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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 141; September 15, 2002.)

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. All Family members in China use pen names for their contributions to the Grapevine. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 500107, San Diego, California, USA - 92150-0107e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2002 by The Family

New Grapevine address
P.O. Box 500107
       San Diego, CA

, born to Estrella and Steven on April 5.-- Argentina
       Elizabeth, 1st child, born to Amendoa and Jere on August 8.--Brazil

Feast 2003 timing!

By Mama and Peter

       Dear Family,
       We love you so much, and we're proud of you for striving each day to be what Jesus needs you to be--for sacrificing so much for Him, yielding your all, taking in His Words and letting them refresh and renew you. We're proud of you for your faithfulness, dedication, and loyalty as disciples. We admire you for rising to the challenges the Lord has presented us with this year so far, and that you're growing stronger in Him each day, choosing to give your all.
       Our Husband has blessed us with so much truth, revelation, instruction, and guidance; in fact, it seems He never stops pouring out to us His beautiful treasures from Heaven. He spoils us as His brides every day of the year, but the Feast is usually an extra special time of spiritual feeding, a time to unite in prayer as one body. Each year we're blessed with something different, yet always wonderful and priceless. We can't wait to receive all that Jesus has prepared for this upcoming Feast and to pass it on to you, but for now we wanted to let you know in advance about the timing of Feast 2003 so that you can plan and prepare accordingly.
       When we asked Him about the timing of the upcoming Feast, He confirmed that it be held in January. He suggested beginning the Feast on Thursday evening, January 9th, and ending Sunday evening, January 12th. However, because in many areas of the world Sunday is a fruitful day for witnessing, follow-up, Bible studies, and meetings, etc., as well as family day when parents spend special time with their children, the Lord also gave us the option to hold the Feast beginning Wednesday evening, January 8th, and ending Saturday evening, January 11th. So this year, there are two choices as to when to celebrate the Feast. Your COs will pray about this and will communicate with you about the specific dates that the Homes in your area will be celebrating the Feast 2003.       
       Each area should be in unity, with all the Homes in that area holding their Feast during one of the above-mentioned time frames. The Lord said that by keeping the Feast days within these two options, we will still be praying and uniting together at the same basic time, and He will bless and pour out His Spirit in great measure.
       Here's a message from our wonderful Husband and ever-faithful Word-Giver, to whet your appetite for what He has in store for us.

       (Jesus:) The vats of Heaven are brimming with truth, revelations, and instruction. There is no end. The flow of My New Wine never stops for those who are yielded to Me, open, desirous, sucking, and worthy of My truth. You, My brides, have proven yourselves worthy of My truth through your many years of faithfulness, as you have treasured each drop I have privileged you to receive.
       I always have more to give. I know exactly what you need and when you need it, and My timing and plan is impeccable. For the Feast 2003 I will give you exactly what you need, My precious Family. It will be different than last year, but just as fulfilling and rewarding. I will strengthen you in spirit in the way I know is best. I will pour forth fresh Words from Heaven that will be as thirst-quenching waters to you.
       Look forward with great anticipation to the Feast that I will lay before you for 2003. I'm choosing each morsel personally and your appetites will be satisfied. No Feast menu is identical, but each time you sit at My special banquet Feast I fill you with good things--strengthening, enlightening, refreshing, muscle-building spiritual food. I am the Master Chef, and I will set before you the very best of My spiritual delicacies and heavenly dishes to feed and strengthen your spirits. (End of message from Jesus.)

       Anticipating a feast of heavenly delights,
       Mama and Peter

IMPORTANT! Are you using the correct version of the TRF?

       Dear Wonderful Family,
       We love you! We're praying for you and the big job you have of winning the world for our dear Husband!
       As was brought out in LNF #286, it has now become mandatory for all CM Homes to use the Windows TeleTRF for your monthly reports. There was a six-month grace period given for Homes to get set up and running with this new version.
       As a reminder, we would like to highlight to all CM Homes once again that for your October 25, 2002, TRF it will be mandatory to be using the Home final 1 version of the TeleTRF. Failure to comply with the reporting guidelines in this regard may result in your Home being placed on Probationary Notice in accordance with "Procedures for Placing a Home on Probationary Notice" A. and "Basic Responsibilities of the Charter Home" B. If you are still using a version other than the HF1 (Home Final 1) of the TeleTRF or are unsure as to which version you are using, please contact your RO (Reporting Office) right away.
       Fellow members, we ask that you please start using the TeleTRF as soon as possible. Though it is not mandatory at this time, having the entire Family using one version of the TRF would make things a lot easier on those who process your monthly reports. Please consider switching over today, as you will be required to do so in the future.
       We are claiming the power of the keys that the transition will be smooth and easy for all. Please communicate with your RO about any questions you may have.

       Love in our Wonderful Worder,
       Your WS Administration team

Study month reading suggestions for children

       (Note: This is a listing of suggested pubs to read with your children during the study month. You're welcome to pick whatever pubs from the list you feel your children will benefit from at this time. We have divided this into topical groupings, rather than age groupings, for you to choose study material from for your children. We pray it's a blessing to you!)

Fight the Good Fight of Faith / Resisting the Devil

       KMOP1: Fight the Good Fight
       KMOP2: Resisting the Devil
       KTK4: Letter to a Laborer
       KTK4: Run the Race! Bible Study on Heb.12:1
       KTK5: I'm a Live One!
       KTK5: Stand in the Gap
       JunDB1: Stand in the Gap!
       JunDB1: Run the Race! Bible Study on Heb.12:1
       JunDB1: Fighters!


       KMOP1: Choice and Decision Making


       KMOP1: Chastening
       KMOP2: Obedience/Disobedience
       KTK1: The Poison Plum!
       KTK3: Sergeant York!
       KTK5: Nothing Short of Right Is Right!
       LWG1: Three Little Accidents!
       LWG1: The Story of Snowflake!
       LWG1: Bad Absalom!
       LWG1: The Potato Peeler!
       LWG3: Bent Nails!
       LOG1: My First Cigar!
       KIDZ: Time with Techi! #7: Yielding and Obeying
       KIDZ: Children, Obey Your Parents (Peter and Heidi)
       KIDZ: I'm Here, Sir!
       KIDZ: Buckle Up!
       KIDZ: Who Needs Rules?
       KIDZ: Better Berries
       KIDZ: Tommy's Trucks
       KIDZ: Good-bye Grumbles!
       KIDZ: The Photograph
       KIDZ: Are You a Faithful Messenger?
       KIDZ: Picking Up the Pieces
       MLK #137: Discipline Helps Me Grow!
       MLK #139: Pruning the Fruitful
       JunDB1: Obedience in the Little Things
       JunDB1: The Lash of the Rash!

God's Ways / God's Will

       KMOP1: God's Ways Are Different Than Man's Ways
       KMOP2: Will of God
       KMOP2: The 7 Ways to Know God's Will
       KTK4: God's Guarantees!
       KTK4: Golden Opportunities!
       KTK4: Roll Ye Away the Stone!
       KTK4: When Things Go Wrong!
       KTK5: Napoleon
       KTK5: Follow God
       JunDB1: God's Guarantees!


       KMOP1: First Place
       KMOP1: Discipleship
       KMOP1: Fruitfulness
       KMOP2: Yieldedness
       KMOP2: Pilgrims and Strangers
       KMOP2: Relationship to the World
       KMOP2: Service
       KTK4: Lay It On the Altar!
       KTK4: Whose Slave Are You? God's or Mammon's?
       KTK4: Rewards!
       KTK5: Please Stay, Mommy!
       KTK5: Burn Free!
       MLK Bk.1: For God's Sake Follow God!
       MLK Bk.1: The Commission Ceremony!
       MLK #52: The Donut!
       MLK #63: Dump the Dirty Language!
       MLK #86: Endtime Power Being Released!
       MLK #97: Take My Hand and Let Me Lead!
       MLK #98: Open Your Sacks and Fill Up!
       MLK #118: Your Royal Destiny!
       MLK #134: Doves of Action
       MLK #136: All Aboard
       MLK #139: Pruning for the Fruitful!
       MLK #144: Thank You for the Keys!
       MLK #152: God Supplies!
       MLK #159: A Happy Day!
       JunDB1: This Is My Country!

       KMOP1: Godly Education
MLK #92: Press in Now, Have a Blast Later!
       JunDB1: Progressive Education!


       KMOP1: Boldness/Shyness
       KMOP1: Conviction
       KMOP2: Wisdom
       KMOP2: Thy Word Have I Hid in My Heart
       KTK2: The "Shiner"!
       KTK4: Grandpa & the Atheist!
       KTK5: There Are No Neutrals
       KTK5: Mountain Man
       KTK5: Courageous Crusaders
       KTK5: Guns or Gospels?
       KTK5: Famous Fighters
       LOG1: Fight for Your Faith!
       JunDB1: The Joseph Lewis Story!
       JunDB1: Children in the World
       JunDB1: Perspectives! And a Good Sense of Values!

Grandpa, Maria, Peter and the Family

       KMOP1: David
       KMOP1: Maria
       KTK1: Bye, Bye, Birdie!
       KTK1: The Old Papa Lion!
       KTK1: Thank God for Maria!
       KTK1: The Rose
       KTK1: "David Is"
       KTK3: The Robot!
       KTK4: Maria, the Faithful!
       KTK4: The Shepherdess!
       KTK4: When I'm Gone
       KTK4: Ezekiel 34!
       KTK5: A Shepherd-Time Story!
       KTK5: David
       KTK5: The Key of David
       MLK Bk.1: The Love Story!
       MLK Bk.1: The Birdie and the Cupcake
       MLK Bk.1: Mama's Seven Guiding Spirits!
       MLK Bk.1: Little Is Much if God Is in It!
       MLK Bk.1: Heavenly Hallelujah Homegoing!
       MLK Bk.1: Preparing to Rule the World of Tomorrow!
       MLK #47: My Tender-hearted Prophetess of the End!
       MLK #48: Mama's Goals and Prayer List
       MLK #57: A Surprise from Jesus!
       MLK #73: One of the Benefits of Living in the Family
       MLK #82: Many Are the Helpers of Maria!
       MLK #124: Our Queen Maria
       MLK #127: Peter and Heidi
       MLK #133: Safely Through the Storm!
       RB: A to Zee
       RB: More MO Time
       Mama Maria's Childhood Memories
       JunDB1: I Gotta Split! Part 1
       JunDB1: David!
       JunDB1: The Call of David!
       JunDB1: A Psalm of David
       JunDB1: A Shepherd-Time Story!
       JunDB1: The Philadelphian Prophecy!
       JunDB1: The David Prophecies!
       JunDB1: The Shepherdess!
       JunDB1: When I'm Gone
       Revelation 3:7-13 The Church of Brotherly Love

Love Charter

       KIDZ pg.543: Learning About Our Love Charter
       KIDZ pg.549: Charter Responsibilities and Rights

Further study course material to choose from for ages 9 and up
(9- to 11-year-olds are encouraged to read from the above list as well)

HTK 37: I Need Fighters!
       HTK 43: Pillars of God
       HTK 59: The Year of the Bottom Line!
       HTK 94: Mixed Bag--Standing Up for Your Convictions
       HTK 103: We're Prophets!
       HTK Vol.1: The Young Prophet and the Old Prophet!
       HTK Vol.1: Conviction and Honesty!
       JunDB2: Mountain Men!
       JunDB2: Attack!--Fight for Your Rights!
       GT1: Conviction/Compromise

Education / Schooling

HTK Vol.1: We've Got a Lot to Learn!
       JunDB2: The Education Revolution!
       JunDB2: There Are Absolutes!
       JunDB2: You Are What You Read!
       JunDB2: Teaching Great Masters!
       JunDB2: Christian Educations!
       JunDB2: Here and Now for There and Then!
       JunDB2: Astronomical Fakery!
       JunDB2: Forbidden Planet!
       JunDB3: Fire and Freedom!
       JunDB3: Why Do We Dream?
       JunDB3: Learn the Language!
       JunDB3: Children of the Future!
       GT2: Science
       GT2: This 'n' That

God's Ways / God's Will

       JunDB2: For God's Sake, Follow God!
       JunDB2: Did God Make a Mistake?
       JunDB2: The Benefits of Backsliding!
       JunDB2: Seven Ways to Know God's Will!
       JunDB2: Golden Opportunities!
       JunDB2: Roll Ye Away the Stone!
       JunDB2: Fleeces!

Discipleship / Stay revolutionary
HTK Vol.1: The Endtime Race
       HTK Vol.1: On Guard!
       HTK Vol.1: We Ought to Obey God Rather than Men!
       HTK Vol.1: What Does It Mean to Be Truly Revolutionary?
       HTK Vol.1: Are You Willing to Sign a Blank Sheet of Paper?
       HTK 37: I Need Fighters
       HTK 38: The Endtime Olympics
HTK 43: Pillars of God
       HTK 49: Jesus' Basketball Team!
       HTK 60: Man Looketh on the Outward Appearance, What Is a Rebel?
       HTK 63: Purge Your Playthings--And Head for the Highlands!
       HTK 67: Elite Troops!--Goals for 98
       HTK 68: You Are What You Watch!
       HTK 69: Benefits of the Family
       HTK 73: Jangled Lines!
       HTK 86: A New Era of Greater Works!
       HTK 103: We're Prophets!       
       JunDB2: My Yoke Is Easy!
       JunDB2: Die Daily!
       JunDB2: Old Bottles!
       JunDB2: Forsaking All!
       JunDB3: What's in It for Me?
       JunDB3: Be Not Unequally Yoked with Unbelievers!
       GT1: Commitment


       CCHB3: David, a Sample Study
       JunDB2: The Key of David!
       JunDB2: Psalm 68!
       JunDB2: Ezekiel 34!
       HTK Vol.1: Declaration of Revolution
       JunDB2: David-Daniel!--Today's Prophet!

Maria and Peter

       HTK Vol.1: Mama's Love Story!        
       HTK 39: My Precious Jewel, Maria
       HTK 40: Peter the Water-bearer
       HTK 51: The Birthday Party Vision
       HTK 95: More about Mama
       HTK 95b: More about Mama, Part 2
       HTK 103: We're Prophets!
       JunDB3: Maria Shall Shine!
       JunDB3: More on Mama's Eyes!
       JunDB3: Mama's Confession!

Our Family

       HTK Vol.1 Gifts and Blessings Prophecy!
       HTK Vol.1: The Doorknob's too High!
       HTK Vol.1: We're More Than Conquerors!
       HTK 35: Keep Fighting, Family
       HTK 41: Victory '97!
       HTK 69: Benefits of the Family!
       HTK 86: A New Era of Greater Works!
       HTK 103: We're Prophets!
       JunDB2: Not a Sermon, But a Sample!
       JunDB2: They Can't Stop Our Rain!
       JunDB2: Jesus People?--Or Revolution!
       JunDB2: Other Sheep!
       JunDB2: Are the Children of God a Sect?
       JunDB2: Wonder Working Words!
       JunDB2: Rags to Riches!
       JunDB2: The Spider's Web!
       JunDB2: New Bottles!
       JunDB2: Who To!--Pushers or Problems?
       JunDB2: The Right to Witness!
       JunDB2: Now Is the Hour!
       JunDB2: The Greatest of These Is Love!

E-mail for TEAM Foundation
If you want to get in touch with TEAM to place an order or get information about available materials, you can contact them at: fpcteam@myexcel.com

Christmas 2002 Reflections
By Chloe, WS
This year's Christmas Reflections will be coming to you in October, before the study month, so that you have plenty of time to copy them and prepare them for your contacts.
       In order to help you keep this set separate from the regular Reflections (as the set for November will also be coming to you in October), the Christmas set will say "Christmas 2002" at the bottom of the page. From now on, we'll note the special event that the pages are for, when that is the case--for example, New Year's, Valentine's Day, Easter, etc.
       Also, for those ministering to people in non-Christian lands, the same month that there are Reflections covering a Christian holiday, we'll also send some pages on a more general topic. So later on, two pages will be coming to you for use in non-Christian cultures during December.
       We love you!       

       P.S. Many thanks to all those who have sent your beautiful original writings. The talent and inspiration they reveal is awesome!--We're using them bit by bit, month by month. Please send any new contributions to ref@wsfamily.com--our new e-mail box for Reflections. Thanks!

Have a deaf ministry?
By Gideon, Karachi, Pakistan
       Dear Family,
We are compiling a testimony about the deaf ministry and how far it has reached since Dad first wrote "The Advantage of a Handicap" back in 1985. From those words, and the Lord's direction, has sprung forth a tremendous work worldwide in reaching the deaf community, and countless thousands of lives have been changed as a result.
If you and/or your Home has an active ministry to the deaf (and/or if you did at one time, but for some reason it is no longer active), can you write up a short thumbnail testimony regarding it and send it to me? I will then compile the stats and facts, etc., and DV we'll publish or post an article on this worldwide ministry. Thank you so much!
       A simple format you could use would be the following:

       *Home #:
       *Date Began Deaf Ministry:
       *Thumbnail testimony (facts, numbers, ministries, future, short testimonies etc.:)

       Please send this info to: Eduserve@khi.compol.com

       "SO TURN YOUR HANDICAP INTO AN ADVANTAGE! Having dealt with it and conquered it and found the answer, God can turn around and use it for His glory! If He doesn't deliver you from it, then He must want you to use it for some reason, so that perhaps you can go out and comfort others with the same comfort with which you yourself are comforted, even though not delivered." (ML #1937:59.)

Chinese New Year CD card!

       Looking for something to give your Chinese friends for the lunar New Year? Or maybe you live in a city with a vibrant and bustling "Chinatown" where you can do outreach and tooling and you find the people very sweet and receptive? Would you be interested in taking advantage of a holiday as dear to their hearts as Christmas is to ours?
       The Chinese lunar New Year is a great time to step across cultural barriers and give the Chinese the best "new start" possible, a new life in Jesus! Become one and pour forth the Lord's life changing power with this new CD especially designed for their unique needs!--With firecrackers, New Year's wishes, songs in both Chinese and English, including one written especially for this album, this CD is sure to be a hit with many Chinese!
       Besides this wonderful new CD card we also have a brand new, all Chinese Christmas CD with mostly previously recorded Christmas songs from other bi-lingual CDs. All songs have been beefed up and some have been re-recorded, making this the first ever completely Chinese Christmas CD! You can reach the Chinese with the Christmas message, give them a special message for the Chinese lunar New Year, or distribute Christmas and Chinese New Year CDs as a set!
       Contact the Taiwan PC at: sales@goldensp.com

5th anniversary of the Wine Press magazine
By Cassie, USA
The Wine Press, a monthly magazine for favorable former members and Active members, is celebrating its five-year anniversary this month with the publication of issue #60. The Wine Press magazine is now being mailed out to over 400 Active members worldwide and the DFO Wine Press versions of the Letters (called "New Wine") are translated into Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese. Over 120 Letters have been included in the Wine Press over the past five years, including: the "Keys" series, "Rise Above," "Nothing Is Impossible," "The Endtime Series," "Prophecy Questions and Answers," "Keys to Victory," and much more! You can download the Wine Press from the MO site, or if you would like someone you know to receive regular feeding via the Wine Press mailings, please send his or her name and address to: family@thefamily.org
       (Editor's note: Check out the MO site for the anniversary
Wine Press issue! http://www.familymembers.com/pubspages/search.php3?searchpub=32)

on the net
NO MORE heart-to-heart.org site
Please note that the heart-to-heart.org site has been discontinued. If you have a Web site with a link to this site, please remove it, as this domain is now featuring an X-rated site. Thanks!

East Taiwan Web site up
By Michael P., Taiwan
We'd like to announce that the East Taiwan Web site is now functioning, though we are still working on it. If anyone would like to take a look at photos of the work in East Taiwan you can log on to: http://easttaiwanfamily.org.
       Here, while you enjoy the sound of surf and a mountain girl singing, you will be given a choice of second sites:

       East Taiwan Family 1997-1999 (Hualien Centre)
       East Taiwan Family 2000-2001 (Ilan Centre)
       The Taiwan 921 Earthquake and Typhoon Toraji Photo Web site
       The Taiwan Family Mission Web site 2001 (from the Taipei Centre)
       (Soon to be) Our work with the Taiwan Aborigine Tribes photo Web site

       If you click on our logo you will be taken to the Chinese Family Web site, and if you click on our title you will go to the Family Care Foundation Web site. Check back regularly! We even have our first tract displayed in Amis, one of the Aborigine languages. Enjoy!

in My arms
       Written by Paul Braveheart, Guatemala:
I want to thank each and every one of you that supported us in prayer. My mom, Deborah, went to be with our precious Husband, Creator, and Lover on Friday, August 16. At 10:40 pm she breathed her last breath, and though her mortal body lay there lifeless, her spirit was being released in to the Heavenlies. Two days before her Homegoing the pain she'd been experiencing stopped, and she was calm most of the time. She was very peaceful, not in pain or distress.
       Shortly after her graduation I started praying that the Lord would show us what was going on in the spirit, since in the physical realm things were a bit sad. I then had a vision: My mom was walking on a street, and on the right and left there were people from all ages--she was being welcomed to Heaven. She was dressed like a queen and looked very pretty. At the end of the street there was Jesus waiting for her, like at a wedding when the bride walks to the front of the aisle, while her husband-to-be waits for her. When my mom reached Jesus, He embraced her with such love and passion. He kissed her and welcomed her. Then she said, "Maybe you are mistaken. I'm just Deborah. All these people think I'm a queen, but I'm just Deborah. I think they were waiting for somebody else."
       Jesus said to her: "You are one of My brides. That makes you a queen, and this reception is just the beginning of your arrival." Then the vision faded. Soon enough another vision was coming and we saw my great-grandmother and my grandmother greeting her and hugging her. She was so happy to see them. Dad was there and hugged her so tight. He said, "Welcome home, Honey! You fought a good fight!" Mom looked so happy. It was a precious moment!

Don't worry about her [Deborah], for though she did suffer in the physical, all the while in the spirit I was comforting her, carrying her, and whispering sweet words into her ears. She now counts that time of physical pain but a moment, compared to the eternal bliss, happiness, joy, and exhilaration of spirit she now feels.
       Weep no longer, but rejoice, for not only is Deborah safe, happy, beautiful, and able to communicate with you, but she will also help you from this realm and provide you with a new and closer link to Me and to the power of Heaven. She will help you and guide you and teach you how to use the power. She'll never be far from you.
       It won't be too long before you're reunited, and in that time all this heartache and pain will no longer be remembered. It will be as a dream, and the joy and love you share will be eternal. (End of excerpts of messages from Jesus.)

       (Editor's note: Read "The Last Breath--a Tribute to Deborah," written by her son, Paul, on the MO site:
http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1188 Also to read the account and testimony of Sharon's homegoing (of Jonathan) in 1985, see the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1206)

President of Nicaragua receives a witness
Peter Trudger and Maria Belen, Nicaragua:
We'd been doing follow-up, and one of the last places to stop in and visit was a beauty salon. Arriving there we found that the President Enrique Bolanos was there! (As it turned out, his preferred hair stylist owns this shop.) We were able to greet him and briefly explain that we are here in Nicaragua doing missionary work with the Family. We gave him a Fear Not tape and "Peace in the Midst of Storm" poster. He received these warmly and encouraged our team to keep up the good work.

Embassy revisited
Charity, Pakistan:
From time to time we follow up on our friends at an African embassy, and this time a big military man gave us his time (he's quite difficult to get ahold of as he's a very busy man). He only had about 10 minutes as he was called somewhere else, but right away he took all nine titles of the CDs that we have available here! He was very impressed with Motivated and commented favorably on issue #1 that we'd given him last time!
       When we were waiting in the lobby afterwards, another African lady rushed by, obviously in a hurry, and then stopped when she saw us. She said that the ambassador himself had told her to make an order of Motivated for all of their staff and she also made an order and paid in advance for the next three issues! Then she rushed off again!

Dollars from Heaven--And Ben!
Matthew, USA:
One morning before going out ballooning I took some extra time to pray. After a few hours of ballooning, a middle-aged man came up and asked for a balloon. We talked a bit and I explained our ministry. He said, "I was praying this morning, and I saw you in a vision.--Not you personally, but a man with a yellow shirt and a fresh haircut. (I was wearing a bright yellow shirt and had just gotten my hair cut that morning.) I was told in the vision that I was supposed to give you all the money in my wallet, and I don't really know how much there is, maybe a couple of hundred dollars."
       He gave me all the money, and I almost cried on the spot. I was so humbled that the Lord would do this. The only name I got from the man was Ben, and then he was gone. He had given me $446.

Honest witnessing changes mind and heart
Daniel, Marc, Susy, and Victoria, Brazil:
Daniel took about 40 minutes to explain to a director of a Christian school who we were, our past, etc. They had had a very antagonistic attitude toward us before we explained ourselves and witnessed to them. After this, the same person called us and bought 19 videos for herself and for the school.

Comic trax
Miracle Pillar, Yugoslavia:
Comic Trax are great for witnessing at the universities! We leave stacks at the cafes, libraries, etc., so all can take one. They are also good for the Orthodox youth, as it is contrary to their religious views--a wake-up call. They like the fact that we are different from their religion.

English summer camp

By Seek, Mexico
We were short-handed this summer, as different ones were visiting relatives, and some of our conventional fundraising methods weren't working so well, so we got desperate in prayer, asking the Lord how to support ourselves. Servant had the idea of having an English summer camp. We offered a five-day English Camp from 10 am to 2 pm each day, and charged a flat rate for the five days, which was about US$5 per day, which is a good, but fair price for Mexico.
       We patterned the English camp much like our recent OC camps--learning through activities, games, crafts, and participation. The parents and children were flipped. We had very little time to advertise, but had 21 kids sign up. It was a lot of work, as we spent each evening making games and preparing activities for the next day, but we saw that the children made a lot of progress. This has opened a number of new doors for us. The parents want to buy the tapes and videos we used for the classes. The parents want us to give them seminars on childcare, and we are planning to continue the English camp each Saturday after school starts.
       The parents were so excited that their children could learn in this non-conventional way and had the opportunity of having fluent English speakers for teachers. Here in Morelia the children study English every year starting with 1st grade, but often the teachers speak very little English themselves and they have little opportunity to speak English, as most of the class is only theory.
       We started the day with a united class of all ages (6-14). One morning I taught them about baseball and we had a video game to learn all about playing the game in English. We also played a simple game of baseball at break time. We generally started the day with a song from a video and talked about words from the video and we also talked about the lesson. The children would individually come up to the microphone and say their quote for the day, which they were given to take home with them the day before.
       We divided into two classes, and Servant taught most of the classes for the older ones. The schedule for the younger class was divided into 30- to 45-minute classes, and several of us took turns teaching the class, with a helper, using a variety of games and activities. Manantial used the puppets and songs from the CDs for her class, and at the end of each day she taught a craft class and each child was able to take home the things he or she made. We also had those attending our Tuesday night 12 Foundation Stones Bible study help us by coloring posters that we were going to use the next day, while they were having their class!

Activated news and results
Credited to Activated
By Jan, Nigeria
The other day Martin and I were stuck in a traffic jam when we saw someone distributing flyers to the people waiting in their cars. As we passed he gave us one, and we put it on the back seat of the car, figuring it was just the usual church advertisements. When we got home we looked at it again before throwing it away, and on the back page was the poem, "I Got Up Early One Morning," and some excerpts from an article on prayer taken from the Activated magazine. The tract was credited to the Activated magazine.
       People here really like the Activated magazines, as the churches aren't producing much easy-to-read feeding material. The only other church which has something like this is the Jehovah's Witnesses, who are looked down on here because of some of their beliefs. Activated is going further than we could ever know!

Wanting something meaty
By Talitha (of Anthony), South Africa
While we were witnessing at our tools table, a man came to the table talking on his cell phone, while looking through our tools. He seemed very interested and like he was looking for something specific. When he was done on his cell phone, he told me that he wanted something to read, but not about Jesus.
       His friend is a pastor so he didn't mind that it was Christian, but he wanted something more "meaty" than a message about Jesus. He used to attend church but he's now a Hindu. He told me that he was really messing up and treating people badly, so he had decided to take the weekend off to reflect, and wanted something meaningful to read from our table.
       At first I didn't know what to give him as he wanted me to choose something for him; I tried different books and prayed in my heart that I would find the right thing for this man. Then I picked up Keys to Happier Living. He took a couple minutes to look through it and he said, "This is what I need. Excuse my language, but this shows me my f-ups!" And then he bought it. Wow!--A Hindu taking the whole weekend off to read that book, because he knows it's exactly what he needs.

Activated follow-up
By John Berry, Taiwan
We recently teamed up with another Home to put together a weekly Activated Bible class. Rather than taking the Church of Love approach, we have now launched the local language version of the 12 Foundation Stones program.
       We tell them, "It's a course, folks, and here are the names of the subjects we will cover in the next six months, so stay tuned!" This has really increased our friends' attendance and their punctuality, as previously our friends would come infrequently and up to two hours late. After week six, an engineer friend that we've known for 12 years came to tell me how very impressed he is with this training course, and that he can really feel himself growing and making progress. He's not the only one! PTL for the revolutions that the Activated vision has caused in all of our lives!

Advertising Activated
By Tomoko, Japan
We put an advertisement in a local magazine introducing our English discussion club, "True Colors," and inviting those who are interested to please come. A young lady, T. (27), who saw the ad came, and when we told her we were Christians and offered to give her Bible classes she accepted right away.
       Since then I have been giving her weekly Bible classes and she has been growing a lot. When Activated came out she readily subscribed. She started inviting her friends who are her fellow choir girls to join the Bible class, and their response has been great.
       The first time I met four of her friends I gave them the first pre-Activated magazines and told them how this was a simple Bible study course, and since they were interested in the Bible, but find it too difficult to read on their own, I was able to tell them that this was the answer.
       The second time they came I asked them if they had read it and if they wanted to subscribe and they said they had read the mags, and they all subscribed that day! Throughout this time T., who already had subscribed, was basically doing all the promoting for me, telling them how it was so easy to understand and how the articles were amazing, etc. They all want to come to more Bible classes. That's how I reached my Activated goal for the month.

Chain reaction
By Ivan F., India
We called Corinne, whom we met briefly two years ago when we got her signed up to Activated. Last week when talking to her regarding her subscription for the first time, she was so happy to hear from us, saying that she wants to re-subscribe, 'cause she likes the mag so much. It's been a great encouragement to her in both good and difficult times.
       Yesterday she confirmed to us her re-subscription, and to our surprise, she went out of her way and got six more people subscribed, without us ever having given any hint to her to do such. She typed her own form neatly, filled in the names, and couriered it all to our residence. On top of it, her boss also got activated. We didn't have anything to do with it. We're just seeing the power of the keys bring about another miracle. Activated has sold itself and is going full steam on its own, just as was prophesied.

"Is that really you, Father?"
By Daniel, Japan
              A friend of ours, I., got saved awhile ago and I have been following up on him regularly. He wanted to subscribe to Activated but because of "his position" in the company he works at, he explained that he is not supposed to do such things as it is not the company way, etc.
       I went to visit him one day and when I arrived at his office, his father, who is the CEO of the company, was there and they took me to have a "lunch meeting" at a nearby hotel.
              While carrying on a "business" conversation, it led to talking about faith. I. said that he used go to Sunday school at a church when he was a boy, but that his father was not in agreement with doing that. The father said, "Oh really? Is that so?"
       "Yes," the son said.
       "But I went to a church when I was child, too," said the father. The son was caught by surprise.
       Then I started to witness and explain the salvation message to the father. At this time the son was closing his eyes. He was definitely praying for his father to be saved. The Lord answered his silent prayer as his father prayed the salvation prayer right there at this fancy restaurant in one of the most fancy hotels in this city, amongst all the other customers who were eating. I looked up and saw tears in the son's eyes as his father prayed.
       I pulled out a pre-Activated mag and the father agreed to subscribe right there. As the father was deciding what address to receive his mags at he asked his son, "Should I use the company address so we can pass this around for others to read?" The son looked at him dumbfounded. Here he had explained to me previously that because of his "position" in the company he couldn't subscribe and right before his eyes, not only had his father subscribed, but was also considering the possibility of receiving it at the company's address. The son's face looked like as if he was saying, "Is that really YOU, Father?" Ha!
       Another fruit of this meeting was that they are setting up a simple chapel room at their office building and they offered me the use of it for weddings, seminars, Bible classes, etc. Praise the Lord!

Tool + subscription
By Phinneas, Mexico
Before writing this testimony about getting out Activated or Conéctate subscriptions, I would like to acknowledge our shortcomings as a Home as far as the follow-up part of the program (e.g., Bible classes, Active members, or meetings, etc). In these areas, we are "shamers." Then again, with subscriptions for the past couple months we have come out as "shiners." I would like to share some of the experimental things that we have been doing. They may be controversial, but I'll risk sharing them.
       We read "Activated goals" by Peter in the Grapevine. His challenge to the Family was that in order to get 50,000 Activated subscriptions by the end of 2002, if each family adult (16 and over) would only get five subscriptions per month, we would be able to reach that goal. The majority of our Home's members have gone to friends, contacts, etc., and inspired them to help us, and to help themselves by subscribing to the mag. However, outright magazine subscription sales were quite slow in this devoutly Catholic city of Guadalajara.
       Then "Reach the Rich" came out. There was quite an urging to evaluate and to adjust our priorities in the areas of CTPs. The middle and upper class are some of the most destitute and needy people there are spiritually. We are a different kind of missionaries.
       From one perspective, CTPs are projects where Family members work for free to help others and so further the Kingdom of God. We prayed about upping our subscriptions, and considered "working for free," as if it were a CTP. The Home decided on one or two subscription attack days during the course of the month. The objective was to purely get subscriptions. Each individual was free to go about it in the way the Lord so led. Those days were set aside for the Lord and His work and none of the witnesses had to generate one cent for the Home's operating expenses.
       Different people approached it in different ways. Some sold children's CD cards, which are a hot item here, and the profit from that day was used to sponsor some dear folks who we wanted to feed and follow up on. For example, one of our neighbors is such a busy man. He works so much that we hardly ever see him. One day he invited us to use his beach house for a little vacation. As a means of showing our thanks, we told him that we signed him up for a one-year subscription to our mag. He was deeply touched. He told us anytime we want to use his beach house to just let him know.
       Another idea was to include the subscription cost in the price of the tool that we were offering. We happened to have 10 Attic Fun Interactive CDs in our Home lit cabinet. The only people that buy that tool are the educated, more well-to-do folks who have computers and small kids. Those items sell for around US$25 dollars each here in Mexico. In our "CTP" to the spiritually needy rich, we decided to "work for free." We calculated the $6.50 seedcorn cost of the ICD. The Conéctate subscription is around $15, but we get a commission of $3. Therefore, our cost to subscribe someone is $12. We added up the $6.50 seed corn plus the $12 basic cost of the subscription and came up with a promotional package of $18.50 for the ICD. We told people that for that day only, a one-year subscription to a beautiful magazine called Conéctate would be sent by mail to their home, as a promotional bonus in the purchase of the ICD. Those ICDs went out like greased lightning. We took time to explain our missionary work and the Lord was faithful to help us pray with each person and they received Jesus into their hearts, one by one. It was comforting to know that they will be receiving quality follow-up with the Conéctate mag.
       These ideas may go over like lead balloons. Some may consider it as a "cheating" way to get subscriptions. I've found that Catholics can be somewhat skeptical to buy and pay for a publication that is put out by "a different religion." However, they don't have any objections to filling out that subscription card and giving their home address, telephone number and even e-mail when it is part of a promotional package included in the cost of one of our wonderful Family witnessing tools.
       Faith for subscriptions is like a muscle. It grows strong and supple with use. Our faith for subscriptions is growing.       

Reaction to "Mottos for Success"

       By Joyful Free, India
The "Mottos" are sure a hit. It did not take us long to get our 240 "Mottos" out and we had to ask the other Home for another 120 for another order we just got, since the PPC was out of stock. One businessman was so turned on by them that he phoned Paul and said, "Those 'Mottos' are so good. Everybody should have one! Please bring me 20 more. How can I mass produce them?"

By Libby, Pakistan
"Mottos for Success" are going really well here. Pretty much no one refuses them. One man that we witness to regularly, but who sometimes doesn't seem to show much response, recently said that every morning he gets his family together and they read the motto for that day and discuss how they can apply it.

By Paul (of Joy), United Kingdom
We get many comments from people who have the calendars. They say how much the calendars have helped them and changed their lives. Many say that their friends are also thrilled about it! One manager of a shop has the calendar in his office and his employees stop by first thing in the morning to read it before starting work!

Bearers of the Flame
Rosita (YA), Detroit, USA:
The Lord has said that we will become leaders in the Christian world. As people are falling away en masse in this country, it is becoming increasingly obvious that we, the Family, are to be the bearers of the Flame.
       I've met so many Christian people who, when finding out what we're all about, refuse to have any more contact with us and maliciously malign us for our efforts. So these words from the Lord were very difficult for me to swallow. It would have to be a bridging to the reality of the impossible.
       Recently we made a trip to the Twin Cities in Minnesota. The difference in people's spirits was obvious. So many "good" nominal Christians, even older folks, are now embracing the ethics and theologies of Wicca, Yoga, Buddhism, Paganism, Transcendental Meditation, and on the list goes. The true followers of Jesus are becoming few and far between as it becomes less in vogue to be a Christian.
       With this great darkness comes our time to shine. While out so many comment, "You look so happy!" "I can see the light in your eyes." One black couple who'd been on a missionary trip to Peru and witness here on Wednesday with their church group were ecstatic. The Get Activated book, One Heart at a Time, was just what they needed and they gave an extra donation for it.
       We're simply peddling the tools, same as before, but now there is a greater vacuum for the words of David. People value the words. And even if the church people never come to embrace our more radical beliefs, they cannot deny the power and anointing that's in our possession through the power of the keys and the revolutionary meat of the words we've held on to through the years.
       To restate what one of our sheep and Activated subscribers recently said, "Everything you tell me and read to me is so simple, yet it's the very answer to exactly what I've been going through. I'm blown away."

Doing well, credit to the Family
Belte and Hannah, Japan:
Our daughter, who left the Family in order to be with her boyfriend, is doing quite well. We were able to get her a good job at a well-known and respectable English school. In actuality, she needed a college diploma in order to get the job, but the management of the company Belte does weddings for knew the school owner personally and introduced Tiana. The lady was so impressed with Tiana's ability to teach the children that she hired her on the spot. Tiana feels very thankful for all she's been through in the Family in order to get where she's at now. She lets us know how much she loves and appreciates all we do to help her, and she comes over for occasional visits and Word time.

Parents' prayers work
FGA woman, South America:
This month the Lord did a miracle when my 18-year-old daughter decided to give her life to Jesus and join full time. It had to be the Lord as there was nothing else we could do but pray. And her conversion was the answer to the prayer meetings for our children that all the parents here have started to have once a month. Now we want to start having prayer meetings every week, as all our children are becoming on fire for the Lord.
       One thing about this miracle is that the Lord used a young girl from the CM Home to pray for my daughter and help her get delivered from Pan and other things that were bothering her. It's a confirmation that in these Last Days the Lord is going to raise our young people to take over the world and reach not only new disciples, but the ones who have left. It's very inspiring what the Lord is doing in our area. He's bringing back our the children who have left the Family.
Song: "Light of Your Love"
By Michael Piano, Middle East
A few people have asked me how I came to write the song "Light of Your Love" on the In Love CD. Here's a brief account. At the risk of being repetitious, I want to preface this by saying that it's totally only the Lord if anything good comes through my poor, weak channel!
       The Lord gave the song "Light of Your Love" the day after a very exhausting trip to a country that had suffered a debilitating war, and an ensuing dearth of many basic necessities as a result of the political situation. I felt quite depleted and songwriting was the furthest thing from my mind. I was trying to rest and get in the Word, trying to deal with the images that still haunted me. Perhaps the hardest to cope with were the pictures that remained from the hospitals we had visited.
       The sunken eyes of tiny emaciated children were still looking blankly into mine. The wistful, sometimes tear-laced smiles of their veil-covered mothers were still fixed in my imagination. The hardness of heart that had caused this suffering, through wanton destruction of a country's civil infrastructure, then subsequent denial of the medicine and aid needed to care for the victims and rebuild their broken lives still rankled within me.
       In the quietness of prayer I began wondering how Jesus would have been with those children, how He would have held them, blessed them, healed them. An impression began to form in my mind, and I felt someone trying to speak. There was melody too in that silence that I could sense rather than hear.
       Going into the little studio next to my bedroom I sat down at a keyboard and began to play the music I could feel welling up inside. The words began to flow, and I sensed a broken loving heart that had been healed by the touch of the Master's tender hands nearly 20 centuries earlier somehow communicating with mine.
       Mary wanted to tell her story in song, of what she had seen in Jesus that attracted her to Him more than to any man she had ever loved. There were other presences, poets she had asked to help her communicate in the language of earth. I sensed the presence of William Cowper, the English poet who wrote the immortal words to "There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood."
       In about 20 minutes the song was there almost in its entirety, except for the last line of the chorus, melody and lyrics, which I struggled with for a while and then left alone. It came a few nights later in a dream.
       Tears were rolling down my face. Somehow contained in the song was the healing my spirit was longing for. The pain of those damaged broken lives was still with me, but there was new hope that they could be changed and redeemed by the power of a Love that was stronger than all the hatred men could contrive to bring against another human being. My longing was now not for my own healing, but how to more deeply, more clearly, more effectively communicate the light of that love to those who needed it so badly.

board news
Living the board vision
By James and John, India
Since the CGO board has come into existence, we have had several plans to do this and that, many of which never took off due to a number of unavoidable reasons. But at our last board meeting, we decided that we should concentrate on one activity instead of many different things.
       We decided to hold a retreat for all our Activated members from three different cities. The Lord provided a beautiful resort for us free of cost. We could hold our classes in several different places, as it was such a sprawling complex, and we had so much variety. The attendees had a very inspiring time and were begging to extend the retreat by another day or two. We had very good inspirationalists, skit crew, and teachers to give classes. Arthur and Becky gave their testimonies of meeting Dad.
       It was not only an inspiration to the attendees, but to all the brethren who attended. The YAs and senior teens that helped on the skits and inspiration were also very happy for the time spent together feeding the sheep. Overall, it was very uniting in the spirit. We can see how the board vision is going to bring lots of changes to bring all the family brethren together.

CGO board--Doing it!
By Timna Child, Japan
I had the opportunity to attend a witnessing seminar that was organized by the local CGO board. It was very inspiring and fulfilling. Being that I have been on a sensitive field for the past four years, I have not had the opportunity to witness that much, as you have to be careful in your witnessing, and it goes a lot slower than in other fields. I have been in Japan for five months now and one of my prayers before moving here was that I would be able to have the opportunity to witness and to learn more about personal witnessing.
       The CGO seminar was about how to reach and personally witness to the Japanese labor leaders (at this seminar our focus was university students) going along with the latest GN "Reach the Rich." In the mornings we had classes on how to witness to the university students. People with experience shared lessons, testimonies, and tips.
       During the first two afternoons we attended an English discussion that was organized by a university, and during those two days we tried to get in as much of a witness as possible. On the third day we invited the students to come to a seminar which we held, and about 60 students showed up. The band, Strange Truths, played some songs and then some SGAs did skits. Some of us gave a class on "How to Be Happy Anyhow," and to end we divided into smaller groups and talked with the students about the class. We got a lot of very good reactions.
       A couple of people at my table said that the reason they had come was because they were really searching and that they wanted to find answers to life. Three of the students at my table got saved which was a real victory as the Enemy was fighting the whole time, using another student at our table as a distraction. It was very inspiring to meet a lot of other YAs and SGAs with the same dedication to and vision for the Family.

Theory to reality
By Maria, Colombia
       I'm a member of the CGO board of this part of the world (Ecuador-Venezuela-Colombia), and this is a personal reaction to the latest board meetings we had in our area.
       Even though I came back home quite happy, inspired, and renewed after the first gatherings we had to see the board videos and to have our first board meetings, somewhere in the back of my mind I was really wondering how in the world the boards would function, operate, help out with the needs of the Homes, area, etc. To me, all we talked about was just theory.
       In our first CGO meeting all we could talk about was just about ideas; we didn't really know the hows, whens, whos, or wherefores. It definitely looked exciting, stimulating, interesting, attention-grabbing, motivating, and all the "ings" you can think of, to bring into our lives and Homes the board vision and especially helping to bring it to fruition in our day to day lives and in a practical way … but, would it work? That's the way I felt.
       Only three months have passed since these original feelings harbored in my mind, when I was sitting again with my sweet and dedicated fellow board members for our second gathering. This time, however, things were very, very different. Just a few hours of our first meeting had passed when I felt all my concerns, doubts, and questions vanish away, TYJ! The three days that we were together seemed like a few hours to me. There was so much to experience together, read together, pray together about, hear from the Lord together about, talk about--not only ideas but real things which we could sink our teeth into, start moving on, and "take action"--something that I was expecting and looking forward to.
       The sincere love, care, and interest for our Family shown by each of the board members touched my heart and brought to mind some of the Lord's promises for the boards: "In unity there is great strength, and all your manpower, gifts, and talents pooled together will make a tremendous force. The power doesn't come from any one individual, or because of one person's special gifts and talents, but because all of My children are molded together as one, moving forward as one, and applying the Word and the direction that I give to fulfill My plan and My purpose."
       As our time together came to an end, it was so beautiful to me--actually to all of us--to see how wonderful the board vision is. With each united and desperate prayer; with each time of hearing from Him together; with each sharing of our hearts expressing the needs of our fields, Homes, and areas; with each humbling of each other to give the benefit of the doubt to another; with each united effort to see things through no matter who gave the idea or who is going to carry it through … I then saw the board vision taking shape and body before me, and not just in theory, but in a realistic and practical way. It encouraged me so much!
       Here we go!

Well-rounded boards
By Charity, USA
       The first CGO board meeting was terrific. It is a diversified group that has much experience in a variety of situations, so the counsel was very well rounded. Everyone brings a certain aspect to the discussion. The Lord was wonderfully faithful to speak clearly in prophecy. He gave the same challenges, instructions, guidance, and even warning to the various channels who heard from Him. I believe that all of us came away from the meeting with increased faith in this new vision and thrilled at the prospects of all that is to come as we continue moving into this era of action.

homeschooling corner
       Be wise investors
(Jesus speaking:) Lovest thou Me? Feed My sheep, My lambs, these precious gifts that I have given unto you, these precious ones that I have entrusted into your care to raise in the nurture and admonition of My Word, of My Truth. For these are My gifts of love to you, these, your precious children. In caring for them, you give them your love. In caring for them, you show your love to Me. For I have given them unto you so that you may care for them, so you may teach them, so you may strengthen them. As you fulfill this commission that I have given you, so do you fulfill My will, and in fulfilling My will, so do you show your love for Me.
       You are they who I have entrusted these ones to, and it is up to you to do the job that I have given you, the work that I have given you of raising them, of loving them, of teaching them, of training them, of giving them My Truth. What a work this is! What a sacrifice this is! But what great rewards you are given, both in this life and in the life to come!--The rewards of seeing them grow, the rewards of the love that they bestow upon you, the rewards as you see the fruits of your labors. For you invest your life into these, your loved ones, your darlings, your children. You invest your love, you invest your sample, you invest your care, you invest your discipline, you invest your knowledge and wisdom, and you reap the rewards in the lives of these, your young ones.
       So be wise investors, pouring into them all that they need, even though it is a sacrifice of time and of energy, of scheduling. It is the laying down of your life for the lives of others, for the lives of these, your children. Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for others. (ML #3066:31-33.)

Working together
By Harvest Fisher, Slovakia
A single mom and her two kids (ages 11 and 14) have just joined our Home from the USA. It is very inspiring working together. Here is how our schedule has changed:
       We're working with each other's kids (OCs through junior teens) in school and devotions.
       The 14-year-olds and 16-year-old are all preparing to take their Junior High CVC exams.
              They have a new memory project from the Memory Book (the quotes).
       Our dear new mommy, Meek, is in charge of the weekly activities and this has livened our evenings up with games, activities, and extra tutoring for the kids. She also brought some new books which added to our school.
       One very big plus is that we're working on P&P times with all the kids from 10 through 18!

Take a closer look at the CVC book
By Clara Valiant, Brazil
Sometimes our kids don't realize that the education they have in the Family is very good, if not the best. I believe with all my heart that homeschooling is the best way for our children to learn different scholastics, as we teachers try our best to not only teach the theory, but also the practical in our everyday life, or make special excursions for that purpose.
       After looking at the CVC Handbook and seeing there are so many courses to study, I got inspired to get Certificates in Primary and Secondary Education. Eman wants to continue with Christian Studies and wants to apply for all the certificates in that section; in fact, he says he wants to apply for many of the certificates in the CVC Handbook. Daniel is going for art, and so on.
       I am really inspired about the CVC Handbook 2000, as it is very easy to understand and follow. I am sold on it and I suggest that parents who are not familiar with it take a closer look. Try it; you'll love it!

Portfolio progress
By Stephen, Thailand
Our teens are making steady progress in their CVC/CLE education. We have set up each one with a CVC portfolio and they each get one full day a week to study. We have regular meetings to check on their progress and to fill in forms, etc. We give each one a planner to fill in to help them set their weekly goals.

Reading and studying on the CVC CDs
By Iona, Taiwan
This month our teens decided to go for CVC. It is wonderful to see them on the computer reading the pubs. The CVC disk makes it so simple, and I don't have a messy library after they're done. It is good for them and they seem to be enjoying the program so far.

Drama CDs available
By Amber, Africa
I was just reading Grapevine #136 and on the last page there's a question and answer concerning kids' drama tapes. These drama CDs are also available locally for those in Europe/Africa via their local FED Resource Centers. For example, Africa has them available through the Africa FED Resource Center, and I believe Russia has them as well for those there. I don't know if there are outlets in other areas. Anyway, I thought I'd mention it since it said specifically that ASCRO was the place to order these. Those who have these available to them in EURCRO area have been informed of such through order lists.

Daily progress charts
By Dave, Brazil
We got the kids' schooling started up again, using progress charts of what they do daily. It helps to get it down on paper and even have the older kids fill in their own charts.

Home responsibilities + studies
By Dorcas Pioneer, Japan
The CVC Bible knowledge section is very well made. My 13-year-old has completed reading through Treasures. It was his quiet time project. Now he is interested in studying about the Endtime, so we looked at the CVC Bible Knowledge section together and we decided which course he will take. It is such a blessing to have an already organized course for Bible study.
       We have two 17-year-old boys who decided to get their high school diplomas by their 18th birthdays. We're giving them more time to study and read. They are working so hard to pull their Home responsibilities, and are studying on top of it. GBT!

Free teaching aids
By Joan, USA
This may have already been suggested somewhere in print, but while at the local library I found a catalog Homeschooler's Guide to FREE Teaching Aids published by Educators Progress Service, Inc., which lists 1,107 free teaching aids. Many of the categories and brochures available seem to be helpful additions to class studies or personal interest studies. (You can look this up at: http://www.freeteachingaids.com)

CVC works
By Sara D., USA
I am convinced that CVC is the answer for our youth today! But I know you know that already so I won't preach at you now.
       I am, Lord willing, hoping to go to Mexico to give a CVC seminar soon. I just held a one-day CVC seminar at our Home for the city area and 30 people came from all over. The reactions were very good from both teens and adults. The main things that Family adults, even some on the FED boards, always comment that they didn't realize before are some of the basic advantages or qualities of homeschooling like:
       *In homeschooling, teachers can help encourage and therefore liberate students by advancing them ahead once they know the material. They deserve the reward to advance ahead if they've worked for it.
       *You use your chosen curriculum; it doesn't use you.
       *Students can even do CVC academics and reading lists before age 14 and thus graduate from both junior and high school early. I know lots of students age 13 who have passed eight-grade level. [See FAQ 20, CVC Handbook 2000, pg. 57.] They can get their diploma, start the high school program in CVC, keep their records, etc., but just not get credit for it till age 14. They can be done with high school by 16; graduating early is common for homeschoolers.

Thankful for Peter's CVC message
By Amber, Africa
I was so thankful for Peter's short message about the CVC. It wasn't long but it was really good to hear it from him! There's been so much published about the CVC, education testimonies, etc., but hearing it from Peter like that is like a thousand printed words!

Peter … on the CVC
[taken from a transcript of a talk]
I want to say one last word about education, and that is in regards to the CVC.--That's the Family put-together educational curriculum.
       A lot of people seem to think: Oh well, the CVC must be really crummy because it's Family. It's not documented. It's not this and not that, etc.
We just want to tell you that we really back the CVC. The CVC is an excellent course. If you take it, you will get your diplomas. It is basically all that you need. With those diplomas you can get into other schools. You can use them to show that you have education and that you have diplomas. They're as valid as any other diploma.
       It's a mindset that some people have, like: "It's just vapor paper." It's not vapor paper. You don't get those diplomas unless you took those courses and passed those courses. It's real and it's bona fide, and you should use it if you can. Or if you don't feel comfortable with that and you want to use something else, that's just fine, too, but please don't just look at [CVC] and go, "It doesn't count."
       You say, "Well, we get that [certificate], but we can't use it to get into university." Well, that's not true. The fact of the matter is that anybody who goes into college these days has to take college entrance exams. There are different things in different places. I believe in the States they're called the SAT. But in any case, you have to take them and pass them to get in. So whether you went to the most prestigious high school in your country, to get into university you're still going to have to take the same test as the guy who has the GED or the guy who has the CVC.
       So don't be so hung up on it, okay? If you haven't been using it or you've been thinking its not so great, well, take a look at it sometime. It's pretty good. People who have done it and used it have gotten their education and have done well.
       God bless the folks who have done the CVC and have really worked hard to put it together and to keep it updated. It's a huge job and we're very thankful for them. They're very precious to us and have done a tremendous job.

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
Adrien Brody, Pilar Padilla
       Drama about a young Mexican woman who illegally crosses the border into the U.S. in search of a better life and becomes involved in a labor strike.

       (Dad:)Bread and Roses
is a touching look into the real-life stories of countless poor Latinos and other immigrants who, out of desperation, are willing to risk everything in order to find an easier life than what is possible for them in their home countries. This poor sub-class of immigrants exists in almost every country of the world today.
       They're the poor, the defenseless, the untouchables, the invisibles--enticed and tempted by the very ones who ignore them, despise them, and treat them like mere beasts of burden. They're needed, but not wanted. The System wouldn't exist without them, but they must be kept in their place at all costs.
       Although it's a simple story, with simple actors, the movie was realistic and believable, a kind of Latin, modern-day Norma Rae. It's watchable, and even helpful for our folks to see, in order to remind them of their many blessings. You have been able to live by faith for years, traveling from country to country, sometimes like kings, and sometimes more like paupers, but always with the Lord's blessings. You've seen countless miracles of supply and protection for the Family the world over, and the Lord will continue to bless and keep you, in whatever state you find yourself in, as long as you're in the center of His will, reaching the lost with His love. You, like Jesus, have been willing to forsake all, that you might bring the true riches of the spirit to the rich and the poor alike.
Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
Armand Assante, Diane Venora
       A widowed 49-year-old bandleader is embittered by the collapse of his singing career 30 years ago, which left him nearly broke. A new love and a reunion with his ex-band mates revive his enthusiasm.

This is a good movie. I enjoyed it! It's fun to watch and it also has some lessons to teach. It's sad that they don't bring the Lord into the picture, as of course He is the One with all the answers. But in a way that is one of the lessons of the movie. This man would not have had to spend 30 years of his life trying to cope with his past if he had known how to take it to the Lord and see things from the proper perspective.
       The movie brings out some true-to-life struggles that families in the System go through. There are some volatile, fiery emotions involved that result from keeping things inside for so long that they eventually erupt. There is a lot of emotional honesty, combined with people trying to help others through difficult times that makes it a heart-touching film.
       It has lots of fun music from the '50s, done in an entertaining way which I think many would enjoy.        

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up
Al Pacino, Catherine Keener, Rachel Roberts
       A producer's film is endangered when his star walks off the set. In the meantime a mysterious computer programmer approaches him about a program he has developed that can digitally create an actress to substitute for the star.

This is a good film with a good message and one that really pokes fun at Hollywood, as well as its fans. It also gives a pretty realistic portrayal of the types of things that can happen in people's lives when faced with fame and glory.
       This film shows the ridiculous, but real, side of Hollywood where people worship illusion. They are so desperate to escape the drudgery of their own lives that they create gods and goddesses whom they virtually worship.It's done in a humorous way, but the truth of the matter is, the things they make fun of are all true, and exactly the way they are. Poor people!
This movie is a little taste of what the future may hold as far as where the movie industry is headed. Already they can do a lot with actors and scenes using computer imaging and this shows you where it's headed.
       The fakery of Hollywood is getting more fake all the time. You can't believe what you see on that screen.--It may be real, or it may be a fake, a phony, a sham. Worship Me, beloved, and don't be fooled by what you see in the movies. Believe in Me and in My Words, and lead others to Me, that you may shine as stars forever and ever!

Movies Rated for OCs and Up
Lil' Bow Wow, Morris Chestnut
       A 14-year-old orphan becomes an NBA superstar after trying on a pair of sneakers with the faded initials "M.J." inside.

       (Jesus:)Like Mike
is touching, sweet, and fun. Although it's quite unrealistic, it's also refreshing, enjoyable, and full of good lessons. It's a movie full of the hope and aspirations that all kids have. There's a clear distinction between the good kids and the bad kids, the good adults and the bad. It's okay for kids to watch, but help them to choose the good and eschew the evil.
       In this world, egos are too often allowed to become over inflated and glorified. The combination of skill and humbleness of spirit within the main character in this film is inspiring. Love and hope always win.        
       There are a few little crazy stunts in there, but you can explain those to the kids, and of course they should know better than to climb a tree in a lightning storm and go near a power line, or tie up an adult!--Although this guy really deserved it.
       It breaks your heart to see those poor little orphan kids, so in need of love and care. It's pitiful the way they were exploited for gain by such a greedy, unloving man. It should give our kids a burden to go out and witness to such children in orphan homes. Our kids have so much--so much love and care and concern on every side, not to speak of the riches of My Word that I pour down upon them.

Movies Rated for YCs and Up
Animated; voices of Michael T. Weiss and Olivia d'Abo
       Sequel to the 1999 Tarzan animation. Tarzan and Jane are soon to celebrate their first anniversary together, and the two are both planning something special for each other to mark the occasion.

       (Jesus:)Tarzan and Jane
is fine for kids to view. It's a pleasant, albeit somewhat slow-moving story. It's an "entertainment only"-type movie, but it's fun and fairly harmless. The relationship/jealousy thing may or may not need to be explained, depending on the kids.
       This is a poorly-made sequel in a way to the original Tarzan cartoon. But it is a movie for children and they won't worry too much about whether or not it's perfect.
       There are a few parts, which, if shown to very young children, will need to be fast-forwarded.--Mainly the parts with the not-so-friendly panthers. There are also a couple of scenes with some bad men who at one point try to kill Tarzan, but this part of the movie is not so dramatic, unless they're very sensitive to this kind of thing.
       Parents, please confirm with Me whether or not your children should watch this movie.

Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Jude Law
       (Jesus:) This movie gives a clear and true picture of life in the U.S. during the depression/prohibition era, and of those caught up in the web of the gangland lifestyle. There are things in the movie that will be informative to some who find that time period interesting.
       Those who would like to see it, I would ask that you come to Me with open hearts and minds and let Me dictate your actions.
There is a bit of a problem with this movie in that it's trying to make a good point by showing you the dandy bad example. It's a serious, thoughtful piece of filmmaking, something with a real story, genuine emotions, and interesting cinematography and acting. It's an interesting "slice of life" story, but not a very pleasant life to be taking a look at. It's not horribly violent or gory, but rather just a look at a bunch of people who have no other outlook on things, no other recourse than the "live by the sword" mentality. There's no room for forgiveness, repentance, or anything like that.
       While the overall point of the movie is not to follow in a life of crime and vengeance, for what the viewer must wade through to get this point that is already obvious, overall their time could be better spent on more uplifting subject matter. It's a dismal story about the more depressing side of a difficult era in U.S. history.
       It makes your heart go out to the "low lifes" and the scum who do the dirty work of the big rich guys, and it portrays just how lonely and hard their life is. If you watch this, it should make you appreciate all you have in the Family and how yours is a war of the spirit. It should break your heart and cause you to pray for the lost who need Me and My love to solve their problems and get them out of the mess they are in, in this old beat up world.

XXX (2002)
Vin Diesel, Asia Argento, Samuel L. Jackson
       (Dad:) This is like a new twist on the 007 James Bond movies. It's got the high action, good against evil plot. It does go out of the way to glorify and highlight extreme sports, which in some cases is rather unrealistic.
       XXX is definitely an "entertainment only" movie, as it doesn't have any pronounced lessons in it. However, it's not like some of those other movies that are just a lot of bloodshed and high crime. At least this has a little bit of a storyline to it. This agent's good traits, such as consideration for others and his tender heart, help to balance this movie out.
       Of course, like these typical "hero" movies, the main character has his personal opinion about everything, and often sets off on his/her personal endeavors, which miraculously turn out okay, and make it quite unrealistic. It's an away-from-thinking movie, and if you're in the mood for that, then you might have some fun. Pray and ask the Lord about it.

ws news
Songwriting in action
By Paul Theophilus, WS
August was my month to come up with some spiritually feeding, evening fun time for our Home. I was praying for some inspiration or revelation and didn't seem to be coming up with anything that seemed to click. Then for morning devotions we read the Letter "The Lord's Calling You to Write Songs!" (ML #3415; GN1002) and I got really excited about all the terrific promises God gave in that Letter.
       In the past I have been in a few situations where our Home just got together and put the Word to music, so I thought it might be possible to take a few "baby" steps in that direction at an evening get together. Well, as I soon discovered, most people are pretty timid when it comes to "getting creative on the spot." I had to make it pretty clear that we were not planning to put anyone in the limelight and expect them to pull down songs from Heaven on the spot, but rather we just wanted to have a fun inspiration time, play a few easy sing-along songs we all know and love, and then if anyone ever had received a song or part of a song, even if it was only a few words or ideas, they could bring it along and share it with the Home. Then at the end of the get together we could all ask our song writing Husband to give us this gift of music, especially those of us who are not so naturally inclined that way.
       I tried to get some commitments from a couple people I knew could sing or play a bit or who might have written a song or two in secret and never had a chance to share what they got with others. I got a couple "pledges," but the program looked a bit skimpy as the evening approached. I started wondering what else I could do. I went through all the key promises looking for any that seemed like they could be put to song pretty easily. I was still praying for ideas when we read a new Letter "Gems and Jewels, Part One" (ML #3416; GN1003) at another morning devotions. Wow! Here was a gold mine of songwriting goodies. Section titles were just popping off the pages at me: "The Time Robbers of the End!" "Giving Your Tears to the Lord." I got so excited that I just took the highlights from what I read and started jotting down the lines and thoughts.
       Then on the morning of the day we were going to get together I was reading the Letter "Comfort in Affliction, Part 3" (ML #3417; GN1004)--a Letter that was really speaking to me as I had been going through some rough times. So when I came to paragraph 56 and read: "The sample I wish to portray is that of vessels of My love--faulty in themselves, but with such great love for Me that they're willing to go back and back and back again to the potter's wheel, that they might be re-formed according to My desire." Well that was it--there in a nutshell was just how I was feeling, like I was getting all broken down and humbled and was climbing back up on the Potter's wheel for some remaking and reforming.
       You can imagine, not being a musician, how I prayed and claimed the power of the keys before the meeting. And yes, I did get up and put on a black hat and shirt and acted out my little "Time Robbers" song. Not able to sing it well enough or play a guitar well enough, I just played my Dictaphone bedroom copy of the froggie voice recording I made in my bedroom before the get together. And miracle of miracles, others who did have musical talents and songs to share came through and made it an enjoyable evening. We even consecrated the old piano the Lord had brought into our midst, thanks to a sweet someone's vision, faith, and initiative. And we closed the evening in prayer for the gift of music and songwriting, asking lots of Heavenly helpers to help us. Then we sent everyone off to bed with their own a little "condo" copy of the "Lord's Calling You to Write Songs."

(Editor's note: To download a copy of this Song-Spiration compilation, check the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/overflow/pubs_overflow/article.php3?tntid=27)

Announcement sent to our Home:

       Come one, come all!
       Grab your guitars,
       Tapping spoons or jars
       You are invited to a…


       You've read the Letter "The Lord's Calling You to Write Songs!" and you know that the Lord wants His Words and His music to pour forth and fill us to overflowing.

       Why wait?
       Why procrastinate!
       Why sit and cogitate?

       Let's set a date to ask the Master Songwriter to send down the magic of His music that is the medicine of our souls. He says all we have to do is ask Him for those simple, honest lyrics that will touch hearts and save and encourage lives. So that is what we plan to do this coming Wednesday evening!
       You don't have to be a songwriter or a musician to come along. Have some fun and ask the Music Man for a heavenly handout of Holy Ghost power and inspiration and some help from His Heaven full of harmonious helpers. God knows this sad old world could sure use a whole lot more songs and music from Heaven. Our whole Family began with a song and it seems that Jesus wants us to go out singing!
       If you have ever written a song, or even part of a song, dig it out and bring it along. If you were moved with inspiration from reading "The Lord's Calling You to Write Songs" and put your antenna up and plugged into the power and got zapped, share what you got! You don't have to sing it--just bring it! You can just read it--maybe someone else will be moved to sing it! We'll have some prayer and inspiration, and maybe if we dare, take a few "baby steps" up the stair to songwriter Heaven. Musicians, bring your guitars and a few fun songs from your repertoires. Non-musicians, you could bring a pen and paper, your Dictaphone--who knows? You don't want to be unprepared! What if God starts singing a song to you? What would you do? You don't want to miss it!

       Interested in putting together an e-mail newsletter?
If you're looking for professional tips in this field, check out this comprehensive how-to file: "Publishing E-mail Newsletters (Ezines)" posted on the MO site, courtesy of Sam (of Abi), USA. http://www.familymembers.com/overflow/special_interest/article.php?siid=682

       Read about board-related activities on the MO site!
Due to lack of Grapevine space, we're not including them here, but don't miss the news and photos!
       *Asenior teen meeting in Japan
at: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1223
       *An MC/OC camp in Africa at: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1224

Download new “keys” screensavers from the MO site, courtesy of Agnes, Mexico:

       Healing key:
I am pleased when you call on the keys for your healing; it creates a desire in Me to answer your prayers and bring health to your flesh.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
       Brisa (of Peter), Brazil:
I was rushed to the hospital at the beginning of the month with severe pains in my chest, due to a dual infection of the membrane that covers the heart and lungs. Thanks to everyone's prayers, I left completely better 10 days later. By a miracle we were able to provision almost all the funds to pay for the hospital bills.
       Marco Vinicio, Colombia:
Thank You, Lord, for health and the gift of healing! Three weeks ago I received prayer for the healing of a tumor I had on my forehead, which was to be operated on. But surprise! Jesus did the miracle! The tumor dried up and disappeared without a trace, as the dermatologist testified. They also prayed for my heart and hypertension, and after an intense two-week battle I was able to drop all medication!
       Simon Mountain, India:
I would like to thank all the dear ones who have prayed against my migraine headaches. I would like to testify that the Lord has miraculously healed me through the power of the keys. I suffered with migraines for over 25 years with the frequency and intensity constantly increasing every year. The Lord led us to a homeopath who explained that migraines are headaches of the stomach and that the pills I used to take several years ago, though they helped to relieve the pain a little, caused more damage to my stomach lining. So I stopped taking the pills and now through your prayers and the power of the keys I haven't had a headache in a few months!
       David (of Carmen), Chile:
The Lord has done some mighty miracles of healing and provision. Carmen had her uterus removed on account of a large benign tumor the doctor had found. The surgery lasted about an hour and a half. Her recovery has been nothing short of miraculous, as the day she was operated on, we met a lady at the clinic who had undergone the same operation and it was her fourth day there. Carmen was discharged from the clinic less than 48 hours after the operation!
       The Lord has been so good to her by making her recovery fast and easy. We know this was largely due to all of our brethren's prayers. Additionally, the Lord supplied our every need regarding the operation. The doctor, who is a long-standing friend of the Family, was very sweet to her. He and his brother (who performed the operation together) took especially good care of her. Also, the director of the clinic, a sweet anesthesiologist, gave us a good discount and performed the anesthesia himself for free! Our hearts are full of gratitude to the Lord and to our sweet brethren who sustained us with their prayers and their support.
       Faithy (of Mark), India:
Thanks to everyone's prayers, my back has been almost completely healed and I hardly have any problems with it anymore. What a miracle!
       Joyful Free, India:
I was on the prayer list for having colic pains. The Lord has been answering everyone's prayers, as those pains are gone now most of the time. The Lord told me to testify and claim His healing and count it done!
       Gideon, Pakistan:
I'd like to thank everyone for upholding me in your prayers for my slipped disk problem. I am now doing much better and am able to get up and around, although I have to be careful and prayerful in what I do. I am very thankful for your prayers and that I am "raised up" and have come to greatly appreciate what I used to take so much for granted--my mobility.
       Fabio, Iris, and Raquel, Brazil:
One of our friends was bleeding for over sixty days and asked for prayer. We prayed for her immediate healing in the power of the keys and it completely stopped the very same day! PTL!
       Claire (of Samuel), Brazil:
Lucas (1) was healed of dermatitis in answer to prayer. The Lord showed us to stop using the medicine and to change the soap we were using to wash his clothes, Thanks to the Lord, he is free from this affliction. Thank you for your prayers!
       Janet (of Sol), Peru:
I asked for prayer because I had lost feeling in my arm and was having problems with the left side of my body due to something wrong with my back. The pain had been bothering me for weeks, but now it has subsided to almost nothing!
       Sammy (of Rosita, Mexico):
The Lord miraculously healed a bad pain in my back due to a herniated disk. Two days after asking for prayer I was on my feet again!

(of Charity): Digestion and liver problems.
       Cathy French: Pain in joints.
       Crystal (of Hab): Bedridden due to bleeding; lymphedema (unnatural swelling); ovarian cysts.
       Crystal (of John): Glaucoma.
       Jesse (of Sarah): Protection while doing mandatory military service.
       Jessica (6, of John D and Peace): Proper healing of broken arm.
       Meekness (of John): Fibroid to shrink and against headaches.
       Nidhi (4 months, of Daniel and Rachel): Hemangioma (benign tumor, caused by a cluster of blood vessels).
       Scythe (17): Deteriorating eyesight.
       Thai James: Heart disease.

Europe and Africa
Anorexia and negativity.

Recovering from mumps; against ear infection that could lead to deafness.
       Johane (of Lydia): Complete recovery from pneumonia.

South America
(12, of Andres and Pilar): Acute appendicitis; quick recovery after operation.
       Alfredo (6, of Abner and Flor): Tumors; better appetite.
       Amber (SGA): Recurring pains in liver, long periods, and strong pains in her uterus with off and on bleeding; anemia and back problems.
       Augustine (of Maggie): Internal bleeding caused by multiple ulcers.
       Brisa (of Peter): Lupus.
       Christian (of Clara Linda): Dyslexia, which makes him fall behind in school; undergoing therapy.
       Eliseo (of Vicky): Serious problem of diabetes; wounds on his legs that won't heal.
       Elizabeth: Liver, intestines, and kidney problems; better circulation.
       Francisco del Sol (of Beatriz): Heart valves to function normally, especially the aortic valve.
       Josué (of Salomé): Hydrocele (liquid in the scrotum).
       Lydia (of Gabriel): Growth in her throat.
       Perla (of Juan): Ruptured fallopian tube pregnancy, and a second pregnancy in her uterus that she had lost due to the fallopian tube pregnancy; advanced infection; complete recovery.
       Rosa (of Nehemias): Urinary tract infection, high blood pressure, and varicose veins.
       Salomé (of Josué): Breast cancer; diabetes and high blood pressure.
       Samuel and Tiago: Mycosis (fungal infection).
       Tabitha (of Jonathan): Eating disorder, frequent headaches, gastritis, nausea, anxiety, and to be able to lose weight in a healthy way.
       Tracy (18): Infection in her kidneys, ovarian cysts, virus, and internal hemorrhaging.
       Vera (of Luis): Disk in her back is wearing away, another is cracked, and both are touching on the spinal column causing a lot of pain. Taking strong medication which could set off her glaucoma.

help wanted
Hi I'm Victoria (SGA). I've been living in Thailand for the past 18 years and will be moving to China soon. It's a big step in my life, but I'm really excited about it. This is where you come in! Being that I'm in a small Home and mostly doing childcare, I don't get to go out fundraising that much. So I wanted to ask if any of you would like to help me out with some of my fundraising. I need roughly $900 total. That's for everything--visa, airfare, and landing funds. I have nearly half of that now. My goal is to be able to leave for China by October. If any of you feel the burden to help me, you can send it through the TRF to TH08 designated for Victoria (SGA). Even a small donation is worth it 'cause here a little goes a long way. I love you all. Thank you so much.

(in Mexico), please get in touch with Angie at: angietj@hotmail.com

       I'm trying to get in touch with Tim and Rachel from Sweden. My parents (formerly Solomon and Joy) really want to contact you. Please can you e-mail Sylvie at shirubiya98@yahoo.co.uk and I'll give you their e-mail address. Thanks!

Mistakes are painful when they happen, but years later a collection of mistakes is what is called experience.

Funny things do happen!

       By Gabe (of Karina), China
When we returned to our home field of Australia many years ago we asked two of our supporters to loan us funds for a van. God bless them; they each gave AUD$4,000. So we were excited to get our first wheels after six years in India and Pakistan--six years of eight people squeezing into rickshaws and hitchhiking all over the countryside and risking life and limb on Third World transport.
       We found a suitable van in the Sydney newspaper and arranged to see the van. It was priced at AUD$8,000, so we were hoping to bargain the price down. We were living with Karina's parents at the time and we had no extra help, so I went to see the van while Karina stayed back with the kids. First mistake: I went alone. We were a bit nervous about purchasing a car, spending so much money, worrying if we would get a lemon.
       I'm not too good at business. I appraised the man's van and offered him AUD$7,800, thinking I was talking tough, ha! I had told the owner about our recent mission in China, and I was probably the first person not to rubbish his van and offer him peanuts. He went aside with his wife to discuss my offer and came back and said I could have the van for AUD$7,600. I think they must have felt sorry for me and my naivety.
       I gave them a check and they said the transfer couldn't be done as it was Sunday, so we could pick up the van on Monday. When I got home Karina was upset and worried as I had given them the check and they still had the van. What if they were crooks? What if the van was stolen property? What would our supporters say if we lost all the money? How could we live with ourselves having to pay back AUD$8,000 over the next 50 years with nothing to show for it. Oh woe is me!
       Then we found out that there is a government service you can call and they can check the registration number of the vehicle to see if it is stolen property or is repossessed. So first thing Monday morning I called the government office and gave the details of the car, and it took a minute for the penny to drop. I had been yapping on about a possibly stolen car to the very owner. I had called the wrong number and was talking to the man selling the car. Buckets full of embarrassment! Fortunately I could save face because he couldn't see my face.
       I got off the phone and told Karina. We laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. After recovering from our fit of laughter I checked my notebook very carefully, even double checking with Karina, as the last thing in the world I wanted to happen was to call the owner again, and dialed the number. Fully confident this time, I rattled off the information. You wouldn't believe it! Yes, it was the car owner again. He seemed to see the funny side of the situation and said jokingly for me to keep trying. Another uncontrollable fit of laughter.
       After the second recovery I checked my phone book and realized I had written the car owner's number opposite the government office. We saw the Lord's hand in this unusual mistake. He wanted us to crack up and have a good laugh at ourselves and our total inability to do anything without Him. We had been worrying and not trusting, and this joke on us by the Lord helped us to lighten up and relax as we were just adjusting to being back in our home field. We never rang the government office. We picked up our car shortly after, and it served us faithfully over many wonderful years.
       Isn't our Husband wonderful to give us what we need and exactly when we need it? Thank the Lord for the ask Me everything vision which can help us to avoid these kind of blunders. But I'm sure He has some tricks up His sleeve to keep us living the "be so happy" vision! Or should I say the be so humble vision.

By Mark, EE

       While out witnessing I gave a tract to a lady who exclaimed: "Oh my God! I'm an atheist. What are you doing giving me something like this?"

       (Editor's note: Send in your true-life funny stories today!)

Reaching the rich--and the poor
By Andrew and Miracle, Kosovo
We were invited to do an animation show for a group of school children who were going to be spending the day visiting the capital, the UN complex, and TV station. These kids were from the only multi-ethnic school currently operating in Kosovo, and we had a great time with them! We were delighted to learn towards the end of our show that the children were being called to the UN Press Office to hold a press conference with the UN Administrator for Kosovo, Mr. Michael Steiner. Mr. Steiner's arrival was slightly delayed, so we took over at the behest of the organizers, and had a rousing inspiration with the kids, dancing and singing around the conference room. We had around 10 cameras on us videoing our every move! (The next day we were on the news!)
       Still fully dressed in our clown outfits, and after a photo shoot, we all jumped on buses to visit the president, Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, at his personal residence. He had just returned from The Hague where he had testified against Slobodan Milosevic, and he was very tired. When we arrived, there were the normal formalities, but then the ice was broken when we moved into the limelight, and while standing alongside the president, proceeded to sing "I've Got the Joy" in Albanian with the entire group. President Rugova joined right in, singing along wholeheartedly. He had pictures of himself posing with the Pope and Mother Theresa right behind him. We had a moment to chat with him and will be making a follow up visit so we can give something to him to read to help him to do his very difficult job.
       Another highlight of this month's "reaching the rich" was the dedication of a very important kindergarten where we were invited to provide the entertainment. Our friends who provided the funding to rebuild the kindergarten were very excited about us coming, and we were counted along with the VIPs who attended, including the minister of education and the mayor! We have been working with this friend during the war and she is very impressed by our motivation.
       On the CTP side, we did many school shows where we had a chance to lead the kids to the Lord, as well as distribute aid and tracts. We had some very nice coats that had been donated for us to give out to the needy, so we gave each teacher one, as some of them have been working without salary.        
       We have our Bible classes on Sundays, and on Saturdays we take time with our Activated students. On Orthodox Easter Saturday, we decided to take the 30 of them to a beautiful lake for swimming, boating, and Word activities. The whole day was a miracle, as it was the warmest day of the spring. We had military transport, drinking water, and rations for all who attended. It was so much fun on a beautiful day in God's beautiful creation! These kids are living in a very small enclave, usually never able to go anywhere, so this was one of those unforgettable events for them.       We have also begun a new exciting CTP at the youth prison. We are visiting the prisoners once a week, and they are so thankful, as we are the only rays of sunshine in their lives. The first week we did our show and activities for the group of mentally challenged men in the prison, some of which had been in larger detention facilities where they became mentally handicapped. On the second week we had the boys ages 12 to 18 and they had so much fun! The ladies were the last group and they were touched by our program.

Reaching ambassadors and diplomats
By Charity, Pakistan
Our close friend S. put us in touch with one of the Arab countries' ambassador's wife here (a beautiful young woman) to provide the entertainment for her two children's birthday party at her residence. God bless S., as she really has the vision to help us reach the rich, as she's working with these people herself. It was a very big splash of a party, with ambassadors' wives from all over the world attending with their children! This is the first time we've had any interaction with this somewhat closed Arab community, and we felt that it was the Lord opening this door. Generally, we're busy with our projects and don't go out of our way to reach a lot of the diplomats, as they have their exclusive social circles and are busy with their national gatherings and social functions.
       The ambassador's wife was absolutely flipped by our show, even though our regular team of kids was sick with the measles and we had the fill-in team instead. She told us later that for a week after the show, people were still phoning and telling her how much they enjoyed it, asking where those entertainers came from, and whether she had hired us from her country. Ha! She mentioned at the end of the function that she'd like to help sponsor our projects and we should contact her later. The children made her a lovely thank-you card along with an official letter of thanks for hiring us, and a copy of Motivated. She phoned to thank us and the children for the lovely card, and she was so touched.
       We visited her again and she treated us royally. We spent about four hours with her and another woman, a doctor who runs an NGO, whom she'd invited. She told us some very personal things about her life, and we prayed with her at the end for her life and our friendship, etc., which she appreciated. The Lord had showed us to be there for her and to listen, and that's exactly how it went. She also promised sponsorship in a big way so we're praying that this comes through after sending her some proposals. She's definitely got the potential to sponsor substantially. We've been praying for some kings and queens and we feel this is it!

(End of File)