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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine

(Issue #117; August 1, 2001.)


There are only two ways to live your life--one is as if everything is a miracle, the other is as though nothing is a miracle.--Albert Einstein (1879-1955)


       Birthday thanks from Mama       2
       Notice about reading Board GNs       2
       Camp in Italy       5
       Pray for Juan and South America       5
       Feature: Wine Press news       6
       TEAM sales, news and Web site       8
       Behind the scenes, in Europe       10
       Open forum/nice things       13
       Educational CDs available       14

, born to Angela and Elias on April 23.--Colombia
       Cherise Marie, born to Gabriela Butterfly and David Newheart on May 11.--Croatia
       Vitor Rafael, born to Joanna and Chicho on May 28.--Brazil
       Xavier Alexandre, born to Priscilla and Tim on June 5.--Brazil
       Brittney Honeyflow, born to Maria and Stephen Honeyflow on June 7.--Liberia
       Diego Antonio,born to Keren and Andrew on June 7.--Ecuador
       Klara Elisabeth Rafaella, born to Christiana and Micha on June 7.--Germany
       Sheryl Vanessa, born to Letizia and James Gypsy on June 8.--Italy
       Andrea Pearl, 1st child, born to Stella and Aaron on June 17.--EURCRO
       Ashley,1st child, born to Danni and Dawei on June 28.--Cape Town, South Africa
       Ashley, born to Jewel and Aaron on July 20.-Taiwan


New CM disciples…
(21, Romanian) joined in Romania.
       Eman (17, German) rejoined in South Africa.
       Idy (26, Colombian) joined with Ana and their daughter, Keisha, in Colombia.
       Janneth (25, Ecuadorian) joined in Ecuador.

Pray for Juan and the South American Family

Dear Family,
       God bless you! Recently we received a prayer request for the healing of heart pains that Juan (CO) has been experiencing. Thank the Lord, the pains were not extremely painful and he was able to be up and about, but we know these things can grow worse pretty quickly if not taken seriously-especially since Juan has been having heart pains off and on for some time now. Please pray for Juan's healing and strength. “Th e effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16).
       When we prayed for Juan, the Lord gave the following message explaining why Juan was suffering these heart pains. The Lord again highlighted the very serious ongoing problem within the Latin American Family of bitterness and disunity. Although we have known about this problem in South America for a long time, we were not expecting this message. It was not on our mind at the time, as we expected simple encouragement for Juan. But the Lord used Juan's need as an opportunity to speak on this very timely and important subject. We're sure that Juan doesn't relish being highlighted in this way, but the Lord confirmed that we should publish this admonition for all. He wants to use this situation to stir you all up, and as a prayer request for the healing of bitterness and division in the South American continent!

As My servant Juan suffers these heart pains, so My heart hurts for My Latin children who ha ve allowed the Enemy to come in through bitterness and disunity. I allow this as a physical manifestation of a spiritual problem.
       O, My Latin brides, how oft would I have gathered you unto My bosom, but you would not. How My heart is in pain for the division that is among you. How it saddens Me to see that the Enemy has been able to get in and divide and conquer your hearts.
       This is not as I would have it. I would have you be strong, united, vibrant and productive-a fruitful Bride bearing Me many babies; a contented Bride caring for My spiritual children who are in desperate need. This is the vision ahead of you, that of My contented Bride feeding and caring for the souls that I bring to you. I cannot fulfill this vision if you are not even caring for those of your own household, your own Family. You have separated yourself and built up walls of partition that have turned into a spiritual maze that separates you from each other.
       Cleanse your hands and purify your hearts. Fast and pray and confess your faults that I may have mercy and forgive you your sins and cleanse you of all unrighteousness. The effectual fervent prayers of My Latin children will avail much, and if you truly desire to be set free from this bondage, I will do the miracle. I will heal the broken hearts and take away the pain, and the heart of My Latin Bride will beat strongly, with the blood of My Spirit flowing freely through her body, strengthening her and renewing her to her former passionate and vi brant self! She will again be on-fire, full of My love, and productive; a unified, powerful force of My love. (End of message from Jesus.)

       Dear Family in South America, please take this to heart. The Lord has spoken to you before about this problem, and I pray you will finally be convicted to change. Please seek the Lord desperately about this.
       We would like to ask that you, all of our dear Family, not only pray for Juan's healing but for the spiritual healing of your brethren in Latin Ame rica. We would also like to ask that each of you not only pray for this situation, but take time to search your heart and ask the Lord if you, too, have allowed this serious breach in your spiritual defenses. If disunity is allowed to flourish in your Home, it can bring your spiritual growth and productivity to a standstill.
       If the Lord is calling you, too, to fast and pray that you may be free of this bondage of the Enemy, please do so! The first part of James 5:16 admonishes us to confess ou r faults to one another and pray for one another that we may be healed. Then we're guaranteed that the Lord will hear our effectual, fervent prayers and the victory will be won!
       Thank you, dear ones, for heeding the Lord's admonitions! We love you and have you in our prayers!

Much love,
       Mama and Peter

world news

News from the “Land of Smiles”--Thailand!

By Steven, ASCRO

       Live interview on FM 90:
Christy did a live two-hour interview with FM 90, which was broadcast nationwide and i nternationally in 158 countries and even over the Web. The interviewer is the same lady who previously interviewed Jonas and Christy; she's a deep woman and very sheepy, so her questions were well presented and we were able to pack a lot of witness into the answers.

       Other Radio programs:
Jonas and Christy did three other radio interviews last month. One of these interviews was also broadcast in East Timor for the Thai forces stationed there.
       Last week, they were able to record some spots f or an anti-narcotics program, which will feature the Family's anti-drug song “Turn Around” in Thai.

Jonas and Christy gave interviews to several magazines this last month: Student Weekly (which is an insert magazine for the Bangkok Post English newspaper), Bangkok Lifestyle, GM (men's magazine), and Ploy Gaem Pet (women's magazine).

       CNN Broadcast on Jonas:
On July 8th and 9th, CNN's program “Inside Asia” aired a seven-minute clip on Jonas and the singing team. From what we understand, it was aired four times each day.

       CNN asks for more:
The day after the aforementioned CNN broadcast, the CNN desk in Hong Kong called and asked for an interview with Jonas for CNN's “Talk Asia” program.
       They called from Hong Kong the night before the interview to do a “pre-interview” with Jonas, and as it turned out, one of the main things they were interested in was the fact that Jonas was a member of the Family. This was pretty neat, especially in light of the recent prophecy “Unleash the Power--Go on the Attack!” (More on the Keys, Part 3.)
       They asked us to prepare some footage for them of our CTP work as well as clips of Jonas and the team performing, giving interviews, songs from the music video, etc. They also asked for photos along a similar line, e.g., CTP shots, Jonas as a child, with Thai friends, as they wanted to make the interview “warm and friendly.”
       The interview itself took place on the 17th and was done via satellite with the CNN desk in H ong Kong. They asked a few questions about the Family, what the Family is, what we do here, and then focused on the lukthoong/cultural aspect of things, how Jonas learned to speak Thai and sing lukthoong, etc.

legal and media

- Enoch, Peace, Dan and Precious: OBN + KISS TV stations (audience 3,800,000) broadcast four Treasure Attic shows.
       Stefan and Fay: Novi Sad TV (in Yugoslavia, audience 1,000,000) filmed Stefan doing his clown show and showed about 10 minutes of it on TV.

- John, Ruby, Faithy and Andrew: Zenith TV (audience 1,000,000) broadcasts clips of TA and KV twice weekly.

- Michael, Nora and Matthew: A friend who has a weekly TV Muslim Youth program read the Reflections on Easter on his Easter show which reaches around 1,000,000 viewers. He asked us for more Reflections to be used during his weekly programs.

- Shajjad, Katie and Eva: A sweet friend of ours interviewed Katie for Romania's second largest radio station. The inter view was broadcast in two 10 minute segments and reached 500,000. Katie was able to speak about our local work with terminally ill children, our social and rehabilitation programs, our missionary lifestyle, our faith in healing and our love for the Romanian people. The fact that our children are taught at home was also mentioned.
       Josiah, Jenny, Bamboo and Joy: A newspaper for local government officials ran the testimonies we reported on earlier about the man we helped to get off the streets an d organized an art exhibition for his paintings. (Editor: See GV 112 and 113, and MO site for the full story.)

- Steven and Christina: TV 4 (the biggest TV channel reaching the entire country, 2,538,000) did a program about pop idols, where Jonas in Thailand was interviewed.

- Tina, Happy, Simon and Celly: Nu Beat is now on five radio stations in Uganda, reaching all of the country. This month there were 24 shows/articles, reaching a combined audience of 5,000,000.

       GERM ANY
- Tom, Hanna and Maria: A bi-weekly community paper, Fahner Hohe Kurier, (circulation 3,000 in five villages) ran an article about our big family and the CTP work we do in Africa. It a had a list of items we are collecting and a photo of our family and footage of Mari in Africa with some children.
       Usiah and Christina: Christina is singing in the gospel choir of our home city. Their singing was broadcast on a local radio station last Christmas. Their last performance was filmed by TV and th ey also had two opportunities to sing for the principal of our city.
       Samuel and Eva: Lydia gave a short witness in her school magazine for the classes of the final exam, reaching about 150.
- Mike, Margrit, Erika and Emy: There was an article about us in Kerpudha magazine-a monthly magazine for students and young people in Pristina.
       Andrew, Miracle, Jonathan and Sarah: BFBS (British Forces Broadcasting System, audience 60,000) Radio announced three times a day for four days o ur upcoming concerts on the British Bases with a very positive message about our Christian work and why we are in Kosovo. They are also playing one song from Jason's Dream Journey CD.

- Joanne (of Richard): The website christianfamiliesonline.com printed my article titled “God's Favorite Temple.” It's an Easter Salvation tract, similar to our posters, for those who believe but are not yet saved. Although it didn't include the prayer itself, it gave a very clear idea of how to ask Jes us into one's heart. It reaches about 75,000. CFO also published another of our articles titled “The Tongue Can No Man Tame,” and two of my new devotionals (about the importance of Word time for young children).

- Stefano, Daniela and Marco: Pontremoli TV (audience 500,000) did a five-minute spot on our volunteer work and clown show which we performed in their town.

- Johannes, Milcah, Erica and Sarah: “Bigup” program on Togo TV showed Johannes, Milcah and the main star Tatian a (12) singing four songs with local traditional musicians and a 15-minute interview. (Audience: 5 million).

in My arms
       Written by Ivan S.:
Moses (former member, husband of Luz and father of four young boys), just died of cancer. When I came to help Rosita and Samuel here in Juarez, they mentioned Moses as being afflicted and needing a visit. We found out that he was in the hospital with cancer of the bones and lungs. He could not talk very much but was very sweet and always giving glory to God. We won lots of souls at the hospital. Soon we brought Moses home to Luz and the children, as the hospital had done all they could for him. He soon went Home to be with the Lord.

My son, your beloved Moses, is in My hands. He's Here with Me now, free from all pain and sickness and disease. He endured much, but he trusted Me through it all, and now I've blessed him with the ultimate reward--complete and total healing. His earthly body that was breaking down and in need of repair h as been transformed into a new model, a fresh body, a body that will last forever. He is free from all sickness, all pain, all troubles. I have healed him completely, and he is so happy to be released!
       I have received Moses into My arms in love. I have picked the perfect timing in My love, and I'm giving you extra grace and strength to trust Me and hold on to Me during this time. Let Me hold you in My arms and comfort you with My promises. Your paths have separated for a time, but you will be reunited again in My Heavenly Kingdom. Until then, he'll be close to you in spirit. (End of message from Jesus.)

Notice Regarding GNs 949-950, “The Board Vision!”

By WS Staff
July 2001

Dear Family,
       We love you and pray for you! In an upcoming mailing you will find GNs 949, 950, and the Family Board Handbook. The GNs explain the overall vision and implementation of the board structure. The Family Board Handbook outlines the details and technical workings of the boards themselves, their responsibilities and requirements, etc.
       In order for the board vision to work, it's imperative that each Family member fully understand the board vision--how the new structure works, how the boards will function, what the boards are responsible for, how they can help your Home, and how you can work with them. Since the board structure will be comprised of Family members, the success of the board vision depends on each Family member taking the time to carefully study these GNs.
       We realize tha t this is a busy time of year; however, since the board vision is a major change and revolution within the Family, the Lord confirmed that it is important for every Home to take the time to read the board GNs together as a Home. Reading these GNs unitedly will give your Home the opportunity to discuss the GNs, and to help each other understand the concepts and the workings of the boards. It wouldn't be necessary for your Home to read the Family Board Handbook unitedly. Studying the GNs should gi ve you a clear understanding of the basics of the board structure; those who want more details can read the handbook as well.
       Please try to schedule united readings of these GNs within a week or two of receiving them, with as many of your voting members as possible in attendance. If you aren't able to read these GNs unitedly during your devotions times, please schedule time during the day or evening to study these GNs together. Once you have completed reading these GNs, you may want to unitedl y discuss nominations for your area's national boards, as GN 950 suggests.
       Thank you for taking the time to fit this into your schedule. Please continue to pray for the implementation of the board vision. There's still lots to do! We love you!
       Love, WS

The timing for Feast 2002

By Mama and Peter

Dear Family,
       God bless you! As you know, last year's Feast was held January 2-4. Recently we polled your CROs about the timing of the Feast, soliciting feedback on how last year's dates work ed out overall for the Homes in each area. As you can imagine, we wanted to be able to accommodate as many of you as possible. After hearing back from each CRO area, we then asked the Lord when would be the best time to have our Feast 2002. This year He has asked us to have the Feast January 11th, 12th, and 13th. Regarding this Feast, He said:
       “For the Feast 2002, I ask you to stick to holding the Feast in January. … Overall, January is the ideal time for the Family Feast, as is evidenced by t he testimonies of many. …
       “With this I mind, you can set the days of the Feast for January 11th, 12th, and 13th. I ask that you set aside a little time on the evening of the 10th to begin the Feast with vespers. This need not be a long or drawn-out meeting, but a time to stop and acknowledge Me, a time to praise Me, to commit the days ahead to Me. …”
We are announcing these dates for the Family Feast 2002 now, in order to give you as much advance notice as possible, so that you can plan your schedules around these dates. Our Husband confirmed that with as few exceptions as possible, He would like for all Family members to be present in their Homes with their brethren and teammates during these Feast days, starting the evening of January 10th. He said that He has wonderful things to give us during these days. Here are some more excerpts of what He had to say:

       “I wish for the Family to shut out the world as much as possible during this time. I want them to come in out of the wing s, to enter My temple, to stand under the dome of My Spirit, to receive from Me fully, completely, uninhibited, and free from distraction. For this reason, I confirm that starting the Feast a ways into January is My will, allowing for those who must visit relatives to finish their visits, allowing those who are extra tired from the Christmas and New Year's season of intense witnessing to rest up, allowing the Homes to plan and prepare for the Feast at a steady, yet relaxed pace, allowing for all to make the necessary arrangements in order to set their house in order so that they can enter these days of the Feast free from outside cares, free from distractions. …
       “I desire that with little or no exception all Family members be present in their Homes, with their brethren and teammates for this time of the Feast 2002. Request that all adjust their schedules accordingly, giving these Feast days top priority. Ask all to make the necessary arrangements to have finished their visits with fr iends and contacts and relatives, to have finished their business, for I desire that all be rested up and well focused to go into the Family Feast, alert, free from distraction, and free of outside commitments. …
       “This Feast time will be like no other, My loves, for as I have spoken, you can only go forward. … As you walk into the era of action, onward and upward you go! There is no eye that has seen, there is no ear that has heard the things I have prepared for you, My Family, My faithful, My yielded brides of the era of action. Therefore, make yourselves ready. Prepare. Set these dates on your calendars and let nothing stand in the way of this plan.”

       Praise the Lord! So there you have it, dear Family. We don't know all of what the Lord has to give us during this Feast, but He's promised wonderful things that we can look forward to. We pray this gives you sufficient time to plan your schedules accordingly, arranging your witnessing and visits with relatives and other business ap pointments around our Feast 2002. We love and pray for you!

Mama and Peter

Birthday thanks from Mama

Dear Family,
       I love you all so very much! Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for Peter and me. We feel them daily; they strengthen us and keep us going.
       I want to send a special word of thanks for the many prayers, cards, happy birthday wishes, and love that I received from all of you this year on my birthday!--And all year 'round!
       Each of you is very precious to me . I admire you and your love for our wonderful Husband, and your faithfulness to obey His Words.

Much love,

       P.S.: Thanks to your faithful prayers and our loving Husband's intervention, both Peter's and my health has greatly improved. We're wonderfully cared for, and we give all honor and praise to the One Who daily loads us with blessings, including good health and the best Family in the world!
       Here's a little word from the Lord that He gave about my birthday, which I wanted to sh are with all of you:

My darling queen, your birthday is not only your own, but it is a celebration for all of your Family--those who you hold closest to you, who you love and admire, who you pray for daily, who fight by your side and you by theirs. Each Family member can rejoice alongside you on your birthday, for I have brought you through another year, and you stand on the threshold of a marvelous and tremendous year to come. Your troops stand directly behind you, and together you will march into the Enemy's territory and conquer, winning great victories!
       So happy birthday, darling Maria! And welcome to a new year of victories, My Family! (End of message from Jesus.)


Camp in Italy

By Angela, Paolo and Moselle, Croatia

We held a mini camp/fellowship near Verona from June 8-10. Around 70 people attended, most of whom were FM, live-out or just new sheep! We had lots of Word classes on various subjects, and managed to give attention to four different g roups of attendees: adults, young people, children and new sheep! Thank God for a wonderful, on-fire staff team. Thank you, Mark (14), Cesco (16) and Nehemias (18)!
       Several people came for the first time, and left quite changed. Some answered His call, like Alberto Peruvian who decided to become FM, and other old timers got on fire again, as a fulfillment of what the Lord said in “What the Future Holds, Part 1.” There are also a few who would like to start serving Jesus full time, but have obl igations or family ties to resolve. Please pray for them.
       Below is a note from Zivana, our Croatian catacomb disciple:
       “After a year-and-a-half since meeting the Family, the Lord blessed me with the opportunity to participate in one of the Family's fellowships, in Verona, Italy.
       “For the first time in my life I was surrounded by like-minded people, beautiful brothers and sisters, all united in one spirit. I heard their life stories and even shared mine with them, knowing that they actually cared. We spent those five incredible days together, away from anything unimportant, as mountain men and women, closer than ever to Jesus.
       “During our united prayers, the spirit was so strong, I felt the Lord's presence in our midst. That is the strongest memory of the fellowship that I brought back with me. I'm thankful for each person I met there, for every moment of every day! I can't wait to meet with Jesus and you all in the same place again.--Love, Zivana”


New Lovelines e -mail

now has its own e-mail, which is: lovelines@wsfamily.com

Foundation offer!--While supply lasts!

       Dear Family,
       Greetings and love from all of us at TEAM Foundation! Let's get right to the point, shall we? We have Dorling Kindersley's FLASH CARDS to offer, right now, to each of you! Like we said, “WHILE SUPPLY LASTS!” We don't have tons; we found a limited quantity of them at a recent Book Fair, and we grabbed every set we could get our hands on.
       We have all 6 sets th at DK used to produce. These are:

*       ON THE FARM
*       CLOTHES
*       IN THE HOME

       You can order these sets now! Each set normally sells for $7.95 (USD). Our offer is: $5.95 (USD) for each set, plus shipping. That's just $35.70 for all 6 sets! You save $12.00 (USD) off retail price! Fantastic!


*       Please specify either airmail or surface mail for your shipping method.
*       You can make payment by check, money order, credit card or cash (at your own risk) or by TRF; however, if you send it by TRF it does take from 1-3 months for us to receive your payment. All payments must be made in US dollars, please.
*       Make your payment to: TEAM Foundation
*       Mail to: TEAM Foundation, P.O. Box 797804, Dallas, TX 75379 USA
*       If you order by credit card, please send us this information:
       Name on credit card
       Type of credit cared (VISA, MasterCard, Discovery or American Express)
       Expiration date of credit card (month/year)
       Billing address
       And, mailing address, too!

Thank you! We hope to hear from you right away. Order today to be sure you get some! The stock we have is limited and it's all we've got! It's a miracle that we found a person who still has a stock of these items, so we bought as many as we could. DK is not producing this item anymore since another company bought it last year. This, therefore, is a golden opportunity!

When ordering, we'd like to ask (if possible) that you try to order all si x sets at once. With the limited amount of stock we have, if you order just one or two sets--we really can't guarantee that we'll have the rest later. Thanks for understanding!


       1. There Is a Time
Chris, Jeff/Jeff/Thad, Jeff/Jeff
       2. Eternal Rose
Rachelle S./Katrina L., Andrew V./ Katrina L., Andrew V./Andrew V.
       3. Rhyme of Life
Esther Wildwind/Andrew V., Katrina L./Andrew V., Katrina L./Andrew V.
       4. Don't Cry for Me
Jeff/Casper/C asper/Francesco
       5. I Believe in Angels
Will D., Celeste, Rachelle S., Andrew V., Eman, Esther/Jonathon French/Jonathon French/Andrew V.
       6. Someone Like Me
       7. Guardian Angel
Deryk/Brian/Brian/Matt F.
       8. Desperate
Kat/Mike P., Andrew V./Mike P./Andrew V.
       9. Oh God, I Thank Thee
       10. God Only Knows
Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew V.
       11. Together We Belong
Lua Blanco/Angie L./Esther Wildwind/David Miles
       12. More Than Just Your Smile
Gabriel/Paul Hart/Paul Hart/Mike D.
       13. Crying Like Lost Children
Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew V.
       14. Angels
Rachelle S./Andrew V., Brian/Andrew V., Brian/Andrew V.


offers a huge discount on Feed My Lambs #8

Dear Family,
       We love you and appreciate you all! We'd like to announce a huge savings for those of you who would like to get copies of Feed My Lambs #8. We're selling out our stock and we'd like to offer you a rock-bottom price so that you can pick up as many Feed My Lambs #8 booklets as you would like.
       Originally, the Feed My Lambs booklets were sold at $1 a book. But, we are slashing the price to 25 cents a copy for book 8, plus whatever it costs us to ship it to you. So, you can get:

       A: 1-4 booklets for 25 cents each
       B: If you order 5, it's only $1.00 [Buy 4 and get 1 free!]
       C: If you order 10, it's only $2.00 [Buy 8 and get 2 free!]
       D: For 15 booklets, it's only $3.00 [Buy 12 and get 3 free!]
       E: For 20 booklets, it's only $4.00 [Buy 16 and get 4 free!]
       F: For 25 booklets, it's only $5.00 [But 20 and get 5 free!]

       For more than 25 copies, please contact us to see about an even greater discount.
       We'd like to make this offer between now and September 31, in hope that all the copies will get snatched up by you Homes on the field and put to use with your children, your friends, the children of your live-outs, etc. Remember that Feed My Lambs #8 is DFO.
       You can begin o rdering right away. Please send your order to:

       Teaching, Education And More
       P.O. Box 797804
       Dallas, TX 75379
       Phone: 972-931-9335
       Fax: 972-380-6923
       Toll Free: 888-871-8388Or e-mail us at: mail@teamfoundation.com

       You can pay by check, money order, credit card or TRF. All payments must be in U.S. dollars. If you pay by credit card, please remember to give us the following information:

       Name on credit card
       Type of credit cared (VISA, MasterCard, Discovery or American Express)
       Expiration date of credit card (month/year)
       Billing address
       And, mailing address, too!

       Shipping prices can be calculated very easily, depending on the number that you order. Please specify whether you would like us to send it by Airmail, Surface Mail, or Global Priority. We look forward to hearing from you.

P.S. TEAM also has available:
*       The “Sonday Phonics System” at nearly 50% off, for $137.50, plus shipping.
*       The “U. Dan's Math Algebra I” video series, which is 12 videos and 1 CD, for $58, including Airmail shipping or $50, including Surface Mail shipping.
*       And, while supplies last, we have flash cards, made by Carson-Delosa Company, for nearly 50% off at $6.50 for two sets, plus shipping.

Announcing TEAM Web site: Up and running!

By Phil, for TEAM Foundation

       Dear Family,
       We are excited about announcing the launch of our Web site and telling you what it has to offer, through which we hope we will better serve you! Right now you can access it by going to www.teamfoundation.com!
       Let me take you through a little tour so you'll know beforehand what's there. When you access the site you'll see our NEW LOGO, and on the home page is a brief word about us, along with five tabs at the top to click on and explore! These are:

       About Us!
- Our mission statement in full!
       Resources! - Information about products, Web sites, and more that is recommended by TEAM. (More about this later.)
       Newsletter! - Photos and news about what we do. Look for our new brochure to be posted here, soon, too.
       Shop Online! - A shop for educational products to browse through, enjoy and purchase items on sale!
       Home! - To re-direct you at any time to our home page.

       You also won't want to miss the section called: New Products TEAM recommends… You'll find this link on the home page right under the cartoon graphic on the right side. Here we post some of the best stuff that is available at the Shop Online store. We try to include the items we believe will be st suit your needs.
       We can't guarantee or recommend everything as “good” or “beneficial” that you see here or in the online shop because we aren't able to try and test and prove these products. These are submitted by children's stores and bookshops like Amazon.com, Zany Brainy, Kids R Us and more and these companies regularly make changes in their product listings. Each month we go over the products offered and update our “recommendations” in hopes to make it easier for you to find the good ou t of the huge quantity of stuff for sale. But feel free to browse over the list yourself. [Each time someone orders from our Online Shop, a small portion of the sale is deducted and sent to us as a contribution. Therefore, we'd like to say in advance “Thank you!” for helping our cause in this way!]

We have information posted about:
*              GEDs and where you can find testing centers worldwide,
*              Sonday Phonics Program,
*              Uncle Dan's new algebra video series,
*              Betty Lukens flanne lgraphs,
*              And more!
       We're constantly updating this section to bring you more of the things you need.

Just the beginning!
We are just beginning to get our website operational and list resources, products and information. We hope to expand this site periodically to include more products and information, as well as an expanded list of links to educational or informational websites. So, keep checking in. Thanks.

Log on and enjoy!

ake it legible!--PLEASE!
A couple of Activated desks h ave encountered a problem of unclear addresses on the subscription cards. Says one desk overseer:
       When filling out the subscription cards, the Family distributor should be especially careful when writing down the address. Most problems that we have had with subscribers not getting their subscriptions were due to a wrong or incomplete address. The subscription card must be legible, in good handwriting. I have seen subscription cards that were very difficult to decipher.
It's a common problem in the world that because of a doctor's illegible writing, a patient gets the wrong prescription. As soul doctors, let's try to ensure that our “patients” get the spiritual “medication” they need and don't miss out because of something like our handwriting--or theirs. (Perhaps if they have very poor handwriting, you can copy their address onto another subscription card in block print before sending to the desk. Thanks!)
       Very helpful bonus tip: Also get the subscribers' phone number and/or e-ma il address and put that on the subscription card. If there are any questions or problems with the address, this will enable the desk to check with them, and to ensure they are getting their mags. E-mail is particularly helpful when the subscriber is in a different country than the Activated desk sending their mailings.
       (Editor: Printing in ALL CAPS helps.)


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

       Jennifer Lopez, Jim Caviezel, Sonia Braga
       As a tough Chicag o cop tries to deal with her estranged family, she must also deal with a mysterious stranger who saved her life.

This is a love story with a good message. It isn't a light movie. It deals with some pretty major emotions and battles that people in the System face, of loneliness, family problems, condemnation and the like. If folks go into it with that knowledge, they'll find a touching story and interesting insight into the characters' lives and worlds. Remember to pray for the people in the System who don't have supportive Family members like you do, and who don't know how to take their troubles to the Lord and find relief and peace. You are so blessed!

George Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson
       A parody of Homer's “Odyssey,” this film chronicles the journey of three escaped prisoners through Mississippi during the Depression. Offbeat comedy.

I would say that it's a “take it or leave it” kind of film. Don't expect much and you won't be disappointed. I found this lightly entertaining. I was interested because it was about times I lived through. It portrays some exaggerated and kooky characters and an offbeat way of looking at life. But those of us who went through the hungry thirties can relate to quite a few things about those times.
       I wish they would have put a clearer salvation message in there rather than making salvation look like a quick dip in the river with some cult-like characters. Those days were great days of revival and my mother helped reap a mighty harvest out of those troubled times. It was a bit sad that they made religion and the Bible look like just another way for the most rotten character in the movie to make money off of people. There were a lot of sincere men and women of God going out by faith and trying to comfort people and help bring in the harvest of souls in those days, and most of them were not rolling in the dough doing it either. There are some wrong attitudes toward s Christians and prayer in this movie, but they're pretty easy to see though.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

       Sylvester Stallone, Kip Pardue, Burt Reynolds
       Action movie/drama about a seasoned racecar driver called in to help a young driver through his rookie season.

This movie is not your usual idea of what you would get when you make a movie about racecars. It shows more of the real side of things, and what people in positions of popularity are faced with-- the loneliness and often the feeling of not being able to live up to what is expected of them. You see the pressure of being at the top and what it takes to remain there. This should break your heart for these types of people, who are really just seeking to find the answers and truth in life, pushing their limits trying to find out what life is really all about. As in most movies, you have to see the bad in order to appreciate the good. There is not a lot that's bad, and overall it is a good mov ie with lessons on what it takes to be the best that you can be by learning what your weaknesses are and letting the Lord fill them and be your strength.

Movies Rated for MCs and Up


       Pierce Brosnan, Peter Ustinov
       An adaptation of Jules Verne's classic adventure story. To win a wager, a man must travel around the globe in 80 days or less.

       (Jesus:) Here's a positive movie about keeping your eyes focused on the possible, and not looking down at the wa ves. Parents, you can draw on the positive attacking initiative shown in this movie to help your kids in overcoming adversities that they face. You could even remind them of scenes where it looked impossible for Mr. Fogg, but he kept going with a smile on his face and determination in his heart. This movie is similar to the older version, but has more modern excitement in the presentation. So even if you've seen the older version, many of you will enjoy this one as well. Parents, if your childre n could be frightened or shocked by the suttee* scene, then take note that this is in the section on India and be prepared to fast forward.
       (*In the Indian subcontinent, the Hindu practice, now illegal, of a widow throwing herself on her husband's funeral pyre.)

$$$ prayer request

       By WS
       The implementation of the board vision is going to take a large influx of funds. There will be a great deal of expense for those that will need to meet together, organize and set up the boards. The Activ ated and follow-up programs are also very costly.
       WS will not have the finances to fund both the boards and continue to subsidize the Activated program without an increase in finances, so please pray with us for our wonderful Love to supply abundantly above and beyond all we could ask or think, as we all do our part to implement His vision to feed and care for His sheep.
       Please pray effectually and fervently and often for gifts, windfalls and inheritances that could help us make these beauti ful visions the Lord has given us a reality! Thank you, dear Family, for being so faithful and diligent in following this vision and giving your all to bring it to pass. We love you!


Europe and Africa
:Intestinal cancer. Recent surgery went well, but will need to take test to verify.

North America
(of Paul, PG):Unable to eat food. May require treatment.

South America
: Cancer in uterus.
       Joana (of Adino): Cancer and recuperation after cesarean. Supply of a p erson to help with her children.
       Flor (of Richard): Cancer.
       Sara (of Josias): Fibroma, a worsening streptococcus infection and an unspecified blood problem.
       Maria (of Mark): Had her thyroid and four nodules (one malignant) removed. That there will be no more cancer in her body, and that her body will balance its functions (hormones, etc.).
       Pedro Wildwind (of Maria): Lost consciousness due to hypoglycemia, hit his head and suffered amnesia for a few days.
       Anatasha (12, of Samuel and Ker en):Dengue fever.
       Children of Samuel and Keren: Pneumonia.
       Blanca (of Andres): Neck tumor.
       Estevão (11, of André): Cyst on the right side of chest.
       Diego (2, of Ezequiel and Maria Clara): Pulmonary allergy.
       Raquel (20, of Pedro and Aurora): Two cysts on her ovaries.
       Cephas (of Clara): Sciatica.
       Marcelo (of Kelly): Serious allergic cough of unknown origin.

Answered Prayers
       Mary (Brazil)
: The Lord answered our prayers for the healing of the cyst that was in my right breast. It has totally disappeared! Thank you for praying for me. I learned many lessons on obedience both in the physical and in the spiritual, which I know were vital to my being healed. TYJ! By His mercies we are healed!

       Dayse (Brazil)
: (Seriously injured after being run over by a car.) The Lord healed me much more quickly than the doctor predicted, as I am now walking and it has been only four months since the operation (he predicted it would take up to 10 months). Also the Lord supplied a physical therapist for me.

feature: Regathering the children of David!

By the Wine Press team, USA

       There are still those outside the city that watch it from afar--and they look and they wait as though they're looking with hope and expectation for something--that all will be light for them again. Only the city was light. But the people outside had not lost hope!
       The light started to pour out through the gates and the city and across the land, just like a flood of light, and as it came out into the surrounding territory the waiting watchers were rewarded. The light did come, thank the Lord!--”Stand in the Gap” (ML #73A).

From Edward (Wine Press member)
I finally got out to pick up my mail yesterday and I got the last batch of pubs along with your super encouraging letter! It almost blew me away when I read that you are planning to have a fellowship for all of us to meet you and fellowship--what a dream come true! I could hardly believe it! After finishing your letter, the Lord gav e me a vision of the part in “Stand in the Gap” where the brethren were scattered in the woods and one by one a small group at a time began to sheepishly return to the fortress and reunite with those who remained diligently working inside, and in the end all was well because the breach was repaired and God's people were united once again! I see the same thing taking place as you lovingly reach out to encourage us to approach the camp and be re-united with our loved ones. I can feel that the Lord has something wonderful in store for all of us and that this is just the beginning!

History of the Wine Press Ministry

       Reaching out to and feeding former members through the monthly Wine Press mailings, phone, e-mail communications and fellowship has been one of the most inspiring and fruitful ministries we've ever experienced! We're always thrilled when we resume contact with another one of our dear brethren, some of whom hadn't heard from the Family or known what had happened to us since they left our fellowship 25 or 30 years ago! This special outreach effort was started in April 1995, with Mama and Peter's encouragement, when an LNF was published asking the worldwide Homes to help seek out these former Family members:

(From LNF #229 4/95)

Dear Family,
       God bless you! We'd like to ask for your help in renewing contact with Family members who have left over the years. We would like to write them and encourage them, reconcile with them (if necessary), let them know we love them, give them a way to get in touch with us, and perhaps even send them some literature, if they're interested.
       When praying a few months ago, the Lord gave us the parable of the one lost sheep, which we can apply to our ex-members: “What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbors, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost” (Luke 15:4-6).

       As Family members sent in the addresses of the former members they knew, our mailing list grew, and from 1995-1997 former members received regular mailings which included DFO publications, a newsletter and Family Activity Reports. The 800 number was also available for the former Family members to call, and we began to establish sw eet personal communications with many of those who were receiving these regular mailings. We soon began to hear from some folks who were getting the mailings, asking us to send them more solid feeding. They wanted to get the latest Letters and direction from Mama and Peter, and some even asked if we had been hearing from Dad from the spirit world! One dear former member pled with us, “In the old days we used to get out the latest Letters on the street!--Gaddafi's Magic Lamp, Madam M, The Green P aper Pig, The Sinking Boat Dream. … So why can't I get the Letters now? I love the Family, I love Dad and Mama.--Please, please send me the Letters!” Another former member reminded us of Dad's conviction about sharing the Letters with those who want to read and obey them, which he shared in “Old Bottles:”

From Old Bottles (ML#242)
       If they still want the Letters, it must mean they're still going to want to give them out, and I don't give a damn if they belong to any Colony or not! I'm ready to send MO Letters to anybody that wants them and is willing to read them and pass them on to others who need them!--And anybody who wants more of them to pass on to others, I'll send them more!

       After hearing these bleats from the sheep, we began communicating with Mama and Peter about these requests for more DFO versions of the Letters which would be used for feeding this flock of hungry former members, and the first issue of the Wine Press was published in September 1997. Since then we hav e published 46 issues of the Wine Press, which have included almost 100 new DFO versions of Letters, such as “Nothing Is Impossible,” “Rise Above,” “Issues,” “Action Through Prayer,” “Era of Action,” “Keys to Victory Series,” “The Weakness Revolution,” “Ask Me Everything,” “The Spiritual Health Revolution” and many more.
       It's been thrilling to see the beautiful changes that have been brought about in the lives of these dear brethren through the Lord's life-giving, revolutionary Word! We've see n His promises fulfilled in such a tremendous way as we have simply poured out the Word and watched it bring forth fruit! We know that we can't lose by sharing the Word, and those who receive the Wine Press feeding will continue to grow, be strengthened spiritually, and will be better prepared for the days ahead.

Reactions to His life-changing Word!

From Mrs. Lovett
Yes, I do want to continue to receive the Wine Press.--A wonderful magazine which has been, and is, a source of wisdom and instruction, which has helped me enormously and has made such a difference in my life. The messages from Jesus have been a simply wonderful glimpse into the Heavenlies and have personalized my relationship with Him in a most profound way! Words are just not adequate.

From Carl
Thank you so much for the Letters, testimonies and END, it all means a lot to me. Most of all, everyone who sits by the phone whom I know will be there in time of need. A year has gone by and you have never failed or faltered in your sharing of the Lord's love through His Word. Thank you. (Col 2:5)

From Deliverance
To the best Family I ever had! Please send me more Word. I love it. Read it. Study it! I need it! I'm so very thankful for you all. I need you all very much. The words you send to me feed my soul and I really appreciate it all. I share it with my family and friends.
       Once I hit a tree going 90 miles an hour. The Lord spared my life and now I want to help others. God has been so good to me. T hank You, Jesus! The Wine Press has changed my life drastically. I read it over and over again. After studying “The Weakness Revolution” I feel Jesus helping me to get victories. By God's grace I am a new creature and my carnal mind will be more Spirit-led through reading God's Word.

From Joseph
The Wine Press has come, and I'm delirious! Mama Maria truly has some of the very sweetest wine that I've ever gotten drunk on! What vintage that she has stamped her approval on!

From Joseph O'Wo w

       God bless all of you precious brothers and sisters in Christ. God bless you for being so loving and patient with folks like me, brethren whom the Lord is bringing back to the safety and comfort of the fold. Your tender, sincere words of encouragement and prayers really helped me to get back on my feet, and encouraged me to fight the tremendous battle one faces when coming up out of the trenches and going over the top to fight the Enemy! May Jesus bless you with a triple measure of all that y ou have poured forth. I love your Wine Press issues--please keep 'em coming! Thank you for all your prayers and support. I could not have done it without you! GBY!

From Jerry
My wife and I have been reading the Wine Press and other material y'all send and it is always a blessing. You guys are so brave and selfless to just give and give. Thank you so much--you can't know what it means to me to hear from y'all. It's really something, it's like finding something precious that you had lost and found again later. Well I guess that is what happened. I always feel the same love that I experienced at Thurber [TSC] way back when. You guys are the ones that make me know that Jesus still loves me and does care what happens to me, an old backslider. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of Him and call His name.

From Jane
Thank you so much for the mailings. They always come just when I need them the most. I'll go down to the mailbox to get the mail and when I find that yello w envelope, I think, “Of course, thank You, Jesus!” After so many years of being in the dark spiritually, now finally I can see the light again. I always knew the Lord was with me but I missed the Family, my Family. You are all so precious to me. If I can encourage you in return; please, know that your life for Jesus, your living by faith; gives me such happiness, thank you. I love you.

From Tom

       I just finished reading Mama's Letter on yieldedness and Dad's Letter on the chess game and I ca n't help myself from crying and praising God at the same time. I feel like Dad is right here with me giving me hugs and encouragement.
       I got a vision that God wants me to share with you. I could see all God's children up on the high road and they were shouting encouragement and love to the children down below. Then they started to throw ropes down to the children below to help them on their long climb back to the top. The rope is Mama's and Dad's words of love that Jesus has given them. I have this feeling that the climb up is exciting and exhilarating, and that by hanging onto the rope we can make it safely to the top! Satan would have us look down, but God says to lift up our eyes unto the hills from whence cometh our help, our help cometh from the Lord! Hallelujah! I have been reading the Wine Press for several months now and each time I feel that God is drawing me a little closer and giving me more and more hunger for His Words and the testimonies of His children.

We need your help to search out these sheep!
As Peter explained in “The Action Series, Part 2,” there are 26,000 people who were in the Family at one time, but are no longer live-in Family members (ML #3301:43, GN903). We've only scratched the surface of finding and ministering to these dear former members, the vast majority of whom seem to be thankful for their time in the Family and still love the Words of David and Maria.
       The Family Web site has been very instrumental in meeting many of these former members, as we're not so easy to find, and of course the local Home isn't listed in the Yellow Pages. Often a former member will get inspired to search for us on the Web, and there they find our beautiful Family Web site. This remains one of our primary avenues for locating former members (or better said, for the former members to locate us)! But we are trying to make a special effort to contact as many former members as possible, to see if they would like to continue receiving the Words of Davi d.
       If you personally know someone who is a former Family member who might be interested in receiving monthly Wine Press mailings, please send us the following information, either by e-mail to family@thefamily.org or by mail to: Activated Ministries, P.O. Box 462805, Escondido, CA 92046.
       Please send us as much information as you have available. Thank you so much for your help in searching out these dear sheep and helping to bring them back into the folds of David!

Legal name:
       Bible name:
       Phone number:
       E-mail address:
       Marital status:
       Relatives still in the Family:
       Years in the Family:
       Date left the Family:

open forum: Catch 'em doing something nice!

By Rose (FGA), ASCRO
       I've lived with a lot of really great people from the younger generation. In my present Home there is only one other FGA, my mate, and everybody else is a young person or child. There are so many things the young people in my Home do that are “good” that I can't mention ev erything, because they are all hard-working, love the Lord, and carry a big load. But let me mention a few special things.
       I'll start oldest to youngest: Luba (24, Russian national) doesn't always think she is a “young person” because she is a national, but she sure has most of the qualities described in the Letters, like youthful enthusiasm, and so on. She's a very faithful witness and provisioner, and loves to be out rather than stay home. She's also very faithful with lots of things in the Home, like doing everybody's laundry, or doing the dishes on free day, helping with our grandson, which may seem like such little things, but it sure means a lot to the rest of us!
       Sami (19, Canadian) came two years ago, planning to stay a month and go on the road with us. Instead, we experienced a major earthquake the first night she was here, and immediately she jumped in to help with our CTPs in the tent cities, through mud and shine, and winning many souls in the process. She's a wonderful witnessing partner. Her close friends left, and she stuck around. Besides all that, she's also a lot of fun to do things with or to talk to, even about controversial subjects, which she loves, ha! She treats me like a second mom, which is really nice.
       Terrance (19, Swiss/Italian) is newer to our Home. He is a hard worker and always fixing things as he's a good handyman. On free day he did my JJT for me--his idea--which was so nice, as I can't remember anyone doing that before. Generally he's quite ready to give you a hand with a job when you need it.
       Peter (16, Norwegian) is incredible when you need some place cleaned up or organized. He can do it better than anyone. Besides that, he has learned the local language really well, which is a real asset here.
       Danny (13, USA) is a great son, often doing nice things for me like buying me a special snack or a little present. Although he does have his differences with his six-year-old nephew, Nic, Dan also shows a lot of concern for him, teaching him school and doing lots of things with him. Dan is also a big help on our outreach front, as he is the main musician for our CTPs, and speaks the local language very well too.
       I would also like to mention my daughter, Faithy. She's a single mom of five, who has bravely sent her oldest son to the mission field with us so he can receive more Family training. Despite many difficulties, like caring for the kids and supporting them all on her own (she's presently FM in the US), living i n other less-than-ideal situations before that, etc., she's stuck it out and remained a faithful witness and Family member. She's a great daughter, and wonderful friend, for whom I'm truly thankful. She's presently trying to join us on the field, so please pray for her! (If you want to help in any way, let us know! We are TU03 in ASCRO!)
       Then there is Loana (Italian YA). We spent a couple of months together when I visited Faithy last fall. Loana and her mate Eman (YA) came from Mexico to help Faithy during the birth of number five, which is why I was there too. (Before that, Loana had spent a whole year helping Faithy with the children!) She tirelessly, sacrificially, and lovingly gave of herself to care for my grandkids every day, truly loving them as if they were her own! Plus, she is also a great friend and you can talk with her about everything. She's incredible!
       And Eman … he was also great with the kids, building forts and what-have-you, and with the baby too, he was always w illing to pitch in. At the time, we were four adults and five kids in a two bedroom apartment, and Eman was the only one who could do the clean up and organize the apartment in a way that looked good.
       Well, those are just a few of the young people I've lived with most recently. I could name a whole lot of young people I lived with in Indonesia and other places who were also great to be with, and I can remember so many things I appreciate about them! I would like to write that, but that would t ake another whole letter!

By Tabita Fe, Salvador, Brazil

Once I was having lunch with my partner in the same place where three Family teen girls were eating with a friend. At a certain point my partner left, leaving me alone eating. A little later one of the girls came to join me just to keep me company. She gave me her juice and stayed talking to me until I was finished. I felt so loved and special. God bless you, Marie, for that loving attitude. I love you!
       At the National Retreat we we re having a great party, very inspiring. I danced a lot. When it came to the slow songs I took the initiative to ask the boys, young or old, friends or Family members to dance. At one point, a Loving Jesus song was playing and I went up to an SGA and asked him if he would dance with an old woman (I'm 40) or if he only dances with pretty girls. He answered that he dances with pretty older women too. It was very sweet and made me feel loved.
       Thank the Lord in our area we have very sweet teens wh o are on fire and there are very little generation gap problems. We are affectionate with each other and dance together in our parties and are learning and growing together. There's a lot to change and grow in, but the friendship is there. It is very inspiring.

By Paula (Anita), 21, Hungary
I have so much to say about the sweet FGAs I've lived with. They're smart and fun to be with; they have so many stories to tell and tips to give.
       There's this very fun-to-be-around FGA in my Home. Some times being around her makes me feel old because she runs and hops with her pre-school group, and she isn't afraid to have fun. She loves loud music and nice-smelling candles in her room. Once in a while she invites us to have dinner on her balcony and sets out wine, etc. It's an inspiration to have her around! Once we had some differences and I got distant from her for about a week, and let me tell you, I missed her so much. I missed going into her room; I missed her telling me all about her tr avels and her children's adventures. But most of all I just missed her friendship.
       I also want to thank all the FGA parents of the children I have taken care of, 'cause even though they had all the experience in the world, they still entrusted me with the care of their children. Hey, I had the chance to teach them anything, do you know what I mean? They knew that, but still they didn't hang around spying on me or telling me what to do all the time. I appreciated that very much because in turn it made me feel like they trusted me and I didn't want to let them down. They were also very faithful to make me feel like a friend or even part of their families. I always felt free to go to their rooms and just hang out or be with their children after group times.
       I feel as if I have so many parents and best friends with our FGAs in the Family all over the world.


[Pays to put the Lord first!]
       Rahul and Angel, Rose Garden Home, India:
When on the road we decided to call the person who always gives us free lodging when we visited his town, only to find out that he had died six months ago. It shook us up and we decided to pray with as many people as we can. Since we only go to these towns once a year and our support for the month comes from road teams, it was a test to put witnessing first and trust the Lord for the sale of the tools to our contacts.
       One particular contact takes five videos every time we see him. This year we wanted to ask him to take 10 videos. A fter praying, we decided to witness to him first and trust the Lord for the tools. Halfway through our conversation he wrote on a slip the amount for five videos and said to collect it in the evening. Since we had gotten from the Lord to give everybody a chance to receive Him, we shared the prayer with him. Just before we left, we showed him the videos and said we'd give them to him in exchange for his donation but he said, “No, that's my donation. I'll buy the five videos separately.” So, the L ord came through and answered our prayer as we put souls and witnessing first!

[“Let's serve the homeless!”]

       Marina, Manna Home, Japan: Dr. Nakamatsu, who has made countless inventions, one of them being the floppy disk, and was recently honored with the Archimedes Award by Prime Minister Putin in Russia, invited Lynn and Marina to help with translating during the annual World Genius Convention in Tokyo, which he hosted. Marina knows him from the 21st Century seminars, where she talked to h im a few times.
       Our team was able to witness to several of the exhibitors, get out Christmas card CDs, posters and tracts. On the last day Tim and Marina went for a short visit--short, because the afternoon was going to be taken up with cooking for about 1,000 homeless people. Just before leaving they met Ellen, a high-powered career woman, who is the producer of an international trade show. Lynn and Marina had been impressed by her spunky speech on the first day of the convention. Ellen was v ery outspoken about her faith in God, giving Him the glory for having such a successful business and not being intimidated by people who tell her to leave God out of it. She had been doing some soul searching, since a friend of hers had died of cancer not long ago. So she felt that meeting us was ordained from Above!
       When she found out that the reason why we had to leave so quickly was to help the homeless, she grabbed one of the other exhibitors, a sweet Korean man who had invited Lynn and Ma rina for dinner that same week, and told him, “Let's go serve food to the homeless tonight!” In fact, she ended up forsaking a dinner appointment at the American ambassador's office in order to join us in feeding the homeless! Both Ellen and Mr. K., the Korean man, were so turned on about our work that they pulled out whatever funds they had on them and donated them to us.
       Ellen was very convicted: “Here I sit in my penthouse and get into myself and my problems, when you guys are just busy doi ng things for others!” She wants to help support us after her return to the States.

[Ministering to Embassy staff
       Asaph, Pakistan: As we live in the federal capital, there are many different embassies located here. Usually we try to make contact with one receptive person, and once you're “in” there is always a high possibility of meeting others. We also found that embassy staff usually changes every two to four years, so if it wasn't fruitful with one person, maybe the next one is really s heepy.
       Our experience with African folks has always been very good, and they love and rave about our videos. We returned to a certain embassy, and while waiting for an appointment, an important-looking man walked by and we struck up a conversation. It turned out he is the defense adviser for his country for the whole Middle East and quite an important man. He later invited us into his office, where we had a long conversation and were able to give him a good witness. (He is a Muslim). He liked our work and wants to take 12 videos next week.
       The week before, also while sitting in the waiting room, a new ambassador walked by, and Charity and Caleb were able to have a nice conversation. As he was very busy he gave us an appointment for the following week. We found out that one of his relatives died, so we prepared a letter for him with some comforting quotes on “passing on.” When we presented this all to the secretary, we found out they have a file on us with a copy of the letter the f ormer ambassador wrote to us (with the donation). So it seems we have good standing, and we look forward to more miracles to minister to these types of people.

[Teens and CVC curriculums]
       Daniel Highland, Japan:
We are on the attack for our teens to get their JHS diploma, and also to start working on their CVC high school diplomas. Mari (of David and Maria) had a CVC class on how to use the CVC program. The teens are excited to know that they can get so much credit for many subjects through daily work they do at the Home. Now they are looking forward to being involved with handyman jobs, cooking, and computer maintenance/operation. They know that it's not just another “boring chore” around the house, but is part of their school course that they can get credit for. It has lifted the teens' level of inspiration, and as a result, the whole Home's.
       We had started reading the Charter with them a little while before, but it was boring-letter-of-the-law for them. Now that the Charter w ill earn them credits toward a high school diploma, their vacuum or anticipation to read it has totally changed. Even Word time used to be a usual routine. Now they look up the list of CVC books to prepare what to read at Word time.
       We weren't so familiar with how to use CVC before, and we have been surprised to see what we've been missing!

[Meeting the Nigerian Ambassador]
       Asaph, Islamabad, Pakistan:
Last year the wife of the Nigerian ambassador came to our house to deliver a check from the ambassador for our projects. We later we met him at his embassy during a function celebrating their Independence Day.
       We were recently able to get another appointment to see him. Before our meeting we sent him a letter explaining our projects for the coming year. We ended up sitting with him for over an hour and were able to talk about a variety of topics. He is a very godly man and admires what we do and promised to get back to us soon with another donation. His embassy normally only fund s disaster relief, but he said that he would take a collection for us with some of his officers.
       We gave him a copy of our new calendar, which he really appreciated.


The importance of being full of the Word yourself!
You've got to have it in before you can give it out! You've got to be sold on it before you yourself can sell it. If you're not even sold on it enough to read it and drink it yourself, if you don't even like the product enough yourself to partake of it, but are just tr ying to push it off on others, you're not going to make a very good salesman! (ML#320:57).
       Do you read the Activated magazines?

“I hung it on the wall…”

By Celeste, for EURCRO Media Desk

       Below is a sweet letter we received at the GP box here in England. It goes to show the Lord's Word never returns void!

Dear friend in Jesus,
       Many years ago I was handed one of your posters about God's love. It didn't mean much to me but I hung it on the wall of my son's bedroom.
       When we moved to Cornwall I took it down and read it. I had decided then to find this love and moved to Cornwall and went to church. Glory to our Father, I've now been saved and would like to have more information and posters. If you could supply me with any I would be grateful.
       I thank God for the seed you have sown in my life--what a blessing!

etters to the editor

Re: Response to “sweet” and “precious”
Thanks for the many other ways to say “sweet” and “precious.” It's really what I need, because those are the only words that usually comes out when I'm describing someone, and being a national sometimes I need those words given to use. Keep sending them in!
       --Lydia M., PACRO

Re: Family in Kathmandu

       It was super inspiring to open the June 15th issue of the Grapevine and see that the Family in Katmandu had visited Babu Chriri's family, the 35-year-old record climber who fell to his death. There was an article about him in the Bangkok Post which mentioned that he had six daughters under the age of 15 and his biggest desire was to educate them and to make the world a better place by opening a school for children. When I read about it I said a silent prayer for his family, that they would be able to continue on with his plans. Then to open the Grapevine and to see the testimony that the Home in Nepal had gotten in touch with his family and how sweet and humble his family was and that they were going to continue to follow-up on them was a wonderful answer to praye r. I think it's a real testimony that no matter who we are or what we do we can pray for situations and those prayers will be answered. I personally felt it was a very sweet thing the Lord did, TYJ!
       --Sarah I., Thailand

Activated news

By Matt, Contato
       The Homes are signing up paid subscribers at the rate of about 140-150 per month. This is a ten-fold increase over the rate of 12 months ago. We believe that after Peter's recent visit, and the heavy plug for the Contato ministry that he ga ve here, these stats should continue to show steady improvement!

Ascro Ad
A myriad* of educational CDs …
       (*Noun: a large indefinite number)
       … wait for you!!!
       Just send us your key and we'll send you a list of educational programs, games, and other CDs that you can order for only US $3 each! Don't miss this opportunity to make learning a fun experience!!
       Send your PGP key and e-mail address to:

LIVING IN THE TOES*: Snapshot of religious liberty in Europe 2001

*(See Daniel 2:41.)
By Abi, EMD

France proudly scores a world first--but it's nothing to cheer about!
In May 2001 France scored a world first and they're real proud about it.--But it wasn't football! France became the first country in the world to introduce specific legislation aimed at controlling the activities of “cults.” This is despite criticism from French national and religious leaders including Roman Catholic and Protestant, from 50 members of the Council of Europe, earlier pleas from the Pope for religious tolerance, and many other voices raised against it! Catherine Picard, one of the sponsors of the new bill, described it “as an important first for the world, because it attacks sects directly.”
       So what's it all about?
       If you're a member of a minority religion or non-mainstream church, you'd better watch out about talking with anyone under the age of 18, anyone elderly, sick or depressed; also watch out for anyone who doesn't know much about religion. If you are f ound to have “influenced” a “vulnerable person” then you can be prosecuted if someone--like an anti-cult movement--decides that your influence was against that person's best interests.
       Then again, the group you belong to may be banned altogether if any of the members are found guilty of “fraud, abuse of confidence, the illegal practice of medicine, wrongful advertising and sexual abuse.” So if the unofficial leader of the local Quaker group is convicted of fraud in his business dealings (sorry Quakers, we're just using you as a fictitious example), then all of the Quaker groups in France could be banned. What's more, if your group is banned or dissolved, if you try to set up a new group with a new name, you can go to jail.
       Now try this activity. Take a map of your local town. Use a coin to draw a small circle around every school, hospital, nursing home, retirement home and penal institution. These circles represent a 200 meter perimeter “sect-free” zones around each institution--bo th public and private. How much of the town is left? That's the only space, outside the circles, where “sect members” would be allowed to witness, give out lit, or set up a church or office.--Whew, thanks to desperate prayer, this part of the law was deleted! (Anti-cult MPs plan to re-introduce these provisions in a subsequent bill so watch this space and most of all, keep praying!)
       Does this sound a bit dramatic? We shouldn't be surprised--we always knew the Endtime would have its difficultie s!
       This particular drama is set in France, but this law is not only significant in France but it has set a precedent worldwide. It is expected that other countries will model their legislation on it.--This is already being considered in at least two countries that we know of, the Czech Republic and Hong Kong!

Europe's two camps
There's a struggle going on in Europe. It's not hitting the headlines, but those “in the know”--religious leaders, academics, scholars, some politicians--are painf ully aware of how serious it is.
       To some extent Europe is being divided into two camps.
       There are countries that tolerate religious minorities, considering that existing laws will take care of criminal actions no matter who commits them and it is not necessary to introduce legislation that singles out NRMs. Broadly speaking, these countries include England, Scandinavia and Italy. Thank God for the freedom we have to live and work in these places! We may still get bothered occasionally by sen sational news stories, but the authorities in these places seem to comprehend that minority religions should have the same rights as mainstream, traditional religions.
       The other camp is one of intolerance. These countries look at NRMs and non-mainstream churches as “cults” or “sects” (depending on the language: in some countries “sect” is the bad label, “cult” isn't so bad, in others the reverse is true).
       The countries in the intolerant camp believe that many small religious groups are a dan ger to their citizens; they conduct covert surveillance to find out what these groups are doing; they are drafting legislation to restrict their activities. Legislation can be in the form of burdensome registration requirements or it can be directly aimed at issues like brainwashing, as in France. Although these countries pay lip service to international conventions on human and religious rights, they appear to consider religious minorities as a distinct underclass among their citizens. France l eads this intolerant camp, alongside Russia, and they are working together to promote their agenda in the rest of Europe.

The French connection
The new law in France is the latest in a long line of French actions which effectively curb the rights of members of minority religious groups.--And we're not just talking about “cults,” as the net has widened to include lots of churches too! You may remember in 1995 a French parliamentary commission drew up a list of 172 designated sects--including ourselves, Quakers and Buddhists as well as groups like Scientology--and in 1998 the government created an agency, the “Interministerial Mission to Combat Sects” (MILS).--Notice it's not a mission to “dialogue” or “understand” minority groups, but to combat them!
       The French sample of religious intolerance is, sad to say, spreading beyond France, encouraging other nations such as Russia in their efforts to curtail religious liberty. When a so-called bastion of democracy like France passes legi slation like this, can you imagine how useful that is for other countries--like Russia and even China--to use as a basis for their own repression of religion? One vivid example is in Hong Kong where the government is already studying the French bill with a view of using it against the Falun Gong.

European links
So what's the outlook in Europe? To answer that question, you have to realize how interconnected all of Europe is. The European Union connects 15 countries, but there's another body with a lot of influence that actually reaches even further, and that's the Council of Europe. Virtually every country in Europe is a member of the Council of Europe (CoE), including all of the members of the EU, plus Russia and the other former socialist countries.
       The Council discussed religious freedom several times over the years and much of their conclusions reflect French views. Their recommendations have been circulated to the governments of the CoE and are having direct impact on the po licies of those countries.
       The most significant development recently was in June 1999 when the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe passed a Recommendation on “Illegal Activities of Sects.”
       The recommendation called for the governments of member states:
       -- “to set up or support independent national or regional information centers on groups of a religious, esoteric or spiritual nature.” These “cult observatories” are being set up in countries as diverse as Ireland to Romania.
       - - to “include the information in educational curricula.”
-- “to force families to enroll their children in school, even if in violation of their religious belief.” In other words, to do away with home schooling.
       -- “where necessary, provide for specific action to set up information centers on groups...in the countries of central and eastern Europe in its aid programs for those countries;” To specifically work towards setting up observatories in the former Communist bloc countries, even provi ding financial aid for this purpose.
       -- “set up a European observatory on groups...to make it easier for national centers to exchange information.” To set up a European central observatory.
       Remember, this recommendation involves all of Europe, not just EU members!
       Another important factor in the European scene is the anti-cult movement (ACM). Unlike in the USA, where the ACM and its brainwashing theories have been largely discredited, the ACM in Europe has been establishing itself quite su ccessfully, especially in countries in the “French camp” as described earlier. Nowhere is this more evident than in France where the main ACM group, ADFI, works hand-in-hand with the government. The government looks to ADFI for information about sects and provides them with funding.
       FECRIS, a federation of 15 anti-cult movements (ACMs) from around Europe, organized a “European Conference on Sectarianism” in April 1999. The conference was held in the premises of the French Parliament, which ill ustrates how close they are to the government! Alain Vivien, president of the governmental Mission to Fight Cults delivered the opening paper after the welcome speech by Jacques Richard, president of FECRIS.
       And on this subject, please pray against further European-wide meetings of FECRIS planned for this summer (2001)!

Looking closer at eastern and central Europe
Now let's see what impact all of this is having.
       In Russia, the registration deadline for religious organizations comes up i n December. According to the amendment that President Putin ratified earlier this year, if you're not registered, you must be dissolved, and more troubles are expected in the near future. It is largely the churches that surfaced in 1991 or later and tried to get legal who are now in danger. The Russian constitutional court has struck down some of the worst clauses of the 1997 law on religion but this law is by no means the only problem! There are sad tales of harassment (within and outside the r ules of law) as the FSB (new-look KGB) are considering the activities of NRMs as that of terrorists.
       In Romania, the law regarding religious organizations is being re-written. Please keep this in your prayers! The current prime minister of Romania was the author of one of the most unfavorable reports on NRMs in the Council of Europe.
       Bulgaria was one of the first EE countries to react against NRMs. A consolidated draft law was presented in October 2000.
       In the Czech Republic, the current l aw is being revised and will probably be more restrictive. The government has admitted outright that it is fashioned after the “French model.”
       Over in Poland, the government issued a report on sects in September 2000. It did not name groups but described the characteristics of a so-called destructive sect. The situation in Poland is very much influenced by France. The French ACM, ADFI, even has a Polish branch!
       In Lithuania, there are restrictions on who can register. Lithuania looks to Pola nd for the NRM question, and as Poland looks to France…
       In Belarus, there is a campaign going on against Evangelical churches and they're being investigated on suspicions of committing human sacrifices! It's pretty tough on those churches and the public is more fearful of anything outside the Orthodox Church.
       In Ukraine, CERIF, an organization set up fairly recently, is active in disseminating factual information to the government and other bodies. On the other hand, there are more ACM organ izations in Ukraine than there were before. Most have contacts with their counterparts in Western Europe.
       Following the Communist victory in the recent elections, life is changing in Moldova. The Party election platform included a pledge to organize religious legislation in the same way as Russia.
       But nowhere else has been as extreme as Nagorno-Karabakh, where the government wanted to make participation in non-traditional and non-registered religious activities punishable by the death penalt y. This didn't pass into law--thank the Lord, for the sake of the Christians there--but still you can be given a 15-year jail term.

The brighter side
Of course, there are also good sources of information in Europe, people and organizations who are raising their voices for tolerance. These include the London-based INFORM office which is growing in influence and prestige, CESNUR in Italy, FINYAR in Sweden, ISORECA in Central and Eastern Europe, VIK in Hungary, REMID in Germany, NRTIC in Lithu ania, CERIF in Ukraine. There are also federations of Christians, lawyers, other human rights organizations, and so on. Even the mainstream churches are raising their voices.
       It's worthwhile to note that 50 members of the Council of Europe asked France to delay passing the law. There are some people in authority who recognize the significance of what is happening to NRMs and how dangerous it is for the future of the continent. Keep praying for the Lord to raise up more people like this! “The h eart of the king is in the hand of the Lord…” (Prov. 21:1).
       It has been interesting to talk with human rights activists and other prominent people who are fighting for religious freedom and find out just how they got interested in the “NRM issue.” Some of these people were initially opposed to “cults” but “something happened” that caused them to see things differently.--Our prayers do make a difference!
       Pray also for the prominent Western academics and scholars who are working hard to promot e religious tolerance in Eastern and Central Europe. There are some real fighters amongst them who are literally laying down their lives and reputations to try to preserve and enhance religious freedom. God bless them!

Where's The Family in all of this?
Although in the last few years we have not had much bad publicity, from what we've been able to gather, most European countries have some report or file on NRMs and the Family is usually mentioned there. The Family is included in both the Fr ench and Belgium reports and lists of sects, and these reports were circulated to other governments in Western and Eastern Europe at the behest of the Council of Europe.
       We have been making efforts to correct the misinformation. Besides sending out proactive mailings and e-mail, we are trying to circulate personally, attending international conferences and maintaining contact with academics, officials and human rights activists so they can get to know us better and be able to speak on our beha lf. One such organization, “Human Rights Without Frontiers” printed a brochure about The Family to help give out more correct information. (This brochure is posted on the MO site and is currently available in English, French and Spanish, and will also soon be ready in German, Italian and Polish.)

What's next?!
Those of us living in Europe shouldn't be surprised at these developments! Look at these quotes:
       (In reference to Revelations 17:12 and 13) “This final power of Rome and the nations of which it's composed do not receive power or have a truly united power again like when they were united in Rome, until the very last days under the Beast! He unites them. … It doesn't mean that every single nation of the EEC has to join the Antichrist.
       … 'They'll receive power as kings one hour with the beast'--that's when Europe will really come into its own with real power at last! They've been trying to unite under the EEC, the European Economic Community, for a long time, trying to unit e not only economically, but now they're trying to unite politically, and when this hour comes they're going to unite militarily with the Beast!
       (verse 13:) “For these shall have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast.” … And who is leading the pack [of these ten kings of Europe]? France, the most independent of all, is leading the pack! The most powerful nation in Europe today is France. … and take a look at France and notice her present attitude toward the U.S.A., s he is the most antagonistic of all the European nations! And, believe it or not, although she's still very independent, she's keeping her place, but has been very friendly and had a lot of detente with Russia” (
--Dad, ML#2213:88, 90-94)
       Now listen to this statement from Romano Prodi, the president of the European Commission: “For the first time since the fall of the Roman empire we are uniting Europe, and not by force of arms but on the basis of shared ideals and agreed common rules.” Sound fa miliar?!
       Thank the Lord for these signs that we're moving closer to the End--this is good news!
       “So it is 'in the days of these kings,' in other words, in the day when the remains of the Roman Empire, Europe, has 10 kings or kingdoms, 10 principal powers, God is going to set up His Kingdom. So are we near the End? (Fam: Yes!)” (--Dad, ML#2172:26).
       The opponents of religious liberty may be trying to limit or stop the preaching of the Gospel in France and spread this anti-religious sentiment to other European countries. But no matter the opposition, we can still remain confident that “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). As long as we stay close to Him in the “secret place” of prayer, He'll take care of us and continue to lead and guide us in His service.
       Please do join with us in praying:

       1. That the legislation in France will not be copied elsewhere in Europe or in other parts of the world.
       2. Th at current legislative changes being considered in the Czech Republic, Romania and other EE countries will be favorable for religious freedom.
       3. For the Lord's protection for all of our families here in Europe.
       4. For the Lord's supply of the needed resources for families who are called by the Lord to move on to new fields.
       5. For strength, wisdom, protection and effectiveness for all those who are fighting for religious tolerance in general and on our behalf in particular!
       6. That the European public will not be so easily fooled and scared by the anti-cult propaganda!
       7. That He'll give us faith, boldness and wisdom in our Endtime witness.

help wanted

       Hi. My name is James Willing. Some time ago, Lord pointed me in the direction of China. But since I am from a third-world country, it's somewhat difficult to get the needed amount of money for moving. The Lord in His love showed me to look for a Home that could invite me for a while so I could fundraise in your area, or help you with fundraising; maybe there is a team that heeds one more person, if you're going in the same direction. I'd be more then happy to split all my income with you, help in whatever way I can: handyman work, childcare, ballooning, clowning (I like to learn anything new). If my ad is interesting to you, even if you just need some help in your Home, consider my appeal. I'd be happy to help you--you're part of my Family! For more information please write to me at my e-mail: erichvon@alloyma il.com or through the Russian ABM to RU013 for James W.


       JETT Marianne, this is Val (12) from Taiwan. I wrote you when were in the Brazil Studio Home. I lost your address. Please write to: joy_shea33@hotmail.com.

       Dear Paul and Joan (John Freedom, Australian). Hi! My name is Crystal, your Chinese disciple in Cebu, remember? Where are you guys? I miss you and your kids. Please write me at P.O. Box 2465 Santiago Cty. 3311 PHILS.

       Marie (Miracle), please write me wherever you ar e. Anyone who knows of her whereabouts write me. Thanks. E-mail: aec_biggs@yahoo.com.--Abigail

       Chris and Mercy, I lost you again...did you move? Write me at e-mail: aec_biggs@yahoo.com.--Abigail

       Shine On -June 2001
TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total

       Samuel H.H/Rosita H.H, Mexico       3,575       7,150
       Ezequiel/Rejoice/Jon/Tabitha, Brazil       425       1,700
       Faithy/Mark/Premika, India       396       1,587
Gideon/Rachel/Magdalene, South Africa       321       2253
       Claire/Crystal/Daniel/Steven/Steven, Ind ia       209       836
       Lydia/Elias/Gabriel/Victory/Gabriela, Chile       195       1,365
       Aaron/Daniel/Joyful/Sara, India       190       760
       Francisco/Mariana, Colombia       190       380
       Sharif/Josh/Elene/Rima, Nigeria       186       1490
       Joan/Kaylee/Carol/Joan, Nigeria       175       700


       Michael/Nora/Mathew, Kenya       1,531       15,310
       Bernabe/Luz, Mexico       975       1,950
       Charity/John/Tommy, USA       867       2,600
Samuel/Maria/Mariana/Dawn, Colombia       850       3,400
       Crystal/Jenny/Mercy/Peter, USA       821       4,926
       Matthew Saved/Gina, United Kingdo m       811       1,623
       Anna/Mark/Nic/Tenderheart, Philippines       771       5,400
       Claire/Maya/Titus, USA       752       4,512
       Luis/Vera, Brazil       750       1,500
       Maria/Maria/Michael/Philip, Japan       739       3,695

       David/Theresa, Thailand       118       236
       Lalo/Ruth/Faithy, Mexico       103       412
       Davi/Madalena/Tiago, Brazil       97       681
Samuel/Clara, Spain       93       187
       Nina/Jay, USA       79       236
       Miguel/Brisa, Brazil       76       230
       Kitty, USA       69       206
       Josue/Salome, Brazil       66       198
       Mateus/Lily, Brazil       62       374
       Juan/Rosa, Spain       60       120


       Joao/Clara, Brazil       38       154
       Steven/Christina, South Africa       22.5       45
       Jo Brooke/Joy/Phinneas, Mexico       22       87
Daniel/Seth/Spring, Indonesia       18       94
       Ezequiel/Esther/Taines, Brazil       18       56
       Estrella C., Colombia       18       37
       Lalo/Ruth/Faithy, Mexico       18       73
       Philip/Meekness/Magda, Namibia       17       52
       Daniel/Maria/Michelle, Colombia       14       42
       Joanna/Peter/Praise, Philippines       12       62

Also included with this file:
Issue 5. “A Male Myth Debunked.”
       Caption 1 Q: Some women tend t o 'label' us guys as being THICK and INSENSITIVE in the 'feelings department.' What do you think? Is this a myth or a fact?
       Caption 2 A: Ha ha. It's a 100% myth-and here's a personal testimony to prove it. This morning I was doing a majorly important handyman project when, in a momentary and split-second lapse in my usual airtight prayerfulness, I stepped in a bucket of paint, fell backwards over the stepladder, knocked over the tool cupboard, which in turn crashed into a very large wooden bea m which then dropped directly onto the top of my head. I DISTINCTLY felt a slight SENSATION of some kind on my head. Granted, it was a DULL, NUMBISH, FAINT kind of sensation, but a sensation nevertheless! Could we possibly need more proof than THAT? THICK? Ha! INSENSITIVE? No way, Jose! You can put your minds at ease, guys. Those dear, wonderful gals, as wonderful as they are, DON'T have a monopoly on SENSITIVITY, EMOTION and the ability to experience deep FEELINGS.
       Caption 3 Don't miss! … 'A fantastic Physique For Five Minutes!' in 'Adam' Issue 6.
       Caption 4 Cover photo: Claude (an 'Adam' editor) of Claudia. Read his exciting testimony in this issue. Oh, right. You just read it.

(End of File)