DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works. |
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AND TEACHERS: Do you wonder what's the latest for your JETTs and OCs?
Heaven's Library is in the process of putting out a six-part story called
“Wolf's Clothing,” for ages 12 on up, which may be read to 9- to 11-year-olds as
well with parents' discretion. You'll find it interesting as well! Take the time
to follow this series that deals with many issues JETTs and OCs face. Keep
abreast of the latest!
* * *
[Thumbnail of spiritual navy seals poster from
(Jesus:) My children will look
at this picture as a powerful symbol of My new era. For does this girl not bear
the wounds of the battles? Does it not prove that she has fought many fights
against the Wicked One? She is a fighter and the youth of this generation need
to be reminded that the Family is an army. (End of message from
* * *
Have you had
something outstandingly hilarious happen to you? How about sharing the laugh
with others? If you have a funny story of something that's happened to you,
write it up and send it to the Grapevine.
The Book of the
By Mark and team, India
Chapter 1 -- The Going
1: I, an apostle and servant
of Christ, greet thee.
2: This I write
unto thee that thou may know how the Word of our Lord was preached unto the
Gentiles that dwelt in the coast of Tamilnadu--the city of Madras, now called
3: On the 23rd of November,
Mark the son of Steven of the house of Levi, Caleb the son of Mark, Juel also
called Jewel, Jay of the lineage of Cephas, Luba from the land of Gog and Magog,
and John the son of the tribe, left by train. (We had six hours ahead of us so
each of us settled into our own levels of comfort in a 3rd class, non-AC
compartment. The lower the class of the train the shorter the span of time
between the local bands of roving talent: groups such as M & M and other
such Indian sweets, salesmen, e.g., distributors of coppee, chai,
spop corn and other non-standard English phrases, besides a host of other
sounds and smells which to say the least do not make for a good sleep. So as
each of us one by one gave up on the idea of thinking that sleep was possible,
we started to read some Word, munch brownies, and sip some coffee.) Arriving at
the seventh hour, after prayer and sustenance we straightway went out and
preached Christ being activated by the Holy Spirit. And 5.000 souls were saved!
Praise be to God! (Note the decimal point to correctly read this
4: We abode in the house of a
certain man, Simon the tanned (notice his companion) who with his wife Sunny,
ministered unto us generously of their goods. For which we are most
5: Upon the morrow our
devotions was that of reading and studying the Activated magazines that
we may know the doctrine therein, being ready always to give an answer to them
that asketh of us.
6: Committing to
memory also the “Activated openers” delivered onto us by the vineyard
(Grapevine) that not one opportunity should escape us to
7: The focus of this trip was
that of establishing and strengthening the youth church. The Spirit led us to
seek after them in places where they gathered within the city by day and by
night on the sands and walkways of the
8: Being given so great a
commission with but a short time to fulfill, the Spirit of the Lord commanded us
to have a meeting of fellowship (as soon as possible) working with the disciples
that dwelt already in the land.
9: So on
the third day at eventime, we gathered together in one accord, all those who
received the Word with gladness; being saved and desiring to know more of the
10: We sang songs and
answered questions preaching the Word. The number of them who received
Activated during the meeting was seven.
Chapter 2 -- The
Parchment on the Wall
1: While
sitting in a tavern, I, John saw … posted upon the wall, parchments making known
of a certain school of dance, heralding its virtues and contact
2: Adhering to the voice of the
Spirit we made contact; whereby we were referred to a young man named
3: Salman received the Lord
Jesus and Activated with gladness, sending us on our way with the names
of three friends. The first two being students who when hearing the Gospel
rejoiced, being activated also, taking in all that was spoken and
4: The other friend named
Jasmine, had a son who was without learning (mentally challenged). She not only
bought many of our books and Activated but spread the good news of the
Word to her friends.
5: While we were in
communion with one of her friends, a woman searching for the truth who purchased
many of our goods (books, CDs, Activated), a young man entered the house
and desired of us to meet with him on the morrow, for he too hungered after
righteousness and to know more of the
6: This young man after being
activated joined the youth church; preaching faithfully to others being devout
in word and deed.
7: And yet another man
whom we met by the leading of the parchment, gave a goodly sum to support the
work. He likewise along with his household received the Word with great
Chapter 3 -- The Promise
1: As one who runs a race,
runs that he might win, so was this mission like unto a race; committed to us by
God with a starting place and a finishing
2: Therefore were we desperate in
prayer: beseeching daily the Words of our Lord for to show us the way, team by
team, step by step; that in the end we might receive the gold
3: And so it was that on the
day following the Sabbath, our Lord provided a place for our assembly, the
beginning of that which is to weekly come to pass. Joy was exceedingly great
within our hearts as before our eyes were the promises
4:The session that day was
that we dwell in the latter days, beginning with the image of a king's dream,
spoken of by Daniel in the Holy Book; drawn up and dramatized, making known the
interpretation thereof.
5: With songs
and prayer so did we begin and make an end of our assembly
6: The testimony lives on now
as the stone is in motion with the apostles dwelling already in the land;
keeping the faith, devoted to the daily increase of the
7: As for us, the race was now
complete. Ten days of miracles, great effort, and desperation of heart yet
counting it only as unto Christ. For of ourselves did we nothing, that Christ
may be glorified.
8: Upon the morrow,
early before the cock did crow, we began our journey back, bidding our fellow
brethren farewell. Praising God for the many victories, the souls won, of which
were counted 69, also added unto us were 30 Activated subscriptions, 45
CDs, and much Word taught among the people.
TCD #26 -- I'LL BE
1. I'll Be
Back-up vocals: Jonathan, Glo
2. Closer and
3. Take a Look at Your
Esther Wild Wind/Esther Wild
Wind, Andrew V./Esther Wild Wind/Andrew V.
4. Let Him Be Your
vocals: Glo, Nathaniel
5. You Are the
Kat/Esther Wild Wind, Michael
E./Esther Wild Wind/Simon L.
6. Only Your
Rachelle S./Elam, Pedro
7. Strangely
8. Ever
adapted by Pedro/Andrew V.
Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew
V./Andrew V.
Guitars: Andrew
10. Never Break My Heart
Esther Wild Wind/Esther Wild Wind/Esther Wild Wind, Andrew V./Andrew
11. Never Gonna Let You
12. Thank You
for Your Love
adapted by Paulo/Andrew V.
Andrew V.
13. Determined to Follow
Linda/Andrew V.,
Philip/Philip/Andrew V.
14. You Are
Rachelle S./Michael E./Brian,
Angelo, Michael E./Owen C.
Were you in the Australian
By Joanna, South
Hi! I'm Joanna, writing from
South Africa. I was one of the kids in the Australian persecution. May 23, 2002
will be the 10th anniversary of our release from State custody! It was a pretty
exhilarating event in my life and of everyone involved. I thought it would be
interesting to hear from those who were involved.
Editor: We'd
love to hear from those of you who were involved in the Australian persecution!
Send in your thoughts no later than May 1st to
* How did this
experience change your life?
* Where are
you now?
* What are you doing for the
Lord now?
* If you had to do it over
again, what would you do differently?
* Any other thoughts, tips or lessons to share with the
Witnessing news and tips from you!
Outreach enhanced by
By Anne and Dan, Quebec,
This month was the most
fun, exciting, unifying, and diversified outreach we've had! The keys are real!
One reason why our outreach was so fruitful is because we worked as a team with
our Active members who gave priority to witnessing. Every Saturday afternoon
we'd go to a busy street in downtown Montreal, with our Active members and
children, and get out thousands of tracts and posters. People were actually
waiting in line to get a poster! There's been a renewed hunger for the message
after September 11th's events.
gave Activated books to our English-speaking provisioning contacts and
some of their staff, encouraging them to subscribe to receive them
Dan and Sam went on a two-week
faith trip to Prince Edward Island, where they met and ministered to people,
giving them Bible classes every night, while burning free in the day with our
powerful tools. In two weeks they got out 400 tapes, lots of CDs, and some
videos. One of our Active members, Luke, faithfully passed tracts out three
times a week in the metro for the whole month, distributing a total of 4,000
Our mail ministry has
been growing as a result of our outreach, with more people writing to ask for
more tracts, sheep asking questions or people wanting to meet us. Our outreach
has been tremendously enhanced through the power of the keys!
still a big hit!
By Jeremiah and Mercy, Quebec,
This past month we decided to
follow up on some people we'd met over the year. When we visited one man from
Africa, he asked us to return the following week because he was very busy. He
told us to bring everything we have for children. Before leaving we asked him if
his children liked the material that they received previously. He raised his
fingers to his lips and blew a kiss.
Upon returning the following week we brought four Treasure Attics. He
looked at them and asked us if the Bunny Bigword was on the videos. I assured
him that Bunny was in each video, and he took all four videos, and told us if we
have more to bring them next time. He commented that he wants his children to
watch things that will teach them to obey and be good, and learn something
He said: “I like my children to
watch these videos rather than 'Road Runner.' It teaches them good
Videos in the libraries
By Meeka Follower, Oregon,
While going DTD Christmas
caroling and selling CD cards in a neighborhood that we had been to the year
before, we came to one home where the lady remembered us, and the Treasure
Attics that she had taken. She said that her children love the series, and
they get other titles from the nearby library. We have been getting the local
libraries to purchase the series, and whenever we go to the library they cannot
be found! They are a hit! We sent her our Activated catalog, and we are
going to be following up on her.
Tools bring in the $$$
Trust, Colorado, USA
I was wondering
how to go about my evening fundraising as I found myself on the opposite side of
town from the restaurants I usually balloon in and it was already “prime time”
and in rush hour traffic, I would be delayed for an hour or more. I shot up a
prayer, and then jumped out at a light, and within an hour had $40 from getting
out tools. It made me wonder why I was ballooning for only $25 an hour when I
could be pushing our tools for much more!
Building a follow-up
By Marie, Colorado, USA
We go table-to-table with the balloons in the restaurants, so I started
offering the Christmas card CDs with the balloons. It was great! We had an
average of 50 CDs out every weekend in the month of December. At first I was a
bit worried that this form of witness would not really be enough, but as I
listened to Christmas Treasures, I realized just how full of the message
this CD is. This was a blessing, as I often feel discouraged that I am not doing
enough for the Lord at Christmas.
lady who took a Little Drummer Boy CD at a restaurant where I balloon,
phoned the restaurant to tell them how great the CD is and would they please
tell “the balloon lady” that she would like three more Little Drummer Boy
CDs! In another restaurant I meet many Africans. I prayed with a man from
Kenya last week. I realized that there is great potential for Activated
meetings with these sweet people. Now people are realizing that I am at the
restaurants every Saturday morning, and they all know I am a missionary, so it
is a good place to meet potential Active members.
Give them a contact
By Marianne Fighter, Texas,
I decided to try getting out
the Christmas CD cards at lights while postering. It went great! One thing that
I learned quickly is that I needed to give people some way to contact me if they
wanted more. Twenty minutes after I started, a couple came back and asked where
I got these wonderful CDs. I told her that we produced them. She said they had
been listening to them ever since they got it, and it was great. I was so
frustrated because I had nothing to give them that had our address or phone
number on it. So, I stopped right away and went and got my business cards and
put one into each of the Christmas cards. This way when they open it, they'll
have a contact number.
Give them what they want
Sonnet, Manitoba, Canada
I have
found in the past few months that the best way to get out tools at daycare
centers is to do what Dad said in “Witnessing” in the MOP--find out what
people need and help them to get it. Rather than trying to “push” what I am
selling, I ask questions to find out what the needs are at each daycare that I
go to. I have also found it very helpful with the videos to have enough time to
sit down and actually view a video with the staff who make the decision. Each
time I have done this the daycare has purchased videos from me, and twice they
purchased whole sets!
Cards for company mailing lists
Gideon and Lamb, Norway
year's Christmas CD cards were a great hit and the best outreach tool I have
used for some time. I especially liked the boxed set of six. It was easier to
sell sets than anything else.
Last year
we decided to make appointments by phone with several of our main contacts and
explain to them about the CD cards. We then asked if they would like to use them
for their company's mailing list. We then offered to print a personal message
with their company's name and logo. The final result was a short message with
the company's name and logo, along with a small note saying they supported our
local work, surrounded by a pretty color Christmas border. We then printed these
labels out on our home computer and included the sticker with the cards. We got
out several hundred cards this way. Each card also got in a good word about us
to other companies.
We explained this to
other companies as we sold them shop to shop and got several more names of
interested businesses for next year as
Healing key:
Broken bodies are mended, afflictions are healed, diseases are cured, and
health is restored speedily through the power of the keys.
of Answered Prayer
From Andrew (of
Ruth), India: After being diagnosed as being diabetic with high sugar
levels, with the power of the keys, I have been normal for the last two
Mary Renewed, Thailand:
Healed of a large fallopian tube
Thai Rose, Thailand: Healed
of hives.
From Jewel, Taiwan:
Aaron has recovered from his operation to remove all the lymph nodes in
his neck. He recovered very fast, and the doctor was surprised and pleased.
Several souls were won during his hospital stay and many received tracts. The
results of the tests came in and only one lymph node was cancerous, so that is
such good news. We are praying now about follow-up treatment. Thank you all for
Bleeding ulcer.
Akemi: Fibroid
Mikey (14, of Thai
Bright): Autistic, mentally handicapped, diagnosed as having a brain cyst, and
suffering an undiagnosed liver problem.
Justin (1½, of Thai John and Joanna): Against further heart problems from
Kawasaki disease.
Angel Willing:
Recurring cysts on face.
Heart palpitations and recurring stomach
Jim (of Lily): Serious
Rahul Willing: Painful
torn ligament in right knee.
Europe and
Paul (a.k.a. James): Jaundice
due to failing liver, causing fatigue and pain in his stomach and legs. Doctors
say he is beyond treatment, and is in serious
Noelle (7, of Steve
and Ruth): Cysts on her neck and tongue.
Mercy: High blood pressure.
Rosy: Recovery from operation on right
Ruthie Love (26):
Gallbladder disorders.
High blood pressure.
Liv (19):
Infection in the stomach and digestive
Giovanni: Hepatitis B and
problems with nervous system.
(of Daniella): Recovery from operation to remove cyst on his thyroid.
Hepatitis C.
Nina (of Martin):
Seriously injured in a car accident while traveling in Africa. Her arm was badly
hurt and she may lose her hand. Pray also that this accident does not aggravate
other afflictions Nina has suffered recently.
Vanessa (baby, of Steven and
Amber): Currently in intensive care.
Carisa (baby, of Zeb and Kristy): Spina
Angel David (4½, of
Lirio): Down's syndrome. Recently underwent heart
Talitha (19): Ovarian
Elena (baby, of Sam and
Becky): Recovery from surgery on her
Heart (17): Migraine
Darlene: Osteoporosis
(thinning of the bones).
Trust: Eye infection.
Livingstone (13, of Ruth): Cerebral palsy. His leg has grown inwards,
causing him to fall often. May undergo
Amada: Back
Ryan (of Jeremy and
Sarah): Serious skin affliction called atopic
(of Michael): Persistent mycoplasma (parasite that attacks white blood
cells), urinary tract infection.
Ruth: Hemorrhoids.
Frequent and debilitating migraines.
Aaron: Metastasis melanoma.
Chris (12, of Jeannie): Mild
Mark (of Mary):
Multiple sclerosis.
Claire: Spinal
Angela: Problems with
heart and thyroid gland.
(14 months, of Danielle and Olivier): Will undergo minor surgery on his
Heaven Love (has a
prosthetic leg): Needs to lose weight because she's had a lot of difficulty
walking and sometimes falls. Also has neck problems, which result in dizziness,
neck and head pains.
Sara (of
John): High blood pressure, causing
Ana Belen (19, of
Idy): Cancerous moles.
Ethan (2,
of Ryan and Becca): Flu, with high fevers and vomiting recurring almost
Ana Karina (YA): Crooked
neck and back.
Belen and Pawel
(of Melanie): Hernias.
(of David): Problem with uterus and lump in
Daniel Estevan (12, of
David and Cristal): Growth problem.
Suzy (of Juan): Lump in her
Elizabeth Fighter:
Problems with her liver, kidneys, gallbladder. Low levels of
Virginia Smile:
Serious problems with the ovaries, liver, kidneys and colon. For an accurate
Agustin (of Ileana):
Re: U.S. Border Crossings
As you are probably aware, due to
the terrorist attacks of September 11th, security officials in the U.S. and
particularly immigrations officials at borders, are understandably much more
cautious and tend to scrutinize non-Americans more carefully, and in some cases,
even U.S. citizens. They are on the look out for unusual or suspicious looking
individuals, people whose documents don't seem to be entirely in order or people
trying to come into the country to reside illegally,
As the Lord stated in the
prophecies following the September 11th tragedy: “This event will change the
world. This one event will cause many things to be brought into place that have
been foretold. … This will cause a tightening around the world, and it
takes people another step toward intolerance of others, other ideas, and of
anything outside of the norm”(GN 961, “Attack on
With this in mind, and the
Lord's indications that this incident would bring a general tightening (in this
case, stricter travel restrictions) around the world, it behooves us to be very
prayerful and in tune with the Lord when making border crossings in and out of
the U.S., in order to avoid the inconvenience of more in-depth searches,
questioning or even potentially lengthy delays that some have
Due to these more stringent
security procedures, we would suggest that you take some time before traveling
to confirm your plans with the Lord, as well as praying and preparing to “give
an answer to him that asketh of thee.” You should be prepared for any
questioning, as well as a possible search of your belongings or person. You
should also make sure that all your documents are in order, as well as proof of
residency if you are residing in a nearby country, as well as any information
that may be requested, such as what is your purpose of visiting the U.S., length
of stay, where you will be staying, with whom, what is your relationship to
those you will be residing with, what line of work you are involved in, and
other such reference that may be
If you are a non-American
hoping to come to the U.S. to fundraise for the field, we would suggest that you
confirm these plans with the Lord and your Home, bearing in mind the changes
being enacted here.
WLY and are praying
that the Lord blesses and protects your going out and coming in during your
travels this next year.
Our Mission in Vukovar
By Stephen and
Esther, Croatia
Vukovar is a
city in eastern Croatia, on the Danube River, close to the Serbian border.
During the civil war following Croatia's vote for independence from Yugoslavia
in June 1991, the city was under Serbian siege for three months, falling to the
Serbs in November 1991. Heavy tank fire and shelling by the Serbs created
extensive damage, forcing the Croats to leave. The region was then resettled by
Serbian refugees--estimated at more than 150,000--fleeing other parts of the
former Yugoslavia. Prior to the war, Vukovar had been a prosperous town with a
river cargo port and textile and agricultural
In December 1995 the
warring sides of Bosnia and Herzegovina's civil war signed the Dayton Peace
Agreement, which declared an end to the war. Vukovar was given back to the
Croatian people in 1998 and the first Croats began to return to their
Our first visit
On our first trip to Vukovar we had brought much needed humanitarian aid. We
arrived with our clown outfits and guitars, hoping to go door to door and
distribute the aid personally and witness to people. When we reached Vukovar,
workers from Caritas (a charity organization under the auspices of the
Roman Catholic Church) were waiting for us. They were very sweet and complied
with our wishes and let us distribute the aid ourselves, and found us a place to
stay with an elderly couple. These dear people didn't have much, but they helped
in whichever way they could.
Vukovar was
in ruins. We made a tour of the city, arranged by the local priest, which
included visiting historical sites and three mass graves. It's one thing to
watch the horrors of war on the news, but to hear the stories firsthand of what
these people went through brought chills down our spines. The Lord showed us
that our ministry there was to be one-on-one witnessing--listening to each
person one at a time, to bring comfort and hope to every person we would speak
It's hard to explain in writing
the feelings we experienced. A former commander held a party for us and invited
the former Minister of Interior and his wife. Everybody had a very nationalistic
spirit, so as foreigners, it wasn't that easy to be in the middle of these folks
who all they talked about was the war and what they had experienced. The former
minister made some negative comments directed at us, about humanitarian groups
that don't have a clue about the people's needs. At one point we thought we were
in the wrong place and nearly decided to leave, but before we did, Brisa sang
“On the Wings of a Dove.” Music is magic, and even more there, as the spirit was
so thick! While we sang it was as if all the hard feelings vanished, and the
Lord's Spirit took control. We were able to explain why we had come, and that we
do love them even though we could never fully understand the pain they have and
all they've gone through. Brisa and Debbie then sang “There Is No Room in Heaven
for Strangers” and “The Rose.”
forgive me,” the former minister said, apologizing in front of everybody, mostly
soldiers. “We are barbarians compared to you. Thank you so much for coming here
to show us so much love. You are invited to my house!” With these words, he
folded his hands and apologized again. All 25 of them prayed to receive
A fight for life
met one of our friends at a bus stop, as we were on the way to Split. He told us
that he had just received a call where he learned that one of the commanders,
one of his best friends, had committed suicide. This is not an unusual
occurrence among these former soldiers, but this one was a shock. This man was
someone everybody had looked up to.--The stronger one, the one that if anyone
needed help, he was there to help. Life is very fragile among these people. We
prayed and the Lord showed us to go to the funeral as a sign of our love. We
drove 700 km from Split to Vukovar.
night we stayed with a friend, a former officer. It was 3 a.m. and we were at
the back of his café, listening to him share his heart about the things he had
done in his life. He was very low and condemned, and was searching for answers
and peace. He couldn't accept that Jesus loved him when he had done such bad
things in the war. Suddenly he took his loaded gun and put it under his chin. We
were so desperate! All we could do was pray. We laid hands on him and prayed
desperately out loud, begging this confused soul not to pull the trigger, to
think about his family and children.
one point we thought, This is it, we've lost him! We were all crying as
we prayed for him. And then the Lord did it! The man broke down weeping and gave
us the gun. What a victory! The Lord and His Spirit intervened and won the
victory! Now this man is building a ranch in memory of his friend who had
committed suicide, and wants to help handicapped people. His wife is pregnant
with their third child.
During the
funeral we were able to read quotes from Glimpses of Heaven book to our
friends, which were very well received.
We knew the Lord had brought us
to Vukovar for a special reason, yet we felt so small in comparison to the needs
of these people. We didn't know where to start. One thing for sure is that they
all needed Jesus and His love. We were praying about what could be done that
would show these people that they are not forgotten, that God loves them. The
Lord told us, “Build a playground for the children. … I will fulfill My promises
of supply and will make a bridge among the
A playground? we
thought. That's sounds great! But where to start? We had never built a
playground before. We visited numerous playgrounds in the West, and counseled
with many companies. The first one we visited wanted to sell us a playground for
$75,000, and that was with a discount. We wondered at times if we were on the
right track, but the Lord kept reminding us of His promises of supply and that
according to our faith it would be done unto us. Boy, that was a
That month the Lord provided
playground equipment worth $20,000; all the electric and hand tools we needed,
worth about $3,500; wood at an estimated $3,000; 30 bags of cement; 20 cubic
meters of gravel; 4 cubic meters of sand for mixing the cement; 7.4 cubic meters
of sand for the sand box; special paint to cure the wood worth for $400; all the
bolts and screws, approximately $500. The city also gave us a piece of land,
workers, and the necessary machines for the
The Lord also supplied other needs
that we had, as we had just moved to our new field. So along the way the Lord
provided a washing machine, a freezer, a fridge, a dishwasher, a whole kitchen
set, a winter garden (the area we are in gets very windy), a digital camera, a
computer and monitor, a color printer, a scanner, and the next six months of our
Home's budget,
Did He keep His part of
the bargain? Yes, He did! Now it was our part!
Together we do it
Mark and Mercy from Vienna
helped us transport the playground equipment. We based from David and Joanna's
Home in Zagreb. Without them this project would not have been possible, or at
least it would have been very difficult for us to accomplish what we did.
Croatian Gabe (of Flower) came to help us. David (of Joanna) came for a week as
well, which was a tremendous help. Besides our team, we had six to eight workers
from the city helping us every day. And we worked from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. for
one month straight! TTL we had all the necessary machines for the
People's reactions
dear older man, who had been watching us work, came one day and gave us a dove
carved in wood that he had made. “Thank you so much for the beautiful things you
do for us!” he said. “God bless you!”
Day after day people would come just to talk, to pour out their hearts to us
about all they'd gone through, and thank us for what we were doing. “This is
what we needed. Our children didn't have a place to play! This is just not a
playground, but a beautiful
The mayor told us, “You didn't
come here to talk about it. You came and did it yourselves! Thank you so much.
You are a sample to us!” He presented us with the clay dove, the symbol of
Vukovar, and two beautiful ties (kravata, the tie was invented by
We got plenty of helpers and
volunteers! Children always surrounded us; kids were coming from everywhere
trying to help. There were some that stayed with us from the beginning to the
very end. As we were leaving, they were there waving goodbye. They would bring
us flowers, chocolates, sweets, etc.
Fruit remains in the souls saved and rekindled hope in people's hearts! The day
we finished, we invited our co-workers to celebrate over pizza and beer. What a
victory! We prayed with every person we took time with, about 70 in total. We
also had three newspaper articles and a TV interview. We had time to do our
follow-up and left hundreds of parents and children happy with a safe place to
play. Please pray for the people of Vukovar, as the battle is not
The playground consists of four
sections in a 2,000-square-meter park area, with three towers 3.5m high
connected by a 3m tunnel, a 3.2m hanging net, a chain bridge, and additional
accessories such as a fireman pole, two slides and a 3m climbing ramp, a hill
with a 9m slide and three tunnels, a three person swing set, and a climbing net.
The smaller children's section has one small tower, three swings, a slide, a
climbing ramp, a 5m sandbox with a wooden roof, a seesaw, and two
legal and media
Evangelical Counter-cult
By Marc and Claire,
Attending the Evangelical
Counter-cult Conference was a very interesting experience. We found ourselves
amongst the most orthodox of a very orthodox church denomination, the
Evangelical Christians, heard their dialogue and discussion of theological
issues and heresy, as well as heard the Family discussed in that context. We
re-read part four of the “Conviction vs. Compromise” series in preparation for
attending, and we can honestly say that we were so thankful for the Words of
David, for the Family, and for all the unique, special treasures the Lord has
given us! We are so thankful that we're not just another church in the
spectrum of churches, but are called-out, different, and radical! As we mixed
and mingled with this group of folks, you couldn't distinguish one from the
other much, except for their many shibboleths and doctrines that separate them
from each other. As a matter of fact, a sizeable portion of the counter-cult
contingent was not even present, as they can't see eye to eye on theology with
this group!
Many of them are doubtless
sincere in their beliefs, but are caught up within a structure that seriously
limits how much they can accomplish for the Lord. They are so caught up in what
was written in the Bible two thousand years ago, and theological hairsplitting
that they just can't make room for God to be a living, changing, moving God
today Who can continue to speak to His children, lead them down new paths, blow
in winds of change and pour out His Spirit in abundance. Everything is so
formalized and frozen into a certain mold, there just isn't the wonderful spirit
of freedom and change that we so enjoy in the Family. Dr. James Chancellor (a
professor at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and author of the book
Life in The Family) gave a presentation on the Family, during which he
pointed out how highly mobile the Family is, how changes are introduced and
enacted quickly. It was difficult for others to believe. We're so thankful to
belong to this zany, far-out and free “branch” of His children,
We could also see how the
compromises the church has made with the System have seriously affected their
usefulness, as religion is so tied in with materialism, personal family goals,
etc., which the Lord has so wonderfully freed us
By the end of our time there, all
we could say is, “Thank God for the Family!” Thank the Lord for calling us out,
for Dad's constant prodding for us to leave the West and taking us to all kinds
of exciting mission fields around the world where the harvest is ripe, reaching
out to so many different people, and not limited by damnable, dogmatic
interpretations of the Scriptures or the secularization that inevitably creeps
into even the most on-fire churches. We could see how the Lord led Dad to take
us all on an exodus early on in our history, so that we could move forward to
conquer whole new worlds instead of just ending up an American movement like the
rest of the Jesus Movement, most of which just ended right back in the
It also behooves us to be proud
of what makes us different, which is why people are interested in us. We could
really see the “mad, sad or glad” effect on those at this conference, as they
heard our doctrines and witnessed the fruit of changed lives and the work the
Family has built during our 33 year history. During Dr. Chancellor's
presentation, he pointed out how many of those who are now active in the
Evangelical and Baptist churches were won to Jesus by a member of The Family! He
shared his experience of hiring an assistant of his who had been led to the Lord
by a Family member in the early 70s on a beach in Hawaii! It is unquestionable
that our fruits per capita are way beyond even the most dedicated church
missionary or theologian. So our presence presented a dilemma to the other
attendees, trying to figure out how to categorize us, ha! Little did they know
that we're not trying to fit in their mainstream at all. At one point Dr.
Chancellor mentioned that Family members take the same Gospel of Jesus to the
streets as the Evangelicals and Baptists do when leading souls to Christ. He
then asked the question: “If Family members are leading souls to Christ using
the same Bible and means as other witnessing Christians, should we hinder them
in their ministry just because some of their beliefs don't jive with Evangelical
theology?” There was a notable silence in the room as the attendees grappled
with the question.
This also applies to
the angle of “System education” as covered in part five of the “Conviction vs.
Compromise” series. We thought the point was interesting about how some feel
inferior or intimidated due to their lack of higher education. Since we have
acted as a liaison between the academic community and the Family for many years,
we regularly interact with folks that have PhDs and an enormous amount of
education and knowledge on many subjects, many having authored numerous books
and are considered authorities in their respective
We haven't felt the least bit
intimidated by this though we are respectful of their knowledge and wisdom in
their area of expertise. We are “experts” in our own area of expertise,
which is being missionaries of a non-traditional radical group, doing things
that have never been done and reaching the world in a very unique way. People
find us fascinating, as we're different and unique and we have a lot to
offer through our wisdom of the spirit world, the Word, prophecy, communal
living, child rearing, home schooling, and on and on it
It's interesting interacting with
academics, as although they are very knowledgeable in their own field, most of
them also understand that they are not experts of other fields, and are humble
in admitting that, and not expecting it of themselves. We felt that this is a
real lesson for us, as we cannot expect ourselves to be experts on the Bible and
being missionaries, and at the same time experts in other secular areas of
knowledge that don't apply to the career we have chosen, and people do not
really expect this of us either. Of course, we do listen up and learn everything
we can from them, as terms fly around from esotericism to epistemology to
paradigms, etc. So we have picked up a bit to become one with these folks and to
understand and at times assist them with their research. But it goes without
saying that our area of expertise is serving the Lord and doing missionary work
(which would have all kinds of titles in a Christian university such as Pastoral
Counseling, Christian Counseling, Biblical and Theological Studies, Personal
Evangelism, Ministry of Teaching, Ministry of Proclamation), and imparting and
sharing the wonderful truths the Lord has entrusted us
TTL, we are special and unique and
have a lot to offer, which we need not compare to those who have chosen careers
in academia or clergy/laymen of a church denomination.
just for
And what's your name?
By Ben (of Angela),
I was hitchhiking
one day to return home and soon got a lift. I started to witness to the driver,
and as the conversation went on he said something that I didn't understand
except for the word “America.” I thought he was asking me if that was where I
was from, to which I replied, “No, I am not from
He then repeated the same
thing he'd said before. Again I didn't understand anything other than the word
“No, I am not from America,”
I repeated my previous answer.
When this
happened one more time, I started to become a little aggravated. But then he
told me, “I did not ask you where you were from, I just said that my name was
“You mean like the country?” I
“Exactly!” he
We talked some more, and then
he introduced me to his son and daughter who were sitting with him in the car.
“This is my daughter. Her name is
“Pleased to meet you,” I said,
eyes wide in shock.
“And this is my son,
“You're joking, right?” I
He got a little offended. “No, I
'm serious!”
“Nice to meet you all,” was
my bemused response.
After they prayed
with me to receive Jesus and I was getting out of the car, he said, “You know,
my wife is Canada, and my brother's name is Africa.”
A mission
By Jeremy SGA, Uzbekistan
(Note: The following testimony is
an adapted account of this Home's last road trip. While certain parts of it have
been somewhat embellished, it is based on
Imagine a world much like our
own, whose inhabitants had existed there for countless generations. A society
that had evolved with the passage of time and yet one thing had always remained
the same, for the race of beings that inhabited this land of endless steppes,
deserts, and mountains lacked one thing: freedom. Though to the uninformed
observer it may have appeared that all was normal, they were in fact captive to
a dark and sinister force, which held their minds and bodies tightly within its
grasp, and vehemently resisted any attempt to put them in contact with the one
thing that could set them free and put a permanent end to the dark forces that
held them in servitude.
It was into just
such a world that the brave trio of Maria Moonchild, Stephan Starfighter and
David Daringwarrior entered with the glorious intent of freeing more victims out
of the cruel and sinister clutches of the most oppressive system known to the
galaxy. Although they had considered enlisting the help of Buzz Lightyear for
this undertaking, he was unfortunately already deployed in some other
unreachable part of deep space. And besides, they had been assured before their
departure that they would be accompanied by a more than adequate team of highly
powerful alien beings. These beings, for the most part, remained invisible due
to their highly sophisticated cloaking system, yet, within a nanosecond could
unleash untold retribution on any life form, or machine for that matter, that
would conspire to do this team harm (the details of which we will mercifully
spare the reader).
It is necessary to
explain here that although David, the third member of this noble team, is a
brave and fearless warrior for the cause, he had at the advent of their
departure only resided on Planet Earth for six months of human time. Not
including, of course, the nine or so months it took to process his human form.
And as such, he was most gifted in the art of opening doors, getting to the
front of lines, and winning hearts wherever he went. Although it was generally
necessary to transport him in a specially devised human infant deployment system
strapped to the maternal or paternal body, and to stop for regular tank-up
sessions, he was nevertheless a most key member of this elite group of cosmic
It was on one of the first
days of their assignment on this alien landscape that Stephan Starfighter, the
only fully matured male human member of this team, had temporarily left the
small settlement they had chosen to reside for the time being, to search out
needed supplies for the continuation of their mission. The brave and beautiful
Maria Moonchild gently cared for and looked after David Daringwarrior. On this
dark and stormy day, as she sat quietly conversing with headquarters on her
communicator, from the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a shadow fall
across the window. Without making a sound she slowly rose and stealthily moved
towards the entrance, and waited behind a corner with bated breath for whatever
it was that lurked outside to show itself. After approximately two minutes, she
heard a sound. It sounded like the voice of a young woman. She cautiously peered
around the corner to see the form of a girl standing in the dim light with a
look of pain and deep searching in her lovely green eyes. Immediately, Maria
invited her inside, before she was spotted by the dark patrols, or left to the
ravages of the storm on her scantily clad
Once inside, Maria found out that
the young woman's name was Lera, and that she had long been searching for a way
to break free from the forces that kept her and most of her people bound. She
had hoped to find a love in her heart--a love that she knew must exist
somewhere, but as of yet all her attempts to find it had ultimately ended in
disappointment. Without hesitation, Maria took the young woman in her arms and
explained the awesome secret of it all, and before long Lera was connected to
the to the most powerful force in all the galaxies, the very power of love
Itself from which not even death could separate
Having just come into possession of
the most wonderful gift anyone could ever possess, and having contact with the
great Spirit of Love, Lera immediately decided that the only course of action
for her now was to gain a deeper understanding of the tremendous reality she had
just become acquainted with, and to assist her newfound friends in their
attempts to free the rest of the enslaved inhabitants of her world.
* * *
Light years away, back at
their original base, a battle raged. It had been decided by the warriors who
remained at the base that one more of their company would be sent to assist
those who had gone on ahead. It was also necessary to renew the life-support
system that sustained each of these soldiers, without which their fire power
would quickly diminish, as would their built-in shield system, and they would
soon be left to be helplessly eliminated at the hand of their enemy. The passage
of this additional soldier was therefore deemed necessary for the completion of
their task, as he could bring the latest re-fills for the life support
However, because this
individual was of another species, it was necessary for him to present a certain
lightly colored green stone, as a sign of goodwill toward the inhabitants of
this cluster of planets who carefully guarded themselves from any menacing
intruder who may have less than kind intentions toward their beautiful and
well-developed peoples. Upon approach to any of these seven planets, the
presentation of one of these stones was the only way for those of another
species to enter peaceably. On this occasion the dark forces had effectively
blocked the entrance to the only source for obtaining these rare and highly
prized stones; a stronghold deep under the
When approaching this same
stronghold, the warriors of light had at first been repelled by a horde of
spirit warriors from the dark world who mocked and taunted them to try to break
through their tightly held ranks. After returning to their base infuriated, they
quickly enlisted the help of the unseen aliens, and charged their
inter-dimensional plasma blasters. Once again the two human warriors approached
the heavily guarded stronghold, this time from behind the crest of a rocky hill
directly behind the enemy battlement.
the given signal there was suddenly a horrific scream from the enemy lines (also
unseen). Within an amount of time no longer than a second of Earth time, the
rows of hideous spirit creatures of which the enemy forces consisted, were
thrown into a wild panic as one after another of them were torn limb from limb
by the barely visible alien super beings who accomplished their work with a
speed and relish that would curdle the blood of even the most hardened warrior
of the netherworld. In the confusion, the two humans spared no time in charging
the depths of the subterranean fortress, and obtaining their prize.
* * *
By the time the fourth
warrior had arrived on the surface of their temporary outpost, Starfighter,
Moonchild, and Daringwarrior had already succeeded in locating a number of
people who, like Lera, had also been searching for a way to break free from the
oppression that held them in slavery. These people were now slowly learning
through their contact with the Great Spirit, as well as with the light warriors
who had helped introduce them into this wonderful new world of love and
Maria and Stephan were also
overjoyed to find two very loyal undercover agents of their realm, who were
doing their best to slowly undermine the evil system that surrounded them. These
undercover agents helped enable the trio to free as many people as they could,
while at the same time surviving in the hostile environment. It was a truly
happy and thankful reunion as the old friends wept tears of joy at seeing each
other again and exchanged stories, as well as expressing blissful contentment
over the new weapons, and system upgrades which were relayed by the fourth
The team, now increased to
four, had many an adventure in this strange and wonderful world, which were it
not for its servitude to the dark powers that held sway over much of that
section of the galaxy, could have been a literal paradise with its warm and
lovable inhabitants, majestic mountains, and vast open fields that stretched for
thousands of kilometers.
Though all did
not go easily for the four soldiers, the Great Spirit was always faithful to
guide and teach them. He always had a way of gaining victory out of the jaws of
defeat. It was on one occasion in particular that this point rang especially
As the time allotted for the
completion of their mission diminished, it became clear that all was not as they
had hoped. Due to circumstances, they had as yet been unable to fulfill one of
the two main objectives of their stay there. Namely, for two of them to
infiltrate the northern region of this planet, and seek out certain long
unvisited stations of resistance established by former warriors of light who had
landed there in years past. There had been occasional communications between the
warrior of light and the souls left to man these remote and scattered outposts.
However, one could never be sure of the situation as interaction was sparse and
irregular, and without a frequent flow of directions, supplies, and refills for
the life support systems, it was possible for a great many things to go awry.
Therefore, it was imperative that these outposts be brought the supplies and
support that they desperately needed.
Unfortunately, time was fast ticking away for the team of warriors to make their
way to these outposts and return to their ship before the position of the planet
changed and it was no longer possible with the fuel they had left to make it
back home. To make matters worse, a huge asteroid belt was due to pass directly
in the path they would have to fly, making the trek home extremely perilous.
Their enemies, having learned of their intentions, set out to hinder them on
their way to the North by attempting to sabotage their communication system and
attacking them at every possible
Sizing up their options,
they realized the reality of the situation. Either they would not make it to
their comrades in the North, or they would have to fly back through the asteroid
belt, coupled with the possibility of the distance changing between them and
home base. After deliberating with headquarters it was finally decided. The risk
would have to be taken.
the two designated for the operation broke through enemy lines undetected, and
thanks only to the care and guidance of headquarters, and the unfailing help of
the unseen aliens, the team was able to locate all of the dear souls who were
loyal to the cause in the northern regions, and delivered to them the much
needed upgrades and supplies. After deliberately stretching their visit to the
limit, they bid tearful goodbyes to their old friends, and many new ones, too,
and promised to return as soon as possible. And of course, the Great Spirit
would be with them and keep them safe until they met
The flight back through the
asteroid belt was not without incident, but true to its reputation, headquarters
got them all back safely. Their ship glided silently into atmosphere of their
home planet.
“It was worth it all!”
Stephan Starfighter said, as he held Maria Moonchild in his
Movies Rated for Senior Teens and
HART'S WAR (2002)
Colin Farrell, Bruce
A white racist American has been
murdered in a POW camp, and a black officer is charged with the crime. Lt. Tommy
Hart has been assigned to defend him in a
(Jesus:) This
film shows that there are layers of understanding regarding
situations--particularly in wartime. The movie examines issues relating to
military law, respect, leadership, followership, obedience, wartime situations,
and trust. There are lessons in this movie about standing up for what is right,
and learning to choose your battles. Some people will find it depressing, but it
has a moral message about the value of every
Hart's War will touch
your hearts for the many men who are called upon to sacrifice themselves as the
innocent pawns of war. The young soldier, who is this story's main character,
endures many things, but grows and learns and matures as he faces each new
challenge. For those who do not like war films, this may be one you would prefer
to avoid. However, even though this is a war movie, it could be somewhat easier
for most people to sit through than some other war movies, because the action
doesn't take place on a battlefield with all the gore and fighting, but in a
prisoner of war camp. It's not so much a story of killing and conquest, but of
the pride and fears of man--regardless of the country for which they're
In a war, soldiers must face a
war within the actual war--the battle within. A battle in standing up for their
beliefs, a battle to defend the underdog, a battle to survive, a battle to
remain honest and to preserve some form of integrity. These are the unseen wars
that many times can make or break the overall physical battle that is being
fought, and this movie shows this well. Count your blessings that you are in My
army, that you have My shepherds to lead you, and that I will be with you
always, even unto the end of the world.
Denzel Washington, James Woods, Anne
When a young boy suffers sudden
heart failure, his parents rush him to the hospital to find they have
insufficient insurance for a needed transplant. His father resorts to drastic
measures in an attempt to get his son taken care
(Jesus:) This is a heavy
movie, and the producer meant to get a strong message across.--The message of
rich vs. poor, the value of money in the world today, and how the have-nots are
often at a great disadvantage. This movie pulls on the heartstrings because it
shows the desperation and love of a mother and father toward their dying child,
and the injustice of the way the System favors the rich over the
This movie will be a little
traumatic for some parents, as it forces you to put yourself in the place of
this family, and you ask yourself what you would have done if you were in the
same situation. You, My children, have a great advantage when it comes to
matters of life and death, because you have Me, you have prayer, you have the
power of the keys, you have faith in healing, and trust that your little ones
are in My hands. But still, it is a heart-wrenching scenario, and fairly true to
life for some in the world.
underlying message is a good one, and though I would not lead My children to
take matters into their own hands like this man does, it shows how the System
leaves no recourse to those it shuns. This father had good intentions, a good
motive, and he was doing all he did out of love for his son, even though it
nearly drove him to the brink of insanity, and pushed him to do things he would
have never otherwise considered. This happens to people in the System, when they
realize that there are no other options, nowhere to turn, and that nobody really
cares about them. Then they lash out and take matters into their own
When man is led to believe that
he has to save himself, then he will go to any means necessary to do so, such as
this desperate father in this movie. It is pitiful, and millions of people face
these same situations every day. Look around you in the world now--the
terrorists, the criminals, many of them are the victims of a system that turned
people away from Me. Pray for them that they may find Me, for only My love will
last and only My “system” is the perfect
This movie is a good exposé of
healthcare in the U.S., and as bad as that is, in many other countries the
availability of medical assistance is far worse. There's a good business lesson
in here, on not taking something for granted; to really read and study and ask
questions when it comes to the fine print of insurance policies, contracts,
credit card rules, etc.
Though this is a
traumatic movie in many ways, it is a good movie.
Movies Rated for
Junior Teens and Up
Hector Elizondo,
Elizabeth Peña
A master chef works to
maintain the traditional values of his family as well as his Mexican kitchen,
though he has a hard time with
(Jesus:) For those who
enjoy traditional Mexican food, this movie shows lots of interesting-looking
dishes and their preparation. There are lighthearted moments and there are
serious moments, and it's a look into a modern day Mexican household living in
the U.S., and the dilemma the daughters face with their widowed father, who
wants to preserve the traditional Mexican
The older sister is a sample of
the old self-righteous church, not My new loving bride. This portrays a picture
of the problems experienced in Latino families in the U.S. where the newly
converted are self-righteous against the Catholic faith of the rest of their
family. As you see with this girl, many times they can take the rigidity of
their Catholic mothers into their new
The family this movie centers
around is a bit dysfunctional, but in spite of the arguing between the sisters,
the lack of communication and self-righteousness, it also shows their strong
bond of love for one another, which pulled them through and above the problems
that arose.
Human frailties cannot
conquer love, but instead, love always overcomes when it is present. That's the
theme of this movie, the conquering power of love. Long live
Movies Rated for MCs and Up
PRIMATE (2000)
Jamie Renee Smith, Kevin Zegers, Russell
Family-oriented comedy about a
three-year-old chimpanzee who has been the subject of a long-term experiment by
a researcher who has been teaching him to communicate through sign
This is a fun, sweet, innocent movie that could be enjoyed by the whole
family. It doesn't have a lot of the bad attitudes that many children in movies
today portray. The brother and sister are very sweet among themselves, and they
love and help each other. It teaches some good things about handicaps and how to
help people with them; how to be a friend and encouragement to someone who seems
to be a bit different.
letters to the editor
Activated subscriptions
By David (15),
The GN “Heading Into
2002, Part 1!” was very convicting, especially the section about
Activated goals and tool distribution. The day we read it the Lord
convicted me through prophecy that I was not doing enough about the
Activated vision and I needed to get more going. That day I was able to
give out 20 Activated magazines and one on-the-spot subscription. I know
the Lord is going to fill me with more faith to get out more and more
Activated tools each day.
Re: Diwali CD
By Catherine,
I am really enjoying the
Diwali CD. I am in Brazil, but my former husband Richard and my son, Ben, who
are living in Bangalore, came for a visit and brought us a copy of the CD. I
didn't know too much about India until now, but this CD gave me a taste of the
style of India. God bless all of you who worked on
By the EMD,
Europe: We sent out over 400 individual Christmas mailings to the FID
[Family Information Desk] media contacts here in Europe. So far we've been
receiving a pretty good response, actually the most we've ever had from a mass
We also sent out a
fairly “healthy” mailing to the former members here in EURCRO. The numbers of
former members on our list has now grown to 177. Something encouraging is that
those on our Winepress list (the ones who tithe or send donations and/or
write us regularly) has been increasing
In total, we sent
over 700 individual Christmas mailings, a total of 3,149 pieces of lit sent, and
an estimated mass witness of 1,500.
Former member Christmas
By the EMD, Europe:
The Lord led us to invite the former members who are on our Winepress
list here in England for a Christmas fellowship. We had a cozy get-together in
Birmingham (central England), and it was attended by about seven former members
and their kids. Rose (of Peter), Tito, and Chloe from the EAD joined our team
(which was Celeste, Simon, and Abi) and it was a sweet time of
We sang carols, read from
the Christmas FSM, and also enjoyed a nice Christmas meal. We had our tools on
display, so after the former members had taken what they were interested in, the
expenses and income balanced out to where the event basically paid for itself.
Those who came are still sending us notes, calling us, etc., about what a nice
time they had. Afterwards we put together a small newsletter of the event with
our pictures and sent that to them in a mailing. We've received a very good
response to this newsletter, as people have been inspired to “see the faces” of
those they're writing to.
WTC and Endtime witness
By Mick
(of Trudy)*, China [*Aliases used]
friend of ours asked us many questions about the Endtime as a result of the WTC
attacks. He lives half the year in China and half the year in the States. At one
point in our discussion we were talking about prophets, and he said that we were
like the prophets of old because we knew the Bible. He also said that China
needs people like us to get the Endtime message to the people
He told us that 30 years ago he
talked with a famous pastor in Hong Kong, whom he had asked questions about
creation. The H.K. pastor said that he believed that creation is just a made up
story by some very intelligent men who God chose. This disturbed our friend's
faith that a preacher could doubt God's Word and it had affected him all these
years. He asked us what we thought, and we answered him from the Word about
creation. He said that our account (the Bible's account) of Creation, Noah's
flood, etc., really made sense.
believe that if he gets on fire he can lead thousands to the Lord here, as he
already acknowledges the Lord when talking to people about things that happened
in his life. If we can train him he will be a tremendous asset to the work in
China, as he has a lot of drive and throws himself 100% into whatever project he
is working on. Right after he prayed with us to receive the Lord, he started to
sing songs to Jesus. He's done this a few times already whenever we have talked
to him about the Lord and the Word.
evening he got saved with his wife, they ended up staying for five hours with
us, until 1:00 in the morning, and all we did was talk about the Word and read
it together while we answered the many questions he had. Another evening he came
on his own and the same thing happened; he stayed for five hours again asking
question after question regarding the Endtime and Creation. When we apologized
for talking so much he said: “Please talk! Keep talking. I want to hear more.
I've had these questions all my life and no one has been able to answer them
until now!”
When he met our YA son, who
was visiting us at the time, the first thing he said was: “He looks like a
priest! He has such gentle eyes.” For him, the only way to connect living for
the Lord is being a priest or a missionary. At that time we hadn't even
witnessed to him that much at all, but he still said this about our son, which
shows he's in tune and he sees we are
He doesn't go to church,
though some time ago he used to attend a house church during his time in China.
After we told him about the Endtime and showed him in the Word about it, he
mentioned that he wants to get out of the States as soon as possible and that
this is his plan for the near future. We pray that he does come back and help us
to reach his people for the Lord. Meanwhile, we will be in touch with him via
e-mail, training him by sending him Word to read. He is, we believe, a time bomb
waiting to explode!
Those words pulled me
Rosita (SGA),
USA: Richard is an African-American we met as we crossed a parking lot one
day. He was broken and desperate; he'd been going through very difficult times
being homeless and barely scraping by. We began talking about Jesus, and as he
shared his questions we showed him the answers from the Bible. We told him about
Jesus' unconditional love and His forgiveness and bond with the brokenhearted
and the downcast. He was so hungry for everything we told
The Lord checked me to give him
Activated #1. Flipping through it I showed him my favorite part, the
message entitled “To You - with Love” at the back of the
“I have this!” he blurted out.
“I have this same message from Jesus! Two years ago I found it on the floor. I
read it and it was so encouraging to me that I have carried it in my wallet
since then. Every time I've gone through hard times, it was these Words from
Jesus that pulled me through and kept me
We prayed for him before
leaving, whereupon he burst into tears. We hugged before parting ways. He said,
“You know why I'm crying?--These are tears of joy!”
Travel the world
in four hours
Mark, Sydney,
Australia: Yes, it took us only four hours to … witness to people from
China, Korea, Philippines, Japan, Thailand, Kenya, Jamaica and Australia. This
happened in two nights while out in Sydney. Some of them got Activated
On the first night a Thai girl
got saved. On the following night a Chinese, Kenyan and Jamaican got saved. We
also met some Aussie girls who said they were Christians and wanted extra tracts
to give to some Muslims. They just wanted to do it to stir them, ha, typical
Aussies. (Actually, we've found many Muslim young people to be very receptive.)
Then add two Japanese girls who just got saved during a lunchtime witnessing
Australia is still a mission
field for those called to be here!
Remembering the
Steven Watchman (of Mary),
Philippines: In light of the “Conviction vs. Compromise” series, I had to
really seek the Lord on what He wanted me to do concerning the training I was
giving to several basketball teams in the city. Even though it was a door the
Lord had opened for us in the beginning, I still had to check with Him to see
whether or not it was something that He wanted me to keep doing. This was a
ministry that turned into a job, but the Lord gave me a swift kick to remind me
what I'm in it for.
I had slacked off on
feeding the guys more Word. I had looked at how to feed them as a whole, instead
of focusing on the hungry ones. So I started probing more and finding out what
their problems were individually and offered them Activated for the
answers. I will be giving Bible studies after practice; so far about ten players
will be subscribing to Activated.
It's only the tip of the iceberg in feeding them, because once they catch the
fire, they will pass the torch on to others. There are a lot of labor leaders
among them that can do a lot for the Lord. Since I started feeding them more,
the gift that one player promised to give is taking form. We gave him a list of
our proposals, and he offered to help with them all, including a
Gift of prophecy getting
By Joan, Middle East: When
Faith and Topaz walked into a kindergarten to discuss a program to be held there
next week, the lady came up to them exclaiming how beautiful the “writing” was
that someone from the Family had received for a boy who had a very serious
This came about as a
result of a friend calling us and asking for prayer for one of her son's close
friends who had had a bad fall two weeks earlier. As a Home we prayed and
Melissa (12) received a beautiful prophecy for this boy. Sarah passed it on to
the parents of this boy, and it seems this message of the Lord's Words has been
magnified and broadcasted in many
This lady asked if we actually
get paid for such services and messages. We explained that we don't receive
direct payment for such things, but our work is supported solely by
contributions and donations from interested individuals and companies. This lady
was totally flipped out about these precious Words from the
It was a direct confirmation and
fruit of a message we received in prophecy regarding getting folks in the Home
involved in hearing from the Lord for our friends and certain situations,
including our children who obviously have a precious channel!
Fast and
Feast 2002
Two special things
By Abi,
After the first Feast
reading, and the question about what was cluttering my life, the Lord told me
that the biggest clutter was “my own thoughts and ideas,” so it really hit me in
the later GNs when the Lord asked us to take on His mind. Being an analyzing and
intellectual type, this would be the last thing I'd want to forsake. I thought
it would be too hard to give my mind over to the Lord all the time. I wondered
how I was going to tell throughout the day what was me, and what was the Lord.
Then the Lord told me He was giving me an angel to give me checks when I was
thinking my own thoughts, and who would point the way to the Lord's thoughts
every time I get off track. The Lord gave me a vision of her and told me her
name so I could ask her to help me stay on the Lord's wavelength. It was very
awesome, and I pray I can be faithful to accept this
Another beautiful and very
convicting experience was when we were reading “Heavenly Thought Power” (ML
#3377, GN 974), and it said that one of the requisites to receiving this gift
was to be able to tune out whatever's going on around us to enter into that
“quiet place” with the Lord to hear from Him. This really struck me because at
last year's Feast for the treasure hunt, that was the specific treasure the Lord
gave me--to be able to shut out what's happening around me and commune with Him
at anytime, anywhere.
When I woke
up the next morning, it seemed the Lord lifted a veil from my face and He showed
me what to me was a revelation.--I hadn't really believed my “treasure gift”
enough to use it during this past year. In a way this was doubting and not
appreciating it, and I felt so sad, I cried and asked the Lord to forgive me.
Then He gave me a beautiful vision and words of comfort and direction to
encourage me about all His gifts He so generously pours on
(Jesus:) Yes, dear, you did
have a lack of faith. You were excited at the moment that the little treasure
hunt and clues I gave led to the wonderful gift--the gift of being able to enter
into My secret chambers at any moment, no matter what's going on around
At first you were so thrilled, yet
you tucked it away and forgot about it. You put it in your treasure chest to
make you feel good--to know that it's there if you ever need it, but you never
really used it. Now you see that this treasure is part of a greater treasure, a
greater gift I'm giving you this year.
The treasures are all the new weapons and New Wine I've given--loving Me,
praising Me, walking the humble road, unity with others, prophecy, the keys,
your personal gift of being able to come into My chambers at any time, and the
new ones I will add as a result of this year's Feast. I know you feel very bad
about not treasuring your treasures, but there was so many other things
cluttering up your life, I had to take these away and show you them one by one
so you'd see the need to come and remember your treasure
My dear, My love, My sweetheart,
these treasures I give you are not for you only--they're not yours. You're only
a steward of them. I expect you to use them to help and serve
And so I say, marvel not nor
doubt the great power I've given you through the keys. For all that I speak to
you shall be fulfilled. I tell you, My dear, you have only begun to see what I
can do through My children of David--to those who abandon all, even themselves,
and believe. Pray for faith to believe, for when you believe with your whole
heart, it shall be done. (End of prophecy excerpt.)
through the fast
By Michael,
The fast had a positive
effect on the relationships of two of my children, ages 16 and 14. They'd often
argue and bicker like two toddlers due to the familiarity between them. We
talked to them about how the Selvegion would like to enter in through their
continual petty arguing. The Lord used that to help them see their bickering in
a different light and both of them have really made an effort to get the victory
over this problem. So there is progress,
We have been traveling like mad
this last month, so the kids have been doing school as we travel. Between
school, reading the Word out loud in the van or having praise time and prayer
vigil, it has helped keep the bickering down tremendously as we travel. We try
to break the prayer vigils up into three segments of 10 minutes each, and we try
to get through our prayer list for our friends and contacts daily. The Lord
spoke to us in prophecy that we weren't using our prayer vigils and the power of
the keys enough in interceding for our friends. He chided us that one of the
qualities listed in the GNs concerning the keys is that they have the power to
work miracles. He told us that we could and should be seeing more
miracles in the lives of our friends and with our follow-up, and that the reason
we weren't is because we haven't been praying for them as we ought
Home schooling corner
“You can be proud of how you
taught me…”
By John, Luba, and Rose,
We recently received some
inspiring responses from outside friends and family, showing the value of our
Family education.
We sent an essay
written by Samara (YA) to John's brother, who has been a journalist for 20 years
for a well-known American newspaper. Her essay was about her time in Kosovo.
Here is his response:
Wow! How old is
Samara? She's got a lot to say, and it's crushing to read it: both because of
admiration for her call, and for going on. From a writing and journalism point
of view, I can probably offer her a lot of tips, but from an experiential
viewpoint, man I've got nuthin'. This kid's seen more than me, and I would not
be able to critique her content. Thanks for sharing it. Love,
We recently got a note from one
of our sons who is in his first year of university: “I don't know whether I told
you or not, but I got three As and a B last semester, a 3.8 something
grade-point average. So you can be proud of how you taught me, because there
aren't many people who get as high a grade-point average as I did.” Our son was
home-schooled all his life, and the first time he attended a formal school was
university, where he obtained a four-year $60,000 scholarship.
can we do if school is “boring?”
By Ilja, Christina, and Rebecca,
One problem that we're facing
with the kids' scholastics is that more often the older ones complain that it's
boring for them to do so much workbook related studies. At the same time, it's
hard to give them “fun” classes all the time as we simply don't have much time,
and classes generally require a lot of preparation. On the other hand, I know
that workbooks pretty much have the most essential scholastic info in them, and
if the kids only learn what's in the books, they'll be pretty well educated (not
that the workbooks are all that they need, but they cover the most important
When I prayed about this
situation the Lord showed me that at least for now (while we're short of
personnel) it's important to make sure the kids have something to look forward
to either after school or as part of school. The Lord gave some
ideas like inviting our sheep and their kids over to our Home more often to have
fun activities together or planning extra outings--like going to the swimming
pool (we have a free contact) in the middle of the week, or to the ice-skating
rink, or to follow-up meetings in the afternoon, etc. It's a real challenge,
though, as it requires extra planning and fitting it all into our extremely busy
schedule. But we tried to do it this week, and the fruit was worth it! Everybody
was done with their goals much earlier and was much more challenged to press
Improving school portfolios
By Esther, Heidi, and James,
I am so thankful for the
recent CC seminar. Until now all my kids' portfolios have just been envelopes of
“facts and figures.” Seeing the inspiring presentations given by other moms on
their beautiful PR style folders convicted me to make ours more presentable. I
used it as a parent-time activity, asking the children to glean what they
considered their best work from their previous workbooks. We then mounted each
piece on colored paper, adding cutouts from the same workbooks. We also made a
special folder of all their favorite excursions and special activities, adding
photos, ticket stubs, and the kids' own testimonies. The kids enjoyed it so much
that now their daily work is much neater, knowing that that some of it will
receive merit in next year's “show and tell” section.
Homes working
together to teach the kids
By Joy (of Matt),
Another aspect of home
schooling is that while we have very gifted people in the different scholastic
areas, not every Home has a good or experienced teacher. But with the vision of
having a little bit bigger Homes, not just single-family Homes--it all fits
together so well! The Homes could try to have at least one official teacher, or
plan the schedule in such a way that different ones in the Home can teach a
different subject, but have it well coordinated and written down, with a little
report from the teacher or the one who teaches the
If a Home doesn't have a teacher
for a certain age group, they could team up with another Home that might have
that teacher; they can then help that Home in other areas, like provisioning,
We implemented a few different
ideas here in São Paulo, which I believe are bearing tremendous fruit in the
kids' lives. One was a united schooling effort. Ester (of Martin) and I have had
a school day together once a week, for these past six months. During this time
we gave special classes on history, Brazilian geography, Portuguese, math, etc.,
giving the kids classes in the subjects we each knew
The kids really looked forward to
this school day, and it also presented the opportunity for united get-outs. We
would give a little test at the end of each period and ask them do to homework
and research on different subjects. They loved it and really worked at it. This
way we provided them with the challenge of teamwork and being able to show their
schoolwork to somebody other than just
Perhaps we could encourage Homes in
different cities to get together and do things like this--a science fair, an art
display, etc. There are so many good ideas in Family pubs, but sometimes just
doing it within a small Home can seem a little routine, but when we do it
together with two or three Homes, it makes it so much more exciting for the
We also started some classes like
art, music, and handyman in Jonathan VS's Home. Three teachers teach these
different classes, then after dinner we have a Bible class for the JETTs and one
for the OCs. During these Bible classes they are learning about witnessing,
their personal walk with the Lord, the Endtime, and memory verses. All the
parents are happy with these classes as it's bearing tremendous fruit in the
kids' lives. It's so fulfilling and another proof that the Lord will bless us
extra as we unite for the kids' sake.
believe with all my heart that the Family has the best to offer as far as
personnel, materials, and vision. Like Dad said: “We are a genuine officers
training school preparing a cadre for world leadership.” It's such an honor to
be fighting in this army!
Rising above home-schooling
By David, Heaven, Katrina, Kengo, Leilani, Mandy, Marvy, and
Michael, Japan
Since receiving the
“Conviction vs. Compromise” series pertaining to schooling and shepherding our
young people, our Home has had several united meetings to pray and ask the Lord
how to apply the Word to our Home situation. “Rome isn't built in a day,” but
the Lord has shown us how to begin building
Since we basically have the junior
teens on down in public school, the Lord showed us to prepare to pull some of
them out, as public school was already showing very little benefits of growth
scholastically--not to mention zero in other areas. Our plan is to now home
school our two junior teens, one JETT and one OC (all boys). During Aaron's trip
to the States, we purchased Beka home-schooling books for those who need
English schooling. We also have materials for teaching in Japanese for those who
will keep that as their primary learning
It's slowly piecing together
and we will be focusing on the power and hearing from the Lord to know how to
keep a good schedule. God bless our dear mommies, who have had communication
with the public school, informing them of what we plan to do in advance. This
way, we are not being “sudden drop outs” but are having communication with them
and being sweet but firm in the need to now home school our
Out of school, still learning the language
Claire, Francesco, and Olivier, Taiwan
Our children were attending a public school to learn Chinese, but in light
of the recent GN counsel, we decided to take them out of school. Actually, we
were not fulfilling our part of the bargain in feeding them the Word to
counteract the System influence. However, the Lord in His mercy has raised up a
teacher who is quite sheepy and interested in helping us with our kids'
education and also helping us to learn Chinese. A neat answer to
School program suggestions
By Gideon and Paloma,
We got the Monte Sion
course for Obed - 12, and I really like it. It's a complete curriculum with
teacher's guides, answer keys, etc. It's a good beginner's home school
kit. It's a study of John with grammar and other material thrown in just like
the Bible curriculum from the Davidito book.
Alpha and
By Gabe, Honey, Jessica, and Mikey,
We ordered Language and
History CDs for 10th grade from Alpha-Omega. This is a good program where
the teacher can monitor all the work that is being done, and can even add to the
curriculum. The program automatically corrects answers and it is a fun learning
Weaver curriculum
By Michael, Debbie, and
Angela, Honduras
After waiting
several months, I now have my new schooling materials, PTL! Most of them I
bought very inexpensively on-line and some of them were given to me for free by
Christian women and a math publishing company, also run by Christians. I've had
a little time to look over the materials and they look very nice. This is from
The Weaver Curriculum, which is a unit study program.
ideas and
Selah trash
By Luke, Crystal, Abi, and Joy,
Rather than collecting our
selah trash in a plastic bag, we fill up a paper bag with everything that needs
to be burned and set the bag on fire (in a fire-safe place). It saves a lot of
time not having to stand there throwing the bits of papers into the
Making the most of vespers
By Luke, Crystal, Abi, and
Joy, Senegal
For vespers, we have
tried different Word-based games, usually using the latest GN, and it is
becoming quite fun. We rotate the organizer by alphabetic order so every one
gets a chance to prepare a different
A few examples: Each person is
given a number. We then throw the die, and if it lands on your number, you are
called up to read or act out a part of the
We once had inspiration for a
few minutes, and everyone had to bring an “instrument” to play along with
(wooden spoon on a pot, spoon on a few bottles filled at different levels,
homemade shakers, etc.).
We played some
kids songs from the CDs for a few seconds and you had to guess which song it
was, and then sing along for a short
We also played “encouragement
night” for vespers once, where you throw the die for who reads and the person
who it lands chooses whom he or she wants to read encouraging words from Jesus
Admitting you're weak is proof that you are
(of Clare and Newheart) would like to get in contact with Dan and Faith
(last known in Croatia, also in Nagoya). Please contact Jeremy at
hugwenwh@hotmail.com or call 803
Dear Miguel and Ruthie
(Chilean) Voluntario: Somebody here in Argentina really wants to get in
contact with you. It is an old friend, Guillermo, who met the Family in '75
through you. Could you send your e-mail to us? Our e-mail is:
vamosche@yahoo.com. Thanks! ILY!--Gloria
I need to get in touch with Ace (INDIA?), and Renae (going to
China?). If anyone knows their e-mail or snail mail addresses, please write to
Angie at: one_and_only_87@hotmail.com.
Damaris is looking for her friends,
Marie, Jessica, A. Joy, Abi, Maria,
Tabita, Gabriela, Mana, and Ezra. Guys, please
contact me at lagohome@lagosnet.com.br. I'm anxious to hear from you. Please
don't delay.
My name is Lydia (12). I'm
looking for Philip (10) and Peter (of Sarah). Remember me? We
lived in together in Poland for some time. Please write me at e-mail:
Christopher in
Montreal (of Louise Gosselin), please contact your dad when you find the time.
E-mail: mcmeel@ureach.com
Dear brethren: “Blessed are
the feet of those who preach the Gospel.” We are a small Home of nine
members, living in a small town in Paraguay on the Brazilian border, where
the two most outstanding income sources of this town are drug dealing and
illicit trafficking.
The Lord has
performed many miracles and changed the lives and hearts of a lot of people
during the seven years that we've been coming here for faith trips, meeting many
precious souls. One-and-a-half-years ago, we opened this Home with a lot of
expectations, but the sheep aren't growing, and instead they are staying relaxed
and in conformity with their churches. On the other side, the economic situation
is going through rough, critical times, to the point that we're not being able
to reach our budget of US$500. LHU! &&& We were recently visited by
our shepherds, and they suggested that we move to another mission field. In
asking the Lord about this, we feel the call and have been invited to go to
Mexico! The Lord showed us to share our situation and need with the whole
Family. This is why we're asking each CM/FM Home if you could please help by
donating just a small gift in order to help us raise the funds that we need to
in order to heed this calling. [WS: Please note that $10 is the smallest
amount that some areas' TeleTRFs will process.] If each Home helps with a
few dollars, we will have a great part of our need covered. Please, don't think
it's too little or insignificant! Little is plenty if God is in it! Thank you!
Our e-mail: linkup7@terra.com.br or contact us through the SACRO
--Juan and Perla, for the PY006,
Home of Pedro Juan Caballero (Paraguay) and Ponta Pora
My name is Bruni
(Russian national) and I have a three-year-old son. The Lord showed me to go to
Mexico and I have a Home waiting for me there. It's not possible to fundraise in
Russia and training our national church before we close up the Home takes all my
time. I'm still lacking about $700. If the Lord puts it on your heart to help
with any amount, I'd be truly grateful! Your prayers are also very appreciated!
Please send your donations through the ABM for Bruni (RU013). Thank you so much
for taking your time to read this and pray about it!
We want to take the
opportunity to thank the Family once again for their efforts in helping
to raise the money for Jasper's van. It is working so well and has literally
opened new worlds for Jasper. He is trying to talk so much more and is so
attentive and responsive to commands. Even the doctor has been impressed by how
well he's doing and has asked me to document him on video. Of course, the Lord
gets all the glory!
--Love (of Jasper),
Dear Teams in Hungary!
Without your help and loving care, our time in Budapest would have been quite
difficult. It was very inspiring to meet all of you and see the way the Lord's
working to prepare the Hungarian Family and that sheepy country for the exciting
things He has in store in the near
We wanted to especially thank
you, Djani, Andrea and all members of the Orchard Home, for
letting us stay with you and helping us with our many needs. Thank you so much
for the fun times of witnessing, fellowship, and working together as a team! It
made us feel really loved that you received us,
Thank you, Libby and Mike,
for letting Sara come to the delivery of our little girl and thank you so
much, Sara and Daniel, for your friendship, love, and care in every way!
And to the Anchor Home, Light House, Tunde, Csaba, Pearl, Tim, Claire,
Chris, Vicky, Jerom, Edit, Evi, Gloria, Mercy and many others, thank you for
all your help and times of fellowship and
This kind of sample of
loving care is what makes our wonderful Family the Family of love that we feel
so privileged to be part of.
--With LOVE
and eternally grateful, I., A. and kids, China
Adult Total
India 531 3,719
Mexico 400 4,000
Claire/Crystal/Daniel/Steven/Steven, India 389 1,558
Brazil 339 3,050
Hyderabad DeafReach,
India 295 2,365
India 217 1,304
Thailand 167 1,005
David, Costa
Rica 150 300
Belorus 136 815
Cephas/Melody/Heidi, Ivory
Coast 130 650
Spain 4,000 8,000
Peru 1,600 8,000
Japan 1,200 6,000
Nigeria 1,123 8,990
Taiwan 1,025 2,050
Kenya 1,001 6,006
USA 810 4,050
Portugal 800 4,000
Japan 678 3,390
USA 535 6,420
Botswana 250 500
Mexico 157 314
Panama 150 300
Taiwan 107 214
Maria/Mark, United
Kingdom 100 200
Romania 93.8 563
Brazil 93.3 280
Switzerland 80 323
Spain 76 153
USA 75 150
Chris/Gabe/Ginny/Pablo/Rejoice/S., USA 69 762
Brazil 57 340
CN607 36 110
Maria/Mark, United
Kingdom 34 68
Brazil 27 134
Pakistan 25 150
USA 23 93
Douglas/Malika, South
Africa 22 44
Indonesia 21 108
Adam, Issue
Page 1: More Romance Tips (page 2
Page 2: Hot Romance Tip
Blowing gently into her ear will
drive her into a frenzy of l'amour like nothing else can. However NEVER do so
with a mouthful of dry crackers.
photo: SGA Tyrone of Titus-ina in Thailand just sort of standing there.
(End of File)