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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine

(Issue #118; August 15, 2001)

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine are not intended to reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751, Irving, Texas, USA - 75016-8751 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2001 by The Family

Attention Young People!

       Do you love the Lord and the Word?
       Do you love fellowship?
       Do you love helping the Family?
       Do you love being on board?
       Do you love fun?
       Do you love teaching?
       Do you love changing the world?

       If your answer to all of the above questions is YES, and you like the thought of living with a bunch of other young people, pulling together to make the Family a better place, pouring into little disciples, having fun, and learning and growing through loving shepherding, with your goals being to go the distance for the Lord, live the New Wine, yield to Jesus and the Lord's will, and be a 110% disciple … CONSIDER WS!
       We're looking for childcare/teaching help. Do you love children? Is the Lord calling you? If He is, and you're willing to lay down your life for His little ones, we need YOU-and we believe you'll find that WS is an exciting and happening place. Write us for more information at: ws@wsfamily.com

world news

Typhoon Toraji

By EastGate Home, Taiwan

       Typhoon Toraji hit Taiwan on July 30, causing serious damage from flooding and landslides. We were able to send a team with a van load of food and clothing to one of the villages near the city of Hualien which suffered the most. A landslide buried a large part of this village in the early morning while people were sleeping. Twenty-four people died and fifteen are missing, buried under tons of mud and rock. Two hundred families--about 1,000 people--live in this village and they are now without water and electricity. The homeless are staying in the local school.
       Pietro and Mark arrived at the village Thursday morning, making us one of the first groups to arrive. They unloaded our van of food and clothing at a distribution point and spent the rest of the day counseling many of the villagers who had lost loved ones in the disaster.


TeleTRF tips

Does it take forever to open Word documents after installing the TeleTRF?
This problem isn't due to the TeleTRF, but rather to an interaction between Office 2000, Outlook, and PGP. For the solution, please see the TeleTRF section of the MO site (http://teletrf.familymembers.com), the FAQ titled “Program malfunctions: After installing the TeleTRF, my computer runs slowly!” If you do not have access to the MO site, you can e-mail the TeleTRF team for the instructions at teletrf@wsfamily.com.

12 Foundation Stones
and New Wine in Spanish

       In case you're wondering if these items are available in Spanish, and where they can be found if so … yes, they are available! The 12 Foundation Stones classes are a work in progress--the first few classes are posted already on the MO site, with more soon to come. The New Wine letters (DFO versions of new GNs, from the Winepress) are also being translated and posted as they come out.
       In addition, on the Activated section of the Spanish MO site there will be a collection of homemade classes gathered from different sources, which could be useful for feeding your sheep in the interim until the full 12 Foundation Stones course is translated.
       You can find these items by going through the English MO site on the PUBS page, and selecting Spanish as the local language. Or you can find them through the Spanish MO site, on the PUBLICACIONES page.
       The Spanish MO site can be found at:

       Yes, you heard that right! The latest GNs are now available online, via the Members Only site. Check it out! In time, the older GNs will be posted too, but for now, we hope you'll enjoy getting the New Wine fresh and fast--at your very own Members Only site. We love you!

NEWLY IMPROVED CC/FED section on the MO site!

       Uncle Dan's Math worksheets
       Famous Characters cards
       Flannelgraphs for assorted Heaven's Library stories

       Here's some GREAT news for all parents and teachers! Thanks to many people's hard work, the FED section of the MO site has been COMPLETELY RESTRUCTURED and GREATLY EXPANDED! One of the main new features is a catalogue of childcare/teacher/parenting materials with a detailed indexing, which will hopefully help people find what they need easily. It will include WS/FC pubs, FED-produced pubs, and contributions from parents and teachers who have put together their own teaching aids to meet specific needs with their children. (See samples below.)
       The ASCRO and EURCRO FEDs have both contributed whole CDs worth of new materials that they've produced locally, which are now available to the whole Family for downloading. We hope that when you see it, you will be motivated to send in your material as well!

Also new on the site are:
*       Childcare reference pubs
*       Kids' pubs downloads
*       JETT/Teen pubs downloads
*       Children's music and dramas
*       Web links for teachers and parents
*       CC newswire and overflow sections
*       CC Questions and Answers … and much more!

       Our hope is that this section will be a place where parents and teachers can easily find the materials they need, share tips and ideas, and get the latest news on CC and FED happenings around the world. Please pray for the finalizing of the section and continued good contributions to meet the needs of moms and dads and teachers everywhere!
       Please note that this section is still a work-in-progress. We already have more material to be added, and will work on it as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience. In the meantime, let us know anything that you notice which you feel could be improved. We appreciate the input!

in My arms
       By ASCRO:
On July 20th, Baby Natalie (6 months) of SGAs Sunny and Nathan went to be with the Lord. She was sick for about a week, then hospitalized due to amoebic dysentery. Infection and complications set in shortly afterwards due to an intestinal obstruction and her condition was too fragile to operate. She didn't show any signs of pain but was mostly very peaceful during this time when she passed away. TTL for His mercy.
       Please pray for comfort, encouragement and grace for Sunny and Nathan during this time.

Oh, I love you so much, and how I miss being in your arms. But you know what? Jesus has told me that it won't be long before you'll get to hold me once again. He said that it's really not that far away. He also told me that it was His plan for me to come Home at this time.
       You probably think it's funny that I'm talking to you like this. You think of me as a little baby, and here I am sounding all grown up. Well, in a way I am, and Jesus has made it so that I can speak my thoughts to you. Isn't that special? I knew that it would make you happy too, to know that I'm well and cared for with our dear Jesus. And we're preparing a place for you, a real beautiful place. It's going to be so great, so fun, and we'll all be so happy! I'm just away from you for a little while, but you'll see me again--and very soon. It won't be long before we're all together again. I love you. Your Natalie.

Silk and Steel
tour Kosovo once again!

       (See article in Grapevine #115 for an overview of their trip. And check out this article in FULL on the MO site--more details included!)

By Julie, Hungary

       Following is a log of our exciting weeks on the road. Some of this testimony is written in present tense (when we were faithful to keep the log up to date) and other parts in past tense (when we had gotten a bit behind, ha). We hope you don't have trouble following along and pray that you enjoy reliving this adventure with us! (Some editing was necessary for security reasons):

May 25--The action begins
Today is the band's first show, which is outside on the walking street of a medium-sized town about 20 minutes away from the Oasis Home.
       The show was scheduled for 6 p.m. One of the Scandinavian military contingents came for our “protection” and to police the area. They also provided a generator and floodlights. Another lent us a huge flatbed truck, which was parked in the center of the walking street and served as a pretty awesome looking stage.
       2:30 p.m.: Band team goes to set up for show. Home team is giving a class to the Bible students. We showed them the Beyond Armageddon video, which they really enjoyed.
3 p.m.: The band called in to let us know that they had inadvertently left the keys for the back of the truck at Home, so they couldn't set up until they got them. No rush though, as the rain is still coming down, no sign of letting up either. We prayed desperately together with the Bible students for the weather to clear up.
       5 p.m.: Rain is accompanied by thunder now. Will we have to cancel the show?
       5:30 p.m.: Rain is letting up, it may just clear up after all! There is a God and He does answer prayer! The band begins setting up equipment.
       6 p.m.: Miracle of miracles! The sun has even started peeking through the clouds and hundreds of people start to gather around.
       7:45 p.m.: Show begins and rocks the town. The crowd of about 3,500 young people go wild and love the concert. The band played for over two hours, and at the end, Alex (Albanian) and David (Hungarian) led the whole audience in prayer to ask Jesus into their hearts! Once the show is over, tracts are passed out by the thousands and throngs mob us to get more to give to their friends and family. We printed the words to the song “Lord Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace” on a tract in Albanian, and as Alex sang the grand finale we encouraged the crowd to sing along which they did wholeheartedly.
       10 p.m.: The pack up begins, after which all of us are invited by some friends to have a drink, where we are able to spend more time talking and witnessing to them. These young locals had helped to organize this concert, and they were so very thankful for our input, as there is really nothing for them to do, so many get into drugs, etc.
       12 p.m.: Hit the sack.

May 26--A taste of the military

       Two shows were scheduled today. The first, a small and simple one at 3 p.m. for the opening of a youth center in one of the minority enclaves. Vas, Jason, Angelina and Julie sang to a crowd of about 200. Because of the last few days of rain, the whole area was a mud pit in which our van got stuck. Argh! We had to push and pull in order to get it free.
       The evening concert was to be our first at a military base. All 19 of us were invited to have lunch and dinner with them at their mess hall and you should have seen the spread they have. As the old saying goes, “An army runs on its stomach” and they really put a lot into feeding their guys. All that to say, our team really enjoyed the hearty meals.
       One thing that these soldiers are known for is their dress up parties. Tonight everyone had to come dressed up as something/someone that begun with a “S”, e.g., “sexy,” “sailor,” “Saran Wrapped” (two guys came with nothing on but their underwear, while their entire bodies were completely covered with see-through Saran Wrap, yikes! The only spot on their bods that was uncovered was their mouth, and we weren't sure if it was for breathing purposes or to down the local beer, ha).
       The soldiers loved the show, and went so absolutely wild, it was almost scary! Midway through the concert, our friend who had helped us arrange the show and is the second in command of that regiment, got up on stage and gave a little speech about our work and explained that Silk and Steel is performing charity concerts all over Kosovo. He encouraged all the men to reach deep into their pockets and give donations to our worthy cause, which they did. God bless them.

May 27--More military message gets out
Oops, missed a couple days of keeping the log! The last two days we had concerts at two more bases. The shows went well, although the crowds were a little bit more difficult to crack than that first crew. Whenever one of our girls would pass in front of the stage to take a picture, all the soldiers would start to shout and whoop. We finally got the point that they were waiting anxiously for the ladies to come on! Boy, did they come to life after that. By this time they had also managed to consume an adequate amount of beer so that they didn't really care how we sounded (thankfully). They just enjoyed seeing some females up there.
       Quite a few souls were won during these two nights, and a good, meaty witness was given through the songs as well. Everyone really enjoyed talking with the soldiers one on one after the concert.

May 29--Sock it to me
Spent a good part of the morning and early afternoon getting tanked up on extra Word! Read key Letters like “Sock It to Me, That's the Spirit,” which helped set the mood for that night's show and our main goal of getting out the message and reaching the lost!
       The concert today was at a small, very intimate café/night club in another minority enclave. Jason's voice needed some rest after the last couple of shows and the rigorous schedule, so he stayed Home to rest. Erika was also feeling under the weather, so she didn't come either. But dear Angelina (19) and Sarah (16) got up there and sang a couple moving numbers in the local language, which the crowd loved.
       We had booked this show because the people in this enclave are like prisoners with nowhere to go and precious little to do, so a big event as a concert by a foreign band was quite a deal, and about 150-200 people came, including lots of little kids from 9-12, which surprised us! They were rocking out and grooving to the music.
       The Scandinavian military that watch over this area were there again to give us a back-up generator and some protection, although it was a very sweet crowd, so we didn't have to worry about anything getting out of hand. A number of our Bible class students had helped us to advertise the show by putting up posters all over their villages, and most of them also attended the concert. One sweet girl helped us with translating, as we don't have any nationals on the team who speak the language fluently.

May 30--Sport hall show
The concert today was in a city one hour from Pristina. It felt like the Enemy was fighting extra hard today. First the weather was rainy, and then there was an electricity cut. When it finally came on, there was a surge that blew a circuit on one of our amps! Ouch! This threw a bit of a monkey wrench into the technical side of things, and caused us an hour delay in getting started. Because of the bad weather, the turn out was not as large as we would have hoped. But those that did come loved the performance!
       This concert had been booked with the help of a local Kosovar NGO. A sweet crew of about 20 of their young people, all wearing matching orange T-shirts, were at the concert and continually encouraging us! These kids are volunteers and do a lot of community projects around their city--real labor leaders, God bless them. After the show they took our whole crew out to a café/bar for a drink and snack, during which time we were able to get in a deeper witness. They also presented us with a gift to help cover our expenses, which they had collected from their own members and a businessman who wanted to help.

May 31--Into the mountains
The show today took us up to the gorgeous mountains right on the Macedonian/Kosovo border. The security in this part of the country is extra tight, for which we were very thankful, especially in light of the escalation of violence in this region.
       The concert began at 7 p.m. for an audience of about 200 people, but there were some empty seats. When after a while people started to get up and leave, we were tempted to get discouraged, but we gave it our best shot nevertheless. Later we learned that in this area the people are more used to their own folk style music, and don't relate so much to foreign music--so that explained it! After the show we were taken to dinner by several of the organizers and UN personnel, and spent some time witnessing and ministering to them. This was a very isolated village up in the mountains, and we were able to get lots of lit out.

June 1--Rocking the capital: Pristina show
Today was a slightly colder day with a little rain, so we had to trust the Lord that people would venture out and come to the concert. The band started playing for a very small crowd considering the size of the hall, as it had the capacity to hold several thousand people. Several of us went out into the “highways and byways” and compelled them to come in. We went into the university cafeteria and Alex got up on a chair and shouted at the top of his lungs to the students, telling them that there was a great concert going on, and they just had to come and see it. We were able to usher a few more people in, and even though we never got a huge crowd, they were a very alive and receptive bunch. We were able to pass out tracts during the concert, and do some personal witnessing afterwards.

June 2--A double header
We had two shows today in an important minority town. The first show was for young people who live in neighboring minority enclaves. The UN had asked for this special midday concert for these kids, and they arranged the transport, as they had to have tanks escorting their bus from different villages to where the show would be held.
       The local radio station had done the advertising for us but we still had to put posters around the village. We had to be very careful with advertising, as our shows were for all ethnic groups, but we did not want one to know that we were performing for the other so as not to offend either side or get into any trouble.
       The morning sky was quite overcast and threatening rain, so the band prayed about where to set up--either inside the school gym, or outside on the basketball court. The Lord gave the faith that outside would be the place to perform. We left the weather in the hands of the Man Upstairs (as if we could take it into our own hands, ha!) and it turned out to be a beautiful day after all.
       Our Bible students had helped to advertise the concert. A couple of them went around the village with us and gave us suggestions of where to put up the band's posters, and as we went, we stopped any young person on the street and told them to come to the concert and bring their friends. We then told all our close friends to make sure that they bring at least 20 people along with them to the show that evening. Just before the show, Andrew and one of the Bible students went around in our van with a generator and PA system, announcing that the concert was about to start!
       The evening show was really tremendous. Hundreds of young people flocked to hear the music and were rocking out so much we had to ask the audience to step back, as in this location we didn't have a stage, and they kept moving forward and crowding too close to the band. This was a good opportunity to do the Doctor Chain Buster skit, which the audience loved.

June 3--The big bang
The show today was for a multi-ethnic village in the foothills. (By multi-ethnic we mean that there are Albanians, Croatians and Roma Gypsies all living together peaceably, which for this part of the world is quite amazing seeing that there is so much ethnic strife and tension in this region.)
       This was the night our mixer and amps got blown out. (See GV #115 or the MO site for the full story!)

June 4--Repairs and fix-its
Today was supposed to be our last show in Kosovo. We had a gig lined up in a city where the band had performed one of their best concerts last year. However, because our equipment was blown, we weren't able to get it fixed in time to do the show. So unfortunately, we had to cancel this performance much to our dismay and the disappointment of those who were so looking forward to our coming. A sweet friend of ours, who works with an NGO, helped us fix our mixer. It turned out not to be too expensive to get it repaired.

June 5-8--Word, rest, relaxation
Since we didn't have any shows lined up for these few days we took some time for Word, rest and relaxation. We had planned to go to Albania on the 7th to hold a few concerts there, but because of the heightened tension on the Macedonian/Kosovo border (five Macedonian soldiers had just been killed in the last few days), we didn't feel that going that route would be the wisest.
       The only other path would take us straight into Albania through the treacherous Kukes Road, which you could hardly call a “road” as it was more like a dirt path through the mountains which looked more like it had been devastated by NATO bombs than most of Kosovo or Serbia. We had been promised funding which would cover the expenses of our trip to Albania, however, that fell through at the last minute. There were several other factors which made us re-pray about our original plans, and when doing so, we decided to cancel the Albanian leg of our trip for this particular tour.
       Since this sponsorship from Albania didn't come through, we found ourselves in the hole, financially speaking. When praying about how to make ends meet (and how to pay for our trip back Home), we got the idea of performing in a few more military bases where the soldiers are always quite generous.
       It would take an absolute miracle to book shows on such short notice (one day!), but with lots of desperate prayer and with the help of the sweet Oasis team, we were able to book shows for the last three days we were in Kosovo.

June 9--Striking up the band again
Today was our first “fundraising” show at a multi-nationality military base. The band started playing at 8:30 p.m. and, as usual, it took a few songs (and beers) to get the audience warmed up. But by 9 p.m. the place was rocking. This was definitely the most appreciative base we had played for so far. They absolutely loved the show, and Jason's Dream Journey CD went like hotcakes as well. The night was a success in every sense of the word--terrific witnessing, fruitful financially and a fun time for all!
       We had tried to get a show booked for the 10th at a French base, but because of the short notice it didn't work out. However, tonight we met a guy who wanted to get us into the big American base here. We were told that this particular base was the biggest deployment of American military since Vietnam. We had tried to book a show at this base from the beginning, but there just seemed to be too much red tape, as we were told that all concert bookings had to go through the Pentagon.
       However, once this guy had seen the show, he was determined to do what he could to get us a concert there. Talk about short notice! It would take a miracle to get us in the door and this guy said he would be able to give us answer a couple hours before the concert was to begin.

June 10--In the nick of time
Three of the band members (Vas, Jason and Ben) went up to Mitrovitca as they had a radio interview arranged on prime air time that day. We had done an interview at this radio station last year when the band came through, and they were very excited to have Silk and Steel back in town. We didn't have a show booked in Mitrovica this year, which was disappointing for our friends there. So they made us promise that if the band comes back next year, they have to return to their city and put on a performance.
       The radio interview went well and the guys sang a couple of their songs and also left a copy of Jason's CD with the radio station to air. One of the songs the guys wanted to sing was “Peace in the Midst of a Storm.” None of them knew the words in Albanian, as that's a song that Erika usually sings, and she hadn't gone with them. The sweet girl who was interviewing the boys said, “That's alright, I know the words.” She had learned them from Erika last year and offered to sing it in Albanian for us, which she did and it turned out beautifully.
       At 2 p.m. we heard that there was some good news and some bad news. The good news was that the door had opened to do the show that evening at the big American base, however the bad news was that it would have to be a free concert, and we wouldn't be able to pass the hat either, which is how the Lord was supplying at the other bases. This was disappointing, but we prayed about it and got that we should go for it and that the Lord would bless it and it would be a good witnessing opportunity. So we went by faith.
       It was a gorgeous day, so the show was outside. The stage set up was beautiful, definitely one of the best ones we had yet, with colored lights and all!
       We were all treated to dinner and the show began at 8:30 p.m. We had a pretty good turn out, but on this particular base there is no alcohol allowed, so the audience didn't get “in the spirit” as much as some of our other crowds, but they did really enjoy the music. If there was anyone that could understand the full message of the songs it was this crew. One Christian soldier came up to us at the end and commended us for socking it to them with such a “meaty message!” Ha!
       We won a number of souls and got out the most CDs here than at any other show we had done thus far. So the show turned out to not only be a wonderful witnessing opportunity (as the Lord promised), but it was also a blessing financially after all and a great place to get out the tools.

June 11--Our grand finale
Today was our final show and it was scheduled at a Scandinavian base near Mitrovitca. The band performed in a large tent after another team of entertainers--a couple who had a little comedy act, songs, and stuff together which the soldiers really seemed to enjoy and which also got us laughing. The couple hundred soldiers that showed up for the show were a pretty good audience, but it wasn't until we got the chairs out of the way and the girls up on stage that they really started rocking out!
       We had a certain amount of funds that we needed in order to be “in the clear,” and seeing that this crowd was one of the smaller military audiences we had had, it would take some pretty generous souls giving tonight. As always, the Lord pulled through for us, and miraculously we were able to collect above and beyond the figure we were shooting for. This actually turned out to be the best night we had on the entire trip as far as funds in and CDs out, which was an inspiring grand finale to the eventful two weeks in this fruitful country.

June 12--Trip home
Over the entire trip Silk and Steel performed for over 9,000 people--2,000 of which were personally witnessed to and out of those 2,000 thousand, 734 souls were won to the Lord!--Not counting the others who were saved by reading the several thousand tracts which were distributed.

In appreciation
We'd like to say a special thanks to all the precious folks who made this trip possible--all the sweet mommies who stayed behind with the kids, and our terrific Homes who took upon themselves extra duties and worked double time in order to free those of us who got to go. This whole adventure wouldn't have been possible without you! We know that you will share in the rewards of the many lives and souls who were touched by the witness they received.
       We'd also like to say we're sorry that we couldn't make it down to you dear folks in Albania this time around, but we hope and pray that the Lord will open a door in the future. Until then, we really love you!

The Journey

By Tina (21), Uganda

       We have to start by saying that none of this would have been possible without the ones in our Home--Sunshine and Kathleen who sacrificed to cook and take the kids and fill in where they were needed to make this possible! Thank you guys!! We also have to mention the incredible faith and genius of Peter Picture. His long hours and research, not to mention his writing skill, which made The Journey what it was. So what was it?
       The Journey was a play that the RadioActive Productions (RAP) Home did here in Uganda with Peter, Esther (his loving and creative wife), a few members from the Family Care Home and about 25 Ugandan actors and actresses. It was held at the National Theater and played for two weekends twice a day, once on Fridays.--A total of six showings or about 18 or so hours of performing.
       The curtain opened with the RadioActive Dancers, Barry (Ugandan), Celly (Japanese), Heather (American), Julie (German/British) and Tina (Australian) to “East Africa, Hakuna Matata”--a local production sung by Kaweesa and the number one hit for over five weeks! Thanks to Angela (Ukrainian) who filled in for a week of dancing!
       Written by Peter, the plot followed the style of The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, in that it included stories and plays within the play. After the song you are taken straight to a bus in which are 10 passengers of very different backgrounds all going to a football match in the next city. You have a doctor, politician, alcoholic, priest, superstitious villager, professor, farmer, soldier, businessman, and an ex-convict.
       Inevitably the bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere and it starts raining. They find shelter in an abandoned hut, and to pass the time they tell stories while the bus is being repaired. Each story dealt with a different theme relevant to Africa today, each one reflecting on a passenger's personality and character. The sets, costumes, props, sound effects, music and dance vividly portrayed the drama of the stories being acted out.
       These included a wide range of plays such as Leo Tolstoy's “The Cobbler's Guest” with Martin, the lead character brilliantly acted by Simon Peter who did his first performance on a theatrical stage in 28 years. Julie played the old apple lady creatively transforming herself into one of those dear old ladies you see during your performances at old folks' homes with no teeth. Her performance brought applause several times.
       Other stories included, “The Bigg Roozter,” an exposé of Mobutu of Congo; his ghost (who rose out of the ground prompting screams from the audience every time) comes back to tell his story. “The Magic Eyes,” “The Selfish Chief” (an African tale which deals with a chief who discovers hoarding his water is futile), “The Magic Boots,” with Peter Picture giving a riveting performance as Pedro, “The Lazy Farmer and Magic Bowl of Sweat,” “The Circle and Square,” a story of two tribes who each discover an object they revere as sacred.
Performed completely by locals, “The Circle and the Square” was well carried by one local actress, Cynthia Mamawi, who was hilarious and brought great humor to this very real exposé of many religions. A war ensues until one man stands up to bring peace bringing the play to a finale with “War No More” danced by the RadioActive Dancers and sung by Eunia, a 21-year-old Ugandan with an incredible voice.
       Another highlight of the play is when the passengers are in the abandoned hut and they see a box with a “DO NOT OPEN” sign on it. The businessman assumes that there is something very valuable inside and that they should take it. The alcoholic believes there must be cases of vodka, wine or Waragi (local Ugandan whisky), the priest asks why they should all think it has to do with the lust of the flesh and that he should hope it was a religious shrine or tabernacle full of artifacts to speed them on their journey. The superstitious villager says that he's seen boxes like this before and that it is a spirit box, which can turn into anything, even a ghost, at which everyone runs away till the soldier commands attention, now realizing that it could be the rebels hideout and that this could be where they are stockpiling weapons.
       The professor says that there are probably books inside, of theology, biology, sociology and science. The doctor says everyone is crazy for being near it as there is probably good reason for the sign. In her opinion it could contain a virus such as Ebola (at which everyone freaks out again and runs off till the politician steps in. He states that instead of all guessing and wondering they should all just get shovels and hatchets and break it open. Everyone goes to get tools and comes back chanting, eager to break open the box. The ex-convict rushes in to stop them and after sharing that he has been in jail not once or twice but more than thrice, lets them know that breaking and entering private property is a serious offence punishable only by castration! They then happily decide to leave the box alone and go on telling their stories.
       Throughout the play, Josh from Family Care played a lost mazungu (foreigner) who added humor and brought admiration and shock from the audience by his Luganda jokes.--Luganda being the tribal language of Uganda, which he speaks very well!
       Aggrey, who was the co-director and playwright, did an excellent job of making the play complete and bringing out the best in the participants. He played the bus driver who had very limited English and delivered the punch line of the play, “We fisked the bus! We goes!”
       Jimex Ssemanda, the director, has directed films (“Dangerous Decisions” and “Sheila in the Storm”--best African comedy in 1998), he acts (he played the conductor), composes, is an MDD, a playwright and film writer. It was great working with him and we hope to again in the future.
       We hope the above peek gives you at least a glimpse of the production and great experience that was The Journey.
       (Editor: Check out the MO site for excerpts from a theatre review on The Journey, published by The Monitor.)


[Tool opportunities]
       David and Liberty, South Africa:
We visited a fraternal business meeting for the local pastors of the colored community here in our city. We were invited to share our vision and show the Activated pubs. It was fruitful, and one pastor was appointed to be in charge of the schools to oversee outreach, etc. We're going to work with him to help supply materials.
       The main library in our city has purchased four copies of every item available in stock in the current Aurora catalogue, meaning that young people can go to most libraries here and pick up a copy one of our books--Amaris, Apocalyne, etc. The witness will go far beyond just one person, and hopefully for years young people will be able to read our material. &&&

[Mr. AL]

       Izmir Home, Turkey: Some months ago we met a 26-year-old student from Kyrgyzstan. Since we live in a Muslim country, it took time to talk about deeper topics. We worked side by side with him during the summer, went through good and tough times together. All this time, nearly three months, he spent observing us. Only at the end of the season did we exchange phone numbers.
       One day we got a phone call from him asking us to assist him with learning English. After getting the Lord's approval in prophecy, we told him that he could come to our Home two evenings a week, sleep over and spend the following mornings studying, if that was fine with him. So this is how the story began…
It was an adjustment on many levels, as we had no idea how to minister to him. His deportment was that of an Asian with a Russian flavor, and of Muslim background. Quite an unusual mixture! On his side, he was presently living and adjusting to a new culture himself, having recently arrived in Turkey, and on top of it we were Europeans, people whom he had had no contact with before.
       Unlike Turkish people, he was quite free and open and soon felt at home. The English lessons went on week by week, and finally one day he told us that he studied Martial Arts and proceeded to demonstrate on the spot. We had fun! We sensed that he was sensitive in the spirit. Another time he told us that, when he was a teen, he rescued someone from drowning at the risk of his own life, knowing full well that the gentleman he saved would not have done the same for him. “But,” he added, “if I would have let him drown, I could not have lived with myself. How could I have faced my family again?” Being Asian, he could not have afforded to dishonor his family.
       Another time, we mutually shared some parts of our life's stories. He told us how, when he was little (until he was 15 years old), he regularly had the following nightmare, where the moon would suddenly grow out of proportion and come upon him. He used to start crying in his sleep and someone had to wake him up to break the effect of the nightmare. He usually ended up sleeping next to his father who would help him go back to sleep.
       We then shared with him that years earlier when we felt so empty and helpless and cried out to God, He came to our rescue and became a very essential part of our lives. Since then, we felt we ought to lend a helping hand whenever we could, as we had been helped ourselves, and this is how we had chosen to gear our lives towards others. That day, he had so many questions … it was incredible; we could not help ourselves but tell him that when we had taken a few moments to reflect on his coming visit, God had shown us how the visit would go. He was astonished and so were we!
       He told us more about his people up in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan, and how their life was slowly being destroyed, because five years ago, gold was discovered near this beautiful lake. Now, because of the radio-active wastes deposited in the bottom of the mountains, the environment was being contaminated, and sooner or later, his people would be afflicted with unknown sicknesses and their children would be born with deformities or sicknesses. We could see how heartbroken he was about it. He went on telling us about how he and his friends, all studying abroad, are even now preparing to fight the money-makers and hope to close the gold mine forever, even if it is at the cost of their lives.
       Even though this young man has not gotten saved yet, we want to give the glory to the Lord and to the instructions we've received through the written Word, as well as through prophecies. We would never have found the keys to this young man's heart, had we not been guided step by step in our ministering to him, much less would we have had the patience to wait for him to open up to us. It is such a wonder!

[Dinner and dance]
       Kristy, India:
We got this idea from a friend who had organized something similar before. The idea was to host a dinner and dance party to raise funds for the victims of the recent quake in Gujarat--to get them set up physically while they recovered from the trauma of the disaster.
       Along with representatives from some of the travel tour groups here in Goa we prepared the show. The venue was a hotel, which gave us the minimum price, printed tickets, and then we did all the hard work necessary for the occasion. At the party there was a raffle draw, the prizes for which were given by all the 5-star hotels and various restaurants. The hotels gave us free stays and dinners, and in total we received 30 such prizes. Some of the better ones were auctioned with the consent of the concerned hotels on the night of the party.
       The show was geared to the foreigners on holiday here in Goa, and most of the guests said that it was the best night of their stay here. Both our teen band and the kids' band--NuBeat (ages 10-14) played live. The young people--Kristy, Jun, Sara, Angel, Lina, and Topaz put together a couple dances, and some hilarious skits were done by adults and teens together. We were able to go table to table distributing our beautiful tools--calendars and CDs. All in all the Lord anointed it and blessed our efforts as a city toward the cause.
       We sent a team to the earthquake site the day after the show with all the funds raised that evening. James (from Goa) and MaryDear (from Bombay) went and gave packages to 400 families, made up of the basic necessities the families needed, including cooking utensils and basic needs.

Reminder about Reflections!

       Thank you for sending in your helpful comments about Reflections! They help us know what you need.
       Some have asked that the text be not so “Christian,” not including references to Jesus or the Bible. However, the Lord has specifically asked us to talk about Him on some pages, to include Scripture and also portions by Dad, for feeding those in countries with Christian cultures. Although this is meat for some readers, it is milk for others. The Lord wants those who can receive it to know the Source of the love, caring, faith, and happiness that the pages talk about.
       However, if you're ministering in a sensitive country, please read over and choose those pages which are appropriate for your sheep, asking the Lord which ones you should give to whom.
       For example, in the Reflections for this month there is the story of an Iranian man who was persecuted for his faith, called “An Example.” This story many minister to many people but be offensive to a few, so please prayerfully consider whether to use this page if you are ministering to Muslims or others in countries where Christianity is not tolerated.
       Thank you for your prayers that the Reflections pages can be what the Lord wants. We love you and pray you bear much fruit, whoever you're ministering to!
       Love, Chloe and the Reflections team


       Astronaut Neil Armstrong once said, “You only have to solve two problems when going to the moon: first, how to get there; and second, how to get back. The key is don't leave until you have solved both problems. &&&

Mama jewels … on a variety of topics

       Just remember that the Lord doesn't expect any of us to do more than we can do. But He does expect us to rest in Him, and to have His Spirit of peace, no matter how great the demands are on us!

* * *

       We've got to yield in everything in order to be truly yielded. We have to be humble in everything in order to be truly humble.

* * *

       (Given to a staff member on free day, via tape:) Hi, I'm sorry that you aren't feeling very well. Jesus please help her. Do strengthen and heal her. Thank You that she could rest today and she didn't feel pressured that she had to work; at least she was able to take time off and relax. We're sorry she couldn't enjoy herself more on her free day, and that she isn't feeling good, but we're sure You will use it in some way because You promised us that all things work together for good to us who love You. Please strengthen her and help her. Keep her looking to You and holding on to You.
       Thank You for Your healing that You always have available for us. Thank You that You keep us pretty healthy and pretty strong compared to so many people in the world who have such major problems and sickness, and that the sicknesses that You allow us to have are for a very good purpose and accomplish needed things in our lives. Thank You, Jesus.


Retreat in Bogotá, Colombia

By Dave, Ana, and Elías

       A couple that we are ministering to offered us their beautiful farm to hold a live-out retreat for a weekend. The Lord told us the theme of our retreat should be “Communication with Him and Others.”
       We arrived at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday and most were able to have a nice time in the pool while Dave prepared a delicious Chinese meal with the help of the ladies. After we had our quiet time and get-out, we had our first meeting with inspiration and praise time followed by a class where we talked about the importance of spending time with the Lord and learning how to listen to Him. Everyone participated and was inspired.
       At night we had a delicious hamburger barbecue and a nice inspiration with Loving Jesus songs and testimonies. We gave each attendee a special present--a message from Jesus printed on nice paper. Everybody was so touched!
       On Sunday we had our second meeting on the theme of “Communication with Others,” followed with a communion and inspiration. At the end, everybody asked for prayer and thanked the Lord for the beautiful time with Him. Many said that this time changed their lives and brought them much closer to the Lord.

JETT/OC Camp, Morelia, Mexico

By Seek, Mexico

       The children in our surrounding area (aged 9-13) attended our first area JETT/OC camp hosted at a small farm owned by a friend. The location is at the foot of a beautiful, lush mountain, with nothing close by except a few small adobe houses. Our goal in planning this camp was KEEP IT SIMPLE! We had very simple meals, disposable dishes, a simple schedule, and all the staff commented how much time there was to enjoy the camp. We invited the Homes nearest ours, which included seven Homes from four different cities. The turnout of attendees was17 boys and 3 girls.

       Photo #1
: Our campsite. Each family sent a tent, bedding, and a small donation to help to cover costs. Here is part of the staff team--Renee, Jessica, Elizabeth, and Susie. The farm has a small, but newly remodeled house with a big room around the fire, which served as the classroom.

       Photo #2
: An adult from each Home was invited and pictured here--Servant, Stevie, Andrew, Francisco, Annie and Seek. We all had as much fun as the kids did!

       Photo #3
: A friend donated the use of his speed soccer court and the boys played speed soccer two afternoons while the girls swam at Dan and Joy's Home. After the soccer game the boys all jumped into the pool as well, which was the only way everyone could get a shower, as there was only one bathroom at the farm. At the farm there is also a soccer court where the boys and girls played American football together one night until dark.

       Photo #4
: Jason taught the kids three First Aid classes, assisted by Renee and Jessica. In the picture the kids are practicing some of the procedures. Jason, Renee, and Jessica are all certified paramedics with the Red Cross.

       Photo #5
: Everyone graduated with their First Aid Certificates. The kids took the course seriously, and Jason taught the classes on their level, which helped keep their interest and made it much easier for them to understand so many new concepts.

       Photo #6
: Ricky, representing his team that won the award for the best scores on the First Aid Exam.

       Our morning devotions were about Mark 16:15, including the new Activated, witnessing and follow-up vision from the new pubs. Everyone brought their Bibles, notebooks, and looked up verses. We also did a study on the new weapons, including a funny skit where Jason tried to fight the Enemy with his sword while the Devil had a small pistol and scared Jason out of the room. Jason returned, loaded down with the new weapons in the form of four machine guns and sent the Devil running!
       Later all the kids with their teams went after the “Enemy” (the parents all dressed in black) and each time one was overcome they shouted, “Tremble, O, Devil! We are growing up for God.” It was quite a search as the Devil's crew was hiding all over the farm and the Lord's little army went to search them each out and overcome them with the new weapons, which the leader of each group was carrying.
       We counseled together about the idea of having a camp every three months, which the parents thought would be a great idea.

Europe Web Site Launched!

By European Activated Desk (EAD)

Dear Family,
       GBY and guide you as you go into the highways and byways Activating the lost and searching. We pray for you often. You're doing a great job.
       We've been trying to find ways to make it as easy as possible for you to participate in Activated; to send in addresses and subscriptions and make orders of Activated tools. We are happy to announce that we now have our Web site up and running at: www.getactivated.co.uk
       Just type your Home number to get into the members section and send us addresses, orders or messages. All communications will be acknowledged. We are still working on the credit/debit card payment aspect of the site and should have it working soon, DV. If you have any suggestions or difficulties you can contact us at: activatedeurope@activated.org
       Thanks to all of you who have sent in donations to sponsor subscriptions for African sheep who can not afford it. Great is your reward in Heaven! We're receiving many letters saying how thankful they are for their sponsored subscriptions. Here's one sample:

From Chkwura Mbonu, Nigeria:

       Dear sir,
       I am a regular reader of your Activated issues. I am always eager to read your monthly publication which you send to my grandmother. Whenever I receive your Activated, I always ask God from my heart to bless you abundantly. You may not understand very well the importance and blessing your write-ups have been to many people, of which I am one. I don't only keep the blessings to myself, but always share them with my fellow Christians and friends. Your monthly publication has been helping to rekindle my desire to be a missionary both at home and foreign [places].
       “The Boy by the River,” “The Stream that Never Runs Dry,” “How to Hear and Know God's Direction for Me,” and enormous other topics in your publication have helped me so much. I would have written long before now, but could not. I am a student from a poor family and could not afford the postal fees. By the grace of God I am sending this letter of appreciation. Truly I am appreciating you people in the Activated family from the depth of my heart.
       May God bless you all in the Activated family abundantly, in Jesus name. Amen. Bye, and remain blessed.”


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Haley Joel Osment, Jude Law, Frances O'Connor
       In this futuristic post-apocalyptic world, where robots have been manufactured to take on many of the daily tasks of humans, a highly advanced android hopes to become a real boy.

This is a picture of a world without Me, a glimpse of man's vision of the future and what it will be like. Even now there are those who are experimenting with such things, in the hopes of replacing Me as the Creator. But I will not allow it, and I will blow upon their feeble attempts to create life, whether it be human or machine.
       The theme is man trying to save himself, and doing this without God. Technology and high intelligence is the god of this world. As entertainment and enlightenment as to the course of this world and where they are trying to take things, it is an interesting movie. It is not for the young and the immature, for it plays on your emotions and tries to bring you into sympathy with unreal things, ultimately technology.
       You cannot perfect that which I have created, but man will not listen; He keeps trying to improve. It would be rather funny if it wasn't so sad.
       This is an exposé of what man is trying to do: improve on My creation. Be not fooled by the Devil's devices. It is not My creation that is imperfect, but man's.
A.I. is a movie with an agenda. The heroes are the machines, the man-made robots with artificial intelligence, perfect in many ways and without the violent and erratic emotions of mankind. Man is shown as so much more inferior to these creations of man. It is an interesting movie to watch in that it depicts a scenario that could very well take place if man was left to himself. It can be used as a witnessing springboard, as there are several topics covered in the movie that can lead to deep and meaningful discussions. It is a social commentary and the conclusion holds out very little hope for mankind. The bleak scenario portrayed can provide an opening for My children to tell of My truth, and the future I have planned.


Morgan Freeman, Monica Potter
       Suspense/thriller about a Washington, D.C. detective and a Secret Service agent who join forces to find a young hostage and her kidnapper.

Well it's hard for me to say much about this movie without giving away the plot--and plots and plotting is what this movie's all about. I found it interesting--not great, but somewhat entertaining.
       I liked the main actor and hero figure of the movie. They didn't bring it out so clearly, but our folks will see him as playing an almost spiritual role where he gets a lot of spiritual help and guidance to figure things out. When he gets quiet and seems to be thinking over a problem you could easily imagine him praying and tuning in to the Spirit for insight, because the answers he came up with were definitely “inspired.” Too bad he didn't tune in to some things a little sooner, but then there would have been nothing to make a movie about.
       I would say it is watchable, with a little warning to the more squeamish folk that the opening sequence is unpleasant, plus a few characters good and bad are disposed of rather casually and graphically along the way.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Sam Neill, William H. Macy, Téa Leoni
At the request of a couple seeking adventure and promising financial support, scientist Dr. Alan Grant reluctantly returns to the dinosaur-inhabited islands of Central America, where surprise and danger await.

This is an “entertainment only” movie. There are no significant lessons, but some will find that it is exciting and the portrayal of the dinosaurs is the most striking and interesting yet. The violence has also been toned down slightly as compared to the other movies in the series.

       Reese Witherspoon, Matthew Davis, Selma Blair
A blonde sorority queen enrolls at Harvard in order to win back her boyfriend who has dumped her to find someone more intelligent.
This is a cute, humorous “entertainment only” movie. It pokes fun at the fashion/beauty scene and the world of “higher” education. Have a good laugh and enjoy yourself. This movie also has a message, albeit weak, of not looking on the outward appearance or limiting yourself because of your background.

Movies Rated for MCs and Up
Animated video series created for children that tells the story of Ben the baker, his wife Helena, and four adopted children, who are Christians in Rome in 64 A.D. The stories and parables of Jesus are told in the course of their exciting adventures. (Note: The full series has not been thoroughly previewed.)

       (Jesus:) I'm happy with this series. It doesn't show the full miracle-working powers that I wish to give My children in these end days, but it does show My provision. It's important to fill your kids up with faith-building stories of My care in the midst of adversity. I give this My rubber stamp, and I'm thankful for My children who put it together.
       As with all movies you show your kids, it's important that you view this with them, so you can help them apply it correctly. Also, if you're able to look it over beforehand, this will help you make the most of it. You can even pull out your Bible stories and show them how I can do the things they see in these shows and much more when it comes to protecting My children.

Other Movies

Mark Whalberg, Tim Roth, Helena Bonham Carter

       (Dad:) They tried a remake of an originally captivating and fairly meaningful movie, but given the change of time and circumstances and the changes in the plot, it's pretty useless and worthless now. The book and original movie was a political statement. It was a slam at the hypocrisy of the System and the racial tension and injustices that were happening at the time. It really said something, and since people were more conscious of such things 30 years ago and it was addressing a really sensitive subject, it caused quite a stir. But this version is a very weak and almost unrecognizable rendition of a strong and important message.
       The temptation to believe evolution isn't a strong one for our people. It's pretty much a moot point. For the System, however, movies like this just reinforce their already misled and zombie-like acceptance of evolution. It's really the Devil's doing, for that reason.

This movie is full of suspense, action, and thrills that make people want to watch it. But the underlying message about apes evolving is all lies. I made mankind in My image, and breathed life into him. That is why humans have a soul, and no other species could ever get that, because it's something that I gave, not something you can learn through time.


Europe and Africa
(of Miguel and Esther): Broken arm that will require surgery.
       Victoria: Severe back pains.
       Emanuel (of Daniela): A huge nodule occupying all the left part of his thyroid causing heavy tiredness. Hepatitis C. Insulin dependent diabetes.

South America
(2½, of Cristal and Phillip): Having convulsions for the last week (up to eight per day). We've been to four different doctors and none of them know what is wrong. She seems to be normal otherwise and they think it could be some kind of parasite.
       Luz (of David and Lily): Unknown degenerative syndrome, which has been progressing slowly and causing hearing difficulty.
       Marysol: Constant immobilizing back pain.
       Keisha (3 months, of Ana Belen and Idy): Breathing problems, problems using her arms, and a genetic syndrome.
       Joanie (of Tommy): Recovery from surgery and against ongoing pain she's had in her urethra over the past few years.
       Agnes (of Andrew): Digestive problem, and correct diagnosis.
       Priscila (of Thiago): Pain and burning in her stomach; that the medicine she is taking will have a good effect.
       Melody (of Piper): Psoriasis.
       Melody (14, of Isaac and Promise): Scoliosis.
       Nina (16, of Pierre and Bathsheba): Kidney stones.
       Sara (17, of Andy and Maria): Juvenile arthritis.
       Agustin (of Paloma): Was operated on for a hernia on his right side, but it seems there is another one on the left side now.
       Lucerito (of Zacarias): Hemorrhaging, high blood pressure and muscle tension; for her hormone treatment to go well.
       Stacy (22): Scoliosis, causing considerable pain.
       Julie (19): Painful torn ligament in her knee, which can only be permanently fixed through an operation.
       Jose Alejandro, David and Cristina (of Sara): Streptococcus infection.
       David (of Cristal): High level of cholesterol and frequent back pains.
       Maria Belen (YA, of David and Cristal): Myomas in her uterus and hernias.
       Ana Karina (YA, of David and Cristal): Scoliosis.
       Jessie (11): For the Lord to honor his faith and for his right ear to be miraculously healed (he was born deaf in that ear). He's asking for prayer and is claiming the promise from John 9:3.
       Marco Vinicio: Severe hypertension with strong dizzy spells, headaches, numbness in face, and feeling hot.
Luz: Torn cartilage in the right knee.
(of Adan): Strong lumbago in hips.

Answers to Prayer
(18, of Matt and Susana Dutch, Brazil): Her test results to see if she had a tumor showed no sign whatsoever. The Lord did a big miracle, as everything is back to normal, the ovary and all the stitches from the operation are healed as well. Nearly every detail that we prayed for has been answered!


[The power of an apology]
       Someone, Middle East:
I walked into the kitchen the other night and there were two of our young people talking and sharing their hearts. I didn't necessarily want to go in but I had to.
       They were apologizing to each other. This is something that really touched my heart because apologizing isn't always very easy to do. I'm not just talking about a young person apologizing to an FGA, or to another young person. But it seems from my observation and experience that some FGAs have a hard time with this small but powerful deed. When people (whether young or old) don't apologize, it doesn't mean they aren't sorry when they realize they have done something to hurt someone, but to actually put it into an apology it seems is not always so easy. So to see this sweetness flowing from one heart to another was tremendous and made me wish that more of it were flowing about the Home.
       When I know I have hurt or offended someone, I find it difficult to continue on my way until I have said sorry. However, to say “sorry” is not always easy for me. It is humbling on my pride at times to do so; other times it comes easier especially if I have a good rapport with the one that I hurt or offended. But I have also battled many a time over others who I felt should have apologized for things that have hurt me or others, but didn't do so. Because I always seem to be the one to apologize, I have tended to become either hurt at the lack of apology or self-righteous: “Why do I always seem to be the one to do the apologizing?” I know, I know, there is the thing of “great peace have they which love Thy law and nothing shall offend them,” but I guess I'm still carnal and like to hear people say “sorry” when they have hurt someone.
       For me, if someone has done something to hurt me, an apology seems to quickly end the whole thing. An apology is like a blanket of Heavenly elixir that makes things right. There seems to be a definite power when one apologizes. The Lord seems to pour out a special spirit of love, forgiveness, and a power that seems to cover a multitude of hurts. Even though at times it is extremely difficult for me to apologize, I have learned the power that comes with it. For those who the Lord wants to do the apologizing, if you find it difficult, try a little note. It has the same effect and believe you me, that little note can make the world of difference to the one on the receiving end. There really is power in an apology. Try it! It gets easier the more you practice.

[Word wills]
       Meekness, England:
In the world people make wills and leave their earthly goods to their kids, etc. l had an idea of how we, as parents or actually anyone, could make a Word will. Maybe others like myself read pubs and something just stands out to you so you write it down. Usually l date it and write a little something about why it spoke to me, what l was doing or why it was the answer or help that l needed. I do the same with prophecies that l get or prophecies from the Word that speak to my heart.
       l have been doing this on and off for years since l joined the Family. I put testimonies in my book too. Sometimes l am talking with someone and the Lord will remind me of something from one of my little books that could be a help, so I'll pull it out and share it. Maybe “will” is the wrong word to use, but it can be a comfort to others and an encouragement to see how the Lord has brought you along step by step and what encouraged you to keep going in spite of battles.

[CVC motivation]
       Esther, Japan:
We're two Homes in our city trying to get our teens turned on to their schoolwork. Like other teens, they've heard over a million times that they need to learn what we adults teach them. This phrase hasn't really made any difference in the way they see themselves and their relationship to their schoolwork. But here is something that has helped them in this area of diligence.
       We got them together in a room and turned on the how-to CVC video. The next day we had one of our YAs give a little class on how to keep a record, and how to fill in various papers needed for the CVC course. They followed along, not really understanding what they were doing, but when it came time to fill in the records on their experience paper, it was like a light bulb was turned on in their minds. They began talking excitedly about how much they did and learned during a normal day.
       “Oh, I'm scheduled to paint the living room next week. But today I'm supposed to fix the broken bed with Jotham!”
       “Yeah, and remember every year we go apple pruning for our apple contact? Well, I bet we could earn long hours of experience there.”
       It seemed like they just needed something to remind them how much they do, and once they came to that realization, it seemed that whatever we do together, they now keep a record of it. This has inspired them about their schooling more than anything we could have ever said or done.

Oh of Art

       By Tiago, Thailand
       I was pleasantly surprised to get so many orders for the Oh of Art CD! It's wonderful to know that we have so many potential artists in the Family and that many parents have the vision to train their children in the arts.
       One problem we are facing is that we have received some orders and gifts via the TRF without an accompanying letter or e-mail letting us know your address and Home number. We have your Oh of Art CD ready to send you … but no address! So please, if you didn't send us your postal address and Home number yet, write to the e-mail address below and in a week or two (the time that it takes for the package to reach you) the CD will be in your hands!
My e-mail address: eztel@loxinfo.co.th

help wanted

Dear Family,
       When we came here, ragged, needy, penniless, but inspired by the prospect of re-pioneering this city, we landed basically already running! The Home opened March 15, 1997, and by April we were preparing our Children's Day benefit program!
From our humble beginnings, we now have many beautiful CTP projects. We help two delinquent homes and three poor neighborhood churches, where we both preach and minister to the children. We make occasional visits to rural areas where we take supplies and do children's programs. We have also helped them to get musical equipment, furniture, and we regularly donate food and clothing to them. We have held two benefit concerts in friends' restaurants, where we presented our work, sang, and offered a delicious dinner. We participate in various yearly official events, in coordination with the local government, city fairs, events for big companies, and are planning several events with the city's Cultural Department, and more band concerts in local theaters! Plus we have a large pool of friends and sympathizers who are very hungry spiritually, most of them Activated, lots of tooling opportunities, and variety! We've come this far by faith!
       If you would like to help us, we can use donations, personnel (if you have serious musical or dancing ability), or help teaching our kids! The most important thing is that since our projects are long-term, we need people with the same vision. We can help with training both in music, childcare, and technical support--lighting, sound and related handyman work. But we can only take those who are sure this is what they want--a fruitful ministry with music as the front, with all related work involved. In return, we have a nice, cozy Home, with all needed tools for the job, top line musical equipment, art, education, handyman, etc. We'll help you continue your studies while here, get you going on your ministry, and feed your body and spirit! We only have room for a small, versatile, tight team! Just leave your trinkets behind and get on board! Check us out via the Mexico ABM!! WLY!
       At present our team is Gabe and Joy (SGAs) and their two kids, Alicia (YA), Solo and Chris (ST and YA), Augustine and Maggie, and our two youngest.--A total of 11. Love, Augustine and Maggie, Mexico.

Dear Family,
       God bless you! We are thrilled with the Activated vision and are eager to get it rolling here in the Chinese work. We are now in the beginning stages of preparing our first magazines but are in need of finances, so we are sending out this appeal for donations to anyone who can help. You can send in donations via your TRF and designate them to: “Chinese Activated in PACRO.” We would also appreciate specific prayers for the financing and support of the Activated for the Chinese-speaking world. Thank you so much!


       Does anyone know a former member named Jesus Duran? His Bible name was Aaron (?). He and his wife were from El Paso, Texas, and were with the Family in Southern Mexico about 10 years ago. If you know of him or how to contact him, please e-mail me (Joan Praise) at joanpraise77@hotmail.com. Thanks!

       Italian Victor (Matteo) would like to get in touch with Australian Spring (met in Indonesia/Hong Kong), Tamara and Tim, French Emmanuel, plus anyone else who knows me. You can reach me at: vichairs@freemail.it.

       Jenny Heart, Windy
(possibly in Brazil), and Ace (in Delhi), I knew you all in Canada. If you're reading this or if anyone knows how I can get in touch with them, please contact Angie (of Philip and Jewel) at: contact@familycaregoa.com. Miss you!

       Marina (formerly Mercy) is looking for Dawn (of Simon and Mary). Do you remember me? You can contact me through the Russian ABM (RU038).

       Sam and Lydia would like to contact Lily Fields from RO054. Thanks for your gift. Please drop us a line at: samword77@hotmail.com.

       Hi James and Jasmine (Australian). This is Annie (formerly Emerald), remember me? I joined with you in Sydney '83. We last saw each other in Bombay and you were in Oz last time I heard from you. Please contact me ASAP! I'd really love to hear from you! Lotsa love! E-mail me at skimargannie@aol.com.

       Mike Irish (YA)
, last heard you were in Bangalore (India). Please contact Mika Japanese (in Africa). I've e-mailed many times but haven't heard a response from you. My e-mail is: sbs_guinea@biasy.net

former members - seeking contact

       Reuben Laguna would like to get in touch with Boaz (from Santa Ana, California) and Ghia. I re-met you in Kalua-Kona, Hawaii in 1979. Took the car you gave me over the side of the cliff at 65 mph. Write me at: douglaslehan@hotmail.com


       Check out “A Day in the Life of a Missionary in Nigeria” on the MO site. Pictures included!--By Dove, Nigeria (mother of 12).

Mama's Birthday Message!

By Peter
       Thank you, dear Family, for all your love and for the many prayers you sent Mama for her birthday. She appreciates them so much, and sends her love to each of you.
       For Mama's birthday, she and I spent the day together and went out for a little bit. We enjoyed a special meal that the Home prepared for us, along with the bundled gift of prophecies that all those in our WS units received especially for Mama's birthday-her birthday treasure!
       Mama made an informal tape of thanks and appreciation to those in our WS units, which our Home listened to that evening. Since it's full of jewels and personal tidbits, we thought you'd like to hear it too. We've left it pretty much as Mama recorded it, with just a few edits and deletions made for security reasons. Enjoy!

       Jesus, please help me with this. Help me to be clear and to not stumble over my words. Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, sweet wonderful Love. You make our amazing lives possible and give us blessing after blessing. Thank You, sweet Jesus.
Hi, dear ones! I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for your precious birthday greetings, and the beautiful messages that you received as a birthday present for me. That's the best thing you could give me, and I am very, very happy today because I got so many of them, and so many wonderful Words that we can, God willing, use to help our dear Family in the future. It was so sweet of you to take that extra time to hear from Jesus for my birthday. Some of you have said that you are going to get something later. I thank you in advance. I never have liked to get all my presents at once anyway. I think it's much nicer to spread them out. But that's just a personal opinion, and you don't have to think the same way.
       Well, I'd better get through this little birthday talk so you can get on to your other festivities. I want to also thank you for your prayers for my back. I had pulled something in my back when I was opening some sliding windows. It wasn't real serious or excruciatingly painful, but the Lord said the reason that it was not more serious was because of yours and our wonderful worldwide Family's daily prayers for me.
       The Lord said, “The Enemy would like to hinder you in a greater way. Yet because of the faithful prayers of your Family this pain is much, much less then what it could have been if everyone was not praying and not raising a protective shield around you.” He said, “I allow you, My queen, to be touched with the infirmities of others for through this your heart stays tender, sympathetic, and understanding of what many others experience with these nagging and bothersome aches and pains.”
       He also indicated that if I had been more prayerful, even in just the small thing of opening a window, that that wouldn't have happened. He said, “I have permitted this to happen, My love, for I desire that My brides learn to be more diligent and more faithful with even the most routine things. For this keen perception and acknowledging Me in all things, in even the small things, will strengthen their resolve in asking Me everything.” There were other reasons for this too, however, after going to the doctor today I realized the most important reason why the Lord had allowed my back to be hurt.
       I had been to this same doctor (an English-speaking woman who specializes in natural healing) several times before for other ailments, but I have never been able to find an opening to witness to her. Doctors are very busy, and the appointment doesn't usually last long. You hardly ever have a chance to just sit around and talk, at least not with this doctor. She's running from room to room taking care of two or three patients at a time, and you don't feel you should take her time to stop and chat.
       Anyway, Peter and I prayed together this morning, before my appointment, to see if there might be something the Lord would have to say about witnessing to her. The Lord said to look for an opening, and He gave me a couple ideas of things I could say. Our Husband had told us previously that when she was very young she had had a relationship with Him, but that she turned her back on Him in favor of worldly things and worldly ambitions. The Lord said that it was His desire to spark that ember that was still in her heart, and to draw her closer to Him. About the only thing I've been able to do until now, however, is to just say, “God bless you” or “Thank God for good health!” etc.
       Every time I have to go to a doctor, I figure it's even more for their sake than it is for mine. I figure the Lord really wants me to pray for them, even if there is nothing additional we can do. I really hadn't wanted to go to the doctor, especially on my birthday. However, the Lord showed me to go because the doctor needed me. So this time, I really felt that if I was going to have to make this trip to the doctor, I should really make it count! I really wanted to witness to her, so I got desperate and asked the Lord what to do and say.
       The night before when I was thinking about what I could do for her, and how to get through to her, the Lord reminded me of a little plaque that I had that I thought was so beautiful. It was along the same lines as our tract “From Jesus--With Love.” The amazing thing was that I had it out and easily available, as I wouldn't have had time to search through my things for it.
       So the Lord provided a wonderful day for my birthday and one of our sweet staff members took me to my appointment. Well, while I was waiting for her to see me, I was praying and asking the Lord what I could say to her. He said, “Tell her you pray for her.”
       So while she was looking at my back, I said, “Do you have anybody who prays for you?” Well, that was quite out of the ordinary and unexpected. She gulped and stumbled around a little bit, not saying anything. I said, “Well, you know, to have someone pray for you is a very precious thing. Whenever I think of you, I pray for you, for your anointing and your wisdom. You have an important job and a lot of people look to you for help, and it's a difficult job. And you certainly need lots of wisdom, and God gives you His anointing to help people in need.”
       She said, “Well, I believe in a higher power.”
       A couple minutes later she said, “I like your sweater.” It was laying on the chair across the room. She said, “I like your sweater, can I have it?”
       I don't know if she had just been embarrassed by what we had been talking about and was trying to change the subject or what. Anyway, I said, “Well, it's not a sweater, it's just a large wrap, but, yes, you can have it. I'd be happy to give it to you.”
       She said, “Oh, no, no! Of course not!” But then when I got up, I unfolded it, put it around her shoulders and said, “Oh yes, I'd love to give it to you. Here, please take it. I'm not using it. I just brought it along in case I got cold.”
       She said, “No, no, no!”
       So I said, “Okay. Well, I actually didn't bring this to give to you, but I did bring you something else.”
       I unzipped my purse and got out the plaque for her and handed it to her. I said, “I thought you might like this.”
       She stood there and read it.
       Here's what it said:

The Letter

Dear Friend,
       How are you? I just had to send a note to tell you how much I care about you. I saw you yesterday as you were talking with your friends. I waited all day, hoping you would want to talk with Me too. I gave you a sunset to close your day, and a cool breeze to rest you, and I waited. You never came. It hurt Me, but I still love you because I am your friend.
       I saw you sleeping last night and longed to touch your brow, so I spilled moonlight upon your face. Again, I waited. I have so many gifts for you. You awoke and rushed off to work. My tears were in the rain.
       If you would only listen to Me; I love you! I try to tell you in blue skies and in the quiet green grass. I whisper it in leaves on the trees and breathe it in colors of flowers. I show it to you in mountain streams, and give the birds love songs to sing. I clothe you with warm sunshine, and perfume the air with nature's scents.
       My love for you is deeper than the ocean and bigger than the biggest need in your heart. Ask Me. Talk with Me. Please don't forget Me. I have so much to share with you. I won't hassle you any further. It is your decision. I have chosen you and I will wait. I love you!
       Your Friend,

       She read through it and she turned and threw her arms around me and gave me a big hug. She said, “Thank you so much!”
       I said in my heart, Oh, thank You, Jesus for such a wonderful birthday, for letting me give Your love to this dear person who needs it so much. Then I realized that a pulled muscle in my back was a wonderful gift to me in order to enable me to share Jesus with someone else.
       We don't realize how powerful His Words are, and how tremendous a witness we can have even in just the few words that we speak to people. It can change their lives forever! So please pray for this dear woman. We owe it to her, not just because she's taking care of our health needs, which, of course, is very important. But we also owe it to her because the Lord has put her in our path and expects us to pray for her and to ask for His intervention on her behalf so that she will learn to know Him in a special, deep way.
       My back is doing much better and my spirit is very inspired because of being able to have this wonderful witnessing experience. Also, I am happy to have each of you--and all our worldwide loved ones--as my wonderful mates and friends and co-workers. Besides Jesus' wonderful Words, you're the most wonderful gifts the Lord gives us daily, all year long as we work together as His Family to win His lost sheep.
       I hope I didn't rattle on too long about this, but I just wanted to let you in on my birthday surprises and the wonderful miracles the Lord is constantly doing, and the blessings that He is continually pouring out.
       I really love you so much, and thank you for all your love and prayers and faithfulness. Thank You, sweet wonderful Jesus! And thanks to each one of you. God bless you! We really love you and are so proud of you!

       Here is a neat poem the Lord gave one of our staff members, about the meaning of each of the items in the special birthday meal that was prepared for Mama's birthday.

A Banquet for a Queen

       Come and dine, My love,
       For I prepare a table before you,
       Served by those who love and adore you,
       A banquet of love to bless and restore you!
       For each serving on your plate,
       Represents a cause to celebrate!
       First a sip of birthday wine, My love--
       A toast to you!
       A toast to Me!
       A toast to the Spirit that sets you free!
       And all the happy Heavenly spirits say, “Amen!
May Maria live long--
       And taste the wine of God again and again!”
       And now, My darling, if you please,
       On to hors d'oeuvres of the finest cheese
       Made from milk the best
       Drawn fresh from nature's breast,
       Like My Word to thee
       Poured out in prophecy.
       Some new, some aged to a flavor fine,
       To complement My cellar full of wine.

       Oh, My queen, I will bless your reign
       And fill your garners with golden grain,
       For My healing is in the bread,
       And from a great harvest you shall be fed.
       And have hummus like My anointing spread
       With precious oils upon your head.
       And may your palette find just as pleasing
       The yogurt cheese made from gentle squeezing;
       For you give your best
       When your life is pressed.
       And you, My love,
       Like sweet perfume,
       Fill with sweet fragrance every room.

       So My Family, I call to you,
       Like these that lay down their lives,
       That you might have meat to eat,
       Grow strong and great
       And soon defeat the enemy in the gate.
       And here is butter too,
       For I will so bless you
       That in your hand
       I will place the fatness of the land--
       Milk and honey
       Without toil or money.
       And the olive tree I have made
       To feed and oil and shade;
       And when its leaves are seen
       Like lettuce leaves all green,
       You will know
       The secret things I show
       My hidden reasons
       For the changing of the seasons.
       And when the sky is tomato red
       They will cease their scorning,
       And heed your words of warning.
       Then the bitter shall be made sweet
       Like the chocolate made to eat,
       That kisses the tongue
       And awakens the desire to love.
       And we come at last
       To end our repast
       With fruit freshly picked from the Trees of Life.
       And so My wonderful wife,
       I kiss you and bid you a Happy Birthday!

       (Mama:) I was so surprised to receive such a beautiful lunch. That was so sweet! We were just going to eat a couple sandwiches and a few of the things we had in our fridge, and weren't going to make a big deal about it, so this is a very nice surprise and something that we wouldn't have done ourselves. So thanks so much to everyone!

Toast for Mama's Birthday Celebration

       This was read and toasted to at our little Home celebration the day after Mama's birthday, in her honor--a time of fellowship and relaxation for all, complete with happy hour, a delicious dinner, and cheesecake for dessert.

       To our wonderful Queen Maria! We love you and we pledge our allegiance and our loyalty to you this day. You have won our hearts, and because of you and your love and dedication to our dear Lord and Savior, we owe our lives of service in this Family.
       We take this time to commemorate all that you've done for us and we praise Jesus for making you just the way He did. You were so faithful to Dad and to the Lord's Words; you've never veered from following closely and from helping us to follow as closely to the Lord as we can. You've given us faith that we can do all that He's asked us to do, and you've loved us and inspired us to want to give our lives for Jesus and our brethren and the lost.
       Mama, we thank you for all that you are and all that you mean to us and all that you've done. You are so humble, never taking credit to yourself, but please know that we are so grateful and appreciative of all you do and have done for us. We count it an honor and privilege to serve the Lord together with you in this wonderful Family!
       Mama, we wish you the most wonderful birthday you've ever had, and we pray that this next year will bring with it all that your heart desires. We pray the Lord blesses you with good health and a continued clear channel with Him to receive from Him all the answers to your many questions. We pray for ourselves too, that we may be found worthy of the high calling of being your subjects. You are the best Queen the world will ever know and we are the happiest of all the peoples of the earth!
       As we celebrate your birthday together, we make this toast in honor of you, our dear Queen! We praise the Lord who created you so wonderfully! Thank You Jesus for Your goodness! We love you with all of our hearts!

Also included with this file:
Adam Issue 6 A Fantastic Physique For Five Minutes page 2 (By David Komic)
       Caption 1:
Fantastic Physique. Want to have that trim well-toned body but don't know how to fit actual exercising into your busy schedule? Here are some great 'Fit-For-Five-Minutes' ideas for you to try.
       Caption 2:
1. Abs of Steel. a. 'Suck in' your stomach. b. Hold for five minutes. c. Exhale. d. Repeat when effects of hyper-ventillation have passed.
       Caption 3:
2. Bulging Bicepts. a. Cross your arms. b. Place your hands between your upper arms and your rib cage. c. Press your arms hard against your hands. d. Your biceps should increase in size up to 3 times their normal size.* (*depending on your muscle tone.)
       Caption 4:
Cover photo: Vince (father of four) of Vanessa in Venezuela trying out one of our fitness tips. (see page 2)

Copyright © 2001 by The Family

(End of File)