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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 130; March 15, 2002.)

Table of Contents:

       Aurora comes to town-India!       page 2
       Legal and media       page 3
       Web sites/Valentines/supply and more       page 4
       Brotherhood/camps       page 6
       Home schooling corner       page 10
       TEAM foundation update       page 12
       Prayer list       page 13
       Movie ratings/reviews       page 14
       Letters to the editor       page 15

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751, Irving, Texas, USA - 75016-8751 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2002 by The Family

       Carisa Gepetto
, born to Kristy and Zeb on August 14.--USA
       Samantha Ann, 2nd child, born to Autumn and Robin on November 6.--Portugal
       Nathalie, born to Lily and Oliver on December 22.--Japan
       Josefina Ophelia Mara, 1st child, born to Alais on January 5.--Canada
       Riona Patricia, born to Rosa Amanecer on January 8.--India
       Geoffry, born to Vicky Fighter and John Berry on January 9.--Taiwan
       Anthony Michael, born to Peace and Emman on January 13.--Australia
       Diana, 5th child, born to Kris and Peter on February 25.--Romania


Basic Course classes now available in Spanish

By Conéctate
The first stack of Basic Course Classes, plus all the preparatory ones, are now available for all who wish to use them in their follow-up, Bible classes or personal witnessing. You can download them from the Spanish section of the English MO site or write to us at: chilecon@mi-mail.cl and we can e-mail them to you. Lord willing, in the coming weeks and months we will have the rest of the course completed.
       We pray that these are blessing for all who wish to teach the basic course to their Spanish-speaking disciples and friends.

Foundation update

       We'd like to take this opportunity to update and inform you about the materials that we presently have on hand, so that you have a current list of products to go by. Here's what we have:

: $137.50 + shipping
       The complete phonics system that teaches reading, phonics, and spelling. All in one kit! Re-usable for each of your children!

       Price: $5.95 per set + shipping
       Beautifully illustrated and fun to use with your children. Right now, we have the following sets:
*       On the Farm
*       Clothes
*       In the Garden
*       In the Home
       We are trying to get more stock of:
*       At the Supermarket
*       Things That Go

$20.00 for 4 + shipping
For children grade levels 2-7. These books help your student who is learning Spanish. (Normally these books are $9.95 each.)

       Price: 25 cents each + shipping
While supplies last!

$16.50 each + shipping
       See CCHB, pages 358-361 as reference.

       Price: Contact us for order/price list catalog. Offered at 45% off and free shipping. (UPS or surface mail if outside of USA.)
       A Spanish curriculum for grades K-6.

       Price: $6.50 for both sets + shipping
       Two sets of flash cards (95 in each set). Colorful and practical!

What TEAM is no longer offering
* Uncle Dan's Algebra video/CD series: You can now purchase these videos directly from Uncle Dan. Please e-mail him at: nmexfed@abmc.net

       If you need more information about TEAM's products (including contact and order information), it's all compiled into one handy file, found on the MO site at:

Aurora comes to town!

By Simon Simple, New Delhi
It was a beautiful, sunny spring morning when our Home's e-mail deacon came running in and breathlessly announced, “Guess what, guys? The Aurora team's coming to town and setting up a stall at the World Book Fair next week! Isn't that terrific?”
       A plethora of mixed feelings welled up within me. Aurora coming to New Delhi,to mass market our tools? I thought. That's so cool! But then I gulped! Wait a minute!! If Aurora starts mass marketing and striking up deals with distributors and publishers, what's going to become of us, the local Family? What if they sell the tools cheaper than we do? Visions of Darth Vader and the Imperial Storm troopers zapping the little fellows out of existence and taking over their planet began flooding through my carnal, finite mind! I braced myself for what I feared was going to be the beginning of the end of our local tool distribution…
       Reality, however, turned out to be wonderfully different! A couple of days before the fair, the area shepherds held a meeting with all the Homes in New Delhi and explained the whys and wherefores of Aurora coming to the Book Fair. Far from being “market monopolists,” the Aurora team, John and Mary, were sweet, humble, helpful, and genuinely concerned about the Homes' outreach and tool distribution. They requested the Homes' help to man the Aurora booth and told us that we, the Delhi Family, could keep the profits from the sales at the fair. Wow! This was not “The Invasion of the Profit Snatchers” that I had feared; this was the love of Jesus in action! John and Mary also explained how their participation at the Book Fair would not hinder but actually enhance our local tool distribution by helping our products to become better known by the public.
       By the time the meeting was done we were convinced that this Book Fair was going to be good for the Family Homes in Delhi! We had prayer and prophecy and the Lord spoke beautifully. He said that this Book Fair was to be “the start of a new era for tool distribution in the sub-continent,” and that our “books, tapes and videos would become known far and wide.” A few of us had visions of angels and spirit helpers hovering over the Book Fair and bringing the sheep to the Aurora booth to be fed. That's exactly what happened!
       We began to see the promised miracles from day one. Aaj Tak, a national TV station (currently the most popular in India) came and filmed the Aurora booth. John gave them a terrific interview about Aurora's value-based materials for children that was broadcast nationwide that night and watched by millions of viewers all over India. The next day, the Aurora booth was packed! In all my years in the Family I have never seen books, CDs, videos, and tapes go out as fast as they did in those eight days that the Book Fair was on! We were on our feet from the time the Book Fair opened at 11 a.m. till the time it closed at 8 p.m. It was intense, it was busy; it was exhilarating!
       People came in from all over the country and bought incredible amounts of tools every day. A man walked up to us one day and said, “I have seen many booths at this fair, but you are the only ones who look truly happy! What is the secret of your happiness?” We took the opportunity to witness to him and also pointed to our products on display and he ended up buying a number of books! A school principal from a chain of government-run schools walked in one day and bought the entire set of 20 Treasure Attic VCDs. He was so thrilled with the videos that he is recommending them to all the other schools that are part of the chain. We received order after order for the Interactive CDs, Keys to Parenting, Feed My Lambs, and Mottos for Success.
       The thing that struck me was the incredible vacuum that people have for our tools. Over and over we heard the comment, “I've searched all over the Fair for good children's materials. You are the only ones that have them!” I've also lost count of the number of people who were walking past the booth, caught a glimpse of the poster advertising the God on God book, stopped in their tracks, walked into the booth, and said, “I must have that book!” We only had a few sample copies of the book on display, but promised these people we would get in touch with them as soon as the book was in print. If coming events cast their shadows before, God on God promises to be a sensation once it's in print! The thrilling news: The local affiliate of a big-time international publisher is in negotiations with us to publish this book! Won't it be exciting to see God on God on displayed in a bookstore window?
       Every day eight to ten Family members from the different Delhi Homes came to man the Aurora booth. Such a vast and varied sales force not only ensured high sales but also became quite a talking point with the other publishers. One of the marketing directors manning a neighboring stall asked me one morning (thick Indian accent): “You kindly tell me two things! Firstly, where did you find so many multinational salespeople of so many age groups? And secondly, how do you motivate them to sell so well?” To which I told him that all of our “salespeople” had volunteered their services because they were sold on Aurora's products. To which the gentleman nodded wisely and said (thick Indian accent again), “Ah, I understand! We peoples are motivated by our pockets! You peoples are motivated by your hearts!” Ha!
       The Family's enthusiasm in selling the tools is worth mentioning! We were probably the only stall with salespeople inside the stall selling things to people and salespeople standing outside in the aisle making sure the customers came in. (Thanks for the tip, Aurora!) It would be safe to say that once a prospective customer was in the stall, nine times out of ten he or she ended up buying something. Every day we set goals for tools sales and every day the Lord met those goals!
       It was beautiful to see the reactions of the sheep who came to the booth. We met hundreds of precious people who literally begged us to stay in touch with them and keep them informed about any products Aurora comes up with! Dozens of distributors, including Asia's largest, expressed a keen interest in Aurora's products. We are waiting in eager anticipation to see these tools hit the market!
       Here's an article which appeared in The Hindustan Times, a newspaper read by millions of people in New Delhi and other parts of North India. This article was accompanied by a nice, big color photo of a child reading a Stories to Grow By book.

Visitors Are Hooked, Line and Sinker at Foreign Books Stall

       Aurora Production from Switzerland is here for the first time and have done a roaring business. Their children's books packaged attractively have been much in demand. “People are curious about our books, which have been designed to draw the attention of children who are already hooked on television. Unlike TV, they talk about the importance of community life and togetherness,” says a representative of Aurora Production. Even their books on philosophy, which have yet to be published, have drawn a great deal of interest. “Books on religion seem to be much in demand here,” says a representative.

       It's been 48 hours since the Book Fair finished and we have already started receiving phone calls and e-mails from satisfied customers wanting more of our products!
       It was a week to remember! Our horizons were expanded. Our minds were liberated. I was reminded of the quote, “Why piddle around in puddles when there are oceans to swim in and all space to revel in?” Our eyes were opened to the incredible potential of mass marketing, and the Fair rekindled in our hearts the desire to get out the Words of David by the millions for the billions! And thank you, Aurora! This is just the beginning!


Making it happen with our camps

By Miguel, Joy, Pedro, and Ariana (VSs for Colombia and Venezuela), Columbia
In February we organized and hosted a teen camp, which lasted two days and one night. The Lord showed us that He wanted to use this time to issue a serious call to arms to all the young people participating, and to challenge each one to be His revolutionary, dedicated disciples.
We had been planning a camping trip in a forest area that is relatively near, but the Lord changed our plans at the last minute due to the unexpected rupture of the peace process here that took place the night before our trip was planned. When we heard from the Lord, He showed us that He wanted to use this recent turn of events to emphasize the shortness of time to all of us and especially to the young people who were going to attend the camp. The Lord then confirmed that we should go ahead with our plans for the camp, the only difference being that instead of camping in the forest we would camp in our backyard.
       We commenced the meetings with a keynote we'd received from Dad. After this we had an open forum about witnessing. It was beautiful to hear the sincere heartcries of each of the young people as they gave ideas about how to witness more and cultivate solid works in their Homes. This lasted till the wee hours of the morning as everyone enthusiastically participated in the sizzling hot and fiery forum.
The next day we studied and reviewed the “Conviction vs. Compromise” series, which evolved into another spontaneous forum as everyone shared their opinions and views on how to apply this series to their personal lives, Homes, and area. We then had a meeting we dubbed “Conclusions,” as we didn't want to leave the camp with all the new ideas left only in words. We spent this time putting “cement and brick” under our ideas. Some of these conclusions were: inviting our young sheep to a united activity with dancing, games, songs, testimonies and witnessing; united witnessing outings; united Bible classes for and given by young people; more open forums on topics such as peer pressure, Conéctate, follow-up, LOL, System music, etc.; more activities with FM young people. These were just a few of the many commitments made that day. We set dates and have already started to get these new ideas going. We've mounted the revolutionary racer ... off we go!
       The camp ended around a campfire with hot drinks and sandwiches, where we sang love songs to our dearest Lover and danced to the rhythm of Gypsy and inspirational songs.
       Besides the youth camp, we've organized two meetings for the adults and SGAs on the subject of relating to and helping our young people. In the meetings we studied the Word on the subject, as well as had lively discussions on how to do more to help our young people stay inspired, happy, and satisfied in their service for the Lord in each of the Homes.
       We ended these two meetings with concrete ways on how to do more for the youth in our area. From now on, the adults will give of their time and services to give seminars to the young people on diverse subjects, a few being: how to prepare and teach Bible classes; an Endtime class entitled “The Prophetic Vision of the Future”; leadership; visions and goals, etc. The adults also offered their expertise in teaching vocational skills such as driving, computer programming, graphic design, photography and filming, music, and how to play musical instruments, and first aid. Just for starters! Everyone was inspired with the prospects of doing more for our young people.
       The grand finale for these meetings was a super quiz on the series “More on the Keys!” (GNs 942, 946-947, 952, 956). We had announced this event prior to the meeting, so everyone had time to review the GNs. It was hilarious and lots of fun as we all tried to remember the many details in this far-out series, such as the exact description of the guardians of the pavilion of the power of God, or what the great ball of fire represented, or what were the colors of the clouds surrounding the plasma stream, or what is the last protocol, and so went on the long list of questions.
       Until we started restudying this series we didn't realize how much mileage we could get out of each one. The attendees took back the questionnaire so that they could hold similar contests within their Homes and get everyone studying the intricacies of the wonderful treasures found in the Word.

Rocking Camp!

By Seek, Mexico

       Photo #1:
Kids from 10 Homes and seven cities attending the camp, an amazing group of almost 70 people (staff and parents included), twice as many as the last camp we held three months ago

       Photo #2:
Overview of the classroom in the living area of our Home

       Photo #3:
It was thrilling to see the attendees go to work, and this was the scene throughout the three days

       Photo #4:
The theme of the camp was witnessing. To get a T-shirt, the adults could ask any five of the 18 verses from the “Our Job” set in the Memory Book, which the kids were supposed to have memorized before coming to the camp. Elizabeth was the first OC to get a T-shirt.

       Photo #5:
Jason's class, “Characteristics of a Witness,” was the kick-off class first thing in the morning

       Photo #6:
Mikey reading the answers from a little quiz that Jason gave

       Photo #7:
Part of Jason's class was working to find out a secret code and another was to work a “Cross Word” puzzle using words from the verses they were memorizing

       Photo #8:
Sharon is helping Isaac at her table to find a verse to fill in his crossword puzzle. The teachers were kept busy full time with their tables, and always there to help out.

       Photo #9:
Seek's class was “There Is No Limit”--about the life of Dwight L. Moody. Kids from each table came up to act out the famous words: “By the grace of God, Charles, I am determined to be that man!”

       Photo #10:
A funny skit with Jason and James, “Are You Willing to Sign a Blank Sheet of Paper?”

       Photo #11:
“Reaching Africa the Right Way” taught by Sharon. Timmy and Andres pose as African natives.

       Photo #12:
The night of the 18th was a big Family Birthday Party. It started off with 25 OCs or JETTs each reading one paragraph of the new publication “Happy Family Birthday 2002.” The kids read with lots of feeling and did a great job!

       Photo #13:
After the class the games started to roll. The first game was a race for each table to put the “Family Time Line” from the Activity Book in order.

       Photo # 14:
Table #5 won and the prize was chips!

       Photo #15:
Then with the same Time Line we played bingo using nine pieces of bubble gum as markers. Each time someone had a “Bingo” they got a package of peanuts!

       Photo #16:
In this game you had to build something unusual out of balloons.

       Photo #17:
“The Play.” One morning break activity was a scavenger hunt with each team looking for ten sheep hidden in the yard. The ten sheep had the words of a verse and the first team to find them and put them in order on their table won.

       Photo #18:
“The Huddle” making plans for the next play

Other points of interest:

       *The kids themselves led the first class “Why Witness,” as all wrote down their answers to “Why Witness?” and different ones came up to read their answers.

       *We once again used the “Home Run,” “Strike Out” method to encourage participation and discourage disobedience, which works remarkably. The person who participates by raising their hand and gives an answer gets one point for their team. Three points are a “Home Run.” If they interrupt or don't follow instructions they will receive a mark toward a “Strike Out” for their team. At the end the “Strike Outs” are subtracted from the “Home Runs” to judge the number of points each team receives.

       *We had a great provisioner, Manatial, and many of the supplies for the camp were provisioned. We asked each family to bring 100 pesos (a little over $10) for each child, and not more than 200 pesos per family. This helped us to get extras, like prizes, which really meant a lot to the kids and made it more fun!

       *Parents were asked to follow up on this camp by taking their kids on a “faith trip” so that the kids could apply what they had learned.

       *Things ran very smoothly thanks to the schedules and pre-organization. When the kids arrived, several schedules were on the bulletin board showing which bathrooms to use, which vehicles to use for get-out, the schedule for three days which they also had in their folders, where they slept, and which team they were on.

       *At the end of the last class the kids each filled out a Commitment Card, which they could keep in their Bibles and review from time to time--of the promise they had made to the Lord. We also asked them to fill out short, voluntary forms, without their names, where they could mention things they go through trials about and problems they have.

       *Another activity was a drawing contest of Dad from an art page in the Activity Book. A winner was chosen from each age group.


Web site administrator
Talitha Dawn, South Africa: The Fax of Life that Anthony has been sending out on a weekly basis has been on a Christian Web site here in South Africa for over a year. Recently this website was made the official Christian site of MWeb (the main Internet provider in S.A.) and Anthony was made an “administrator” and given his own personal password in order to upload devotionals of whatever he wants on a daily basis! As they put it, he now has FULL SWAY over what gets put on the site.

Quite the setup!

       Sunny (of Simon), India: We have a young king who owns a large computer business in our city. His family owns about 16 colleges and hospitals here, and they are very famous in the field of education. This same man has been helping us for a couple of years. Last year he donated six new Pentium III computers for our Deaf Computer Center. He had recently offered to help us with a new place for our Center, and was asking us to locate a place that would be suitable for us.
       A couple of days ago, we went to meet him to invite him to be the chief guest for our Deaf Week program. At the same meeting, he asked if we'd found a place yet. We replied that we hadn't had much time to look around, with the Deaf Week in progress. He then told us that he had a place to give us, and that we could go and see if we like it. We saw it yesterday and it's PERFECT! In the very center of the area we need, with a five-star interior, fully furnished and air-conditioned. It also has a huge computer lab, two audio-visual rooms, counseling rooms, large reception area! Wow! 3,000 square ft. in total! What a miracle!
       This will enable us to run a deaf Computer Center, teach our classes with audio-visual, have an art room for our deaf artists, and, most importantly, have a very nice place to conduct Activated meetings and Bible Studies.

Crossing paths
Dave, Vietnam:
One of my Bible study students asked if I could teach English to a businessman friend of his. After checking with the Lord, I got a green light to meet this man and find out more about the class.
       On our first meeting he invited me for dinner. He was sweet and friendly and was hoping to have a conversation class to improve his English. I agreed to teach him twice a week. Usually when having conversation classes, I ask the student what his interests are so that I can prepare material suitable for them. During the course of our conversation we got on the subject of charity work, which he seemed to be quite interested in. In the middle of the conversation he asked to be excused as he wanted to show me something in regards to charity work that he was previously involved in.
       He came back with an e-mail print out and handed it to me, saying that he was involved with this group in Senegal. As I was looking through the pages I saw the name David B. Berg and The Family. WOW! I had goose bumps all over and was in shock. To think how the Lord had brought this man across our path!--It was nothing less than a miracle.
       As I inquired more, he had wonderful things to say about his time with the Family and has known us for three years. I recently contacted the Home in Senegal to find out more about this precious man and how we can continue to minister to him. The Lord never ceases to amaze me with how He works and brings about His will.

Results of the fast
A CM Home, India:
The fast is the best thing that has happened to our Home and to each of us personally in a long time. We are so thankful for all the victories that have come about as a result. Here they are:
*       Much less TV and movie watching (now we only watch the news and have movie night once a week)
*       More praise, Word time and prophecy
*       Much more unity and camaraderie with the other Homes in the city
*       Home members getting their prophecy time first thing in the morning
*       Having united devotions five days a week
*       A healthy fear of God
*       Everyone carrying tracts every time they go out witnessing
*       Major victories in our personal lives
*       Happier and more inspired children with less disciplinary problems
*       150 Activated subscriptions this month
*       Deeper feeding of our sheep
       What more could we ask for?

Making a difference
Stephen, Mary, and Mark, Tanzania:
The Tanzanian First Lady came to visit our CTP project, where she met Mark and Johnny (17). She was very impressed with our efforts and commended us for our work. We later had a meeting with her assistant who told us that she is the patron of the orphanage, and was very positive about our involvement with the local orphanage and pleased with the changes that were taking place.
       This Christmas an activated friend of ours who manages a restaurant in the city, sponsored a Christmas party for the 180 orphan children we help in two orphanages. We had Christmas songs and games led by our kids, the children from the orphanages also performed a few numbers, and there was a Christmas choir.
       The former President, Dr. Mwini, attended the function, as he is the patron of one of the two orphanages. He gave a speech commending our work here, saying how much we are needed to help Tanzania. Also attending was the Minister of Labor who also gave a very positive speech about our work and the progress that is being made. The Minister for Youth, Community Development, Children and Women, also attended. She spoke very positively, appreciating our involvement.
       Adjoining the function was another gathering of a company, who upon hearing of the party happening the same day as theirs, turned up with 1,000 pairs of shoes for all the orphans.
       When we gave our speech, before addressing the ministers and all the guests attending, we gave the glory to the Lord for all that has been done. In our speech we also included quotes from a Reflections. The program and party was a good witness and a beautiful experience to see everybody working together, Christian, Muslims, and Hindus. The next day after the function, Mark and Stephen attended a meeting with the government, as we had been waiting for about a year to sign an agreement to have more say in the running of the orphanages. One of the Ministers attending the Christmas function attended the meeting and got things moving in one day. We signed the agreement a few days later. PTL!

Intricate Heavenly engineering
Ben and Angela, Kampala, Uganda:
One Sunday while at Lake Victoria with our kids, we met a very good friend of ours, Mr. K. What makes it so remarkable is that Mr. K. is from Namibia, about 5,000 km away from Uganda and this meeting was miraculously organized from Heaven with great intricacy. Here is the story:
We knew our friend from our previous field, Namibia, and had developed a very special, close bond in the spirit with him. Mr. K. is a very sweet Christian and a principal of a school for the handicapped in Namibia, and is physically handicapped himself. For the last year we were staying in touch with him through mail, but mail service in Africa can be very slow; sometimes it would take months for our letters to reach him and vice versa. He didn't know our phone number or our street address here in Uganda.
       While in Namibia, Mr. K. was asked if he would go as the representative from Namibia to Uganda for the Handicapped Olympics Africa meeting (which happens every five years and is to be held in Uganda). After a couple of minutes considering the request he said, “I have good friends in Uganda! I'll go!” He later told us that his main reason was to come to see us! However, he had no way of contacting us, but he said that the Lord told him he would meet us. The conference was going to last six days. Mr. K. was advised to contact the embassy about our address, a suggestion he dismissed, saying that the Lord would lead him to us.
       He was going to be staying at a resort on Lake Victoria for the duration of the conference. Due to his handicap, Mr. K. has a very difficult time walking, so he couldn't just take off and look for us on his own. So he had resigned himself to sitting in his hotel room and waiting for the miracle and fulfillment of the Lord's promise.
       For us, that Sunday seemed very confusing. We missed an outing with the rest of the Home waiting for a visitor who didn't show up; it was getting late and we had to get out the door if we wanted to do anything that day. We prayed and asked the Lord where to go and He told us to take the kids to the lakeside at Munyonyo. We grabbed some tracts and off we went only to face another disappointment--the owners of the resort had recently put an entrance fee for Sundays.
       We asked the Lord and He told us to go ahead and pay the fees (after unsuccessfully trying to provision). As we walked, we happened to pass by Mr. K.'s room and he saw us! It took him about an hour to get dressed and find us in the crowd, praying desperately that we wouldn't leave. After that, he took us around to tell everybody about the miracle that the Lord had done in helping us to meet up!
       We had a very good time together and he was witnessing through this testimony to many at the conference. As a special surprise for him he was asked to open and end the conference with a prayer. Just imagine all the planning and engineering from Heaven that went into helping this meeting to happen! Had he or we failed to ask the Lord for directions in seemingly little questions, we could have missed the whole set-up.

Valentine's Day magic
Simon Simple, Delhi Activated Home, India:
Valentine's Day is well on its way to becoming a national holiday in certain parts of India. Every passing year, February 14th becomes more and more “lover-friendly.” Love songs permeate the radio waves, rose sales skyrocket, restaurants play host to cozy couples, and massive traffic jams clog the city as cupid's victims take their dates out. It's also the perfect time to give out the Lovers' CD cards and tell people about the “Lover of all Lovers.”
This year, a good friend of ours asked us to do a Valentine's Day program at his restaurant. SGA David and Sharon sang love songs and gave out tracts inside the restaurant while a couple of us played the CD Always on our sound system outside the restaurant and offered the CD cards to everyone entering or exiting. Lots of people bought them. It was so much fun!
       As the evening drew to a close, one young man came running up to us from the parking lot and said, “I just want to tell you guys that this music is beautiful! Things were going really badly between me and my Valentine this evening, but the moment your music came on, everything changed! Now things are going great again, thanks to your music!” Ha! He bought a CD and signed on for Activated!--The Lord's Valentine's magic at work.

Charity Valentine ball

Dove, Nigeria: A lady who had received our brochures from one of our friends called us, as she was organizing a Charity Valentine's ball at the Hilton and wanted to donate part of the funds to us. The ball went better than we could have dreamed. We were the guests of honor, seated in the front of the hall, which was beautifully decorated with white and red balloons, hundreds of them, some shaped in the form of a big heart.
The lady who invited us asked Simon and me to give a short talk about our work. There was a nice dinner, a dance, games, and lots more fun things. It got to be quite late but the kids did very well. They all won prizes in the dance contest.
       The lady in charge told us to come see her the next day to pick up the check. We had no idea what it would amount to as we knew she had expenses and she was also helping another organization. We did know that the tickets cost US$50 and that 100 people came.
       We went to see her at the Hilton, and when we arrived she called room service for ice cream for us all! Then she wrote out the check--US$2000! Wow! That was way beyond what we had hoped for! And it is more than enough for our needs. We had built a school in the next village, and the building is now done, but still needs school benches, equipment, TVs, VCRs, etc., so this amount more than covers those needs. This lady is a real sweetheart and wants to continue to help us.

Open doors in reaching the deaf
       Madras Deaf Home, India:
We have a long-time friend, B., who runs an audio-visual business, and we had asked him what would be involved in getting a multi-media presentation together for a program. He referred us to a friend that could help us with the scriptwriting. His friend, P., who has since become quite a sheep, was more than happy to help us, and then enlisted B. to do the editing and composing for us.
We booked the studio for the day to record the audio track. P. had offered to record her voice for the first time to help us for the film, but was sick at home that day. We didn't know what to do. Suddenly, into the studio walked a very famous [narrative] recording artist, the most famous in this part of the country. B. approached him respectfully, explaining that he was making this presentation for us, and asked him if he would be willing to “lend” his voice for the audio track. This gentleman cheerfully agreed, and recorded the audio track very beautifully for us. So the Lord provided a beautiful multimedia presentation for our final program, which, if we had had to pay for it, would have cost a small fortune.
The Lord showed us to do a big program as the finale for the International Week of the Deaf this year, with the aim of reaching out to the older, married deaf community in the city, which till now we've hardly reached. We have a deaf friend who we have ministered to quite extensively who is fighting cancer. She is the granddaughter of the movie mogul family here, who also own a beautiful and prestigious hall. She took us to meet her grandmother and got the hall to use for our program for free.
       Christine, who is a close Family friend and a former member of the State Assembly, presided over the program and did an excellent job. Representatives from several top companies and organizations who have been helping us in different ways attended the program and were very impressed. The largely deaf audience was thrilled by the comical skits and meaningful songs performed by our deaf teachers. We pray this program will open the way for closer communication, and hopefully soon a special Bible class for the older deaf people in our city.

The Lord provides the action

Nehemiah Teacher, Mexico: It's amazing how much happens in just one day of witnessing with the tools now that we're in the era of action. Instead of the many nos and closed doors, now everything seems to turn to gold, as we call on the power of the keys.
While on a trip to a nearby city we asked some friends where the local private schools were, and they directed us to the Catholic colegio. The head nun was friendly but didn't think she needed our videos, CD cards, ICD, etc., until she started looking at them a little more closely. In the end she made a very large order.
       Next we tried an idea from Grapevine #119, to get the CD cards out to flower shops. The one we tried was small and simple, but the owner surprised us by asking for a price on 100 CDs, to give to their clients for next Christmas! He's now checking with his partners to see how to do it, telling us, “We like to try new things here in Moroleon!”
       Listening to the whispers (as things weren't flowing for a few shops), the Lord showed us to go to another colegio the nun from the other colegio had told us about, which was in a nearby city. When we got there, at the behest of the head nun we were able to set up all our tools on a table just in time to offer them to the parents as they came to pick the kids up. And did things move! The children were familiar with some of the tools, and many went out. Even the music teacher sang us some of our songs and bought Christmas material to start preparing their show for the Christmas season.
       After provisioning lunch and getting rained out a bit, we started looking for people we'd met the month before. A friendly magazine and bookshop owner took a Future Foretold, and then offered to let us put our tools in his shop on consignment.
       We looked up a lady with a dance studio who had gotten several tools last trip, and this time she bought three books and ordered 40 CD cards to give to her clients and their parents for Christmas, taking time out from her hectic schedule to sit with us and share about her life and that of her students.
       Next, a man who hadn't been able to buy anything the last time we met him, received us very warmly and used his last few coins to get a Praising U to read with his daughter.
       One mother we met told us “Baby Brother” from one of the kids' tapes had had the desired effect on their little girl that they had hoped for. She had bought the tape because her daughter was having trouble accepting her new little sister, and had put the song on for her many times. When we came into their shop, the little girl was playing happily with her sister!
       Lastly, we visited a sweet girl who had been too busy to pray with us the previous visit, though she did get a Sweet Dreams Tonight for her nieces. This time she prayed and got her first Activated mag, thanking us several times for remembering her.
       All this in a short stretch of just one block and with it raining! We actually only spent a few hours witnessing that day, but boy, were they packed.--The era of action! We just step out there, and the Lord provides all the action, ha!

The squeak from Beyond

By John Philip (of Carol), England
I had been away for a few days on the road with the older kids, and we were expecting a cheery welcome from the youngsters on our return, but as our car pulled up, the somber faces awaiting us told us that something was wrong. Sugar, the beloved guinea pig, had taken ill the previous day and had died. He was such a funny little creature, so appreciative of affection that even the adults had trouble checking the odd tear or two. We used to say that we knew he was of God because he liked love--lots of it!
       Strangely enough, Jonny (9) and Dominic (7) were more cheery than the others, both proclaiming wide-eyed that they had heard Sugar (so called because he was brown and sweet!) around the house at various times since his decease. That's nice, I thought. The Lord has allowed them to think that they'd heard him so they won't be too sad! And I thought no more about it. Little did I know what was to follow!
       The following day life had returned pretty much to normal, and the incident began to fade. I had gone to the phone to call someone, my mind on the business at hand, when on picking up the receiver I clearly heard the distinctive call of a guinea pig behind me. Now anyone familiar with guinea pigs will tell you that they have very distinctive calls, impossible to mistake (at least ours did!), one of them being a whistle rising from low to high frequency several times in quick succession; another a kind of chuckling, purring sound. It was the former I had just heard.
       My first reaction was of mild perplexity. Why would there be the sound of a guinea pig in the house when we've just lost one? I tried to dismiss it and carry on with my phone call but the reality of what I'd just heard was insistent, and I had to make sense of it. Then I got the chills as I recalled the boys' report that they'd heard Sugar several times around the house, and I realized it had happened to me!
I announced to everyone in the next room that now I too had heard Sugar and together we thanked the Lord for allowing him to come and cheer us up. But it wasn't over yet! Just a few minutes later Mummy and Dominic were sitting together at the computer when they both heard his “chuckle” from beneath the desk.
       Did I just hear that? Mummy thought to herself, looking at Dominic.
       Dominic looked back at her and said, “Mummy, I just heard Sugar again!”
       Since then there have been no more visits, and mission accomplished, Sugar is no doubt having a well-earned rustle in the bushes of Heaven. But what a sweet way for the Lord to show the reality of the spirit world to the little ones. And what exactly was the message from beyond? Easy! Jonny said Sugar was saying, “Hey! It's okay! I'm still here. Everything's fine!”

Beauty from ashes--a life on track

By Andrew and Miracle, Kosovo
We first met Ed in a camp for Kosovar refugees outside Sarajevo, Bosnia, in the winter of 1998. The facility that housed the refugees was a dilapidated former soft drink factory that had been bombed with depleted uranium shells during the Bosnian conflict. Hundreds of people who had previously lived in that area have since died of cancer. Over a thousand Kosovar refugees, along with Ed, were doing their best to survive in the middle of the Balkan winter in this bleak setting. Inside, the “residents” did their best to fabricate small family-sized cubicles using the rough woolen blankets that had been provided by the UNHCR to form walls. Everyone scrounged around the area for bits of firewood, but no one was allowed to go outside the compound. In short, the conditions were horrifying! Hundreds of grimy children ran around daily without supervision.
       Our first encounter with Ed was when we went to do a show for the children. He was one of a few who had taken some initiative in starting a makeshift school for these kids. He spoke some English, and was so thankful that we had come that he volunteered to be our interpreter for the show. It was almost dark inside the gloomy factory, but too cold outside to do our program, so we ended up performing by flashlight in a damp corner of the building! Going through this together forged a bond and instant friendship between Ed and us that would grow more than we would ever realize.
       He began to visit the Family more regularly, and although from a Muslim background, Ed's fervor to learn more about the Christian faith kept him coming back for more. He enjoyed the fellowship and love that he was experiencing. Then we lost touch with him! It was like he had disappeared. He was no longer at the refugee camp, and no one knew where he had gone. A year passed.
       Then, on one of our trips to Kosovo to organize youth concerts, we had to get the permission from the university police to use the gym for the concert, and in the office, dressed in a sharp uniform, was our Ed! He had made it safely back into Kosovo, and because of his command of English and his good nature (his Christian spirit, no doubt!), he had gotten a job as a police officer. His income was supporting his entire family!
       We visited him as much as we could on our trips, but he started to work a second job and didn't have much free time. He had a small room in the musty basement of a house near the university where we would sit and talk about the Lord. These times were precious! Then we moved our work full time to Kosovo, and so were able to spend more time with Ed. Although his schedule remained busy, we were able to have him over to our house several times, and we pass by his office as often as we can.
       In the summer of 2001, we invited Ed to attend the leadership/Activated training camp that was going to be held on the Albanian coast. Those 10 days were life-changing for him, as he had the golden opportunity to live together with and fellowship with other turned-on young people from his country who also wanted to dedicate more of their lives to serving others.
       Ed must continue to work very hard, as he is the only breadwinner in his family, but the Lord has blessed him with a new, easier, and better paying job in the police headquarters building. Due to his diligent work, he has helped his family to rebuild their house.
       He is looking forward to this year's Activated camp, and has become a pillar in our work with the Albanian community here. Ed is such a help with our humanitarian work in this very needy field.

legal and media
       TANZANIA -
Stephen, Mary, and Mark: During a recent trip to Italy, Stephen and Nicole (15) were invited to speak on an Italian TV talk show, along with an Italian Catholic missionary who works here in Tanzania and also helps in our projects in Dar es Salaam. They asked questions about our large family of ten kids, which they thought was great! He kept asking the audience, “Do you realize what they are doing living by faith with no salary? It's wonderful!” (audience: 300,000).

- Sharon: This month we were interviewed by the major paper here in Atlanta, concerning the cancer I have. We've had a very large response--people saying how inspired they were by my story, etc. Although I witnessed extensively to the reporter, not much of that witness was published, but the Lord shone through anyway. The reporter said she was so touched by the interview that she now volunteers several nights a week at the Catholic homeless shelter here in Atlanta (circulation: 622,890). [Editor: See MO site: ]

       Andrew and Crystal Greeneye: Andrew was able to get a short Endtime witness in on KPRC 950--Chris Baker Talk Radio Show. It's the most listened to show in Houston.

       Jessica and Elijah Newman: It started as a usual day out on the streets. I (Jessica, 17) and Elijah (16) were passing out the tract “What Some People Get High On” (our favorite, by the way) to the thousands of passerbys in downtown Portland. All of a sudden, out of the blue, a funny-looking character approached us.
       “What are you passing out?” he asked in a gruff voice.
       Elijah started explaining a little about the work and the commune that we live in. Elijah, being new here, needed some back-up as the man was being quite aggressive. I quickly came to back him up. He then told us that he hosts a radio talk show and every Friday he gets someone off the streets to come on the show, and asked us if we were interested. After counseling, we took his card. After getting a confirmation from the Lord, three of us went to the radio station.
       The above-mentioned tract was read on air along with the salvation prayer. We explained about our work, how we live, and what we believe. We then answered phone calls. The first few calls were from our Home members which helped to break the ice and relax us. Then we got some very encouraging calls and a few controversial ones, which we were able to answer with a more powerful message. We had a pretty favorable response (audience: 60,000).

- Christy, Joanna, and Joshua: The Lien Her Bao (a nationwide paper) ran a good article on our Home's CTP at the Rong Chong Hospital. There was a photo and a story about our team (circulation: 100,000).

- John and Maria: John was invited to appear on a Saturday morning television show with the most famous Guatemalan magician. He got to share that he's here to share the message of Jesus' love and that he does missionary work. The magician plugged our fundraising spot in a local mall telling the viewers they could help our work by buying a balloon figure from us there. People have been coming, saying they saw the show and have gotten balloons and tools (audience: 200,000).

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Emma Thompson; Christopher Lloyd
       A middle-aged English professor is diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer. Her only hope is an experimental regime of high-dose chemotherapy. The movie, based on a play, follows her thoughts and feelings during her time in the hospital undergoing treatment.

This is a significant movie that would appeal to those who are involved with shepherding and people handling. This movie is a blast on the cold, unfeeling academic and medical world.
       It's not a silly, waste-of-your-time film, nor is it something you'd want to watch if you need to relax and have a time away from everything. You come away from this movie with a burden to seek the lost, succor the sick, and love the unloved. You come away from this counting your blessings, and thanking God for the Family, for Jesus, and for the power of the keys!
       This movie is exceptional in many ways, with tremendous acting and interesting humor and wit in the face of pain and suffering. There are important lessons, as well--that, after all is said and done, love and kindness are much more helpful and needed than intelligence and higher learning. Best of all, there is the subtle but inspiring message that once the shell of mortal life is cast off, the door opens to life everlasting. “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”
       There's a time for everything, dear Family. There's a time for laughter and comedy; there's a time for adventure and suspense. But as the Greeks said, the purest emotion of all is sorrow. Especially in light of what the Lord is requiring of you at this time--a purification and a purging of the Family--it might be time for a little catharsis in place of all the superficial foppishness that is prevalent in so many of today's movies, a little sadness instead of silliness.
       Although this movie might not be best for someone who has a loved one or friend who is suffering with cancer or other life-threatening illnesses, for others, this should be fine to watch, and not too painful. Though it's not a light topic, the way it is presented makes it not only bearable, but even entertaining to watch for the most part. Mind you, there are a few scenes that are so realistic, so well acted, that it practically tears your heart out. But these are interspersed with other moments of wit and tenderness that touch the soul.
       Catharsis purges. It makes you pure. It strips away all that is superficial and shallow, and leaves only the most important things--the true values and meaning of life. For mature audiences, Wit should be a very tender and cathartic experience, a very good movie overall.


Willem Dafoe, Yan Luo
       Romantic drama, based on a novel by Pearl S. Buck, about tradition in a Chinese family with the involvement of a generous priest and his American ideas and ideals. (There are a couple of unpleasant sexual scenes that young women especially should be forewarned of.)

Pearl S. Buck's success as a writer and as a staunch campaigner against social injustice was the fruit of having been the daughter of missionaries and growing up in China during the early 1900s. Just like you who have grown up in the Family, this gave her the opportunity to live an extraordinary life, full of many unique and interesting experiences, through which she learned courage, strength, compassion for the poor and the outcast, and which gave her exceptional insight into the heart of man. Although Pavilion of Women isn't based on a true story, it gives an interesting look into the empty lives of a rich and powerful Chinese family just before the Japanese invasion and leading up to the Communist takeover.
       If you're interested in China, you'll want to watch this movie. The story is interesting, tender, and believable.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Jack Black, Gwyneth Paltrow
       Comedy about a man who gets hypnotized by a self-help guru, and learns to see the inner beauty in women.

This movie is light entertainment. The underlying message is sweet and good, on how you can't judge people on the outward appearance, you have to look at the heart. It's wonderful when you can see things the way I do, through the eyes of love. What a wonderful difference it makes! That's the way I see you--I see only the good in you.
       The style of this movie is a bit odd, but the bottom line is good and the message it promotes is a loving and Godly one. It really is admirable that Hollywood would make a movie like this that shows that there is real beauty in everyone. The usual movie stereotype of skinny being beautiful is spoofed, and to do that they go to the other extreme.
       The producers did it with a goal in mind, intending to get across a message, and they did. It takes some skill and wisdom to portray something like that in a way that is humorous, yet not offensive, sincere, yet also not too painful. They did pretty well, and with a good purpose, and I appreciate that, and My children who watch this in the right spirit can appreciate that too.
       It could be a help to some of the more “image conscious” folks. It should also give you a heart for many like those portrayed, who are living their lives every day in the System and having to deal with the jokes, the comments, and the peer pressure. It is a good reminder to see people as I see them, and ask Me for that special gift of love to go beyond first impressions.
       One message this movie implies that isn't so good is that if you have a problem like being obese, you should just accept it and not try to change. It's true that you should accept yourself the way I made you, but no one is naturally that huge unless they abuse their body somehow, as this poor girl obviously did by her constant eating of the wrong foods. It's sad to see something like that--because it is really hard to change and make any difference in your body if you're obese. It's a lot of work, but it isn't impossible in most cases, though there are a few exceptions. Usually if you have a healthy and balanced lifestyle, you can be just the weight I want you to be--not too fat and not too thin.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

Thomas Jay Ryan, Alison Pill
       Short film (55 minutes) showing the relationship between a young ballerina, Marie von Goetham, and the realist/impressionist artist Edgar Degas, best known for his paintings featuring ballet dancers. The artist becomes acquainted with Marie and is inspired by her deep commitment to her art form, and they both learn things from one another.

Some of these artists sure were kooks and hard to get along with. Talented people often have some pretty serious flaws and weak areas that help keep them desperate and humble them. And learning humility is something that very talented folk often need help with. The film is fantasy, but it does have some good lessons on some of the big battlefields there are in life--pride, self, attitude and getting along with others.
       All in all this is a pretty meaningful movie for kids. It portrayed a real-life example of the struggles many of us go through, and the hardships we have to overcome. What can be learned from this movie is that sometimes the best things in life are things you have to strive for. In your work for Me, and doing what is My will for you, you must persevere, and hold true to My heavenly calling and not give up.
       Points to bring out for kids from this movie are:
       *       Persevering, even when you don't seem to be very good, or others put you down.
       *       Sticking with something, even if it's hard, and you don't like it, because good things can come from it.
       *       Some people have peculiar personality traits, but with love and trying to see the good in them, you can be a positive influence in their life.
       *       Young people can be a big help and encouragement to grown ups. Everyone needs to know they have friends, and needs encouragement from others, even those who seem to be talented.
       *       Thinking more highly of yourself will bring you low. Just doing the best you can is what will help you succeed.

Movies Rated for YCs and Up

David Ladd, Pam Smith
       A pre-teen boy and his sister live with their grandparents on a Virginia coastal island. Each year, the local citizens celebrate Pony-Penning Day, when they round up the wild ponies on the neighboring islands to sell them at auction. The children capture a mare hoping to buy its colt, but are disheartened when a stranger purchases both colt and mare. With the help of the sympathetic townspeople, a happy ending is secured.

This is a sweet and innocent movie, suitable for small children, although the smaller the child, the more likely he or she will need a little more explanation about basic things. There are good lessons and examples about getting along with a brother or sister, sharing a very treasured belonging, and also working hard when you want something. It also has excitement and action with the horse roundup. The boy had some lessons to learn about being a bit impulsive, but he does learn, and in the end makes the loving choice. It'll take a bit of explaining to younger children, but overall it's wholesome and sweet.
       It's fine for most kids to see, unless money is a sore spot, and they are tempted with this, and wish to have lots of spending money to get what they want. Then it might make them dissatisfied. This might need to be talked about with your children--how if they want something they don't have to go to work to get money for it. As My children work for Me and serve Me, I can and will supply what My children need or even want, if it's in My will. I can give things for free, or provide in some other way, if you are using your time to witness and do what I ask you to do.

Home schooling corner

CVC documentation and diplomas

By Crystal (of Luke), Africa
I want to share what I've learned from working with home-schooled students and how they have progressed in their education, one day at a time. Because I've been with the same team for the past six-and-a-half years, I've been a part of their daily education. Thank God for their mother who faithfully home schooled them till they were ready to venture into the world of CVC when I came into the picture.
       The starting place for me was giving them the Junior High School test, and their scores were way above average. My biggest job was on the documentation side of CVC, and following them around gleaning the information to record*, and making sure they followed through on their reading, as well as adding supplements to their courses for their future diplomas.
       [*Note from CVC team: The ideal of course, is that the teens should carry this responsibility themselves, but it will often take some time to teach and train them how to.]
       Both teens had different interests in learning, so they sat down and clearly stated what they were personally interested in from the CVC book. The boy was gifted and interested in cooking and related subjects; he was also good at gardening and knew a lot about plants, etc. So we started on our adventure in looking up what they'd be able to get credits in.
When I first glanced at the CVC information I was a little bit baffled as to how to help them understand the goals, and what was needed to complete the schooling, making it reachable as well as challenging. I found out very soon that the CVC information was not over my head and could be simple if I just followed step by step, and that's ultimately how we did it. I'd worked on some of the CVC materials at the Japan School so I had a personal interest in seeing the CVC in action. And as a teen I went to a Vocational High School and I'm sold on it. I took Business Education, which included typing and office-related subjects, which I've certainly used many hours in my Family life, being a writer, computer girl, a poet, and a typist, ha! I even worked as a young teen after school typing simple business letters, so I can say vocational education was great schooling for me and it cut all the unnecessary head stuffing that higher learning sometimes fills you with. And any and every time I've had to take a System job since joining the Family (once for a visa in Dubai, and twice for extra funds for travel, I did computer work), I excelled at it. In fact, I've always been asked to manage the team I've worked with because of the good work ethics we learn in the Family.
       The teen girl I worked on CVC with was more interested in the arts and music, graphics, etc. She's very gifted and started on a coloring project for the Family children's stories. She's also painting (beautifully!) along side a professional artist here in Africa. This is to teach her skill and diligence. Every day over the past year or so she's practiced the violin for at least an hour, and she's getting very good (her mother just recorded a CD of Family songs using the violin to compliment the CD), so she wants to use the music and her art as a witness as well. Of course, she's done ballooning and singing and clowning, and gets credit for that as well. She painted the backdrops on our puppet shows, made a big color rabbit for our children's shows. She's worked with Styrofoam, painting and making it into figures for Christmas, as well as art for banquets, and has worked with clays and batik, and many more art projects. All of this I needed to document to give her the credits she deserved for putting in the hours, and reading the Letters that were assigned. I would always ask for someone to document her work by taking a photo. I have all of her CVC work together in a folder with color-photocopied pictures of her work, her grades and diplomas. It's quite impressive.
       We were able to find a good English library in this French-speaking country of Africa that allows home-schooled students to check out books, so this has helped to supplement and broaden their education, giving them more variety. We've gotten many books on art, about shading and textures, books on music, plants, etc.
       She's also taken a course on Electricity from CLE as she wants to be an electrician too, ha! She follows the electrician around when he comes to fix things and she's good at this kind of work. We're not sure if she'll get a certificate in this course as she already has certificates in the Arts and in Music and in the Christian Studies as well, but she's interested so we're making the books available for her to learn. Everyone needs an electrician in the Home some time or another!
       [Note from CVC team: She can be awarded CVC certificates for as many areas as she wants to study! There is no limit!]
And, of course, all of their witnessing was recorded and given credit for, as well as the Letters they read for the Vocational/Christian studies. The boy was involved in witnessing during a big flood relief in India as well as Polio Camps, and did youth counseling when he would go witnessing, so he was credited for the time spent on the field as well.
       His course in Home Economics/Food Services was tried and proven. I would give him hours in the kitchen and he'd get tested on performance, practical experience, safety, cleanliness, planning, organization, recipes, etc., and he'd dazzle us every time. He was already in the kitchen and that was a blessing, but I documented his progress and gave him the oversight so he could get credits.
       His interest in gardening was documented as well. While we were changing fields from India to Africa, he worked with a farmer next to our house, doing Bio-Farming for a few hours a day. This went into his Farming Basic experience log, so he got credit for that too, along with his skills in caring and tilling the land, landscaping, potting plants, trimming, cutting, pruning the garden, yard work. Now he's working on the field in Africa, and he's responsible for the agriculture aspect of a CTP project in a village in the Gambia, so he's using his skills and has gotten credit for this as well.
So as you can see, CVC works! It's been fun seeing their dreams come alive, and them getting credit where credit is due. People that come over and visit our house marvel at their skills. The kids in the Family are so gifted! I know I'm really proud of them; they deserve to be at the top of their class. They perform so many functions daily that could be missed if not documented--so basically that was my job. They did the hard work and I just wrote down what they did, God bless them!

Help available for upcoming writers!

By Peter P., Africa
Got the writing itch? I could give some suggestions from personal experience that might help improve your style and approach. I've also done a number of book summaries that can be insightful and helpful to further developing your writing skills. If you're looking for outside input, I'd be happy to constructively critique any poems, skits, or short stories you've written.
       Contact me at: curtispeter@hotmail.com

Switched-On Schoolhouse

By Paul and Tiger, USA
We are so thankful for the new Alpha/Omega CD course (Switched-On Schoolhouse) that we have been using for Catherine's 6th grade. She loves it and it's easy to use. Not only is it less expensive than most of the other courses we have tried, but it's interactive, and all the speakers and actors are so much like Family members. (It's almost like our Family Fun video clips.) She is responding well to this way of learning, and it's usable for up to five students at a time--all in a small carrying case of 12 CDs.

CVC breakthrough

By Martina, Miracle, Tabitha and Tim, Romania
This month we had a major breakthrough with the CVC in our Home. The older teens, Marianne (17), and Gabe (20) filled in all the educational records for Junior High, High School, Vocational and Christian Studies. It took us a week of testing both students and filling all the records and charts to be able to qualify for certificates and diplomas.
       It was neat for the other young teens to see how much the older ones were able to achieve. For Marianne and Gabe it was a blessing as it helped them to know and be able to prove all the training that they had for years. It is amazing how much knowledge and experience our teens in the Family get at a young age.
       I am so thankful to all the people involved in making it possible for the CVC to be published. It is marvelous!

Rod & Staff
social studies workbook

By Daniel and Ester, USA
This is a recommendation for a social studies workbook that I used for my kids last year. It is from Rod & Staff. The second grade social studies book is good for grades one to four. The lessons are done in story form about children living in Canada and other countries. It teaches the very basics with a lot of pictures that can be colored. It is good as a beginning course in geography. It helps to use the Childcare Handbooks along with this.
       I have been using A Beka books for my girls for four years and I find them excellent in areas of math and language arts. Their science books are fine, too, but get quite complicated in vocabulary as they advance through the grades. But their social studies books are quite pro-American in the patriotic sense, so I use only parts of their 5th and 6th grade history and geography books.

Dyslexia solutions

From James and Sapphire*, China
[*Alias used]
       Our son with dyslexia has been having a rough time this month with his school. I've decided to do his language arts orally with him. We go over each page together and he reads aloud to me, sometimes when I'm working in the kitchen or folding clothes, etc. Some of the work he does orally and some I have him write out. This seems to be helping him a lot. He is encouraged and seems to retain things more easily this way. He made a 96% on his last self-test. Thank the Lord for prophecy time. Whatever our loving Husband shows us always works out.

School goes on

By Peter, Praise, and Sasha, Ukraine
Our schooling has been disrupted and delayed a bit because of our traveling and having to sort out our apartment getting sold. One of the main points I've tried to bring across to the kids is that school must go on no matter what the conditions are like. It takes some adapting and shutting out the vision of bed frames, luggage, and extra furniture looming before their eyes, but it is good training. It is important for them to learn to apply themselves in spite of the surroundings. It can actually be fun too. If nothing else, it makes you thankful for all the times things run smoothly!
       The kids are also learning that they can expect more of themselves, work a bit harder, and press in. I've noticed that the demands I've placed on them in the past were not up to their actual capabilities and it is inspiring to see that after getting over the initial and daily hurdle, they do well in their scholastics.
       The fact that now we are fewer people is also helping the younger ones grow up and take more responsibilities, learn new things around the house, and this is all a wonderful part of their training.

Using the HomeARC

By Daniel, Ester, and Samuel, USA
We have three girls (ages 8 through 11) who love to read the Word. They have read the Grandpa books and other kids' pubs so much that the books are literally falling apart. When using the HomeARC, I realized how nice it would be for the girls to use the pubs, especially on the Image Library where most of the kids' pubs are. I set them up with their own password and taught them how to use the search windows. They love reading the Word using this wonderful tool.

(Editor's note
: If you decide to make some of the HomeARC available for your kids, you should usually just allow them to use the Image Library CD. Please do not give them unrestricted access to the Text Library CDs, as there are a number of pubs on there that are not suitable for children.)

For more kids' pubs on CD…

On the CVC Books CD, in the folder “books,” there are the Activity Books, The Rhyme Book and six Heaven's Library books (some suitable for older children) in PDF format, which can be viewed by using Acrobat Reader. On the CVC Pubs CD in the folder “cvcpubs,” you will find Becoming God's Man (folder: bgm), Charity and Charm (folder: charm), parts of the CC Handbooks (folders: CC01/02/03), part of Kidz MOPs (folders KM01/02), a few Blades and HTKs in PDF format, as well as the GP Feed My Lambs booklets, and Baby's Basic Words flash card booklets. You may want to copy some of these to a “Kidspubs” folder on your hard drive, to make them easily available for the kids--as well as whatever kids' material you are able to download from the CC/FED section of the MO site.

letters to the editor

Re: Prophecy for teachers (GN 978)

By Tender Joy, Pakistan
       TYSVM for that prophecy! I was so touched and thankful for the encouragement it gave me. It's true that at times it can be a temptation to compare with more “glorious” ministries, where brethren seem to be “oh, so used by the Lord.” Then I look at what I am doing, plodding along day by day, teaching the children with maybe no visible “heavy miracles” to talk about, and I can start to compare negatively that what I am doing is not worth that much.
       However, I know “that kind of voice” is not of the Lord at all! I like being with the children very much. I like being a teacher and I know it's my calling. I have done it for over 20 years and by the Lord's grace I will continue as long as the Lord sees fit.
       I was very thankful to read that prophecy. It has given me a big boost of inspiration to continue to “plod along” and do what the Lord has called me to do.

Re: Cherise's letter to Mama (GV #122)

By an FGA mother, Middle East
I was moved to tears and was weeping by the time I had finished reading Cherise's letter to you that was printed in Grapevine #122. It was simply heartbreaking to read about all the hardships and trials she went through out there! But the wonderful thing was that she realized that something was missing in her life, and she was looking for someone to have faith in her, even just a teeny bit, so she wouldn't give up. And your letter to her and the prophecies helped do just that for her. TYJ!
       I really, really pray for Cherise and also for all our other young people and even younger teens that are out there, looking for “fulfillment” and a way to “make it.” I pray with all my heart that they too, like Cherise, will see that life in the System is not what it's made out to be, and that they will see through the hypocrisy, hardness, and lack of real love and values, and eventually return to the Family and the Lord's service. Furthermore, I pray that her letter and your reply will help other young people in the Family to make the right decision. Having a teen out there myself, I feel very concerned about our teens in the Family.
       What particularly touched me about Cherise's letter was that she doesn't blame the Family for all her troubles in the System. I had the impression that she was quite mature and broken in the way she presented her situation. I believe that some young people who leave, and find out that it's not a bed of roses out there and have a hard time realizing their “dream,” soon end up blaming their woes on the Family or their parents and shepherds, rather than facing up to the reality of life in the System, and remembering that it was their own decision to leave. That's a real pity and a real tool of the Enemy, and these teens need our prayers too!

By an FGA mother, Asia
For me as an FGA mom, and sadly having five of my children out of the Family, these articles with the young people's heartcries and honest sharing about their battles and difficulties being out of the Family, well, I think more testimonies like this could be very helpful and eye-opening for other young CM members who are struggling with thoughts of leaving the Lord's service.
       In the case of my children, they have “succeeded” with their education and/or jobs, therefore, for those CM members who know them, leaving the Family doesn't seem all that bad. In fact, they have done so well that it can be more than tempting. Hearing from Cherise and the other YA (also printed in GV #122) sheds light on the other side of this issue of being successful.
       On another subject in the Grapevine, the article from Peter (in India) and John (in Japan) about the Diwali CD thrilled me. I am so happy for you and all involved, the tape and the fruit that this will bear--I believe not only in India but for the multitudes of Indians worldwide. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

By Joan, Philippines
Thank you for publishing this very touching letter. It made me really pray for this poor girl, and consider the young people's fight and trials. LHU to have our spiritual antennas up and be able to see what goes on behind the surface. I believe that printing these kind of articles shows a desperation in young folks that leave and makes us all be more appreciative of our wonderful and privileged place, and for us all to have more of a heart and compassion.


       In your thirst for knowledge, be sure not to drown in all the information.--Anthony J. D'Angelo

       Mark and Joy
(Canada), thanks for the gift we received. This is Mark and Becky (Indian) trying to get in touch with you. Write us at marbeckrich@tatanova.com. Send us your e-mail address and key. LY!

       To Michael and Praise from Tâmara (of André) and Samuel! Where are you? We tried to thank you for your help, but we didn't get through! Please contact us at e-mail: br092@pocos-net.com.br. WLYVM!

       Chris (Polish Luke) and Mercy are looking for: Cristal (last saw you in Siberia, Russia; you were living in Novosibirsk and we in Omsk; you sent us balloons from the States). If anybody knows of her whereabouts, please let us know. Mark and Praise (you were in Poland for four years in: 1986-1990). I wrote to you two years ago and got an answer from you, but then I lost your address. Mathew (Joseph Vernier) and Marie (former ABM from EE and Russia). Would love to get in touch with you.
       Our e-mail: kmrm@wp.pl

former members and friends - seeking contact

       Seeking Lydie Bruins, Dutch girl who joined the Family about 13 years ago. She lived with Paul's family in Switzerland and then moved to Thailand. Last known to be in Korea or Taiwan. Please contact Thom from Holland at: family@thefamily.org

       (From Tim, BS089:) We met Claire, a French sister who used to help take care of Davidito and Techi when they were young in Madrid. She left the Family years ago and is now looking to renew contact with Family members she knew. She would appreciate any news from you guys that were at the blob in France, or with her in Dad's Home. Send your messages to e-mail: elitim@yahoo.com Subject: “Forward to Claire.”

help wanted
       We are a small team (four adults and five kids) living in Gdansk, Poland (Baltic Sea).
We are very close to a small part of Russia (Kaliningrad area) that is separated from the rest of Russia by the Baltic States. We have 99 addresses of MM (mail ministry members) that we'd like to visit. Two of us, Chris (Luke) and Mercy, have lived in Russia for 10 years. In January we opened this Home and would like to visit Russian sheep (they are very close to our hearts).
       Would any of you have the burden to feed Russian people? You can join our efforts by sponsoring our trip(s). Right now fundraising in Poland is very difficult as the Polish economy is collapsing (average salary is $180-$250 and prices are almost the same as in Western Europe). We are doing what we can, but it doesn't seem to be enough, so we would greatly appreciate any help.
       If you'd like to contact us for more information, here's our e-mail: kmrm@wp.pl or via ABM: Home PO142.
       --Much love, Mat and Gloria, Chris and Mercy

Dearest Family,
       We, Markus and Ammi, and six of our children, Peter (19), Sharon (18), John (16), Paul (14), Leah (10), and James (7), in Bangkok, Thailand, will be opening a Home in Cambodia to help with the pioneer work there. We have been missionaries in Thailand for the past 23 years.
       To move our big team and get set up will cost US$6,500. The Lord has been doing little miracles all along the way in helping us to raise funds for this venture, but we still need about US$2,000 to reach our target. If there is anyone who feels called to help us out in any way we would very much appreciate it.
       Please send gifts through your TRFs to TH28 and specify “For Markus and Ammi.” Thank you all so much (in advance) for your help with this! We love you.

Hello, my dear Family! Power to the people of the keys! This is Russian Pavel with a call for your help in prayer and financial help for my move to Duala, Cameroon. The Devil is really fighting against this move. For example, when I was halfway to my destination, the wheels on our truck almost were knocked loose (thank God Johnny noticed it), the starter broke (thank God for a local fellow who fixed it with a piece of wire), then the PGP program on our computer did not want to close messages right when we had intensive communication with the house hunting team. On top of that, the Algerians did not give me a transit visa. This was the main reason that I had to get back to Russia. The plan to travel over the land did not work out the way we thought it would. Praise the Lord, Rom. 8:28, we followed His leadings, we witnessed to many Tunisians and learned a lot of lessons.
       Now to fly from here to Cameroon I need $960. I need $860 more. Are you able to help me go to the mission field to reach the people in Cameroon where there are no Family Homes yet? Please send your gifts to Pavel, RU001. I'm starting to do some fundraising, but it will take much longer without your help. Please also send your prayers to our Lord of miracles and claim the wonderful power of the keys on my behalf! Thank you! If you want to contact me, my e-mail is: pavelonline@safe-mail.net

       From KidzVids team:
A new cartoonist is joining us in Brazil soon. He's Mike, who has spent most of his life in Pakistan on the mission field. Mike is Australian and is a gifted artist and cartoonist. We need his help in our art department very badly and we are praying for the Lord to supply the remaining $500 that Mike needs to make the journey to join us. He's been raising finances for his trip for the past several months, but with all the political turmoil and other recent troubles that Pakistan has seen, it has been difficult for Mike to raise the fairly large amount of money he needs for his journey. If you would like to designate a donation for Mike, you can do contribute via our Web site. We believe your children will be enjoying Mike's artwork in our video shows for years to come. Thanks!

Pray for the young people who have left the Family

By Mama
       Thank you all for taking up the torch to be faithful and fervent prayer warriors. I'd like to share an excerpt of a prophecy that our wonderful Husband gave one of the SGAs in our Home recently, when he asked the Lord what He would like as a Christmas gift.

       This reminder is for all of us. Please be faithful to intercede in prayer on the behalf of our loved ones, children, friends, and co-workers who have stepped out of the Family, especially our young people, whom the Lord has repeatedly said need our prayers.

I've said that many of the young people that have left the Family will return to the fold, but a lot of that depends on how much My brides in the Family pray for them and show them My love and understanding. Will you show them that love? Will you sacrifice to pray for them? Every moment that you spend in prayer will be a moment that isn't wasted. Though it may not seem to get results, it's like the seed planted in the fall. It will lie under the snow for months, but in the spring it will sprout and bring forth fruit. (End of message from Jesus.)


       Healing key: Call on the power of the keys for fantastical, supernatural, out-of-this-world, incredible, and physically impossible miracles and healings. If you call in faith, believing, trusting, putting Me on the spot, and claiming My power and the power of the keys that I have put within your hands, you will see outstanding miracles.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
       From Sara, Brazil:
Six months ago, I found out that I had cervical cancer. The doctor sent me to a cancer hospital immediately to undergo numerous tests to confirm the presence of cancerous cells. I was diagnosed with a type of cancer called “escalated invader.” The doctor who was treating my case tried to comfort me saying that I didn't have to worry, that a little surgery (which involved cutting a small piece out of my uterus) would resolve the problem, and he set a date for it to be done that month. I was a little scared, so I had the surgery, trusting that everything would then be resolved. Shortly afterwards, another doctor came and told me that they had done a biopsy on the piece taken from my uterus and, with a very serious expression on her face, told me that they would have to remove my uterus as there was no other solution for the case, it was irreversible. They set a date for the next surgery.
       The Lord treated me very lovingly. I was seeking Him and one afternoon, while I was alone at home, I felt so abandoned and weak, too weak to fight, and I started to pour out my heart to the Lord, asking Him why and telling Him how I felt. I have four children who are dependent on me and I thought it would be a very big breaking for all of them to see what was happening to me. After I told the Lord everything I had on my heart, asking Him for forgiveness for how I had failed Him so many times, I stopped to listen to His sweet voice, and received one of the most beautiful prophecies. The Lord was telling me to step into the unknown and believe the impossible, to believe in His love for me, and proclaim it to others. It was an unforgettable afternoon. I felt so much peace and I was sure that everything was going to be okay. I didn't have to worry about anything; I just gave it all to Him and rested in His arms.
       The next week, I shared with a local Home what the Lord had told me and set a day for them to pray for me and claim a healing like it says in James 1:15. They prayed and heard from the Lord and He confirmed what He had said before--I am healed!
       So I went to the doctor and canceled my scheduled surgery. I told him that Jesus had healed me. He was very angry with me and refused to do another exam to confirm that I was healed. He said I was wasting their time, but the other doctor who was there, who also knew my case, agreed to examine me. The result came 40 days later to the surprise of everyone--the hospital, the doctor, and the nurses. It was a clear diagnosis: NEGATIVE FOR CANCER OF THE CERVIX. The letters seemed like they were jumping out of the paper at me and I was praising the Lord, crying and laughing. I was so happy.
       Now I know why it happened.--To make me come closer to the Lord and to understand other people who are going through these things, and for the Lord to show me how much He loves me. It changed my life. Now, together with the brothers here, we are starting a ministry in the cancer hospital to help and comfort people we meet, those who are weak and discouraged--by pouring on the balm of the love of Jesus! Thank You, Jesus!

       From Juan, USA:
I spoke to Andrew on the phone after Marie's operation, and her blood test showed that there were still significant signs of cancer in her blood. The doctors wanted to start chemotherapy right away. Also, Andrew's condition had taken a sudden turn for the worse.
       A few days later Marie called to tell me the wonderful news that her doctors are so shocked after they took another blood test that they no longer think it's even necessary to do chemotherapy, as there is so little trace of the cancer in her blood. As for Andrew, his test showed that he had some kind of ulcer in his tumor, but that it was healing by itself and is already doing quite well.
       That day was the first time Marie had been out of bed in more than a month, other than going to the hospital. Also, Andrew was able to eat solid food which he had not been able to do for some time! Please continue to pray for both of their full healing.

(of Arthur): Fractured ankle joint.
       For a just and lasting settlement to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. Protection of Family in the area. Comfort for the Palestinians and Israeli people who have been hurt or lost loved ones during the fighting, and for open doors to minister to and comfort them.
       Protection of the Family in China, in light of a recent crackdown on religious movements.

Europe and Africa
(of Rose): Cancer. Will undergo an operation to remove his colon.
(10, of Dust and Maria): Leukemia. Doctors recommend bone marrow transplant, but a donor has not yet been found.
       Victoria: Cancer.
       Tirzah (of Ben): Elongated colon and intestines, which could necessitate a delicate, and life-threatening operation.
       Marie-Claire (13, of Samuel and Heidi): Bone cancer, causing serious back pain, inability to use her left arm.

North America

       Vanessa (baby, of Steven and Amber): Heart problems. Is currently in intensive care.
       Carisa (5 months, of Zeb and Kristy): Spina Bifida. Supply of needed doctors and therapy. For a doctor to be able to straighten her clubfeet.
       Andrew (of Marie): Tumor in mouth and throat. (See Testimonies of Answered Prayer.)
       Marie (of Andrew): Complete recovery from an operation to remove the tumors in her uterus. (See Testimonies of Answered Prayer.)
: Hepatitis C.
       Andy (17, of Gabriel and Ruth): Recovery from eye operation to reattach his retina.
       Angel David (4, of Lirio): Down's syndrome. Continued recovery from heart surgery he underwent several months ago. To learn to speak.
       Pandita (YA): Pregnant, experiencing problems with her womb.
       Talitha (19): Recovery from operation to remove ovarian cyst.
       Elena (baby, of Sam and Becky): Recovery from surgery to disconnect her liver from her lower intestines. That a liver transplant will not be necessary.
       Heart (17): Frequent migraine headaches.
       Jasper (of Love): Urinary tract infection.
       Mother Eve: Intestinal trouble. Recovery from recent surgery.
       Amy (SGA): Injured muscles in her lower back and slightly misaligned pelvic bone.
       Marianne (SGA): Against severe menstrual cramps.
       For rain and against drought, which has engulfed nearly a third of the U.S., which could cause the severest water shortages in years.

South America

       Flor (of Richard, Brazil): Delicate health condition, her right leg has swelled up because of poor circulation due to the cancer mass obstructing the flow. She has a lot of bleeding and the tumor is growing.
       Joana (of Adino, Brazil): Cancer. Against effects of the radiotherapy.
       Angelito (6, of Bernardo and Clara, Brazil): Down's syndrome.
       Phoebe (of Joel, Brazil): Problems with uterus.
       Richard (of Flor, Brazil): Hepatitis C.
       Luz (13, of David, Brazil): Progressive degenerative condition, causing pneumonia and other health problems.
       Perla (4, of Josue and Luz) Painful tumor on neck.
       Kristen (3, of Felipe and Cristal, Brazil): Convulsions.
       Claire (Brazil): Arthrosis in back.
       Miguel (5, of Jose and Clara): Heart trouble and a hernia.
       Patti: Carpal tunnel syndrome.
       Abigail (SGA, of Clay and Brook): Bronchial pneumonia and sinusitis.
       Amy (of Martin): Gallstones.
       Juan Cromwell: Painful scoliosis.
       David (of Cristal): High cholesterol level.
       Michael Ryan (newborn, of Pierre and Renee): Erbs palsy, which severely damaged nerves in his shoulder, arm and hand due to a traumatic delivery.
       Heaven: Blood infection affecting the uterus, rectum, and intestines.
       Rebeca Fé: Arthrosis.
       Miguel (of Rosa Maria): Problems with left ear.
       Sabbi (of Laura): Mucous in lung and bronchial passage, causing coughing, fevers, and colds for four moths.
       Carolina (of David): Inflammation of the uterus, necessitating an operation.
       Gabriel (10, of Spring): Dislocated and broke two bones below his knee.
       Serena (of Lucas): Seven months pregnant and has toxoplasmosis, which can cause serious problems for the baby.


Calling witnessing, Activated, and follow-up testimonies from YOUNG PEOPLE! Write in--and send your pictures!!!

       Want to know what the difference is between Family Fun shows for everybody and Family Fun shows for members?
       Have you heard the new Froggie Band's Greatest Hits CD?
       Yes, there is a difference between the Family Fun shows and the Froggie Fun shows!
       In a few weeks, you may be able to watch the NEW What Is the Bible? shows from your very own computer, via the Internet. Log on for details.
       Read their latest newsletter on the MO site at: http://www.familymembers.com/newswire/index.php3
       To get the latest news from KidzVids, check out their Web site at: kidzvids.com

Family Fun
or Froggie Fun?
In case you're wondering what the difference between the Family Fun and the Froggie Fun shows is…

Froggie Fun

       Apart from the Froggies hosting the Froggie Fun shows, which are comprised of new footage of the Froggie Band, Froggie Funs include topical portions from the old Family Funs. The Froggie Fun shows are specifically designed for Sunday schools and people who have already received our other videos and are waiting for something with a clear Bible message for their kids. Froggie Funs are presented topically, which means there is one show on the importance of the Bible, one on the importance of prayer, another on faith, another on telling the whole world about Him, and so on.

Family Fun

       The Family Funs, well, they're the old classics, this time laid out with titles, boxes, cover pictures, and all the rest which we hope will help your children identify with them more. We've received so many requests for copies that we felt the best thing to do was to re-master them and send them out directly.


CM vs. FM testimonies?

       Q: I often write testimonies or lessons on my TRFs but don't see them printed. Is that because I'm FM? Do CMers mostly get their testimonies or comments printed?--FM Home in England
       A: (From WS:) Good question! No, we don't purposely select CM articles over FM articles to print. In fact, the majority of articles we receive give no indication of whether the author is CM or FM. While we used to note articles as being from CM/FM authors, we have discontinued this over the last few years. We receive many, many articles, lessons, testimonies, and comments from CM and FM members alike, and are simply not able to print all of them. However, we're now posting more and more of them on the MO site, which we pray is a blessing to the Family worldwide.

Adam, DK comic

Issue 14

Hot Romance Tip #2

       Women really like guys who act natural--guys who are not afraid to just be themselves.
       Ed: Although you don't want to overdo it on this point. It can seriously backfire.
       Cover Photo: FGA Zack of Zoe in Zanzibar, happy to be “back on the saddle” on his new field.

(End of File)