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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine

(Issue #113; June 1, 2001)

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine are not intended to reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751, Irving, Texas, USA - 75016-8751 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2001 by The Family


       Friendship without self-interest is one of the rare and bea utiful things of life.-James Francis Byrnes


       Gustavo, born to Andrea and Ricardo on April 10.-Brazil
, born to Angie and David on April 11.-Paraguay


new CM disciples…
(50, Brazilian) and Celia (51, Brazilian) joined in Brazil.-March
       Paulo Jose
(20, Brazilian) joined in Brazil.-March


       featuring: highlights from the NACRO area, a Summit 2001 presentation, page 6

       A touching account of the graduation of David (13, of Stephen and Lisa, Liber ia) can be found on the MO site. We love you and pray for you, Stephen, Lisa and family!

       In GV #112, “legal and media,” page 3, was an article from a Home in Romania about Ioan, a former beggar turned new man and painter! Check out the MO site to read his story in his own words, and see pictures of his transformation!

Get your hands on those goodies!

       Lots of goodies on the MO site; something for everyone. Check out the new MP3s under Miscellaneous Remixed Songs, including a great dancea ble version of “Like This (Girl, Girl)” and a Latin-style instrumental rendition of “Wayfaring Stranger,” among a couple others.
       Then you can wander over to Site News to read “Ron's Story” by Piper. Don't forget the Newswire section-these stories don't appear anywhere else! Outstanding newbies include, “Victories out of Seeming Defeat” and “Not by Outward Appearance.” This and That has a funny write up called “Dumb and Dumber.”
       Finally you can mosey over to the Photo Section and become acqua inted with your fellow missionaries the world over. The photos from Nigeria are National Geographic standard. And Zambia features truly inspirational photos especially seeing Kelvin and Mike, two new disciples.-You go guys!

photo caption:
Charity presenting Jamina Khan (wife of Imran Khan, famous cricket player turned politician) with a parcel of our videos and tapes during a function for special children.


Why do some GNs have art and some don't?

By WS GN team
       God bless our talented, hard-working artists, who make the GN covers-among our other pubs-such a pleasure to look at! They work long hours and do their best to capture the spirit and principle of the Letters in art, and do a terrific job!
       Sometimes, however, we send new GNs off without art for a variety of reasons: Either there's no room for artwork, no time for the artist to draw it (since the Letter is timely), or the artist is busy with another more urgent project. So, as much as we'd like to illustrate every GN, you may occasionally get a GN without cover artwork for these reasons-not because these GNs are in any way less important or less worthy of being read! There's much to profit from in every GN, and we hope you do! We love you!

attention: YOUNG* CVC fans!

       Your peers would like to hear from you in 400 words or less how CVC has…

       * given you more self-esteem
       * enabled you to learn a new ministry
       * opened up new doors of opportunity to you
       * made you feel good about yourself
       * been a cool challenge
       * or anything else it's done for you (dig deep!)

Write today to gv@wsfamily.com.
       Send a picture and profile of yourself, and let us know how you're using CVC to better your brain and your life!

       (*definition of YOUNG in this instance means ages 30 and under)

The invisible Lovelines mailing

       They seek it here, they seek it there,
       Those lovelorn seek it everywhere.
       Is it still published? Or is it finito?
       That Lovelines Magazito.

       Yes, Lovelines i s still being produced and mailed to whoever (over 21 years) subscribes to it. It goes out approximately every six weeks. (Incidentally, you have to acknowledge you have received your mailing in order to receive the next one.) You can subscribe yourself, and/or send in an ad to be included, by writing pubs@wsfamily.com. Please include your e-mail address, a few personal details such as your name, age and location, and your PGP key. You can close your messages in the WSPubs key (if you need a cop y of that, it can be found on the MO site, or write pubs@wsfamily.com to request it).
       Love, your Lovelines Editor

My priorities today…

       [] Drive the kids to the park
       [] Phone the veggie contact
       [] Try the new workout video
       [] Follow up on potential Activated subscriber
       [] Cook dinner
       [] PRAY for a mega-influx of finances for the Activated push, the setting up of the board structure, and WS' continued publication of magazines and GP books.

Invisible means of support
       Simon Sim ple, India:
If there's a motto I really want to strive to live my life by, it's this one: “Prayer: Minimum expenditure of time for maximum results!” I'll explain:
       We were incredibly tight financially at the beginning of the month and things were looking quite bleak. A lot of our Home was down with a flu and things weren't working out financially as expected. We called a prayer day and just stopped everything, got on our knees and prayed! The Lord spoke and said He was teaching us to fight in t he spirit and that great things were ahead. We also asked our dear VSs to please pray for us.
       Two days later we received a gift in the mail which covered our rent, and the next day we landed a booking for two school seminars which brought in another sizeable contribution. The next day we got another gift in the mail, and at the end of the week a prominent person in the city asked us to please start training the teachers at her slum school and she insisted on paying us to do so!
       Moral of the story: Pray! It works! It's so wonderful to live by faith and to have an invisible means of support.

the Lord on … some recent GNs

Leadership Lessons, Part 1, GN 941

       (Jesus:) This Letter emphasizes a very important message, one that is vital to all My dear brides-they must take time with Me daily if they want My power to do My work. They need the power, inspiration, strength and anointing they gain from this time to make the rest of their day fruitful and productive, no matter what they do. I can help them with their outreach, their care of the children and the Home, their business or paperwork, or with any other area they need help in if they will only come to Me!
       So take these lessons to heart and spend time with Me, dear ones. I love it, and you will too!

What the Future Holds, Part 1, GN 942

       (Jesus:) These words are indeed wonderful, and you marvel at them, but there is so much more to come! There are seeds and sights and sounds which you will receive and see and hea r even on Earth which you have not imagined up until this time. The days which come to pass may seem like science fiction to some of you, but they are instead Heavenly reality and actual Endtime events.
       So be not faithless, but believing. It is according to your faith that it will be done unto you, as I emphasized many times when I gave you the keys to the Kingdom. If you can believe, all things are possible unto you. If you do not believe, you will lack the power and the anointing which I wou ld have made available to you otherwise. Please do not limit Me by a lack of faith. In doing so, you hurt yourselves, as well as the lost that I would reach and win through you.

Activate the World, Part 1, GN 943

       (Jesus:) There is much that is inspiring, uplifting, great and grand in this Letter about your Activated ministry. Some of My children may read these words and wonder, “How can these things be? We would be happy just to sell one subscription today, much less flood our country with the Activated magazines and other books!”
       Well, My dear ones, little beginnings can have great endings, but much depends upon you and your faith, initiative, vision and obedience. The tools have been prepared for you and are available to you, I have supplied the vision and can supply the inspiration. The methods to get out these mags have been discussed in your publications, and I can give you personal guidance as well-so all that remains is for you to do your part.
       Will you take Me at My wo rd and put Me on the spot to fulfill what I have said? If you do, if you step out to try and keep trying, to believe and practice My Words even though they seem so grand and majestic and you wonder if maybe they were given for some other Family member or Home, then you will see a performance of what I have promised.
       The key is in doing your part. I will make a way, but you must obey. You must ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, knock and keep on knocking. Then you will receive an d find, and great doors will be opened unto you! So please do your part, won't you? I need your whole-hearted help to gather in and feed all My lost sheep before the storm comes.

world news

Educar 2001 Fair!
       João and Clara, Brazil:
During the month of May, the Lord led us to provision a stall at one of the main school fairs in Brazil. The school directors loved our stall, and those who were familiar with the Treasure Attic videos would promptly buy whatever we had to offer.
       One school director was looking at our stand and asked, “Are these from Treasure Attic? Treasure Attics are the best!” Our materials win kids and teachers alike. Another lady entered our stand excitedly, asking to meet Snowflake. She said her three-year-old girl talks nonstop about Snowflake. She had never seen our videos, since her girl watches them at school. We proceeded to show her the videos and she was impressed.
       Sometimes our dear outreachers don't realize the effect these videos are having on the kids and on their education in general, since they normally don't return back after the sales. However, having a seminar of this proportion with 5,000 directors of schools from all over Brazil in attendance, we see the tremendous effect the videos have, and our materials are gaining credibility in the educational community. This is the fourth consecutive year we've participated in this fair for free. During this year's fair, we distributed 320 videos, plus a lot of ICDs and other materials.

show and other performances
       Steven, Thailand:
Falling on April 13, Songkran is Thai New Year-and the hottest day of the year (supposedly)! Many celebrate Songkran by having major water-related festivities (trying to get each other wet in every conceivable way). It's fun and a great time for witnessing.
       On the eve of Songkran, Jonas, Christy and team performed five songs at the main venue in Sanam Luang, by the Grand Palace. This was broadcast live nationwide by Channel 5, as well as to 158 countries via satellite. The program's organizers had asked Jonas and Christy beforehand to address their local and global audience in both Thai and English, wishing people a Happy Songkran and inviting them to experience the beauties of Thai culture by coming here to visit.
       Channel 3's Twilight program is the country's number-one talk show. Several weeks back, Twilight taped a program with Christy and the singing team performing a few numbers and asked for some footage of our CTP work . Last Sunday-which was “Songkran Sunday” (sort of like “Superbowl Sunday”) and a day when probably almost everyone in the country and his or her brother is at home watching TV-the Twilight program featuring our involvement with lukthoong and the Family's CTP work was aired. The emcee was really endorsing the Family's work in this country and willingness to embrace Thai culture and learn the language and customs and commending us for doing so.
       Just two days ago, Christy did another 12-minute i nterview for Twilight, this time on the subject of “what gives you inspiration.” Though we aren't able to talk about the Lord directly, questions like that open the door to give a greater witness which goes out to the whole country. In this particular interview, they didn't ask Christy any questions about lukthoong or singing; it was all about her work and way of life as a volunteer with the Family. They weren't so concerned about following a script; they wanted Christy to “speak from her heart. ”
       The last question they asked her was “Is it tiring for you to do this?” It was all in Thai, and Christy answered something like: “Well, in a way, yes, but at the same time, it's very fulfilling. One thing that I've found out is that if you give love to others and reach out to others, it will come back to you and it will give you fulfillment and happiness always.”
       A few days later, the Twilight crew accompanied the SGA singing team and children's team to a CTP at an old folks' home. We've b een doing regular CTPs at this home for about nine years now (or since some of our kids were three years old!). The elderly folks know all the kids by name and are always so happy to see them. So it was a very good testimony of a longstanding CTP project. Besides the singing and dancing, which the elderly could joined in with, we had activities and games with prizes, plus talking and ministering to the precious people there throughout our visit. We were able to win a few souls as well.

in My arms …

       From Tabitha, England:
Sweet Joy (of Andrew) died yesterday morning (May 12) in the hospital with a lot of her family around her. She had been fading fast these past few days, and the pain caused by the cancer had increased her need for strong medication. Although at the end she wasn't able to communicate much, up until then she had been such a sample to all her visitors and the hospital staff. We had been singing Family songs on one of our visits and one of the nurses joined in and t hen played ''Shepherd of Love'' on the guitar. The staff said she was so brave and did so well.

       (Dad, speaking to Andrew:) Another one has entered the spirit world and has joined us Here in Heaven! It's your sweet Joy. She's such a wonderful woman, so brave, so courageous! She fought a good fight, she has finished her course, and she has received her bountiful rewards.
       Her graduation day was her victory day, her day of rewards, her day of blessings, her coronation day. She was crowned with glory and honor and Jesus lavished rewards and blessings upon her. We welcomed her with open arms, and she's in awe of all that she's seeing, all that she's experiencing. She's so thankful that she's no longer bound to her old fleshly body, but that she's free to run, jump, dance, play, sing, fly, travel, and so much more. You'd be so happy if you could see her right now (and you can if you just close your eyes and ask Jesus to show you a glimpse), because she's so happy!
       Though she's in Heav en now, her heart is still very much with you all. She's already asked for permission to help you from Heaven, to spend time with you in the spirit, to watch out for you, to help answer your prayers, to see to it that you're well taken care of-and all of the other little details that are so important to her. She has such a beautiful mother's heart, and she's still going to be close to you and caring for you and the children.
       She's gone to prepare the way for you, to help to create the perfect heavenly mansion for you, among other things. She's going to help you keep forging ahead, winning victories, winning souls, caring for the children, receiving and living the New Wine, caring for others, and all of the other details that you care for every day. She's going to continue being a very real part of your life. She'll be at your beck and call until you've finished your mission on Earth, and then she'll receive you who she loves so dearly, with open arms.

in my arms … question from yo u

In Grapevine #109, a very sad homegoing announcement was published, involving a baby being dropped several floors and its young mother (a former Family member) committing suicide afterwards. When I read this I was pretty shocked, and I wondered why the testimony was published with such detail? I figured that it was prayed about and the Lord led to publish it this way. However, after hearing someone else in my Home comment on how awful it was, I wondered if it would be helpful to publish the reasons the Lord gave for publishing the announcement with those specifics?
       -FGA, Europe

       A: (Mama:) I'm glad you asked this question, so that we could ask the Lord for more details and share with all of you the sobering and explanatory message He gave.

       (Jesus speaking:) When you first asked Me about the publishing of this very sad news, I told you that it should be printed for the Family. Though this story is very tragic and I knew that it would cause many hearts to be heavy and g rieved, the need for fervent prayer to be generated for this situation was more important. Also, I knew that it would be better for this news to be shared with the Family as a whole, along with My Words of comfort and promise, rather than to be circulated by e-mail and word of mouth. The story would have been exaggerated and twisted along the way, and would have caused more heartache, despair and questions.
       Life is not perfect, as you know, and the road of your life sometimes takes deep and da rk turns. Some of these heartbreaks come unexpectedly; others are the result of your choices or the choices of others. Nevertheless, in every situation, I am by your side. I am with you. I take the broken pieces and in time, I mend them. I can make an even more beautiful creation out of the broken pieces of your life as you place your full trust in Me.
       You are one body, a Family joined together. You must uphold one another in prayer. When one suffers, all suffer. As you approach the time of th e End, when evil will wax worse and worse, and many will be tried and tested, you must remain strong and put your faith in Me. You must see beyond, into the future, into Heaven, into the day when all things will be perfect and right. Now is not that time. Now is the time of testing, when the Enemy is lurking about, seeking whom he may hinder, discourage, condemn, tempt or destroy. You must raise a force field against the Enemy in prayer and rebuke him, all the while believing and trusting in Me and in My ability to make all things right in the end.
       I will triumph at the last day. I will reign victorious. My Kingdom will not suffer even one defeat. Even though you may look at this incident as a defeat or great loss, among many other situations, when I call you all Home in the Rapture and you stand before Me, then I will weave all the strands of the tapestry together. Then your eyes will be opened, and you will see the full beauty of My Kingdom and the workings of every part. Then you will see the Scripture fulfilled which says: “And this is the Father's will which hath sent Me, that of all which He hath given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day” (John 6:39).


       In MLK #126, there's an error on page 18, at the end of the paragraph at the top of the page. The paragraph should end with “Gog and Magog,” not “God and Magog.” Could you please change these on your printed copies? Thank you!

       It was brought to our attention that the prayer request in GV #111 for “Keisha (of Agustin and Paloma)” was published with incorrect info. Agustin and Paloma are actually the parents of Keisha's mother, Ana Belen. So the correct prayer request should be: “Keisha (of Ana Belen and Idy): Throat not functioning correctly, causing inability to control swallowing.

       On the CD label of “The Rocker” song #13 is titled “Come Back to Me,” but the correct title for that song is “Come Back to You.” Our apologies!



By Jason CRO

       We have 840 Family members in Mexico and Central America-580 CM and 260 FM. Mexico is actually the 8th most populated country in the world, and the biggest Spanish-speaking country in the world. It has the biggest city in the world-Mexico City, which now boasts a population of 25 million people. Mexico and Central America makes up 8% of the Family population. There are 23 FM Homes in Central America, and 43 in Mexico.
       We have 37 CM Ho mes right now in Mexico, but it fluctuates a little bit with people going to new fields. Central America has 10 CM Homes. We have two CM Homes in Honduras and two in Guatemala, with a population of 11 million people! Of the seven countries in Central America it is the most populated, and our VSs are now basing out of there. We have a Central American team which just moved to Costa Rica, but are continuing to VS there.

Mexico stats since Activated

       Mexico has continued to lead the way as the Family's #1 soul shiner month after month as is evidenced by the Grapevine stats, and now since the “Conéctate” (Spanish Activated, or “Get Connected” which is the literal translation) meetings were held across Mexico in the summer of 2000, our country's tool distribution stats have also been on the rise.
       As an inspiring LNF on this very subject, if you look at the most recent Grapevine (#111, May issue) you will see that Mexico took first, second and third place in souls worldwide! Plus first and second place in posters distributed worldwide! Plus first and second place for tapes distributed! And last but not least, yes, first and third place for videos distributed! Yes folks, that's nine of the top 12 shiner spots worldwide! See it for yourself in GV #111. Of course, this was an exceptional month for Mexico as far as the “Shine On” stats list goes, and I don't say this to minimize all the miracles the Lord is doing for our Family worldwide, but it does show the new leaf which the w ork in Mexico has turned over since heading into our Activated future.
       In this new era of action, the promises the Lord has given for Mexico and Central America continue to be fulfilled. These lands “south of the border” are full of precious people, delicious food, some of the world's best climates, as well as the adventures that come with it: unpredictable mail service, a Millennial (also known as “mañana”) approach to many jobs that you sometimes want done right away, Internet services that are still not completely controlled by the ACs, since you still have to pray you can “sign on” each time before trying. Ha!
       So if you are praying about an exciting challenge where there is unlimited Activated potential, don't exclude Mexico from your list of possibilities.

fruit in Mexico and Central America

       One of the greatest collective victories won in Mexico and Central America this past year is that a good number of our Homes have begun to “make disciples” of the people tha t the Lord has been leading them to, and these disciples (most of them are “live outs”) are now becoming very active participants in what each of these Activated Homes have been accomplishing. I know that our CM/FM Family who have really gotten behind the Activated discipleship push and who have been getting their sheep and friends together for regular meetings and Bible studies will tell you that they couldn't do it without their new live-out teamworkers, and that they desperately need this new blood the Lord has been “adding” to their ranks to be able to help them continue to win others.
       We've seen this pattern develop in a number of cities here in Mexico where the live-outs are now beginning to eagerly take the ball and start running with it in so many areas, such as witnessing, sharing testimonies at classes, helping lead the classes themselves, helping to support their Homes and more. It's taken a lot of prayer, and helping to lead, guide and shepherd them along the way, but nev ertheless they have been very REAL disciples and are helping to make it happen.
       In fact, many of the newest recruits that have joined some of our Home's weekly Bible studies, “church in the homes,” etc., have been met and brought to the meetings by the live-outs themselves, as time and again we've seen some of our first live-outs reach people that our Family live-in members could have never reached. They are also very new bottles, and many Homes have commented that they eagerly eat up every ne w tidbit from the Words the Lord has inspired through Dad and Mama, even stuff that sometimes us “live ins” have felt a little hesitant about presenting at first. Now with this new harvest of not only souls, but also actual disciples, the vision for winning more has been coming into focus and becoming not only visible, but hard to miss! They are the ones that the Lord is raising up here in Mexico and Central America to help us carry the Activated vision into the 21st century and beyond.
       To par aphrase that old poem, I would say: “The Lord's love had the wit to win; He drew a circle that brought them in.” Right before our eyes we are seeing little Family “churches” pop up all over Mexico and Central America. (When we say “churches” we're not referring to the old, boring, spooky, dank, dark, cathedral-looking kind, but rather the on-fire, living-stones kind!)
       What used to be the very unheard-of phrase-new disciple-is now not nearly as foreign. When commenting on the Activated meetings , many long time Family friends have made comments to the effect of “Finally! It's about time! I've been wondering when you guys were going to start something up like this, 'cause we missed you and you guys have so much to give.” Ha! That sums up the way many have felt here, and how happy they are that we are now including them more and scheduling events, meetings, seminars, etc., which they can be a part of.
       New Homes continue to open in Central America, which is a very exciting field just wa iting to be Activated. God bless our dear Family there who have gotten behind getting out the Activated mags and getting in the subscriptions.
       A testimony we heard from one team in Guatemala was that in order to help motivate their Home toward getting out the Activated subscriptions they started a “Godly competition,” and made a united push for all to concentrate on subscriptions every day they went out, with some sort of shiner recognition for their Home winner. From what we heard, this was a fun approach to getting subscriptions and helped their home get over the “subscription hump.”

Benefits of S2K in Mexico

       This is an important point: The S2K was a godsend and answer to prayer for Mexico and Central America. It has changed the field. We saw the results very quickly. I think one of the benefits in this era of action has been the focus on reaching out and not so much introspection of our problems. Before at Family Camps we would have a line outside our door of people to have t alk time with, and by the end I just wanted to hide. The talks were like, “So-and-so stole my this, and this and that,” and at the teen camps I had to chase down people who had tequila bottles and pistols and that kind of stuff.
       At the recent Conéctate meetings we had just as many people coming for talk times-and I was already bracing myself-but people had changed. I saw the Lord's Spirit really work in their hearts. They would spend hours sharing how thankful they are for the New Wine, how th ankful they are for the Activated vision, that it's just what they needed. I would sit there almost dumbfounded, thinking is this the same person? It's amazing! The Activated vision, even on the shepherding level, has been a miracle of the Lord's Spirit.

Pioneer Home in Nicaragua

       We have a pioneer team of all SGAs and teens that are opening a Home in Nicaragua. This team is headed up by a national, Paul Braveheart (23), who is a very on-fire witnesser. He has a whole catacomb ministry to al l of his old friends. He was in the Family till he was about nine years old, when his mom left the Family. But she would still read him the Letters and tell him about the Lord, so when he became 16, he dropped out of high school and joined the Family. He puts a lot of Family young people to shame because he made the decision to forsake all wholeheartedly, and he even left a girlfriend that he was very in love with to serve the Lord.
       He knows all the countries in Central America well. He is of Guatemalan nationality, born in Mexico, but he lived most of his life in Central America. Nicaragua is one of the poorest of all the Central American countries and was devastated by Hurricane Mitch. The team knows what they are up against, but the Lord gave them each prophecies, and they agreed that none of them were going because they were “buddies” or “friends,” or because they liked being with So-and-so. They all chose to go because God was calling them.

Solid CTP projects in Mexico and Ce ntral America

       A number of Homes that have been faithful to stick to their plows in the same cities here in Mexico (and Central America too!) for four, five and some six years, have begun to see the fruits of their labors in the way of getting solid and lasting CTP ministries set up and rolling which have had a real and lasting impact on their perspective cities, and have greatly bolstered their witness and been quite a sample to the communities in which they live.

Guadalajara, Mexico

       The SGAs in one Home in Guadalajara run their own free daycare five days a week for poor families who can't afford anything else for their kids.

Morelia, Mexico

       In Morelia, a team has helped to refurbish an orphanage which had very poor living conditions, bringing in new “sponsored” mattresses, new water piping, new bedding, as well as organizing tons of fun and spiritually feeding activities for the kids.

Chihuahua, Mexico

       Our media team for Mexico City has headed up some exciting CTP adv entures to the very needy indigenous Taharumara Indians who live in the mountains in the state of Chihuahua. This “mission possible” has included supplying these poor and needy people with tons of food and medicine which they desperately needed.

Puebla, Mexico

       A few months ago one Home in Puebla interrupted their regular Christmas outreach in order to visit and minister at a dozen emergency shelters housing the tens of thousands of victims of the Popo eruptions who had fled the volcanic eru ptions which had driven them from their homes.

Mexico Christmas dinners

       One very interesting CTP “stat” is that every Christmas the Family in Mexico helps to provide Christmas dinners to approximately 20,000 people. The Mexico City annual “Zocalo” feeds approximately 10,000 people annually; the Guadalajara Christmas feeds approximately 3,000 people annually; the Morelia Christmas feeds approximately 3,000 people annually, and there are a number of other smaller Christmas meals which the Fam ily hosts in other cities around Mexico and Central America each Christmas. These “feedings” at Christmas have pretty much become a tradition, and are something which many people in each of these cites anxiously wait for each year. These feedings have also been key to bringing thousands of souls into the Kingdom, and have been a very tangible witness of the Lord's love to these people during His birthday. These events have been publicized in dozens of newspapers, and covered by TV and radio stat ions as well.

El Salvador

       We also have one Home in El Salvador, where they have a CTP ministry to the people still affected by the hurricane that hit in January 2001. They got a prophecy that they made into a tract that they are distributing there.

       These are just a few of the active CTP projects some of our Homes have going, but overall our CTP initiatives have been one important aspect of the work here which the Lord time and again has confirmed is part of our testimony as His Lord's c hildren to this needy field.


By Philip

       In 1998 there were 210 CM Homes and 200 FM Homes throughout the whole of NACRO. Jason gave the numbers for Mexico and Central America, which is roughly 40% of the NACRO population. Now, in 2001 there are 140 CM Homes and 239 FM Homes throughout all of NACRO. So there's been a big shift from CM to FM. Some of that was attributed to S2K and helping the brethren to get to where their faith lies and also encouraging more folks to g o to the field and not stay in the States.


By Cedar

       One main thrust has been to improve the quality of life and education for our children and teens and young people in our homes in Mexico. It is a very big need.

Realizing what the problem was

       Home schooling is not normally practiced in Mexico, so many parents aren't trained. They are excellent outreachers, soul-winners, follow-up people, but many don't have experience in teaching.
       Ma ny felt that they didn't have the tools to do the job. They felt that the English speaking world had better access to good home schooling programs, such as CLE, A Beka, etc., and that they had nothing. (I'll clarify that a little later on, because they have a lot, they just didn't know it.) Most Homes had no books or reference material, and they just plopped the kids in front of paper and pencil-and that is not home schooling.
       They lacked motivation to see schooling through. They lacked convic tion and didn't think it was as important as other things in the Home, so it went on the back burner. It may also have something to do with the big meal and long siestas in the middle of the day!

What did we do about the problem?

       We had had a lot of desperate prayer and heard from the Lord many times on the subject. These are different things that the Lord has showed us and that we have done over the last 4 years:

       * Emphasized education in our Family camps, workshops, on visitation, in seminars.
       We have reinforced the Word on the subject, such as the Letters on educating our children and shepherding our children and young people. Those Letters have key paragraphs and points that people don't always catch the first time around. So in our seminars and workshops we have emphasized them; we have done skits about them; we've done everything we can to get people to realize that this is important. We have read the Charter requirements, and even sent out bulletins about the laws in Mexico, because many, even of the nationals didn't realize how serious the consequences are were for not educating their children and not getting their children certified, etc.
       We've had to motivate the Family also through visitation, in some cases PN'ing, FM'ing, and even excomming in some cases, which has been a good motivation.

Finding resources

       We started to wonder why-since there are many well-to-do schools, high-level education and educated people walking around-there was no such th ing as school courses, books, reference material? The Lord showed us to go to a school and find out how they did it. So Seek set up an appointment with a contact of hers, who runs a high-class preschool, to find out how they teach reading, writing and early math, etc. Jason and I went to talk to the lady and asked her how they did it. She told us that any major bookstore in any part of Mexico supplies the books, curriculums and everything that you need. She showed us what she had on hand, and it was excellent, for all levels.
       The Mexicans are very into their education. So we went to the bookstores the same day to see what was available. They not only have curriculums, work books, reference books and material, and teaching aids, but all of the math aids they have already made for cheaper than other places. They have math rods, but in the States they cost $20, and here they cost $2. So it was available, it was just that we needed to let the Homes know that it is out there. Mexico not o nly has curriculums, workbooks, reference materials on an equal level as other programs (such as CLE or A Beka) but they export to all the Spanish speaking world. They have top-notch stuff. We bought a set of books for early learning through 3rd grade to show at our CC workshop. Besides these books that you can buy, there is also free government books available for kids who have not been able to get through school for some reason.
       So we did a visual aid show and tell at our CC workshop, showin g the price of the CLE books, along with the price of A Beka books, and the price of our wonderful Mexican full-color book in Spanish for much cheaper. The Family was so happy and wanted to know where to get these books. In every city they have hundreds of bookstores and any one of them has all the educational books needed. It turned a light on for people and they were very thankful.

How we're doing today

       We have also set up the FED where Dan has hundreds of circuit videos that he circulate s throughout the Homes.
       Many young people have gotten registered and certified through Junior High and Senior High, which enables them to get their driver's license, passports, and not to have to attend the military in some cases.
       National kids of all ages have gotten tested so they can prove to authorities the level they're on, which they have to do, because home schooling doesn't exist, so they have to go for the government testing, which is good, because then the parents know where their kids are at. Many of them are also doing vocational extra-curricular activities for their kids, or are sending them to classes.
       Now when you meet brethren, they tell you what they're doing and how they have gotten it together, and how much happier they and their kids are. Before they said it couldn't be done and now they're saying, “We're doing this and this and this . . .” and it is exciting!


By Dust

       We have a Home located smack in the heart of Mexico City, right near the World Trade Center, which is a major landmark. It seems like every time we walk out our door something exciting happens. There are visitors every day; we have weekly Bible studies with 15-20 people coming by. It's an exciting place to be. There is a little park right down the street where we go and witness to young people. Witnessing happens on a daily basis.
       Our move to Mexico began when Jason asked us to come down and perform at the Zocalo, where 10,000 are fed at Christmas. It took us five days to drive from Washington, D.C. to Morelia. When we got there, the whole town was plastered with posters of our concert. There were banners on the main street and radio announcements. We did our first concert at the main concert hall in Morelia and the admission to the concert was a toy. So each person brought a toy and I think we got about 1,500 toys and at the Christmas dinner the toys were given to the poor. We also did a concert at the Christmas dinner. Then we drove over to Mex ico City and did the same at Zocalo.
       When we got back to D.C. we produced a CD of our tour in Mexico and since then we have been getting them out-a couple of thousand of them so far. They turned out to be a big hit in Spain too, where one brother orders our stuff constantly. He really likes Eagle Bleeds also, which is entirely in English, but he says that it really goes well in Spain.
       When we came through Mexico City we were armed with these CDs to distribute. Our singing team started going to some of the very top restaurants in Mexico City and that is basically how we support ourselves, and it goes very well. TTL, because Mexico is not an easy field; a lot of the Homes really do struggle.
       We have run into a lot of sheep and contacts who always ask about Katrina. She's not there right now, but she was a few years back and from what I can tell, Steven and Katrina did a wonderful job there over the years. We are constantly running into folks that know them and ask about them.
       Vas produced about 20 songs last year; there was one FTT CD, Straight and Narrow, that was all songs that he produced, either in D.C. or after we made our move to Mexico. When we got to Mexico City we built a studio there on a roof, all the materials provisioned, a very nice studio and Vas now works there.


By Andrew and Phil

       Work on setting up the TEAM Foundation started not long after Summit '98 as discussed in the workshops at that time. Its initial purpos e was to produce the Family's home-grown kids' materials in color for the Family.
       The Lord led to form a legal non-profit company in the U.S., but the application was denied in the first round. The lawyer the Lord supplied for TEAM was from a very big firm in Dallas, working pro bono. He said the IRS's decision was wrong and he wanted to fight it. He appealed the decision all the way up to IRS Main Office in Washington, D.C., and once in their hands, non-profit status was approved within a cou ple months. We gained our non-profit status in April 2000.
       When we first started TEAM, the USC was also in Dallas, and since they needed to become a legal entity it worked out for the USC to be a part of TEAM right from the beginning. Not long after that, as Activated grew and its mission of GP productions came more into focus, the Lord indicated that it'd be best for the USC to join the U.S. Activated Desk. So TEAM “donated” the USC and all of its materials to the Activated Ministries foundat ion (also a non-profit) in California.
       At that point TEAM switched its focus of producing color children's material for the Family (which could be more easily handled through the SCs) to instead acquiring System educational materials very cheaply or for free as a result of their tax-exempt status, and then to make these needed materials available firstly to the Family at large cheaper than they would otherwise be able to get them. CVC international desk is also now based at TEAM. TEAM has also incorporated the Family's CLE ordering to help speed up its processing for the Family.
       TEAM has recently come across a Spanish equivalent to CLE, which at present offers a similar curricula to much of CLE's curriculum, although in Spanish for grades 1-6, with more to come. They also offer Reading and Math for grade school ages and flash cards in Spanish. This company is interested in working with us and has already offered us a 45% discount and a reduced cost on the shipping.
       We also have t he Sonday reading system, a structured phonics program that we hope will help those Family children who are, for whatever reasons, having a hard time learning to read. Because it's not necessarily geared to little ones, it's more appealing to older children who need remedial help. It comes as a complete, non-consumable program, including writing instruction, so you can reuse it over and over. There is a detailed teacher's book and an instructional video that comes with each course. The video goe s through each step, with the author actually teaching each particular step to a child. It's also helpful for folks whose first language is not English. TEAM can get the Sonday Phonics system for nearly 50% off.
       Work is progressing slowly on getting A Beka materials, too, which is not easy. We're working on trying to get a good discount on their materials for you. Please keep this in your prayers.
       We'd advertised some months back about the Dorling Kindersley flash cards, which we'd previousl y confirmed with the company to get a good price on, but when we went to make the order we found out that branch of the Dorling Kindersley company had closed up shop. So we switched to flash cards from the Carson-Dellosa Co., who gave us a discount of 50% off-a good savings that you can acquire more information on from GV #104. They are simple, colorful cards with clear type and cute, fun pictures that appeal to children, and can be used from age two and up.
       Then there's Uncle Dan's Algebra, t he notice about which was in GV #106. We're handling his algebra series of videos with an accompanying CD. A lot of people are ordering these videos.


By Andrew and Rose Marie

       The pioneering of the Conéctate work and Home began in March 1999, with Timothy and Eden and family and French Phoebe, all of whom came from Japan to help get the Conéctate desk up and running!
       Josué, Luz and family, who were already living in Monterrey, joined their team. Josué, who at the time had his own business, had been previously part of the MSC (Mexico Service Center) team for many years and was still helping the MSC team with different business matters.
       In May, Gabe, Ruth (Mexican nationals) and their family moved back to Mexico from Brazil to join the Conéctate team. In July of that year Rose-Marie and her two children also arrived from Brazil to join the Conéctate Home-Rose-Marie to become Conéctate's executive secretary. By that time work was underway in earnest with dear Timothy, Josué, Gabe setting up the company, learning about the legalities involved, purchasing and getting the office equipment and so on, and Phoebe helping on the public relations and provisioning side of the operation.
       In July 1999, a package of 25 Conéctate #1 magazines were sent to all Homes in Mexico and Central America, officially kicking Conéctate off in Mexico.
       In October 1999, we sent off our first Conéctate mailing to new subscribers. By this time, the Homes were realizing that it really was happening and interest was growing. We received calls and visits to the Conéctate base from Family members from all over Mexico. We were also sending mailings to South America-Colombia and Chile being two of the countries with the fastest growing readership.
       In December, the Conéctate team and the Mexico SC, manned at the time by Andrew and Joy, Stephen and dawn, Stef, and a wonderfully sweet support staff, joined hands to make their merger official. With that, the MSC operation formally became a part of the Conéctate company. This allowed the MSC to start servicing the Family in Mexico directly by phone, fax, email and personal visits to the Conéctate/MSC office to purchase materials directly. This move significantly improved the quality and efficiency of the MSC's services to the Homes, for which the whole field rejoiced. Though the merge was still a work in progress, tool distribution immediately began to increase, thanks to ready, easy availability.
       In June 2000, the Conéc tate/MSC merge went a step further with the Conéctate team closing down their house to move in with the MSC team. This was a big step toward building a more efficient, economizing and unified team.
       In August 2000, Conéctate meetings were held in various cities of Mexico, as you read about in “Conéctate al Futuro,” FSM #361. This was the next major fueling for the Conéctate work and interest in it. Conéctate took off in subscriptions and more tool orders pouring in from the Homes. Conéctate too l sales increased to all time highs. The orders from the Homes have more than tripled! Our Christmas orders for the months of November and December totaled 258 orders alone for distribution material.
       The Guadalajara Book Fair in November 2000 was phenomenal. Conéctate worked hand-in-hand with Aurora (which had a booth at the fair) and the local Homes in Guadalajara to sell 198 videos, 381 tapes, 420 CD cards, 171 ICDs and 135 music CDs, for a total of 1,305 items over the six days of the fair. A number of potential commercial deals also came about as a result of the fair. The proceeds from the sales and commissions were divvied up between all. The combination of the team and the tools made the stand an instant hit. In fact, we had so many comments about our stand that one of the organizers came over after the first couple of days and said, “So, this is the stand!” Sometimes there were so many people around our booth, that more than one person from a neighboring booth came up and said : “What are you guys giving away?” Our sales teams were on the attack inviting people into our booth, while the media team was getting TV and newspaper crews over to cover our stand, which brought more interested people. At the fair, over $10,000 of retail and wholesale sales were made, the profit then being divided half to the Homes and the other half split between Conéctate and Aurora to help cover the expenses, which Aurora and Conéctate shared equally. Everyone was happy with the huge amount of witness and the proceeds.
       In the face of steady increases in subscriptions and orders from many countries in South America, the month of February 2001 saw the Conéctate work split off to form desks in Chile, Colombia and Peru to handle the growing South America subscriptions. Mexico will handle subscriptions for any other Spanish-speaking countries worldwide.
to date (April 1st, 2001) handles 450 current subscriptions and is steadily growing. We have also sent out memos, Conéct ate SC information packs and a number of flyers to the Homes totaling 1,500 pages to each.
       In total, Conéctate has sent out 10,359 magazines both to subscribers and freebie addresses (4,436 freebies have gone out), and has received a total of 716 paid subscriptions; 266 of these have all completed their first year.
       We now have 10 of the Activated books translated and printed in Spanish and available to all. These include three children's book titles. This is besides the 16 Conéctate magazine s and Mottos for Success calendar, which has been going out very well. There are more Spanish book titles that are print ready.

open forum

Your birthday treasure was …?

       Think back to Family Birthday 2001, where we all were given a special “birthday treasure”… Some of you have written in, sharing what cool, special, far-out or meaningful “treasure” you got at our last Family Birthday.
       So here's a general call to all of you to write up a paragraph or two of what the Lord gave YOU for you r “birthday treasure!” Thanks for sharing the wealth with all of us!

Got scheduling secrets?

       Being a scheduler, I like to find out new and better ways of scheduling so that it is made easier. I would love to hear from other Homes on how they do it to give me some ideas.-Jenny, Zambia
       (Editor: Do you have any hot tips related to making your Home schedule work? Feel free to send them in to
gv@wsfamily.com, and we'll compile them for the benefit of all!)

Ex-member site … be wise

Written by concerned Family members, to Mama and Peter

       From the postings we've been reading over the past year or so, it seems some well-intentioned Family members cause quite a bit of trouble and ill-will on the ex-member Web site. Some seem to feel called to pretty much damn the ex-members, exchange epithets and blast them in general. As this is not in line with the Family's policy of reconciliation and acceptance of people's personal choices, it certainly doesn't help the cause of reconciliation, since most of them sign their posts as “CMer” or “CM Family member,” etc.
       It may be helpful to remind people of our policy regarding our interaction with ex-members, and that it really isn't our place to get on their Web site-designed for their intercommunications-and to start blasting or attacking them. Some current members have also signed other people's names to the postings, or post things from FCF's Web site, or media material from the MO site which is directed to other audiences, or Fam ily postings, such as Peter's advisory regarding James Penn.
       From what we can see, this sets the ex-members off and gets everyone angry, bitter and voicing resentment, and we don't see any good fruit in it. We haven't seen any cases of ex-members getting turned on to the Family as a response to slap-in-the-face e-mails from current members; to the contrary, it seems to open old or healing wounds.

       (Mama:) Amen to the above! Please reread the GNs that outline our policy with former members, such as “An Open Letter to All Current and Former Members” (ML #3091). Such antagonism as described above isn't going to help anybody; it's also a poor sample and reflection of the love that we as Christians are supposed to manifest. If you've been involved in such postings or communications, please give this notice serious consideration. You may be well-intentioned but causing a great deal of damage to the Family at large. Rather than getting involved yourself and trying to argue a point or mak e a statement, why not pray? Leave it to the Lord!

on the net - April 2001


Distinct Visits: 30,549       Daily Average: 1,018.3       Total Downloaded: 6.3 GB
Number of people subscribed to receive Word and Family News by e-mail:
253       E-mails sent: 10,396 (these are not included in the “downloads” stats.)
       Total MP3s Downloaded: 630
       Top 10 MP3 Downloads       Other Downloads
       116 - We Cannot Be Angels              2000 - MO Letters
       12 - Rapturous Feeling       29 - Daily Pic monthly archive zips do wnloaded (a total of 870 pics).
       12 - Straight and Narrow Road
       12 - My Love for You       50 - Daily Pic zip downloads (one pic in each zip).
       12 - Battle for Earth       8 - Poster Screen Saver
       12 - Don't Give Up       Other Stats
       10 - Little One              36 clicks on the “I've prayed this prayer” button
       8 - You Never Held It Against Me       864 e-cards sent
       8 - Wake Up and See
       8 - In the Day

       Top 20 Sections Visited: 19,742 hits
       9609 - Daily Pic       247 - Subscribe
       1942 - Words of Jesus              237 - Tracts
       1835 - MO Letters       233 - Affiliate Links
       1081 - E-cards              208 - Bringing Jesus Into Your Life (salvation)
       863 - Home page       177 - Chapter a Week
       746 - Daily Might       176 - Treasures
       555 - Daily Praise       161 - Meditation Moments
       334 - In Search of Truth       105 - Our Music
       295 - Reflections       103 - About the Family
       292 - Who Is Jesus       101 - Activated Books


Distinct Visits:
428       Daily Average: 14.2       Total Downloaded: 30.9 MB

Distinct Visits:
113       Daily Average: 3.7       Total Downloaded: 2.5 MB

Distinct Visits:
35,485       Daily Average: 1182.8       Total Downloaded: 20.2GB       Total Users: 840
People subscribed:
163       Pubs e-mails sent: 333 (these are not included in the “downloads” stats.)       New classifieds: 34
Top 25 Pubs Downloaded       Top 25 MP3 Downloaded
       1,075 = Reflections       502 = MO Letters
       880 = Meditation Moments       488 = FTT
       481 = FSM       272 = Bible - New Testament
       388 = Grapevin e       195 = New Features (NF)
       332 = New Wine       184 = Dramas
       300 = END       154 = The DC Band
       265 = 12 Foundation Stones       142 = Loving Jesus
       247 = Preparatory Meetings       138 = Meditation Moments
       242 = GNs       121 = Contributions from the Field
       236 = CAT Studies       116 = Spanish tapes
       216 = Activated       100 = From Jesus With Love
       212 = Heaven's Library       97 = BMTs
       196 = Activated Books       75 = Specials (Your Battle Wounds Glow)
       154 = CLTP       58 = Kids Audio Tapes
       152 = Mountain Streams       58 = GP
       125 = Free Zine       56 = Mama's Voice
       122 = Eve       48 = Praise Time
       106 = Tracts       48 = Christmas
       95 = FAR       39 = Miscellaneous
       80 = International Prayer List       29 = Dad's Songs
       76 = Kidland       24 = GP Kids Tapes
       74 = MLK       20 = Minus1
       70 = Blade       6 = To Jesus With Love
       69 = Heaven's Library Books
       65 = Memory Book
       TOTAL: 6517       TOTAL: 2,991
       Other Downloads
       543 - Book Summaries/ News Articles
       247 - Field Contributions (Activated! Section)
       96 - Movie lists (RTF)
       29 - Newsletters
       15 - Screen Savers (The CS collection and Poster collection)

Distinct Visits:
911       Daily Average: 30.3       Total Downloaded: 255.6 MB       Sample Downloads: 260
Distinct Visits:
794       Daily Average: 26.5       Total Downloaded: 63.4 MB

MO site feedback:

       GBY guys, great job! I got on the site for the first time very recently as I've been living in China and from there we can't access the site, and I just love it! I was very critical of the teens who hang online chatting every spare moment (by the way, they love it to pieces. It provides a great deal of fellowship for them! GB the one who had the idea!), but once I got on by chance, they couldn't kick me off for the longest time. Anyway, thanks a ton for such a terrific job.

* * *

       Thanks so very much. You don't know what a blessing your emails (the pubs-by-email) are to us. We cannot check our mail because there is a war going on by the border where our mailings are.

* * *

       We are temporarily in Australia for med ical purposes after 15 years in Japan. Because we are staying at my mother's house outside Melbourne we have been without much fellowship for a while. How refreshing it is to log on to the MO site and get all the latest news, songs, testimonies, movie ratings, Heaven's Library, Grapevine, Zine and even the latest GN and FSM! I spent two hours the other night downloading!
* * *
       Thanks so much! We got in last night and downloaded a ton! We also subscribed to more e-mail items, as we have a hard time getting our mailings with the border problems with Macedonia.

* * *

       We look forward to receiving the news from you; it's a big blessing in this part of the world to get so many articles from good sources.

* * *

       Just wanted to let you know that I received the 9 MP3 CDs safely and wanted to thank you so so much for taking the time to work on these and send them, they're a super blessing!-And that's an understatement! One of the biggest treasures is having the whole Bible! What a surpri se, you know we've been wanting to work on that for over a year so that we could make it available to Homes here in Africa, so this is just really a blessing!

* * *

       The MO site is a SUPER blessing-in our Home we check it more than once a day, and immediately download the new pubs. Some people in our Home are also fanatic MO-chat users, and they like to browse the photo section looking for similar-age members of the opposite sex, and/or people they know. Of course, we've also downloaded tons o f MP3s, which are our primary (only!) source of music.

* * *

       You've gotten me quite dependent on the daily news clips ... I hardly ever glance at a real paper anymore...(TX!)

* * *

       I just wanted to say the Family Members site is really super. It gives me such a feeling of really knowing my brothers and sisters in all parts of the world. I really enjoy going in to the photo sections to see the families I have known over the years, how many children they have and where they are now. It's way cool. There's just so much in it that it's hard to comment on everything. I love the site and really appreciate all the hard work that has gone into it to date.

GP site feedback:

       I want to subscribe to everything you can send me.

* * *

       I love you folks!-What great stuff.

* * *

       Hi. My story is very long, but I need to tell you. When I was about 15 years old and was in junior college in India, some people had come to my college and were singing some songs and telling others to say a small prayer with them. I was very interested in their activity and we had a conversation. They invited me to their meeting in a hotel in Bombay. I went to their meeting and was very happy with their nice nature and the very pleasant atmosphere they had. It was 1987-88.
       For some reason there was some opposition in my house to my contact with those people and slowly my contact with those people waned.
       This brief contact left a great impression on my mind. And after some months I became desper ate to contact them again. I had some of their literature with me and in it there was a post box address mentioned in it. I wrote a letter to that address, but the letter was returned by the postal department saying the address did not exist anymore. I became more desperate and started going to meetings of other groups, hoping that they might be the same group.
       But all this did not prove fruitful. There was one more reason for my failure for finding these people again, that was that these peop le never revealed where they stayed or never gave anybody their contact number. They sometimes referred to their group as “Foreign Friends Association,” but this group had no registration with the government authorities and maybe this was a temporary name.
       After some years I went ahead with my daily life but had decided that one day I will again somehow find these people being with whom I felt very happy.
       Now it is about 15 years since that incident and my curiosity is still active. When I c ame to the USA, my hopes of finding these people again became high (as most of them were from U.S.). I tried to search the net for other religions and sects and found your site. Your description of your organization and activities best match the people I am trying to find.
       If you had any people in Bombay, India, in the period I mentioned and you think I may have come in contact with your people then, please contact me. I would like to be a friend of your organization and again feel happy being around your pleasant-natured members. I am now in Atlanta.
       I will be able to tell you more about their activities like Bible classes, testimonies, etc. If you need any more information-I also remember many of their names. Bye for now.

* * *

       My name is Esther and at the moment I'm in Asmara, Eritrea in northwest Africa. Originally I'm from Albania. I have known the Family for seven years now. Unfortunately I have lost contact with them because of my moving often. Please can you get me in co ntact with anyone responsible for this continent, as I want to get involved in any activity that goes on.
       I don't know if there is any Family Home in Eritrea, but I heard that there are teams that come for trips. I would like to get in contact with them so that we can help each other. I do have a house to welcome anyone coming this way. I will be waiting for your reply impatiently.

* * *

       Hello, I am a student at the University of Cincinnati… I just talked with two young people in your organ ization. They were very pleasant and even though I didn't have any money on me to spare at the time, we did say a prayer together. I am thankful to them for reminding me of what is important in life. I have been confused and misguided lately, and they reminded me of Who I should be talking to and asking for guidance.

* * *

       Say... are you related to the Children of God who saved my butt one time in south Minneapolis in the early '70s? If so, thanks! Peace.

* * *

       Dear friends, do you sell MO 's Letters in book form? They are tremendous and inspiring and insightful. I don't have the ability to download them off the Internet. What an absolutely fabulous site you have!

* * *

       Hi. I'm a 20 year-old ex-member and I just moved to Sacramento and would like to know if there are any Family Homes or members around here. If not, where is the nearest Home to me? I would really like to fellowship with young people.

* * *

       I am writing from Singapore, tell me all about your beliefs! Thank you .

* * *

       I wonder if you have any headquarters in Turkey/Istanbul and if there is one, how can I get in contact with it?


[Program Healing Colombia]
       Agustin, Paloma, Arthur and Celeste, Bogota, Colombia:
Almost six years ago we left Argentina and made our way to new horizons: Colombia. Why the big fuss over Colombia? The rate of violence is equal to a country in declared war-ten times that of the U.S.
       Perhaps it was hearing about the UN survey on children and young people i n countries like Colombia that moved us to work with teens. Apparently countries that suffer so much violence are at the risk of becoming three times worse in the near future. As the children grow up, their main motive becomes hatred towards those that have taken their lands or killed their parents, and one day they will retaliate if their hearts are not healed. There is evidence of this fact in Bogotá alone, in the approximately 480 street gangs, many of them armed militia who easily take justi ce into their own hands.
       (Editor: Read more about Program Healing Colombia, what their team has done with 200 teenagers for the last year-and-a-half, and how they are now expanding into neighborhoods where angels fear to tread. Read about their cooperation with the main Peace Movement in Colombia, the peace marches they've participated in, and the moving song that Agustin received in prophecy that has become a favorite in the peace movement-a song from the people of Colombia's ancestors who ar e pleading from the next world that vengeance be left aside, that all join hands in prayer to heal the wounds and bring God's refreshing waters of peace to the land. Read it all and see the photos too, on the MO site!)

[6-day teacher training seminar]
       Karachi Home, Pakistan:
Two of our members, Mary and Samaria, traveled to the interior of the Punjab to a remote village to conduct a week-long training course for 40 teachers from six different schools. This was organized and sponsored by a f oreign-owned power company that has its power plant in this region. They wanted to make a significant contribution to the community and felt that this could best be served by providing training for the teachers in the area. As we have been ministering to the head of this company, he nominated us to make a proposal for this training program and it was accepted. The funding which we received (approximately US $4,000) not only covered the cost of materials and transport, etc., but provided a genero us contribution for our work as well. In this proposal we broke down our costs into the following main categories: materials, transport, educational audio/visual materials, and cost per trainer per hour.
       (Editor: Please see “Six Day Teacher Training Seminar” on the MO site for the valuable full report on how they conducted their very successful seminar, and their plans for a follow up visit in two or three months' time. It contains good tips for all who are considering hosting similar teachers ' seminars. They have also posted some of their prepared seminars under the
Activated section of the MO site.)

[“I want to rent to you missionaries!”]
       Estevao and Ana, Brazil:
The Lord showed us to open a new Home here in Brasilia. We prayed desperately and started looking for a house. We only had 30 days, so it was tight. We found one that was actually in our price range and we liked it. But just to prove the Lord, we asked Him to confirm it if the man would take the equivalent of only $25 off the rent. He wouldn't do it. We were getting short on time. We asked him again. He still wouldn't do it. We liked the house but just really wanted to know the Lord's will. We were desperate! “Why, Lord?” He told us He had something better.
       That week in our Bible study, one of our sheep said, “I have a house in Largo Sul (the most expensive area of town). Why don't you go look at it?”
       We said, “There's no way we can afford a house in that area. You know we live by faith, donations and ti thes.” She insisted that we look at it anyway and when we saw it, of course we loved it! Large rooms, swimming pool, fancy barbeque area, lovely area of town, etc. She had been offered four times as much as we could afford but she said, “Look, I don't want to rent to someone who will never let me come to the house and see my roses! I want to rent to you missionaries!” We told her how much we could afford and she said yes!
       The Lord is really using this house for His glory now. We have at least 25 visitors each Sunday and discipleship and pre-discipleship meetings every week, too! The Lord wants the best for His children, if we just pray and trust!

[Scouting and shows in Korca]
       Lisa YA, Eman, Dust and Smile, Durres Home, Albania:
Once a month, we take a two-day trip to the city of Korca in southern Albania, close to the borders of Greece and Macedonia. We have pick-ups there that our faithful contacts have been helping with over the years. Many of us wanted to enlarge our Activate d vision of finding and feeding His sheep in that city. So after getting the go-ahead from our precious Savior, Eman Albanian and Lisa (YA) left for this exciting adventure.
       Besides all of the regular pick-ups, they were able to distribute ten videos and ten tapes (all the tools that they took with them), and they won 47 souls! They also went to most of the kindergartens in the area. They got some businessmen to sponsor a few videos for a very poor kindergarten. The director was sweet and very appreciative of the videos, so we asked her if she could write a thank you letter to the man who sponsored them, to which she readily agreed. The next morning she had it ready in hand to be delivered.
       Since this was a scouting trip, we went around to see where the need was and if the schools would like us to perform our show. Of course they all did! So we returned a few weeks later with a bigger team, consisting of our guitar player, singer and driver for the trip, Francesco Albanian (of Sara ). By the way, we “borrowed” him from the Tirana Home. We also had Dust Albanian (of Smile Hungarian) as one of the clowns. Eman Albanian was there too, and did a great job of being a clown. Lisa (YA) played the sad clown. And where would we be without our wonderful kid power-Kriszi (5, of Smile and Dust), who was added to the team.
       The Lord really provided for our trip and we met lots of potential people along the way. We were able to do three shows in one day. We also did a show at Soros and they took six videos for their school. All in all, the trip was fruitful and over 200 souls were saved.
       I would like to add here that the ones that stayed at Home were wonderful, especially Smile and Larissa for staying by the stuff. You guys are the best! And thanks also to the guys in Tirana, who let Francesco come with us!


Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up


Hill Harper, Pierce Brosnan, Sinéad Cusack
       Drama about a small Irish island community th at is thrown into turmoil by the arrival of a young man from America whose mother, formerly from the island, has recently died. He finds himself the unwitting center of an ongoing conflict.

Keri Russell, William Ash
       Teen-style love story, set in Ireland. A young rich girl becomes the dance partner of a soccer player who wants to pursue a relationship with her. Some fun dancing scenes.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

aul Ho gan, Linda Kozlowski, Jere Burns, Jonathan Banks
Mick Dundee and family move to Los Angeles when Sue is temporarily assigned to head the bureau of her father's newspaper.


Animated, voices of David Spade, John Goodman
       A selfish emperor is transformed by a potion into a llama and tries to get his life back. Has some foolishness, but generally fun adult/teen entertainment, with some lessons on unselfishness.

Non-Recommended Movies

(Annette Ben ing, Robert Downey Jr.; 1998)
This movie is a little taste of Hell, the torment of mind and body that befalls the twisted souls who choose to embrace darkness rather than light. It presents its picture of hopelessness and complete despair, a lost child of darkness caught in the clutches of evil with no hope of escape but the final death of the body. Those who are wise will shun this movie, for there is nothing therein to minister hope or encouragement or inspiration or edification. It is a dark, depressing look at evil close-up, and is not worth taking your time for.


The Nephew

       (Dad:) This is a sweet movie about love and family and acceptance. It's not one of those Hollywood glamour movies-it's more a glimpse of real life. I like those movies where you take a look into people's lives and see the different things that make them the way they are. Of course their lives would be so much different if they had the Lord, but it was still interesting and sweet.

Ma d about Mambo

       (Jesus:) This movie is fine to watch. It doesn't have a lot of substance-it's a typical teen flick. Rich girl and poor boy meet, the divide of wealth and the attraction of love. Dance brings them together and it shows the struggle of wealth and poverty in the world and the snobbery of people. It's cute and sweet, but people should be prepared for the age group it is geared towards, which is young teens.

Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles

       (Dad:) This is an “entertainment only” m ovie. It doesn't have much of a storyline to it, or lessons, but there isn't anything harmful in it either. It's not as interesting as the previous two “Crocodile Dundee” movies, but most folks will find it enjoyable, light entertainment.

The Emperor's New Groove
(Dad:) You usually think of cartoons as movies for little children, but the producers of The Emperor's New Groove have specifically made this to cater to an older audience. They made a comedy, and most of the humor children wouldn' t understand and wouldn't find funny. That's not to say that you couldn't show it to children, but it's one that you'd definitely want to preview first, to see what kind of an effect it will have on your children. It could possibly be shown to younger audiences, at your discretion, and if the lessons are clearly brought out for them.
       As far as JETTs and adults go, it's fun entertainment, and you'll get some good laughs. It's got a sweet ending. It's a simple story, with a lot of humor to spice it up, about someone who didn't care about others and had to go through a lot-the school of hard knocks-in order to learn his lessons.

reviews … on other movies


Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts
This movie has its fun moments, its romance, its interesting characters, but also has its share of violence, as well as a fairly overt gay element. It's become acceptable to be tolerant of that sin against God, and you have to be on guard and not become numb to Hollywood's pr opaganda. Sodomy is still a sin in My eyes, no matter how sweet and innocent they make it look.
       Please don't think that these kinds of movies are merely light entertainment with a few wrong attitudes thrown in. It's a spiritual warfare, and this movie was greatly influenced by foul spirits, ungodly spirits, spirits that seek to pull the susceptible away from Me and away from godliness. Of course, in order to be able to market the movie and hit as wide a viewing audience as possible, the Enemy is smart enough to not make it blatantly evil, so he has salted and peppered this movie with a few truths throughout-a pinch of wise counsel, some humor, and a little sweet tenderness in order to disguise the bad taste and make it fairly palatable.
       However, I would warn shepherds and parents that it is not good for the young or immature to view it. The early teen years are crucial for the formation of opinions and attitudes. That's why the Enemy is targeting school-age kids with the ideas of t olerance and acceptance in a “diversified world,” pushing the limits beyond that which is right, good and acceptable. Teens are vulnerable and susceptible, and many of them are inexperienced when it comes to sex, so the Enemy seeks to influence and sway their sexual ideas and orientation.
       This isn't a terrible movie, but neither does it have anything that makes it especially worthwhile.


Jamie Bell, Julie Walters

       (Jesus:) The advertising for this movie is misleading as it is advertised as a family movie, charming and entertaining, and was even nominated for an Academy Award. However, it has undertones of homosexuality all the way through. This movie is a cunning way for the Enemy to infiltrate families and to introduce the youth to a grievous sin against Me. I love the sinner but I hate the sin of homosexuality. My mercy is longsuffering and forgiving and I am quick to forgive and to help all those who want to be delivered from the Enemy's grip. But this movi e is too tolerant of the sin.
       In some ways it may seem harmless and even a “fighter” movie, but that's what is so harmful about it.-It's deceptive. I am the Lord of the dance. I love dancing, and I Myself love to dance. My servant David danced naked before Me and the people in glory and honor to Me and I was well pleased. But this movie doesn't bring out the beauties and freedom of My Spirit, but is used as the covering for a more insidious message.


       (Mama:) Looking over all these p rayer requests can be a little overwhelming. But remember, we have the most powerful God and Healer in the universe just waiting on our prayers. He's more willing to answer than we are even to ask. And in comparison to the world and the illnesses so many are afflicted with, we suffer little in comparison, considering our CM/FM Family is made up of over 12,000 people. So even though some of our mates are suffering serious afflictions, we can rest assured that wonderful healing is available to the m through our intercessory prayers. So please don't fail the Lord and these dear ones by not upholding them in prayer. (Reprint from GV #111.)

North America

       Joy SGA
(of Andrew, Mexico): Medical tests show abnormalities of the brain. Against fatigue and low blood pressure.


(of Hosea, PG and nearly due): High blood pressure.

South America

       For the political situation in Bolivia, which could result in a conflict between the coca farmers and the government. For the Lord to supply for the Homes in spite of the economic crisis.
       Against a possible epidemic of dengue fever in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Some brethren in the area have been infected.
       Steven and Grace
(Chile): Importation of the shipment of two containers with medical and humanitarian aid.
       Cristal and Blanca
: Tumor in neck.
(of Richard): Tissue between bones in knees is wearing away, causing pain and inflammation.
: Lupus.
(of Praise): Breathing difficulty.
       Lucas F rancesco
(5 months, of Claire): Congenital torticollis.
(of Tim): Small benign tumor in uterus.
       Rachelle Spring
: Two cysts in uterus, one of which is quite large.
       Larissa Summer
(6 of Emanuel and Julia): Recovery after a car accident causing severe lacerations. Against scarring.
(SGA) and Ana Karina: Scoliosis. Against pain.
(16): Juvenile arthritis.
       Daniel Esteban
(12, of David and Cristal): Growth problem.
(of Pawel): Blood disease and knee problem result ing from an accident that happened two years ago.
(of David): Growth under her arm and complications relating to her uterus.
(PG, of Adino): Cancerous growth in her womb.
(of Richard): Tumor is increasing in size and causing bleeding.
(13, of Susanna): Pain in the hips, which makes walking difficult.
       Martin Lucas
(14, of Heaven Love): Backache and dislocation of feet.
(7, of David and Marysol): Trouble with his adenoids, causing breathing problems.
(9, of Francisco and Mariana): That her vision will not be harmed after an accident in which her cornea was injured with a needle.
(of Mark): Two nodules in the thyroid area.
: Arthritis.

Answered Prayers

From Agustin and Paloma, Colombia:

       Dear Brethren,
       We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your many faithful prayers for our granddaughter, Keisha (of Ana and Idy). She is now at home, and doing very well after being 40 days in the hospital. She was found to have no sign of anemia, or any neurological problems. She has to have a bit of oxygen just in case of any difficulty in breathing and she still has trouble with her throat muscles when breathing (it's not clear why), but we keep on asking the Lord for His mercy and her complete healing.
       The possibility of a syndrome was practically discarded, though some of the doctors still insist that she has a genetic problem of some kind, but they can't say exactly what it is. Please keep her in your prayers. We know the Lord is going to take this problem away as He has all the other ones.

From Joyful, Beth, David and Esperanza, Paraguay:

       Praise the Lord! The Lord has just done miracle after miracle for little Darren, who was born on Wednesday the 11th with some serious problems. They bottle-fed him some formula to see how he would react, considering his hypoglycemia. A few days later David talked to the pediatrician, who is so content with this incredible and miraculous progres s that he said if all goes well, Darren will be able to go home soon.
       We'd like to ask you to join us in prayer, once again-this time in praise and thanksgiving for His goodness and mercy, His loving touch of healing and for the miracles he's done for little Darren. Praise His Name! Thank you for your prayers for him, and please continue to remember him in your prayers, as he still has a ways to go. He's still a bit under 2kg and is quite vulnerable.

From Pablo and Love, Ecuador:

       Last wee k, just before the operation to remove cancer in her uterus, Love had a medical exam and it showed that there weren't any cancerous cells or any vestige showing that she was sick before. The Lord healed her completely, thanks to our beloved Family's prayers. Thanks so much to all who have interceded for her in prayer. We wouldn't be able to go through this test without your support and prayers.


Singer/composer of music/composer of lyrics/producer

1. God's Spirit in Afr ica

       Richard Kawesa/Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew V.

2. Heavenly Connection

       Esther Wildwind/Michael Piano, Andrew V., Angelina/Michael Piano, Andrew V., Angelina/Andrew V.

3. In Your Arms

       Esther Wildwind/Esther Wildwind/Esther Wildwind/Darren Y.

4. Cry of a Continent

       Rachel A., Lillian C./Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew V.

5. Which Will It Be?

       David/John Harvest, Juno, David/John Harvest/Juno

6. Passing Away

       Kat D./Kevin W./Andrew V./Owen C.

7. Rock Stars Now Dead

       Jason, R AD, EAS/Philip/Philip, Windy, Barry/Andrew V.

8. Gone On His Wine

       Gavin/Gavin & Emmanuel (inspired by ML “Let's Talk About Jesus”)/Gavin & Emmanuel (inspired by ML “Let's Talk About Jesus”)/Emmanuel

. Comfort Me
       Esther Wildwind/Michael P., Esther Wildwind/Esther Wildwind, Steve M./Owen C.

10. Rain

       Niki/Niki, Andrew V./Niki, Andrew V./Andrew V.

11. Livre por Jesus

       Tigo/Pedro A./Pedro A./Emmanuel

12. The Face

       Roy A./Steve M./Brian/Owen C.

13. Come Back to You

       Kat D./ Esther Wildwind/Esther Wildwind, Michael E./Owen C.

14. Reach Out

       Pedro/Danny P./Danny P./Steve M.

15. Rocker

       Willie D., Emmanuel/Emmanuel/Emmanuel/Emmanuel


       Singer/composer of music/composer of lyrics/producer

1. Make Me Feel All Right

       Vas/Vas/Stephen T./Vas and Godfrey

2. Morning

       Julia/Julia, Emmanuel/Julia/Emmanuel

3. Freedom

       Godfrey/Justin Paone, Sam Doller, Windy/Godfrey

4. Take It Up

       Kat/Clair/Steve M./Luke

5. Labyrinth

       Emmanuel/Emmanue l/Emmanuel/Emmanuel

6. Midnight


7. Burning Dream

       Joni/Vas/Joan Clair/Vas

8. Need to Ask You


9. Seven Vials


10. All Over Me


11. Mountain Men

       RAD/Emmanuel/Aaron David/Emmanuel

12. Shine

       Julia, Raquel/Julia, Emmanuel/Julia/Emmanuel

13. It Happened to Me


       Singer/composer of music/composer of lyrics/producer

1. Night Life

       Ezra /Philip/Philip/Philip, John

2. Rendezvous

       Niki/Philip/Philip/Michael, Philip

3. Where He Leads


4. The Mercy God Shows

       Ezra/Philip/Philip/Philip, John

5. Hungry for Love

       Niki/Philip, Michael/Philip, Michael/Michael

6. My Father


7. Reach the Lost

       Ezra/Philip/Philip/Philip, Jerry

8. I Think of You


9. The Rider


10. I Start Falling

       Niki/Philip/Philip/P hilip, John

11. Without Love

       Philip/Philip/Philip/Philip, John

12. Wind of Love


tip of the day


       A small mention in an article in the Grapevine talked about ordering books through Amazon.com, over the Internet. There are other options, and cheaper, if anyone is interested. Many of them only ship within the U.S., but they might be worth checking out, especially if you're ordering more than just one item.
       There's Half.com, which has lots of books (and tons of other stuff), used and even new, but for quite a bit less. Sometimes they're very cheap. I got a new copy of a book I wanted for 25 cents once. The shipping was $2.25, but that's still cheaper than many other websites and companies which sell over the Internet. I've saved a number of dollars doing it this way, and then getting a daughter in the States to ship things to me, bless her heart.
       -Jonathan (of Amor), PACRO

Getting Activated at the YAM

By Esther, for the YAM Home (Yo uth Area Ministry Home), Brazil

       What is the key to getting Activated? It's being desperate enough to follow the Lord that you will stretch your faith to the limit and trust the Lord to supply the rest.
       Maybe you live in a small Home and you have all kinds of difficulties and problems. Your main goal is to survive and try to be a missionary in the meantime. Maybe you're trying to jump into the Activated vision, but you still worry about all your other problems so you're not really giving it y our all and trusting the Lord completely. We want to share with you the testimony of our Home, in hopes that it will encourage you that you (the Lord in you, that is) can do it too!
       Our Home started in May 2000 with only six members: Phil (VS), Jubilee, Patti, Santi, Ruthie (SGA) and Melody(13). Later Mary Heart joined in. Around August/September the Home was invaded by a bunch of young people: Ivan (21), Anaik (18) with baby Ethan, Esther (17), Samantha (20) and Maria (17).
       The vision of ou r Home was (and still is) to help the youth in the Family (as you can see by our name) and use our place as a training center. Though we are a Service Home we weren't (and still aren't) supported, so we've always had to depend on the Lord completely for our finances.
       As a Home we decided that we were going to follow the Lord all the way, even though the odds were against us. We would start every day by having a super-inspired devotions, mainly rereading Letters about witnessing and about the A ctivated vision. We decided as a Home that witnessing would come first in our list of priorities.
       It was all very new for us, since most of us were very used to doing the same old things to support ourselves, like going shop-to-shop, hitting the stoplights, and so on. So it took a great deal of faith to go out only with the vision of getting out Activated subscriptions, and not worrying about our finances even though we still had to pay our bills-very high ones sometimes. We made a goal that w e wanted to be the shiners of the whole world, or at least our country, so we went for it.
       The first thing we did was to make a list of all our friends and contacts. Each person would make goals as to how many subscriptions they wanted to get in that month. Then we would pray for the list every day and claim it done. We would also read the Activated mags in Portuguese for devotions once a week so that we could know what we are selling to people.
       It was very new for all of us and we had to le arn as we went. It was a real step of faith, but it was so fulfilling. The amazing thing was that as we would step out and follow the Lord, He would not only supply our financial needs, through new and unexpected ways, but we as a Home, through our desperation with the Lord, grew stronger. All the barriers, like the “generation gap,” were nowhere to be seen, and each one as an individual learned what it means to live by faith all the way and see the Lord's promises fulfilled right before our eye s.
       For some of us, it was like joining the Family all over again and learning for the first time what it was like to be a missionary. During that time we were still working on our youth ministry, VS work, CVC work, organizing our Home, adapting ourselves to working together … and the list goes on.
       After we sold the Activated mags to all our friends, we started pioneering, and offering it to any sheep that would cross our path. If people weren't sure if they wanted it or not, we would leave t hem the first mag so they could read it, and we would follow up on them until they subscribed, which most of them did. We made sure that each of our friends had subscribed to the Activated mag, and we would follow up on them to make sure that they were getting the mags and reading the mags and especially that they were understanding and really getting fed by them.
       Later the Christmas push came and we jumped into it in full swing with the CD cards. We got a little bit discouraged when we found out that we were not the world shiners, but we just praised the Lord and kept trying to keep the vision. The Lord had a special surprise for us.
       At the beginning of this year, a retreat was held in our area about Activated and how to put it in practice, and to our surprise they had a list of the shiners for the country and guess what: We were the top shiners for our whole country!-And I mean the super-duper top shiners. It was encouraging that even though the Lord didn't allow us to be the wor ld shiners, He still let us have the privilege of being our country's shiners.
       Our Home had lots of changes from then on. It got bigger, and then smaller. We have eight trainees from ages 12 to 16 presently living with us, getting training on how to become dedicated missionaries. Now we know what to pass on to these young people that are staying with us. Each day we have a young trainee as our partner, and we go out the door and follow the Lord and He always does it.
       None of us are experienc ed witnessers. Most of us are young and the only experience we've ever had in witnessing was fundraising. Even for the ones that do have experience, the Activated vision is new for all of us, as it is for you, but that does not limit the Lord at all.
       All the Lord asks of you is that you say yes to Him and to the vision He has for the Family, and that you “step out on the water” and put Him on the spot. Maybe the Lord is just waiting there for you to take this step of faith so that He can bless you in ways you could never even think of! Will you do it?
       Now it comes naturally for us to sell Activated mags and do follow up, because of the fact that we obeyed the Lord when He told us to. Maybe the Lord wants you to search your heart and ask Him what He wants for you and for your Home. The main “trick” to getting out the Activated mags is following the Lord step by step.

A brief history of Family music

By Kevin

       Unless you've been living under a rock for th e last several years, you've noticed that the Family music scene has undergone a series of transformations, which have been initiated primarily for the following purposes:

       a. For our personal edification and inspiration.
       b. To add appeal to our Family GP products.
       c. To provide a viable alternative to System music.
       d. To cause utter humiliation to those of us who don't know a single dance step.

       From personal observation I'd say that the FTTs and new GP productions have hit the mark on all four of the above points. Maybe you can think of more. Oh, I just thought of something else:

e. To help the children of this modern age burn wild and free with the spirit of David, and in the process cause utter humiliation to those of us who don't know a single dance step.

       You might say, “So get with it and learn a few dance steps, you nerd!” Well, for one thing, please don't call me names. And for another thing, I have tried to learn how to dance on many occasions, but no matter how much choreography I stuff into my brain and no matter how much boogie practice I set aside, by the time the next dance comes along I'm back to the dancing skill of a 2x4.
       Enough self-pity. Let's discuss the history of Family music. This is an exclusive review of Family music and how it has evolved from a bunch of hairy young people wildly flinging their arms and doing mid-air somersaults with screeching guitars in the background to this modern era of a bunch of bald young people wildly fl inging their arms and doing mid-air summersaults with screeching guitars in the background.
       The first Family music can probably be attributed to Dad's own son, Aaron. On second thought, it's really Dad who deserves the credit for helping to make our Family so musical, but if I have my Family history straight it was Aaron who began writing the first Family songs. (Note: It's not altogether impossible that a brother named Hibalejezamaleth actually wrote the very first Family song, and if so plea se forgive my lack of historical knowledge.)
       Aaron was the type of person who was so tuned in to the Spirit that he actually managed to write dozens (or maybe hundreds?) of songs that won thousands of souls and disciples, with nothing more than his vocal cords and an upside-down guitar (see the cover of the Aaron songbook if you don't believe me). Believe it or not, Aaron's music had no subtle influences from Nirvana whatsoever, primarily because at the time these band members were either stil l wetting their diapers or were merely an erotic thought at best.
       I've seen the “Acts of the Revolution” videos, and to put it mildly, Aaron didn't sing too well. But I also noticed that during his inspirational performances, no one in the audience seemed to care what he sounded like. Instead of majoring in musical perfection, his songs were wild and free, and provided the perfect atmosphere for a serious spirit trip, coupled with mid-air aerobics. Aaron's music, and that of the ensuing Family musicians, worked! It won souls. It changed the world.
       Some of this culturally rich music can in fact still be found in the form of “Wild Wind” tapes with riveting titles such as “The Tillicum Band Tape 1” and “The Tillicum Band Tape 2.” WS is actually in the process of transferring these and dozens of other Family cassettes into digital form, sometimes from original reel-to-reel cassettes the size of a wagon wheel. Hopefully, one of these days soon you'll be able to download these priceless beauties from the Internet and rock out to songs such as “Nursery Girls,” “Sodom and Gomorrah Street” and “The Ants.”
       By the early '80s things began to change a little. While the Family continued to engage in one-on-one witnessing via music, and (slightly toned down) inspirations, the vision for Family music began to shift towards reaching the masses through the radio waves. By this time the Family had given birth to a huge variety of professional musicians, not the least of which was ripped o ff from one of the world's leading blues bands called “Fleetwood Mac,” who were recently entered into the Musical Hall of Fame, and have even had a hamburger named after them.
       This radio wave phenomenon was eventually known by millions as “Music with Meaning.” And though few will admit it, hundreds of Family members still find themselves humming the C.P.O. 220 song in the shower. “Music With Meaning,” or “MWM,” as it was more commonly called, was hosted by the ever-eloquent Simon Peter, and co nsisted of a core of some of the Family's most proficient musicians who wrote and produced their own songs as well as the songs of visiting talent. In addition, there were numerous similar radio shows in a plethora of languages, such as Spanish, Portuguese, French, Hindi, etc., etc., etc. I imagine someone might have even thought of doing a sign language version as well. And though few will admit it, many people still stand in the shower entertaining thoughts of what of it would have been like i f they would have only been discovered. Science has proven that these visions of grandeur derive from the unrealistic acoustics of a bathroom.
       While MWM's philharmonic orchestra consisted almost entirely of a guitar, bongos and a violin, it was nevertheless a smashing success. The simplicity of the music was exactly what was needed to stand out during the '80s era of gaudy electronic disco beats and punk bands whose members each looked like they had placed their finger in an electric socket wh ile standing in a swimming pool. The songs produced by MWM emphasized the message and were a breath of fresh air to the public.
       By the mid-'80s the musicians were still strumming, singing and pounding away-this time to create something very new: tapes for door-to-door distribution. During the “DTD era,” Family members still listened to many of the MWM tapes for personal inspiration, but as far as DTD tapes were concerned, it was eventually recommended that Family members should not listen them on a regular basis. The reasoning was that the words were modified to appeal to people called “Systemites.” Systemites were unfortunate souls who were lonely, partly because they had never had the opportunity to hop around a room in front of 200 people smacking their own posterior while singing “Gospel Riders.” Try it sometime-it can really brighten up your day!
       Once again, Family music in the way of DTD tapes did the trick, and millions of Systemites were brought joy and salvation through so ngs such as “The Wizard of Ahs,” “I'm Glad to Be a Woman,” and “That Dee Da Da Da Dee” song.
       As we neared the end of the '80s the need for more inspirational music became apparent. This is largely due to a shift in the Family population to places called “combos.” Combos were large houses with nurseries containing more babies than a small country such as Mongolia, and approximately one teenager per five doo-doo diaper buckets.
       Having so many young people under the same roof translated into th e perfect opportunity for lots of Word classes, large-scale get-outs, and of course, spectacular inspirations. These so-called “Teen Inspirations” usually involved head-spinning activities such as singing “Father David” backwards and doing the actions to “Jump Down, Turn Around, Touch the Ground” while suspended in mid-air. It was a real blast. As a result, a number of simple yet satisfying live inspirational audio productions emerged (which teens could conveniently play backwards, if necessary) .
       However, most Family young people have always secretly yearned for pounding drums, screeching guitars and throbbing bass. While most Family music between the '80s and early '90s did use those instruments, it seems that the drums were pounded rather gently and not nearly often enough, the electric guitar volume was almost at zero and bass guitars were generally played without strings. Of course, as I said, this was necessary in its time. However, The Family (and the world, for that matter) wa s moving into the '90s, and as you know, the '90s was a very different animal.
       By and by Family musicians began experimenting with smacking the drums a little harder, turning the volume up on the guitar one notch at a time and even placing a string or two on the bass guitar. The trick has always been to make sure the message doesn't become drowned out by the music. This is a very difficult juggling act that should probably appear in a world-class circus. However, after a fair amount of trial a nd error, it looks like things have shaped up, and we have entered the new millennium with quite a colorful collection of music in on our CD rack. We have everything from bald-headed-grunge to hat-on-the-wrong-way rap, to very-shiny-tops-and-mini-skirts techno to who-cares-what-you-wear-if-anything easy listening music.
       It's all there for our enjoyment, inspiration and witnessing needs. I should stand on a soapbox and proclaim how proud I am of the many talented musicians of both modern and by gone days, who have helped shape the outstanding musical aspect of the Family! But I think I'll lay low for a few days while I recover from the humiliation of last week's dance night.


(of Maria Clara), remember Chris? I lost contact with you some years ago, and after that no one here could exactly tell me where you were. Where are you??? Write me at: linkup7@terra.com.br. I wanna get in touch with you again. Don't forget me.
       Faithie (of Tim and Aura) would like to get i n contact with Sarah (of Tommy and Ruth). Miss you and would really like to hear from you again. Please email me at: balletqueen@edsamail.com.ph. Hope to hear from you soon.
       I need to get on touch with Esteban (from Viga in Galicia, Spain). We used to live in the same Home in Lisbon, Portugal sometime around 1987/1988; it's important. My name is Amor (Peruvian) and my e-mail is: RAYOSdeSOL@terra.com.pe or rayosdesol@consultant.com. If you happen to know him, please ask him to get in touch ASAP , or better, please send me his e-mail address so I can contact him directly. You may also write me via the Peru ABM.
       Necesito comunicarme con Esteban (Español) de la ciudad de Viga en Galicia, España. Vivimos en el mismo hogar en Lisboa, Portugal, por el año 87-88; es importante. Soy Amor (Peruana) y mi e-mail es:
       RAYOSdeSOL@terra.com.pe o también rayosdesol@consultant.com. Si saben algo de él, por favor, pásenle mi correo electrónico y que se comunique conmigo cuanto antes. O mejor aún, en víenme su dirección de correo electrónico, para que pueda escribirle directamente. Gracias. También pueden comunicarse conmigo por medio del ABM del Perú.

#From BU050 Mark (FM), Bulgaria:
       My name is Mark (Bulgarian, single boy, 30, FM) and I want to be in correspondence with a single girl. My e-mail address is: nafrangov@excite.com.

former members - seeking contact

       I am a former member looking for brethren from the past-Australia to be precise. This is where I last had regular contac t. My name is Luc S. Blais, known at the time as Paul Kish (wife: Maresha). The folks I am looking for are Amos O'Testand his wife Mary and children. Phoebe O'Test, met in Australia and then went on to New Caledonia to join a French brother from Tahiti. We wrote once or twice, but then lost contact. Where R U? I would really like to get back in touch with you. You can reach me at: ls.blais@sympatico.ca, or snail mail at Box 53091 R.P.O. Dorval, Dorval Quebec H9S 5W4, or if you have a big dime, phone at: 514-633-1536. I still hold a very special place in my heart for you and hope/pray that this gets to you.

help wanted

       Dear Family, GBY! We are Yanek and Kristina, Belorussian/Polish couple with three little children (2½, 1½ and five months). Almost a year ago we opened a Home in Belarus. For right now we are on our own but we are expecting another couple (Russian nationals) to join us. TTL! We lack a vehicle in our Home. It's quite difficult for us to move around with our little children without one. Since we live on a poor mission field and can't go on fundraising trips we'd like to ask for financial help. Can anyone help? We will be very thankful to you! Write us at Minskland@universalmail.com or through the Russian ABM. Visit our personal Web site at www.sim.pl\~alex. We love you!

Shine On-April 2001

TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total
Samuel H.H/Rosita H.H, Mexico       2,655
Josue Fiel/Maria Fiel, Mexico       2,114
Ezequiel/Rejoice, Braz il
       1,350       2,700
Juliet, Brazil       861       2,584
John Beloved/Ruth Livingstone, USA       643       4,500
David Daniel/Maria Rosa, Brazil       435       870
Claire/Crystal/Daniel/Steven/Steven, India       336       2,018
Bernabe/Luz, Mexico       310       620
Andrew/Simon/Sunny, India       267       1,339
Promise Lovesong/David, Costa Rica       225       450

Michael/Nora/Matthew, Kenya
       2,398       23,986
Mary/Stephen, Australia
       1,523       4,570
Serena/Tommy, Cambodia
       1,398       8,389
Sam Serva/Sara Serva, Mexico       1,100       2,200
John Beloved/Ruth Livingstone, Mexico       857       6,000
Eli/Tirzah, Japan       800       1,600
Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA       652       7,168
Simeon/Rosa/Victoria, Brazil       644       5,800
Tim/Tabitha/Martina, Romania       640       5,120
Maria/Maria/Michael/Philip, Japan       606       3,034

Abel Alegria/Flor, Mexico       650
Priscilla/Joe/Sharly, USA       138
Marcos/Faith, Ecuador
       125       250
Jessica/David, Russia       110       220
Tim/Aurora/Elisabeth, Spain       100       300
Juan/Rosa, Spain       91       183
Promise Lovesong/David, Costa Rica       75       150
Josue Siervo/Luz Siervo, Mexico       75       150
Samuel/Clara, Spain       74       148
Nina/Jay, USA       73       220

FCF, USA       302
Jessica/David, Russia
       165       330
Ben/Meekness, Botswana
       101       202
Ezequiel/Esther/Taines, Brazil       26       78
Asaph/Charity/Joy, Pakistan       23       236
Gabriel/Jemima/Tiago, Brazil       23       70
Estrella C., Colombia       21       43
Steven/Christina, South Africa       20       41
Jose/Ana, Venezuela       20       40
Esther/John, Indonesia       17       35

Also included with this file:
issue 2 (by David Komic)

Caption 1 -20 creative ways to cook baked beans. Page2. -20 Sock care. Page2

       1. Open the can clockwise.
       2. Open the can anti-clockwise
       3. Have talk-time with a JETT or OC while you open the can
       (Continued on page 4)

Caption 3 SOCK CARE
What do you do when you haven't washed your socks for a very long time and they get stuck to the insides of your shoes?
A putty knife always works well for me. But for those really stubborn ca ses I've found that an industrial blow-torch just can't be beaten. (Except then you have to go and buy new shoes and socks.)

Caption 4 OUR CUTE GALS (Sent in by Sven of Svetlana, Sveden)
       He: Yup, looks like we'll need a complete lube change.
       She: What's a lube?

Caption 5 Strong, silent type, SGA Lamaze of Labelle, Lithuania writes: “Adam is great! The pages are folded exactly down the middle and the stapling job can't be faulted. Well done!”

Caption 6 Cover Photo: Enough to arouse t he maternal instincts in ANY woman, rugged yet caring Vernon (Father of 8) of Veronica, Venezuela, about to take the plunge.

Copyright © 2001 by The Family

(End of File)