then I started seeing these stones and all kinds of things around, thrown at me, trying to slow me down, intended to stop me completely from rising high.
       I was looking at the impossibilities and I couldn't reach the top. I was getting discouraged, worrying that I wasn't going to make it until I finally realized that I needed to focus. So I lifted my eyes and focused, pretending there were no obstacles on the way. All of a sudden I found myself there. I had finally made it up. I found myself sitting at Jesus' feet and a prayer started flowing from within my heart to Him, although it felt like He was talking through me and I was just saying it.
       I cried and cried. It was magical, so sweet, so heavenly! I felt like a new creature. All my problems and fears and thoughts had faded; only peace and happiness and warmth were coming through, overwhelming me. I never have had such an experience before. It's hard to describe, but it was wonderful, just what I needed. I felt I was walking on air. My husband saw a sudden change in me and was thrilled.
       I took some time later to hear from the Lord and ask Him if there was anything He wanted me to do to help me through my recovery. He asked me to write a diary of love words and poems to Him everyday, be it short or long, just whatever I felt, and also that I needed to hear from Him at least once a day and write it all down (something I never did before).
       It was a big step for me 'cause I didn't think I could write or receive prophecies, but as I obeyed I was amazed at how easy it was and how it all flowed like a stream. Now I have two books, one for prophecy and the other one for poems, and when I reread them I can only say it's the Lord, as they speak to me so perfectly.
       The end of the Feast and the vows were beautiful. I could finally absorb and participate with my whole mind and soul. The Lord did it for me, and I want to thank you both so much for being so faithful to give us the Words of Life. I can't express my appreciation and love for you.
       --P. (22, female)

open forum: Cutting the Lord short?

By a Family member in South America
When people change fields or go back to the U.S. it has become a custom to put their belongings up for sale to the public or to other Homes. Second-hand items here usually have very little discount, not like the garage sales in the States, so the prices asked are usually rather steep. I think this is understandable if you are talking about a car or other expensive equipment that is tying up your travel funds, but what about small kitchen domestic appliances, sleeping bags, blankets, lamps, etc? Should we sell those also, or give them away to either our former Home or to needy brethren, and expect God to supply the need for the cash?
       Maybe we would receive even bigger blessings if we would give away the bigger appliances or furniture without having to put a price tag on each item. I think we are already stretching Acts 2:44-45 quite a bit now, as we live in smaller Homes and often don't feel the press of living face to face with other needy brethren. Maybe we are cutting the Lord short by not being more generous in our former fields and taking the step of faith to see how He is going to supply.
       I'd love to hear some testimonies of brethren who have forsaken things by faith only to see the Lord supply a hundredfold. Or could we hear testimonies of people who have been the recipients of others' generosity and how much it meant to them?
Do you have any testimonies of the Lord's abundant supply and care for you during times when you were faithful to give and share what you had with others, even if it meant stepping out on a limb again and trusting God to supply your needs. How has Acts 2:44-45 been working for you lately? Write to gv@wsfamily.com!

Don't take his no for an answer!

By French Phoebe, CGO board, Mexico
Our regular Conéctate meetings have been a real inspiration, and although at times not too many people come--we have had as many as 50-60 people attend, and as few as 10-20--it is always an inspiration to feed the sheep who do come. It is also a fight in the spirit, and the Enemy has been attacking in every possible manner, one spectacular way being a few meetings ago when torrential rains hit parts of our city the very afternoon of our meeting, flooding a couple of our Homes, delaying many brethren from coming, including the emcees, and preventing many of our sheep from making it. Every time an intense spiritual fight takes place, and we are learning to wage more militantly in spirit, through the power of the keys.
       Last month, with very little time to prepare for the meeting, and some of the main program organizers being on the road, we had to put much more prayer into it, to make up for our lacks, and the Lord did beautiful miracles.
       We had felt the need to go deeper with our sheep, and we chose "Inner Healing" as the theme of the meeting. A key feature was the skit of the old Irish man with his bag of potatoes, who gladly accepts when he's offered a ride but keeps carrying his bag of potatoes himself. This was a central part of the meeting: to identify the "potatoes" we have been carrying in our lives, and to let go of them by giving them to Jesus in prayer.
       In spite of our unpreparedness resulting in our emcees having to read most of their lines, the sound system being out of whack, and our musicians not well rehearsed, something very special happened during the meeting. The Spirit moved, and half way through, different people started to come to us requesting prayer.
       A dear FM brother who helps us with the music came to us between songs and stated: "I have some things I need to be delivered from. I need to forgive, and I need to be forgiven." He had been fighting bitterness for the past three years when his wife had left him for another man, and usually couldn't stand to be in the same room with them, and would leave our meetings if they came. That evening, when his former wife appeared with her current husband, he had asked for prayer for the grace to stay, as he had a job to do, and we had desperately claimed the power of the keys for him to rise above the situation.
       When the time for prayer came, we encouraged the audience to identify the "potatoes" they had been hauling around in their lives instead of giving them to Jesus, and we offered to pray for deliverance. One emcee went around the audience with a mike to give each one an opportunity to name their "potatoes," and it was very moving. Many people asked for prayer against fear, anger, guilt, resentment, bitterness, sadness, depression, and for forgiveness.
       Next thing we knew, the dear FM brother was hugging the husband of his former wife right in front of everyone, and then hugging his former wife. It was extremely moving. Most of our guests asked for prayer that evening, and it was beautiful to be able to help them reach out to Jesus for deliverance.
       One thing happened right after the prayer, which was a good lesson for me. A new visitor, who had sucked on every word during the entire meeting, grabbed the mike at the end of the meeting, much to our dismay, as we were pressed for time to close the reunion. A new Christian and a singer, she had repeatedly asked us beforehand if she could sing a song of praise to Jesus she had written in "ranchero" style (Mexican popular music). As we didn't know her or her music, we had suggested that maybe she could attend this first meeting, and then we would listen to her song, and incorporate it into our next program if it fit. But this lady seized the mike, got our musicians to play her CD, and introduced her song, announcing that she would be singing it at our next meeting. All this happened while the managers of the place were getting upset at us because we were late on our schedule, and needed to vacate the premises. My initial reaction was to be frustrated by her pushiness, but when I asked the Lord what to do about it, He told me to go and fellowship with her. I did, and she turned out to be the sweetest, hungriest sheep. She went to our tool table, bought Activatedbooklets, and gave a donation for our work. Just a hungry, on-fire babe, who wants to play a part in sharing her new found faith! A good lesson on flexibility.
       In spite of being riddled with flaws and weaknesses, the meeting had gone well and we started to prepare for the next one immediately. We got the next program together, the emcees started to rehearse, and everything was flowing and progressing wonderfully. We were going to do it right this time! The theme was "Inner Healing, Part 2: The Power of Forgiveness," as a follow-up to the last meeting. A dear Family musician traveled seven hours to come and help us with the music, and we were all practiced and ready, but the Enemy was not happy with the beautiful way things were going.
       On the day of the meeting, the sky was black with storm clouds, thus potentially greatly affecting our turnout. Then "by chance" some brethren stopped by the meeting place, only to see that it was all decked out for another party, and to be told that, "Sorry we couldn't reach you, but you can't have the meeting place today nor any other day for that matter, as your meetings are too religious for the management's taste."
       This was three hours before we were supposed to start! After some rather animated prayer and counseling phone conferences, we decided that we wouldn't let the Enemy defeat us, and as no other door opened, we opted to have the meeting in a Home.
       The rain came, flooding some roads. One of the main emcees and the skit person couldn't make it at the last minute. The sheep we were expecting to come didn't all make it, but the Lord worked miracles. He sent other very needy sheep. Everyone on the program team flowed beautifully with all the changes, GBT, as we redid our whole show at the last minute.
       And the Lord moved. As we were readying the house to receive the influx of guests, we received a very alarmed phone call from the team redirecting people from our original meeting place: A group from the DIF (the government social services) was on its way, with 10 teenage gang members and six social workers and psychologists to keep an eye on them! We had invited one of the directors of the DIF, and instead of coming himself, he had sent some of his flock!
       We altered the program again, adding a couple of radical skits to gear it to our new crowd, and here they were, gangsta style all right! (Check out the pictures!)
       Guess what? We went through our program, impromptu and all, gearing it half to our regular crowd, and half to our peculiar crowd, and it was a hit. Most of the gang members got saved, and their hard appearances melted when our young people grabbed them to dance. It was a terrific evening, and we have our program all ready for the next meeting! It pays to not give up, and not take the Devil's no for an answer.

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
Heath Ledger, Wes Bentley, Kate Hudson
       A British officer resigns his post just before battle and subsequently receives four white feathers from his friends and fiancée as symbols of what they believe to be his cowardice.

This is a well-made movie with an interesting message. The message is one of sacrifice and courage in the face of fear. It has its share of violence, but that part is not overdone. The English were fighting a war in Sudan, so some violence and bloodshed is to be expected. It's not overly graphic or gory, but sensitive viewers would want to be prepared.
       This story has good parallels to life for Me. Sometimes you hope and pray that you can wait out the battles, that maybe it's not required of you to go out and fight for what you believe in, and be willing to give your life for it. But there comes a time of decision for everyone, when you are faced with a battle that will cost you everything, and what you choose is what determines the person you will become.
       Just as I sent this man a "guardian angel" out of nowhere to care for him, so you can expect the same type of protection and care in the Last Days. I will send you angels to watch over you. Sometimes they'll be rugged characters, but they will nonetheless help to preserve your lives so that you can preach My Endtime message and do My will.
       This movie should break your heart for the hundreds of thousands of young men who are sent off to war, knowing that they may not see another day. You, My children, have the wonderful benefit of knowing that you can turn to Me and receive My confirmation on anything that you do, so that you can know whether or not you're in the center of My perfect will. Those in the world do not have this blessing, therefore they are fearful, worried, and make decisions that they later regret, as in this movie. The pride of life and the opinions of men play such a strong part in guiding the lives of those in the world, and you can thank Me that you are free from this.
       "No greater love hath any man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." These men fought through thick and thin when all odds were against them, and they didn't give up. Not all of their motives were pure, and not everything they did was right, but nonetheless they gave of themselves for the sake of another.
       You are My army and though you don't fight in the physical or with physical weapons, the principles of fighting and laying down your life for the sake of another relate to each of you. In the future when the world has come under the control of the Antichrist forces, that may mean the actual laying down of your lives, but right now that means sacrificing for your brothers and sisters. It means living unselfishly. It means putting the needs of your Family above your own. It means laying aside the piddly things that aren't really that important but which bring disunity in your lives.
       Laying down your lives for your Family in this way takes a lot of the kind of love that only I can give you. You need to continually pray for that love. It's not something that comes naturally. The natural instincts of man are to take care of himself, but My love can give you the kind of love that transcends the natural and gives you the supernatural instincts of love.


       Juliette Binoche, Olivier Martinez
       Romantic epic set in the midst of a 19th-century cholera epidemic. A young Italian patriot who has escaped to France encounters a nobleman's beautiful wife, who is bravely searching for her older husband in the plague- and terror-ridden land. French, with English subtitles.

I like this movie, because it shows devotion and sacrifice--two people who sacrifice for each other, and who are facing a reign of terror and panic together. They win because of love--love wins. If you go in love, My dear ones, you will not fail. If you are motivated by love, empowered by love, and led by love, then you will be successful and I will not forsake you.
       This movie has beauty that most other movies do not have. It is exquisite in the scenes represented, and subtle in the realities. The true depth of despair at the death of so many people through the plague is not depicted in its true gruesomeness, but it is shown in a way that prevents the film from being too hard to watch.
       It is an adventure film, but done with a beautiful, peace-loving, picturesque, and artful presentation.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
Vanessa Redgrave, Ray Liotta, Catherine McCormack
       An eccentric older woman helps a young boy come to terms with the loss of his mother. Touching drama. Could possibly be shown to some JETTs at parents' discretion, but only after previewing and praying about it. It would need some explanation and discussion on certain points, as the movie has a spiritual nature, which could cause confusion for JETTs if misunderstood or misapplied. (Previewing, prayer and discussion are a must if you consider showing it to JETTs.)

As you see in this movie, you are not the only ones, My loves, who believe that there is an afterlife and that your dearly departed loved ones can communicate with you across the veil. There are others who believe in this, and who understand that death is not a bad thing, but the entrance to a whole new life in another realm. This movie was well done and I am happy for My brides to view it.

Cate Blanchett, Billy Crudup
       Romantic WWII espionage drama about a Scotswoman who volunteers to work with the British intelligence and the Resistance in Nazi-occupied France in order to search for her lover.

The point of this movie, as is so aptly said in the film, is "war makes fools of you." It is well acted and emotionally charged. It has its sweet moments, but like most movies based in wartime, it also has its sad moments. Watching this film should make you so thankful for peace and all your blessings. It should also make you want to intercede in prayer for all the innocent ones who are caught up in wars all around the world. Pray for My soon coming and for My righteous reign on Earth.

Movies Rated for MCs and Up
(2002) (Animated)

       Voices of Mike Nawrocki, Phil Vischer
       When a vanload of Veggies on their way to a concert encounter some car trouble, they're stranded at an old, rundown restaurant. While waiting for a tow truck, they meet "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" who tell the children the story of Jonah and explain the nature of mercy and compassion.

God bless those guys at "Big Idea" productions who put these Veggie Tales together! They got their "big idea" from Me, and I have caused it to prosper and grow and to gain a large following. And now they have a full-length movie all about My prophet Jonah! They're getting the message out to the children of the world, which is good. Of course, My kids in the Family are so far ahead and have so much more Bible knowledge than the System kids, that they're not going to really learn any major lessons from it that they don't already know. But just the same, it's a fun movie with cute songs and they will benefit from the points that were put across about kindness and compassion and My never-ending mercy--how I am truly a God of forgiveness and second chances.
       The humor is good and gives people a good concept of simple, childlike Christianity. It even has a fair bit about prophecy, though not many outside the Family will pick up on it. They put it all too far in the past.
       It enforces the good things. It's got good lessons in it and it's a cute twist to the Jonah story. Some good points and lessons can be brought out. Younger kids could probably watch it, if prayed about. There may be parts that need explaining to a younger audience.

Lazarus--Do you have an Activated group?

By Joe (18), Zamora, Mexico
When they say that the first time is the hardest, they're right! And everyone knows it is. The first time, you plan and conspire about it the entire week. You invite everyone you can think of. Five o'clock sharp and don't miss it. It's just a few hours of their afternoon--that's all you ask--how could they possibly miss it? You prepare the class three days ahead of time, maybe from Activated magazine one or 12 Foundation Stones class. You clean like mad all morning and then you sit in the living room, hair combed, legs crossed, drinks and snacks sneering seductively from the coffee table. You smile and you whisper to each other while you wait for them to arrive.
       And finally at about 7:30 the drinks have lost their sneer and you throw your hands up in despair at the empty house and you turn on the TV and watch Larry King Live.
       They are all sorry; they just couldn't make it. The excuses become more familiar with every week until finally you are placing bets on Sunday morning as to which Active member will use which excuse.
       Starting an Activated group. It has almost become a cliché by now. 7:30--wake up boys, it's not like you're starting an Activated group or something. And they said that raising the dead was hard! It begins to seem that tunneling out of the Chateau d'If was nothing compared to starting an Activated group. So you trudge on. You invite the would-be Active members week after week and you enjoy their drinks and their cookies every Sunday afternoon BY YOURSELF.
       And then someone in the capital gets a brilliant idea. Why not hold a big warm and friendly retreat for all the Active members in the country? For all the fledgling newly born sheep who need it the most, for the almost full-grown sheep, who are just learning to walk and need it just as much, and for all the struggling Home members, and the good shepherds who are getting bored of Larry King.
       So you invite them once again and inexplicably they jump in with both feet. You grind it into them day after day and you phone them and you visit them and you beg them and then, suddenly, you get your first YES. And then your second. And then your third. And finally on the big-ticket day, you can't explain it but somehow you have a whole carload of attendees just waiting to be driven.
       So the retreat comes and then goes. You are implored and entreated and encouraged to start the explosion in your own city. And by the end of the three days you are thinking that you might try that.
So you go Home and you strike the flint against the steel. Bible study, this Sunday at our house, and if six o'clock is more convenient than five, so be it. The excuses and exemptions are the same, but you don't take maybe for an answer. You grind it into them day after day, and you phone them and you visit them and you beg them. You buy the ice and the Doritos and you lug the queen-sized whiteboard into the living room. You print out ten songbooks and ten class sheets on the Holy Spirit and make a jug full of orange juice. The chairs are all in a circle and the guitars are quivering on the couches. The house is spotless and the dog is locked in the back room. And you sit on the chair closest to the doorbell and you wait.
       And then…
       Somehow it's like the first snow of the year. It's always a little late, but it's always worth it. You're washing dishes with your sweater sleeves pulled up to your elbows when the first flakes begin to fall. You drop everything and race outside with your arms open, laughing hysterically and you know it is just the beginning.
       The first car arrives at 6:15 and the second ten minutes later. You race outside with your arms open, and suddenly you know it has all been worth it.

       Bali teen get-together in Indonesia!
Classes, fun, activities, and more. With tons of pictures. Check it out on the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1456

       Sometime back there was a call for Homes to share their scheduling tips. Check out a few responses on the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1457

       Our kids … going witnessing!
Read testimonies from other parents about taking their kids witnessing! http://www.familymembers.com/fed/newswire/article.php?ccid=1414

       Liberia needs your prayers!
It's a spiritual warfare! Read the news on the MO site from our Family Home there. http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1415

       Read about the week-long Pepsi Island Festival on the MO site! Testimonies and pictures! http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1447

       "In the land of sitars, spices, and stars..." the OCs in Southern India joined together ... read about it [all in rhyme] on the MO site. http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1444

       Read about a junior teen retreat in Rio, Brazil ... detailing the classes given, every activity held (including a debate on being "Professionals"), reactions from the teens themselves, and photos, of course! All on the MO site: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1446

       Don't miss reading about the OC camp that the CP board in East Japan held for their 54 OCs! Lots of great ideas and pictures! http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1442

       Read a beautiful account from Margie (of Jerry Paladino) of how her and Paul's son, David, continues to be present with them from the spirit world. http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1443

Worth it all just for one sheep

By Joan (CO), Middle East

Thank you so much for your prayers for the work here in the Middle East. We can feel that prayer power in action, as the Lord has been doing so many miracles and winning many victories for us recently. We know that it's due to all the support in prayer that everyone's been giving. Thank you!
       We received a very touching letter from a girl, which we wanted to share parts of for your inspiration and encouragement. We had met her on one of our previous visits to her country, and she had gotten some lit.
       After we read this letter together, someone commented that even if we had only touched this one's girl's life and been able to rekindle a little spark of hope in her heart, all our trips and the hours of work, preparations, and efforts put into them, would be more than worth it. And that's really what it's like. So many of the ones we minister to are just so hungry and sheepy! Their sample of praising God and remaining so soft and sweet despite all the atrocities that continue to happen to them never ceases to amaze us. We could go on and on about how precious the people here are, but we hope that the letter below will give you a little glimpse into the heart of this precious girl.

Letter from Midia
My name is Midia. I'm 20 years old. I'm a student at the medical college--optics department. My father used to work at the hotel that you stay at every year during the festivals. Seeing that I'm very fond of you and I love you so much, my father used to send my greetings to you when he would talk with some of your members, and they would return the greetings to me with cards of love, tapes, and leaflets. And I would never want to ever miss any occasion where I could see you and hear your songs that instill hope in my heart and fill my life with love and peace.
       Then came hard times in my life that have crippled that hope, which was the death of my father caused by a heart attack. Since that time I've stopped hearing from you. But in my great sadness, I remembered you every time I saw my photo with you that was taken during one of my visits to the hotel. I'm sorry that I'm burdening you with my sorrows, but I consider you in God's name my brothers and sisters.
       I feel that your hearts carry that which is beautiful and noble and good, and I know that you will listen to me and my thoughts. Dear Heart to Heart, please accept me as a friend and sister and I would be so happy and joyful if you could send me a letter and tell me your latest news, as well as send me some magazines and tapes that carry your sweet voices and beautiful thoughts, for they comfort my heart. I'll be waiting impatiently.
       Finally, I'd like to end my letter by quoting some of your beautiful song verses that are engraved in my heart:

       When the heartless world deserts you,
       And you seem to stand alone,
       There's a Friend that comes to your side.
       And He feels the things that hurt you,
       And He makes your tears His own,
       And He knows you deep down inside.

       'Cause there is a Heart that feels your heart ache,
       There is an Ear that hears your prayers.
       There is an Eye that sees each weary step you take,
       There is Someone that cares.

       Thanks for reading my letter, and may you remain my friends forever in my heart. I pray to God that He heaps much success and prosperity upon you, in return for your great love for my people!

       Yours faithfully,

       (LNF from Catherine:)
On our last visit to Midia's country, one of our sweet waiter friends, Toma, who's now the assistant manager of food and beverages, told us upon arrival of Mr. T's death, the former head of food and beverages (Midia's father). He also arranged an appointment for us to meet the wife and Midia.
       On the day of our departure, we met them. At first it felt a bit awkward as we had never met them before, but they had heard a lot about us from the father and from reading all the lit and listening to the tapes he used to bring home. They even thanked us for the gifts we sent the kids through him. We never knew the extent of what the literature and the music and the sweet gifts the Lord has supplied till we met this precious family.
       Midia, though very expressive in her letter, was a bit shy, but you could tell she was drinking it all in. There was such a vacuum for comfort; it was indescribable. The Lord allowed this family to be comforted through us. At one point, the mother shared how hard it is to be a widow in a country that's suffering. It was hard to keep from crying at these moments, because it's hard to describe the emptiness and the insecurity the people feel here. And yet they speak faith and hold on! I handed her our prayer that the Lord gave for comfort and salvation for the people here. As she read it tears welled up in her eyes and she broke down crying. Then she handed it to Midia who also started crying. Even Toma was being a comfort. At one point he shared something encouraging with the mother, then he said, "Does that make me one of the Family now, that I've said something encouraging?"
       We gave the mother Glimpses both in Arabic and English, and she was delighted to open to "the Lord is my shepherd." Just the opening to such a page was a sign for the dear mother, and she right away told her daughters, "You see, the Lord is our shepherd. We shall not want." We gave her the Motivated issue on comfort and on the spot she stopped to read it and felt so encouraged. It's amazing to see the vacuum for the Word here. We prayed with them and left with hugs and tears.
       As the family left, Toma looked at us and said, "You know what sets you apart from all the other groups? You take time with people. You have a message and a mission, but you have a special way to go about it and do it." Meaning that we don't offend our hosts or offend people's faith, but we try to be gentle and meek even as Jesus is! Praise His name!

Update on indigenous churches in Paidha and Bunia

By Josh English, Uganda
Jakisa (Congolese Active member) came to stay with us during the month of July, which gave him a good opportunity for deeper feeding from the Word, Family fellowship, and also to collect his gifts and provisions. He was quite desperate (but calm and full of faith) as his rent for the next six months was due and he had no money. Thankfully, we had just received some gifts from the brethren in China, Taiwan and the USA (God bless them!), which when combined was enough to cover his rent and a few other immediate needs, PTL.
The rebels in the North of Uganda are currently very active, with frequent reports of devastating attacks on vehicles and raids on villages around Kitgum, Lira, and Gulu. They have also expanded their attacks to other routes in surrounding areas and recently blew up a private delivery truck on the road to Paidha (in the national park before crossing the Nile River). This is the first attack of this nature on that road in two years, and is being considered as quite significant, considering the frequency of other attacks in the region. Jakisa has still traveled up and down regardless, but for him, such things have been a typical part of life in Congo that he takes in stride.       
       Bunia (DRC) is experiencing fighting that Jakisa describes as "much worse than before." Considering Jakisa's former reports on the fighting in past years (and his tendency to understate things in general), life there must be pretty grim right now. As you can read in his missionary report from Bunia, the fighting and associated suspicion of group gatherings is causing the disciples to have to meet and operate more clandestinely for their own safety and security. Please pray for these dear fellow laborers, for their protection, supply, encouragement, and continued fruitfulness, and for the timing of any trips we make into the area.
I hope these missionary reports are inspiring and serve to continually bring us closer to the hearts of our expanded Activated family.
       (Editor's note: To read these missionary reports, log on to the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1458)

CVC QnA & a change
Question concerning the need for more specialized CVC Certificates
"Performing Arts" covers a very broad range and many different aspects. To get a certificate, you need to have had experience in different aspects of it. Whereas there's a guy who is a terrific clown, does balloon art and makes it a witness and is quite gifted at it, but he doesn't sing and he doesn't dance. He doesn't have enough credits to get a certificate in the broad range of "performing arts," but what about a more specialized certificate for clowning and balloon art? The same thing under "Music." Say someone has specialized in taking advanced courses in piano. Still it's not enough to get a "Music" certificate. They have to branch out into other aspects of Music to merit that certificate. But what about a more specialized certificate to acknowledge the classes which were taken for piano?--An advanced Piano certificate or an advanced Guitar certificate, etc.
       In the "Industrial Arts" section of the CVC, the "Construction Skills" certificate is available. It covers a very wide range of skills from wood carpentry to metal work, and it is very difficult to train the young people in all this. For one, most Homes are not equipped with all the machinery it requires, and there aren't needs for all that, so unless they have an opportunity to get some outside training, it would be very difficult for them to obtain a certificate in this area. Could it be broken down into a Wood Carpentry certificate, Metal Work certificate, etc.?
       A: There is flexibility in the CVC courses and certificates that many people do not seem to be aware of, and few have taken advantage of. When needed, different or new courses or certificates can be suggested by the student, with approval of their Course Supervisor (CS). The new course or certificate is then sent to the Instruction Coordinator (IC), using form NCA-001 or NCA-002 (New Certificate Approval form)* or by e-mail, and the IC is responsible to make a decision about approving the course or certificate. The form or e-mail should preferably be sent to the IC before, or at the same time as, the student begins the course, so the student will know if the course has been approved or if some adjustments need to be made. (ICs, please try to get your reply back to the student and CS as soon as possible, preferably within 10 days, or let them know if there is some reason you are waiting on responding. Thanks!)
       Please see the full and detailed answer to this question, including a helpful change in requirements for "Construction Skills" certificates in the CC/FED section of the MO site. http://www.familymembers.com/fed/qna/index.php?fqid=8

       *NCA-002, New Certificate Approval form is available on the CVC site. http://www.cvcollege.com/ in the Student Center, Pubs CD under Forms and Records.

help wanted
       We are Sonny, Pauline and team in Russia
who have, along with our neighboring Home in this city, newly taken on the responsibility of translating and laying out the Russian Activated magazines. We already have quite a few subscribers in Russia and the surrounding countries and the number is growing. People here love it; it's just what they need. We are now on issue number 9!
       As you might have guessed, we need help. Last month two-thirds of our Home moved on for various reasons. These were all foreigners who were able to make fundraising trips outside of Russia. It is difficult to raise funds here, especially since this is now a sensitive country, although the Lord is doing miracles and we have some regular support coming in, enough to cover the rent. We need US$300 more each month for other expenses. Our team is small now: five adults and two children, and with the Activated work in full swing and everything else it takes to run a Home, plus our follow-up and singing ministries, we don't have a lot of extra time. We are asking you dear Family for help with finances. Any donations will be greatly appreciated. We are asking the Lord specifically for some sister Homes who could support us, even if it is a small amount, on a monthly basis. You will be sure to have faithful prayer warriors here for your projects. Thank you so much for considering our request. Please send donations via the TRF to: RU017. You can contact us for more info at e-mail: ufapondhome@safe-mail.net

       We are a Russian couple, Mark and Dove with four kids (almost five), and want to humbly ask for your help. We are in need of a laptop. We make frequent faith trips and to have a laptop would be such a blessing. Also we live in an apartment without a phone and so good communications is a big struggle for us. There is a possibility for us to get good laptop very cheaply from Japan, for $300, but it's still a lot for us. Would you please help us? We also need another $300 to homeschool our two older kids. If the Lord lays it on your heart to help us in any way, we'll be forever grateful! You can send your donations via the TRF to RU023 or if you want to send it to our bank account, communicate with us through the Russian ABM. We love you!

       Chad here, calling for a friend, someone I came to know who does a lot of church growth in the South of India. I understand he's in need of a laptop. To make a story shorter, when praying for some of his projects I was inspired with the idea of writing in (because like George Muller, he believes in making his needs known only to Him). So I'm here to request for a missionary who's been on the field of India since birth, an SGA national who's trying to make the work of the Lord happen in Bangalore and the areas about. If you feel the same call--to send some funds or else a laptop, please direct your gifts to John E. at IA42. Or drop him a line at familyservices@vsnl.net. I know he'll appreciate it!

What's the trouble with Argentina?!

To our dearest brethren from all over the world,
       We love you! Thank you for remembering to pray for us, for this country and the Lord's work here. He's said that His Family's presence in Argentina is like the tides of an ocean, fading away for a time, yet always returning in equal (or greater) force. So, hallelujah, here we are again, back for the final harvest!
       He couldn't have had us come back at a better time than now, as people here have been through all the worst; their confidence in the System has been shattered, they've been humiliated, and as a result many are opening up to the truth. This is a field of extremes and in the same way that life here has always been a fight, there is also an enormous potential. It is an exciting and challenging field, as some of you who have spent years here can testify.
       There is so much to be done, so many new things to try, so many people to be reached, that we can't quite keep up. Our Home has been at the center of a wide variety of activities involving the re-opening of the work here. Besides all of the witnessing, follow-up and ministering to people of all sorts, we have also been involved with many FM brethren as well as old friends who are constantly knocking at our doors. So far 21 of these dear brethren have joined as FM and 7 have chosen to commit to Charter member life!
       Due to some of the vital services our Home provides, such as VS, ABM, PPC, following up on legal affairs, the court case, etc., our Home is a bustle of activity. There are brethren passing through constantly, fellowshipping, spending the night, etc. We are in the process of moving into a larger house, as the one we have is no longer able to suit the constant flow of traffic of people we handle.
       Argentina has always been a tremendous field for winning young disciples, and the Lord has recently begun to give us a taste of what He's going to do here. He is causing a great awakening in the youth of this land and from what we can see there is a mighty explosion on the horizon! He has been pouring out His Spirit, and as we've been faithful to do what He's asked of us and employed the methods He's revealed, we have begun to meet people and establish all sorts of connections. He has already made us known and put us in an important spot within certain circles. However, He has also shown us that this is only a drop in the bucket when compared to what He'll be doing in the future. So we are doing our best to prepare! This is a task which requires a great deal of prayer, counsel, resources, funds for travel, time, etc. At the same time, we have been doing our best to re-pioneer tool distribution and other forms of outreach, from Activated to CTPs, etc. We have hardly even been able to begin making faith trips, which is a whole ministry in itself.
       As you can see, there is much to be done and we are barely scratching the surface. As you all know, the country's economic situation is in quite a critical state and raising funds from tool distribution or other means has been pretty tough. So, while we would like to be able to give people a hand and help other Homes get set up here, we are struggling to keep up financially.
       We would like to send out a plea for help to each of you, especially to those who have fought here with us in the past or have a burden for this field. We need your help, as this is a crucial moment for the growth of the work here. A little bit goes a long way (and a lot does too, ha!), so any help we can get is a tremendous blessing.
       We really love you all and are so proud to be fighting next to you in this, the Lord's wonderful Endtime army. If you would like to help out, you can do it via your TRF. Our Home number is AR001 and/or you can write us at e-mail: vamosche_ar@hotmail.com.
       Much love, hugs and kisses from the whole team

       Hi, my name is Rosey (previously Sunny of Bavai) and I live in the Middle East. Due to the current ongoing political situation in the region, it has become somewhat more difficult to reach the financial goal for our budget, and as I would very much like to visit my son for Christmas, or soon after, I am in need of help to raise the funds for this. I would need USD$800 for this trip. If there is anyone out there who would be able to help with something towards this, it would be very much appreciated and I would be eternally grateful. Please send any help via the TRF designated to Rz Pascarelli for travel c/o the Arab Lit Pic (ALP). Thank you so much.

Dear French Family, or anyone that was in Paris in '79-'85 or so … we are trying to locate copies of Sammy Fidele's (now Patrick of Christine) original French songs. He hasn't sung most of them for years and we are trying to put them together for our daughter. Anybody have a copy of an old tape from him? Anybody singing any of those songs? Anybody have the words written down somewhere? Please e-mail us at: abetterfuture@earthlink.net. Thanks!

       Arthur and Celeste (Middle East) would like to get in contact with DJ and Faye in Thailand. Please write us at e-mail: freckledfrenchy@hotmail.com

(20--the artist) in South America, please contact Nyx at: eztel@loxinfo.co.th

       Dear Sheryl, we haven't heard from you for a long time and we miss you. Please write to us via the China Desk ASAP. Love, Kiyoshi

open forum: childcare heroes and heroines

       *       How can we, as a Family, preserve and support our wonderful childcare workers?
*       How can we prevent those who care for the children from experiencing burnout?
*       How can we show those who pour into our kids day and night appreciation?
*       How can we give teachers and childcare workers prominence in the Family?

By Rosemary (formerly Harvest Gold/Fisher), Slovakia
My favorite topic! Over the past thirty years in the Family I have been a childcare worker, teacher, and mother to my own and others' children. While never having had a baby of my own, I have been married in the Family twice and each time my mate had children by another marriage. Therefore I've had two "instant" families!
       I first worked with a mom who had four children in Canada and learned lots in the way of patience and the art of the Montessori method. She was always kind and a good sample to me. At the time I was 19 and had been in the Family for one year. This kindness spoke to me and gave me the security I needed that the Lord could use me in childcare. So for one, I think kind, good sample moms and dads who work closely with their CC workers are important.
       I remember right after the RNR the Lord asked me what I wanted to do. I answered promptly: "To work with large families in childcare and to do FFing." He took me exactly at my word, as the mom I was working with landed a big fish and I took care of her four children in South America, teaching them daily and sleeping with them at night. We also opened a new Home together. She also was very kind and showed faith in me, staying close to me, and our communications about the children were sweet. This inspired me as a CC worker.
       Next and back in Canada, I worked with Matthew and Renee Canada. They also were good samples! They never said anything about helping to bring in funds.--They just needed help with the children. Renee, then a mom of six with one on the way, always spent some of her quiet time with me having a snack together and personal time as all of "our" little ones slept. She was always gentle and caring and made sure I had some time off on the weekends. Matthew was working hard at the time for a printing company, but I always felt his support and thanks manifested in his quiet, hard-working, and agreeable manner. A few years later, I was married and had two young boys. At this time Renee was very sick and pregnant with number nine. The Lord showed all of us that my mate and I would adopt the baby. So having worked with this dear family over the years gave us a deep trust for each other and now that "baby" is 18 and on the mission field. We all are still in touch!
       Now I'll tell you of lovely Japan and the enchanting School Vision! About two years before the School Vision, handed to us by our kind and good sample prophet, the Lord gave me a dream of lots of our handymen working on buildings and lots of families working together. I didn't know what it meant, but was about to find out! Wow, was I in Heaven! It mentions about problems in the big schools in "Where to Now," but frankly, I didn't see any. All I could see before me were 24 JETTs ages 10 and 11, with a sprinkling of 12-year-olds.
       I worked with another teacher who taught me to do my weekly planners, how to use the Word in my personal counseling of the children, etc., and we diligently taught the children everything from good, solid Word classes and school subjects to good, united get outs, including learning the rules. I was on duty from 7:00 in the morning to 10:00 at night. I loved every minute of it and wouldn't have traded those nine months for anything in the world (visa difficulties made it impossible to stay and I was heartbroken). My co-teacher and shepherds showed so much faith in me. That inspired me very much. Sweet thank-yous were a daily, almost hourly part of our lives. All of the parents and teachers partook of the responsibilities together and this strong understanding of each other and what we faced daily only drew us all closer. Our vision to care for our children gave us a tight and unbreakable bond. We shared each other's victories and joys as well as sickness and problems and nothing else in the whole wide world mattered. Another beautiful aspect about this was that you could feel nothing but strong support from the outreachers, provisioners, cooks, PR folks, businessmen and handymen also! It couldn't be denied that they were all there for us teachers and children. Of course we were all there firstly for the Lord and Dad, and they, of course, will always be our rallying point.
       As a childcare worker and teacher I always felt sensitivity toward the parents and tried to do things the way I felt they'd like to see them done. I felt very secure in my calling, but never felt superior in any way to the parents; no, I felt rather like an extension by the grace of God; that I was in this capacity as a help and felt led to counsel daily.
       My thanks goes out to the parents who put their trust in the Lord in me; who put the lives of their little ones in my hands; who shared their little ones' lives with me. My life is unquestionably the richer for it and will remain so. My thanks also go out to the dear shepherds who were at the Osaka school at the time, COs, etc, who showed a lot of trust and love and kindness in us teachers and who were always there, busy as they were, to counsel about the little people. They also made our lives fun with W&R (we had to take it) and video night (we had to attend--I remember, Simeon!), monthly birthday celebrations and outings!
       Time would fail me to tell of the next loving mommies and daddies whom I met in California, etc., etc.! And what now? Raising my six children and childcare, of course, and now I'm in Heaven again with the board vision! Mama and Peter, thank you and Jesus, my Darling, You get all the Glory!--Happy teamworking raising our wonderful children together!

By Gentleness Fighter (of Jahmai), Taiwan
Just the fact that all are being called upon to react and brainstorm ideas to help strengthen and encourage the teachers and CC people we do have, I think will touch the hearts of those who pour into our children of all ages daily. Here are some thoughts about the various questions that were asked:
       There is a big difference between teaching children (Word and scholastics) and taking care of the physical needs of the children. (This goes for those 16 and under, too.) If the teacher has to generally take care of most of both of these two aspects of the kids' life, this is a situation worth watching. It may or may not prove to be too much for a teacher to handle. The CC TWer, the parents, the personnel TWer, and the individual need to counsel together as to what the person feels capable of, what the needs are, communicate openly, and pray about it together. Some people can cope with teaching a certain age group or split age group and all the aspects of its care for a long period of time. Some people cannot. Teachers who teach regularly or for long periods of time may need to take SWIFTs or witnessing vacations periodically to alleviate the strain, thus coming back refreshed to continue in their job. This has been a big help to me personally.
       To require people to take on more of a load than their capabilities permit (many times unknowingly) can push faithful teachers and caregivers toward burnout, and will ultimately push potential CC people out of the ministry.
       Teaching is one of my main passions in life, after the Word, witnessing, my mate, and my daughters. If I could communicate in words the joy and the satisfaction it has given me to know that I have made a difference in a child's life as a teacher, I would love to do so. But I have also had times of despair (and even mockings) about my ministry, so it came as great joy to me when I met some of my former students or their parents and heard words of encouragement from them about my teaching from years before. When I was leaving Europe (after 23 years), a sweet friend thanked me for teaching the children I had taught while in Europe; it so touched my heart that I nearly cried and I have kept her words in my heart all these years.
       A while back I spent a year teaching in a needy situation and the children were such a joy to teach, as they had a real vacuum for learning. But the situation required me having the full-time care of four, and sometimes five kids. These are some ways I coped with my workload and perhaps could give others some ideas that may be usable in their situations.
       If I find myself alone in such a situation with both the teaching and the physical care of the kids (possibly with some cooking or cleaning, too), I sweetly ask if I can "float" the schedule and keep a regular routine, but not a precise everything-on-the-hour schedule. I force myself to quit worrying about the clock (talking about small Homes). I also get the MC and OC children to help me with jobs that they are capable of doing (dishes, hanging up laundry, cleaning bathrooms, etc.). I cook simple meals, and sometimes stop school and have JJT mornings instead. I train the kids to look at or read Word books quietly for the first half hour of the day, so I can get some needed Word time. I tell the parents when I sense burnout is near so I can get additional help at home. I do less rigorous get-outs at such times and I begin to drop extra activities that consume a lot of my energy. In general, I try to pace myself more when I teach. One way to possibly minimize a teacher's potential path to burnout would be to share out some of the physical jobs that need doing with others in the Home--all the while training and overseeing the ones who take on these responsibilities, so the children will still have consistent discipline, input, and friendship.
       "Oh," but you say, "we don't have enough personnel!" I'm sorry, I don't agree. Situations can be created where an older child can watch one or two younger (depending on how cooperative those younger ones are), and a capable CC adult can listen and "back up" that older child, JETT or "green" uncle (possibly with a firm hand), and make sure those kids do cooperate. I'll walk you through a teaching day and you can see what you think.
       After a busy morning of devotions and school I have always had the problem of how to arrive at the lunch table with me calm enough to eat, AND still have my school things tidied up, AND the kids hands washed, AND them not be arguing. Sometimes it was very, very hard for me to eat. So recently the Lord has worked it out for some other people (even OCs on up) to take three YCs for the last 15 minutes of school, so I can pack up calmly. They read them a book, chat or color with them, and then take the kids to the bathroom for lunch prep. This makes it easy for me to clean up and clear the dining area, and for the set-up person to do their job. Now I keep my extra puzzles and equipment in a medium suitcase with wheels, so I tuck them inside and wheel it quickly to my bedroom. Then I put flashcards and workbooks on trays and calmly file them in my room, too. "Strange," you say. Well, before I would put those toys in banana boxes or in trailer cupboards, depending on what kind of place the Lord had provided for me to teach in. (And I have taught in some very interesting parts of Homes, ha!) Ah, those precious 15 minutes--for me, they are like a safety valve.
       In my last two Homes I have not had to teach table manners.--It's been more of a family affair with the parents or a stand-in adult overseeing their children's table manners.
       Then there are the "mango blues." That's where you've barely finished your food (and your stomach is already tense), and all five kids would really like their mango peeled first. (That's in South America. In Europe, it was watermelon at snack time with get-out following closely behind.) Well, it is a little more work for the cook, but here the cook has been cutting the mango (or any messy fruit) into tiny cubes for the younger ones to eat with forks, so again the child minder who is rotated just passes said child his cup of fruit (and their clothes do not have to be changed after the meal--less laundry--so nice).
       You may laugh, but at one Home that I taught at in Europe, I would run from child to child who was with his/her parent(s) and tuck in napkins on spaghetti night or I would need to soak a whole lot of clothes when they returned from parent time. (Those were interesting times!) All through the meal an adult or one parent can be monitoring, encouraging (or correcting) the table manners of the children while interesting conversation is continually going on (so there won't be arguments or foolish talking.)
       Another possibility to ease a CC person's load at the table would be to have eating buddies for main meals and the child(ren) would always sit near one special person and be monitored by the same mealtime partner. Although I love working with kids, I have had loneliness trials at times when I was eating only with kids for a long period of time. So if your teacher or CC personnel eat with their group, perhaps someone could join them so they could have a bit of mature fellowship during the meal. (Editor's note: Or have someone rotate eating with the kids so the teacher can have times off.)
       The day progresses and it's quiet time. In some Homes it is effective to stagger the beginning of quiet time by 15- or 30-minute intervals, depending on the age of the kids, for quiet reading in separate places before rest time begins. Sometimes I have offered younger children a choice of reading a Word story alone, with me, or watching a bit of Family Fun before they have their rest. I don't mean to be self-righteous, but it can be really hard to get a rest in Homes where children have not been taught how to take quiet time QUIETLY! I can't express how wonderful it is for the main CC person and/or teacher to have regular daily quiet time in a quiet house. Monitoring quiet time could be another time that is rotated, where the people overseeing it know what the standard of behavior to expect is.
       Get-out, showers, snack times, and bedtime prep are tasks that can be shared and overseen by parents, teens, older children, and adults from other ministries. These things could be agreed upon together at a CC meeting. Having a firm bedtime enforcer the night before helps kids to arrive in your care rested and healthy for another busy day, so you may not want to share this job with everybody. Wake-up prep is a time that could be shared. I personally do not rotate my group's devotions because I like them to make solid progress on memory time and review, and I continually adjust my Word reading plan to suit their behavior and any other interesting things that come up that would make it more fun and alive.
       I believe that if, for example, some of these needful tasks were shared with parents, older siblings, or young people or other adults, they should be supervised to make sure they are done well, and in keeping with the united discipline standard that the Home has already agreed upon in their CC meetings.
       These are just a few ideas which could be prayed about as a Home. If some of these ideas were followed, I believe the teacher or CC person could pace themselves better, and the "non-CC" personnel would get small doses of working with kids and this, hopefully, would result in more respect for the CC people and the load they carry.
       It hurts me when I see or hear of young people or adults not wanting to be around children or talk to them or to do fun, "non-school" things with them. Because, quite honestly, parents and CC people can't do it all. They don't have the strength within them to give all that well-rounded children, no matter what the age, need. Some of my moments of greatest enjoyment is to have a relaxed play evening or afternoon with young kids (puzzles or games) or spend some time doing activities that JETTS on up like--maybe "jamming" and playing guitars together (and I am definitely not a musician) or playing games like "Scrabble" or "Take Off" (a geography board game I bought cheaply on eBay) or teaching creative writing, theatre and skits or going swimming, on a bike ride, a hike or cooking something delicious. I believe Grandpa's life was an example of this--much more than I will ever achieve. But I do feel, as a responsible teacher, that I have to invest MORE than Word, school, and discipline in the children I work and live with. I also need to invest my friendship, my love, and some of my time as well. I believe if I do so, then the children will naturally want to cooperate for me. I expect a lot from the kids I teach (and I usually get it), but I try to give a lot to them, too. But only the teacher and parents giving to the children is not going to make them all they are capable of becoming.
       Also, when I teach three or more kids, I ask for a half-day teacher's planning (usually on Saturdays). I have found that even teacher's planning can be shared with OCs on up or young people whom I'm training as teachers' apprentices. During those planning times, I make needed materials, draw fun progress charts, choose which pages to do on which day, set aside pages for photocopying, erase old workbooks for reuse, choose new reading flash words for learning, check to see if there are any difficult concepts ahead coming up this week to learn, decide on memory work, make extra reading lists, devotions reading lists, etc. It's a great joy to take stock of what the kids are learning and see that they are indeed achieving partial or total goals in some area, big or small. It helps you to know all the effort you put into your ministry is making a difference in their lives. To me there is no greater feeling of peace on Monday morning than knowing that you have gotten yourself and your materials (somewhat) organized and that you can squarely face the teaching week that is ahead. That for me is joy!
       Another way to help teachers teach calmly if they have to teach in the dining room table next the kitchen is to not play music at top volume or have loud chatting go on in the surrounding areas. Since most kids LOVE to trip off and need very little provocation to do so, the calmer it is during school time the better. If a more secluded and peaceful learning location can be set up, the children will learn better and the teacher will stay calmer.

By Coral (23), YAM (Youth Area Ministry) Home, Rio, Brazil
My ministries are part-time childcare, part-time with teens in the area (we have different programs and activities going on), as well as the usual witnessing, cooking, cleaning, etc.
       I've worked with kids at least part-time since I was 10 when I started helping an adult with a group of three toddlers from time to time. Of course, I had some experience before that, being the second eldest in a family of nine, I couldn't really miss it! In pretty much every Home since then, I've helped part-time with either a group or a family (in small Homes), so I pretty much have experience with all ages. When I moved to this Home almost one and a half years ago, I started helping full time with a family of five kids, and although now I'm back to part-time childcare, I learned a lot from that experience, which I'd like to share.
       The first thing which was a must for me to not get burned out was to yield. I was having trials about doing childcare full time, so of course that didn't make me very happy with my job. Once I yielded, it was the best thing in the world, and now that I'm not with children as much, I really miss it. So I guess something that would be important is to find out if childcare is really the Lord's highest for you, and if it is, give it your all; if you don't, you'll burn out quick for sure.
       Another thing that was very important for me to learn was to take things in stride, to not get all flustered if things got delayed, or get irritable about little things the kids would do. I'm a very efficient and practical person, and in working with kids you almost have to expect that things will come up, or that they'll be extra naughty some days, and you can't let yourself get riled up over little things, or the whole day will go to pot. There was a little while where it seemed like I was almost constantly in a bad mood, or at least often, nagging, etc., but then I asked the Lord to give me more patience and grace with them and it got much better. I also found that when I was overly tired, I was much more irritable, so I either tried to get more rest, or if I couldn't, I'd just pray and try harder to take things in stride.
       Something else that I think is very important is to not set your expectations for the kids too high--of how fast or how well they should do things, 'cause then you and they get stressed out because they aren't doing things just right and it puts a strain on your relationship. It's very important to have feeding Word time, praise times, and hear from the Lord every day, 'cause that puts you and them in the Spirit and then things go much smoother. I've found it also helps to have little "talks" every once in awhile. If the kids are not cooperating or they're doing something that gets to you, instead of nagging, sit down and have an informal chat about it, hear from the Lord together, or give them an assignment to hear from the Lord on their own and then discuss what they receive. If you treat them like grownups in most respects, they'll react a lot better and eventually be more responsible.
       I think the most important thing is to not lose sight of the vision, the ultimate goal, which is training upcoming disciples. It's very easy to get into the day-to-day humdrum, or to compare with other "exciting" ministries, but if you want to stay happy and fulfilled, you need to keep your eyes on the end result. It's essential to pray often for the kids, for their individual needs, and for yourself as well, for anointing and inspiration. And build a rapport with each one of them, become their friend, have fun together.--This is a must! I love routine and following a schedule, but there are times when you just need to let loose and enjoy yourself and not worry about the time, or whether they're getting dirty or whatever.
       And last of all, just take it one day at a time, slowly but surely, and after awhile you'll see all the progress that's been made, and it will be one of the most fulfilling and gratifying experiences you could have. As you pour out, He'll pour in. The love of a child is the purest, most beautiful love you can receive. It makes it worth it all!

By Chandra (22), WS

       When I was 18 I had a discussion with a fellow childcare worker. The topic? What if we were paid for the job we do? Hiring help with your children in secular society is not cheap, and usually pays by the hour. Times that by the number of children you have, and sometimes it's not even worth the one parent's pay. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting paying childcare workers--not at all--but if you put it in that light, think how much you're saving. And one big difference is that in the Family you have quality childcare workers, who will school your children from young ages, pour the Word into them, love them, pray for them, and the myriad of things a childcare worker gives to your child(ren). Remember that in your love and appreciation of them.
       When you come by to pick up your children at the day's end, give thanks and praise to the childcare worker. Think of them as a person, not merely a childcare worker. Offer them interaction and fun outside of childcare. At times, avoid giving the children to the childcare worker when you could take them instead for an extra hour or so to give them a break. Do something special for them on their birthday or on the spur of the moment just because you feel like showing your appreciation. No one can hear "thank you" enough. Demonstrate your appreciation in actions as well as words.

How can we show those who pour into our kids day and night appreciation?
By each Family member taking a more active hand in the lives of the children around them.

Practical tips on showing appreciation and avoiding overload

By a Family teacher on the field

       >> One of the most basic ways to express appreciation is with a sincere "thank you!" Especially when something is scheduled, like "morning monitor" (a schedule some Homes have where Home members take turns taking care of the kids at wake-up and breakfast time so the parents can go to devotions), it seems it's just human nature to take it for granted--like, "Well, that's their job!" A heartfelt thank you lets these dear ones know that their sacrifice is noticed and appreciated, which is very encouraging. Teachers and childcare helpers like being thanked, too, and it's nice if sometimes it's an expression of appreciation for something specific.

       >> Consider teachers' planning time an important priority, and make sure it happens.

       >> Often people from both generations feel called to childcare and/or teaching, but also have another ministry they'd like to learn or devote a bit of their time to. If this can be arranged, it's great. I think it could help keep people in childcare and teaching who might otherwise avoid it for fear that it will be so utterly consuming of their time and energies that this sort of thing becomes impossible.

       >> It's really thoughtful when once in a while one of the parents or someone else in the Home spontaneously offers to take the kids for get-out, bath time, or mealtime, or to make and serve the kids snack, just to give the teacher(s) a little "extra" break. It's a very practical, down-to-earth way of showing appreciation.

       >> If there's a special treat for the kids, share it with the teachers, too! This may sound sort of silly, but it's mostly just the principle. I've often seen people serve special snacks to the kids when there was enough to share with the teachers, but they were specifically excluded.--It was just for the kids. This seems like a lack of consideration. I think it also tends to foster selfishness in the kids, something none of us wants to do. Even when it's not the teachers serving the snacks, such as maybe the kids' family night video snack, I think it's a loving gesture to share it with the teachers, as well as good training for the kids when they are encouraged to offer some to their teachers. It's another way parents can show the kids that their teachers are special and are respected--even by their parents! I know the times this happened with me it really made me feel special. It's not so much the thing you're sharing that counts; it's the act of showing--and being a sample of--consideration, love, and respect.

Shine On--September 2002
TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total

       Rosita, Mexico       2,250       4,500
       Josue/Maria, Mexico       894       3,577
       Salomon/Belen/Cristal, Mexico       625       5,000
Juliet, Brazil       552       1,657
       Faithy/Mark/Premika, India       416       3,335
       Ezequiel/Rejoice/Tabitha, Brazil       400       2,800
       Rejoice/Simon/Stephen/Sunny, India       255       1,279
       Jan/Maria/Paul, Nigeria       247       987
       Elkanah/John/Joseph/Vijaya, India       203       1,220
       Jacintha/John/Juan/Marie, India       185       1,110


       Meekness/Philip, Namibia       1,550       3,100
       Rosita, Mexico       950       1,900
       Abel/Flor, Peru       750       3,000
Maria/Michael, Japan       695       3,477
       Dust/Joy/Nathan/Rejoice, Japan       675       3,375
       David/John/Libertie/Love, Japan       549       2,196
       Jeremiah/Mary/Tim/Sunshine, Japan       436       1,746
       Charity/John, USA       400       800
       Heber/Maria/Stephen, Peru       389       3,500
       Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA       381       4,566

       Aneta/Ben/Kelvin, Botswana       200       1,000
       Nina/Jay, USA       115       344
       Joanne/Claire/Joe, Brazil       111       553
Faithy/Lalo/Ruth/Sarah, Mexico       88       527
       Apollos/Francisco/Joanna, Brazil       75       225
       Claire/Joy/Stefan/Tim, Switzerland       71       282
       Josue/Salome, Brazil       69       208
       Abe/Gentleness/Mercy, Taiwan       63       189
       Emanuel/Joy, Venezuela       59       237
       Meryem/Michael/Michelle/Nora, India       55       279


       Pablo/Rejoice/Solomon, USA       60       360
       Angela/Elias, Spain       36       71
       Christina/Steven, South Africa       29       58
Jose/Ester, Columbia       25       75
       Kristina/Yanek, Belarus       25       50
       Emanuel/Joy, Venezuela       21       85
       Gideon/Heidi/Mary/Sam, Pakistan       19.1       134
       Pedro Pescador/Daniela, Argentina       19       38
       Ester/Joy/Matthias/Tiago, Brazil       18       126
       Dust/Maria, Holland       14       27

(End of File)