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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 129; March 1, 2002.)

The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine do not necessarily reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751, Irving, Texas, USA - 75016-8751 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2002 by The Family

, born to Tabitha and Marco on December 12.--PACRO
, 4th child, born to Cheery Heart and Nat Davidson on December 11.--India
       Aman Michael
, 1st child, born to Sharon and David on December 12.--India
       Abigal Noelle
, 3rd child, born to Peace and Rick on December 17.--PACRO
       Kalina Noelle
, 3rd child, born to Chantal and Thomas on December 23.--Thailand
       Larissa Cristina
, 6th child, born to Jere and Mariane on January 14.--Brazil

(18), rejoined in December, Taiwan
(19), rejoined in December, Australia
       Joshua (19, Russian), joined in Russia
       Salome Newhart (31, Hungarian) joined in Hungary
       Frank (17, of Byron/Mercy) rejoined in Switzerland

Are you TV-dependent? Did you know scientists have discovered that sitting in front of the boob tube makes you feel relaxed and passive … while it lowers your alertness and sucks out your energy!
       System schools aren't about scholastic education--they're about developing children into the kind of adults “the establishment” wants them to become.
       Read the news and Heavenly views on these controversial topics and much more in END #50!

       Have you wondered if the power is real? Have you availed yourself of the awesome power at your fingertips found in the keys? Read true accounts of what the keys have done for Family members around the globe in two upcoming FSMs called "Discovering the Power!"
       The keys rule!

A Law of Love prophecy

Dear editor,
       I wanted to share a prophecy that I got the other day about the Law of Love. I was being tempted to think that there must be a “easier way out” that didn't always require so much desperation. Of course, living the Law of Love isn't always sacrificial, but unless emotions are kept in check there can be a downside to it. That's when I have to get some “outside help” and ask Jesus to keep my emotions and me in check.
       So this is what the Lord told me:

       (Jesus speaking:)
My darling, I love it when you ask Me direct and specific things because I like to be direct and specific with you.
       This is what you feel in your heart: You have tasted My love and nothing can compare to it! I have reared you in the center of My love, in My heart, and have given you spiritual pleasures and ecstasies that you haven't found elsewhere. Satan would like to tempt you to think you can find this love and these heights of the Spirit elsewhere, but you know that what he offers is a counterfeit.
       You are still young and seek adventure and it is a fight for you to focus your mind constantly on the spiritual and on My viewpoint. Pan and Bacchus also fight you desperately, seeing the wealth and potential you have because of what I've trusted you with. “For you are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your mind and in your body, which are God's” (2Cor. 6:20).
       You have the responsibility, to yourself and to Me, to yield to My highest will and be desperate with Me at all times; when you cease to need Me and your desire for Me wanes, so will your joy, fulfillment, and peace.
       This is My promise to you: I will keep you close to Me, as long as you desire Me at any cost and above fleshly pleasures. Your dedication, your love and loyalty, I treasure. This precious abandon, this yearning to include Me in all you do, this is My desire for all My brides and a gift that I have given you. This gift has a specific purpose. This treasure is the kind that has a specific destiny. This is the embodiment of the keys of the Kingdom and only through this yieldedness do you have access to them.

       My Words have flown from many mouths to yours,
       And you have been allowed to see the treasures Heaven holds.
       The universe stands in awe, eagerly awaiting the chime
       Of the bells that will ring when there is no more time.
       My brides, My loves, precious each of you are,
       And I am so excited to see you shining like the stars!
       Because of your faithfulness, your loyalty and truth,
       I have released to you the keys of Heaven and Earth.
       You have given Me your love and we are truly one.
       Though the Endtime has only just begun,
       The Devil's strongholds will shatter to the bottomless pit,
       And there'll be no stopping you when you sit
       On thrones, (as I see you) commanding the seas,
       Lifting the downtrodden, shaking the kings.
       Unleashing My love in a powerful, unstoppable wave,
       For with the keys you are wiser than any sage!

       I hope this can be an encouragement to anyone that might be wondering why it is always such a fight to stay in the victory, whether about sharing sexually or anything else in our wonderful “sacrificial” (NOT!) lifestyle.
       --from an SGA

Adventures In Kosovo!

By Sami, Oasis Home, Kosovo
How would you define impossible? Read on to see what we were recently faced with, and how the Lord came through for us in the most amazing way!
       Most of our team had left on visitations. There were just us two helpless women at Home (Miracle, FGA, and Sami, 20). Help was on the way, however, as Abner and three of his teens were coming down from Denmark, but therein lay the problem-how to pick them up with our driver gone? Now that might not sound so IMPOSSIBLE, but it was!
       Here's why: Where we live, the ethnic segregation is so bad that there is no way to go by public transportation from one enclave to the next, or hire anyone to go from one place to the other. We had asked different friends if they could help, but we couldn't find anyone who was free. So we prayed and the Lord told us that we should go by faith, and that He would provide. We got a ride to Priština easy enough, and then spent the better part of the day asking KFOR, the UN, etc., if there was any way they could help us. Finally we finally got a ride part way to Mitrovica where our team was landing.
       Mitrovica is still technically at war. The only thing that is keeping the peace is the KFOR troops stationed there. On one side are the Albanians, and on the other side of the bridge are the Serbians. We had to meet the bus on the Serbian side of town, but we were only taken as far as the peaceful Albanian south side, and told that we were now on our own-a very comforting thought! We had to cross the bridge on foot, reciting every prayer we could, as this is normally a favorite target for … well, let's just dwell on the positive! We made it over alive (obviously, or we wouldn't be writing this) and from there we tried to track down the French forces that control this area. That wasn't too difficult, as their huge tanks are on every street corner.
       We presented them with our request to drive us and the arriving team back home, and they told us how impossible that would be. We told them that although we knew it was technically impossible, we still needed an escort home. We talked to one commander after another, and finally, after phoning their HQ they said that they would think about it.-BIG PROGRESS!
       During this time curfew started, and the city lay in darkness. We were still waiting on the side of the road for the bus to pull in with our team. Finally it did, TTL, and man, did they bring a lot of luggage with them (GBT for all the provisioning they brought). But the French were like, “Whoa!”
       After lots of continued begging, crying and prayers, they got the answer back from their HQ (direct intervention from our HQ!) and the commander came over and said we would be going home … in a TANK!!!! It turned out to be an Armored Personnel Carrier (see the picture of us with the APC)! Driving home was definitely an awesome experience. Partially deafening, but lots of fun! All six of us piled in, along with all the bags and boxes, together with five soldiers. We were escorted by a tank and another armored vehicle. We were on the road!
       You should have seen the faces of the neighbors when we pulled up to our house at one in the morning … in an APC! The French troops that drove us home were all so sweet, and after we unloaded they all came in for coffee and spent several hours talking with us.
       And so ended a very long and adventurous day, where once again the Lord came through for us in the most unexpected way! Nothing is impossible to Him!

In Grapevine #127, in the “Shine On” section, Asaph, Charity, Joy, and Tender, Pakistan were listed as the third place soul shiners for December 2001. However, that was due to a reporting error. The third place soul shiner for December 2001 is Samuel H.H. (and team), Mexico with 2,000 souls per adult! Congratulations! Please claim your prize!


By Peter
       In “Heading Into 2002!--Part 1” (GN 978), we set a worldwide goal of reaching 50,000 Activated subscriptions by the end of 2002.
       Since our fiscal year goes from December 1st 2001 to November 31st 2002, that leaves nine months left to reach our goal.
       By the end of January 2002, we were up to 19,387 subscriptions! That means we have 30,613 subscriptions to go! Or an average of 3,401 subscriptions to get each month for the next nine months! That's still only five subscriptions per Family adult (16 and over) for the rest of the year!
       It's doable, folks! Give it your best shot! Push Activated!

       “We need to keep this number climbing, folks!
The Lord has promised a tremendous Activated harvest, and in order to make that happen, we have to get the Activated mags in everyone's hands! Make the success of Activated your personal goal this year!” (GN 978:17).

A new way of having Bible classes for devotions!

By Tiago, Thailand

       Get the first 10 hours of 52 one-hour Bible classes on VCD! They are youth-oriented with lots of movie and documentary clips to make learning the Bible an enjoyable experience! A 3M (musketeers) product made by Tiago, Benny (VineVideoMan) and the “skittable” artist David Komic!
       Was the Apostle Paul into quoting comedians?
       Yes, he was! And you can find that right in your Bible--or in the CodeBreakers Series. Your Bible students will be able to learn this and lots more stuff that will make them skillful in using their Word Sword!

How can I use these classes?

       These classes cover subjects like the Bible Code, Messianic prophecies, cloning, etc., all vividly illustrated with lots of movie clips and documentaries. Some of the classes can even be shown to your friends and sheep.

How do I order them?

       The first ten-hour package is available for US$40 (postage included.) You will also receive a PDF version of the classes for printing and a VCD-viewing program (although you can view VCDs with practically any Windows media player program). Send your order and funds to Tiago (at TH7) via your TRF. As soon as you have sent it, notify us by e-mail (eztel@loxinfo.co.th) and don't forget to send us your postal address, noting where you want us to send your package.

       If you have a potential artist in your Home, you can also order “Oh of Art!” by Tiago.--A full 82-week art class program covering all the subjects listed in the CVC Art Curriculum plus a few more like, book illustrations, comic strips, etc. Costs US$10.

       In the pot, still cooking: A new, revolutionary way of memorizing scriptures! You will be informed as soon as the dish is ready! We are cooking up a storm!

       [Note: This is not a WS project, but a local initiative, created in Thailand. Many thanks to those involved!]

Boards, board meetings, and a message to all
Comments from your COs

By Dawn (CO), Europe
The time we had with the VS team was very fruitful. Besides the training meeting we had our first national VS board meeting--which was my first too--and that was quite an experience as we followed the Family Board Handbook blueprint and went through some mind-and-rut-eye-openers as we saw how much we can't go on previous methods of holding meetings together, now that we're a board!

By Cephas (CO), India
We have held two board-training seminars so far for two national areas, one for the North and one for the South. The respective board members have embraced this revolution, are very excited and thrilled about it.--They are sobered about it, but everyone is looking forward to it.
       Initially it was a battle as we were getting a lot of people turning down the offer to be on the boards, or some very legitimate questions about the time it would involve and how it would interfere with the commitment to their Homes and what sacrifices this would entail. However, when the members that responded affirmatively and agreed to be on the board watched your videos, Peter, word got around and people that initially had declined and said no, now asked if there was a possibility of them also being included.
       People have commented on how humbly the board vision was presented, that it convicted their hearts and souls to serve the Family. People wrote and apologized for being hesitant or doubtful, or for that matter not even showing much support initially. They were convicted and touched that you thanked the Family for their sacrifices to be on the boards, that you humbly asked for their help to serve the Family.

By Simon (CO), USA
I just finished up my fourth board training seminar two days ago in the Northeast, and to say that they were successful would be an understatement. The brethren are responding in a very positive way to the videos, and those who have felt like there was not much hope for them are expressing how they feel they are receiving new life and hope. Everyone is excited for the direction that the Family is moving with the board vision.

By Gallio (CO), Europe
The Western European board training meetings went very well. I was very encouraged to see the caliber of people we have to work with, both FGA and SGA. Some of the older ones have not had such opportunities before, and were really thankful to have the chance. Some of the younger ones were very desperate to get it right for the sake of their peers who aren't doing so well. Of all the many delegates meetings I've attended over the years here in Western Europe, this was the most positive and encouraging one. We focused on solutions, not problems, and after S2K, CvsC, the Fast, and the Feast, everyone present was on board in the spirit and pulling the right way.

Comments from board seminar attendees

       I just got back to my Home from the board training meetings and I wanted to thank you, Mama and Peter, for all your work, planning, and prayer on this new vision over the past few years!
       I've had my share of trials about whether I'm the right person for the job, but in spite of that, it was a beautiful experience to get together with on-fire, dedicated people. It's been such an inspiration to see the Lord gathering little nobodies and turning them into full-of-faith, ready-and-willing revolutionaries. It was certainly the real spirit of the Family!
       --Female, Europe

       I recently had the wonderful privilege of attending one of the board meetings held in the USA.
       I am excited about the board vision and I feel that it's going to strengthen and unify the Family in an even greater way. I know that I have longed to be much closer to my brethren and to have the camaraderie that I felt with others many years ago. When we are around other like-minded brethren our lives can be extremely enriched and broadened.
       At this meeting everyone there was 100% in the Family. We all felt the same--that being in the Family full time is all we want to do with our lives. The board vision is not only going to be a wonderful learning opportunity, but the blessings are going to pour out on others as they not only reap the benefits of the boards, but also provide a definite place for all Family members to be able to share their ideas.
       I am very thankful for this opportunity to receive training and to be a servant to the Family in the way of being a board member. Initially I was shocked when I received the letter asking if I would be on a board. I actually thought that it was addressed to the wrong person. Ha! Since the education and training of my own children (now all teens) has been a passion of mine and I have done quite a bit of research and reading in this area, the Lord showed me that He could use me the most being on the FED board. I have a burden for this area and have a lot of ideas of ways that we can help families in the training and education of their children.
       In June, I will have been in the Family for 30 years. The Lord has had to do a lot to me in my life to break me, and I'm thankful that He is still working on me. My prayer is to live more fully for Him than I ever have before.
       --Female, USA

A message of encouragement

By Mama

       As you know, it's not possible for every Family member to be on a board, and we know that the Enemy will try to attack with discouragement those of you who weren't asked to sit on a board. The Devil will try to make you feel that you don't have the needed talents, that nobody notices your gifts, or that you must not be doing well spiritually.
       Most likely, that is not the case. Most of you are plenty qualified to sit on a board and contribute your talents and gifts. Some of you are too busy or already involved in ministries that demand your full attention. For the most part, however, there simply aren't enough board slots to go around. But this shouldn't be a source of discouragement or condemnation. Every Family member is a part of the board structure and vision. Those who are sitting on boards are only one part of the structure. The other part of the structure is you. The boards need to hear from you. They need your ideas, suggestions, and input. As each Family Home works together with the newly set up boards, the structure will be complete.
       Dear ones, please call on the power of the keys and rebuke the Enemy's attempts to discourage you. Please know that Peter and I love each of you very much, and that whether you are asked to sit on a board or not is no indication of the Lord's love for you, our love for you, or your value or worth to the Lord and the Family. We need each one of you--and the only way the board structure is going to work is if we all make it work together!

With love and prayers,

P.S.: Here are excerpts of a beautiful message the Lord gave to a Family member in Europe who was battling along these lines:
       (Jesus speaking:)
My dear love, I want you to know that you are in My highest will where you are. You are growing, learning, and desperate for Me. You have a vacuum for Me to fill, and I fill it. Please do not let the Enemy come in and tell you that all your training and experience, all that My loving shepherds have poured into you, is not being used to enough potential. As you love Me, take in My Word, strive to live it and be a sample of it, you are pleasing Me.
       I see your frustrations, that you would like to be used in a more far-reaching way for My Family. You hear of others being called on to help on the boards, and you don't understand why you have not been called on. It's very human for you to feel this way, and I understand why you feel this way. I don't condemn you for this. I see that you rejoice for the fact that those you recommended for the boards are actually being asked to help with this. You rejoice, because you believe that they will contribute their talents, and also because you see that you were in tune to recommend them.
       I tell you to wait on Me. Just wait and have patience. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.
       For now I ask you to be faithful in your house, to shepherd those you are with; for I see in secret, and I reward openly. I ask you to be faithful to help those without and those within, as doing it unto Me. I am teaching you humility and dependence upon Me, and I don't want to see you lose sight of the goal. Many of My great men and leaders, who had been used of Me for great exploits, felt that they were treated unfairly when others were called to the front lines, and they felt that they were overlooked and left behind.
       You are now on the front lines, believe Me, because you are hitting the Enemy where it hurts. You are drinking in My Word, and you are striving to live it in your Home, with your Home members.
       Trust that I am in control of your life, and I will not give you more than you can bear. Be thankful that you are where you are, doing what you're doing. Leave it in My hands. You will get your turn to help the Family in a bigger way, in My own time. (End of message from Jesus.)

       (Jesus speaking:) Everyone is needed to participate in the board vision, whether you're sitting on a board or not. It's simply not My will for every Family member to be on a board. In time, you may be called to sit on a board; however, if you're not on a board, please believe that you're in the center of My perfect will. You have an important role in the board vision to play, and you don't have to be a board member to do what I'm asking of you.
       Please put your trust in Me. I am the Master chess player, and you're in the perfect spot to do the job I'm asking of you. I thank each one of you for being willing to play the role I need you to play. I love you! (End of message from Jesus.)

Coming to Italy: A Mission Field!

By Heidi Maria (19), Italy
After being in Latin America my whole life I was really looking forward to a change of field. I had always had a burden for Italy, as I had met some people that had been there and they would tell me how, in spite of it being part of Western Europe, it was a fruitful mission field! The funny thing is that, when I would mention to anybody where I wanted to go, they would always be like: “Why do you want to go there? There is nothing happening in Italy. Why don't you go to a place like India, EE, Africa, etc.?” I kept praying desperately that if it wasn't the Lord's will for me to go to Italy that He would close the door, as I didn't want to do my own thing and end up in the wrong place. It's strange because the more I thought the Lord didn't want me to go to Italy, the more He would open the door for me and would always encourage me to go, even though others tried to discourage me.
       So I finally got on the plane, and, to be honest, I didn't know what to expect. To start off, I couldn't believe God had granted me my wish. The first thing that surprised me when I arrived to my Home, here in Rome, was to realize that half of the Home were new disciples that had in the recent years dropped out of the System to serve the Lord full time! Just seeing that was incredible, as it had been such a long time since I had seen somebody leaving everything to serve the Lord, and here half of the Home were new disciples!
       Then it was amazing for me to see everything that the Lord was doing here, like the incredible follow-up work the Home has in this city, groups that receive Bible classes weekly, live-out disciples that faithfully tithe to the Home, CTPs, helping to support missionaries in poor mission fields, a singing ministry, all of this and so much more, it was like ... wow, if it can happen here it can happen anywhere! I've been here for three months now and all I can say is that it's been a wonderful experience to come here and that, for the first time in a long time, I feel like a real missionary. Yep, a missionary in Italy! I know that sounds funny but this just proves that God is not limited to a place and how, if you follow the Lord step by step, you can't go wrong!


       A great way to get more paid Activated subscriptions is to offer a subscription with the CDs, or any other Family tools as a bonus for an additional sum. For example, you can say: "For $20 you can not only get a great CD but also a one-year subscription to Activated!"
       --courtesy of Trust and Eman, USA (sent in by Gideon and Lamb, Norway)

news from Activated desks

       Our January 2002 new subscription stats were 300% increase compared to January 2001. We had a total of 232 new paid subscriptions. While this is a bit less than our December Christmas explosion, it still represents a good increase over last year's rate.
In the interest of positioning the Contato ministry more in the in the forefront of the Family's follow-up ministry here, we have become much more involved in the planning phases of the National Retreat than we were in past years. In addition to repeating (and increasing) last year's “go to the retreat for free”-shiner prize, we are organizing the “retreat market” sales, participating in at least some of the classes, and DV offering a series of new Contato prizes for follow-up, CTP, magazine sales, Children's witnessing, and youth evangelism.

This month we got our first subscription done totally through the mail. A man who had been subscribed for 12 months decided to re-subscribe when he got our advertisement in the last mailing of the first year, and sent us the re-subscription card and a check. This might not sound like much in other areas of the world, but in Latin America it's quite a feat, as people do not trust the mail at all and are particularly leery of posting money. We pray this is the first of many.

We have noticed an increase in GP subscriptions since all the Activated mags have the little flyer/subscription card in them, making it a lot easier for people to subscribe.
       We send Activated magazines to all our provisioning contacts and it's inspiring to see how it keeps them close and friendly. We usually call them a few days after we've sent out the magazines and chat a little about the contents of the magazine or current events. When we do need to ask for something, the provisioning contacts are much more generous and cheerful givers as we're building a close relationship.
       This month we answered over 60 letters. Half of them were from subscribers and the other half were from people who had received a piece of lit. It's very inspiring to see how far just one tract or poster can go.


       We have crossed the 10,000 mark in subscriptions!
One Home that we forwarded an e-mail inquiry to about Mottos for Success wrote us saying that the company had pledged to take 500 every year!
       We are setting up an e-mail program called E-Pistol, which was designed here locally that links your database with your Outlook. In one minute you can send out e-mails to your whole database. We would like to begin sending out weekly e-mails to all of our subscribers and establishing more of a link with them and keeping in touch with them personally. That way, when they are ready to renew we can remind them ourselves and get them to renew and also pray for them personally.

We were able to send out the first monthly Activated mailings in January.
       Work is almost done to translate and make Obstacles Are for Overcoming and Love's Many Faces available for distribution in Japanese. We are shooting to have the Activate Japan Catalog available by the end of the month.

We received the information from the System distributor regarding the sales for the Christmas CD cards (placed in two large department stores). In total 7,433 CD cards were sold over the Christmas period in both stores. (As a point of interest, the Homes in Mexico and Central America distributed 22,102 CD cards in December 2002.)
       We have received many reactions from the GP in response to the Christmas CD cards. One person, who had seen our CD cards in one of the department stores came to buy more CD cards after Christmas.
       Kayte joined the Conéctate team this month to replace Rose-Marie, who moved to a new field. Spanish Matthew (of Joy) and his son, Arturo (SGA) arrived yesterday from Spain to join the team. Conéctate has also employed a System accountant to help get our books in order. She has proved to be very helpful, competent, and easy to work with. She got saved on her first day here, and we include her in our morning prayers.

After much prayer and discussion we have gone ahead with a purchase of 500 sets of the Cherub Wings video series from Vision Video. We are hoping that even though there will be a high seedcorn, our Homes will want to try distributing the CWs, and that they will be a good distribution tool for the Family. When we asked the Lord about these videos, we received a couple encouraging messages, emphasizing that these videos are very good and needed for our upcoming newest generation.
       With Peter's challenge in “Heading into 2002” for each adult to get six Activated subscriptions within the next year, we would like to expand that to not just “selling” six subscriptions, or signing up six people and then not seeing them again for the rest of the year--but having each one of our adult members bring in six new “subscribers” for our Home's local church that we can personally feed and minister to.

Tract for punks
Heidi, Czech:
What People Get High On! is not exactly your “normal” tract for the “average Joe” on the streets, but find a “Joe” at a rock concert where most of the attendees are “high” on something, and it's a sure-fire hit!! Even those who gulp and swallow when faced with the last page about the “Ultimate High” Himself, have to admit that there's more truth to the tract than most “average Joe's” would care to admit.
       A group of young Swedish punks at the concert, basic bums on the street, hearing the name of the “Ultimate High” Himself, broke into a various assortment of expletives that you wouldn't want to repeat in a Family pub. However, when they found out that we were actually interested in them as “human beings” and that our view of “traditionalism and ceremonialism” was in line with theirs as they so “eloquently” expressed it at the first, they cooled down and warmed up.
       At one point in our discourse, we casually mentioned that we speak with the “Ultimate High” Himself. The most expressly explicit young man of the group was intrigued and actually ended up experiencing the Ultimate High by eventually praying with Christie to receive Him! So cool! Miracles! Sheep in punk's clothing! Out of the mouths of punks and rockers. They may try to shock you with their verbiage, but keep prying. You may find a tender heart down under.

Tracts impact
Julia, USA:
I received a phone call the other day from a girl who received a tract entitled Deal of a Lifetime. She said she was so touched by it that she wants to use it in her drama class at church. She said it was the best message she ever heard.

Jerry Rice gets

Judy, USA: I was able to meet and give a short witness to Jerry Rice, a famous football player. He was signing autographs right next to the place where I normally do ballooning, but the coordinator invited me to be there at the Jerry Rice event to make balloons for the people and kids that would be waiting to get in for an autograph (which cost $125) a shot!).
Through a series of little miracles, I was allowed in to where he was sitting behind a curtain. I was told several times I couldn't get a photo with him. But I said I had something special to give him and his family. When I got to the front, one of the coordinators said, “Oh sure! Come right on in.” I had prepared a package of a Christmas Activated magazine, a Treasure Attic Christmas video, a Christmas CD greeting card, and an “Incredible Journey” poster. I went around the table where he was, gave him a hug, and told him that I do missionary work with The Family missionaries and that I had put together this packet for him and his family to enjoy.
       He was so sweet and said “Wow! Really? That's wonderful!” His face lit up and he said, “Thank you. Thank you so much! I really appreciate this. God bless you!” Then I was able to have several photos taken with him, in spite of the nos I was getting before.

Hunger for
Activated in Chinese
Michael, Taiwan:
We went out with a rough prototype of the first Activated issue in Chinese. Our supporter, Archer, snapped it up right away and after we told him it was the only one we had, he sent his worker over to photocopy it. When they came back and said the machine was not working well he said, “Well, go to the neighbors then!” When the secretary returned with only the first two pages copied, he sent her back again, saying: “No, I want everything copied!” He wants to show Activated to the members of his board, to his kids in Canada and so on. And this was just the first rough copy, and he is only one of the millions of Chinese around the world! Pray for the completion and printing of this powerful tool to reach the Chinese.

Meeting Christian Riese Lassen

       Nick (21), Gold Home, Japan: I met the famous artist Christian Riese Lassen! We heard that he was coming to town and was going to appear at an art show. We had no idea if or how we'd be able to get to him but we decided to go by faith. We found out that he'd be coming around 2 p.m. So we went back there and walked inside the gallery and waited till he appeared. Everyone who bought one of his paintings was able to get his signature and shake his hand as well as get a picture with him, but we hadn't bought any of his paintings as they are quite expensive.
       I went to the lady at the reception desk and explained that I was a Christian missionary here in Japan and I was very interested in meeting Lassen, and that I had a gift for him. She had me explain my request to one of the organizers of the event. While I was waiting, I was praying that the Lord would do a miracle and make it possible for me to meet Lassen. When the man came back I was expecting to get a no, but he discreetly handed me a slip of paper with a number on it and said: “This is actually only supposed to be for people who've bought one of Lassen's paintings. With this, you'll be able to get his signature and a picture with him.”
       I thanked the man and headed back to the main room. Lassen was at the front of an opening in the gallery where everyone was gathered around and he was signing cards for everyone who had one of these slips of paper. So I lined up and waited for my turn. When I got there I handed my digital camera to a lady so that she could take a picture of Lassen and me. Then I sat down next to Lassen. I said, “Hi Christian, I'm Nicolas.” He was surprised to see a foreigner because I was talking to the lady in Japanese and he commented how well I spoke Japanese. So I explained to him that I was a Christian missionary here in Japan and have been here for quite a while. I gave him a gift pack which included the English Activated magazine on creation, the Glimpses of Heaven booklet and the Always CD.

December events

Sharif, Joshua, and Rima, Nigeria: For one of our Christmas events we hosted a “day of fun” for 300 orphan and destitute children from around Lagos. An amusement park gave us the use of the entire venue for the day and the First Lady of Lagos State spent the day with us helping to host the event. We held games, competitions, dancing, drawing, and general knowledge quizzes, and lots of fun! Lunch, snacks, and ice cream were sponsored by local companies, as well as prizes and presents for all! The highlight was the prayer we prayed with all of them, and the day definitely made our Christmas.
       We also completed giving a teacher's training seminar for representatives from 63 schools in one of the southern states of Nigeria. The focus of the seminar was education through cultivating the potential of students, discussing topics such as motivation, communication, character development, and most importantly we tried to inspire them in their job of teaching, concentrating on Godly principles of child-rearing, and the task that the Lord has given them of investing in the future of Nigeria. As this was a Christian state, we were able to be very Christian in our approach, using direct Word in our teaching, as well as focusing on the power of prayer in their lives. It was a big success and afterwards many teachers came to us saying that not only are the people re-envisioned in their jobs as teachers, but also in their relationship with the Lord!
       At the same time as the seminar was going, we had a Free Medical Program running in the same state. We had a team of over 50 doctors, surgeons and volunteers, and we were able to treat over 2,300 patients. Not only did the people receive physical help but also tracts, salvation, and prayer!

Tract to Linford Christie
Paul and Joy, England:
Our Deaf Active member, who is a postman, has been slipping Christmas tracts through people's doors along with the mail. While out he saw Linford Christie, the former 100-meter Olympic gold medal winner and TV presenter, getting out of his car. John introduced himself, explained he was deaf, but wanted to wish him a happy Christmas and Linford Christie took the Christmas tract John offered him.

Musically perfect timing
Paul and Joy, England:
Paul went into a hairdresser salon to offer our CDs and Christmas tools. The manageress didn't want any, but said he could ask the customers. They all declined. So Paul cheerily wished them all a happy Christmas and thanked them for their time. Just as he was to go out the door, the music on the speakers in the shop changed to Christmas Treasures. Paul stopped and said, "Oh, by the way, that's us!" The manageress was amazed at the quality of the music and called him back and took three CDs. Then all the other customers took two CDs each and some other tools! They all kept raving about the music. He got out 16 CDs in that one shop. The Lord's perfect timing!

Delivering the
Activated mags
Noel, Lydia, Jareb, Joy, and Santiago, Dominican Republic:
Since the mail in this country is really slow and it sometimes can take up to four months for mail to arrive, I decided to deliver people's Activated magazines to them personally, and they faithfully give a donation for every mag they get. This works well as I'm often able to spend time with each one, which brings some of them in closer.

When a GN is hard to believe--try it!

Andy, Marie, and Irene, Colombia: It was hard to believe what the Lord said in the GN 969, “Keep Fighting!” It said that this Christmas was going to be our best ever. The situation in this country couldn't be worse, and definitely this affects people's moods--be it in their willingness to participate in programs, or in their giving, buying things, etc.
       Nevertheless, backed by the miraculous power of the keys, we launched out by faith and ordered a bunch of tools, prepared a nice but meaty Christmas concert, and lo and behold, this has been our best Christmas ever!
       We distributed over 1,600 Christmas CD Cards, performed 53 times in many different parts of town, won over 7,000 souls, distributed lots of Conéctate Christmas issues, personally witnessed to many people, won three potential Active members--one of them having a burden to serve the Lord full time--and were able to keep up with some of our regular Word classes for Active members and other sheep. We were also able to hold a program at a hotel (all provisioned!) for all of our donors and supporters, and happily most of them came--over 200 people.
       The most amazing thing is that we as a Home hardly felt any pressure, tiredness or the usual hectic and stressing moments that we've felt in past Christmases. Somehow this year things flowed so much more smoothly, easily, and peacefully. We know without a shadow of doubt that this has been a work of the magnificent power of the keys. We are getting not only sold on it, but addicted to it.

Fast day pays
Trust, USA:
Putting the Activated vision and fast day first was a bit of a test for us as we were tight financially. On the day our rent was due, we were still $100 short, so the Lord inspired us to call one of our Activated members, Bobby, who has also been our transmission sponsor. (He got saved and “activated” a year ago, but it has taken consistent nagging to get him to actually read the material, which he finally got around to and caught up on last month! He wasn't in, but returned my call later. When I explained we were a bit short of our rent, he offered $100 immediately! When I picked it up, he queried why we'd run short, and when I explained our fast day taking up days when we usually focus on our support, he responded by letting me know he'd be at our next Activated meeting!


By Maria Dutch (18), Brazil

       It would be cool to read more witnessing testimonies from young people. I think that is one of the best ways to inspire the rest of us. Worldwide witnessing input would be real inspiring!
       (Editor's note: Young people, please write in with your witnessing, follow-up, and Activated testimonies. Send a picture of yourself along with it!)


By John, Sweden

       We'd like to receive more testimonies on what Family members say to motivate people to subscribe to Activated. I imagine there are different sales talks in different countries.
       (Editor's note: Have you found something that works for you? Please share it with all!)

ideas and tips
United Home to-do list

By Abel, Feliz, and Marie, India
To involve the whole Home in our agreed upon Home to-dos, we have been printing out the list in big print and then placing it on the Home's bulletin board. This acts as a good reminder for everybody and becomes the vision board for the whole Home. So anytime people don't know what to do with their time, they just go to the board and tackle whatever they would like to do. When the point is done, they color in the little square next to the point. This saves a lot of time in repetition and reminders, and on TRF day you can even glean testimonies and victories from this list.

Keeping my vices in check

       SGA female, Europe: The truth is: I love alcohol! Over the years, I've overdone on it on more than a few occasions, and usually I end up stepping out of line in one way or another and being a poor sample. Along with the “Conviction vs. Compromise” series, the Lord has been zeroing in on my spiritual life and asking me to pull up my socks and my personal standard and sample. I asked Him about my drinking and whether I should curb it for a while--though it was hard to do--and He said that I should go on a one-month fast from alcohol.
       During my time of fasting I did some good Word studies on the topics of obedience as well as the dangers of excessive drinking, etc., which were very convicting. Even though the Lord did say that I could partake of this privilege again He put down some pretty strict guidelines to keep me in check. Here are some of the guidelines He gave me, which others might find helpful too:

       * Seek Me before your times of drinking. Ask Me and check in with Me to see if I'm allowing you to have a drink or two.
       * You are allowed now to drink but you must stick to the Charter limits and not go over them.
       * I do not wish for you to drink alone under any circumstances at this point. I am allowing you to partake of this but not in full measure just yet. I wish for you to enter into this freedom slowly and with caution, for this is how I will keep you in check and help you to hold onto the victories that have been gained in this area of your life.
       * You can drink with others as long as you do as I've asked and come before Me first to see if then is the right time and place.
       * If you do need help or you feel tempted to drink alone or over the Charter limit, I want you to go and ask for prayer from your shepherds. It would also be good to know that if you blow it and do make a mistake in this area that I'm requiring you to go and confess this to your shepherds, and be open for their correction, counsel and instruction. Knowing that you must do this will help safeguard you.
       * When it comes to special occasions, and there will be a number of those with the upcoming season of Christmas and New Years, I need you to come before Me and desperately seek My face, remembering that your sample speaks loudly and you must do your best to keep your actions, comments and spirit in check and in tune with My Spirit. It's not to say that you can't have fun, but perhaps you may want to tone down the drinking so that you can truly partake of My Spirit and the joy that I can bring you when you are obeying Me fully in every area of your life.
       * On these special occasions it may be good to tell the shepherds how much I'm going to allow you to drink on that night so that they can help you to remember your limit.

It's humbling to have to abide by these guidelines but I know they're for my own good. For example, the Lord told me that I could have one glass of wine at the party last night, so I told one of the SGA guys here, which helped me to stick to only that amount as there was more wine available and I sure was tempted to have more, especially seeing that one glass didn't do a thing, ha. But knowing that someone knew the limit the Lord gave helped me to be "good."

Vacation for national families

       Samuel and Sarah, India: This month we were able to go with our personal family for a 10-day vacation to another city. This was nice and a real refreshing time. For our children who have been comparing with “foreign families,” it has been very nice. Many times they have expressed how others are able to go to different places but we could not. When we as a Home decided that it would be good for us as a family to do something, the Lord worked it out for us to have a cheap place to stay in another city, and the funds for it also came so fast that it was overwhelming. It was sweet how the Lord supplied nice things for us to do, nice places to go, and special meals. It was a sweet gift from the Lord to us. We enjoyed it and we would recommend it to any “national” family that has been in the same place for a long time as it made our kids feel that they too are able to go places.

Behavioral problems?
SGA, Africa:
This month we've had to focus on the problems with our OC/JETT group. We've had a difficult time with them lately in various areas such as unloving behaviour and speech, a lack of desire for the Word or to witness (with the computer being the only source of “inspiration” or highlight of the day), unruly behaviour, and disrespect. It seems that a lot of these problems can be common to most kids this age. But things had gotten a bit out of hand and the kids didn't seem to be making much progress or responding to the constant reminders and corrections from everyone in the house.
       Another problem is that one of them is soon to be a teen, but has always been together with the OC group and hasn't really had the chance to grow out of that and mature and be looked upon as someone his age, therefore he has only been living up the standard expected of him. After desperate prayer, the Lord spoke wonderfully with detailed ideas and tips, as well as the call for us all to really get involved with our older kids and give them a reason to be inspired living for the Lord!
       We've all had to seek the Lord as to how we can individually contribute to their training and inspiration. We've begun taking them out more on personal witnessing trips and teaching them the how-to's of witnessing and winning souls, whereas beforehand they didn't really know how to personally witness to someone; they mainly did postering. They've done quite well and some have just taken off with personal witnessing. We're also trying to include them in more CTP ministries that they can really play a part in, rather than just “tagging along.”
       The Lord knows what is best for each child and what will turn their key. Giving them more challenge and witnessing/Word-based fun is important. We realized that as we were restricting their computer play, we needed to give them some other inspiration and fun on their level to fill its place, as otherwise a lot of behavioural problems stem from boredom. We've started giving our JETT one-on-one Word times a couple of times a week as well as inviting him to some adult devotions so he can start to get fed from some meatier stuff.

Keep teaching Endtime material

       FGA man, Europe:
In our Home, we have a lot of new disciples, plus some live-outs who are very interested in the Endtime, so I began giving weekly classes on Daniel, Revelations, etc. Some Home members already knew quite a lot about the Endtime, but some others, sad to say, were really lacking in knowing about these events, and many were quite rusty.
       Knowing these classes, and especially keeping current on the latest events and interpretations, is very important for all Family members. When I first joined the Family, it was this constant shortness-of-time vision that kept us going!

Could China be for you?

       (Editor's note: China is a special field, where many exciting things are happening for the Family teams there. Even though they must witness clandestinely, nevertheless, Family members have been having great success leading the Chinese to the Lord and even winning disciples!
       (Though the following article covers the aspect of English teaching in China, as a balance we want to add that the Lord can, and often does, open up other avenues of support and cover for teams inside. The less time teams have to devote to teaching, the more they can devote to reaping the harvest. Some teams operate without jobs, living totally by faith from home support. Others work minimal time for companies or contacts.
       (So pray for the teams in China, and if you're going there, pray the Lord opens up His door, so that you can spend the maximum time reaching the lost. And if you can't go there personally, the teams there would certainly welcome your financial gifts. GBY! It's China's hour!)

By Rebecca* (FGA), China
[*alias used]
Are you looking for a place to give your life to needy sheep, one where you feel that you are really making a difference in the lives of those that you minister to? One where the need is so overwhelming that there is no way we can get the job done before the Lord returns? If your answer to these questions is yes, then read on.
       Did the new “Conviction vs. Compromise” series rattle you? Do you feel that you need some new challenges to get you jump-started again? Is it a hard saying to think about the strenuous life of starting all over again because you just can't imagine having enough energy?
       Maybe you should pray about China. It's not a place for half-hearted people, but if you are 100% in the Family, but don't have the same energy level that you did 25-30 years ago, you might want to give it a chance.
       I had mixed emotions about China getting the 2008 Olympics, but now I feel that it must be the Lord's will. The reason I say that is not that I care about the Olympics, but because now the emphasis on Chinese learning English has gone from high priority to off the top of the scale. The System here has known for many years that to accomplish their monetary goals they needed to bolster the ability for their people to speak English (the international business language), so while they've made leaps of progress in the last 10 years, they've now accelerated it much more. You might be wondering what that has to do with us. Well, here's how:
       In order to be in China you have to have a reason (you can't just be a “professional tourist” like we are in some places). Basically, you need to either be going to school (to learn Chinese) or you need to have a job (or be the spouse or child of someone that's doing one of these things). Consequently, most of us (especially FGAs) have had to take on jobs, and one of the easiest slots for us to fit into is English teaching. There are many jobs available and they pay pretty well. The more experience you have teaching, the better jobs you can get. (Of course, we keep System jobs to a minimum and it's only a means to the end of being able to stay in China.--We'd rather do full-time witnessing!)
       I had never taught English before I came to China (I had never taught anything in the System), but in the Family we have such good training that it comes fairly naturally to us. Of course it's not for everyone, but most people that are willing to give it a try find that it's not as scary as they think.--It's actually fun. Honestly, the students are sweet and you fall in love with them. It's a perfect way to get to know the people and in its course, that's how you meet your sheep.
       In China meeting sheep is not done by going out on the streets with the tools; you meet them in the stores, in the market, in the parks (playing with your children), on the buses, in the restaurants--everywhere. Then the fun begins and you befriend them (which they are very eager to do, too). You talk to them and get to know them, they tell you about China and you learn about these sweet people. Little by little, and sometimes faster, you begin telling them about your beliefs and they find out about Jesus. You'd be surprised at how many people are very curious about this western God that they don't know anything about.
       You might be thinking, What's she saying? She's talking about “talking to them here and there,” etc. I don't speak Chinese! Sorry, I forgot to make that clear. There are thousands (actually millions) of Chinese (especially young people in bigger cities) that speak fairly good English--at least enough to carry a basic conversation. It never ceases to amaze me what good English many people speak. Although my Chinese is minimal (Lord help me!), I've never been in a situation where the Lord didn't supply someone to translate for me if I needed help in making myself understood.
       So, if you've been a top litnessing shiner or are accustomed to winning hundreds of souls a month, you might not be able to keep up that same statistical average. But if you can let go of those type of expectations and don't mind plodding along, ministering to a few sheep at a time and having a little weekly Bible study of some friends that might only be three or four people sometimes, if your ego can take these “little things” that the Lord has us be faithful in, then maybe you'd like it here.
       I could talk about China endlessly. If you are looking for a place to really sink your teeth in, a place to give your all, somewhere that has more sweet, needy, kindhearted sheep than you could dream of--China might be the place you are looking for. Come on over for a kan-kan (look around).

NEW BOOK--The Endtime Family, now available

By Marc and Claire, USA

Dear Family,
       As you may remember, a couple of years ago many of you participated in an academic study, which included completing a questionnaire sent to you by Dr. Bainbridge. Over the last few years he has been working on analyzing the data he received from the questionnaires as well as from personal interviews that some of you gave during his visits to your Homes. Dr. Bainbridge has now finished the project, which has resulted in his book, The Endtime Family. This book is a valuable addition to the volume of third-party scholarly information about the Family that is now available to be used in helping to explain our beliefs and lifestyle to those outside our Homes.
       We very much appreciate the time, effort and vast amount of research that he put into completing this project.
       To give you an idea of the format and content of the book, we have included the publisher's review as well as a statement from Sociology of Religion Professor Jeffrey K. Hadden.        

       Publisher's review:
This groundbreaking analysis of the controversial religious group, The Family, or The Children of God, uses interviews, observational techniques, and a comprehensive questionnaire completed by more than a thousand Family members. William Sims Bainbridge explores how Family members infuse spirituality with sexuality, channel messages that they believe emanate from beyond life, and await the final Endtime. He also examines attempts by anti-cultists and the state to deprogram members of the group, including children, by forcibly seizing them. The book's blending of theoretical analysis with vivid accounts of this remarkable counterculture poses a fascinating question for social scientists and society--how is it that The Children of God both differ from the general public and, in other ways, are so surprisingly similar to it?

       “Bainbridge is unquestionably among the most able scholars in the sociology of religion today. In The Endtime Family, he skillfully weaves significant theoretical ideas together, presenting the best inquiry to date into the heart and soul of this controversial group. Bainbridge has written a marvelous book that both dispels many myths and gives the reader more than a glimpse of a 'cult' with a human face.”
       Jeffrey K. Hadden, co-editor of “Religion on the Internet: Research Prospects and Promises”

To order a copy of the book, contact the following distributors:

“The Endtime Family--Children of God” by William S. Bainbridge

       (SUNY Press, ISBN-0791452646--$23.95 paperback/$71.50 hardcover--The book may be ordered directly from SUNY c/o CUP Services by calling-1-800-666-2211 or (607)-277-2211--or via the Internet at: orderbook@cupserv.org)
Or available to order for $16.76 at: www.amazon.com

launched in two new languages!

By the EE
Activated desk
The Ukrainian and Russian versions of Activated--known as Chasdii (Ukrainian) and Podkljuchis (Russian) are now ready to launch! The first six magazines are now in print in Ukrainian and the first five in Russian!

legal and media

--EURCRO, December 2001, January 2002
- John and Joy: In the local papers there was an article about my music and performances (circulation: 10,000).

- Jerry, David, and Gabriela: We were invited for an interview on Radio 1, one of the most popular stations in this part of the country (with over 100,000 listeners). We explained about our local work and CTPs, as well as our Active English club for young people. One of the club members came to translate. They played two of our Christmas songs during the 10-minute interview. We have gotten some good response and more club members through it already.

- Esther, Jennifer, Chloe, and Luena: We had a very good article printed in one of the local free papers, which was almost an identical copy of our Christmas newsletter (circulation: 800,000).

       Gideon, Meg, and Rachel: There was an article about us in the local newspaper which was favorable (circulation: 50,000).

- Enoch, Peace, Dan, and Precious: OBN TV and affiliate stations were showing the Christmas Treasure Attic show on December 25th for a special Christmas children's program (viewers: 150,000).
       Hayat private TV station in Sarajevo broadcast clips of a show on drug prevention we did at a local primary school.

- John and Rose: Views is a monthly English language magazine with articles and satellite TV listings. They printed our logo with the message “Humanitarian Distributions in Bosnia,” and our Web site address (circulation: 8,000).

- Aaron and Dulcinea: The newspaper Vantaan Lauri is a free Christian newspaper that comes out weekly. They printed an article in their Christmas edition about our missionary family going to Mexico. The front page had a photo of Aaron as a clown from a show in a daycare center for Russian immigrants. The middle pages had shots of the kids and Dulci doing school and also outside playing in the snow. It's a very factual, positive article (circulation: 80,000).

- Stephen, Maria, and Joan: On DC101 our program plays every Saturday night for 30 minutes. This month our broadcast included the topics: healing; Heaven, Hell and in-between; Christmas; and hearing from Heaven. We use material from the Activated magazines, Treasures, and other GP/DFO material. We also include music and an occasional drama (audience: 150,000).

- Michael and Rose: A reporter saw Michael and the JETTs singing in a restaurant and called the whole family for an interview for the daily local newspaper. Under the title of “Humanitarian Songs” she made a very beautiful one full-page report with our picture. They described our lifestyle as full time, dedicated to helping others. We gave the true meaning of Christmas message and also a request for people to buy our CD cards and ICDs (circulation: 50,000).

- Pedro and Lily: Our tract “Christmas Gift for You” was read on the local TV station TVM in Malagasy (audience: 50,000). Also our friend from the local RTV radio station has been reading the Reflections on her radio show twice a week. Our Christmas tract “A Christmas Gift for You” was also published in a local Christian evangelical newspaper (circulation: 3,000).

- Martin, Maria, and Andre: For two weeks preceding Christmas, the local Beira radio station, Radio Cidade, broadcast songs from the Christmas Praises CD (audience: 100,000).

- Paul, Maria, and Jan: Nigerian Television Authority Port-Harcourt aired a three-minute clip, two times, of the medical camp and teachers seminar we organized in Bayelsa State. The clips were showing how we, along with the government who sponsored the projects, were helping the underprivileged in rural areas. They were shown as part of the news (audience: 3,000,000, airs to about five states).
       Radio Bayelsa also aired an advertisement several times for the medical camp (audience: 1,000,000).

- Jo, Joy, and Jenny: The regional newspapers Transilvania, Glasul, and Graiul each printed favorable articles, one about a show we did in a local school, the other two about four of our children caroling in the local language at the newspaper's office (circulation: 90,000).

       Martina, Miracle, Tabitha, and Tim: While fundraising in the USA, Tim, Tabitha, and their kids were invited to give an interview on the Christian TV Station on Channel 11 for Albuquerque and Santa Fe. They told the viewers about their ministry in Romania and sang a few songs. At the end they gave a Salvation prayer.

       Dust and Diamond: A main daily local newspaper, Monitorul de Bacau, ran a favorable article about our computer training center at Centrul de Plasament (circulation: 15,000). The local news TV broadcast footage of our Christmas party for 50 orphans at a local restaurant. They gave an Interview with Sam and the restaurant owner (audience: 20,000).

       Abe, Sara, and Daizy: Timisoara newspaper did an article on us. The title on the front page said: “Organization: The Family--A family for the needy!” The article was very favorable, describing our “free meal for the poor” project, the name of the main supporter for it, and a summary of our other CTP programs. It also included the project the other Home did, bringing beds, wheelchairs, and clothes to one of the main hospitals in town (circulation: 25,000).

       Dulce, Rufus, Brian, and Stephan: Radio Oltenia broadcast an informative interview of our project taking 600 orphans to McDonalds for Christmas dinner (audience: 2,000,000).

- Tina, Happy, Simon, Celly: We aired 24 shows (reaching 8,000,000). The Christmas special shows and Child of Love drama were 18 shows total (reaching 18,000,000). (Note: The listeners may have listened to more than one show.)

- Maria, Zac, Melody, and Janina: Fahner Hohe, a community paper for three villages, printed Reflections #126. Before printing it, the editor phoned as he wanted to print the caption: “Familie Schmidt wishes you a Merry Christmas. We worked for years for Africa Direkt Hilfe. We collect donations [in German it can mean materials or money] to send them there.”

- Andrew, Miracle, and Samara: Kosovo Inter-racial TV filmed Tabitha giving her photography class to 11 of her students. They interviewed her about her classes, how the kids were doing, who she is working with, etc. (audience: 20,000).

       Andrei and Rachel: On December 24, over 100 children from an orphanage in Pitesti, received toys and clothes. All the kids got saved. A nationwide television and the local radio were present at the event (audience: 10,000,000).
former members and friends - seeking contact
(SGA, U.S.A, approximately 28), an old Russian friend is trying to get back in touch with you. His name is Vadim and he says you witnessed to him when you were living in Russia a few years ago. He asked if you could write him via his e-mail. If you want to get in touch with him, please write the European Family Info. Dept. at: contact@thefamilyeurope.org. (If anyone knows the whereabouts of Heidi, please let us know.)

       Larry Siytangco is looking for Mary Wilkinson, who he knew in the PI and Hong Kong many years ago. Please respond to e-mail: family@thefamily.org.

news from KidzVids

Froggie Fun
1-5 now being shipped. Check out www.kidzvids.com for information.

Dear Family,
       Hello! We hope that you (and especially your kids) will enjoy each thrilling episode of Froggie Fun! Did we say thrilling? That's right--if you're under the age of 12, the new shows will provide some thrills--along with the great message that each episode promises to deliver.
       No, you're not going to see anything about washing your hands when they get dirty or brushing your teeth after every meal. We figure that you moms and dads and teachers will tell the kids all about that kind of stuff. But what you are going to see is a lot of galaxy fun with good 'ol Chief Fender (short for Defender of the Faith) and his sidekick Misty, zooming around the earth in their spaceship, trying to do good and rid the earth of evil. Yes, the Froggie Band is back, and ARE they back! And this time around, so are the Salamandras--that villainous anti-Froggie band of thugs!
       Well, thank God that good always triumphs over evil in this new Froggie Fun series. (If you're young at heart, you might even get a kick out of the show too!) Each program is mixed in with some of your favorite Family Fun spots! The new shows deal with deep subjects like reading the Bible, telling people about Jesus, learning how to pray, what to do when your faith gets weak, and all those other important topics that kids need to learn about.
       Get a set of all eight! Check them out for yourselves at www.kidzvids.com.
       The other exiting project that will be ready soon (for teens) is the What Is the Bible series, which is a blast from the future.
       Imagine: The year is 2021. Nearly one decade earlier, the largest worldwide stock market crash in history had taken place, throwing the world into chaos. (Sound familiar?!!) Most governments stopped operating and uncertainty threatened the world. Oil production came to a standstill, and UN troops were sent into the major oil-producing countries in an attempt to transport fuel to the West. A backlash from a small coalition of Third World countries put the world on the brink of war as the governments of those countries threatened to attack the major capitals in the West with nuclear arms. A little-known military leader emerged from a neutral Middle Eastern country to crush the Third World governments leading the attack on the West. All religious books were banned and--in the name of world peace--anyone caught selling, distributing, reading or teaching religious literature was arrested. Millions of religious books were collected and burned, including the Bible. A new generation was growing up, asking questions like: “What Is the Bible?!” This is the story of one small group of believers, attempting to transmit the truth about the greatest book ever written from a secret broadcasting station.
       The twelve What Is the Bible shows deal with some of the most basic Christian principles that teens will need in order to survive in the world today. Hope you're able to get them all.

We're setting up an online What Is the BibleClub for teens. Tune in to all the latest What Is the Bible news and views and live shows right on the net. More information will be posted on our Web site soon, so stay tuned.
       If you'd like to help financially, we could sure use it! It takes a lot of money to see these productions through to the end and we depend on your help. If you send us a donation in the U.S., your donation is tax deductible! That's right, KidzVids International Ministries is now tax deductible, so if you'd like us to send you a receipt for your donation, we'd be happy to do that. A special thank you to those who have helped financially in the past year. This month we were hit with several unexpected equipment repairs when our two studio cameras broke down. The $1,000 camera repair bill, along with our soaring electric bill (rates just increased 10X!) is making us tighten our belts in every area. Your help is greatly appreciated.
       If you'd like to make a donation you can either send us a check, made payable to KidzVids International Ministries and send it to our address below, or make an online donation using the PayPal button on our KidzVids homepage. Even if you can only make a small donation, every single dollar you are able to donate actually has a buying power here in Brazil of three times more than it does in the United States. So thanks for those $10, $20 and $30 donations!

Our Web site:

Our address in the U.S.:
KidzVids International Ministries
       107-23 71st Road, #214
       Forest Hills, New York 11375

In Brazil:
KidzVids International Ministries
       C.P. 37.730
       Rio de Janeiro, R.J.
       22642-970, Brazil

12 Episodes in Production

       Survival - Secrets from the Bible on how to survive spiritually through tough times.
       What Is the Bible? - Insight into the amazing secrets of this ancient book.
       The Connection - Emergency guidelines on what to do when you're all alone.
       Signs of the Times - Important instructions on how not to let your guard down.
       The Tribulation - A timetable covering the last 3½ years of world history.
       The Message - The urgency of spreading the Word; Mark 16:15.
       Mysteries of the Great Book - A look at two of the most amazing mysteries in the Bible.
       Hide the Word - Concise guide on how to hide Bible passages that will stay with you forever.
       Forever and Ever - Ultimate secret for success guaranteed to help when the going gets tough.
       Let It Pass - Key principles in getting along with people you don't necessarily like. Lessons on forgiveness.
       End Time Leaders - A guide on how to lead others to the truth in the Bible.
       The Overcomers - The final warning! How not to get the “mark” spoken of by the Apostle John.


       You don't know what faith you have until it is tested.

letters to the editor
Re: The boy/girl issue (GV #119)

By Female (SGA), Philippines

       Hey, anonymous guy, I say amen to your article! I wholeheartedly agree with you! Can we get in touch? Write me via ASCRO to PH22.

Re: Kevin corner

By John Michael, Cambodia

       I think the Kevin comer is hilarious. It's the first thing I read--after the movie list--if the Grapevine has one. I wish we could read his articles more often, maybe even his 101 ways to spread peanut butter. I think the article I liked the most was ''Do It with Pizzazz.” Keep writing, Kevin. You have the gift.

Re: "How I Became a Teacher" (FZ #55)

By Coral, 22, Rio de Janeiro
I was really inspired by Natacha's testimony about getting turned on to childcare. I've been involved in childcare for a long time, and I've always enjoyed helping with kids part time, but I was still reluctant to have it as a full-time ministry. I love variety and to be stuck in one job most of the time, especially childcare, seemed pretty dreary to me. But a couple months ago, I moved Homes and it turned out that the biggest need in my new situation was for a full-time childcare person. There's one family with five kids (four girls and one toddler boy) and both the parents are VSs and the mom is pregnant to top it off, so they needed the help.
       At first I was kicking against the pricks, but finally I buckled under and asked the Lord that if it was His will for me to commit to full time childcare. He said yes, that indeed it was. I could try to push for more variety, but that childcare was His highest will for me to be in full time right now. It was a little hard to take at first, but once I yielded and accepted it, it actually became much more fun. It was easier for me to put my all into it and even my desire for variety was not as strong.
       Of course, it's not always easy, and I've had my rough moments, actually quite a few, but it's great to be able to consistently pour into them and grow and learn together. Sometimes I feel bad 'cause I feel a little left behind from the frontlines of witnessing, etc., but I'm realizing more and more how the kids are a mission field. It's amazing to see what an effect we as teachers and caretakers can have on their lives, and it's wonderful to have their unreserved love and respect in return for ours. When they do something special for you, or make little comments about "how I like being with you so much because…" or even just greet you with a big hug and tell you how much they love you, it really makes it worth it all.
       The more you put into it, the more you get out of it, because the kids feel it when you love them and want to be with them or if you're just doing it because you have to, and they respond in the same manner. I know childcare is not usually considered a real "cool" ministry and it's not very showy, but if that's where the Lord wants you to be, it can be very fulfilling.--And the rewards are eternal!

       Healing key:
The keys of healing, relief, and rejuvenation wait for your command. At the call of your prayers, I will activate these keys on your behalf. They will bring strength, comfort, and physical renewal to your bodies. They will restore health to your flesh. They will work healing miracles for you.

Answered Prayer
       Thai Promise, Thailand:
Thank you so much for praying against the growth of Thai Promise's cysts in her womb. They have completely vanished and she has regained her full strength. This ongoing affliction went on for three years, but now with the power of the keys, the Lord, through your prayers, has given her back her health.
       David Red, Indonesia:
Thyroid gland problem has diminished greatly and health has improved.
       Cephas (of Clara), Brazil:
I am healed from the problem that I had with my sciatic nerve. PTL!
       Marcos Vinicio, Colombia:
The problem with my ears is doing so much better, and my hypertension also. I asked forgiveness and was liberated from my resentments and pain from the past and was healed from these afflictions. TYJ!

(of Mark): Two slipped discs in her back.
       Crystal Praymore: Spondilytis (inflammation of the vertebrae), headaches, dizzy spells, swollen thyroid gland, and skin problems.
       Steven Faithful: Hemorrhoids.
       Abi Fisher: Diabetes and general fatigue.
       Shannon: Painful back problems.
       Justin (2, of John and Joanna): A disease called Kawasaki syndrome causing a high fever and rash, and could affect the heart.

Europe and Africa
(of Matthew): A healthy pregnancy after a series of miscarriages and complications during previous pregnancies.

North America
(of Andrew): Marie is recovering from a recent operation to remove her womb after it was found to have cancer and is experiencing pain and negative side effects from drugs.
       Ryan (4 months, of Jeremy and Sarah): Atopic dermatitis (or atopic eczema)--a serious genetic skin disease, causing itching and pain, and currently has no cure.
       Perla (4, of Josue and Luz): Tumor on neck.
       Mother Eve: Had a recent gallstone operation; against pain and for her intestines and inner systems to function properly.
       Baby Vanessa (of Stephen and Amber):Amber writes: Baby Vanessa is still hanging in there and has actually taken a turn for the better recently. Just a week ago her breathing tube came out "accidentally" when she was being moved and she did so well breathing without it that the doctors left it out! This was very unexpected. When we prayed about it the Lord said that He did it and it was part of His plan! TTL! She is actually doing pretty well, has grown and gained a lot of weight and is generally a happy baby. She has been smiling more lately and everyone in the hospital comments on how cute and sweet she is.
       Vanessa has persistent fevers and episodes where she either stops breathing or has great difficulty breathing and she has the doctors stumped as to why. They have done every test imaginable on her and they still don't know, although they think it is brain related. They have diagnosed her as "terminal." The only thing we haven't done for her is a tracheotomy (a permanent respirator hooked up to a hole in her throat to help her breathe). However, the doctors aren't sure this will really help and so far we don't feel led to subject her to anything else in the way of surgery and medical procedures. The doctors have reached a point where they don't know what else to do for her medically and we are praying about just taking her home, and trusting the Lord to either heal her or take her. (LNF: Vanessa is now home with us, being cared for by a hospice nurse who will come by every week.)
       You don't know how much we appreciate your prayers and concern. Thank you so much. We'll keep you updated with the victories and miracles we know the Lord will do.

(of Sue): Internal hemorrhoids.
       Praise (of Michael): Serious urinary tract infection.
       Elisha (of Liberty): Eye trouble, which may eventually cause complete loss of eyesight.
       Megumi: Ovarian tumor, causing pain.
       Shane (3, of Cesco and Cryssy): Two eye disorders.
       Aaron (of Jewel): Melanoma (skin cancer). Recently underwent surgery to remove lymph nodes from the right side of his neck.

South America
(of Richard):Right leg has swollen due to poor circulation caused by a cancerous mass obstructing blood flow. Experiencing a lot of bleeding, and the tumor is growing. Also experiencing pain in chest and leg, despite taking pain killers.
       Joana (of Adino): Cancer. Against bad side effects of the radiotherapy.
       Marysol (of David): Sinusitis and laryngitis, which she has had for five months.
       Angelito (6, of Bernardo and Clara): Down's syndrome. For one of his testicles to descend without the need for an operation.
       Andy (17, of Gabe and Ruth): Blind in one eye, and is recovering after undergoing retina eye surgery in the other eye.
       Marcos (4, of Daniel and Joy Love): One of his legs has grown 3mm longer than the other, causing lack of coordination.
       Richard (of Flor): Hepatitis C.
       Perla (4, of Josue and Luz): Painful tumor on neck.
       Kristen (3, of Felipe and Cristal): Has been having convulsions for a few months, the cause of which has not yet been diagnosed.
       Luz (13, of David) Progressive degenerative condition, causing pneumonia again. Luz will be transferred to a specialized clinic.
       Miguel (5, of Jose and Clara): Hernia, heart trouble, and a problem with his speech.
       Patti: Carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive strain injury) that has recently worsened.
       Paul (of Vida): Painful tendons in his shoulders, making it difficult to rest his arm.
       Abigail (SGA, of Clay and Brook): Bronchial pneumonia and sinusitis.
       Clay (of Brook): Severe and almost continuous headaches. Lingering cough left over from a lung infection.
       Ana (17, of Pablo and Joany): Pain in her heart, and lack of air.
       Claire: Arthrosis (joint disease) in back, causing fatigue.
       Emanuel (of Maria Clara): Blind in one eye, and problems with the other.
       Jesse (12, of David and Cristal): Hearing problem in right ear.
       Amy (of Martin): Gallstones.
       Juan Cromwell: Scoliosis, causing back pains.
       David (of Cristal): High cholesterol level.
       Brian (newborn, of Andre and Elizabeth): Swelling on his head.
       Michael Ryan (newborn, of Pierre and Renee): Erbs palsy, which is severely damaged nerves in his shoulder, arm and hand due to a traumatic delivery. His right arm, including most of his shoulder and hand, does not work at all.
       Heaven (Argentina): Blood infection, affecting the uterus, rectum and intestines; lowers the defenses and is provoked by stress.
       Rebeca Fé: Arthrosis.
       Libertad (of Adan): Herniated disc.
       Venezuelaand Columbia: Stable political situations.
       Argentina: Solution for the economic crisis, and protection of the Family from robberies and violence.

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Woody Allen, Helen Hunt
       Comedy set in the 1940s. A senior insurance investigator clashes with a new female “efficiency expert.” One night at a party they both get hypnotized and things take off from there.

This movie is made in a distinctive style. Whether someone would enjoy it or not is mainly a matter of taste.
       Message-wise this movie doesn't have a lot of depth, but it does bring out the point that you can't base everything on outward appearance or first impressions. Sometimes love, as well as goodness, can be found in the most unlikely places. These aren't things that you have to watch this movie to learn, of course, but because of that positive angle, it can be uplifting and a feel-good movie if you're in the mood for it.
       Part of the fun of a movie like this, if you like that type of movie--is that it's a fantasy, and in some ways a parody or spoof on some typical clichés.
       One thing that's unfortunate about this movie is that they went overboard with some of the nasty things that the two main characters say to each other. They had real problems getting along and had a lot of things they disliked about one another, and that was obvious enough and needed to be for the story to work; but they pushed it a little too far with some of the insults they exchanged. It's sad to see people use words like that--it's really a form of cruelty. Things do sort out at the end and ways are mended, but still, that's one thing about this movie that's a very poor example, not a godly influence, and a definite reason why it wouldn't be appropriate for younger or immature audiences who would pick up on this type of thing and then start quoting those lines to each other.


John Turturro, Emily Watson
       An eccentric chess player falls in love with an attractive woman from a different social class in this adaptation of Vladimir Nabokov's The Defense.

This movie is a clear look at the addiction to chess, which is not unlike other addictions that you are now challenging with the exposure of Bacchus.
       This poor soul, from an insecure and unhappy childhood, latched on to chess as a way to express his brilliance. He was an intelligent person and shone in this one area, so he put everything he had into it. It was an all-or-nothing situation for him, where he gave his life and soul and mind to chess.
       To prevent giving away the ending for those who have not seen it, I will only say that the movie shows the tragedy that such an addiction can lead to.
       The positive side of the movie is the sweet love of the woman who saw beyond his odd exterior, and loved him for the person that he was inside. This is very sweet, admirable, and it is how we should always love those we come in contact with. We should always look beyond any oddities or strangeness that someone may have, to see the true heart of the person, the soul that Christ died for.
       As I wrote in my Letters, chess can be an addiction, as can cards or gambling, just like drinking or drugs. Bacchus delivers a high to the person who is so entangled, and he keeps coming back again and again. There can be a gift, as in this case, of being able to play a certain game very well. But when it is all-absorbing, the only point at which the person feels he discovers or expresses something of value, then it is out of balance and it is an addiction. Such people can be set free when they realize that they are worth something in their own right, beyond their gifts, beyond their talents. They have golden qualities that someone else would love and appreciate. That is why the love of the woman for this awkward man is so sweet and touching. She saw beyond what everyone else prized him for, to the true person within.
       I believe this movie is worthwhile for the Family, if only to help them understand addictions, the hold that Bacchus has on the lives of these people who surrender their all to pursuing one talent or gift, and the way out of such addictions through the unconditional and sacrificial love that the Lord can offer them.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Jim Caviezel, Guy Pearce, Richard Harris
       Adventurous drama based on the classic novel by Alexandre Dumas. A man is unjustly accused of a crime and sent to prison, then escapes, takes on an exotic identity, and builds a new life.
       (Jesus:) This movie, like all movies, has its good points and its not-so-good ones. If you're looking for a good, old-fashioned movie with suspense, intrigue, excitement, and fun, then this is a good movie for you. It's an exciting story about rising above extreme hardship and difficulty.
       Make sure that you watch this movie with prayerfulness. Keep your mind and heart in check and be sure that you pray before and after viewing this movie, just like with all other movies. Otherwise, some of the vengeful attitudes and actions could seem right and justified to you. No matter how badly you've been wronged, I can help to heal, to mend the broken heart and to make you whole again. Revenge won't heal the pain, it will only make it worse, but asking Me to take the pain away is the only way to be rid of the bitterness. So do not follow this man's example, but do what he should have done, and take your cares to Me, for I love you and I will release you from the burden.
       The movie works in the heart of the viewer so that you're in agreement with the wrong and vengeful actions that the main character takes. This feeling is fueled by the cruel injustices done to the man himself. There is love and sweetness in this movie, and even the form of Me, presented in the priest who lovingly cares for him almost like a father, and tries to instruct him in the right way to go. But he doesn't follow the counsel. He begins to get the point, but a little too late. So that blurs the message.
       The original story by Dumas had a better message. His original intent, besides writing a book with an exciting adventure, was to show how revenge is wrong and how it eats you up from the inside and you can find no peace. Unfortunately, this movie doesn't bring that out very well. The main character learns his lesson and gets the victory, but a little too late. The message that revenge is wrong is there, but it's sort of cloaked and muddled.
       It's one thing to turn to Me after you've taken your revenge, after you “get even” through taking things into your own hands, but forgiveness is divine. Trusting Me to work in the lives of those who do wrong is what I want. My Word clearly states that vengeance is Mine, and I will repay. This is what I expect of you--to put things in My hands and trust Me. My judgments sometimes come about in what appears to be a slow way, but they are fine. What a man sows, he will also reap. This is a sound law of the spirit. Judgment belongs to Me.
       It takes great men and women to endure affliction and then to pray for their captors, to not entertain revenge in their hearts. But this is My way, My will, and as I have promised, all will be evened out and justice will be served at the Last Day.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

Bryan Brown, Daniel Clark, Richard Harris
Tyrone Bankston, a world-famous explorer, takes his 13-year-old son on his greatest expedition yet, to capture a full-grown grizzly bear and bring it back alive. (Due to two scenes of a bear attack when one of the bad guys gets really hurt, and another where two dogs get badly wounded by the bear, this movie should not be shown to younger children.)

This movie has excitement and fun. You'd probably want to have either parents or caretakers preview it first, before showing it to the kids, as if they have very sensitive viewers it may not be appropriate. They'd also want to know when some of the heavier parts are coming so they can fast forward, according to the age/maturity/sensitivity of their audience.
       It has good lessons on humility and being willing to admit that you need others, as in the beginning of the movie the father was quite proud and leaned to his own understanding quite a bit. But I used the whole experience to soften him and make him more humble. It is not all realistic, but there are lessons of love and understanding.
       Remember to caution the children that wild animals are dangerous and that the ones shown in the movie were tame animals specifically trained to play the parts.


Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke

This is a hard and heavy movie. It contains much evil--the evildoing of evil men. Yet it also has a sample and a message. The lessons are very clear, but you have to sit through a lot to get them. It would do some people good, yet for most it would be disturbing and unnecessary.
       This is a stark look at urban lifestyles and the lifestyles and thinking of the police officers. It contains a slice of their reality, which unfortunately contains a slice of all the evil that is present in today's wicked world. This movie confirms what your Father David always said about the USA and especially their large cities and urban areas--that they are more savage than the most untamed parts of Africa. The love of money is the root of all evil and such savages will go to any length to obtain it.

Prayer request for GP pubs

By Mama
Recently our GP pubs team suffered what could have been a disastrous computer virus attack. Despite the safeguards and scans that are set up, a nasty virus got to one of the team's computers, wiping out her computer entirely, and then spread via the network, destroying data on other connected computers. Thankfully, nearly all the data was able to be recovered from back-ups, and not more than a few days' worth of work was lost. It could have been a lot worse. Someone else in our Home prayed and asked the Lord about this incident, and He said:

It's the era of action and the era of rising above, and that makes for some serious fighting. This virus did not come as a judgment, but so that I could reap even greater benefits--yes, even greater than the damage the virus caused. Through such events I sharpen the spiritual senses of My brides, and help you all to get a glimpse of the Enemy at work, so that you can fight him even more diligently through the power of the keys.
       Sometimes it's easy to become familiar with the spiritual warfare. It's at these times that I touch your lives personally with a physical manifestation of the Enemy's fury. He hates no others more than My Brides who produce My powerful and life-giving Words for the world.
       This is a small reminder--yes, I say small, because the Enemy would have loved to do so much more--of the spiritual warfare you are in, and how that spiritual warfare can at any time manifest itself in the physical. This year holds many challenges. Satan's troops amass for fresh spiritual onslaughts, and he even now discusses new weapons and tactics he wants to throw at My children. This is why I say that this incident will bring about much greater benefit than harm, for through it I have heightened the spiritual senses of all of you, My brides. I have made you fighting mad at the Enemy. I have given you a personal motivation to use all the power of Heaven and the keys of the kingdom to disarm the Enemy, in your own units as well as in the smaller missionary units that cover the face of the earth. Be specific about what you want the power of the keys to do, and it will be done for you.
       It was no mistake that the Enemy targeted the GP team, for he is raving mad about Activated, and all the Word that is pouring out to a parched and thirsty world. You must strengthen the breach with your prayers so that he cannot attack Activated at the source of the spring again. Through this spring of Word, so many more will be watered, so much ground will be gained, so many prisoners of the Enemy will be reclaimed and freed by Me. So you must match the Enemy's fury with fighting prayers. You must allow yourselves to be moved to call on the keys specifically, for the protection and safe passage of every magazine, every single tool. You must ask for My angels to accompany every single magazine and booklet to the doors and into the homes of My sheep, those who will hear My voice and will follow. (End of message from Jesus.)

       We'd like to ask that you please keep the GP pubs team, the Activated desks, and all of their work, computer equipment, communications and mailings, in your prayers. Thank you for helping us lift up a standard against the Enemy's attacks on the Lord's Words and his attempts to hinder our job of getting the message out.

ws news
Family Birthday celebration at Mama's Home

By Jenna
We had a great Family birthday celebration, taking the 17th and 18th off to read, rest, commune with our Husband, and PARTY! The first day we all spent in quiet Word time, relaxation, and then a few rooms hosted small evening activities, such as talk times, poetry reading, Loving Jesus inspiration, praise time, oldie-goldie ML reading, etc. Everyone in the Home chose which activity he or she wanted to attend. After that, there was a showing of The Robe.
       On the 18th, after a sleep-in and private Word time, we enjoyed an organized game for get-out. Then we got together for the united GN reading of Dad's message. After this reading, Peter gave a short recap of some of the major highlights of 2001, such as the “Conviction vs. Compromise” series, the Fast 2001, Feast 2002, the board vision being launched, and the board members around the world having their first meetings, viewing the board training videos, etc. He recapped some of the highlights of WS's progress this past year, and then Mama read a prophecy about the year to come, challenging us to do our best, stay close to the Lord, and be the best servants we can to the Family.
       After dinner, the festivities began. We opened with an oldie-goldie Family song, “Music with Meaning,” which got everyone to their feet, clapping and singing. Then after good prayer, and an opening word from the Lord, the first presentation was a very humorous skit by several SGAs, following the various eras of the Family.
       Luke (an SGA, living in modern times) is about to be invited to sit on the JT Board, but has a few lessons to learn first. An angel is assigned to help him learn the needed lessons in just one week. In order to accomplish this mission, he's given permission to use the “T” (time travel) button, when necessary.
       The skit bounced back from “now” to various eras of Family history (1968, RNR, FFing days, Combo era, etc.), giving Luke a good dose of Family life in all its forms. At the end of the skit, Luke receives his letter of invitation to sit on the JT Board, and is ready and willing to take up the challenge, with the power of the keys.
       The next game was “Guess the Drama.” For this one, SGAs read out (with authentic accents and intonation) snippets of classic Family dramas that we grew up on. The FGAs were then the only ones allowed to guess the drama title.
       Then came the “How many Family members can fit on a bed?” game. We pulled out a couple mattresses, folded them in half, and called everyone up to participate. The goal was to (carefully!) put as many people on the mattress as possible, without stepping off of it. People sat on others' shoulders, etc., and the team with the most people on its mattress got the winning prize!
       Next was “toss the chocolate in the can!” From behind a line, volunteers had the chance to throw as many foil-covered chocolates as possible into a good-sized tin can about eight feet away. However many chocolates they could get inside the can within five seconds, were theirs to keep!
       Next, a few teams of volunteers left the room with paper and pen in hand to compose a new “Family” song. Each team was given a topic to write on, such as childcare, fundraising, provisioning, dating in the Family, etc., along with a few choices of lyrics to oldie-goldie/well-known System songs, which they were to convert.
       For fun, here are a couple of the rewrites:


       Cold runny noses and play dough on carpets,
       Bright paint on white walls and fingers in sockets,
       Angels they are though they don't have wings,
       These are a few of my childcare things.

       Clean clothes all splattered with spaghetti noodles,
       Why are the curtains the best place for doodles?
       Sure they'll have ice cream but won't touch their greens,
       These are a few of my childcare things.

       When the bed's wet,
       When I can't sleep,
       When they make me mad,
       I simply remember the love that they bring,
       And then I don't feel so bad.


       There's a calm surrender as we call upon the keys.
       Far away from our Home at the closing of the day,
       A beleaguered road trip, with nowhere to stay,
       We pull out our GP brochure, this is what we say:

       “Can we have a room tonight?
       It is what we need.
       It would be enough for these gospel Gypsies
       To have a place to sleep.
       Can we have some food tonight?
       We have got to eat.
       We will share our spiritual treasures
       For a little meat.”

       While these teams were composing their new songs, the remaining crowd listened to an inspiring testimony of protection, shared by Misty.
       After each team sang their new compositions, we had a few Family trivia questions, pulled from the “Heading Into 2002” GN series. We closed our game hour with “Oh Happy Day” and united prayer for the evening. The evening ended with banana splits for snack and fellowship time.

Rediscovering the Thrill of Teaching

From Praise, Costa Rica

I had been finding school time with the kids becoming more and more difficult over the last months. It began taking longer and longer for the kids to do their lessons, and we were falling farther and farther behind. I began to get very discouraged.
I was praying about this and asking the Lord what to do, as I was almost ready to throw in the towel. Then I came across the Letter “How To's of Home Education”; it was like the Lord reaching down and sending me the help I needed so desperately.
The Lord sweetly showed me that our Family education is so much more than just finishing a course per grade. I was just like the chained eagle. The Lord had set me free from my last situation, which was such a burden with too many students for me to handle, yet I couldn't get out of the rut. I was stuck there trying to make it work in the same old pattern.
Jesus gave me a plan in prophecy to get free--we set aside our CLE books for now. We aren't bound by boring workbooks anymore! We have just taken the dive to learn “ad lib.” The Lord promised that He was in control and would supply what we needed.
We are watching The Eagle and the Bear documentary and studying the Cold War; we are playing math games and drills for our times tables, and using computer games that reinforce that; we are writing a weekly report on an assigned topic to practice investigative skills and writing skills; we are learning spelling words from the CCHB, as that was a very weak area in all the kids; we built the whole scenario of the Seven Keys in Lego pieces as we reread the book. It's great to have more emphasis on Word studies and memory challenges, too.
It's refreshing to do the things I always wanted to do if we could just get our "regular" (CLE ) lessons done--but never could, so we never did. It was so encouraging to hear my son say, "I like school today!" Little by little they have been growing in their eagerness to do school, and to learn again.
My words here seem inadequate to explain the depth of despair that I was feeling, and the feelings of hope that have taken over now that I have been set free. I have kids in 9th, 7th, 5th, 3rd and 1st grades, plus a three-year-old and a baby. The other mommy in the Home takes care of my three-year-old, but I basically teach the rest. My older girls in 9th and 7th grades are still doing their CLE, as they are more studious and mature. I have to juggle to get time with my first grader and see that he gets daily reading practice, as he still doesn't read on his own. But it's going better and getting better all the time.
I don't know how long I can keep them all progressing like this, each at their own level, but even if we pull out the CLE again and use it now and then, I will never let it become a chain again. The goal is not to just finish some set course to "prove" the child passes that grade just to be able to show someone or convince myself that we did the course. The goal is so much more than that! I had lost the joy of teaching and they lost the joy of learning; I can only thank the Lord that He is giving it back!
One of the conditions of the prophecies in the “How-To's of Home Education” was that we parents commit ourselves to study and read about each of our children's ages and levels in the Word. The Lord inspired me to start the CVC courses in education, and it has been a challenge and inspiration to me to go through the courses and read the different levels. I hope to get all the certificates one day. I now feel good about the reinforcement the Word is, and how it is getting me back to my love of teaching: the joy of training disciples and soldiers of the Endtime!

RadioActive happenings

By the RadioActive team, Uganda

       Radio reaping in rural Uganda

       We recently returned from a fruitful trip to the small, rural town of Soroti in Eastern Uganda. Soroti is home to the Voice of Teso, a regional FM station that reaches the east and northeast of Uganda, as well as parts of Sudan and Kenya.
       The week before we went to Soroti, the Voice of Teso played our advertisement announcing our visit. Neither the radio station nor we had any idea how many listeners would actually show up. We set off from Kampala in two Jeeps at 7:00 a.m. for the four-hour drive to Soroti. SGAs Nathan and Ben were driving. Sims came along to help with the sound. Also present were the RadioActive dancers, Tina, Julie, Celly, and Windy. We also brought Ugandans Barry and David who are part of the dance troupe, as well as Kawesa to sing some of the hit songs he's recorded with us. Simon went along to emcee the show as well as meet and interview the listeners. Kathleen, our mail secretary, came to meet the listeners she had been faithfully corresponding with as well as enroll new members to the NuBeat Club.
       Soroti is a small town, even by Ugandan standards, so we easily found the radio station and arrived around 11:30 a.m. The station advised us to advertise the show for 11:00 a.m. keeping “Africa time.” This would mean the listeners would start showing up around 12:00.
       Sure enough, when we arrived, only one listener was there. So Lucy, the Voice of Teso program director, invited our whole team into the studio to go live on air. We did a short but lively interview, letting people know that we were actually physically present in Soroti. We urged people to come on down right away to the station compound to see the show. Upon emerging from the studio we were happy to see a crowd of people gathering at the station's gates.
       By the time things were ready for us to begin we had an audience of around 500 people, expectantly and quietly waiting to see what we were going to do. It was hard to tell who were actual “listeners” and who happened to be passing by and noticed that something unusual was going on in the station compound. It was a short show, not lasting more than a half-hour but it was enough to hit the spot. At the end we invited the NuBeat listeners to come forward and meet us and sign up for the NuBeat Club.
       This was the rewarding part! We were surrounded by a crowd of NuBeat listeners eager to meet us. Most of them had never written in, but had been listening to the NuBeat show for quite some time. Some were from Soroti Secondary School. They had formed a “NuBeat Listeners' Club” where the students gather together once a week and listen to NuBeat. One NuBeat fan traveled 150 kilometers from another town just to meet us! Everyone was eager to join the NuBeat Club, and Kathleen and the girls were busy writing down names and addresses.
       We could tell that our music and message was having an impact on their lives. The radio station begged us to come back to do another show. Next time they promised to provide decent sound and advertise on a larger scale to bring in even more listeners. One listener, who has a dance group, wants two of our girls to come back for a visit to teach them the dances to our songs so that they can take them out to the villages around the area. The next step definitely is to send a road team to Soroti to give Bible and Activated classes to our listeners and club members there, and solidify them into Activated members.
       When the Africa COs first invited us to Africa to pioneer a radio ministry, their vision was for radio to especially reach the rural areas--regions away from the major cities where Family members normally wouldn't go. Then, seeing where listeners write in from, we would find out which areas would be worth sending road teams to follow up on listeners and establish local works. Our trip to Soroti proved the potential for this. Please pray that the Lord will help us to develop this vision further and also that the radio ministry will expand to other African countries.

songs rock the Middle East

       At a recent celebration in a North African country where 15 African heads of state were gathered, Kawesa was chosen to represent Uganda. Kawesa sang three songs, “East Africa, Hakuna Matata,” “Miss Uganda,” and “Spend Time in Africa,” all of which are NuBeat productions. (Editor's note: Find Kawesa's account of these concerts on the MO site.)

songs--The secondary effects!
Dad often talked about the “secondary effects” of our witness being even greater than our primary effect. In our case, our “secondary effect” has been the popularity of some of the songs that were originally produced for the NuBeat radio show, but then became major hits throughout East Africa. These include, “Spirit of Africa,” “Soldier Boy,” “East Africa, Hakuna Matata,” and now “Spend Time in Africa.” Literally tens of millions of people have heard and love these songs, mostly written and produced by Andrew V. and sung by Kawesa. These songs have a terrifically positive feel and we know they've had a tremendous influence and impact. We've noticed other groups and artists now writing similar songs. There's no telling how much influence they've had for good here in East Africa, and how many people have gotten saved or drawn closer to the Sprit of the Lord through having these songs running through their minds and on their lips.
So your songs could have a big impact here, and we'd like to encourage other Family musicians and producers to do as Andrew V. is doing and send us any songs that you think would be particularly fitting for Africa. We can add the vocals here, using African singers. These can be songs that you've written for FTTs that you think would also be suited for Africa. We could record a separate African version using African vocalists, whereas the other one would be included on the FTTs. We've done this with a few of Andrew V.'s songs such as “Rhyme of Life,” which appeared on an FTT with a Family singer but which we re-recorded here using a local singer, Rachel Adyeri. Or you could write a song especially for Africa like Andrew's “Spend Time in Africa,” written and produced by Andrew V. at the RAD studios and sent to us for Kawesa to add the vocals here. After being heard exclusively on NuBeat for a few weeks, it's now being “power played” on the top FM Station Capital Radio and it's already No. 1!

       Charity shows and future events
Recently RadioActive Productions was invited by the United Nation's Spouses Association to participate in a concert to raise funds for children born with hydrocephalus (water on the brain). The performance was held at the top conference center here. The emcee for the event fell sick the day before, so Gregg (Simon Setfree) stepped in and emceed the event, which included a variety of different performers from the African, Asian and foreign community. The RadioActive Dancers performed three numbers and two local singers, Eddie Ivan and Barbara Kayaga, performed NuBeat songs “Someone Like Me,” and “It's Never Too Late.” To top it off, Simon (Happy) did a hilarious clown show. The organizers were very thankful for our participation and awarded us special certificates in appreciation.
       This was the first time that we performed a live show along with some of the local artists who've recorded for NuBeat. It showed us the potential for putting together a show like this to tour and perform in schools and colleges, which we plan to do when the schools and universities come back from winter vacation at the beginning of next year. Any Family musicians who would like to come for a visit to perform with us and record, please get in touch!
       Thanks again for all of your prayers and support. Now having sown so much seed, please pray that we can be able to reap the harvest here of Activated members and new disciples.

effects change inside prisons

By Joan Praise, USA
I received the following from an inmate. His name is Donny and he is a 25-year-old African-American from the New Orleans, Louisiana area. He is in a boot camp dorm and has been accused of manslaughter. Donny's letter is in regards to the Activated issue "Change" with the chain and the butterfly on the cover.

       First I pray that God will continue to use you, because to me you are a blessing. I hope that your days will be filled with abundant blessing until the end of time. I want you to know that with the help of God I did receive that Activated magazine that you enclosed in your last letter. I love to read those magazines. Maybe one day I can put my life's story in that magazine. It gives me inspiration to continue. In many ways, I gain strength.
       The Lord has His hands around me and I thank Him. I also thank Him for you because I know you are true and I know your wishes are for the good. I'm happy that you mailed a magazine to my mom. Thanks. I try to gain all the knowledge and wisdom of God that I can because these days you can never have enough. Thanks for your prayers and for your time. I thank God for sending you into my life.
       With love and respect in Jesus,

The ripple effect of Activated

By Abel By Faith, Japan
Recently we've been able to get out a lot of Activated books directly to a Filipino Fellowship in our area and the response has been terrific! They've used these books (especially the more extensive hardbacks such as Bible Basics and Keys to a Happier Living) for their elders meetings and fellowship meetings. They've raved about the other Activated books also, saying how they've helped them personally in their spiritual walk with the Lord as well as in their practical lives.
       As we were able to distribute more of these materials to them, they also began to tell us how they like to share them with others. One instance was with the Countdown to Armageddon video, which they said they distributed to all their friends. It was even passed around and copied by their friends throughout the Philippines!
       Another significant thing is that they have begun to want these tools for their husbands, wives, and children who speak or read Japanese (most of the people who attend the fellowship are married to Japanese men or women), so they've also been asking us to get Bibles and other Christian materials for them. This has opened up a new potential door, as the Japanese Activated program is now available. They've even wanted to distribute our GP tracts and posters to their Japanese friends.
       We also observed this "ripple effect" happening as a result of my son's wedding last year when we gave everyone who attended some local pubs (Dew of Love books) and CDs (Always and Touch of Love) as well as a New Testament. Those people are still talking about these books and CDs to their friends as well as the atmosphere of the Lord's love that they experienced at the wedding.
       Masaru, one of our friends who attended my son's wedding, has been coming regularly to our local area fellowship, comes for Bible classes, and now has become a full-fledged Activated member. So thank the Lord for Activated and the Lord's miraculous ripple effect that sends the beautiful ripple of His love through their hearts!

Shine On-January 2002

TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total

       David, Costa Rica       3,125       6,250
       Rosita, Mexico       1,750       3,500
       Angel/Esperanza, Colombia       1,750       3,500
Charity/Micah/Praise, Thailand       403       2,822
       David/Alma, Mexico       331       1,655
       Ruth, Mexico       290       1,450
       Martin/Mercy/Daniel, Mozambique       261       2,605
       Esther/Heidi/James, Philippines       206       1,033
       Rosita, Mexico       206       824
       Francisco/Mariana, Colombia       200       400

[Note: 2nd and 3rd place qualify for 2nd place reward!]


       CN617       1,714       12,000
       Jesse/Joy/Maria/Michael, Japan       859       4,297
       John, USA       813       2,440
Martin/Mercy/Daniel, Mozambique       770       7,701
       Tim/Perla, Romania       666       2,000
       Charity/Micah/Praise, Thailand       609       4,263
       Andrew/Ruth, Japan       600       1,200
       Ezra/Marie, USA       600       1,200
       Martin/Maria/Andre, Mozambique       580       2,900
       Emmanuel/Lydia/Paul, Japan       555       2,220

       Ben/Meekness, Botswana       1,000       2,000
       Daniel, Mexico       875       1,750
       John, USA       267       800
David, Costa Rica       150       300
       Apolos, Mexico       128       256
       Esther/Jennifer/Chloe/Luena, South Africa       96       1,356
       Kristy/Zeb, Mexico       93       280
       Philip/Meekness/Magda, Namibia       91       274
       Stephen/Ruth, United Kingdom       91       182
       Abigail/Caleb/Josue/Peter, Costa Rica       86       605


       Apolos, Mexico       28       56
       Angel/John/Meekness/Tim, Mideast       25       100
       Josef/Talitha, Thailand       24       48
Rejoice/Daniel/Gabriel/Ana, Brazil       21       125
       John/Angeles/Marie/Joao, Portugal       20       161
       Esther/Jennifer/Chloe/Luena, South Africa       19       271
       Philip/Meekness/Magda, Namibia       16       49
       David Daniel/Maria Rosa, Brazil       16       31
       Angie/Priscilla/Ruth, Burma       14       59
       Martin/Esther/Melody, Brazil       13       90

Also included with this file:

Adam Issue 13 (By David Komic)

Are You An 'Adam' Guy? Like, Irresistible To Women? We Thought So.
       Cover Photo: SGA Colin of Collette in Colorado adding a colon to a column he's writing to 'Adam.'
       Caption 1 Really Romantic Things That Women Love Guys To Do #1.
       Caption 2 Women REALLY like it when you surprise them from behind with a warm, affectionate and delightfully unexpected hug.
       Caption 3 Note: Best to shower first if you've just been working on that major oil leak in your car engine.

(End of File)