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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 136; July 1, 2002.)

The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. All Family members in China use pen names for their contributions to the Grapevine. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751, Irving, Texas, USA - 75016-8751 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2002 by The Family

Table of contents

       European Activated update/In My arms       2
       What recent GNs have done for you       3
       Happenings/Forum       4
       Inside a Middle Eastern country       5
       The boards begin their work!       6
       Activated follow-up, and fruit!       10
       Home schooling corner       12
       The years only get better!       15
       Prayer requests/Mama's mailbox       16/17

, 1st child, born to Abigail Brunheld and Jude Willing on March 23.--PACRO
       Ethan, 1st child, born to Selina and Dee on April 17.--PACRO
       Kevin Ray, born to Leah New Bottle and Abel Handyman on April 21.--Thailand
       Vanessa Maria, born to Christina and Dan on April 26.--Ukraine
       Shelby Katelyn, 1st child, born to Rebekah on April 30.--USA
       Martiny, 2nd child, born to Sharie and Timothy on May 1.--USA
       Denise Faith, born to Ana and Servant on May 1.--Hungary
       David Victory, born to Jenny and Paul on May 2.--Romania
       Amber Servant, born to Charity and James on May 4.--South Africa
       Brandon Heart, born to Rebecca and James on May 12.--USA
       Bence Reaper, born to Edit and Jerom on May 15.--Hungary
       Natalia Nicole,born to Meekness and Ben on June 20.-- Botswana

       Note: If you want to ensure that your baby's birth is announced, be sure to include the above information on your TRF comments and suggestions (under the
Grapevine section), not only in the personnel listing. Or send it in to gv@wsfamily.com. Thanks!

       new disciples…
(21, South African) joined in South Africa.
       Mathew (37, German) joined in Germany.

Sharing Xn with non-CM/FM friends, relatives, and contacts

       Dear wonderful Family,
       God bless you! Even though Xn is rated DFO, please make sure to ask the Lord and get a confirmation from Him before sharing portions of Xn with non-CM/FM friends, relatives, and contacts.
       The idea is not to plop an issue of Xn into the lap of a friend who has come over to your house (although if that person is a long-time friend who has had extensive classes and is familiar with the Words of David, the Lord may confirm that this is okay), but rather, Xn is DFO so that you have the liberty to prayerfully select portions that you feel led to share with specific sheep, friends, or friendly relatives.
       Xn contains heavy meat at times, such as New Wine quotes about Pan and Bacchus, for example, so please be prayerful that what you share from Xn will be building on what your friends already know from the Word, and not befuddling them with new information they haven't yet been versed in.
       Thanks so much for being prayerful, so that all your relations with friends and contacts and relatives continue to bear good fruit.
       We love you!
       Love, your Xn team

       P.S.: Parents, please note that Xn is for 12 and up, although you can read portions with your OCs if the Lord so leads you. This means that not only the articles but the artwork also is for 12 and up, so please don't leave Xns laying around for small children to pick them up and leaf through, as some of the artwork and articles are of a more serious or heavy nature and need parental explanation for younger audiences. Thanks so much!

New MO Letter tract: "Stop! Look! Listen!"

By your Comictrax team, WS

       You already have "Whose Slave Are You?"--as seen in Xn 05 and elsewhere, and now we present another tract in the new MO Letter Comictrax series, which we hope and pray will be a blessing. (You can download this tract from the MO site.)
       Here are a few ideas for how and where to use this new tract:

This tract, and in fact, this line of MO Letter tracts, goes right along with the vision I put forth in "Reach the Rich" of finding the labor leaders and feeding them, motivating them with a larger vision of how to reach out of the confines of their own little worlds and reach out to others.
       Here are a few ideas for how this tract can be used:
       [] Post it on the community bulletin board in establishments where you give Bible classes or seminars.
       [] Add it to your personal monthly newsletter.
       [] Give it to your provisioning contacts, those who have gotten saved but don't yet have a deep relationship with Me.
       [] Pass it out at the beginning of a Bible class, as a visual message to kick off your time together.
       [] Use it as a platform to discuss deeper things, once you've already begun witnessing to someone on the street.
       [] If you live in a Christian nation, and it's common for people to say that they are Christians, pass it out to anyone on the street.
       [] If you do street busking or street plays, pass it out to the audience after singing a song like "I Didn't Take Time" or after doing the box skit.
       [] Most of all, pray and ask Me, because there are infinite possibilities when you tap into My wisdom. (End of message from Jesus.)

What recent GNs have done for you…
The magic of intercessory prayers (GNs 923, 930, 933)

By Joanne (of Sharif), Nigeria

I was totally captivated, both mentally and spiritually, while reading the latest GN on intercessory prayers.
Now that we use e-mail so much, it's a great way to stay in touch with friends and family all around the world, but it also means you often hear lots of bad news, or about less-than-desirable situations that happen, etc. As we pick up our e-mail each night we all cue with the big, "Did I get anything?" question. Especially when it involves people I'm am close to, I know I can tend to get extremely burdened hearing that So-and-so is unhappy in their Home, or about division in a country that is causing So-and-so to move on or go back to the home field they just came from; Jill is lonely; Jack had a serious accident, etc.
       After one night of e-mails containing bad news, I felt frustrated and powerless to help my loved ones, thinking, Why am I even here helping others I don't even know, if I'm unable to help my loved ones when they need me the most?
       My eyes fell on the intercessory prayer GN and I picked it up, reading it twice through, cover to cover, without stopping. I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off me, or as if a new thought had just occurred to me that I had never considered.--Not just being able to pray for my loved ones, but actually do some real problem solving from this great distance, through intercessory prayer.
       The other night there was a show on the Discovery channel where they were showing these top surgeons that are so high in demand that they don't have the time to fit in travelling from place to place. They just stay in their office and can perform a surgery on someone 1,000 miles away through instructing a robot to do the cutting, stitching, etc., as they are viewing the happenings through a video camera that is transmitting to them exactly what is happening that very second, as if they were there themselves in person. Likewise for us, in the spirit with this new revelation, we can get in there and intervene through our active prayers and play a major roll on the happenings and outcome.
       It makes you want to stay praying all the time!

Communication Keys (GNs 927-928)

By a mother in Europe
It's been so inspiring going through this series. The Lord has worked in my life over the past three years on learning how to react to teens. He allowed a crash course last year when my son came to live with us.
       One thing I had to do was open my heart and listen to his point of view about our young teens, and how to handle situations when they were really driving me up the wall. It's not that I was wrong most of the time, but it's just that no matter how right I am, it's still wrong if they can't receive it.
       Opening up helped me to see things differently, which lead to handling them differently. Also I learned a lot about communication, as with my son it's hard to kick off familiarity on either side. One thinks Mom is still good ol' Mom, and the other one who happens to be one of those sensitive sun signs gets hurt that Junior might be feeling negative about her which is not true, but the Enemy sure loves to try to use it. So, there you've got it--the need to communicate.
       It didn't happen overnight. The nice fruits are that the children are more relaxed, and me too, and they've gotten used to communicating more themselves. It's helped them mature more quickly too, along with the fact that we include them in a lot of our Home decisions, since they are our biggest population in the Home.
       I don't want to make it appear as if things are all hunky dory now or that there's nothing more to learn. Actually, the GNs were a big blessing, because though I had been learning a lot, I only had one side. In the GNs, you get many more sides; it's so well rounded. Some things were pure encouragement as they confirmed lessons the Lord had been teaching me, others helped me see new challenges, new mountains to climb.
       I just want to encourage others that it does work, the Lord can do it. I love children and young people, but about five years ago, I realized I was afraid of anyone above 15; the older they were, the more afraid I was. I wanted to relate to them, but I just didn't know how.
       I think the main problem for me was being concerned about what they thought of me. I always believed in working with young people and including them as equals; still, I realized I was looking too much with my eyes, putting them on my level rather than theirs. I enjoyed part two about the different age groups, and the tips on what we can do together. All this to say: If He did it for me, He can do it for others!

Needed: FAR-out testimonies from you!
Tell the world about the wonderful things the Lord is doing through your witnessing ministries. Send your testimonies, news, and photos today to: far@wsfamily.com.


       In GV #131, in the February Shine On listing, David, Esperanza, and Home (PE003) should have been listed as the top video shiners. They distributed 1,065 videos in February, which puts them in first place. Our apologies for this mishap, which was due to not having the correct number of voting members in their Home. Please go ahead and claim your prize, PE003!

in My arms…
       Written by Sarah, Canada:
Another of our sweet brothers has gone on to his reward in Heaven. Tommy (a.k.a. Barny of Sarah) passed on in Costa Rica on March 2nd, 2002. Tommy had been in a wheelchair since April 1974, two months after he and his family joined the Family. Tommy was a CM member for 10 or so years, serving the Lord in Canada, Italy, France, and India. He then went on to be a FM member, bringing in another new disciple whom he brought to the field of Mexico. He had many struggles in his life, being handicapped, but was always faithful to tell everyone he met about the Lord.
       We are sure he is walking around up There in Heaven, happy and free from his handicapped body. We feel his help already with winning other handicapped people to the Lord and His Family.

I've brought this dear one Home to Me. He fought his fight on Earth, and I've welcomed him with open arms, and with gratitude for the life he lived for Me. No longer is he limited by the confines of his earthly body; up Here he has been made perfectly whole.
       I am proud of this one, who bore his cross bravely and courageously, and used his handicap to bring others to Me. He ran his race and great is his reward Here in Heaven.
       Now he stands before Me on your behalf, to support you in his prayers, to help fight the battle that wages for the souls of men. And he brings comfort to you as well. He is not far from you, for I have commissioned him to give you the help in the spirit. (End of message from Jesus.)

Heartfelt thank you and update

By Phillip, for CEAD (Central European Activated Desk), Hungary

Dear Family,
God bless you. With this note we'd like to acknowledge and wholeheartedly THANK ALL OF YOU for the gifts you've sent towards helping to sponsor subscriptions for the many needy people in Central and Eastern Europe. Your help is making a difference and is a great blessing in helping to feed the Lord's precious sheep! Your support, both financially and in prayer, goes such a long way and is the answer to many prayers--not only our prayers for more finances to help feed these hungry sheep, but also the prayers of these dear ones themselves who benefit from your giving.
Besides wanting to thank you for your gifts, we also want you to know that the stats for the subscriptions you have sponsored have been included in the worldwide Activated stats--with the sponsoring Home getting the credit for these subscriptions.
       Now with Activated already rolling in five CE countries (Romania, Russia, Hungary, Ukraine, and Croatia) and beginning to roll in three more (Albania, Poland, and Bulgaria), with Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Serbia soon to follow, the need for sponsors will increase manifold. So if the Lord lays the burden on your heart to help either on a one-time basis or regularly, please know that your help will be greatly appreciated!
       If you have some spare moments, we would also greatly appreciate your prayers for the many different translations and printing projects which are currently underway. In the next two months we will be printing 22 different Activated magazines, plus a number of books in Romanian, Hungarian, and Russian, plus continuing to produce the 12 Foundation Stones course in Russian, Romanian, Hungarian, and Croatian.
       Once again, from the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU VERY MUCH! We appreciate you and pray the Lord will bless you many times over for your help in feeding His sheep, winning more souls and spreading His message of love.

P.S.: Special thanks to the following brethren who have helped sponsor subscriptions during the last two months. (Where there is no name or Home number included, this is because we didn't receive that information with the donation.)
IN06       Esther/John/Simon       


       CN614       Ellie       
       CN620       Peter/Crystal       
       CN625       Mary/Willing       
       CN632       Rose       
       CN635       Heartlands       
       CN644       ----------------       
       JA020       John/Megumi, Pandita/Ruth
       JA039       Crystal/Jesse       
       JA057       Joe/Tony/Trusty       
       -------       Alps       
       TW226       Matt/Joy       


       FR650       Emmanuel/Daniela
       SW1420       Tim/Claire, Joy/Stefan
       SW1426       Charity/Dave/Heidi
       WG724       Andres/Mary


       US3904       Keren Lovingheart
       US3965       Andrew/Crystal
       US3967       Robby/Michelle
       US4926       Abishag/Lebbaeus


Published in on Jun 7, 2002
Percy Roxas, The Nation (Thailand)
       For one charity organization that works with disabled youngsters, it's not unusual for famous luk thung singers to show up for an impromptu show - and maybe serve up some lunch, too.

       To read the full article, check out the MO site at:

The boards begin their work!
OC/MC fellowship in Germany

By Sara (Southwest European CP chairperson)
We held a small, but inspiring OC/MC fellowship here in Germany. One of the Homes put us up for three nights in their large house. In total our group existed of eight OCs/MCs and four moms. We had organized a schedule beforehand and sent it out via e-mail, so that upon arrival everyone knew what was going to happen and what was expected of them, as we all shared in the meal prep and clean-up. God bless Christiana, the Home's mom, who had provisioned some fun activities like swimming, Imax cinema, and entry to a botanical garden ahead of time. Also included were soccer games for the boys, dancing with the girls, singing and witnessing to the homeless, and a provisioning trip to the local market, a barbeque, and Word games, besides our daily inspirations and Word times.
       The kids enjoyed every minute and the Lord helped us to make every day count. One thing that the children had in common was that they all go to public school; our desire was for them to get more fellowship time with children their own age in the Family. As we followed our schedule we realized that we had not allowed enough time for inspiration. The kids loved the songs, dancing, and memory review, PTL!
       Special thanks to Andrjez, Mishi, and Anna (the Home's teens) who helped with inspiration, as partners, and "please help with this" assignments. With their help we were able to also have a mom's meeting, while the kids watched a supervised video. This meeting was very much appreciated, as we mothers hardly have a chance to see each other and talk and pray together.
       We are were all thankful for this time, and hopefully this is only the beginning of more fellowship and times together for our precious children and marvelous moms!

YA/SGA seminar in Japan

By Marco, Japan

       The Lord gave us the inspiration to hold a YA/SGA seminar, organized by the East Japan CGO and VS boards. In the prophecy we received about the seminar, the Lord said that YAs and SGAs would catch the fire, and that it would spread to all the younger ones of this field.--And it has already started!
       This seminar spanned three days; however, it wasn't meetings and classes alone. In the morning we would have witnessing classes, and in the afternoon until night we'd go out witnessing. The Letter "Reach the Rich" was so timely, and we used it as the base text for the classes, along with other Letters that were given specifically for the Japanese field. In one class we emphasized how to turn English teaching into witnessing--not for money and System jobs, but to turn it into a means to reach the hearts of the top. Thank the Lord for the "CvsC" series, which helped set our vision for souls. At the end of every class we claimed the power of the keys for every aspect of that afternoon's witnessing.
During those three days we were able to reach university English club members at some of the top universities, and they invited us to their English discussions. It was a golden opportunity!
       Until this time, if our young people wanted some excitement and change, most of them would head off to another field where the language wasn't so difficult and traditional society and materialistic influences were not as strong. But the Lord is opening doors for witnessing in English, and our young people are starting to feel that they don't need to go elsewhere to find excitement of the spirit.
       It was exciting to see everybody catch the fire for witnessing. I haven't ever seen this many of our young people really sock it to the sheep in the spirit as they did after these seminars. The smartest of students were attracted and drawn to our young people, and many were saved. Many who were involved in this witnessing event said that they hadn't experienced this type of witnessing event in Japan before. Everybody felt that something great happened in the spirit.
       On the last evening, our young people hosted a seminar of their own for the university students they had met. The theme was "How to Be Happy Anyhow." Isamu, Esther, and JD did an excellent job as panelists. Isamu gave a good presentation, while Esther and JD did skits and gave personal testimonies. The Tokyo Studio Home musicians contributed powerful music to the evening. Afterwards we had group discussion. It's not like mass evangelism; it's deep, personal witnessing. One by one the sheep got saved through the powerful testimonies of our young people; 47 souls were saved that night and many more are hooked!
       Thanks also to those of MP3 who offered their beautiful house to us for our classes. They also fixed our meals for four days! The board vision has brought a lot more unity, and those at the MP3 Home are such a good sample of this. God bless the Homes that made it possible for the YAs and SGAs to attend this seminar and make it a fruitful witnessing event. This victory was due to the power of the keys, unity, the board vision, and the New Wine and counsel from the Letters!

It's happening in Taiwan!

By Saskia, Taiwan
From June 3-7, 2002, almost 60 people congregated at a mountain resort in Yulin County in central Taiwan for the island's first JT board-sponsored national "Junior Camp" held for attendees between the ages of 12 and 14.
       The view was obscured and the weather bleak. There had been an endless downpour, and the first team of handymen, general-fix-it specialists, and stand-in construction engineers slogged through oozing mud, heaving, lifting and assessing the damage. Their director was Mike, a long-time friend of the Family and owner of what had once been a luxurious mountain resort, but he was hard to make out tucked behind a smeared window from which he squinted as his long-time companion, "Mr. Powerful" scraped and roared along, clearing debris from what was once a basketball court. He seemed unusually cheerful as he described how the catastrophic earthquake of 1999 has changed the landscape surrounding his camp so that rivers running on either side had morphed into lethal landslides of rock and car-size boulders that mobilized whenever the rains were especially heavy. Like now.
       The drive up to camp was hair raising. The better part of the national JT board arrived on the scene after a cautious trek over mountain roads that had become small rivers in places, picking their way through sections of mud and rockslides and squeezing through a few places that the road had been reduced to one lane because the other half had washed away. Just a few days before, the first team had no such problems, but now the weather bureau grimly reported that yet more rain was expected, and the resultant deluge was likely to cause even more trouble.
       Upon arrival, those who had been to the resort in its days of glory were taken back by the state of disrepair that some of the buildings had fallen into, and a quick, drizzly tour revealed that the pool, dining area, and second basketball court that had once been were no more, apparently taken out by a river of rocks. Our spirits were low. The Junior Camp had already suffered one postponement. It couldn't survive another. And what about all the prophecies we'd received confirming that this was indeed the date and location? Could they be wrong? Teams from all around the island would be arriving the very next day, and we felt the pressure to have everything organized and ready. But how? Was it even safe? There was a large rock stuck neatly in the floor on the second level of the meeting hall. What if the weather worsened and there were more of those? We needed to hear from the Lord, and right away. And so we did. We had an all-afternoon prayer meeting.
       If the camp was a success, and I'm happy to say that it was, all the credit goes to the Mastermind, Jesus, and the power of the keys of the Kingdom. Looking back on the fantastic event that it turned out to be, I don't think anyone could argue otherwise: There is simply no way we could have done it without the keys. Everyone who put their hearts, minds, and their backs into some aspect of running the camp testified--from dear Anna (of Steve PPC) in the kitchen, turning beautiful meals and snacks out of a dilapidated canteen, to Jimmy (of Joy, expecting their 9th any day) and Johnny (of Sunny) who headed up an emergency PR effort to the local village elder when our "Survivor Challenge" contestants accidentally hewed down some prize bamboo while building shelters--each and every time we found ourselves in some difficulty, with no seeming way out, calling on the keys saved the day. Instantly and often miraculously.
       The Lord froze the weather report's rain in its tracks, while the government mobilized a miniature army to get the roads repaired before the vanloads of JETTs and junior teens arrived. When the sun came out the camp was beautiful, and so was the scenery. It was like walking and breathing in a delicate oriental water painting: mountain tops wreathed in buoyant clouds, tropical forests and bamboo groves gracing the slopes. It was perfect.
       We found the cabins comfortable, although a little rustic, but who cares when you're camping, anyway? We prayed away the torrential downpour, which reduced itself to showers at predictable times of the day. I didn't wear a watch, myself, so that was how I told the time. The camp's schedule was packed to saturation point with activities of many kinds. There was Quizorama each morning after breakfast, hosted each time by a different SGA who devised a new way to play, while the players themselves sharpened their Bible knowledge and sometimes their soccer skills, kicking our giant inflatable die. Camp attendees were divided into four teams that competed in a variety of events for the duration of the camp, clocking up points and doing their best not to be penalized in an effort to come out on top. Dawei (SGA), who has started a soccer team, Lynx United, in the Taipei area for Family young people, brought the excitement of professional sports equipment to camp with color-coded bibs for each of the teams, cones, flags and batons, not to mention basket, soccer and volleyballs and survival gear. Most of these goods were procured through sponsors of the Lynx team in the capital, and a few timely gifts which we are so thankful for.
       Johnny and Dawei headed up sports and outdoor activities, which included daily "sports clubs" where the kids joined either soccer, basketball, in-line hockey, or arts and crafts classes (by Claire) that they had signed up for prior to coming. Tracy (SGA, of Joan), DJ (YA), Michael (YA), Mark, Marty and many of the more adventuresome elements of the parents and other adult staff participated in the outdoor games and helped keep things moving.
       The "Survivor Challenge" was one of the high points of the activities at camp, each day bringing with it a new challenge for the teams to rise to. With the help of a host of organizers for these events, they included: complicated relays with torches and subdivisions of teams waiting at various drop-off points, the infamous shelter-building contest with real tools, which was graded according to strict criteria, an eating contest, and an obstacle course which saw the teams chained together at the ankle to assess teamwork. It was a load of laughs and the topic of many a lively discussion afterward. On the last night at camp, the two winning teams took part in a live auction during which they bartered "point cards" for real prizes, some big, some small and a few surprise booby prizes just for fun.
       Another activity worth mentioning is the all-camp treasure hunt, which used references that corresponded with Bible verses containing clue words to lead teams to the next bit of color-coded paper hidden in what was sometimes a very obscure place. Each team had fifteen different clues tailored to them and hid separately, to be collected by order of sequence. Christia and Saskia planned this event. It took three hours just to hide all the clues, and the actual hunt took place in the dark, so teams were guided by flashlights. Bright bits of paper that glared in the light of day all but vanished (and sometimes did!) under cover of night, but everybody persevered, deciphering and combing through the length, height, and breadth of the camp until all was found.
       There was a fantastic barbeque, a water fight with buckets, water-filled balloons, and sponges (it was raining anyway, but it turned to a good mud fight), and crazy musical games like "pass the eggplant." The grand finale of camp activities took place on the last night, when masses of strange characters in disguise and odd costumes assembled at the meeting hall for a party. The theme: The Good Guyz. This meant that you could dress up as whomever you wanted, provided the person or thing, from real life or fiction, was a good guy or gal, hero or heroine. Willing (FGA), clad in Matrix-garb, hosted the introductions, keeping us all in stitches with his humorous narration as he presented characters the likes of Cormac's father, Lara Croft, Betty Boop, three gorgeous Charlie's Angels, Batman and Spiderman, before a panel of esteemed judges who graded each participant and announced their favorites later.
       For class time we tackled the subject "Why are we in the Family?" The first day Marty led an anointed class that touched on the Endtime and how we're in a spiritual warfare. The class used clips from The Lord of the Rings, likening our lives to those of the Hobbits, and stressing that the party in the Shire and days of peace will not last forever. Each of us has been given something special--our place in the Family--and a mission that only we can fulfill. It's just up to each one of us what we do with it.
       The next class was led by Gioia, with the help of Saskia, in which the two posed as journalists competing for a story on the Family for their respective newspapers, but unwilling to share it. To prove their "case" on who has done the most research about the Family, they bounced back and forth, presenting old movie clippings of the Children of God, a comprehensive rundown on the most important points of their history and origin and loading it with facts and tidbits. The research also included parts of the Jesus movie on the Great Commission and discussion of discipleship and what it means. We sang "Gotta Be a Baby" in a virtual blast from the past, and wrapped up with two other songs, "Soul Retriever" and "Do or Die Life" booming a close to the class, at the end of which both reporters decide to give up journalism and become Jesus' disciples.
       By far the most powerful of Word classes came from a surprising source--the JETTs and juniors themselves. Before the camp, each Home on the island was assigned a topic and the young people themselves went to work preparing an oral presentation on such subjects as Activated, Hearing from Heaven, and Great Men and Women of God. One by one, each Home delivered their reports in the person of one brave JETT or teen who had taken on the role of speaker. There were awards for the best presentations, but they were all exceptional. Elizabeth (of Abe and Mercy), Heather (of Claire) and Andy (of Ginny), took the beribboned medals home, but not one of us who were there will forget the tremendous example of each of the participants who diligently researched, compiled, and wrote up beautiful reports and spoke so convincingly and boldly that we couldn't help but feel proud of our Family heritage and each of them.
       And so it was that the Taiwan Junior Camp 2002 turned out to be anything but obscured or bleak. The peals of laughter and warmth of friendships were like sunshine to the soul even when the rains fell. And I think just about everyone left with a little more clarity in their minds as to that question we pray we can help all our kids to answer, the question of why they're here.
       Power to the people with the keys!

JAPAN - Seminar for Active members

By Marco, Japan
This month, the East Japan CGO board held a one-day seminar for the Kanto area Active members. About 30 Active members attended. Steven (CO) and Marco (VS) gave the classes, and Martin and Keiko led the inspirations.
       The morning class explained the worldwide Family, and shared excerpts from "Heading into 2002!"that gave the Active members more understanding of what the Family is all about. We also explained the Activated program to them.
       The afternoon class featured the keys to the kingdom, and also an exposé of the demons that hinder the fruitfulness of our dear Active members. Stephen, Sunny (Active member), and Marco did a skit for the class. It helped the Active members to apply this newly given spiritual weapon to their lives to defeat the various hindering spirits--Pan and Bacchus.
       Different Active members gave testimonies on how the keys have helped them overcome difficulties in their lives, like healing from diabetes, mending broken relationships, etc. It was very powerful. At the end we took time to hear from the Lord unitedly, and one CM member and one Active member got beautiful, encouraging prophecies.
       The reactions were great! Those who attended this seminar have started using the power of the keys and have seen it work! After this seminar, someone subscribed some friends to Activated. Another contact who couldn't attend this seminar heard about the power of the keys through a person who attended and asked if he could start having regular Word classes!

Upcoming Nubeat's outlook

       Robin, Uganda: Simon and Ben are spending the next three days finishing up the Pan-Africanizing of the radio show. From that point, there will be 52 shows, transcribed, with songs, intros, interviews and such changed, so that it's not so Uganda-specific, but more applicable for anywhere in the continent.
       Simon is hoping, after returning from Japan, to be able to then produce a worldwide show, with hopefully downloadable versions, which the Family could avail themselves of from any English-speaking country (or situation) in the world.
We have Capital Radio which has asked for nine spots each week which they will pay a bit for, that are more meaty, to be played on Sunday mornings, as there is a real vacuum for deep, feeding spiritual material. We have already produced a number of spots, which are inserted in the NuBeat show, and can put a lot of them on CDs, which can be presented to radio stations too--in addition to the radio show. These are pure Word on a number of subjects. These too could be arranged to be easily downloadable in the future for any interested.
In any case, they'll be done shortly, so that sure will be a victory. We have produced a brochure that explains NuBeat to radio stations, hopefully being printed in South Africa, which Family members could then use along with a sample CD, to take to radio stations in their area or on their road trips, and we can then arrange to get the 52 shows to stations on which it's booked. So DV, the message will be going far and wide, plus the built-in follow-up of an initial Activated mag for responders.

Word Basics
goes countrywide
       André, SEA pioneer field:
"Hey, wait a minute," said our friend, L. "I have a surprise for you!" That was the beginning of our weekly Bible classes with a group of 12 on fire witnesses. A few seconds later, he came back with a Word Basics book printed in the local language! Six or seven times the size of the English version, but nevertheless the same (the verses are written in full, plus the local language is long winded). It gave us such a high, as we're just getting into mass distributing some Family books, and seeing that one of them is already in the bookstores is very inspiring!

Drama tapes on CDs?
Can we reproduce drama tapes on CDs? Our kids have been asking for these tapes, including FC tapes that are antiques in the Family. These are listed in CVC curriculum but are not available!--Home in Brazil
       A: Good news! The drama tapes have been put on CDs, and are available for you to order through the ASCRO FED. (There are also plans to put the FC tapes on CD.) Most of these dramas are also available to download from the MO site. See their ad in GV #133, and/or e-mail them for the order form at: eztel@loxinfo.co.th.

Turning 16 reading list?
Is there a compiled list of Letters and mailings that teens need to read once they turn 16? If so, where can we find it? Thanks!
       A: Yes, there is a list of required reading for teens before and after they turn 16. It can be found in the Charter, "Word Rules,"
page 261.

Shepherds' children
       Anonymous, Asia:
It seems like when you're a child of a VS or CO or even a TWer, you have the unenviable status of "brat"--whether that label is rightfully deserved or not. It's common for people to say, "She's the CO's daughter," as if she's infected with some contagious disease, or to make some comment about "the VS's kids" being spoiled or about their misbehavior. Doesn't seem fair to give us a different classification than kids of non-shepherds.
       Maybe people expect a lot of the shepherds' kids, more than they would of the other kids … but why should there be any difference? Often the shepherds are too busy to take care of their own children, so their kids are taken care of by others and get the same treatment as any of the other children. Although now with smaller Homes this isn't often the case anymore.
       I know of a few "shepherds' kids" who share the same feelings as I do: We wish that our parents didn't have their shepherding titles so we could be treated normally.
       Maybe some people don't know … if you're a shepherd, you feel obligated to be stricter on your child because everyone else is watching you. What another kid gets away with, your kid can't. Any money sent from grandparents or whoever is given to the Home and none is kept for the child who it was given to so others don't have reason to compare. Any gifts from relatives and friends or goodies from provisioning are first distributed to the other kids. You have to make sure all the other kids have their needs met before your own child's needs. If your child has a behavioral problem it's because he's the "TWer's kid" or the VS's or CO's kid.
       On the other hand, I have seen instances where the shep's kids are spoiled and get their own way. I've lived with a few of those and I didn't think it was fair and I thought the parents were out of it. Until one of my parents got a shepherding title. Then somehow things changed in the way people looked at me and my brothers and sisters. Suddenly we were expected to be angels. When we misbehaved it was "expected" 'cause we were the "VS's children."
       So I've been in both seats: the judge and the judged.
       Sometimes the shepherds' kids are rotters 'cause their parents are too busy to give them the attention they need. It's sad but true.
       We should expect everyone to live up to the same standard. No exceptions. No double standards. Not for the shep's kids and not for the other kids.
       Let's not classify the kids of shepherds any differently than any other kids or expect more of them than we would of anyone else. Please don't put people into a box with a label. It hurts them and doesn't help any.
       Shepherds should spend time with their children just like any other parent should. Please don't neglect your kids because you're too busy with your shepherding responsibilities. Your kids need you.

Accident audios?
Matthew Greek, Greece:
As a driver, listening to some recent songs (I think in Rhythm and Grooves) while driving, I found out there were some sound effects that really almost made me jerk; at least they gave me a pretty good scare while at the wheel. One was a sound effect with car brakes screeching, and another one was in a song with a girl starting it by screaming "Look out!" followed by a loud noise of a policeman's whistle!
       I would suggest that we caution our drivers about these particular tapes/CDs or maybe we could even consider mentioning to our musicians to avoid these cars/accidents/driving-related sound effects in music production, as usually all the drivers have instilled strong reflexes built in them to automatically watch and be on the alert for these particular sounds, and it could cause them to react in an abrupt way that could cause an accident.

home schooling corner
       (Jesus speaking:) Nothing is impossible for you, especially now, through the agency of the keys.
Having the right, faith-filled, positive outlook is essential. You must employ all the tools and skills I've given you and trained you in, in order for you to overcome the difficulties, obstacles, and challenges that you face.
       You must fight in the spirit and triumph in the spirit! You can't look at this as a physical or material warfare and wage it on that level. You don't have the strength to win on that level. Your weapons are spiritual, and your primary task in the education of your children is to fight for it on the spiritual plane. If you place the priority on this, then the battle can be won in the physical as well.
       Your responsibility is to teach your children spiritually, morally, and academically, in that order. All are important, but you must put the spiritual supreme, followed by the moral, and then the academic. By moral, I mean developing your children's character so that they are a credit to Me, the Family, and to you; they will know right from wrong, and will act right, stand up for the right, and be the right samples--loving, caring, understanding and compassionate people.--"Where To Now!" ML #3398: 25, 26b, 27

Reading the CVC Handbook

Dorcas Pioneer, Japan

       This month I started to read the CVC Handbook. We have three students who are using the CVC course. Two are trying to get junior high diplomas and one wants to get a high school diploma. I felt that since I'm now a FED board member, I should know the book better myself. So I started to read it. The instruction was so inspiring and made me really want to push it in our Home. We want to start the training program for each student.

"…but with a vision, wow!"

Marty Steadfast, Taiwan

       After much procrastination and a few weak tries over the years, we have broken into the CVC program of studies. Just as our dear FED brethren have been telling us, it's not so difficult and is very comprehensive. Francis (18) is zeroing in on the high school diploma requirements and doesn't have far to go. Just making this initial effort to get organized is already a boost in morale for us all because we've regained the vision. When the kids are young it's not hard to keep the vision because it's clear what they need to learn (up to grade 8). But we had faltered with our teens. For one thing we're so busy with the little kids, but we had also fallen into procrastination, thinking it was such a huge thing to tackle high school with our teens. The fact is that our brethren have done much of it for us by creating the CVC program. It's very simple and easy to follow the step-by-step guidelines to set your course of study, record what you've already done, and plan what still needs to be done. Then all you need to do is roll up your sleeves and do some school! Without a vision the people perish. But with a vision, wow! The courage returns to pioneer and make strides of progress.

CVC Word libraries

Love, Taiwan

       Concerning education: Maybe I am just repeating what has already been said, but this is my firm conviction. I believe if one studies a favorite subject in the CVC Handbook, they will receive a very good education on the subject. I had the occasion to read a lot in the Family about pregnancy and childcare and quite a bit in System books as well, and I found that we have everything. Our counsel is easier to grasp, more down to earth, more applicable day-to-day. The counsel in worldly books contained a lot of fears and lack of trust in the Lord. And what information hasn't been covered already in past pubs is getting covered in Eve and Kidland.
       This also applies to social studies, science, and almost everything. What we have in our "libraries" is above what is offered in worldly books. I've also found that often the Lord gives us fresh knowledge just before we are about to use it. For example, we may read about a king of past ages in the Word and soon be able to use it in our witnessing. The Lord gives us the right timing. There may be a time to check things out in secular books--I leave room for that; there may be some details and maybe more details in some subjects than others, but the Lord and His Word are unbeatable!

Using CLE full program

Jodie (of Abe), China

       Before we enrolled in the CLE full program, we weren't as faithful as we should have been with our kids schooling. I always tried to do some housework, etc., while helping the kids with their school, so they didn't get my full attention. Since I decided to give my full attention to them during school time and not be involved in other things, the kids have been doing so much better. It also helps to be on the CLE full program, as we have to report each month for the kids' school progress. It helps me to be more faithful with their schoolwork and keep up with their records.

Parental involvement

Meekness, mother of 8, Thailand
It is a blessing for me to be on the CLE full program. For one, I have a large family. Being on the full program and taking the teacher's training helps me to not only be able to oversee their school, but to understand how to use the CLE books better, and thus the children benefit more from their curriculum. It has forced me to be more involved with their schooling, which is a blessing as I get to know my children better and know which areas they need help in. I can now plan my schedule accordingly so I can fit in extra time for them. CLE is very faithful with the children's records, which is helpful for me to make sure I have their records up to date. I am sold on it!
(Note: If you are using the CLE full program, remember that CLE has approved the "Family CLE Bible Studies Curriculum" which can be used instead of the CLE Bible course for grades 1 through 12. So rather than proposing your own Bible studies program to them for approval, or having the children take the CLE Bible program, you can simply submit the appropriate section of the already CLE-approved "Family CLE Bible Studies Curriculum." For details, see GV #126, pg. 4.)

Teaching reading

Mary Dear (of Benjamin), Denmark
I wanted to comment about teaching children reading. There are so many preferences and ideas about different home schooling systems, but I think the answer to this is very individual. I was very confused as to what to use when I first began getting books for my eldest who is now almost seven. It turned out that he wasn't really interested in learning to read. Then I read a testimony from a sister who had the same problem with her son and she finally got the Handbook for Reading from Beka, which is based on teaching reading through phonics. So I sent for it and even though they don't use it in the program until the first grade, I started it when my son was only in K5.
       It wasn't enough for me though, as English is a second language, so I also got the "Basic Phonics Charts." With the charts they have also produced a tape, so if you're not a native English speaker you can learn the sounds along with the child(ren). This really helped me. Beka also has other basic phonics flashcards, which helps to reinforce the phonics sounds.
       When my son got the idea of phonics, he really caught on and now he reads words which I never taught him, and he likes to surprise me! He enjoys reading from different books rather than following one special book. This doesn't mean we don't read the readers, but we don't read them all the time.
       Regarding using a set home schooling program, I liked Mercy (of Byron's) comments in GV #132 about mixing anything you want to with the Family home schooling program. When this program first came out, we were using it on the field where I was, but then we stopped using SWBs (SuperWorkBooks) and I didn't think more about this program. But I have been concerned about teaching my kids the Word in their school, and also to not have a churchy and/or pro-American flavor in social studies. I feel this is a good answer for me--to use the Word for readers and social studies, and then I'll use Beka for language arts and math, at least some of it. The language arts especially, because I teach in English and I don't feel capable of it if I don't have a book which says exactly what to do.
       Basically I think it has to be determined on an individual basis whether a child learns best from phonics or a sight-reading program. Our eldest boy is learning better from the phonics program, but it seems our twins learn better from the sight-reading program, and then phonics can come later. Our kids are very different. The eldest one speaks two languages well, but the twins don't seem to be able to handle that as well.
       (Note: For more counsel on teaching reading, see CVC Pubs CD: Vocational/Child Care and Education /Curriculum and Instruction: Reading; and "Reading" in The Parenting and Childcare Index posted on the MO site at: )

Six Easy Steps to Reading

(From A Beka Phonics http://www.abeka.com/Resources/Phonics.html)
       1.Learn to recognize the short vowels and their sounds.

       2.Learn to recognize the consonants and their sounds.
       3.Learn to blend. Blending the sounds of a consonant and a vowel is the first step to reading words.
       4. Learn to sound one-vowel words. When there is one vowel in a word, that vowel usually says its short sound.
       5. Learn the sounds of the long vowels. Learn to sound two-vowel words. When there are two vowels in a word, the first vowel says its long sound, and the second vowel is silent.
       6. Learn the special phonics sounds. The A Beka Book phonics program contains 132 special sounds (often called phonics rules.) [See also CCHB 2, pgs.92-93, 112-125.]


Tiger Lily, USA
I just wanted to comment on how much we enjoy using the Switched-On Schoolhouse CD program. We are using the sixth grade program. It is so much easier to carry since we travel so much. I found a CD case holder at Walmart that holds 12 CDs (which is the entire course for sixth grade). The CD case comes with a calendar, school assignments, a map of the world, with area codes and country codes, and a map of the U.S., with metric weights and measurements--all in a compact little carrying case with a handle that fits inside of my boarding bag for when we travel abroad.

CLE LTR Program

Rozie, Middle East
I start kids on the CLE "Learning to Read" at age five and they do very well. I've taught about twelve five-year-old kids using this method. From my experience with CLE and the LTR (Learning to Read), I would say that starting at too young of an age, below four or five, could be too soon. It's sad to see kids turned off of their schooling and it's important that it is fun and not the only thing they do. I always gave the kids plenty of breaks with games that reinforced their lessons, and playtime which they enjoyed; that ensures that don't just sit all day doing book work.
       The three YC boys here started the LTR when they were four and five years old. They had already had a lot of Ladybird/flashcard drilling and were reading well. However, we found the reading material from the Ladybird books to be inappropriate age-wise (the higher level books get into quite detailed adventure stories with robbers, etc., which kids this age won't benefit from). They needed something new that was also consistent. As the LTR material is so sweet and innocent, I felt it would be better for them, and at the same time help them to make consistent forward progress. In discussing this with the YC teacher and the parents, they decided to look over the LTR to see if they thought they could manage it. Everyone liked the idea and so they started. The YC teacher went slowly with it and the kids did well.
       About quarter way through the LTR, one of the mommies wrote to the CLE to ask their advice about putting her son on the full program, as she had already previously done the training. She explained his age (five) and how he was doing with the LTR, enjoying it, and doing well. Since they usually recommend starting the program at age seven, she asked if they had any advice. They wrote back to say that if he went slow and balanced the work out with other activities he should do okay. They said the main thing would be that he retained what he was learning, and suggested that instead of doing the work in one year, that she spread it out and cover it in one and a half or two years instead. So this is what they did with the three boys.
I know of a three-year-old who got started on the LTR program. For awhile he liked it and did well and his mother went very slowly with it. However, after some time he didn't respond so well and she felt that it was best to stop it and start again at a later time.
As most of our kids start to read earlier than CLE starts them, we seem to need more suitable materials for them to continue with in a consistent manner. Ladybird is okay up to a point, but the higher-level material isn't so age-appropriate. In non-English-speaking countries it's more difficult to get good English materials and so the LTR does help to fill this gap. This may be another reason why folks on our field are starting to use it at a younger age.
       A lot of folks are already so busy managing what they have that they're thankful to have something like the LTR that is so well planned out and prepared that they can easily use with out much prior effort, which continues into the next stage, building on what they have already learned. This is something the parents are very thankful for--a consistent program.

The Word--inside a Middle Eastern country…

By Catherine, Middle East
The Word in this particular country is appreciated beyond measure. Since our first visit there a number of years ago, it's been the Word that has set us apart from other groups. Wherever we went, we were able to give out the Word freely to rich and poor, young and old. They all want our tapes, and they all want our lit.
       Most of the people that we minister to and who are attracted to our message are the educated class, which have suffered the most spiritually. They have such a vacuum. It's often said there that it's the AC's plot to destroy this class of people, as they are the ones that hold the Arab societies together against the tide of fundamentalism. The vision of Motivated through the mail is incredible. People often ask us if they can subscribe in order to join us and get our literature. (The people there relate to the idea of subscribing very well, being very educated. They love reading.) So the sky is the limit and nothing is impossible with our King of kings.
       We recently followed up on a mail member. He's from a city in the North and we got his address a year ago. Unbeknownst to us, our letters had a big effect on him; he said that our communication with him has helped him to make a decision in his life and move on. Instead of waiting and doing nothing, we gave him the hope to try something else and see God's hand in it. That God can still make him successful. He was a lawyer but now he's working as a carpenter, believing that God somehow is going to help him. He said, "You have the ministry of rekindling hope in people's lives and hearts. You lessen the pain and you help them to rise above." I couldn't believe that he used the words "rise above" TYJ! It's only the Lord!

       This is from a young man who got our address from someone else:
Please accept me as a friend. I don't want to burden you with my request, but if you just receive my greetings and that you can send me lots and lots of your beautiful letters.

       This is from the PR manager of the hotel we stayed at during our visit:
I received your beautiful letter and I felt very happy for the passionate words that you send [referring to the DF class]. I wish to be with the Family and travel the world for the love, peace, and caring. My respects to the Family, and I wish to you from the bottom of my heart to be first place in every thing. …

       From a young man:
I thank you for your sincere feelings and tender wishes. I pray to God that He envelops you with His love and peace. I wish I could meet with you again, but for a longer period of time and not like our short meeting.

       From a general manager of a top textile business, whom we met during a show at a club:
You've overwhelmed us with happiness and cheer with your tender letter. We thank you for your congratulations and we wish you the fulfillment of dreams. It would be an honor to me if I can name myself to join your great family, the Family International whose capital is love and tolerance, which is the message of humanity that many have yet to realize. I've met with the group of love, Heart to Heart, here and sad to say, we didn't have enough time to get to know your Family and its goals closely enough. Please continue writing. With utmost respect.

       From a man that has been on our mailing list since 1997, when he first met us
To the dearest sons of men on earth I write, to the people who haven't forgotten that there are those who love them with sincerity. I really love you, Heart to Heart, and God is the witness. I've met you twice, and you're the sweetest memory I have. I can't really express my thanks to you for each letter that I receive--truly the heart, mind and soul can't express my thanks. I always listen to the only memory I have of you (the tape made in '97)--the living voice of the International group singing. I hear the echo of the old memory of a love that has died long ago. Now the air is filled with hatred, fear and discouragement everywhere. My eyes are tired of weeping for the death of souls and lives. The living are buried with their sadness and some die with the guns. Truly I've listened to this song "The Famine" more than one thousand times, this wonderful song that calls for love and hates bitterness. It's wonderful the way it was sung with the group's accent, in the words that express the bitter world we live in and its reality.

       From two teenage sisters:
Dear brothers, Greetings of love. We were so happy to receive your tender letter and its wonderful content. The continuation of writing is a proof of the true human feelings. We thank you and our wishes to you with success always. We wish that you continue your prayers for our people and the fulfillment of the world of peace and love.

       Letter from a friend:
This is the first time in my life I've had anyone tell me that they love me and pray for me. Thank you for your emotional support. Please give me a chance to release the love I have inside of me, the love for others. You have brought back to me my faith.
       I don't know how to express my feelings to you because words fail me. I love you all and my utmost desire is to be an official member of my dear Family. The joy that has filled my heart since meeting you, even Shakespeare can't express in words, it's just something out of this world.
       Thank you also for the phone call on my birthday; it gave my spirit such a great boost, which I really needed at the time. It was like all the love in your hearts went down the optic fibers of the telephone line and hit me directly in my heart. The warmth and care and tenderness cleared my thoughts and vision. It's like the Lord has made you His disciples of love, peace and goodwill.

       From a reporter who traveled with us on one of our trips:
I just realized that you're more than a musical group; you're like angels of mercy who truly reach out and help people. You're like Florence Nightingale! After seeing the love that you give to the children and how you drew them out and put a smile on their face, how you connected with them, it's beyond words.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Ben Affleck, Morgan Freeman
       Thriller based on a novel by Tom Clancy. The story begins in 1972, during the Yom Kippur War between Israel, Egypt and Syria. A single Israeli nuke is lost in the desert. Fast-forward 30 years: It's found and sold, but to whom, and for what?

"Sum of All Fears" is an interesting thriller. It's the kind of movie that a lot of Family members might enjoy, and there's very little in it that would be a negative influence. For the most part, the movie is well done, has some sweet romance, is pretty exciting, and the two main characters do a good job in their roles. It's good to see a little diversity from the typical "Arab is bad/America is good" propaganda that has been going around so much in the movies for the past few years.
       There was a lot to be said about rising to the occasion, or rather rising to fill the need, as the main character of this story did. At first he wasn't too certain about the orders he was given because he didn't feel that it was his type of work, but as the story went on it became apparent that if he didn't make the effort to do what was right, then no one would.
       There was something about this movie's plot that reminded me a lot about our fight as Christians. The Enemy is always looking for a way in which he can divert your attention on one problem; meanwhile, he's having a heyday elsewhere. He'll throw in his devious obstructions, getting you bogged down and fighting offshoot battles, instead of realizing where the real threat is. Thank the Lord though that you can call on Him and get your perspective sorted out, and prevent the Enemy from getting his way.


Hugh Grant, Nicholas Hoult
       Comedy. A shallow and self-absorbed playboy finds his attitude and view of the world changing when he befriends a 12-year-old loner.

This movie is warm, and unusual. You'll laugh, and relive some of your own childhood moments. It's true to life, and yet sometimes absurd. Most people, young and old, will like this one.
       This movie has more human depth than most movies have these days. It also has its humorous moments. It's a clear portrayal of how selfishness and self-centeredness bring nothing but husks. Eventually, there comes a time in all men and women's lives when they will have to give an account for their actions, or lack thereof. No man is an island and I hold you accountable for doing good. A lack of love always backfires, entangles you in a web of charades, and is so much more difficult to live out in the end.
       It's not your typical Hollywood "everything's rosy" picture. It deals with real-life issues. The people in the movie shouldn't be considered role models in any way.--They each make mistakes and react selfishly or with wrong attitudes. They lack My true love most of the time, and they realize how short their own love falls. True love, My love, is the solution to any problem. It is a good picture of what life is like without My love, and how it can be transformed and brought together through unselfish love--which is My love. If genuine love perseveres and persists in spite of all odds, I will always reward it.


Sean Penn, Michelle Pfeiffer
       Touching drama about a mentally challenged father trying to raise the daughter he fathered with a homeless woman seven years earlier. Sweet, though not entirely realistic. Could perhaps be shown to JETTs with previewing and explanation.

This is one of those good movies you find every once in a while that's not polluted with a whole bunch of underlying wrong messages. It shows the true values in life, and exposes the hypocrisy of the System. It's not like you in the Family don't know these things already, but it's inspiring, sweet, and a good witness to the world. It's worth the time of those who are interested. It has a sweet and touching message.
       Some may be disturbed by the fact that the father is retarded, and the movie is intense in parts, so it isn't necessarily for everyone. It might be sensitive for those who have been involved in custody cases, or have had to be separated from their own children. But it is sweet spirited, and many will enjoy it. It has a good message about priorities as parents, and how love is the most important thing in parenting and raising a child.


Robert DeNiro, Eddie Murphy
       Comedy. A tough-guy LAPD detective is forced by the department to star in a TV reality series, teamed up with an actor/partner, as a way of making amends for bad press he has generated.

       (Dad:) If you're in the mood for a light-hearted comedy, this isn't a bad bet. You know I don't like a lot of foolishness or crude humor--well, this one just made it under the wire. It has those elements, but they're not taken to the extreme. These actors are two very funny men and they do a good job of spoofing various things, mostly themselves. You can tell they really enjoyed making the movie, and that's half the fun of watching it.
       For once the heroes aren't criminals. They're people who are at least trying to be policemen, although it gets pretty ridiculous at times. It pokes fun at the TV industry, and at people's reactions to the reality shows that are currently the rage. If you want an entertaining break, some comedy, some laughs, and nothing much more serious than that, you'll enjoy this movie.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

Moshen Ramezani, Hossein Mahjub
Director Majid Majidi (Children of Heaven) returns with another compassionate story that covers true-to-life struggles. Mohammad is a student from a special school for blind children in Tehran. His mother is dead, and his lonely father struggles between caring for the boy or turning him over to others' care so he can continue on with his personal life.

       (Jesus:) There is a lot in this movie--real life lessons in compassion, understanding, trials, and difficulties. This movie is not for everyone, but has depth and beauty that is rarely found in movies nowadays. It gives a sweet understanding of the people who go through the same trials and troubles that all do. The heart of man is the same the world over. For JETTs or junior teens, it can even be shown as part of their school studies about life in the Middle East. (If some parents also deem it good for their OCs--after viewing themselves first--it may be best to show it to them in more of a "study" atmosphere, rather than a "relaxed movie time" atmosphere.)
       It has lessons on trusting Me for what I do in your life, and that there's lots you can do even if you have a handicap. It shows the need to reach out to others, so they can know love.
       This is serious stuff and a look at the rough and tough side of life in a world where love is hard to win. This is a reality film.
       This is a great film for those who want to understand people from another culture. The media in the U.S. portrays Iranians as fanatical Shiites, Islamic fanatics, similar to how it portrays Arabs. But this story of a blind boy and his embittered, lonely father is so very touching and makes you feel like you have to die getting the love of Jesus out to these dear souls. It makes you want to be a missionary. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth; blessed are the poor in spirit, for they shall be comforted!--And you as missionaries are the ones who God wants to use to bless folks like these.
       Compared to the rubbish which comes out of Hollywood, this film is pure gold. It has good lessons on seeing how hard some people's lives are--yet how they make the best of it and cope. This is not a kids' movie, but a film for serious viewers, some of whom may be young.
       This is a very worthwhile movie, because it shows the depth of life that most people experience. If you wonder why you need to witness to people, since those who don't get a chance now will get one in the next life, then a movie like this should help you. Look how lonely that man was. He wasn't a bad man, just a pitifully lonely man, who needed Me. These are the people I died for, and who My heart continues to break for. Please reach them!

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

Cuba Gooding Jr., James Coburn
A Florida-dwelling dentist with a successful chain of offices and a comfy lifestyle changes his life when he finds out that he was adopted as a child, and that his birth mother has died and left him an inheritance in Alaska.

This is a light movie. It doesn't have a whole lot of lessons, but doesn't have a lot of bad either. This isn't a movie I would recommendfor children for repeat viewing. It's simply "watchable." It had its sweetness and its hidden lessons, but in general it was just purely entertainment, and a little silly in parts, though not harmful. Lots of nice nature scenes and plenty of dog footage.
       The whole issue of "who are my parents" could be touchy for some children, along with the whole emphasis on self-discovery when he finds out that he was adopted. It all turns out fine in the end, but it's something parents should be aware of when showing it to their children.

. (2001)

(Disney animated feature, voices of John Goodman and Billy Crystal)
This movie has its sweet moments, but it is not really suitable for the audience that it was made for. I do not want younger kids seeing this movie. While good does triumph in the end, the message would not be clear enough to younger age groups that would watch this movie. It could hurt, scare, or stumble the little ones.
       The reality of the spirit world is something the Enemy and the System keeps trying to show as cute or interesting or fake. But especially in dealing with the bad side, these things are not true, and it's dangerous to teach kids that they are true. Many movies are coming out these days that present aspects of the spirit world, but not in the right way--and this movie of the cute, cuddly monsters is one such movie.
       While older children might be mature enough to watch and enjoy it, it wouldn't be worth it for the ideas and concepts they would bring home and share with their younger brothers and sisters. Even the title of the movie could affect smaller children, just from hearing their older brothers and sisters talking about it.
       Fear is a very real attack of the Enemy, and he often gets in through little cracks in your defense to attack your children. While the whole "monster in the closet" concept is made fun of in this movie, and in a sense the producers were trying to dispel that fear through their plot, what will stick with children who are susceptible is that there are scary creatures and they can get in and out of doors very fast and almost supernaturally.
       It's not that I want to shelter My little ones from all that might help to toughen them up, but the realities of their lives will grow them up fast enough, without extra things to occupy and worry their little minds, allowing entrance to little imps who will magnify what they've heard and turn those thoughts into real fears and torments.
       For an older audience, this movie is entertaining, though it's not a must see. This is not a cute little movie to take your kids to, but it's okay for teens or adults in the mood for some laughs and fun. For those mature enough to take it for what it is, it's a comedy with good guys and bad guys and a happy ending.


From the WS movie preview team

       Some have written in suggesting that we mention in the WS movie ratings if a certain movie includes a lot of swearing. As we all know, most movies contain some swearing, and each person's definition of "a lot" can be quite different. Parents and shepherds might find a site called screenit.com, as well as a site called gradingthemovies.com, pretty informative. On these sites you can get specific information about a movie--such as how much swearing or violence is included, with details about the content, and suggested discussion topics.

       Healing key:
The bounty of My healing power is yours to partake of, yours to receive, yours to know. Simply claim healing through the power of the keys, and health of body, soul, spirit, and mind are yours for the asking.


       Were you sick? Did you ask for prayer? Did you get healed?
       If you have a healing or other answer to prayer--big or small--send it in to pl@wsfamily.com so we can share the good news with others. Let's testify of the effectiveness of prayer!
       The Lord is constantly answering our prayers for healing and other needs, but sometimes we fail to testify of the miracle. Let's boost another's faith in prayer, and share the good news! Write in today!

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
       By Maria Singer, Brazil:
I want to share with you how the Lord healed me from cancer of the thyroid. A long time ago I started gaining a lot of weight. I also was feeling lethargic, tired, out of sorts, and was depressed for no apparent reason.
After praying and asking for prayer, I also went for a checkup. The doctor diagnosed me with a benign tumor on my thyroid, causing hypothyroidism. After that it didn't bother me that much so I stopped thinking and praying about it.
Two and a half years passed. I was still quite fat and depressed, but it was much more accentuated and I thought it was from the poor functioning of my thyroid and lack of hormones. So I went to seek help from a doctor who is an Active member in our area, and he put me in touch with another friend of his. After all of the exams, they decided to do surgery on my thyroid. The Lord supplied one of the best hospitals in São Paulo, the best specialist of the hospital, a room and everything. The surgery lasted four hours and I was diagnosed with cancer; they took it out just in time before it began to spread throughout my whole body, TYJ!
After that I started a much more complicated process--iodine therapy--similar to chemotherapy but done with iodine instead. I had to stay in the hospital and be given very high doses of iodine with radiation. I was isolated in a room without any contact with anyone, only the nurses. The nights were rough due to the drugs, which made it so I couldn't sleep and when I would sleep, I would have hallucinations. One night, I was certain that I heard a chorus of angels singing for me. An angel was there helping me through this terrible treatment. I felt the prayers of the brothers materialize in front of me.
       I was supposed to stay there for five days, but on the third day, a doctor came into my room to measure the degree of radiation that was in my body. It was less than 5%, so I could leave the hospital. Our prayers were answered!
When I got home I was comforted to be there, but my spirit was very afflicted and I didn't have peace that I was healed. For one whole week I couldn't sleep. I couldn't see, and my body started to tremble with convulsions. I called the Home that was nearest us and asked for prayer to be able to sleep normally. That night I knew that I had to fight this sickness. I put a box of promises beside me and started to claim a promise aloud each time I began to tremble. I think it was around 3:45 am when I finally fell asleep fighting, claiming the Word in prayer for my healing, and the Lord gave me the victory and healed me completely from the sickness and the side effects from the iodine radiotherapy.
Each day is a fight. For at least two to three hours in the morning I claim the Lord's promises and pray until I fall asleep. But it has been a blessing, and this phase is passing in the arms of Jesus. Each day He proves His love for us; it doesn't matter what our condition is. He loves us and carries us in His arms. If the healing comes, good; but if it delays in coming, it doesn't mean that He has forgotten us, but only that He wants us to stay in His arms a little more.
       Thank you, dear brothers and sisters, for your prayers!

       By Sara (of David), Ukraine:
We want to thank all those who prayed for our son Simon (in Malawi) who was critically ill with cerebral malaria. The Lord did a wonderful miracle to heal him. He was in a coma for a few days and the doctors had lost hope that he would recover without having brain damage; in fact, when we saw the doctor after Simon had recovered, the first thing he said was that it was a miracle. When we told him that many people had been desperately praying for him, he replied, "Well, whatever you did, it worked! I could use more of that in my type of work."
       We know that Simon is alive today as a result of prayer, and we are so thankful for our wonderful Family and for the earnestness and support of their prayers. Many thanks too for all those who helped take care of him during this time. The Lord also provided the funds through supporters for his large hospital bills and for me to be able to fly from the Ukraine to South Africa to help care for him. Thank the Lord for His care and supply!

       By Pat (of Richard), Germany:
I am sold on asking for prayer on the prayer list. I have gotten so many needed answers to desperate situations. Last month I asked for prayer for an on-going affliction on my arms. Sometime shortly thereafter the Lord led me to do a salt rub on my arms as it suggests for skin in the Eve. My arms are healing up!

       By Cristal Love, Brazil:
Gabriella (4) had an inflammation in both of her ears and was in a lot of pain. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic. My first reaction is always to choose the medicine, as I don't want to see my kids suffer, but this time the Lord told me to claim her healing. I did and on the third day, Gabi woke up and said: "Mommy, my ears aren't hurting anymore!" What a miracle!

       By Ruth Fighter, India:
A few months ago, I asked for prayer against chronic asthma. The Lord has done a wonderful miracle and healed me! It's been months since I had an attack. Power to the keys!

       By Faithy Free, India:
Since the time when my prayer request was put in the Grapevine and everyone started to pray for me, I can testify that my back has miraculously been healed. I don't feel the same pain as before. Previously the doctors told me not to go for walks as it was causing a lot of pain, but now I am able to go for an hour's walk in the morning without feeling any pain. I am also able to go about my day and do all that I need to do without any discomfort.

       By Suzy Russian (of Andy), Russia:
We would like to thank all those who were praying for our baby's skin. It got so much better that it amazes me! Our baby's skin has always been sensitive and required a lot of care. Once after a 12-hour trip, during which I couldn't change and wash him on time, his skin started to develop a very serious rash. In some places it was wet and smelt bad, in other areas there was a bright red rash on a very dry skin. Pretty soon the rash covered almost his entire body. His face was the worst--dry peeling skin on his forehead and a bright red rash on cheeks. I tried everything!
       Two days after we sent in our prayer request, Andy was praying for him when the Lord told him: "In three days the healing will begin if you trust Me rather than taking him to the hospital." It was three difficult days looking at my baby and seeing no sign of improvement. But when the third day came around, I could see that his skin had started to clear up and heal. Since then it has improved so much that today his face had only a slight pink rash. At the moment he is a beautiful, healthy looking baby!

       By Victoria, Spain:
I'm very thankful for how the Lord is taking care of my health. (I have been diagnosed with cancer, and was very sick/hospitalized for a time.) I'm now able to lead a normal life. This month I went out for tool distribution, which I haven't done for quite a while, also I do normal activities in the Home! Thanks for all your prayers.

       By Kira, Romania:
Since the last prayer list came out, Yo's (4) eyesight has improved so much that he does not need to wear glasses anymore, and his lazy eye is improving as well.

       By Ruthie Polish, Slovakia:
I can testify to the Lord's miraculous healing of my stomach. I'd experienced a lot of pain caused by too much stomach acid, but after having prayer for it, I haven't had any problems with my stomach lately.

       By Ania, Poland:
The Lord healed me right after I sent my prayer request in for the healing of the pain in my joints. In fact, by the time it got printed, I was already healed!

Against negative documentaries, TV shows, books, Internet postings, and other attacks of the Enemy on our Family.

       Crystal Dear
(of John): PG; fibroids in her womb.
       Rosy (15, of Cephas and Sapphire): Anorexia.
       Thai Peace: Appendicitis.

Europe and Africa
: Staphylococcus and streptococcus (bacterial build up on the skin).
       Celly: Discoloration or pigment loss on her back.
       Francisco (16, of David and Paloma): Hodgkin's disease.
       James (4, of James and Angela): Cerebral palsy.
       Jana: Congenital heart defects.
       Justin (2, of Joy): Leukemia.
       Kathleen: Spina bifida.
       Kenya: Continued protection from crime, with Nairobi being dubbed very high on the list of most dangerous cities.
       Lisa: Scoliosis; weight loss.
       Michelle YA: Recurring bouts of malaria.
       Nadia (of Steven): Adenoma on thyroid.
       Nicole (2 months, of Abe and Love): Strengthening of eye muscles; development of her brain and nervous systems.
       Paul Be Meek: High blood pressure, causing numbness on left side of head.
       Robin (2, of Simon and Julia): Recurring bouts of pneumonia and meningitis.
       Rose (of Michael): Thyroid cysts.
       Tedis (newborn, of Andrew and Katrina): Club feet.
       Vida: Ruptured disk in back.

(of Gideon): Osteoarthritis in both knees.
       Katia Regina (of David): Nodules in thyroid.

South America
(of David): Tumors in uterus with vascular ramifications (high risk of hemorrhaging in surgery); prolapsed bladder.
       Emanuel (16, of Pablo and Hanah): Heart murmur.
       Emmanuel (14, of Daniel and Rejoice): Extra bone in both feet.
       Gabe (of Sunshine): Heart problems; blood in his urine.
       Karina (3, of Joseph and Iris): Seizures.
       Rowen (4) and Chad (2, of Vas and Joni): Holes in their eardrums.

now that's funny!

       A man ran into the emergency room and yelled, "My wife's going to have her baby in the cab!"
       I grabbed my stuff, rushed out to the cab, lifted the lady's dress, and began to take off her underwear. Suddenly I noticed that there were several cabs, and I was definitely in the wrong one.
       --Dr. Mark MacDonald, San Antonio, TX

mama's mailbox

Dearest Mama and Peter,
       I wanted to write you and express my gratitude for all you are doing for our Family in spite of criticism and lies. We have so much to be thankful for!
       I've been in the Family since 1975, and my husband since 1971. We have six kids, are grandparents of one, and they are all serving the Lord except for one (but he's very sweet, not bitter, and he's thankful for the training he received in the Family, which allowed him to get a good job even without any official diploma).
       Like many others in the Family we've gone through many things, but the Word and Jesus have kept us going. About four years ago, after a very rough time in our lives, new disciples started joining our Home, and that changed our lives all over again! Even before the official "Shake Up," we had to have one in our Home, as the future of these precious new disciples was at stake, and since then we've had a continual, steady flow of new disciples, mostly young people, three during the last four months, and more are knocking. About a year ago we also started consolidating our national church, and now we have quite a flock of Active members. Most of the people in our Home are quite well versed in teaching the 12 Foundation Stones, personal witnessing, training babes, etc.
       Recently my husband and I started helping with the boards, and our Home will host various camps during the summer.
I could go on and on about all the wonderful things the Lord is doing, and you could say I feel very proud of the work here and of everyone in my Home, but not because I want to take credit myself but because it's such proof that the Family and the Word works! We are in no way perfect. We have our share of problems and NWOs.
       Every time we read that you are getting criticized, we've felt like writing to tell you how opposite things are in our Home. Also concerning the Law of Love: Much of our fruitfulness we owe to this wonderful Law which enabled my husband and me to "expand" our marriage to two very dedicated and potential young people (25 and 26 years old), which was a real bottle breaker at first. This made us young again, and has given us a tight, united team, and we've fought many battles together! And by God's grace, we'll keep doing so, in service to Jesus and you!
--Love always, an FGA couple, Europe

The years only get better!

By Victoria Loving Heart, Brazil

       These wonderful years in the Lord's service have been the best years of my life!
I come at 7am to prepare breakfast and am faced with a pile of unwashed plates and cups, left in the sink from the night before. But rather than getting discouraged, I remember that I'm about to enjoy a fantastic time of hearing from the Lord while I prepare the breakfast cereal. Suddenly, I hear a bunch of voices, "Good morning, Auntie Victoria!"
Within seconds, the small house--which is more like a small apartment--is filled to the brim with boxes of different sizes, mattresses, kids, and Family members in every space, corner, wall, furniture, cathouse, and dishwasher available. Why? Because new personnel has arrived, full of faith and enthusiasm to live with me and my family. In the midst of their activities, the mobile team's vehicle got damaged. So, we take advantage to celebrate a birthday with cake and testimonies. We give them posters and invite their teen to stay with us. The kids run around happily all over the place. They humbly ask if we can help them with posters, soap, etc. With all the excitement, I stay up till two in the morning.
Nevertheless, I repeat once more that these are the most wonderful days I've lived in the Lord's service. How can that be? It's simple. All I have to do is look back and remember my life in the past. When I was a teen, my mother would never cease to ask if I had made a decision concerning a career for my life. Of course I had! On Monday I decided to be a doctor; on Wednesday I was seriously considering the possibility of being a lawyer; on Friday I convinced myself that hematology would definitely be for me; on Sunday I was scared to death because I didn't want to become a prisoner to my work--spending years and years doing the same thing and missing my chance to learn the numerous wonderful and interesting things life has to offer.
At 42 (sorry, that was a typo, please read 24), I still enjoy learning through the Letters about a vast amount of interesting subjects, such as nutrition, how to interact with teens, how to educate kids with special needs, etc. I research different subjects in indexes, read textbooks along with the young people, and remember things that I had already forgotten. But there's still more…
       When I'm bored or feel like I've fallen into a routine, I can love Jesus, praise Him, have prayer vigil for someone on the prayer list, read an old Letter that I've never read before, or simply pull out my little From Jesus -- With Love book and receive a note, written by His Own hand, dedicated to me, His favorite girl. (Did you know that among millions of people, He loves you in a unique and indescribable way, and that His love is so encompassing, that you can never feel alone or insecure?)
       If there ever existed someone who had trials with loneliness and discouragement, or battled with feelings versus faith, it was me. I can give you detailed descriptions of what it was like to go from bad to worse, from a few tears to an unending waterfall that totally did away with the cushion of my built-up dreams, so that with a completely broken heart, I said, "Your will be done." (Doesn't that sound familiar?) Then, when I thought that no one knew and no one cared, gritting my teeth because I wanted to be strong, but with trembling knees, I would receive a note, a rose, a phone call, or an extremely encouraging letter from my shepherds. "But I never said anything! How did they know?"
       Well, He was always there--crying with me, kneeling by my bedside, stroking my hair. He reminded me of beautiful melodies that spoke about His love and care for my kids. He arranged it so that my best friend would extend his arms and pull me close to his heart, just when I was lacking strength. I looked at the sand, and did I only see His footsteps?
I can eat in the finest restaurants, with owners who leave their clients to come and talk to us, in the smack center of all the tables, and don't want to let us go. They hug us and invite us again and again to come for lunch (of course, they've just received their monthly mailing of Reflections).
       The next day, under the marvelous sun, delighting us with a temperature of 32ºC, I look for a nice shady spot in the square to eat my sandwich--made with inexpensive cheese that we bought in a small grocery store--and praise and thank the Lord for the wonderful life that we live. We aren't tied to a schedule. We don't have to worry about what others think. We can schedule our own activities and when we don't know what to do … it's wonderful! We just have to ask the Lord!
But there's still more. My grown-up kids have learned to live their lives in service to others and to not be selfish. They've gone to many places and met people from different countries and languages, with different cultures. They've tasted numerous national dishes. They don't have to worry about catching AIDS because they have the freedom to share with people who are free from this illness. They continue to write their friends in other countries. They were able to study at home, where their classmates didn't laugh at them or do mean things to them, and where their teachers didn't pressure them to the point of making them consider committing suicide (which was pretty normal when I was studying).
       So these years have been wonderful in the service of the Lord and this precious Family. The Family is this and much more. So when the cereal is already boiling, and I look out the kitchen window with tears in my eyes, I stand strong, lift up my head and once again devoutly announce: "I promise to love, serve and be loyal to Jesus Christ, my Savior and Commander-in-Chief, and to His Endtime Army, the Revolution for Jesus--my dear Family."

Ministering to the Saharaui refugees

By Victor (of Pilar), Spain
The Saharaui refugee camps are in the area of Tinduf in Algeria. There are an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 people in four large camps, and others in four more big schools and other facilities. Even though they are refugees, they are very organized and have schools, hospitals, a parliament, a president, ministries, army, etc. No one earns money for their work, but all get a share from the humanitarian aid they receive and do the work for the cause of their country in exile.
       This is our fourth trip to the Sahara in the last four years--one per year. We've been invited each time to perform for the schools in the camps. We have done clowning, puppet shows, and games for about 15,000 kids and have given our materials to most of the schools we've performed at. They really appreciate our materials as they barely have anything--no running water, electricity, not even pens, notebooks, or any of the most basic needs.
       They are Arabs so they learn Hassany (an Arab dialect) and Spanish, which is their second language. On this trip we distributed 48 audiotapes, 8 CDs, 28 videos, 72 children storybooks, and about 500 posters.
       On this trip, our team was Katrina (10), Sara (12) and me (Victor). We had the chance to perform in five schools--for a total of about 2,000 kids in the Camps of Dajla and El Aaiun. To get to Dajla we had to travel by Jeep about 200 km through the desert without roads till we made it to the camp where about 40,000 people live.
       We arrived at 2 am, and they started preparing dinner for us and served us tea. We finished at 6 am and at 7 am we got up to perform for one of the schools. We performed for 600 kids that day, and the next day we had two more shows in two different schools.
       The following day we traveled back through the desert to another camp, and that same day performed for other school with 400 kids. We distributed also more than 1,000 toys and presents such as tape players, school materials, etc.
       On our last day we were invited by a group of people traveling with us from the South of Spain to have an audience with the president of the Saharauis. After the meeting, Katrina and Sara were able to give him some Family tapes and storybooks for his kids.
We also met with the people in charge of the camps and got the okay to open a cultural and sports center in the camps. We're working on getting the sponsors and people to finance and help supply for the needs for this center. Our main purpose for this cultural center, besides supplying the kids with educational and entertaining materials and sports, is to be able to supply them with all of the Aurora materials for them to use and enjoy.
Other ways that we are helping the people in Sahara is in donating food, clothing, and school materials that get sent to them by trucks together with the aid that they receive from different organizations in Spain. Please pray for all the different projects, for the funding, and most of all that we can reach these very sweet people.

Activated, follow-up, and fruit!
Take time, make time
Christmas, Japan:
We're seeing the power of the Activated mag go to work, as the Lord blesses every step of obedience and giving on our part. The first thing we did was send the mag to many people via the mail, and then we called them to see if they would like to order it. To my surprise, many said yes!
It is so encouraging that Activated is working. You can't explain it, it's simply God's will. After 14 years of witnessing, tooling, and doing follow-up nearly every day, fruit is being borne instantly with the Activated mags. Some of the people who subscribed last month have called us up to ask for prayer. I can see how this is going to snowball as we put our hands to this plow and faithfully do our part.

Changed by Activated
       Ben (of Angela), Uganda:
One of our friends, who is the general manager of a big company here in Kampala, was a bit cynical and condescending about the Activated magazines when we first met him, but nevertheless he subscribed his daughter, as she likes to read. We didn't see him often, as he is a busy man and we were also very busy.
Recently I called him to say hi and he was excited and enthusiastic about us and the mag. He said that his teenage daughter loves the Activated mag and shares it with her friends. He said he could quote from the mags himself to prove to me that he is also reading them, and that he will subscribe others to the mags. He said that he has a lot of faith in us and highly honors us. He also asked to write him e-mails while we are away on our trip. This change came about through reading the Activated magazines and the effect it had on his daughter!

A devotions boost
       Juan, Eden, and KK, Brazil:
We've been having devotions together with some of our closest Active members. For the most part, the Letters for FMers can be read by them and when there is a mailing that is too strong or CM only, then only our Home reads that. It has been inspiring to have the participation of our lively, new bottle, Active members. This change in the Home has helped us in three major ways:
       1. Helps us be punctual:
They all have jobs to get to after devotions, so everyone has to get up on time, have breakfast on time, and end on time.
       2.We have to always be on guard and fight to be "in a good spirit" when coming to devotions--dressed, hair brushed, happy, and not grouchy. It also helps us be affectionate with each other because we are with our sheep and Active members.
       3. Helps us participate and tune into the Word more because "they expect it of you." We can't plop ourselves down on the sofa, read when our turn comes, and then be a bump on a log the rest of the time. We have to tune in, comment, pray, and hear from the Lord in prophecy (if they do, we have to!).
Our Home needed help with our devotions schedule as we stay up late for Bible classes, so we always had a couple of people sleeping in. And since we're a small Home, minus one person caring for the kids, that left practically no one at devotions. So now we end night classes on time so that everyone participates in devotions.

Planting the seeds
       Joel and Penny, China:
Last year Joel was teaching English in the Adult Training Department of the language school where we teach. Among his students were Hallie, James, and Jesse. Hallie is the director of a school for middle-school students, who come to her school in the evenings and weekends to study English; James and Jessie are teachers there. After the semester at our school was over, Hallie kept in contact with us, inviting Joel to different activities with the middle-school students on weekends. Hallie eventually prayed to receive the Lord, and began coming over with James and some of the other teachers in her English school for weekly Bible classes.
       Recently Hallie invited Joel to attend a dinner with some of her students so they could practice their English. Before the meal she said, "Would you like to pray with the students?" Joel prayed a simple prayer to thank the Lord for the food and to bless the evening.
       Afterwards, Hallie said, "No! I meant tell them about Jesus, and pray with them to receive Him into their hearts!"
       Of course Joel was happy to tell the students about Jesus, and about 10 of the students received the Lord there at the dinner table. What a miracle! This school is located in an area of the city where many top-level families live.
       Since then, Hallie called to ask Joel to come teach the kids a class about Easter. So this week he's giving them the life story of Jesus (with pictures from the Story of Love from the HomeARC) ending up with the crucifixion and resurrection! DV he'll be able to pray with the rest of the students who didn't have the opportunity to receive Jesus at dinner. PTL for such a wonderful open door!
       (The above was written a couple of months ago, and since then there are more exciting developments with these dear people!)
       We, Joel and Penny, have been getting a little "burned out" from our hours of teaching at the foreign language school, and since we are also eager to combo with Max and Patty who also live in our city, we've been starting to look around for other employment where we could teach fewer hours at a higher pay. We let Hallie know this, and pretty soon she called to let us know she had an idea! It turns out that her idea was to set up a separate department of her school and make Joel the headmaster. He could then hire any other needed teachers. By using one other teacher, Max, we would each be able to work eight hours a week. She said that the school would take care of all the administration, advertise for the students, place them in the proper level (advanced or beginner), provide the classrooms and textbooks (we could choose which ones), and pay us 60% of the students' fees. We could set our own hours and schedules, and teach as few hours as we wanted! When we calculated the fee per hour, it came out higher than what any of the other private schools were offering! So after confirming it with the Boss, we agreed to go ahead with this plan.
       Hallie was very happy about our decision, and wanted to help us find an apartment large enough for the four of us and convenient to the school, so she started house hunting for us. It took about three weeks before she decided there was just nothing available that was suitable, and came up with another plan. Very near her school there is a new apartment building--very nice, high standard, good security, etc. She looked at these new apartments for sale and decided that if we would be happy to live there, she would buy one. This apartment would ultimately be for her own family, but we could live there as long as we would be working at her school!
       We went to look at the apartment and found it very roomy and modern, and very convenient. If we were to try to rent such a place it would be way out of our price range. She said we could decide how much "rent" we wanted to pay her (she knows the price range we were looking for). We asked her, "But what are you getting out of this deal?--We'll be living in your house, and you'll still have to live in the tiny apartment that you have now."
She said, "I won't have to travel so far to study the Bible!" We are quite amazed at how the Lord is leading and providing. Hallie said, "I believe this is God's plan."
Hallie has been working on the official paperwork so that we can also get visas, and has put down the down payment on the apartment, arranged the mortgage with the bank, and is starting to have the apartment finished and decorated. We are praying daily and claiming the power of the keys for all these details. Another amazing thing is that when we first started praying about co-oping and looking for new jobs, the Lord told us in prophecy that our new jobs would be connected to our ministry!

Understanding is the reward of faith

       Stephen (of Rejoice), Japan: Ruth is a 67-year-old woman who loves the Lord greatly and comes faithfully to our weekly Bible class. One day she came to class early and confided to me that she was diagnosed as having diabetes. She was crying. It's understandable, because once you get diabetes, except for a miracle of God, you have it for the rest of your life. Before we started the class we prayed for her, claming the power of the keys.
I had prepared to introduce the keys, using the FM version of "The Keys to the Kingdom" for the class that day. (Most of our Home's Active members are advanced, so we often read with them selected CM/FM Letters or portions of them, in conformity with the pertinent Charter rule.)
       While we read the Letter together, I thought, She needs a supernatural healing, and here I have the Letter about the keys that have the power to do just that. It's so perfect!
       Ruth was the first to give a reaction to the Letter.
       "So what exactly are the keys?" she asked. "I don't understand this!"
       I encouraged her to take it by faith and use them even if she didn't understand it completely. Just like Saint Augustine said, "Understanding is the reward of faith. Therefore seek not to understand that thou mayest believe, but believe that thou mayest understand."
       At the end of the class we prayed and heard from the Lord about her sickness, and the Lord spoke some encouraging words for her.
       She went back to hospital after a few days.
       "It must be a miracle! You are completely healed!"
       Ruth was totally taken aback by the doctor's statement. Yes, the keys did it!
       A few days later she phoned me. She was crying. What in the world happened to her this time?
"I cannot come to Bible study anymore!"
       Her older brother had found out that she was coming to Bible class and he didn't like it at all! He dashed to her apartment and started to hit her on the head with a Bible and kicked her many times. He threatened to do her more harm if she went to Bible study or if he ever saw the Bible and the picture of Jesus in her room again.
       She was shaken. I comforted her and prayed for her, as well as for her brother, claiming the power of the keys!
       The next day she received a phone call from her brother. He was so very sweet and caring that she even felt it was weird. He always gives her orders, but this time he "asked" her if she wouldn't mind doing him a favor. That's not his nature at all.
       He visited her later in the week. He saw the Bible and the picture of Jesus in her room, but didn't say anything.
       She knew that it was nothing but a miracle!
       But that's not the end. Ruth then contracted a flu and had a high fever. She phoned my Home and spoke with Rejoice, who prayed for Ruth over the phone. Yes, you've guessed it! Rejoice called on the power of the keys!
       The fever subsided in only ten minutes, and continued to drop till it returned to her normal temperature. She was healed!
It's so sweet of the Lord to manifest the wonderful power of His keys many times over in such a short period time--for someone who struggled to believe.
She shared this testimony at the recent Active members seminar. As she left the stage I asked her in front of 50 attendees, "So, do you understand the keys now?"
       "Yes, I do!" she exclaimed with a huge smile. She is so happy that she didn't reject the keys simply because she didn't understand them to begin with.

       French Joy
(Pearl, at the time, mother of Dawn and April, twin girls of two years old) met national Samuel (20, in India, Dec '84 in Hyderabad, then a new disciple). Are you still around? Please contact me at e-mail: stephen.joy@wanadoo.fr
       Nathan TeAma is looking for American Clay and family (Apollos?). He joined in Indianapolis. Last contact was from Brazil. My e-mail is: musklandlee@web.de

former members and friends - seeking contact

       Hello my name is Raschid Guardia. I'm a dental doctor from Bolivia, and I'm looking desperately for Cristal T. She was living here in Bolivia many years ago, but I lost her address and I would like to find her. Sincerely, Dr. Raschid Guardia. DDS. Phone: 591-3-3377682. To contact Raschid, send your e-mail to: www.thefamily.org and it will be forwarded.

help wanted

       Hi, my name is Gabriela. I live in Croatia in a small young people's Home. We have an inspiring work going with Activated, witnessing, and CTPs. I have two children. One of them is now done with CLE kindergarten and is ready to start first grade in the fall. My husband is one of the main fundraisers in the Home here, and right now we're quite tight financially, so there isn't much left over for schoolbooks. Is there anyone who would like to help with donations, whether small or great? I would really, really appreciate it! Please send any donations to CT008 through the EURCRO ABM. My e-mail address is gabydelo@excite.com Thank you so much!


       What are your core values in life? Are your goals and activities consistent with these values? What is your personal mission? Are you living your life consistent with it?

Shine On-May 2002

       TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total
       Rosita, Mexico       3,250       6,500
       Rebeca/Walid, Venezuela       1,500       3,000
       Juliet, Brazil       874       4,372
Salomon/Belen/Cristal, Mexico       600       6,000
       Andrés/Pilar, Ecuador       438       1,750
       Andres/Maria, Argentina       407       1,220
       Jan/Maria/Paul, Nigeria       331       1,324
       Benjamin/John/Ruth, USA       317       1,900
       Juan/Paciencia/Ruth, Mexico       307       1,535
       Faithy/Mark/Premika, India       254       1,783


       David/Magdalena, Mexico       2,000       4,000
       Carmel/Christian/Dulci, Peru       1,625       6,500
       Maria/Michael, Japan       1,136       4,545
Daniel/Dora/Maria, Kenya       1,085       7,600
       Claire/David/Maya/Tim, USA       961       4,805
       Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA       928       11,139
       Gideon/Magdalene/Rachel, S. Africa       770       3,850
       Josef/Talitha, Thailand       745       1,490
       Benjamin/John/Ruth, USA       667       4,000
       Joe/Tony/Trusty, Japan       650       1,950

       Anne/Marty, Taiwan       176       530
       Nina/Jay, USA       140       702
       Lalo/Natalia/Faithy, Mexico       122       857
Daniel, Mexico       85       170
       Francisco/Joanna/Apollos, Brazil       84       335
       David/Michael, Portugal       75       300
       Rosita, Mexico       75       150
       Dove/Maria/Svieta, Russia       72       434
       Andy/Maria/Irene/Sara, Columbia       71.75       285
       Dave/Sophie/Tabi, Czech Republic       71.70       717


       Daniel/Rejoice/Spring, Indonesia       50       254
       Joao/Clara, Brazil       48       286
       Meekness/Ester/John, Brazil       46       183
Juan/Ester/Fiorella/Piper, Brazil       42       252
       Ben/Meekness/Val/Fe, Botswana       41       205
       Dove/Maria/Svieta, Russia       35.2       211
       Amada/Shadrach, USA       35       140
       Estrella C., Columbia       33       66
       Josef/Talitha, Thailand       30       61
       Dawn/Faith/James/Paul, Thailand       27       164

Also included with this file:

       Adam Issue 17 (by David Komic)
Caption 1 Hot Romance Tip #5
       Caption 2 Oh, honey! How thoughtful! A vinegar-bottle paperweight!
       Caption 3 Women are extremely fond of vinegar. (See Eve #28.) For that special birthday gift that she'll never forget, give her a thoughtful vinegar-related present, a token of your love that'll remove any stain.
       Caption 4 Cover Photo: FGA Cecil of Celia in Sicily uses his snazzy stainless steel scissors to give his hair a stylish snip.

(End of File)