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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

Home » Children of God Publications » Grape Vine #115 the grapevine

(Issue #115; July 1, 2001.)


       Marc Adin
, 1st child, born to Katrina and Chad on April 21.-Canada
       Charlene Faithful, 3rd child, born to Cecilia and Jonathan on April 10.-Mexico


A new drama tape
By the Africa Radio Ministry team, Uganda

       Since it's been a long time since the Family has had a new children's drama tape, the Lord inspired us to put together a new one. The stories on the CD include:

Once Upon a Planet

       The Selfish Chief (An Africa n story)
       The Thistle
       The Little Pebble
       Greatest of Them All
       Who Will Help Me? (African version)
       Six Blind Men and the Elephant
       Camel's Nose

       We'll be happy to send you this lively children's drama CD for a donation towards our radio ministry of at least $10.00!
       Also we would like to clear our stock of the first 12 NuBeat Shows to generate funds to dupe a new set. For a minimum gift of $20.00 we'll send all 12 shows to you on six CDs. Besides being fun and inspiring to listen to, these can make great witnessing tools to lend to your sheep! Each show has a unique theme listed below:

Peace and War
Andrew Peterson and Alex Mukulu
Change the World
African Music
Tests and Trials
Rachel Ederi

Please send your orders via your TRF specifying “Children's Drama CD” or “Children's Drama CD and 12 Nu Beat Shows” or just “12 Nu Beat Shows.” When sending your order with your TRF, please specify our Home Number, which is U G1539, and then send us an email with your postal address or note where you'd like the CDs sent to. Our e-mail is:

Computer articles needed
By Dan, MM Home, Hungary
       About eight months ago the Lord showed me to open a website called techXcellence.NET (found at My main burden with this site was to create a place where Family Members (CM/FM) could go to with questions about how to work with computers, and to help them utilize computers to further the Lord's work. The site went down for about two months due to problems with my service provider and a lack of time to put into the site. Since its “return” around April 2001, we've had a little over 45,000 hits. Though not a phenomenal stat, it's a start.
       A couple of days ago someone commented: “Why don't you have more ready-made FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) on your site? It would probably prove to be more beneficial to people!” I couldn't agree more. Often those who need th e most help don't really know what question to ask-and I don't say that in a condescending way. For example, if I was supposed to cook a dish (I'm personally not a cook!) I wouldn't be asking “how much flour should I use?” but more like “What should I use and how should I do it?”-Thus the question becomes broader and requires a longer answer.
       So what am I getting at here? Well, if anyone who's had to write out a “how-to” can tell you, it's not something you race through, but something you take your time on to make sure you've got the picture straight, the questions covered, and something that leaves the reader walking away with a minimal amount of questions. I'm hoping to put more into the site in the near future and add a bit more information to help folks, but I'd like to put out a request:
       If you have any contributions, tips, FAQs or suggestions that you would like to contribute, please send them to me! Or if it's an article, log into techXcellence.NET and click “Submit News”! I would be more than grateful and I'm sure those who visit the site would be grateful as well.
       You can contact me at
       To access the website itself, please go to on the MO site in order to get the password for that month. (It changes every month so be sure to go to this same URL each month for the new password).
       Finally, if you have any questions that you do want to see answered on the site, please sen d them to or log into the site and go to Submit News and post it under Ask techXcellence.NET or you could log in to the Forums section and post it under there as well. Looking forward to seeing you on the site!

legal and media

- Victor and Pilar: Victor was featured in the local newspaper and on TV explaining about our work in Malaga and abroad. We also appeared in the weekly local paper, Town Crier (circulation 4000), which included three pictures of us and our work in Kosovo. We also appeared on TV in Malaga (viewers 8,000) at news time in English on the weekend. They broadcasted an interview with us and showed pictures of us in Kosovo.

- Maria: Our two youngest girls have been participating in shows with their singing and dancing and were covered by the local newspaper. We had a TV team visit our Home making a documentary about our family and lifestyle based on my husband's ministry. Also we had a newspaper journalist come to inter view us at home. The article he wrote included interviews with our 13-year-old twins and their plans in life.

- Ben, Tirzah and Sharon: We are continually in the paper, on the radio and news for the projects we are doing in four different villages that we're working in. It brings a lot of good publicity for us and our work and has brought in a lot of solid supporters.

Hong Kong set to enact anti-sect legislation using France as model
By Marc and Claire, USA
       When researching art icles for our religious news service we came across the following article highlighting the battle the Chinese, and now the Hong Kong government, are waging against the Falun Gong. The interesting point in the article is that Hong Kong is considering adopting legislation to enact a law using France's anti-sect legislation/law as a model. This is of particular interest, as France's anti-religionists are not only affecting other European countries, but also countries half way around the world. Plea se continue to pray against the anti-religious forces both in Europe and the Far East as these type of laws/legislation can have an impact on our worldwide work as well. “If God be for us, who can be against us…and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony!”

“Sect days are few as new law nears”
(Hong Kong Mail, May 18, 2001)
       The Falun Gong sect in Hong Kong has been told by the government its days are numbered as the administration is planning to enact a law to outlaw the group. A well-informed source told the Hong Kong Mail the message had been passed to the sect through special channels shortly before the Fortune Global Forum.
       “The sect understands its situation, its days are numbered,” the source said.
       The Mail reported in March that the Department of Justice had submitted a report to Secretary for Security Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee saying the government could follow the French practice and ban “evil cults” under “criminal” rather than “nat ional security” laws and that Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa believed such a bill would be an effective means to handle the sect.
       The most powerful provision of the law, which France is expected to endorse in June, allows the government to outlaw an organization if a “sister group” has been labeled an evil cult by overseas countries. It also makes “mental manipulation” an offence.
       It has since been reported that the Security Bureau plans to submit a copy of the French bill to the Executive Co uncil next month for consideration, and then table it in the Legislative Council for endorsement in July before the summer recess. Mrs Ip would not comment yesterday on the latest reports, which she described as “speculative.”
       Hong Kong Falun Gong convener Kan Hung-Cheung said such legislation would destroy religious freedom in Hong Kong. “Intellectual and religious freedom would be harmed since the government would be given the right to dismiss any religious party,” he said. “I think the legi slation is a way for SAR government to suppress Falun Gong activities. As we are a peaceful and lawful party, it is unnecessary for the government to legislate anti-cult laws.”
       Hong Kong Christian Institute director Rose Wu Lo-sai said the law would spread fear. “Whether you're Christian or not, it is a very dangerous move and will arouse fear among religious groups,'' Ms Wu said. “It would give the government an excuse to ban a religious group or cult based on their own political interest-how can the Hong Kong government stand up for 'one country, two systems'?”
       Democrat Albert Ho Chun-yan called the proposed law “dangerous,” saying it would violate people's freedom of thought. “It would mark the beginning of a totalitarian system,” Mr Ho warned.

in My arms

       By Tim Heart:
We heard from the parents of Swiss Phoebe that she (ex-member, on the prayer list for Hodgkin's disease for some time) passed on to her Savior in late 1999. She died from complications of her ongoing treatm ent. The funeral was attended by many who knew her and were touched by her.
       Luke received this comforting message from her (excerpts):

I have finally gone to meet Jesus. He is wonderful and so warm. He didn't hold anything against me but He was so comforting. He said He would take care of Jessica [the daughter she left behind] and He showed me the angel that is guarding her. I feel so relieved and happy! My heart is overwhelmed to be in Heaven.
       I am already healthy and beautiful w ith long hair, and the Lord gave me a beautiful body and my face is more round. I look healthy and beautiful. He said He likes me like this and complimented me for being willing to be His wife.
       Keep fighting and trusting and go forth close to our sweet Lover and Husband. He is so loving and handsome when He holds my hand or holds me tight; my whole being is full of His magical touch. It is like being transformed by the light, the energy goes right in! (End of message from Phoebe.)

       brotherh ood

Meetings in Colombia

       By the Colombian VS team

       During the first weekend of May we held the first Conéctate meetings in Colombia to initiate the Conéctate desk that is opening here. Representatives were sent from almost every CM/FM Home in Colombia, totaling about 60 people. The meetings were set in our Home's verdant backyard garden under six white open-sided tents. The Lord supplied the use of these tents, as well as all the tables and chairs, for free. Snacks and a delici ous Spanish paella were also provisioned to allay the famished, resulting in better concentration during the meetings. Ha!
       The two days were divided into four power-packed meetings, lively inspirations to start off each day, one Loving Jesus inspiration and communion, four lively mealtimes, four delicious snack times, two vigorous get-out times, rest times (but who rested?), and fun and fellowship before, after, between and during all of the above.
       In our first meeting, after warming up with a super revolutionary-callisthenic-acrobatic-fun-type inspiration, we had a needed review, reading various excerpts on what the Word has to say about Conéctate. Even though we all had read those GNs before, it was an eye-opening and convicting meeting, as the Word clearly spoke for itself.
       Our second meeting showed the more practical face of Conéctate. In this meeting we tried to answer most of the questions pertaining to Conéctate and the when, where, and how of establishing the desk here. W e also had a show and tell with a preview of the new Activated books which will soon arrive to Colombian shores. We also got to see all the Conéctate magazines from 1-12, since we've received 48,000 from the Mexico Conéctate desk (GBT!) to give out here. To inspire us to order these magazines we were given special prices that lasted only for the duration of the meetings; this got us all jumping to get the orders in quick. This meeting culminated with a true-to-life, funny skit featuring two SGA girls getting subscriptions from a typical Colombian boss and his secretary. Though both were tough-nut-types the boss ended up paying for two subscriptions, one for his wife and one for him, and the secretary subscribed promising to pay as soon as she received her bi-weekly payment. It was a laugh!
The third meeting featured Conéctate shiners, sharing their testimonies on how it was done and can be done. The Lord blessed us with the presence of dear Charity from the Bombay DF Home (Activated world shiners) who was visiting her parents. She shared the testimony of how Activated started booming in her Home and the lessons learned and the blessings that came from putting it into action. It was a stirring testimony and one that motivated us to get on the ball as well!
The fourth meeting consisted of reading “Nothing is Impossible” (GN920). Seeing all that the Lord was expecting of us through each meeting made some of us feel like, “How can we do it? It's impossible in our own strength !” This Letter dispelled all doubts and feelings of impossibility and gave us the faith that truly anything is possible if we grab hold of this concept in faith and obedience to the Lord. We then took time to write out on paper what we wanted to change and grow in, followed by a Loving Jesus inspiration, interspersed with readings from To Jesus - with Love. We tied up the meetings with a communion where we cast each of our papers in a basket before the Lord, leaving our cares and burdens in His hands.
       The reactions of the attendees were touching. Many said that they felt so much love and the Spirit of the Lord and David through the meetings. All felt convicted and caught the fire and fever of getting out Conéctate. Some felt like they couldn't find the door fast enough, not to leave the meetings, but to run out and activate somebody quick. TYJ!
       This isn't the end but only the beginning of what we pray will be a mighty explosion of Conéctate in this country and area. Please keep the setting up of the Conéctate desk here in your prayers.


[Blessings of sharing provisioning]

       Home in South America: Ring, ring, ring! “Hello!” “Yes, hello! I'm calling from one of the local Homes. A friend of ours would like to help with a donation of good quality frozen fish from his company for some of our CTP's, But it's a total of 400 kilos, and we wanted to ask if you know of some other places that would need it also?”…
       Wow! And so, over the next few weeks, the Lord led us to a number of places who not only could receive this help, but who really needed and appreciated it as well! When working on something like this, many times there is a certain amount of time and work involved between the beginning and the end and it takes a lot of prayer, teamwork, coordination, faith, faxes, phone calls and more phone calls to see it through. But see it through He did, and just yesterday we got the final call that the boxes would be at the bus station for us to pick up and deliver to the selected needy institutions. All told, this help was able to help feed over 1,000 people from four different local institutions and it looks like this is just the beginning. This same man has offered to help with this same amount on a regular basis, from where we'll be able to help many more.
       (LNF: We just heard our donor was happy to hear how the fish was able to help so many, and we are now getting ready to receive our next shipment!)

[Follow-up fruit in Russia]

       Michael a nd Joanna, Russia: The work in our city was pioneered and founded by Jotham, who is our faithful supporter and prayer warrior, now living in Japan. He was faithful in passing the follow-up info on to us, which we, by the Lord's grace, put to use. Jotham had been distributing videos in schools here and keeping his friendships with the heads of the schools.
       When we first visited here about a year and half ago, all we did was say hi to these heads of the English departments, and they casually inv ited us to visit their English classes to hold conversations with the students, which led to witnessing in detail right in the classrooms. We then made a list of about 20 potential sheep from these classrooms that we have been following up on since then.
       Ruth, who was one of those in the classrooms, an English teacher, joined the Family about four months ago and is with us on the road now. While we were at Home, she had been faithful to feed the sheep while she was working on her legal obligat ions here by herself. GBH! We had left each sheep with the Treasures and a Daily Might for them to feed themselves with. We can confidently say that His Word always accomplishes its purpose.
       Here are excerpts of a letter from Ruth, our new disciple who is originally from this city:

Dearest Mama,
       I love you and want to thank you for everything you do for us, and for me personally. I can't find words to express how grateful and happy I am that Jesus does fulfill His promise: “Everyone that hath forsaken houses or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for My name's sake shall receive an hundredfold!” You know, I've never seen my flesh father and I've got no siblings! But now I've got so many brothers and sisters and I've got Dad and I've got you, precious Mama!
       I am so blessed to be your daughter and I'm so proud of you and love you so very much! Thank you sweetest Mama!
       With love and prayers,

[Witnessing on the Web]

       John Praymore, Hil ltop Home, Japan: Ruth wrote a letter of appreciation to the doctor who had so willingly helped us care for Joy when she had Kawasaki disease. He so liked her letter that he asked for permission to post it on the Web under a new section of his Web site about Kawasaki disease. He wanted to post it as a sample of informed medical decisions, to encourage parents and people to not just blindly follow doctor's orders and prescriptions. It's a testimony of our life of faith and of a large family getti ng along fine without the medical system. Anyone wanting to see it in Japanese can access it straight at:

[Witnessing to a hired killer]
       Mark, Siberia:
What impressed me the most about this witnessing adventure is how simple witnessing about Jesus and salvation, and words of love and encouragement touched the heart of this man. Only after I got to know more about Alexander did I realize what a miracle has happened in his life.
       He worked as a fir eman and was constantly faced with sorrow, suffering and the deaths of people. His life was also often in danger. Then he was forced to go to the war in Chechnya where he worked to fulfill special assignments to kill people en masse. The second time he volunteered to go to Chechnya to kill for money. He would also work as a hired killer in his city.
       When I first witnessed to him, he acted very proud of the fact that he can kill and have the fate of other people in his hands, and decide by hims elf what to do with them. He was proud that he can judge whether they are good or bad and “give them what they deserve.” He wasn't ashamed at all to talk about these things.
       After I heard his story I shared with him what God thinks about these matters, and what the Bible says about it. He was categorically not in agreement with me and was sure that he and his cause were right. By the end of our time together though, he said that he was very content that we could talk and he could hear what I h ave to say. To me it looked like he was searching for something spiritual for a long time. He had some rather unpleasant encounters with Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Buddhists and Orthodox Christians and they only turned him off. In his career as a killer he communicated with the Devil a few times.
       We gave him and his family some posters and Gospels of John. He read the poster very carefully and started studying the Gospel. When I came to visit his little camp to give him some more lit to rea d two days later, he was thankful and acted like a completely different man. He was already in agreement with everything he heard during our first meeting and confessed that with his earlier attitudes he just tried to justify himself and his wrong deeds. He said that now he doesn't want to go and kill people anymore and he hopes not to be called by the army to do so again either. He said he wants to change and learn more about Jesus.
       He and his family were very impressed with our kids, our wor k and the way we live. In the end of our second meeting I was really surprised to see what a wonderful change had happened in Alexander's heart. I never witnessed to people of this kind before, and to see this miracle was such a reward for me. It's also such a good lesson about being faithful to witness. We never know whose life we can change through it, and how many lives we can save (even from physical death) as a result.

(Editor's note: Read more testimonies about the campground where Mark witnessed to Alexander, in the “Salty Lake Faith Trip” testimony, on the MO site.)

[Red Cross fair]

       Steven, Thailand: The Thai Red Cross invited the Family to participate in a recent fundraising fair they held in Bangkok. Jonas, Christy and the singing team performed twice for the Red Cross fair and were able to do both lukthoong songs and Family numbers, which were well received by all present, including VIPs and officials who warmly thanked us for coming.
       One of the VIPs later came to us and said, “You're Christian, aren't you? I can just see it.” We hadn't spoken to this man until then, so he must have just sensed the Lord's Spirit coming through and felt His love. The Bangkok Post printed a picture of Jonas and Christy along with some others who performed and a brief explanation of the Family's participation in the Red Cross Fair a few days later.
       We were also able to perform at the “thank-you party” for the ladies who organized the Red Cross fair. Many of these ladies ar e VIPs themselves or the wives of top officials in Thailand.

“Era of action” OC summer camp 2001

By Marie, Bangalore, India

       A couple of months ago, the Lord indicated in prophecy that He would like us to organize a camp for our older children, to run the idea through our VSs and then to write the Homes in the city to find out if anybody would be interested in helping to organize it. The Lord added that He would give us the whole plan in prophecy, including which questions to ask Him. The response was enthusiastic, and our VSs suggested we also pray about inviting the Homes from a couple of other cities in our area who had only one Home, Mangalore and Kodai.
       We had an initial meeting with one or two representatives from each Home to hear from the Lord about the idea. We divided up the questions the Lord had given us between four or five groups, prayed together and asked our wonderful Jesus for the answers. It was so inspiring to hear from Him on every detail. He gave us so man y neat things about every aspect of the camp which made it very easy for us.
       Then all we had to do was put together all that the Lord had said, and follow His instructions step by step. We then had another meeting and divided up the responsibilities between us all: who would teach which class, who would prepare each activity, who would receive the keynote in prophecy, who would organize the get-outs, who would work on the certificates, etc. Then each little team met again to receive additional specifics from the Lord and to plan their part toward the preparation of the camp.
       The Lord told us to gain as much mileage as possible out of this camp by writing the OCs about it a month early with a list of things we needed their help on, like preparing praise and prayer ideas, collecting testimonies from their Home, planning a talent show, as well as memorizing the first five songs from Lion, Dragon and the Beast, and practicing their gift of prophecy.
       Everything was flowing beautifully , except finding a location. Our faithful friend and king right away offered his swimming pool resort, but there seemed to be too many of us to fit into two small bungalows. So we tried a few other places, but all were way too expensive, even with a half-price discount. We finally found one within our limited budget, but at the last minute, their electrical system broke down and they had to do major repairs, which forced them to close down for two months! By this time, two other cities were aski ng if their OCs could also attend. What to do? Our hearts broke for them and we were praying desperately to find a large enough resort to be able to fit everyone.
       At this point, our friend offered us two more bungalows to use. So we went to have a look. We figured that we could add 25 mattresses at the most, which would fit the two original cities cozily, but not the other two who were also requesting. Time was ticking and we had to make a decision. When we asked the Lord about it, He told us that He wanted to encourage the other cities to pool their talents together and make something happen for their children as well, and that it was the idea of the board vision. He told us to write up what we learned and send our planning notes to these other cities to help them get started. So here it is, for anyone else out there!
       The basic pattern the Lord told us was to have one united class each day with “rock'm-sock'm” inspiration and skits (Thanks a million times, Tom!), then have one mor ning workshop in teams, and one afternoon workshop also in teams, although some days the Lord changed things and told us to do a certain workshop unitedly. We had one hour in the morning for fellowship or talk-time or quiet get-out, one-hour quiet time for memo work and prayer vigil, a long afternoon get-out, and one evening activity. We had a total of 24 kids, which we broke up into four teams, with an average of 3-4 overseers per team. Each team picked a name for themselves. The teams took tur ns leading prayer and praise time, and helping with clean up.
       For discipline, we adapted the “Go Getter” chart from the PEP pack (see ASCRO FED), which was simple and easy to use. Shiners would wear a “Go Getter” badge, and if the kids blew it in one area, they had to memorize a verse or quote from their “Code Book” (also from PEP pack), plus do a simple penalty according to the offense (like standing up for five minutes if late for a class or activity). We also followed the very simple “PE Ru les” from the PEP pack, which helped keep things in the spirit. The kids were all sweet and small offenses were easily taken care of thanks to this system, and we didn't have any discipline problems during the camp. Spiritual weaknesses were addressed during talk times.
       The Lord also told us to have a little shepherding teamwork who met daily to iron things out, pray together, and help coordinate things between our teams, as everyone was full time geared toward the kids. (Thanks MaryAnn, Rejoi ce and Beth, it was great working with you!)
       This is basically how our days went:

       First day
: Arrival. Get set-up in bungalows. Keynote prophecy given by teams. Explain running of the day, discipline standard. Gave the kids an envelope containing their memo work for the time of the camp and an “Action Through Prayer” prayer vigil list with a review system for them to use during their quiet times.
       Then was lunch, and during the afternoon workshop by teams, the kids quoted their memo work ( 5 ET songs); the shiners received a “Memory Shiner” tag. We all got to know each other, shared testimonies from our Homes and picked a name for our team. Also took a little time to prepare for the talent show.
       For get-out, Youcef had organized a nice system where several activities were listed and the kids signed up for what they wanted. The pool was of course the big favorite, so we had to limit the number of kids at one time and made two teams of one hour each. There was soccer, table tennis , hiking, and roller blading available for get-out. The kids loved it.
       After dinner, we got together for a big Quizorama game, and then had our talent night.

       Second day:
Morning class was on the theme “Who Is Jesus?” It was a Bible study that covered all the prophecies about Jesus. The kids had to look up the references and read them out loud, then help put a puzzle together which made a big picture of Jesus. In the end, Crystal gave each one a picture of Jesus she had downloaded from the website. Beautiful!
       Morning workshop was a game of acting out the miracles of Jesus.
       During quiet time, they had to receive a praise kiss in prophecy to prepare for our evening activity.
       Afternoon workshop ended up being united, as Tom, Deepa and Alysa did hilarious witnessing skits that covered the four steps of witnessing, with right and wrong ways of doing it. Fun!
       In the evening was stargazing. We gathered next to the pool on top of the steps. The sky was so clear and beautiful. We s ang Loving Jesus songs and the kids read their praise kisses, which were beautiful and touching (see Kidz Biz). Then Rejoice gave us a class about constellations, using the Bible and Grandpa's writings, which was fascinating and left us flying high!

       Third day:
The class theme was the new weapons. God bless Beth, Deepa, Tom, Alysa and Rajan. They gathered appropriate quotes from the MLKs and HTKs and wrapped them inside a captivating skit of a commando troop who went on a very dangerous rescu e mission, which kept everybody in stitches while driving the point home about the use of the new weapons. The skit went on throughout the class and would freeze at some points to ask the kids which weapons should be used, at which points some quotes were read to explain more about that particular weapon and what it could do for us. That class kept everyone captivated.
       Morning workshop was to have united prayer vigil with our teams, pioneering some fun and new ways to do it.
       During quiet tim e, the kids all asked the Lord in prophecy what they should be asking for prayer for. We all tried to fit in talk time that day. At first, the kids were a bit apprehensive about it, but then they really liked it and some even asked for it. They really liked having talk time with our young people, whom the Lord anointed to shepherd them.
       During our afternoon workshop, we all had prayer for each other. It was simple but meaningful.
       Evening activity was Gypsy dancing, then “Good Manners” dinner . Everyone dressed up nice and we had the tables set banquet style. Faith and Mamta read five cards with good manners tips to respect, and the shiners were given a “Good Manner” tag to wear. The Lord had supplied a delicious dinner with ice cream galore. (Thanks, Tim, for provisioning it before going on your visa trip!) Then we had a little “Commission Ceremony” where Beth dressed up as Mama Maria and Youcef as King Peter. Each team came in turn in front of them and quoted their Revolutionary Pl edge (which they had been memorizing) and they were then called one by one and given a special envelope containing a beautiful certificate, a bookmark (thanks, Youcef!), and a personal prophecy which we had asked the parents to receive for each child.

       Fourth day:
God bless dear Tim and John E., who came all the way from the city (a two-hour ride as they got lost on the way) to teach the last day's class on the Endtime. Most of the class was in game form-fast moving and kept the kids at the e dge of their seats, looking up references and finding all the points of the Endtime. MaryAnn joined the young people to do an “Endtime Race” skit, which ended up in the pool, which “Annie Activated” won.
       For the morning workshop, we stayed together and did some simple skits to bring out what role our OCs could play in the Activated vision, especially when following-up on people who are already saved.
       Then they all took time to write their reactions to the camp, and after lunch, we gave our f arewell message in the form of another skit. We also gave a little certificate to the best behaved kids throughout the camp, and showed appreciation to our wonderful staff of Abi, Rajan and Byron, who laid down their lives and cooked the most delicious meals for us all. God bless them! God bless the skit team (Tom, Alysa, Deepa, Rajan, Byron) who worked non-stop in between united activities to plan and practice skits.
       We then had one last long get-out in the afternoon before the parents came t o pick them up.
       We're doing some follow-up now after the camp and will try to organize a united activity every other month or so, while having a little review/memo contest and helping them to learn some songs so they can more fully participate during inspiration.
       Shortly after, we were able to pull together a one-day camp for our MC children (God bless dear Arabia for organizing it) where we used the same fun class on the new weapons.

Some reactions

       MaryAnn, FGA, mother and shepherdes s:
It was such a blessing to work together as a city project to organize an OC Camp for our OCs. It was a fun time of making friends for the OCs, as well as giving good classes that got them interested in the Bible.
       It was an eye opener for those of us who helped shepherd the OCs, as we saw how precious they are, but also how much they need the spirit of David and our Family's heritage. These children were only three or five when the Charter came out, and it seems they are missing some of the spirit of the Family that our other children benefited from. For example, during inspiration time they didn't know some of the songs, so they had their heads in the songbooks.
       They were precious and many shared deep things during talk times. I realized how much more we need to pour into these precious disciples while they are still so moldable. We would like to keep things moving and inspiring for the OCs by having inspiration nights every couple months and doing united memory work projects to gether, and then phoning around to see how everyone is doing. We have to keep it simple because Homes are busy but we would like the OCs to know how special they are.

       Rejoice, FGA, mother and shepherdess:
I genuinely enjoyed the camp. Overall, it seemed that many of the OCs lacked faith and self-confidence. They carried a fear of failure that even seemed to want to stop some of them from coming to the camp. Of course in a four-day camp, you can't cover, identify, much less solve some of the problems the children manifest, but overall they were a precious troop. They showed they have a knowledge of the Word, energy, and hunger to do more and be more for Jesus.
       The young people and SGAs need to be commended, praised, appreciated, as in my opinion they made the camp work. Without their inspirational gifts and talents, the camp would have been in a totally different dimension. Being able to teamwork with them has revitalized me, and all this input will send me Home with new power.
       I would like to see us give our children more fun and memorable Family activities on a regular basis-united citywide classes. A day at a resort together, more fellowship for them at a Home-using those birthdays and holidays-give the boys the adventure, games and activities they need. Let's fill up our portfolios!
       It did take some input and expense and effort on a lot of people's parts, but our kids need more. We hope other cities will take up the torch for their little troops. We have so much Family talent and our kids are easy to please and they want to learn. We sometimes seem to bottle them up to where they don't see where they fit in. No friends, no fellowship, just four walls-we'd all go nuts. Seeing they have such a big loving Family inspired them and they want more time with them.

       Marie, FGA:
It was a wonderful experience of both generations working together. There was beautiful unity and it was exciting to see everyone giving it their best for the sake of the kids and let ting the Lord use them in this way.
       The thrilling part was that every single detail of this camp came about in prophecy, and we could feel our wonderful Husband leading the way. We could feel how important it was in the spirit to pour into these young lives at this crucial time, while they are still moldable, and to impart into them some of the excitement of serving Jesus and how fun it can be. They are our like our new disciples and they will be the ones shining as the stars in the firmament in these Last Days, to fulfill all the Lord has said about them.

       Deepa, 15, room shepherdess:
Going to the camp was a completely awesome experience. Something that made it more valuable was the fact we almost missed it 'cause of sickness in our Home less then 24 hours before we were to leave.
       I really enjoyed being with the OCs, forgetting about my problems and just having fun with them, helping give them classes, and tuning into them. I know the OCs treasured, enjoyed, and valued the time -and I can say the same for myself.
       What was really cool was that in the planning meetings, we heard from the Lord about exactly what to do, and then, followed through and did it. This made the planning so much easier. All in all it was a blast, and something that I wouldn't have missed for the world!

       Mamta, 25, Indian national and room shepherdess:
God bless sweet Marie who planned all the minute details with the utmost diligence, without which I don't think it would have been such a succ ess. There was a pack given out to each teacher and overseer for their team, noting the place where they were staying, shiner charts, memory charts, shiner tags, and of course the plan for the entire camp each day, the keynote prophecies, the dish teams, the praise time teams, the prayer teams and the list went on. But this kept the running of the camp well oiled and eliminated a lot of the possible squeaks.
       Then there was of course our young blood-without the inspirational qualities of which the camp would have been pretty dry. They have such a wealth of talents and so much to offer. God bless them, they really gave it their best shot. Some of the teens were helping in the kitchen and they were there to help at all times-wildly willing workers! They kept it alive with their enthusiasm and it was a beautiful experience to see the SGAs, teens, FGAs, nationals, CM and FM members all working together.
       A lot of our older OCs seem to be getting what I call the “pre-JETT battles.” I thin k the Lord is allowing them to go through things now as there is not much time left before the Endtime hits. These things they go through, with proper shepherding actually produces more mature OCs and JETTs in the long run. The need to shepherd and pour into all our kids has been highlighted even more as time runs out.

       Alysa, 16, room shepherdess:
It was a fun experience to get involved in these kids' lives. Each one is special and has something unique to give. That's one thing the Lord poin ted out to me-their individuality and how they're each at different levels in their spiritual life and maturity, and we need to find the key to each one as they have different ways of communicating verbally or non-verbally. By specifically asking the Lord for that key to each of their hearts, you'll see happier kids and more inspired teachers.
       Another thing that I've been inspired about is hearing from the Lord with the kids on the different things they share, be it trials or questions they ha ve about certain issues, helping them to form the questions and then getting the Lord's answers and confirmations. Even some of the ones who felt like they didn't have the gift of prophecy were surprised when they got pretty much the same thing I did, just in different words. Some of these kids have beautiful gifts of prophecy and I think if we can encourage them in it, they'll each really go places and the Lord will really be able to use them.


Movies Rated for Senior Teens a nd Up

Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor

       Set in 1899 Paris at the notorious cabaret club, the Moulin Rouge. A poet falls for a beautiful courtesan whom a jealous duke covets in this stylish musical.

You've probably never seen anything like Moulin Rouge. It's odd and bizarre, yet entertaining and enjoyable. It's got outrageous costumes, all kinds of dancing, and lots of music and singing. It's a comedy, but also sad at the same time. It's got characters you'll love a nd characters you'll despise. It's almost like a big theatre play. I think some folks will enjoy it immensely, and others won't care for it at all. It depends on what you like, your personality, etc. If you're not a real musical/dancing/theatre fan, you might not enjoy it. It's a very artsy movie, with a potpourri of different and unique characters. There are a couple of parts in the movie that I didn't particularly enjoy-for example, there's a song about jealousy. But overall it's a fun and ent ertaining movie, and I think the good outweighs the bad. Just choose the good and eschew whatever's not so good, and you'll have an enjoyable time watching this film.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale
Drama/action set during the time of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. Two friends are caught up in the events that draw the United States into World War II.

This is an interesting movie that portrays an impor tant historical event-the beginning of U.S. involvement in WWII-with a love story to go along with it. It may not be to everyone's liking, because of the big portion of the movie that shows the horror of war. Others might find the storyline a little slow-moving. But I thought it was an interesting and well-made movie with good acting, though not entirely historically correct. The movie makes you believe that the Americans had no idea that the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor. The truth i s that Roosevelt knew good and well, but he wanted an excuse to send the Americans to war. I've written so much about it in the Letters, so you might find it interesting to do a study on it after watching the movie. (Note: See ML#601:65-71; ML#1326:65; ML#2095:3-4,54-55; ML#2654:32-33; ML#2665:13; ML#2745:78-80.)

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up


Sylvie Testud (German with subtitles)
       Since her childhood Lara has had a difficult but important task translating for her pa rents who are deaf-mute. As Lara becomes interested in music she has to decide between her parents' and her own ambitions.

It's always interesting to see how people handle handicaps or misfortune. For some, it becomes a gateway to greater things. They reach out to others in love, and because of their handicap, the love is even sweeter and more real and more lasting. Others become embittered, or have difficulty making the leap from resentment to thankfulness for the misfortune.
       This story is very real, very modern, and can have good lessons for those who see it. Mostly it is the message of how love can overcome anything, not just handicaps, but bad treatment as a child, obstacles to love, hindrances to understanding, roadblocks to progress. All this is represented in the movie. For some the German language and subtitles will be difficult. To others the sign language and pattern of life of the deaf people will be fascinating.
       Many in the Family minister to the deaf, and th is shows how there is a whole set of challenges that they face, which other people do not face. So it is educational as well as interesting. The movie shows how love never fails-in this situation, as in almost any.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up


Gregory Peck, Virginia Mayo
       Naval adventure, based on three novels by C.S. Forester, about the heroic 19th-century British seafarer during the Napoleonic Wars. Typical Hollywood entertainment, but fun for the kids.

Here's a movie with lots of action for you boys! Girls will enjoy it too.-It's got old-fashioned Hollywood glamour and romance. Parents, if there's a problem in your Home of looking down on other races, you might want to avoid having your kids watch this one, as their presentation of certain peoples is demeaning. Other than that, it's a fun movie that they'll enjoy.

Non-Recommended Movies

THE YARDS (Mark Wahlberg; 2000)
(Jesus:) This is a very dark and depressing movie abou t the life of a poor field soldier in the underground world. The whole ordeal is like being dragged through the muck and slime of men of the baser sort. It is unclean and not good for My children to view.

movies for children

From your WS previewers
It can be difficult to find suitable movies to rate for our children, due to the foolishness, bad samples, bad language and often unedifying or ungodly content promoted these days. We're sorry that we're not able to always provide a sufficient number of rated movies for children. However, rather than setting our standard lower in order to have movies on hand for our kids to watch, why not consider other alternatives for your children's activity afternoons or evenings? Play games, watch an older but edifying movie, or go for an outing! Ask the Lord for new ideas-He's got plenty of them!
       We'll continue to do our best to search out movies which are suitable for our children to watch. However, don't get stuck in a rut and feel that a m ovie is a “must.” There are lots of other fun activities the Lord can show you if you'll just take the time to ask. We love you!

QnAs-Answered by WS

source material
We're working on translating the Activated mags and are wondering if you have the pub references of the articles in the mag. We noticed that some of the articles are taken from pubs that came out previously, such as Treasures, Posters, some GP booklets, etc.
       A: Most of the articles in Activated that are taken f rom old pubs (Treasures, the Poster book and other GP pubs, etc.) get re-edited and in some cases rewritten. There are a number of reasons for this: Sometimes it's to correct and standardize spelling, punctuation, and grammar; sometimes it is to clarify the points being made, present them better or more succinctly, or remove repetition; sometimes it's to correct inaccuracies; sometimes it's to condense the article to fit the space available in the Activated mag; sometimes the article is somewhat dated and needs updating, etc. Exceptions to this are the Mountain Streams (all ML condos used in Activated are Mountain Streams versions), Future Foretold extracts, and FAR and Power and Protection testimonies, although even these are sometimes re-edited to a lesser degree, for the same reasons.
       In some cases, referring to the original material and original translation may be of help and save time. In other cases it may be easier to translate the edited/condensed article anew. We haven't kep t an ongoing list of the original references of pubs modified for the Activated mags. If translators recognize an article as having been pubbed before (or suspect that it has), what we would recommend is that you look it up in the English HomeARC by searching for key words or phrases. If you will then compare the new English version with the old English version you can see where changes have been made. (You do this by using the “compare documents” feature under “track changes” in Word.) From the re you can decide whether it would be easier to patch up the old version, or retranslate the article from scratch.

Can live-outs take CM/FM lit off the property?
We have a group of live-outs who have been faithful for years. They are active, consider themselves Family members, tithe, participate in key Home ministries, etc. Is it permissible to give CM/FM lit to the live-outs to take off the property?
       A: The Charter defines live-outs as “Friends who are saved, regularly fellowship with a Home, attend meetings, witness and help a Home, and tithe or give substantially to a Home or WS (page 359).” Live-outs are eligible for the following publications:
       GP and DFO publications. Certain CM/FM publications, as well as older CM publications which FMs are eligible for (see list on page 358 of the Charter), at the entire Home teamwork's prayerful discretion. (Permission to read other CM publications can be granted by WS leadership in special cases, and these may be taken off the Char ter Home's premises at the Home teamwork's discretion.)
       It is permissible, with the entire Home's teamwork prayerful discretion, for live-outs to read CM/FM publications and to take them off of the Home's premises.

Sending part of my tithe elsewhere?
I would like to designate part of my tithe each month, which is well over the minimum, to a missionary family in Russia; would that be okay? I don't have time to read all the pubs, and usually just stick to the GNs and ENDs, so would like to see my tithe going out to the field.
       A: The Charter says in BASIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CHARTER HOME, C. that a Charter Home “Tithes to World Services a minimum of 10% of its income as well as contributes a further 1% to the Family Aid Fund (FAF).” Your 10% tithe is designated to WS as is the 1% gift to the FAF and is not something that can be designated individually. Our missionaries do need your help and support and if you desire to send a gift separate from your tithe to a needy missio n field we know they would appreciate it and the Lord will bless your giving.
It's also important to note that although part of your 10% tithe goes to our Family pubs, the Word that you and your children receive each month, actually a large portion of your tithe is also supporting missionaries all over the world.Last year alone 47% of the Family's tithes went to mission fields, in the form of:
Home support to individual Homes in needy fields; Russia, China, Africa and South-East Asia being some of them.
       Local language translations in Russian, most of the languages of the EE, Thai, Vietnamese, Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, etc. (This is not counting LIMs in Japan, Brazil and Spanish South America, as those translations are considered publication expenses.)
       Emergency aid to desperate fields, etc.

       So that means about half of your tithe goes out to needy mission fields. This 47% does not include WS Unit budgets, LIM support, NPC support, studio gifts, audio/visual expenses for FTT s, CDs, etc., administration costs. It's simply aid to help mission fields.


       In GV 109, the e-mail address printed along with JohnnysLTN's website was wrong. The correct e-mail address should be:


[Seatbelts for kids]
       Heaven Home, Brazil:
When reading about the accident involving the little girl that was thrown out of the window due to a rear-end collision, I got convicted to share something. As a driver, I think I have mentioned sever al times and insisted only a few times (LHM) that the children and even adults in the back seat should also wear seatbelts. I know that it is a law in the States, probably here in Brazil, too, but since we usually have quite a few kids and we're usually in a hurry, we don't put the seatbelts on them. It's obvious to the police when the people in the front seat aren't buckled up so we do it, but we seem to find it easy to hope that they won't see the people in the back seat. LHU.
       Children are t hrown full-force through the windshield in bad accidents and suffer even more if they are in someone's lap, because the weight of the person behind them forces them forward even harder. So that person at least should have a seatbelt to protect the child in their lap. Since that accident happened and the child was thrown out of the car because of not wearing a seatbelt, maybe we should start making it a rule to buckle up the backseat people, too.
       (Editor's note: Amen! Please buckle up if at all possible! Obey the [seatbelt] laws of the land.)

[Nice to hear about new disciples]
       DJ and Davida, Russia:
Our Home had a new disciple join on Sept 28, 2000-Joseph-Martin Pilgrim, Russian, 24. He finished his Babes course and has been a voting member for a few months, but there was no mention of him in the Grapevine. We thought that you get this info about all new disciples from the TRFs, but if you don't then would be good to announce or remind Homes to send their new disciple's info in w hen they join. It'd be inspiring to hear about all the new disciples that join.
       (Editor's note: We do receive listings of new disciples who join from the CRO offices. However, if you haven't seen your new disciple's information printed, please do send it in to the Grapevine e-mail address. Please also be sure to faithfully report your new disciples to your office!)

[Phone etiquette]
       FGA, Japan:
Over the last few years I have had the opportunity to visit several countries in which I was ab le to contact Family Homes. When contacting Homes via telephone, I have been surprised to hear an all too familiar pattern in the way our young people are answering the telephone. Please don't feel that I'm singling out you young people, but in the majority of cases where young people have answered the phones I have found this pattern. It appears that this one area of training has not been given proper attention. With the era of action it seems good to remind ourselves that we are always on stag e, even on the phone. I would like to play out a couple of sample phone conversations-one the wrong way, and one the right way.

Wrong way
Ring! Ring!
       YP: (In a dead pan voice)”Yeah? Hello.” (Caller's thoughts: Maybe this is a bad time to phone. Either this person is tired or annoyed by my call.)
       Caller: I'm So-and-so, and I'm calling for So-and-so. Is it possible to talk to him?
       YP: “I don't know.”
       Caller: “Is he busy right now, or not in at present?”
       YP: “I'll check.” (Background voice: “Dad, some guy called So-and-so or whatever is on the phone.” (Caller thinks to himself: My, oh my! I hope everything is okay. I hope I'm not interrupting something important.)
Uncle So-and-so: “Hi! It's so nice to hear from you. When did you get into town? (Caller's thoughts: Whew! Everything is okay!)

Right way
(This example is taken from a conversation with an eight year old girl who answered the phone.)
       Ring! Ring!
       Eight-yr.-old: “Yes, hello! This is the Smiths'. How may I h elp you? (Caller's thoughts: Wow, what a cheery voice!)
       Caller: “This is Uncle So-and-so. May I speak with your daddy?”
       Eight-yr.-old: “He isn't in right now, but would you like to talk to my mother, or can I take a message?”
       Caller: “Yes, thank you! Would I be able to speak with your mother?”
       Eight-yr.-old: “Yes, just a moment please. I'll get her.” (Silence in the background while caller thinks to himself: Now this is the way the phone should be answered. I guess a “little child shall lead them.”)

[Just imagine]

       Anonymous, Planet Earth: Let's start off by imagining that you had it all. You were gorgeous and guys went wacko when they saw how beautiful your breasts were, how perfect your hips and waist were, how toned your bum was, and so on and so forth. You were well educated and were extremely rich. You had tons of admirers but only a few friends. You could play almost any instrument there was to play, and practiced karate and the likes. You were a perfect artist, and h ad the writer's crowning touch. In short, you had it all. But life wasn't just a piece of cream cake, oh no! You see, under all that is a real girl who has feelings that can be hurt.
       I've found it doesn't matter what the shape of your body's like. It's the shape of your heart that people with real brains tend to look at. Sure, it's more appealing to look nice and dress in the right way, but it's the real inside you that outweighs what you look like on the outside.
       If you want to stand out an d appeal more to others, be original. To make a long story short: Be yourself. The inner you is you! Your personality, how you react to things, and all that stuff is you. It's like that saying, “I went to bed with fantasy, and was grief stricken when I woke up with reality.” If people don't like the inner you, thinking that it was something else, then that's their inner self exposed for you. They just can't cope with people who aren't exactly like them. To please some people, you have to dress l ike they do, go on the same diet as them, share their exact opinion on everything, and, in short, basically be their twin, and if you don't want that, then you'd better get out of their life quick.
       My closing words are these: Don't insist on being something you're not or you're never going to be. Use your talents and work with what you have. Thank God that you're not like those people who seem to think that they're reigning supreme. If you hear someone tell you that, “There's nothing special a bout you,” just laugh inwardly (and outwardly, if you really want) and just remember that everyone's different. Everyone's got something unique about them. So check in and see what yours is, okay?

open forum: Catch 'em Doing Something Nice

Those Funny Little Things We Do

By Jenny Heart (18), Zambia

(Note: Aliases are used due to the comical exaggeration of the events that took place.)

       I don't know why, but for the most part I've always gotten along well with people of all ages. You ng or old, big or small, male or female. It must be the Lord.
       Oh the art of getting along with our wonderful FGAs ... hmm. Well, from going on outreach to exercise time there have been many special yet humorous things we do together.
       When on outreach in town with Joan (FGA), I say my prayers as we walk across the street, cars whizzing by, missing us by inches. Whew! We made it across. She seems unmoved by the event and doesn't seem to notice that I'm a bit shaky. First things first, you know . We make our way to the place that has the best coffee in town.
       As she drinks in this life-saving potion as if it were going to be the last time, I can't help but notice that a sudden burst of unknown energy has taken place.
       Now we're on our way to the offices. I'm trying real hard to keep up the pace. She asks for the director. Pretty soon we're up in his office. She explains our work as she gives him the look of love that she's been trying to explain to me for so long how to use. Who coul d refuse our tools-with me praying desperately and her wonderful charm. After our busy day of outreach we head to the side of the road to hitchhike home. One car stops about 200 feet further down on the opposite side. She starts to run and says, “Come on, let's go!” Uh oh, another street crossing episode! Thankfully we make it safely to the car and head home. There we invite the people who have driven us home inside and decide to sing to them. We sing “No Room in Heaven for Strangers” once again , but for some reason after singing it together for the hundredth time it seems to sound better.
       In another circumstance with one of our FGA males while walking in town with him on business and passing out tracts, I notice for some reason he's only passing out the pamphlets to the girls. Hmm! “Well,” I say cheerfully, “you just see to it that all the girls get to Heaven, and I'll see to it that all the guys do as well.”
       Then of course there is my dear friend, Faith, who is also an FGA. She s eems to get excited about everything. When walking together in town after a provisioning miracle she exclaims “Oh God!!!” I jump back a few feet, thinking that at any moment someone's going to attack us. But no, she continues, “Praise God for that miracle! Isn't it so amazing that the man finally gave us the toilet washer we've been needing for three months!”
       “Yes, yes!” I say, secretly in my heart praising God that it was just a shout of praise rather than a scream of danger.
       Recently part of the brick wall which surrounds our property crumbled. Our neighbor lady has a ferocious watchdog that she lets out every night around 9:30 to keep thieves away. But with part of our wall gone there was nothing to stop our neighbor's dog from coming in our property to visit with our small watchdog.
       One night Faith and I were the last ones to go to bed. She went to her room and noticed that there was a dog outside her window. She didn't have her glasses on so she got her nose way down close t o the window that was open. Noticing that Niki's ears were too furry and floppy she called out “Niki???” ... at which time this ferocious beast leapt at poor Faith with a horrifying, guttural growl. He was stopped by the bars on the window, thank God.
       We then made our way outside to protect our little dog. I quickly grabbed some long wooden spoons from the kitchen while Faith held within her grasp a pot and a ladle to make noise. We crept stealthily across the porch into the yard, then began b anging and yelling, and the evil intruder bounded across the yard. Then we cast aside our kitchen weapons and took up stones to cast at the fleeing mongrel-giant. He leapt over the bushes and was away. We put our little dog in the garage, and then walked into the house laughing, sure that the uniting of the generations side by side in valiant conquest was the only way to go.
       Faith and I are partners in scheduling, but we both have pretty bad memories. We are alike in so many ways as our birthd ays are only four days apart. So when we do the schedule we each bring along our stash of notes and notebooks, searching through them to try and remember exactly what needs to get done. We have notes plastered all over our walls, hang them on the mirror in the bathroom so we can't miss 'em, and sometimes I even write them on my hand.
       The other day when we were walking together I told her, “With my bad memory and your bad memory combined, we could almost forget the whole world!” Ha!
       Every nig ht Faith and I try to do aerobics together, from my limited memory of the workouts I have done over the years. We face each other and take turns choosing the Family CD for our exercise time, all the while praying that no one will come in the room and catch us in one of our more embarrassing exercise movements. Sometimes Faith gets bored and breaks out into a mixture of Latin-Arabic belly dancing with a twist. I have to contain my laughter, but can't help but admire how young at heart she still s eems.
       Well I hope, dear readers, that you were able to enjoy these wonderful yet comical true-to-life stories of how two generations get along and their peculiarities. Keep fighting for Jesus! There is so much to be accomplished if we are united together as one!

Generation Gap??? It sure doesn't exist in our Home's dictionary!

By Cristy E., Thailand

       I've been very fortunate. I'm starting to forget the meaning of “generation gap” as in our Home there just isn't one, not in sprit, that i s. My Home has three JETTs, four FGAs and little ol' me, a senior teen. Because our Home is quite small, each person is very needed and we all have to work together. Not once did I ever feel that the FGAs with whom I worked with were old fashioned or not “up with the times.” They always made sure the need for having “crazy-teen-times” was met, although, come to think about it, I think they really enjoy those times too.
       One time we were hosting an English Camp on a neighboring island called Koh Phangnan. The island is quite famous for its monthly full moon parties. Sometimes more than 10,000 young people from all over the world come there just to enjoy a full night of dancing and partying on the beach. So when we were asked to come and host a camp there the adults all thought that this was our chance to check out what the full moon party really was. “Just for the sake of the teens,” of course, was their reason.
       Well it was a night we'll never forget. Gabby and Johnny (FGAs) and I da nced all night long. I must confess, sometimes I almost forgot who was “the teen” and who was “the adult” because they mingled right in with all the other young people on the beach. Johnny even surprised us all by going up bare-chested on the two-meter-high stage joining the other dancers, ha!
       A little later on Gabby and I had fun passing out Endtime tracts to all the young people while dancing to the beat of the music. “Hey babe, this is for you!” was one of our favorite lines. We had a lot o f fun witnessing to the many young people there.
       Even though there aren't any young people around, the FGAs in my Home are doing a pretty good job filling that need. I love you guys! Thanks for having so much patience with me and even joining in on some of my crazy antics and needs for dancing, etc.-although, come to think about it, there's probably is some self-interest involved too. Ha!

Teens who make it easy

By Colin, FGA, Australia

       I'm someone that does not consider myself fun to b e around, and quite often am very insecure in myself and my ability to relate to anybody, let alone teenagers. So I am very thankful for the teens in the Family who do their best in making it easy for us to be good.
       One particular situation for me that was inspirational was at a going away party held for me and my daughter in India. It was a dance night and a teen asked me to dance. It was a very up-tempo song (which I like), but although I couldn't keep up with the movements, it touched me th at she humbled herself and offered me a dance. GBH.

feature: EAST Studio Band's 2001 Kosovo Tour

By Andrew and Miracle and Oasis Home, Kosovo

       With great anticipation we awaited this year's visit of the EAST Studio Band Silk 'n' Steel to our area-their third in a three-year span. This year it was pegged to be extra special, as Vas and Tim Drummer were coming over from the States to fill out the group and add their special spice. There have not been any real concerts here for years, as ban ds don't want to take the risk, so Silk 'n' Steel 's coming to Kosovo for the third year running has made quite an impression on many people. When people heard the band was coming, they asked for concerts with an anti-violence or anti-drug theme, and we were happy to supply the need.
       The preparations went on for nearly two months, as we contacted and negotiated with local city administrators, NGO personnel, and local youth groups concerning the myriad of details that go into staging a concert. Once everything was pretty much booked, we took a break from all the pre-concert activity to travel up to Hungary and enjoy four beautiful days at the big fellowship camp which was being held for both the northern and southern EE areas.
       After that we convoyed together over the 1,000 km route with 19 people in three vehicles, including a small truck that carried the bulk of the band's equipment. We traveled through Croatia, Bosnia, and Montenegro without incident or border problems. Thank the Lord for a more sure word of prophecy. With the threat of border closures between Bulgaria and Macedonia, the Lord showed us to take the “high” rough and rocky road, and we enjoyed smooth sailing.
       We had 11 concerts planned over 10 days, but ended up doing 14 when the band decided to stay for a few extra days. The first concert was in a small town where the local young people had organized the event and were eagerly awaiting the band's arrival. Two military contingents took part in helping wit h set-up and security. One provided a flatbed truck for the outdoor stage, and the other provided the generator, lighting, and protection. Unfortunately, there was heavy rain that afternoon but it stopped just half an hour before the concert started.
       Another of the concerts, which was in an area that could have had some problems, had a security force of 30 soldiers with attack dogs, four tanks and a contingent of local police protecting us. Thank the Lord there were no incidents, and everyone enjoyed themselves and received a dose of the elixir of love. The witnessing went on for hours after that show.
       One small minority enclave has had no activities for the young people since the war, and they are virtually prisoners of their tiny village. The only place to stage the concert was a medium-sized café bar, but it was packed out and proved to contain one of our best audiences. Angelina, just back from Africa, still remembered her songs in the local language, and she and Sarah sang “Pe ace in the Midst of a Storm,” which touched the hearts of many.
       Each concert was special in its own way. We got out hundreds of pieces of lit, won lots of souls, and made many new friends. We did not have had any incidents at the concerts, no fights, firecracker throwing, or bomb threats, any of which can be very common when so many people are gathered together.
       But a rose without a thorn is not a rose, and we also had our share of battles to overcome. One night there was a surge in the elec tricity and one of the band's amps burned out. Another night towards the end of the tour, the band was just picking up their instruments when the power cut off. We patiently waited, as in this town we had not been able to secure a back-up generator. Finally, someone appeared with a generator, but we never dreamed to check to make sure its output was 220 volts, until we heard a “pop” and saw smoke rising out of the mixing board and the same amp that had just been repaired. A quick look at the rat ing of the generator verified our fears, as we saw its output was 380 volts. Unimaginable!
       Miraculously, one of our friends was able to check the equipment and found out that there were just a few little things that had been damaged, so instead of the hundreds of dollars in repairs we had anticipated, it turned out to cost very little to fix.
       In addition to Kosovar towns, we also did a few concerts on military bases, which were fascinating. The soldiers, who are away from their homes and fam ilies for such a long time, really are thankful for a special event, and showed their appreciation by singing along, dancing, buying Jason's CD, and contributing generously as we passed the hat. One Christian soldier came up to us after the show to thank us for the witness in the songs. We asked if he could hear the witness clearly (as sometimes in songs you're afraid the words are a bit drowned out by the music), but he answered, “Crystal.” It really is sobering to go on to one of these bases. To be on base and see all the soldiers and military equipment, satellite dishes and communications systems, really verifies the fact that we are living in a war zone.
       All told, this project brought together Family members from eight different Homes based in five different countries. It was nice to have so many visitors in our house, and squeezing in so many extra heads was not really as hard as we first thought it would be. God bless Emy and Erika, who were a big blessing, and also helped to h ouse a few extra people.
       Besides those already mentioned, our team included Julie, Eli, and Mary who also came from Hungary, Albanian Alex (Peter), Petra, who came from Belgium, and Andrew, Tim Drummer's younger brother.


       Claire PI is looking for German Daniela (of Philip) and Davina. Please write me at: Miss you and hope to hear from you soon. Or write me at: Claire, P.O. Box 36221, Agora Village East Complex, 1900 Cainta, Rizal, Philippines.

       David and Rose Midwife
, please get in touch with Michelle at:

       This is Obedias and Kelita in Brasilia, Brazil wanting to get in contact with Tim West and Heaven. We believe you are in the U.S. If you read this or any relatives or friends of yours out there who know how we can contact you, please send a note to

       Phoebe (of Daniel and Maria) is looking for Iván, (of Esteven and Gracia) Hey, man! Long time's gone by. I need to hear from you. Las t I heard you were in Chile. Please get in touch with me ASAP. E-mail: runwithme@cantv

       Robin VS
(of Dan and Joy) where are you? I've been trying to get in touch with you for ages. Remember Phoebe (of Daniel and Maria)? We lived in the Heritage in Argentina. Please contact me quick at:

       Hey Sunny! This is Phoebe (of Daniel and Maria). Do you remember me? I was one of your rascal students at the Heritage (Argentina). Would like to get in touc h with you. You can e-mail me at: Hey, congrats on the daddy stuff!

       Looking for Eric (Swedish); last we heard you were in the U.S. Also Luke Provisioner, Andre (French) and Maria (German) and Simon Peter (Happy), Peter and Love (from VT3), Leah, Andrew CRO of Sarah Ireland. Please do write us. We would be delighted to be back in contact with you.-Love, Paul and Praise. Our e-mail is:

       former members - seeking contact

       Hi, my name is Mauricio Pizzano. I so much want to have contact with the Family in Miami, Florida. If you are here I'd love it if you could get in touch with me. My e-mail address is I used to be in contact with the Family in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Please write me.

       John Millins is searching for Maria (Swiss and was married to Sammy Wilkinson from Liverpool). He remembers him playing music in Switzerland, and they then moved to Chile. This was around 1981. If you know of her whereabouts you can contact us at: Or if you're Maria and want to contact John directly his e-mail is: . His telephone number is: 00 44 1243 778989.

       Micah and Jewel
, and James and Heaven (who were in Brussels in 1995), a Richard Singelenberg, a religious academic, is interested in getting in touch with you and saying hi. Please contact the EURCRO Media Desk at: Thank you!

help wanted

       My dear fellow members and coworkers, Lord bless and keep you und er His wings! I am Ester Russian and I wanted to thank all of you who helped towards my trip to Africa. The Lord is really faithful in supplying all my needs. I am almost ready to go and I am praying that I will be gone by the end of this summer, Lord willing. But I still need more funds: $350. I never thought about fundraising being so hard and draining, especially when you don't have any opportunity to raise them in poor countries. God bless all of you faithful fundraisers. I love you in our d ear Husband and am praying for you. You can send your donations for Ester Sunshine (presently in Latvia, going to Moscow) through the Russian ABM.

       My dear Family, I love you! I'm Victoria Livingstone (Hungarian). I'm a single mom with an eight-year-old son. I've been working in the Far-East of Russia at the Chinese border, but I had to come back to Hungary to get new visas for us. My vision is to build the Russian national church and witness to the Chinese, who come to our city across the bo rder. I'd like to return to my Home in Russia as soon as possible, but I need $2,500 for all the legal papers, traveling expenses and to buy clothes for the Russian winter. I'm trying to do my part and raise funds here, but without your help, it can take a long time. Also, if any of you could give me a laptop, it would be a big blessing. You can send me your gifts through the Hungarian ABM. TYSM!


       Enthusiasm is the element of success in everything. It robs endurance of difficulty, a nd makes pleasure of duty.-Bishop Doane

Witnessing adventures with little kids

By Gabe, Maria, Mark, Dove and our six little love bugs, Russia

       We are so happy to see our oldest girls, Vika and Vera (both age 4) love to witness. The girls have performed for our friends and contacts since they were three. They would do their little skits and sing songs. But when we were recently invited to perform for 200 people on the national Family Day, we realized that we need to work more on our show. For more than one week we practiced often, teaching the girls to sing loud and together, and to smile. That was tough at times, but all the work has paid off. Now they can sing together nicely without any practicing before hand. They feel confident and can sing to anybody they meet. It's such a big part of their witnessing!
       Last week we went for a faith trip to a city 250 km away from here. In our city, for security reasons, we can't give out tracts and witness everywhere. But there Vika and Vera did it with their whole hearts and without any reminders. Sometimes they put me to shame when I would come back all tired to the hotel-they would still continue to give out tracts with the biggest smile and say, “Jesus loves you!”
       We took a bicycle with us so the girls could have some fun, but it stayed in our room the whole time. Vika would say: “Mommy, how am I going to witness and give out posters if I go on the bicycle?”
       One time in the playground, Vera was waiting for her turn on t he swing while a boy (a little bit older then herself) was swinging. He said: “Hey, little girl, go out of my way! I'm going to swing so high that I'll go to Heaven!”
       Right away Vera answered, “No, if you want to go to Heaven you need to ask Jesus in your heart!”
       The Lord supplied restaurants for us to eat dinners at. One time when we came to a restaurant to eat, the manager was already gone and she forgot to tell the cooks about our coming, so they were not very happy to see us. They fed us anyway, GBT! The lady who served us was especially grumpy, but every time she would come and bring something the girls would say: “Thank you so much! It's so delicious! Jesus loves you!” At the end she really changed and wished us a very good night. The next day the girls saw her and her husband outside and went to sing for them. The couple gave them a donation. We went to say “thank you” to the cooks and they were very touched by the girls' smiles and outgoing witnessing. After a few songs the y all prayed to receive Jesus, and when we were leaving to go back home, some of them were crying.
       It has become the kids' favorite game to pretend they are witnessing to me and they've learned a lot through it. Thank You Jesus for our children!
       (Editor's note: See also their “Salty Lake Faith Trip” testimony on the MO site.)

Getting Activated!

Borrow my pen?

By Jessica Rex (20), Brazil

       It was right after the Activated meetings. [The Contato seminar held in Salvador, Brazil, in Ap ril.] Life went back to normal and we were out to do our usual weekend busking witnessing at one of the tourist beaches here (the first witnessing day after the meetings). We were talking to the people at a table when this man, sitting a little ways away with his wife, calls us over. He starts talking real emphatically about us and asking how we're doing and all. We suppose he knew us from somewhere so we sort went along with it. “...Oh yes of course ... um, where is it that we last met?”
       “Oh, in that ride, remember? I took you and your dad to Salvador!”
       Then it all clicked. It was someone Heaven and I had met the week before that, in another beach and he was going on and on about how the Traveling CD was really inspired! He said it was the best CD ever made and that he never found a CD in which ALL the songs were good! He was really sold on our stuff and took the other country CDs we had.
       We gave him a To You, With Love tract and said goodbye. When we met him again it was time f or him to talk about the tract!
       He said, “Man, I've never read something so good like this before! This is really good!” Which is where we found the lead we needed and stepped into Contato. I showed him a mag and said, “Did you know they have this tract you like so much in a real pretty format on the back of this magazine [#1]?” He flipped!
       We explained to him that he could get this every month and he didn't even give us time to offer it, he went right on asking if he could sign up to which we said, “No, actually...”-Just kidding! We were like “Sure man, here, want to borrow my pen?”
       To give this a last chance to fall under the “short testimony” category, it was really amazing and felt so good to hear someone talking about the Word and loving it the same way we do. It made us feel so close to him and like we “spoke the same language,” so to speak. It re-opened our eyes to the treasure we carry daily with us, and convinced us that yes, it rocks, and yes, it is what everyone is loo king for! (We gave him our other lit, including the brochure of the “Retiro Nacional,” which he will, Lord willing, be attending.)

Drop everything…

By Marie Jolie (17), Brazil

       God bless our dear shepherds who are so faithful to impart the vision to the area of Salvador [Brazil] to get activated! Move!!!!
       Since the meetings were over four days ago, every single day the Lord has done one miracle after another of supply.
       We decided to simply go and visit ALL the friends we could remembe r, and we expressed it so enthusiastically, saying, “This is our goal! We need your help to reach other people with this mag. If you sign it you will be helping us to do that!” and “This will change your life!” They'd look at us thoughtfully and say, “Really? Yes I need this.”
       Another thing is: You cannot give to others from an empty bottle. A seller has to know his product very well! So one thing they admire is if they see you know what you're talking about. If we read through the mags we'll have more conviction of what were selling, no?
       A good one that happened just today was: Maria Clara who stayed home with the kids and lots of other things to do got a total surprise-kinda-type visit, and what did she do? Well, she sat with dear Edson and his girlfriend. Soon the guy was signing up and all, telling his girlfriend, “This is what we need!!” M.C. didn't have a clue that these guys would sign but she left all behind to give them the Word and the Lord blessed it!
       It's like praisin g the Lord: Get 'em out, whether you feel like it, or not!! Or you get 'em out ... or you're out!! Ha! Ok, we don't have to get so drastic!

former members getting in touch

By the U.S. Activated desk

From Kyle Matthew, Pennsylvania
Hi! A few months ago I e-mailed you asking for information about getting some of your music tapes. You sent me two or three mailings, but I lost them all. Could you please send me any kind of catalog of materials or fliers for your music tapes?
       I am not a me mber of your ministry but I “was” led to Jesus, received the Holy Spirit, and baptized in Jesus' Name back in 1976 by the Children of God when you still called yourselves by that name. Thanks!
       P.S. In addition to ordering music tapes from you guys, is there any way I can “adopt” a Home or Family member in one of your group Homes and support them with my tithes and offerings? Even though you guys “flew the coop” years ago (in leaving America), I have followed David Berg's ministry in the news o ver the years (Oh, what a bumpy ride! Hee hee!) and still believe you are the ONLY ones living 100% for Jesus. You guys rule! I have never felt good about remaining “comfortable” in the Lord and am constantly crying out to Jesus for a “hard word.” One that others could never follow and only those 100% dedicated to Jesus would listen to. Every time I felt I heard a “hard and difficult” word in my spirit, I would read from some anti-cult ministry that you were teaching the same thing! You go boy! (Hee hee.)

From Mary, formerly Karrenhappuch or Davida, USA
Hope all is going great for you there! I have just finished reading a book someone loaned my honey. It's one of those Left Behind series, the first one. Kind of interesting reading but really getting people off the track and pushing the pre-trib rapture theory. Do you all have any new timelines for the Endtime? We have a good list of references in the Word Basics and Memory book, but if there's any timelines, can you send me one-or scan it onto the e-mail or whatever. My dentist at the Dental college who I've been going to for over a year (cheap!) is such a sweet born-again Christian and interested in the Word about the Endtime as she's never hear much other than the pre-trib bunk. Her pastor at her charity dental work clinic this summer told her he hated those Left Behind books and now she's hungry for more truth on the subject.

sneak peek

       Hear the noise, feel the fire, experience history in the making, be surpris ed about King Peter unexpectedly showing up, and sample a taste of the future of this Endtime Army … all in the next Grapevine.
       The place: Sao Lourenco, Brazil.
       The time: June 14th through June 17th.
       The event: Sixth National Retreat.
       The theme: Rise Above.
       The attendees: Roughly 320 (320!!) Active Members, 80 Active Member children, 120 CM/FMers, and a sprinkling of brand-new sheep fresh off the streets of Sao Lourenco.
       The classes: Filled with the invigorating New Wine.
       The testi monies gotten: Many.
       The inspirations: Deafening and alive.
       The witnessing: Every night into the pre-dawn hours.
       The aftershocks: Will reverberate for a long time to come.


Europe and Africa

       Subscribers to Activated in Mozambique
have not been receiving their subscriptions, likely due to either theft or delays.
       That any changes in legislation being discussed in Czech Republic will be positive for religious freedom.
       Victoria: Bone cancer. May need more chemotherapy.
       Fran cis (5, of Tim and Claire): To start talking and for general progress in his development.
       Kathleen: Spina bifida, affecting right leg and lower back and causing pain.

North America

       Marc and Claire
: For ongoing communication with the State Department and wisdom in finding ways to provide them with accurate information on the Family.
       For the publishing of Gordon Melton's book in English and the final printing of Bill Bainbridge's book.
       Steve (17, blind): Went into a convulsion and was hospitalized after falling and hitting his head. Steve has been released from the hospital, but tests showed the presence of epileptic-like activity in part of his brain, apparently caused by the fall. He is not having further convulsions at present, but is on medication until his next test in a couple months.
       Angelito (4, of Lirio): Hospitalized due to serious, life-threatening heart and lung problems. The main problems have been corrected, but he is still at risk.
       Zeb and Kristy (PG): Bab y (soon to be born) has been diagnosed as having a serious case of spina bifida (spinal disorder that often causes neurological disorders). The baby may also have hydrocephalic (accumulation of water in the head, that may also cause neurological disorders) and clubfeet.
(of Jacob): Invasive breast cancer.
       Melisa (13): Full recovery from bacterial meningitis and sinusitis. Tests show both conditions have been healed and Melisa is doing much better, though she has a mysterious hip pain, and will continue her antibiotic treatment.

South America

       Abundant rain for Brazil to alleviate the rationing of energy which is causing an economic crisis in the country.
       Ellie (a.k.a. Brazilian Maria, PG): A large benign tumor in her uterus, requiring costly and delicate surgery.
       Flor (of Richard): Cancer.
       Salomão (of Suzy): Breast pains and high blood pressure.
       Kerenina (of Mateus): Lump in stomach, necessitating surgery.
       Thiago (16, of Joao and Rute): Fractured femur after being hit by a motorcycle.
       Blanca (of Andres): Healing of anemia so that an operation to remove a tumor in her neck can commence.
       Andres (of Blanca): Against allergic rhinitis (inflamed nasal passage), and for increased resistance to colds.
       Angela (of Jonas):Nodule (small lump) in the thyroid.
       María (70): Hypertension.
       Heaven Love: Sciatic nerve causing pain and difficulty walking.
       Cephas (of Clara): Serious problems with the sciatic nerve.
       María Fé (8, of Pablo and Magdalena): Co nstant stomach pains. To gain weight and grow.
       Raquel (19, of Pedro and Aurora): Recuperation from surgery to remove two cysts in the ovary.
       From Maria (18, of Dutch Suzana): Growth in ovary.
       Catherine: Strained knee, shoulder and back.

Answered Prayers

       From Simon Simple, India:
Thank you so much for taking the time to pray for my asthma. After I sent in the prayer request, I stopped having asthma at night! It was a total miracle! Over a period of just a few days, the asthma went aw ay completely! Thank You, Jesus! Thank you so much once for your prayers! I truly appreciate it and love you all very much!

       From David and Liberty, South Africa
: After further x-rays it was revealed that Liberty, who had a structure in the small intestine, had been healed! The doctor said that was amazing as Liberty would have had to have surgery.

       Jesus on … Comfort in Affliction, Part 1 (GN 948)

This is an elixir GN. It contains the golden elixir of My healing touch, My com fort, My love, which I would pour generously on those who suffer from aches, pains, afflictions and diseases. I wish to use these Words to soothe their hurting bodies and tormented spirits.
       Your Home is a small representation of the Family at large, and just as you are suffering many afflictions at the moment, so are My dear brides throughout the Family. It is My timing for them to receive these words, and I bid you send them off.
       I know you marvel at My timing and the way in which I plan th ese things, but I work in this way to manifest once again that this is My work and they are My Words, and I am both the author and the finisher-the publisher-of them all.

Shine On-May 2001
TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total

Francisco/Beatriz, Bolivia       6,257       25,030
Samuel H.H/Rosita H.H, Mexico       4,489       8,978
Juliet, Brazil       821       3,284

Faithy/Mark/Premika, India       622       2,488
Rachel/Gideon/Magdalene, South Africa       412       2,062
David Daniel/Maria Rosa, Brazil       396       792
Joel/Melodia/S ara/Techy, Honduras       378       1,513
Tim/Perla/Diamond, Romania       309       1,238
Marie/Peter/Christy, Uganda       282       3,954
Lydia/Elias/Gabriel/Victory/Gabriela, Chile       210       1,476

Hepzibah, Mexico       1,400       2,800
Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA       1,197       13,163
Samuel H.H/Rosita H.H, Mexico       995       1,989

David/Danielle/Mariana/Estrela, Brazil       875       3,500
Crystal/Joanna/Peter, USA       763       3,050
Maria/Maria/Michael/Philip, Japan       697       3,487
Charity/John/Tommy, USA       667       2,000
Emmanuel/Lydia/Paul, Japan        593       2,373
Faithy/Mark/Premika, India       586       2,345
Michael/Nora/Matthew, Kenya       577       5,775

Abel Alegria/Flor, Mexico       732       1,464
Felipe/Vitoria, Brazil       258       775
Mateus/Lily, Brazil       166       332

Juan/Rosa, Spain       162       324
Lalo/Ruth/Faithy, Mexico       124       495
Nina/Jay, USA       120       239
Estie/Belen, Mexico       96       385
Samuel/Clara, Spain       93       187
Juan/Ruth/Lalo, Chile       91       550
Tim/Claire/Stefan/Joy, Switzerland       87       439

Juan/Ruth/Lalo, Chile       166       1,000
Ben/Meekn ess, Botswana       102       204
Pablo/Cielo, Colombia       75       150

Joao/Clara, Brazil       38       152
Aaron/Joyful, India       35       71
Abel Alegria/Flor, Mexico       30       60
Ezequiel/Esther/Taines, Brazil       27       83
Mateus/Lily, Brazil       26       53
Isaac/Ruth, Burma       20       80
Philip/Meekness/Magda, Namibia       18       55

Copyright © 2001 by The Family

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