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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 140; September 1, 2002.)

The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. All Family members in China use pen names for their contributions to the Grapevine. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 500107, San Diego, California, USA - 92150-0107 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2002 by The Family

There's only one thing more painful than learning from experience and that is not learning from experience.



P.O. Box 500107
San Diego, CA

       Vanessa Maria
, 3rd child, born to Christina and Dan on May 26.--Ukraine
       Alanna Isabel, born to Shine and Timothy on June 28.-USA
       Natalie Elizabeth, born to Sarah and Joseph on June 29.-Japan
       Mia Nichelle, 1st child, born to Karishma and Ivan on July 8.-Japan
       Christina Joy, born to Esther and Daniel on July 15.-Russia
       Cheyne Geoffry, 4th child, born to Harmony and Philip on July 21.-USA
       Nicole, 2nd child, born to Emmy and Sean on July 23.-Middle East
       Makoto Robert Lee, 3rd child, born to Natacha and Ken on August 10.-Uganda

       new disciples…
(23, Italian) joined in Croatia.
       Nyarai Natalie (17, Zimbabwean) joined in Zimbabwe.

Healing ministry in Colombia

       By Juan (CO), Brazil

       The healing ministry continues in full force in Colombia. The wonderful thing is that the power of the keys has been manifested in the lives of many of our young people. This, aside from the wonderful healings that are taking place, has helped to "heal" the souls of many of our young people. It has helped to light their fire in seeing how the Word is true and the power that has been promised is NOT a farce, but for real. Many of them have been receiving visions and prophecies that are helping them to get activated through the power of the keys.
       Zac and Lucero presented an inspiring seminar about activating the power of the keys that was given to the young people in the area, and I must testify of the wonderful fruit that I have seen thus far. TYJ! Testimonies are being written right now! It truly is an explosion!

Witnessing flannelgraph

       By your WS kids pubs team
The flannelgraph "Jairus' Daughter" that is included in this mailing is for use with your own children, and those you witness to. This story can be given in hospitals and orphanages.-And it's simple enough that it can be given by your children!
       The accompanying "Be the Artist" is so your children can learn to draw these characters. You could also pass this sheet to the children you show the flannelgraph to in your witnessing, so they can learn to draw these figures, and can reread the story on the back page. (If you do pass the "Be the Artist" sheet to those you witness to, we suggest that before duplicating it you first delete the lines, "You may photocopy these pages ... additional figures." And remove the FC pub number.)
       Have fruitful witnessing!

How to get in the FAR
A big thanks to each of you who have been sending in your inspiring testimonies that we can share with the world via Family Activity Reports. Until now, we've received most of those testimonies via your TRF comments, with only a few coming by direct e-mail. With the new TeleTRF and the board structure in place, most of the TRF comments now go to the various regional boards, so, although we're still able to enjoy and use the inspiring testimonies that you may include in your TRF comments, it takes longer for us to receive and sort through them if they're mixed in with other comments, victories, etc. Our e-mail box, on the other hand, is checked almost daily, and if you send in your articles and photos--yes, we love those photos!--to far@wsfamily.com, we'll get them right away and be able to publish the news while it's still hot. Besides publishing them in the FAR, we will also be able to post them on the GP Family Web site (www.thefamily.org) much quicker. So, ideally, please send in anything that you think would be a good addition to the FAR via e-mail, rather than including it on your TRF comments. Thanks. Again the address is: far@wsfamily.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

Kidz Biz
temporarily on hold

       Please thank your children for the wonderful material they send in for Kidz Biz! It's exciting reading their testimonies and seeing their art. We have such on-board kids!
       Due to the extra work it's taken to get the new Gen-Up mag rolling, we have needed to put the Kidz Biz on temporary hold. But it will be coming your way again in November, DV. Please pray for this.
       Love, your KB team

in My arms
       (Written by ASCRO:)
We wanted to let you know about the homegoing of a dear and faithful Indonesian disciple, Michael (of Sharon VS). Michael translated the Words into Indonesian for many, many years and was truly faithful and dedicated to his task.
       Michael had a heart attack on August 5th, and shortly thereafter went to be with our dear Husband. Michael had been diagnosed as having a serious heart condition some months ago and had decided to take a stand of faith and trust the Lord rather than follow the doctors' recommendation to operate.
       Michael had many friends in the Indonesian community, people he'd witnessed to over the years, many of whom are now showing their love and sympathy.
       We'd like to ask for prayer for Sharon and their five children, that the Lord will pour down His loving balm of comfort and encouragement on them at this time.

I accomplished through [Michael's] life that which I intended. The seeds of love and truth that he has sown are growing and will bear mighty fruit. He was a great witness, sharing My love and truth and Words. He was a shining light to his fellow Indonesians in the midst of need, hunger, and darkness. His light has not been extinguished. His light will shine brighter now. It will shine on in his legacy and in the memory of his loving spirit that lives on and will always live on in the hearts of those whose lives he touched--not only there in Indonesia but all around the world. Michael fulfilled his destiny; he accomplished his mission for Me, and he has been welcomed to My heavenly courts with much applause and commendation. (End of excerpts of message from Jesus.)


       Read the account of the 33 Family members from around the U.S. that attended Rainbow Gathering 2002, on the MO site. See the photos! http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/article.php?nwid=1145

       Taking pictures of your local work?
Want a photo featured in the FAR or other pubs? Check out the "Photography Tips" class, posted on the MO site for tips, tricks, and sample pictures! [http://www.familymembers.com/overflow/special_interest/article.php?siid=638]

To all writers and reporters: Send your articles in by e-mail!
       We appreciate all the work, time, energy, and prayer it takes to prepare an article for publication. With the new TeleTRF set-up, articles sent to us via the TRF go to the board they pertain to. WS also receives these board files, with the articles prepared for publication mixed in with testimonies, reports, and other information.
       So if you work on an article specifically for the Grapevine, Xn, FSM, Eve, Reflections, or any other WS pub, please send it directly to that pub at the appropriate e-mail box. (You can make a note on your TRF if an article included with your report is also being sent separately to WS pubs.)
       If you have a prayer request or an answer to prayer that you'd like to have included in either the Grapevine prayer list or the online prayer list (MO site), please send it in via e-mail as well!
       Go with e-mail for your pubs-ready articles! Your writings will get to us quicker and more easily, and thus get attention sooner. Thanks! GBY! And keep writing!
       P.S. Here are the e-mail addresses for WS pubs, for your reference:
       Activated: activated@wsfamily.com
       Art contributions: art@wsfamily.com
       CVC: fed@wsfamily.com
       END: end@wsfamily.com
       Eve: eve@wsfamily.com
       FAR: far@wsfamily.com
       Family Care: familycare@wsfamily.com
       FSM: fsm@wsfamily.com
       Grapevine: gv@wsfamily.com
       Heaven's Library: hl@wsfamily.com
       Kidland: kidland@wsfamily.com
       KidzBiz: kidzbiz@wsfamily.com
       Prayer List: pl@wsfamily.com
Any other pubs: pubs@wsfamily.com
       NEW e-mail for Reflection contributions: ref@wsfamily.com

news from some of your Activated desks, June/July 2002
       BRAZIL - June
       New subscribers:
We signed up 264 new subscribers this month! This is our best month so far this year for subscriptions.
       Flyer is working: The BSC provisioned the color printing of 300,000 copies of the new Activated brochure (flyer). We have already distributed over 15,000 through the Homes here and are already receiving our first "unsolicited" subscriptions. It's working! We believe that these will be a key in getting more subscriptions.

       BRAZIL - July
       CGO boards taking off:
Our two national CGO boards are getting "on line" here in Brazil. They are accepting the challenge of promoting Contato and the sale of Contato subscriptions as an integral part of the Home's follow-up and outreach programs. They are already organizing seminars, brainstorming sessions, etc. They, and their board promoted activities, should quickly become the principal avenue for the promotion and growth of the ministry, TTL!
       Protection: We have been thrilled to see the power of the keys at work. Despite the continuing economic turbulence here, with wild swings in the value of the currency (increases and decreases of as much as 20% in a single day), daily news reports of crisis, crash, and impending financial doom, the looming national elections (president, senate, etc.) with their accompanying confusion, and assorted other emergencies, the Lord has miraculously supplied for and kept us. He is continuing to help the ministry to grow and prosper. We had a good month in both tool sales and subscriptions, one of our best this year.

       CEAD (Central/Eastern Europe) - June
The Lord has continued to lead, guide, and supply for the printing of Activated magazines. We were able to finish up the last-minute layout jobs for a number of mags (26 in total), and between June and July our printers rolled out magazines in eight different languages--including mags for the first time in Slovakian and Polish. The Bulgarian mags are also nearly finalized.
       More sponsorships: Sponsored subscriptions are continuing to roll in--with us receiving 103 additional sponsored subscriptions. Many of these have been given out (as we already had some names and addresses of sheep), and we are hoping to have the rest given out by the end of this next month.

       CEAD - July
       First Bulgarian mags finalized:
This month it worked out for Bulgarian Clair (of Peter BP) to spend some time at our Home finalizing the first four Bulgarian Activated mags, which we plan to print during the month of August.
       Russian mags #8 and 9 finished: The team in Ufa, Russia, finished laying out mags 8 and 9 in Russian!
       More sponsorships: TTL, this month the Family helped with funds to cover 279 sponsored subscriptions! God bless our wonderful Family for sacrificing to help reach our Love's sheep here in Central and Eastern Europe!

       CHILE - June
       Tool sale:
The sale of tools skyrocketed this month, particularly of the Spanish calendars. We ordered 200 to try them out in the area before placing a bigger order and surprise.--In three weeks we were sold out! The other new books My King and I, Key Bible Verses and Prayer Power have also sold well.
       Club launch: We launched our Conéctate club! We also held an area meeting where we shared testimonies, the vision for the MOTM, showed the new products, and had prayer together.

       CHILE - July
       Meeting for disciples/friends:
We had a terrific Conéctate meeting for our disciples and friends, held in a four-star hotel. We had a very good turnout considering it was our first meeting of this sort. People first laughed with some of the games we played and then were moved to tears by the subject of the fellowship: appreciation. We have started to organize activities for our subscribers with the vision of showing them that Conéctate is much more than just a magazine-that we offer a whole program with lots of fun and deep activities.

       EAD (Europe/Africa) - July

       Upgraded Web site: We've started to receive a lot more orders, subscriptions and sales of Activated products from our getactivated.co.uk Web site now that it has been upgraded and we have enabled credit card payment. Dan has invested a lot of time in the site so it's thrilling to see it bearing fruit. Some new bookshop and distributors began ordering this month and one online book club wants to work with us.
       French Activé: Issue #1 of Activé in French was printed in South Africa at a very reasonable price, and the next issues are going to press soon.

       INDIA - June
       Activated retreat 2002:
The Lord supplied a beautiful resort for this retreat conducted by the southern CGO board. Forty attendees from five cities in South India assembled for three days of--as one attendee put it-"a time to get spiritually cleansed, renew our commitments to serve Him, draw much closer to the Family, and step out with confidence that with them, we will go out and win the world for Jesus!"
       Boards: It's been a blessing having the Activated desk work closer with the CGO board. We can see how the boards will be a big blessing and a service to the field. Working closer to the CGO board is a real victory as we feel we have more of a pulse on what the outreach folks want and need.

       INDIA - July
       Mumbai Book Fair:
The door is opening for us to attend the International Mumbai Book Fair (mid-September). Please pray for this.
       Online hits:
We received over 75 e-mail enquiries for either subscriptions or products this month. A majority of them were a result of someone logging on to the Aurora Web site or the Activated Web site. The result was a quite a number of confirmed orders or subscriptions. We also received over 30 letters in the mail, of which about half were people sending in checks for subscriptions.
       Subscriptions: We have a total of 468 subscriptions this month, of which 93 are renewals. Another victory is we are starting to receive a fair amount of renewals in the mail directly from the subscriber, which means these people are really sold on the Word.
       Productions: This month we produced the original five Scripture tapes which we haven't produced over the past five years, along with Wild Wind and Wings of Prayer. The Scripture tapes had not been available for some time, as no one was buying them as they felt the content was too Christian. But with the new vision of Activated and follow-up, more Homes are keen on using them. Thanks to the new day and new way, people are appreciating these spiritually uplifting tapes.

       JAPAN - June
       CD cards:
We are working on two local CD cards--one for kids and one for Christmas. The adults' one will use a new Japanese CD on the theme of "comfort." The kids' CD will have a CD with pre-recorded songs from other albums.
       Japanese mags and books: Activated mags #7 and #8 are in the process of being printed, as well as the Japanese Obstacles Are for Overcoming and Hearing from Heaven. "Mottos" is being finalized as well.

       USA - July

       CHEA Convention: We had a booth at the CHEA (Christian Home Educator's Association) Convention this year (July 12-14). It was our third time at CHEA. We had done quite well with our sales at CHEA last year when we sold about 300 Cherub Wings videos. This year, however, sales were slow. Despite the slow sales, it was a blessing to be at the CHEA as we met a lot of sweet sheep, did a lot of witnessing, and of course it's always good to get out the tools!

Meeting Ernesto Cardenal

       Jonathan and Mercy Nubes, Chile: "Every man possesses an inner chamber. Inside every human being there exists a bedchamber that only the Husband has access to. It's a place created for love, an inner paradise. … It's the wine chamber spoken of in the Song of Solomon. … Every soul is born in love. Every soul is feminine. … She knows how to let God caress her and He tenderly and sometimes passionately touches her and caresses her."
       Words of Ernesto Cardenal, a Nicaraguan Catholic priest and one of Latin America's most important and influential contemporary poets. His radical political views have earned him a "suspension ad divinis*" by the Pope. (*suspension from being able to carry out the functions of a priest, such as giving mass and communion)
When we heard he was coming to town and would give an interview to a well-known literary reporter, we decided to attend the event. He was very anointed during the presentation. Being a radical "liberation theology" leftist priest, he's gotten quite disillusioned with political doctrines. When asked by someone in the audience how he felt now that Allende's project had failed and that communism has been largely unsuccessful in achieving its ideals, he answered that as Christians we should be actively looking forward to the Millennium and the righteous reign of Christ on Earth where there will be an equal distribution of the wealth and love will be the standard. He then went on to exhort the youth to continue believing in a better world and to fight for the truth and for just causes. He ended his interview by reading some of his mystical-erotic poetry with beautiful loving Jesus imagery. As people were standing in line to get his autograph, we did also, but instead handed him a copy of From Jesus - With Love in Spanish dedicated to him by our movement, The Family. He gladly took it before he was whisked away by those shielding him from the crowd.

International World Day Against Child Labor
       Islamabad Home, Pakistan:
An event management company contacted us on a short notice requesting our performing teen team (Fantastic Friends) to sing a few songs and create a drama related to the child labor issue and problems in Pakistan. (The UN set June 12th from now on as International World Day Against Child Labor.)The function was held at the International Labor Organization (ILO) where a federal minister was present, along with many government officials, various embassies representative and diplomats, labor unions leaders, schools, etc.
       Our show troupe performed "Long Live Love" and "H.A.P.P.Y," followed by an adapted version of the box skit relating it to the problem of child laborers. The tremendous sound effects put together by David made the drama come to life and left an impact on the audience. We closed with the song "Lift Up Your Fellowman" while our children passed out colorful heart-shaped cards with a quote on the back. The minister received a package introducing The Family's activities. The press reported the event with a photo of the drama depicting the message and a comment that The Family NGO's cosmopolitan children performed various songs.
       We can't tell the full impact yet, but as a result, the federal minister passed our phone number to a director of education of a nearby province who was inquiring about our teacher-training courses for the schools in his area.

Sobering lesson and missed opportunity

       Charity, Pakistan: This is not a glowing testimony from a regular outreacher, but something from which perhaps others could benefit. We were invited to attend a closing ceremony of a special environmental clean up and tree-planting program, which was carried out by 150 local children from all over Pakistan. The chief guest was the Federal Minister for the Environment, a woman. However, we didn't take the time to hear from the Lord before departure.
       I ended up right next to the Minister all by myself as we both helped ourselves to the same dinner dish, with no one else around! (Which is quite unusual as far as ministers go!) And did I take this "golden opportunity" to strike up a conversation with her immediately? Nope! I chickened out and smiled shyly, and she smiled back almost like she would have liked to say hello, but I somehow "bowed out!"
       In my purse I even had a copy of our latest newsletter plus the first issue of Motivated with the feeding and beautiful "Change the World" story that would have been exactly on the theme of the occasion. Oh my! I felt so ashamed of myself and asked for prayer a few times afterwards.
       So please learn from my mistake and take hold of those "golden opportunities." Don't let pride get in the way! She probably was in need of encouragement and help and the Lord took special effort to set it up.

Radio programs in Liberia
       Stephen, Liberia:
We had planned a series of nine 30-minute programs based around the 16 points of the Endtime. It included a variety of Endtime songs along with interesting articles taken from the END magazines, with a few articles from the Endtime Power mags.
       However, after the second week of these programs, rebel activity broke out just outside the city. This caused great fear to sweep through the city. The Lord inspired us to postpone the Endtime series and instead replay our three-part series entitled "Peace in the Midst of Storm," which is based on the poster of that name. We had a great witness on the streets during this time, giving classes on the Holy Spirit from Activated #2. "Peter's Transformation" is a wonderful example of the power of the Holy Spirit to give each of us strength to not fear during this unsettling time for Liberia.

12 Foundation Stones
Praise Sunflower, South Africa:
We--David (38), James (20), and Praise (48) have been running the 12 Foundation Stones Course at a prison outside Johannesburg, South Africa, for more than a year. About five months ago we decided to try to do it as a correspondence course instead of us visiting the prison to give it.
       David merged the teacher's notes and the worksheets, and added a test at the end, and off it went. We weren't sure how it would pan out without us being there to lead it. We suggested that the nine men who take the course at the prison get together as usual, and go through it as a group.
       They took up the challenge and have grown by leaps and bounds since then! It has been incredible to see how they all feel so much more responsible for their own relationship with Jesus.
       The test is done in such a way that there is not just one answer, but it has general questions like; "How has hearing from the Lord helped you in your life?" or "Give a few reasons why it's good to memorize."
       So they have to think about the question and relate the subjects of the course to their own life. This has proven to be a boost in getting them to grow in the Lord's love and Spirit.
       We now have 17 more guys who are on the course, making a total of 26. The first nine will be graduating in a few weeks. Hallelujah! Thank God for our wonderful behind-the-scenes people who compiled this course. It is absolutely fabulous!

board news
Early learning seminar in Indonesia
By Spring (of Daniel) and Rejoice (of John), Indonesia
In June 2002, we held our first activity since the implementation of the boards. Our regional CP chairperson was able to join us for this gathering and brought much needed input for all attending. We hosted a one-and-a-half-day early learning seminar in the mountains of Indonesia for the parents and teachers in Jakarta. A close friend let us have the use of a beautiful retreat house that provided plenty of sleeping space for all and a comfortable living room for our meetings. The Lord also supplied restaurant contacts, which donated all our meals with the exception of breakfast.
       Although time was short, much was accomplished. The attendees arrived in time to enjoy a buffet lunch of local delicacies provided by the owner of a local bakery. In the afternoon we gathered for Word time and prayer before diving into our agenda. We covered mostly the needs of babies through pre-school-age children. Everyone participated, and many shared their tips and experiences, which brought things down to a doable level. We had attendees ranging from veteran mommies to a young YA couple with their first baby.
       In the evening we had time to show some early learning materials. The subject matter and materials presented were put together beforehand by Sarah, our regional CP chairperson and by Leah, our regional FED chairperson. They had put a lot of time and effort into this presentation, which covered the spiritual and educational needs of this children's age group. We showed some CDs and VCDs of educational materials available through our regional FED board. It was vision increasing. We exchanged ideas and offered suggestions and experiences, which was unifying for everyone.
       The next day we went to our Home and everyone participated in a little show and tell, covering the practical application of some of the things we had talked about and to share more ideas and show some of the educational equipment available locally. We'll give you a little background:
       In our small pioneer Home, we started our simple classroom set up last year for the kids with nothing but cardboard boxes and an old single bed. But over the last few months it has been amazing to see how many people the Lord has reached and touched through the sample of homeschooling our kids. Even when we had so little, people were still very interested. So as a Home, after the recent GNs on kids came out, we united together to claim the Lord's supply for all the things that we needed to make a good sample homeschooling set-up. We got the kids praying too and claimed the power of the keys and put feet to our prayers.
       The Lord also used the faith and vision of our CP national chairperson (who lives in our Home) to put more into our little ones training, as in many situations early learning is becoming a lost art. It's so easy to get wrapped up in just CLE, to the neglect of being fun and creative for the little ones who are still too young for that stuff. The Lord supplied in so many different ways and led us to local people who made Montessori equipment, furniture, toys, play mats, puzzles, and games. We had very little finances to work with or time to invest in this. But in the course of our regular outreach, the Lord led us to many kindergartens and schools, and we made it a point to ask them where they got their equipment. We got some good referrals, which we followed up on, presenting our need and claiming the power of the keys. The Lord supplied most everything in a miraculous way. God bless dear John, also on the CP board, who really went on the attack provisioning for our homeschool set-up, amidst everything else.
       It was a lot of fun to have other mommies and parents come from Jakarta and we were able to show what kind of educational and early learning equipment is available locally, as well as testify to all the Lord has done and supplied. It was a real vision increaser for all of us to pour all we can into training our little ones.

open forum: blended families

       Have a comment on this topic? Write in!

       By Rosita (YA), USA
It was the sweetest thing! My dad's birthday was to take place within a few days, and Shine (my dad's wife), had come up with a prophecy idea. She put together an album of photos of their times together interspersed with quotes about marriage and the bonding shared between two hearts. My sisters and I helped out whilst he was away on a trip.
       I'd been with the kids for family day so I was having W&R on a different day than the rest of the young people. Shine had planned some fun for my dad's birthday and of all things, they invited me in for it. So I joined in on the beer and fun video till late at night. (Skipped out on the other stuff!)
       It felt so special to be included. They're just little things, but serve to fulfill a greater purpose, the binding of individuals from separate lives into something wonderful.

       By an FGA woman, Europe

       I would like to comment on the topic of staying in touch with your kids that you don't live with. I feel it's a weak area with some families that needs to be addressed.
       Five of my kids are out of the Family, and two of my teen boys still live with me. I strive to draw out of them their inner feelings, battles, etc., to help them overcome bitterness they have pertaining to my separation/divorce and anything else. They are also very bitter against their father who doesn't stay in touch. Actually, the last we heard from him was about one-and-a-half years ago. I try to explain to them that their dad never was much of a writer, but since he has been in the Family for almost 30 years, they feel this negligence in communication is a Family attitude. Unfortunately, they feel he has deserted them and they blame the Family for it.
       I do feel parents who are separate from their kids need to be much more responsible and communicate in support of the new foster parent who is now raising their kids in their absence. In other words, communication shouldn't be done with a big guilt complex of drawing the kids to the absent parent, but giving genuine love and exuding faith that we are simply a larger family, and that love should remain even if the parent has another family. Genuine love and concern does take effort, and for sure the Lord will bless the sacrifice and help both the children and parents in so many areas of their lives.

       By Lilia (18), Japan

       I'd just like to write in and say how much I admire my big family. We're a whopping 14 kids at present, under the age of 13.-With four wonderful parents (John/Mary and Samuel/Zipporah).
       Of course, there are the ever constant whining of babies, dishes, school, frustrated teary eyes, battles with health, the everyday hard work of the dads being fathers and supporters, and the list is infinite. But it all serves to reinforce the apparent fact that we are a family no matter how different our blood is.
       When my mom feels overwhelmed or feels we as a Home are not witnessing or doing enough for the Lord, I just want to remind her of the love and care they [our parents] dote on each of us.--And how far that love can go when coming down to the worst lows in life. That, I'd say, is right up there with winning a soul. It's nurturing the ones they've been given and in turn making us little disciples.
       It's really awesome having a birthday party for one child with all 14 of his siblings chanting and giving presents out of perfect love. How? It's taught by the greatest method.--Sample! The sample of our four parents who have been working together for the past eight years. They've created an atmosphere perfect for raising loving, happy children.
       I can't say it's been easy. I wouldn't say it is even now. But each of their strengths seem to make up for each other's lacks, and I've gotta say they are the best four adults I have ever lived with.
       All the children have this mindset that we're legally, biologically, and totally one family. I feel I have to make it clear sometimes that "No, we are two separate 'normal' families who try to share everything." But they wouldn't believe me. To them, we're all intertwined, our lives and theirs. Their older brothers are our older brothers and it's just like that.
       Anyway, if there's a Home out there feeling like your unity isn't the best or their witnessing hasn't been blooming all over the place, if your people are still hanging around, there's gotta be a reason or an ounce of good.
              And my reason is, it's the love! It's the sacrifice I see given every day. It's all that praying over one child's fever or all that praying over the father's day out working. It's the constant striving I see in my parents' lives, that they want to give their kids the best and go WAY out of their way for that.
       I really do thank the Family for giving us this way of life, and I thank John, Mary, Dad, and Mom for making it real. And yes, I thank Jesus for holding it all together. I pray it continues to grow as each of us make our own choices and decisions.
Here's a picture of our youngest girls (R-L:) Selena (3, S/Z), Crystal (5, J/M), Jenny (5, S/Z), Sherry (9, J/M), Sheba (7, S/Z), Elaine (2, J/M)

       By Petra (SGA), Belgium

       Ah, red, yellow, black, and white! They used to say my family could be used in a United Colors of Benetton ad, well, except for the red and the yellow, though we came pretty close to adopting a yellow once upon a time. In all seriousness, our family is made up of an African-American father as well as oldest daughter and only son, a fair-haired Dutch mother, two brunette daughters, one of Peruvian origin and one of Arab … and, an insanely blonde blonde--who, if I tell you is the one writing, you may turn the page in search of something more intellectual … but wait! … I won't tell you who's writing and you get to read on because I believe you'll appreciate the point to be made here.
       So I'm talking about blended families, by whatever reason, families who have been put together through re-marriage or who have gained the blessing of Heaven's children through someone other than their spouse. And due to someone bringing up the want for testimonies, trials, lessons, and so forth in an earlier Grapevine, I thought, being one of the cocktail children myself, I could relate a word or three. …
       I admit, my parents got together when three of us were two years old, so you may say we were too young to know the difference--yeah, right--that may work for a little while (sweet foreigners asking if the black, the brown, and the blond are triplets) but at some point soon one realizes that most, if not all the other families have spouses, siblings, and even cousins all of the same color and hair type. Hmmm…
       Growing up was fabulous! Not only did we have the excitement of the Family lifestyle, but we were close in age and soon became close in so many other ways that the familiarity of cat fights and shouting sprees fast morphed into the simple memory of family ties where love remains through it all. Even now with my family divided over the globe in as many divisions as are possible, our support for one another is something I can attribute to a loving, understanding, and disciplined upbringing--for which I am grateful to my parents.
       When I hear of families or people who question, mock or judge the tanned child in the middle of eight fair, the mother who raises, loves, and nurtures, or a father who proudly teaches his tanned son about the birds and the bees--it pains me deeply because there simply is no reason … none at all. Life, God, and happiness are about love, and if we fail to enact that, we fail as samples to the world and fail as brides of Christ.
       Naturally there's a curiosity to find out about one's own biological father and origins, an idea awkward yet curious in a child's eye. All I can say is to be open to your child when they ask questions. It's not wise to wait till they're "of age" to find out. Maybe my parents couldn't quite hide the truth in our case (ha, ha!) but I so admired their honesty, casualness, and normalcy to the whole affair that I wouldn't do less for my kids.
       At 16 my biological father contacted me, and at 18 we were able to meet which has been a tremendously exciting experience--but no matter what happens, my father is my father, the one who reared, disciplined, and loved me and my family. My brother and three sisters are the dearest people in the world to me and all it took was a lotta love and openness, not to mention that a picture of my family is the greatest conversation starter of all time!
       Love your family people, while they're still around. Love your family and love your greater Family.
       Much luv, Petra … the blonde (never thought I'd shout that off a rooftop, ha!)

Keeping your word
       FGA woman, Australia:
I want to say something about us, as Family members, giving our word to each other, saying we will do such and such, but then not keeping our promises. Of course we all fail at times, but what I'm talking about is when people give their word that they'll be in a Home for at least six months, but then leave after a very short time.
       The feeling that comes after it's happened several times is that Family people can't be taken at their word. They may have good intentions, but things change and then they don't stick to their promises. It's no use getting legalistic about it, because it may be that the Lord is engineering the changes and we must accept that. However, what might make it easier is the way it's presented.
       Instead of, "Listen, we're giving 30 days notice because this and that has changed and we hope you can find replacements." Perhaps, if it was like, "Gee, we didn't foresee this situation coming up, but we're wondering if you could pray with us about what should be done."

Course for Home teamworkers?

       Ammi, SEA: I recently completed the CVC course study lists for "Christian Leadership." I was impressed with how well rounded the counsel was, incorporating both old and new Word. I wondered if it would be a good idea to suggest that folks take this course when elected to a teamwork position, especially for the first time. For many of our young folks, YA and SGA, they have most likely read the majority of these Letters when they were younger, but reading some of these key shepherding Letters when you are a JETT or junior teen and then reading them again as a YA or SGA once you've become a Home teamworker can be vastly different in the way you apply and receive the counsel. It seems to me that there can be a tendency on the part of all of us to operate by experience or what we see or hear others do, or go a lot by opinions. Anyway, if any of us are going to actually fulfill the role of "Christian Leadership" it would surely be a strength to our shepherding if we would take this course and get our pattern and opinions from the Word.

Intercessory prayer works

       Pat (of Richard), Germany: Intercessory prayer is working in the lives of our children. The Lord is opening doors for my former member daughters, and I'm sure it's an answer to desperate prayer. One has been offered a job promotion; the other has a possibility of a good apartment near where she will be doing a practicum.
       The Lord is so good and kind and He loves them. They are His. It is such a relief when I see things working out for them, because then I don't have to carry the responsibility except in the Spirit. Sometimes I think of what Dad said about the man who played God and how prayer is like that. It's fun!

* * *

Back between the Tigris and Euphrates
By John, for the Seaview Home, Turkey
       We took a second trip to the wonderful land of Upper Mesopotamia, which we visited last November. This time a three-man team went: Terrence (YA), teen Dan, and John (of Rose).
       Our first stop was to bring a color printer to the children's center where we set up a computer lab on our previous trip. They were thrilled that we had returned, and we were so happy to see the many street-working children who frequent the center learning basic computer skills. A second government center invited our animation team to come do a program for their children, which went very well.
       After spending a night there, we headed further east to a ancient city on the Syrian and Iraqi border, where Arabs, Turks, Kurds, Suryanis (from ancient Assyria), and other cultures live harmoniously in this rather unstable part of the world. Arriving at the youth center, which was to be our home for the next 10 days, one of the first things we noticed was a painting by one of the artists there. It showed God's hands gently dropping several mosques and churches on this hilly town. They are quite proud (in a good way) of their religious tolerance and harmony here.        
       We had come as guests of the government to host an English summer camp. We began by doing an English program at the summer school adjoining the youth center. Our 90-minute animation show was such a hit that they booked us to do shows nearly every morning for the rest of our stay there, which turned out to be a total of eight animation programs.
       In the afternoon, we met the group of students we were to teach. To our surprise, they were all Christians of Suryani background, except for one Muslim Arab girl. The children not only spoke the local language, but all of them were studying Suryani, the language of Nineveh of old. These kids turned out to be bright students, and learned four of our children's songs in English in only six days. It was a delight working with them; they were so respectful and eager to learn.
       After six days of practice, our host worked out with the governor of the area for us to perform our puppet shows ("Don Quixote," "Wolf, Wolf," and "Camel's Nose"), our clown show, including the children whom we taught to perform their new songs in English at a children's park in the city center. The Suryani children did quite well. They were so on fire singing their simple songs in English--"The Time to Be Happy," "If You're Happy and You Know It," and several others. The head of police, the assistant governor, and other local dignitaries were all there, and seemed pleased that we were able to help their children advance a bit in English. The local papers took pictures of the event, and we were warmly invited to return and expand this program. (Learning English is very important in this part of the world. Many see it as a passport to one day get out of this area and to a better life. Many people learn grammar, but can't clearly speak English. So for these children to get this seven-day intense course every afternoon, to learn proper English pronunciation, etc., was a big opportunity for them.)
       One morning during a animation program, Turkey's International TV came and filmed part of our show, and interviewed several children about what they learned. One young girl gave a testimony about how she learned that goodness, friendship, and love are the most important things, which is the theme of our Don Quixote puppet show. They were doing a show on this area, and asked us what we thought of the area. We explained briefly what we were doing, shared how much we love this country, and encouraged more people to come and experience the warm hospitality of these people.
       A highlight for us was when after a week there we gave a student some local pubs the Turkish PPC had produced. These pubs are two 16-page mini-booklets of "Words of Love and Wisdom" and another book of quotes on "Overcoming Obstacles." For the next several nights, young person after young person came knocking on our door, asking for these booklets. On our last day, we noticed one of the managers of the youth center had one of our books, so we offered her the full set. Then a girl covered in the traditional Islamic headdress and scarf came over, who was also part of the staff. I was wondering what her reaction would be, as there has been an almost non-stop media campaign against any type of missionary work for the past year.
       So, I took the plunge and explained that these books were similar to Chicken Soup for the Soul books, wondering at the same time if she even knew what "chicken soup" was. To my surprise, she excitedly related how much she loves Chicken Soup for the Soul, and rattled off several different versions of them, and literally grabbed the books from my hand!
       Our evenings were thrilling. Every night we sat with groups of young people, discussing life, the world, and singing songs. They loved our Family songs, and ended up translating "When the Spirit of God Moves in Me" into Kurdish. They seemed to never tire of this song, and would sing it for up to 15 minutes at a time, in a very Arabic style where it goes on and on, but they loved it! We didn't understand a word of what they were saying, but they seemed to be quite taken up in the Spirit, and it was the highlight of their summer, they said. When we left, they pleaded with us to come back, and to not forget them.

"The Lord's way or the highway!"
By a SGA male, Asia
The "Conviction vs. Compromise" series has been the most earthshaking thing ever written. It's as though every point brought up in them was written for my personal life and because of areas that I had fallen way behind in.
       The biggest of the points brought up for me was the unmasking of the Selvegion. When I first read it I had found it feeding, but I thought that it referred more to areas where disunity was mainly between Homes and cities. I really didn't think that the Lord was talking directly to me. Boy, you should have seen how the prophecy to the question about what I can do to promote greater unity in my Home/area changed that idea! I had been growing self-centered and selfish in my interaction with my Home. My idea was, "I do my share and when that's done--hasta la vista!" This would come out in JJT, witnessing, childcare, and even finances. Nobody could tell me to do anything over "my share" without me feeling unjustly asked. My behavior was entirely selfish and thinking only of myself.
       Of course, as a Home, we are supposed to all strive to do everything unitedly and … I guess the word here is "fairly," but there are many times when "Johnny" is out for the third time this week and missed his turn on dishes … again. Or So-and-so has been battling and hasn't really been beaming off rays of the Lord's love (i.e., really, really getting on my nerves after a week and my eating humble pie with my interactions with him). So how does that come out in the Sevelgion attacking me? I'd carry grudges against those that I had thought wronged me. I would feed my anger by replaying the wrong that I had felt people had done to me. I would, and sometimes still do, hold these things against people till I think I have found some way to "get back" at them or humiliate them in return.
       Even logically speaking, selfishness is stupid. When I think about what it does to the Home and to our unity; how much it divides and causes hurt feelings, it's a shame I let myself be carried away by it. It really is harder to hold a grudge then it is to go the extra mile for someone else. It's mindboggling to be battling something that doesn't promote unity. For one, the Home suffers and the sheep suffer, too.
       I know that this sounds childish, but that is what pride does to me. It brings out the worst of everyone around me and highlights my "good deeds" so I feel that I'm righteously mad at my brothers and sisters. What the Lord has shown me, as ways to make our Home united and less prone to attacks by the Selvegion, is to at every hardship, at every disagreement, at every time that I feel justified in saying something unlovely, to call on the keys and take the humble seat. Every day, there are many ways that I fall short of this goal, but more and more when I pray for strength in the power of the keys, I can feel the keys giving me control to forget the problem and to look at the "impossible" solution. (Quite possible now, eh?) That means holding my tongue, being less opinionated, which for me as a Scorpio is quite the phenomenon indeed! That means doing in the Home what might not be my first choice, or going with ideas that aren't mine at Home Councils or plans that I'm just personally and/or strongly opposed to, and the list is endless. (Or so it sometimes seems.)
       If the Lord can do anything, then it would be no trouble at all to change my natural reactions and habits. What I do and say, the way I feel about people and situations--all that can be reversed to the Lord's way by putting on His mind and rising above. That is what the Lord has shown me to do and that basically interprets my daily struggles with pride and other NWOs. It can seem to be too tough to just look at it all right now, but right now I'm not going to, as that would just dissuade me. I claim the power of the keys for the battles of today and for the willingness to agree to say yes for tomorrow too, not really knowing what that means. But with the Lord's help, I'm off to bigger and better deals!
       Rereading the latest on the Selvegion and other demons only reaffirms my fighting spirit against Satan's attacks. The latest GNs have reawakened my previous commitment that I had made at the time of "Conviction vs. Compromise" to not let these pitiful wannabes spell my downfall. I can see how Jesus gets pretty ticked off by little born losers like Bacchus and Pan; they really do cause so much trouble in our daily lives. I hope that I can make some serious headway here. I know that it's needed as I'm really (or maybe I should say, have been) affected by their influences.
       I had been listening to Pan a lot, and felt in many ways that my life for the Lord required me to be "stupid."--In taking everything that was passed along in the Letters and through the voice of prophecy … all that without analyzing why or whether I wanted to or not. It is what the Lord wants us to do, and the GNs make it plenty easy by explaining so much in detail what the Lord is telling us, but to really not think about something that the Lord says, other than how to apply it, is something that doesn't feel right in the natural mind. More and more, with the Lord's help and through the exposure of this tactic of Pan, I claim the needed help to just say yes only because it's what He asked. And if I have a question, to not try to hash it out in my mind, but rather take it to the Lord in prayer and let Him work it out. Sometimes I just gotta trust Him because He said so, even if it contradicts my idea and, thank the Lord, that is becoming pretty easy.
       In our Home Councils, [prophecy] really does make things go smoother, as after hearing from the Lord and everyone listening to His will, there is only one right choice.--The Lord's way. It's either that or the highway. Maybe that's why in the past, during the implementation of the Love Charter, some Homes (mine included) were affected by the "Home Council Fight Club Syndrome!" Many times there were tearful arguments and people stomping out in fits of rage, literally! Only because we were looking at our problems through our personal preferences. I wouldn't exchange the gift of prophecy for anything else in the world because it makes our lives perfect. Never, since the introduction of prophecy at our Home Council meetings, have there been any of those previously mentioned disagreements. If there is a difference of opinion, after P&P we're like, "What difference?" Rather, "Okay, I guess that's the way that it is." And it doesn't matter who gets the prophecy because, thanks to the faithful drilling of our shepherds, we fully trust the Lord to guide our thoughts and prophecies to what we really should be doing.

Online Heaven's Library books
We read in Grapevine #135 that there are two new Heaven's Library books which are only available online. Are they going to be printed and sent to the Homes in the future via mail?--Home in Italy
A: At this time there are no plans to print the books that are posted online. The main reason they are there is because we don't have time to polish them further for printing.
       In general, the printed Heaven's Library books are prepared to be DFO publications, which can be read by and given to Active members, friends, their children, etc., and as such they need to uphold a certain standard of quality in their accuracy, presentation, and message.
       We are busy working on polishing and finalizing several new titles for printing, and will also continue to release other stories that we don't have time to work on right away on the MO Web site. Some of these online-only releases may eventually be prepared for printing as well, as time and priorities permit. So stay tuned.
       Love, your Heaven's Library book department

letters to the editor
Re: "Fight for Life" GNs
By Shine (of Tim), USA
When we first downloaded the "Fight for Life"series from the MO site, I definitely planned on reading it, but only out of interest. I figured that since I don't have an eating disorder, there wouldn't be much for me in there and it would be more like reading a story. Well, a few pages into the first GN and I realized that I had been very wrong. These four GNs were incredibly feeding and I got so much out of them.
       Kristen, I know that it's hard to be so out in the open, but I want you to know that reading all of your lessons and prophecies was a big help for me even though I'm working on different types of things. The quotes from your quote book are so good and many of them exactly what I need to read over and over. Thank you so much!
       Before I started reading this series, I thought that for sure I'd just read them once. But I am going to go back over them to study them. I'm gleaning many quotes from them for my own quote book. There is so much in there and I'm thankful for this series of GNs that has tons of truth in it for everyone.

Re: "Through It All" GN 1001
By Tender, Islamabad, Pakistan
This GN was inspiring, convicting, and encouraging. I saw that the trials and forsakings I may have are so small compared to what others have gone through! I have so much to be thankful for--loving brothers and sisters, support and unity, somebody(s) to work with who has the same vision and goals, people I can trust with my life and count on at any moment!
       Many of the early missionaries/pioneers often had to work against so many odds and opposition and still they kept going no matter what people said or did against them. They surely had their bouts of deep discouragements and battles. It was beautiful to see how in their dark moments of desperation, they turned to the Lord and He never failed them.

Re: "Speak for Yourself" FSM 388

       By Fortify, England
       I found this mag very refreshing and a welcome counterbalance. All the people who wrote in expressed themselves so well. It is very inspiring to see such dedication, conviction, and the on-fire spirit still within our Family.

       By French Ike, Reunion Islands
These FSMs respond to what I feel is a big need--hearing positive testimonies and successful stories from "satisfied customers" among our YAs and SGAs.
       We should encourage more of the second generation to share their personal experiences and the path that led them to make a commitment to serve the Lord in the Family. I hear way too many bummer stories from those that "suffered" from their childhood as missionaries' kids, and it would do good for our upcoming teens to receive more positive input from those that they can look up to.
       It does me so much good to listen to and see how the Lord uses our SGAs, even the few I've met--people like Oli, Sharif, and all these wonderful African pioneers! Shouldn't we brag more about it and put our on-board young people forward as the new generation heroes? To me they're such an encouragement!
       (Editor: Don't miss part two of "Where I Belong"--a new FSM series featuring on-board young people who are here to stay!)

       By Natalie, Ukraine
I had to write and say a wholehearted "Amen!" Sometimes you feel like you're in the thick of the fight, struggling to hang on, thinking nobody understands or knows what you're feeling, but to hear it affirmed from Family members of all ages all over the world was such an encouragement! YES!!! There are other people out there willing to fight and die for the cause! By all means count me IN!! God bless all of those who wrote reactions. They were inspired and Spirit-filled--each and every one of them!

       By Cherry (SGA), China
This FSM was a breath of fresh air. It was sooo good to hear from our young people around the world who are on fire for the Lord, love Him, are willing to make sacrifices, and who are sold out and doing something.
       I am an SGA with a soon-to-be-junior-teen son. I was raised as a revolutionary in this Family and yes, I had some rough times too, and there were some of those mentioned scenarios and even some real out-of-it shepherds and situations at times, but I made it because I loved the Lord and had a connection with Him and because my parents raised me on the field witnessing. I also had the privilege to be there when some ripe harvest fields were being pioneered, like Poland and Hungary. Even as a young teen I knew I could make a difference and knew what I was fighting for. That has been an anchor for me when I was at times surrounded by situations that hardly looked like the Family I loved any more.
       I am so thankful for the "Conviction vs. Compromise" series and the S2K that is bringing back that same spirit I love, at least here in China. Now I am trying to raise my son as close to the way I was raised as possible. GBH, in spite of his weaknesses, he loves the Lord, is very mature and responsible, sweet spirited, and a wonderful witness. He has sheep who he feeds weekly who really respect him even though they are in university and he is nearly 14. He is quickly learning the language, both to read and write it, and is a huge blessing and pillar in our Home. He has often felt isolated and it is easy when many of his friends and acquaintances have left the Family or are borderline, to wonder if there are any teens out there who love the Lord and are willing to make sacrifices and commitments for Him, so this mag was like cold waters to a thirsty soul.
       It made me so proud of our Family and all our young folks that are willing to do whatever it takes to make this Family what it should be!

Closest home to Timbuktu
By Maria (21), Gambia
When I first read Daniel's letter I wondered why Peter bothered with it. I mean, aren't we a little past all that? Although Daniel did broach some sensitive subjects (that have already been answered, by the way), the way he went about it was very unintelligent, assuming, and obtuse. I had a very difficult time believing he was an SGA.
       I live in W. Africa, probably the closest home to Timbuktu. Honestly, I feel pretty spoiled. There are 13 young people here, and we like to have "fun." Oh yeah, we drink, we dance, sometimes to the wee hours of the morning, we play computer games, we watch movies, we have sex, but that's not all we do. In fact, that's a small part of our lives.       
       We also have Activatedmeetings, Sunday school, CTPs, take care of kids, cook, clean, and cultivate our use of the new weapons. Of course, we have our share of trials, but comparatively our life is paradise--no mortgages, nine-to-five meaningless jobs, financial strains, practically no stress. And when something does sneak up, we have our ever-present Husband to cast our cares on, and He comes through for us every time.
       I've just finished reading "Speak for Yourself" (FSM 388), and right now I'm swelling with pride to be a part of such a wonderful Family. All the little blurbs written in were so full of conviction and power. I'd love to meet each of you personally. We may have to wait until the Big Bash in the sky, but man what a bash that will be. If any of you would like to write, especially any old friends, I'd love to hear from you. My e-mail is: goa_maria@hotmail.com.

Re: Davidito no longer in the Family
(GV #135)
       By Ben, Asia
It was quite a surprise to read that David(ito) is no longer in the Family. I've thought often about how you felt, Mama, as you put together the GNs on our teens and young people leaving. They were a big comfort to us when our daughter left two years ago. Seeing now that this happened also to you makes me feel so much closer to you, as you too go through the same trials and tribulations as "us." Sometimes I tend to forget that besides being God's prophetess, you're also a parent, and reading this news makes me see that you are touched with the same infirmities as we are.

Re: Kidz vitamins
(found on the MO site!)
By Joan, Japan
We downloaded the kidz vitamins from the MO site and we've started to use them. The kids really like them and it's been amazing how the vitamin they get for the day is exactly what they need! They remember their vitamin and repeat it during the day. It's a fun way to train them to follow what the Lord tells them to do.
       (Editor's note: Are you downloading these vitamins for use with your kids? If not, check them out! New vitamins are posted regularly. Here's the link: http://www.familymembers.com/pubspages/search.php3?searchpub=28)

Re: "Issues, 11" GN 997
By Catherine, Brazil
I was so touched and moved by the experience this sister had. I know in my heart that she went to Heaven and that all the things she experienced were orchestrated in order for her to have that peace she needed to continue. I don't know how the Lord does it for each of us because I've never had such an experience, but I know that I have been renewed after heavy battles and tests, so He has a particular way to do it in each case. I am very happy to know that there is this special place in Heaven that we can count on going to and even ask to go to, if we need. The battles in the Family now are very intense--much more so than even 10 years ago. It's not the same battles of previous years anymore, but like the Lord said, the powers of evil are being released little by little and we have to deal with them as they come along.
       GBY for hanging on, my precious sister. Being married to Jesus is a marvelous adventure of faith that is reserved for the chosen of David. I myself have found that my life is very tranquil emotionally as long as I keep my First Love in place.

Getting the ball rolling
By Abigail, Charity, and Sara (Western Europe South National CP Board), Italy
We hosted our first MC and OC camp for the Homes in central and southern Italy from June 25-27. The Lord had shown us that our children needed more fellowship, so we passed this idea on to the Homes and they took the challenge and the initiative in cooperating together to make it possible! For two nights and three days we had a very fun and inspiring time with 15 children (ages 7-11) from five Homes in a very beautiful campground near the beach that the Lord provided for free.
       On the afternoon of the 25th, we took time to highlight the program and the rules for the time we were going to be there. The children were very happy and understood the need for the rules. The theme of the camp was "Hearing from Jesus," and we had the Homes prepare the children ahead of time by having them memorize the prophecy section from MB2K.
       After a delicious dinner prepared by dear Michael (of Chiara) who had offered to be the cook of the camp, we had an inspiration and talent night led by Emanuele (of Rose) and Paul (of Rebecca). The children participated with some skits and singing and dancing together with the parents and staff. Before long a crowd of people had surrounded us, and when we sang "Gospel Express," they joined our "train." We ended our inspiration with "Your Name Is Wonderful," which the children sang first in English and then in Italian so that the crowd could understand the words. Everyone got tracts when we were done.
       The following morning, after waiting for the Word class teachers to get ready, the children had some playtime with Michael (YA) and Dora (ST), who were a big help during the camp. SGA Angie (of Jonathan) led an inspiring Word class called "What Is Prophecy?" and with some of the children, Michael and Dora performed skits to go along with the class. After the class we all headed off to beach.
       During these busy days, we set aside an hour of quiet time. We asked the children to draw something about the day's Word class and to try to receive something from the Lord. An hour hadn't passed by when the children started to bring their drawings and most of them received beautiful words of encouragement from Jesus!
       In the afternoon, we had a number of games at the beach and then we moved on to see who knew their memory verses. The winner was to receive a prize, but all of the children had learned their verses, so everybody ended up receiving a prize.
       After dinner, when we were getting ready for our activity night, the wife of the owner of the campground came to one of us. "Can you pray for me please?" she asked.
       "Do you want us to pray for something specifically?"
       "Not really," she answered, "but I have seen you and your children always praying before starting an activity, so I was wondering if you could pray for me and my family too."
       While finishing the final preparations for our activity night, we noticed a crowd of campers were gathering around, and they joined us for our activity. We all sang, danced, and praised the Lord together. Before going to sleep, we explained to the people why we pray for the night, so they all joined us in our bedtime prayer. After the prayer we asked them to pray to receive Jesus in their hearts, and they all did. Later the owner of the campground told us that if we wanted we could stay longer at the campsite or use it whenever we need it.
       On our last day Angie led another active and fun Word class, and to end our Word class we had P&P time with the children. The Lord spoke very simple and sweet words through them. Each of the kids were given a diploma which certified their coming to the camp as an Endtime prophet or prophetess. We had a little ceremony and each child was called to the front of the room and received their diploma, and a photo was taken for them to keep in remembrance.
       We want to thank all the Homes involved in this fellowship, especially the Pescara Home, who not only provisioned the campground, but also shared part of their personnel to facilitate the organization of the camp. A special thanks to our cook, Michael, who also provisioned the T-shirts with Jesus on roller blades for all the children and adults in the camp. Also for Angie, our on-fire Word class teacher during the camp! And to all the parents and Homes who participated, and especially the children, we want to say thank you!

Indonesia MC/OC camp
By John (of Rejoice), Indonesia
We just finished a very inspiring MC/OC camp here in Indonesia. We had ten MC/OCs attending this camp--five boys and five girls. The Lord supplied a beautiful mountain villa where we could all stay.
       The kids arrived around lunchtime. A sweet bakery contact had donated food for lunch, so after meeting the team and picking up our lunch, we headed up to the villa where we had our keynote with the kids. After getting settled in and having a good prayer we piled back into the vans again and went to the hot springs near a dormant volcano [Tangupan Prahu] where the water still bubbles up hot. There is a resort hotel built around it and the kids went there to swim in the hot pool. Around five o'clock we headed out to the restaurant of a dear friend who had donated a nice meal for all fifteen of us, and then we were off again to our mountain villa.
       That evening we played a fun Word game. We converted the whole villa into a giant board game by placing pieces of paper with numbers going up and down the stairs and into the different rooms. Each piece of paper had instructions for the kids, Quizorama questions, praise time ideas, move forward so many spaces, take steps back, etc. The kids enjoyed it so much that they wanted to play the game a second time. They would roll a die, the same as any other board game, to see how many spaces they should move and then they would follow the instructions on the paper. Soon after the game and a yummy snack, the kids went to bed and listened to a drama CD.
       Wake up was at six thirty and we had breakfast at seven. We gathered in the living room for devotions, starting with a rousing inspiration, singing many of the songs that made the Revolution. Then we had Word time. Our theme was on the power of the keys and the importance of the kids using this gift in their personal life. At the end of our reading we did a skit to reinforce what we read and show how the Enemy fights us learning to use the keys.
       After Word time we loaded up in the van and were off to our next destination--the volcano. We started at the bottom of the volcano and hiked up the side of it. The more adventurous ones took a separate path, which was a bit steeper. Suffice it to say, when we reached the top everyone was exhausted. At the top, there is a beautiful view overlooking the top of the volcano. You can look right into the volcano. It hasn't been active for many years. You can see water about a hundred meters down in the bottom of the volcano. After the hike we all sat at the top, enjoying the view, eating our picnic lunch, topping it off with ice cream.
       Our next stop was back to the resort house where the kids enjoyed jumping on the giant trampoline for a while before finishing their packing for the return trip home.
       It was a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed themselves. It was also a wonderful opportunity for us, as board members to get to know the children on a more personal basis. We're looking forward to doing it again in the not-too-distant future as are the MC/OCs. Even they are coming up with proposals for the next camp!
       We are really thankful for the experience and for the boards. Everyone knew that this type of get-together was a need for the children, but before the boards we weren't sure how to go about it. So it has been a blessing and answer to prayer for this field.

Jakarta City JETT camp

       By Rejoice (VS, SGA) Indonesia
We wanted to share a short rundown on a fun weekend of camping, hiking, Word classes, swimming, and witnessing that the JETTs and teens from the Jakarta City area participated in.
       The night everyone arrived, we drove to the hot springs for a fun evening of swimming and relaxing together. The following morning, we had an inspiring Word class on witnessing, a compilation from "Wise Witnessing Replies." We had a fun skit of different ways of how "not to" witness. Afterwards, the "sheep" from our skit team asked our JETT and teen witnessers questions based on the class, and everyone had a go at answering. Together we set some simple goals for tracts and posters out and people witnessed to during the camping part of our camp. Then everyone got packed up and headed out for a provisioned lunch at a nice restaurant.
       Afterwards, the team drove off to the volcano. It took two hours of rigorous hiking on foot to circle the entire circumference of the volcano. The boys had lots of energy and were way ahead. The smell of the sulfur was pretty strong. We had to find a camping spot, pitch our tents, and set up camp before it got dark. It is now the summer holiday season, so there were lots of other students camping.
       We got a fire going and after getting cleaned up, the girls got the cooking going. The Lord supplied lots of sate (Indonesian barbequed chicken or mutton on little skewer sticks). After our meal, we sat around our campfire and passed the guitar around and sang songs. Then some of us went over to a big army tent that was camped close by to meet the other campers. It turned out that they were a bunch of Christian university students. We gave them posters and tracts, and John M. stayed up late witnessing to them and then gave their group a Bible class the next morning.
       In the evening after some witnessing, Daniel and the JETTs and teens played a fun game of flashlight "hide and seek." Then we settled down in our respective tents, while some boys stayed up to add more wood to the fire. It was very cold!
       The next morning, a couple guys from the other camp came over to talk to Daniel to ask more about what we do and he was able to witness to them more while the JETTs and teens had an inspiring Word class on Heaven and our future. John then gave these young campers--around 50 of them--an Endtime class on the mark of the beast, rock music and its evil influences. They were very appreciative of the time with us and a couple of them want to stay in touch with us. After that, we packed up camp and headed back home. PTL for a fun time together!

       Healing key:
Unto those who call on the keys of health, miracles, supply--whatever key you call on--if you stand firm in your belief that I will hear your request, your prayers will be answered. My hand is not limited to perform all that you ask and more.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
       By Ruth Livingstone, USA:
I want to testify how the Lord has healed the slipped disks in my neck. It's been a long battle and still I have to be careful, but considering the verdict of the medical doctors, it is a miracle. Three years ago I lost feeling in my thumb and forefinger after my second whiplash in a car accident. The first accident was quite bad, but the second was really only a fender bender, so I drove away without the police report, thinking there was nothing really wrong. The damage didn't start showing up till the next day. To make a long story shorter, I had an MRI done and they discovered three slipped disks, a bone spur pinching into the nerve, reverse curve, and arthritis setting in. The doctor said that if I didn't have it operated on I would lose the use of my arm.
       I didn't have the faith to have my spinal column operated on no matter what they said, as I could end up paralyzed if they made a mistake. Instead I went through several months of physical therapy, exercises, and learning to have better posture. Still there was no improvement. Finally the physical therapist did strength tests and told me that I should listen to the doctor, as I was indeed losing the use of my left arm. I asked for prayer, went on the prayer list several times, and had area prayer and Home prayer. There were some scary moments. One time I was out ballooning and my thumb and finger completely quit functioning. It was so scary I almost fainted, and there was a crowd around me wanting a balloon. I remembered Grandmother's testimony, and rebuked the lying vanities. I shook my hand hard and tried again. It was a fight as they were like totally spastic or something, and my whole arm was tingling. People were looking at me like, "Are you alright?" I went Home and got in the Word and we prayed. Since then, many people have prayed for me.
       Now, three years later, I have full use of my arm. I go for weeks sometimes with no neck pain. I still get pain occasionally when I overdo, but am on a full schedule like everyone else. I witness, cook, clean, even mow the lawn!
       I started jogging at the recent board meetings. It was more like a joke, as I can't run more than 100 yards, but I tried. At first I thought that I shouldn't do that as it might pound on my disks, but I found out that the exercise and getting my blood moving is more beneficial than detrimental.
       So this is to encourage all those with slipped discs that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Please keep praying for my complete recovery and pain-free living! I know that by giving this testimony the Devil will most likely fight me, so please pray that he isn't allowed to touch me.

       By Christina (of Steven), South Africa:
I asked for prayer five months ago against heavy nausea and one week later it was gone and it never returned. PTL! Sometimes I have it a bit when I neglect to exercise and drink enough regularly. It feels so good to be able to eat and look forward to meals. Thank you for your prayers and for claiming the power of the keys for me. It looks like I am getting my strength back which I had years ago. Also, my heavy migraine headaches stopped. It's wonderful!

       By Julia and Simon, Poland:
Thank you to all who prayed for our son, Frankie (4). He's totally healed from hemorrhoids after being on the prayer list.

       By Liberty Setfree, South Africa:
This is an answer to prayer for my colon and the serious pain and recurrence of the stricture I was experiencing in my intestine. It's gone totally, and has been verified by X-ray. Thank you so much, dear Family, for praying for me. It gives me so much comfort to know others care and are praying.

       By Paloma and family, Spain:
Thanks for praying for Francisco. We are getting the first results from the tests he had to check the level of the cancer. The doctors told us that Francisco is doing very well, the blood tests are positive, and the cancer didn't spread. After the chemotherapy treatment the tumor has significantly reduced, and they are going to give him radiotherapy to make sure that whatever is left of the tumor will die and that there are no active cancer cells left.
       We are so thankful for the Lord's mercy and healing touch. The past few months have been difficult, but we can testify that only by His grace are we passing this test. The Lord told us yesterday that the battle is not totally over yet and that we should continue to pray desperately against the cancer. So please pray for Francisco and his total recovery, claming the power of the keys.

       By Marco Vinicio, Colombia:
Three weeks ago the Home prayed for the healing of a tumor I had on my forehead. I'd been operated on the previous week to have it removed and to conduct a biopsy. Jesus did the miracle! The tumor dried up and completely disappeared without leaving a trace behind, as the dermatologist testified.
       The Home also prayed for my heart and against hypertension. After an intense two-week battle, due to the prayers I was able to drop all medication. The Lord healed me!

Europe and Africa
       Armi (20):
Frequent backaches due to mild scoliosis.
       Emanuel (of Daniella): Undergoing treatment for Hepatitis C; strong side effects, depression, weakness, and tiredness.
       English Julie: High blood pressure and angina (lack of blood to heart that causes chest pains).
       Francis (of Claire): ADD (attention deficit disorder).
       Galina: Parasites in her liver.
       Jason (of Mimi): Herniated disk pinching the sciatic nerve; inflammation has spread into his right leg as far as the knee causing considerable difficulty in his normal responsibilities.
       Joshua (4 of James and Angela): Cerebral palsy.
       Kathleen: Spina bifida.
(of Adam): Ulcerous colitis; overall strength.
       Leilani (12, of Jon and Mary): Operation to remove an ill-fitted metal pin in her femur that was put there three months ago after a car accident.
       Maggie (of Paul): HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, continued weight loss, inflammation of the liver.
       Paul (of Maggie): HIV; cirrhosis; hepatic encephalopathy (body makes too much ammonia), which could put him in a coma if it rises too high.
       Mercy Joy (12, of David and Peace): Chronic ear infection; restoration of hearing in one ear and against spread of infection to the other ear.
       Philip Handyman: Malignant melanoma; undergoing therapy.
       Sara Meekness:Cyst on left ovary; fibromas (benign tumors) in the uterus.
       Steve: Leukemia; undergoing chemotherapy.
       Victoria: Cancer; good results from the treatment she's taking.

North America
: Cancer; undergoing treatment.

(of Iona): Undergoing treatment for melanoma. One lymph node on the back of his neck has grown to one centimeter, and one or two of the lymph nodes appear to be cancerous.
       Baby Ashley (of Aaron and Iona): Recovered from urinary tract infection, but contracted a stomach flu.
       Peter: Tumor in chest area, near solar plexus.

South America
(SGA): Recurring pains in liver; long periods; strong pains in uterus; bleeding off and on; anemia and back problems.
       Augustine (of Maggie): Internal bleeding caused by multiple ulcers; hospitalized for several days. He received a blood transfusion as he had lost so much blood in a very short time.
       Beth (of Paul): Chronic gastritis; helicobacter pylori (a virus) causing this ulcer.
       Brisa: Lupus; to reduce the medication; swelling caused by the medication.
       Francisco del Sol (of Beatriz): Heart valves to function normally, especially the aortic valve.
       Josué (of Salomé): Hydrocelis (liquid in the testicles).
       Salomé (of Josué): Operation to remove cancer in her breast; diabetes and high blood pressure.
       Tracy (18): Kidney infection; unknown virus and internal hemorrhaging.

       Nathan Te Amo
: Please write to Clay and Brook at e-mail: deejay@plug-in.com.br. Thanks so much!

       Jared and Rebecca
, we lost you! Please write us via the European ABM and we'll communicate more personally when we receive your e-mail address. TYSM!--Matthew and Charity (Greece)

       This is Daniel Fernandez (of Tino and Maria G. [formerly Anna]), known to most as "Danny." I'm searching for old friends. Phillip and Lizzy (of Parm and Paz) and the whole family (last heard of in Chile). I used to live with you in Miami in '95-'96. Also Jean and Marie Claire (of Eman and Claire) last heard of in Reunion Island. My e-mail is fcm@nbi.ispkenya.com. Thanks. I hope to get in touch!

, Anna, Joy L. and Vicky, I MISS you! Your e-mails don't work, so I can't contact you. PLEASE write me! E-mail: angie_rc19@yahoo.com

(son of Jake), I saw you in the recent Xn/FSM issue in the photo from Argentina. Finally found out that you're still around. Please contact me (Rayne) at: cape1@xsinet.co.za

Mama jewels on … the keys

       --from a note written to staff members
       If you're tempted to feel that the challenges ahead are daunting, remember, the Lord has given us the keys to enable us to do the things He asks. The keys are not only for our benefit; they are for the Lord's benefit as well. He's given us the keys to accomplish His will. He's given us the keys to establish His Kingdom on Earth. So if you're tempted to feel the task is too big or too hard, don't worry, just remind the Lord of His promises. Let Him carry the burdens. This is His work, and we are doing His will, so call on the keys, and all you need to do the job will be at your command.

help wanted

       My name is Esther, and I am very happy to be a missionary on a very special field in South America--Chile.
       Recently, during the heaviest rain in the last century, our Home happened to be in the very middle of a disaster zone with the water reaching the 1.4 meters mark in some places. Together with Humanitarian Services and government agencies, we were working full time for over two weeks coordinating and distributing humanitarian aid--blankets, hygiene kits, clothes, and food for over 5,000 families.
       Last but not least, I am excited to be able to reach the people here with Activated and the Endtime message. People are extremely receptive, as they are experiencing firsthand the financial crash that is sweeping Latin American countries now. They are eager to know about the Endtime and deep spiritual truths. And it's contagious!--When you minister to people with such a spiritual vacuum, you cannot stop. Your only desire is to give and give. All that to say, I've fallen in love with the precious Latin people!
       Due to legal reasons I had to leave in order to get my new passport, and paperwork for residency. Since I am Ukrainian, and Ukraine is one of the poorest countries in Europe, and it is extremely difficult for me to get a visa to fundraise in Western Europe, I wanted to ask you, my dear brethren, to please help me with donations--big or small--so I can get back to my beloved Latin field. Or if you have a friend who is able to help me with issuing an invitation for me to come to Western Europe, Scandinavia or Japan, so I can fundraise there, that would also a great help. In fact, any help I will greatly appreciate.
       I will be glad to give you more details and answer any of your questions. My e-mail is: skylark_hvn@yahoo.com and I check it daily. You can send gifts to Ukrainian Esther (Santiago, Chile) via the EURCRO office. I need you and your prayers. Please write! I won't be able to do it without you!

homeschooling corner
Have you written/compiled any CVC tests?
By Samuel and Sarah, India
It has been so inspiring to read other people's homeschooling tips in the GV. I have been re-envisioned through many of them. I wanted to ask if it would be possible in light of the CVC, to make a worldwide request for people who have written/compiled tests for different courses, asking them to send them in so others can benefit.
       As a CVC overseer I am responsible to check if my students are doing okay, but as a mom of seven children in a busy field Home and not familiar with some of the material that my daughter wishes to study, I do not have the time to research to see it she is really grasping the material.
       (Note from WS CVC team:We would also be very happy to receive any material that has been put together along this line. We are working on updating the CVC, and tests for various certificates are very much needed. If you have already put together some, we'd appreciate your input. When you send them to Samuel and Sarah, please also send them to fed@wsfamily.com. TY!)

Importance of PE to develop motor skills
By Amber, South Africa
There are very good recreational activities and physical education sections in the Teacher's Planner (Scandinavian planner), which I used to use a lot when teaching. It'd be nice to encourage people to use these as I don't know that the other scholastic curriculums, such as ACE, CLE, and A Beka include much physical education. Maybe they do, and those subjects can be ordered, but I've found myself, and have heard from others, that a lot of our young kids are very uncoordinated and they don't make use of PE to develop their motor skills, but rather just have free play (I'm thinking mainly of the little guys here). In the Teacher's Planner there are things listed like catching a ball, skipping, balancing--all these things that teach the little guys coordination, control, reflex, following instructions, etc. Someone mentioned that some of our kids run funny because they haven't learned much coordination, good posture, etc., through simple physical education games and exercises.
       I tried playing some games with our group of two- to four-year-olds. We played "What time is it, Mr. Fox?" and they just couldn't get that "one o'clock" meant one step, and so on. They were so not used to playing organized games and following instructions in that sense that it was frustrating for them, and obviously something that needed to be included in their scholastic routine. There are so many fun games in the recreational activities section (actually they're from Activity Book 3), but they're referenced nicely by grade in the Teacher's Planner. (See CVC Books CD: Homeschool_p/hsp2.pdf, pg.11, 86; or get it from the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/fed/catalog/details.php?id=282.)

About Physical Education--lessons, ideas, and tips!

       By Michelle (SGA) and Dawn, Thailand
Here are a few tips and ideas about PE, and a lesson about the importance of giving the kids the vision so they can see the benefits of and the need for physical exercise. We've explained to the children that they develop coordination skills, endurance, and much more through the various exercises they do during PE time: skipping rope, jumping, throwing and catching the ball, etc. For example, learning how to use a hula hoop has helped teach them to apply themselves and learn more self-discipline in not giving up so easily when they undertake learning something new, use a new toy and/or PE equipment or begin a new project.
       Hula hoops: When we initially got hula hoops for the children, they were trying to use them without practice and hadn't developed the good habit of trying again. Because they weren't able to do it right away, their conclusion was that the hula hoops didn't work--and since they had not mastered the skill in one PE period, the hula hoops were disregarded and parked away. The Lord spoke to us about using this as an object lesson to teach them to persevere, apply themselves, and not give up--an important part of their PE training as well as their character building. We had a pep talk with the children on the importance of persevering and trying again through determination and prayer power. We explained to the children how this starts in the little things. (These lessons also apply in bigger challenges such as learning how to ride a bike, etc.)
       From that time on we scheduled hula hoop practice daily for PE. Initially we had 10 minutes scheduled for all the children, and now the six-year-olds on up have mastered the hula hoops and do all kinds of tricks with them. They have lots of fun and enjoy them, doing hundreds of turns in a session. It's good for their spine, their movement, their legs, their hips, and coordination. It's also good for self-discipline as they learn to shtick.
       Skipping ropes: We also bought a number of skipping ropes, almost one per child. This helps prevent arguments and idleness during PE. The children have learned the basic jumps, and now are starting to learn different types of jumps, like the rock jump, backwards skip, cross skip or circular skip.
       Bicycles: They also have small bikes and they take 10 minutes with that too.       
       Bouncing a basketball: Some of the OCs are learning to walk around the yard bouncing a basketball. It is good for coordination and learning to be more agile and focusing.
       Setting time limits: It's helpful to have a time set, say 5 or 10 minutes for jump rope or hula hoop, so they don't feel that they have to do it the whole get-out time, as that might be a bit overwhelming. A certain time limit encourages them to get needed exercise before they play games. Some days, when they're really into it, they get really inspired by it and can go on for half an hour with the jump rope.
       Motivational tips and lessons: In order for the children to be motivated to learn these new skills and enjoy the progress they were making with either skipping rope or hula hoop, two of the teachers worked out a credit system. The kids would get marks for 100 hula hoops turns at a time. Initially it would start with lower goals for the beginners and younger ones--for example, 20, then 50, then 100. That applied to both the hula hoop and jump rope. After so many points, they'd get rewarded with different things such as an eraser, new pencil or extra snack or treat or a fun game or activity. Through our new program the children have improved by leaps and bounds and have become quite agile and coordinated; they also learned to persevere and not give up so easily. This more energetic and constructive PE, where the objectives, goals, plans, and organization does away with the lethargy that sometimes crept into the PE period, was very effective.
       Rewards: As a reward, we also got them some yo-yos. There's not a whole lot of exercise involved, nor do they use them a lot during PE, but it's another fun activity that teaches them a skill and develops some coordination and awareness of their body and muscles. The reason for implementing this reward system was for the inspirational level at the start, as the children were not necessarily inspired to work on something they could not do.
       Games and activities
: As additional rewards for meeting their goals, they often play games, such as tag, running games and ball games, usually after they have completed the exercises and accomplished their goals.

Reminder about Parenting and Childcare Index on the MO site!
The Parenting andChildcare Index, which includes Eve and Kidland and CRH (Childcare Reference Handbook) is on the MO site (only!). An updated version was recently posted, and DV, it will continue to be updated, and further pubs added to it!

CVC study disks

       By Ammi, SEA
Being in a small Home for the first time in almost 15 years has provided the added blessing of more time for CVC study and certification. The CVC study disks are a tremendous help in completing the course work. For years I had wanted to complete the study lists for courses that I already had a lot of vocational experience in, and it's been a blessing to focus on it more thoroughly. I also find that it is such a good and needed balance to my teenage children to have CVC Word study courses to read through in addition to their CLE scholastic work.
       Because many of the lists are comprised of DB Letters, I would pick a DB volume and then lightly mark in pencil on the table of contents page all of the Letters from that particular volume from my course. Then I keep that volume near me at all times, in my bag when I go out, by my bed at night, with me during the day around the house, etc. It has been great to always know what I want to read to fill up some of the blank spots during the day with feeding Word, like when waiting for a meeting or devotions to start, when riding in the car on the way somewhere, etc. It's a really great way to keep the Word at the top of my priority list and keep my mind stayed on it.
       I am very impressed with the reading lists in the Christian studies section and have found that aside from providing me with a diploma or certificate for the course work, the reading lists are excellent for Home devotions or personal Word time or theme study for strengthening or review of important topics like training and shepherding JETTs, fundraising, witnessing, personal shepherding, etc. As we take turns leading devotions at our Home, it's been fun and interesting (aside from reading the New Wine, of course) for the person leading it to select something from his or her CVC reading list. We've had a lot of variety devotions that way covering basic milestone Letters on a variety of topics, from Endtime to witnessing to living by faith!

Learning about Creation vs. Evolution
By Martha, China
I found that our older children who go to System school were starting to really wonder about creation vs. evolution, as it is such an accepted belief in the world today. The kids at school thought we were quite naïve to actually believe in creation as told in the Bible. What really helped them was reading some pro-Creation science magazines (Creation; see http://www.AnswersInGenesis.org); watching the CD Creation Science with Dr. Kent Hovind very enjoyably explaining away evolution; as well as reading the Family Word published on the subject. It has strengthened their conviction on the subject. Realizing that not only the Family, but thousands of Christians and secular scientists defend creation and are willing to expose the theory of evolution has been a key for them.

Teaching tips--for Chinese and for reading
By John Berry, Taiwan
After the "Conviction vs. Compromise" series, we re-evaluated our decision to send our three eldest kids to System school. They had been going for over two years and had a good start in learning to speak, read, and write Chinese. After we'd read portions of the GN with the kids and had taken time to hear from the Lord, He said the local System school was a good way to begin climbing this particular mountain (learning the language), but that now it was time to leave the beaten path and follow Him closely to pioneer the rest of the way.
       Right away we could see the advantages: less homework pressure robbing us of family time and get-out; more time for the Word, memorizing in the morning, and more witnessing time. However, after about three months we could also see that their Chinese language skills were also diminishing. Even though Mommy is a Taiwanese national, we found the time and energy for consistent learning being regularly diverted to other needy situations.
       Thankfully, the Lord had a solution and we feel kind of silly not having seen it before. One of our faithful Activated Bible students noticed the kids' spoken Chinese slipping and offered to tutor them through the regular school curriculum for four hours a week. TYJ! An added bonus is that the usual familiarity that seemed to smother Mommy's efforts no longer affects the classes. So instead of "But why do we have to learn that character, it's so complicated?" … we now hear only the sound of erasers erasing mistakes and determined little students trying once again to get it right.       
       Something else we have just started--to avoid boredom in reading with our eight- and nine-year-olds--is using selected articles from the MO site daily news clips and National Geographic. The kids read aloud to me and I can help them use the phonics that they know to sound out difficult words. This also leads into thought-provoking social studies classes.

Contacts for Alpha-Omega
Do you know the international contacts for Alpha-Omega if someone wants to get Switched-On Schoolhouse? What about a special discount address?
       A: See the MO site at:

Bible scene coloring pages
By Aurora, India
This is a note I received from a friend in the UK. It could be helpful in providing children's coloring material.
       "There is this nice thing for kids. While they can always paint normal drawings, it is always nice to give them Bible scene drawings with a short message depicting what the scene is all about. I have found on the Internet such few drawings related to Bible scenes available for kids to paint on. At Kid Explorers Coloring Book, their only requirement for reproduction for a mission service like yours is that you include their copyright notice below the drawings. That's all! You need not pay anything and you can just take a printout and give it to kids to paint!"
       The link is: www.KidExplorers.com (Eden Communications, P.O. Box 200, Gilbert, AZ 85299, USA)

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix
       Suspenseful thriller about a family dealing with unusual happenings on their farm.

       (Spirit helper:)
Signs of the ending of man's times are stirring all around you and people are troubled, as they should be. This movie is not a revelation or prelude of things to come, but events on Earth will become increasingly dramatic, even bizarre, and it will be increasingly apparent that the end of man's world is near.
       A man's life takes place in three worlds: his inner world--a world of feelings, thoughts, beliefs and most importantly his faith; an outer physical world where his body lives and interacts with others; and another unseen greater world, a world of spirit and mystery all around, usually just beyond his senses. Looking up at the sky at night gives you a sense of this mysterious third world and stirs the spirit, and makes one wonder who or what is out there. This film brings the convergence of man's inner and outer worlds into a suspenseful story that ponders the unexplainable and mysterious side of life.
       It is not for the young or impressionable, or those weak in the Word, nor is it meant to be a representation of literal truths or facts. It is a fantasy with a message--a good message about faith in God.
       The movie is pretty intense and some would find it scary in parts, so even though the message is good, and the movie is not evil in any way, it isn't appropriate for a young age, though some junior teens could watch it at their parents' discretion. Even those who are older, especially if they are easily frightened, should pray and seek Me for a confirmation before watching the movie.
       Although this movie has a good message, you still have to pray desperately for the Lord's discernment and wisdom to help you to choose what is good, and not absorb the rest.

Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon, Kirsten Scott-Thomas, Helen Mirren, Emily Watson, Kelly Macdonald, Clive Owen, Ryan Philippe
       Drama/mystery set in the 1930s. A large group of family members and friends descend upon Gosford Park, a sprawling country estate, for a shooting party. Tensions mount, and someone ends up dead. As they attempt to discover who's responsible, the members of the party, as well as their servants, react to the incident and deal with their personal issues.

This is a modern day rendition of one of those old-fashioned British mystery/whodunit movies, with more focus on the characters than the whodunit. It doesn't have a lot of lessons or a clear message, but it is an interesting character study, with a lot of "style" and those who like that particular style will enjoy it and be entertained by it.
       The dialogue and scenarios do touch on a variety of deeper matters, such as the difference between the classes, the snobbishness and emptiness of some of the rich and famous, resentment and bitterness, etc. It doesn't really delve into these things, nor present any answers or solutions, though. Nevertheless it's an interesting look into certain lifestyles, and should touch your heart to see how lonely and empty and messed up so many people are.

Craig Ferguson, Jane Horrocks, Catherine McCormack
       Six hopeless romantics take you for a dizzying spin through their quirky courtships in this romantic comedy.

This is a pretty lighthearted movie. The scenes are kept moving between the interactions of various couples, which makes it an interesting character study. It has funny lines and situations, and there is nothing really harmful in the movie. It's very British in humor, sweet and touching at times, and there is a happy outcome in the end.
       If you like character studies you might like this one, and there are some real characters in this one to study, ha! It's a story of a bunch of ordinary people trying to muddle their way through life and find true love and happiness. It's sad they don't know the Lover of all lovers. You who do sure have it a lot better.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

       Adam Guier, Nick Benedict, Boots Garland, Millie Perkins
       The true story of young "Pistol" Pete Maravich reveals the courage of a 5-foot 2-inch, 90-pound 8th-grader who played basketball with the determination of a champion! Maravich earned himself an unprecedented spot on the high school varsity team and an indelible spot in sports' history.

This is a good movie. His father was a dreamer, just like me, and even though they accused him of chasing windmills, he had a vision! And he imparted this vision to his son. Though all were against them, they persevered, and in the end, they triumphed! This boy was persecuted and maligned, teased, and bullied, but he didn't give up, and in the end he became a star.
       It does you good to watch a fighter, doesn't it? Makes you want to fight and practice with the spiritual weapons in your hands until they become so honed, people will marvel at their power! Your kids can learn a lot from this movie. Of course, there are always things in movies that you should avoid and that we don't agree with, but you can choose the good and eschew the evil.
       This movie is done in a simple fashion, which makes it good for children to understand and learn from. There is virtually no violence, sex, or foul language, which is very unusual for an American movie. It's a very inspiring story as it shows that with persistence, drive, patience, determination and hard work, high goals can be attained, even something that most people would consider impossible.
       (Editor: For more on Pete Maravich, see the MO site at http://www.familymembers.com/overflow/pubs_overflow/article.php3?tntid=26)

Movies Rated for All
Animated. Voices of Jennifer Hale, Christopher Daniel Barnes
Sequel to Cinderella consisting of three short stories. First, after Cinderella marries Prince Charming, she finds it difficult to reconcile her new station in life with the simple ways she's known in the past. Secondly, the friendly mouse Jacques wishes he could be a human being; but after the Fairy Godmother makes it so, he discovers it's a lot tougher than he imagined. And finally, Cinderella takes pity on her stepsister, Anastasia, and teaches her how to smile in the hopes she can find a love of her own.
(Jesus:) This is a sweet and harmless movie, good for children of all ages. It has sweet lessons on accepting the way you are, and also of loving the unlovely, and helping them to reach out and find love. Older audiences may find it boring, but it has a sweet and simple message.
       This movie places a lot of emphasis on following your heart, breaking the rules of what's always been done, and discovering yourself. These things are good in themselves, but when they become your priorities in life, you can miss so much that life has to offer and become pretty selfish and self-centered.
       This movie is a bit old fashioned, and not as "cool" as some of the latest cartoons, but that's good in a way, as it isn't riddled with sarcasm and unnecessary foolishness.

ROLLERBALL (Chris Klein, Jean Reno; 2002)
(Jesus:) What a horrible and violent movie, with no plot or point other than gratuitous violence. This movie is an insult to people's intelligence and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


       (From WS audio team:)
Our sincere apologies to Jono that his name was not included alongside Michael Piano's for the producer credits of "Christmas in Bethlehem" on the CD label of Rhythm of Christmas. Thank you, dear Jono, for collaborating on that beautiful song!

A Perfect Morning, Part 2
By Kevin
Welcome to part two of "A Perfect Morning." This is technically a continuation of part one, but I should explain that although part one only recently appeared in the Grapevine, the last installment of this column was written several months ago, when things were a bit different--during that beautiful first year when a baby's favorite motto is "whatever doesn't fit in my mouth should probably be peed on." That is, unless you can manage to potty train him or her while very young, in which case you are either a childcare professional or Wonder Woman.
       However, I am neither skilled enough to be a childcare professional, nor a lovely Wonder Woman, but am instead the type of father who stocks the changing table with a special promise box with words of comfort and encouragement. My wife, on the other hand, is the very embodiment of super heroes, such as Wonder Woman and the Amazing Cat, nevertheless, our son has shown limited interest in using the potty for anything but a hat.
       The only significant potty training progress we've seen so far has been the direct result of a powerful leadership skill employed by leaders and statesmen throughout history: Bribery. We've stocked our room with every potential "shiner prize" imaginable, from the simple handful of raisins, to his very own fully functional nuclear submarine. Progress has been slow, but we do see a light at the end of the tunnel, which hopefully will not turn out to be Thomas the Tank Engine coming at us at full speed.
       Sigh. Time to make use of that promise box: "Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not, even if he's 22 years old and you are still clapping and offering him a hand full of raisins."
       Hmmm … somehow this column is starting to sound less like a humor column and more like "Kevin's Childcare OHR." For those of you who are too young to know, or too old to remember what an OHR is, "OHR" stands for "Open Heart Surgery … uh … Report," and was a little (or in some cases not so little) form, which provided Family members with a terrific, consistent forum to either share their hearts or make things up.
       So, while I'm on a roll:

       Kevin's Childcare Open Heart Report

: Kevin Kanwayte (Get it? "Heaven can wait!" Like the movie! No? Okay, let's just move on.)

: Old enough to grow a beard, but too young to stroke it wisely.

: February 32nd.

       Name of your colony tribe
: "The Revolutionary Prophets of the Endtime Who Do Dishes a Lot."

: If I can finish dishes before midnight.

       Please honestly share your heart about any feelings you may have that relate to having a toddler and sleeping in

       You know how sometimes people, like, sleep in their beds in the morning, and are, like, suddenly woken up by noise and stuff? Well, this one perfect Sunday morning I was, like, sleeping in my bed at 7:30 in the morning and I heard this, like, blood curdling shrill next to my ear. When I turned over to see who had died and stuff, I found out it was my wife who had just made this piercing noise. It turns out my son got an early morning idea that it would be fun to climb on Mommy's back and pretend he was a cowboy dude in a rodeo. Thankfully, my wife was alive, and stuff, but during her first few waking moments she didn't feel that way.

       From now on you will receive a demerit for every instance of "like" and "stuff."

       Roger that.

       Can you think of any instances involving early morning reveille by way of breakfast?

       Yes, actually. I have a very charitable son, who rarely thinks twice about sharing his stu … uh … belongings with me. Whether I like it or not. For example, one perfect morning at around 7:30, I was happily enjoying a few more moments of shut-eye when suddenly and without warning, I felt something sticky and squishy being rubbed on my face. When I opened my eyes there was the adorable face of Kevin Junior, with an adorable smile, and a not so adorable half-eaten and pulped banana in his hand, which he had, with all good intention, attempted to feed me through the nose.

       Do you have any health problems for which you need prayer?

       As a matter of fact, I'm having a little back trouble: I'm permanently stuck in a bent over position. You see, Kevin Junior has instigated a family tradition, which he may have forgotten to run by his parents for approval: In direct contradiction to the law of JJT physics, the perfect morning of every weekend, my son takes every single toy, book, video, diaper, shoe, article of clothing, and piece of crumpled paper from his cupboards and drawers and spreads it all over the floor. Unfortunately, the last time I bent over to pick up approximately 500 toddler items, I was stuck in that position, and not only do I bump into things a lot now, but I must watch our movies with the television on the floor with the screen facing the ceiling. Thank you for your prayers.

       (Note to self: Teach your child to clean up after himself, like you so faithfully did when you were a kid. But not exactly like you did when you were a kid, because a closet into which literally everything in the room has been stuffed can also cause serious injury.)

e-mail of the day
-responses to the Family Web site

       Thank you very much for answering my e-mail! Over the past 15 to 20 years I have been fellowshipping with the Assembly of God, completed Bible college at diploma level in 1984 (Adelaide, SA), and recently have been attending the local church, North City Christian Church. But there seems to be something missing...
       My background is from the Church of England from a child and after teenage years decided to travel, firstly to the UK, and then to Singapore up to Nepal and down to India. In February 1978 I was traveling in Nepal and visiting Katmandu, I was having my evening coffee and cake, and in walked this young woman, ordered the same thing as me, and asked if she could sit at my table! Normal conversation took place, but I was struck by the light in her eyes and face! I asked her what was the light that was shining from her! She said it was Jesus!
       She asked me if I wanted to know more, and I was invited to where the Family was staying in a type of upper room. Her husband was known as Jeremiah, and I kept on asking how I could get this light! So I asked if I could buy it!! He said, "No, you have to ask Jesus into your heart, but first you must ask for the forgiveness of your sins and confess Jesus before others."
       I had to think about that, and being a little shy at the time, I had to pray on my own, to save any embarrassment. So I went back to my hotel room, and prayed the words Jeremiah had told me to pray that night. The next day I was a shining light!
       It has been a refreshing time for me to read your reply. Many thanks.-Carl

Shine on
TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total

       Rosita, Mexico       2,750       5,500
       Juliet, Brazil       703       3,517
       Salomon/Belen/Cristal, Mexico       625       5,000
Faithy/Mark/Premika, India       493       3,453
       Francisco/Beatriz, Bolivia       400       2,000
       Hyderabad Deaf Reach, India       316       1,581
       Arthur/Celeste/Eva/Gabriel, Spain       228       1,370
       Happy/Marcelo/Nina/Silvia, Argentina       213       850
       Rejoice/Simon/Stephen/Sunny, India       212       849
       Ana/Dito/Pedro, South Africa       163       653


       Abel/Flor, Peru       1,500       3,000
       Daniel/Dora/Maria, Kenya       1,366       8,200
       Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA       1,034       12,404
Charity/John, USA       1,020       2,040
       Hill/Maria/Matthew, Kenya       787       3,151
       Rosita, Mexico       579       1,158
       David/Lisa/Steven/Susana, Portugal       500       2,000
       Charity/Daniel/Happy, India       400       2,400
       Joseph/Rose, Japan       334       669
       Maria/Michael, Japan       322       1,611


       Nina/Jay, USA       167       333
       Brian/Claire/Joanna, Brazil       102       509
       Josue/Salome, Brazil       86       258
Samuel/Clara, Spain       79       158
       Faithy/Lalo/Ruth, Mexico       77       538
       Rosita, Mexico       75       150
       Davi/Madalena/Joyfull, Brazil       69       763
       Dove/Maria/Svieta, Russia       67       400
       Consuelo/Jeho/Juan, Brazil       64       450
       Charity/John, USA       61       122


       Consuelo/Jeho/Juan, Brazil       159       1,114
       Ben/Fe/Meekness/Val, Botswana       60       300
       Gabe/Pablo/Rejoice/Solomon, USA       55       332
Andres/Virginia, Brazil       25       50
       Juan/Ester/Fiorella, Brazil       21       150
       Meekness/Philip, Namibia       20       39
       Joao/Clara/Joana, Brazil       18       53
       Joy/Matthias/Tiago, Brazil       14       115
       Christina/Steven, South Africa       13.3       53
       Miguel/Paloma/Victor, Brazil       13       38

Adam, Issue #18

(By David Komic)
And now! A “New-Feature” Family Advice Column for Guys on the Go!
“Ask Adam”
With your advice columnist Adam of Adriana in … the Andes

SGA Julian of Julie in Jamaica writes: The “Reviving the Kiss” article in Eve, Issue 29 was great, especially the tip about the “20-minute kiss” which “can revive the feelings that brought you together.” I tried that out with Julie, however I experienced jaw-cramps and some lip numbness after about 15 minutes. The last 5 minutes, though not entirely unenjoyable, were taxing for both of us and we weren't quite able to revive the feelings that brought us together. Did we do something wrong here?
Adam: I just checked Eve, Issue 29. It's a 20-second kiss, Julian.

(End of File)