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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 124; December 1, 2001.)

The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine are not intended to reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751, Irving, Texas, USA - 75016-8751 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2001 by The Family

Table of Contents:
Apology from Jane, Chile       2
       Help Needed for CO/VS Bases       3
       Healings, Miracles, and More?       4
       Notice: Fast Follow-Up for All Homes       5
       Thrilling Activated Testimony       7
       JETT/OC Activity, Brazil       8
       Visiting Jasper and Love       9
       Seeing Eyes Made Blind!       10
       Open Forum: Catch 'em Doing Something Nice!       12
       TEAM Foundation Notices       14

       Liev Cedric
, 1st child, born to Celeste and Isaias on February 21.-Mexico (2000)
       Vanessa Rose, 3rd child, born to Amber and Stephen on August 7.-USA
       Sean Kyle Luz De Amor, 2nd child, born to Maria and Francis on August 15.-Puerto Rico
       Leila Arisa, born to Angela and Ike on August 29.-Hungary
       Jared, 1st child, born to Windy and Christian on September 15.-Jamaica
       Irini, born to Diamond and Dust on September 19.-Romania
       Robin, born to Zanny and Martin on September 27.-Kenya
       Ryan Patrick, 2nd child, born to Sarah and Jeremy on September 29.-USA
       Conrad, 3rd child, born to Sunshine on September 30.-Mexico
       Ayla Tori, born to Anisa and Abner on October 1.-Brazil
       Jeremy Calen, 1st child, born to Sharon and Nicholas on October 2.-USA
       Johannes Aaron, born to Conny and Markus on October 6.-Germany
       Jennifer Nikita, born to Lisa and Jonas on October 10.-Sweden
       Steffany, born to Liza and David on October 15.-Venezuela
       Elena, born to Becky Marie and Sam Quixote on October 19.-Bulgaria
       Natalia, born to Vickyand Eliseo on October 24.-Brazil

new CM disciples…
(24, South African) joined in South Africa.

new FM disciples…
(22, Brazilian) and Daiane (17, Brazilian) joined in Brazil.


       You're not as young as you used to be. But you're not as old as you're going to be. So watch it!

new GNs on MO site-coming soon!

       God willing, before the New Year there will be a couple of new GNs-featuring “Rise Above” material, and possibly others-posted on the MO site that will NOT be coming out in print for some months yet. Keep checking the MO site to get the latest New Wine!


Dear Family,
       God bless you! Peter and I are calling on the power of the keys for you daily, claiming good health, safety, protection, supply, and more, as we ask our Husband to guide you through fruitful open doors this Christmas season!
       Beginning after the upcoming Feast 2002 (mid-January) until approximately mid-February, there will be no new pubs coming your way. The Lord asks that you take this time to study over the “Conviction vs. Compromise” series and the upcoming Feast pubs. Here are excerpts of what He had to say regarding this one-month halt on new pubs:

       (Jesus speaking:)
I wish to allot time for the Family to delve deeper into the milestone publications I have poured out in recent months. You have encouraged them to reread, to study, to come back to Me with their personal questions after reading the “Conviction vs. Compromise” series, and I wish that they do the same with the Feast GNs. This is vital. It is all-important that each Family member have the time to not only thoroughly read and study, but to imbibe and deeply absorb these Words, to come to Me further to seek for personal direction and feeding on these life-changing Words.
       Therefore, I ask you to declare a one-month halt on the Family receiving new pubs from mid-January to mid-February. Instruct My brides to seek Me for ways to utilize this time wisely so that they can gain maximum benefits. I give them this time as a bonus. It's not a time to sit back and fritter away their Word hours, but to take full advantage of this golden opportunity and not let it pass them by. It's a time to press into My Spirit and My Words as never before. This bonus period is a time to redeem, to launch out into greater exploration of these profound waters, to search deeply and seek out the priceless treasures contained therein.
       This halt on pubs should apply to children's pubs as well, for it will likewise be beneficial for the children to review what I have poured out to them in the children's publications.
       This one-month halt on pubs will serve a two-fold purpose, My loves, for it will likewise give you in WS the needed time to proceed with other important and pressing matters in which I am guiding you. All things work together for your good, and I have orchestrated this halt on pubs for the benefit of the Family first and foremost, and also for the benefit of you who serve them, that you may continue giving the best possible care and attention to My worldwide Family. (End of excerpts of message from Jesus.)

       Thank our dear Husband for allotting you this wonderful bonus! As you can see, He asks that each of you use this time wisely in order to gain the maximum benefits. We pray it will be a blessing for you all!
       Much love in our faithful Word Giver,
       Mama and Peter

Notice: Fast Follow-Up for All Homes

By Mama

Dear Family,
       Peter and I love you very much! We're so thankful to hear of the wonderful victories that our Husband has gotten for the Family on our united fast day. Thank you all for getting down to business with the Lord and desperately calling out to Him for the deliverance He promised over lethargy, the Selvegion in our midst, and the compromises that have seeped into the Family.
       The Lord has said that He has given the victories that we have earnestly sought Him for. But, as you know, we have to continue to do our part to retain the victories, to strengthen our faith, and to continue to root out the compromises and many bad habits that we've allowed to take hold in our lives. After the fast, the Lord gave the following message, which confirms the need for follow-up on the spiritual victories we need, both as a Family and as individuals.

       (Jesus:) I would like to do some follow-up to the fast day. I want to help each of My brides keep up the momentum of the renewed conviction that has sprung forth in their hearts and souls. I want to help each one keep the fires of revolution raging within.
       I have answered every prayer. I have given great victories as a result of this fast day and your yieldedness and your obedience to pray and claim My deliverance. And now I want to give more. I want to guide everyone to build on their victories.
       I want to speak to each Family member about how he or she can continue to gain momentum. I want to give each one his or her own personalized follow-up program to this milestone day of fasting and prayer. The sky is not the limit.-There are no limits to My children who are destined to lead the greatest show on Earth! (End of excerpt of prophecy.)

       On our last prayer day, I sent the above prophecy to our WS units, along with the question from the Lord, below. I asked each of our WS members to receive their “personalized follow-up plan to the fast day,” as the Lord called it, and He poured out wonderful counsel and keys to victory for each individual.
       I'd like to ask each of you to do the same. The Lord and I realize that this is a busy time of the year for you as you are involved in your Christmas push, but the Lord has said that this request is important and needed for the continuation of the victories which He has helped you to gain. So please take some time over the next week or so to ask our sweet Husband how you can personally retain and continue to gain the victories needed in your life. Then follow up on and obey what He tells you.
       Please decide as a Home how much time should be allotted for this assignment. Don't let it slip by or you'll miss out on some very vital counsel from Jesus.


       Question to ask the Lord:
Thank You, Jesus, for the deliverance You gave me on our worldwide fast day. Thank You for all You have promised to do for me as I stay yielded and close to You.
       Dear Love, I don't want to lose the momentum of this revolution in my life. I don't want to slide back down into complacency or settle back into any of my former bad habits and weaknesses.
       Can You please tell me how I can keep up the momentum of having greater conviction and rooting out compromises in my life? Please give me a personalized follow-up list of things I can do to hold on to my fast day victories.

Help needed for CO and VS bases

Dear Family,
       Thank you for your love, prayers and faithfulness. We daily thank our wonderful Husband for you, for your care and for your support! Thank you, too, for your continued prayers for the soon implementation of the Boards. The Lord has given us many beautiful promises about the fruitfulness of the Boards, but it's also going to take putting our collective shoulder to the boulder, to get them rolling.
       As you all know, finding the right team, and adequate personnel for your Home can prove to be a challenge. Many of our dear COs and VSs face a similar challenge finding those who are willing to help keep the home fires burning, so that they can do their job of shepherding the Family. Many of them have not been able to do as much as they could have, because they simply don't have the base of support that they need in their Homes.
       Following is a plea from one of our VSs, which is similar to many we have heard:

       “We have for some time now not had a team of people with us that are really there to be a support to this ministry, and I believe that I am not alone in this battle. I can understand after the Charter many have had a vision and burden to strike out on their own and pioneer, or to 'make their mark,' and this has borne good fruit. But I wonder if perhaps we as a Family may be at a turning point of needing to pull together in some ways more as a team in order to really bear the fruit that the Lord would like to bear through us in the new era of action! If we are to really forge ahead and for the board vision to work in earnest, then I truly believe we are going to need a lot of people with the gift of helps to take this as their calling so that things can happen!
       “I am not sharing this to encourage the re-creation of blobs by any means, but simply a plea for those folks that are free and capable of helping to shepherd the children and Homes of our service bases to find a joy in doing so! In the long run it could bear much more fruit than to continue to have ourselves spread out so thin. The Homes are crying out for visitation, but many of us are so strapped in our Homes, or cannot really go out with a peace in our hearts that our children, Homes, and mates are getting the help that they need, which is a distraction, and in some cases has even turned out to be a poor sample.”

       This dear VS is not alone in this battle. Many, if not most, of our VSs desperately need support and help in their Homes so that they can dedicate more of their time to helping their respective areas. The COs also need personnel in their Homes and offices. There are a wide variety of needs, ranging from secretaries, to childcare help/foster parents, to dedicated shepherds who can help shepherd the CO/VS Homes, and much more.
       When we brought this need to the Lord, He gave His Own plea to you, our wonderful Family:

       (Jesus speaking:)
Dear ones, My young soldiers and older soldiers alike, as many of you wonder about where your service for Me can be best used, please consider the great need your COs and VSs have for support. I call upon all of you with the gift of helps, with the gift of support, with the gift of keeping a Home running through the kitchen and other ministries, with the gift of childcare and parenting, to come to Me and consider seriously if you should dedicate your talents to help keep the CO and VS ships afloat. They are going to war, and they need strong soldiers to help them man their ships, and yet they look around and are found wanting. Who will fill these places?
       There is a great honor and privilege for those who uphold the arms of My Musketeers. There is a great reward laid up for them Here, and a great reward of satisfaction laid up for them there, on Earth. Remember, the greatest among you is he or she that is servant of all. Are you called being a servant? Then seek not to be loosed, but rather come and join the war effort by serving in your officers' ships, where every moment you will be applying yourselves fully to the war effort by just being there.
       Please, My loves, prayerfully consider what you can do for your country, and whether you can help your officers to win the wars! With love, your Commander in Chief, Jesus. (End of message from Jesus)

       As the Lord said above, “There is a great honor and privilege for those who uphold the arms of My Musketeers!” The COs and VSs can't do their jobs without the support and help of others. This makes the job of those who are willing to be that support just as important as that of the COs and VSs, and they share equally in the reward. Is the Lord calling you to any one of these ministries? If so, please contact your COs and VSs, and let them know your burdens. In the meantime we trust that the COs and VSs will be advertising their needs as well as sharing some of the different opportunities that living in their Homes could offer you.
       We're looking forward to hearing the happy testimonies of the many needs and places filled. We love you!

Mama and Peter

world news
NHK interview

By Thailand Family
       NHK-Japan's largest cable TV network-had heard about Jonas and Christy's CTP in Petchaboon during the flooding via the local news broadcasts and called us the same day, wanting to do an interview with them.
       Due to time constraints, it didn't work out right then, so we arranged for them to come to a CTP that the singing team was doing at a home for the elderly that the Family has been going to for over 10 years now.
       The elderly folks there really love the Family, especially the children and know them all by name (some of the kids were three or four when they started going there, now they're 13 and 14!) They're very young at heart and were super excited about the singing, dancing and games, which they loved participating in.
       When we first invited NHK to the CTP, their main coordinator didn't quite understand what we were going to do or why, but it was beautiful to see the Lord's Spirit change hers during our time there. When Jonas invited those in wheelchairs to dance with him in the middle of the room, she was almost in tears. The team won 10 souls to the Lord while there. The director of the home was very appreciative of our visit, asking us to please not forget the senior citizens there, and to come again soon with the children.
       A few days later, the NHK crew joined the singing team upcountry to film a concert they are doing in Mahasarakam (nine hours from Bangkok) for Loy Gratong, which is one of the most important Thai festivals of the year.
       They were amazed with this cultural exchange idea (maybe because, similar to Thailand, the Japanese culture is very important to the Japanese), and couldn't get enough of what the Family is doing in this regard here in Thailand.
       When the team got back the next day, NHK asked if they could come to the home to film and interview Jonas in his “natural surroundings.” The dear Japanese man who traveled with the team upcountry and conducted the interview at the home is the main NHK director in this part of the world. We are not sure yet when NHK will broadcast this footage, but DV, it will result in more positive coverage on the Family.

reax from recent Activated meetings in Africa

By Lisa, CO
       One immediate victory was that 110 new paid subscriptions were sent in THE DAY AFTER the meetings were over. Many new commitments were made and it has been encouraging to see that in returning home, people have taken action and made positive changes.
       Rayn from Zambia wrote: “Wow! It's super exciting to see all the potential Activated has here. I would have never dreamed it. Right now I have about 18 possible subscribers. They all said that they would like to get the magazine and fully pay for it. They will be phoning me throughout the coming week to arrange the details, and I have their phone numbers too. Not one person I have asked yet to subscribe has said no. I haven't had this much fun witnessing since I joined the Family!”
       Liberty in South Africa wrote: “We just wanted to thank you all very much for the meeting. It strengthened, encouraged, and envisioned us so much. We are activated to go forward now. The Spirit at the meeting was so powerful and encouraging, and the Lord's anointing was certainly upon it.”

apology from Jane, Chile

Dear Family in Chile and Argentina:
       God bless you. I love you very much. Thank you for being the most wonderful Family of Love there is. First of all, I wanted to thank you for your many labors of love I've seen. I was very blessed and honored to serve you as a VS, and I count it as a privilege to still work on these valuable fields with you.
       The main reason of this note is to ask each one of you, even those who have left these fields, to forgive me for my bad sample in shepherding the area. I'm really sorry for those I badly hurt and confused. As my relationship with Jesus weakened and I didn't follow the counsel that was in the Word closely, I missed the mark in many ways and failed to be true to you and the Family.
       As a VS I feel I've failed you in a hundred ways. I got far from the sample in the Letters, the New Wine which carries a spirit of love, humility, simplicity and unity. I lacked love to love you more and without partiality, instead I was proud, selfish and self-centered. I wasn't sensitive enough to your needs and desires, and I failed you by not being as approachable and supportive of your various projects and ideas as I should have. I lacked simplicity and put too much attention on material things and conforming to this world. “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).
       With all this said, I kneel before Jesus and you to ask for forgiveness of my wrong doings, which have hurt you. I am so sorry. It is my desire that as I call on the keys of the Kingdom, I will be helped to do all I can on my part to restore the love and unity that were lost through my actions, and to make the changes I so desperately need. There exist no impossibilities for us, the Children of David! Will you accept this cry of apology to you all whom I hurt?
       “If I have wounded any soul today, if I have caused any foot to go astray, if I have walked in my own willful way, dear Lord, forgive.”
       ILY and thank you for listening. I'm praying for you that our loving Husband will bless you and your children this Christmas, and side by side, shoulder to shoulder, we will feed hungry hearts with our unique message. “The unique message the Lord has given you to preach is what the Family is about” (GN 690, part 4).

With much love,


Faith vs. System jobs

       Mark CO, India:
In part three of the “Conviction vs. Compromise” GNs there was quite a bit on System jobs and fundraising. One paragraph highlighted the need for people to really question their fundraising techniques if they don't provide an avenue for developing a lasting work for the Lord and keeping that as a criterion.
       Ours is a very large Home with a big budget for a Third World country, and only 20% or less of our budget consists of outside mail income. We have to raise the rest from the field.
       As a Home we wanted to embrace the church growth and Activated vision as soon as it came out, and we certainly did take the steps we could and needed to at the time. As far as everyone's personal desires, this vision was definitely “it.” Nevertheless, we had a budget and a need for finances to survive and keep going.
       We have a music ministry-a band, as well as a dance group-and this has been an avenue not only for reaching and meeting people we otherwise could not reach, but also played a big part in our budget and fundraising each month.
       As the need for our budget to increase continued to grow, we leaned more and more on doing programs, as we were getting lots of offers, and it did even seem that the Lord was supplying according to the need and desperate prayer. We continued to go in that direction for a couple of months, but we got to where we could see that our pledgers and our tithers stopped growing. In fact, there started to become a decrease in that channel of support and income. This set off some alarm bells, as the Word is saying to invest in church growth and in live-outs and in this avenue of our ministry, promising that this would be our main support in times to come.
       It became evident that the many man hours and time being spent on programs and shows was time taken away from other ministries-ministries that perhaps didn't make our budget that month, yet according to the Word were going to be our life support in the future. Around that time, the second prophecy for India came out, which we received after the Summit. So we took a Prayer Day to go over that prophecy, as well as to seek the Lord about our Home.
       The Lord gave some very good counsel about our programs and shows. We agreed as a Home that if the program or show-no matter how much was being offered us-didn't support the church growth and Activated vision, but was merely a fundraising program, then we would not take it. That also went for how many we would take in a month. If we could only accept two and not more to give us the time needed for follow up, classes, and getting out Activated, then we shouldn't accept any more. This was a step of faith. It was also at that time when a lot of us saw and realized that if we reached our budget that month we felt “content and fruitful.” Lord help us, obviously we needed to re-evaluate our priorities.
       To wrap up the testimony, the first month we made that commitment, we did not reach our budget and we were short. It wasn't too serious and we got by just fine, but it was a test. I was actually really happy in my heart that the Lord did that, as it strengthened our conviction in what the Lord had showed us, and we weren't going to slide back just because we didn't make as much money.
       But the Lord is faithful, and from then on we've had only greater supply. In fact, our budget has only increased in the last few months and the Lord has helped us to reach it. We do not have as many shows, yet we get almost twice as much for them. Each program and show now also has a very important place in our Activated vision and in witnessing to the sheep. Also, because we've agreed as a Home to limit the percentage of our budget which gets filled via funds received from programs and shows, if we receive above and beyond that, which the Lord has blessed us with many a month, we divide it up and put it towards the months to come. That way we've already added on to our next month's budgets, giving us more time in future months for feeding the sheep and witnessing.
       We've seen so clearly that putting God's work first and what He says in the Word first and foremost bears fruit and works!


       Joy, for Islamabad Home, Pakistan:
Our teen girls were asked to participate in a catwalk for a local NGO where the wealthiest ladies of the city organize a monthly fundraising event. The guest of honor was Imran Khan, a former cricketer turned politician. Our girls prayed about it and asked the Home to do so as well. The Lord indicated to go ahead and use this as an opportunity to meet Imran Khan and to prepare a package for him and his wife.
       The day came and I was a bit nervous to say the least, as these high-class ladies societies aren't my favorite type of crowd. The Lord was very encouraging and indicated that we should let our light so shine. The whole show went very well and Imran, who came alone because his wife had the flu, did pretty well among 200 to 300 women. As he was leaving I knew it had to be fast, and it just so happened that all the people around him cleared up and we got to exchange a few words with him. He gladly received the package we prepared for him with a newsletter, quote sheets and a personal letter for him. So the Lord did it! We also met a very sweet lady who was a model and turned out to be receptive and wants to help us with our weekly CTP.

Tips on Activating

By Lisa, a spirit helper:
Let's say you just led someone to the Lord and had him filled with the Holy Spirit. He is standing there with a big smile on his face. He's not sure what to do next. Now is the time to tell him that if he wants to grow, he needs to be fed spiritually-just like a little baby needs to be fed to grow. He is a newborn baby in the spirit. You can then tell him that you have just the thing for him. Pull out the Activated mag and show it to him. Fill in his name and address.
       Visit him again or call later and find out if he has received his magazine. Since it takes a few weeks to actually get the first magazine in the mail, during that time you can be establishing contact with him and feeding him with the tools you have on hand. Better yet, get him to take one magazine right on the spot, so he has something to “eat” while he's waiting for his mailings to start coming in.
       Another scenario: You're witnessing to someone who is already saved, but that you are meeting for the first time. You could ask her what kind of plan she uses to get her spiritual nourishment. If she says she doesn't have a plan, then explain to her about the Activated materials. If she has a plan already and is happy with it, or is even a little defensive about already being a Christian, you can encourage her to keep going with that. Ask her if she is reaching out to witness to others, which most people won't be able to attest to doing much of. Here you can encourage her that she too can be a witness and feed others by sponsoring subscriptions to the Activated magazine for the poor in countries that need the Gospel but maybe don't have enough money to pay for it. You can explain or show pictures about the work that the Family does in Africa, India, Russia, etc.
       Then there are the people who you have already led to the Lord and are following up on or have the potential to follow up on. You can go to each one and explain that you have a feeding program that, if followed, would enhance his or her spiritual walk with the Lord. You could also explain about the need to be spiritually fed. Then you could explain the Activated program, and highly recommend that he or she subscribe.
       You can use the Activated mag as a springboard for conversations when following up on people, or you can use your time together to read portions of the mag. And as you get more and more people signed up, you could have weekly Bible studies that cover more in depth what was covered in the Activated mag for that month.
       Those are just a few ideas. The main point is that after a person gets saved he needs to get fed spiritually and you have the means now whereby to start him off, whether you can meet him again or not.-But if you can meet the person again, your witness is all the more powerful. Either way, you no longer need to be going around scattering seed and having spiritual babies without being able to care for them.
       Take advantage of this new tool. It is only going to get better and better, and the possibilities are innumerable. (End of message from Lisa.)

legal and media

- Ruth of Job wrote that this summer her brother in Germany was contacted by a German journalist who did a documentary (German TV, ZDF) about the Family back in 1978 or '79. The short program included Ruth's testimony as well as a former member enemy's, so it had some positive and some negative. The journalist would like to do another program about Ruth and her family's missionary work. When he could not get in touch with them due to their traveling, her brother, who is very favorable, gave the journalist a positive interview about their work.

- Mary, Tino and Shane: The newspaper Gasette de Sud of Craiova wrote an article regarding the medical aid we donated to several hospitals. They also did an article regarding the sponsored swimming pool activities which we have been transporting kids from three different orphanages to (circulation: 50,000).

- Andrew and Faith: While out witnessing and clowning with the children, we met a lady who invited us for a radio interview. We thought it was just a little radio station, but found out afterward that this is the one Christian station where all the big churches broadcast from. During the hour we were on the air she put on four songs from the Famine for Love CD. The interview was done in Dutch and we talked about my 27 years of serving the Lord in the Family, with testimonies of witnessing to Muslims in Turkey, Christians in India that are being persecuted, and our upcoming CTP project to take humanitarian aid to Mauritania. She put in a plug for school materials and children's clothes and shoes and paint for the project, giving the listeners our P.O. box and phone number. The lady has called us to say that she will be playing our music on her program two times a week for the coming weeks. We gave her a copy of Famine for Love, Freezone, Always, Ritmos Sin Fronteras, and Wings of Prayer. She also mentioned that she has a few extra hours of radio time that she was going to give up, but the Lord told her to hang on to it, and now she wants to give it to us.

- Aaron, Lisa, and Marc: Aaron was invited to speak about hearing from God and witnessing to Muslims on three Christian radio stations in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, after the September 11 attack on the States (audience: 15,000).

- John and Marianne: The weekly newspaper wrote an article on our CTP project “See Clear.” The article was entitled: “Volunteers Help Them to See Better,” and explained about our project with local optometrists to help 17 learners at Siyaphambili with glasses. The “See Clear” project is aimed at helping learners to improve their education by ensuring that they can see well enough to do so. So far a total of 2,650 learners at four schools have been checked and glasses have been supplied to those in need (circulation: 80,000).

- Gideon, Rachel, and Magdalene: SABC TV did a short clip on the national news showing us giving out 550 blankets to HIV-positive kids, mentally handicapped, orphans and flood victims (audience: 2,500,000).

- Enoch, Peace, Dan, and Precious: OBN TV broadcast The Final Stand. OBN and affiliate stations broadcast the last two Treasure Attics, completing the series! We did a live music show on Sarajevo Student Radio hosted by our new friends from the U.S. embassy. Our girls' singing team sang eight songs live and gave short interviews and comments on the songs. Several people called in and one girl commented that she was very touched by the song “Peace In the Midst of Storm” (in the local language).

- Ben, Meekness, Sam, and Sherri: We were featured in an article in the Advertiser newspaper (circulation: 250,000).

- John and Rose: La Gu¡a magazine, a small provincial services magazine, carried our logo with a brief statement of our CTP and Website address (circulation: 10,000).

- Richard, Joanne, Laura, and Jahmai: A local radio station did an interview with Faith and me (Joanne) about the show that we will be doing next week. (We signed up for two hours of live broadcasting weekly for the next year. We are scheduled to put our first show on air on October 3rd, and we can do whatever the Lord leads.) A while ago I wrote a devotional on the subject of suffering; it was called “God's Precious Pearls.” When the WTC was destroyed in the U.S., the next day my article was up on the “CFO” site, among another nine pieces they chose to publish for the occasion.

- John, Ruby, Faithy, and Andrew: Zenith cable TV station broadcasts clips of TA and KV (audience: 1,000,000). Kismama magazine, a popular monthly magazine for pregnant women and new mommies, printed a letter that Jenny wrote in, all about how she had a difficult time with her first baby when he cried a lot. She encouraged new mommies not to give up, saying that children are a gift of God, and that the light is at the end of the tunnel. The article was one page long and shows a beautiful picture of Jenny and her son Adam. The magazine wants Jenny to write in again (circulation: 100,000).

- Sarah and Thaddeus: There was a national variety news program on which Victor shared about his life, work and family in India.

- Mary, Andrew, Martin, and Michael: On Capital FM (radio station) we talked for five minutes, giving a missionary perspective on what has happened in the States, etc. We talked about these things being fulfillment of Bible and other prophecies about the Endtime, how we can help through prayer, why does God allow sin and suffering, and how we can each do our part to make this world better by showing love (audience: 2,000,000).

- Paul, Maria, and Jan: Paul and Jan asked The Tide newspaper to do an article about the upcoming medical project. They interviewed us on the spot, and took a picture which they put in the paper the next day with our names. The article, with a picture of Paul and Jan, came out four days before the project began, talking about the different projects Family Care Association is involved with in Nigeria, and also about the Activated magazine and how our ultimate goal is to preach the Gospel. Many people commented that they had seen our picture in the paper and heard about the project (circulation: 200,000).
       NTA came on Wednesday morning to film the medical camp. They took shots in the surgery theater, in the consultation rooms and outside during the inauguration of the project led by the Health Commissioner of the State. The local Government Chairman was present, as well as Elf Management and of course some of us as organizers (audience: 3,000,000).

- Tina, Happy, Simon, and Celly: We broadcast 24 shows (audience: 8,000,000).

Christmas outreach idea

       A new idea that the Lord has inspired me with is to send an e-mail to all my supporters, offering the Christmas cards for a donation to our work in Africa. Since I've started to send my newsletters more by e-mail, I get much more response from people who are too busy to write letters.
       -John W., Zambia

My visit with Jasper and Love in Tampa
By Joy (of Dan), Mexico

       Jasper is a dear, dear friend. We had lived in nearby Homes for several years and he was someone I had a deep respect for. I knew it would be hard for me to see him, but I knew I couldn't pass by Tampa without seeing Love, and hopefully being an encouragement to her.
       Love is beautiful. I knew her a few years ago and have always loved her a lot. She is outgoing, positive and just so wonderful, still 100% CM and 100% trusting the Lord. She is truly someone who has become a diamond through the pressure. In the course of our talks together she mentioned something about the accident-some details I didn't know. I said that it was a shame it had happened in another country where he hadn't received the expert care he could have received here in the U.S. She really reproved me. She said, “I can't even allow myself to think that way. All I know is that it happened the way it did. I have seen people in even worse shape than Jasper who had accidents here. The Lord has been so good to us.”
       She told me that her kids have had a hard time coming to terms with it. Most of her children have left the Family. One of her children said the first question they were going to ask when they got to Heaven was why this happened to Jasper. She told them, “When you get to Heaven and Jesus puts His arms around you, you won't have any questions.”
       I had received a prophecy for myself a few months ago when one of my kids had left and I was having a hard time with it. The Lord told me that if I would just agree to be a pillar that He would build a building around me. At the time I couldn't understand how He could ask me that, but seeing Love standing alone, so beautiful and strong in her faith, I suddenly understood what the Lord had been telling me. She has a lot to teach us all.
       I desperately prayed with my daughter Robin before our visit with Jasper. As we prayed, I could feel warmth and a tingling sensation in my hands, like I have a few different times when the Lord did a healing miracle. As we came face to face with Jasper, it was so difficult not to give in to my grief. The first fifteen minutes I could barely talk. Looking at the picture of the healthy wonderful man I had known and trying to relate to the person I saw before me was difficult. Robin showed him her photo album and he turned the pages rapidly with his good hand until he got to a picture of Cedar (of Jason). Then he stopped turning the pages and stared at her picture, tapping it. We asked him if he remembered Cedar and he did the slow blink of his eyes which Love said signifies yes.
       He stared at me, like he was amazed to see me. When I held his hand, he squeezed it and stroked my fingers so lovingly, so giving. I could feel him reaching out and loving me, responding so warmly. I couldn't say the words, but I kept thinking. “I'm going to keep on for you, Jasper. No matter how useless I feel sometimes, or how discouraged I become, I am going to remember you and I'm going to reach one more soul for you.” It was a deeply spiritual experience for me and I felt healed deep in my heart. I had thought we would be an encouragement to Jasper, but in an amazing way, he was an encouragement to me.
       We knew he understood. Robin sang to him for the longest time and he just seemed to love every minute of it. He would stroke my hand, and just seemed to come alive with the songs. Then we both began to encourage him, telling him that he had been so faithful to follow up and witness-always. We told him that there are so many young people who he helped, who are serving the Lord and winning souls. We told him that he was before his time, a pioneer in follow up, but now the Family all around the world is fulfilling his dream.
       As we finally said our goodbyes, I leaned over to him to hug him and he threw himself into my arms. I was overwhelmed. He was telling me in every way he could how thankful he was for our visit. We had no doubts he understood. The Spirit bore witness that we touched him.
       I know it would be hard for others to go and see Jasper, but it would mean so much to Love and to him. If I lived closer, I would go to see him as often as possible. I know it was good for him to have a surprise like that, someone from the past he knew and loved. Love said she hadn't seen him like that in a while. So the sacrifice of a broken heart was hardly a sacrifice because it was broken for love.
       I thanked Love for putting us up and getting up at 6 a.m. to take us to the airport and she said, “Don't thank me. Having you here is like Christmas.”

For Jasper

       I wept because I felt like I was outgrowing my usefulness, until I saw a friend who couldn't move.
       I fell into moments of despair because I didn't feel like the person I used to be, until I saw my friend so changed I could hardly recognize him.
       I complained over aches and pains until I looked into my dear friend's eyes and saw the real meaning of affliction.
       I sometimes felt like I had nothing to say, until I saw my friend who couldn't speak.
       I looked critically in the mirror at the laughter wrinkles on my face until I saw my dear friend couldn't even smile.
       I felt his loving hand in mine and felt his healing touch on my life, on my heart, and on my thoughts.
       Jasper, you are still a witness. You touched me deep inside my heart and made me want to keep on keeping on.
       Because I know you would, if you could.

letters to the editor
Re: Jesus and me before I was born

By an FGA woman, Canada
       In GN 953 it talks about Jesus knowing us before the earth was, and that we had a full life together. It says that if you have battles with comparing or feeling negatively about yourself, to pray and ask the Lord about the choices that you made before coming to earth, and it would make it easier for you to understand and be able to handle things in your life that you find difficult.
       I did just that and prayed about the choices that I made before coming to earth, and it was indeed a relief to get the answer. I am one of those people that have been through a great deal. To list some of the things: a brain tumor, c-section, three miscarriages, rheumatism, tendonitis, hemorrhoids, headaches, and a damaged nerve in my finger. I almost lost my daughter when she was one year old, and I've been through more than one marriage. Like I said, those are just a few of the things that I've been through and obviously, the Lord was trying to teach me compassion. The point is that I had no idea that I had made that choice before coming to earth! TYJ!

Re: Angel in Capetown, Africa
(GV #114)
By Catherine, Brasilia
God bless you, Angel! Your testimony really touched my heart! That picture of you teaching those kids is so fantastic! It's wonderful to see you doing that for Jesus. Sometimes we think we don't know much, but in those countries, your talent goes so far. I'm glad you said “yes” to Jesus and accepted that job. The Lord is really using you as a sample of the fruit of your parents being missionaries in the Family. Everybody is looking for that these days-on fire, willing, young people who aren't afraid or too lazy to use their talents. Keep going! The Lord is watching and is very happy!

request for your testimonies

       Have you experienced a miracle? A healing? A manifestation of the power of the keys? Something that was so awesome, so wonderful, so amazing that it couldn't be just a coincidence, but had to be supernatural? Have the Letters on the age of miracles had an effect on your life? Or the Letters on the keys? Are you different than you were before they came? Has your ministry enlarged, or your fruits increased? Have you seen the Lord intervene in hitherto unseen or un-thought-of ways? If so ...
       We need stories of how you've seen miracles as you've exercised the power of the keys, what the Lord has done, or how you've changed. Write us about past events too, but especially if you've seen new things happen-things that you didn't experience before the Lord released this mighty power of the keys of the Kingdom that is ours in this, the age of miracles.
       We need to hear about it, we want to hear about it, and the world is dying to hear about it! There are countless needy people dying of spiritual hunger, who need the miracles the Lord can give them. We need these miracles to do our work for Him, too. And we need your stories and testimonies to show that He's fulfilling His Word, how He's doing it, how the power of the keys has helped, and how you're able to wield the mighty power that is now at our command. It can change our lives all the more as you tell us how it has changed yours.
       Please send your testimony to us at the FSM box: fsm@wsfamily.com. We love you and will be anxiously awaiting news of miracles and the power of the keys from YOU!
       PS. Mama would like to thank all of you who have written her about your experiences with the keys, healing, and other supernatural gifts. Keep them coming!

Forsake all to get Activated!

By Stephen and team, Liberia
       Is it hard for you to believe that running water can only be found on one street in the whole country of Liberia? If I were to tell you that electricity is offered to only the inner city of the capital of Liberia and the rest of Liberia is in darkness, would you believe me? The Liberian postal system has been operating since our arrival, but has little to no public trust. Therefore the task of getting Activated into Liberia, and at an affordable price to most Liberians, has been our number one goal since the Lord initiated the Activated program.
       Last week Liberia's very first Activated magazines entered the country on a Ghana Airways flight from the U.S. This story is about the man who brought them in, a Liberian, a friend, and someone who we've known only a short time, but whom the Lord activated to forsake all!
       Because of conditions here in Liberia, the Clarkes live apart. Mr. Clarke has two homes, one in Liberia and one in New Jersey, right across the river from Manhattan Island. His home is in a high-rise apartment and he used to be able to see the Twin Towers before they were destroyed. Before leaving for America, Mr. Clarke agreed to bring in a small shipment of Activated magazines for us. I was sure to tell him that Activated is for the Liberian people, and that Activated, if given a chance, will turn this country right side up.
       One week before Mr. Clarke was due to fly back into Liberia he wrote us an e-mail, and in it he told us that he would get our magazines in at any cost! Two days later the Twin Towers were destroyed. Mr. Clarke told us that the day before the catastrophe he had decided to go the following morning to do his banking business at the Towers. As he and his wife live apart, they like to make the best of their time when together, so in the past he would usually tell his wife of his banking plans and then she would arrange for them to have breakfast at the Towers. However, this time he suddenly, for some unknown reason, decided not to tell his wife, and so nothing was arranged.
       On the day of the disaster Mrs. Clarke went off to work two blocks away from the Towers and Mr. Clarke prepared to make his trip to his bank at the Towers. However, at the last minute Mr. Clarke decided not to go; he stayed at home instead to do some computer work. That very morning the Towers were hit, and his wife, along with thousands of others, were trapped on Manhattan Island for hours because the whole island was closed from incoming and outgoing traffic. Mrs. Clarke and many others finally caught a one-day pleasure cruise ferry that had been converted to move the thousands off the island.
       One week later Mr. Clarke made his way to JFK airport where his next important decision awaited him. Mr. Clarke is in the computer maintenance business, and therefore brings thousands of dollars worth of computer parts on his return journeys to Liberia. This trip, Mr. Clarke, as usual, had loaded as many spare parts as possible into his carry on, along with our magazines and a laptop computer that was being sent to us from Family members in the States.
       Upon reaching JFK he found it almost deserted, except for hundreds of FBI officers. He went through four hours of luggage searching at the hands of the FBI, and as he had the most carry on and excess luggage of all the passengers on that flight, he quickly fell behind the rest of the passengers. Every item was looked at with suspicion. “They even took my fingernail clippers off me,” he told us as he pointed to our computer, shaking his head, as he went on to say, “I don't know how this thing got past.” At this point in the search he was told that duty and excess luggage prices had risen, so he was expected to pay an enormous amount in fees.
       No doubt most of us have been caught in the scenario that followed: He had a pile of luggage, he was the last passenger to be registered, and all the airline company staff were trying to hustle him along so as not to delay the flight as he ran and stumbled and sweated his way to the final check point before boarding. What a relief to have made it to this point, he thought. He was almost on the plane! Almost, but…. “Excuse me, sir, but the rules have changed due to the Twin Towers incident, and now no one is allowed to take on more than 10 pounds of carry on!” Dumbfounded, he looked down at our computer and Activated magazines. As he reached down to pick up the magazines, he heard these words ring in his ears, “Don't worry, I'm going to get your magazines in no matter what the cost!”
       So dear Mr. Clarke took our computer out of its carry bag and put the computer into his personal carry on. He took the Activated magazines out of the bag they were in and put them into his personal carry on. Then he loaded up all the excess luggage, the computer spare parts for his business back in Liberia, and he walked over to the nearest trash can and threw everything in the garbage!
       “I knew it was the Devil. I knew he was trying to make me go back on my word and what the Lord had shown me. It was a test. My back was against the wall. What could I do? This was the Word of God. It had to get into Liberia,” he said after he finished telling us his story.

letter from a friend

       Greetings in the name of Christ our Lord and Savior! I received your package. I devoured everything, and after reading the MO Lettersyou sent, I could not contain my thoughts any longer. I felt like crying, actually.
       They are awesome, very inspiring. I am a quick reader, and I read them several times before writing this. I shall not comment on each one, for if I were to do so, it would take several hours. That we may do after we meet.
       I believe original Christians did not entertain the selfish idea of personal property. They must have freely exchanged love between communal members. From the idea of my wife, my husband, etc., the narrow idea of “turf” starts. Then my family, my country, etc. In fact, all creations stand upon sharing and love.
       In only highly evolved souls, this concept of non-possession can become reality. Many people stay in a marriage where there is no love, not even physical intercourse, for the sake of security or because they fear the court of public opinion. Truly free beings are able to read the Bible like the Family does, and are able to crash the shackles of Satan and set themselves free.
       Jesus Christ was a revolutionary to the institutionalized Judaists. He dined and wined with men and women, and had a beautiful friendship with many of His close associates. In Jesus Lebt Im Indien-a German book which was written by a University of Magdaburg Professor, Jesus and Mary Magdalene were said to be very intimate. This view I totally agree with. He came to love. He was love. Merely talking heady, abstract love may be good for the Popes of Churchianity, but not for the dynamic Savior.
       I am so grateful to Divine Providence that finally there is a true Christian community that does not advocate hypocrisy, or preach abstract nonsense that never solves any of the ills we are facing today.
       I understand that throughout ages, all people who did not follow and take order from the mainstream are called names, persecuted. As far as I've read in your materials, there is nothing which is not in accordance with the Bible, and therefore I want to declare that you are true Christians. This is my testimony. I never, never thought Christians could really be this true or have this advanced spirituality level. The Family is great!
       I wasted my precious time with useless Christian churches whose pastors are spiritually dead, whose members are hypocrites. I lament my misfortune for not meeting true Christians like you earlier.
       Hail to the torchbearers of true love. Yes, as your book states, true Christians must be revolutionary. Thousands of thanks to your kindness for these Letters. Although I am away from you, I want to call myself a friend of the Family.

Yours sincerely
Alex, USA

help wanted

       Dearest ones! We are Tim and Dove (Russian nationals) we have a six-year-old daughter. According to Russian law, she has to start official Russian school this year. The Lord has opened the door with ACE school here in Moscow for us to home school her according to Russian standards, but she has to attend school once a week and the fee for one month is $70 or $500 until the end of the school year. We would like to ask you to join us in prayer and call on the power of the keys for supply. And if the Lord puts it on your heart to help us towards raising this amount, we would appreciate every gift big and small. Please send your gifts to RU001 via Russia ABM, marked for Tim and Dove.

JETT/OC activity

By Victoria (20, of David) for the VS Home in São Paulo
       Recently the Lord has been showing the different ones in our Home the need to use our talents and all the things that we “young people” have learned through our years in the Family to the full. He laid on our hearts the desire to hold a JETT/OC activity every week for the São Paulo area. About 30 JETTs and OCs attend the classes. This is how we do it:
       We have three classes going on at the same time: Handyman, Art, and Music. Each JETT and OC chooses which class they would like to be involved in, according to their gifts and talents. The handyman class is given by David (22, my husband), where the kids learn arts and crafts, electronics, carpentry, etc.
       Then there is the art class, given by Marcos; there the kids learn to draw.
       And there is the music class, given by Joy (of Matt); there the kids learn to read music, play the guitar, flute, piano, etc.
       After each workshop, the JETTs and OCs go to their next activity. A Bible class is given by Celeste (VS) and Tiago (23, of Crystal) to the JETTs, and Joy (of Matt) holds the class for the OCs.
       We want to emphasize that this would not be possible without the help of all the those behind the scenes who so willingly give of their time so that this project can come true. A special thanks to: Mercy and her Home, who supplied us with bread for the activities, also to Juan Francisco and Ester's Home that helped with their provisioning, and dear Marité, who was our faithful cook, and last, but not least, our faithful dishwashers, Jonathan (VS), Marcos, David, Karina and José.
       Here our some of the reactions from our JETTs and OCs:

       Sharon (13, of Aaron and Joy):
After a long day of working with the boys to change the bedroom carpets (which had been provisioned) we set off to the Granja Home where our power-packed Bible class is going to happen. Once we get there, we get through our “Hello activity!” with our friends. Right after that we are divided into three groups, and the practical classes (music, art, and handyman) begin. After these classes we line up for a yummy dinner. After dinner we are once again divided, this time into two groups (JETTS and OCs) and our Bible class begins.
       These classes have been inspiring us to get on board with the new era of action that the Family is living in. We learn about the Endtime, read the Contato (Activated) mags, GN portions, and share testimonies.
       These classes have been helping me to get closer to the Lord, to receive more prophecy and to memorize more faithfully. Knowing what the era of action is all about and learning how to live it has given me faith for what is ahead. It's given me a desire to witness more and to save more souls for Jesus.
       After this inspiring class we're ready to go back to our Homes and live all we learned with the help of our parents, brothers and sisters.

       Levi (14):
Since I began participating in the Bible classes, I have learned so many things that I did not know before. I would like to thank our dear shepherds for starting these meetings. They are so inspiring, and all the memorizing we do is very important for our witnessing, and preparation for the Endtime.

       André (13, of Adino and Joana):
I am very happy for this time of fellowship, because this is a wonderful time to exercise my spiritual muscles, and now more than ever, since we are living in the Endtime.

       Alissa (14, of Jenny):
I am very thankful for this time that we have, not only because I can see my friends and fellowship, but also because these classes help answer my questions and make me study and memorize the Word more.

       Jessica (12, of Martin and Ester):
These Bible classes are very fun and inspiring. They have helped me to get closer to the Lord and to have more of a hunger for the Word, and also to have more faith for what I need to do to become the missionary I need to be for Jesus.

       Laura (11, of Aaron and Joy):
If you asked me what I think about the classes, I would say, “They're cool.” But what does “they're cool” mean? For me it means:
*       Learning new things about the Word and the Endtime
*       Using the new weapons
*       Understanding the GNs
*       Learning how to witness
*       Memorizing to reach lost souls
*       Reading and understanding the Activated magazines
*       Learning to how to love the Lord more,
*       Inspiring me to use the gift of prophecy every day for everything

       It's been inspiring to see all our young people on board and on fire for Jesus! We want to thank everyone who had a part in this project, especially the JETTs and OCs, of course! We hope this idea caches on!

Seeing eyes made blind!

By D.M., Home in Africa
       From what we have heard, recently four of our country's “high council of five” (which includes the Prime Minister) spoke up strongly against certain of the PM's policies and were promptly relieved of their positions, made to appear as “hardliners,” “Marxists,” or accused of corruption.
       Connected to this, a few big businessmen (including a friend of ours) were soon after arrested on charges of corruption. Our friend was related through marriage to a member of this “high council” and some feel that he was pulled into the picture to make the corruption charges brought against members of this council more believable. (He's now been in prison for four months, with no further trial date yet set.)
       We know according to the Word that “all things work together for the good to those who love Him,” so we believe the Lord will use this time for our friend to examine his own life, and to perhaps come out with a better set of priorities, and a renewed relationship with the Lord.
       Prayer is “the most we can do” for our friends but I asked the Lord if there was something else we could do for this man. The Lord said that I should bring him two of our booklets, From Jesus - with Love and Dare to Be Different (he's a very non-conventional, dynamic person). I went to see another friend of ours who knows him and asked if she could bring the books to him. She encouraged me to go with her to give them to him personally.
       On the morning of the day I was to see him, the Lord said, “Go with joy and gladness, for this, My wandering son, shall indeed come closer to Me. The books you will now leave him will play their part, as My Word does not come back void.”
       When I got in my friend's car, she told me that books were not allowed to be brought into the prison. She explained they were very strict about bringing in anything except food, and that I would have to leave the books in the car. As we drove off, I silently prayed for the Lord's guidance.
       Leaving the car, I put the books in my back pocket and my friend asked, “You're taking them?” I told her that if the guards confiscated them, fine, but I'd like to give the Lord a chance to do the miracle because I felt, after hearing from Him that very morning, that He wanted to use these books for our friend's encouragement and to point him to faith and the Lord.
       As we approached the first set of military prison guards who were armed with machine guns, I prayed out loud so that she would hear. I prayed, “Lord, You said You'd open doors that no man could close, and as You made the blind eyes to see, You can also make the seeing eyes blind.”
       After checking our IDs, we were allowed to pass. But at the second (of several) checkpoints, we were turned back. They said that I, being a foreigner, would not be able to go into the prison. It was a closed door, even after a witness to the guards and the superior officer.
       I pulled my friend aside and handed her the books. She hesitated at first about taking them in, but I told her that if they took them away, she could just claim them on the way out and give them back to me. On she went, while I stayed back witnessing to the soldiers and guards. It was more than an hour later that I heard the whole story of what had happened.
       Passing through several more security checks, the books in one hand on top of her baseball cap, in clear view, our lady friend was thoroughly frisked-they even had her remove her shoes. But though the books were in full view, “somehow” they were missed!
       The prisoners were in a long line with the visitors facing them. There were a few meters between the prisoners and visitors, and there were guards everywhere. The whole time our friend was in the prison, a guard stood next to her, but as he could not speak English, she was able to let our friend in prison know that I had tried unsuccessfully to get in, but that I had given her a couple Christian books for him.
       When he realized that she had gotten through with the books, he broke out laughing, as he couldn't believe that these books had made it through the prison's ultra strict security.
       She wanted to get the books to him somehow, but there was no way to hand them to him. Our friend in prison told our lady friend that the security was also very tight on the way out, and that if she was found with these books she could be in real trouble. This made our woman friend now quite nervous to say the least.
       After a while, our friend in prison got an inspiration. He told her that if someone could walk down about a 100 meters that there was a “privileged” prisoner there whom he had befriended who had good relations with the guards, and that there might be a small chance to hand the books to him as he was not watched as closely as the others.
       Without hesitation our friend's brother (who was with her) took the two booklets from our woman friend's hand and put them under his arm and started walking towards this prisoner. He said later, “It was the most amazing thing. The eyes of the guards were all on me as I was passing. They'd look at me and they would look at these two books under my arm, and although they have specific training and discernment to see and spot such things, it was as though I had nothing under my arm-like they couldn't see the books!” Our woman friend's brother did pass them on to the “privileged prisoner,” who promised to pass them on as soon as he could.-A miracle!
       When the brother returned, the woman was dumbfounded that the books had safely been passed on. She said, “This can't be done. It's impossible.” Our friend in prison could only laugh again as it was all so incredible. He must have also known, as these two others confessed later, that it could have only been the Lord Who could have “blinded” the eyes of these many guards. Like that quote says, “If God be for it, no man can stand against it.”
       When meeting me later at the front gate of the prison our woman friend said, “It may not be a miracle such as when God parted the Red Sea for Moses, but nevertheless it is truly a miracle!” Our friend's brother and this woman now want to come over our Home to learn more about our God of miracles!
These Activated books were indeed passed on to our detained friend. Less than three weeks later, the newspaper's headline read:

       This is nothing short of miraculous, as no one expected it at this time! Although the Supreme Court has said there are no legal grounds to keep our friend in jail, the police have refused to immediately comply, citing their own reasons for delaying to follow this order. Also, as the paper states, “There is a restraining order against their assets; their business and personal accounts have been frozen, the enterprises that they bought in response to the government's Privatization drive have been transferred into state custody. …”
       There is no doubt that the Lord has begun the good work. Now it just needs swift completion!

Ministering to a Palestinian ambassador

By D.M, Africa
       While out activating one day, I noticed that I'd soon reach the Palestinian embassy. When I returned Home, I asked the Lord if He had anything special in mind, and I received to look over the March FSM (369), “Pray for the Palestinian People.” In it Mama prays a beautiful prayer for the Palestinians, and it includes testimonies from two sisters' visits to hospitals in the Mideast.
       I edited this down to less than half the original size, and made a nice printout of it for the ambassador, which I hoped to combine with a copy our Home already had of the Arabic translation of Glimpses of Heaven.
       I spoke with the ambassador's secretary on the phone, telling her why I wanted to see the ambassador. Two days later I received a call and was told that if I could come in right away, “His Excellency” would see me. With my wife and newborn baby, we headed to the embassy.
       The ambassador was formally a top man of the PLA, which is a military branch of the PLO. In 1982 when Israel invaded Southern Lebanon for the second time, he was the top man for the PLA/O in Lebanon (the “military liaison” between the PLO and the Lebanese government). The Israelis tried to arrest him but he took shelter in the Egyptian embassy. He was also the Palestinian Ambassador to China for seven years. We were able to speak together for nearly two hours.
       First, we presented the excerpted FSM. I'd put Mama's prayer first and shared how our founder had been very sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and people, and that his wife, Maria, continues to lead our work. Our talk was very interesting and he shared many details about his life, the situation in Israel, the recent American events (what it means to the world and why such things happen), about Bible prophecy, about our faiths, etc.
       We got to talking about certain things the Bible and Koran have in common.-My personal favorite being the place in the Koran where it is written that Jesus will return in the Last Days to lead the forces of good against the forces of “Masihue Dejal” (the A.C.). That's always a cool witness. Even if they don't believe He's coming back as the Son of God, they've got to admit He must be quite special to be chosen as the One to return!
       The Palestinian ambassador said that he would like to invite us to his home, and insisted at the end that his driver take us home. Being driven home, we felt like the Heavenly ambassadors that we are, ha! PTL!

Announcement about Dorling Kindersley's flash cards

By the
TEAM Foundation
       Thank you all for your enthusiastic response to the Dorling Kindersley's Flash Cards offer! We trust that these materials are beneficial to you as you home school and/or tutor your children.
       You may recall in Grapevine #117 that our offer of the DK Flash Cards was “while supplies last!” Fortunately, we have been able to replenish our stock of flash cards, so that we can continue to supply you with them. We have also learned that the Dorling Kindersley's company is re-producing the flash cards; however, only four titles are available. These titles are:

*       Clothes
*       On The Farm
*       In The Garden
*       In The Home

       In addition, we can find quantities of the flash card title “Things That Go”-although we don't know exactly how much longer it will be available.
       Therefore, as of now, there will only be five titles available, not six. If you have ordered and sent payment for six, we will gladly refund the cost of one set ($5.95) to you when we fill your order. (The five sets of DK Flash cards cost: $29.75 (USD) plus shipping.) Ordering and payment information is still the same. See Grapevine #117 for details.

Spanish readers available!

By the
TEAM Foundation
       We'd like to offer a collection of four Spanish readers that are available through a home-schooling company in Texas, USA
       The best way to describe these books is as follows (taken from the “The L.A.M.B. Company” Home school Curriculum and Resource Catalog):
       “A limited number of virtually “new” Spanish readers for children grade levels 2 through 7 are available. The unique part about these books is that they were actually produced in 1966! These books are 35 years old, but they have never been used!” [Note: This is very true! We ordered the four books and the quality is as new!]
       “Each book is hardbound and in full color! Also, an extensive vocabulary definition section is included in each book.”
       “These Spanish readers are excellent for helping a student who is learning the Spanish language because they provide the opportunity for the student to practice what they are learning!”

Titles include:
*       Mis Primeros Pasos
(My First Steps)
*       De Camino (Proceed Along The Way)
*       Caminando Y Aprendiendo (Walking Along The Way)
*       Viajar Y Aprender (Traveling and Learning)

       The L.A.M.B. Company offers each book for $9.95 (plus tax, if applicable, and shipping); however, if you order all four readers, you can get them for half price-only $20.00!
       So how can you get a copy of these???

       Please contact us at TEAM FOUNDATION
       By e-mail: mail@teamfoundation.com
       By phone: 972-931-9335 or 888-871-8388
       By fax: 972-380-2214
       Address: TEAM Foundation, P.O. Box 797804, Dallas, TX 75379 USA

       Depending on where you live, we will need to work out with you how best to ship it to you and what it will cost. Contact us for further details. Thanks!
       If you place your order and/or make payment through the TRF, please provide your Home No., details about your order, your mailing address, and your e-mail address-Thanks. (Without this information, your order could be delayed.)
       Payment can be made by personal check, money order, credit card or TRF. All payment must be made in U.S. dollars. Thank you. (Please contact us if you need more information about how to make payment.)
       Before offering these Readers to the Family, we requested some of the materials to be able to preview and evaluate. We'd like to include a short evaluation by Ado, who is fluent in Spanish and has many years of teaching experience. His remarks are: “It would be worthwhile to offer these as a supplementary reader for kids who are learning Spanish and need practice.”

product offer “index”

       We'd like to offer the following “index” so that you will know where to find the various educational offers that TEAM has made available via the Grapevine. Often we receive questions, comments and great ideas from those of you who order from us-and this “index” is one of these.
       Below you'll see a listing/description of the different TEAM offers and articles that appeared in many Grapevines through the years 2000-2001. This listing can help you find all the information you'll need regarding any one or more educational offers available from TEAM.

TEAM offer/description:       Grapevine Issue #:
Sonday Phonics System       Grapevine #95, 113, 117
       Carson Dellosa flash cards (set of 2)       Grapevine #104
       Uncle Dan's Algebra I videos       Grapevine #106
       CLE/CVC ordering from TEAM “How-To”       Grapevine #107, 108
       Correction on CLE 3% extra charge       Grapevine #108,119
       History of TEAM and TEAM's current focus       Grapevine #113
       CVC Mailbox info       Grapevine #114
       DK Flash Card Sale/FML #8 Sale and TEAM Website “online”       Grapevine #117
       Super Work Book Offer       Grapevine #121

(Editor: See the FED section on the MO site for all of TEAM's offers and information in one file.)

mama's mailbox

Dearest Mama,
       I just started reading Sweetie's testimony in GN 962. I know I need to share this with you now. I've been postponing for so long; I should have done it at least three years ago.
       It was about 1984. A few years prior to that, I came back to the Family. I was still struggling and had many battles and problems. I was staying at one of the big Combos, and one night I was asked to be a rider to pick up someone at the nearest station which was over half an hour drive from our Home. It was nighttime.
       On the way to the station, I was thinking about our guardian angels, and lo and behold, I saw some angels standing at the both side of the roads, making sure that we were safe! Then I started seeing a vision. I was in this huge desert, totally lost and exhausted. Having no strength to go forward, I flopped down on my knees and cried. Then, out of nowhere, two angels in white robes flew down to take each of my arms and lift me up. They took me to a faraway mountain or hill. I remember I could see the beautiful trees down there when we were landing from the sky. I realized it was Heaven! (Later, when we saw the first showing of 20 Minutes to Go, I was amazed at how similar the scenes of Heaven in “This Must Be Heaven” were to what I saw there!)
       Everything was beautiful. There were trees and grass, and I could hear the children laughing and giggling by the nearby river, which was behind the trees. Then this girl, who looked about 12 years old, came to me. She had long hair. She took my hands, saying that she was praying for me. She sounded so sweet, and that was the end of the vision.
       I was very encouraged to know that somebody was praying for me in Heaven. But who is she? I wondered for the next five or six years until one morning when we started our prayer meeting with the song, “Somebody Prayed.” When we were singing this song, I started hearing her voice again. She told me more about herself. She got sick and was called to Heaven to perform this special mission, which is to pray for people who she is assigned to in Heaven. I'm one of them. So her ministry is to closely watch what is happening in these people's lives from Heaven, and send intercessory prayers to Jesus. She also told me that some children get together to pray when they hear of a child or children who have gotten sick or had accidents on Earth. I could see the vision of that. It was so touching.
       Needless to say, it was so inspiring and encouraging. It was confirmed that she was one of the prayer helpers for me. When I read about the prayer angels in one of the recent GNs, I knew it was so true because I have spoken with one of them! However, for a long time afterward, I never heard from her again. But knowing that she was praying for me all the time was very comforting, especially when I was going through big trials or battles.
       A few years later, one beautiful morning when I was still in my bed waking up, I heard her voice again. I couldn't see her, but I could hear her voice saying, “Here's the key of prayer. I'm passing it to you now so that you can do what I'm doing too.” I felt something was laid in my left hand. It was something I had never thought of at that time-the key of prayer! Now we read more Words about keys! We're learning how important and powerful they are. Yes, I know these keys exist! Lord help us to be faithful to use them to fulfill our great mission in this very important time!
       -FGA woman, Japan


GED testing

       Margie, Japan: Many of our young people feel that they haven't been properly educated in the Family. I personally feel the opposite, and agree with Dad that Family education is tops if parents and Homes follow the instruction of the Word and the requirements of the Charter, ensuring that their children have sufficient time to go through whatever system they use-whether it be CLE, ACE, etc.-and they have someone to help them with their difficulties.
       We found a place in Tokyo where our young people can take the GED from the age of 17. Three of our young people took the GED this month: My daughter, Alvi (17), Hikaru (18), and my secretary Ruby (24).
       Hikaru had only studied until 7th grade, and then had a gap where he wasn't able to do much scholastics, but went to be a missionary in China. He came to the HCS last year and then got time to catch up part time, while he was also learning computer maintenance with his father, Chip.
       Alvi completed 8th grade CLE, while at the same time doing part time-teaching, spending six months at Family Care where she got excellent art training, but didn't get to do much school; then she was able to go to Africa for a few months, where she didn't do much scholastics, but learned a lot in other areas. She finished her 8th grade after she returned to Japan last April, and then spent the last few months studying the GED book, while at the same time doing childcare, going on the road for a whole month, etc.
       Ruby felt she didn't get a lot of formal scholastics in younger years, though she's very intelligent, a bright girl, and an excellent secretary. Because of this feeling of not being up to par, I encouraged her to study her GED and take it before she moved on to another mission field.
       We don't have the final results of their tests, but since four of the five segments of the test are computerized, you get the score on your computer segments (you need to wait two weeks to see how your essay is rated), and the three of them-with just four of the five segments-totaled points way over the minimum requirement for passing the GED.
       For me it's a personal victory because I really wanted to prove to my secretary that she was not intellectually deprived. I wanted to make sure that Alvi had this assurance, that she is up to par with her System peers before we all move to a new mission field. I feel it's also a bigger victory in that it proves that if our bright kids are given an opportunity to have some time to study, if there's someone who tunes into them in the areas that they need coaching in, they are definitely capable of passing with very good marks on a high school test like the GED, with just a little bit of effort and applying themselves.
       Their System counterparts spend all their time in school, wasting a lot of time because they're bored with their studies and they don't concentrate, while our kids may have a lot less hours to do their scholastics, but they get a lot of input from different sources, are taught to relate to abstract concepts through reading and discussing the Word, and of course, they also get a lot of practice training through the various ministries they're involved with. After full-time schooling with good grades till 18 and then three years of university, I was totally unprepared to handle a class of 30 kids and teach them English (I graduated as an English teacher), while my 17-year-old daughter, like so many other of our young people, is so much more capable and trained!
       To me it really proved that the Family can provide excellent training and education for our kids, of course, if the parents and the Home make sure that they do get the basic requirement of scholastic hours, as required by the Charter, coupled with pouring into the kids as Dad has taught us.

More GED testimonials
Home in USA: Gem and Jon graduated with honors in their GED. It was quite a testimony to the teachers who held the exams because we basically just walked in and did the exams without any preparation and passed with flying colors. They said it was rare for students to get such high scores, especially without studying. We told them that as missionaries, we study God's Word and the writings of godly pastors. It was such a testimony! Gem had joined the Family and hadn't completed grade 12, so it was an encouragement to her to pass without having been in school for many years. All this just confirmed to us what we always thought about Dad.-He is the best teacher in the world! What better schooling is there than to study the Bible and the Letters?!

Fathers entering in

       FGA man, Europe: Some teens have commented to me how some of the fathers never enter in to play with their kids on free day. They like the fathers that at least play a little soccer or games, and who try to come down to their level. Maybe more of the fathers in the Family could try to do the simple thing of playing football [or another game] with the teens even if they don't play very well. I'm an American and soccer isn't my best sport, but I try to play or at least help make the teams, etc. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but we should try in some way to come down to the teens' level and not be busy all the time.


       James and Joanie would like to get back in contact with Jonathan and Charity (last known to be in Turkey). We were writing to you from India about teaming up, but have lost your address. Please write soon. Our e-mail address is: lenwalt72@netscapeonline.co.uk. Or write to us via the European ABM.

       My name is Maria and I am looking for Branch (of Vida). He is Swedish and she is Spanish. We lived in the same Home together in Belo Horizonte 11 years ago. Emanuel (11) would like to hear from his daddy and to have some photos of you. Thank you so much for your help. Much love in Jesus, Samuel and Maria. E-mail: wimmaria@terra.com.br

       Chris (Chileno) is looking for Ana Argentine (daughter of Tabi and Victoria, you were raising funds to go to China). Please write me at e-mail: criscampos18@hotmail.com Hoping to hear from you soon!

former members - seeking contact

       Looking for Kezia (legal name Dawn Wood), who married Amaziah and spent some time in East Canada. My dad (then Hepher Newman, also Derrick Neve), an old college buddy, wants to get in touch with you. (If anyone knows of her or her whereabouts, he would be interested to hear, thanks!) His e-mail is: dn@microtec.fr.

       Looking for Christopher F. in China? This is Aaron from Memphis. E-mail at: daron24@hotmail.com


North America
(newborn, of Becky and Sam): Serious liver problems, causing blood infection. Underwent an operation to eliminate bile in her liver. May need a liver transplant if her condition does not improve.

Europe and Africa
: Cancer. Tests show that the treatment did not help much, and the cancer has spread to her lungs.
       Faith (of Dan): Breast cancer. Undergoing radiotherapy.
       Nat (10, of Tim and Tabitha): Underwent complicated surgery after his left index finger was nearly bitten off by a caged wolf.
       Emanuel (of Daniella): Thyroids. Praying about an operation.

(of Paul, Japan): Tumor, causing pain.
       Shane (2, of Cesco and Cryssy): Eye disorder, causing inability to focus.
       Marina (of Timothy): Breast cancer and abdominal problems.
       Steven Ascribe: Meningitis, abscesses, and a breathing problem, which sometimes causes breathing to completely stop during a deep sleep.
       Erika (10): Almost daily severe headaches, the cause of which cannot be diagnosed by doctors.

South America
(of Adino): Cancer. Will undergo radiotherapy treatments
       Primavera: Persistent toxoplasmosis (disease that can seriously affect heart, lung and brain) and arthrosis (disease similar to arthritis) in knees, feet and elbows. For weight loss.
       Rute: Scoliosis and strong back pains.
       Maria (9, of Pablo and Maria): Constant stomach pain, lack of appetite and slow growth. Is very thin due to unstable metabolism.
       Isaco (of Sefora): A cyst on shoulder for seven years has begun hurting. Will undergo an operation.
       André (2, of Adino and Joana): Cyst on chest.
       Blanca (of Andres): Tumor in neck.
       Sara (of Esteban): Arthritis in hands.
       Nicolas (2, of Esteban and Sara): Advanced myopia and strabismus (both are visual defects causing blurred vision and difficulty focusing) in right eye.
       Mariangela (of Gedeon): Pain in right knee and scoliosis.
       Ana Luz (of Daniel): Posture problem from spinal defect.
       Marcos Vinicio: Hypertension and otitis (inflammation of the ear) for last three months.
       Libertad (of Adán): Three herniated disks, anemia, fatigue, heart pains and back pains.

Answered Prayers
       From Mark and Maria, Brazil:
Maria has been completely healed from cancer! Thanks to all our precious brethren for their prayers for her.

       From Maria Isabel, Brazil:
Last month cysts were detected in my left breast. Thanks to prayer and the healing power of the keys of the Kingdom, when I repeated the exam again this month, they were all gone! PTL!

Movies Rated for YAs and Up

Antonio Banderas, Olivia Williams
       An archeologist uncovers a crucified body, dating back to 1st century A.D. in an ancient grave in Jerusalem. A Catholic priest arrives at the scene to do research and examine her findings. The story deals with heavy issues of faith and doubt, and overall has a good message.
The plot plays out against the background of the political and sectarian violence prevalent in Jerusalem. The Palestinians, especially the radical ones, are unfortunately portrayed in a generally bad light.

This movie is a witness. The Lord still gets His message out even in this day and age.
       It has some parts which are going to be pretty difficult to sit through, especially when the priest is questioning his own faith. Such doubts are brought out very strongly in this movie, so you'll have to watch for this, but overall it really does promote the message of Jesus being alive and risen from the dead.
       I would caution those who are weak in faith or doubting that they need to really pray before watching this movie, because although it's a wonderful testimony for Jesus, it is also a lot of doubt to go through before getting to the good message.
       God bless the writers who made that priest a witness against the churches. Boy, what a slam against them. Whew! I'll bet they really didn't like this movie. It's our message-we're for the risen Savior, not the political establishments of this world. Thank God we haven't gotten caught up in all of that.
       This movie depicts very well how the established churches have meddled so much with politics that at times it comes above their commitment to the Lord. It's sad how one religion will pit itself against the other in order to get what they want. Governments know this weakness, this need for power that established religions thrive on. They will think nothing of riding on this thirst for power to promote their own causes, which in the end results in loss of lives and hurts so many.
       Here was a man who had his faith tried and tested and stood up for his convictions. Learn from this good sample of someone who had his faith tested and stood strong in the Lord.

One thing that is very sweet and an excellent witness is the way this priest talks about Me, not just as someone he serves, a deity somewhere up There, but he refers to Me as his Friend and Companion.
       It shows how I am real. I am risen, I am living Here in the heavenlies, to show My power and love to man.
       I am so happy for you, My faithful little ones-My children of David. For through you, this despised and rejected group of faithful beggars, I will show an example to the world of meek and unassuming faith.
       You, My dear, dear ones, are small in numbers, weak in popularity, misunderstood and maligned by many. Yet to Me, you are pure, undefiled, and uninterested in the worldly alliances which have corrupted so many others. As long as you stay unattached and unaffected by the world, as long as you keep yourselves from alliances and responsibilities which would dilute your allegiance to Me and My “strange” doctrines; as long as you stay pure and undefiled in your devotion to Me; as long as you do not waver or turn from devotion to Me and to the Words of My mouth and the commands of My heart; as long as you keep Me first above all attachments of the world that would seek in the long run to pull you down, you will remain My most beloved on Earth.

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Kevin Kline, Kristin Scott-Thomas
       Touching drama about a man who has just been fired from his job and faces other personal difficulties. He sets out to rebuild his house, as well as win the love and respect of his estranged family.

This movie shows so much about love and the true meaning of life. It shows what I can do with a life that is yielded to Me, even though late in life. It shows how crisis and heartache and disappointment can bring people together and heal and enrich many lives. It shows how beautiful lives can be if people put others before themselves and try to find ways to make others happy and feel loved and important. It truly shows what life is about and how material things cannot bring happiness and fulfillment in life.
       This movie gives you a little portrayal of a fractured, dysfunctional System family. Some scenes show harsh realities of System life, and will give you a thankful heart for the way you live and the love you all share.
It's a rare occasion to find such a meaningful movie these days. It's shocking in some ways, and it doesn't pull its punches, but that's life. It's moving, educational, insightful, and true to life.
       It makes you want to love those you are with, those you are blessed to know, those who are a part of your life. Each person needs your love-sometimes manifested in different ways-but that is the highest calling in life, to be loving and to touch others with My love.
       It's sad that it often takes a tragedy or something serious coming into one's life to make him or her realize the real priorities. But movies like this can help remind you of those things, before it's too late. Don't wait a single day to pass on love that I put on your heart. Life will pass you by quickly, and only what is done in love will matter in the end.
       Of course, none of the people in this movie are perfect, just like no one around you in your life is perfect either. But that's the beauty of My love-it loves anyway, and it has power to change and transform and make things right.
       After previewing it, parents or shepherds might want to show it to junior teens, but that would depend on the situation, the teens' maturity, the shepherds' willingness to explain when needed, etc.


Ashley Judd, Hugh Jackman, Greg Kinnear
       Romantic comedy about a young woman disillusioned with her romantic life and trying to figure out how love and relationships work.

This is a romantic comedy with a pretty good overall message. Of course not every attitude or even the “good” conclusions portrayed are as good or beneficial as the things you can learn from the Word and from letting Me lead and guide your life and relationships. But as far as worldly entertainment goes, this is a fairly wholesome movie. It's not all light and sweet; as with most movies featuring a love story of any type, there are some issues like jealousy and relationship problems involved, that may bring up unpleasant feelings for some. Pray and ask Me whether this is a movie that you will be entertained and uplifted by.

ovies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Kevin Spacey, Jeff Bridges
       Intriguing drama about a man in a psychiatric institution, with no apparent past, who claims to be from another planet.

Earth is like an alien planet to us. We are the children of light, and Earth is not our home. We are just passing through this place of hurt and pain, confusion, loneliness and heartbreak. Earth is like one big nuthouse full of crazy people who need a touch of Heaven, a touch of love, a touch of understanding.
       This movie does have its tragic and troubling parts, but that's life. Overall, though, the message of the movie and its portrayal of events and characters is positive. I think you will find it feeding and uplifting if you pray and view it through the eyes of the spirit.
       This movie spoofs the psychiatric system in general, and yet also shows that there are doctors and psychiatrists who really do have a love for their patients and want to help them, like the doctor in this movie-though there was precious little he could do. It also showed the foolishness of mankind in general, and how often people neglect the things and people that they claim are most important to them.
       This movie draws an interesting parallel to the Lord and His time on this insane earth. Though He looked like those around Him, people couldn't shake the feeling that there was something different about Him. He somehow managed to help others, and often employed unconventional methods. You'll also find some interesting discussions that resemble what I taught you about heavenly bodies of light and transportation in the spirit world. Of course, it's not sound doctrine, but it might whet your appetite enough to make you pull out the Letters I wrote on the subject.
       It gets you thinking about those in the world and how many are such Flatlanders that refuse to even believe in the possibility of other beings on other planets-much less the afterlife and Heaven. It should really stir you up to witness and share with others about Heaven and the spirit world and the truth that we have about life beyond Earth. So many are interested in these controversial issues; there's such a fascination for aliens and UFOs and all the rest. Most people have a part of their heart that wants to believe or is at least interested. Of course, there are many Flatlanders in the world that just won't be convinced no matter how much you try, because they've got their minds made up. But there's a whole crop of people whose minds are open and searching for the truth-and the truth will set them free and start to heal them, like the parallel in the movie.

Movies Rated For JETTs and Up

Patrick Dempsey
       Dramatization of the life of the Biblical prophet Jeremiah, who leaves his family and the woman he loves, in order to preach God's message in Jerusalem. Although he is persecuted and branded as a traitor for warning others of the destruction of the Holy City, he continues fearlessly with his mission. (Could be suitable for OCs, depending on the child. Parents or teachers should preview first, and possibly fast forward or at least be prepared for some unpleasant scenes.)

I am flattered that someone made a movie about me and my ministry and my friends, Baruch and Ebed. The movie portrays the problems I had with my family and countrymen. The moviemakers attempt to show the political climate and the sad state of Judaism at that time. Of course, they added a few things and also left out others.
       I was young when I started to prophesy, and many difficult things happened to me-persecution, sacrifices, injustice. Parts of my story, as with many Old Testament stories, are a bit too heavy for young children. Some of the murders and cruel acts are rather graphic-things which are strong meat.
       There's lots that will need to be explained, talked about, and my actual story as told in the Bible should be read and looked over by those choosing to see it. If wisely talked about and explained, as well as any inaccuracies pointed out, it could be shown to those younger than JETTs. But for the most part, it's geared to an older audience.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone

       (Note from WS previewers:) As many of you have probably heard, the movie adaptation of the first Harry Potter novel has recently been released. WS won't be previewing this movie because, in light of the Lord's instruction and insight regarding the books, it seems clear that watching it or showing it to your children would not be recommended either. Below are excerpts of a message from the Lord regarding the Harry Potter series (please see END #46 for the full version).

The Harry Potter controversy

       (Question:) What does the Lord think about the Harry Potter series of books, which are now also being made into movies? This series seems to be quite controversial even amongst the Christian world, with some people saying that it has beautiful meaning and symbolism, and others believing that it's a very subtle inroad of the Enemy to introduce witchcraft and black magic to children. Especially with a movie of it coming out, it would be nice to hear the Lord's viewpoint on it.

       (Jesus:) Stories have a great effect on children, and the story of Harry Potter has had an impact on children around the world, some of it good and some of it bad.
The woman who wrote it intended it for good, but since she knows little of the realities of the spirit world and the power of words on impressionable hearts and minds, it has accomplished the bad and the evil as well as the good.
       This is what has caused the controversy among many Christians, for there is both good and bad in this series of books-or, it would be more accurate to say that there is some good, much that is not so good, some that is not so bad, and then the bad itself, all written in a captivating way. Some Christians see the virtues, the good and the positive, while others see the bad and that which could corrupt their children. And both are correct, for much depends on the child and whether they know Me, their maturity, and the wisdom and maturity of the parents, as to the effects of these books.

       … There is more to consider than the behavior of the children in these books. There is also the spirit world, and this is where there is greater danger,
for the spirit world of this author is one in which I am not present. It is a realm in which those with supernatural powers of some sort fight and struggle to overcome evil. But I am the Father of spirits, and all spiritual power comes of Me. If I am not acknowledged, then the only power available is that which was granted to the Enemy, the accuser of the saints, and to those to whom he grants it, whether they know it is from him or not.
       So in not acknowledging Me and My power and My world of good spirits, the author implies that there is a spiritual world with powers that can be good from other sources, a world with a “natural” supernatural power or magic that can be either good or bad; that such power can even be used to fight evil. This is a deception, and for those who are ignorant of the spirit world, it is a snare. For in seeking spiritual power, they may seek it from the wrong source, and will be led astray.
       … Outside of My realm and My power, there are no good witches and wizards, no helpful little goblins or vampires, and no innocent or harmless little enchant­ments or spells. These things are of the dark side, not of the light, and little ones who read such tales should be aware that such things are not good or even neutral or innocent, but evil. They stem from the power of the Enemy and are bad, black magic.
       … [These books] are not recommended for the Family. You have much greater power available to you, though you have not fully exercised it yet, and I would not have your little ones seduced in spirit by the dark side of these tales, beguiled by the seeming attractiveness of the occult.

open forum: catch 'em doing something nice

By Shine (of Tim), Detroit
When I read the ad in the Grapevine to write about the “other” generation doing something nice, I felt I just had to write.
       I don't usually consider my husband, Tim, and I being from two different generations, as it seems that we were made for each other. We do have 16 years between us, though, so I guess this could count. One thing that is kind of neat is that he joined the Family the year I was born. Sometimes I tease him, saying, “What if, when you joined the Family someone got a prophecy that said 'There is a baby that is about to be born right now to a lady who is a punk rock singer in a little town in the States. In 20 years she is going to join the Family and you're going to marry her!' Would you have believed it?”
       Well, this article is supposed to be about something nice “they” do, and it would take me a long, long time to tell you about all the nice things Tim does for me, but I did have something I wanted to point out.
       We all know how there are some of those “young people” battles and weaknesses that just seem to come with the territory. I am sure the Lord gives them to us at this age for a reason, even if they're just to grow and help the next batch of kids through! Sometimes I think it will be nice though, when I can actually look back and say, “How silly of me to be so self-righteous, judgmental, impatient, etc., etc., I'm glad I don't have to deal with that anymore and that I can move on to bigger things!” I am sure that Tim has felt like this too, as he has told me that when he was around 20 he went through all of those same sort of things.
       Well, getting to the point, I am just amazed at how patient he is with me. He doesn't even mind to go through all of those silly little problems, again, right alongside me. When I mess up he is faithful to correct me, as I want him to, but he is understanding even though it must sometimes look ridiculous to him. I'm sure it's a pain sometimes to go through all of those same kinds of things, and strive to get all of those same kinds of victories, but he never complains. In fact he is happy to counsel with me, pray with me, and tell me some really funny stories from when he was younger and would mess up in some similar ways. Sometimes those really do the trick! We of course do all kinds of things together-from witnessing to get-out to business to … more! We get along really well and I am so thankful for him.

By Jasmine (SGA), England
Over the last few years I've spent quite a few months fundraising on my own for a Home, or for my next move. That's not always easy. One time I was compiling a thank you certificate for sponsorship received for my flight to Ethiopia. It was one of those days which can be associated with the gray part of the “Coloring the World” song, and I made a small comment about my looks in a photo. Now that can be an ordinary thing, but dear Judy, whose Home I was visiting, was sweet enough to notice something was up.
       She came over, gave me a long hug, and said something like, “Don't worry, the Lord knows all you've given up for Him, and He's got a place for you. He's going to bless you for it. You're doing the right thing.” It was just one of those wonderfully encouraging things that we all know, but it sure helps to hear them sometimes. I'm sure she got those words straight from the Lord, 'cause they really struck a chord and brightened my outlook.
       I think the main things that come to mind for this forum are when people took the time to encourage me. That takes humility and costs time, but I don't think I'd still be in the Family, and even believing that God is good, if it weren't for the people (FGAs included) who took the time to encourage me. Thank you so much!
       There's a letter Phoebe (of Andrew) wrote me when I was 14. It was such a compliment that an adult would think I was special to Jesus. I appreciated hearing that when I didn't have a lot positive to say about the Family. I kept the letter for years.
       Then there was Jeremy and Julie, who I met briefly, but who showed an interest in my life and what I think about things.-Then they thanked me and said I had encouraged them! Gasp! Those kinds of things can mean so much to me, especially when I try so hard to be a useful Home member, and still inevitably get on people's nerves and told I'm hard to work with. (Yup, I'm human too!)
       Encouragement makes it easier to keep going and to try again.
       And what more can I say? Thank God for FGAs who help make the Family what it should be-and were willing to be first ones to try it!

By Sara (27, of Levi), Romania
I'm not an SGA, but I'm not an FGA either. I'm an EE national. Since a lot of FGAs could be my parents, I wanted to write about my interactions with them. Well, I will limit myself to only one of them.
       Her name is Esther (of Peter) and she is a very good friend of mine. We lived together for about two years, and I think I got to know her pretty well.
       This woman has raised five children, has lived as a missionary in at least 15 different countries, has been a single mom, has been a childcare worker, has learned to abase and to abound, and through all this, she has acquired such great faith that to her there are no impossibilities.
       These days she stays on the mission field while her husband fundraises most of the time. She schools her children, does follow up, CTP, helps train two new disciples in her Home, and also fundraises herself. When we started living together-in a very small apartment-she slept on the couch together with her daughter in the living room, and let me and my family sleep in her bedroom. When she gets presents for her kids, she gets presents for mine too. And not only for mine, but she thinks of 10 other Family members in need, plus her grandkids.
       She has neighborhood kids knocking at her door every day at the most inconvenient times, begging for food and clothes. Now she is teaching them Bible verses and how to read. After all these years of serving the Lord she still has that burning desire to reach the lost and feed them with the Words of David. She will faithfully give her teens devotions every day, and finds all kinds of projects to keep them inspired in serving the Lord. She reaches out to kids, teens, single moms, SGAs, FGAs-everyone and anyone!
       Now we live in different Homes, but we often meet and fellowship together. I call her my friend because I love her. I can talk to her about anything and everything. I feel comfortable around her, and I appreciate her a lot. I've also learned I lot from her. What else can I say? There is no such thing as a generation gap between us-or any other gap.

By Joe (16), Lahore, Pakistan
It was one of those moods again.-Those horrible burning lashing moods, a don't-look-at-me-wrong-or-I'll-strike time.
       I was scheduled to wipe off the dining room table after dinner and I was late and it was a mess.-A huge mess!
I wiped it and cleared it, growling and muttering, and brought the dishes to the kitchen and threw them on the counter. Why can't people clear their own dishes for a change?
       I had also been on dinner. My pots were strewn in piles around the kitchen and I knew I was expected to clean them. You'd think someone would've taken some initiative by now, but, no, I'm alwaysstuck with the clean up jobs. I rolled my eyes and rolled up my white sleeves and plunged into the sink.
       Libby (FGA female) appeared in the kitchen doorway. I knew without turning around that she was smiling. Stupid. Why should she be happy? I tried to ignore her and viciously scrubbed at my pots.
       “Oh my, look at these dishes!”
       Good-she noticed them. Maybe she'll be angry like me now. Like everyone should be. Hmmph.
“Do you know who was on dining room table, Joe?” she said, still smiling.
       Dammit, not that question! Why don't you just 'see the need'? “I was. Why?” I snarled.
       “Hmm. Do you think you could wash these dishes then?” she suggested, “-Since you were a little bit late.”
       Only two and a half hours late. What's the big deal? “I'm busy. I can't do them. Get the person on night kitchen to wash them or something.” Now she'll definitely be mad. Like me.
       Libby said nothing. She stepped into the kitchen and picked a drinking cup off the rack. She was still smiling.
       Martin (FGA male) entered the kitchen. “Whoa, look at these dishes! Joe, you were on dining room table, can you please wash them?” he said patiently. “-Since you were a little bit late.”
       “It's not my job,” I said. “Have the night kitchen person do it.” Don't these guys get it? I'm not washing those dishes. Why don't they ever work for a change?
       Martin said, “They're the teen's dishes, right?”
       “Yes, they are.”
       “So shouldn't the teens wash them? Why don't you guys split them up between you?”
       They're picking on me! “Whatever!” I said. Now leave me alone!
There had been a little extra batter from the egg pie I cooked for dinner and I had browned it perfectly and set it aside for my snack. At least I had that. At least there was something to look forward to tonight. I went to get it from the freezer.
       It was gone.
       Wha..? Eeergh! What did I expect anyway? I can't keep anything safe in this house! Sammy, twelve years old, was the prime suspect and I tracked him down.
       “Where's my pie crust?” I demanded.
       “What pie crust?”
       “MY pie crust! The one that was in the freezer!”
       “Oh,” he grinned apologetically, “THAT pie crust! Mike, Mark and I split it.”
       “You what??! You ate my pie crust?” I raved and ranted and stomped to the kitchen. Libby was splashing in the dishwater. Eeergh! She's still happy!
       “These parents don't know how to teach their kids!” I mumbled just loud enough for her to hear. That should do it. Now she's really mad! Must be. Oh! I know!
       I opened the freezer and got out a jug of ice water. We aren't supposed to drink from them directly and someone would always snap at us when we did. …Exactly what I wanted.
       I made sure she could see and took a big long juicy slurp right out of the lip of the jug. That should definitely do it. Ha! She can't help but be mad now!
       She said nothing and hummed to herself.
       I went to my room and did everything I could think of. The longer I procrastinated about doing those dishes the more irritated the night kitchen person would get. And then they would be mad. Just like me!
       Finally I plodded to the kitchen. All right. I'll do them if you insist! I hope you're all happy. I rounded the corner as Libby put something on the dish rack and shook her hands dry.
       And then I stood and stared in astonishment and shock at the empty counter.
       Libby had washed, rinsed and racked every single dish that was my responsibility. Despite all that I had done to aggravate her. Despite my not deserving it. And she was still smiling.
       My mood was crushed. What could I possibly complain about now?
       She once again proved that the generation gap can be bridged-and easily-and she was caught-red handed-doing something nice.

By Rosita (YA), Detroit
With all of my heart I want to bridge the generation gap and get along well with everyone. I have found it easier with some and harder with others, but I do believe it is worth it. Of course, the main obstacle I seem to run into is not their fault, but my strong personality that pervades many of my actions and words.
       The Lord, along with my shepherds, and yes, the Lord some more, has helped me to improve in this area. As I've taken a positive stance in this area I've begun to notice how much they go the extra mile for me. I suppose it's simply been my letting go of my preconceived ideas and allowing the blinders to be pulled off of my eyes. Now I often have quite a bit of fun with them. Here's one such special incident.
       Rejoice (FGA) and I were scheduled to stay home with the kids. She (being the laundress) usually tries to fit in laundry while with the children. I ended up staying in the house, cooking, cleaning, and watching while the others scampered about the rolling hills surrounding our simple domain (Home). There was tons of laundry to put away, so this pretty much filled up my duties till the children all piled back in. I rounded them up, fixed them up, washed them up, and sat them down for the evening meal.
       After all of this was done and over, the whole clean up process started again, washing the food I'd prepared so laboriously all evening off their grubby little faces. We sat down to one of those nice, calm-down videos while I straightened out their clothes and shoes before bed. While I'm thinking about everything else, up comes Rejoice from the laundry lines and tells me she'll watch the kids if I could go outside right now, quickly before it's too late, down our long driveway and up the first path. There, to my wonder and delight, is the most breathtaking full moon scene I think I've ever seen. Being a Cancer, the moon really affects me. In its ultimate glow and radiance, it's my absolute joy! I stood still taking in the Kodak scene before me. Walking back I thought, “It is moments like these that let me know we've sure got the greatest FGAs (if there are others) in the world.” Who else would stop their extremely busy workload to give you a glimpse into your dreams?

By Julie Trusting, Ireland
When I was in Islamabad, Pakistan, I was pregnant with twins, and I owe so much thanks to the JETTs and teens who helped me in every way. They always made me my snacks and were so concerned about my being taken care of. I don't know what I would have done without their support, inspiration and care. After a Caesarean, two new babies, and my husband leaving for a road trip, I felt my world was falling apart. But the Lord knew I could depend on the precious JETTs and teens who tirelessly laid their lives down for us all! They had hearts of gold and to this day the twins still talk about them. They always involved me when it was difficult for me to join in, offering to take the twins during video night, coming with me on walks, giving me time to spruce up, etc.-even just time to eat! They were a real support, physically and spiritually, and although sometimes they were in the wrong place at the wrong time (as youngsters sometimes are!), they certainly have a place in my heart.

mama jewels … on various topics

       Thanks for keeping close to the Lord and continuing to take the time with the Lord that He's asked you to. He not only does it for His Own sake, but for yours. Many things He asks us to do are difficult, but the more difficult the things He asks of us, the more He empowers us, and we benefit in proportion to the difficulty of the task. He knows us and what we need, that's why He asks it of us.

* * *

       (To a young staff member, after giving a serious and sobering talk:)
I'm glad we had that time together, even though it was a serious, sober and in some ways, a sad issue. The wonderful thing is that in Jesus there's always hope that sad things can become glad things. That's what He's there for-to make all things new, and to make all things come out right!

Former Members Getting in Touch
By the US Activated desk

From Celena, 17 years old, Maryland, formerly in the PI
Dear Family, My name is Celena. I used to be in the Family in the Philippines. I left there 'cuz I wanted to go to school. I'm now living in Towson, MD, and am going to college here. Here's something that happened to me today. In my English class we were told to write a profile. I chose to write mine on David Berg and The Children of God/The Family. Today we were supposed to get the results back and my teacher said that my paper was too good and that I cheated and copied it from somewhere. I tried to convince him that I lived in the group and that's why I know everything about it and all, but he's like convinced that I plagiarized. I'm gonna appeal to the dean tomorrow about it, and I'm praying that he'll take pity on me and realize that I didn't plagiarize at all, and that my teacher doesn't know what he's talking about.
       For extra pocket money I work as a bus person in a restaurant here. I just came from there right now. I like working there as I'm the only girl bus person and my managers all really like me and I get along real well with everyone there, the waitresses, cooks, hostesses, busboys, customers, and just about everyone. No one thought I could be a bus person at first 'cuz we have to work really hard and carry some really heavy stuff. But all the years of having to do dishes, clear tables, clean, carry kids, and just basically work my ass off taught me how to do all those things and gave me the strength to do them well, and now I'm one of the best bus people there. It's pretty cool.
       A Family Home in DC called me the other day, so I talked with a really nice lady. Thanks for referring me to them. They said that I might be able to go and visit them sometimes. That would be cool. Thanks for telling me a little bit about yourself. That's cool that your daughter got to go to China. I used to want to go to China. But oh well. Well, I've got to go now and do some homework but thank you for writing me. It's nice talking with you.

Shine On -October 2001
TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total
       Charity/John, USA       1,640       3,280
       Ezequiel/Rejoice/Jonathan/Tabitha, Brazil       1,500       6,000
       Pablo/ Hannah, Colombia       1,100       2,200

       Paulo/Luz, Brazil       835       1,670
       Samuel H. H., Mexico       833       2,500
       Salomon/Belen/Gabriel, Mexico       750       4,500
       Pablo Testificador, Ecuador       500       1,500
       Martin/Mercy/Daniel/Jonathan, Mozambique       447       4,026
       Juliet, Brazil       437       1,751
       Ezequiel/Maria, Mexico       425       850

       Ben/Meekness/Sam/Sherri, Botswana       3,750       15,000
       Charity/John, USA       1,039       2,078
       Clara/Nina/Gabriel, Portugal       857       6,000

       Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA       849       10,193
       Crystal/Josue/Liza, Bolivia       750       3,000
       Mary/Stephen, Australia       702       2,810
       Sharif/Joshua/Rima, Nigeria       611       4,892
       Emmanuel/Lydia/Paul, Japan       579       2,319
       Martin/Mercy/Daniel/Jonathan, Mozambique       525       4,726
       Samuel H. H., Mexico       511       1,533

       Josue/Luz Siervo, Mexico       950       1,900
       Lalo/Ruth/Faithy, Mexico       265       795
       David/Esperanza/Santiago, Peru       256       1,024

       Daniel, Mexico       167       333
       Sam/Maria, Brazil       150       301
       Cedar/Jason, Mexico       111       333
       Jennai/Prem/Ruth/Simon, India       104       523
       Cristal/Daisy/Isaac, Mexico       100       400
       Nina/Jay, USA       83       250
       Marcos/Blanca/Daniela, Brazil       77       155

       Cush/Pandita/Pandita/Zara, Mexico       91       1,000
       Juan/Ester/Primavera, Brazil       85       340
       Lalo/Ruth/Faithy, Mexico       50       150

       Ben/Meekness/Sam/Sherri, Botswana       40       160
       Joao/Clara, Brazil       39       118
       Chris/Ginny/Solomon, USA       36       537
       Andre/Tamara/Dulcineia, Brazil       31       63
       Emmanuel/Felicia, Indonesia       31       62
       Steven/Christina, South Africa       25       51
       David Daniel/Maria Rosa, Brazil       23       46

Also included with this file:
Adam Issue 9:
Rockin' Recipes page 2, Heavenscope page 2.
       Caption 1 Heavenscope: Virgo.
       Caption 2 Some people may misjudge you and say that you're a detail-obsessed, organization-freak. Ha ha. Prove them wrong, Virgo!
       First take a set of 3x5 cards. On each of the cards write down one of each of your clearly non-obsessive qualities, one quality per card. Carefully dust off the cards one by one. Then, using sterilized tweezers, place each of the cards in Vacu-pac, Wonderseal plastic bags. Place the plastic bags inside clearly labeled A4-size plastic folders and store in alphabetical order in a filing cabinet. This done you will have conclusively demonstrated that you are definitely not an astrologically-challenged orderliness oddball.
       Caption 3 Apology. Due to the fact that Heavenscope has again taken up all the available space, Rockin' Recipes will appear in next issue. Don't miss it!
       Caption 4 Cover Photo: SGA Lou of Sue (mother of two) in Peru, takes a short break after flipping a pancake.

Copyright © 2001 by The Family

(End of File)