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The Grapevine Supplement 44
(The Grapevine 125)

grapes of thankfulness #44

       Without the help of the Rio Provisioning Home we would have never been able to arrive safely here in Durban, South Africa, and with all our needs met. So we would like to thank MOM (Maria, Portuguese Provisioner), Cristal (sister-in-law), Paul, Vida, Herbert, Susana, Tarsis, Andre, Lisa, Steven, Juancho, David, Sammy (brother), Andressa, Dani, Pichi and even Kevin, Kate and Tuchi (nephew and nieces). And every single friend that put all their hearts and efforts into making this trip a reality. (I would fill up the whole page if I were to write all their names.)
       We know that you guys were going through a difficult time financially, but still you were willing to help us. Our prayer is that the Lord will repay you 100 times over what you gave us! We love EACH and every one of you and we always have wonderful memories to remember you by.
       We would like to thank the OASIS for the wonderful farewell dinner you gave us. It was so sweet of you guys! Thank you for the encouraging prophecies and the donation you gave us. It's people like you that make the Family a better place.
       Also, thank you Ricardo, Luz (sister), Jessica and Gustavo (a.k.a. my little Sumo Gugu) for the time we spent with you in São Paulo, for all your love and everything you helped us with. You'll always be in our hearts and prayers. I know the Lord will bless you for everything you did. We were really inspired to see all that you're doing for the Lord.
       -With LOVE and eternally grateful, Anita (16) and Luena (22), South Africa

       We received some very comforting prophecies from ASCRO and EURCRO and other dear ones at the occasion of our dear son's graduation (John B). From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank those who showed so much concern by taking the time to receive these precious Words from our wonderful Jesus.
       -Ike and Meek, Reunion Islands

       One night in bed, I tossed and turned.
       My throat just scratched; I coughed and coughed.

       I asked for prayer, then back to bed.
       And yet, alas, dear sleep still fled.

       Desperate now, a thought soon came
       Of honey, herb tea, this night could tame.

       But how and where, at such an hour?
       These treasures dear, with healing power?

       Then a thought of a sister near-
       She was so sweet I had no fear,
       To call on her (though late it be)-
       With a smiling face she welcomed me!

       She gave me honey, and before I asked,
       She offered tea, to sleep at last.

       She let me choose, from the best she had,
       Then offered more, to make me glad.

       She “saved the day,” that night for me.
       She came in time; she heard my plea.

       How many prayers are answered so,
       Through ones like her, His sweet love showed.
       (Thank you, Sara (of Mark), Taiwan!)
       -Abi, Taiwan

       A “BIG THANK YOU” to the VS Home in S. Paulo for taking us, Ben and Dove, in when we went to visit our former member daughter in jail. You were so loving and caring and a real good sample of what a Home should be, working well together in true love and dedication to Jesus and others. You made us feel loved and welcome and were there for us in our time of need. GBY all! We really appreciate it and will always remember you as a token of His love for us at that time. Keep it up!!! We love you and the Family needs Homes like yours to make it what it should be!
       Also a great big thank you to Jenny and Home in S. Paulo too, for taking in Pat, one of Abi's friends who went to visit her and needed some help. You took a big step of faith and love and went far beyond the call of duty by opening your Home and lives to a total stranger. You were a true sample of His love and neither we, or Abi and Pat, will ever forget that. KGFG!!
       -Much love, Ben and Dove

, you are everything I could ever want and ask for. You're never too busy to hear me out. You always have a word of encouragement. You never get upset with me, even though I know I do tons that you could easily get upset about. Whenever I tell you my trials, you're so understanding. You don't start blabbing on about what you have to say-though you probably do have a lot to say-you just encourage me, and that gives me the trust in you. You're always leading me to the Lord, and that's what impresses me the most. You're always so meek and slow to speak. You've stuck it out in the Family and took care of us all so well, even after Dad passed on. The reason why all your kids are still in the Family is because of your faith and trust in the Lord and your perseverance.
       I thank you again, Mom, for your faith in all of us. I'm so thankful that I'm here now serving the Lord alongside you. You're always so willing to do whatever the Lord asks of you, even if it's not what you expected or anticipated. I've never in my life of living with you ever heard you say one thing bad about anyone. Even now, though I don't live in the same Home as you, I do live in the same city, but still I have that longing to be by your side always. I know I never have and never will find someone better than you, and I would NEVER trade anything or anyone for you. You are surely the best MOM in the world! You know I'm not that great with words, especially when I try and express myself, but I just had to tell you how much you mean to me! Mom, you will never really know how MUCH you mean to me. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers.
       -Your Forever Grateful Daughter, Joan (17), India

       Thank you, Juan, Eden, Tommy, and Joanie, for sticking there in São Paulo all these years. Now that I am in a budding follow-up Home in Brasilia, all your precious lessons are helping so much. I know that you all really fought (and continue to fight) hard against many odds there in that big city, and no one was or is sending you a bunch of money to do it, either! Your fruit is permanent and far-reaching and even the “little” sacrifices are a testimony and actually a goal here in our Home-like we have to raise funds every day and we have Bible studies almost every night, but the sheep don't come for devotions here at the Home yet nor do they come every Saturday night for video night like they do there. Those are wonderful examples of sacrifice that are a demonstration of really dying daily for the sheep. So even though you may feel you are crawling up the mountain, you are making marvelous progress and we look to you up ahead and have faith. Keep up the good work!
       -Lots of love, Catherine, Brazil

Dearest Family,
       We'd like to acknowledge and thank each of you who have sent gifts designated towards the Africa work, Africa Lit-pic and productions, or needy Homes in Africa. We wanted to let you know that your giving has and is making a difference and is a great blessing to the pioneer efforts on this needy and fruitful continent!-We couldn't do it without you!
       The African work has largely been an indigenous effort supported by the faithful labors of love, faith, and initiative of the Family working to reach the lost on this continent and has been greatly aided by your giving as well, dear Family. Many of our pioneer Family teams operate in extreme conditions in some of the poorest and neediest countries in the world. Support often comes from appeals to family, friends, and supporters on home fields as well as, in many cases, regular fundraising and follow up trips out of the continent. Your support in prayer and faithful giving, either directly to Homes and Family members in Africa or general gifts to the African work as a whole, goes a long way and is such a blessing and answer to prayer. On behalf of the work in Africa we want to thank you!
       Ever wonder how your gifts are used and what effect they have on the work here? Well, it has been a big blessing to have funds come in towards the Africa work in general as these go to fund area projects that would be difficult to accomplish otherwise. Some examples of projects these funds have helped towards are: 1) Activated seminars; 2) printing of poster tracts for free distribution in poorer parts of Africa-so far over 2.5 million have been printed; 3) supplementing VS travels; 4) local language tools; 5) helping needy and/or pioneer Homes on the field, etc.
       If we receive a gift designated to a “needy Home,” for example, we counsel together with the VSs and pass on the gift to whichever Home(s) we know are in need of extra help financially at the time. We're always thankful to receive these gifts, as we know how much the Homes appreciate and need it, and we're so happy to be able to channel your help where it's most needed at the time. Often these gifts have come in direct answers to prayer and specific needs!
       So again, thank you so much for supporting the work in Africa through your prayers and your gifts. We sure do appreciate you and pray the Lord will bless you many times over. You will share in the rewards of the souls won, fruit borne and Words gone out amongst the beautiful people of Africa. We love, need and appreciate YOU!
       -With love, your Africa shepherds

       Thank you so very much, dear Family, for your prayers for us. Thanks to your prayers and the miraculous power of the keys, the Lord practically translated us from India to Madagascar in two weeks' time! He supplied shipping at cost price, long-term visas, and our residency papers in one day! He also supplied half of our traveling expenses and made a way for us to borrow the other half, telling us He needed us on the field now and to trust Him that He would repay.
       Thank you so, so much to all the dear ones who helped us. Special thanks also to our dear Home in India who went out of their way to make it easy for us and showered us with love to overflowing. (You are the best and we pray we can live together again in your mansion in Heaven!)
       Please pray for the power of the keys for miraculous supply to help us pay back our traveling expenses in a short amount of time, as well as for abundant and continual supply for the work in Madagascar. Thank you so much! We love you!
       -Dominic and Marie, Madagascar

       We want to express our love and appreciation to a very dear friend and sister who for years has stuck through thick and thin serving our precious Jesus and helping others here in this city. She is been a tremendous source of help, encouragement, sample of yieldedness, and of happiness-no matter what-to us all here. Tere, yes, you! Right there in Dallas! We love you and will always keep you in our hearts and prayers. Also, we miss you!
       -Andy, Maria, Titi and all, Medellin, Colombia

       Samuel and Clara
, thank you for sharing part of your lives with us. We've enjoyed beautiful moments together with you and your precious family that we'll always keep in our hearts. We wish you a very happy beginning in the new place the Lord has led you to. KGFG! WLY!!
       -Andy, Maria and family, Medellin, Colombia

       I want to thank three very special persons who completely changed my life and influenced me in an incomparable way. They taught me the joy of sacrificial giving; they helped me gain victories over many bad habits of selfishness and laziness. Thanks to them, I learned what it means to persevere in prayer and that desperate prayer always brings answers, healing, great miracles, and moves God's mighty hand. They greatly inspired my faith for funds and proved that God loves to supply all our needs. If it weren't for them, I would have remained a very self-centered and egotistical person. They gave me a reason to live when so many times I felt like giving up and that I couldn't make it one more day. They helped me to keep my eyes on Jesus, and I learned that He never, ever fails! From them I learned that it really pays to follow the Word and the latest counsel, and I also learned with them what happens when I failed to do so. They taught me the true meaning of living One Wife, because by loving them, I learned what it means to love other children as my own.
       Christina, Maria, and Manolo, thank you for being my precious children, and for your faithfulness to Jesus, Dad, Mama, the Family and the lost, each one of you in the mission field He has called you. I feel very unworthy of being the mother of such dedicated daughters and son, and am so thankful that we'll be together for eternity, even though for now we are so many miles apart. You are my priceless treasures forever.
       Christina, GBY for being such an on-fire witness and forsaking all to keep following Jesus. Maria, GBY for the great fighter and humble servant of all that you are. And Manolo, GBY for your determination, dedication and commitment to Jesus and the Family. You are children to be proud of. To me you are the undeniable proof that the Family is the very best place in the world to raise children, and you have fully convinced me that parenthood is the most rewarding and highest calling in life. Thank you for forgiving me for all my failings as a parent. I thank Jesus for you and would not trade those years we have spent together for anything else in the world. You, and all the souls you won, are my reward and the greatest pay-off of my life. Keep going for Jesus, and don't ever give up!
       -Yours forever, your mom-Ruthie Virginia, Romania

       We wanted to thank all the precious brethren who received us with so much love and care in Dallas (Abi, Tim, Marie and family), Houston (David and Claire's Home, and Michael, Angel and John and Erica's Home), Austin (Gary Jeen) and New Orleans (John B. and Ruth) who made this trip possible and all the humanitarian aid projects come to pass so victoriously. PTL!
       They gave us their support, their prayers, they accommodated us with so much care, received our calls, faxes, messages, mail, etc., and took us witnessing with them to the places they witness at. What a wonderful Family! We're more than proud to belong to the most sensational Family in the world. Without the help of our wonderful brethren here, we wouldn't have been able to do it. GBT! Without a doubt, they are part of the effort here in Chile with the humanitarian aid projects. WLYSM!
       -Steven and Grace, Chile

       A large grape of thankfulness for all those who had a hand in planning, organizing, and staffing, the PI Activated meeting. It was very inspiring, re-envisioning, and very nice fellowship. To all of you, a million thank yous from Cebu 2 Home.
       The Activated meetings were a godsend, as I do believe we all needed a bit of coaxing into it. It is a great blessing to have a desk now that will do the work for us, for an affordable price. God bless the European Activated desk.
       -Mark David, Philippines

       The Lord helped us to get schoolbooks for this year's curriculum. We'd like to thank Peter and Praise's Home for their courtesy of providing for us housing, transport, and the opportunity to copy our children's school books in town even when their copier was under repair. The Lord miraculously provided funds, transport back, an additional place to stay and all our needs that made it all possible. TYJ!
       -Mercy, Philippines

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