DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works. |
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It was December 25, 10 a.m. We were getting ready for our last Christmas show at another hospital. It was the usual hectic scene-fixing hair, getting costumes ready, packing wires and mikes, etc.
Ring! Ring! There goes the phone.
“Hello, this is Kaohsiung Cable Television. We saw your newspaper article and would like to do a program on your family. We are interested in how you bring happiness to others. We think that's a wonderful sample to society. Do you have any performances coming up?”
“Well, yes,” we stammered, “we will be at St. Joseph's Hospital in two hours and that's our last program this Christmas.”
“Okay, we'll be there and we'd like to do some interviews with you.”
Off we went to do our program-a special appreciation show for the doctors and nurses. Again the audience was very enthusiastic, clapping and shouting. In the middle of the show the TV crew rolled in, filming everything in sight. They came just as Mercy was giving a short speech of appreciation to all the doctors and nurses for their tireless efforts to help people. Everyone was so touched when she shared how our premature twins were delivered at this very same hospital.
Afterwards a friend told us how moved she was to see the children sing some local songs so wholeheartedly and sincerely. With tears in her eyes she said, “Don't worry about giving them professional training. I know many good dancers and they all fall into the trap of pride. They are professional on stage, but they lack spirit and love in their performance. But that's what your children have, they have a strong power that enables them to give from their hearts, and to touch the hearts of the audience.”
Meanwhile the TV crew filmed short interviews with each of the children. The cameraman followed us everywhere, even all the way into our car, filming how we pack everybody into our little van.
“We'd like to come to your house tomorrow and film some scenes of your home life and talk some more. Is that okay?”
Gulp! We had never had reporters come to our house before, so this required some desperate prayer. But the Lord told us, “Do not look at their profession. Look at their soul. Look at them as sheep that I brought to you to show them My love.”
In spite of the Lord's assurances we were rather nervous, but we did our best to show personal interest in the interviewer and her cameraman. One week later the program was aired on our local cable station. It was about ten minutes long and focused on the fact that our nine children speak fluent Chinese and that we live and work together in unity in order to serve others and train our children in this way, something almost unheard of in today's society. Our show was on 12 times in the course of one week, viewed by more than a million people.
The day after the first showing Mercy called the TV reporter to thank her for her good editing job, and ended up having an hour-long conversation with her. At the end of the conversation, she got saved. She told Mercy that there was something special about our children, that she felt love from us during the interviews and was deeply touched inside. A few days later she sent us nine presents, one for each child and a card that said, “You are the most warm-hearted family I ever met and interviewed.”
(Check out the article published in a law enforcement magazine about Abe, Mercy, and their nine children! It's on the MO site! http://familymembers.com/newswire/article.php3?nwid=547)
Sao Paulo's 10th annual Christmas dinner
By Tommy, Brazil
The Lord did a miracle this Christmas and we had our 10th annual area Christmas dinner for friends, contacts and Active members. We have seen the growth in attendance with the passing of the years from 45 in the first year (1992) to over 300 this year (a yearly growth rate of about 5 to 10%). Although the growth has been slow in this huge and work-dominated industrial city, it has been steady! The children of Jonathan and Amy's Home did a beautiful presentation, as well as the children from Juan and Eden and Tommy and Joanie's Home, together with several Active members' children.
Once again this year, our Active members did a tremendous job doing the behind-the-scenes work: finances, reception, decorations, sound, lights, etc. Without them, we couldn't do it! Our new friends are always impressed as they can barely tell who's who, as everyone cooperates and it's just one big happy Family! The Christmas music by Chris, Felipe, Joanie, KK, Eden, Bernardo and the band was beautiful! Thanks to all who contributed and provisioned!
As the event grows each year, we need to expand the staff, find bigger restaurants and so it goes! The expanded Activated Family is here to stay. We also had a Christmas pageant at our Church of Love which was a beautiful “side-by-side” effort!-Over 90 attended! We read the “Christmas Praises 2001” phrases, put them up on a big screen with the data show projector and had everyone participate! It was beautiful! We then played the video of the songs that KK so beautifully edited and it was like being at the Christmas dinner all over again.
Christmas stand in a five-star hotel!
By Dave, Ana, and Elías, Colombia
A friend, one of the managers of a five-star hotel, offered to let us have a stand of our Christmas materials set up in his hotel every Sunday during the month of December. Through this avenue, we were able to get out over 100 CD Christmas cards. We also were able to witness to many potential people that now want to visit our Home. We witnessed a lot to a girl that had a stand next to ours, and she is now a potential disciple!
Christmas shows with our Active members
Since we have only one senior teen (Kesia) in our Home, and one YA boy (Juan) from another Home who helped us during Christmas, we invited our young Active members to participate in our Christmas show! It was beautiful to see them shining for Jesus! We did 25 presentations and won 3,092 souls to the Lord!
After we finished all the shows, we held a meeting to show them our appreciation, to share testimonies and victories, and we gave each one a prophecy and a gift for their dedication to the Lord!
Two of them are daughters of Elias: Paula and Cristina who participate actively with us throughout the year in our youth ministry and CTPs. Paula invited a friend, Laura, who also sang and danced beautifully. Also, a doctor, Yvonne, decided to help too and she sang the lead in two of our songs. After work each day, she continued working with us to perform our Christmas shows. She said that it was the best Christmas that she ever had!
Merry Christmas from China
By Filly* (of Mick), China
Being “great with child,” I may have been perfect to act as Mary for the nativity play, but we lacked personnel to put on a performance. I was unable to do as much as I wanted as I was experiencing some minor contractions. So we came to the conclusion of just having a simple “tea party” to invite our friends and neighbors to celebrate this beautiful day together.
To our surprise, most people, especially our neighbors, confessed that it was the first Christmas party they had ever attended. And it was the first time they realized the real meaning of Christmas. Mike was able to explain the Nativity scene and the Christmas tree with the decorated gifts under it. Then he read from the Bible passage of Luke 2:1-20 to emphasize the real history behind the birth of our Savior. One of our Chinese sisters read in Mandarin for the guests. Toward the end, all our neighbors and other friends asked to take the songbooks home to study the words of the Christmas songs.
Penny, the 14-year-old girl who received her new (artificial) leg, came with her mother and younger sister. They were among the first that came and they stayed till everyone else had left. Penny's mother said, “I know we are very blessed to know the Lord. Without Him, my Penny wouldn't be walking today. Without Him I wouldn't have the many friends I have today, either. Thank you for showing me Jesus. I do not know how to read because I have never been to school. Do you think I can learn to read so that I can learn more about Jesus from your Bible?” Arrangements have been made that, once a week, a Chinese sister will be coming to teach Penny's mother to read, so she can read the Bible on her own in the near future.
We gave their family a Bible and the Jesus movie, which they were very thankful for. Penny's sister couldn't help but stand right in front of the nativity scene and gaze at Baby Jesus for a long, long time. Her mom pointed out to me that she had been there three times and each time she seemed to be in her own world when looking at Baby Jesus. Then this little girl noticed a comic storybook of the “Life of Jesus” in Chinese, which was left at the bottom of the shelf. Seeing her interest, we gave her the book, and she hugged it dearly as if she had found a great treasure, and a great treasure indeed she had found!
Out of the 30 visitors we had, only four of them are old friends who have been coming year after year for the party. The rest are first timers and all of them were thrilled for the opportunity given them to know the truth about Christmas. They took home a print-out of Luke chapter one, which we introduced as an historical account of the First Christmas.
[*aliases used]
Merry Christmas from Cambodia
By Tommy, Serena, John M, and Ezra, Cambodia
It all started when we had our Christmas outreach meeting to make ourselves some goals to reach this Christmas. We were quite limited having only two adults, one senior teen, and a JETT. We thought, With so few people, let's not try to shoot too high and kill ourselves trying. But with the Lord's help we were able to do above and beyond what we had the faith for at the beginning. For example:
Souls - Our goal: 100. We won: 545!
Christmas tracts - Our goal: 10,000. We distributed: 20,347!
Posters - Our goal: Maybe we can get out some after we're done with our tracts. We got out: 2,667!
CTPs - Our goal: 10. Done: 27!
Christmas parties for the orphanages (by the orphans themselves which we trained to sing Christmas carols, dance, do the Nativity skit and lead their peers to the Lord in their own language) - Our goal: 2. Done: 4!
Christmas Reflections - Our goal: None. We distributed: 4,980 pages!
ChristmasCD cards - In a very Buddhist country with very few foreign Christian businesses, we thought we were shooting high with 150. But we prayed that we wouldn't have any left. On December 19 we still had 52 left, but we were so busy provisioning for the orphanages that we stopped trying to get them out. Instead, the Lord took over and one man who had bought two a few days earlier phoned us asking to buy 100!
Road Trips - Our goal: 4 (one each week to the various provinces). We ended up going on: 7!
The flood of toys
By Eden, for the Bride Home, Romania
For our team, this Christmas was like putting together a beautiful puzzle with lots of pieces. By giving us a new house and new landlords, the Lord was putting His puzzle together, since there was more to it than met the eye.
In early December we got a phone call from Danzas in Germany-a well-known European transport company who heard about us from one of our local contacts. They explained to us that together with Deutsche Post and ZDF (a German TV station) they would like to organize a big gathering of toys in Berlin for the children in Romania. They needed to work closely with people in Romania who they could trust and who knew of needy children, since they didn't want the toys to end up at the wrong destination. There were many organizations that offered their help, but in the long run they chose us, since we had good reference from our contact.
In Bucharest a large Christmas show was organized in one of the country's largest indoor areas, where we were asked to invite the poor children who would really enjoy the toys. More than 3,000 children participated in this event. The City Hall in Bucharest got involved, helping with the transportation of the children, and the mayor also attended.
It was a great event and more than 3,000 beautiful toys arrived in the arms of the little ones. And miraculously, the Lord worked it out for the Family to have few minutes on stage! “What Can I Give Him?” sung by our little Christina reverberated in the hall, touching people's hearts and making them think about Jesus. God bless Liz, Cristi, Abe, and Daniel who came to help us with this project.
But the story is not done! There were 3,000 children who received toys, but the amount of toys that came into the country was … 25,000! And these weren't just any old toys. They were beautiful stuffed animals, roller blades, electronic cars, train sets, etc., worth well over $100,000. Most of the toys were brand new!
We didn't know where to store all the leftovers. Many people with “good intentions” offered to take them, but we knew that it was our responsibility since Danzas had trusted us with them. We needed to distribute them to the right kids. As we did our part, the Lord did a miracle which our landlady played a big part in, as she gave us a big storage place to keep the toys.
It really was an incredible story: We gave toys to all the kids that are on our CTP projects. In addition, lots of people called, asking us if we could give some to their institutions. It was like a “flood of toys” descended on Bucharest, and with our wonderful Husband's help, they arrived to poor children along with a witness of Jesus' love. The toys benefited children all over the country.
Our Christmas charity party
By the Manna Home, Japan
We held Side by Side International's annual Christmas charity party at the Westin Hotel in Tokyo. We didn't get as good a discount as previous years, but we heard from the Lord and decided to have it by faith. Most of the refreshments and all the printing were provided by our contacts. Our flower shop friends donated a beautiful flower arrangement for each table.
We had over 150 visitors attend, including the ambassador of the Republic of Botswana and his wife, the deputy ambassador of Cambodia, and the former ambassador of Cambodia.
The theme for this year's party was “Peace on Earth” concerning world events. After the opening speech, one of the Family's friends, Mr. M., (a high-ranking Buddhist priest) led everyone in the prayer of Mother Teresa. During the prayer, Jerry played beautiful Christmas songs in the background. This man used to be a well-known peacemaker and received Jesus four years ago, and later his whole family got saved.
Following the prayer, Dr. NakaMats gave the speech for the kampai (toast). It was his first time to attend any of our events, and he mentioned in his speech how impressed he was that a Buddhist priest had offered a Christian prayer-that it must be a new invention! Everyone had a good laugh. Dr. NakaMats is a famous inventor: He invented the floppy disk, among a total of 3,000 inventions (more than Edison), and has received many honors and awards. The U.S. Science Academic Society selected him as one of the five greatest scientist in history.
Next the former ambassador of Cambodia gave a speech, and then we introduced the letter from Mr. Hata, the former prime minister of Japan. It says: “[After] the incident that happened in the States, Japan is asked to help to build the trust between countries. We must make the effort and help so that the people in Afghanistan can live in peace as soon as possible. Peace, that is what everyone seeks. Everyone from the Family volunteer project, Side by Side International, is making a daily effort to heal the wounds in Cambodia from the war and give people hope and encouragement. Your work has been bearing lots of fruit and is helping bring peace in the world. I admire your work and pray that the coming New Year will be a wonderful year for you.”
After giving a brief summary of our work, the music show by Heart to Heart and Jerry began. Towards the end of the show, Heart to Heart sang “I love Japan.” Ezra explained how they love Japan so much. He also mentioned that although the economy is going down and Japan is having a hard time, now is the chance for Japan to reach out to others, because as you give, it always comes back to you. Everyone listened very intently and then applauded.
Jerry then introduced his wife, Margie, and explained how they also love Japan and had seven of their children in Japan. He announced their move to Mexico. He then sang “Change the World” in Japanese. He was followed by Ezra, who led everyone in “Silent Night.”
Timothy gave the closing speech, which brought tears to people's eyes. At the end Yuka (MC) led everyone in the salvation prayer. The Lord's Spirit really punched through and it was wonderful. We were able to get some Activated subscriptions as well!
Here are some testimonies about our visitors:
One of our contacts brought several of his friends who didn't know much about us. One of them was grumpy from the very beginning-first because he had to wait until we found him a seat, and then because he didn't like anything to do with religion. As the party went on, he saw all the other guests enjoying themselves and having a wonderful time. He determined to resist this spirit of joy and said to himself: “I will not change my heart.” Towards the end of the event we led all the visitors in the Salvation prayer. Afterwards, he came to Tim all excited, saying: “I can't believe it! I have a new start. I am a new person! I can be sweet to others now! Unbelievable, this party-it must be that God is here!” His three friends testified how he had been so rebellious, and that now he completely changed!
One of our friends who sat with Mr. Sekine (a friend who is bound to a wheelchair, and cannot speak, so uses a computer to communicate) wrote to us after the party: “During your final song, Mr. Sekine was singing! That showed the power of God clearly.”
The wife of the Botswanan ambassador said during the party, “This is the best party I've attended! Everything is so perfect and relaxing. I am enjoying it so much. I would like to attend every one of your parties!”
One of the hotel managers who was organizing the party got saved during the time we were setting up. He wasn't planning to stay, but he ended up staying till the very end as he enjoyed it so much!
Many thanks to Hiromi, Crystal, and Rejoice who helped with the reception. Three of our Active members helped to man the tool tables. Thanks also to Johannes and Lydia, Jerry and Margie, Ezra and Mary, Philip, Niki, Yuka, and Lynn!
A Christmas CTP to remember
By Carlos and Gloria Maria, Mexico City
A call from the Army
The night before Christmas our Home got a call from the local army base to notify us that all things were ready. Several squadrons of soldiers had been on cooking duty for two days preparing the food for an estimated 10,000 Christmas meals to be given at our yearly Christmas CTP for the poor at Mexico City's largest plaza, El Zócalo. This was the second year the Army had agreed to donate their personnel and cooking facilities to prepare the charity meal. Over the years the amounts of food to prepare has grown to such colossal proportions that only an army can now handle the cooking necessary to feed thousands of the poor and needy of Mexico on this special event.
Christmas morning-El Zócalo
It's early Christmas Day and a couple of moving trucks are rolling on to the Zócalo plaza to unload tables, thousands of plates, cups, three tons of fruit, and other supplies that will be needed for the super soup line scheduled to start at 10:30 a.m. Preparations for this CTP began in early November and seven tons of food have already been donated for the event.
As the excitement mounted, vans of all sorts drove up bringing dozens of local Family members and others from around the county-wild and wooly workers ready to work hard to make the Christmas CTP a reality. An army truck has also arrived and soldiers are carting in all the food containers, steaming hot, ready to serve. Today's menu is rice, beans, stew, chili sauce, sweet bread, coffee, an orange, a banana, and a glass of water. The spiritual menu was Christmas posters and tracts, of which 12,000 in all were given out.
The tortilla bean meal miracle!
This year we weren't able to get any bread for the Zócalo CTP and we didn't know what we were going to give in its place. A couple of days before the event however, we were invited to put in a plug for the Zócalo CTP on Radio Acir, so we asked for tortillas-any amount would be well received. The very next day a sweet man called us and said he was very interested in what we were doing to help others and he offered to bring 100 kilos of tortillas and his portable stove with gas tank and all to serve the tortillas hot to go along with the beans and stew at the special occasion. Wow! This was definitely the tortilla bean meal miracle!We had calculated it would have required at least 400 kilos of tortillas for 10,000 people, but somehow the tortillas kept being served and didn't run out for most of the day!
The good news!
Reaction from Gerardo, news reporter for a major national TV station: “On Christmas Day we were on the lookout for a newsworthy event. We noticed some activity at the Zócalo and I asked a police officer what the commotion was all about. The officer informed me that a Christian group was going to give out free food, and when I noticed that it was not just a donut or cookies that were being given, but full meals with rice, stew, beans and coffee, I thought, This is good news! I called my coordinator and clued him on what was happening here and that this could make for a good documentary on charity for the evening newscast. Christmas Day is when we have the highest ratings cause everyone's at home watching TV.”
Soon after, this TV network sent their mobile unit and they were filming and televising live most of the morning and afternoon. Later this friendly reporter approached us to let us know that he would be willing to televise any of our future events if we let him know ahead of time. He was very happy about us giving free food and he was hugging us and telling us how amazing it was that we that we could do this. Interestingly enough, we'd sent an invitation to his station informing them of the festivity, but for some reason they had not received it-but the Lord wanted this to get publicity so He worked it out Himself anyway! This day TV Azteca also covered the event along with a cable network and Galavision TV, which transmits to the States and South America. Nine of the national newspapers also sent their reporters and the next day these news agencies displayed beautiful pictures of Family members dishing out food to the poor, and several included inspiring articles on the charity dinner with quotes saying that the “love of God” inspired the free Christmas meals for the poor.
The story of how it all started
(Maria:) It was 1994 when I returned from Spain after my father went to be with the Lord. I arrived in Mexico broken-hearted because of the events of that month and I wanted to get my mind on other things. I told the Lord I wanted to do something special for Him and others-something meaningful and worthwhile.
It was then that I remembered reading something in the newspaper about a small group of people giving out food to the needy at a park on Christmas Day. When I shared this with Carlos and the vision of doing the something similar, he got very excited and we started praying about the idea and asking for a confirmation. The Lord showed us that the best gift we could give Him at Christmas was to give to others, and we got the verse: “Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these My brethren, you have done it unto Me” (Mathew 25:40). The Lord showed us that if we did this He would turn it into a wonderful testimony of His love for many and we later we got that we should do it at the Zócalo.
The Zócalo, you could say, is the physical and spiritual heart of Mexico City because many go there to voice their requests, their visions, their problems or political stand, etc. Even when people come from far places to be heard, they choose the Zócalo as their platform to echo their message.
We shared this vision with some of the other Family members in the area and everyone thought it was a good idea. Shortly afterwards we made the final decision to do our first Christmas CTP at this plaza and the goal was to serve 1,000 free meals! That seemed to us a staggering amount of food at the time. With the help of several full-of-faith brethren like Ben and Ruth and others, we got busy making calls to companies asking for the donated goods to make this first CTP possible, and the food donations started to come in. Before we knew it we were driving to the Zócalo on Christmas Day to begin our first CTP for the poor. (This was all by faith as we still didn't have everything we needed.)
The area teens had prepared a special Christmas dance and songs, but when we arrived at the Zócalo we got discouraged as the sun was so hot it seemed to be melting our food and we didn't even have a tent or sound equipment for the singing group. It then dawned on us that another Christian show group was present at the plaza and they had big tents and a stage and all that wonderful sound equipment that we didn't have.-It was time to call on Jesus so we prayed desperately.
Just then, one of their representatives walked up and we had some friendly chatter for a few minutes. Soon, however, this person discovered we had a show group and no stage, and food to give out that needed to be stored in a shady place, so he said, “You have food to give and a show group to perform and no stage or tents, I, on the other hand, have a stage and equipment and tents and no show (his clowns and show group never showed up), so why don't we team up and do something together for the poor on this Christmas day?” Wow! Such a testimony of how the Lord will bless abundantly if we take one step for Him!
From then on, every year the event has continued to grow and from giving 1,000 plates of food, the Lord brought the increase to 2,000, then 5,000 and now 10,000! Well, now we're at the point that if we were to try and squeeze all the food to cook for such great amounts of people into our kitchen, it would fill the entire kitchen top to bottom and still overflow-so what's the answer? The answer for cooking for an army of people was to ask the army to help us cook it, of course!
In a vision the Lord gave us of this CTP, we saw a bright light coming out of the Zócalo, and then a lot of little lights started to lighten the horizon all over the country. This year other Homes in Guadalajara, Monterrey, Morelia, Matamoros, Puebla, etc., are also letting their little light shine with their own food CTPs for the poor on Christmas and Kings Day!
There is also a fulfillment of how God said He was going to use this as a testimony to all the nation. This year, with all the coverage on both national and international news media, we've reached an estimated 203,000,000 people through our mass witness!
(Note: Read one of these newspaper article transcripts on the MO site, at:
Christmas in Madagascar
By Dominic and Marie, Pedro and Lily, Madagascar
Our small team was able to distribute toys, clothes, drinks and snacks to several poor families, and did shows almost daily with our kids, who in turn won over 320 souls. We gave out all the French Christmas CD cards and Christmas to Remember books that we had on hand.
The most inspiring event was working together with the one and only other Home on the island, dear Paul, Charity and Constanza, who, God bless them, have poured a lot into setting up a local association and give their all to help the poor people here.
CTPs: Their two children teamed up with ours for most of our shows and we performed for their Home's CTP. They distributed toys and served meals to over 300 poor children and taught them how to perform to our songs. Our favorite program was for the teenage reform home where they teach weekly Bible classes. After a special meal and distribution of clothes, these young people thoroughly enjoyed the program, danced with us and in gratitude at the end sang for us some rock 'em sock 'em Malagasy songs at the top of their lungs.
Activated: In the beginning of December, we held a Christmas meeting for our Active members, to give them the vision to do their best for Jesus this Christmas. About 30 people came and they all left with stacks of tracts to distribute.
Mid-December, we also held a DF Christmas meeting unitedly with the other Home at the Hilton (who graciously gave us a free hall) to wish a Merry Christmas to our local friends and contacts and show them our appreciation for all their help. Most of our Active members also brought some of their friends. A total of 120 people came. Then we held a candlelight service for our Active members-their very first ever. It was very touching to hear their precious words of dedication to the Lord. We were also eager to hear what they had done for Jesus this Christmas. Below are some of their testimonies:
(Solo, DJ for a radio station:) After my Christmas radio program where I included the Reflections you gave me, some people wrote in and said how much they appreciated the Christmas message and how it gave a whole new meaning to their celebrations.
I brought a little Chinese boy to your Christmas program and he was totally flipped out. He told me, “I didn't know that Jesus was real! For me, Christmas has always been a pine tree and presents, but it's the first time I see what really happened at Christmas, how Jesus came to be with us, and how He is still alive today. I also learned that you can dance for Him.” This little Chinese boy gave his heart to Jesus that day, and he was utterly thrilled by the whole program.
(Nerina:) I distributed all the tracts you gave me and I prayed with many people to receive Jesus this Christmas. When I gave out tracts, many people would comment how incredible it was that in this evil world, God would love us so much. They would tell me of the misery of their life and how hopeless they felt, until they read this Christmas tract. They shared how they could see things in a different light now and they felt the strength to go on living and to trust Jesus to help them.
(Misa, 18:) I distributed all the tracts you gave me in my university, and my prayer for this New Year is to be able to witness and to win many souls for Jesus, and also for the rest of my family to get to know Jesus.
(Annick, mother of 3:) The Lord did a miracle of healing for me this Christmas. For months I have been sick with a painful womb infection. After you prayed for me in the beginning of December, the pains continued, so I had an appointment with the doctor. But the night before the appointment, I had a dream (and I never dream) where the doctor was turning his back on me and telling me that there was nothing he could do for me, because Jesus had already healed me. The next day, something came up and I was not able to see the doctor. But the following week, I went for some tests, and when scrutinizing my scan, the doctor was perplexed. He told me I had a hole of 7 x 2 cm in my tube, but that the infection was gone. He said that in my condition, it was totally impossible to be walking about and living a normal life like I had been, and that this type of infection can normally only be removed by surgery. He was totally puzzled, and simply prescribed some medication to help the hole to close, but said that I was healed. Hallelujah!
We distributed 8,000 copies of this little Christmas tract, and we found out that some journalist, who must have gotten a copy, read it on TV, with beautiful slides of Madagascar and classical background music.
help wanted
We, the Cambodia team, still need your support so we can keep our minds on the sheep and not on the funds. Please send your gifts to Tommy and Serena, in Phnom Penh, Cornerstone Project, KA 01.
Hi! My name is Diamond, I am an SGA single mom of two. My sons and I will be moving to Brazil very soon and would like to request your help. The Lord has wonderfully provided a large portion of the needed funds for the move, but we are still in need of about $500. Here in Romania it is difficult to raise funds due to the economy, so I wanted to ask you if you would be able to help us with a donation, big or small towards our move. This would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for considering our request, and most of all for your prayers. You can write us at DmdRA@yahoo.com and we would love to send you more information about us, as well as a THANK YOU.
Dear Trusty Wind and your Home (JA057?), we safely received your gift, but your Home number may be wrong, thus we can't contact you via ABM. Please let us know where you are. Thank you for your help! We love you.-DJ and Davi, RU009, Siberia. E-mail: DanielJeremiah@altavista.com
Richard is looking for Stephanie Volpe. We used to live together in Delhi. My e-mail: invincible_ric@yahoo.co.in
Michael and Christy, please contact Moni at CN614 via China Desk.
My name used to be Esther Sunshine (Danish), now Jenai. I was in the States during 84-85, where I stayed with Malachi and Christina David. I would like very much to get in touch with you. Please contact me: saeth@access.inet.co.th
Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ed Harris
Drama based on the life of John Forbes Nash, Jr., a math prodigy and Nobel Prize winner who struggled with schizophrenia.
(Jesus:) This movie has good lessons and messages. It shows how real love wins out over some very big obstacles. It also shows some good insight into one of the Enemy's main battlefields, the mind. It's a fighter movie portraying determination and resolve. The movie confirms many things that you've learned from the Word about conflict in the spirit world.
It's a serious movie, so people shouldn't go into it lightly. It's well acted and evokes many strong emotions. It has its sad parts and depicts true-to-life struggles that aren't easy to go through. It's based on a true story, though of course it's dramatized and enhanced some.
Schizophrenia is a real thing, and many people in the world are afflicted by it. It is a device of the Enemy, oft times a delusional tool, but at times also a spiritual attack in which the victim is haunted by spirits and therefore lives a double life. It is not an affliction that is incurable, however. With prayer and the power of the keys, a man's mind can be again set on the straight and narrow path, if he will yield to Me.
However, so many in the world do not have this insight and knowledge. They do not know the truth, so they follow the path of doctors and medication, seeking to sedate the delusion and the spirits with drugs, which often leads to more confusion, depression, and anxiety.
This movie exposes the failure of the System's psychological profession to understand and help those with mental problems and difficulties. Unfortunately it doesn't point the audience to the true source of the solution, which is Me, but at least it points them away from the godless and hopeless outlook that the psychologist had to offer.
I gifted this man with an amazing mind, and I give various ones-geniuses-these outstanding gifts, to demonstrate My mighty power, to show that the mind of man, as created by God, is beyond man's control and ability to discern how it functions. I give some extraordinary gifts of perception, discerning, and specialized ability so that people are reminded of Me, and of how the Creator is far greater than His creation.
This movie shows the life of a man who went through mental torment, but who struggled and fought to regain a semblance of a normal life. He kept his demons, if you will, at bay, choosing to believe the truth rather than what he could see, hear, and feel around him. This is a good parallel of the life of faith.
In your lives for Me, the Enemy is the impostor who calls to you and tries to lead you down another path. Even though he is there, waiting for any opportunity to whisper in your ear and influence your mind and thoughts, you cannot allow yourself to give place to him. You must rebuke him, defy him, cast him out of your mind, and ignore his attempts to pull you off the wall of your life for Me. This is what, to a certain extent, John Nash had to do in his struggle to regain control over his mind and spirit.
Though he has continued to fight this battle (not being privy to the knowledge of My deliverance), he has nevertheless been a good sample of a fighter, of one determined to overcome the obstacles in his life. He shows the victory of a man who desperately determines to harness his mind.
There is no mention of Me and of My help in his life, and that is the downside of this movie. There are certain principles of the spirit that if practiced get results, whether the person acknowledges Me or not, and in this case this man got the desired results by applying those principles. Of course I could help and comfort him a lot more if he would turn to Me for help, but nonetheless he did get a measure of My grace by disciplining his mind.
The movie also shows a beautiful example of love, compassion, and sacrifice in his wife. It shows the power of love, and shows the eventual fruit that love brings when given in sacrifice, humility, and true care.
This is a good movie for some people to see. I say some, because while it's got a good message, and there are things in the movie that will help to enhance your witness and understanding of the troubled people in the world today, it's not for everyone, as there are some disturbing scenes and it's emotionally intense.
The message of love is beautiful, and of course My love is the only love that is strong enough to make it through those deep, dark valleys, and times when all seems lost. My love has the power to completely heal and save, and although they don't give Me the credit in this movie, My love played an integral role in the scenario played out.
Your prayers can help people trapped in such a state. Even if they don't know Me enough to call out to Me personally, your prayers call out on their behalf, and I am able to help them supernaturally. Pray for these people to come to know Me, to know My peace, to have the grace and strength to stand against the attacks of the Enemy.
You can also learn from the spiritual principles in the movie-that his strong pride and desire to “make his mark” allowed his mind to be weakened to reality.
As always, each person should pray before watching. Any questions you come out of the movie with, especially those that relate to the spirit world or mental illnesses, should be brought before Me.
Uma Thurman, Jeremy Northam, Kate Beckinsale
Adaptation of Henry James' novel about a turn-of-the-century woman obsessed with her former lover. When he marries into a wealthy art collector's family, she follows suit. Drama with interesting insight into relationships and communication.
(Jesus:) This movie is a peek into the world of a class of people, the nouveau riche who were considered “privileged,” as well as the old-world rich who lost their fortune through neglect and squander through the generations. For those who like period pieces, the costumes, and a peek into how people lived in those days, it will be entertaining.
On the other hand,this is not an easy movie for some to see, because of the intense emotions involved, and the mistakes you watch the main characters make. It begins with a mistake, and wrong motivations.
There is never a justification for deception and for hurting others through deceit and lies. It only causes hurt, and when you undertake something of this nature-deceit and lies and misrepresentations-then you are sowing seeds of disaster and pain.
Love must be with the consent of all parties involved. This is the path that it must take, to avoid hurt. Of course, things can be expressed in such a way as to soften the blow, and while you need to tell your mate the truth, it's not always wise to share all the juicy details. But you do need to be open and up front and honest, and then I, the Lord, will direct accordingly. But deceit and lies and lack of faithfulness in this way lead to disaster.
Strive always to be truthful, My loves, in your loving of each other, and in your sharing of your mates. Do not hide feelings or situations, for this only fosters distrust and causes pain. Be up front, and then get the consent of all involved. For I, the Lord, led you into the Law of Love, knowing that you could bear the sharing with My help, and knowing that the good hurt that is caused would bring you to Me. But the “bad hurt” is what is caused when there is deceit and lies.-Do not let this be true of you.
Movies Rated for JETTs and Up
Jim Carrey, Martin Landau
Comedy/drama. A blacklisted screenwriter with amnesia washes up on the shores of a small California town and buoys the residents' spirits, as they believe him to be one of their own sons, lost for nearly a decade after WWII.
(Dad:) This is a movie about truth-about standing up for the truth, regardless of the outcome. About not letting people push you around, or tell you what to say to protect your interests. You can't be pushed around or bullied or otherwise persuaded to stand down from what you know to be true. You can't maintain a lie just to protect yourself.
This movie really shows how one person can make a difference in the lives of many. This man, through a series of unexpected circumstances and events, was able to give love and hope, and mend broken hearts, and his own life was changed for the good because of it as well. This movie has a good message. Even though it's laced with some real “high and mighty spirit of America” type speeches, it also shows the other side of the coin. It shows the corrupt judicial and political system of that time, which has only gotten worse and worse since then.
There are some glorified portrayals of the System and specifically the military. There's also a lot of sentimentality in this movie that some people won't like, but the underlying message is a good one, and I agree with it, and I think it makes the movie worthwhile. This movie takes a poke at those in charge of Hollywood, and of course I always like that too. But most of all, it's about truth and love and the real values in life. It delivers a good message, and I'm proud of Jim Carrey for presenting it. Pray for him, that he finds the Lord and becomes a tool in His hand.
Movies Rated for OCs and Up
Mir Farrokh Hashemian, Bahare Seddiqi
(In Farsi with subtitles)
Nine-year-old Ali takes his sister's shoes to the cobbler for repairs, and on the way home, when he stops to pick up vegetables for his mother, a blind trash collector accidentally carries them away. The boy is afraid to tell his parents, convinces his sister to keep quiet, and the two decide to share one pair of shoes with heartwarming results. Touching story with interesting insight into the Iranian culture.
(Note to parents/teachers: The prophecy below brings out some important points to keep in mind if you watch this movie with your children. It's a movie that would require some discussion, as without explaining certain aspects it would be difficult for many children to understand. However, the message also gives away much of the film's plot, so you would probably not want to read this message to the children before watching the movie.Also note that this movie, while many found it touching and uplifting, could also be a bit of a downer for some, young or old, depending on their mood and sensitivities.)
(Jesus:) This movie shows the life of some who, although poor, were rich in love and sacrifice and maturity. Some things are a bit too subtle even for older children who can read the subtitles to catch, so it is a film that should be explained and pow-wowed.
These children had to work hard to help their parents and one another, and it's a good example of helping without complaints or dragging your feet. There are lots of good lessons about how all things work together for good. For example, the father and son had a very long, exhausting journey uptown to do gardening, and the little boy was so tired, but a teacher could later bring out to the children that the fact that the little boy had to do so much running and walking around-to and from school, etc.-is what prepared him to run the four-kilometer race.
His little sister was very wise, even when she saw her missing shoes on the feet of another little girl, she didn't start a fight or try to steal them back. Instead, she waited and took her brother to the house of the girl who had the pink shoes, and when they discovered the little girl's father was blind, they decided not to try to get the shoes back, because they saw that the other little girl was even worse off than them. This also is a good example of thinking of others, and a teacher or parent can bring out the spiritual principle of how God blesses unselfishness.
It will be one of those movies that will help Family children to count their blessings, and it will also broaden their perspective a little bit, to see how some people in the world live. It is something that could be used for a social studies class coupled with a study on this part of the world and Islam in general. It was a good, positive example of how they share and help each other out, basing their lives on their faith.
Even though it ends a little abruptly, the movie or lessons won't be lost on the children if the parent/teacher is faithful to bring out the happy ending that occurred. The parent/teacher can bring out that life is often like that-sometimes you give and sacrifice and try to do good and simply don't see the blessings right away.
The parent/teacher can also bring out the comparison with the boy in the rich section of town, that even though the rich little boy had a big, fancy house to live in and toys and a swimming pool, and new clothes, he didn't have the blessing of a sister or anyone to play with in his big lonely house, and it was very mature of the poor boy not to compare, but simply to be a friend to the lonely rich boy. There are quite a few good morals that a prayerful parent/teacher can glean from this for children as they watch.
The love of this little boy for his sister is a very good example to your kids, to love one another, to truly care for one another with My love. When you are poor and have little, you often find your little blessings are more meaningful. This is how much of the world lives, and this is the life of many of the poor children today. Besides giving a good insight into how others live, it's a sweet example of a good relationship between a brother and sister. Their material blessings are few, but their love is rich. Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Movies Rated for All
DANNY (1970)
Rebecca Page, Janet Zarish
A poor girl comes across an injured horse, nurses it back to health, and grows to love it. However the horse had previously been sold to a wealthy family, whose spoiled daughter, having previously rejected him because of his injuries, now wants the horse back.
(Jesus:) This is a sweet movie, with a simple and sweet message. It's one that's good for the whole family. There isn't anything that's bad or would be harmful to children.
The little ones would certainly like the scenes with the horses. There is no violence or bad language. There is only one scene to be aware of toward the middle of the movie, when the little girl encounters a mean-looking man. You may want to explain to your little ones why he acted like that, and that later on the man is happier.
It has good lessons on working hard for your goals, being faithful, and not losing hope. Overall it is positive, showing that with faith people can change.
BANDITS (2001)
Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Cate Blanchett
(Dad:) It's an “entertainment only” movie with some insight into a threesome. In a way, it confirms the Lord's Words about the Law of Love. There was a good example in this movie of sharing, of love, of caring. It's fun, it's got laughs and you get that without having to see people beat up and killed. It doesn't really portray the right attitudes, because the main characters are going around robbing and stealing, but the way that they do it is polite and not violent.
However, while the acting is good and the plot interesting, it's a little sad that they glorify people who are committing crimes. It's your typical Hollywood film that mixes the bad in with the good. On one hand it's fun and has its laughs, but the bottom line is, lying and stealing is lying and stealing. No matter how nice the bad guys look and seem, no matter how much you might sympathize with them, wrong is still wrong.
For the spiritually mature, it may not be of great consequence to see this film, if they reject the wrong attitudes and take it where it's at-which is not too deep.
Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz
(Dad:) “Vanilla Sky” was an interesting and captivating movie. It kept you thinking. It kept you looking and searching for the answers. It was engrossing as there was a mystery to be answered and understood. However, it was packed with schizophrenic, self-existentialist, and Buddhistic thought. This movie was full of the concoctions of mental midgets devoid of real answers who, through their existentialism try to explain the world as a place without God, without salvation, without a concrete answer to life; teaching that there are no absolutes other than the choices of the individual that make or break the person by creating for them the world around them. This is contrary to Christian moral choice that involves judgment of right and wrong, good and bad.
Movies like this are quickly catapulting mankind further into a world without absolutes, where there is no right or wrong, no difference between reality and dream, no life and death, and no salvation. It's riddled with counterfeit truth and counterfeit salvation, counterfeit resurrection and a counterfeit eternity.
That's the way the world is going these days. They're looking for answers to their questions about life, while at the same time rejecting the Answer Giver as too absolute and clear; and it all only leads to anarchy and confusion and deception.
I certainly wouldn't recommend this movie for everyone. But if you really want to see the way the world is going, and get a full hit of the subtle, godless doctrine flooding the world these days; if you want to see a picture of the thinking the Enemy is perpetrating on the ungodly, and the conclusions he is bringing them to, this movie will portray it perfectly for you.
My counsel to folks that watch this would be that they open their eyes, look and see what is going on around them, see how lost, how hopeless, how directionless people are without the lucidity of the Lord, without the wonders of the Word and the answers it gives, without the clarity of our convictions that salvation through Jesus is the way, the truth, the life and the light. Now that is real clarity! It's not a dream. It's not based on the phony or the shallow, the contrived, the godless, or the existentialist. It's based on the rock solid truth, and the fact that they who do know the Lord will be strong, will do exploits, will see and know right from wrong, and be able to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. The truth is very clear and knows no confusion.
This movie is interesting and intriguing, but more than anything, it's depressing. It shows a world without God, people without God. It gives you a good, hard look into a man's life without God. Unlike Christians who can claim the promise that “all things work together for good,” this is a story of a man who grew bitter and resented his life and the turns it took. This movie also promotes suicide as a plausible way to find answers.
If one takes time for a thorough cleansing afterwards, and that includes asking the Lord to make his or her thoughts His thoughts about the movie, then it won't stumble. You should also pray diligently beforehand. I would not recommend that anyone under YA age view this movie. Nor should anyone watch this who fights bad dreams or is in the midst of strong emotional or mental battles. Be wary, and pray before you view this if you choose to do so.
what you think about the BOARD VISION
By Isaac (24), Latvia
The new Board vision is just what the Family needs if you ask me! That's one thing that is so great about the Family-when something isn't working just right and needs change, we're not afraid to get in there and rearrange the structure until all is up and running to its full capacity.
Couple in South Africa
We have just finished reading “The Board Vision” as a Home and initially I was tempted to wonder how we were going to manage to fit this in to our already busy schedules. I am very inspired by it now as there are definitely many areas I feel that can benefit from the many talented people in the Family. Both my husband and I are general plodders who seem to find it harder to get things rolling, although our hearts are in the right place, and we do want to follow all the latest moves. Practically speaking, we are just not one of those super-talented couples who seem to get so much done. We try to be faithful with our outreach, and follow up, and make sure that our kids are getting the schooling and training they need, and by the time we are finished with all that, it doesn't seem very flashy or showy.
We look forward to getting more input and help from others who are gifted in these different areas in the hopes that we ourselves can learn more and then hopefully accomplish more for the Lord. God bless all those who worked and prayed about this change, we are all going to benefit so much from it. And our shepherds should have a bit more of a reprieve from the myriad of problems they have had to face till now.
By Josh Beloved, Japan
YES! It sounds very inspiring. After years of trying to improve in all areas of the Home, often with the feeling of going at it alone, it will be great to have a more unified vision with the rest of the Family. When we've tried to work together, in the past, it was always inspiring for all involved. Everyone would always say, “We should do more of this!” But, alas, we usually found ourselves back to our own Home needs and visions. So, having something like the Board vision that will cause us to have more unity, more working together, and more shoulders to lean on, as well as inspiring us to help the next guy. I think it's going to be a real boon!
Also, thanks for painstakingly preserving our basic Charter rights. God bless all those who worked on this Board vision!
By Annie Grace, Mexico
Wow! This is great! We're so excited to read about the Board vision and how it can work! We can hardly wait! Already our load feels lighter just reading about the potential help this will be for the whole Family. There's so much hope and encouragement here for better and quicker solutions for the problems and burdens we face day to day. And by seeing how we can be part of the solutions-by giving suggestions, knowing who to contact, and offering our talented personnel to help-it's wonderful. It really is very encouraging!
By Daniela, USA
We have been reading and studying the Board vision GNs. The picture of the structure with the pillars and the crossbeams is fairly easy to understand, but it will take us a while to really understand all the aspects, especially the responsibilities, etc. We are really thankful though for this new change in the Family, and it sounds like it is already making a difference.
ideas and tips
Try an ad
By Shajjad (of Katie), Romania
You can place an advertisement in the local newspaper about the Activated magazines, using one of the icebreakers from the Grapevine. If you live in a foreign field, place the ad in English as well as the local language, and put an e-mail or GP phone number under the ad. Use a local paper so the ad fees are not so high.
Healing key: Let the sick ones reach out to the keys and grab hold of their power. The keys of the Kingdom have the power to heal, to restore, to make whole, to renew, to reverse any condition.
Answered Prayers
From Bethel, Bolivia: I have to testify that the Lord has healed me almost completely from my problem with the sciatic nerve. It is amazing! The only time it bothers me is if I overdo lifting things or get too rundown. But even then, last time that I overdid and became sick, I thought I'd blown it for not taking care of myself, and was going back to my former sickness, but it lasted only a day and then I was well again. Thank You Jesus! This is a real miracle. The doctors said that it was a problem that was going to worsen in time and they couldn't do anything for me, not even operate.
Europe and Africa
Victoria: Cancer in bones and lungs.
Marie-Claire (of Matthew and Heidi): A form of bone cancer.
Peter (of Dust and Maria): Relapse of leukemia. Undergoing treatment for the third time.
Peter (of Ela): Infection of a heart muscle, apparently caused by a prolonged case of bronchitis. Experiencing daily fatigue, dizziness and swelling on various parts of the body.
Megumi: Large, painful tumor.
Mark: Multiple sclerosis.
Shaney (of Cesco and Cryssy): Eye focusing disorder.
Aaron: Lump in the right side of his neck. Will undergo an operation.
North America
Vanessa (5 months, of Stephen and Amber): Recurring fevers. Blood and urinary tract fungal infections. For easy withdrawal from sedatives. Reflux (stomach acids going up past the esophagus, which is causing inflammation and pain in her throat and breathing passage, and can cause pneumonia).
South America
Political and economic stability in Argentina.
Love: Cancer of the uterus.
Joana (of Adino): Cancer. Against negative affects of radiotherapy.
Amber: Pain in her liver, and to be able to sleep at night.
Amor (of Juan): Frequent pains in left knee that are currently undiagnosed.
Luz (13, of David and Lily): A congenital degenerative disorder that hinders her growth and has been slowly causing a deterioration of hearing and eyesight.
Ana Ester: Endometriosis, causing abnormal periods and pain.
Tiffany (11, of Isaac and Promise): Headaches and pain in her right eye.
Melody (15, of Isaac and Promise): Scoliosis.
Baby boy, of Renee: Right arm, shoulder and hand are paralyzed, due to being stuck in the mother's pelvis during birth.
Marcin Gabriel (11 months, of Pawel and Melanie): Difficulty eating solids.
Ryan (15, of Sarah): Boils.
Marcus Vinicio (Colombia): Vertigo (sensation of whirling or tilting, causing loss of balance, often caused by disease of the inner ear) and a calculus (abnormal bodily secretion) in ears. Also will undergo an operation to remove a skin tumor.
Shine On-December 2001
TEAMWORK Per Adult Total
Faithy/Mark/Premika, India 3,562 24,937
Claire/Crystal/Daniel/Steven/Steven, India 2,289 13,736
Asaph/Charity/Joy/Tender, Pakistan 2,003 18,030
Samuel H. H., Mexico 2,000 4,000
Charity/Daniel/Happy, India 1,567 9,405
David/Alma, Mexico 1,376 6,880
Hyderabad DeafReach, India 1,286 10,293
Pablo/Hannah, Colombia 1,090 3,272
Andy/Maria/Irene, Colombia 1,072 7,505
Rachel/Andrei, Romania 1,070 3,210
Ben/Meekness, Botswana 10,000 20,000
Claire/Maya Woods/Titus Wells, USA 3,000 18,000
Claire/Crystal/Daniel/Steven/Steven, India 2,416 14,500
Chris/Dulci/Pablo, Peru 2,400 12,000
David/Dove, United Kingdom 1,866 5,600
Eli/Tirzah, Japan 1,507 3,015
Charity/Daniel/Happy, India 1,433 8,600
Clare/Matthew/Philip, Taiwan 1,376 8,260
Lalo/Ruth/Faithy, Mexico 1,090 5,448
John/Victory, Thailand 1,037 2,075
Jeho/Consuelo/Angel, Brazil 1,743 8,716
Ben/Meekness, Botswana 1,250 2,500
Joao/Clara, Brazil 864 3,456
Cedar Pioneer/Jason Pioneer, Mexico 728 2,185
Crystal/David/Joanna/Peter, USA 497 3,479
Ahlai/Alejandro/Dust/Joni/Paz, Mexico 489 4,890
Josue Siervo/Luz Siervo, Mexico 485 970
Ama/Ben/Juan/Maria/Samuel, Mexico 438 3,507
Maria/Mark/Nick, United Kingdom 420 2,100
Charity Austin/John Austin, USA 351 701
Jeho/Consuelo/Angel, Brazil 456 2,281
Svieta/Dove/Maria, Russia 43 304
Joao/Clara, Brazil 40 163
Daniel/Seth/Spring, Indonesia 40 200
Estrella C., Colombia 31 63
Chris/Ginny/Pablo/Solomon, USA 28 413
Esther/John/Simeon, Indonesia 27 136
Nehemiah/Meekness, United Kingdom 26 134
Daniel, Mexico 23 45
Susan/Peter, France 22 44
Also included with this file:
Adam Issue 11 (Build a Jacuzzi for your Home, page2) By David Komic
Caption 1: Build a Jacuzzi for your Home-Here's How.
Caption 2: 1. First clear out everything from your kitchen including stove, shelves, fridge, food-prep counter, sink, etc. 2. All you'll now have left will be the 2 meter-wide crater in your kitchen floor from when you cooked that Salmon Supreme Veal Casserole Soufflé Cream of Mushroom Banana Lasagna. (See Adam issue 10 for receipe.) 3. Lay ceramic bathroom tiles around the inside of the crater. 4. Install various functional hoses, vents, water-jets, spray nozzles, etc. 5. Your Home's new Jacuzzi is now ready to use.
Caption 3: Great for relaxing in after a full day's O.R. and F.U! Or how about inviting a nearby Home for a fun, fast-paced game of indoor water polo on a rainy day.
Caption 4: Don't miss next issue's Handyman Feature: Relocating Your Kitchen.
Caption 5: Cover Photo: SGA Ken of Tanya in Kenya praises the Lord after making a set of quadruple bunk beds for his four boys.
Copyright © 2002 by The Family
(End of File)