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The Grapevine Supplement 45
(The Grapevine 128)

grapes of thankfulness #45

       Special thanks to Charity (of Jonathan), Angela, and Crystal (of Andrew) from the Hilltop Home, Houston. Charity has been so sweet, helpful, and a real blessing to our Home in spite of her hardships. She has been a sample of faith and dedication, and has done so much to help our Home and others. Crystal has also helped in many ways and been a real blessing too.--Angela also!
       --no name given

       This is for Timmy who is a fun, intelligent, responsible 14-year-old. He's become someone I depend on. He does fun things with the younger kids and is a good friend to them. He really gets me laughing, too! Other adults always tell me nice things about him. He's a faithful, loving steward of his dog and our other animals. I never have to nag him to get up in the morning. For that I am extremely thankful! And his room is always tidier than mine! Really! Thank you, Timmy, for putting up with me all these years as your teacher and for overlooking my grumpy times much better than I do yours! Teaching you and planning your school is one of my joys in life. I'm your step-mom, but you don't make me feel like only a step-mom. I love you! I'm so proud of you, Timmy.
       --no name given

       Thanks to dear Rosa, Gaby was able to get better input in her schooling. The kids are busy preparing for Christmas, under Rosa's care.
       --Joyful Free, India

       I want to send not just one grape of thankfulness, but a whole bunch of grapes to my dear children, without whom many of the aspects of my service for the Lord would be impossible.
       For instance, there is James (9), who is a chief dishwasher, floor mopper and MC entertainer. He is also an up and coming entomologist, knowing every bug in our yard. Then we have Stephen (11), who has been cooking meals for the whole Home, going witnessing and winning souls, working in the yard, not to mention washing dishes, mopping floors, and doing an excellent job on his school, besides being a very tender soul with younger kids. David (12) has become one of the chief handymen in the house, learning to fix many things, working in the yard, besides washing dishes, cooking, cleaning, witnessing, and winning souls, etc. Alissa (14) we can't even begin to describe--although that is of course because she is older--she is the librarian of our CLE books, including lending them out and receiving them back from many other Homes, is a second mother to the two youngest and cooks and cleans, takes care of the dogs, does laundry, and witnesses like a house-a-fire. And the Lord has given her a special gift to find anything mom loses. TTL for that! Peter (16)--wow, the little guys love him! He is patient and fun with them, knows how to cook (and bake!--You should taste his brownies!), does great projects, cleans, witnesses, and when mom gets herself in a fix on the computer, who is there to rescue her at any hour of the day or night?! Who keeps an eye on the news and keeps us up-to-date? You guessed it--Peter! Last, but definitely not least is Miguel (19). He has grown into quite a young man who shows himself responsible in what he does. The Lord has given him an outstanding talent for witnessing. He drives, cooks, bakes, cleans, provisions, and helps keep an eye on things.
       All in all I literally could not make it without them! They are wonderful! Did I say they are perfect? No, not really, but then again … neither am I, so TTL they are not or they could not stand to live with me, that is for sure!
       Thanks guys, you are GREAT! I would not trade you for anything in the world!
       --Jenny, Brazil

       We want to send special thanks to Fran and Claireand all their kids for being so sweet, helpful and very cheerful givers. All through the five years that we have been in China, they not only sent monthly donations but also have helped us a number of times with provisioned items (that are difficult or impossible to get in our province). They have also adopted us as their sister Home. So for many reasons we want to thank them in a special way. God bless you!
       --Love and prayers, N. and J., China (CN605)

       I would like to send a “grape of thankfulness” to the dear anonymous soul who sent me an encouraging note in regards to my four-year-old son, Jesse, who is showing definite signs of dyslexia and was recently put on the prayer list. Thank you, precious one, for heeding His check and for taking the time to hear from the Lord for me. Truly you are living “by this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one for another.” Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. ILYAPFY!
       --Maria Giving, Kenya

       Who is making a way to give when there seems to be no way?
       Who is always patient and understanding when complaints come their way?
       Who is working relentlessly for others no matter what time of night and day?
       And who is always saying “Yes” in time of difficulty?
       For a brother loves at all times and a friend is born for adversity!

       Thank you sweet Peter, Charity, Sam, Vicka, Matthew and Marie. Without you stepping in when we had to move out of our house in the midst of the Christmas season, we couldn't have done it! We know what it meant for a busy PPC team to drop everything to help someone. In fact, this is what the Good Samaritan did and our whole purpose for existence. Thank you for being such a sample to us!
We admire and appreciate you and even though we cannot pay you back, we want you to know that we love you!
       --The Bride Home, Romania

       If I could, I would like to pluck a big huge grapefruit of thankfulness, and lug it over to Cush and Zara and Pandita and oh yeah, the other Pandita too, (and stupid me, I don't remember the rest of your names) in Guadalajara and lay it on their dining room table and peel it and feed each of them a big juicy slice (making sure that none drips on their clothes, of course).
       Thanks sooo much for hosting me for a night while I was in transit from Lahore, Pakistan to Zamora, Mexico and even giving me PIZZA (!!) and a giant double bed (with TWO blankets!!) and a wonderful devotions the next morning. And for rushing me out to the bus station (with perfect timing!!) at noon and standing and waving goodbye as I boarded. (Deep breath here.)
       Also many thanks to Brian and Zeb and Kristy and Gentleness and especially Meekness for hosting me in your lovely Home before that. You guyz rule. Jesus bless you all.
       --Joe (17), Zamora, Mexico

       Dear Julia, SGA (a.k.a. book--le, voila! and yeah, right!) in South Africa. Yes, yes! This is for you girl!!! THANK YOU for all your help and most of all for joining our team when we really needed “this one extra person.” You are one of those great Family SGAs (even if you think you're far from perfect--show us who is?). You really are fun to live with and you love the Lord most of all! GBY! We are writing this to tell you: WE LOVE YOU! You are in our thoughts and prayers. KGFJ and never give up, ok?
       --Philip, Meekness, Magda, Caleb and kiddies, Namibia

       Dear Michelle at CLE Family office, you are an angel! You are always patient with me and my millions of questions, and each time are faithful to answer all of them. I would like to thank you so much for that! My prayer is that the Lord will bless and keep you strong for Him, answer all your prayers this coming year and give you your heart's desires! GBY!
       --Love, Meekness (and Home), Namibia

       I would like to thank Tiago, Gentleness, and Nasheli for their help, it came at a time that was very needed!
       --Many thanks, David, Russia

       It was so nice to have a visit from Arthur and Meekness. Being so isolated sometimes, we “forget' how special our dear brothers and sisters are. Our little team here has gotten to know each other pretty well, and I think that along with that, we don't always appreciate the ones closest to us as we should. Arthur and Meekness have that special shine to them that only those blessed with the spirit of David have. I know that all of our wonderful Family have that same wonderful spirit, but I guess I just needed someone that I wasn't so familiar with to help me see it again. We were also blessed with a visit from David (of Tania), who made a short visa trip back to NZ.
       --Christine, New Zealand

       This month we were able to purchase the van we needed so much--thanks to Mama and Peter who sent us a generous donation, which helped fill the amount we were missing. Now we are able to transport a lot more orphans to our weekly “Open the Door for the Children,” we can bring more items to our CTPs, do larger pick ups from our provisioning contacts, and the air-con works well, which is a big blessing as Phnom Penh streets are mostly dirt roads so it's very, very dusty and the pollution is quite bad. Thank you so much again, Mama and Peter, for your love and concern!
       --Tommy, Cambodia

       We'd like to say a big thank you to all those at the Bangalore Service Home. Thank you so much for so willingly sending over volunteers to help us with the labeling and stuffing of the over 6,000 Activated mailings we send out every month to our subscribers, and also for helping us with the packing of the 16,000 Diwali CD cards. Thanks also so much to Sam and Crystal and Carina and Beth who so faithfully come over to work on PPC and Activated and other secretarial work--forsaking loved ones and other work at home. It's folks like you that keep us going, and keep the work rolling.
       --With love and admiration, your co-workers at the India Activated Home

       Thank you, dear Family, for your response to our recent request for funds for legal work for our children. We're very grateful and especially touched that you would help us at a time when everyone has their own needs. Thanks especially to the Thai SC (TH07) and Hillside Home (IA17). We received this for you “Blessed are they that have seen and believed. More blessed are you that have not seen and yet have believed.”
       We are making significant progress with a few hundred dollars left to go, and we believe the Lord is doing it. Dear Family, please continue to consider us in your prayers.
       --Love and prayers, Paul and Home (PH14)

       To Fortify (of Ruth) in Scotland: Thank you for being amazingly sacrificial, doing all the “little” jobs that need to be done faithfully every single day. Especially thank you for helping our little family and newborn. You are always ready to help with anything, anytime. We truly appreciate all your many labors of love, those seen and unseen. Thank you for your loving sample.
       --In thanks and admiration, Joy, Celeste, David, and Ellya

       It touched our hearts so much that our “sister” Home here in Brasilia gave us substantial donations two times recently when our Home was going through a “growing stage” around the time of the “Conviction vs. Compromise” series. Several young people moved on to FM status and left us with quite an adjustment to make in the support of our Home.
       Pedro, Joyful, Abner, Anisa, John, Lily, Jere, and Susana,you were a tremendous sample of the real love of the Lord and the Family to us! Your financial donations helped us tremendously not only in the physical, but we also felt really loved and cared for. We know the Lord will continue to bless you in all the ways you need.
       --Lots of love, Estevão, Ana, Catherine, Heavenhome, Brazil

       Many apricots of appreciation to Mark and Mercy for all they've done for our Home! You'll always be special to our hearts!
       --MM Home

       We just wanted to put this in appreciation for all the dear parents.--Sam and Crystal, Mark and Carina, Jonathan and Abi, John and Crystal, Andrew and Joy:
       We, as teachers, wanted to thank you parents and let you know how much we admire you for not only doing your job for the Lord but also taking care of the kids the times we are “off duty.” You are never “off.” You have a double job--your ministry as well as the kids. We teachers teach the kids and take care of them for the day and then we are off duty for the evening, and that is our job for the Lord. But we really admire you for being parents and taking care of the kids, and all the extra things that you do to make us feel special and appreciated, even though we know that you could probably do a better job if you were in our place. Thank you for having the faith in us and trusting us with your kids, in spite of the mistakes we make. It is so easy working with you and we love you.
       --With admiration, Carmel, Joy, and Mamta, India

       We would like to say a special word of thanks to Alf and Claire and their team! They have been a big help to us this Christmas season. We were quite short on personnel due to two of our adults being on the road for the whole month. Alf and Claire have been very sweet to lend us a helping hand by having three of their older teens taking turns to help us during this busy season. We couldn't have done half as much had they not been here! Three cheers for Mazumi, Makoto, and Akhira for standing in the gap and being such a help to us.
       Also another round of applause to David (of Miracle) and Danny, who cheerfully stepped in to drive us to our Christmas shows as we had to change plans due to chicken pox quarantine. They also made it possible for us to do caroling. Thank you for your love and sacrifice to jump in! What a Family!
       --Michael, Michelle, and Nora, India

Copyright © 2002 by The Family

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