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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue 121; October 15, 2001.)

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine are not intended to reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751, Irving, Texas, USA - 75016-8751 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2001 by The Family


       The average person works at 50 percent or less of potential. Your job is to unleash that extra 50 percent.

, born to Ester and Juan on December 26.--Brazil
       Robin Leif, born to Faithy on April 7.--Brazil
       Jessin Wynn, born to Victory on April 14.--Brazil
       Isabel Mae, born to Maresha and Aaron on May 20.--Hungary
       Julian Michael, 2nd child, born to Crystal and Ben on June 11.--USA
       Melody Svetlana, 3rd child, born to Consuelo and Joshua on June 21.--Canada
       Rafael, born to Paloma on July 14.--Brazil
       Sean Francis, born to Faith and Peter on July 23.--USA
       Summer Victoria, born to Tina and Tom on July 25.--USA
       Jordan Kyle, 3rd child, born to Joy and Jeremy on July 31.--Middle East
       Cody Aidan, 2nd child, born to Angie and Aaron on August 4.--USA
       Mitchell Honeyflow, born to Lisa and Stephen on August 15.--Liberia
       Savannah Rain, born to Sunshine and Simon on August 15.--Uganda
       Lilian, born to Nina and Gabe on August 17.--Spain
       Danila Michael, born to Joan and Timothy on August 17.--Ukraine
       Valentina, born to Esther and Carlos on August 18.--Chile
       Rosaly Marie, born to Tabithaand Pedro on August 20.--Brazil
       Natasha, born to Tirzah and Daniel on August 23.--Guinea
       Michal Krzysztof, born to Grace and Steven on September 12.--Poland
       Kenneth Ryan, 2nd child, born to Genai and Bernie on September 25.--Budapest, Hungary
       Ryan Patrick, born to Sarah and Jeremy on September 29.--USA

new disciples…
(16), a faithful catacomber, joined full time in Maputo, Mozambique.
       Ester Nusha (16, Mozambican) joined in Mozambique.
       Michael Bart Gad (51, American) rejoined in Ukraine.

prayer request for Peter

       Please pray for Peter's heart, which he strained when picking up a heavy object. It caused sharp pains in his heart for a number of days, which are now starting to subside. Since this happened he has felt quite weak and tired. Please call on the power of the keys for his complete healing. Thank you so much!

Pray for Family Homes in Pakistan!
       As you know, there is a war going on in this region, which is affecting us in many different ways. Thousands of refugees are flocking into Pakistan from Afghanistan. Most foreigners in the business community and diplomats have left the country. Heavily armed military and police patrol major cities where some violence has broken out in protest against the US “invasion.” Our most serious concern is a backlash of religious conservative groups that oppose the government's present stance to aid the Americans. Our Embassies are warning us strongly to get out NOW! There are groups that threaten to surround Islamabad and take over if the government doesn't change their views (Islamabad is less than three hours from the Afghani border).

       After much prayer and desperation, Jesus showed all three Homes at this point to defy the difficulties, to stick it out, and to make the best of this time to faithfully minister to our sheep. Please pray for the following:

*       Safety and protection from any backlash of religious elements and riots and resentment against foreigners
*       Wisdom, desperation and prayerfulness on a daily basis to make the right decisions
*       For our visas, as things are getting scrutinized more and all foreigners are being checked out
*       Financial miracles of supply and great faith that moves mountains

       If anyone feels led to send gifts for the work here in Pakistan during this time, please do! We have big Homes with a number of large families here. Our local support has been drastically cut due to the situation. We need to be ready to leave in the eventuality of war and will thus need extra funds. If the Lord lays it on your heart to help toward our daily survival or toward contingency plans, you can send donations via the Pakistan ABM and we can share it amongst the three Homes as needed. Thank you for your prayers and support.
       Your Pakistan Family

For more INFO please write to: fampak@isb.compol.com

Christmas Activated prizes!

       This Christmas season, we invite you to join in on the year's grand finale of the Activated subscription shiner contest! The ongoing shiner prizes that have been given out over the past year will be increased for the October to December quarter of 2001, with the top 3 shiners getting $600, and the other 7 the usual amount (see list).
       At the start of next year we'll modify the subscription shiner prize program, and the prize amounts will likely be reduced considerably--so make the most of this season's opportunity! Christmas is a great time to approach new Activated subscribers, along with your other outreach, and/or by making a special campaign of it.

       Try one or more of these approaches:

       --Take Activated Christmas mags and subscription cards along with you wherever you go--whether distributing tools, doing performances, or whatever ministries or outreach drives you're involved in. Whoever you talk to, and whatever other tools or appeal you're presenting, get in an Activated offer while you're at it.
       --Try encouraging people to purchase Activated subscriptions as a gift for their relatives, friends, co-workers, or employees. A year's supply of feeding and uplifting Word articles would make a wonderful present!
       --If those you're ministering to have finished their first year's subscription, invite them to re-subscribe.
       --Christmas would be a great time to approach potential sponsors for subscriptions for those who can't afford one. Or try getting sponsors to pay half the price of the subscription. (Some people can't afford the full subscription price, but also will value something they've paid something for, much more than if it were given to them for free.)

Join in with the action now! Stats from October 1st on will count towards the prizes. You can check on the Members Only site, monthly or even weekly, to see how the “race” is going.

The prizes will be:

       1st place (150 or more subscriptions minimum): $600
       2nd place (150 or more subscriptions minimum): $600
       3rd place (150 or more subscriptions minimum): $600
       4th place (100 or more subscriptions minimum): $300
       5th place (100 or more subscriptions minimum): $200
       6th place (100 or more subscriptions minimum): $100
       7th place (100 or more subscriptions minimum): $100
       8th place (100 or more subscriptions minimum): $100
       9th place (100 or more subscriptions minimum): $100
       10th place (100 or more subscriptions minimum): $100


this month

       The Reflections for Christmas this year cover specific topics such as loneliness, materialism, and stress at Christmas, as well as general pages on its meaning as Jesus' birthday. You should be receiving them in October, and we pray that they are a blessing.
       Also coming to you this month are Reflections with articles to inspire faith in the Lord's help and comfort for those who are anxious, fearful, or reaching out to Him after the terrorist attacks in America. These pages are primarily for distribution in the United States, although those of you in other countries might find them useful as well.
       Thank you for so faithfully giving out the Word, for your prayers, and for your ideas for more Reflections pages. We love you and appreciate hearing from you.

Announcing MovieRate!

       If you had MovieRate you'd already have the latest movie ratings on your computer! MovieRate is a program that puts all the Family movie ratings, blurbs, prophecies, etc., on your own computer. It also includes InstantUpdate for automatically adding new ratings as they come out. Check it out on www.actionera.net. ActionEra.net is a new company formed by Family members with the purpose of providing high-quality software and technical services to Family Homes at low cost. Registration for MovieRate costs $10.
       IMPORTANT: To run the MovieRate program the first time, you'll need this UNLOCK CODE: F3jM9pAQ

Super Workbooks
… from TEAM Foundation

By Phil, for TEAM
       We'd like to pass along some information we have about purchasing Super Workbooks, now known as Super YearBook, for Grades K-7 for almost half-price! We contacted the company that produces these materials and found out that by becoming a distributor of their materials we can get a significant discount--50% off. If you'd like to know more about these materials, please visit the ESP Books website.
       We would be able to handle the orders made by Family Homes worldwide. By offering these materials, however, we are not recommending these materials as 'the best,' nor are we advocating that Family begins using these extensively once again. We are simply making them available.
       A very important note to bring to your attention regarding how to use the SWBs, is in the Childcare Reference Handbook, pages 358-361. We'd like to suggest you read this first if you are considering ordering these books, to fully understand that the SWB alone would not be sufficient to take the place of other yearly workbook curriculums, such CLE, A Beka, ACE, etc.
       The SuperWorkbooks are not a complete curriculum in themselves but rather offer drill work pages, to be used with an existing curriculum.


1) Costs:

       The Super YearBooks, Grades K - 7: $32.95 each (retail price)
       Price to the Family with discount: $16.50 plus shipping

Available Super Year Books:

       *       My Kindergarten Super Year Book
       *       My 1st Grade Super Year Book
       *       My 2nd Grade Super Year Book
       *       My 3rd Grade Super Year Book
       *       My 4th Grade Super Year Book
       *       My 5th Grade Super Year Book
       *       My 6th Grade Super Year Book
       *       My 7th Grade Super Year Book

: ESP Books Company has other workbooks, which we can also offer for the same discount. If anyone is interested in these, we suggest that you visit their website, which is www.espbooks.com, and view their entire list of products. Or you can contact this company directly and request a free catalog at:

ESP Publishers, Inc.

       1212 N. 39th St., Suite 144
       Tampa, FL 33605 USA
       Toll Free: 1-800-643-0280
       Phone: 813-242-0655
       Fax: 813-242-0645

       Then, once you know what materials to order, simply calculate the cost at half of the listed price. For example: Books such as Phonics and Reading or Super Workbook--English or Math or Reading that are $15.95 each (retail price) would be $7.95.
       After subtracting 50%, please add 5% to the total to cover our administration and operational costs. Thank you.

2) Ordering:

       Each order should be pre-paid in U.S. dollars.

3) Payments:

       Payment would be made to 'EAM Foundation'--we can accept payment by check, money order, and credit card.
       Mail payment to: TEAM Foundation, P.O. Box 797804, Dallas, TX 75379 USA

Credit card orders:

       We need the following information from you if you order by credit card:
       a. Name of cardholder
       b. Type of Card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express)
       c. Card number
       d. Expiration date
       e. Billing address

       Mailing address: Please send us your mailing address for shipping and for calculating the shipping costs for your order.

Shipping costs:
To clarify the shipping costs for your order: Shipping costs vary depending upon where you live. For example, if you live in the USA, these materials can be shipped by UPS, airmail or parcel post; if you live overseas, shipping is usually by only surface or airmail. We won't be able to tell you in advance what the shipping costs will be, so we'd like to suggest that you send us your order and mailing address and we could give an estimate of how much shipping would be by airmail, surface mail and UPS (UPS: for you who live in the USA) and then you could figure out the total cost of your order by adding the cost of the shipping method you prefer. [Note: please try to send us your order and mailing address by e-mail, so we can respond to you as quickly as possible.] Thanks.

4)Another point about ordering:
       It is beneficial for us to compile the orders and payments before placing the order with the ESP Books Co., especially if more than one order comes in from one city/country. Instead of sending in each order as it comes; combining orders to one place can result in cheaper shipping costs. We plan to order at the end of each month and include whatever orders we have received up until that point, and if you wish to combine your order with others from your city or country, please work that out on your end--it will result in cheaper shipping for you.
Once the order(s) is placed with ESP Books Co. and paid for, the company would ship the materials directly to the address you have requested they be sent to.

       Please feel free to contact us by phone, mail or e-mail if you need assistance or have any further questions. Thank you.

legal and media - Europe, July-August 2001

- Simon, Renee and Peter: There was an article printed in the St. Andrew's Church magazine about Simon and Dwight's (another missionary) monthly prison service for foreign prisoners. This magazine reaches all the foreign Christian community here.

- Mary, Renee and Janet: We were on an Africa-wide Christian talk show called “The Life of Love.” People gave testimonies of the miracles of love that had been done in their lives. The reaction of the audience was fantastic as they were awed by our testimonies. It was very favorable and even the English host got choked up after Mary and Paul's piece and had to restart his translation several times, as he couldn't get the words out. Mary and Paul were both asked a few questions by the Brazilian/Ivorian host, Macy Domingo, and the Minister of Trade and Commerce, about our witnessing, CTP work, etc., and were given an award “The Palm of Love,” by the minister. We also did a radio interview about our work in Abidjan and our clowning fundraising efforts in Japan. (TV audience: 400,000; radio audience: 200,000.)

- Martin, Nina, Sebastian and Esther: The Arusha Times runs a column for us every week with children's verses, games, poems and family materials. It is called the “Children's Corner.” We have been doing it for over a year now. (Circulation: 5,000.)

- Jasmin and Victor: A local newspaper from Dortmund, Germany interviewed us. The article was favorable. (Circulation: 50,000-70,000.)

- Susanna, Nehemiah and Meekness: We participated in an African-Christian Convention in London at which we had an Activated stand where we sold our tools. Two other Homes participated with personnel to cater to the 60,000 Christians, mainly African, who attended.

- Gideon and Meekness: STAR FM is the biggest nationwide daily radio show, and they gave us prime time. They did a very favorable interview with Meekness about our shows with Los Chavitos.

- Tina, Happy, Simon and Celly: The TV show broadcast the RadioActive Dancers at Miss Uganda 2001. It was broadcast outside of Uganda as well. (Audience: 9,000,000.)

- Gideon and Lily: We were on the news in Russian and in Uzbek. They interviewed Gideon and the director of the deaf school. It was a good interview about Gideon and our work with the deaf in Tashkent. (Audience: 500,000 to 1,000,000.)
       The TV crew came to our Home and filmed our puppet show “Rock in the Road.” (The aim of the show was to teach people how to make puppets.) Gideon was interviewed, and he explained about our work here. (Audience: 500,000 to 1,000,000.)

- Julie, Larissa and Alex: English Julie and Albanian Alex taped an interview for the radio encouraging the listeners to join us in a clean-up project on a public beach. It included two Family songs sung by Alex, and a discussion on the success of the English Club we have with the young people here in Montenegro. It was aired every day for five days. (Audience: 20,000.)

in My arms

       By Steven (ASCRO):
We've just heard that two young former Family members, Jon B. (19, of Isaac and Meekness) and Eman (of Stephen and French Suzanne) went to be with the Lord after an automobile crash in France on September 23. Apparently, the boys were returning home early in the morning from a disco, and the driver (a System friend) was drunk. Their car struck a tree, and both the boys were killed, though the driver survived and is in ICU.
       The families of both boys have flown to France to identify the boys and arrange the funerals. Please pray for comfort and grace for their families during this very difficult time.

My precious loves, let Me comfort you. Though your hearts are torn by the loss of your sons, and you wonder how this could have happened, know that I am by your side to help you, to hold you, to mend the broken hearts, to restore your spirits.
       Even though this accident was caused by wrong choices that were made, I can still turn the ashes of this defeat into beauty. I stand with your sons, teaching them and training them, comforting them and loving them. Now I can teach them and speak to them face to face. They will be able to help you from this Side, and My plan will proceed toward victory, and they will both play a part in it from this Side. (End of message from Jesus.)

       (Eman, to his parents:)
There was no hurt, no suffering. Jesus brought me Here to Heaven in His mercy and with the greatest amount of love. I know you're probably battling wondering why He allowed this, why He allowed such a tragedy, why He didn't prevent it? From the earthly viewpoint it does seem pretty horrific, but from Here it all makes perfect sense. From Here there's no doubting that my passing from the world of the physical to the realm of the spiritual was done in pure and total love by Jesus. He didn't cause the accident, of course; it was caused by our own actions and carelessness. But when it happened, He chose to take me and Jon Home. That was His plan, and He did it in love.

       (Jon, to his parents:)
I felt [Jesus'] arms around me the very instant our car crashed. There was no pain; I was gone in a flash. All of a sudden I was surrounded by such peace and love and comfort that I had never before known.
       When He received me into His arms, it overwhelmed me beyond anything I had ever imagined. I couldn't contain the emotions I felt. There were emotions of joy, sadness, happiness, freedom and acceptance all at the same time. I felt sad for how I had failed the Lord, but happy and free because He loved me and He accepted me no matter what I had done, no matter how I had failed, no matter how I had strayed. It's a beautiful feeling, unlike anything I've ever experienced up until this point. … He still accepts me, He still loves me, He still has faith for what I will do for Him from this Side. He still adores me as His creation, His child, His bride.

In the air on September 11!--Our story!

By Andrew (of Miracle), Kosovo, Oasis Home and Angelina (19), on her way to Russia
We'd been planning this trip to visit relatives and friends in the U.S. for months, and had driven for two days from Kosovo to Hungary in order to catch our flights on September 11. We had gotten there a day early, as Angie had to pick up her ticket which had been sent by a friend who had given her some free air miles.
       We woke at 4:00 a.m. to drive to the Budapest airport to catch our flight to Paris that was leaving at 7:10. GB the Home that helped us on our way! When we went to check in, we were told that our flight had been delayed till 7:50, which meant that we would both miss our connections in Paris. I was scheduled to fly directly from Paris to Cincinnati, but because of Angie's free ticket, she had to go by another routing that would take her first to Newark, New Jersey, just outside New York.
       The Air France desk re-routed me to Frankfurt, Germany, on Hungarian Airlines, which then was to connect with a Delta Airlines flight direct to Cincinnati. Not too bad! I would arrive just a few hours later than planned, I thought! I managed to call my parents to give them my new arrival time and flight number.

Things seemed fine with me! I was going to miss my original connection in Paris, but I was booked on the next flight out, so I would end up in Cincinnati only about four hours later than my original itinerary.
       My flight to Paris was a pleasant one. I was only a bit worried that I had to check on my backpack, wondering if it'd follow me the whole way. You know how bags can go missing. But I prayed it'd be okay. I sat next to a sweet Hungarian girl on the flight to Paris. We talked the whole way, and I was able to pray with her in the end. TTL!

My flight had gone about two-thirds of the way, only three hours from Cincinnati, when the pilot announced that there was a problem with the “air space” over the U.S., and that we had to change course and land in Newfoundland, Canada. We were on the ground in just over an hour. While approaching the airport at Gander, Newfoundland, the pilot got the story of what had happened at the WTC and Pentagon, and he piped a news broadcast through the intercom system for all the passengers to hear. It was unbelievable to say the least! During the landing, we could see already about 15 planes on the ground, so we knew it was something big and not just some kind of hoax. In all, 39 planes landed at Gander with a total of 9,000 passengers and crew. Gander has a population of 12,000 and is used to handling 2-3 flights a day. Other planes landed at St. John's and other Canadian airports. No one was allowed to enter U.S. airspace!
       We landed at around 6:00 p.m. local time, and sat and sat in the plane, waiting for some word of what was going to happen to us. The pilots piped in the local news from time to time, and kept putting on movies to try to keep the passengers entertained. I got to read a lot, so the time passed okay. It got to be about 3 a.m. by my body clock. I managed to sleep for about six hours, which is not so easy for me in such situations. The food on the plane was nearly gone, and I awoke to a snack of pretzels and coffee. The people on the plane, as well as the pilots and flight attendants, were all so good and cooperative. It really is true that when these tragedies happen, it pulls people together-something we have seen a lot here in the States in the two weeks since the tragedy!
       We were finally told that we would be disembarking, and continued to sit and sit, waiting for the airport authorities to come to our plane. They had to go very systematically, one plane at a time, through the 39 planes, taking the people in school buses from the tarmac to the airport hall. Not even the pilots were allowed off the planes. We sat there in the plane for 20 hours from the time we landed. Apparently, the local officials needed that time to figure out what they were going to do in this major emergency, and where they were going to put all these people! Finally the buses came for us.
       We went through Canadian passport and customs control, which was understandably very tight and strict, and then got registered with the Red Cross. There was free food and drinks for everyone. Then they loaded us again on to the buses, and we drove about 60 km to a beautiful lake village in central Newfoundland called Norris Arm! They had to take great care to only send the people from one plane to one place, so things wouldn't get all mixed up. I couldn't think of a lovelier place to be marooned! It was absolutely fantastic! The townspeople were expecting us, and when our buses pulled up, we were welcomed like heroes! It was so amazing!
       They took us into their community center for more food and drinks, and offered us free international calls so we could let our loved ones know we were safe (the Red Cross paid for that, GBT!). The Lion's Club ran the community center. The food had been made in the kitchens of the local people, and was set out on a long table! We were overwhelmed by the reception. After lunch, they took us up to the local school, where we would be sleeping in the classrooms and gym. There was a nice computer lab, and the teacher invited everyone to use the Internet as much as they liked, so I took advantage of that right away, and wrote Miracle and my parents an update on what was happening.
       Not long after, one of the local women asked if anyone would like a shower, so I accepted. She took me to her own house so I wouldn't have to use the school showers. She told me that they were planning to sleep a few people in the “Boy's and Girl's Club,” and asked if I would like to meet the lady in charge, as that might be more comfortable. Was that ever the Lord's provision for me! I told her I have a bad back, and so don't sleep so well on some surfaces. The school was going to be getting army cots and gymnastic mats for sleeping. The lady from the “Boy's and Girl's Club,” Sandra, was a jolly round lady who obviously enjoyed cooking as well as eating! She took me in and made me a bed in her office where she gave me free access to her computer and Internet connection! I really felt pampered after that, and ended up being the only one to sleep there besides Sandra and three other volunteers, who were on duty around the clock with the cooking responsibilities. I became one of their team, and got close to them. We ended up staying in Newfoundland for five days before getting word that the flights were beginning to take off again.
       Since the purpose of my trip was visiting and follow-up, I was in the victory pretty much the whole time, and just accepted that this was how the Lord wanted my trip to go. I just determined to enjoy every new thing I could do and experience. The only problem I had was that I had been suffering from a severe eczema on my scalp for almost a year, and I had packed the ointment that kept it in check in my suitcase that was in the belly of the plane, inaccessible. Because I could not treat my scalp, it broke out with violent inflammation and pimples, which was very painful and made me look horrible. God bless Sandra and the others, though, as they were so sympathetic, and tried so much to help me.
       Sandra had told her pastor that I was a missionary, so he invited me to participate in an ecumenical memorial service they were planning for those who had died in the tragedy. I was asked to sit on the platform and offer a prayer as part of the service. All the townspeople and passengers were going to attend. I was totally humbled by the condition of my scalp, but knew it was the Lord, and got a beautiful prayer in prophecy that I read at the service, included below.
       By the time our buses were ready to pull out of Norris Arm, everyone was crying and hugging, and pledging to come back at some future date. A suggestion was made to have a reunion in five years time. The pilot and crew praised everyone for their patience and ability to take everything in stride with a minimum of complaining and murmuring. This tragedy had truly united everyone in a common goal of just making it through, and it was very inspiring to see how things like this do indeed pull people together, just like Dad said in “Why Disasters!”
       It is natural when in the middle of something like this to question whether or not you had somehow blown it in planning the trip, or if the date had been really prayed over, as tickets have to be booked weeks in advance. But the Lord told me that the trip had been His will, which He had shown by opening many amazing doors along the way to get everything to fall into place, and that now that this had happened, He was going to use us to be a different kind of witness, both to the people in Newfoundland, and also to my relatives, our supporters, and others.

Enter Paris. I had a two-and-a-half hour layover in Paris. I roamed around, plucked away on my guitar, and read to pass time. Finally our check-in time came around, but there was confusion, because all the conveyer belts carrying the luggage to the planes stopped working! They arranged it so we were shuttled in buses to our flight on Continental Airlines, instead of the usual stroll down the elevated walkway.
       I took my seat, and thought at first that I was going to have three seats to myself, as it looked like everyone had already been seated, and no one was sitting next to me. Then right when I was getting settled into a comfortable “take up three seats” position, an elderly French couple came down the aisle … yep, and sat down right next to me. So there I was, basically trapped in a window seat. Seeing how difficult it was for this dear couple to just get seated, the prospect of many bathroom calls throughout the seven-hour trip did not look very feasible. Claustrophobia began setting in, but eased away as I fell asleep before take off. I was awakened after we were in the air by the steward offering me my headphones and sleeping mask. I had asked a stewardess before take off whether I could change seats, but she hadn't gotten back to me. Finally I was able to swap, and was in the front of economy class where there was extra foot room. PTL!
       We each had a mini TV screen that I had the most difficult time pulling up from underneath my seat. I was tired and frustrated, and it was only in the beginning of my very long journey to be. I watched a film, ate lunch, and slept a tiny bit. It was at the end of our movie and 3½ hours into our supposed-to-be seven-hour flight that the captain got on the intercom. He told us that all American airspace had been shut down, and that we had to head back to Paris! A few moments later he got back on the intercom and said that we were going to have to keep flying towards the States for a while, as we had to burn off excess fuel, otherwise we wouldn't be able to land as we would be too heavy. I was just thankful that we had too much instead of not enough!
       We were given no information on why the U.S. airspace had been shut down. One man next to me said there was a rumor that airplanes were being hijacked. This immediately set the fears loose that perhaps we ourselves were being hijacked, and the whole thing about U.S. airspace was just a cover for the fact that we were being hijacked back to Paris! Another fear of mine was that we weren't going to able to land with the influx of every single plane on their way to the States being turned back; that there would be accidents of planes going down because of lack of fuel. I was also imagining being stuck in Paris with nowhere to go. It was then that I fished through my address book and found a phone number of an old friend living there who I thought I'd give a try in calling once we touched down. I'm so thankful for prophecy, because without it I probably would have been a nervous wreck, but hearing the Lord's comfort put my heart and mind at ease, and gave me the strength, courage and calmness that comes only from Him.
       I could swear the couple my new seat was next to were Christians, as they were so calm and trusting about the whole thing, which helped me too. I put the mask over my eyes and was able to sleep in the middle of the confusion and storm of everyone discussing what could have happened. Finally, the pilot informed us that there had been a few planes hijacked and flown as bombers into the Pentagon and World Trade Center! We were shocked. I didn't have much else to do but sit in my seat and pray for loved ones and the families of those who had been affected by this catastrophic event.
       I wasn't totally at ease till we landed. All the passengers on the plane erupted into a round of applause when we touched down. I was expecting mayhem at the airport, with people sleeping everywhere and absolute disaster and confusion, but it was relatively calm. Thank God! The airlines were giving out vouchers for hotel rooms. My three priorities were: phoning my mom to let her know I was alive (thought she might have gotten confused with Newark where I was headed and New York where the blast took place), then I needed to pick my backpack up, which I'd checked on in Budapest, and finally, try and get my hotel voucher. The line to get a hotel room was very long, so I went to buy a phone card, but couldn't get a line because there were so many people making calls. So I proceeded to the luggage carousel, and I saw my backpack going around all by itself! One down … two to go.
       It was now 10:30 p.m. and most people had gotten their hotel vouchers and gone to their rooms. I was, however, in for something quite different. I was told that they'd give me a hotel voucher only if I flew back to Budapest the next day, because they were thinking that it could take up to a week for the U.S. airspace to be open again. I didn't want to fly back to Budapest, because the clerk said that my ticket was still good from Paris to the States, but I'd already used the Budapest-Paris part and if I were to go back, it would use up my return to Budapest, which I'd need after coming back from the States.
       I'm terrible at making up my mind, so I kept trying to call my friend in Paris, because if I could stay with them, then I could wait it out and wouldn't have to pay for a whole other flight to Paris and back to Budapest. Well, I didn't get through. I decided I'd stick it out at the airport for the night, then if I still couldn't get through in the morning, I'd go back to Budapest.
       Then, as the last of the Air France ladies were walking away at 11:15 p.m., I realized that I had quite a bit of cash on me, and that it might not be the safest or wisest thing to sleep in the airport by myself. So I changed my mind and began running after them with my trolley till I spotted an older couple sitting together. I spontaneously stopped and asked if they spoke English, and whether they were staying the night. When they replied that they were, I asked if I could stay near them, as I didn't want to be by myself. They were friendly and were fine with that. They turned out to be Polish, and were waiting for their connection to Washington when this whole thing happened, so they were also stuck for the time being.
       I put my bags and guitar in a little corner with a piece of newspaper on the floor for me to sleep on. I decided to try to make a few more phone calls (I'd previously gotten through to my mom after several tries) even though it was nearing midnight. I called my mom again to ask for the number of some friends in Bosnia, who would have the number of some friends in Paris. I was really praying that I'd get through, as I had to try so many times, and finally did. I had gotten the right number and it amazingly went right through! Samuel (of Heidi, in the Paris Home) was so sweet on the phone, and said he'd be there in a short 20 minutes to pick me up. So I no longer had to face a night at the airport! What a relief!
       The whole tragedy of the explosion, being in the plane and hearing about it, seemed to come straight out of a movie. We could barely believe it, but it was sadly true. To be right in the middle of the whole deal was pretty intense, but thank the Lord I was able to stay calm and in control of myself the whole time. I'd prayed about this trip before I embarked on it, and I knew everything was in the Lord's hands. And I have only Him to thank that everything turned out okay.
       My experience didn't stop there, though. I stayed at the Home for the first two days, and then I started making calls to the airport to find out when the airspace was going to open again. For two days it was a case of “phone again in a couple hours, as we don't have any new information right now.” I was happy that the people I was speaking to on the phone from Air France were very helpful … well, as much as they could be.
       Finally, after five days, I was told that I could probably make the flight that day, but I needed to come to the airport in a hurry. Samuel again was so sweet to take me there. I stood in line for a couple of hours till I found out that I would need to get into a kilometer-long line if I wanted to get on one of the flights that was leaving that day. The other problem was that I wouldn't have an immediate connection in Newark, but I'd have to stay there overnight. I figured it would be better to stay in Paris in the Home rather that the Newark airport, so I found my way back to the Home. I was able to book a flight for the next morning on a 9:30 flight.
       Come next morning, I was 3½ hours early for the flight, and as soon as I got in line, I heard that our flight had been canceled! They shifted me to the next one, which was hopefully leaving at 1 p.m. I was very eager to get on that plane, as I wanted to catch my connection in Newark. At first I was put on the waiting list, but thank the Lord, by a miracle I was soon put on the plane. They were putting those of us who had been flying on September 11 as priority, and was I ever glad. In the end, our flight was four hours late taking off, so I ended up missing my connection after all by only half an hour, and had to sleep the night in the airport anyway. PTL!
       The Lord sure was testing my patience! I was up at 3 a.m., and in line by 4 a.m. They suggested we be three hours early for check in, and my plane was--now again I say “supposed to be” leaving at 6:30 a.m. Well, needless to say, it was canceled as well! I waited there for another two hours, and FINALLY our flight number was called and we made a beeline for the bus.
       You'd think it'd end there, but there's more. Right, so we were all nice and comfortably strapped into our seat belts on this smaller plane, when the pilot gets on the intercom and says that one of the tires is looking a little bare, so we will all need to go back to the airport while the ground crew fixes it! Can you imagine the frustration? I was almost on the verge of tears, when I once again called my dad, who'd finally made it to Cincinnati, to tell him that we were delayed again. Thankfully, only half an hour later we got back on the bus to the plane and made it safely to my destination!
       So there ends the story of my adventures to get here to the States. Thank you for all your prayers, to those of you who were keeping this whole situation in your prayers at the time. They were so very appreciated!

[Prayer received for the funeral]
Lord Jesus, at times such as these, it may seem there is little solid ground to stand on. Without the foundation of the solid rock of Your Word and Your precious promises, our faith could easily stumble and fall.
We pray, dear Lord, for the families and loved ones of those who have been lost in this terrible tragedy! Give them strength to go on, Lord, and the supernatural ability to rebuild their lives. As Peter of old, when attempting to walk on the water, it seemed an impossible task, and it was! It required a miracle. If he took his eyes off of You, even for a moment, he began to sink. Help all of us, Lord, to keep our eyes steadfast on You, and give us the faith to keep trusting You, even when things are so confused and seem to make no sense.
Lord, we also pray that You mightily bless all the precious people here in Norris Arm and throughout Newfoundland and Canada, who have taken in so many wayfaring strangers in our time of need. It is such a contrast, after having witnessed such inhumane acts in New York and Washington, to see such love and kindness emanating from Your people here. We claim Your promise, Lord, that where darkness doth abound, light doth much more abound, and pray we will carry the kindness and hospitality that we have received over these days with us as we go, and that it will touch many more lives throughout the world.
In Jesus' precious name, we pray.

world news

Aftermath: NYC and DC terrorist attacks

By Marc and Claire, for the North American Media Home
       In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on Washington, D.C. and New York City, being as we live in the D.C. area, we were burdened about what we could do to offer our support to the victims of this tragedy. Since this was not an earthquake or natural disaster, but a national security crisis, it was not possible to get directly involved locally as we would have liked to.
       We have been car washing for some time at a gas station owned by American Muslims, and we were concerned for how they were doing, with the indiscriminate hostility some folks were displaying towards American Muslims. When praying about this, the Lord indicated in prophecy that we should go visit our contacts at the gas station. We did so that day, and had a very precious time with these folks, who were very upset about the attacks on innocent people.
       They mentioned that the Red Cross had been by to ask if it would be possible for their volunteers to do a car wash at the station to fundraise. Our friends explained that they already sponsor us and would rather work through us. So they asked if we would be willing to do a car wash and donate all the proceeds to the disaster relief the Red Cross is carrying out. This was an answer to prayer and to our desire to help out, as well as giving us an opportunity to spread a message of comfort and hope to people who were directly touched by this attack, since the car wash services government workers from many different branches.
       The Lord blessed this car wash and used it as a testimony and sample to many. We had so many people thanking us, some with tears in their eyes, for doing this, and everybody helped generously, so we were able to raise $800 for the disaster relief, thank the Lord! We had compiled some Reflections on comfort, and a few paragraphs of a call to prayer for peoples of all faiths during this time, which we handed out, thanking them for their donation, along with Activated #1 and our local brochure. Many people read through our message and told us how beautiful it was and thanked us repeatedly for reaching out in this way.
       One man asked all about our work and literally had tears running down his cheeks when we told him we were missionaries and had worked many years overseas! He asked if he could give us a hug and support our work. Others asked how they could participate in our projects. We found many people we spoke with were very receptive to the message and reaching out for faith to see them through this difficult time. One former diplomat from Finland was crying while pouring out her heart about the happenings, and we were able to comfort and pray for her. We were so thankful for this time to be able to minister to folks who were closely touched by this tragedy, many of whom were reaching out for a deeper faith for answers.
       After we finished the car wash, we went by to see one of the Muslim owners of the gas station, and he thanked us repeatedly for our help. The owner had lost two of his friends at the World Trade Center, which made the tragedy a very personal one. Both he and his partner expressed how touched they were by our willingness to do the car wash. We felt that this testimony was important to show “love in action” and we're praying that we can continue to give a message of comfort to those touched by the tragedy.


       Interesting reading! Peek into a Moldavian Missionary's Diary, find a Gambian “lasting cure for complaining,” read from “Former members getting in touch” and go on a “Family Trek through the Sahara.” These and more are on the Members Only site, in the newswire section. Don't miss it!
       Also check out those lovely photos--lately there have been updates in the categories of women, JETTs and junior teens, Artwork Archives (send in your artwork!), children, families, couples, men, friends, Albania and Vladivostok. (God bless our missionaries!) Keep contributing your photos to this great place on OUR site! at:

Feast on more CAT studies
Eight new CAT studies have been posted on the MO site, for your reading pleasure. Here is a list--download them today for morning devotions, rest day reading, and evening Word boosts!
*       Brokenness/Hardness
*       Discipleship
*       Endtime (General)
*       Openness
*       Humility and Meekness
*       Neutrals
*       Respect/Familiarity
*       Seek First
*       How to Be Sexy


In Blade #21, the credit for “Scared of Aging?” read “Jacques.”
       However, that was an error. It should have read “Esther M.” Thank you, Esther. We love you and appreciate you!
       --Love, the Blade team

       Our apologies to Andy (18), who is featured on the front cover of FSM 376, “The Call of Africa, Part 2,” but whom we mistakenly identified as Marc. God bless you, Andy, and thank you for being such a faithful missionary in Africa!

       In Grapevine #119, page 16, the article entitled “Catch 'em doing something nice” (by an FGA mom) was credited to Micah, Thailand. However, the author was Tender Joy, Thailand. Sorry for this error!

       In Grapevine #116 you wrote about Tod from Rio at the Brazil national retreat saying I, his mother (Marie Smith), left the Family before he was born. I left the CM Family, but have always been FM--all through the years fellowshipping, tithing, witnessing, and teaching my kids the new mailings. Can you please print this in the next Grapevine as I don't want brethren who know me or of me or Tod to think I've left the Family. Thanks!
       (Editor:) Our apologies, Marie, for the misinformation we printed! We love you!

Tony Series

Dear Family,
       One of our faithful missionaries, Gideon (of Meekness), recently wrote us with a concern he had about the picture of himself that was used in the Tony Series (see DB10, page 832).
       He brought to our attention that the photo used was taken from a video audition when he was asked to sing the “Snowflake” song for possible use on a Treasure Attic video. He was asked to dramatize the song and express it with facial and body movements it in a lively way in order to captivate young children. He is pretty sure that the particular expression captured in the printed photo was taken from the song's bridge, when he was singing “through the dark ran Snowflake, then she tumbled down the steep hillside…”--hence the expression of fear and shock.
       In light of the above, Gideon asked for this picture to be removed from our Family pubs. When praying about it, Dad gave the following message, which we sent to Gideon:

You're a changed man! You're different than the person that was written about in that Letter. Your actions speak loud and clear. Like I've always said, your friends, the people that know you, don't need an explanation, and your enemies, those who point the finger instead of taking the “who as you,” won't accept one anyway.
       Despite the picture's origins, the Lord used the message contained in the Letter to help many Family members, including you. Isn't that wonderful? Isn't that something to praise Him for? You didn't give up in defeat. You didn't take it lying down. You yielded and you grew and you changed! You're a changed man, Gideon, and it's a wonderful, marvelous thing. It took a determination in your heart for this change to come about, and you made the right choices. I'm so proud of you.
       Thank you for taking that correction and growing from it. It took strength, determination and humility. You did it! You won the victory! You went from strength to strength. You let the Lord mold you and make you--and today you have wonderful fruit as a result. Thank you, dear Gideon, for yielding to the breakings, the smashings and the purgings, so that you could be what you are today. You're serving Jesus. You're raising a beautiful family. It's beautiful, and I love to look down on you, and care for you and yours. You've made my heart glad. (End of message from Dad.)

       After considering and praying about Dad's message, Gideon requested that something be said to the Family, explaining the origins of the picture. He accepted our offer to print a notice in the Grapevine about it, along with the suggestion that Family members cover this picture with a blank piece of paper.
       Gideon commented: “In spite of the way this photo was obtained, I'm very thankful for the humbling and breaking that the Tony Series brought about in my life, and for all the Lord's love and mercy throughout the experience and since then. It brought me closer to Jesus and His love, and He has never failed me! TYJ!”
       Thank you, Gideon, for being humble enough to share your lessons with all of us. We love you and appreciate you!


       Sam Bass
, I need to get in contact with you. Please contact me at: estmmg@yahoo.com. Or if anyone knows his whereabouts! Thank you!

       Meekness (Freedom of Danielle C.), Daniel (Shangrila) and Chiara would like to get in contact with any Family membersthat know them that are in the U.S. Please contact us ASAP at: navfound@yahoo.com. Looking forward to get in contact with you, GBY!

       I'm looking for Maria Schiano (of Gabriella di Livorno), 19 years old. She was last heard of in Chile. If you read this or if anybody knows anything about her, please contact Moselle at mondomig@email.com. Thanks in advance.

       This is Rejoice (ex-Trinity) looking for Michael Etheredge. Remember me? Love to hear from you. Add: Denise Vieira, CX Postal 363, Sao Luis, MA, CEP 65.001-970 Brazil.

       Portuguese Jonathan is looking for Lucas Medico (Colombian) and Oracion, remember me? add: Joel Dias Vieira, CX Postal 363, Sao Luis, MA, CEP 65.001-970 Brazil.

       Elira Jorgoni would like to get in touch with Marie Angie (of Gentleness and Steven). We met in Romania. Write me at my e-mail: eliraj@hotmail.com.

       Peter and Ela Polish
, Fil and Clara would like to get in contact with you. E-mail: fcfam@terra.com.br

       I'm looking for Rivalde Sancho, last heard of in New York. If anyone has any information about him or where I can contact him, please let me know. Or Riv, if you happen to be reading this, please write to Anji!! E-mail: whackywhazzo@yahoo.com.

       Pearl Hungarian is looking for Paula Bosley (of Michael). Paula, your e-mail address is not working anymore and my notes to you always come back. My e-mail is the same: bluesky@elender.hu. Hoping to hear from you soon.

       Does anyone know how to get in touch with Swiss Sarah (with Peter and Phillip and a little daughter), last heard of in Brazil. Please drop Gabriella a line. E-mail: gabriellagypsy@yahoo.com.

       Hi, this is Mark E. I recently rejoined the Family and am looking to get in touch with Esther Torrents. Esther if you're out there please e-mail me at: helocopter7@yahoo.com.

       I'm wondering where TJ is--Belgian brother of Josh. We lived in Brazil together. Write me at kullhulk@yahoo.com.

       Hi! My name is Rachel from the Philippines. I'd like to get in touch with Nathan Myers (Gillalai). We lived together in Scout de Guia, Quezon City. I helped take care of Vas and Crystal. Hope you remember. You can reach me at e-mail: jpaul@mailcity.com. Also, I'd like to get in touch with Joseph O'Wow who was in the recent GV. &&&
       Marie Smith is looking for Charity Clark. She is a black American sister with eight kids. Last heard she was in Dublin, Ireland. Her address was: 73 Customs Hse., Harbour, Dublin I, Ireland. I recently wrote her and the letter came back.

       Paul and Maria O.
, Francis and Joana (Claire), Katrina (of Jonathan), where are you? Liberty (German) is looking for you. We lived together in Switzerland. Also Spanish Faithy (of Mark), I lost contact with you. Please write to me: Menestrelli@yahoo.com

former members - seeking contact

       Marek (Polish) and Magda (former members) are looking for contact with Polish Sylvia (of Caleb). Please write to e-mail: aiks@poczta.onet.pl.


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up


Renee Zellweger, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth
       Romantic comedy about a 32-year-old woman having difficulty in her romantic life. To start off the New Year she resolves to change things and begins to keep a diary about her life and loves.

I liked this movie. It has a lot of good in it, but like all movies, you've gotta take the good and eschew the bad. This is a sweet story about a poor, lost, lonely soul in search of love, the different things she tries, and how she learns to just be herself. It's something good for all you dear girls to realize--that trying to be something that you're not doesn't bear good fruit! Actually, that's a good tip for all you men, too! Just be yourself! Just love others and be kind and sweet, and happiness will find you. Love is there to be had, and if you feel that you're not getting it, give it, and soon it will come back to you! One message that this movie portrays that isn't necessarily true is that to find happiness you have to find that “perfect” someone; nevertheless the sweet lessons and some good laughs make this movie worth viewing.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up


Justin Chambers, Tim Roth, Mena Suvari
       A young musketeer attempts to defend the French throne while taking on a corrupt cardinal and his ruthless henchman. Some JETTs could also watch this, but this is up to the parents' discretion, as there is some violence in the movie and quite an evil character.

This is a movie that, while unrealistic, could be entertaining for the teens and even some JETTs. It's an action movie, with meaning, showing that purpose in life gives more power than revenge. So many movies these days promote revenge, when this movie puts it in a better perspective. The young hero wishes for revenge himself, until his teacher guides him to a better way and purpose. It also shows how he put the good of his country above his selfish whims.
       I would caution parents as to the violent content, as if their JETTs have a problem with violent behavior they may not want to show it to them. But for most, with the proper presentation and explanations, this movie will be fun and uplifting. It has its fair share of the regular fare of fighting and violence, but the bad folks were obviously bad, and the good were the happier ones.


Animated, voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz
       Shrek is a cynical ogre whose swamp has been overrun by annoying fairy tale creatures. He sets out to save his home and, along the way, is befriended by a donkey, sent to slay a fire-breathing dragon, and saves a beautiful princess.

Something I like about this movie is that it was a little bit out of the norm. It doesn't follow that fairytale fantasy that so many animations do these days. There are many things that can be learned from this movie, about making friends, unselfishness, honesty, loving the unlovely and giving of yourself. There are a few scenes with gross parts in them, but overall it's a sweet story. It would be good to have a good cleansing prayer afterwards against the unnecessary comments and dialogue throughout. Like many animated movies these days, the dialogue in Shrek is geared to an older audience than the animation is. Older audiences would probably enjoy this movie as well.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up


Jean Reno, Christina Applegate
       Comedy about a French nobleman and his servant who suddenly find themselves thrust from the 12th to the 21st century and must then find their way back home with the help of his future descendent.

This movie is one of those that's “entertainment only.” It doesn't have deep lessons, although it does bring out that greed, selfishness, cruelty and prejudice are wrong. It is light and humorous, and has a touching side to it as well. It's very exaggerated, has some vulgar humor, and is way beyond unrealistic--it's fantasy--but it's fun if you're in the mood for that sort of thing.


Zhu Xu, Zhou Ren-ying
       Touching drama set in China in the 1930s about an elderly street performer, called the King of Masks, who enchants audiences with his unique art. Seeking an heir to whom he can teach his “family trade,” he buys a child from an impoverished family. Chinese, with English subtitles.

This is a sweet movie about the struggles of one man and how another's life touched his. It's a beautiful portrayal of triumph in suffering. It is a story of love and the resulting conflicts with the norms and traditions of the society of the day. It is an insight into some aspects of the lives and mentality of the Chinese. Though times have changed greatly, there are many who still have these mentalities and mindsets. It's touching, and well made and well acted.

Movies Rated for MCs and Up

Animated, voices of Irene Bedard, Donal Gibson, Billy Zane
       Disney's Pocahontas continues in an adventure that finds Pocahontas setting sail for an exciting new world, England.

This is something the kids will enjoy, and if explained right, it has some good parallels. Some parts may need to be explained to more impressionable kids. But for the most part it is a sweet and enjoyable movie with lessons on becoming one, being a peacemaker, and listening to the whispers. Also, about being a fighter and not giving up. It does bring out a bit of history, but it might be good to do a little research with the children into the life of Pocahontas and that time in history, as there are details in the movie that are not accurate historically.

[Fact box on Pocahontas]

(1595?-1617), daughter of the Native American chief Powhatan. She was born in Virginia. According to a legend, in 1608 [when she was about 13] Pocahontas saved the life of Captain John Smith by holding his head in her arms as he was about to be clubbed to death by her father's warriors.
       In 1612 Pocahontas was captured by the English and taken to Jamestown. She became a convert to Christianity and took the name Rebecca. In 1614 she married John Rolfe, one of the colonists, with the blessings of both the governor and her father. Eight years of peace between the Native Americans and the English followed the marriage.
       In 1615 Pocahontas had her first child, Thomas, and the following year the family went to England. She met the king and queen of England and was received with royal honor. On the eve of her return to Virginia, Pocahontas died of smallpox and was buried in the chapel of the parish church in Gravesend, England. Her son was educated in England, but returned to Virginia and became an important settler; many prominent Virginians claim to be his descendants (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2001).

       Pocahontas will always be remembered as the Indian princess who risked her own life to save Captain John Smith and the settlers of Jamestown. But the really notable aspect of her short life is that she was the first Indian in the new world to be converted and accept Jesus Christ.--Mark Bebber (ChristianAnswers.net)

[end of box]


(Antonio Banderas, Angelina Jolie; 2001)
The original title of this story, “Waltz into Darkness,” says it all as far as I'm concerned. Talk about a tragedy. But the real tragedy is that so many people get their ideas about what they feel love and romance should be from stories like this. A lot of folks would come away thinking, “Well, I know this good, sweet man basically ends up selling his soul for that woman, but at least he found true love, so maybe it was all worth it.” That's the kind of love people are made to think they're supposed to find--the kind that is so hot and heavy and passionate that you become lost in it and nothing and no one else matters. May God deliver us from that kind of “love!”
       Some of the scenes involving the main villain were also outright perverted and something the Family should be spared from. This movie is a tragedy, and not one that breaks your heart for the world and shows life as it is, but one that leaves you feeling drained with no real moral or purpose or lesson. It's really not worth anyone taking their time to see.

(Benicio Del Toro, Brad Pitt; 2000)
       (Jesus:) This movie is vile and unclean and not fit for My pure children to view. It has absolutely no redeeming value. It is violent, vulgar and ugly and it just goes from bad to worse. No one should have to suffer through the violence, bad language, cruelty, lying, deceit, greed and all manner of evil.

help wanted

       We are a family with 12 children on the fruitful field of India. To be able to stay here we have to enroll in the full CLE program. To get started we need $300, as well as a full set of workbooks, answer keys and reference books (from Kindergarten to grade 8). Please send any donations to Paul and Lily, IA 51 (designated to CC). If you are living in the States we would be really thankful if you could even order the books for us. Please write to us at anji@vsnl.com with how much you would like to help with and we will send you a CLE order form for that amount. Thank you so very much!--Paul, Lily and family.

       Dear sweet Family, and anyone who knows or remembers us!
       We are Paul and Rachel and family from the Philippines. We have been in this field for five years now after spending nine years in Thailand. We are asking help to finish up our legal paperwork for the children so we can continue to serve the Lord as missionaries on this field. Jamie in particular needs authentication from the Philippine embassy in Thailand. We have not been able to get this yet and the penalty keeps growing. The other children need IDs for dual citizenship. We're trying to raise around US$1,200 so we can get it all taken care of completely. We haven't been able to set aside this amount as it's just so much. If you can help with any part of this amount, please send to PH14 through the office or contact us at jpaul@mailcity.com. We will be very grateful! GBY!--Paul, Rachel, and family.

       As we're unable to renew our visas for India, the Lord is opening a new door for us in Africa, but we need to be out of the country by the end of October. We'd like to ask for prayer for miracles of the Lord's supply for tickets, shipping, long-term visas and support. Any gifts, small or great, are welcome and can be sent via TRF to Dominic (Matthew) and Marie MP1519. Thank you so much!

       Hello, my dear Family! I'm Russian Pavel on my way to Africa! The Lord supplied about two fifths of the amount of money I need! Thank you for all your prayers and gifts, big and small! I have $560 towards my move to Africa now and need more to be able to go! It seems that my move will happen after the Feast time, end of January, so there are still three months that I'll be able to receive gifts here. When you're thinking of where to send your next gift you can pray about the option of sending it to me. I'm in RU001! Thank you! I love you and praying for you!

       Hi, I'm Xenia (23), Russian national, and have been in the Family now for four years. I've felt the burden to go to India for quite some time, and have already started preparations. Now the only thing left is the funds to be able to go! It isn't possible for me to fundraise here and getting a job would be a joke because our wages are extremely low. I have a goal to be there in India within a year and by God's grace and your help I will be! If the Lord puts it on your heart to help with any amount, I'd be truly thankful! I need to raise about $2,000. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I pray I will be hearing from you soon! Lots of love from the Urals, Xenia

       My name is Nat and I'm 17. My dad (Asaph) is Austrian, and my mom (Charity) is Australian. We've been in Pakistan for the last eight years, and before that we lived in Thailand where I was born. I have never been in the “west” so have no avenues for fundraising there. Here in Pakistan we do teacher training courses out in the villages and the cities in the area, as well as teaching at orphanages for abandoned children. We also do “cheer-up” programs at hospitals in which we dress up as clowns and do a singing and dancing performance, which makes the children and staff members real happy.
       Recently I got the burden to move on to South Africa and I am already in touch with a Home in Durban that has invited me to come! Therefore I'd like to request your help toward my airfare for going to South Africa. I already have about US$150 (thank you, Simon and Tash in England for your help!), however I'll need $750 more. Thanks so much for considering my request. Any help, big or small, will be very, very appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Many regards, Nat.
       We are a Home living in the poorest country of Europe--Albania. Since the life of our old car is coming to an end, we are planning to sell it and get a newer one. (If you could only imagine Albanian roads! Our car served us well, making the first trip the Family ever made into Kosovo after the war through the north of Albania.) However, we need more finances. We would really appreciate any donations to: Eman A., Dust A. (Christian) and Smile Hungarian, to AB003, Albania, through the Hungarian ABM. Thanks so much!


Dear Family,
       When you read these many prayer requests for our Family around the world, it's natural to feel overwhelmed by how serious many of them are. There are also quite a number of them.
       It's important to realize that the Enemy will try his best to turn the beauty and supernatural power of prayer into a stumbling block, by tempting you to feel that “just about everyone in the Family has a serious illness or disease, therefore we must be doing something wrong.” That's not the case. We, in the Family, are blessed with good health, and though “many are the afflictions of the righteous,” not only does the Lord “deliver us out of them all,” but He also spares us from so many.
       In comparison to those in the world, we live in the bubble of the Lord's protection. We're also blessed with the Lord's healing touch, and He gives us abundant peace and comfort when He does allow us to endure serious or long-term illnesses. The Lord also uses these afflictions in wonderful ways to work in the hearts of our precious Family members, drawing us closer to Him.
       Reach out to our wonderful Husband and call on the power of the keys for these dear ones' complete healing! Prayer is not the least we can do, but the most. Don't neglect to support your loved ones in prayer.


Prayer for Political situation in Pakistan:
Due to the recent events in the U.S., our country has been highlighted, and the security and safety of our Family is in question. Although most foreigners of multinationals, foreign missions, etc., have opted to leave and their companies operate with a skeleton staff, we all feel led to stay at present until He shows us otherwise. Please pray for protection, safety, wisdom and discernment and also for miracles of supply.
(of Stefano): Fibroid tumor in the uterus.

North America
Update on girls involved in car accident in Boston
       Geness is doing well. Had the least injuries of the three, and is slowly getting back to her normal life.
       Amber isdoing better. Eating well and starting to regain some weight. Still doesn't get around very well due to recovering from her operation from which she has a large scar from her breast to her pelvis. Also had a broken pelvis that doctors say will take a year to heal and a broken collarbone, which was not noticed previously, and so was not set.
       Lillie returned from the hospital and is doing quite well, though she still has problems with one eye and with her hearing. Her mouth is still fixed shut, waiting for the jaw to heal, so she is still drinking only liquids.

: Vascular tumor in tongue and throat, blocking breathing while he sleeps. (From Andrew and Marie:) “We want to thank each of you who have written us, and sent us donations. We really appreciate your help, encouragement and support. We also appreciate the prophecies some have sent. It means so much to us to have all of you fighting by our side. We couldn't make it without you.” I made a mistake on the last address I gave, but TYJ we still received our mail from you. You can write or send donations to:
       Daniel Morrow,
       P.O. Box 2131,
       La Porte, TX
       Checks or money orders can be made payable to Daniel Morrow. Our phone number is (832) 541-6997. Thank you all so much for your prayers.
       Matthew: Pericarditis and myocarditis. Inflammation of the membrane of the heart caused in this case by viruses. Suffered a heart attack due to the stress of the viruses. Undergoing treatment.
       Jared (newborn of Chris and Windy): Born premature at seven months. Eye infection and heart murmur.
       Vanessa (baby, of Steven and Amber): Heart, respiratory, and stomach problems.
       Carisa (newborn, of Zeb and Kristy): Spina bifida (spinal birth defect that could also affect the brain) requiring surgery.

: Serious and worsening back pains.
       Mark: Multiple Sclerosis.
       Anna: Deterioration of spinal bones.
       Stephen: Chest pains.
       Marina: Breast cancer.
       Steven (of Tabitha): Symptom of meningitis and the reoccurrence of abscesses that appeared a year ago. Also a hearing problem that happened at the time of the abscesses as well.
       Sunny: Kidney problems and cancerous tissue in lower back.

South America
       Stability in Paraguay
, where the bridge to Brazil has been closed, causing violence, the closure of supermarkets and a military presence.
       Kristen (2½, of Cristal and Phillip): Born with a rare illness called tuberous sclerosis, causing calcifications on her brain and convulsions. Taking strong medication.
       Niko (1, of Juan and Carmen): Very high fever and convulsions, resulting in muscle spasms. (LNF: Now healed!)
       Patti: Fibroid growths in uterus and extreme numbness in right hand at night.
       Elizabeth: Chronic anemia, which may require a blood transfusion.
       Tim (of Maria): Humming sound in right ear, diagnosed as Ménière's syndrome.
       Phil (of Jubilee): Migraines. Lesion in right knee causing pain and difficulty walking.
       Brisa: Swelling on various parts of body. Could result in stretch marks.
       Priscila (of Thiago): Strong stomach pains which doctors are unable to diagnose.
       Andresito (3, of Andres and Virginia): Possible lesion on brain. Will undergo tests.
       Kelly (of Marcello): Growing cyst in uterus.
       Crystal (of Samuel): Will have surgery to remove uterus.
       Jubilee (of Phil): Small broken bone on side of foot.
       Pedro: Hepatitis.
       Miguelito (5, of Jose and Clara): Hernia in testicle.
       Marie (9, of Jose and Clara): Chest pains.
       Cielo (of Andres and Luz): Bulimia (eating disorder).
       Angela (of Jonas): Surgery to remove a nodule in the thyroid.
       Philip (10, of Sarah): Severe asthma attacks, accompanied by stomach pain.
       Sara (17, of Francisco and Mariana): Juvenile arthritis causing swollen wrists and ankles.
       MarcinGabriel (7 months, of Pawel and Melanie): Better appetite, stabilization of digestive system and weight gain.
       Esteban (14, of Juan and Perla): Torn leg muscle causing pain when walking.
       Elisha Woods: Painful ligaments in wrist.
       Phoebe (16, of Daniel and Maria): Hepatitis A and weak wrists.
       Gema: Large cyst on right leg.
       Flor (of Abel): For a healthy and comfortable pregnancy in spite of a prolapsed bladder and having previously miscarried.
       Joy (of Daniel Love): For a healthy and comfortable pregnancy in spite of problem with weak bladder.
Flor (of Richard): Cancer.
(of Adino): Cancer. Bleeding and pain in uterus.
       Angel (14), Christian (12) Valiant (7) (of Jonathan and Rejoice): Progressive myopia. Completed a nine-month long treatment and will now undergo tests.
       Blanca (of Andrés): Tumor in the neck.
       Jessica (of Francisco): Pain in her intestines and liver. For weight gain.
       Gabriel (14, of Juan and Gloria): A disease that causes baldness, fungus on his hand and chronic asthma.
       Maria Belen (YA): Myomas in her uterus. Loss of strength and appetite.
       Jesse (11, of David and Cristal): Growth and hearing problem.
       Melody (14, of Isaac and Promise): Scoliosis has improved with swimming; pray she can continue to lose weight and improve her posture.
       Angelica Maria: Arthritis.
       Maria: Strong dizzy spells, arthritis and fatigue.
       Keren (of Samuel): Strength and healing of heart and kidneys.

Answered Prayers
From Ginny, U.S.
: Good news! Vanessa (baby, of Steven and Amber [see Grapevine #120]) came home on Friday night! The Lord healed her collapsed lung! We feed her through a tube in her stomach, which takes some getting used to, but she sure seems to be happy to be home!

From Lucerito of Zacarias
, Colombia: The Lord miraculously healed me from painful sores in my mouth that would last for 2-3 weeks. I tried all kinds of treatments, etc., but nothing worked. I had this problem for 2½ years. Recently I needed to go to pray for our friend's boy who is suffering from brain cancer, but on that day, my mouth became full of sores, including a herpes sore, making it impossible to go near the boy in his condition. I got desperate and cried to the Lord for a miracle and He healed me. Right on the spot, my mouth became totally clean, and the rest of my body felt better. I now have normal blood pressure and no insomnia or herpes sores. All the sores in my mouth completely healed. It is a testimony of claiming the Keys! A total miracle.

Myths About Babies

By Kevin

       I'm happy to announce that over the last year I've been the proud father of an adorable baby boy, who thankfully spends a great deal of time each day behaving like an absolute angel. Even when he's awake, he has his moments of angelic quality. For example, the other day after engaging in a highly scientific experiment that involved carefully knocking his head against a wall and pretending to cry, he crawled over to the fridge which was just left open and started reaching for what I'm sure was a glass of lemonade for his dad. You see, in his own little way he was apologizing for making me spend the better part of the previous Sunday standing in front of the house making “thrrrrrpt” sounds at every single passing vehicle, and bringing his papa a cold lemonade would have been the perfect way to convey that. It was a sort of father-son understanding. That's my boy!
       After a blissful year of going to the park, playing hide and seek, changing diapers and pulling regurgitated raisins out of my computer's floppy drive slot, I now feel it is my duty to share some of the fatherly wisdom that I have accumulated in nearly as much abundance as I have books with pictures of a bulldozer. For thousands of years fathers and mothers the planet over have relied on hundreds of myths about babies, some of which are tried and proven, while others are more on the questionable side, such as the following nine myths, which are accompanied by the reason I, as an experienced father, cannot possibly endorse them.

Myth Number 1: Babies “sleep like a baby.”

       According to the International Unabridged Dictionary of Stuff, when someone says stuff like he “slept like a baby” he is supposedly referring to a deep sleep that lasted for an extended period of time. However, I have yet to see my son do this even once, and if he did I'd probably rush him to the emergency room.
       The truth is, Junior likes to sleep just long enough for me to comfortably arrange my pillow and begin dozing off. Then, just when I'm beginning to dream of a scantily dressed girl on a beautiful beach striking my name from the JJT schedule, I am abruptly woken by a scream that can be interpreted as, “I'll take that bottle on the rocks with a lime.”

Myth Number 2: Rocking a baby causes him or her to fall in to a peaceful sleep.

       This is true to a certain extent, but only if you interpret the verb “rock” to mean spinning in complete circles while jumping up in the air.

Myth Number 3: When babies are quiet and still, it's because they are behaving well.

       Let's not be overly optimistic here. The truth is they're concentrating on giving their diaper a free refill (you did remember to put one on, right?), while contemplating the next daredevil performance that will hopefully cause all the adults in the room to jump to their feet and run in baby's direction.

Myth Number 4: Babies put everything in their mouths.

       Simply not true. My son practically never puts anything in his mouth if it has been cooked. He does, however, put everything else in his mouth. In fact, the other day I saw him wiggling his mouth in a peculiar, puffy-cheeked way, and when I forced my two fingers into his chops I was pleasantly surprised to find my wife, who had been missing for over an hour.

Myth Number 5: When a baby pees all over you the worst thing to do is panic.

       Works pretty good for me.

Myth Number 6: That sound you just heard was really just a cute little toot.

       I'm afraid there's most likely more to it. Perhaps you should call the fire department and start looking into an adequate nuclear waste disposal site. Oh, and see if you can dig out that environmental suit from your closet.

Myth Number 7: Babies love your animal sounds, and can hardly tell the difference between you and the real thing.

       Actually, the reason he or she is smiling is because it's extremely entertaining to see a grown adult who is capable of raising a family, drinking alcohol, and driving a car suddenly behave as if he was a two-year-old who was raised in the wild by a pack of hyenas. But really, who cares if your elephant sounds more like an act of flatulence--as long as the baby cracks a smile.

Myth Number 8: Naturally, the best way to communicate with babies is by the use of baby talk and noises.

       Think of it this way: You're lying on your bed quietly, restfully staring at the ceiling after a long day, when suddenly and without warning somebody with less than fragrant breath sticks his face two millimeters from yours and starts making horrible, undecipherable noises like “goo goo goo coochie woochie boochie noochie coo!!!” The baby is no doubt thinking, “Lord almighty! Somebody call the loony bin warden! And tell him to bring backup!”

Myth Number 9: Babies can get foolish when they start to approach toddlerhood.

       What you actually see is a near perfect mirror of yourself and your habits. So next time you see innocent little Johnny stick a bucket on his head and run around the room in circles giggling like Bunny Bigword, you might want to think about where that came from.

ice breakers

       These magazines include classes about the future as foretold in the Bible.

       Have you ever longed for a way to improve your relationship with God? Then these magazines are for you! What they say is not new--in fact it's as old as the Bible teachings themselves, but applied to the new world we live in.

       These magazines give advice about how to rise above life's struggles and difficulties and turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones. The life we live is not an easy one and you need more than just yourself to overcome what you face. The articles in this magazine will help you to overcome these difficulties human beings have to face daily. They will not only help you rise above life's struggles with God's help, but will bring you inner happiness. To get these magazines, fill out this subscription card and by paying a small fee you will receive a monthly magazine for a year.

       Now that you've found this joy of being God's child, you are like a newborn baby. And what do babies need? Nourishment! The Bible talks about how we all need to be fed spiritually. Here's a magazine that you can receive that will give you just the spiritual nourishment that you need. If you read this, you'll find the joy you are experiencing now growing and becoming even more solid. Would you like to subscribe?

       I want to make it possible for you to experience the full joy and quality of life that I have! Here's a magazine that can help you in just that way. Read it and you will learn all about your new life with Jesus!

       Okay, now you're one of us, one of the multitudes of Christians that Jesus loves and not only died for, but also lives today for! Next you need to know more about Him. That's what the Activated magazine is for. Try it, and I'm sure you're going to want more. I can guarantee that as you take time to read God's Word and learn about the new life He's given you, this new joy and the truth you have just found will grow.

Kosovo summer camps

By Andrew and Miracle, for the Oasis Home, Kosovo
       The buzz phrase around our Home for the past two months has been “summer camps,” and almost all of our time and effort has gone into making these summer months fun, feeding, and inspiring for our sheep and the local children that we have been working with over the past year.
       A nearby municipality where we have worked quite a bit wanted to organize a camp for minority children who have no freedom of movement, and have been trapped in their enclaves since the end of the war over two years ago. Most of these children have no access to playgrounds or recreational activities, and simply move back and forth between school and home due to security reasons. So the idea was to make it possible for 750 children, divided into three groups of 250, to go for one week each up to a mountain resort, which is itself in an enclave, to enjoy supervised recreational and informal education activities, in a positive and challenging environment.
       The UN administrators of this municipality needed the professional help of NGOs that work with children and deprived youth, in order to select who would attend, recruit volunteers who would be paired up with the children, and organize the daily activities. Amazingly enough, out of the five or so NGOs that were asked to participate, we were the ONLY ones with any practical experience of actually getting in there with the kids to do activities and provide uplifting and inspiring animation that could keep them entertained for hours. All the other NGOs were more used to supplying aid, rebuilding schools, or things of that sort. So it didn't take long before everyone was looking to us to lead the planning of the games and activity times!
       We printed T-shirts for the occasion with our name and logo on the back. Best of all, our nine closest Bible students and Activated English Club members came along with us as volunteers. They too are isolated in their enclaves. So they enjoyed this time as much as the children. Food was provided with the hotel rooms where we all stayed. One of our volunteers said she was so thankful to be able to have three meals a day! Another said she was so happy to be able to sleep in her own bed, rather than having to sleep with her 19-year-old sister!
       The main group was divided into 10 smaller groups of 25 children each, and colored hats were distributed so each group would be defined by their color. These children rarely if ever have the opportunity to meet with their peers from the other areas, so care was taken to make sure that each color group had a cross-section of children from the different areas attending for that week.
       At the first night's dinner, as the children sat in their groups at long tables in the hotel dining room, they all began waving their hats in the air and chanting their color name: “Red, red, red!” and “Blue, blue, blue!” They were already so proud of the group they were in, even though they had only just arrived! It showed how much excitement and anticipation was in the air!
       The first day the children were missing their parents, and there was a long queue at the phone, waiting to call home. But after the exciting events of the first few days, you could see the change in their faces and attitudes, as they were shining. Now the line up at the phone was to call home to say how much fun they were having!
       The Enemy was really fighting our “Activated English Club” volunteers on the first day, though. Just as they were about to step up on to the bus, their bags already stored away underneath, one of the UN people asked a few of their ages, and then announced that no one under 18 could be a volunteer! What a shock! That would have meant that six of our nine volunteers who were from 15-17 years old would have had to go home totally disappointed. We really had to “fight” for our team. We explained to our friends who knew us better that we had been training these young people for nine months, and that they would be some of the hardest and most enthusiastic workers on the staff. It was so silly that they would prefer the old-bottle, cigarette-smoking teachers, who in the end spent most of their time sitting together and talking while our team did most of the work! It caused our volunteers to get desperate and pray, which taught them good lessons, and they saw us really going to bat for them. By a miracle, the Lord turned the tide, and they let our guys get on the bus, and soon we were off with our convoy of five buses and five armored escort vehicles!
       This experience left an unforgettable stamp in the minds of all these kids. Even now when we drive through the villages, children and parents wave at us as they recognize us from the camp! Sometimes we are tempted to think how these other organizations get paid huge salaries to do projects like this, while we are volunteers. But we get the privilege of seeing the happy faces of these kids, and they look to us as their heroes. They can tell who is there for them, and who's in it for other reasons. Money comes and goes, but these experiences live forever in the minds of the children and young people who get a chance to be touched by God's Spirit in us!


Ambassador's son got saved

Marina, Manna Home, Japan: The 18-year-old son of an ambassador from an Asian country visited our Home this month. He had gotten saved recently via e-mail and is very desperate for counsel and spiritual guidance in his life. He happily received the Holy Spirit and left with a stack of our literature (including Activated), which he loves so much.

Ugandan Parliament

       Ben and Angela, Kampala, Uganda: One day on outreach we met a lady we have known from before and who helped us with some baby items. We were trying to hook her on the Word, but besides the Reflections there was not much response. (Both she and her husband are born again Christians.)
       Her husband was recently elected as a Regional Minister (he is the minister of a region in Uganda) to the Parliament, and he has weekly Bible classes and prayer meetings with other Parliament members. We prayed and the Lord showed us to offer the Bible Basics and Keys to Happier Living books to her for both his Bible studies, and to personally build their faith. When she saw the books she was glued to them. She didn't put them down and bought both of them! Thank the Lord for asking Him in prophecy! So now the Spirit of David can enter the Ugandan Parliament!

Muslim Ministry
Islamabad Home, Pakistan:
Tehreek-e-Akhuwat-e-Islami Pakistan, an Islamic religious movement created 15 years ago to foster religious tolerance between Muslim sects, Christians, and other religions, invited us to represent the Christian faith and to give a five-minute speech during the Conference on “Respect for Humanity” on Tuesday 31, July 2001, at the Islamabad Hotel. Other guest speakers included five top-level ministers.
       The speechwas composed of excerpts of Dad's writings from: “What Everybody Needs Is Love,” “Holy War,” “Our Declaration of Love,” and “Stand Up for Religious Freedom”--a paper delivered at an Islamic conference in the U.S. in 1993.
       The event was reported in two Urdu papers, and in a televised spot in the regional and national evening news reaching Islamabad/Rawalpindi and the whole country.
       (Editor: Check out the MO site for the full speech!)

CVC pubs and books CD

Ester, USA: What a treasure! Because we don't have anyone here using the CVC at present I had not actually looked at these CDs. But out of curiosity one day I took a look with Joan, one of my daughters. We were so surprised at what they contained!--A beautiful and useful tool for everyone, not only those studying to get a CVC diploma. Childcare bonuses like the teacher's planner, complete with report cards and plan sheets that you can print out and so much more. Great!

Croatia getting
Stephen of Angela, Croatia:
I would like to testify about the Activated mags. We have the first six months worth of mags translated, and should be able to get them out soon, once all the legal aspects are worked out. However, we have some sheep on the line, one in particular named Lidija. She's a woman who does humanitarian work, and has known the Family for quite a few years. Slovenian Christina has been faithful to write to her for years, and regularly sends her Reflections, etc., which she loves. She also has a Daily Might which she treasures.
       About seven months ago, she got turned on to the GP Web site, particularly the e-cards, and wanted to subscribe to the GP e-mailings. She has printed out each one. She also bought My King and I and the From Jesus--With Love Activated booklets, and loves them! We started her on the 12 Foundation Stones and she is really growing.
       She recently became a live-out, and once her two children are grown, she wants to join full time and go to Africa. I am totally sold on the Activated course, as I see her growing and becoming a disciple. I know it works! She witnesses wherever she goes, gives out copies of the GP e-mailings, and even got a prophecy and vision when we heard from the Lord together after 12 Foundation Stones class #4.
       Since we don't have Activated in Croatian available yet, we are starting a six-week series of seminars for close friends, potentials, and their sheep, at Lidija's center. The material is taken from the Activated mags and booklets, and covers stress, problems, overcoming obstacles and handicaps, getting along with others, bitterness and forgiveness, etc. We compiled it and gave it to a few people in January, and it went so well that we're starting again this month. When it is over, we will start the 12 Foundation Stones with the most potential sheep.

“Borrowing” playmates
Mother, South Africa:
A couple months ago the other family moved out of the Home, making our daughter (13) the only “child” in the Home. After a while she began greatly missing the companionship of other kids, as everyone else in the home is Sr. teens and up. Since she was the only one doing full-time school instead of outreach every day, and wasn't able to watch the movies or do most things the rest of the Home could do, she ended up spending a lot of her time by herself, which was making her bored and uninspired. A Home that recently opened in our city had some kids who were her age, so we thought it would be a good idea to “borrow” some kids from them for a little while. So far it's been working well. For a week or two, the kids will stay at our Home and do school with our daughter, and the next week she goes over there. This arrangement has also provided an added incentive for her to finish up or do extra school, as the “reward” is time spent in the other Home or activities with the other kids.

A must to keep records
Jonathan, Claire, Lydia, Japan:
The Board of Education from our City Office came over to check on our home schooling and to make sure that the children were all receiving a good education. As you can imagine, we were a bit nervous. They only gave us one day advance warning, and we had to be prepared to show all the kids' school records, tests, texts, report cards, diplomas, curriculum, attendance records, samples of their work, etc., as well as our own credentials.
       We were able to get a well-presented sample of the kids' schooling since we have been diligent in keeping up their records. It served as a good wake up call though, on the importance of keeping faithful, up-to-date records of what you are doing if you choose to home school your kids. I have to say that there was a real satisfaction in seeing these officials marvel at how well the kids are doing studying at home. They right away said that they would be sending us written approval from the City Office to teach our own kids and that our curriculum was excellent.

Would it be possible to have an e-mail address for “Uncle Jim” (of Treasure Attic) so he could communicate with his little friends? Such a direct line with the GP might be a blessing.--Tabita Fe, Brazil
A: Here's “Uncle Jim's” (Solomon) GP e-mail address: unclejimsmail@yahoo.com.

tip of the day

Bring CLE with you

       It might be helpful to publish a warning to new teams coming to poor Third World countries to bring complete CLE needs, and not expect to receive it safely in their new field. (We are still missing a $600 order from last April. Another Home also didn't receive their full order, only part of it!)
       --John, Rose, Joyful, and Aaron, India

E-mail answering help

       It's difficult to get Homes (and sometimes even ABMs) to answer e-mails. They're probably very busy, but it might make it easier if each Home designated one person to take care of answering e-mail. It only takes a few minutes. I have found that the best way to go about answering messages is to do it right away, on the spot. This is especially true for simple messages that only require a short yes/no answer. To postpone answering or forwarding messages is a loss of time and there is also the possibility that we forget to answer altogether.--ABM in Peru

Paxiscope uses
       We have provisioned a paxiscope (to project books) and photocopied most of the Hope TKs on to 6” x 6” sheets (as we use them regularly and it is more convenient. It is also possible to project the GNs and other Word directly without reducing). This makes a fantastic tool to teach the Word and at the same time to teach English. At our smaller classes we ask the deaf to come up front and sign a paragraph each while the others follow it on the screen. This has also been a nice way to read the Word, and especially to follow the words of the songs during inspiration.--Madras Deaf Home, India

Tips for learning a language
We've discovered a beneficial way to emphasize learning Thai, increase our vocabulary on spiritual-related topics, and motivate us into becoming more versatile in the Thai language. How has this wonderful phenomenon taken place? With the arrival of Bright, a national, to our Home, we instituted a program where we have one devotions a week that is solely in Thai! Bright leads the devotions, and, along with others who can read Thai fairly adeptly, she reads to everyone in Thai while we follow along in English. At the end of our Word time we go around the circle praying for various requests in Thai, and we wrap the session up with a lively time of praise--also in Thai! This has given our journey through the Thai language a new avenue and has helped in enhancing our vocabulary!--Ammi, John, Markus, and Sharon, Thailand

Ways to remember
Rosita (18), USA: I've always had a difficult time remembering to pray for the myriad of people and problems on the prayer list. The Lord reminded me that if I memorize at night it often gets lodged in my memory without my even trying. So I've photocopied and placed the monthly prayer list on the wall by my bed, so now as I drift off to sleep I pray for our precious brethren who are battling. Then, during our prayer vigils in the car to and from our witnessing spots, we remember who the people are and their requests, thus they get prayed for all throughout the day.

reax to some of the latest news

Steven (16), Detroit, USA
       Hmm … FSMs about Africa, I thought. Sounds interesting! Probably says it's real fruitful, they're winning tons of disciples-the usual. I'll read them sometime.
       This pathetic mindset changed drastically when “sometime” came around the next day at Word time and shockaroo! Not only was I fascinated by the neat facts about the continent, but the witnessing you guys do-man, it really takes the cake. It showed me how important it was to follow up on and feed the sheep, and pray about everything.

Shine (of Tim), USA

       After reading GN 942, “What the Future Holds,” we were all in awe! The amazing prophecies from Jesus were almost shocking! I have never imagined doing those kind of big miracles where people would even be watching. After reading the GN for the first time I heard from the Lord about it and He asked me why I was so surprised! He reminded me how before joining the Family I saw many people of other religious beliefs cast spells, perform healings, and do other sorts of “miracles.” Why shouldn't we do more when we have the real living power of Heaven?
       Thank you also for the GN of “Leadership Lessons, Part 1.” It was exactly what I needed. Sometimes it is a fight to get proper time with the Lord with all there is to do. It's good to be reminded of what my priorities should be. Isn't it cool to have a job where you'll get fired if you don't put the Spirit first?!

Paloma (17), Detroit Home, USA

       On Friday we had Word time at the park and decided we'd all ask the Lord how to personally use the keys to the kingdom. I got to go for a paid subscription, which I've never gotten before.
       While we postered the Lord told me not to worry about it, that He'd bring the person to us, and that it would be real clear at the time to do it. Without thinking of it anymore I continued postering for the next three hours. Going in to my fourth hour, I spotted a group of young Mexican guys who I figured would be fun to talk to, but when I was about four feet away an older man came running up to us and said, “Hey, are you witnessing?” To make a long story short, he'd seen a team there the day before and had watched them all day. He loves witnessing and wants to change the world.
       I flipped out the mag and showed it to him. He said it sounded great and that he'd return in two hours. I quickly gave him a card and told him to at least read it. He acted like, “Sure, sure.” I didn't think he'd be back. Two hours later he returned with a $50 donation. He got activated and we talked about living by faith, witnessing, the world, discipleship, etc. Now he's being fed, thanks to the keys!

Going Punjabi

By Martin and Hope, Lahore Home, Pakistan
       Since our humble beginnings some years ago, our singing team has progressed from a few simple songs to quite a well-rounded program with puppets, songs, clowns, etc.--all performed in Urdu, the local language. Over the last few years we have been adding some popular local songs to our repertoire and these have been well received. We've also tried to add traditional dance routines, with the team dressing in traditional costume.
       Recently we started to learn a popular Punjabi song recorded by one of the country's top singers. The girls worked on the dance routine (we have been trying to get a professional choreographer to help us, however in the meantime have been getting good tips and input for Indian dancing from various Hindi musicals). Sammy and Stevie learned the words (which is not easy as the local Punjabi is quite tricky), and we got our friendly local band to make the background track for us.
       As it happened, we got some bookings before the background track was completed. By this time, however, the song had become so popular that we thought to use it in our show anyway, only to make it a dance routine instead, using the original track of this famous singer. The response was terrific and people loved it.
       Later we met an influential lady who is very fond of music and dancing, who heard that our children performed. One day while visiting our Home she asked to see them dance. They did this latest number which is their “hot item” now. A few days later she called and said she had been talking to this famous singer who she knows, and had mentioned that she met some foreign kids who were dancing to one of his numbers. He was immediately interested and wanted to see the kids do their stuff!
       A meeting was arranged and he turned out to be very sweet. He watched the girls dance and was quite impressed. Afterwards he gave us a copy of his new tape and asked if we would be willing to learn a few more of his songs and have the team perform with him when he does his next concerts! His songs are all quite sweet and of a typical Punjabi style. This was very encouraging for us as the Lord had shown us to work on becoming one culturally with our music, and that it would be a key to the people's hearts. It's been opening lots of doors to be a witness, as well as keeping our young people busy and inspired for the Lord.

letters to the editor
Re: Abner's explanation

By Precious, Japan
       Abner's (CO) write-up about the Activated “Mag of the Month” program (see Grapevine #119) inspired me and taught me more about the Activated program. I had seen on the Activated order form the section about the “Mag of the Month,” but I didn't understand how we could use it as we aren't in an English-speaking country. We only order a small amount of Activated mags to get out to the English speakers we meet. Because this is such a small amount, I sort of hoarded these mags, and only gave them to people who were potential subscribers. Now I see that if we have a larger amount on hand I can get them out more. I also can ask donations for them on the spot! (Maybe this is common knowledge to most people, but in our country, we don't have the option to give one or two free mags to potential subscribers unless we, as a Home, buy them and give them to our potential subscribers. The shipping costs too much.)
Another revelation to me that Abner brought out was that Activated subscribers get mags #1-9 and after that they get whatever mag is being mailed out that month. That was a new idea! Now I see that I don't have to worry about distributing mags out of order. (I guess I'm sort of trained in getting out the DFs and that you should give them in a consecutive order.)
       So, all that to say, “thank you, Abner” for taking the time to explain the Activated program to us. It is clearer to me. The US Activated desk has been so patient and helpful, enabling us to order from overseas. I am so thankful for Activated and the potential it has to feed the sheep and even bring in income. The day after reading Abner's explanation, we went out with some Activated mags and one man got one and gave a donation for “God's work”--$6! Above and beyond the price of the mag. I can see it now!
       So we're going to join the “Mag of the Month” club so we can have a large amount of mags on hand. Even if someone doesn't get a subscription, at least they have some Word and a way to contact us. We've always sold tools on the street or DTD, but I didn't really think about selling the mags on the street. What a revelation!

Reaction to “Remember Our Teachers”

By Gloria (20), USA
       To all those who wrote in to “Remember Our Teachers” in Grapevine: TYSM for taking the time to show how much your teachers meant to you. I am only 20-years-old, but nonetheless a teacher, and I find it a very exciting job, though sometimes it seems I am more excited than my little students. It was really touching to see how the little things mean so much and are so remembered. It is, at the same time, very convicting for me to remember to really pour into the children all I can, especially love and praise. TYSM for this precious peek into the heart of a child.

What Kevin's readers think…

By Steven (16), USA
       After reading Kevin's tribute to our teachers, I wanted to thank you, Kevin, for adding a new touch to the GV with your hilarious humor and extreme examples. It's not only been a source of unending laughter in a few dull moments, but also has given interesting insight, enthusiastic entertainment to sleepy drivers, filled up toilet time, and yes, it's our ever present energizer (or should I say destablizer) in the work-out room. Keep the columns coming to us roving readers who readily search new Grapevines for your episodes. Here's what a variety of our Home members think:

       Rosita (18):
Did those things actually happen to you? Such as Hagarenes' “I-am-a-toilets” (or was it just toilet?). The Bible?!

       Magdalena (12):
I really enjoy reading your columns. That is, with my parents' permission.

       FGA woman
: Kevin, how do you do it? Your columns have us in stitches! Your last one about teachers really hit the nail on the head (did you say something about clichés?). You captured each era with the uncanny perspective of a truly cosmic individual. Thanks for the laughs!

       Lily (20):
I really like what you wrote in the Grapevines. You know, as a new disciple it's always interesting to find out new things about the Family, if they are true!?! I'm surprised by what unique, wonderful people the Family is made of. And if those stories are not true, well, I must say God endowed you with a big imagination and a great sense of humor.

       Anonymous (17):
Oh Kevin, I find your articles to be wonderful reading. In fact I may use them to teach my little brothers and sisters to read or quote them to sheep alongside the Zinetoons! Your antics give me infinite ideas to be placed in a new Activity Book, such as how to line an exhaust pipe. My favorite companion on a 15-hour drive to Minneapolis was your interview in “Our Side.” Mwahaha!

Re: Men, Women and Feeding Camels (GV #119)

By Anonymous, Eastern Europe
You kept me bouncing in my chair after reading your well-expressed letter. If you allow, I would like to mention another point of view. God already has supplied the “Eves” that all we men “adore,” so why not go to them and ask instead of waiting for them to fall at our feet like an apple! Afraid that she will not be your type? Afraid what will happen after you test the fruit? Don't be afraid to try!
       In my case--and I don't think that I'm the only one--I got married without being in love. Why not! She was nice and don't all we Adam's love to have one of those pretty Eves? If you love the Lord and are in His service you should get along well, and with time will learn the art of love. Not only that, there are hundreds of lessons to learn along the way, especially after you start having children. Then there's no time to wonder whether you made a mistake--only how lovely she is, and what a wonderful mommy she is as well. It can be a big battle to fight if it turns out that you are very different, but why not look up and see the stars that you will get in your crown for sticking to it.


The Family is the best!
       A very happy CMer:
The other day I was doing ballooning with a former member (she was helping out 'cause I didn't have anyone to help me for that weekend). She had just left the CM Family, so she has some things on her heart about the Family, and she started voicing her doubts. For a moment I thought that maybe I shouldn't be listening to this, but what was I supposed to do?
       Anyway, I started answering her and I found myself amazed to see how every time she would say or ask if I believed something, I would just answer something from the Word or from Grandpa, things that I thought I would never remember when I was young. Finally at the end she asked me one question--if I believed in this certain belief the Family has. Of course I said yes, but I didn't know what to answer to her allegations with. I didn't want to feel done with, even after so much that I already answered triumphantly. So I decided to ask the Lord in my mind. I only had a few seconds though, or she would say she got me on that one. Then all of a sudden I answered her. When I was done, I realized she had shut up and didn't have anything else to say. The funny thing was that I don't remember what I answered her, and I wasn't going to ask her what I had said! It was quite obvious to me that the Lord was the One Who spoke through me.
       This has never happened to me before. I'm still a teen and have my life ahead of me, but I can say now that there is nothing the Enemy can say or do to stop me from loving the Family, much less leaving the Family. We really are the best!

More guy/girl stuff

Anonymous young female, Brazil: I totally agree with the guy who wrote about the boy/girl issue in GV #119. He's right about the attitude we girls (not all, though) have concerning guys and “the right guy.” We can sure get choosy when it comes to guys. We have our idea of how the guy is “supposed” to be, but I doubt anyone has found the man or woman of their dreams in every aspect.
       I've seen pretty bad stuff from both sexes and everyone knows that both sides have plenty to improve in. I've heard that it's harder for a guy than for a girl to cope with that kind of hurt. I think it's true, 'cause although I've been hurt a lot, when I hear the things that some girls did to friends of mine ... I don't know how they could do it. How can they play with the guys' hearts and just go along with it, yet the whole time they're not serious about it?! They say “I love you” and yet they don't really care much for the guy. They just like the attention and having a guy adore them. When the guy realizes this, he's heartbroken because he truly loved her. Although some guys have been quite awful to girls, we girls have no right to treat them that same way. It shows how much we all have to learn.
       Yeah, there are plenty of handsome/gorgeous guys/girls in the System, but their looks are nothing compared to the inner beauty of our guys and gals. Think about it! Let's say you go to bed with a fairly decent guy/girl (not physically speaking here). You know that that person believes the same things you do, loves the Lord like you do, is living for the same cause as you are, technically speaking wouldn't (shouldn't) do things to purposely hurt you, technically speaking cares for you as a brother/sister in the Lord, understands you much more then a System guy/girl would, and yeah ... I wouldn't trade our guys for a million System guys.
       There's hope for the male race, yes, and for us females. It's up to each person's conscience and love for others. It doesn't matter how much we talk about this or how much Word comes out on this subject; if we each don't do our part, this won't change. Just 'cause others aren't being decent and loving, doesn't mean you can't be decent, right?

Hail to mothers

       Anonymous male: The other day a sister and I were talking, and the subject of our mothers came up. Through the course of the conversation, I began to recall all the mothers that had such a profound influence on my life. After about 10 minutes, I realized that had it not been for the love of these women, I would surely have suffered the loss in many ways.
       My friend also spoke of how many of our mothers now see themselves a little less desirable, feeling the effects of time and children on their bodies. Well, I know all this has been expressed in the pubs, but I couldn't help wanting to say something myself also.
       I can't think of a better way to be loved than by the gentle hands of one of our mothers. The love and care I have received from them is truly a gift from God. So often because of their wise, gentle and patient care, I have stuck it out, learned lessons, and grown in spirit. There is hardly enough I can say about the manifest kindness and sacrificial giving I have been blessed with through their unselfish love. The beauty of their spirits can only be compared to the Holy Spirit Herself. So often a mother was there for me when I needed to try again, face my fears and even receive a little correction to get me back on track. GBT.
       They have been my lovers, my friends and companions through this life of faith. I have been held in their arms when all I could do was cry and pray for help. Jesus answered those prayers through them.
       Their eyes hold the purest of all truth: God is love. And much of that love I believe can be found in their embrace, the softness of their voice, and the magic of their touch.
       So has been my experience with our mothers. The ones in her care are most blessed. There are hardly words enough to speak of her yieldedness and giving and giving and giving again. I am humbled by her reflection of the Holy Spirit. Only through the silent stillness of your own heart can Jesus reveal to you how He sees these beauties. Thank You, Jesus.
       --A single FGA brother in His service and yours

Shine on-August 2001

TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total
Gilbert/Sara/Gabriel, Mexico       1,000       6,000
Faithy/Mark/Premika, India       734       2,938
Samuel H.H/Rosita H.H, Mexico       667       2,000

Ezequiel/Rejoice/Jonathan/Tabitha, Brazil       500       2,000
Charity/David/John/Shellena, India       425       1,700
Juan/Heidi Pescador, Venezuela       400       2,000
John Peter/Joy/Simon/Sunny, India       322       1,290
Elias/Marivel, Mexico       274       547
Francisco/Mariana, Colombia       175       350
Ezequiel/Maria, Mexico       160       320

Nina/Gabriel/Marie/Clara, Portugal       3,966       7,931
Claire/Maya/Titus, USA       3,839       23,034
Charity/John, USA       1,250       2,500

Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA       1,060       12,714
Maria/Michael, Japan       905       2,715
Michael/Maria/Sunny, Kenya       852       10,231
Martin/Mercy/Daniel/Jonathan, Mozambique       830       7,476
John/Angeles/Marie, Portugal       600       1,800
Samuel H.H/Rosita H.H, Mexico       567       1,700
Jonathan/Mary/Tommy/Eva, Tanzania       566       3,400

Lalo/Ruth/Faithy, Mexico       332       1,327
Davi/Madalena/Tiago, Brazil       141       706
Abigail/Caleb/Josue, Costa Rica       112       558

Francisco/Joanna/Apollos, Brazil       88       265
Nina/Jay, USA       82       247
John/Angeles/Marie, Portugal       75       227
Victor/Pilar, Spain       71       143
Mark/Maria/Nick, United Kingdom       71       355
Tim/Claire/Stefan/Joy, Switzerland       69       349
Jude/Eden/Eve, Hungary       67       271

Jerry/David/Gabriela, Croatia       67       203
Lalo/Ruth/Faithy, Mexico       51       203
Juan/Ester/Primavera, Brazil       48       290

Joao/Clara, Brazil       32       130
Emmanuel/Felicia, Indonesia       31       62
Aaron/Joanne/Joseph/Pearl/Pearl, Thailand       25       592
Ben/Meekness/Sam/Sherri, Botswana       25       100
Tommy/Esteban/Virginia, Brazil       23       93
Asaph/Charity/Joy/Tender, Pakistan       22       204
Susanna/Nehemiah/Meekness, UK       17       122

Also included with this file:
Peculiar people (By Zeb)
Caption 1       Are you gonna take us for get out today?
       Caption 2       Okay I'll take you. I'll be in the van, ready to go at 5.
       Caption 3       Great!
       Caption 4       5 o'clock: Where is everybody?
       Caption 5       I don't know.
       Caption 6       A few minutes later: Okay, let's go!
       Caption 7       At the park: Is this “get out”?

Copyright © 2001 by The Family

(End of File)