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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 132; April 15, 2002.)

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751, Irving, Texas, USA - 75016-8751 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2002 by The Family

       Keep an eye out for a juicy new GN answering, in detail, and including in full, an anonymous letter from a Family SGA. You may have already read this letter, as it was circulated via e-mail to many Family members. It's hot! Don't miss it!
       THE PROFESSIONALS!-Coming soon!

       Grace Davidson
, born to Victoria Faith and Mike Davidson on December 30.--PACRO
       Azzura, born to Maria and Abele on January 27.--Italy
       Neo Reign,born to Sayuri and Christmas on January 28.--Japan
       Lily Jemima, born to Tender Beloved and Tommy Newman on January 28.--Japan
       Emeline, born to Nadia and John on January 30.--France
       Kaylee Fighter, 3rd child, born to Joanie and Tracy on February 2.--PACRO
       Poulina, born to Praise and Philip on February 4.--Russia
       Ayleen Phoenix, 2nd child, born to Nicole and Mark on February 7.--PACRO
       Ana Nicole, born to Carol and Ricky on February 12.--Spain
       Jolene Kaede, 3rd child, born to Sara and Shad on February 17.--Middle East
       James Prayer, born to Zipporah and Samuel on February 26.--Japan
       Ashley Noor, 1st child, born to Mary and Michael on February 26.--Thailand
       Nyke Riya Blaze, born to Anisa and David on March 1.--Thailand
       Christy Brooks, 2nd child, born to Daniella and Jono on March 5.--Middle East
       Cherise Liana, born to Ariane and Sam on March 15.--Thailand


new disciples…
Mark Soldier (18, Uzbek) joined in Uzbekistan.


       In Grapevine #121, in the kidbit section, it listed Natasha, born to Tirzah and Daniel on August 23.--Guinea. It should have read: Amira Kaori, born to Tirzah and Daniel on August 23.--Guinea. Our apologies!

       In Grapevine #126, the following personals ad was printed. Please take note of the corrected e-mail address.
       This is Joshua and Agape and we're looking for Kyriakos from Cyprus (don't know his latest Bible name). Last one was probably Michael, and he was in Pakistan. Please contact us at e-mail: joshagap@hol.gr

21,908 and climbing!

By Peter
       Let's take a look at our worldwide goal of reaching 50,000 subscriptions by November 31, 2002!
       As of March 31st, we now have a total of 21,908 subscriptions! That's 28,092 to go! We're nearing the half-way mark, folks! With eight more months to go (including April), that breaks down to 3,511 subscriptions to get worldwide each month. That's still only five subscriptions per Family adult (16 and up) for the rest of the year!
       Let's do it! With the power of the keys, there are no impossibilities! Amen?

       P.S.: And a big hand to our January-March Activated shiner Homes…you're doing the job! Thank you!

       #1: INDIA - Bangalore Service Home-210 subscriptions
       #2: BRAZIL - Sam and Maria-197 subscriptions
       #3: INDIA - Rose Garden Home, Bangalore-175 subscriptions
       #4: INDIA - Delhi Activated Home-156 subscriptions

       Are you activated?
Are you taking up the torch and running with it? Are you putting the Lord's newest and most effective soul-reaping, life-changing, heart-winning weapon to good use? Don't let it sit on the shelves--get it out to those who need it! (GN 943:15).

Board implementation news

By Sweetie (CO), Taiwan
Christia (regional co-chairperson) and I had the privilege to sit in on the first JETT/Teen National Board meeting in Taiwan. It was very inspiring and I'm sold on the board vision. I think it's going to be a tremendous help to the many needy situations in our area. Sometimes I wonder how we've come this far without it! From all I've heard, each board is brimming over with good ideas of what to do to help their pillar make progress, so if even a fraction of what we're collectively hoping to accomplish gets accomplished, we'll be a lot farther ahead than we are now.
       As a result of board discussions, we've started a Taipei citywide fellowship for JETTs and teens, two days a week. We have a united Word class with an activity following it one night of the week, and then another afternoon we have a united sports activity. There are about 20-some JETTs and teens in attendance. The first class and activity went really well. In our Home alone we have six of the 20-some young people in the city (there are seven Homes in Taipei but some of them are pretty small), so it's a tremendous personal victory for our Home to be able to provide more wholesome fellowship and feeding Word time to our young people throughout the week.
       Gioia (of Titus), Dawei, and his wife Saskia (Danni), who are some of the members of the JETT/Teen Board, are going to travel to the three main cities here in Taiwan within the next few weeks to hold parenting/shepherding seminars. By the way, the recent GNs on this subject have been wonderful! The Lord and you can sure say it much better than any of us could ever begin to!
       The idea is that format of the meetings won't be to just pass on information, but more to have discussions about finding new ways to inspire the JETTs/teens and help them grow, and at the same time the J/T Board members will share what they've been learning about the need to uphold the standard laid out in the Word and have more conviction when shepherding the young people.

       Calling for news from other boards around the world--and pictures too! What's happening in your area? Send in your newsy reports and keep the Family updated via the Grapevine!

victories, news, testimonies

By the Activated desks

By the Brazil desk
       Subscriptions: Despite an exceptionally short month (both Brazil's 5-6 day Carnival holiday and the Family Birthday while fell in February), our Family sold 200% more subscriptions than they did last February. We got 160 new paid subscribers. In March we had a 360% increase over February's new subscribers. This includes 200 paid subscriptions that were sponsored by one of our FM Homes in the North. For the first three months of this year subscription sales are running about 350% ahead of the same period last year!
       March was a very good month for re-subscribers--our best ever--with over 40 readers renewing their subscriptions.
       New books: Dare to Be Different and Parenteening are now available in print. My King and I should be ready soon. Love's Many Faces and From Jesus - with Love are almost ready to go to press.

By the Chile desk

       Subscriptions: February picked up again in our subscriptions and mag and book sales. January had been a pretty slow month. Our numbers are still small, but they continue to climb. We had a very good turnout for the Easter/March mags in our area! We were able to get out to the Homes the 1,200 copies we received from Thailand and the field got really behind their distribution.
       Free mag promos: We are giving out 100 mags free to every Home in our area to motivate the Family to get the mags out wherever they go, in season and out of season. The idea is for them to save some of the income as seed corn, so they can purchase more mags later. Through this we also hope to get people used to the idea of pushing the mags like we used to push the posters during the poster revolution of years back.

By the Europe desk

       Subscriptions: We had 233 new subscriptions in February and 197 in March. Just about all of the February subscriptions were sponsored in Africa. Four months after launching Activated in Spanish from our desk we now have 51 new Spanish subscriptions. This month we also had some junior teens come from different areas to help us with the mailing. GB them! In the near future we will also provide Spain and Portugal with tools in their local language.
       Credit card payment: We have been accepted for an Internet credit account. This means we'll be able to receive payment by credit card over the Internet. This will make it easy for brethren to pay and we hope will cut down on the use of the TRF as a form of payment.
       The files for the first seven French Active mags have been sent to South Africa. French Active 8-15 only needs a couple of last corrections so they can be sent to the S.A. print shop. Christy (in Germany) has provisioned a large quantity of paper, which can be shipped to S.A. for free for the French Active printing. We received a large donation to launch French Active.
       E-mail and personal answers: We received and answered 25 snail mail letters from subscribers and others writing in after receiving a piece of lit. We average about 30 to 35 letters in a month. The amount of e-mails from subscribers just wanting to say thank you for the magazines as well as orders from the GP that we are receiving is also increasing.

By the Central Europe desk (formerly EE MM)

In addition to sending off this month's Romanian and Hungarian subscriptions, we were also able to send off our first 10 Croatian subscriptions. TYJ!
       A team has been working on finalizing the layout/translations of six Get Activated books (Hearing from Heaven, Understanding God's Word, Prayer Power, Obstacles Are for Overcoming, God's Gifts, and Love's Many Faces) in Croatian, and these have now gone to print. Hopefully we will be getting them before the end of April.

By the India desk
New four-color Mottos:
We were very inspired to see the new four-color Mottos for Success and we showed a sample of it at the board meetings being held close by, and people were very excited about getting them soon. Many Homes have pending orders with companies who would like to buy these. The other new tools such as the Get Activated books and the More like Jesus and God Online are beautiful too.
       In March we started sending out e-mails to our subscribers. It looks like this may be a real key in turning these members into Active members and getting the interested ones in touch with the Homes for further feeding. Some people have been requesting if they can join any weekly meetings so they can know more about the Lord.
       Almost half of our subscriptions in March were from renewals!

By the Mexico desk
Children's CD cards:
The children's CD/cards flew in February, and only a couple weeks after receiving them we were already low on some of the titles.
       GP e-mail: We've received several e-mails from the GP asking to purchase our material. We've been forwarding these contacts to the Homes in the city where the person lives; the Homes are following up on the contacts we send their way, sales are made, and the contacts write us back very content with the service.
       Mag of the Month Program: In its second month, 19 Homes (out of 88 Homes in Mexico) have so far subscribed.

By the USA desk

       Cherub Wings: The Homes have been ordering the Cherub Wings videos, though we haven't heard how it's been going with the distribution yet. The SSU team sold about 600 videos in two days at a Christian Educator's convention (Catholic), so we know there is great sales potential.
       Working with the CGO boards: We've been very inspired to hear about the board seminars that were held last month across the U.S. We're hoping to put together Activated information packets for the upcoming CGO board meetings--sharing statistics of how it's been going with the Activated program, goals that we are looking toward with Activated, an overview of the ministries we have, including Wine Press, e-mail, etc. We especially want to offer our help and service to the CGO boards so that we can work closely together to serve the Family and reap the harvest here. We're very excited about the future!
       Activated online course: We started sending out the Activated magazines as an online course this month--initially sending out mag #1 to our 2,000 Powerlinks subscribers. The online Activated magazine was a topic of discussion at the West CGO Board, and as a result of the discussion, we decided to send each magazine out in four parts, one part per week. This will make shorter feedings, and make the mailings more frequent.

News from Thailand

By Steven (CO), Thailand

APTN interview

       Last month, we were contacted by a reporter with APTN (Associated Press TV News) here in Bangkok. They wanted to do an interview with Jonas and Christy for their “Roving Report,” which is one of the longest running current events news programs in the world. They planned to broadcast an eight-minute clip (out of a 30-minute program) about Jonas and Christy's ministry here.
       They filmed a CTP Jonas and Christy did at the National Cancer Institute, taped an interview with them at a studio, and traveled upcountry with Jonas to get some “live action” on camera.
       At the upcountry concert, the reporter interviewed some people from the audience as well as a couple other female lukthoong performers who were there. The reporter asked one of the other performers what she thought about Jonas' singing abilities. She said something like, “I think he sings better than me. I even bought his tape! He especially sings songs from the Northeast very well. His luk koh (vibrato) is very good-it's not easy to sing. I can't even sing that. The way he portrays the Thai way of life and promotes Thai culture through his singing is also very good.”
       The reporter asked another one of the singers what she thought about Jonas as a foreigner, singing Thai lukthoong. She said, “I really admire him for singing lukthoong. I don't think he's trying to take the place of a Thai singer; he's a foreigner who has learned about our culture. I really admire him for absorbing Thai ways and helping to promote Thai culture, because it's taken a lot for him to learn about this.”

Album number 3: “Jonas Mahasanuk”

       Jonas recently finished recording and filming the music video for his third album. The neat thing about this album is that it contains two Thai lukthoong songs written by Family members!-One by Michael Piano and one by Jonas. We're really praying that the Lord will do great miracles with this album and that one or two of the songs that Michael P. and Jonas wrote will become chart-topping hits. Anything is possible with the power of the keys!

Red Cross fair
       The Family was once again invited to participate in the annual Red Cross Fair, the proceeds of which go towards the Thai Red Cross Society. Different government organizations, departments, and institutions all pitch in, setting up stalls and booths selling Thai wares and overseas products.
Jonas and Christy attended the press conference to officially announce the timing and objectives of the Red Cross Fair. We had originally thought that they were going to be “two among many” as far as performers participating in this fair, but it turned out that they were the only ones invited. The singing team performed on four separate nights at the fair.
       We received a letter of thanks and certificates for our participation. Two related media clips about our participation in the fair appeared in the country's two main English newspapers, The Bangkok Post and The Nation.

Songkran (Thai New Year) falls on April 13th. Each year they usually have a big concert in Sanam Luang to celebrate the new year, which is televised live nationwide and on Thai Global TV. But because people in Bangkok generally travel upcountry to visit their families and loved ones over the holidays, this year they started the festivities for the general public about a week earlier than the actual day of Thai New Year.
       In an effort to promote tourism in Thailand, the Tourism Authority of Thailand turned the festivities in Sanam Luang for the Thai New Year into something very spectacular. The area was beautifully lit and decorated, like a grand fair or carnival. The ongoing activities for almost 24 hours included parades and floats from each of the provinces in Thailand and several major programs and activities going on simultaneously in the large central area of Sanam Luang.
       In the evening, there were several performances taking place at the same time in the area. Channel 11, the only TV station covering the evening, was jumping back and forth between the various stages, filming and broadcasting whatever was taking place at that particular stage at the time.
       (Portions of various performances were broadcast simultaneously on Thai Global TV, which reaches more than 186 countries worldwide and is faithfully watched by the Thai community all over the world, as we learned in our recent travels abroad.)
       There was a live audience of about 10,000 people. Before singing, Christy was asked to give a simple “blessing” in Thai for the New Year, and also to say something in English about Songkran and Thailand for the benefit of any English-speakers present or watching the program on Thai Global TV, as this portion was broadcasted live. She sang five songs, one of which was aired live. The other four will be broadcast on Weti Thai and Thai Global TV this coming Saturday (April 13), which is the actual day of Songkran.


Prince Charles
Steven Ascribe, Japan:
We received an appreciation letter from Prince Charles' secretary in response to our letter to him on his birthday in which we enclosed Daily Might III for him to read. Jesus knows how much this communication with him is getting through, but we just have to keep praying for him and be faithful. We also sent him the Get Activated booklet Prayer Power.

Prophecy made the difference
João and Clara, Brazil:
Generally in Brazil, January and February are low months financially, and thus many Homes are affected. This has been the case in our Home for the past four years, leaving us very tight financially at the start of each year.
       This year, however, the Lord did a special miracle. It started during Christmas season when the Lord guided us to offer the Attic Fun Activity Guides and Kiddy ViddyColoring Books to the stores we were visiting, along with the Christmas CD cards.
       After Christmas, through prophecy, He led us to distribute the Attic Fun Activity Guides and Kiddy Viddy Coloring Books in stationer's shops and bookstores. More than 12,000 booklets got out, supplying our financial needs, and helping us to reach many precious people and spreading the message to the kids.
       Actually, here in Brazil, the stationer's shops have their best time of the year during these two months because the parents buy the kids' school materials for the beginning of the school year, which starts in the middle of February.       So through His guidance in prophecy, He turned the beginning of our year into a very fruitful and inspiring time!

Money from the “sky”
Abigail (16), Mexico:
Yes, it still happens! I kid you not! I was pretty broke, and was praying for funds in order to get some personal needs. One day while driving on a main highway returning from a doctor appointment with my mom, a man in a van in front of us suddenly threw some papers out of the window. At first we weren't sure what it was, but when we slowed down a bit, we saw what looked like dollar bills flying through the air.
       Though this is a very busy street, the Lord miraculously cleared the area of oncoming cars and my mom was able to stop the car for a minute while I jumped out and picked up about US$60! Amazing, huh?

International trade show

       Philip, Meekness, and Magda, Namibia: For the first time in our five and a half years of being in Namibia, we participated in the International Trade Show. This trade show is an annual event held in Namibia, bringing visitors, businesses, and companies from all over Africa.
We had seven witnessing-packed days. Besides giving out 32 videos, 17 CDs, 13 tapes, 3 Mottos for Success, 2 Attic Fun ICDs, 1 set of Feed My Lambs, 26 paperback and 4 hard cover children's books, 20 Activated booklets, 7 Key Bible Verses, 9 From Jesus--with Love, 2 novels, 110 posters, and 1,500 tracts, we witnessed to a great variety of people that the Lord brought on our path, leading 30 to receive Jesus into their hearts. Here are a few highlights:
       We met a Christian businessman from the Philippines who was so impressed by our little display, and told us that this is what he is trying to teach and pass on to his fellow missionary friends. He wants to teach them to be self-sufficient, to not be entirely dependent on donations and outside help but to create/produce inspiring materials such as we do! Wow! That cheered us up! He took Countdown to Armageddon and In Armageddon's Wake. When he popped in the next day to see us and to also say bye, he had already read nearly half of the book.
       Every day we had local young people coming to our stand, either for morning devotions behind the table when it was still quiet or just to spend time with us in Christian fellowship. One of the girls we met there is now coming to our Home daily, helping with our mail ministry and the Bible Study Course, reading the Word, and totally enjoying the fellowship.
       We met a few of our faithful friends and supporters at the fair, whom we've known for many years and who have faithfully supported our work in Namibia. They all came to see the show and many of them eagerly stopped by our table and got new books, videos or CDs for their families. It was a good opportunity for us to show them a different side of our ministering via the inspiring materials the Family is producing.
       We met a born again 32-year-old woman who is a widow with four children. She was so radiant and it seemed people took notice of her as she passed by. She was dressed in a beautiful handmade African dress, decorated with yellow designs and a craftily set headpiece, matching the dress. She said that she went through a tough time when her husband passed away, as she and her children missed him a lot, but she quickly added with big smile on her face “Now I am a queen!” Since her husband died and she doesn't have anybody to be with her, she decided to be married to Jesus and become His wife. She said, “He is a King! So being married to the Lord makes me a queen!” She also became a student of our Correspondent Bible Study Course, GBH!

(of Sunshine, last heard of in Ethiopia), please contact Praise in Guinea, Africa. E-mail address: sbs_guinea@biasy.net

       I am looking for a friend named Angel (14, of Jonathan and Rejoice). Remember me?--Gabriella (of Mateus and Karenina)? Please contact me at: Cx. Postal: 3091 Cep: 69.001-970 Manaus-Amazon.

       Richard Hacket(a.k.a. Jubal, James) is looking for William Tomas W. (a.k.a. Obed Buggs, Jonathan Harper). If anyone has any info, please contact Richard at e-mail: rkhackettrio@yahoo.com

(a.k.a. Karina), saw you in Zine 045; you were with another girl named Anisa who was 18 at the time, and you were 15, you were also in Zine issue 046, or at least I think that was you, and you were in the ME. I'd like to get in touch with you, so please write me at e-mail: mutant_wolverine@hotmail.com

       We would love to locate Michael (French) and Lisa (Swiss German); last heard they were in France. Does anyone know their e-mail address? Can you pass it on to: abifr@yahoo.com

mail reactions

Sent in by the European Activated Desk

       Many greetings from my family and me. I write this letter to thank you for your letter and the Activated magazines you sent me. Thank you, and I pray that God helps you people to continue to do His work, which has helped me to understand and know how much He cares and loves us. Since I started knowing God through your organization, I can tell you that there is a change in my life and my family. Even if there is a problem, I know that God always will come to help no matter how long it takes.
       --Yours faithfully, John Awai

       Greetings to you in the name of Jesus, Who never changes! Thank you for all the letters you wrote to me, telling me that God is a good God and to have faith, and to keep believing in Him. I always count it a great honor and privilege to communicate with you. I want you to send me your magazine, books and audio cassettes always. Your magazine makes my life change when I go to it, and it makes me feel good. May our great God rightly bless you in your ministry.
       --Evang Edeme C.

(This next letter is from a high school student who is receiving a sponsored subscription in Ghana.)

       The main reason (for writing you) is to thank you for all you have done for me. Friends, I want to ask you whether you can give me a Bible for studying. I don't have a Bible of my own. Friends, can I have some pamphlets about Jesus Christ so that I can share with my friends? Since you gave me Activated it has helped me a lot in my studies, worship, etc. I am now a good girl, I don't insult children or fight with my peers or elders. I would like to end here with much hope for hearing from you.
       --Yours faithfully, Maureen Agbo

/book reactions

Sent in by India Activated desk

       I came across your Activated magazine in one of the old book depots. I found it worth reading, thought provoking, and it can be used as a guide to peaceful living. I request you to be kind enough to enroll my name in your mailing list and continue sending me that magazine every month without missing one please.
       --Thanking you, Aruldoss

       I am Sneha, and I ask for a copy of Love's Many Faces. Please send me a copy of this book at the earliest opportunity. I have read the others and I am deeply touched by them. They came as a gift from an old friend. I thank you deeply for all that I have received from those.

       I am Srinath, a resident of Bangalore. I had seen your Activated book on my boss's table, so I asked him to lend the book and I will return it after reading. When I saw your book it was very interesting about Jesus Christ who has given His life for our sins. I'd like to know more about Jesus. So please kindly send me more books. I will pray to Jesus about you publishing to the whole world.

Visitation reactions

From the India Activated Desk

       One Home just visited some of our subscribers and compiled some reactions from them. Here they are:

       Silvia Grewal - “To You--with Love!” on the back of your magazine was so beautiful. I instantly felt great peace upon reading it.”

       Warren Willmer - “I am so thankful I did not miss the opportunity to subscribe to Activated, as it is so beautiful and unique.”

       Shaju Peter - “Activated is a wonderful magazine. So easy to read and understand.”

       Bhurinder Kaur - “You will not find a single Activated issue in my house. As soon as I am finished reading it, my brother will come to take it from me and read it himself. He too passes it on to another person when he has completed it.”

Satisfied distributors

From the Chile Activated Desk
       Francisco, Luz, and Vida in Paraguay report that they have a few friends and contacts who have been buying the tools for quite some time. Some of these contacts only wanted videos or CDs, but they went on the attack and sold them on the idea of subscribing to Activated so they can grow with the Word. Immediately after subscribing miracles started happening.
       A lady who subscribed was moved by the Word to give a donation to the Home. The week after that she received a gift of 30 boxes of chicken, which she turned around and donated to the Family to distribute in the jail and in a little Indian school where they minister, and, of course, for the Home as well. The brethren there believe that Activated is a key to our financial future. Getting the Activated vision rolling was also instrumental in them receiving 60 liters of milk a week, 60 kilos of rice, and they are expecting other miraculous supplies.

ws news

Send your updates

       If you send a timely prayer request in to WS, especially if it's a critical life-or-death situation, please send updates as often as is feasible so we can tailor our daily prayers for the situation. Please also be sure to send in your answered prayers so we can rejoice with you. Thank you so much!
       And please be assured that when you send in a prayer request, it receives a lot of prayer. We in WS pray a number of times daily for the worldwide prayer requests that we receive, including a 30-minute daily prayer vigil slot which each WS member takes individually or with a partner. So there's lots of prayer coming your way! We love you!

Just curious…

The Endtime prophetess' Word time … and other related issues

From a few curious young people, USA
A few young people in our Home were having a conversation the other day about what it must be like for those who get the New Wine to us to have Word time.
       For example, does the Endtime prophetess actually need to have Word time? And if she does, does she just get it straight from Heaven? We know that she listens to the prophecies that come out in the GNs, and of course, many more prophecies than that … but does she read old Letters sometimes for fun? How about those in Mama and Peter's Home or other WS units?
       For those whose battles and accompanying prophecies are in the GNs, is it odd for them to sit down to have Word time and review all of their own trials and prophecies?
       Maybe these are funny questions but we were JUST CURIOUS. Sometimes it's fun to hear about those kinds of things.

By Jenna, Mama's Home
Good questions. I'll give a stab at answering them, weaving in the info and answers I got from Mama and Peter.
       Yes, the Endtime prophetess--our own Mama--and Peter as well, do have Word time. In fact, they have Word time every morning. Before they emerge from their room, they're always--and I do mean ALWAYS--faithful to have their personal time of hearing from the Lord together, as well as listening to some Word or reading something.
       I got a few quotes from both Mama and Peter while talking to them on the beeper (being a good reporter, heh). Here goes:

       Mama said
--and I quote: “Each morning, I usually have hours worth of prophecies and portions of GNs or devotional reading that I listen to or review. There are always many new prophecies that I listen to daily, up to a couple hours worth. But in addition to those, I love to listen to the old Letters, counsel the Lord has given in the past, portions of GN prophecies, and To Jesus - with Love or From Jesus - with Love. I listen to a variety of devotional material, and sometimes prepare praise time projects to listen to in short segments throughout the day. For example, I might put Loving Jesus quotes on my MP3 player, praise kisses, or a praise message from Natalia to listen to. I try to have variety and review as much of the Lord's Words as I can.”

       Peter said
--and I quote: “I read most of my Word on paper. I have stacks of printouts by my bed and on my desk. I generally have my Word time first thing in the morning. Mama turns on her tape and listens to her Word and prophecies, and I read my Word on paper. I read a combination of things--new GNs that I get for final approval, lots and lots of prophecies which members of our Home and other WS units receive on a multitude of topics, older Letters, and GNs. One Word project I've been working on for over a year now is going through all the milestone GNs from the past few years, and pulling out all the key quotes and categorizing them. Eventually, we hope to be able to put all these very feeding clips into a new MOP book.”

       So there you have it. Mama also loves to listen to the regular pubs that come out. Peter too, of course. Every two weeks, we put together a “sample mailing” of all the pubs that were sent out to the Family and give them to Mama and Peter. That way they can get caught up on the pubs that they haven't read yet or seen laid out, etc. But back to Mama's interest in the other pubs (meaning pubs other than the GNs), she's never misses going over the Grapevine,Eve or Kidland, all of which she approves. And just a few weeks back, she listened to the two “Discovering the Power” FSMs for her own inspiration, featuring your testimonies about how the keys are working for you. She loved those two FSMs! She just asked for a copy of the “Love and Marriage” FSM yesterday as well. Don't miss those!
       And as for the others of us in WS and in Mama's Home who sometimes have our lessons, battles, and prophecies featured in GNs … well, you'd better believe we sit down and have Word time, even if it's reviewing our own lessons from time to time.
       Admittedly, sometimes it is a little embarrassing when the whole Home is reading a new GN for devotions and people start glancing your way with those sweet encouraging smiles J … but hey, it's doing the humble thing, and nobody gloats over it, 'cause they know if they haven't had a turn yet, they might be next, ha. No, in all honesty, even though it may kill a bit of the old pride, we're happy to share our lessons for the Family's benefit.
       In our Home, as well as the other WS units from my investigation, we in WS keep up with all the current GNs coming out, and also sometimes read personal prophecies from individuals in our Home(s) that the shepherds compile (with permission from the individuals, of course, and editing out personal details), and at other times we go back to the oldie goldies and read from Volumes 1 or 2, or whatever inspirational and feeding Letter the Lord leads us to. So yes, we aim for variety while keeping up with the latest.
       In fact, TODAY (April 2, 2002) for devotions, we watched The Digital Kitchen's new CodeBreakers Bible class via video series. Check out the ad in GV #129, which we read and promptly ordered the series. And we just received the first 10 hours of 52 to come. Don't miss it! Quite cool. Courtesy of Tiago, Benny, and David Komic, and I'm sure a host of other unseen folks who contributed. It's loaded with facts, Bible history, movie clips, humor, and even some interesting trivia.


Have you just drained every last drop of news and New Wine from the latest mailing envelope? Feeling a tad dejected at the fact that the next mailing is two weeks off? Well un-deject!!* The Web team updates the MO site newswire section with fascinating stories ALMOST DAILY.--And it's stuff that appears NOWHERE ELSE.
       And then, to gain that feeling of connectedness with your worldwide Fam, don't forget to check out the Art and Photos section, there are beautiful (new!) faces to be seen there EVERY WEEK! And ... by the way ... send in your photo today!
       --From someone who's addicted to the MO site

       *No, you will not find this word in your dictionary.

* * *

       Do you wonder at times how to continue to pour into our children and young people?
       Do you hope for new ideas to ignite the passion in your care of children?
       Do you need a boost in your childcare ministry or long to read about how other parents and teachers do it?
       Do you have any true-life accounts with quality input along these lines that you could share with other teachers and parents?
       It can be your tips, testimonies, experiences, desires, and burdens. It can be serious, humorous, thought provoking. It can be whatever you have to say about the wonderful world of childcare. But we need to hear it from you.
       Send in your experiences and articles today to the Grapevine.


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up


Kevin Costner, Susanna Thompson
       After experiencing various seemingly supernatural encounters, a doctor begins to believe that his dead wife is trying to contact him from beyond the grave.

       (Dad:) It's very interesting to see the number of movies that involve contact with the dead, messages from the dead, experiences with the dead, because it reflects the curiosity people feel, the desire to understand the world beyond this one.
       God bless Kevin Costner for taking on this topic, and attempting to weave a story around it. He did a good job, and the movie is a good one for the Family to see. It shows how widespread the skepticism is out there about things of the spirit, but it also shows how very real the spiritual world can become, when one hears the near-death experiences of so many.

       (Jesus:) It's heavy, and not for the sensitive. Though it has a very good message overall, it dwells on the dark side quite a bit--not dark in the way of evil spirits--but just a very spooky portrayal of spirit beings' communications with those on Earth. There are parts that would not be good for people who have fears along the lines of ghosts and the spirit world. You know that you have protection in the spirit world and there is nothing to be fearful of as long as you're staying in sync with Me. When some of you have taken spirit trips or had experiences with angels or spirit beings, they've usually been positive and inspiring, not scary in anyway. The producers of this movie tried to give the whole subject a very spooky twist, in hopes that it would attract more viewers and make more money, which is sad. In essence, however, the message of this movie was basically right on.
       It's surprising that a movie with such controversial subject matter about the spirit world and life-after-death experiences actually got through. There was no reference to Me, really--but there was the indirect message about salvation: “If you believe, you'll go [to Heaven].”
       Of course, not everything in this movie was Scriptural, but without giving away too much of the plot, the fact of the matter is that there are times that I allow contact between the departed and their loved ones on Earth, for one reason or another.
       This movie will have more of an impact on people in the world than it will on Family members, since you already have so much truth on the subject of the spirit world and help from the spirit. Nevertheless, you'll enjoy it and find it interesting, thought provoking and edifying.
       The terminally ill children, although they have only fairly minor parts, are really the stars of this show. They're the closest to Heaven, and good samples of faith and trust in the face of serious affliction, which is something that quite a few of our Family children go through, either directly or indirectly when a parent, sibling, or someone they're close to is afflicted. It will also help the Family feel for people who are desperate for love and answers. This film is worthwhile for lots of reasons.


George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon
       A former thief, freshly released from prison, gets together a group of his old buddies to plan a major casino heist.

       (Jesus:) This is an entertaining, well-done caper* movie, with a tightly woven plot that many people will enjoy. There's not much violence or foul language, which is a plus for it, but it does have its share of the regular Hollywood deal, where “bad” guys are good guys, and it's also quite unrealistic. Though this movie is not filled with many lessons, if you want to merely watch something for fun and entertainment, this is as harmless as a robbery movie gets, and is fine for a mature audience.
       *caper: a dangerous or illegal activity, especially one involving robbery (informal)


Owen Wilson, Gene Hackman
       Action/adventure movie about a U.S. Navy navigator trying to make his way out from behind enemy lines after his plane is shot down.

If there is one thing that this movie is a clear picture of, it's how Americans worship their might, and how their power blinds them to the bigger picture of what is really happening in the world. They don't really care. All they care about is themselves, and this movie brings that out very clearly. The fact that the Americans are made out to be the heroes in the movie shows you just how deluded they have become. But if you can look past that, there are other things you can take away from this movie--such as the principle that, even if you can't see the battle, it doesn't mean that you're not at war.
       The main character starts out despising his place in the military, seeking a way out, feeling like all his training has been a waste. But when he unexpectedly finds himself in the thick of the action, he suddenly realizes what all that training and preparation was for, and that it could end up saving his life if he's careful.
       So if you ask the Lord to help you choose the good and eschew the evil, there are some good gems that you can glean from this movie, especially in light of some of the things the Lord is now asking and requiring of you, as His elite Endtime troops.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up


Mariah Carey, Max Beesley
       Drama about a young singer who is eager to become a big star, and dates a DJ who helps her get into the music business. Loosely based on Mariah's life story.

This movie is a peek into the world of a young girl who is propelled into stardom. As you watch this movie, let it break your heart for those poor souls who get caught up in the stardom scene, and let it cause you to pray for them. So many of them start out like the sweet girl in the movie, a young person who is talented, yet young and inexperienced. They are just normal people with lives like anyone else, struggling through life to make ends meet. Just like everyone they have that empty place in their heart that they're looking to be filled with love. They are really just searching for Me, but get caught in the Devil's web instead.
       This movie shows clearly that all that glitters is not gold. The girl in this movie is like a lot of people whom I bless with talent--sweet and innocent and loving, yet often naïve--so they get caught by the big money boys who use them for their own gain. The big money boys don't really care about the person and their feelings. Although her boyfriend wanted to help her make it and really cared about her and was trying to watch out for her, he really didn't have enough power to be able to. The movie shows how little control the one with talent really has and how much control the System has over them.
       Anyone who thinks a life of fame and glory is the good life, the free life, better think again. The only thing that sort of life does is destroy your personal and real life and eventually your soul if you don't come to know Me. Once you get in the System's grip you are totally controlled by it, and it ruins the things you should hold dearest to you--your relationships and friendship with others.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

Brian Deacon
       Adapted from the original Jesus video, this is the story of Jesus as seen through the eyes of children who might have lived during the time He was here on Earth. (Though this movie is rated for OCs, parts could be shown to younger children at the parents' or teachers' discretion, after previewing and hearing from the Lord.)

The makers of this movie were in tune with Me--for I wanted children to know the story of My life as seen through the eyes of children who knew Me when I walked the earth. This is a very Spirit-led rendition of My life.
       Because of a few graphic scenes--namely, Peter cutting off an ear and My crucifixion--I suggest the OC age rating, but younger kids could see this provided their parents or teachers approve and take into consideration the temperament and current condition of their kids, and receive My confirmation. But this is not a Treasure Attic, which young kids can view without close supervision.
       You'd also have to explain some parts, such as when the boys get in a fight and the others stand there and cheer them on to keep fighting. I wouldn't want them to watch that over and over as it would set a wrong standard for them, and since this is supposed to be about Me and therefore something they would overall be drinking in, you would have to be careful about that.
       Also much emphasis is put on the father who is so out of it. Though he does seem to change in the end, young children can't read the facial expressions of remorse and would not catch that he had repented. With young ones I would skip the graphic part of My being nailed to the cross, as this is usually not shown so graphically, as those of the past were aware that it would be something that would stick in children's minds and that it was unnecessary to plague their young, innocent minds with this. It's true and it happened, but not everything needs to be so graphically pictured for the little ones.


(Nicole Kidman; 2001)
(Jesus:) This movie is a disappointing portrayal of the spirit world, a tale of one who was insane and knew Me not. It portrays the main character as a “good Catholic,” and it is a mockery to Me and I am deeply displeased.
       Instead of turning the world toward Me or creating in them an interest for the spirit world and life after death, this movie throws a bucket of cold water on the glories that are beyond this life, and it will be disillusioning for the people of the world. It will be unsatisfying and a waste of time for My children to view, and I would that you avoid it. The negative in this movie far outweighs the positive.


       Check out the MO site to read: A Beautiful Mind--An UglyAgenda; “Cinematic Glorification of Psychiatric Drugs.” &&&
“Unrating” rated movies?

From WS movie preview department
Recently we've received a couple of comments suggesting … “In light of the new GNs, why don't we take the videos off of the approved video list that don't have much meaning or are only for entertainment?” Some have written in with specific titles of movies that they feel should be taken off the WS movie lists.
       We thought to explain that, in light of the “Conviction/Compromise” and Feast 2002 GNs, and the Lord's recent emphasis on our being separate from the world and taking on His mind more, we have made and will continue to make an effort to be more prayerful and selective in the movies we rate, as well as asking the Lord for sufficient counsel to send out to you along with the movie ratings.
       Going through all the old movie ratings, however, and reconsidering their rating (which would involve re-watching or at least re-praying about them) would be quite a time-consuming task and, with all else that we have to do, including trying to keep up with new watchable movies, we simply wouldn't have the time for such a project. We trust that within your Home you will pray and ask the Lord about what you watch, and that He'll help guide your choices accordingly. It's not necessarily guaranteed that because a movie is on a WS-rated movie list from however many years ago, that it's going to be quality edifying entertainment--especially if they were rated before mid-1998, when we started getting the Lord's and Dad's input on the movie ratings and publishing messages along with them, which we believe has helped a lot. So please hear from the Lord as you go, and pray that we can be wise in selecting and rating new movies.

in My arms
       Written by Eva, USA: John (16), of (Byron and Meekness)
went to be with the Lord on April 1st, Easter Sunday. John had battled with many physical and mental afflictions since he was a child, and the last four years had been particularly trying as he was having up to twelve seizures a week. John had severe allergies to many foods that caused his seizures, until the point that there were only about four foods left that he could safely eat. He would often lose his memory for a period of days after his seizures and while he fought valiantly, he sometimes grew withdrawn and depressed. His parents had taken him to a number of hospitals and even one of best detox centers in the country, but nothing brought the breakthroughs in his help that they sought.
       Despite his afflictions, John loved the Lord and the Word. He loved witnessing and winning souls and was a faithful witness. But he battled discouragement over his physical condition to the point of being suicidal, a condition that he received much prayer, therapy, and help with over the years. Sadly in a period of depression over his battles, he took his own life on April 1st.
       Please pray for Bryon and Meekness' comfort and encouragement, as well for the others in their Home. Please call on the power of the keys for grace, healing, and comfort.

       (Jesus speaking:)
I know you have many questions in your heart and mind. You are sore troubled. Let Me comfort you. Even though John made the wrong choice and did not heed My calls to him and your calls to him, nevertheless, I can bring beauty out of this tragedy. Though you grieve and feel the loss of your son, I will wipe the tears from your eyes and comfort you.
       I now have John in My arms, and now that he is Home with Me, I will be able to wipe away the confusion and heal the weakness of his mind. I can now give him a new start. He can now begin to learn his lessons in the most ideal setting possible, and in time, he will rise from the ashes of his own defeat to help others.
       Take comfort in My arms, dear ones. I will soothe your spirits and speak to your hearts. Do not chastise yourself. I know all, I see all, and I tell you to cast your burden upon Me and let Me sustain you. I will bring you healing, comfort, rest, and strength. (End of message from Jesus.)

       (John speaking:)
I'm Home, and sorrow encompasses me about. Mom and Dad, I'm so incredibly sorry. I wasn't planning on going that far. I wasn't really going to go through with it. But I acted it out so far, that I actually did. And now I've left you shattered. I can hardly believe it. I know you forgive me, and that the Lord forgives me, but I am basically devastated for what I have done. I don't know how to make this up to you. I'm so sorry. Once the Lord is ready to bring me closer into His courts, I'm going to beg to be of service to you, to do all I can to make this up to you [he weeps again, heavy weeping]. I know He wipes away all tears. And I know this time of sorrow will pass. So don't worry about me. I'm going to be fine, and there will be no more health problems, and no more mental problems, no more rebellion either. I'm so sorry.
       I don't want you to cry any longer. It was not your fault. It was mine, all mine. And I knew that then, and know it even more so now. In the long run, we'll be able to rejoice again some day. But for now, my heart breaks to see how I broke your hearts. You are parents that are worthy of honor, and I dishonored you. Please forgive me. I know you have, but I don't deserve it. I love you. I love you. I love you. It's all going to turn out well now. He's in full control and it will all work out well. Please do not feel you failed me. You didn't fail me, I failed you. And He has forgiven. That's where we've got to stay focused now, on His forgiveness. I love you, Mom and Dad-your indebted son, John. (End of excerpts of message from John.)

       Written by Samuel and Heidi, France:
Our daughter Marie-Claire (13) went to be with the Lord last night. (She was suffering from bone cancer.) Since Friday afternoon (Good Friday) she had a lot of difficulty breathing, and she had a hard time talking. She didn't want us to leave her alone for one minute. She asked us to pray for her a few times. She was so sweet telling us thank you when we were giving her water or fixing her pillow.
       At 6:00 p.m. Saturday (March 30) she fell asleep and stopped breathing at 7:15 p.m. We got the impression that she had already gone before in her sleep.
       She's been so sweet and cheerful, a sample of faith and trust. We love her so much and we're going to miss her. It's Easter today and she's starting a new life.

       Please pray for Samuel and Heidi's encouragement, comfort, and strength during this difficult time. (See MO site for a picture of Marie-Claire: )

       (Jesus speaking:)
You've been more than conquerors, My loves. you've passed the ultimate testing of love--giving the very thing you love the most into My arms to care for and trusting Me that I know the plan and am accomplishing it to perfection.
       Marie-Claire, when she was Here in heaven before joining you there on Earth, knew the plan from the start. She knew that her life there was going to be short and difficult in some ways, but she said that she'd rather have had a little bit of you and the unique and precious time there with you and a chance to make your lives just a little more blessed, than a whole lot of life with anyone else.
       You'll come to realize that as you grow more and more closely linked to the spiritual side of My Kingdom through your bond with Marie-Claire, you'll realize more and more that you haven't lost her, but that she's even closer to you now than before and more a part of your life than ever. (End of excerpts of message from Jesus.)

requests from you

Your monthly prayer days

       Can we hear from other field Homes about how they do their monthly prayer day (or twice monthly prayer mornings)?
       --Home in Senegal

Dear Family,
       If you have any input, new ideas, thoughts or suggestions on conducting inspiring monthly prayer days, please send them in to the Grapevine. Thanks so much!
       Love, your GV editors

China ministry: Our hearts' desire

By Patrick and Renee*, China [*aliases used]

       Long, long ago we wanted to start a ministry for children. Then that idea grew into starting a ministry for children and parents. Then that grew into the desire to have some kind of school from which we could minister to families. We have quite a large family ourselves, so this seemed to be a good project for us. We've worked in Family schools, home-schooled, and finally had some experience working in a System Christian school, but still wanted to start our own. These were our hearts' desires.
       A year after being here, we decided to take the step towards opening our own English language school, and the Lord opened many doors. The situation gets us into high circles, and has brought us many friends. There are some sweet and searching people in those spheres, just as the Lord said there would be. Our childrendraw a lot of attention too, and it has brought us a lot of notoriety. It's a total miracle of the Lord that we're even here! The Lord told us that our job was to be like the “city set on the hill,” and that's what's happened.
       One way Jesus gave us to be a testimony in the midst of all this was to use some of the profits from our school to help support a project for the poor. This also has won us many friends who admire the example, and have given us pretty good favor with the “powers that be.” We recently received a touching letter of thanks from one of these poor junior high students, who without that help wouldn't be able to study. In the letter he said something to the effect of us being a light in his life when he felt there was no hope for him to rise above his gloomy, poor life. It really motivated us to keep going.
       We also got a personal letter of thanks from a prominent government official. Here, our love has to be proven by our actions, and then the sermon can follow later in a more personal form. That's just the way it's got to be for now, but many are taking notice.
       This country is presently in a historical moment of change, and is quite concerned about learning English, so the school is growing. We've adapted some CLE-type methods, along with condensing the basics of an American school curriculum, to make the experience like going to an international school, but without paying such a monumental price, and also adapted to the short amount of time a student here has available. They spend many hours at their studies as it is, without taking on extra classes (which they do anyway with a passion). Most seem to enjoy it.
       Since our school is, in a sense, somewhat exclusive, many of those that come are from the upper class and so we have a good opportunity to meet the parents and help with their kids in more areas than just scholastics. We have regular one-on-one parent conferences, seminars about parenting, and are starting to produce a school bulletin. The school has a comfortable sitting room with TV, DVD, etc., and a reading material rack and take-out library being formed. All this gives a way to feed the hungry hearts who can then draw closer to the Lord.
       One latest development is a music band formed from some of us teachers and a couple of our daughters, and we're about to make our debut. The proceeds of the concert will go to help the poor. We're trying to say what we can, given the circumstances, through our music, too. Some talented local musician friends, one of whom actually has a music school, are helping us and are coming along in their growth. They feel fulfilled to be able to use their talents for something meaningful.
       Yet another door that's opening is the opportunity to produce our own teaching materials because we have our own school. You can be sure we're putting all the message we can into them. Our first project is something like progressive graduated Ladybird Readers, but teaching moral lessons to children. If this is successful, we'll make others and can possibly market them. Besides this, we have a chance to contribute to an English newspaper that goes to all the schools in this province (about 250,000 students), since we're getting more known in the education department and are called on for help. We also have an opportunity to contribute to a women's/family mag and hope to branch off into a regular English/local language mag for children and another for teens. These things are very popular here, and usually, the teen magazines have a pretty bad message. The possibilities are opening up and we can't do it all ourselves. Would any of you like to contribute with writing, art, layout or related talents? Like we said before, the idea is to put in as much message as we can, being within a closed country.
       Sometimes it's a real three-ring circus, or as our friends say, a “train station of activity!” It's fun, though and satisfying. It's good to get used up doing something good, and in this place, there's always something to do! There's no lack in the people to feed, only in the people to provide feeding, as well as teachers for the school, as well as people to produce some of the local publications we're hoping to work on, as well as people who like to work with young kids and teens of our Home. The list goes on, as we're sure it does in your Home.
       Would you be interested in helping in some way? It could be by coming and teaching in the school, or helping to administrate it. We need those talents, and if possible, experience. It could be by contributing to an English club magazine, compiling meaningful articles from our abundance of already existing material, or writing yourself. It could be by making meaningful English-teaching material for the school(s). We may be expanding soon. If none of the above, of course, any financial support is welcome, so we're not just tied up in “a business,” although fruitful, but can be freer to follow up on all these people we're meeting. Most of all, we need and appreciate your prayers. We're more open than what is usual here, so we really need the Lord's safe keeping and guidance.
       If you want to contact us for more information, please write to: pcdesk@attglobal.net addressed to CN634.

       Healing key:
Prayers prayed in full faith and in the name of the keys for those who are sick bring immediate results. I go to work right away in the spirit to bring comfort, encouragement, strength, healing, and renewal.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
       From Pablo and Joy, Colombia:
David Santiago (1) was on the Prayer List for healing of his hip, and that he wouldn't have to wear a brace. One of our sheep is a therapist, and after just two months of treatments, he was completely healed!
       From Lirio, Mexico:
Angel David (4) went for his checkup (he had open heart surgery over six months ago). We had claimed his healing through the power of the keys, and in answer to that he was given a clean bill of health by the doctor who said that he is 100% A-OK! He won't need any further surgery or medication for his recovery. Thank You, Jesus! His next checkup will be in 2003. Please continue to pray for his general health and that mucous will not collect in his lungs, as he has an ongoing runny nose and a lot of congestion.

Europe and Africa
: Hepatitis C.
       Nina (of Martin): Seriously injured hand in car accident.
       Paul: Hepatitis C. Jaundice. Doctors say he is beyond medication.

South America
: Cancer.
       Suko (18, of Lirio): Frequent and debilitating pain in knee from a previous injury.
       Flower: Fallen womb and gallbladder stones.
       Michael Ryan (baby, of Pierre and Renee): Erbs palsy, which is a paralyzed shoulder, arm.
       Talitha (19, of Juan and Ruth Marie): Ovarian cyst. Will undergo an operation.
       Carisa (5 months, of Zeb and Kristy): Spina bifida.
       Mary (of Pierre): Arthritis in her hands, causing almost constant pain.
       Rafael (10 months, of Danny and Lizzy): Dengue fever.
       Maresha (19): Tendonitis in wrist.

       Sharlene Faye
(5 months, of Andrew and Praise): Infectious diarrhea and Cavernous Hemangioma (tumor of the blood vessels) below her right cheek.
       Sue (of Steven): Internal hemorrhoids. [Note: In GV #129, this prayer request was incorrectly listed as being for Steven.]

Going Seminar: Embracing the latest counsel

By Abe and Mercy, Taiwan
Over the past six months we have held three childcare seminars in primary schools around our city. These seminars are usually organized by one of the parents' support groups. To start things off on the right foot, we have eight of our nine children (ages 4 to 14) put on a 20-minute show of mostly local songs. Right away everybody understands that we not only talk about parenting, but that we have the living proof that what we preach works in real life. That's just the opposite of the usual “childcare experts” who sometimes speak at these get-togethers. Many parents comment that these highly educated people often leave parents confused and scratching their heads about how to put things into practice in real life.
       Mercy gives a one-hour speech on a down-to-earth subject such as “How to Really Love your Child.” Her speech is always chock-full of real-life tips and examples. Toward the end of her talk she puts in a plug for our tools, which are on display on a table. By that time the parents are very inspired about everything they have seen and heard, and as soon as class is over, they make a beeline for our tool table where Elisabeth (14), Evelyn (12) and Erika (11) do their best to handle the throng of customers. In the meantime, Abe keeps the younger children occupied.
Before our last seminar we all laid hands on Mercy and claimed the power of the keys for her. As we had just finished studying through the two latest GNs on parenting (ML #3388-3389, GN 984-985), the Lord inspired Mercy to use excerpts from one of the prophecies as her keynote. She told these mothers, “Imagine sending your children out into a wild and dangerous jungle without a map and without the survival skills for such a journey. You couldn't expect them to learn everything on their own. Such parents think they are doing their kids a service by being so overindulgent or they just don't see the fact that they are raising them with a lack of discipline in their lives, and the sad thing is that in the years to come both the parents and the children will suffer because of it” (adapted from ML #3388:137).
       After that, Mercy went on to talk about how to practically train children to be responsible, and what survival skills they will need in terms of discipline and training. Many parents felt quite convicted about the lack of discipline and training they had invested in their children's lives, so Mercy felt led to end her talk on a positive note based on the following quote from GN985: “No matter how bad the situation, no matter how dark the picture looks, or what the lack is or how far your children seem to stray, you have the love of the Lord, the power of the keys, the Word, the knowledge that nothing is impossible, and the ability to rise above to help you over the rough spots.”
       Though Mercy couldn't get into the power of the keys, the Lord helped her to translate the message of this quote into System terms so the mothers could catch the spirit of it. She told them that when you feel your child does not deserve your love is when they need your love the most, that a parent should never give up on his or her children, but be there for the child and help him through the rough times, even when the child himself does not seem to want the help. Many mothers were crying during this part, and afterwards quite a few came up and hugged Mercy warmly, which is very unusual for Chinese to do in public.
       One of the mothers who hugged Mercy the longest and cried at the same time, told her, “Everything you told us today was a jewel and a light for us, especially the last part.” Then she shared a moving testimony about her sister's two children who got into all kinds of trouble in their youth, so much so that their own father completely gave up on them. But their grandfather never gave up hope and was always there for them no matter how bad they were. Two years later these two teenagers had a complete turnaround. Today one of them is a professor, and the other holds an important position in the government. They often say that if it wasn't for their grandfather's love and hope, there is no telling how their lives would have turned out. It was a beautiful fulfillment of the message the Lord had led Mercy to share.
       That evening, a mother called us to say how touched she was by all she had heard, and invited us to another school for a similar seminar. She said that she saw such light and freedom and joy in our children's dancing and singing. Previously she was thinking how much she had to “sacrifice” for her two children, but when she saw our family and saw how much joy we took in caring for them, she now wants to have the same spirit of maturity and giving in her own life. PTL! We are encouraged about these doors the Lord has opened, and to find such a vacuum for our wonderful Family teaching and for the living Words the Lord gives for today's needs and situations.
       GV editor:
God bless dear Abe and Mercy for being such faithful witnesses. As Dad often said, your children are some of your greatest assets, and they are once again proving this true! Aside from these testimonies, we've also heard that Abe and Mercy are in desperate need of personnel so that they can do more for the Lord in their city, reach more people, build a national church, as well as have more hands to raise the “church” the Lord has given them in their beautiful family. Do you feel the Lord's tug on your heart? If so, don't hesitate to get in touch with them and let them know (via PACRO).

letters to the editor

Re: Child DisciplineGN

By Ginny (of Chris), USA

When I saw the new GNs on discipline (GN 984-985) directed to us parents, I was thrilled. It's just what we have been needing! I know as a parent how easy it is to become numb to what your child/children are doing, and the ways they are off track. Because there has been less shepherding over the past few years, and people have been more on their own, we need all the help we can get to get back in the groove of helping each other with the discipline of our children.
       I was very convicted by the overall message of laziness, as I know I have fallen into that with the discipline and oversight of my last remaining-at-home child. I have tried to keep her spiritual training, Word time, etc., as a priority, but I know I have fallen short of what the standard is, LHM.
       The part about the way things have changed and kids expecting more multimedia entertainment was so good. Discernment about what parents expose their children to has been a concern. For example, we see a lot of parents, both FGA and SGA, allowing their very young children, around three or four, to watch movies or videos rated for JETTs or even junior teens sometimes. Then they wonder where their kids get attitudes from at such young ages.
       I know in the past years I personally have been guilty of compromise in lack of shepherding parents I've lived with or known who are not raising their children in the way that they should be. But there has also been that blockage in spirit that causes them to not believe the Word and to look to the System for the standard, so exposing all of this is a great help.

By an FGA mother, Asia
I was excited to see these Letters, because I was already planning to write something about the need for such counsel, as lately the situations I have seen regarding discipline of children, even since the Conviction vs. Compromise series has been disquieting, to say the least. For example, I know a SGA couple with an almost two-year-old child. Their philosophy for disciplining (or shall we say, not disciplining) their toddler has been a cause of concern to those they live with. The couple is very sensitive and not so open to counsel when people have tried to talk with them about it. We have tried to shepherd them via the Word, by giving them things to read on the subject, but it doesn't seem to make much difference. The mom, at least, echoed many of the things that were brought out in the GN, such as, “I don't want to discipline my kids like I was disciplined.”
       Their child is frequently unhappy and whiney, throwing fits often, etc. The parents don't endorse the fits or give him what he wants, but they choose to ignore him when he has a tantrum as a way to discipline him for having one, which hasn't produced the desired results (of fewer or no tantrums). Some of us have been very desperate with the Lord about how to get through to them and help them receive the counsel they need, so these GNs are really a big answer to prayer. I know they will now sit up and take notice, and it will make our job of trying to counsel and shepherd them with the Word much easier.

The mission field with no borders!

By Gentleness Fighter (of Jahmai), USA
Technically, I'm between mission fields. But I wonder: Am I really between mission fields or am I a missionary to a different mission field--a special mission field that has no known borders?
       On this mission field you don't even need a certain passport to get into it; there aren't even any visa costs. There are no immigration guards at the border looking at you severely and scrutinizing you, your paperwork or your (abundant!) luggage. The customs of this field are pretty easy to learn, especially if you have a good imagination and a certain amount of creativity. You do need a touch of diligence, the ministry of helps, and a few other attributes might be helpful, but really, they're easily learned. Plane fares and landing funds are extremely reasonable; sometimes the Lord can give you free trips to accompany students to new countries, or get you incredible discounts on travel fares.--All to reward the needed personnel who return time and time again to this special country. You'd be amazed!
       Well, you must think I'm a bit over-zealous--why am I practically advertising and trying to recruit missionaries for “my” mission field, when there are so many needy projects, exciting fields, and then there are all the recent Word pushes going on. My timing could seem a bit off. In case you're feeling a bit bewildered and wondering what country I'm talking about, I'll give you a few more clues. It's known as “The Mission Field with No Borders,” yet it is not situated in one continental area on this earth. It's really everywhere--a truly international mission field!
       Am I still confusing you? I really don't mean to, it's just that I don't think “my” mission field gets enough coverage. So I decided to write this.
       Drum roll.
My mission field is the CHILDREN of the Family, from ages 0-16, and on up. I consider it to be a very needy and real mission field. Children are very exciting people! They're just NOT full-grown yet. But the day will come when they will be. In order for them to be as much as they can be, they need someone like you or me! Or maybe a lot of “somebodies” to pour into them in an age-appropriate manner; actually, they need as many “anybodies” as we can find to make our lifestyle as easy as possible for them to understand.
       Feeding them regular age-appropriate Word bites; teaching them to use the new weapons; interceding for others on needy mission fields with them, and then looking for the resultant answers to those prayers; preparing them first, and then taking them out witnessing and on follow-up; forming singing groups or helping them start a band, or learning theater and skits to do for sheep, are all features of this mission field. Training them to learn a new skill or hobby that will enhance their feeling of fulfillment; sharing the joys and excitement of our lifestyle; teaming up with other Homes to take road trips that will inspire and build their faith for the future; sharing that faith in and love for the Word; enjoying fun times to build happy memories; these are just a few of the building stones that we can offer our children.
       Our children and young people are disciples in training, and we're training them now or we should be. But are we doing it enough? Are we giving them enough? At times our busy, exciting lifestyle can limit what we pour into our kids and young people. But now we can claim the power of the keys, and then our loving Husband will show us more ways to give our children and young people as much as we possibly can.
       Jesus is going to need all the full-of-faith, wholehearted disciples that He can possibly get a hold of. I don't think that He will be looking at the ages of those wholehearted disciples, but instead at the level of faith of His disciples, and their heartfelt prayers.
       Join me in my quest on this mission field by starting today to pour into our children as many of the treasures of His Word, old and new, that we can. There are lots of us on the Mission Field with No Borders, and we would welcome as many of you who would like to come to give us a hand, so that together we can reap as many young missionary disciples as we can, and at the same time we'll be strengthening the future of the Family and the world. So please come! We're waiting for you!

home-schooling corner

More cheers for Alpha-Omega SOS program

By Steven and Faith, Bali
We have been using SOS (Switched-On Schoolhouse, by Alpha-Omega) for a while now with all our young people from 5th grade to 11th grade. It's been a blessing for us busy parents. It saves us all the headaches of correcting and grading etc. It's very similar to CLE in content*, but it's a CD-ROM interactive program and the children like it better. Try it, you just might like it!
       (*Note: As we understand, the CLE program was originally based on the Alpha-Omega program. CLE obtained the rights to use the workbook material and they gradually rewrote and revised it, and finally largely replaced it with their own materials for their schools.)

Routines and goals

By Joyful Free, India
When our five- and six-year-old first started on CLE, it was difficult for them to concentrate. Having games at the beginning of school, shiner prizes, etc., has helped them over the hump, as well as setting goals. For example, they know if they finish seven pages of schoolwork, they are done for the day. At first even one or two pages was a battle, but now it has become a routine and they can easily finish.
       I've learned it's important to pass these routines on to the ones replacing me when I go out, as otherwise it's easy for the kids to fall back to a lower standard.

Using Family materials for teaching

By Joy (of Matt), Brazil
The “Conviction vs. Compromise” series part 5, about home schooling vs. System schools is a total answer to prayer! I know the Family is weak in some areas of educating and training of our children, especially spiritual training, for all the reasons Mama mentioned--the main one being our lack of conviction. The first page of the CCHB (CCHB, pg. vi) says exactly what Mama said in part 5: Dad is discouraging our children from pursuing higher education, and explaining his vision of how much school our kids should have, what type of school, etc.
       Our materials are the best. I am fully convinced of this! I've been home schooling our five kids and have used all kinds of books, but lately I have been going back to the CCHBs, using the principles laid there as the basis of our education. I don't mind using A Beka and CLE for workbooks, as this does save work, but when we get into history, social studies, science, and God's natural laws, the Letters and our pubs have so much to offer. Dad's jewels on social studies, history, health, and every aspect of life can never be compared to System books.
       Like Mama mentioned, System school is the initiation to life as a flatlander, so if we are going to build a new world, why not start completely differently? Rather than having our kids learn these different views from System books, and then having to relearn everything again from the Word.
       For example, my son is very interested in history and he's been studying A Beka and different books, but there are times when Dad's view on these subjects is quite different, since he was getting direct revelations from the Lord. If we used references to the Word on these subjects, we would be more ahead in that child's life, instead of having him read and learn direct from a System book and then later--sometimes much later on--have to present a complete different point of view from the Word.
       After using these System materials for years, I had even stopped using the CCHB for a while. Just recently I went back to it and realized that I was slowly straying from the principles laid down in it by Dad. Our kids' education has to be directly linked with their spiritual training in the Word. I think our biggest mistake is when we separate the scholastics and the spiritual too much. As mentioned in the GNs, it's hard to find a System book that doesn't have some little messages in there from the Enemy.
       I know we can still use System materials, as there are a lot of good things available, particularly from Christian educators and writers, but I think it would be good to somehow strengthen our basics in these areas.

Teaching facts and balancing with the spiritual input

By an SGA, WS
Family materials definitely are the best at giving our kids the spiritual input they need. But something that teachers and parents might want to keep in mind when preparing study topics is that in some Family reference material there isn't all the information, such as specific dates, that you would find in a secular or even Christian school book. Sometimes that's good, because a fair amount of the content is just head-stuffing--but other times, there's good information to learn. What my mom did with us, that I thought was fairly balanced, was when we did a history study, we got the historical details and facts from A Beka, which was the schooling program we used, but then she'd assign us a ML or a portion of a Letter where Dad talks about that country, situation or event as well. From my other research (I'd go to the library every few weeks), I was getting the numerous dates, details, places, and names that weren't necessarily included in the Letters.
       For example, I did a very extensive study on Russia when I was in my early teens. My essay was pages long, and I did research in libraries and got a lot from A Beka. Then I was also assigned a ML from one of the GN books, called “World History!--And Russia,” as well as “Rasputin--Hero or Heel” and a few other Letters, which gave me the Family input. My mom also gave me similar assignments (or sometimes she told me to research a ML myself on that topic) when I studied up on Rome, the American Revolution, the British Empire, and other historical events or empires. I liked the fact that I was getting all aspects of the picture, because I could often find something in a history book that supported everything Dad was saying, but it was also a fuller picture of what I was studying, and it gave me more to write about.
       I think it's important to have a balance on both sides--using both to complement each other. Our schoolbooks were all Christian-based and gave a good angle on some stuff. Of course, one problem with A Beka is that they're very pro-American, but I skipped a lot of that, as I studied British and European history instead.

Schooling our kids

Excerpt of a note to Mama from Mercy (of Byron), Europe
After reading in part 5 of the “Conviction vs. Compromise” series about your concern for our children's education, I wanted to write on this particular topic. One aspect that I am concerned about is the various curriculums some in the Family have been using. While I fully agree that using a Christian curriculum is 100% better than sending our children to System school, I have been wondering about the churchy flavor these curriculums have and whether they may have a connection with some of the churchy attitudes that have entered the Family.
       Reading over various articles, it seems that many parents in the Family have chosen to use Christian curriculums for their children. Of course, it is easier to use a fully made curriculum than the Family's, since ours is not complete with teachers' books and drill work. However, I often wondered if these courses may not be an avenue to some churchy views on things and lead to a desire for some to conform to average Christianity and even churchianity.
       Many years ago, we received a beautifully laid out curriculum in A4 format, but many people probably do not have it. It is, however, included on the CVC Books CD and so can be printed out*. This curriculum is an extended version of the one published at the beginning of the CCHB 2 and 3. Later, the Family in Sweden elaborated on this curriculum** to include many references for the teacher straight from the pubs, as well as appropriate pages for drill work from the Super Work Books (now named Super Year Books). I still use this curriculum because many of the teacher's reference books are from the Family pubs and the drill work pages from the Super Work Books are minimal. Of course, this takes a bit more preparation than putting our kids in front of a ready-made course day after day, but I feel it's worth it because I know the input is more Word-based, Family-based, rather than churchy-based.
       Dad once said that we can take our pick from other religions and combine the various beliefs to be the best. I believe we can adapt that to our children's scholastics. For example, I find A Beka very good for 6th to 8th grade Math, so I use it. Then I think using CLE for 8th grade Language Arts is great. I also use CLE for the CVC courses in Sciences and Consumer Maths. On the other hand I felt CLE and A Beka have a too churchy and/or pro-American flavor in Social Studies, and so prefer to get info on these subjects elsewhere, especially from the pubs.
       Right now, I personally decided to do what I could to base my kids' school on the Word as much as possible, and if I use secular or Christian sources, to be sure the content is as consistent as possible with what we believe. In the instances that something comes up that isn't in agreement with our views, then I try to clearly explain it to the children and point them to the truth.
       Being a parent, and especially a teacher, is a big job. It takes more than just teaching facts; it takes discernment and awareness of all the material that comes into our children's hands. Then we must take the time to discuss it with them so that we can help them build opinions and attitudes that are based on the full truth of the Word and not the weakened truth of the churches or the lies of the system. I wonder if our parents realize that, or if they think that because A Beka, CLE, etc., is recommended by the Family, that everything taught by these courses is consistent with Family beliefs?
       Using the Family's curriculum has another advantage to me in that the first few years of school can be taught almost entirely from Family pubs. This gives the children an excellent foundation in the Word at the same time as being educational. For example, the Family has a unique approach to morals which are taught in Social Studies for younger children. In the Family, good morals are taught with humility and non-conformism, which is sweet and spontaneous without being overly religious, whereas in other Christian curriculums the approach often comes out a bit churchy and “goody-goody.”
       *Family Home Schooling Program now available on the MO site--in the CC/FED section!
       **Teachers Planner (also known as the Scandinavian Planner) now also available on the MO site!

You can make your own curriculum!

By Mercy (of Byron), Europe
All you need to do it is a CVC CD, a few good reference books, and some drill-work pages. On the CVC Books CD you will find the Family Home Schooling Program. From this you can expand and build your own curriculum that fits the needs of your children. If you set it up on a computer, you can even adapt it to each of your particular children to fit their needs, abilities and interests. To do the drill work, you can use any type of drill workbooks you wish (for example the Super Year Books--ex-Super Work Books).

Kidland for the full article on how to make your curriculum!

       (Note from CVC team: To find the Family Home Schooling Program, open the CVC Books CD. Go to BOOKS/homeschool_p/HSP.PDF. This is the Family Home Schooling Program. HSP2.PDF is the Teachers' Planner [see FSM 231], which was created when the Family in Scandinavia elaborated on the Family Home Schooling Program to include many references for the teacher from the pubs, as well as appropriate pages for drill work from the
Super Work Books. Sorry, this file has no cover page or title on the CD, but many thanks to those who worked so hard to put this together. We apologize for not including credits on the CVC CD.)

Helping other Homes

By Jeho, Consuelo, and Angel, Brazil
Angel is great on teaching scholastics and has been teaching her children for the last two years. The Lord gave us the idea of having her help other Homes in this area who are lacking personnel to school their children. Now she is going over to the other Home to help another sister with the schooling of her nine kids. She is going with the vision to help get the older ones in the area working on their CVC courses, which will help get them in the Word and also give them a challenge which they will see the fruit of.

Family schooling successful in the Navy's eyes

By Ginny, USA
My son did very well at boot camp and graduated as one of the best recruits out of the nearly 700 boys there. Chris paid for me to fly up and see him graduate. He won the academic excellence award for his division and nearly for the whole boot camp. Because of this, the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) and the Navy contacted us, wanting to publish an article on how a home-schooled guy did so well, since generally speaking the military looks down on home-schooled kids. We are praying about it and probably will do the interview, which we hope would be a blessing for the Family, too.

help wanted

       Dear sweet Family! My name is Magda, and I'm writing you from Africa, Namibia. I'm preparing to go from one very fruitful mission field to another one--CHINA. It's what the Lord is leading me to do. To be able to go there and start my service for the Lord, I need quite a big amount of money: US$2,500. If any of you would like to help me with a donation (even the smallest one counts!), I would be so thankful! You could send it to NB 1530. GBY for all your work for our dear Jesus! ILY!

Dearest Family,
       Hello, my name is Faith Shiner from Hyderabad, India (IA-27). About 12 years ago I underwent a breast cancer operation. Through this operation, the Lord has opened the door for me to pioneer a very fruitful ministry with counseling cancer patients and praying for them. Our work with cancer patients, especially those who are diagnosed as terminal, has received state recognition and many people have been miraculously healed.
       One thing that is very needful in our work with the cancer patients and which I have an urgent need for also, is prosthesis (artificial breast). In many countries women who have undergone surgery to remove one of their breasts frequently change their prosthesis and there are various organizations who collect these for re-use by the needy.
       For India, most people cannot afford these and consequently many female cancer patients are very disheartened. If you are in touch with any cancer association in your city or country, could you look into this for us and we can arrange for them to be brought into the country?
       Also as I stated above, I have an urgent need for one sized 5, right breast (two if possible) and would appreciate your contacting me as soon as possible if there is any way you could help.
       Our email address is: hydcanhelp@ns1.in-biz.net
       Thank you so very much! We love and need you!

       We want to ask for help from our worldwide Family. Our Home is in a quite desperate situation. We had a little baby boy and just took in a person to join our Home. (That means that our expenses are up but the finances are singing romances.) There is so much that still can be done and we don't think that it is the Lord's will to close the Home with 90 sheep, MM, Chinese witnessing, and Bible classes. We thought that rather than suffering in silence and cutting on food--we could ask our dear Family to help us. Please pray for us, or if the Lord lays it your heart to help us financially--send your contributions to Valentine Home, Vladivostock, Russia, RU004.

       Dear Family! We, Gideon and Claire, Thai nationals with nine children, are so thankful for the help we received last year for our children's CLE courses. This year our eldest daughter is raising funds to go to the ME and we are faced with a rather large bill for the other kids' schooling. If any of you would like to help us we would be eternally grateful. Contact garden@ksc.th.com or send your help via the TRF. TY! WLY!

Regarding gifts for Jakisa in Congo (see FSM #375):

       We'd like to thank everybody who has sent donations for us to pass on to Jakisa in Bunia, Congo. These donations mean so much to him, and really make a huge difference in making his missionary work possible. God bless you!
       We'd now like to inform you that the Lord has led Jakisa and his family to leave Bunia to set up a new outreach base in Paidha, Northern Uganda (just adjacent to the Congo border). From this new location, Jakisa is in a much better position to stay in communication with us in Uganda, while still overseeing the work of the other disciples and the orphanage in Bunia. This new location also makes it possible for us to hold training camps on the Ugandan side of the border, without necessarily having to travel into the rebel-controlled territory of Eastern Congo. Since setting up base in Paidha, Jakisa has started a wonderful new work of winning both Ugandan and Congolese converts and disciples in the busy border town.
       Although Jakisa is helping to oversee the disciples and their missionary work in Bunia, he is no longer directly involved on the ground. So, while designated gifts to the orphanage in Bunia are still welcome, Jakisa is requesting that the following needs associated with his new ministry in Paidha also be considered when sending donations or designated gifts:

       *       Housing/rent ($15 per month), and the on-going daily needs for his family
       *       A portable/laptop computer for translating the Word
       *       A mobile phone (for communicating with us in Kampala)

Thank you for considering the needs of our front-line, Activated missionaries! We know the Lord will greatly bless you!
       --Josh, UG1523

Mama jewels … on tests and trials

--To a staff member
Lord, bless and strengthen her and keep her going for You. Help her not to get discouraged, or when she does, help her to go to You for her encouragement. Like King David said, he encouraged himself in You, Jesus. That's the best encouragement we could have. You never fail to pull us out of the depths, out of the pit, and to give us the umph that we need to keep fighting the battles. Thank You, Jesus.
       The rewards are going to be worth far more than these trials and tests. In comparison, these are going to seem as nothing. Right now they look pretty big, but when we see them in their proper perspective, when we get to Heaven and see what You have for us and the life You've given us, the rewards that You have rewarded us with, we're going to think What did I ever have a problem about that for?!Why did that seem so big?
       So help us, Lord, even now, to try to put things in proper perspective. Help us to keep the heavenly vision and not worry about these things that seem very big to us at the moment, but which in Your sight are not so big. Really, they're small things if we yield our will completely to You and trust You completely. Like the song says, “The things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of Your glory and grace.”

February and March Activated testimonies

By Seek, Mexico
When we prayed about our February and March Activated meetings, we decided on a theme of “Love” for February for Valentine's Day, and “The Resurrection” for Easter Sunday in March. We had so many stories, anecdotes, verses, games, and skits to support the theme. We hold our Activated meeting on the last Sunday of every month, which makes it easy for our friends to remember.
       Photos 1-3:
Each month we have a “hand out” with stories, verses, and quotes from the class that day, and different ones volunteer to stand up and read. We also have a little project that they need to work on during the meeting. For Valentine's Day we passed out pink hearts and pencils and they each wrote a sentence describing what “Love is…”
       This month for Easter, we studied about “the Resurrection” and “Heaven,” and each person drew a picture of what they thought Heaven was like. Then a few went up front and explained their drawings, which was really fun.
       Photo#1 is from Valentine's Day and the group is writing down their answers. In #2, Chava is reading what he has written on his heart, and #3 is Victor with a “show and tell” of his drawing about Heaven. (Victor and his family are Mormons and they often come with their extended family for our Activated meetings.)
       Photo 4:
Manantial and Nehemiah, emcees at our February Activated meeting.
       Photo 5:
Carmen and Nehemiah doing a skit: “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these.” This very stuffy businesswoman is waiting at a bus stop and three people pass by asking for help in some small way and she gives pretty absurd excuses. Then Jesus comes by and basically asks her to help in the very same way and she just about breaks her neck to help Him. He lets her know He has already been there three times and she is very surprised, to say the least.
       Photo 6:
March meeting. Some of our inspirationalists are out of town, so we practiced leading the singing with a number of Home members, and it went really well!
       Photo 7:
Chava came to our first Activated meeting in a hotel conference room, and he and his family and some of his relatives come every month. He is Catholic and really likes the meetings. He personally really likes the volleyball and his children like the Sunday school. We have recently started a local Corazones Unidos Foundation to work toward opening a Community Center for our CTP Projects and Chava is the President of the Board. He is very honored to help in this way. He was originally a contact donating meat weekly.
       Photo 8:
Everybody likes the volleyball games. Some play and some just enjoy watching and cheering. Even some of the people who come very dressed up want to participate in the volleyball. It's a great ice breaker. After having volleyball and fellowship for 1½ hours starting at 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, we have an adult meeting and Sunday school for the children. Many people stay around for more food and fellowship afterward. It's also been a good opportunity to exhibit our educational materials and Activated products, and to put in a plug for the Bible studies during the week.
       Photos 9-10:
Mercy plans the Sunday school, which includes activities, games, a story, coloring pages to take home, and a song they learn to sing for their parents at the end of the adult meeting. Even the big boys came back to be sure they had their coloring pages to take home from the Easter story (downloaded from the Family Web site).

       Instead of doing a skit for our March meeting, we had a fun game to demonstrate that “it's not difficult to go to Heaven.” In this game you put all sorts of things on the floor that you wouldn't want to step on. Then you blindfold someone and tell them you are going to give them instructions on how to walk so they avoid stepping on anything. (We had glass objects and a couple of eggs to make it seem very difficult.)
       When the person puts on the blindfold, you clear the floor of everything so that the way is totally clear for them to walk, but they don't know that. At the end of the room we had someone holding up a sign saying “Heaven” which is the destination. This person is giving commands like, “take a big step to the right,” “watch out for the egg,” and so on. A few people who know the game also make comments all along about how they almost stepped on something. The person with the blindfold is doing everything he can to be careful and follow the instructions carefully. Finally, when he makes it without breaking anything, he takes off the blindfold and sees there was actually nothing on the floor to try to avoid and everyone laughs. The prize for completing the course was a book Glimpses of Heaven.

Remembrances of Mama's Home

Excerpts of a note from Dawn (CO, Europe), to Mama
       (After a six-week visit:)
Being at your Home, there is so much emphasis on moving forward with the New Wine and putting what the Word says into practice in our daily lives. Several things stood out to me upon returning that I have tried to work with our Home on, as well as the different VS teams I've met with, and I thought I'd mention them.
       One of the main ones is really two-fold--that is the use of prayer power in itself, and connected with it is the use of the keys in our daily prayers. Wow, prayer was such a life-force at your Home! I don't think I've ever seen intercessory prayer so active and alive and invoked within a Home before. From the biggest to the smallest request, it was all committed to the Lord, and much was passed on to the Home for everyone to help intercede for that situation or need. For instance, if someone felt a headache coming on, or a cold or sniffles, or was going to the dentist or some other doctor that day, the person in need sent a prayer request around to everyone to get prayer for it. And then if the headache was subsiding or the sniffles didn't develop into a cold after all, to let us know how the Lord answered for the trip out--the ATP (Answer To Prayer) was faithfully sent around too.
       That same enthusiasm about prayer, and the willingness on both the side of need as well as those praying, doesn't seem to have caught on here to the same exciting degree. There is prayer at devotions for the daily needs and at different prayer times throughout the day or week, but often needs are overlooked or people go along with different ailments or afflictions without sharing the prayer request with the Home, or points of difficulty or battles regarding their work, other situations they may know or hear about, etc.
       I have tried to explain this to our Home, and more requests and answers are being shared, but it really takes catching the vision for it and the momentum being kept up by each one doing their part, prayer promises being shared as requests are sent around, etc. It's like it says in the “Cycle of the Empowerment of God” prophecy, that “The more ye see these victories and the answers to your prayers and the empowerment of My Spirit, the more ye will praise Me and the more ye will ask of Me and the more I will do for you; and the more ye will seek Me and the more ye will praise Me and the more I will do for you! And it will continue rolling and rolling and rolling, ever gaining momentum and gaining praise and gaining victories and gaining miracles. So shall your strength grow, and your faith grow, and your in-tuneness grow, and so shall My power and might within you grow, and so shall ye be the children of David, empowered by the Spirit and the might of God! So shall ye have faith to do the exploits and the mighty things that I will call upon you to do in the Last Days.”
       The use of the keys is another area which I feel WS was much further ahead than I've seen here on the field. I've explained to different ones here how the keys promises were used at virtually every time of prayer and devotions at your house, both being passed around in order for people to pick and claim, as well as people memorizing them and quoting them at meals or other times when the actual promise cards weren't used. I haven't seen this much back here, although when I've asked I've been told that individuals have made their own promise boxes with the promises that came in the mailing and they use them in their personal prayer times.
       I memorized quite a few of the keys promises while I was at WS and have used them during public prayer times here, and am hoping and praying that it will catch on. I have spoken to the VSs about this, encouraging them that it's part of our responsibility as the Lord's bellwethers to take note of these type of spiritual nudges in the Word and make them part of our lives, so that we can be a sample of them when visiting the Homes and help to pass the active implementation of the Word along. It really doesn't take much to memorize them as so many are based on the Word we already know, so I am praying that the VSs will begin using them more and that it will go down the line from there.
       Another testimony from your Home is the sample I saw of the singing of our national anthem. I think it was sung twice while I was with you. Once during a praise meeting, which was so moving, everyone stood and linked arm-in-arm and was wholeheartedly singing the national anthem, with lots of tears and emotion and thankfulness to be part of such a wonderful move of the Lord. And then again I think it was during the Fast. It seemed most people knew the words as we sung along with the tape.
       So back Home here, we sang the national anthem at New Year's, and it was really pretty sad and pitiful. Everyone was sitting in their seats and hardly anyone knew the words, some were humming along or singing some of the words when they knew them. My daughter Lena (6) learned the words when the tape first came out, as she asked for it to be replayed I don't know how many times and nights as she was going to bed, so she got the words down. So she was belting it out in her special manner while a few of the adults seemed kind of amused as they watched and listened to her.
       Afterwards I used the testimony of your Home and how the anthem had been sung while I was there at two different occasions, and that Lena had the right idea as it was really sung out with feeling and emotion, like a country's national anthem would be. It was so unifying to feel everyone's loyalty and dedication, it brought tears and joy and pride and humility and thankfulness and unity, so many emotions all welling up at once. I guess that song just has a real special spirit to it that makes you proud to be joined with others who feel and are committed to the truth and life the Lord's given us.
       Back to our Home: A little while after New Year's was the Family Feast, and at that time unbeknownst to me, the teamwork passed around copies of the song words to everyone in the Home and asked them to learn them, and not to let me know, and then they'd surprise me at our last meeting of the Feast. And wow, it felt so different! Most had learned it and others had the song words in front of them, and arm-in-arm and belting it out with real feeling. I was in tears then and I'm in tears again writing this to you now!
       At the end of each of our meetings and last prayer with the different VS teams we've also sung the national anthem, and again, many didn't really know it and kind of stumbled through it. So I've explained this testimony to each of the VS teams, and I pray that they will learn it and become samples of singing it with feeling at any meetings we have or Homes they visit. Lord help the fervor and passion to spread!
       After meeting with the VSs in Russia, we visited one of their Homes and there's a precious Polish sister there, EveLove, who is actually the mother of one of the VSs, Adam, and also has another son in the Family, Yanek. She's in her mid 50s, I believe. Not knowing that I had talked with the VSs about our national anthem, she told me about a vision she had received, I believe during the Feast. I can't remember it all, but part of it was of Jesus in a huge stadium, speaking to the crowds and working with the runners to begin another part of our Endtime race. Before beginning the race, He led everyone in the stadium in singing our national anthem, and everyone was standing and singing loudly and with real feeling. EveLove was so inspired when recalling the spirit of her vision! I thought that was a real neat confirmation of how the Lord views it and what He wants it to mean to us!

Our part … God's part!

By Martin, for the Lahore Home, Pakistan

Our performing team, “Dosti” (which means “friendship”), has become quite well known in Lahore, in the capital city of the Punjab province in northeastern Pakistan. Recently we received a call from a director of SOS Village, an international organization that has orphanages all around the world. To raise funds for their project, SOS Village was having a sponsored walk involving many of the top schools of the city, as well as the orphans from SOS. At the end of the walk there would be prizes, speeches, and entertainment.
       The event was being held on the beautiful lawns of the governor's house. They began their speeches and the governor of Punjab gave a short speech. Our contribution to the event was as the entertainment. We had our stage set up slightly to the side of the main event where the dignitaries were sitting and the speeches were going on. During his speech, the governor had noticed us and requested a couple of songs before he had to leave. We launched into our first number, a very popular Pakistani song, perfect for the occasion--a song that the Lord had shown us to start with when praying about our repertoire. The song was followed by another popular local song.
       After the songs the governor came and talked with us about our work. He was impressed that we were able to sing in Punjabi and Urdu, accompanied by traditional dancing. I shared a little with him about our work and the school for the deaf that we run, and gave him my contact card. He suggested we could train the local children in the schools to do what we are doing.
       By this time there was a huge crowd surrounding us, photographers were snapping away, and everyone was trying to get in on the picture. Then the governor said, “Wait a minute, I want to have a photo with just these people!” And he and his wife got on the stage for a photo with us.
       His wife commented, “Yes I want to be in this one!”
       The next day the photo appeared in several of the local newspapers.
Although this was officially our free day, we had agreed not only to do this program, but also to attend a basant party in the afternoon where a friend had requested our presence. Basant is a kite-flying festival to celebrate the beginning of spring. The party was a social gathering on a farm with a big buffet spread on the lawn and many local businessmen and their families attending.
       As we had come straight from the governor's house, we still had all our equipment and outfits in the van, so the kids got up and performed for these people too. After the show the organizer of the party got up and explained our work and asked everyone to donate something. Totally unexpected! The Lord supplied a little over US$400 that day. PTL! We had just moved houses, which had cleaned us out financially, so had been desperately praying for the Lord's supply. What a miracle and answer to prayer!

- Loving Jesus songs tape #6

1. From This Sunrise On
Joy/Michael P./Michael P./Michael P., Jono

2. My Lady
Chris/Michael P./prophecy, adapted by Michael P./Michael P., Jono

3. Loving Man

4. Always There for Me

5. You're Everything I Want to Be
Pedro/Pedro/Michael E., Pedro/Owen

6. Blind Lover
Kat, Oli/Owen/Julia, Steve M./Owen, Yuhan
       (Lyrics taken from and inspired by “Mama's Love Story Part #4,” GN 638.)

7. Song of Loves
Angelina, Jerry/Windy/Bible: Song of Solomon, adapted by Windy/Jerry

8. Early Morning Rays
Celeste/Michael/Michael/Andrew V.

9. With You, My Love
Joan of Arc/Joan of Arc/Joan of Arc/Johan

0. Feel
       Eric/Pedro/prophecy, adapted by Pedro/Owen

11. Light of Your Love
Joy/Michael P./Michael P./Michael P., Jono

12. Tonight
Celeste/Paulo/prophecy, adapted by Paulo/Andrew V.

13. I'm In Love
Chris/Sharon/Sharon/Mike D.

(Note: For full credits, see MO site: )

Never doubt the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. That's about the only way it has ever happened in the past.

Christy's story
Dear Family,
       Thank you for being so faithful to keep me and my husband, Tom, in your prayers. It is such a strength to me to know that my brothers and sisters in the Lord are praying for me. Thank you also for the wonderful Word you send me. It's so great that I can still be a part of the new moves of the Spirit even though I don't physically live in a Family Home.
       I have a burden on my heart to share my testimony with you. It's a testimony of the Lord's and the Family's unconditional love for me despite my mistakes and of forgiveness and mercy.
       I was born into the Family in 1975 and I was happy and fulfilled until around the age of fourteen when I started to rebel. I wanted nothing to do with my parents and became very bitter at them or any authority figure. I wanted my own way and didn't want anyone to tell me what to do. Lord help me, I know I broke especially my mom's heart by my mean and unloving attitude towards her. My rebelliousness didn't get any better with years and to make a long story short it ended with me leaving the Family at the age of 17 in 1993.
       My reason for leaving the Family was primarily to be free from authority, to be my own boss and live my own life. Of course, I soon found out that you are never free from authority, especially not in the System where the authority is not as loving or forgiving, and they don't love the Lord like the Family does. When I left I was extremely bitter at the Lord and the Family and I felt I had been mistreated. I also felt as if the Lord and the Family didn't love me anymore because of my choice to leave, and so I decided to cut off all ties with both the Family and the Lord. I also had a lot of guilt over my choice to leave and didn't think that I could still have a relationship with the Lord while living in the System.
       My bitterness continued for several years. I have to say that through all this my parents tried to keep in touch with me and let me know that they and the Lord still loved me, but I chose not to believe them because of my pride, guilt and bitterness. The Lord was extremely gentle with me through those rough years. He gave me a nice place to land in the System and with very wonderful relatives, a good job, and I started dating a very sweet man named Tom. Looking back now I marvel at the Lord's love and gentle care of me. I was so out of it that the Lord could have easily punished me to try to wake me up, but instead He was so merciful and just waited for me to come around. My parents were also very loving and patient with me. God bless them.
       Then a miracle happened. The Lord melted away my bitterness and I could finally accept His and the Family's love for me. I can't even give myself credit for being yielded to allow this change to take place because it was just a complete miracle and completely unexpected. The miracle started when my family came to visit me and I saw the Lord's love and forgiveness in them. In the next few years I visited my family's Home a couple of times and saw how much the Family really did love me and didn't look down at me at all for my choice to live in the System. My bitterness was replaced with a deep love and respect for all you in the Family, and as I grew closer to the Family I also grew closer to the Lord and His Word.
       I thank the Lord every day for freeing me from this bitterness. The amazing thing is that now I can hardly remember what I was so bitter about. It's sobering to look back now and see how yielded I was to the Enemy in allowing this bitterness to control my life, take away my joy and alienate me from everyone who cared for me, especially the Lord and the Family. I pray it is a lesson I will never forget and I am forever grateful to the Lord for freeing me from these chains.
       Once the bitterness was gone the Lord was finally able to start working in my life to bring me closer to Him. Tom, whom I've now been married to for three years, had a severe drinking and smoking addiction and we were all praying very desperately for him. Once my heart was right with the Lord, He started working major miracles in Tom's life and completely healed him of his addiction. I can't even begin to express how thankful I am to the Lord for doing this complete miracle in his life. Tom is still not yet saved but the Lord has told us in prophecy that he will get saved, so by faith I consider it done. I've had Tom on a Family prayer list for his salvation and it is amazing how much he has already changed. The Lord is working in his life so perfectly. He is not the man I first met some six years ago and I know in the Lord's perfect time he will accept Jesus personally into his life.
       Living with Tom has taught me so many things, especially desperation and the importance of keeping my heart right with the Lord, because he is affected by my spirit whether I'm yielding to the Lord or the Enemy. My family and I (when we visit with them) represent the Lord to Tom and it is a big responsibility to make sure I am letting the Lord's Spirit shine through me. I'm definitely not perfect in this area, but I know the more I soak myself in the Word the better example I will be.
       I want to thank you all, my dear Family, for your prayers for Tom and ask you to please continue to pray and claim Tom's salvation. Tom really loves and respects my family and is supportive of me helping them financially, so I know that he shares in the Lord's blessings. In accepting the Family, Tom is also accepting the Lord and His love in part because that is what the Family represents. Every time we visit with my family (now in the Dominican Republic), I see a change in Tom, it's so beautiful and encouraging to see. The Family spirit rubs off on him and his spirit and attitudes become less System and more Godly. I love to see it; it's such a miracle.
       Thank you, my Activated Ministries Family, for the Word you send me each month. I have found that the Word is my lifeline, and I must be faithful to soak myself in it if I want to stay clean and not be infected with the System attitude and way of life. I am so thankful that I can still be a part of the Family and share in the fantastic things the Lord's teaching us in preparation for the Last Days.
       I just want to say “Thank you” to all my shepherds especially in Thailand and Macau and my parents who tried to help me in love. Even though I didn't appreciate it at the time, I certainly do now. I understand how much love you had for me and how hard you tried to understand and help me. I'm so sorry for all the trouble I gave you, I know I was a handful many times.
       When I first left the Family, I remember thinking that having lived in the Family was something I was going to have to overcome, like a traumatic experience, and that it would be a miracle if I turned out okay. Now all I can think of is how very blessed I am to have had a chance to be in the Family and be brought up by such wonderful and Godly parents. I can't imagine where my life would have ended up without you all. I know that anything good about me, any good habits that I have come from the Family and my Godly upbringing.
       My biggest prayer is that I can keep the Family spirit and attitudes that were ingrained in me when I was younger and not depart from them. Even though I've chosen to live in the System, I don't want to become a Systemite, and I know that the Lord and His Word are my only hope of staying free from the System.
       You are all the best! I truly believe that the Family is the greatest group in the world and I feel so honored and loved to still be a part of you. I'm so proud of the work you are doing for the Lord. It's so inspiring to read all the testimonies from around the world as to the difference you are making in people's lives. Even though I have chosen a different path for my life than being a full time Family member, I would never trade my time in the Family for anything in the world. It has given such spiritual wealth and when people notice that there is something different about me I just have to thank the Lord and the Family for it.
       I love you all very much.

(End of File)