the grapevine
February 15, 1997
Issue 13
Copyright © 1997 by The Family
The Grapevine
PO Box 4938
Orange, CA 92863 USA
The Grapevine consists of news and views from Family members, and is not intended to reflect WS policy.
think deep
Jesus Christ the Transformer took my bundle of spiritual barbed-wire and electrified it into a high-voltage power line. -- Yvonne Lehman
your views on issues
Young people in leadership positions
(From Mel
ody [SGA/CRO]:) It's done me a lot of good to see the full-of-faith way in which our Family is accepting young people being on the CRO teamworks. In fact, they haven't just accepted it, but have really embraced the idea. That's one of the beautiful things about our Family -- they have so much faith for new things and the way in which the Lord is moving. I expected to encounter some resentment and even skepticism during my visitations, but not once yet have I run into that.
One dear man wanted
to confess a weakness that he had been battling against and had borne heavy condemnation about for a long time, so when he heard that "one of the CROs" was coming, he thought to himself, "That's great! Now I can talk about it in person." However, when he saw that "the CRO" was lil' young me, you can probably imagine his first thoughts!
However, each person who had similar initial thoughts later said that after the first few minutes of talking together, they felt completely at ease and they had
no qualms about telling me all that they had wanted to talk about, and they completely forgot that I was 20 years younger than some of them! This to me is a beautiful thing -- not because it's me, because I certainly didn't do anything special -- but because that proves that it's the Lord's Spirit, and that this new move is engineered and designed by the Lord. It works because He ordained it!
Many commented that seeing SGA CROs has restored their faith that there are young people in the Famil
y who are dedicated and are happy serving the Lord. The Enemy has been trying to use the "unofficial grapevine" and resultant gossip that "so many young people are leaving the Family" to discourage, demoralize and dishearten folks that the Family isn't working because we aren't keeping our young people. There is some truth to the gossip that some young people are leaving, but the Enemy has blown it way out of proportion.
The real truth is that there are oodles of young people who are very fulf
illed, challenged and real happy serving the Lord in the Family. I, for one, know it for sure, because I travel and get the blessing of meeting many of them (and am one of them)! It's wonderful!
Appreciation - love - friendship - sharing
(From Cheer, Crystal and Virginia:) Living in Siberia, and feeling like we're in the furthest outpost in the Family, we've learned a lot about gratitude and the truly important things in life.
Some of our young people came from situations where th
eir former Home had an overabundance of provisioned goods. They initially didn't value or appreciate things much, but now they have become so creative in using every little scrap, such as saving our orange peels to make marmalade for free day breakfast, etc. This is the first Home I've lived in that never has leftovers, ha!
When living in Japan, where I came from, there is generally an abundance of things and it is a fight to learn appreciation and the value of things. So it's been touching fo
r me to observe this good attitude in some folks who before could hardly relate to the concept of being without.
Additionally, love, friendship and sharing has become so much more important, as in the physical and the entertainment area, there isn't much else. Witnessing is our life, and it's wonderful!
Freedom can be boring too
(From Phoenix, CRO:) On one of my recent visitations, I saw a couple of teen boys who had some problems in the past with shoplifting, smoking, and being in
to System music.
It was surprising to see them on this visitation, as they seemed to have changed. I asked them what had made them change, and they said that when in their former Home [where they had a lot of freedom] they were very bored; they had nothing to do and no goals. Even though they had plenty of money to buy things, they got into shoplifting, just so they could have some challenges or kicks for the moment.
One of these boys told me that he never had doubts about the Word or the Fa
mily. He didn't have any reason to leave the Family, but at the same time he needed a reason to stay. He felt he needed something he could sink his teeth into. Working with his parents closely to raise funds so they can open a new Home has given him a goal to strive for, at least for now.
Of course, the real reason for him to stay in the Family has to come from deeper things -- like a desire to dedicate himself to the Lord and the Family, and having a personal belief and conviction that he's c
alled to be here. Yet I thought this was interesting, as it shows that even if you have "freedom," it can still be boring for our teens if they don't have a challenge and goal to strive for.
What we did in December '96!
(Stats graphic insert of per adult average Dec '95 - '96 and tool average Dec. '96)
(From Daryl, WS stats man:) Our total pages distributed for December '96 almost doubled from the month before -- from 12.5 million to 24 million! It was also 50% higher than the December
before, when we got out 16 million pages! Wow, we really put out this year!
That came to 2.8 million pieces of lit distributed, which was 109% higher than November, and 100%, or double last year's Christmas output of 1.4 million pieces. Phenomenal!
On the average, in December, DO members distributed 4,995 pages per adult, or 575 pieces, including about 187 posters, 16 tapes/CDs, and 4 videos per adult. TS members averaged 1,255 pages per adult, or 196 pieces, 40 posters, 6 tapes/CDs, and 1
video per adult.
Our total witness for the month was 104 million! -- And our personal witness was 1.2 million for December -- 35% higher than last year!
And now for the REALLY BIG NEWS: An absolutely amazing, astonishing, astounding, astronomical amount of souls entered the Kingdom through the Family's witnessing in December: 219,941! That compares to 51,360 in November '96 and 130,543 in December '95! Looking back over the stats, this is the 4th highest souls-won figure ever in a month. --
Not bad considering we have 28 years of Family history behind us!
The top countries for souls won were: Mexico - 57,281; India - 33,389; and USA - 25,801. The per-adult (16 and over) shiners were: Colombia - 424/adult; Mexico - 318/adult; and Moldova - 223/adult! Praise the Lord!
movie ratings
Movies for Junior Teens and Up
James Earl Jones, Robert Duvall
After his mother's death, a middle-aged white southerner discovers family secrets that lead to a search fo
r his half-brother. Character study addressing the issues of race and infidelity.
Movies for JETTs and Up
Kelsey Grammer, Lauren Holly
Comedy about an unconventional U.S. navy officer who is given command of a rusted-out diesel submarine and a ragtag crew, and has to prove himself in a series of war games. Good portrayal of leadership qualities, teamworking, and perseverance.
EVITA (1996)
Madonna, Antonio Banderas
Big-screen adaptation of the Broadway musical
about the controversial life of Eva Peron, former first lady of Argentina, in which her version of history in the making -- and her part in it -- is contrasted by that of the narrator, who speaks for her critics. A basic knowledge of her life story and Peron-era politics is helpful, as otherwise the story line is hard to follow. (For comments from Dad on the Perons, please see MLs #270:31-34,37; #272:35,40,42; #2167:126-128,131.)
Movies for MCs and Up
S (1993)
(Clay Animation)
Half-hour British stop-motion animation, about a man and his dog who take in a mysterious penguin boarder, and become involved in an intriguing set of events! Entertaining for older audiences as well.
Movies for YCs and Up
(Clay Animation)
Half-hour British animation following the adventures of the cheese-loving duo on a trip to the moon. Entertaining for older audiences as well.
Non-Recommended Movies
C INSTINCT (Michael Douglas, Sharon Stone; 1992)
CARRINGTON (Emma Thompson, Jonathan Pryce; 1995)
KINGPIN (Woody Harrelson, Randy Quaid; 1996)
MOJAVE MOON (Danny Aiello)
TURBULENCE (Ray Liotta, Lauren Holly; 1996)
mama's mailbox
(Editor's note: Unless we have received prior permission from theauthor of the letter, only initials will be used in this section.)
Dear Mama,
I was so touched that you asked some of your Home members to tak
e the time to hear from the Lord, and from my deceased brother, Stephen, for my mother and I. (Editor's note: In early '94, Hope's brother, Stephen [13], went to be with the Lord in a boating accident.)
My brother's character shows right through in the prophecies in such detail, and it makes me believe more than ever in prophecy. Hey, they even got his hair color right! It would prove to anyone that still has doubts about prophecy, that the Lord really does speak, and other departed spirits do
as well!
One lesson that I've been learning through this whole experience is to appreciate each person and cherish each moment I have with them. Stephen has brought Heaven a lot closer to me, and I am very encouraged by the glimpses of paradise these prophecies have given me! This is a day of miracles!
-- Your ever-loving, loyal daughter, Hope (18), Czech Republic
Dear Mama,
During our devotions this morning I was sniffing away while watching the delegates meeting videos, as seeing our
dear Family on video moved me so much. We were viewing a segment where the attendees were talking and sharing lessons, etc.
It was so touching and wonderful to be able to see their faces and hear their voices. I felt so privileged! Each one is so sincere, so precious, such fighters who have come through so much! When different ones shared their lessons or points, we would all cry, shout praises, or laugh with them as we watched. Some of our Family are really funny! They're all just great! -- A
nd each one is so gorgeous, so handsome! Everyone really shines!
Since we here on the staff spend so much time laboring for our precious Family in prayer, both for specific situations and individuals --suffice it to say that seeing some of our Family via these videos has been like a cherry on top of the sundae for me -- a special touch of the Lord's love!
It makes me grateful to be able to stand in the gap through prayer for all our dear ones out there who are really getting the job done. Se
eing our Family on video also made me see that any little trials the Enemy tries to hit me with to hinder my prayer times really amounts to nothing when compared to the honor of coming before the Lord for our precious Family! -- I don't mind if you call on me in the middle of the night or during movie time to pray and hear from the Lord if needed; I can only count it an honor.
When Peter has held meetings or visited an area, we hear that folks often say how thankful they are to be able to meet
and see Peter. But for us here on the staff who do get to see Peter more often, I wonder if the Family realizes that for us, it's just as big a thrill and blessing and privilege to be able to see and hear from them! The photos people send us are so special and sweet, and we all have them up on our walls. If the Family only knew how much we here on the staff literally devour every video, photo, new song tape, etc., that comes our way from them!
Thank you for obeying the Lord and having a visio
n to video these meetings. They certainly have been a special blessing for us here to see these dear ones! -- What a Family!
-- from a member of Mama's home
Dear Mama,
A while back, I decided to say "yes" to Jesus in all areas of my life but one. You see, I thought it was just a little one. Besides, no one's perfect; even the Lord says He'll take us where we're at. That Huddersfield in my heart had a name: System music.
I'm music-crazy and had a nice collection of tapes; then all these p
ubs started coming out about forsaking System music. It got too convicting for me, to where if a GN or FSM mentioned the topic of System music, I'd try not to read it, since I already knew what it was going to say.
I came across a Daily Might quote that says, "I am satisfied with Jesus, but the question comes to me as I gaze at Calvary: Is my Savior satisfied with me?" That stabbed me like a dagger, yet I still couldn't give it up.
I wrote an application to a Home in another country and was d
esperately -- and I mean desperately -- praying that it would work out for me to go. I was asking the Lord to speak to me about it, when He said, "How can I please you and give you the desires of your heart when you're not interested in pleasing Me?"
That was too much to shake off, so I made the decision then to get rid of all my System music tapes. Funny enough, I didn't even miss them! -- And now we have all the new music that's coming out so fast, and it's such neat stuff. He's really made
it easy on us who crave music.
The awesome thing is that just a few days later I got the most incredible answer to prayer! The move I had in mind didn't work out, but I got an invitation to move to another country, and to work with ones I love so much -- this had been my dream! Realizing the Lord had kept His part of the bargain, though not in the way I expected, was thrilling! I felt like, "Well, what do you know -- the Lord does speak to me after all!" It was such a special token of His love
-- S. (female, 16), South American
"Essence of Life" is one of the top songs ever recorded. We joined a fitness center this month and they have a massive aerobics room. One day when there were no classes scheduled, we put "Essence of Life" on the loudspeakers and started dancing. It drew quite a crowd, and as the tape is DO, we ended up turning it off. But the moral of the story is that it's really inspiring to have Family music that we are PROUD of!!!
-- Ben, Eva, Stephen, R
enee and Harmony, USA
(Editor's note: Although printed pubs that have the classification of DO or DO/TS are not to be shared with those outside the Family, this is not the case with the FTT tapes. FTT tapes can be played for outsiders when appropriate.)
Stir it Up is a favorite! The kids like "Charlie," "Double-speak," "Instrument of Your Peace," and we adults would love more Salsa Latina like "Just Say Yes!"
--Andrew and Crystal Do-It (TS), U.S.A.
If there is a song with a rhythm, be
at or style that I don't normally go for or haven't heard enough of to really appreciate, I'll just tune into the lyrics. I then find that the words are really good and I'll think, "God bless the ones who wrote these words, they're meaningful and deep." Then I begin to appreciate the music that is carrying the lyrics along, you see?!
Sometimes I just need to be exposed to the song over a period of time, so in the meantime I refrain from making comments on it. The more negative comments I make
about a song, the more that belief will be reinforced in my mind that it isn't a good song. So I'll either make positive comments or no comments at all, until such a time that the song has grown on me, or I've found features that appeal to me, so that I'm able to enjoy it.
-- Paul Heart (of Mary, SGAs), Thailand
Bold 'n' Brave is one of the best! I love "When Will the War Be Ended?" -- Spirit-filled, heart-touching and beautifully rendered. "Whispers of Love" is great too!
-- an SGA male,
In Grapevine #5, someone was concerned that some FTT songs imitate "the Devil's songs." So I want to put in a plug in defense of some of this gorgeous stuff! The FTT gang has been doing a mega-job on this, and it's definitely bearing fruit!
I mean, hey, let's count our blessings, guys! Now we are actually walking around singing lyrics like: "Glory hallelujah! Free at last!" instead of "How bizarre, how bizarre ... " or "It's raining men, and I wanna get all wet" and the likes! -- Tot
ally awesome, thanks to the FTTs!!
Didn't the FTT project begin to get us teens turned on to Family music? Alrighty then! In order to do so, the music has to speak that same language we do, if you get my drift!
For example, way cool songs such as, "Set Me Free," "Charlie," "Behold," etc., might have been ignored if produced in the guise of more conventional music styles. However, techno, rap, hip-hop, and funk send a clear revolutionary statement!!
Let's not give the Devil credit for music
that makes you feel good, that you can groove to, and what's more --that has the Spirit! Stay special!!
-- Michelle (17), Australia
Open For Love is my favorite! I listen to it every night before going to bed and I love every song. I bet those guys could get together and make an album; they are really good! My favorite songs are "My Treasure" and "You're Mine." The vocals are just awesome. Thank you for this wonderful gift.
-- Sarina (16, of Ben and Rebecca), USA
I'd like to thank all
those who worked on Stir it Up. The music is definitely getting better all the time! I especially enjoy the remakes of the older songs like "Out of the Darkness" and "Behold." -- And all you guys that sang on that tape: You got awesome voices! Keep it up, OK?
-- Windy Newheart (18, of John and Sara), Canada
The songs on Bold 'n' Brave are just too cool and groovy, especially the rap on "Whispers of Love." It's the coolest rap I've ever heard. Every tape is better than the last one!
We re
cently had a teen/YA fellowship with two dance nights -- one fast and one slow. We only used the FTTs, and it was great!
-- Jenny (18), India
what's up?
A royal encounter
(From Pearl [of BI court case fame]:) My third baby was 18 days overdue, and it was quite a test for me, but we all tried to hold on and see what good would come out of it. There was a joke going around that the reason the baby was late was so that I could meet the Queen of England, as she was supposed to come
to Bedford hospital, where I was to have my baby, to open the new maternity wing.
Well, the joke became reality and Simon (my husband) and I did meet the Queen! It so happened that Simon's uncle and aunt were the Queen's escort that day, and accompanied her into the ward, and introduced Simon (their nephew) and myself to the Queen.
It was a miracle that I was there. First, I was so overdue; secondly, although the baby came four days before the Queen's visit, I had to stay in the hospital lo
nger than normal because I had strained my coccyx during the birth. I had prayed that if the Lord wanted us to meet the Queen He would work it out, and He did! We hope that this meeting and the package of lit and the Fear Not tape that we sent on to Buckingham Palace will bear good fruit.
Memorization revolution
(From Jason [of Cedar]:) We announced a memory contest for the month -- "Be a Memorizer and Win!" Everyone needed to submit what they had memorized, a total word count, and a t
eacher or parent's signature verifying it. The contest results were incredibly inspiring, and it was amazing to see how much some of these guys packed in! Our top three shiners were:
* Mari (15, of Ado and Kanah) memorized "Did God Make a Mistake?" in its entirety! -- 6,092 words!
* Sharon (15, of Peter and Maria) memorized Rom. 5, 12; 1Cor. 2; Gal. 5; James 3, 4; 1Jn. 3:14-24 and Eph. 4. -- 162 verses/3,303 words!
* Angelo (13, of Ado and Kanah) memorized 49 paragraphs from "Rich Man, P
oor Man. -- 3,010 words!
We gave a silver Family symbol to the top ten shiners, along with a certificate congratulating them for their accomplishment. I think we could all use a jump start in this area, as sadly, memorizing is somewhat of a lost art in our Homes.
How we sang for the hostages
(From Heidi, for the PAS team:) You've probably all heard about the rebel group (Tupac Amaru) that took 400 hostages at the Japanese Embassy in Lima in mid-December. It's been very intense for
the government here, but the Lord has used this incident to teach all those top people to be more dependent on Him.
On TV and the radio, we've heard top people saying that they were having daily prayer meetings, and that "God was the only One Who would be able to take them out of this mess," etc. Then on the news one day, we heard a special call for choirs to go and sing on TV to inspire the country in the midst of this critical and nerve-racking ordeal. The Lord showed us to go for it, so we
We were out busking one night and decided to go inside the blocked-off zone to ask the TV newscasts if they knew anything about this announcement we had heard on the news. They gave us some phone numbers, and told us to call and make an appointment.
The next day we called, and were asked to go and sing that night. Another choir was singing when we got there, but it was pretty boring and draggy. When we got up and began singing our happy Christmas carols, Family-style -- all the TV stat
ions kept asking us to sing more. It was super fun! We came out in the national newscast and also on CNN! Thanks to Him, we were able to be a witness to all.
Our ageless tapes
(From SPALIM:) While witnessing, Maria Antonia and Charity YA met a sweet 85-year-old lady. As they talked with her, she explained that she didn't have much time as she needed to fix her mother some lunch. They were surprised that this old lady would have a living mother.
She explained that her mother is alre
ady 120 years old, and that she was more like a baby, as she was so old. She said that her mother didn't like to listen to any music except for one particular tape that she would listen to over and over. She then proceeded to show them the tape, and to their surprise, it was Sweet Dreams Tonight!
It was an amazing testimony that this old woman, who was hardly conscious of anything around her anymore, would be so interested in our songs about Heaven and Jesus. After learning that we are the one
s who produced that tape, this lady's 85-year-old daughter got another two tapes from us.
Come to India!
(From James Newlove:) There is a great need in India for crazy crusaders who can hit the road, get out posters and tools, and spread the message far and wide. India is a land of approximately 1 billion people -- many of whom, in the larger cities, speak English.
Homes do have to work at raising funds to meet expenses through video distribution, etc., which takes a good deal of t
ime. However, if you can get home support before coming, you would be freer to get out the message via posters and tool distribution in what I would say is one of the most potential countries in the world.
To top it off, Indian girls are very beautiful. I should know -- I married one! Hope to see you soon!
(From Ben Bounceback:) All outreachers looking for a witnessers' paradise -- India is the IN place. This is the place to be. You can outreach here till Jesus comes back! India is the cool
place to be in. It's where I want to spend the rest of my life!!
As seen on TV
(From Pedro, Julia, Lydia and Gabriel:) The Lord did a miracle and worked it out for our children to perform in a talent show called "Hagase Famoso" on Megavision TV here in Santiago (approx. seven million viewers). The MC and the four judges loved the children as they performed their rendition of "With my Guitar on my Back" in Spanish. They won the prize of $250 and were invited to participate in the 1996
Teleton for all Chile.
Hired killers converted
(From Cesco:) While standing outside a restaurant, we came across four big, bodyguard type guys standing around a car, drinking and talking. We started witnessing to them and found out they were real "heavy-duty" guys who worked as bouncers at private bars, and were sometimes hired as killers. The one I was witnessing to had just come out of the hospital. He had been stabbed several times during a fight, and they were drinking to his
This man had been in prison for 12 years, so when he saw pictures in our PR album of us singing in prison, he opened up. I was cautious in my witnessing, as he said he was an Orthodox Christian, and didn't like any other religion. I was almost afraid to ask him to pray, but I finally did. To my surprise, he said, "Pray? Of course I want to pray!" They were very happy and friendly.
Island of paradise
(From the Indonesian Service Home:) With plane tickets in hand worth
$2,500, which were given to us for a few hundred dollars, our four-man team of Mercy Delight, Michael Indo, YA Tim (of Brother Sun) and senior teen Shelly (of Rain and Rejoice) headed off for a one-month road trip to the exotic province of Manado -- on the Indonesian island of Borneo.
The largely Christian population went wild with excitement when they saw our Christmas tapes and CDs! Our tools were such prime attractions that as we walked down the road we could hear them playing in supermarke
ts, department stores, banks -- you name it! We were put up in a five star hotel and fed like kings -- more food than we could eat! Our effect on the city was truly phenomenal and it was not easy to say good-bye to the precious people we had grown so close to.
The Lord did tremendous things each day, and by the end of our trip we had distributed 1,000 tapes, 100 videos, 40 CDs, 2400 posters, and had won 130 souls! We met so many searching and hungry sheep, eager to hear the Words of David! The
y loved the posters, especially the Endtime ones, and by the time we returned from our trip, we already had mail responses waiting for us!
Writing on the wall
(From Tim:) While hitchhiking, we met a lady who introduced us to her son, Oleg. He was in with some bad boys, doing some heavy stuff, but still had a great hunger for the Lord and things of the Spirit. We began giving him classes, and one day he took us to meet his friends at Tusovka -- a young people's hangout.
We were le
d into the basement of a large apartment block, which was like going into Hell's gates. I got a picture of how Dad used to go to those wild places where the hippies gathered. There were many young kids, some on drugs, all smoking, but apparently from good families.
Whoever played the guitar was considered cool, so that gave us something to start with. We played some of our original Revolution for Jesus songs, which were like nothing they had heard before. The old, untunable Russian guitar made
terrible sounds, but the kids didn't mind. We ended up leading all of them in prayer to receive the Lord.
Our next meeting turned into a Daniel Two class, which we drew in graffiti on the wall of the basement. The kids were fascinated by it and want to see us again! There are many places like this in every neighborhood of the former USSR. The kids have no goals, and they are fed up with school and their parents. We have the stuff that thrills them, so let's reach them now! They are His kids!
Become one to win some
(From Ho and Ruth:) Chrysa, Monika and Andrew (YA/SGAs) led six students to the Lord this month. Awa is a female student who received Jesus last semester and has been visiting Monika for Bible studies for the last six months. We shared with her about serving the Lord and becoming a catacomb disciple, and she got very turned on and has taken up the challenge!
Our YAs continue to meet every week with about 10-15 Chinese students who come regularly to their "Gui
tar Corner." We copied song sheets in Pinyin (Chinese written phonetically, using the Roman alphabet), and English to teach them "Joy to the World," "Silent Night," "Peace in the Midst of a Storm," etc.
Some of our student friends like our music so much that they chose the song "Peace in the Midst of a Storm" to sing as a choral group. They sang it at a large outdoor party and gathering of hundreds of people, and it was a hit! Recently they sang this song again at the university music contest
and won first prize! Now "Peace in the Midst of a Storm" is becoming well known, and has been played over the campus outdoor loudspeakers.
We are all continuing our Chinese studies, and are making good progress. Nina (12) is beginning the Beijing university course with her tutor, and Jondy (8) is halfway through the children's Chinese course. We also use the "Interactive Chinese" CD computer program, which is fantastic for both kids and adults. The YAs are in the upper intermediate level (abou
t 1,500 to 2,000 Chinese characters) and several of them want to continue for a third term, while some may "graduate" after this term.
Radio waves
(From James and Anna:) While out, Jobbie (18, of Stephano and Faithy) and Miguel (16, of James and Anna) met a man from a radio station. When he heard the song "War No More" he wanted to play it over the radio. He said, "Croatia needs to hear this!" We had no idea his station was so popular, but when we started asking around, we found th
at all the young people listen to it regularly.
Two Sundays in a row he played songs from The Lion, Dragon and the Beast CD. Later, the government tried to close down his radio station as they were not complying with presidential regulations, but were telling people the truth instead.
As you may have seen on CNN, 20,000 people held a protest in the main square of Zagreb, demanding that this radio station be kept open. The government had to relent, and the station stayed open. The man intervi
ewed by CNN was the man we have been ministering to. Please continue to pray for him.
rumor mill
Question: We heard through a rumor that the GP Raise 'em Right [video] project has been shelved for the time being or for good. Is that true? We feel that if the manpower is there, that it should go ahead. There is a definite need for childcare material to distribute to the general public, put in a form that they can relate to.
-- Aaron, Abi and Lisa, Australia
Answer: The idea of doing a GP
childcare seminar type video is one that has been raised, but was never really tabled, due to our video departments being busy with many other GP projects. However, we agree that there is a great need for GP childcare material which can be distributed by the Family. Presently some of the writers at the GPU are working on some childcare booklets for GP distribution. Please pray for them, as it's a big undertaking. God willing, by the middle of the year these will be available for your distributi
Besides childcare booklets, the GPU is working a number of other booklets for GP distribution. Recently in prophecy the Lord said that the Family should pray desperately for the GPU as they work on producing this material. So please put the GPU writers/editors on your prayer list, asking the Lord to mightily anoint them in their task.
Question: When we recently visited a DO Home, someone told our teens that anybody in the Family can smoke if they choose to smoke cigarettes. Our whole fa
mily is against smoking, and we're are all wondering if this information is right.
-- Zion and Grace Mountain (TS), USA
Answer: No, this information is not right. Smoking of anything is forbidden within the Family. The Love Charter states: "Smoking of any substance is forbidden. This covers smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes or any other substance people can smoke." (Charter, pg. 134:10a)
(From Rebeca [Romanian national]:) For the first time in a couple of years, on
January 5-6, the Romanian Family gathered together. I was overwhelmed by the love, happiness, and the power of forgiveness that was manifested at this fellowship. Besides the fun, it was a wonderful time of erasing the burdens and hurts from the past and starting anew. -- Clean slate! I was touched to see how each one admitted their problems; how they were so willing to face them to change things for the better; and so willing to forgive and be forgiven.
How can you describe in words what you
're feeling when you see people reaching out and bridging the gap -- old and young, Romanian nationals and "born-and-raised" in the Family young people? When you see everyone uniting in the Lord's love and Spirit to carry on the wonderful task that has been given them? In summary, it was a taste of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!
On November 22, over 250 people attended a year-end dinner at a large restaurant in São Paulo, South America's largest city. Of these, approximately 20 wer
e TS members, and 30 DO, & the rest friends & live-outs! The teens and children performed, and a video of the work was shown, along with slides of some CTP projects. Two of our live-outs gave their personal testimonies, and other DO and TS members contributed to the occasion.
Eight awards were given to the first graduating Live-out discipleship group, 45 diplomas were given to those graduating from Bible study groups, & over 50 certificates were given to our good friends who have faithfully he
lped us through the year.
Over 40 friends and live-out disciples, from seven major cities of the south of Brazil, met for two days of Word, fellowship and discussion of possible area projects. They all showed interest in attending the upcoming national meeting for Family friends to be held in Rio in May of 1997.
(From Eman and Peace:) With our seven children, we are pioneering the amazing country of Madagascar. This large island off the east coast of Africa has 13
million mostly French-speaking people, made up of several ethnic groups of mixed Indonesian and black African descent. They are the most receptive people we've ever met, and soul-winning is a delight!
The first sheep we met here was from the WS mail ministry. She wrote in after receiving a Daily Might from an Indian friend who got it in Thailand. She is soaking up all the Word we give her, and translates it to reach her people.
The Lord has provided a good house with a beautiful garden, whi
ch is like an oasis in the midst of the poverty and dirt. Physical conditions are a lot like India. We need your prayers, and French-speaking laborers.
(in a box:) Madagascar: Mountainous island, the 4th largest in the world, located in the Indian Ocean off Africa's eastern coast. Population: 13 million. Capital: Antananarivo, 700,000 inhabitants. Languages: Malagasy and French. Religion: 52% native beliefs, 41% Christian, 7% Muslim. Largely agricultural society (80% of workforce); one of the
poorest countries in the world.
Into the Himalayan regions
(From Lily [21], Angie [19], Adam [19] and Paula [16]:) Monsoon is over in Nepal and the weather is clearing. The tourist season is about to come into full swing. The weather is beautiful for trekking, the rivers are full for rafting, and the Himalayan mountain peaks are beckoning! The season coincides with the country's largest festival, shutting everything down for nearly two weeks. It's a golden opportunity to reach the ma
ny travelers that come here, so Angie, Adam, Paula and Lily set out to the second largest city in Nepal, Pokhara, for an unforgettable eight-day witnessing adventure.
Pokhara is picturesquely set by a gorgeous lake with a snow-capped Himalayan backdrop. There is a small tourist area around the lake known as "Lakeside." It is used as a base point to go rafting and trekking from, as the Annapurna range is close by.
Our trip was truly a miracle from start to finish, as the Lord supplied the bus
tickets and funds on the last day! Our hotel was arranged through a friend in Katmandu, and we pioneered contacts for our meals. During our trip, we researched CTP projects for future trips, visited the industrial areas and introduced our work to local businessmen, as well as took time to reach the youth, both Nepali and foreign.
One man, Dorje, had what is considered here an ideal situation: He was married to a western girl, had a business in the most popular spot in town, and seemed as if h
e had not a care in the world. But once we got past his happy-go-lucky front, we found he had the same aching void to be understood and loved for who he really was.
(Lily, 21:) There are many highlights from our times going out -- "travos" (as we dubbed witnessing to travelers) during these eight special days! On one occasion, one of the many travelers walking past us caught my attention for no apparent reason. He seemed in a hurry, so I just offered him a Somebody Loves You tract, which he po
litely refused. "Christianity confuses me," he said. "So you won't take it?" "No, sorry." We parted, but I was left with a feeling that the Lord was on his trail. I prayed together with Angie for him, and we put him in the Lord's hands.
On our last night there, as we walked by Lakeside asking the Lord to lead us, we saw someone sitting under a tree. Getting closer, we realized it was the same guy that had earlier refused our tract! I was so amazed, and touched by the Lord's love for him in arr
anging for us to meet him again. He's Australian and had only been traveling for a month or two. Already sick of traveling, he wanted to go back home and do something with his life.
We witnessed extensively to him, quoting him parts of the Letter "Mountain Men," which really spoke to him. In the end, I again offered him a tract -- the "Mountain Men" MO Letter. This time he took it and said sincerely that he would read it. We told him we'd pray that he finds true happiness. He thanked us and sa
id, "It was really good to talk to you. It's the first time I've talked to anyone deeply since I started traveling. This is the best conversation I've had!"
It was encouraging, and reminded me of testimonies I've heard of the steps the Lord used to bring people along to come to Him. We won't always be the reapers, but Lord help us to be the link in the chain when we're needed, and to not miss one of the Lord's set-ups when He's in the process of working in someone's life.
We've got the "inst
ant in season, out of season" bug -- to witness to whoever, whenever -- forgetting ourselves and reaching past these guys' fronts to give 'em Jesus! It's so fulfilling to find sincere seekers of the truth. During these thrilling eight days, we met and witnessed to Nepalese, Israelis, English, Dutch, Australians, Italians, Argentineans, Indians, Swedes, Russians, Americans, Czechs, New Zealanders, and Germans! -- Truly "to every creature!"
studio news
(From Pedro:) Local langu
age studios PAS and BLAST had a blast during the Christmas push this year! For both studio teams, the last two months of 1996 were full of excitement as they engaged in full-time outreach and tool distribution.
Some members of PAS hit the road for Chile, where they dedicated the month of December to all-out witnessing with their children. Others engaged in CTP projects, busking, tapenessing, caroling, etc.
A good part of the PAS troop was also present on Christmas Eve to sing carols to the h
ostages at the Japanese Embassy in Lima (see "How we sang for the hostages" on page six of this issue for the full story).
The children also performed a Christmas show for the Rio Sheraton Hotel. On Christmas Eve, one caroling team in Brazil won 100 souls! A busking team distributed 38 CDs in just one restaurant! Let me tell you, South America is a hot field -- and we're not referring to the weather!
Miraculously, we still produced during these months. Power Tower in Portuguese is finished,
and nearly finished in Spanish.
Now we're back in full swing, working on finalizing the new Latin GP Spanish tape/CD, which we hope to finish in the next few months.
We're also working on translating and recording Open for Love, Family Fun spots and more. Additionally, we'll continue to strive to keep up with getting out the English GP productions in Spanish and Portuguese.
Breaking Down the Walls!-- FTT #8
-- Coming in March to a tape recorder near you!
side a singer(s)/lyrics/mel
Breaking Down the Walls Emmanuel, Pedro/Joash, BAS/Emmanuel
He'll Help You Hold On Angelique/Sylvia/Sylvia, Nat S., Emmanuel
Flood of Love Mark T., Clara/Mark T./Mark T.
As Time Goes By Sylvia
Ain't No Sense Jeff Broer/Mike Fischer, Jeff B./Mike F., Jeff B.
White Sails BAS/Gloria/Gloria, Micah
When I'm Loving You Meeky/Meeky, Byron/Meeky, Byron
side b
Know the Power BAS/Eman/Julia
Child of Weakness Angelina
Close Your Eyes Julia/Julia, Eman/Julia
d by Me Lara/Anne L./Anne L.
China Calls Out Gary/Andrew F./Andrew F.
Want Every Bit of Your Love Vas
Status aside … we're one Family - Comments on the DO/TS issue
I think Abner's comments and assessments of the DO/TS Family kids (Grapevine #5, page 3, "Kids' problems -- does status make a difference?") very much fits here in Europe as well.
The parents who have conviction to pour the Word into their children and teach them how to witness have good results. Status doesn't make m
uch difference; it depends so greatly on how much the parents believe and implement the Word, and are the "Gospel in shoe leather" to their children.
While on visitation recently, witnessing with the children seemed to be a weak point in many Homes. The excuse was that the kids were "burned out" on the witnessing methods we are using. One Home blew this excuse to pieces in an open forum we held, where they simply shared testimonies from their fruitful scheduled witnessing excursions twice a we
ek with their Home's children.
-- Lisa (CRO), Europe
Since the TS fellowship in DC which Peter attended, I have felt that some TSers now feel that the DO Family needs to cater to their every whim. I do believe that DO Family members need to be more understanding and loving towards our TS brothers and sisters. At the same time, I think our TS Family needs to realize that since the Charter, our DO Homes are a lot smaller in size, and with many kids and the daily duties of keeping a Home runni
ng, they can't drop everything because a TS family wants to have fellowship. It's nothing personal against the TS Homes -- DO Homes also have a hard time finding the time to fellowship with other DO Homes.
Perhaps some have a "persecution complex" -- that since they are "TSers" they feel that all DO members look down on them, which isn't the case. Maybe the local DO Home doesn't get along with a particular TS family, but it may have nothing to do with the fact that they are TSers. Unfortunatel
y, it's just human nature, and presently some of our DO Homes are having a problem getting along with each other, but it doesn't have anything to do with "status."
-- From a female SGA, USA
Having read "DO Members' Attitudes" (Grapevine #4, page 3) and "Increased DO/TS Fellowship" (Grapevine #5, page 2), we would like to respond as new TS disciples with less than one year in the Family. For the previous eight months we opened our Home to transient DO families.
One missionary family with f
ive children who just left for Taiwan stayed with us nearly four weeks. Although not without problems common to man, they were courteous and thoughtful, demonstrating a genuine and sincere love for the Lord. When a problem arose over a minor incident, they presented a good testimony. Their children were a good sample. They have been and are to us a sample of maintaining a positive loving DO standard by which to live.
However, one DO Home outright deceived us, abusing our hospitality. They clai
med credit for work they didn't do, then blamed and disowned their companion TS Home for problems for which they were responsible. Another family ate us out of house and home. We have had furniture broken and torn, plants destroyed, appliances, dishes, toys and books damaged or broken, ML Volume Two and children's readers stolen. Only one of five DO families has ever offered to replace anything they have lost.
TSers aren't here for DO members to blame their problems on. There are 5½ billion ot
her people in the world that have a worse influence on your children than TS children. As TSers we look to you for a better sample. If you can't live up to your own standard, don't blame us.
We would like to thank Joy and Andrew and Jonathan and Amor for being the kind of sample to our Home that Dad, Maria and Peter have emphasized that Family members should demonstrate as house guests and disciples of the Lord. We consider it an honor and a blessing to serve all the brethren. Witnessing to th
e world while refusing fellowship with brethren is not a solution, it is a defeat.
-- Pat and Becky (TS), U.S.A.
We came away from the DC TS Fellowship with nothing but positive reactions from all we saw and experienced. I believe the bad samples are few and far between, and that we should dwell on the fact that the majority of folks we've fellowshipped with have been good samples of God's love to us! The good far outweighs the bad in both the TS and DO Family, and we all have the personal
liberty to choose who we fellowship with, as stated in the Charter.
So DO brethren, don't give up on the TSers so easily, and we won't give up on you! We're one Family and every tree is known by its fruit -- not its classification.
At the end of the DC TS Fellowship meeting, Peter gives wise counsel, that "even though the ship is turning in the right direction, it's a big long ship and it will take awhile for all of us to turn with it." But we know from seeing the Captain at the helm of the
boat, that it is turning and will continue to turn us all to His love!
-- Abe D. (TS), USA
It's saddening to read of misunderstandings between our Family members. We have been fellowshipping with some TSers for a few years now. From what I can see in their lives and service for the Lord, they need to be commended for how they have stuck through the years, and have tried their best to uphold the standard, including that of their children and their training.
They may not be up-to-date with
all the counsel that we have been privileged to receive, but from what I have seen, they try their best to uphold the standard of the Word. They may not reach it all the time, and may have weaknesses in certain areas like we do, but some of our TS Family here seem more DO than some of us are. Some have expressed disillusionment with some DO Family members that they have visited, due to the lack of upholding the standard in many areas, something that cost them their DO status in the past.
-- Pet
er Nic, Philippines
Abner's article, "Kids' problems -- Does status make a difference?" (Grapevine #5, page 3) and Jeremiah's comment about our young people not receiving the attention and care they deserve (Grapevine #5, page 10) helped me to see more clearly what my mistakes have been with my teens, which have brought on the problems that I'm having with them today.
I don't want to be negative and talk about problems, but it made me want to be honest with myself and open my heart and fac
e my mistakes. God bless them for the love, concern, honesty, objectivity and depth they have.
-- a TS couple, Italy
NACRO's eager expectants ...
-- Praise Lamb (of David) is pregnant with #3!
-- Vine (of John Paul) is pregnant with #10.
-- Raquel (18, formerly Heaven, of Santiago and Lydia) is eight months pregnant.
-- Joy (of Tim Streams) is pregnant with # 9.
-- Debbie (of Michael Tree, Canada) is pregnant with #8.
-- Paloma (of Zac On Call) is pregnant with #7.
CRO's lone arrival ...
-- Pedro Juan, born to Marta and Eduardo on November 27th. -- Brazil
hitching up ...
-- Gabriel Davidson and Luz Angela are engaged to be married! -- Spain
find a friend
-- Samuel Eclair and Jacques from Canada would like to get in touch with Job and Rose that used to be in Quebec in late 70s and early 80s. Add: Mario Gagne, CP 221 Succ. Beaubien MTC, Quebec, Canada H2G-3C9.
-- Mike Eric would like to contact Angelina (of Ezekiel and Rejoice), and any others
I've lost contact with. Add: OP1 CP58 Brasov, Romania.
-- Joana (16, of Portuguese Primavera, in Brazil) is looking for Jay Small, Rose (formerly Jay and Aola) and family. Add: Rodovia Amaral Peixoto 448 Km.8.5, Vareza das Mocas Cep:24753-560, Sao Goncalo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brazil
letters to the editor
We read in The Grapevine (see Grapevine #7) that the DO brethren here in Belgium have not been kind to TSers. This might have been the case in the beginning, when it wasn't clear to peo
ple how to act toward TSers. However, after the Letter from Mama to the TSers came out, the DO brethren acted upon it right away and have been open and sweet to us, treating us with kindness and respect. We have not felt looked down upon and we appreciate very much their fellowship.
-- Dust, Maria and Mark (TS), Belgium
Alfred Angel, thanks for standing up for us single sisters and moms and telling it like it is (see Grapevine #6, "Fathers, where are you?"). It's wonderful to see your sacri
ficial spirit. I'm sure the Lord will bless you with a sweet and precious wife and family. "For he that cares for My little ones learns the most about giving, sacrificing and loving -- the things I [the Lord] place the greatest values on" (ML #2961:243).
-- Rose (TS, single mother of nine), Canada
The articles in The Grapevines are very touching. The love, unity, forgiveness, and the sharing of our hearts, our lessons and heartbreaks seems to have brought a lot more understanding between DO
and TS members.
We are just one Family desiring to give our best to Jesus, and it would be beautiful if we all could try to work together as one Family, giving no importance to titles, but rather looking on people's desire to follow Jesus and serve Him.
-- Samson and Christine (TS), France
cute kids
-- We were reading "Expect Miracles" for devotions when Nicky (5) and Kevin (4) stopped to examine the spots on the lady's face (in the picture). Nicky asked, "What are they?" to which Kev
in replied, "I think it's bits of breakfast!"
-- Nicky and Kevin had been playing with a ball when Nicky came crying to me. I asked what had happened, and he replied, "The ball hit me in the chest and almost broke my heart!"
-- One of the women in the Home was having her birthday. The person announcing it said, "Auntie Vicky thinks she's an old maid, but we all know she's not!" Later Kevin seemed visibly amused, and when I asked him what he was laughing about, he said, "Auntie Vicky thinks s
he is a mer-maid, but we all know she's not!"
-- Kevin announced to me one day, "I'm going to go on a big honeymoon with Janette (3)! And we're going to lick it and eat it all up, and it's going to be so nice!"
-- Shelly's (3) Christmas lines: "I'm dreaming of a wide Christmas..!" "Peace on Earth to men and good whales!" and "And the three wise-guys came to see Jesus!"
-- Shelly quoting Psalm 23: "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. I fell down and laid down in green pastures." Kevi
n ended it with: "And I will draw in the house of the Lord forever!"
-- Kevin singing from the Endtime tape: "..and the Beast was cast alive into the Lake of Fire. And his followers were strange!"
-- Nicky sang, "I'm quite old and hairy and I'll tell you something scary; some thing's got a hold on me!" -- "Glued to the Tube".
-- Kevin was singing "Learning to Fly" and sang, "Spread your arms, it smells like an eagle..."
-- Courtesy of Stephen and Joan (SGAs, with four children and #5 due
in June!), Hungary
(From Jenna:) In issue #12 of The Grapevine, in the What's Up? section, there was a far-out article entitled "Where hitchhiking led." Just wanted to tack on a note of caution for any would-be hitchhikers: Be sure you've heard from the Lord before taking to the streets in pursuit of a similar witnessing opportunity. Remember, hitchhiking can be dangerous, and is even illegal in some countries.
ideas and tips
Include your friends
(From Diego, M
arcela and Juan:) We have been including our friends in our monthly prayer days, and it has borne good fruit. We inform them a few days in advance so they can prepare their prayer lists. Now they all have answered prayers to testify of.
Weight loss
(From Ruth [of Ho]:) A great way to exercise and lose weight is to compile all the fast FTT songs onto another tape, then go running with a Walkman. "I'm goin' joggin' with my Jesus ...!"
CTP stats
(From Andre:) Regarding CT
P ministries, it's helpful to keep accurate stats of all that you do: donations, number of visits, etc. I learned this from other charitable organizations, and it came in handy when I compiled an article for the 1996 Family Year End Report.
TV advertising
(From Michael, Christie, Marek and Esther:) In the Ukraine, for a written advertisement to run across the TV screen during a movie broadcast it only costs US 60 cents per word! -- A possible new way for promotion of your work, ser
vices and tools! We found our beautiful new house this way! (Editor's note: Undoubtedly prices will vary from country to country, but it might be worth looking into.)
Let's experiment
(From Servant, [of Seek]:) If you're using CLE, you may have noticed that the science workbooks are full of experiments. In the back of the Order Form Booklet, there is an entire page with a list of items you need for these experiments. The problem is that most everything listed is quite expensive, and to
get a science kit for an entire grade costs around $150. So, because you don't have what you need, the students might end up skipping them -- missing out on experiments which can be stimulating, fun, interesting and a good break from the workbooks.
As an alternative to paying the high prices for supplies listed in the CLE Order Form Booklet, you can see exactly which supplies you will need that year. After each item on the science supplies page, there are numbers in parentheses corresponding
to the grades that need that particular item. So if you have two students in grades five and eight doing CLE science, you only need the supplies that have a five or an eight listed next to them.
Some items can be gotten at hardware stores, and as for the rest, you can look in the telephone book under laboratory supplies, where most other items can be found. We went to a lab supply store with a list of the items we needed for that year, and were able to get nearly every item on our list. -- Two
full boxes of test tubes, beakers, microscope slides, chemicals, a Bunsen burner, etc. -- all for $30! Being able to do the experiments made school time more exciting and meaningful for our students. (Editor's note: Or provision!)
real mothers and fathers
In response to your request for testimonies of "real fathers" (Grapevine #10, page 12), I wanted to share my story. I am a 25-year-old woman from the EE, and have been in the Family for seven years. Two years ago I teamed up with a sing
le daddy and his two children (now eight and nine).
It was a big step for me, as I'd never been mated and I don't have children of my own. Secondly, I had a few people telling me that they wouldn't do this if they were me, as I am still young and could get together with someone who is younger and who doesn't have any children yet.
When praying about my decision, my biggest question was if it was really the Lord's will for us to be together. The Lord sweetly told me that if I wouldn't answer
the call, He would have to look for someone else, but that it was my choice and that either way, He would love me the same.
Looking back on the past two years of my life, they've been the happiest ever. All my fears about raising children disappeared. Every year comes one day at a time, so it's not that difficult to handle. It's not that I never have problems and trials, and I have to pray daily for the Lord to help me and give me patience, love and a mommy's heart. But it is very rewarding an
d exciting.
I wish that more singles would launch out to get together with single parents, as they could have a ready-made family, like I now do. Also, because of the children, our relationship as a couple has been very different from the beginning. From the very first day we needed to share our attention with them, so it is much easier to share ourselves and our attention with others around us, and to not to be secluded in our relationship.
I do not feel at all that I am making any kind of
sacrifice. I feel more blessed, more abundantly supplied for and taken care of than ever before. I am not a "real father," but I'm definitely trying to be a "real mother," ha!
-- Christine H. (25), Europe
When people talk about the "single mom" issue, they often talk about the problems. I don't deny that problems exist, but there are situations that have been a blessing for single moms. If we stop and look around, we will see that the Family is the best place us single parents could be. Loo
k at the single parents in the System! They don't have the love, support, fellowship, prayer and faith worth dying for. They don't have brothers and sisters who are willing to lay down their lives daily for them like we do in the Family!
I live in a small Home with one family and a teen girl. I am so thankful for their support and the little things they do for me. The teen girl rooms with me, and often offers to take my son when she sees that I am a bit tired or that my patience is wearing thi
n. She also sleeps with him on my Word and Rest night, and she does this willingly, which has been very encouraging for me.
Another touching thing was when a YA guy decided to pitch in and become a daddy to my son. He was a big help to me in the area of discipline, and though he didn't know a thing about childcare, the Lord used him and gave him an amazing anointing. Even though he has now moved on, the lessons he learned while working with my son are undoubtedly stored in his heart and will b
e of great use to him in the future.
I am very thankful for this Family and how well us single moms are taken care of. I pray that all of our single parents will find their team and place of service. It's beautiful to live the One Wife vision as a single mom.
-- Claire Joy (23), USA
I've been a single mom for three years, and the Lord has been so good to me. Certain things may be harder when you're single with children, but there are also special rewards.
For the last three years, the L
ord has always supplied a family or someone who has had a burden to spend time with my son. It wasn't always a lot of time, but I think it would shock some people to see what just 10 or 15 minutes can do for a little boy.
My son loves when someone gives him a play "horse back ride" or for people to watch him do somersaults. When someone takes him to the park across the street for 15 or 20 minutes, he comes back thrilled! We have several teen girls in our Home who spend time with him, but when
teen boys or men spend time playing Legos with him, reading an exciting story together, or even brushing his hair and telling him how nice he looks, it makes such a difference.
One of the men in my Home comes nightly to tell him goodnight, and gives him a little tickle and asks him how his day was or what he did. My little boy tells him all about it, and he loves it! Every once in a while one of the families in my Home will get shiner prizes for their kids, but they never forget to bring one h
ome for my boy, as well. This is not only a blessing for him, but it makes me feel like they really care about him.
I really pray that people could just understand that loving a child isn't some huge burden that takes up all of your time, but it's a blessing, because one of the most fulfilling things in life is to feel a child's love.
-- Joanie (SGA), USA
I really love kids and one day I want to have my own, but often I get a little annoyed with toddlers or babies because they get fussy a
nd sometimes whine a lot.
In many Homes I've been in, there were single moms who really needed help, but I didn't think I had the patience for it. In the last Home I was in, there was a single (SGA) mom who had a toddler boy. This girl and I got along well and I started helping her with her little boy. Her son had a problem with whining, so I started working on it with him.
His mom went to one of the meetings in the States, and I stayed with him while she was away. The meeting was going to l
ast for ten days, and I didn't know if I could make it without going crazy. I was with him nearly 24 hours a day, and I think by the end, I had learned more from him than he did from me.
I understand parents with little kids much better now, and I found that if you put your heart into it, it's not so bad and it can be a lot of fun -- even for a guy.
-- Josiah (20, of Philip and Esther Q.), now in Russia
When thinking of the plight of single moms, I'm often reminded of the story about the
poor little boy who lived on the street and really loved the Lord.
I want to give a little encouragement to not give up when some children of single parents don't seem to respond to love and attention. Some of them will soak it up right away, but others may seem a little cool or reserved. Sometimes they may react this way because they are afraid of being hurt.
It would also be nice if the fathers could try to send a little something for birthdays and Christmas, even if it's just a card or sm
all gift. This means a lot to the child. If they know who their father is, I feel it is good, as much as possible, for them to stay in contact by mail.
-- Elise (SGA), USA
A little fellow in the slum section of a large city was induced to attend a mission Sunday School, & by-&-by became a faithful little Christian. Someone, surely in a thoughtless mood, tried to shake his simple faith in God, asking him, "If God loves you, why doesn't He take b
etter care of you? Why doesn't He tell someone to bring you shoes & a warm coat & better food?" This little fellow thought a moment, then with tears starting in his eyes, said, "I guess He does tell somebody, but somebody forgets."
I am a single mom with three kids, and am so happy to live in a Home where the men take time to be with the children. After my mate left the Family, I went through some big battles, the ones where you're wondering if
you can still go on with life in the Family. "How can I keep my head above water? What Home will take me in? How am I going to provide for my kids? I'll have to work extra hard to prove myself a blessing, even though I sound like a burden." -- Those kind of trials.
Well, the Lord never fails! In my present Home, there is another single mom with a two-year-old and another on the way. It touched me and was very heartwarming to see my teen brother take time out of his schedule to build this littl
e boy a boat. Soon, all these boys wanted to do was to be with him. They love him dearly, and now that he's moved on, they pray a lot for him. Male figures are needed for our kids.
Even taking the kids for an hour for a single mom, means an hour of get-out or Word, which some of us haven't had for a long time. Just the fact that someone offers you help without you having to ask for it is so sweet. It really is living the One Wife vision. If you're a teen or YA, and you've had a long day, you'r
e generally able to relax or get to bed early, but when you have kids they are right there waiting to spend time with you! You have to keep that smile on your face and be excited, but at the same time you're tired. So one or two free hours for us is appreciated twice as much!
When you help a single mom, it isn't a commitment for marriage. It's just taking a little time to kiss the kids goodnight or have rumble time with them. We need you and appreciate any time you can give. So here's a big "t
hank you" to the fathers who have the willingness to step out and help us mothers. If you take care of us, we will be more than happy to take care of you!
-- Sharon (SGA, of Arthur and Becky), USA
true accounts
While at a Family gathering when people were meeting and introducing each other. There were three of us in the room:
"Oh, hi! My name is Ready."
"And I'm Free."
"And I'm out of here," I said and left the room. -- Didn't want to disturb them, ha!
-- Courtesy of Tim, Earth
what is that in thy hand?
(From Maggie, Paul, Isamu and Dorcas:) The Lord laid it on our hearts to see what our JETT girl would like to have in terms of a reward, as she's been such a tremendous help with the younger children, and it seemed that Jesus wanted to bless her! She said she really wanted to learn to play the keyboard, so we got together and claimed one from the Lord. We initially looked at some secondhand ones, but they were too expensive for our limited resources
The Lord gave us the idea of putting a free ad in the local English paper, explaining that she was the loving, caring older sister of 11 children and really wanted to learn music, and asking if anyone had a keyboard with headphones they could give us. We got several calls and finally settled on an electric piano. She's just thrilled! It was so fun knowing that Jesus wanted to bless her and give her one of the desires of her heart. We just did the "asking, seeking, knocking," and He did the r
Monthly Memory Plan
(From Ado and Kanah:) In our ministry of shepherding JETTs and junior teens, we wanted to start a mail ministry with the ones in the Western US. From our meetings with parents, we've seen the need to have a united, planned and organized Word and memory project for these age groups.
This month, with the help of our own JETT and junior teen, we compiled a month-by-month memory plan for ages 12-15, all taken from the Word Study Curriculum. -- It's all there! We
have also begun compiling monthly Word projects for these ages.
Hopefully we'll be able to use these in monthly mailings to the JETTs and junior teens as an area-wide project. Of course, there will be an incentive program of awards for those who complete the memory work and Word studies each month.
Out of the mouth of babes ...
(From Pedro, Maria and Hannah:) A couple of months ago we began watching a TV show called "The Fox" with the children. We didn't think there was anythin
g wrong with it until we read the prophecy from Jesus in "Help from Heaven" (GN 686). However, leaning to our own judgment of what we thought was all right, we kept watching it. We then noticed that the children wanted to play with swords, imitating the hero of the program.
We decided to get together with the children to pray and hear from the Lord about this program, since we weren't sure about watching it, after seeing the fruit it was bearing in their lives. We asked the Lord to show us spe
cifically what He thought about this program and what was behind it, and the Lord spoke through the children.
The first child received that this program was like a beautiful, fresh red apple that looked very appetizing, but upon biting into it, it was full of worms. The second one got that it was like a trap, and that if you fell into it, you would see the true colors. The third one received that on the surface it seemed harmless, with lessons, etc., but really it had nothing to it.
Praise t
he Lord for speaking through them! Since then we've stopped watching that program. We also realized we need to have more times of prayer and prophecy with our children.
Advantages of mobility
(From Tim, Joy Streams and Beth Brooks:) Being mobile has so many advantages for our children, and teaches many lessons along the lines of living by faith and going to the Lord in prayer for the supply of our needs, as well as protection on the road. The kids are learning so many things they could
never learn from a textbook.
One drawback is that their scholastic schooling is not as consistent as we'd like. Nevertheless, when we do stop to take a break, the Lord has helped the kids catch up easily. We have found that it is easier for our family to be mobile, as it helps to get us away from the worldly surroundings of big cities, as we stay in campgrounds and God's creation. This has been a big help for our kids.
Unplugging the tube
(From Claire [of Matthew]:) We are so busy
in our Homes, and TV and video viewing can tend to be the "quick-fix." When first coming to China, we tried something radical and opted not to get a television for awhile, to see how we would survive. Though not a permanent solution, as we have many Family videos that we want to make use of, at the time we felt we needed to go "cold turkey" for a little while.
I had to dream up all sorts of things for the kids to do in those "in-between" times instead of turning on the tube. Consequently, ove
r the months it has changed our lifestyle. It became a matter of survival to keep everyone happy and inspired, so we began doing more things together as a family -- going out hiking, swimming and playing together, making trips to the library to find interesting educational books, etc.
We read more to them, and they began reading more on their own. The children began studying musical instruments, and became very interested in learning the language, cooking, and other projects. They also became
very interested in our visitors, as visiting and witnessing to people became one of our main forms of entertainment!
I think they learned to relate and talk to adults more easily during this time than before. I see a lot of good fruit, and it came when we, as parents, stopped overusing videos, even if they were good quality videos.
This may be a radical suggestion, but maybe some Homes that are having the same problems we had might want to pray and vote about unplugging the tube for a month
or two and see what happens! It turned out to be lots of fun, and we learned so much from it.
Fun road trip with OCs
(From Ruth [of Isaac]:) Our OC group (two girls and five boys) was so excited when we told them that we wanted to take them on a faith trip. We set a date, and the kids faithfully prayed for the Lord to prepare the way. We wanted to line up meals and accommodations via phone before we left, but things just didn't work out that way.
The Lord did miracles the whole
way! Thai Maria got a couple of designated gifts to help cover expenses. We stayed at a beautiful five star hotel the entire time. Although they had originally only agreed to give us a discount for one night, the Lord miraculously led us directly to the manager, who agreed to help us!
The children were able to go personal witnessing in colleges and parks, winning many souls to the Lord! We distributed donated clothing and toys to some children at an orphanage, and our kids joined in playing ga
mes with them and won many of them to the Lord! The whole experience has instilled in our kids a lot more love for the lost.
The Lord gave the children all the little desires of their hearts. When it was really hot, we wanted to get them an ice-cream as a reward, but we were low on funds. At our provisioned lunch, the manager gave us all ice-cream without our even asking!
On the way back, the children wanted to travel on an air-conditioned train, which was quite expensive, and miraculously t
hey let us on, paying only a minimal fee! The Lord went the extra mile to make this trip fun and interesting for the children!
Impact of Family materials
(From Joseph Daniels, Steven and Rejoice Surrender:) Samuel (4) especially liked the "Happy Holiday" Treasure Attic! It was great to see him trading his usual fascination for guns, swords, and knives for a fishing rod and singing to the tunes.
Thank you for continuing to produce children's material. As much as I live for each new GN
, at this time I really do delight in every pub for our teens and children. We were happy to read in the Grapevine that WS was reorganizing, and placing a priority on producing more children's materials. We thank you, thank you, thank you!
i'm wondering…
Question: The label for Bold 'n' Brave says that it is FTT #7. However, there have been eight tapes produced since Hearts Aflame. Which tape is not an FTT? We assumed it was Open for Love, but we weren't 100% sure.
-- Aaron (18), Pakista
Answer: You're right! Open For Love is not an FTT.
Question: We noticed that the video "Aladdin" is listed as "not recommended " in The Family Movie Guide 1995, but is now also rated as being "watchable" on a new video list!? Could this be clarified in future lists if a particular video is being reclassified, especially if it was formerly not recommended?
-- Luke Newlove, Sharon and Abe, USA
Answer: You're right. Several videos which are rated "not recommended" in The Family Movie Guide
1995 have been reviewed and rated as "watchable." These are movies which were "nixed" some time ago, but which a 2/3 majority of the previewing team now feel would be fine to watch. However, there are only a few formerly non-recommended movies from previous Movie Lists which have received this reclassification. -- For those movies, please go by the most recent rating.
For other titles, we are not saying that previous non-recommended lists are now OK to watch, or up for re-evaluation. If the r
ating on any movie changes it will be announced in print, but all other movies still on old "nix" lists should be considered not recommended for viewing.
now that's funny!
English madness
Let's face it -- English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or french fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.
We take English for granted.
But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, two geese. So one moose, two meese?
Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend, that you comb through annals of history but not a single a
nnal? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?
If teachers taught, why didn't the preacher praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? Park on driveways and drive on pa
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and wise guy are opposites? How can overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few are alike? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another.
Have you noticed that we talk about certain things only when they are absent? Have you ever seen a horseful carriage (as compared to a horseless one) or a strapful gown (as opposed to a strapless)? Met a sung hero ("unsung") or experi
enced requited ("unrequited") love? Have you ever run into someone who was combobulated, gruntled, ruly or peccable?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm clock goes off by going on.
English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race (which, of course, isn't a race at all).
That is why, when the stars are out, the
y are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay, I end it.