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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine

(Issue #119; September 1, 2001.)

The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine are not intended to reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751, Irving, Texas, USA - 75016-8751 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2001 by The Family

Table of contents:

       Legal and media       4
       Christmas Fundraising Ideas       7
       Activated Highlights       8
       New CLE ordering procedures       12
       Kevin column       13
       Mama on moving Homes       16


       Freedom requires that we learn and put into practice the three R's--respect, responsibility, and restraint.

       Julia Faye
, born to Victoria and David on April 8.--Brazil
       Leila Miller, born to Paloma and Daniel on April 29.--England
       Juan Pablo, born to Paciencia and Josue on May 22.--Argentina
       Rafael, born to Elizabeth and Daniel on May 25.--Brazil
       Celeste, born to Laloand Gabriela on June 4.--Chile
       Martin Sebastian, born to Charityand Josue on June 9.--Bolivia
       Kenneth, born to Carmella and Nick on July 1.--Dominican Republic
       Agnes, born to Mimi and Shane on July 2.--England
       Seth Pryce, 3rd child, born to Carina and Mark on July 5.--India
       Juan Pablo, born to Ruthand Juan on July 9.--Chile
       Antonina, born to Masha and Victor on July 12.--Russia
       Dylan, born to Clara and Dan on July 14.--Brazil

(16, Spanish) rejoined in Spain.
       Jane (21, Romanian) joined in Romania.
       Eve Heavenly Swallow (24, Russian) and son Rodion joined in Russia.
       Nusha (16, now Ester) joined in Maputo, Mozambique.


Attention!--Any Family members with Montessori teaching experience!

       In the early years of the Family some of us took Montessori training courses by correspondence through St. Nicholas Training center in London. I am looking for a set of these original notes from the course, containing both the theory and presentations of materials. Does anyone have these or know of someone who does? Please contact Marie of Martin as soon as possible via: pcdesk@attglobal.net. Thank you so much!

Did I miss something?

By the Heaven's Library team
       If you've been wondering what became of sequel mag “Solarzi” (HL 107), wonder no more. The continuing installment is on its way to you soon. We're sorry for the delay, but we hope that when you do get this next installment that you'll find it worth the wait. We had to put the continuing mag on hold for a time in order for the channel who received “Solarzi” to have more time to get the rest of the story, for you, our dear Family. Once again, though, we're sorry for the delay. It will be worth it, as well as present an opportunity for you to pick up that first installation and have a second read.
       We love you so much. A big thank you to all of you who are sending stories in for the Heaven's Library mags, we do appreciate it, and hope that the ones that have been reaching your Homes have been a blessing.

Worth it? Oh yeah!!!

By Jenny (19), Zambia
       Okay, where to begin? Recently we have been going to NIPA (a Zambian university) to host a weekly Bible class. When I first went I had heard some discouraging news … that the people there were kind of deadheads when it came to Bible classes. I must admit the first few times going there it seemed rather a slow process for me.
       One day Abner and I went to NIPA to give a Bible class. At the end of the class one of the female students asked to talk with me. She started sharing her heart about how she had been very depressed recently because she had lost the joy of the Lord, and she had tried to commit suicide. She had taken 20 some pills, but instead of dying she only got very sick.
       She was in her aunt's house at the time and her aunt got upset at her because she had caused her embarrassment with her neighbors. So her aunt sent her back to her mom for a month in the Copper Belt (a region of cities in Northern Zambia). When she went to see her mom, her mom asked her, “How can you do such a thing when you're a Christian? Yet I'm not a Christian and I wouldn't do anything like that.” This girl told me she couldn't confide in anyone at the university, because before she had and they just gossiped about her. She had also tried talking to a pastor at one of the local churches, but he was too busy with the “big people” and told her to come back the next week.
       She explained that she felt led to share this with me and asked us to pray for her. I told her the story of “I'm a Live One,” and tried to encourage her. Abner shared with her “Beauty for Ashes” and she started crying, and then I almost started crying and gave her a hug. We gave her some verses on comfort to look up in her Bible and gave her our address. Since then we have been in contact with her regularly and have put her on our prayer list. She says she can really feel the power of intercessory prayer helping her in her life.
       It's the first time that anything like this has happened to me, and those few moments of witnessing to her and helping her made all my trials and battles worth it.
       The thing that is so amazing about this field is that she's not the only one like that! There are so many people here who have such a deep spiritual vacuum for the Word. All they need is someone to help show them how they can maintain a closer link with the Man. Will you?

How safe is PGP

       Top-rate civilian cryptographers and computer experts have tried unsuccessfully to break PGP. Almost daily, someone posts a notice such as “PGP Broken by Omaha Teenager.” Take these claims with a grain of salt. To date, nobody has publicly demonstrated the skill to outsmart or outmuscle PGP.
       There are two basic parts to PGP:
       1) the Public Keys system
       2) the main encryption used

       Breaking keys is based on being able to factor large primes, which science has never found an easy method of doing, not even with supercomputers.
       The main encryption, the following is from the Official PGP FAQ:
       The IDEA encryption scheme uses a 128 bit key. Any one of the 2128 possible combinations would be legal as a key, and only that one key would successfully decrypt all message blocks. Let's say that you had developed a special purpose chip that could try a billion keys per second. This is far beyond anything that could really be developed today. Let's also say that you could afford to throw a billion such chips at the problem at the same time. It would still require over 10,000,000,000,000 years to try all of the possible 128 bit keys. That is something like a thousand times the age of the know universe! While the speed of computers continues to increase and their cost decrease at a very rapid pace, it will probably never get to the point that IDEA could be broken by the brute force attack.

Calling FSM testimonies

       Got a hot testimony that you'd like to see in an FSM? Send it to the FSM box! fsm@wsfamily.com. It will arrive a lot faster than if sent via your TRF--and it may be just what we are waiting for!
       In fact, here are some mags in the works that we need more material for. Do YOU have a testimony along these lines?
       Miracles! The Lord has promised to not just do healing miracles for us, but of many different kinds--supply, protection, you name it! Please write if you've seen some!
       Activated Blessings! People have written how their getting behind the Activated push has resulted in amazing supply, in friends growing, in amazing rewards for obedience! Has it happened to you?
       Anything else that you feel would benefit the Family--please send it to the FSM box, and we'll either use it in a mag or post it on the MO site.
       We love you, and love to get your speedy testimonies via the FSM box! Many thanks to all you faithful reporters--we need to hear more from you!
       Love, Your FSM editors

       P.S. We'd also appreciate touching witnessing stories, particularly if short (500 words) and presented in a form for sharing with friends and the GP--for a DFO pub to show how the Lord changes lives and is an ever-present help! Thanks!

world news

“Walk of Life” recording
- On August 10-12, by invitation, Jeremy visited France, where he participated in an all-expenses-paid recording session with Alan Simon, a French musician/producer.
       The invitation stated, “'YS, the Walk for Life' will gather together thirty or so Nobel Prize winners, well-known scientists and researchers from all over the world who will bring their enlightenment to the essential questions about the future of our planet.”
       Mr. Simon is organizing this event, part of which is the ”concert on the top of the world” for the benefit of UNICEF.
       Jeremy was invited to record for the original musical work, which will initially be released as a studio album but will also be filmed at the “Walk of Life” concert, most likely in the summer of 2002, in the mountains of Nepal. Famous musicians and artists are participating in the recording of this CD, and world-renowned actors are supporting the project as official UNICEF ambassadors. The plan is to tour 20 major capitals of the world in 2003.
       Jeremy recorded slide guitar on five of the 17 music tracks, including one of his own instrumental pieces, which Alan was elated with and called “Angel,” since it reminded him of angels.
       Jeremy also gave a newspaper interview while there. About this, the Lord said, “The fact is that Jerry was a member of Fleetwood Mac,but a greater fact is that he has given his life to Me for the last 30 years. Let the music do the talking and talk about your artwork, music and writing.” The interview went well.
       Alan said he was honored to have Jeremy participate in this CD, and said he believes that “it is not a mistake that Jeremy is here.”
       Please pray for this project to have the desired effect. The Lord said that He has attached spiritual forces to Jerry's playing which will feed those who listen to it.
       Check out the full interview--on the MO site!

Sponsors needed!

By Activated India Desk
       Wanted!!! Sponsors for subscriptions for hungry sheep in the far-flung field of India! Our sponsorship program needs YOU! During the last few months we have received more and more names for sponsorship and have not had sufficient funds come in to meet the demand. Won't you help to give these people the life-giving words in the Activated magazines?
       You can send your contributions via the TRF. Please clearly mark your gift: Sponsorship for Activated India subscriptions. We will write you a personal letter telling you who your funds were used for and how many, e.g., 12 subscriptions for the deaf, eight subscriptions to students, five subscriptions to people who wrote in saying they wanted the magazine but could not afford it, etc. Thanks!


By Nyx
       It's hard to say in just a few paragraphs exactly what the Activated meetings entailed for us on this field--a field of ripe and ready harvest where a plentiful crop is the obvious. The Philippines, well known for its overstuffing of churches and Christian culture, should be no problem to activate, shouldn't it?
       But a couple of years into the Activated vision, and the majority of us found ourselves still unclear about how to get on top of the program. The Activated meetings that were held in June targeted the many questions that were raised in regards to spiritual, physical, and technical strategy. To help envision us, one of the CROs flew over (literally!) in time for the meetings. (He requests not to be named since “I didn't do much anyway” but we insist on thanking you, Adam. True, most of the meetings were based on prophecy, but your embodiment of a humble shepherd deserves mention. Thus, credit to whom credit is due.)
       Actually, Tommy did a lot of the talking (which saved Adam a good many hours) via video, and the wave that is sweeping South America let its impact be felt on these shores, too. If word-of-mouth is the best advertising a product can get, our Family around the world whose testimonies we witnessed on camera only had the best things to say about how Activated was a guaranteed lifesaver. From the desks in North America to Homes in the Indian continent, we were seeing that it could be done just as the Lord promised.--And this country was not an exception.
       Desperate prayer was the key to reactivation--with hosts of heavenly helpers beckoned to our side and renewed vision for a task hardly impossible. Personal commitments were renewed; the realization that we were going into intensified battle was re-established.
       For those attending, the three and a half days of meetings on a beautiful farmland out in the country were a time of rest, recuperation, fellowship, and counseling together how we could realistically accomplish what needed to be done. On the second day, we received a timely message from the Lord, outlining His views on this field and its laborers, some of whom have been toiling faithfully for years.
       Special mention should include the staff team who prepared the meals and kept house, the provisioners whose efforts stockpiled the content of those meals, the inspirationalists (we passed one guitar around), and of course, those who stayed by the stuff at home. Thank you all!

Reveling in the hype of a field meeting such as the recent Activated one and living life from home base are two seemingly different things. You have the ideal and you have the reality. I watched those teens on the Indian meetings footage and marveled at how dedicated and selfless they were serving from their post. And the nationals in Eastern Europe had a kind of spirited fire I thought was limited to past revolutionaries of the COG. I wanted to partake of the same inspiration they possessed and be involved in the field they were reaping … where people were so hungry for the Words of David; where the magazines would be sold out before the desks could whip out the next batch; where witnessing would become my main priority in life … oh well, where the grass was greener on the other side. In my reality, I had become stale and passive in my outreach. The hundreds of phone numbers in my address book had become synonymous with digits--not souls.
       When a new vision is presented, it's typical to catch the fiery enthusiasm during the seminar days and then to eventually fizzle out when things are back to their original state. I wonder when we will start to see the promised miracles and when those keys will begin to open more doors than we can ever imagine. The Lord's Words, more than just mere pictures, are undoubtedly awesome, but in my reality, how soon will those pictures come to life?
       And then my own question is answered … this IS the life. This is the field. People ARE hungry for the Words of David. The magazines CAN be sold out. Witnessing CAN and SHOULD be my main priority. And maybe, on the other side of the world, their grass is greener because they tend it faithfully.
       It's a personal commitment to get on board with the Activated vision, to be dedicated to a cause worth fighting for. And no, it's not going to happen overnight, like I'd want it to. It's only going to happen as fast as each of us pull our share of the load to make it happen. And when it does, the ideal and the reality will be one and the same.

Getting Activated!--Testimonies and Tips from you!
       Jay and Free, USA:
We've made great progress with marketing the CD cards to stores in the San Diego area. We got the idea to approach florists to offer CD cards to include with their floral arrangements, and the first florist we visited ordered 48 love card CDs! There are dozens of florists in our local area, and we plan to reach them all.

       Pierre, Canada:
I started to go shop-to-shop with the Get Activated booklets like God's Gifts and Hearing from Heaven. They go out so well--people choose them over CDs! So many Christians or folks here are no longer in church but want to feel close to the Lord. Those books have so many answers for them, and can bring them liberty from the traps of the Enemy, including overcoming condemnation, freedom from fear, and having a close relationship with Jesus, even if they don't go to any church.

       Spring, Baja California, Mexico:
We have found it a lot more fun and satisfying to turn our balloon table into a tool table--simply by pushing the tools instead of the balloons and offering the balloons as freebies--one small one for a tape, two for a CD, etc. Almost everyone at least buys a balloon if they feel they can't buy a tool, but it sure helps distribution! It's a revolution!

       Stacy, Liz and Michael, USA:
We are now including Activated mags or the Activated books with our newsletter mailings. In an effort to do our part to feed the sheep, we have been trying to get as many of our contacts as possible onto the Activated for a few months now. The result?--Almost half our monthly income now comes from follow-up and the mail ministry.

       Caleb and Sonnet, Canada:
We have been sending out personalized thank you's to everyone who purchases Activated materials. We invested in really nice stationery which is quite “high end” in appearance. In our note we offer people a discount towards their next purchase. As a result we are getting callbacks that are leading to more purchases! One couple who took a single Spanish cassette called us, and when we visited, they bought a complete set of Treasure Attic videos!

       Andres, Ukraine:
When the Activated Letters first came out we wanted to be able to get our sheep on the program, but we weren't sure how to proceed. The cost of a subscription is more than half a month's salary for most people here, and to wait for a sponsorship would take too long. So we were doing the best we could by feeding them with what we had. This was good and feeding for them, but we needed something consistent and complete to ground them in the basics.
       Elia and I had the blessing of attending a delegates' meeting where we read the GN “Our Family's Future and Feeding Program” and had discussions and prayer about implementing the Activated vision. What impressed me was how the Eastern European Mail Ministry program was actually the basis of the Activated program and that, according to the Mama and Peter, the Lord still wants us to use it instead of implementing Activated here. They showed us a tentative mockup of the 12 mailings that will comprise the MM mailings to parallel the Activated mags.
       I copied the titles from each of the envelopes, and then at Home we prepared envelopes to feed the sheep we are personally following up on. The material for the first envelope, “Who Is Jesus,” “Man of Love,” “Mountain Men,” and Gospels of John, were all items we have in abundance in our lit cupboards. So we prepared those into envelopes and use them in our daily witnessing. We give them to those we pray with and get their address to send in to the mail ministry. If we feel that we will be able to personally follow-up on them we don't send in their address but make an appointment to see them again.
       For the sheep in our English classes I prepared a GN-format booklet with the English Letters from the mailings. This English booklet serves as bait but we also give them an envelope with the Russian pubs, as often their English is not sufficient for them to fully understand it. In further follow-up we found that some of them used the Russian mailing to share with their family and friends. So now we give them both and encourage them to share the Word with others. One woman said she appreciates the bilingual mailing as it helps her to learn English. Time spent in helping our sheep learn better English is a good investment as there will come a time in many of their lives, if they become Active or FM members, when they will be receiving the New Wine which will only be available in English.

Christmas witnessing/fund-raising ideas!

       Calling all Christmassy witnessing and fund-raising ideas! Do YOU have any new or unique witnessing/fund-raising ideas that have worked for you during past Christmas seasons? We'd like to print a column of new, different, or not-much-used witnessing ideas for all to try over the Christmas season. Here's one example:

       *Have two people dress up as Joseph and Mary, complete with a small manger scene and baby Jesus. Set up in a mall or populated area, and invite children to come sit with Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus to have their picture taken--for a donation and witness!

       Got any to share? Please send your ideas in, so that this Christmas can be the most fruitful and memorable yet!


       The credits for the song “Crying Like Lost Children” (on TCD #23, “Angelight”) were incorrectly published--both on the CD's label, as well as in Grapevine #117.
       The credits were published as (singer/music/lyrics/producer): Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew V. They should read as follows: Eman/Philip/Philip/Andrew V.

legal and media - June-July 2001
- Christie: On the 5DN radio station (audience: 12,500), Adelaide, Australia, a modernistic American preacher has come with a lot of publicity to Australia to lecture in churches, halls, on radio and television for what he presents as the need for Christianity to either modernize or be lost in future generations.
       After hearing his radio interview where he threw dirt on such topics as the validity of the Gospels, the virgin birth, Creation, and fundamental Christian mores and values, the radio station had an open commentary time where listeners could call in. By the time I got on the line, most of the actual topics had been covered by other Christians calling in to defend the faith.
       The Lord showed me to lift Him up in order to draw all men unto Him rather than keep attacking the contended issues, so I shared how I felt the easiest and best way to know about such things is for the listeners themselves to have a personal experience with God and Jesus by simply calling out to Him and asking Him. The interviewer liked this, but then challenged me if it wasn't the case that religion has been central to many of the wars throughout history. I explained that this stems from a problem when people have religion without loving God and loving their neighbors, which Jesus taught as the two most important things, and it is only when we have that personal link and experience with Him that we can get that divine love, as obviously we don't have it in ourselves. This went over very well with the interviewer, who seemed surprised and impressed by the simple yet realistic ideas, and the non-attacking presentation. TTL for His leading and a chance to stand up against the “mockers in the last time” (Jude 18).
- Josiah, Joy, and Joy: Five newspapers covered our CTP project in the women's prison here mentioning the name of the Family a few times, and talking about our “New Hands for New Life” sewing program for women in the prison (circulation: 1,400,000).
       On the news program on PRO TV, our sewing program was broadcast nationwide for about five minutes. They showed the women taking their exams and getting diplomas. Jo also gave an interview (viewers: 10,000,000).

- Gideon and Meekness: Our kids' band “Los Chavitos” were the guests on a popular radio show, Radio ET3 (audience: 200,000) which is heard all over Northern Greece. The host was very enthusiastic about what we are doing and it was a very favorable broadcast. The boys sang four songs and were interviewed individually, and we were able to give a witness about some of the CTP work we've done and about our desire to be of service to others.

- Andrew, Miracle, Jonathan, and Sarah: BFBS (British Forces Broadcasting System, audience: 36,000) advertised our concerts four times daily, including a favorable thumbnail about our local work in Kosovo. They also did an interview with the band (audience: 10,000).
       Radio Caglavica interviewed the band twice (audience: 100,000). Radio Strpce also did an interview with the band (audience: 3,000).

- David and Lovely: This past month at the “Day of Volunteer Work” in the center of Milano we put up a stand of our legal association Amore in Azione (Love in Action). It was an important presentation of many benefit entities where organizations were able to give out their materials and explain their work to people. We also performed as clowns in a benefit show for handicapped people organized by the command of the Italian Air force. We were given a trophy in acknowledgment of our help. Many VIPs were present. Another benefit show we did was for the most important rehabilitation institute for handicapped, the “Don Gnocchi.” It was a great success and the people loved it.

- Mary, Renee, and Janet: RTI Tonton Bouba (audience: 200,000) gave us a 10-minute segment twice this month where we were guests as clowns. We were able to explain a little about our work and give our phone number. Paul and four of his boys were on one show and the other was a Mother's Day show, featuring Paul, Mary and their four boys.

- Sharif, Josh, Rima, and Elene: Bayelsa State Radio (audience: 3,000,000) advertised our three-day teachers training seminar and explained very favorably about our work and programs. Also, in the Guardian Newspaper (circulation: 5,000,000) an article was published about our projects in a school for the blind.
- Tina, Happy, Simon, and Celly: WBS-TV did an interview with our RadioActive Dancers concerning the theater play they were dancing in called “The Journey.” They also did an interview with Simon (Happy) about the play.
       New Vision (circulation: 42,000) did an article about the “The Journey.” It came out before the play was on so it wasn't a review, but rather something to whet the appetite of the reader to come and see it.
       CBS did two interviews of Happy promoting “The Journey.” The host let Simon talk about the play, bringing up all the different aspects of it, and encouraging people to attend.
       Our weekly Nu Beat radio show is on four stations covering the country.

- Suzie: The kids brought home a magazine called “Chili” that is given to all high school and college students for free in Sweden. It had an article on Jonas, the Lukthoong singer in Thailand--inspiring!

- Maria: One of our daughters (age 13) played the lead role in a musical and they performed four shows. There were two different articles about the shows which appeared in the local newspaper. Among other things, it featured an interview with our daughter.

- Andrew: While out, I turned on the radio to catch the afternoon news on “PRI” (Public Radio International). As soon as I turned it on, they started playing an interview with Jonas in Thailand. The interview was about his life living in Thailand as a missionary working with the Family and his musical career. They played several clips of some of his Lukthoong songs and explained all about this type of music, how it was virtually dead until it was revived last year by Jonas and team. The entire interview (about 13 minutes) was 100% positive about the Family and very inspiring about the work in Thailand.

Attendance at the 2001 Association for the Sociology of Religion Conference

By Marc and Claire, USA

       Our attendance at this year's ASR Conference (Association for the Sociology of Religion) went very well, TTL! At first it seemed there wasn't much for us to do there this year, as there were only a few sessions focusing on the subject of NRMs, religious persecution, anti-cult movements, etc., but the Lord showed us He had other plans for our attendance.
       It turned out to be a very valuable time as we met attendees that we had not met previously, as well as meeting with ones that we already know. Most of all, the Lord used this conference to show how He has improved our image over the years, and how He has used our attendance at the conferences, follow-up and Internet religious news service to earn the respect of the folks at these meetings.
       We were treated with genuine respect, and the Family was named in several of the sessions we attended, in a very respectful way, pointing out advances, changes, victories in persecution, etc. Our interaction with folks confirmed to us how much the Lord has done in this area and how public perception of the Family is steadily shifting away from images of the '80s to a perspective of a more mature, stable religious movement. We see the implementation of the Charter and the changes the Family has been through during the last seven years as playing a major role in the shift regarding the way the academic community perceives us. We also found ourselves being greeted and accepted by people who are not normally in the smaller circle of academics who follow the progress of NRMs closely.
       There were some interesting papers given, highlighting religious freedom issues in Europe, in particular in France, as well as Greece. We met with French academic V., and it was refreshing seeing her give a paper decrying the French report and law which has resulted in action against religious groups, though she apparently can't do so freely in her own country.
       There was also a session given by a group of Japanese anti-cultists entitled, “Cults, Mind Control, and Anti-cult Movements in Japan.” The presenters gave a round of papers on the problems of “cults” in Japan, focusing primarily on Aum Shinrikyo and the Unification Church (Moonies). Most of their papers were typical anti-cult rhetoric, but it was interesting to see how they are organizing and setting up a new cult-watch dog group called Japan De-cult Council. They have set up the JDCC almost exactly like the old defunct CAN (Cult Awareness Network).
       During the question and answer period we asked the one presenter who the “professionals, lawyers, etc.” were who he was referring to that made up the JDCC organization, and what credentials and background they had in the area of religious freedom, governmental actions involving religious groups, and most importantly NRMs. We never received a clear answer from him, which Eileen Barker followed up with a similar question which was also met with evasiveness. The presenter then stated that the JDCC meetings were held in private with only members allowed to attend. When asked if representatives from the religious groups that they were discussing could attend, he said possibly, but that once a religious group had been classified as a dangerous cult, no representative from that group could attend. The only two groups who have been declared as dangerous are the AUM and the Unification Church although others are being investigated by the JDCC. One of the presenters mentioned that after the Aum subway gassing, the Japanese see NRMs in a much different light and that it is a sensitive issue. We had the feeling that the situation may be somewhat similar to that in Europe where the ACM has used the Solar Temple suicides as an excuse to declare most minority religions as dangerous so as to clamp down on all minority religions.

Visit to Robert Shuller's Crystal Cathedral

(See Dad's Letter, “Life Is Fair Because God Is Good”-ML #2773)
By Marc and Claire, USA

       During our time at the ASR Conference (Association for the Sociology of Religion), we accompanied a few sociologists to visit Robert Shuller's Crystal Cathedral (see Dad's Letter, “Life Is Fair Because God Is Good”) for Sunday morning service. It was quite an experience and the academics accompanying us found the Disneyland/Hollywood spirit of the church to be quite distasteful. (Note: We found it appalling!)
       The author of a recent book, Jesus in Disneyland that had just been published and critiqued at one of the conference sessions, expressed distaste for the extravagance and materialistic spirit of the cathedral.
       (Dad: Well, if you want church, they've got it!--Real entertainment! It's a show, a big show! That giant organ must be the biggest one in California, if not the whole World. The Crystal Cathedral is one of the largest churches in the U.S., and probably one of the most expensive, too! [Note: We found out the Cathedral alone cost $17 million to build, which doesn't include all the other buildings and property which surrounds it.]
(That “Crystal Cathedral” is just the kind of church the Devil would love, one of the largest churches in the U.S. What an example of “I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing!”-”Thou art wretched and naked and blind and I will spew you out of My mouth!”--Rev.3:16-17. That's some Scripture I got for him! … Imagine, he has the world's largest religious audience! It sounded like he was going to tell the pope, “You and I can get together and look what we could do!” [Maria: I'll bet the pope could have given a better sermon than Schuller did as far as emphasizing the Lord.] I'm sure he would have! At least the Pope glorifies God and Jesus.)
It gave us a wide open door to witness about the church system, why Dad forsook the church System, how many missionaries could be supported with the money that's poured into church buildings, etc., which the academics found quite interesting. The longer we were there the more we could see the truth of Dad and Mama's words come to life. They have banners and scarves in their gift shop with Schuller's slogan, “Life Isn't Fair but God Is Good,” which is also the title of one of his many books.
       (Dad: The whole thing was contradictory, contrary to the Scripture … Let's face it, that was a murmur! To say life is not fair is a murmur! And then to turn around and say, “But God is good,” is contradictory!)

       It's definitely an “abundant life” church and congregation with 90% of the congregation comprised of those ages 50 and up, with very few young people. Miracles of healing mentioned are where God worked through doctors and operations, etc., which certainly reflects the do-it-yourself religion that he preaches.
       (Dad: His whole message and philosophy of life is: “Life's not fair, but you can straighten it out yourself and then God will help you.--A whole lot of you and just a little bit of God!” [Maria: It sure doesn't go with the verse, “He must increase but I must decrease.”--Jn.3:30.])
One of the elders spent some time with us telling us the story of how Schuller had begun his ministry as a preacher for the Dutch Reform Church and started his ministry in L.A. by preaching from the top of a concession stand in a drive-in theater, and how his ministry grew to what it is today. We couldn't even ascertain if they believe in salvation by grace or not, as it doesn't appear in the book on his life that they gave us nor did we hear anything about salvation either from the elder we spoke with or the literature that they make available to the public. After experiencing this, we were so thankful for Dad and Mama and all the truth and revelations the Lord has given them to pass on to us and set us free from the confines and delusion of the church System!
       (Dad: Just now as I was looking at Robert Schuller in his big, fancy cathedral, I was thinking, “Wow, Lord, just think of the tremendous work he is accomplishing in that gorgeous Crystal Cathedral with those huge crowds of thousands! We won't have any big fancy glass temples or crystal cathedrals to show to You when we get to Heaven.” And instantly the Lord said: “They're getting their glory now!--From man! You're going to get your glory in Heaven!--From Me!” … Well, I'm glad we finally got to see the sample and know the truth about Bob Schuller and his Crystal Cathedral! Thank God for the temple we're building in Heaven with living stones of souls that will never pass away!--Real life, millions saved! Thank You Lord!)

Getting personal about getting Activated

By Abner CRO, USA

       On a recent trip across the States--going from Southern California where I base and where we have a lot of Homes working together to change lives and reach out with Activated; traveling to Houston where we had a great area meeting with the wonderful Homes there discussing and making plans for more united working together, CTPs, Activated outreach, etc.; on to New York for the largest stationery show in the U.S. (thanks Victor and Love for your help there!); then to Chicago for the largest book show in the U.S. (thanks Abel and Esther, Phil and all for your help!); back to Houston in time for the Flood of 2001; and then driving across the Southwest to get home again to San Diego--I realized in the course of my travels that I did not have enough Activated magazines for my personal use! This is almost comical, considering that my main focus in life is the Activated program, and I pretty much live, breathe and eat Activated stuff 24 hours a day.
       Along the way, I had a little personal epiphany that has helped to change my life. Have you wanted to get more Activated, but it's a little like when you first learned to swim (lots of sinking, gulping water, flailing arms), or like when you first learned to ride a bike (get on, fall, get on, fall, skin knee, get on, go three feet, fall, get on, go two feet, fall, get on, go six feet, wow!, fall, skin skinned knee, cry, get on…)? Take heart!
       The Mag of the Month (MOTM) program is one of the easiest ways to get Activated. (See editor's note at the end of this article for an explanation.) With this program, your Home signs up for a certain number of each new Activated issue (a new issue is produced/printed each month), pays for six months in advance, and doesn't worry about it for six months. There are some great benefits with this program in that those who sign up for it get their magazine delivered to them each month, which insures a steady supply of new mags to use with newsletters, feeding sheep and contacts, getting them out to new people you meet during the month, etc.
       These magazines are not available for Homes who are not on the MOTM program until the following month. This is done as a special benefit for those on the program so that those on the program can order more of that month's magazine (in case, for example, the current month's issue is on “love and romance” and it happens to be Valentine's Day that month, or it's on “Why Disasters” and you happen to be doing disaster relief that month, and you want to order more copies than you originally signed up for). Homes that sign up for the MOTM program help greatly with the financing of magazine production and help make it possible for larger runs to be printed, which helps keep the price down for everyone.
       Each month's magazine is a brand-new issue, with the catchy new covers, heavier gauge glossy paper, etc.--Really nice. And, of course, the more magazines that get distributed, the greater the odds that new subscriptions will come from those magazines that are out there in circulation. Cost amounts to as little as around $20 a month for 100 mags, not a bad price for what it can do to further inspire us to be live, witnessing, fishers of men!
       Nevertheless, it can still be a challenge to get signed up for this self-motivating program, as good as it is and no matter how much we really want to do it. You have to get together with your Home, discuss how many mags you want to get out, look at your finances, get a 2/3 majority vote, make the call, write the check, and all that. In our case, even with our Home where we are all pretty heavily into Activated witnessing and follow up, outreach, Bible studies, seminars, creation of the magazines, etc., it took us nearly two months to get a Home decision and do it! So we are familiar with the human inertia factor.
       What I realized on my trip was that I needed to make a personal commitment to using the Activated magazines in my daily life. Even though my Home had signed up for 500 mags a month and we're easily distributing those, it didn't mean that I grabbed a bunch of those on my way out the door, or that I get up in the morning thinking about how many mags I want to take with me when I go out the door that day. So as I hovered 20,000 feet in the air over Chicago, without a magazine in my bag to give to the cute girl I was talking to, I realized that I personally needed my own personal supply of magazines for my personal use. Not only did I need to make a personal commitment to get more activated as a Mark 16:15 disciple, but I realized that by making that simple step I would have a constant supply of magazines coming to me each month that I would have for my personal witnessing and follow up.
       So, when I hit the ground, I called 1-877-T0-BE-ACTivated and asked them to sign me up for 100 magazines a month. When I got Home, there they were, waiting for me. I will be honest and tell you that they are not yet my constant companions every single time that I walk out the door (go 10 feet, fall, get on, go…), but they are more this month than they were last month! And I soon expect to be fully in the habit of never being anywhere without my magazines, just because they're right there on my desk every day (and in my bag, in the truck, etc.,) beckoning me to pick them up and change someone's life today, and they're fun to get out!
       Anyway, that's my story. I'm sure happy to be more Activated today than I was yesterday, and expecting great things as we all roll the beautiful gold our God is giving!
       (Editor's note: Unlike the DFs, the Activated magazine is not a consecutive course, but rather a monthly magazine. Regardless of when a person starts subscribing, they receive Activated issues 1-9, after that they get whatever issue comes out that month. So for example, in December, all subscribers who have finished issues 1-9 will get the December Activated issue, regardless of whether they've been subscribing for 10 months or three years. That's how most magazines work--all subscribers get the same magazine each month, and that magazine is dated for that month. In the case of Activated, we send new subscribers issues 1-9 first before switching to the “mag of the month” in order to give them some of the basics.
(Besides each monthly Activated magazine going to subscribers, Homes can also purchase each month's Activated issue from their Activated Desk. The U.S. Desk pioneered a program whereby Homes can pay in advance for six months worth of a certain amount of mags per month--say, 100 or 200 issues--and then they have those automatically delivered to them in advance each month when the latest issue is printed. This has become known as the “mag of the month” program. Other Activated Desks are now offering similar options.
       (Ordering the Activated mag gives you a fresh new magazine each month to take out with you on your daily outreach to give to those you meet while out witnessing or on business or distributing tools, or whatever! You can also distribute them on the street for donations where permissible. Wondering what to send your home support or mail ministry contacts that month? If you can't meet them in person and get them signed up to Activated, then at least you can send them a mag each month with your mailing to them.--It'll strengthen them spiritually and bring them closer to the Lord and you! In addition to signing up people to subscribe so they can get a regular monthly feeding, there are lots more uses for the Activated magazine if you discuss it as a Home. And we hope that having a brand-new magazine each month--rather than distributing the same one month after month--sparks your inspiration and desire to get them out! You can also backorder copies of your favorite issues if still in stock. For more details contact your local Activated Desk!)
Having signed up for the Mag of the Month program, I got my 100 new mags delivered to my door. Happy day! There were those juicy mags sitting on my desk waiting to be distributed. Perhaps some of you have encountered the next sequence of events: I found myself in town doing my usual business, and still without a magazine in hand when I was talking with someone that I wanted to give a mag to! So, by and by I put some of the mags in the truck that I drive. Then I found myself in TOWN talking with people, and I'm either carrying five magazines in a roll in my hand (not real convenient), or they are out in the parking lot. So, I've now realized that I've come full circle--it's back to the lit pouch! I'll let you know how it goes, but I'm now in the market for a nice, Activated-magazine-sized-pouch that can safely hold the mags and that will be with me when I need it. I'm also figuring to keep copies of Word Basics and Word Topics (my favorites, incredible books that everyone needs to buy) and some CDs in that pouch (along with my keys and coins, pocketknife and all the other junk I lug around with me for some unknown reason). If you happen to have found another solution to having the mags with you “in season and out of season,” I'd love to hear about it. Happy Activating!

news from NACRO

By Abner CRO, USA
continues to grow and progress in the States and Canada. It's exciting to see the Homes getting more and more turned on to getting out the Activated magazines, getting more involved with discipling and Bible studies, and getting out all of our tools more. Many Homes in the States are just here temporarily, between fields. But there are other very active Homes that are called to reach the States. God bless them. My hat goes off to those Homes, because they stand strong against the influence of the States and are doing a great work, getting out a lot of message, winning disciples and reaching the lost. And while there are a lot of Christians in the States, and even some quite dedicated and somewhat radical groups, there are a lot of people who don't know the Lord and are really searching.
       We have a number of Homes that have established businesses, non-profits and for-profits, that are accomplishing great things. There are Homes shipping food and supplies to desperately needy indigents in Mexico, medical supplies to various countries in South America, huge aid shipments to Kosovo, Homes reaching the Rainbow kids in street witnessing and at Rainbow Gatherings. There are emergency aid projects getting established to get help to disaster situations during the critical first days after a disaster first hits. There are Bible study groups, Homes that get out a huge mass witness, Homes that are ministering to people in top positions. So all in all, the Lord continues to use our Family in the States to reach a wide variety of people through many different ministries.
       The Winepress ministry continues to grow as former Family members find us on the Web or get in touch with someone in the Family. Our Winepressers are all very much Family, one with us in heart and spirit, hungry for the beautiful Words that the Lord continues to pour out through the Family. There are weeks that go by when at least one new Winepresser gets added to our list every day. That's great growth! We send out the Winepress to any address we get of a former Family member. We even send it out for free for as long as we can, though eventually we ask if they can help with something to at least help cover the printing. Many Winepressers tithe, they help support missionaries on the field, they are active in their witnessing. Those that live close by Homes often go there to fellowship and it's been very exciting and fulfilling to have a part in supporting our “Family Alumni” in their walk and service for the Lord. If you know of any former members, please do send their address in so that we can send them the Word. (Editor: You can download the Winepress issues on the MO site and use them in your follow-up!)
The Activated ministry continues to have a great impact on our Homes in North America. Activated Ministries has a distributorship program set up in the States that allows Homes to get out the Activated tools in large quantities, and makes it possible to establish a residual income base from their witnessing efforts. One program that is particularly exciting is the “Mag of the Month” program which has been implemented in the States and is doing well.


Original Russian songs
       Steven, Lily, and David, Russia:
A big project we're working on is recording some original Russian songs. We've finished 8 out of 15 so far.
       At first we thought we'd just sing them on a tape recorder--simple and quick! But the Lord told us in prophecy: “These beautiful songs are destined to change the minds and hearts of man! It reaches the hearts through the ears! These melodies catch and will never leave their memories and will move them to decisions! Know that you create for generations! These tapes will go a long way and will reach many!”
       We were just missing one little detail: a mike stand! Such a little thing, but you have to have one, and buying one would cost us a fortune. So we were standing at a crossroad and praying about how to get a mike stand. We had already prayed, which meant the answer was somewhere around the corner! Sure enough, around the corner comes a bum with--you guessed it--a mike stand in his hand! As it turned out, he found it in the garbage (well, that's his story, as you don't find a mike stand in the garbage in Russia!) and was on his way to bring it to the metal collectors in order to get 15 rubles to buy bread! Well he got 15 rubles and salvation too, and we got our promised mike stand!

Teaching pastors to teach

       Martin, Esther, Nina, and Sebastian, Tanzania: This month Nina went to Engedi Bible College to teach classes to 19 pastors from different East Africa countries. She gave 35 hours of classes on Christian Education, Child Development and Loving Communications with Children. It was a big victory for Nina to be able to reach these pastors with the wealth of Word from the Family pubs, as well as share the vision of our fantastic FED material on education, especially the new character-building and foundations of faith series.
       The pastors all want the new FED materials as soon as they are printed for the GP. We got invitations to go to Congo, Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda to teach further. The material the Family produces and the wealth of Word we have has once again reached out and touched these men in a new and exciting way. They were flipped out with the Word!

Tribe called Christians

       Pat, Jenny, Abner, Jace, Zambia: A few months ago A.J. (YA) and one of our new disciples met some of the leaders of a group named “Tribe Called Christians.” They are young (their leader is 27), non-aligned Christians who visit churches and use their music to liven things up. As far as we know they have been together for about three years and there are 20-40 of them.
       We had two of them over and fed them the Endtime vision, the Word, sang a few songs and played “Song of Freedom” for them. They got so turned on that they inspired their leader, Sidique, to come and see us. Sidique is a converted and disinherited Muslim who is well known and has a daily spot on television.
       Sidique was full of questions and wanted to know how he could join. He was humble, bright, and said he reads a lot. Since many people look to him, he has quite a hunger for spiritual guidance. We gave him Keys to Happier Living to read and he said he'd be finished with it within a week.

About showy gifts

       Joy, Islamabad: A very unusual and somewhat supernatural event took place. While visiting a friend, someone who had to meet him entered the room rather unexpectedly. While talking casually with him he said he had a gift to see inside people as to what kind of person they were and that he also had the gift of healing. He was not boasting but was very bold about it, with a firm yet loving conviction. He touched my friend who had a pain in his side and my friend immediately felt relief.
He then proceeded to talk to me and tell me something about my eating habits, my need to relax, to not always eat on the run, the back pains I have, and about my personality. He did the same with Mary (teen) and she was rather impressed by his exactitude and boldness to do so. It was all quite supernatural!
       We had just received the “What the Future Holds” GN, where the Lord is encouraging us to do just that if we felt He had given us some “showy gifts.” If that man who wasn't a Christian had such conviction, I should be just as bold and even more so to glorify Jesus. The next day a friend experienced severe pain and was very pale. So I offered to pray for him, and he said, “Yes, please do so.” So I did and he got better.
       This Muslim field where most everyone believes in God, many respect us as Christians, and often request us to pray for them, makes it easy for us to exercise these gifts.

More power in this era

       Angel (17), India: As the Lord's power has become greater in this era, it seems the Enemy has tried to up his forces too. Some of our friends have been completely terrified by their enemies trying to cast spells on them. Many people here are into black magic and they believe in it with so much fear. It's a wonderful opportunity to explain about the importance of having Jesus in their hearts, and that He can and will protect them.
       Even some of our younger friends who don't think it's cool to be “religious” are improving in their relationship with the Lord in desperate times, by turning to Him and His Words for comfort. Finding what is a person's key by asking the Lord has helped us find ways to make the message more appealing by catering it to the individual. Trying different approaches and still not getting a person “connected” can be rather discouraging. But instead of trying to convince someone with our own limited wisdom, why not avail ourselves of that extra power?
       A young, wilder character recently told us that he thought we would be boring because we're into the Bible and stuff. He comes from a churchy background and is fed up with the hypocrisy of the church, but when the Lord showed us to tell him about some of our radical doctrines, he instantly got interested in the Word, and that fire that was lost has been re-kindled.
       Even though we're not always on “official” witnessing outings, the Lord leads us to so many people when we're just out and about if we're open to His checks and available for those around. We met a teenage girl while we were just sitting on some steps talking. She must've been attracted to the Spirit 'cause she came and sat with us and was very interested in our work. She lives far away so we stay in touch through e-mail and send her feeding material. Though we can't visit her as she lives in another country, God takes care of His Own and as we do our part, He is bringing her closer. She was so inspired that she decided to become a missionary to Africa after her studies and has since visited Kenya.
       Recently she wrote and said: “Today when I was in my college, we were discussing different religions. The teacher asked me to explain about the Bible. I got up before my class and I could feel the Holy Spirit talking through me. It was very supernatural and I started crying. Many of my friends came to me after and said that they could feel Jesus was there too. I'm really happy for you because you already know your calling and you take it seriously. Also I want to thank you for your prayers as it really is the best you can do for somebody! I believe that God is watching after me and guiding me to the right places and things.”

New CLE ordering procedures

By Michelle and Phil for the Family CLE Desk and TEAM Foundation
       Greetings from your Family CLE Department! We wanted to inform you of some changes soon to be taking place that will affect your CLE orders.
       Until now the Family has been receiving a 20% discount on all CLE Light Units and Answer Keys, and a 10% discount on all teachers materials and Supplementary Items. The CLE office has recently re-evaluated our Family discount, which they do on a yearly basis. Because our Family orders have fallen below our agreed upon sales per year with CLE, our discount will now be 15% on all Light Units and Answer Keys, instead of the 20% discount we have been receiving.
       They will continue to give us the same 10% discount on all Supplementary Items and we will receive the same postage rates as well. This change will go into effect on October 1st.
       Our present CLE discount has been available for only certain months throughout the school year. However the CLE office recently informed us that they have changed their policy and Family members will be able to receive the 15% discount for Light Units and Answer Keys throughout the whole year.
       In light of these recent changes, and after prayer and counsel with those involved, we felt led to discontinue the 3% processing fees that had been added to your CLE orders. By dropping this processing fee, Family Homes ordering through us here at the Family CLE Desk will be able to take advantage for the full 15% discount on their orders.
       You can continue to send personal checks, cash, PMOs and credit card information directly to us. We will take care of processing the funds and sending them in directly to the CLE office so they can release the orders as soon as they receive them.
       Please note though, that if you send payment by personal check, it must be drawn on a U.S. bank checking account, not on a foreign bank, in U.S. dollars only. Also, if you choose to send your payment in cash (U.S. dollars only) by wrapping it in a secure manner and putting it in an envelope along with your order, it is “at your own risk,” as we can only fill an order when we receive payment with it. Thank you.
       You can make any personal checks or PMOs out to TEAM Foundation. TEAM will now process and send the funds directly to the CLE office once they receive them from you. Please remember that personal checks, though handy, take time to process and collect on, which will delay your order delivery. We are not able to process and pass on your CLE order until your check has cleared the bank. This goes for all payments--as has always been the policy, the funds must be cleared before we can process the orders.
       TEAM Foundation is also set up to process any credit or debit card payments as well. All you would need to do is send in the following information for us to process your order on your credit or debit card:
       Type of credit card you have (Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express)
       Credit card number
       Full name of the person on the credit card
       Expiration date on the credit card
       Billing address of the credit card**

       **The “billing address” is the address where they (your credit card company) send you your statements--not necessarily the address that you want your CLE order sent to.
       Once we receive this information with your CLE order, we can process your order by charging it to your credit or debit card.
       We need to begin implementing these changes as soon as possible. So again we ask that all Homes or individuals begin placing all CLE orders through TEAM, by sending all orders to the following TEAM address, and by making all checks, bank drafts or PMOs payable to TEAM Foundation. Thank you.

Our address is:

       Teaching Education and More
       P.O. Box 797804
       Dallas, TX 75379
       E-mail: cle@cvcollege.com

As silly as it may sound, I'm having difficulty trying to implement the CVC with the teens. For sure the problem comes from my inability to fully understand it, because I'm still unsure of all the steps that need to be taken, even though I read it myself and even asked questions to different people here and there. To say it briefly, I would love to see the teens getting into it, but I get so mixed up myself, I don't know how to do it! Do you have any suggestions?
       A: The simple steps to begin using the CVC program are (all page numbers refer to CVC Handbook 2000):
       1.       Become familiar with what study areas are available in Step 1 (pgs.15-20).
       2.       Learn about the CVC Supervisors in Step 2 (pgs.20-21).
       3.       Students can do the Educational Inventory to help determine what they want to study. This is optional, but could be very helpful, especially for students who may not know what area(s) they want to concentrate on. See Step 3 (pgs.21 and 29-43).
       4.       The first area for most students to concentrate on is their Junior and/or High School Diploma. To find out what is needed to get one, turn to Step 8 (pgs.25-27).
       5.       Vocational certificates can be earned before, after, or at the same time as working on a High School Diploma. Except for a few cases (such as Primary and Secondary Teaching certificates), a High School Diploma is not required before receiving a vocational certificate. See Steps 4-7 and 9 (pgs.21-25, 27).

       The above five points should get you started on the program. The following FAQs (answered in the CVC Handbook, page numbers noted) will also help cover some of the questions you may find yourself asking:

       FAQ 1:
Do I need to be in a certain location to attend the CVC? (pg.46)
       FAQ 2: How long does it take to complete a CVC course? (pg.46)
       FAQ 8: Can the CVC program provide all the training I need for the ministries I choose? (pg.50)
       FAQ 13: How do students prove they qualify for a CVC certificate? (pgs.52-53)
       FAQ 19: What about past vocational experience? (pg.57)

       For more information about various details of the program, please look at the rest of the FAQs, beginning on page 44.
       God bless you! We pray this will help your CVC program to get off the ground!
       Love, Your WSFED/CVC team

in My arms
       By the Light House Home and Dawn, Hungary:
The Lord has taken one of our dear brothers and fellow-laborers Home to be with Him, Hungarian Mark (of Faithy), who passed away on August 9. Mark and Faithy were returning home to Budapest after completing a road trip to Germany when they experienced some mechanical problems with their car. They pulled over to the side of the road and Mark began walking down the shoulder of the highway to a service station one kilometer away to get help. While walking towards the station, Mark was hit by a car and immediately went to be with the Lord.
       Mark was such a sweet, precious brother and dedicated disciple, and the news of his sudden homegoing has been a shock to us all. The Lord has comforted us with some wonderfully encouraging words from Mark himself, visions of him shining in new apparel and armor, and also many loving words from the Lord about this being His perfect timing, and that Mark has gone Home to his much deserved reward, as well as his new commission to help us fight the battles of the spirit for the Family and the souls in Hungary.
       We would appreciate your prayers for dear Faithy, for whom this has been very difficult, for Mark's brother, Aaron, for the comforting of his parents and relatives, and also that we, his Family here, can gain a greater dedication and commitment and unity through this event which has touched us all. Thank you so much!

       (Jesus:) Mark is well, happy, and all was quick for him, a surprise to him as well. His first thoughts were concern for you, and for others, and what he had left to do. I had to comfort him, too. Faithful Mark, always thinking of others. As busy as he was serving and looking for ways to help others, he won't be stopping that now, that's for sure. Now he'll be able to carry on even better, without weariness.

* * *

(Jesus:) Your beloved Mark is so happy, he is at peace, and I have allowed him to come Here at this time, because I have a plan for him, and I need him. He misses you, and he loves you so much, yet he is also at peace, for he knows that My plan is being fulfilled. Fear not that this was a mistake, for all things work together for good to those who love Me, and with something of this magnitude it holds truer than ever. There is a purpose, a plan that you are a part of, and which Mark is also a part of. Dear Mark was a witness and a testimony to Me in his life, and I will continue to use both his life and his death to glorify Me. (End of excerpts of messages from Jesus.)

Charter QnA clarification

       In GV #115, page 12, there was a question on designating part of one's tithe to go to a specific Home. The answer did not clarify whether this applied to FM Homes as well as CM, so we'd like to clarify here that it is applicable to FM Homes also.
       CM and FM Homes are required, as per the Charter and the “Statement on Fellow Members,” to tithe a minimum of 10% of their income, designated to WS. The 10% tithe is not something that can be designated to individuals, although CM and FM alike are welcome to send separate gifts to missionaries and needy individuals.

Movies Rated for YAs and Up

Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker
       Detective Carter and Inspector Lee team up for another action comedy, this time set in Hong Kong.

This movie doesn't have much of a message, but you can classify this movie as light entertainment for those who care for this type of film. If you're not looking for anything profound in a film, but want to just unwind, some will enjoy this movie. If you can get past some of the “attitude,” and not let that affect you, there's some laughs in it--and of course, some action as well.


Robert DeNiro, Edward Norton
       Drama about a couple of professional thieves who team up for “one last heist.”

This is another one of those suspense movies where the stars and main characters are criminals. For what it is, this was pretty interesting and well acted. It keeps your attention and keeps you on the edge of your seat without a lot of blood and guts. It did have a lot of bad language. But it's a crime movie, and they're bad guys, so that helps to remind you what kind of people they are, because you can tend to start sympathizing with them.

There is the theme of respect between teamworkers, and how each one needs to assess and believe in the other--this theme is well brought out, and it could even be an older generation/younger generation type of lesson. It does show the pitfalls that a lack of respect--on both sides--can cause.

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Mackenzie Astin, Carmen Electra
       Comedy done in a “documentary” style as through the eyes of an alien. It follows a young couple from their first meeting in a disco and through their relationship as it progresses.

This is an innocent, fun movie that gives a humorous look at the peculiarities of courtship and relationships and sex. There are some cute “he said, she said” demonstrations, not to mention the humorous aspect of seeing the “mating procedures” of humans through the eyes of aliens. You'll probably laugh some and enjoy yourself.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Chris Rock, Regina King, Chazz Palminteri
       A comedian meets his Maker too soon and an angel is assigned to find him another body to reside in. A modern-day remake of “Heaven Can Wait.”

If you want an away-from-thinking-type entertainment movie, this one is okay. Most of you are already familiar with the plot, which though not exactly the same as “Heaven Can Wait,” it is pretty similar. It's not harmful, but it's not exceptional either. It's a vehicle for Chris Rock to show his talent, and the level of humor is not too bad considering some of his other movies. He tried to play a sweet, caring person. There is a good lesson in this movie, that you just have to persevere in spite of failure and keep trying, but it's not like you have to view this movie to get that “revelation.”

Movies Rated for MCs and Up

       Animated, voices of Dee Baker, Jason Alexander, Reese Witherspoon
       Story of a trumpeter swan named Louie who is born mute, and his struggles to find a voice as he grows up as an outcast in swan society.

This is a simple story about a young swan afflicted with an infirmity who does everything he can to overcome it. Even though he is misunderstood, he keeps on trying. That's commendable! No matter the difficulties and disadvantages in life, if one wants to succeed he will stop at nothing to overcome any difficulties.
       Explain to your children about the scene when the father steals the trumpet. This is not the right thing to do even if your motives are pure. Point out the remorse that the father felt after stealing the trumpet. He truly suffers for having done something wrong. There would have been another way, if he had been more patient and trusting. That's why I teach My children to stop, go slow, pray, and ask Me what to do. I can save you from so many troubles that way.
       There is also much to be learned about real love, that ignores handicaps.


(2000; Geoffrey Rush, Kate Winslet)
       (Jesus:) One of the main themes of this movie is sexual perversion, including bestiality and sex combined with afflicting pain on others. My dear ones whom I have shown the beauty and joy of sex, should not hear these words or see these sights.

“All these years you have been teaching me to have a soul.”

By French Phoebe, Mexico

       Having lived in Japan for 13 years before moving to Mexico, I have quite a few friends in the business community who I continued to follow up on and visit from Mexico, on a regular basis, to raise much-needed support for this poorer field. Last January was my fourth visit in two years, and it has been quite exciting to see my Japanese friends grow in the spirit of giving.
       The concept of giving is still quite foreign to the Japanese culture. One encounter a few years ago typifies the Japanese mindset on the subject. Going office to office to find potential sponsors for our projects, I met the president of a medium-size company.
       When I was finished with my presentation, he inquired: “Tell me if I understood you right: You are asking me to give you money, and then in exchange you will not give me anything. Is that right? I will give and not receive anything in return?” He was not joking or being sarcastic, he earnestly wanted to understand. I started to explain that he might not be receiving anything material, but … and he cut me off right then, stating: “I am not interested. Goodbye!” And I was dismissed!
       In my experience in Japan, the single event that most helped--ever so slowly--to change the Japanese mindset on the subject of giving was the death of Lady Diana, and the subsequent publicity about her charity work and fundraising for humanitarian-type projects. It created a precedent that the Japanese could relate to: Here was a wealthy, well-respected, high-society woman who engaged in high-profile charity work. If she could do it, then it must be okay and acceptable. Not long after her death, a new friend of mine to whom I was trying to explain the concept of volunteer work and fund-raising replied: “I understand, like Lady Diana, right?”
       Probably even more than in other countries, the trust and friendship factor is very important in Japan, and it can take a long time to develop a bond of trust with the Japanese. Because I have known my friends there for 10, 12 and sometimes 15 years, we have that bond, and they give to me as to a friend. The challenge still remains to feed their soul, help them develop a relationship with the Lord, and to teach and inspire them to give regularly and more as the needs grow.
       I have a few testimonies from my last trip which I wanted to share, as they were very encouraging in the never-give-up department. Mr. T. is a well-off Japanese businessman I have known for 14 years. He often tried to help our work in different ways, but never through directly donating to our projects. He would hire our musicians and pay them, or take English classes with me (in spite of my very French accent), or heavily persuade his employees to buy our tools, etc. But he always refused to give. It always had to be an exchange, or at least not cost him anything.
       When I saw him this time, we had dinner with two of his business associates, and he introduced me as the missionary-volunteer worker who asks for donations. Then he added: “This time I am going to give to her. I never did so before, but this time I am going to.” Then he told me that he was going to give so much, and then asked his friend to match his gift. He grinned and said, “I am doing this with my mind.
       I said, “You mean with your heart?” and he replied, “I am doing this with my soul. All these years you have been teaching me to have a soul!”
       I was so moved, I almost started crying right there. He had always been a yuppie type of person, quite proud and impervious to the Gospel, and this statement was like his declaration of faith, which totally renewed my own faith to keep ministering to him and feeding him spiritually. God bless him. And the three of them came through with a nice donation!
       I have known Mr. N. for 14 years as well. He is the vice president and one of the heirs to a big company in Japan, and received the Lord when we first started to minister to him. He was very hungry then, and we were able to feed him a lot. Then his hunger tapered off, and at times he even acted a bit goaty. But he was always a kind and generous man and we could count on him to help the work financially.
       When I saw him this time, over a meal, after a few minutes he confided in me that he was going through one of the major crisis of his life. He had fallen in love, and was completely distracted and disturbed by the relationship and it was seriously affecting both his marriage and his work. He wanted to cut it off but didn't have the will power to do so. He asked if we could pray together, and right in the middle of the fancy restaurant, he held hands with me, and together we prayed a long prayer for the Lord to help him.
       Another friend, whom I had not seen in a couple of years, looked very changed and disturbed when we met. He right away opened his heart and told me he had been fighting cancer, and also asked for prayer that the cancer would not recur. He had been a rebellious sheep for many years, and it was amazing that he humbled himself in the sight of the Lord.
       All these friends remain spiritual babes, but it is very encouraging to see them continue to take baby and toddler steps towards the Lord, sometimes after years of having seemingly come to a complete halt in their spiritual walk with the Lord. Many times I have been tempted to give up on feeding them, as I didn't see as much growth as I would have liked to, but little happenings like these make all the sowing and feeding and praying for our friends worth it all.
       Truly if we continue to do the watering, even when we do not see much increase, His Word never returns void, and always accomplishes His purpose.

Men, Women and Feeding Camels

By Kevin

       I don't get many e-mails with suggestions for columns, so I was quite excited to receive a note from a young lady in Brazil with an idea I had not thought of before. It's comforting to know that someone out there realizes that one day I may completely run out of ideas and resort to writing columns titled “101 ways to spread peanut butter.” So kudos to you, whose lovely name I won't mention due to lack of prior permission.
       (While I'm on the subject, thanks to all of you who have written words of encouragement about my columns--your notes have really made my day. The Lord sometimes quickens them to my mind to encourage me when life starts getting rough, such as at 3 in the morning when I'm up to my elbows in a baby doo-doo and just realized there are no more wet wipes.)
       So here we go with the topic of this column, which was so cleverly conceived by our teenage heroine from Brazil--the land of delicious coffee, picturesque beaches, half-naked women, and half-naked men who sit around staring at them all day until they develop third-degree sunburns. According to her, the problem is that no matter where in the world your travels may take you, Family Homes don't seem to have an even distribution of girls and boys. In other words, one Home watches Gone with the Wind every video night and compares their new shoes during home council, whereas only a city away there might be a Home that regularly watches “Invasion of the Alien Amazons” and spends home council measuring body parts.
       Let's talk about this.
       Many, many years ago the Lord said, “man ought not to be alone.” As you have probably read in Life with Grandpa Vol. 2, after five days of painstakingly creating the Earth and filling it with animals, vegetation, beer and all the wonders of His creation, God created the first man, named Adam, who was skilled in the art of always walking through the garden with a bush in front of his private parts whenever there was an artist around. Then several boxes and speech bubbles later Adam took one look at a passing pachyderm and immediately knew he needed a more petite mating partner. That's when God caused him to fall fast asleep--directly behind a bush, of course, that conveniently covered the midsection of his body.
       After much deliberation the Lord finally decided to remove a rib and create the most beautiful thing man's eyes have ever beheld--barbequed beef spareribs with a nice hot baked potato smoldered in butter and a cold pint of beer on the side. No, seriously, he gave him a beautiful, naked woman with long, silky hair; dreamy, sparkling eyes; soft, warm skin and a small speech bubble above her head that said “Hello.” Adam was flabbergasted and immediately knew the Lord had made him a perfect match. He was also impressed with her ability to cover her privates with not only nearby bushes, but also locks of her hair.
       So it seems to me that God created us with the idea in mind that men and women would live together, preferably with equal numbers of either sex. The problem, however, is that many thousands of years later we, God's Adams and Eves, are separated into hundreds of little Gardens of Eden referred to as Family Homes (complete with a variety of untamed creatures called YCs).
       To compound the problem, there seems to be a whole lot less of the beard-growing, appendage-measuring gender, than of the flower arranging, full-body mirror-staring variety.
       So what are we to do? Excuse me for a second as I raise one eyebrow and contemplatively stroke my long, white beard. The one and only effective solution, my children, is…drum roll…how would I know? But I have a few ideas that may help, and I'm sure you do too.
       I am confident of one thing: That the Lord can lead every single Family member to a “bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh” sort of match, if that is His will. Why do I believe this? Let's turn to the Old Testament (which, believe it or not, was written before Life with Grandpa Vol. 2) for some examples:

       Adam and Eve
: As we already discussed, the best of all examples was poor Adam whose prospects included a hermit crab and a wart hog, until the Lord supernaturally intervened and gave him a woman, who was significantly more attractive and a better housekeeper. In Adam's case, the Lord made a perfect mate appear seemingly from nowhere, and who's to say He isn't capable of doing something similar for us today?

       Isaac and Rebecca:
Jacob's father, Isaac, had also been in dire straits when it came to finding a woman. Even though there might have been many a dashing lass in the land of Canaan, where they lived at the time, his father Abraham wasn't too thrilled about Isaac finding a wife anywhere else but their land of origin. Unfortunately for Isaac, Abraham liked to travel. A lot. And far.
       However, thankfully Abraham was also an accommodating father, and knew his son needed someone to wash his crusty desert feet at the end of the day and to get on his case when he kept putting off fixing the well, which was the only plumbing they could come up with at the time. So after loading ten camels with a plethora of precious gifts, such as incense, oils and other items they'd purchased at the Body Shop, Abraham's servant sojourned to the land of Messopotamia. Then one day while stopping at McDonalds for a happy meal, to the amazement of Abraham's servant, a beautiful woman came out of nowhere and poured water for his thirsty camels. This wise servant knew that all men need is a scratch on the head and a good drink, and that was when he knew she was the one for Isaac.
       So, what's the modern-day moral to this true story? If there are no suitable mates around, send servants on camels. But if you don't have any of those, then why not try sojourning deep into the wilderness of the world, loaded with precious Activated magazines and subscription cards? The Lord promised us that the Activated ministry would bring in disciples, so you might want to get in on the deal and make sure one of them is an attractive person of the opposite sex, who will be there to love and honor till death do you part, serve the Lord with you side by side, and offer you a drink while scratching your head or massaging your feet while you watch Gone with the Wind.

       Jacob and Rachel:
Poor Jacob--he was in a very peculiar situation. His heart was fixed on one particular hot chick named Rachel. However, Rachel's father, Laban, wasn't too quick to give her hand in marriage without a few favors, and he also realized that since there were not many men around, Jacob was the only chance his eldest daughter, Leah, would get for marriage. So, soon Jacob found himself doing a series of JJTs that lasted over 20 years. At one point, thanks to father Laban's trickery and a few too many beers, Jacob woke up one morning to find Leah snoring away next to him and throughout the day calling him pet names like “poochie” and “sugarlumps.” But to his credit, Jacob kept himself busy with his work, and in the end of two decades the Lord blessed him with the woman of his dreams (not to mention lots of livestock, and his own servants to do JJT for him).
       There are two morals to this story: 1) Take a quick look under the veil before you say “I do” and, 2) if we keep ourselves busy with the Lord's work and spend time fellowshipping with those around us the Lord will give us the desires of our heart. Why would He do that? Because He loves every single one of us, and is more than eager to supply all of our needs in His time (including wet wipes at 3 in the morning).


North America

       Amber and Gennes (SGAs, of Sam and Mary) and Lillie (SGA of Steven and Susanna): Were in a serious car accident. Amber and Gennes have broken bones and internal bleeding but are in stable condition. Lillie is in critical condition with multiple fractures to the skull. She also got a bone chip in a major artery, which could lead to a stroke. She also has some air in her brain, which doctors say is very serious.
       Vanessa (newborn, of Steven and Amber): Breathing problems. Too weak to cry or eat. May have an infection and/or heart trouble.
       Valorie Nicole (7 mo., of Tim and Maya): Cystic fibrosis. Recovery and weight gain after undergoing sinus surgery.
       Solomon (of Gem): Seriously injured Achilles tendon.

South America

       Celia: Cancer in the uterus.
       Carolina Love (of Shafan and Sharon): Experiences a lot of pain. Doctors are unable to tell what is wrong with her, though she has had endometriosis and other problems in the past. She recently underwent an operation that she may not have fully recovered from.
       IvanDavid (of Filippo and Fe, Bolivia) Strabismus in his eyes. For successful treatment and to not need an operation.
       Ana (19, of Isaac and Promise): Strong cramps and low blood pressure when on her periods. The doctor suspects it could be endometriosis.
       Miguelito (5, of José and Clara): Hernia in his testicle, causing pain.
       Katherine: Serious back problems and scoliosis. For a pending operation to go well.
       Anita (3, of Josue and Paciencia): Hearing difficulty.
       Gloria (of Jose‚ VS): Hearing difficulty and hernia.
       Tuchi (3, of Cristal and Felipe): Serious convulsions. Taking strong medication while waiting for test results to determine the cause.
       Ester Italiana (of Samuel): Ear infection provoked by a cold, causing pain, a constant ringing and hearing loss.
       Cristia (11, of Vitoria): Bone condition hindering mobility of arm.
       Primavera: Internal inflammation in both eyes caused by a light case of toxoplasmosis.
       Kevin (9 months, of Danielle and Oliver): His testicles have not descended, which means an operation could be necessary.
       Andy: Muscular pain in left arm.
       Sara (17, of Francisco and Mariana): Juvenile arthritis.
       Susy (of Juan): Strong pains in the soles of feet and lower back.
       German Joy: Problem with nervous system, low blood pressure and high cholesterol.
       Crystal: Has trouble with overeating and then keeping food down.

Answered Prayers

       Ezequiel, Sunny and Faith, Brazil: Blood test shows Brisa's Lupus is completely inactive. We know this is a direct answer to prayers and for everyone fighting for her in the spirit. She is feeling much better, doing get-out videos with the other girls in the house and is in good health, PTL! Her hair is also growing back. A super answer to prayers, PTL! We want to ask that we all continue to claim a total victory and that “He that had began a good work will complete to the end.” Thank you for fighting with us for her total healing.

       Maria (18), Brazil:
After I was operated on, we sent in a prayer request for the growth in my ovary to disappear, since the doctors, thinking it was a tumor, wanted to operate again. They gave me a month to recuperate from the first surgery and to see if it would shrink. Meanwhile the prayer request was sent out. When I went to get checked, they found that my ovary had gone back to normal and it was as if nothing had happened. Thank the Lord and thank you, dear Family, for all your prayers!

mama jewels … on sacrificing to stay close to the Lord

--to an SGA staff member
       I'm so thankful for you and your love for the Lord and dependence on Him. Whatever sacrifice it takes to get your Word time and to keep the Lord in first place, please do it, because that's been the downfall of many very potential people and it could be yours if you don't continue to put the Lord in first place in your life. So it's very important.

TCD #24 - I Found You
1) Let It Go
Simon Black/Simon Black/Simon Black/Godfrey
2) I Found You
Darren/Rafael, Steve M./Steve M./Simon L.
3) Stereotype
4) Guiding Me
Gaven/Michael E./Esther Wild Wind/Owen C.
5) Cry in a Bottle
Vas/Vas/Joan Clair/Vas
6) Vapor
Emmanuel, Willie D./Emmanuel/Emmanuel/Emmanuel
7) How Do You Love Me?
Meeky B./Meeky B./Meeky B./Vas
8) Keep Speaking to Me
Andrew V./Paul Hart/Paul Hart/Andrew V.
9) This Is My Love for You
Julie Greeneyes/Vas/Julie Greeneyes/Vas
10) Who Am I?
11) Life of a Missionary
Godfrey/Jay/Jay, Godfrey/Godfrey
12) Get On Board
Dave, Gavin/Rafael/Paul Hart/Owen C.
13) River of Tears
Vas/Vas/Joan Claire/Vas

Dance classes helped

       Mercy, Mexico: The girls in our Home are all JETT and teen age, and they have a lot of energy. We were having a hard time keeping them inspired and having the vision for their duties. They were all interested in dance, and the Lord opened the door for them to take free dance classes. They go five days a week, for two-hour classes. The classes are really working the girls out, and they love it! They are learning traditional Mexican dancing, Cuban salsa, and ballet. Because of the classes, the girls are much more energetic and happy. They have to press in throughout the day in order to finish all their school, chores, and still be on time for their classes. Young people need a lot of exercise. They get restless and don't even know why. So if you are finding that your kids don't seem inspired or are tired all the time, this could be a practical way to help them.
       (Editor's note: Of course, be sure you pray and receive a clear confirmation from the Lord about such plans and activities for your children, and counsel with others too!)

Cable TV didn't pan out

       Shadrach Soldout, USA: We had an offer to get cable TV at half price, so we figured we'd give it a try as we assumed there would be a lot of good documentaries, and that we could record movies. But the results after six months was a definite “thumbs down” as the movies available were not that good, considering the time it took to record them. Though there were some good documentaries, they started to take our time from getting in the Word and other responsibilities, and eventually more and more time was spent watching programs (160 channels!), including cartoons and other shows which were not edifying--and not just in the evening but also during the day. So after six months, we canceled it and the general spirit of the Home has already improved. Now we again selectively choose videos to watch, and the fruit has been much better.

Questionable online screen names

       Anonymous, North America: I just wanted to mention about people's e-mail names. When a Family member came up from the States to go to India, I had to go downtown with him to get his visa. I noticed that the secret police were all over us--and I mean ALL over us--even eavesdropping on us as we talked in a restaurant. Then I found out that his e-mail address is “psycho” something. I mentioned to him why I felt he should change it.
       Can we get a message to people that these types of things are not a game? Now we are getting messages from other suggestive or questionable e-mail names, such as “Baby flirt” and other similar ones. When we first received these, not knowing who they were from, we thought they were sex ads. If we're not careful and prayerful, this could bring undue and unwanted attention.

The boy/girl issue
       Anonymous guy:
I read in “Issues, Part 6” about the lack of men--sorry, lack of the right men in the Family--and the Lord gave me the urge to write this. I'm a male, and I've lived in the Family all my life. I've had my share of troubles and tribulations (like those everyone confronts daily), one of which is the subject of boys and girls. I've traveled to every continent except Africa, have lived in numerous Family Homes in 20-some countries.
       All that to say regarding the letter this SGA wrote, I was quite surprised to hear of the lack of men, 'cause in many areas I've been in there are just as many men, or more, as women. Maybe the Lord has permitted this to make us want to win more disciples, but most of the time I find myself in areas where women are either not around or are just not interested. Often there are Homes with various girls but they're way out there, where it's quite hard to actually find them.
       I'm not trying to defend us men, but I can say that there have been mistakes on both sides. For example, a lot of girls in the Family have the attitude of wanting the perfect guy, and they'll fast from men for years until they find their Prince Charming (in these situations I don't blame them for going through trials about it). I've seen how a guy is with a very pretty girl, and he's really inspired with her and treats her real well, and all of a sudden one day she doesn't want to be with him any more, and to top it all off, the next day you find out she's with his best friend (and you think “Why did that nice relationship last only two months?”).
       I'm not saying this just from my imagination; it's happened to me. It can happen to anyone, but praise the Lord we still have Him. I've also seen friends of mine after a girl for months, and she kind of goes along with it, but never tells him anything, and after two or three months of friendship and the guy wasting his little allowance that we missionaries have the chance of getting, he finds out that she never really liked him--”just as a friend,” they say. Then I see how those same guys go out of the Family for some time (most everyone has had or will have their hard moments in life), and the “perfect” model-like girls almost jump on them.
       I've also been in Homes where it seems the girls don't appreciate us men. I'm not saying that I haven't found sweet, loving and dedicated Family girls, but I think that both sides have a lot to learn. And a lot of us soon-to-be-adults have been spoiled in some ways when it comes to that. LHM, I've probably even made, at some points, those comments this SGA mentioned in her letter. I don't know, but I just don't think it's all the men's fault, or the women's; I think each sex should give in a little so that we can find a good balance.
       One factor the Lord showed me is that in the Family Homes we actually live with people from the opposite sex who are not of our own physical flesh and blood, something very uncommon in the System. If you go live with that boyfriend you found in the System, and with another three people at least, then you'll see how things can change. You have to see those people day and night, which means you live with four more individual's problems face-to-face. Maybe the Lord has more insight on this subject. … Because just as much as this SGA can find a handsome man in the System, I can find a pretty woman. But let me tell you, I prefer two months with a Family girl than one year with a System one!

Fundraising alternatives for teens

       Joy, Islamabad: Mary (16) is planning to leave our Home shortly and was looking for ways to raise her fare. Without seeking it out, a friend asked if Mary would like to model in a music video. It is a Pakistani love song prepared for MTV Asia. It paid $350 for four days' work. The atmosphere was pleasant, respectful and I, Joy was able to witness to the entire crew. I was quite impressed with the Pakistani teens who showed respect for family values and their faith.
       Claire was at the same time approached to do a TV commercial for cosmetics. Again, the environment was very easy with everyone being pleasant to work with and very respectful of our wishes, i.e., asking us parents to come along. She also got paid $350 for three days' work.
       We are not advocating this type of fundraising as it was rather unusual, but after praying the Lord showed us that it would be okay at this stage with more pros than cons. Through it our girls got, in a controlled environment, some exposure to the TV/film industry--something they thought was very glorious, only to find out that it is plain and simple, and lots of hard work. It helped them to present themselves, stature, clothing, speech, etc. It added to what they already have learned in outreach and singing.

A perfect set-up to learn how to “rise above”

By Lily Gypsy, Kenya

       Our city here at the coast of Kenya has been a perfect training ground for learning the art of rising above. Since our six years in Kenya, we've seen the country go down considerably. Especially since coming to the poorer coastal region we have experienced what life is like in a city which is severely affected by an ongoing economic recession. People here are very desperate, but also very sheepy. They'll eagerly grab hold of any feeding material they can get, which provides us with countless witnessing opportunities and makes it worth it all.
       The people of the once flourishing coastal tourist region have undergone many hardships, as businesses have been folding up right and left. This year alone over 40 hotels along the coast closed down, leaving 32,000 more people jobless. With business at an all time low, loads of factory workers are laid off daily, resulting in a rising number of homeless and street people. AIDS has been taking its toll and many orphaned children wander the streets. Crime is on the rise. This situation daily presents an urgent need for more fruitful CTPs, greater supply and miracles. If the Lord puts on your heart to help us financially here at KY1529, it would be greatly appreciated.
       This is just a little background to paint the picture, as we were talking about rising above. To stay positive and full of faith when almost everyone around is hit by a negative outlook due to the daily struggle of survival can only be contributed to the Lord's miracle working power. We can't count how many times we've read “Nothing is Impossible” and “Rise Above,” as the answers are all there. Finding faith for support, healing for the many broken folks we encounter during our CTPs, protection when fear prevails, and strength to face the uphill climb has been a real challenge.
       We've learned the importance of daily prayer vigils and keeping our Praise Time appointments with Him. Knowing that it's only by His grace that we're still here to tell the tale is giving us the desire to make progress in using our new weapons. Being in such need of the Lord's blessings makes us press in to work on areas in our lives we might otherwise neglect. Since stepping out of the door could have serious consequences, hearing many stories of daytime hold-ups and robberies gets us asking Him everything. This and much more make us thankful for being in a so called difficult place.

Participation at Bard festival in Uzbekistan

By Alissa and Peter, Uzbekistan

In the mountains of Tian-Shian, central Asia, in June 2001 was held a festival of bard singers. It was the jubilee festival of 25 years and about 400-500 bards and fans were gathered there. For our newly gathered team it was a thrilling challenge to go there and pioneer those mountains and win souls thirsty for living waters and hungry for the Word, which is “the way, the truth and the life.”
       We prayed and received the Lord's blessings for the trip! However, the Enemy was furiously fighting trying to stop us on the way there. Local officials didn't give permission for the festival and the road police were stopping whole busloads of people on their way, many of whom were stuck at checkpoints for hours. We were able to break through all the spiritual and physical barriers and were one of the first teams to reach the place where the festival was supposed to be held. The Lord was faithful to show us which road to take, how to talk to the police and, when needed, He blinded their eyes. That was the first miracle for us all and the confirmation of His will to go there!
       Truly, this was an unusual festival. It was a gathering of searching souls from many cities looking for new friends and fellowship, heartwarming words and touching songs. We met all kinds of people, starting with fortunetellers and ending with lost souls who wanted to hear the voice of God. The most interesting fact is that people could sense the Lord's Spirit when meeting us. They were telling us: “Such love is flooding from your songs!”

It was a wonderful time of witnessing and enjoying the Lord's creation. Since we were one of the first groups to arrive, led by the Spirit we pitched our three tents by the riverside. Later we found out that this spot was right in the middle of the camping area and on the crossroads. It was the Lord's setup for the sheep to find us. It didn't take long for the first few sheep to join our inspiration, asking us who we are and falling in love with the Spirit. Of course we didn't miss leading them to the Lord.

Those first visitors were mountain climbers--real mountain men from another city and it couldn't have been anything or anybody who led them to us but the Lord. They received the Lord that day and afterwards would come to us early in the morning and would hang out with us during the day. They liked our songs because they talked about people just like them. One even wanted to come with us, saying that he has visited all the groups at their camps but that we are the best of all! They invited us to visit them in their hometown, which is an open a door for bringing His Word to that place as well.
       A large group of scouts were also at the festival holding their own competitions. We used the opportunity to become friends with them, witnessing through our songs, and most of them prayed with us.
       Seventeen-year-old Timur made a real impression on us. With cerebral palsy, he can move around only in a wheelchair, but the Lord has given him the gift of making extraordinary paintings using his fingers. After receiving our witness and the Lord, he said that he'll try painting angels!

It was amazing how the Lord led us to key people in our witnessing. Imagine 50-80 tents along one side of the river, and the Lord led us to one particular tent behind the bushes, and it turned out to be the tent of the main bards and the jury, who later arranged for us to sing two songs instead of one like everybody else did.
       At first we wanted to sing something more challenging like “O'er Uncharted Seas,” but we got that we should sing “Like a Dream Become Reality” (Tu Est Ma Vie) and “Smile.” The Lord showed us to give the message of love and comfort and told us that He will use this to bring the sheep to our tents. After our performance many thanked us for singing such wonderful songs and we became the center of attention, and the Lord brought many sheep to our tents. We witnessed and sang through the whole night, and when we were too tired to talk we just crashed there and then, only to wake up in two hours and start our next witnessing tour. So the Lord was using every possible way to touch and melt the hearts of men and bring them to Him.
       As a result of the trip we won 32 souls, witnessed to 89, received two certificates of laureates of the festival (one as group performers, another as a duet), conquered the mountains of Tian-Shan (at least some part of it) for Jesus, and found new horizons leading to higher and more breathtaking mountain peaks in this amazing land full of miracles!

letters to the editor
Re: “Having fun” (GV #111, page 15)

By Christina Vessel, Thailand
I wanted to comment on the article sent in by “Someone” entitled “Having Fun?” and express my appreciation for your views on this subject. Sometimes there can be a sense of pressure in that we need to come up with so many “fun” activities to keep our young people inspired. In a way this is fine, but as this person brought out, it's important to also portray the right priorities in our speech and lives. Our young people need to see our fire, enthusiasm, and dedication for Jesus, and get turned on to serving Him. Witnessing, road trips, CTPs, and even childcare should be activities that challenge and inspire our young people with the vision.

Re: “Catch 'em doing something nice, by FGA mom”

By Micah, Thailand
I wanted to comment in regards to the article “A Piece of My Heart” from “the FGA mom.”
       I agree 100% with what is written in this article! It's very refreshing to be around the young people. It for sure also helps me to not become too much of an old bottle. Here for example, when we play tennis together, they are very patient with me when I lose a point in the game (when playing doubles). We have fun together and I really appreciate that kind of interaction and fellowship. I feel like I'm one of the team. It is so important to feel you are a part of something especially when you're getting older, your kids have flown out of the nest and you are just “your ol' little self” there, not being able to lean on some kind of flesh-and-blood “we-belong-together” connection!
       In the article I noticed that she mentioned some of the ailments that come with getting older. I was glad to hear that I am not the only one battling similar ailments, or just battling the somewhat rude awakening that I am getting older (56), and the strength I had before is not there anymore. I recognize the fact about “looking for toothpicks” as at times I can hardly keep my eyes open if we start the video or a meeting late. I can still get around okay with childcare, outreach, Home duties, etc., but thoughts are starting to pop up more and more often, like “What will I do when my legs and feet hurt and are tired, and I just need to rest more? How will I be looked upon in the Home?--A burden?” (Just for clarity's sake, nobody in my Home has ever mentioned anything about me not pulling my load. These are just thoughts that I have been starting to think about.)
       When I get on that discouraging channel, it can be quite a battle! However, by the grace of God, I believe there must be a solution for the FGAs, as it's just a fact of life that we are getting older whether we like it or not. I have been in the Family since 1972. It has been nearly 30 very interesting, fulfilling (but of course not always easy) years. I'm looking forward to many more interesting, fulfilling years in the Family, but probably in a different capacity ministry-wise?!
       I love you all, and I'm very thankful to be able to be a part of the Family, working together “shoulder-to-shoulder” with young and old!

Re: “Diary of an SGA”
(GV #105-108)
By Promise Messenger, PACRO
The kids really enjoy reading and knowing more about what our dear king and queen are like. As curious and interested as they are, it was fun reading to them the diary that was written in the Grapevine about life at Mama's Home. It gave them a wider perspective in how their day-to-day life runs. It helped me to answer the questions they would ask before like, “Are there any kids at Mama's Home?” “ What do they eat for their meals?” “Who lives with them?” etc. Thank you, dear GV editors, for printing that and letting us all benefit from it in a special way.

Re: Moving to new Homes and want ads (GV #114)

By Catherine, Brasilia

       I agree with the SGA CRO who wrote in about being upfront about your Home's problems when you get new personnel. Of course, you don't want to display your problems in a want ad, but please don't sugar-coat it so much that it is unrealistic. I find myself trying to read between the lines of some ads to see the real picture. Of course, most of the time it is only the Lord speaking to your heart about a certain situation so you will go and help out, but it's good if we're all realistic when asking for help. It's also important to be honest with people who are interested in coming to your Home, so that those initial battles don't overwhelm them and they give up.

By Mama

       That's a very good point! If you receive clearance to join a Home, you as the joining member also have the right, as per the Charter, to find out about the Home you're joining.
       We hear that Homes receiving new members generally utilize their right to find out about the incoming person, their talents, weaknesses, etc., and that's good. That's your right as a Home receiving a new person. However, it seems that people joining Homes or requesting clearance to a Home are more hesitant or reluctant to ask about the state of the Home they're joining, or persevere to get the details and information they need in order to make a prayerful and knowledgeable decision.
       Consequently, some people who have worked very hard to raise funds and move fields end up in a Home that is doing very badly. That's very sad. It's not only discouraging for the person that worked so hard to make it to the mission field, but it's also a poor testimony and sample, and is not what the Lord wants. Sometimes a Home has had difficulty keeping its Home members, or has had a lot of people leave due to disunity or other inter-Home problems; or perhaps the children, teens or JETTs in the Home are not doing very well and other families would prefer not to have their children influenced by them, and that's why they have an opening and are interested in new people joining their Home. Of course, that's not always the case. But when it is, it's the right of the incoming person to know about the state of the Home.
       I hope and pray that you Homes who are taking people in are being honest and upfront in your evaluation of your Home's state. And those of you who are looking to join a Home, please write your VSs or COs if you need more information about your prospective Home. Remember, you have a right to know just as much about the Home that has given you clearance to join them, as they have a right to know about you.
       Be sure you have all the necessary information and facts, so that you can pray and ask the Lord knowledgeably about what is His highest will for you!


       Polish Pawel will like to get in contact with Swiss Marianne. I met you in Switzerland and lived with you for 2½ weeks in a village close to the border of Germany. If you can, please contact me. E-mail: vallehom@uio.satnet.net

       This is Tamara calling out for lost but not forgotten friends: Maggie, Stella (of Davide and Joan), Katrina (of James and Liberty), and Angie (of Dan and Faith, last heard of in Bosnia)! WHERE are you, gals? You can make contact at the following e-mail address: fcm@africaonlline.co.ke

       A. Joan
(of Davide),remember me (Tamara)? Me and my mom would both like to hear from you! Love U loads! E-mail: fcm@africaonline.co.ke

       Ivan S.K. (originally from Kazakhstan) is looking for Imana Rucker. I'm presently at the NC Home, Russia. You can contact me through the Russian ABM.

       Looking for Chris (of Michael and Rose), now in Mexico! Lived with you in Spain some years ago, and met you again at the French camp '99! My bro's name is Arturo. Didn't get to say goodbye b4 U left! Please contact Lauren at Laurens_email22@yahoo.com! Waiting to hear from you!

       Dearest Vixy (of Carmen), lived with you in Dubrv. and Bosn. My e-mails to you are getting sent back for some reason! Please contact me at Laurens_email22@yahoo.com! Write soon!

       Dearest Dulce a.k.a. Dacil, please write me, Daniel from Cadiz. REMEEEMBER?????????????????? To katia@mundivia.es

(of Obadias and Kalita), what's wrong with your e-mail? I've been trying to get in touch with you but I just can't. Please drop me a note at: beachome@uol.com.br or at the snail mail: Cx Postal 918 / Cep 50000-970. Waiting to hear from you, Joana.

       Hi Jafet (Mexican!) I saw you in a FSM about the Activated meetings. I met you when you were in Venezuela, Valencia. Mi nombre era Lisbet (ahora Ruth). Me gustaria saber de ti. Write me at jamesyruth7@hotmail.com.
       I am also looking for a sweet friend that I knew 16 years ago at the Babes Ranch in Cucuta, Colombia. Where are you James (or David)? You were living with Josiah and Smile in Colombia. I would like to hear from you. I'm Ruth (Venezuelan). Remember me? Please write me at the e-mail above.

former members and friends - seeking contact

       While on the road, we met Alain (a French man, manager of a restaurant) who gave us free meals. After a short conversation he guessed who we were or might be and asked us if we were the “YKW.” He has VERY good souvenirs of some brethren he met in the late '70s in the Southwest of France near Bordeaux and asked me to try to get in touch with them. He doesn't remember their exact names, but the man was from Canada and his wife from Poland. He was a chef at the hotel where this couple was staying. He said this couple left for India and kept in touch by mail for some time. He never answered back but really regrets it, and would like to be in touch again. PLEASE if you recognize yourselves, can you let me know? TYSSM. abifr@yahoo.com &&&

help wanted

       Hi! I am Joy (formerly Kathy), writing you from the beautiful land of the Philippines! I have been in the East for over 20 years, and the Lord has increased our Family to a dozen children. Three of our teens have been faithfully plodding along with their studies and are now nearly finished with high school. In order to obtain their CLE diplomas we need to go onto the full program. This is where you come in!!! Could you help us towards this goal? It will cost us about $500. If the Lord puts it on your heart, please send whatever you can to Shem and Joy PH8O3, or get in touch. Our e-mail is: sjfam14@wildside.ph
       It's six in the morning and I just couldn't help but jump out of bed to write this little appeal. You know how mothers are when it comes to their children's needs, ha! I just know the Lord will make a way. If you can't help just now, but would like to chat with another mom, drop me a line too! WLY all!

       My name is Paula. I live in Russia. I've known the Family for about 10 years. I'm from the Urals, Chelyabinsk, Russia. I need your prayers and help. I don't quite know how to translate my diagnosis into English so I'll put it like this: I have an infection in my ovaries and fallopian tubes. Sometimes it causes a lot of pain, so I appreciate your prayers very much. I've been having this affliction for a while and doctors said that I can't have kids. Besides that, they say that I need to go through a two-course treatment, which requires an operation. According to them it needs to happen very soon. The only problem for me is that I need financial assistance. The whole treatment will cost me $300. I just graduated from university and presently don't have a job yet; even if I did, I couldn't afford this treatment. I know the Lord will bless you and I will be eternally thankful to Him and the hands He will choose to help through. I love you a lot and keep you all in my prayers. I have an arrangement with one of the Homes in our area that they would pass unto me any gifts that will come for me. Therefore you can send your gifts via TRF to RU 017. Thank you so much again. I really appreciate any help.

your reax to New Wine


By Michael (13), USA
Thank the Lord for Activated. When Activated first came out, I was really on fire about it. But, sad to say, I gave up after the first few tries, because people weren't very receptive and they just took the cards. Then I slacked off and eventually I stopped offering it at all. This happened off and on for about a year and a half. But just recently, a GN called “Activate the World” came out. It gave me the fire for Activated that will, with the Lord's help, never die down.

“What the Future Holds”

By Shine (of Tim), USA
Sometimes people are just so amazed that we are out there witnessing. One lady told me, “Wow, you guys are like the disciples! Do you even pray for people to get healed?” I thought that it was kind of cool that she asked since we had just read “What the Future Holds.” I told her about how one of our six-year-olds had prayed for a woman to be healed from frequent migraine headaches, and that the next time I saw the woman she told me, “Ever since your little girl prayed for me I haven't had one headache!” This lady I was witnessing to thought that was really neat!
       I met another guy recently who just kept saying “Wow!” He asked me a ton of funny questions about how we live, work, what we do, what we believe in, etc. He finally came to the conclusion that he wants to stop supporting his church, and he's going to send the money to us instead!
       Then there was Luke, a young Christian man who kept telling us, “I can't believe people are still doing this, like Jesus' disciples!” He was pretty amazed that we were out there talking to people about Jesus, and he wants to stay in touch.
       Sometimes it seems funny to me that people are so surprised, but it goes along with what the New Wine has been saying. All of these people are regular churchgoers and are even quite into it. Even though I am younger than them and so are the people I was with while witnessing to them, they really respected us and looked to us as being the “real thing.” It's pretty wild when you think about it! It inspires me to see the New Wine coming to life.

Action FSMs

By David (14), USA
I was absolutely thrilled to read the testimonies in the two newest Action FSMs. All of the testimonies from the Family in India, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, and everywhere convicted me to do more about Activated and getting the books out. It had been slow in getting subscriptions, so this got me discouraged, and lately I have been less than faithful to offer books and subscriptions. These faith building testimonies and the new “Activate the World” GN have inspired me to get on the ball with the Activated vision and to set goals for myself.


By Peter and Mesha, Mexico
I never used to read Kidland because I thought it was for parents of younger children. But then I noticed that there were always some messages from Jesus or Dad and others, and so I began reading them. While doing so I found out that there are also articles about JETTs and teens, and now I'm an avid Kidland reader! It's very inspiring, and the prophecies make it almost like another GN.

Ad: Looking for English teaching books

       Do any English teachers out there have any tried and proven English books that you use in your teaching? I am interested in books on all levels. Please specify what age and level the books are for, and include the author and publisher since where I am, you can't find these books in the book stores and I'll have to hunt for them on the Internet. Since I teach many youth, I could also use tips or good books for teaching English to beginners who don't even read or at primary levels. There are books here but since we have a wealth of experience out there in our Family, I wanted to ask for any tips or help you might be able to offer. TYSSM!
       I also am very interested in any tips or suggestions you have on including the Gospel in your classes or feeding them positive, faith-building materials. My students are Koreans and Japanese of all ages, and though I do have to be careful in my approach, I am finding many of them receptive and needing feeding. I would be grateful for your help on this in anyway. Please write to me at: renpie@aol.com
--Renee Quebec, Panama

tip of the day
Security tips
We have found it beneficial to review our security every week on WNR day. This includes purging notebooks, any papers or addresses we might have overlooked, or any emails that need to be deleted. Though we try to do this on a daily basis, somehow there is always something one overlooks or forgets, so reviewing this every week has helped.
       We also make sure that our flee bags are ready, our legal papers are in order, and that we have extra Xerox copies in case we lose the original, and have extra photos on hand for visas, permits, etc. We have also worked out a contingency plan in case of a knock at the door.
--Abel, Feliz, and Marie, India

Also included with this file:
Peculiar people (Art by Zeb)

       Caption 1: I know just the solution for this mess!
       Caption 2: Later…There! That looks much better!
       Caption 3: Now I'll just need to make an announcement and that'll be that!
       Caption 4: Two days later:
       Caption 5: You can lead a horse to water…

Copyright © 2001 by The Family

(End of File)