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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine

(Issue #112; May 15, 2001.)

       The news and views from Family members published in the Grapevine are not intended to reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751, Irving, Texas, USA - 75016-8751 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2001 by The Family


       There are no hopeless situations-only people who are hopel ess about them.


       In Grapevine #107 it says: Enrique Sylvester, born to Kristina and Yan on December25.-Belarus. It should read: Enrique Sylvester, born to Kristina and Yan on December 31.-Belarus. Sorry about that!


       Francis and team, Russia:
Our new site is:

legal and media

- Michael, Mike and Sylvia, Kenya: We found an article printed in the East Africa Standard newspaper which included a portion of our Somebody Love s You tract. It was an article dedicated to Valentine's Day.
       The writer says, “Still under the influence of love, a little friend has just shoved into my hands a note titled Somebody Loves You. It reminds me that we all need love desperately. … However hurt you may be today, please join me in reciting the love lines: 'Somebody loves you and wants you to know, longs to be with you wherever you go. Somebody loves you and right from the start; somebody wants to come into your heart!' Wondering wh o this person is? He is your Creator. He who made you with a purpose.”
       The writer goes on to paraphrase and quote portions of the rest of the tract. The approximate readership in Kenya is 500,000 and it is also published in Uganda and Tanzania.

- Josiah, Joy, Jenny, Joy, Paul and Samuel, Romania: We were on the front cover of a big Transylvania newspaper as “The news of the day,” showing a big picture of Andrei hugging Ioan, a former beggar, now a new man, changed through the help of the Family. The next day there was a picture of Ioan holding his painting and it talks about how he was a beggar for seven years, who is now going to have a Graphic Art exhibition to be attended by the Philippine ambassador, and two mayors, all organized by the Family.
       The local PRO TV station, reaching about 500,000 viewers, gave a two-minute review on prime time news of our local ART Expo with Ioan Drozda, and Josiah giving the message. We explained that as missionaries, it's our job to h elp others, and that Ioan is only one of the beggars that we have helped. Josiah gave a brief history on how we met him, that we knew him for two years and we decided to take him off the street and boost his morale by supplying him with art materials, as we knew that he won an art contest in Budapest years ago. By moral support and miracles all these things became possible once again for Ioan.

       SWEDEN - Jonas and Lisa, Sweden: Dagens Nyheter, the largest morning paper, featured a family tree of Fleetwood Mac, on the tree it said: “Jeremy Spencer joined the COG.” Inside the paper was more info. BBC World also recently featured a program about Fleetwood Mac, mentioning Jeremy, and how he joined the Family. It showed posters and was quite favorable. The paper reached 300,000 and BBC's World show reached several million.

- Ben, Tirzah and Sharon, Malawi: Daily Mail-Malawi printed a very favorable article on us, reaching 14,000. We did a children's camp in a local village wher e we held classes and seminars with the little ones. Every day was covering a different theme from health and hygiene to animals and the importance of our surroundings, including Jesus loves the little children and Salvation. We donated a lot of goods and food and it was all mentioned in the article.

- Daniel Highland, Japan: The name of the magazine is Megumi No Ame (issued by Shinsei Senkyodan). The article was a testimony of how I got saved years ago. It was origin ally written for a Christian businessmen's Web site.
       I also sent my China trip testimony from last year to the editor. The testimony is about how the Lord guided us through prayer and us hearing from Him specifically and following His leadings. Here is her reply:
       “I took great delight in reading your China witnessing trip testimony. It is a living testimony of how the Lord loves and works with us. I have been to China several times, but it was for the purpose of touring for my own pleasure. Your testimony put me to shame. It is so wonderful to see how the Lord works with His own whom He loves in such a personal and specific way.”

- Esther, Jennifer and Chloe, South Africa: Our CTP was mentioned on TV here in a breakfast program reaching 1,000,000. Aired nationally, it was called “Christmas Happenings” in Natal.

- Josue, Joy, Paul and Lilas, Guinea: We were invited to perform on the main stage of the Conakry Fair. Josh and the children dressed up as clown s, and we were able to sing songs and present our CTP work here. Unbeknownst to us, the program was aired on national radio, Radio Television Guinea. We heard many good reactions about it through friends and people who picked us up hitchhiking!

- Mary, Jan, Renee, Ivory Coast: The Abidjan Planet, a small bi-weekly glossy magazine for the rich, containing local news and information, did a favorable article about a performance we did for street children at Mother Theresa's mission here in Abidjan, reaching 200,000.

- Martin, Nina, Sebastian and Esther, Tanzania: In the Arusha Times we do a weekly children's corner with witnessing and Word in the column, reaching a 5,000 minimum readership weekly.

Christian broadcasting in South Africa under threat

By the EUCRO Media team
       This is a subject in the news recently (see article below). Please pray for the Christian radio stations in South Africa to win their cases and be permitted to continue airing.

- In South Africa, the negotiations that opened the way for democratic elections in 1994 also led to the opening of the airwaves to Christians. Some 16 Christian radio stations were given “temporary” one-year FM broadcast licenses, and the American Christian TV network, Trinity Broadcasting Network, was allowed to operate over a large part of South Africa's Eastern Cape province.
       “Over recent years, there has been a tightening up by the authorities,” said Dave Hotchkiss, a mem ber of the Association of Christian Broadcasters of Southern Africa and Secretary to KNI Radio, a Christian broadcast organization that has a pending application to broadcast on FM to over 3 million people in the Durban-/Pietermaritzburg region, mainly in the Zulu language. Hotchkiss said that in January 1998, applicants were invited to submit documentation in support of four-year “permanent” broadcast licenses.
       “Now, three years later, less than half these applications have been processed. On ly one new Christian radio license has been issued, and five Christian broadcasters have either been denied permission to continue, or forced to close,” he said. Hotchkiss asked that believers in the West pray for Christian broadcasting in South Africa. He also asked for prayer for those broadcasters awaiting their hearing by the authorities, “that they will be fair in granting licenses to Christian broadcasters who can make a positive difference in our country, and that they will not be motivat ed by an anti-Christian political agenda.”


[ICD craze]
       David, Bethel and Juan, Bolivia:
The Interactive CD is a bomb! We are selling them for 25 dollars and people are happily buying them. We are almost out of stock.

[Famine for Love musical drama]
       Immanuel, India:
One school in the northeast who has the tape Famine for Love turned it into a musical drama. They used the tape for their biggest function of the year. The city cable TV folks were there and filmed the song and dance routine and beamed it to the whole town a few times over the next few days.

[There's a famine in the land]
       Mercy Delight, Indonesia:
Referring to the testimony published in the Grapevine a few months ago about our friend who printed 5,000 Word Basics in Indonesian at his own expense: All the books were given out, spread out to sheep in mountain villages, to small Bible study groups, to receptive individuals, to Christian minorities within large companies, etc. His last 300 books were “grabbed” by an influential doctor running a private hospital here. When she heard his stock was empty, she desperately made a request for the film work! The sheep have found what they were searching for! Lasting treasures in a simple and easy format!

[Becoming one in little ways]
       May*, Taiwan:
In one of the messages in “China's Hour,” Jesus says: “I send you into a land where people look closely at the outer appearance.” This is so true. Last summer my husband took three of our girls (age s 8 to 11) on a road trip. Each day they would fix each other's hair in a Chinese-style braid and it drew a lot of favorable reaction from the Chinese. Many people stopped and commented on their hair styles and it was a real good bait in striking up a conversation and then gently leading into salvation. Several souls were saved that way.
       (*Alias used.)

[A king responds]
       Steven and Tabitha, Japan:
We received an acknowledgement letter from Prince Charles' secretary thanking us for taking t he time to write him with our “very supportive views,” as he called them. We had sent to him “The Big Lie Exposed!” Mountain Streams, along with a letter of encouragement for him to fulfill his kingly duties as the future king of England, to protect the Bible as God's Word against all the onslaughts of evolution and science these days. We are going to keep following up on him by sending him Activated booklets, the first being Hearing from Heaven.

[Dance teachers impressed]
       Esther, Japan:
My two daughters, ages 13 and 15, have been taking social dancing classes for six months. The dance teachers seemed sweet and sheepy, and they were very fond of my daughters. We invited the couple to our Home and had a great time talking together. They said they noticed my daughters were different. They also admired how they were raised, the education my daughters had received in the Family. It was a good follow-up visit and it inspired my daughters. We sometimes take it for granted that we receiv e an excellent education through Family publications. The time with this couple reminds me again that our children are the greatest testimony of all.

[Thieves and following up on checks]
       Davida (of DJ), RiverGate Home, Siberia:
I am more often trying the thoughts I have. Are they positive? Are they negative and discouraging? Since I have the gift of prophecy I'm trying to ask the Lord about everything. I've realized that sometimes I hear a voice telling me about very unexpected things.
       Ye sterday evening I was home alone with the children. I just put them to sleep and went to finish cleaning the house before going to sleep. Our boys were gone to prepare the apartment for us to move in. They had a lot of work so were coming home late. While going to check on the children to see if they were okay, I got a picture of the boys having trouble with some man. At the same time I heard this voice telling me, “Maybe they shouldn't come Home so late any more.”
       There are a lot of thieves i n our area, and it was about 10:30 p.m. I heard the bell. There were our boys, safely home. I didn't tell them anything because I thought that it was just me worrying; I hadn't brought that check to the Lord to see if it was from Him.
       But then my husband told me what happened on the way back home. A man, possibly under the influence of drugs, suddenly assaulted him. My husband said that he got a strong check that he should bend a little, and as he did, the guy missed him every time he tried to hit him! Then they ran and escaped from him. Wow! It was my turn to tell him how I'd seen this vision and heard the Lord's voice. We prayed then and decided they would come Home earlier next time. It's so interesting how the Lord warns all people involved and even the ones that are far away. But through this I learned to ask the Lord if the checks I get are from Him and pray that He will help the situation.

[A funny God…]
       Davida (of DJ), RiverGate Home, Siberia:
Last night a very funny thi ng happened. The Lord really has a sense of humor. My husband had a minor operation on his right leg. We cleaned his wound for few days afterwards, but one evening he really didn't want to put a bandage on anymore. I insisted he put it on because it could get infected, but he was convinced he didn't need it. After a while of trying to persuade him to put the bandage on his almost-healed wound, he gave up and went to bring me the stuff. When I looked he forgot to bring me the most important thing -the gauze-so I sent him back to look for it. Again he came back without it. I decided to go look myself as I knew where I had put it, but it wasn't there. I started looking in other places but there was no trace of it.
       I was so concerned about his wound that I just sent up a short desperate prayer: “Lord, where is it?” I heard a voice, “Go to the kitchen.” I was already by the door when I heard again, “Look up.” I looked up and the only thing I could see was something white shining on top of the cupboard. (I don't see well from faraway.)
       Then I heard: “Go and touch that shiny thing.” I thought: “O Lord, but that is so high, I need a chair to get there.” But I looked and it was the gauze! I came in the room and when my husband saw it, he laughed.
       “How did you find it?” he asked. “I hid it from you!”
       I told him the story.
       Wow! If God is concerned to tell us in prophecy about such little things, how much more will He tell us in prophecy about bigger things?

feature: SACRO Up date

-a Summit 2001 presentation

General stats for South America

By Victoria
       We have 2,016 CM members, 75% of whom are nationals, with over 1,000 of them living in Brazil. The age breakdown on the CM members is: 1,013 voting members; 131 junior teens; 872 children. The number of CM Homes is 174; 92 in Brazil and 82 in the Spanish-speaking countries. The Spanish-speaking countries are: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
       There are 747 FM Family members in South America living in 133 FM Homes. The FM Family is also very active in their witnessing, having a lot of fellowship with the CM Homes and being big distributors of the tools as well. God bless them!

New tools update-CD cards for all occasions

By Juan
       We hit the 250,000 mark with our CD distribution in 2000! We're looking forward to even greater distribution stats as there are already CD cards in the works for Mother's Day, Valentine's Day (Valentine 's Day in Brazil is in June), several CD cards for children, birthdays, etc. We're working on some “comfort” CD cards, we have four of those in the making right now using the Fear Not CD, which has been the best distribution tool to date in South America. We're also preparing a second Fear Not audio CD in Portuguese and Spanish.

Going further with young people's meetings in South America

By Sam
       A major focus for the last couple of years has been the young people-first in Chile and now in B razil. In Sao Paulo and Rio (Brazil), every month we have a three-day meeting with a different age group (senior teens and YAs; junior teens; JETTs), so that each age group has a three-day meeting every three months. Also, every week we have some sort of activity with each age group.
       The thrust at the beginning was mainly to establish the spiritual foundation stones-hearing from the Lord in prophecy, etc. But now we're going further and doing a course on follow-up, inviting experts that are go od at sales and follow-up to hold classes and meetings, the idea being to train these young people to be pastors or “professional” distributors, or whatever they have a burden for.
       When we first started, the idea was “Look, if you guys are interested in being missionaries, then these classes are for you. We can't afford to just hold fellowships and teen camps.” We decided that we were not going to discuss why we can't have more System music, what is an ungodly influence, etc., in these meeting s. The thrust is witnessing. The idea is “If you want to be a pastor, or you want to be an expert in your field, then this is for you.”
       To follow up on that we have been holding weekly Bible classes. There are about 40 young people (ages 16-20) in the 25 Homes in Sao Paulo and the surrounding cities, plus 30 junior teens and then about 25 JETTs. During the week we have a witnessing meeting. One of the Homes that majors on follow-up holds a young people's witnessing class. The passport to atten d the meetings is that you have to bring a sheep with you. That's the homework for each attendee, so it's not like they can show up there and just hang around and start a fellowship meeting with their friends, they actually have to bring people to the class and participate.

Other South America highlights

By Juan

Happenings in Chile

       You might have read in GV #103 about the Family working with Patch Adams, who held seminars in Chile. There is now a Patch Adams foundation in Chile and seve ral of our Family members are working in association with them, being a blessing to many as we help in different ministries to bring cheer and love to those who are in need.
       We are also involved in a great ministry of providing material aid to different poor areas of Santiago. A FCF project in Santiago has been instrumental in bringing to Chile (literally) tons of donated medical and hospital equipment from the States to be distributed amongst those in need here.
       Another project is our work with the local government in the southern region of Chile. The government donated a property of about ten acres and is helping us to build housing on it to help the Mapuche population. The Mapuches-a native people-are a very exploited and poor people. Of course, in all of these ministries of bringing physical aid and relief to the needy, most importantly we are able to offer them spiritual aid and the most priceless gift of all-the knowledge of our wonderful Savior's love and salvation.
       Some F amily members in Chile also have a beautiful ministry with the blind, who are helping us to translate some of the lit into Braille so that we can take it to the rest of the Spanish-speaking world.
       Another ministry is the Family's ministry to children who are suffering from leukemia. We are blessed with the opportunity to minister to the parents as well as to these precious children. The whole area cooperates and works together in this ministry, which has brought a lot of unity in Chile.

Hom eopathic clinic in Peru

       Three years ago the Lord showed us that it was time to open our own medical clinic in Lima, Peru. This we did, thanks to the help of a Family member who sponsored it, and a Family member in Peru who is a doctor. This is a clinic where people make doctor appointments and go to be treated. They are working in the homeopathic branch of medicine, which is all natural. Our Family mothers in the area also give birth there.
       People go there and make appointments as they would with any other regular doctor. The most beautiful part is the fulfillment of the promises that the Lord gave us, saying that we are doctors to men's souls. Many sicknesses are caused by spiritual matters, so people come and we give them treatment and medicine, etc., and we also tell them, “Really the solution for you is to attend these seminars that will help you.”
       There is another team that holds the seminars, and a lot of people that were regular patients have now become live-outs. This min istry has grown by leaps and bounds. The first seminar is on how to overcome your fears, and later classes move onto Bible topics. Now we have a church of about 75 people, all of them steady witnessers themselves-and most wonderfully, all of them are saved and healed!

Ronald McDonald in Bolivia

       The Family in Bolivia has a ministry at McDonalds, and one of our Family members is the official Ronald McDonald there. This Family member gets to go to many places with the McDonalds, and he is able to bring the Family into the picture, who then minister and have beautiful CTP ministries in conjunction with the government, providing food for orphanages, and acquiring international help.

Seminars for kids in Colombia

       One of our Family members in Colombia works with the Mayor of Bogotá to hold seminars for 60 kids every three months. Many street kids, gangster kids and junkies are reached through this ministry. They get saved and make major changes in their lives. Some of them even beco me live-out members with the possibility of becoming disciples once they've reached legal age.

The Active Member explosion continues in Brazil

Written by Tommy
       A brief look at the last five years of the live-out movement in Brazil shows growth to be about 45 percent a year! At our first National Retreat held in 1996, we had 75 in attendance, 60 of whom were live-outs. The next year, that number grew to 110; in '98 it went to 180; in '99 our numbers reached 250; and last year there were 360 attendees! We are now planning the National Retreat for June of 2001 where we expect at least 500 Active Members (formerly called live-outs)to attend!
       Recently, a national seminar was held for our bellwether Active Members. Although it only lasted two days, it seemed like we all took a long trip into our Activated future, with live-ins working “side by side” with our precious live-outs, with Family leadership enacting the new “Board Vision” and with the future possibilities of our new amplifi ed Family base growing as bright as the promises of God! The feeling our Active Members had was “we haven't begun to fight!” We are already hearing marvelous testimonies of our Active Members using the Activated material in their groups and it's exploding!
       Because of the rapid growth of our extended Family, the Lord has led us to consolidate our gains before growing much more and this retreat was a real answer to start the boat moving more in that direction. The Activated vision really helps u s to get on board with a common simple vision; the time is now!


[Pretend and you will be]
Carmel (YA), Indonesia:
Just a thot on a subject that's of great interest (and perhaps too much importance) to us females-our bods.
       Communal life during the pre-Charter days meant rooming with up to a dozen girls in a two-by-four room. Okay, slight exaggeration, but I'm sure you all remember what that was like. And nowadays, even if you're single, chances are you don't have a room to yourself . Which means that when you live so closely together (literally) you pick up on each others' attitudes and opinions, or at the very least are exposed to them, like it or not.
       When I was 14, you know that age when everything is a first-first kiss, first boyfriend, first pimple-and you start tuning into your bod more, like “discovering yourself” kinda thingie, I was one of the youngest in our room of six girls. So I picked up on a lot of things from the older girls-like being overly concerned ab out my looks.
       I've yet to meet a single girl who's perfectly happy with the way she is. The difference is in how the girls see it-or talk about it. It seems that young girls especially are prone to verbally express their dislike for their looks and don't hesitate to give very graphic explanations of why or what and so on. Complaining would sum it up quite nicely. I know, 'cuz I've done more than my share of it (oops!). It's funny 'cuz some girls who might be slightly overweight will pull the o ld “I'm a whale” trip on you all the time, while some others who really are overweight won't talk about it incessantly and in fact carry themselves with confidence.
       I don't think the guys enjoy our sob stories any more than the girls do. I tried it once and I got the truth shoved back in my face (politely, of course) and a lesson firmly embedded in my brain. Like they say, be happy with the way you are, change what you can and accept what you can't. (Yep, I'm still learning that.)
       It's all a bout attitude. You could say, “Pretend to be beautiful and you will be beautiful.” Most of the girls the guys are drooling over aren't Cindy Crawford, but they have their confidence … or whatever. I mean look at Marilyn Monroe-that's one classic example. You may call her a tub of lard, but she was the sex symbol of her day. So cheer up!

[A pretty alright bunch]
Josh English, Uganda:
I don't usually write reactions to the GNs, but I have to say that the recent mags on life in WS were really e ntertaining! I guess there is a serious side to it all, but to be honest, the rumors quoted were so outrageously ridiculous that I just couldn't stop laughing when I read it all. I mean, do people out there really believe those rumors?!
       I was actually relieved to find out that some people in WS are a bit quirky or have unusual personalities. To me, that sends out a very clear message: WS allows for I-N-D-I-V-D-U-A-L-I-T-Y! I mean, who wants to live with a bunch of clones anyway! If I wanted to do that, I'd go and hang out in a shopping mall somewhere.
       The funniest part for me was the rumor about the four weird old ladies running the Family (could it be the four old-horse-women of the apocalypse, perhaps?). Okay, so I don't live in WS, and I can't prove that there aren't four weird old biddies living there, but one thing I do know is that these four mysterious personalities do not have a monopoly over the prophetical messages given in the GNs, etc. How do I know that?
       Well, a few years ago, I received a prophecy and accompanying vision about the African work and promptly sent it off to the Folks, thinking nothing more of it. To my dumbfounded surprise, I later found it printed in a GN about Africa (does that now make me the Word of God as someone else claimed to be in one of the other rumors?-God forbid …). Then, to top it off, the same prophecy and vision was translated into a visual cartoon in one of the kid's mags. The pictures were almost identical to how I had seen them in the vision at the time (which just goes to prove that Jeremy Spencer is also really in tune in the spirit, and not just with his guitar, GBH!).
       I am sharing this story because it showed me at least two things:
       1) Seeing a prophecy that I personally received (while sweeping up trash in a normal field Home) being pubbed in a real, live, WS GN, encouraged me that I can actually hear from the Lord.
       2) More importantly, it showed me that it really is the Lord that is leading the Family and giving us His directions through various channels (not just four old grannies). Not only that, but the channels are actually normal people like you and me (that is if we “cultists” can be granted the liberty of being classed as normal-can I also be categorized as being normal? I can…? Gee, thanks!).
       Anyway, even if you do think I'm weird-and you're perfectly entitled to your opinion as I am to mine (who's calling who a weirdo?)-I'm certainly not an old lady, and there are not four of me. T here is also an older person at my Home who gets lots of spirit stories for Heaven's Library, but he's also a guy, which by definition means that he's not an old lady (he's a bit too hairy and has a beard). Also there's not four of him either.
       So I'm pretty much convinced that King Peter does not have these four old flames cooped up in a hole somewhere muttering about such “terrible” things as witnessing, follow-up, taking Word time, living in love, etc. No, I'm pretty sure that it's the Lord that is still leading us, just as He convicted us to join/stay in the Family in the first place, as by our fruits we are known. We also know that WS is following the Lord, because of their fruits. Okay, so Dad admitted that he liked a drink once in a while, but he got the job done, didn't he?
       The proof is in the fruit.
       The fruit of WS is that I left a cozy, independent and selfish life in the System to live communally with a bunch of like-minded strangers desiring to reach the world with God 's love (while there is still time). The fruit of WS is that I live in Africa, go witnessing, teach the Word, hear from Jesus, listen to others (sometimes) and try my best to live peaceably with others. Without WS, I would be doing nothing for the Lord and would somehow have to justify my earthly existence with the various delusions of modern society that keep the rest of the world away from thinking. So in conclusion, I figure WS must be a pretty alright bunch of people…
       P.S.: Dear King Peter , you don't have to pay me for this letter, but please remember those “brownie points” ... maybe you could take me for a spin in that nice red Ferarri of yours… (What? … You mean that rumor isn't true? Oh…)

ideas and tips

The gift of prayer

By Catherine, Heaven Home, Brazil
       We are mainly a follow-up Home with a big list of friends and visitors to see each week. We decided on one Sunday, when we had a number of visitors over, to put out a notebook with pages designated for prayer request s. On our next prayer day (and now we try to do it weekly) we prayed for each one and received verses. During the week, when we talked to our friends on the phone or saw them at other times, we shared the verses with them. Oh boy, were they happy! They were very inspiring meetings for us, too, praying for each precious friend and hearing from the Lord for them. We've started to do this every week. And we now tell them to call us by Wednesday or Thursday to get the verses we received for them. It 's a real gift for them and they are so thankful.

Looking back at prophecies

By Catherine, Brazil
       Something I have been doing which has helped in my learning to use prophecy is to keep the prophecies I get and look over them later. I try to transcribe and print out the ones that I get with a dictaphone and keep them in my notebook with other quotes and studies. Recently I went through a great breaking and in looking back, it really helps me to understand the prophecies and promises the Lor d gave me during that time. I can even see how I misinterpreted some things at the time, but of course, the Lord was merciful to not make it make a big difference in the outcome of things. Just a learning process.
       Another very encouraging thing that happened during this time is that I had to ask my SGA daughters to help me out by receiving prophecies for me. They didn't have so much faith in their gifts, but the prophecies they sent me were keys in my ensuing victories. TYJ!

El Tren de la A legría
--a new children's CD in Spanish

       Have you ever wanted to busk or otherwise sing in public with your kids, but felt you just didn't have the time or ideas to pull it off? Don't despair! Coming your way soon is a tool to help make it a little easier! El Tren de la Alegría is a CD of some of your children's favorite busking songs. And not only can you use it to accompany your kids' voices in your performances, but you can also offer it to those in your audiences!
       El Tren de la Alegría
f eatures songs like:
       Queremos presentarte a ti
       Hola, ¿qué tal?
       La bamba
       El tren de la alegría
       Como un rayo de sol
       This Little Light
       Las cuatro letras
... and other favorites.
A special Feature: El Tren de la Alegría
also includes each song's BMT, enabling you to sing along as you feel led.
El Tren de la Alegría
is available as a CD card with a variety of covers - take your pick!

news and tips

Flexible Prices

From Immanuel, India
       The Activated books ar e going out very well. The bigger schools really go for the Discovering Truth books. However, we are finding that we cannot have fixed prices. The smaller towns have fewer funds and so we ask for less. The bigger towns have bigger schools and we ask for more. The same goes for businessmen and shopkeepers.

Just Two Referrals

From Gabriel, Mercy, Michael, and Katrina, Philippines
       We've started to invite our supporters and friends to subscribe. We have also asked each one of them to assist us with two referrals of their friends or relatives, after which they receive for their efforts a free original CD from Aurora productions.-It's starting to work!


From Tim (20), India
       This last month our Home made a push on getting out the Mottos for Success, and the Lord did miracles. One of our close friends, a school principal, took 100, and another person took 200. WOW!

Just One Mottos Quote…

From Paul (of Praise), India
       A business contact of one of our very close f riends was on the verge of committing suicide due to many business problems and pressures. After reading one of the quotes from the Mottos for Success he was so encouraged and found renewed strength to keep going. When Paul and this close friend of the Family went to meet him, he got saved and changed miraculously.
       Now he is a new man and has taken 20 Mottos for his friends and wants to take more. He now firmly believes in Jesus.

Glimpses of Heaven
given at the best time

By Joy (of Ben G.) , Hungary

       Since our daughter, Leianna, went to be with the Lord a couple of years ago after a battle with cancer, we continue to feel a burden to be a help and encouragement to the parents and children at the cancer hospital where Leianna was treated.
       One of the ways that the Lord led us to do this was to ask a supporter to sponsor the Glimpses of Heaven booklet, so that we could leave a stack of these with one of the head doctors at the hospital to give to the parents of their patients wh en their little ones go to be with the Lord.
       Often the parents don't receive these books so well if given to them while their children are still fighting the battle with cancer, as they don't want to think about the possibility of their child dying. However, after the child has passed on they are much more open and in need of the encouragement that this book brings in pointing them to the beauties beyond.
       So we went ahead and gave these books to the hospital, not sure how it would turn out. We were happily surprised when some months later the head doctor called us to ask for a new batch of books, explaining what a blessing and strength they have been to so many parents that have lost a child. We had given her 30 booklets and they had all been given out.
       She went on to explain that there was one mother in particular who had come from the Ukraine with her daughter who had cancer, yet after some time her daughter passed on and the mother returned to the Ukraine heartbroken. The hosp ital staff then decided to send her one of our books. To their surprise a short while later they received a letter from her explaining that when she first returned home she felt as though her heart had turned to stone. She was so hard and bitter that she couldn't even cry any more; however, after reading our book about Heaven, a light warmed her soul and she broke down and wept for the first time in a long time. She went on to explain the miracle that reading this book has brought about and how she has now been able to start her life over again with the peace that her daughter has gone on to a better place.
       We are now keeping this hospital stocked with Glimpses of Heaven, and continue to minister to the head doctor who has been very appreciative of our spiritual help and support. She's often commented how there are several individuals and organisations that help with gifts towards the hospital, which she very much appreciates, but we help to fill a spiritual and emotional need that o thers rarely do.
       Last Christmas our kids also went room to room throughout the hospital singing and passing out a Christmas story activity book, together with some sweets, to each of the children. The parents were so touched that many of them cried. The kids smiled at the moment of relief from their suffering, and the nurses and doctors were so appreciative of our efforts. Many also prayed with us to receive Jesus.

open forum: “Catch 'Em Doing Something Nice”

I wasn't just tagging along

By Carmel (YA), Indonesia
       Since I'm fundraising to move fields, I've started going out on outreach more often. Last year I've been going out with an FGA brother. Neither of us were team leaders; we've always only been partners. (Now why does that ring so many loud bells?) So this was the first time for me to feel “equal”; I wasn't just tagging along. I spoke better Indonesian than he, but he had more experience. I can't say we got along perfectly :-), but it was great being able to feel invol ved, and I'm glad for the experience.
       It's my own fault that I hadn't entered in much when out with other adults. I guess I felt intimidated or didn't know what to say because it was their thing going there. But Daniel and I were starting from scratch; it was a lot of pick and shovel work. And since this was my fundraising I'm talking about here, there was no excuse to not be involved...heh, heh! This was also the first time for me to be going out two or three times a week, week after week, so I got my first taste of real street tromping and a feel of what it's like out there.
       Lately I've been going out often with Lydia (Indonesian). We get along great. I don't know why, but sometimes she's more like a young person than an adult. It's fun to be partners with her because even though she's my superior I feel that she respects my opinions. When I want to do something or go somewhere, she gives me equal vote to her own.
       She loves es teler (an exotic drink-she thinks so at least). So sometimes we stop at a little stall or street vendor at the end of the day to slurp up our drinks, and we chitchat or talk about deep stuff, or work out our finances from the day. That's our little thing we do together. We take it easy and aren't under pressure even though I still have more than half of the funds I need to raise and she has people to follow up on and a to-do list longer than Mama's prophecy questions list … okay, not really, but anyway…
       She's one of the few adults who I have a working relationship with. (Oops…will have to work on that!) There've also been other FGAs who were my good friends. One of them is Joanne PI. At a time as a younger teen when I didn't have many friends, she was my friend and I'd always hang out in her room.
       Most of the adults I have a friendship or working relationship with are the ones who weren't quite as young as me or quite as old as the others. So somehow something clicked … don't ask me to explain it. Maybe it was because they understo od how it was to be young because it wasn't that long since they were young themselves. Or in some cases, they didn't have kids so they didn't treat me like one of their kids. Anyway… here's my little contribution and I'll sign off here so someone else can have their turn to take up space in this column. Ta ta.

My happy relationship with FGAs

By Sarah (of Jeremy), USA
       When I joined the Family a year and a half ago, I had my preconceived ideas (most of them coming from the System, where I s pent my whole life) about dealing with older people. I just didn't like being around them or having much to do with them. My relationship with my parents wasn't so great either, so I wasn't too encouraged about the possibility of working with or under the supervision of people their age. There was something about it that just made me cringe.
       But there I was, on my way to join a Home in Slovenia, a bit far from home (Romania), but happy to finally be free to serve Jesus without having to explai n too much to my overly worried parents. To be honest though, I was nervous just thinking about or trying to imagine what kind of people I would meet, people that I would have to go through my babes' course with. Now that was somewhat scary, as I knew in the old times the new disciples had to go through really heavy things to prove they really meant business.
       Anyway, I arrived in the Home at 7:00 in the morning, after a very long and eventful trip, very tired and sleepy, but with all these tho ughts and worries on my mind. But lo, there was no welcoming committee, no eyes to check me out from head to toe, trying to put a label on me, nothing that would make me feel uncomfortable. Just a sweet, laid-back, easy-going and very funny couple of FGAs with their five children ages 7 to 24. Suddenly my sleepiness was gone. We sat down, had breakfast and chatted about my trip and the kids. After only a half an hour, I felt like I'd always known these people. It was just like meeting very close and old friends.
       I don't remember having funnier dinners in my entire life, as I did with these people. It was like Christmas or Thanksgiving almost every evening and the days were simply easy and a delight to go through. We had schedules, we had chores, we had outreach and lots and lots of fundraising going on, but I never once felt pressured, overwhelmed, unappreciated or looked down on, just because I was young or just a starter in the Family.
       And then, right before I finished my babes' course, something serious happened: I was in love!!! Jeremy, their SGA son, was just everything I ever dreamed of in a man, and I knew deep in my heart Jesus had something special and wonderful prepared for us. I could sense something was going on in his heart, too, but we were hiding our feelings and trying to ignore them as I was still a freshman and he was on partial at that time. But one day, we just couldn't stay away from each other anymore and we took a good bite of the forbidden fruit. T hen we decided to confess and report on ourselves. But you know what? Reporting it to the continental shepherds didn't seem as scary as telling his mom and dad about it. I was just paralyzed with condemnation, shame and fear that I broke their trust, that I got their son in trouble and that they would resent me for that. I was so afraid I ruined everything and I would probably be excommunicated, I just couldn't look them in the eyes. Instead, they only showed me love, understanding and they trea ted me absolutely normal, just like nothing happened. I was shocked. I mean if I were them, I would have most surely shown some kind of hurt feelings, if not in words, at least with my eyes or my behavior. However, not them, and that was simply amazing to me.
       Today I am happily married, I have a wonderful daughter and I am already expecting a second one. Cris and Sharon are now my “in-laws,” but to me they are simply “Mom” and “Dad.” We still live together and until this day I am amazed that I only met these people a year and a half ago. It seems like it's been a lifetime and the bond I feel with them is almost just as strong as the one with my blood family. Who says you can't get along with FGAs?

A piece of my heart

By an FGA mom
       I just finished reading the new GN on communication, Part 2, and my mind has been flooded with thoughts. Let me share a piece of my heart with you.
       I love you all of you whether young or old. I love you young people because you're so alive and fun t o be around. It is exciting. I love to be around people more my age because we think a lot on the same wavelength and can laugh at so many things that happen to us that are similar. I would venture to say that perhaps in the heart of most of us FGAs, as we are now labeled, we feel much the same. We never wanted there to be any gaps. Actually, as Dad has always said, the heart of every man, woman, and child is the same the world over, regardless of culture, language or race. I am far from being a expert but in my limited experience when I have talked with young and old on a heart-to-heart basis, we think so much alike on the issues that really matter and just want to do everything we can to serve the Lord, change the world, and have a fun and exciting life.
       In my heart I feel just the same as I did when I joined. I have the same ideals, hopes, dreams and that is what has kept me going all these years. I burned the candle at both ends for about 24 years and then one day I woke up and f ound that my legs would fall asleep when I first got up or if I sat too long; I kind of felt like I had rusted. Then there were those times when I just couldn't remember things, even a lot of things. Now in sports, instead of beating the kids, I'm the last one to come in on the race-that's if I make it at all. When the young people are all revved up to do something at night, I can hardly keep my eyes open and look for the toothpicks.
       Hey, here's something else. You're walking down the street a nd the world begins to spin and you ask your partner if you could just stop or hold their arm until things stop spinning. All I can say is that it's so humbling. Most of us never thought we would reach this state and just had planned on going on to greater accomplishments when the Lord returned.
       I read the story of Caleb and the giants last night with my youngest daughter and it was so inspiring to hear him say at 85 that he wanted to go in and conqueror the Promised Land where the giants live d. And that is my faith, too, that I am hanging on because I still want to go into the Great Tribulation and conquer those giants for Jesus and live to see His return.
       Perhaps I will. Only God knows. But I just wanted to share with you, whoever is listening, that in the heart of most, if not all of us, who are labeled as “FGAs” burns that same desire that you have, but this fading chassis sometimes doesn't do the job like it used to. It's discouraging at times and causes some pretty steep moun tains of battles in the spirit that we have to climb by faith. It's your turn now to lead, but if you let us, (and we really need to be needed, by the way,) we would like to help you and to walk that last bit of the Endtime with you. You are at your zenith of energy and your minds are alive and quick and agile. I know if we both pray we can find a way to use that, combined with our experience, to bring this revolution down to the goal line with the Lord's guidance so we can shout that victory to gether.
       ILY all and need you,
       An FGA mom

(Editor: Thanks for these contributions.-They were great! Anybody else? Was there an FGA who said something nice about the young people in your Home last week? Or maybe he/she showed extra graciousness and a sense of humor when your strong presentation left something to be desired, and that encouraged you that your opinions are valued. Or maybe he/she is just an inspiration in your life because of the little day-to-day encounters that send the mess age “Hey, I like you, and I think you're okay.” Let's hear about it!)


Donate your riches

From your WS co-workers
       You heard that right. We know that you have a massive safe filled with invaluable wealth. You alone hold the key to your personal prayer safe. What's more, we need that wealth! The Family is embarking on an incredibly huge new evangelization push through the Activated ministry, but we have unpublished books that we can't get out to you because our hands are tied fina ncially. There's a wonderful new board vision in the works that the Lord has promised will propel the Family to new heights of fruitfulness, but WS is going to need finances to set it up effectively.
       We're editing or have edited a new To Jesus-With Love, From Jesus-With Love, and other feeding books, but we won't be able to print and ship them out to you unless there is a significant increase in the finances department. WS is cutting budgets-our own and the various Service Homes that cater to your needs on the field, not to mention all those faithful missionaries on very poor fields who get a monthly gift from WS. We don't mind trimming the fat in our own units, cutting back on this or that on the shopping list so that we can exist on a shoestring, but where the budget cuts really hurt is when our publishing endeavors and all the new books and other GP projects in the works are hampered, delayed, and set back.
       So donate your riches! Each and every one of you are trillionaires by He aven's standards, and all it takes to donate a hefty amount-the kind of financial boost that could really make a difference in the Family's operations-is you getting on your prayer bones and telling the Banker of Heaven to open the floodgates.
       We need you to pray! It's not the least you can do, but the most. Thanks, wonderful Family. We live to serve you.

“Sweet” and “precious”

By WS editors
       Sometimes that's the easiest way to explain something, as in “We met a man who was very sweet.” E veryone knows what you mean. But do they really? Was he kind? Helpful? Was he handsome? Gentle? Soft-hearted? Did he have a twinkle in his eye or an endearing smile? Was he giving, obliging, accommodating?
       We also sometimes also say that someone is a “precious friend.” Does that mean a close friend? Someone we can always depend on? A valuable friend? Faithful? Loyal? Someone you have a deep relationship with?
       What if we say, “It was a precious experience.” Can we say it was beautiful? Wonder ful? Meaningful? Love-filled? Ecstatic? Awesome? Lovely?
       What words can we find to replace “sweet” and “precious” in our speech and in our writing? Can you think of some?
       For “sweet” there's: receptive, open, friendly, responsive, sweet-spirited, warm…
For “precious”: valued, priceless, beloved, important, dear, treasured, favorite, cherished…
       Let's see … considerate, caring, sweet-tempered, obliging, sympathetic, delightful, adorable, kind, lovable, appreciative, friendly, charming, lovi ng, gorgeous, positive, thoughtful, delicious, pleasant, fresh, pure, wholesome, agreeable, pleasing, radiant, exuberant, pleasurable, satisfying, amusing, nice, ultra-nice, amiable, congenial, likable, genial, affable, cheery, good-humored, good-natured, sweet-tempered, interested, generous, compassionate, benevolent, kindhearted, humane, kindly, charitable, appealing, darling, enchanting, attractive, cute, winning, captivating…

French Follow-Up CD Available!

By the French Translation Desk
       A CD with French follow-up material is now available containing about 150 different titles of articles, in different formats, including most articles from Activated mags 1 to 10 in PDF format, temporarily laid out. You can order it at the following e-mail address: fr.translations@wanadoo.fr
       We're asking for US$ 7 per CD, postage included, but any extra donations are welcome and needed. You can send them via your TRF, designated to French translation desk. We are working on a Web site from wh ich, very soon DV, you will be able to download the latest French translations.
       (Note: In Grapevine #106, page 2, our e-mail was listed as: berniris@aol.com; that has now changed, please contact us at the above-mentioned address.)


       Dear sweet Crystal (German, of Indian Joel), where are you? We would like to get in touch with you again. We lived together in Bombay in '92. Please, if anyone knows where she is, send info to: ia_07am@mantraonline.com. Thanks!-Andrew (Indian) and Ma ry (Italian), Delhi.
       Mariangela (of Maria Chiara Peruvian), where are you? Lived with you in Serina, Italy, in '98.You then left for Peru. Please write Natalie (of Gideon/Ruth) at: tsumani69@yahoo.it or tanieheat@yahoo.com. Hoping to hear from you soon!

, both e-mail addresses you gave me don't work! Write me!-Simona. My e-mails are: cmona@pawd.com or cmona69@email.com.

       Hey BB, where art thou? Lost you somewhere back there… write me at emilylc@usa.net soon as you can. Luv you … E mily.

       Joel (Ami from Martinique) would like to get in touch with John and Meeky living in Thailand. Write to martinique-assistance@wanadoo.fr. Thank you, I didn't receive the last message you tried to send me.

...are you in India?? Write Abigail ASAP-'K? aec_biggs@yahoo.com.

       Faithy Fighter in India would like to get in touch with Finnish Meryem (Magda), with Australian Rose (we were on the road together in Jamaica in 1980), with Michael and Michelle and with James and Faith (in N ew York), and anyone else who knows me. You can reach me at: irish777rose@yahoo.com.

       Hey, Ariana in Columbia. I would like to get in touch with you. We met in Sao Paulo at one of the meetings. Esther, in Rio I would like to get in touch with you. Shane, it's sis wanting to get in touch with you. I haven't heard from you in a while. Here's my e-mail: famsalvador@aol.com. Write me soon, ok?

former members and friends - seeking contact

       I am looking for my brother Hans-Jürgen C., born Jan uary 8, 1950 in Germany. The last time I saw him was Christmas of 1977. After that he lived with his family in France (till summer 1978). From there he wrote us a letter saying he was traveling with his family to the USA. I have not heard from him since. Please contact me at: Curland@web.de

help wanted

       Hi everybody, I am Ruth (25, Russian) and have been greatly enjoying serving the Lord in my country since I joined a year ago. Now the Lord is leading me to be a missionary on the needy fie ld of India and I am very willing to go and let Him use me there. I have already taken some steps to raise the needed funds, but it's rather difficult to do it in this country. So the Lord put it on my heart to ask my Family for help. He said that nothing is impossible and gave an encouraging idea that even if 20 people donate $50 each, this missionary will be sent to the field. PTL! Thank you, my precious brothers and sisters! Please help me and send your donations big or small to RU003 for Rut h.

       In one of the recent Letters the Lord said: “Pray extreme prayers and you will get extreme answers.” That's exactly what I need right now: an extreme miracle of supply! I, Pavel (28, Russian), am going to go to Africa (!) at the beginning of autumn. The Lord showed me not to go abroad for fundraising but instead to make all possible efforts here in Russia. It would sound too challenging if there wouldn't be another option to activate, which is asking you for donation(s). As you already gu essed by now I need a lot of money. Don't be shy if it's not much. I will appreciate it very much. And also, your fervent intercessory prayers will be a big help, too.
       My vision for the work in Africa is to bring the Gospel, words of David and Maria to people by all possible (old and new) ways. I can't wait to get there and start “activating.” The only delay may occur if there will be lack of money. I already have $100, which is about 10% of what I am aiming for. Please send your donations to Pavel at RU001. You can send them regularly during May and during the summer months too. I'll gladly update you on how things are going.


[included with two pages of new Trax]

       In your day to day “preachin' the gospel to every creature,” here's a new tract in the ComicTraX series to help you reach the bungee-jumping, dot-com-wannabe, and/or muscles-obsessed crowd with THE ULTIMATE.

Read about it in an upcoming FSM “Activated Witnessing!”

       To see us as bold witnesses again spreadi ng the Word is so wonderfully inspiring. To have our young people saying “Send me out!!!” To have them coming home saying, “It was so inspiring!-I haven't witnessed like this before (or in so long). I'm rusty, but I don't want to stop! Who can I go with tomorrow?” It is nothing short of WOW!-A miracle we have all been praying for.-From Jewel, Stephen, and Rejoice, India

“Angels of the Lord!”-And other true stories!

       About this CLTP mag (which you recently received or will be soon), Jesus sai d: “My angels being round about you is a very real thing. Now that you have entered the era of action you will see more angel activity than ever. We are in the final days and I am pouring out My Spirit as never before. I will be doing miracles through My children and My angels will be helping them.
       These angel stories are accounts of reported events. From now on, we will let you know in the introduction to our CLTP mags when the stories are fact. But as the CLTP magazine is compiled from diffe rent sources-magazines, the Web, or forwarded e-mails-there are times we have no way of knowing whether a story is truth or fiction. In the case of stories taken from Guideposts, the editors have made it clear that the stories are fact, written by real people about real events they experienced. But with many other stories that we find or that or sent to us, we have no way of knowing for sure.
       For example, in CLTP #46, “Christmas in the Heart,” there was a story by Daniel “Chip” Ciammaichella c alled “The Spirit of Raton,” in which a trucker is saved by a police officer who he later finds out has died some time before. Other stories by this fellow on his Web site include appearances by “Kris Kringle,” driving a sleigh with reindeer, etc.-which leads us to believe that his stories are fiction!
       So with upcoming CLTP mags, unless we make it clear that the story is true, taken from actual events, you may also assume that it could indeed be fiction. We'll be praying and asking the Lord to help us choose stories that you can enjoy and whose positive values reflect our own-whether fact or fiction. Thank the Lord, His angels are real, and this mag gives evidence of their help that we pray is an encouragement to you.

#113 will include, among other things … “A brief history of Family music …” by Kevin. Don't miss it!

       What's happening in SACRO? Check out page 6 to find out!

       You've heard of Eve. Check out Elite Bruce's take on Adam, found on page 16 of this Grapev ine … with more issues to come!

outstanding e-mail reax sent to family@thefamily.org

       Adams Israel, Nigeria
- I'm a student of the Petroleum Training Institute Delta State, Nigeria. I am privileged to have attended one of the lectures your missionaries gave in my school, about the Endtime events, Antichrist, second coming of Christ, the battle of Armageddon, etc. I say, “God bless you” for sending people like Rima and Kelly to Nigeria, doing a great job enlightening people about the Endtim e.

       Arch, (Wine Presser), Maryland, USA
-Tonight I was phoned randomly by young Lucas who was working in telemarketing. Our conversation led to asking him gently about Jesus. The Family came up and he mentioned his wife's mother is in the Family! He just arrived in San Antonio, Texas and wishes to receive the free issues of Activated because He was given some issues before leaving Columbia, his home country. He is a sheepy, interesting young man.

       J. Kim, San Francisco, USA -
I'm writing in the hope that I will get some information regarding your ministry and practices. Having grown up in a Presbyterian background and having been “discipled” within the Baptist faith in college, I dismissed your faith as a cult when I heard the testimony of your ex-members on the talk show circuit. It is only now that after reading the article in the San Francisco Chronicle and visiting your website that I see your side of the story.
       I am particularly interested in your faith for a few reasons. I am drawn by your commitment to good works, by the compassion that seems to be ignored by media reports. I am also drawn to your commitment to ideals of the Christian family. I have attended churches that, despite their protestations otherwise, were little more than places to socialize.
       I am also intrigued by your beliefs on sex. I have concerns that sex may be used in an exploitative way-to increase membership, for instance. But I can see the reasoning behind some of the sexual practices th at you teach. Yet, I remain a bit skeptical. I, myself, have given much thought over what mainstream churches teach regarding sexuality and marriage. I admit that I see some merit regarding your objections of placing marriage before God and your core belief that God created us as sexual beings. However, I wonder if certain practices at a point become transgressive? Could you e-mail me scriptural bases for your beliefs on sex?
       I am also concerned about the control that is held over the members at the church. I wonder if in my pursuit of knowing more about your church that I will somehow become badgered or harassed if I decide that the practices of the Family are contrary to my own deep beliefs in Scripture and the love of God.
       (More from J. Kim:)
Thank you for taking the time to fully address my questions regarding the Family. I was particularly moved by how graciously and reasonably you presented your answers to my concerns. I had a chance to go to the pages you highlighted. Again, the way the writers reasonably and graciously reply to many of the objections disseminated in the media settled any concerns that I may have had regarding “cultish” aspects of the Family. I would very much like to visit a Family meeting or worship service, if I may. I know with the negative media attention, that you may want to preserve some privacy for your meetings. I would just like to see for myself what the Family is like.

       Nathan, USA
- I know about the Family from the website and a ra inbow gathering I went to once. Would like to meet some of the local members in the bay area. Is this possible? Do you have groups or activities here? Occasionally I travel to other parts of California and the U.S. How can I find out the location of Homes in other areas or arrange a visit to check it out?



(of John): Against glaucoma and damage to optic nerve from glaucoma.

Europe and Africa

(12, of Samuel and Heidi): Completed chemotherapy for a m alignant bone tumor in her right arm, and scans now show the tumor is completely gone. She will soon undergo surgery to repair her damaged right arm and hand.
(20, of John and Sara): Suffered internal injuries in a car accident. Successfully underwent an operation to remove his spleen, and is on his way to recovery.
(of Daniela): Thyroid cysts and insulin-dependant diabetes.
: Heart problems.


(of Peter): Tendonitis in right arm.

South America

       Larrissa (6, of Emmanuel and Julia):
Thrown out of the back window of their car after it was rammed in the back by another vehicle. Larrissa was released from the hospital with multiple stitches in the back of her head, and on her face, near her mouth. (LNF: She's now back to normal, and thankfully not traumatized from the experience. PTL!)
       Sara and Patricio
: Streptococcus infections in most of our Home members. Cristina (14, of Josias and Sara) has gotten it the worst and has scarlet fev er as a result. For healing, that she will do her part and eat well to improve her defenses. José Alejandro (2, of Josias and Sara) has also suffered quite a bit as a result, and has amoebas now. Please pray that his defenses and appetite will improve. Paula, Sara Joy, and Raquel Elena (12, 10 and 8, of Josias and Sara) also need strengthening. Pray that the medicine they're taking won't be harmful, and that we can all be especially careful here in this country where diseases that have been erad icated in other countries are plentiful.
(of Josias): For physical and spiritual strength, and for the Lord's peace during this trying time.
(16, of João and Rute): A fractured femur after being hit by a motorcycle.
(of Richard): Cancer. For the tumor to disappear and bleeding to stop.
(of Flor): Hepatitis C.
(of Juan): Syogren syndrome, causing her eyes to have no tear flow. This is very bothersome, painful and can cause infection.
: Deep pain in left knee.
       Paulo Pescador
: Problems with uric acid and gout.
(of Salomé): Numbness in her hands and upper arm.
       Maria Fe
(8, of Pablo and Maria, Chile) is not growing enough, lacks appetite and needs to gain weight.

Answered Prayers

       From Jewel Faithful, India:
I want to thank everyone for praying for my asthma. I was taking some ayurvedic medication for my asthma as I had a very severe case but after hearing from the Lord about it, decided to stop it completely. This was qu ite a test for me. Around the same time the prayer request for my healing came out. It's a real miracle, as I haven't had the slightest problem since the prayer request. Thank You, Jesus!

       From Estrella, Colombia:
Juan is doing very well, recovering from his operation, which confirmed that the growth in his kidney was malignant, but had not reached any other organs. The doctors didn't recommend chemotherapy or anything else but a checkup in three months. Praise the Lord!

       Lucero, Colombia:
My grandson Christian Andres, Claudia's first, was born with the fontanel closed. The fontanel is a small opening in a baby's head that all newborns have, which allows their brain to develop normally. According to the doctors, when that space doesn't open it can have quite a negative effect on their mental, physical and motor development.
       After a few specialists examined him, they gave 15 days for the fontanel to open naturally, or they would have to perform very delicate surgery. I can say w ith certainty that the very day we started praying for the baby I could tell that little by little the open space on the top of his little head started opening. A few days later I noticed it opened more and the next few days it just kept getting bigger and bigger. When the time came that we had to take him to see the doctor again, I was sure that the Lord had healed him, and the doctors confirmed it, saying there was no need for further exams, x-rays, or anything else! He is completely healthy!

now that's funny

Bad Habit

       Two nuns are ordered to paint a room in the convent, and the last instruction of the Mother Superior is that they must not get even a drop of paint on their habits. After conferring about this for awhile, the two nuns decide to lock the door of the room, strip off their habits and paint in the nude. In the middle of the project, there comes a knock at the door.
       “Who is it?” calls one of the nuns.
       “Blind man,” replies a voice from the other side of the door.
       The two nuns look at each other and shrug. No harm can come from letting a blind man into the room, they decide, so they open the door.
       “Good day, sisters,” says the man, “where do you want these blinds?”


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Rachel Griffiths
       Romantic comedy. Through a twist of fate, a single woman finds out what life would have been like had she married the love of her life years ago and had children.

Movies Rated for Junior T eens and Up


Vincent D'Onofrio, Janeane Garofalo, Jeanne Tripplehorn
       Drama portrayed in documentary style tells the Abbie Hoffman story and revisits the domestic turmoil of the Vietnam era.


Hank Azaria, Jack Lemmon
       Drama based on the non-fiction best-seller by sportswriter Mitch Albom. After learning that a professor he admired in college is ill, Albom goes to see him. What was meant as a one-time visit turns into weekly chats which change Mitch's life for the better. Inspiring, well acted, and touching.

Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Edward Furlong

       Character study set in the early 1920s about a domineering businesswoman and her eccentric sister whose non-conformist ways have a liberating effect on others in her life.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up


Patrick Warburton, David Alan Grier, Brittney Irvin
       Third film in Disney's Angels series again finds heavenly helpers ta king an interest in baseball when a young girl prays to help her dad, a professional pitcher. (Note: Don't go out of your way to get this movie for your kids, as it's quite shallow and there's not much to it, but it's not harmful if you want to watch something purely for entertainment.)

Movies Rated for OCs and Up


Glenn Close, Gerard Depardieu
              Sequel to 101 Dalmatians. After three years in prison, Cruella De Vil is judged to have paid her debt to society and is se t free, as she pledges to have nothing to do with fur ever again. She, however, cannot keep this promise and soon is plotting another scheme to get her ultimate Dalmatian coat.


Me Myself I

       (Dad:) This movie has some sweet and touching points and scenes, along with some humorous ones. It also has lessons on comparing or wondering what it would be like if different decisions had been made. Though subtle, it does show that the Lord can work things out, and that there can be good fru it as well as hardships resulting from any decision that we make. We can learn from past decisions, but these do not need to hinder us from going on with life and making the most of it. Rather than dwelling on a possible cause, or what we feel might be a cause of a sad situation, we can also take a fresh new look at life and go on from there to find happiness and fulfillment.

Steal This Movie

       (Jesus:) This is a good glimpse of the era in which the Family was born. The cause of My Family has prevailed-while most of the idealistic youth of the '60s have become the old-bottle leaders of the System of today-as it was founded on My foundation rather than just some anti-System ideals. Abbie exposed the System and made it rear its ugly head, but your Father David did that and more-he showed and lived the solution-and got you to do so as well. The solution was to drop out to follow Me full time, 110%.
       This movie has significance, deeper than you think, because I started these currents o f change. I stirred the hearts of the young people of this era and at the time of these cultural phenomena, because I wanted to prepare hearts for My great Endtime movement. The pot was stirred, the hypocrisies exposed, the vast divergence between true values and false ones made evident, the yawning chasm between ideal and everyday practice was clear for all to see. The yippies and other youth movements of the time made hearts ripe and ready for My Word, My solutions, My truth. And then I raised up you, My young beggar army, My youthful revolutionaries for Jesus, My dear and faithful Family, who answered My call through My servant David.

Tuesdays with Morrie

       (Jesus:)Tuesdays with Morrie, though sweet, humorous and entertaining, is much more than mere entertainment. It's a movie with a message-a beautiful message, an important message-in fact, several important messages. Love is the most important thing; death is not to be feared; fears are to be talked about openly and faced; aff lictions and weaknesses are life's bridges to growth. These are just some of the lessons taught by this special and well acted movie. There's more, too, so ask Me to show you what message it has for you.

Grass Harp

       (Jesus:) This is a very sweet film showing the power of love, and the evils of greed. Although Dolly was poor and had nothing much in the material, she was happy and content and was known for her love. Her sister, who had put the quest for material wealth first in her life, on th e other hand, was sad and lonely and unhappy as a result. Many in the Family will enjoy watching the dear traveling evangelist with her many children and no husband-which broke the bottles of the hypocritical church people! The theme of the movie, that love is a chain, is beautiful. You, My Family, are part of this chain of love-sowing love, giving love, spreading love throughout the world to those in need.

Angels in the Infield

       (Jesus:) I have to laugh a little when I see movies like this. They call you crazy to believe in spirit helpers, and yet Disney can make movies about them and they don't get called crazy. This is the standard angel-comes-to-help-people-make-good movie based on the earlier ones in this series.
       Spirit helpers do come to help you make good, so they got that part right. Some of your spirit helpers are pretty funny types like the fellow in this movie. Still, if you show it to your kids, please straighten out any false impressions they might get. One impressio n it gives is that spirit helpers are trying to boost your self-confidence, when in reality they're trying to get you to put your confidence in Me. I like the fact that the Devil loses. He and some of his imps turn up, but they wash out. The girl, and the dad especially, learn good lessons along the line of unselfishness and putting the needs and even the desires of others before their own. A lot of movies like to portray people as if they have all the money in the world. They want to foster the impression that spending lavishly helps to make you happy-which of course you know isn't true.

102 Dalmatians

       (Jesus:) This is a fun movie. Although it dwells more on “Cruella” this time and her badness, it still brings out the good and the evil gets exposed. The good wins in the end. Please do pray and ask Me before showing it to a younger age group though, as there are some parts that could be a bit scary for them. But it does have a sweet message, it's funny, and it's a movie that the o lder kids will enjoy.

The Contender

       (From WS preview team:) We'd like to share with you a message that the Lord gave about the movie The Contender, starring Joan Allen, Jeff Bridges, and Gary Oldman. While the movie was well made, interesting, and exposes some of the corruption prevalent in politics, on the other hand it very much promoted ungodly views, as the “hero” is a liberal leftist who is an atheist, and stands for many things the Lord and we are against, but is made out to be an exa mple moral citizen.

       (Jesus speaking:)
This movie is interesting, well acted, and intriguing, and yet the message it portrays is a mixed bag. It reveals some truths about the corruption of politicians, etc., but also in the process exalts some of the wrong so-called “virtues”-those of the camp of unbelief. It promotes the views of those who stand for many things that I despise, that now in these times are considered good and right. If you, My children, view this movie, you should be very pray erful so that you will be able to clearly see what is right and what is wrong and not be moved by the insidious propaganda of the Enemy.

ws news

On April 22, Peter's birthday…

By Kayla

       Our whole Home-including a few visitors from another unit-met in the dining room at the appointed time in the late afternoon, on Sunday the 22nd. When Mama and Peter entered, we chorused the “Happy Birthday” song to Peter, and he joked afterward that now he would be humble all year long.
       A few people had taken the time to write up some birthday tributes and poems, which they read aloud. Everyone prayed about something special to do for Peter's birthday, and many people received prophecies, sent him cards, made him little gifts, or helped cook the special meal that he had with Mama several days later.
       After these few tributes, the snacks (chips and dip) were put out, as well as the drinks, and the games began! The living room hosted an assortment of board and card games.
       In the meantime, our great cooks were sweating away over our barbecue dinner. They prepared a simple but delicious meal of corn, spiced lamb, chicken, and whole potatoes, then served it for the enjoyment of all. After about two hours of games, everyone had worked up quite an appetite. The sumptuous, simple, yet fit-for-a-king meal was followed by two simultaneous video showings.

inside WS …

(Editor: We thought it might interest you to read this account from Caitlyn, one of our newest members to WS, who jus t passed her one-year mark in WS. She wrote this up, for fun, to go in our in-house WS bulletin.)

One year ago, on Monday …

By Caitlyn (20)

       I hadn't slept in a week, the weight was dropping off, and I was experiencing a true “packing crisis.”-I was on my way to WS!
       Hearing four months earlier that I would be joining WS hadn't really prepared me for the “final countdown.” I had been calm until then, but when the last week before leaving came around I was truly panicking! What to pack, h ow many suitcases to bring (better make that one suitcase, so they know I'm revolutionary), what kind of clothes will I need-wintry or summery? Anything that might be unavailable there that I should stock up on here? Ramen noodles?-Yikes, throw a few packs in my carry-on, just in case. It's the great dilemma of “what to bring when you don't know where you're going.”
       Well, I'd finally gotten down to my revolution-induced amount of luggage, and the day of departure was upon me. I got up early an d went to the airport. To my great dismay, the person who took me wasn't able to fill me on the “minor” details of the trip, such as, well ... where I was going and all (like I said, just little stuff.) I was, however, given an envelope with my ticket in it, so I said a shaky goodbye to my dear fellow Home members of three years, and opened the envelope. ...

       (Ominous music begins...)

       …Hmmm let's see, I'm going from Houston to Denver to Florida to San Juan, then on to Seoul, and Paris, th en Sydney and finally ... where? Okay, so that isn't really an accurate description of my flight itinerary, but it was complicated! After 10 minutes I had narrowed the destination city down to two countries (which happened to be on the opposite sides of the world ... hey, but at least I had narrowed it down!)
       On to check-in. “So you're going to ________?” I smiled and said yes, but was thinking, Ah, so that's where I'm going. Interesting!
       “You're overweight, ma'am,” the clerk says with a ser ious look.
       “Well, I know I'm a little heavy on the hips, but I thought I was doing well with my diet and...”
       “No, I mean your suitcase … let's see, overweight charge will be ... $475, please?”
       Then began cardiac arrest, followed by Lamaze breathing, but the ladies were real helpful and told me that I could shuffle my belongings between my check-in and carry-on so that the big one wasn't overweight. PTL! I threw open my suitcase right there in the middle of the airport, oblivious to the onl ookers (who were no doubt staring at my stash of Ramen) and rearranged things. When it came time to close the suitcase, my mind flashed back to just the night before when my two friends AND myself all had to sit on my suitcase to get it closed. Here in the airport it was just me.-Needless to say, it was the first time in my life I think that I'd EVER asked the Lord to make me heavier! The Lord answered and somehow the suitcase closed and weighed exactly the limit ... exactly! What a miracle.
       O n to the flight and connecting flights, which all went very smoothly. I was so nervous about entering the country and was sure that they wouldn't let me in for some reason or another, or that they'd want to go through my suitcase and would find my pirated workout videotapes. I promised the Lord that if He got me through customs and immigrations, not only would I be the happiest person on the planet, but I would also serve Him the rest of my life, do my JJT faithfully ... and never doubt prophecy again. J Well, He did it, and made it so easy for me.
       Now having been here for a year, I've been reflecting on my rather tumultuous week before coming. It wasn't actually so terrible. I've heard some even more traumatic testimonies of “coming to WS,” like the guy who thought he was going to a certain country because he misunderstood. Then when he got there: “Wow, this doesn't look like Pakistan at all!” Or the girls who immigrations wouldn't let into the country because they didn't have any m oney ... well, 30 dollars between them. I think the Lord must just allow a little nervousness and fright on the way here to keep us desperate and praying without ceasing. Or maybe it was just with me.-Either way it worked, and keeps me praying for any other newcomers in the future, that they have smooth preparation, departure and travels!

[DK comic: Adam #1]

Elite Bruce presents a new pub for Family guys that may never get off the ground.

       Adam, Issue 1
       Skin care tips for guys, page 2
       Complete oil and lube change, page 2

Skin care tips for guys

1.       Shave every now and then.
2.       Wash your face.
3.       Every day.
4.       Use soap.

Complete oil and lube change testimony

By Issachar Clutchrider
       The Lord showed me that our car needed a complete oil and lube change when I noticed black smoke billowing … (continued on page 3)

How to start a meaningful relationship with a woman.

1.       Be really nice to her.

How to keep a meaningful relationship with a woman.

Stay really nic e to her.

Our Cute Gals

(Sent in by Hunk of Honey, Venezuela

I'm having trouble with the transmission.
What's the transmission?

Cover photo: Rugged yet Tender, Russel CRO (father of 7, of Delight; Brazil)

Copyright © 2001 by The Family

(End of File)