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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 133; May 1, 2002.)

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751, Irving, Texas, USA - 75016-8751 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2002 by The Family

       Ryan Jerome
, born to Loana and Eman on March 1.-Italy
       Kyle Darian Pioneer, born to Joy and Simon on March 19.-Gambia
       Laura Riana, born to Kris and Peter on February 26.-Romania
       Nicole Mae Stone, born to Love and Abraham on February 26.-Romania
       Mark, born to Virginia and Sasha on March 12.-Ukraine
       Alessandro Fighter, born to Faithy and Michael on March 14.-Italy
       Alain Christian, born to Aurora and Timothy on March 2.-Spain
       Laurent Philippe Trust, born to Joy and Stephen on March 23.-France
       Lili, born to Ester and Balazs on March 1.-Hungary

New disciples…
       Ester Scriba
(29, Italian) joined in Italy
       Dan (24, Romanian) joined in Romania
       Sarah (23, Bulgarian) joined in Bulgaria
       Anna Childcare (19, Uzbek) joined in Uzbekistan

Scheduling of national board meetings

By WS Administration

       We've received questions regarding future national board meetings and the possible scheduling conflicts that may arise if every three months all the NBs meet at the same time. The plan set for the board meetings this year was that each board would have their first NB meetings by March 31st, the next one by May 31st, the next one by August 31st, and their final one for the year by November 31st. However, we want to clarify that that doesn't mean that every board has to have their meetings right at the end of the three-month period.
       It's fine for the boards to meet at any time during the three-month period, as long as they meet at least once during the above three-month periods. The Board Handbook states only that the "national boards must have a minimum of one meeting every three months." They can have more if they like, and it is likely that when they are more in the swing of things as far as the boards go, they will.
       When each board holds its meetings during each quarter is completely up to that board. Each national board can set its own schedule as to when within each quarter it will hold its meetings. It would be advisable that it checks as to the schedules of the other boards, so it can avoid having all its meetings at the same time, which would likely make it difficult for the Homes to have so many members of the Home gone at the same time to board meetings. These first meetings may all have had to happen around the same time, because of the March 31st deadline, but in the future it would be possible, and advisable, for them to be more staggered.

The Mexico scoop

By Pedro, CO, Mexico
Interested in hearing about some of the latest happenings in Mexico? Mexico is a place where action is taking place! Mexico's hour has come, and many people have moved in to help reach the field, with more to come. Some the latest newcomers are…
       Margie CO (Marianne) and Jerry Paladino, who crossed the ocean from Far East Japan-having lived there for almost 18 years. They made it safe and sound to Mexico with their "small team" of 11-nine kids and two helpers, Joshua and Dove. They have joined Philip Q. and Izzy's Home in a well-located area of Mexico City. They are settled and very happy and excited to be in this new wonderful field.
       Also, Pedro CO, Claire and kids moved with their team and studios from Brazil, including Andrew V. and Agnes, Fisher and Lydia and son Isaac, Michael, Jessica, Mel, and Peruvian Margarita, as well as Marcos and Rebecca (a precious Mexican couple) with their two kids. The Lord baptized our Home Nuevo Día (new day) and that's the name of our studios.
       With the arrival of these musicians, there is lots of music and studio stuff going down here. So here's a little recap of what they're up to these days.
       In Mexico City there are now five studios employing Jerry Paladino, Vas, Godfrey, Andrew V., and Fisher. Most of them are producing music primarily for the Family, with contributions being to the TCDs and GP, with Fisher mainly concentrating on Spanish productions.
       We also have an art studio, with our resident artist, Agnes, working on MLK and HL illustrations, as well as other WS, GP, and local projects.

Music at area events
We've also been able to participate in a number of area events such as the monthly Conéctate meetings of Mexico City. These meetings have been a tremendous blessing to bring in new sheep and then direct them to the weekly Bible classes that take place in the different Homes in Mexico City.
       Check out the video clip of February's Conéctate meeting on the MO site!
       We sang at Congress and at a plaza in town for two events organized by the Campaña Permanente por la Tolerancia Religiosa (Campaign for Religious Tolerance) representing the Family with our newly formed band of Jerry, Pedro CO, Vas, Godfrey, and David, with the help of a dear friend, Juan Martin, on percussion. This band was primarily formed to participate in the monthly Conéctate meetings that are held here in Mexico City, but is now available for any other open doors the Lord might open.

Board seminar

       We just finished holding board training seminars for the two national areas of Mexico with phenomenal results. (More details on this later!) As we write this article, Margie CO and Miguel CO have gone to Central America to hold board seminars there.

       This is just a very brief synopsis of what's been happening lately. More people are on their way or writing for clearance! There's plenty of room in Mexico for bold and brave missionaries that would like to come. There are a number of potential cities in Mexico that have no Homes, so if you're interested please get in touch with SACRO. (Write to: sasgp@attglobal.net)

Visit to Tahiti and New Zealand

By Dulcinea (SGA),Taiwan
The Lord blesses us every day, but once in a while He gives something that you know you really don't deserve. Of course, it's only by His grace that He's chosen us to live for Him, so really, when counting our blessings it's easy to see that we deserve precious little. But I'm talking about when He gives us something we really don't deserve, or that comes along for no apparent reason--a blessing "just because."
       Recently I was given the opportunity to travel to Tahiti and New Zealand with Jeff, one of our dear PACRO COs (as his secretary) to visit the Family there. This was a blessing I'm still trying to figure out, though I'm certainly not complaining.
       Our first stop was Tahiti. I'm sure most people picture the catalogue version of this tropical island, but there's nothing like actually being there. Everything is a Kodak moment. In saying this I don't suppose you're thinking that it would be at all difficult for the Family to live there, but as beautiful as it is, it's also very remote and the fellowship is limited--if any--so sometimes it's a battle for the Homes not to feel so isolated. But God bless them, they're there and are getting the job done and being faithful missionaries. Like the island natives, the Family here has such simple love for the Lord, a simple way of living, and a simple sample.
       Currently there is one CM Family Home, three FM Homes--one of which is rejoining the CM Family--and several very close friends and supporters who represent part of our greater Family.
       Our next stop was New Zealand-another beautiful place, with a beautiful Home. God bless the Family there, who also have been faithfully feeding their sheep and developing fruitful ministries despite being so isolated. The Lord has really blessed their work there, and is continuing to do so.
       In all, the visitations were fun, exciting, fulfilling, deep, and wonderful. I've tried hard to place the highlight of our trip, but in truth, every day and every person and every conversation was a highlight.
       The Family in both Tahiti and New Zealand are very precious. They have been faithfully building and cultivating over the years, and have kept going despite being so isolated and having little outside fellowship. God bless them, they are true missionaries whose service to the Lord and the Family has been, and still is, invaluable.
       We love you guys! Keep up the good work!

       Note: The photos are of the Tahiti Home. Sorry we didn't take any of the New Zealand Home, as our camera died.


       In GV #128, the following personals ad was printed with an incorrect e-mail address. Please note the new one listed: Cristina and David (of Robert and Maria, India), I've been trying to get in touch with you two for ages. Please write me at: nyx_jmyself@yahoo.com -- Love, Maria J. (of Paul and Faith) Denmark



By your
Reflections editor, WS
Some terrific stories are arriving from you for Reflections! Many thanks to you who have given your time, energy, prayers, and effort to pull stories down from Heaven or to record your own interesting experiences.
       The purpose of Reflections is to bridge the gap between the secular world and the Lord's Family, between the worldly way of looking at things and the Lord's perspective. The pages are to help ease people into a love for the Word, by taking them right where they are, enmeshed in day-to-day challenges and problems, and draw them toward the Lord and His solutions--hope, faith, love, prayer, the Word, Himself.
       So don't hesitate to mention the Lord in what you write, the lesson He gave you, the Scriptures or MO quote that inspired you, the circumstances or miracles that He engineered. That's what it's all about--helping people know Him better. To do that, sometimes we need to help them know us better. Please don't hold back from mentioning the Lord, or drawing Him into the story or lesson. The Reflections pages are a witnessing tool, after all, we just can't cover topics that are too meaty or too advanced, and have to remember to present things in a way that will be understood by the GP.
       If you write something for Reflections, would you let us know what name (preferably a first and last name) to use in the credit? We will say that you are a Family member. It is your choice as to whether you would write under a pen name, or your legal name.
       We love you, and love hearing from you!


       Healing key:
The keys hold tremendous healing power! So, My wise and determined prayer warriors, grab hold of them and put them to immediate action on behalf of one who is sick or afflicted. Call on the power of the keys, for through them you access the greatest of all healing power.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
       Joy Happy, France:
Over the years I've sent in several prayer requests for Patricia, now 12, who has cerebral palsy. I would like to thank all those that have prayed for her and testify that prayer has played a big part in her life. Today, Patricia can put both of her feet straight down on the floor, which has helped tremendously in helping her walk, run, and find her balance. Her eyesight greatly improved two years ago, and her back is doing a lot better.
       Recently her doctor, who is now retiring, was reminding me of when she first saw Patricia, then five years old. She said that she never thought Patricia would improve so much.
       Paul, Madagascar: Thank you for your prayers for healing of my kidney. The pain and discomfort that I experienced for several months totally disappeared shortly after I saw my name on the Prayer List. PTL!
       Joan Fighter (of Tim), Ukraine: I've had an ovary infection two winters in a row, and in both cases I took strong antibiotics, injections, procedures, etc. I started hurting once again, so I went for a check up and it was again an ovary infection. I was very inclined to take the prescribed medication, but when I prayed I felt strongly that the Lord wanted me to exercise my faith more. As I prayed with my husband, I got the faith that the Lord can do it and that I didn't have to take any medication. We received that the Lord wanted to heal me. It wasn't without some tests as I had some strong pain and felt very weak, but now I have no pains and am healed. I'm so relieved that I didn't have to go for a month of injections, etc. It's so much better to trust the Lord. My faith has grown and this healing has been a token of His love for me.
       Tabitha Onward, Romania: Eva (12) has recovered completely from a car accident last year. We want to thank all our dear Family for your prayers for her.
       Peter (of Rose) England: (Editor: Peter was diagnosed with pre-cancerous cells and recently underwent an operation to remove his colon.) What a thrill to be the focal point of my Family's prayers! Thank you so much, each one of you, for sending that prayer power my way. It was incredible to watch the Lord take care of each detail perfectly and lovingly, and that I was able to return home eight days after major surgery with no need for pain killers! Even two of the surgeons expressed amazement, and I told them there were a lot of people praying for them and me. The Lord raised up several wonderful nurses who cared for me and were samples of Christian love, and I was able to witness to many people. Thank you again. You're wonderful. "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior."


       Michael T.: Serious heart condition. A primary valve through which the blood is pumped to the rest of his body, including the brain, is faulty. Doctors say he may need to undergo an expensive operation or his condition will worsen to the point of heart failure.
       Abi Fisher: Diabetes.
       Joyful Free: Serious colic pains and other pains in lower side and stomach.
       Abel: Tendonitis in Achilles tendon.
       Claire: Painful torn ligaments in ankle, inability to walk properly.
       Ruth: Stomach pains and migraine headaches.
       Joy: Arthritis in the hands.
       David Red: Thyroid condition and bouts of extreme fatigue.
       Seth: Bleeding ulcers.

Europe and Africa

       Richard (8, of James and Charity): Deteriorating eyesight.
       Arthur (5, of James and Charity): For his testicle to descend naturally.
       Angel (16, of James and Charity): Ulcerative colitis.
       Cherry (of Miracle): Scoliosis.
       Marianne: Back pains.
       Steve (14, of Andrew and Lily): Diagnosed with acute leukemia. Now in England for emergency treatment. Against brain hemorrhaging.
       Lydia (of Josh W.): Liver problems.
       Josh W. (of Lydia): Kidney problems.
       Philippe (of Vicky): Scoliosis.
       Paul (of Maggie): HIV, Hep C. and failing liver. Paul has just been released from the hospital.
       Maggie (of Paul): HIV, rheumatoid arthritis and asthma.
       Peace KOB: Dislocated intervertebral disc, causing severe pain in right side of the body from the waist down. Also, migraines and hot flashes.

North America

       Joy (of Jim): Cervical cancer.
       Alyssa (8 months, of Abe and Dawn): Problem with heart valve.
       Steve (18, blind): Epilepsy.
       Amy Marie: Longstanding back problems.

(of Gideon): Cancer, causing pain and numbness in her legs and back, and inability to walk. Anemia.
       Kris (6, of Eli and Tirzah): Was hospitalized and diagnosed as diabetic. Doctors say he will require insulin shots three times a day for the rest of his life.
       Michael: Heart trouble. Recovery from a recent heart attack.

South America
(of Adino) Cancer. Has been having a lot of pain in bones, arms and legs, possibly due to the radiotherapy.
       Salome (of Josue): Heart problems.
       Kristen (3, of Phil and Cristal): Diagnosed as having sclerosis tuberose. Experiencing convulsions.
       Rosa: Scoliosis.
       Gabriela: Prolapsed uterus.
       Martin: Heart valve problem, causing pains.
       Brunilda (of Mateo): Benign tumors in liver, causing pain and stomach spasms, making eating difficult.

New Bible CDs, educational CDs, Family VCDs and more! (See sample list of available items below.) Don't wait for the perfect moment! Look at what happened to the poor lady and her dog in this photo!
       Send us your PGP key and we will send you a complete catalog of products available! Write to: eztel@loxinfo.co.th


       *       Burn Free #1 and Inspiration with Uncle Zeb
       *       Burn Free #3

Christmas with the Luvvets plus Nester (animated, donkey Christmas story)
Family Fun #1-4, 7-9, 11-21(16 CDs) (Note: These are made from the original videos; they are not the re-mastered ones done by KidzVids--so they are without the titles and cover pics.)
*       First Christmas (acted by children) plus The Greatest Fool (puppets)
*       Life with Grandpa shows 1&2, 3&4, 5&6 (Puppet) (3 CDs)
       *       Story of Mankind Class: Word-based history class taught by Tiago, with "7000 Years of World History" (CCHB III, pg. 79), to go along with the movie The Story of Mankind.
       *       True Story of the First Christmas (puppet slides)


*       GAP Teach Me Time: 1) Pets and Animals; 2a) Fun with Tots; 2b) Tea Party; 3) COMING SOON; 4) The Lost Sheep; 5a) Teaching Early learning introduction with Simon Peter; 5b) School with Tots(5 CDs)
       *       GAP 007 and GAP 008:Teaching Reading #1 - How to Teach Sight Reading, Readers and Phonics to Children 0-7 years (4 CDs)
*       Arithmetic Revolution: (Ministry Training Video, produced by BVM & FC)
       *       Tips on Cultivating Good Classroom Behavior (Part 1):Control in the Classroom(edited GAP video)
       *       Tips on Cultivating Good Classroom Behavior (Part 2):Teaching Tips(Kent Hovinds Teaching Tips)
*       Let's Have Fun with Arts and Crafts: Join the MC/OCs in their arts and crafts activities; Show and Tell of Educational and Family Materials (colorful display of flannelgraphs, games and educational materials and tips from Elise on how to organize and make these easily accessible to use with the children.) - ASCRO FED
*       Uncle Dan's Algebra Series (25 CDs; includes 1 CD with materials pertaining to the video series)


       *       Childcare Readiness Seminar - ASCRO
       *       Teen/JETT Seminar - ASCRO
       *       Train Up a Child Seminar - ASCRO
       *       PEP Seminar 1&2 - ASCRO (2 CDs)

*       Get-Out with Steven Watchman: 1) The Workout; 2) The Challenge(2 CDs)

Colored Family Flannelgraphs CD #1: Flannelgraphs and Fun Book 2 (Also available on the MO site; CC/FED section. Note: more will be available soon, DV.)
       *       Japanese Feeding Materials (CD 2001; a compilation of GP materials to feed the sheep)

*       Christmas Beat Minus One
       *       Christmas BMT (assorted)
       *       Christmas Variety CD 1&2 (Traditional Christmas songs from a variety of famous musicians)
       *       Dancing with Jesus
*       Desiring You
*       Embrace
       *       Open for Love
*       When You Need Him Most
       *       New Testament CD's (15 Disks) Matthew - Revelations
       *       Favorite Memory Chapters - NT: Matt 5-7 & 24; John 1:1-14, 3, 14, 15, 17; Rom 8; ICor 13; Heb 11, 12:1-17; I John 4; I John 5; James 3; Rev. 21
*       MWM Dramas CD #1-11 includes over 45 dramas, such as:He Got Me In, A Loaf of Bread, The Rock in the Road, Rose, Nothing Short of Right Is Right, etc.


       *       Music MP3 Disc #10: assorted Music BMTs and Minus Ones
       *       Music MP3 Disc #2-8: various music CDs compiled in MP3, including Back on Track, Dropped Out,various FTTs, Bible Bonanza, Christmas Beat, Great Adventures, and many more (also includes FJWL)!
       *       MWM Dramas CD MP3 Disc One
*       MWM Dramas CD MP3 Disc Two

More CDs also available. Please contact the address above for a complete catalog and order form.
18 hours of Family Fun re-mastered

By the KidzVids team, Brazil

       Here at last: 18 hours of all your favorite Family Fun shows available on videotape and video CD! Each video tape is re-recorded from the original masters and contains two, 1-hour shows packed full of stories of faith, skits, songs, and mini-dramas. This is truly a unique opportunity to restock your Home's kidz entertainment corner. Each two-hour video tape costs $7.50 (plus shipping) and comes with a beautiful color video case. Each 1-hour VCD (which is played on your computer, not DVD player) comes with a color label and is priced at only $3.00. Order the entire 18-CD set and receive a free CD carrying case. We have decided to put each one-hour show on one VCD for better quality viewing.
       Order the entire Family Fun series on video tape or VCD by visiting us on line at www.kidzvids.com or by writing to us at kidz@kidzvids.com or

       C.P. 37.730
       Rio de Janerio, R.J.

       Shipping costs are determined by the size of your order. For example, shipping for a complete 18-VCD set of Family Funs is $12.00 to anywhere in the world. Payment details can be found on our Web site. Payments via your TRF are fine.
       Check out the MO site at: for a complete list of the Family Fun shows in the Family Fun collection! And if you're interested in hearing more about the upcoming What Is the Bible series, check out the MO site at: .


Movies Rated for YAs and Up

Mel Gibson, Madeleine Stowe, Sam Elliott
       Based on a memoir by Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore and journalist Joseph L. Galloway, the film concerns a horrific engagement that took place during the United States' fight in Vietnam. Then Lt. Col. Moore is called to test a new type of Army troop deployment, but the idea gets a harsher shakedown than anyone anticipates.

Those who dare to brave yet one more war movie by seeing We Were Soldiers will once again be given a good hard look into the gates of Hell itself. Be prepared to have your hearts broken. This well-done and heart-wrenching enactment of a battle that took place in the early days of America's involvement in Vietnam will surely break your hearts--for the soldiers, for the wives, for the children, for the Vietnamese--for everyone involved on both sides who lost so much and gained so little. Oh, the horrors of war! How the Enemy continues to destroy the earth by leading man blindly into the valley of death in the name of patriotism.
       There is much to be learned, however, from these traumatic memories of war. Oh that My children would learn the lessons of these poor soldiers. They were surrounded on every side by the enemy, and yet on their left and on their right, they were also surrounded by their "family," their fellow soldiers. They had sworn to fight for each other to the end, and they didn't turn from that commitment. They fought on, in instant obedience to the commands they were given, and bravely laid down their lives, defending their brethren.
       Those poor soldiers didn't even know what they were fighting for, and neither did the poor wives who were giving up their husbands as cannon fodder. What a sad situation, but that is what war is.
       By controlling Hollywood, the ACs sure are preparing the public for war with all these war movies. This is definitely one that you would want to pray about before seeing. It has very graphic war scenes from the very opening scene, and all through the movie. Battle scenes take up the bulk of the movie, and there are also a few extraordinarily graphic scenes that you'll want to be prepared for.
       It's well acted and there are many good points brought out about fighting together, wise leadership, and how to gain the respect of your men, winning against nearly impossible odds, etc. They even bring in prayer and calling out to Me. In this sense, it's inspiring and uplifting.
       On the other hand, there is the portrayal of the tremendous loss caused by war, the loss of life on both sides, the loss of loved ones, the hurt, the pain, the maiming. It also exposes the politics involved and the heartless decisions of those in power. This side of the movie is very sobering and very sad, but at the same time very true to life.
       We Were Soldiers will break your heart for the poor men in battle all around the world. War is hell! What more can I say? Even I could not help shedding tears upon seeing the events portrayed in this movie, and knowing that many of these events really happened. I cried for those poor boys and for their loved ones, and I cried and prayed for those who in times to come will find themselves in similar situations--those who will be blindly led into battles to fight for whatever lie they're fed and who will be led as sheep to the slaughter.
       The lieutenant colonel upon whose story this movie was based was a good example of a soldier and a leader, one whom My children would do well to emulate. He led in humility and in love. He led by his example. He led with a certain fear of Me, and yet with faith and courage.
       You can draw parallels to your lives from this movie. Even though you're not in a physical war, you are waging war in the spirit. And even when you feel outnumbered and all logic says that you cannot win, with Me on your side, and the determination to succeed, and with love in your heart for Me and your brothers and sisters, you will succeed, and honor and victory will be yours.
       I, too, am a man of war. I will come back soon, riding a white horse and clothed in a vesture dipped in blood. For I am faithful and true, and I will come with a vengeance to judge the nations. I will judge with righteousness and with the Word of God.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Mandy Moore, Shane West
       A drama/love story of a popular boy who was involved in a hazing accident is required to do some community service to stay in school, and while practicing for the school play, he and the local preacher's daughter develop an unlikely connection.

This movie is a rare jewel among all the movies out there. It's a heart-warming story that touches you deep down.
       One of the main reasons I liked this movie was that it doesn't portray the typical worldly teen as most movies portray them nowadays. Unlike most movies about teenagers or young people, this one isn't foolish or full of clichés, but deep, insightful, and touching. It shows how there are teens in the world who do have depth. They are searching, and are capable of thinking further than just their parties, boyfriends/girlfriends, and the usual teenage foolishness. There are many out there who are just shallow and brainless, but there are also many who are ready for something deeper--for real meaning in their lives.
       This movie has a pretty strong witness about the Lord. Unlike many movies nowadays, the producers weren't afraid to put the Lord and the Bible in there. God bless them. The main girl in the story is a good example of a true Christian, and a strong witness gets through in this movie about the power of the Lord's love. She was such a witness. She is filled with the Lord's love and Spirit, and wasn't afraid of what other people thought about her or her faith. She is a beautiful example of reaching out, of having faith in people, of living her life according to her faith and convictions. She seemed a little odd and dorky at first, but as the movie went along you realize she is a "normal" person in many ways, but so much more than a normal person. There is a lot of depth and beauty in her character. It's good for people in the world to see the Lord's children portrayed in such a positive light, and it's good for the Family too.
       She made the boy into a better person. He never came right out and accepted the Lord, but you could see that the seeds of faith were planted, because he loved her so much and she was such a beautiful example that he couldn't deny there was something powerful about her faith. Her life preached to him in a way that sermons never could, and her love changed him in ways that all the "correction" he had gotten all his life never could have.
       It did portray her father, the preacher, as quite a self-righteous old-bottle--sort of stuck in old-church tradition--but as the movie went along you understood that it was because of the hurt he had felt and because of his fears, and he does change.
       This isn't a light story, though it has many light and happy moments. It has a heavier theme and content than you would expect. But it's uplifting and inspiring. You can go in expecting a sweet story, with a good message and some good lessons. It's a movie that makes you reflect on the real values in life.

Clive Owen, Helen Mirren
       A prison inmate with a green thumb goes on to compete in a national gardening competition. Based on a true story.

I made creation, I made the flowers, I made man to tend the garden. The first job given to man was to tend the Garden of Eden and take care of it. Gardening is good for people, just as it revolutionized the lives of these hardened convicts. This movie is sweet, warm, and surprising.
       These are men who had not been trained in loving ways. They changed when they found a way to enjoy love. That's what you, My Family, can do for people when you give them Me. What changed that young man more than the gardening was the fine, Godly counsel that he received from the old man. Gardening was the tool, but that Godly counsel from his friend is what changed his heart. That's what you do for people when you give them Me.

Movies Rated for MCs and Up
(Animation, 2002)

Voices of Tom Hulce, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Kevin Kline, Demi Moore
       Disney's musical sequel finds Quasimodo befriending Esmerelda's son, foiling an evil magician's plot to rob Notre Dame of its most prized bell, and falling in love with a circus assistant.

It's a simple, sweet movie, with a good message about true love. It is a continuation of the first movie, and though it is weaker in its story line, it portrays the importance of not looking at the outward appearance but at the heart. The children may watch it, but again, remind the parents that this cartoon should not be shown over and over, as many of the attitudes and speech portrayed in this movie are not a good representation of My Word and spiritual principles. You would probably want to have some sort of discussion or explanation to help the kids "choose the good." There aren't any real scary parts, but do watch out for the tunnel scene for more sensitive children.

(Wesley Snipes; 2002)
       (Jesus:) This is a bad movie. It's violent, dark, ugly, disgusting, and impure. Don't watch it!


John Cusack, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Julia Roberts
       (Jesus:) This is a movie that in some cases would be okay for people to see, and they might get some good out of it, but in other situations it won't be edifying or uplifting on the overall. It's a typical romantic comedy in a way, with the usual mix-ups and cross-relationships and awkward scenarios, but unfortunately it has more than the typical share of jealous and hurtful attitudes. One thing it does show is how messed up people's relationships can become without the foundation of My love and My Law of Love. It's a pretty fair portrayal of how some movie stars are, and of how pride and fame can make people become very selfish, self-centered and manipulative.
       It does have some good laughs, as well as some sweet moments, and things work out okay in the end, but it's not an entirely pleasant or edifying journey. The bitterness, the vengefulness, the messed-up emotions, these are things that some can be negatively affected by, especially if you're going through a difficult emotional situation at the time. There are also some jokes and scenes that some would find quite distasteful. You'd want to pray and ask Me about watching this movie, and if you don't see it, you won't be missing a whole lot.

mama's mailbox       

Dear Mama and Peter,
       I've wanted to write you for some time and tell you how much I love you and love the Family. Someone sent me the "open letter" from SGAs asking questions and your response before the notice in GV #127 came out. I read it, and was honestly quite shocked at the stuff they were throwing at you! I just wanted to let you know that there are quite a lot of us SGAs out here that still really, really love the Family.
I'm currently in a Home with other young people, both SGAs and young nationals. We've been here in Croatia for two-and-a-half years now, and the work is really starting to take off. We have a very potential disciple, and some other friends and Active members that come over regularly for classes, the 12 Foundation Stones, etc. We took the "Conviction vs. Compromise" series seriously, and we've really grown, both individually and as a Home.
       It's so true that the Enemy is into using anything he can to try and get us off our wall of service to the Lord. When I got that letter, I didn't realize at first that they were just trying to hurt you and the work. It infuriated me that there still are people that can't seem to think of anything better to do than to try to smear Dad, you, and the Family. The way the Family is reaching the world, the way we are seeing miracles, the way I've seen prophecy work in my life and the lives of those around me--that is what I care about.
Well, all that to say, there are still plenty of us SGAs that still love the Family and will stand by you till the end. And I'm proud to say I'm one of them!
       --Gabriela Butterfly (SGA, of Josiah), Croatia


Applying the board vision in Home life
Michael Dane, Philippines:
Due to extensive personnel moves to other mission fields, we recently merged the two Homes here in Cebu into one. In trying to move with the latest changes in the Family, we have made an attempt to put into action the board vision on a Home level. To try to get as many people involved in the decision making as possible we had to adapt the board structure a little to fit on our Home level, and ended up with a CGO Board, a CP Board, a Shepherding Board, a Home Economics Board, and an Administration and Business board. These Boards all have three or more members on them, thus making it possible for everyone 16 and above to be on one of the boards. Each board has a chairperson, who sits on the Coordination Board, who also, in order to cover the Charter requirements, has the title of the "Home Teamwork." Each board meets once a week and reports on Home Council night. Below the boards, we have a small two-man scheduling team.
We just started on this method, but it seems like it is inspiring everyone to participate more. Some embrace the new ways better than others, and we have to give it a chance to work, and to watch out that we don't flip flop back into the old ways, and that can be a fight at times. It is easy to come and ask the teamwork about this that and the other, but we are trying to stand strong in the commitment that it needs to go through the different Boards first, and then to the Home Council, which is the deciding body anyway, thus the teamwork takes on the coordination role of the Coordination Board, and little else.
       We are still learning, and probably need to fine tune things as we go, but it looks good so far.

News from Africa
Robin, Africa
(writing to Mama's Home:) It's been sobering in East Africa lately--several folks have had accidents--dear Nina not long after the board meetings when the car they were traveling in hit a zebra and rolled. Jesus surely miraculously answered in that case and she'll soon be headed back from Italy from the provisioned reconstruction of her hand and arm. Nina has a unique and very fruitful ministry in Arusha, where there are many UN people stationed because it is the venue of the war crimes trials related to the Rwandan genocide.
The night before leaving for Kenya for the board meetings, my son and I were just 100 meters from our Home when a gunman came on a motorbike-taxi and insisted on taking my bag. (TTL, it didn't have important papers, but he did get quite a bit of money--the only time I've ever carried any.--He was completely in tune with the Enemy!) Then last week, 12-year-old Leilani in Dar Es Salaam was crossing the road with her dad and was hit by a speeding car, breaking her femur. She returned from hospital yesterday, and it's a miracle that it wasn't worse!--Within an hour of her being admitted after her accident, one of their more active Activated witnesses was admitted to the same hospital, after a motorcycle accident, crushing his foot. Again, it's a miracle it wasn't fatal!
       Our neighboring Home had four people who had dreams of a break-in this past week. So our two Homes heard from the Lord, and we all feel very clearly that it's essential that we're really desperately claiming the power of the keys wherever we go and even within the house.
       But on the overall, Africa is so cool! There is really so much fruit being born--52 of the NuBeat Radio shows are finished, Simon has another open door for a three-hour evening show every week night on Kampala FM--which is mainly listened to by the educated--before they go to bed! The show is packed with Word, Family music, spots with quotes on health tips, relations with others, faith and comfort, etc.--It's very up-front Christian and is an uncut witness. We had our new disciple almost dropped in our laps after Jesus had so very clearly been preparing her specifically for years!--No glory or credit to anyone except Him! Happy (Simon Peter) also started in earnest on recording some powerful GNs--GNs on the Keys, "Nothing Is Impossible." Where to start? They're all so incredible, you just want to hear them day in and day out, so that our minds are renewed and rewired!
       I'm sure we could be doing way better, but no doubt the Enemy's mad. We keep you all in our special prayers too, as if anyone's really going over the top, it's the Folks and you all, of course! We were just reading again about the special anointing they're receiving and boy, the "Conviction vs. Compromise" series is clear evidence of that! Hearing Mama lay it on the line so very straightforwardly, telling us all to "get real!" etc., was soooo cool! Ha!

Benefits of bringing others in
Home in Romania:
We're also very thankful that this month we took in two single moms--one with six kids, and another with her little one. The two of them were forming a Home four to five hours away from us, and had been on their own since the summer, not having found more personnel.
We are so thankful that they joined our team. They are already a big blessing, and helping us all to fulfill the One Wife vision, and all the sacrifices, rewards, and joy this implies. It is also helping our Home to be more fruitful in our witnessing, because some of our friends and sheep have children themselves, and now that we have more kids, those friends are more willing to come over to our house with their children, so this involves our children too in the witnessing. So our witnessing is bearing much more fruit now since these wonderful single mothers moved in with us, thanks to them and their kids.

Literally risen from the dead!
David and Carmen, Chile:
Our weekly visits to a hospital are a huge source of inspiration to us, as the children there appreciate our love and the time we spend with them. It is the highlight of the week!
       Recently, there was a Christian couple whose little girl was hospitalized with a Wilm's tumor (a cancerous tumor) on one of her kidneys. The doctors tried to operate on her and they treated her with chemotherapy. Not only did the tumor not respond to the treatment, but she got worse. The tumor kept getting bigger and bigger until it weighed a kilo and a half. She was operated on a second time and after the operation she went into a coma.
       Throughout this ordeal, her parents had a very positive and full-of-faith attitude. They were constantly praising the Lord and speaking faith. Even when their daughter went into a coma and the doctors indicated that she was soon going to go to be with the Lord and they had everything ready for her burial, they still had a very victorious attitude.
       In the meantime, the parents and other relatives held prayer vigil for the little girl. All of a sudden, from one day to the next, she came out of the coma and in the next few days, the tumor has started to go into remission. Now she only has a small spot on her kidney. The Lord did a miracle and raised her up from near death!

Seminar and fellowships
       Conéctate Home, Chile:
We turned our usual Sunday fellowship this week into an inner-healing seminar, taking advantage of Rosi and Fran and Quiti being here from Peru for the board meetings. They are all very experienced in this and they put together a power-packed program with audiovisual helps. It was a moving experience for six of our precious disciples and friends who attended.
       These Active members had a chance to see the dangers of bitterness, and some of them were freed from weights and bad experiences of the past. It contributed greatly to their spiritual growth.
       More and more we are realizing the importance of having a variety of activities with our Conéctate disciples to keep them stirred, interested and connectedtothe Word. Recently, we held a big area inspiration in a discotheque, where we rocked and Gypsy-danced for three hours.
       Soon we are planning to have some of our Sunday fellowships out of town in Homes that have big green areas or in city parks where we can enjoy a little cookout and put on a Holy Ghost sample. We've also had out of the ordinary movie nights with special features like the new Jesus movie or the Omega Code.

Be ye separate

Michael Palace, Taiwan: Like the Lord says in "Be Ye Separate" (ML #3363, GN 959): "System jobs are the easier way … that's why I gave you a better way. Yes, living by faith is a better way!" I wasn't really having a problem with that, until I got tested on this as part of my recommitment to be true to the Revolution. Just after this Letter and the series came out, I was given a very large bill for my National Health Insurance, which is mandatory here. This was for over US$1,000, and I was tempted for the first time in a long, long time to find a paying English-teaching job.
Thank God for the Letters, as "Be Ye Separate" kept glaring at me. I found I just couldn't get tied up in the System. I had asked two of my friends for help and they could only help with half of what I expected. So I knew I had to see the keys do the work.
       About half an hour before I was to go for an interview for a job I canceled out. One hour later I got a phone call from another friend who said he'd give me US$600 towards the bill. Wow, such a confirmation of taking the right step and looking to the keys.
       I managed to scrape together the rest of the money to pay the bill and on the day I paid it, someone else put the equivalent of the money for the whole bill back in my bank account. The Lord was really emphasizing to me to live by faith. Well, you would think after that I'd be pretty convinced. I was … for a while. Then I just hit the lows again and English teaching just looked like the way out. Again I was reminded of a quote, "My highest will is for My children to witness and to allow Me to supply their financial needs."
       Okay, Lord, I silently prayed. I just need You to show me again how wonderful You are and how You will supply for me if I commit my all to just witnessing and not leaning on the arm of the flesh in any way.
I gave Him till the end of the week. The next day I went to visit my friends with the Chinese DFs and the English Activated mags. One doctor gave me US$300 without me even asking. The next day the same thing happened. Another doctor gave me US$300.
       I am now totally convinced. "I have given you this plan--the plan of trusting totally in Me, the plan of living by faith in Me and Me alone--for I know this is the only way you will survive in these troublous times when men's hearts become hardened."
       If you haven't quit your jobs yet, I challenge you to do it and then see Him prove to you how He can supply and how you too can supernaturally live by faith in the power of the keys.


What seatbelts are for!
Simon and Narcisa, England:
Having had a serious car crash (car written off) back in July 2001, it's hard for me to understand why Family members don't bother to put their seatbelts on (where fitted) in their vehicles when traveling. Some do, but the majority don't. When I had my car accident, apart from praying beforehand for a safe journey, my seatbelt saved me from going through the windscreen. I was hit from behind by a big 38-ton lorry. Do they really think by not wearing a seatbelt they can prevent serious injury? My seatbelt saved my life!

A beneficial adjustment
FGA woman, Australia:
The Lord has been so good to me. I felt incapable of continuing to live the CM missionary life, and after a lot of prayer and seeking the Lord, I chose to be FM to have a break and tune into my son more after our many battles and 18 years of fighting full time on the field as CM missionaries.
I really appreciate the break and the change, as I have been able to think clearer. The Lord has been guiding and providing step by step. He has now given me an opportunity to do casual work that is easy for me to do, not a distraction in any way, and a way to reach more people and of course to get some extra income.
       My son is now in a good high school here and is challenged. He's gotten inspired and prays more and thanks the Lord more, because he is generally happier in our new situation. So I'm thankful to the Lord that He helped me to choose what He had for me. I'm glad that I didn't keep going ahead in my spiritual pride to stay CM, when my son really needed [a different kind of] help.
       It's helped me to see that His ways are not my ways and He keeps assuring me that He has a plan in all of this. So I am really happy to be FM for now, until He tells me it's time to return CM. My son too is keen on returning CM after he completes his schooling. So that's encouraging, as before he had his doubts and now those are clearing up.

What we need…
FGA woman:
I started menopause two years ago. The symptoms that mainly affect me are depression, emotional swings, and general aches and pains in my body. If I don't have get-out for a while, I get under condemnation easily and can't sleep at night (insomnia has always been a problem with me, so I don't know if it's just because of the menopause).
       I am single with no young children with me now, which causes me to be a little lonely. I try to stay on the attack as much as possible with my get-out and eating, but find my biggest battle--that I don't have too much control over and need the Family's help on--is getting enough sex and affection. I'm positive that if I did have my needs filled in this arena (not necessarily a relationship but just the sex part) that the depression swings would go away for the most part, and even a lot of the aches and pains. I know I'm not saying anything new, as there have been numerous articles on it already.
       I have found that there are many barriers to men sharing with FGA women that keep us in a very "needy" bracket, which is sad. Married men have their wives; younger men have peer pressure and the physical aspect to overcome; everyone has the "tiredness" factor that usually affects one's ability to spend extra time with someone outside your personal family and schedule; and of course, the Devil really doesn't want us to sacrifice in any way to help others in their time of need.
       I have gotten so desperate at times that I would have been willing to pay someone to share with me. Very sad for the Family! I often avoid reading Letters about sex and sharing because it puts me through too many trials since it is happening so little where I am. Temptations are on all sides, too, which we have to fight when we get into such needy states. There are really sweet FM brothers, outsiders, and even younger men in the Family who tempt us sometimes to the point of desperation or even defeat.
       I heard one FGA sister, who was put on partial for having sex with someone younger than her age bracket, say that she would do it again because she was so desperate that it would be worth it. That sounds too dangerous! All the FGA women in the Family have sacrificed a lot for the cause and the Lord over the years. It would seem only fair if everyone could pitch in now in their (mine, too) hour of need to help us get through this stage of our lives and service with happiness and tranquility. A little bit of love goes a long, long way.
       Lots of love,
       Your sister
Dear "tired of the struggle" SGA…
       FGA female, Asia:
My heart went out to the dear SGA lady who wrote that she was feeling unfulfilled and tired of the struggle (Issues, Part 10, GN 990), wishing that she could have the chance, at least once in her life, to be in love with someone who returned her love. Here's a little note to her:
       Sweet sister, there are so many of us who have been tempted (and are still tempted, believe me!) with this trial! This has been quite a battle for me as well, ever since my mate left the Family eight years ago. However, in my case I was fortunate since I had my kids that I could pour lots of affection and attention into. Still the battle raged, and at one point I, too, was greatly tempted by the attentions of a sheep who fell in love with me and wanted to marry me, though he didn't feel called to join the Family. (I really fell for this guy--he was younger than I, handsome, well mannered, and good with my boys!). Happily, because I didn't want to drag my kids out of the Family, I was able to resist, and we moved on to another city to get out of the way of this temptation.
       Later on we moved to a wonderful, special mission field where there are so many sheep! However, I again started feeling those severe battles, wishing I had a special somebody in the flesh, somebody I could hold in the night, somebody I could just go give a hug anytime I wanted without being misinterpreted. But my dear Husband has made it clear to me that He's requiring this sacrifice for me, at least for this time. I've come to Him over and over about it, and He always has Words of comfort and strength. Here's one excerpt:
       (Jesus speaking:) I have ordained that you find this companionship only in Me. This is My will for you. Accept it as My highest, a sacrifice worthy of your king. I have made all things bountiful, pleasant, and beautiful for you. Please accept this cup of sacrifice which I require you to drink. It may seem bitter, but I assure you, I promise you, you will be very thankful for this later, in My time. It is for others' sakes that I ask this. And I will repay, perhaps not until you get to Heaven, but I promise to repay more than 100-fold--yea, much more than 100-fold. It will seem a small thing to you then, and your sacrifice and yieldedness so small to you then. But I see and I know your heart, and what it cost you, and I will repay. … If you obey and accept My will for you at this time, I will give you great and useful wisdom, great counsel to help others. I love you My darling, My love, My lover, My own, My wife. (End of excerpts of message from Jesus.)
       And He's given me so many other messages of comfort and confirmation to encourage me during this time. But here I want to add a confirmation of Dad's message in "Not Enough Men?" in "Issues, Part 6!" (GN 936) where he suggests that if there are not enough men in the Family, to go out and win them. We are surrounded by fabulous men on this field! Here we have some of the most precious, loving and affectionate sheep I've ever met! The men (and the women, too) are fantastic and potential. And winning them to the Lord and to the Family is definitely a possibility. It's an investment of your time, but the Lord has already started doing such miracles here so that national men are joining, being pulled in by our lovely young ladies as their husbands. PTL! What a thrill to see this happen. And if it can be done on this field, it most certainly can be done on any field! The Lord is able! And we're getting knew disciples now too!
       Sweet lady, please know that I'm praying for you.


       Searching URGENTLY! Peter Piper, who was at my son Galileo's birth back in El Paso, Tx. Epenetos, Galileo and/or Patara, Rain and Eliah, Shekenia, or any of you who were there, please get in touch with Nohemi Amor (Mexican). I'm in Matamoros, Tamp., Mexico, phone # 840 02 21 (plus the international code) or write at my e-mail: corchitos2001@hotmail.com

       Josias y Maria Nicaragua! Donde estan? Necesito comunicarme con ustedes. Francisco Venezuela. Escribanme a: jamesyruth7@hotmail.com

       This Michelle (of Jenny) looking for Mike (of English Joy). I knew you in England. I would appreciate it if you could write me. Here is my e-mail address: timbuktim@hotmail.com

help wanted
Greetings from China, the land of millions of people and where the harvest is so great! Our big family has been here for a few years and we have pioneered a city of 10 million people--opened a Home, had a baby, and have been cultivating a work. We have so far been the only Home in this city.
       Recently, my wife had to make a trip to our home country to renew some of the children's passports and get new visas. At the same time, she had to visit her two daughters who at the moment are out of the Family. One is underage so it was imperative to make sure she was set up and find out how she was doing.
       This trip has been a big strain financially and we had to borrow money to make the trip possible. We wanted to ask if you could help us. Anything big or small would be a great blessing at this time. We are also planning to make road trips this summer so wanted to ask our dear Family to help make this possible. Thank you!
       --Much love and prayers, J. and C. and family (CN631)

The Mountain Calls!

       "Why don't you move here and live with us? You could teach us!"
       That's what the local people told us eight months ago, when our family last journeyed to the mountains of China on a witnessing adventure. The local people welcomed us with open arms, inviting us to come and live and work there among them. We felt such a burden for those special, warm and friendly people, but didn't see how we could just stop our work in our huge city, where we base. We have been investing in the lives of the people here for years, leading and training them to be witnesses. Yet we felt such a strong pull when praying about the mountain folks and their plea to us. We just could not get them out of our minds!
       Well, thank the Lord for prayer and prophecy! He showed us how we could do both jobs. The Lord told us to continue our work here, but to go and spend the summer months reaching the mountain people, witnessing full time among them and to the other travelers who visit this area from all over China!
       But to make this happen we need your help! Our goal is to raise $1,000 so we can take the summer months to live and work in the mountain regions. Will you help us? Besides our normal expenses running our home base, we will need:
       *       $500 train and bus fare for our whole family to reach this mountain area,
       *       $250 housing for the summer, and
       *       $250 food and other living expenses
You can be part of a miracle and help us raise these funds! Mark works part time to provide a visa for our family and to help cover our monthly living expenses, as our mail ministry income just doesn't stretch. We've really tried to keep this type of work to a minimum, as we know without a doubt our full-time job is to witness. And witness we do, through appointments and meetings galore with sheep, as the Word goes out and souls are won!
Also we are both very busy with board activities. Mark is co-chairing China's CGO Board, and Carin is chairing the VS Board, and also helping on the CGO Board. Often Carin is gone for weeks at a time traveling and visiting the Homes, so as you can imagine we are busy, busy, busy, without a whole lot of time to get involved in System jobs to raise funds. Any VS funds we receive only cover her travel expenses when she visits, as distances are vast in China and travel isn't cheap. Our Home expenses, and other board travel expenses, provide golden opportunities for us to stretch our faith for supply!
       So we need you, dear Family! Can you help us? You can reach China from right where you are! Your donations will be used to answer when the mountain calls, and bring Jesus to the highlands of China. Please send your help as soon as you can via your TRF to M. and C., China. Write us through the China Desk at: pcd@attglobal.net
       --Much love and appreciation, Mark and Carin* (CN604) [aliases]

       We are a small Home in Russia that consists of four adults and six children. Now we are preparing for our summer trip planning to work in a few summer camps for teens. It'll be the third year that we'll be involved in this work in summer and it has proved to be very fruitful. The camps are pretty much turned over to us and we are able to not only do activities with the kids, but also give them daily Word classes, involve them in our shows, and we got the okay to take them personal witnessing. We usually have a place to stay on the camps' property, but pay for our food, transportation there (it's thousands of miles from our city), and other expenses. One of our friends who was supposed to give us a donation that would cover a big part of the expenses for the trip went bankrupt two weeks ago--literally from plenty to poverty. We are praying for him as it brings him and his family closer to the Lord, but it also puts our trip at risk of not happening due to a lack of funds.
       We wanted to ask you to please help us financially if the Lord puts it on your heart, even if it's just a little--it will go a long way for us. You may send it via your TRF to RU38. Thank you so much for your consideration. WLY!
       --Much love, Christina and Ilija, Russia

Activated ad
"Your writings [Activated] have helped me find Jesus. I am thrilled, living a new experience with God."--Hans, Chile
       "Before, everything seemed impossible to me. I was so frustrated. But since I've received your Activated magazines things have started to change."--Buikhutsu, Africa
       "I am deeply impressed by the Activated magazine that speaks the truth."--S. Christy, India
       "Sometimes I cry when I am reading the magazine. I am showing your magazine to all my staff and my family members."--Monica, India
       Are you giving people the chance of their lifetime? Are you offering them the words that will change their lives and hearts? Are you pushing Activated?

letters to the editor

Re: A letter to the Family ... Middle East
(GV #123)
By Marissa, Location unknown
This letter was touching and heavy, especially coming from someone outside of the Family. The things that he said about the Family were beautiful! It helps you see that the Family is unique with its message and that we can make a difference in people's lives because we have the true message and people can feel it--that the Family is different than the churches. It was a beautiful and touching letter. God bless those who've worked with him and fed him.

Re: Help Needed for CO and VS bases (GV #124)

By Love (of Mark), Taiwan
My husband and I have been in a VS Home for the last three years. I would like to encourage whoever the Lord calls to be part of a "support team" for a CO/VS base to just go ahead. It is a lot of fun! We don't feel that we haven't been able to "make our marks," and we are free to act according to our faith. Also we don't feel that we are the "support team" and "do all the work while others have fun" or whatever! As the Lord has so well said, it is a great honor and privilege to uphold the arms of His musketeers.

Re: Catch 'em doing something nice

By David Joy, India
This column proves that the Family is the best place to live and serve the Lord in. It reminds me of the Grapes of Thankfulness GV supplements that come out from time to time. But these articles were more specific, detailed, and clear. It feels good to hear about the good that is being done just because we love each other and support each other. This should inspire us all to do better in our own Homes to be more loving and "nice" to others around us!

Re: GV #124

By Serena Pioneer, Kampuchea
It's wonderful to read the reactions from different ones on "Conviction vs. Compromise" series.
       Also the testimony on robbery helped us tighten our own security and to go over different weak areas in our Home. The Lord is so good to us, as those things that were mentioned have never happened to us even though we live in one of the poorest countries in the world. It's a miracle.

Re: Thanks to Nubeat team

By Priscilla*, China [*alias used]
       Thanks to the team who put together the Nubeat African radio shows on CD for all of us to benefit from. The kids (JETTs on down) really enjoy listening to them and singing along with the songs. They especially like the comical bit that's in them too. Thanks to the African team who have made this show and all the ones who put in their time and effort to put this show on the air. God bless you guys, and just know that we're keeping you in our prayers!--Us in China!

Re: My visit with Jasper and Love (see GV #124)

By Joan Newheart, Philippines
This testimony touched everyone's heart; I don't think there was one dry eye as we read it together. God bless dear Joy who took the step and made the visit, and God bless Love who, so unfailing in faith and determination, keeps on trusting no matter the circumstances. May we all be able to follow that example. Our small troubles just vanished, and it made us thankful for all the good things the Lord has given us. This kind of sacrifice and spirit is what makes our Family wonderful, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the whole world than within His fold. We're praying for you, Jasper and Love.

Re: Kevin articles

By Angel, Mideast
I really enjoy the articles that Kevin writes in the Grapevine. It brings home all those years growing up in the Family and all the things that our poor parents had to put up with. It is like taking a trip back in time. Just wanted to thank Kevin for all those enjoyable moments that I spent laughing away while reading your articles.

About your Active members, sheep, and friends

--Activated and witnessing!
More testimonies from FGAs?

By David Joy, India

       The Activated tips in the GV are very helpful and inspiring. They give us input on how we could try to do similar things in our Activated ministries in our own areas. I was wondering if more tips and testimonies could be printed on how the first generation adults have been able to minister to their Active members and establish them as their congregation. This could be very encouraging to all of us who are aging a bit and could assume a more pastor-role to our closer friends and members, as was envisioned in one of the "Activate the World" Letters, I believe.
       Maybe this is a bit premature, as it will take some time for things to progress that far, but if the testimonies were there, they definitely would be an encouragement! Tommy and Juan's tips in the Special Action FSMs are the starting point, but hearing testimonies from other FGAs in other fields would be inspiring and helpful.

ideas and tips

Recording GNs

By Phin, Mexico
We recorded all of the Feast GNs as we were reading through them unitedly. Now that we have them on tape, the business person on pickups can listen to them in the car over and over again, and the cook too, and even a tired mom at quiet time who doesn't have the strength to read. It's not a new idea, but it's something that we haven't done for years and years. Every time you listen to a GN, you get something new out of it. It's also excellent if you have a problem with daydreaming or negative thinking, and are trying to keep your mind on Jesus as much as possible.

Update from Mexico City area Homes

By Ahlai, Mexico

IN MEXICO CITY we are into...
       …unity, conviction, Activated, full-time witnessing, tool sales, new disciples, planting a long-lasting local work, united generations, prayer and prophecy, the power of the keys, Mama and Peter, tons of fun, Family music, sharing all, changing the world, all our Family values, etc., etc., etc. (Not necessarily in that order, but more like all at once, ha!)
       We had a very renewing and strengthening Fast of Recommitment which prepared us for an incredible Christmas Push 2001. There were many exciting and diverse ministries going on in Mexico City at the same time. One of our goals, among many others, was to be TOOL SHINERS, as Mama pointed out tool sales are in line with the Conviction series! This has been very encouraging.
       In the previous two years, this great Latin frontier of Mexico City has gone from one Home to eight, all pioneering, and the Lord is making it happen. We're all so happy and thankful to be a part of this loving field and Family! WHATTA FAMILY!
       Here's a little recent news through photos of this little corner of the world. Most of all, thanks solely and wholly to our wonderful Husband and His mercy, Who has helped us in spite of ourselves, has been so good to us, and has done it all. We have the most wonderful Family, Husband, mates and friends in the world, no? Matchless. Arriba y adelante por Jesus!


       Please note that due to some NPC-related changes, we'll be skipping a mailing that you would normally receive during the month of June. During this time, there will be some post-it-only GNs featured on the MO site, so don't forget to check the MO site for your New Wine!

Check out the latest Condos posted on the MO site. There are some fresh new condos from the latest GNs that you'll surely want to review!

Attention parents and teachers!

       Don't miss the MLK series "I Can Hear from Jesus!" This series is designed tohelp you teach your children how to use the gift of prophecy. You should be receiving part one of this series, "When Jesus Speaks to Me," MLK #154 shortly. This series is DFO, so you can use it with your friends as well!

Virus news: Klez
Courtesy of "Woody's Office Watch" - http://wopr.com

Even though it's been around since last year, the Klez family of e-mail viruses have spread a lot in the last few days. The major anti-virus companies have upgraded their rating of the threat and news of this nastie has made its way into the mainstream media. Unlike most viruses, this one does NOT need you to open an e-mail attachment, just opening or previewing the message in Outlook or Outlook Express is enough in the right circumstances.

The Klez virus variants work by fooling Windows into running an e-mail attachment as soon as you read or preview the message. That means the normal advice to avoid e-mail attachments isn't enough.
       This vulnerability has been known since at least May 2001 and the possibility of viruses spreading just by reading message long before that. As a result, some of the patches from Microsoft have slowed the spread of this virus, however as events of the last few days have proved not enough computers have been protected.
       Klez will spread itself to other e-mail addresses it finds in your Windows address book, ICQ lists and files you have saved to your hard drive.
       The message it generates in outgoing messages can have a variety of subject lines, body text and attachments. There's no use trying any simplistic protection method against messages with certain names or files-you need to make sure your copy of Internet Explorer and occasionally Outlook Express is updated.

These patches are available:

Internet Explorer 5.01

Internet Explorer 5.5


These patches include fixes for other problems.

       If you've been checking Windows Update occasionally (in IE, Tools | Windows Update) then you may be already applied these patches.
       You might decide this is the time to switch to Internet Explorer 6-it is a large download but it has been out for sometime now and is pretty stable. If you choose this route then make sure choose either the Typical or Full install options.
       Naturally you should make sure your anti-virus software is up to date with the latest virus information.

If you've been infected with a Klez virus already you'll have to remove it. Symantec has a removal tool and manual instructions for removal, which you can find at the link below.

Where can I order extra copies of kids' books from (e.g., Activity Books, LWG, etc.)?

Individual book orders can be placed with the FDDC (Family Duplication and Distribution Center). Their e-mail address is: fddc@abmc.net.
       Full libraries for new Homes are taken care of by each CO area. So please contact your area office for information on how obtain a full library if you are a new Home. (Note: Homes in the NACRO can contact FDDC directly for all book orders-both individual book orders and new Home libraries.)

Shine On March 2002
       TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total

       Daniel/Lana, Ethiopia       13,333       40,000
       Rosita, Mexico       2,750       5,500
       Juan/Heidi Pescador, Venezuela       750       3,000
Salomon/Belen/Cristal, Mexico       600       6,000
       Juan/Susana, Ecuador       316       631
       Andrés/Pilar, Ecuador       303       1,210
       Gabriel/Ruth, Mexico       203       1,625
       Magdalena, Mexico       200       400
       Joy/Pedro/Maria, Colombia       194       1,355
       Francisco/Mariana, Colombia       175       350

       Samuel, Canada       1,600       3,200
       Stephen/Salomon/Joy, Peru       1,400       7,000
       Charity/John, USA       1,250       2,500
Daniel/Dora/Maria, Kenya       1,170       7,020
       Daniel/Lana, Ethiopia       1,083       3,250
       Martina/Miracle/Tabitha/Tim, Romania       663       7,300
       Eva/Carolina/Gabriel/Arthur/Celeste, Spain       632       2,530
       Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA       625       7,502
       Mary/Renee/Janet, Ivory Coast       591       3,550
       Maria/Michael, Japan       574       2,870
       Jonathan/Marite/Sharon/Victoria, Brazil       467       4,200
       Daniel, Mexico       304       607
       Eva/Carolina/Gabriel/Arthur/Celeste, Spain       172       689
Samuel/Clara, Spain       100       200
       Consuelo/Jeho/Juan, Brazil       82       412
       David/Natalia/Susana, Mexico       80       477
       Josue/Trust, Spain       76       153
       Nina/Jay, USA       72       216
       Josue/ Salome, Brazil       64       191
       Davi/Madalena/Joyfull, Brazil       62       560

       Daniel, Mexico       88       176
       Jonathan/Marite/Sharon/Victoria, Brazil       67       600

       Ben/Meekness, Botswana       55       110
Meekness/Nehemiah, United Kingdom       50       353
       Daniel/Rejoice/Spring, Indonesia       48       244
       Svieta/Dove/Maria, Russia       44       264
       Emanuel/Rubi/Daniel, Ecuador       34       135
       Consuelo/Jeho/Juan, Brazil       26       130
       Joyful/Pedro/Susanna, Brazil       24       167
       Andrea/Andrew/Angie, USA       24       94

Also included with this file:
Adam Issue 16
(By David Komic)
       Caption 1 Hot Romance Tip #4
       Caption 2 Oh, Baby!
       Caption 3 Women love it when guys are not afraid to show emotion.
       Caption 4 Cover Photo: FGA Bart of Betty in Botswana blissfully doing his Home's report w/- Teletrf 2000

(End of File)