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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine

(Issue #110; April 15, 2001.)


       Treasure each other in the recognition that we do not know how long we shall have each other.-Joshua Loth Liebman


, born to Maria and Stephan.-Kazakhstan
       Viktor Jasper Light
, born to Angela and Benjamin.-Uganda
       Ethan Clive
, born to Charity and Jace.-Zambia
, born to Angelica and Janos on December 9.-Hungary
, born to Loana and Eman on February 6.-Italy
       Victoria Feed-My-Sheep
, born to Shine and T imothy on February 6.-USA
       Baby girl
, 10th child, born to Sue and Chris on March 20.-USA


       new CM disciples…
(21, Albanian) joined in Albania.
(Belorussian) joined in Moldova.
       Naomi Meekness
(24, Romanian) joined in Moldova.
(21, Romanian) joined in Romania.
(20, of Gideon/Lamb) rejoined in Latvia.

James Penn #2

By Peter

       Within the past several weeks a number of Homes have received a second letter from James Penn. Others have received e- mails which “advertise” this letter and give his website address. Mama and I advise you to delete his letter, unread, as it is simply another of his long diatribes designed to damage your faith. He has clearly stated his hate for Mama and me, and for the Family, which is you, and for what you believe and practice. When Mama and I prayed about the matter, the Lord spoke to us, saying,
       “When James Penn attacks My children, when he attacks you, he attacks Me. He is an offense in My sight. He is a s those who think they do God's service but who are tools in the hand of Satan. He seeks to deceive and he tempts the weak with his tales, but his purpose, his goal, is to have them read his diabolical material, which seeks to draw away My children from Me. He thinks he's trying to draw them away from you, My king and queen, but in fact he's drawing them away from Me, and thus he does Satan's service. But the self-righteousness in him doesn't allow him to see that; he sees himself as the “savior ,” but he is a destroyer who works hand in hand with the Chief Deceiver.” (End of prophecy excerpt.)
       Penn is intent on convincing you and others that Mama and I are horrible people, the Family is a horrible organization, with horrible doctrines, and everything we've ever done is horrible. Before writing this notice, I read this Grapevine for final approval. I read wonderful testimonies from wonderful people, who are members of a wonderful religious organization, who have tremendous faith in Go d and His Word-Word that is delivered to them through two imperfect people who love Jesus and who are doing their best to help you, this wonderful Family, to reach the world for Him. Our suggestion is that you don't bother reading Penn's letter, as it is designed to hurt your faith, to draw you away from the Family and the Lord. Jesus said so. Please don't help Penn by passing his letter on to others.
       Mama and I love and appreciate each one of you, and we're proud of you for the wonderful job you do as you sacrifice to follow the Lord's call in your life. Thank you for serving Him with us.


       In GV #109, under the “prayer list” section, there is a prayer request for the TNT Home, Tokyo, which says: Two members of our Home, Philip and Julia (CM), their son (former member), and two other young men (both former members) are being sued for a very large amount of money from the man that was injured in a fight with the three boys three years ago when they were out of the F amily working in Osaka. All five are named on the civil suit, which is for a ridiculous 100 million yen (approx $80,000). The correct figure is actually US$800,000. Please keep their Home in your prayers!

       In GV #103, in the Shine On stats for November 2000, the first place slot in video distribution was mistakenly awarded to Samuel/Clara, Spain. Francesco/Claire/Jesse, Taiwan now move up to first place, and Steven/Christina, South Africa move up to second, and Aaron/Joanne/Joseph/Pearl/Pearl , Thailand claim third place!
       Aaron/Joanne/Joseph/Pearl/Pearl and Home in Thailand, please claim your prize!
Thanks, Samuel and Clara, for letting us know about this error!

       In GN 934, “Report on Summit 2001,” a list of newly appointed CROs was included in paragraphs 97-98. Since this time, SGA Ariane (of Sam) has also joined the ASCRO teamwork. God bless all of our CROs-please keep them in your prayers.

Wine Press

       Celena, 17, former member, USA
- I read the last mailing I got t his morning when I woke up before I had to go to work and it was very inspiring. I was just laying there in my bed getting in the Word, and I kinda enjoyed it actually. I can't remember ever saying that I actually enjoyed getting in the Word when I was still in the Family, but now I'm starting to appreciate it. It does help to give me a little boost for the day.

       Arch, Maryland, USA
- I get a fight when it comes to Letters like this! I have to struggle just to pick it up during the day, and w ithout distraction read it to get the point and change along with the directions. The Words in there are deep! Every time I read them again I get something new. Prayer power! Bionic men. Wow! It makes you desire to pray every moment that you can, and become completely involved in that Letter and not take it lightly! It seemed to me more important than any weapon I have heard of yet! I consider the Letter “Action in Prayer” to be the most important Letter I have ever received from your office.

       Nicolas Verniquet, Colombia
- I just got the second Wine Press mailing. Thank you very much. “Rise Above” was a really inspiring Letter, and came at just the right time for me. Wow! The Lord's counsel is so very much superior to any worldly wisdom. It's amazing.

       Aaron Davidson, Australia
- The Wine Press is really good reading. I especially like to read the words of Jesus. “Rise Above” and practical tips have deeply influenced me.

input on prison ministries…

By Mama

       Over the past f ew months, the Lord has put on my heart a burden to put together a booklet or tool to reach prisoners-specifically, personalized words of love from Jesus, like our From Jesus-With Love book, speaking directly to their hearts and addressing their unique needs.
       Quite a few of our Family members are involved in prison ministries, and this is a very important ministry. While there are other Christians and missionaries who minister to those in prison, there's a vast difference between them and us, and the Lord has given us a special gift of being able to pass on His love and forgiveness to these very needy men and women through His living Words, which have the power to bring a ray of joy and hope into their darkened lives, and a reason to go on living.
       I've always had a burden for prisoners and those involved in prison ministries. When I was 12 or 13, my aunt put me in touch with a long-term prisoner. We corresponded for several years, and when he finally got out of prison, I was there to meet him and we went to a meal together. I'm sure that experience planted the seed that gave me a burden to reach prisoners.
       There are millions of prisoners worldwide, and a good number of these are in prison unjustifiably. Prisoners are often much more desperate than people who think they're free. If we can reach them and win them to the Lord, they in turn can reach their fellow inmates, and on the witness goes. Many will get out of prison later and have the potential to be tremendous on-f ire witnesses for the Lord.
       Just think what a powerful tool a specialized From Jesus-With Love booklet could be for these poor folks who need the Lord's love and forgiveness so desperately. They feel they are the worst of the worst, and they wonder how God can really love them. Sure, there's Christian literature out there, but it's not really directed to them. I'm sure that the Lord would love to speak directly to their hearts, showing them that He understands what difficulties they go through on a daily basis-the grit and grime, the horrible experiences, sympathizing with their fears and tears-and then giving them His love and peace, and eternal life.
       So I'd like to ask those of you who are involved in prison ministries or have been in the past to please write in with any ideas you have along this line. It would be very helpful to receive your input since you've worked firsthand with these men and women, and know what their needs, trials and particular heartcries are. Let us know what you think would be the most helpful tools for them in the ways of pubs or little booklets. We can't promise that each of your ideas will materialize, but we'd like to at least make something available for those working with prisoners, possibly beginning with a short FJWL booklet directed to them.
       Please send in your ideas for scenarios and topics today! We'll ask the Lord about them, but we'd benefit greatly from your input and expertise on what the need is! Better yet, ask the Lord for a few messages from Him, directly spoken to prisoners, and send them in. Those of you who are involved are aware of the needs, and the Lord can easily speak through you and touch your heart with the messages that they so desperately need.
       Please take the time for this, dear ones. We'd love to hear from any and all of you who have a burden for this ministry, with your thoughts, ideas, and especially messages from Heaven for these dear ones, or topics and ideas to start with. Thanks for taking yo ur time with this. I love you!

Our Jail Ministry in Sydney

By Joy (of Paul), Australia
       Paul and I started visiting the jails here in Sydney three years ago when a lawyer friend of ours had asked us to visit a couple of inmates she represented. The work at the beginning was really slow and we weren't sure if we were on the right track. When we prayed the Lord encouraged us to continue and said that we would soon see the fruits of our labors. We soon met John who is in on a life sentence and has been a real key to everything we are now doing in the adult jails.
       When John first received the poster book he was so touched that he cried as he saw in the posters things he had seen in visions but wasn't sure if he was right about. He doesn't go to church and has learned all he has mostly from just reading the Bible, and a few different Christian programs they have offered in jail.
       After about 18 months of visiting John and a number of others in a jail in Sydney, he was moved to a jai l in an outer suburb. We had prayed long and hard with him that if the move was of the Lord it would go through but if not that He'd close the door and that John would be able to stay in the city jail. He had various jobs in the jail such as talking to school kids and taking tours through the jail and he was well trusted and liked there.
       There were many trials when he moved jails, one being that he couldn't get any literature into the new jail. This brought about some desperate prayer on visit s for the Lord to reveal why he had John move, as we knew the Lord had a plan in it all. Soon it was revealed as we have met and been ministering to precious sheep at that jail from all over the world-South America, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, the States and the UK. It's been very inspiring. These dear men have all received the Lord and are reading the Word that we regularly give to them. Another family was helping our Home in this ministry and recently we have asked for help from two other Homes in Sydney as we have so many we are ministering to. It has been a unifying factor in the work here.
       Our teenagers in Sydney have a ministry in two juvenile detention centres, doing programs or services every couple of weeks for the inmates. One young fellow they have been ministering to has recently also received a very long sentence and following are some excerpts of a letter that our friend John wrote him. It is so beautiful that I asked John if we could share it with all. He ag reed so here it is:

       “How are you, mate? You don't know me, but Paul and the girls ... Angela, Heidi, Sunny, etc., asked me to drop you a line. As I have spent a total of 30 years behind prison walls I guess they thought that it might be good if we corresponded. I really know nothing about you other than the fact that you're doing a big one. Me too! I came in on this one before you were even born...1978. So I've notched up nearly 20 years on it and I don't have a release date as yet.
       I had a lot of hate and anger in me in those days and was referred to in the media as a maniac, a psychopath, an animal and one of Australia's most violent criminals. And that is exactly what I had become. It's not an easy road in here, but I guess a lot of it is what you make of it. I did it pretty tough to start off ... I was a little crazy to say the least... certified insane, no gaol would have me in ordinary discipline so I spent four years and three months straight in the “Tracks” (or segregatio n or solitary).
       I guess the saddest thing for me about your situation is that I've been there and done it and I realise that it is a rough road and that your journey has just begun. The road is made easy for me these days because I walk in faith. I found the Lord in 1982 while in segregation. It was the most incredible experience of my life. To experience real faith is a life changing experience. Now you may be thinking to yourself...”Not another Bible basher.” When Christians first came into my life that's how I felt. I pretty much told them to boot off. I told them I wasn't interested in God and to just leave me alone. I'm sure glad they didn't.
       I guess one of the reasons I'm writing is that I want to see you not only survive the years ahead, but I'd like to see you grow from it and to see you walk out the gate one day a better person for the experience. I want to offer any practical advice and support along the road as you may need it.
       One thing I've learned is that prison isn 't an address. Like freedom, it is a state of mind. I think it was Oscar Wilde who once wrote... “Stone walls and iron bars do not a prison make.” The truth of it is that there are so many people outside that are more in prison than I am. The choice is ours... Each morning when I get out of bed the choice is mine whether I have a good day or a bad day. Me... I choose to enjoy my life. I'm 50 years of age this year. I came in when I was 18 years old. In all those years (counting escapes) I've spe nt 54 weeks on the outside...I have no idea when I'll be released.... but I choose to embrace life; I choose to savor every day of it.
       Right now as I write this I am sitting on a small square of planet earth. And my opinion is that it doesn't really matter if it's this little square or another one on the other side of the wall. We're all making the journey through life, mate... and as I see it, it doesn't matter so much where you make your journey... but rather how you make it. So learn to mak e the most of where you are and what you've got.
       The Lord saved my life. I sure couldn't have survived these last 22 years without Him. When Christians first came into my life I thought that they were all spinners...escapees from a psych ward somewhere and I didn't have a clue what they were on about. As I got to know them I wanted to be just as crazy, just as beautiful as them. I just asked God to change me. I begged and pleaded with Him to come into my life and make me a different person. An d He sure did...in such a powerful way. My life has never been the same since and that was 18 years ago. When the time came I spent four days on the floor of my cell in tears. It was just so beautiful and so powerful. Every single day God blesses me in one way or another. Whether you're in jail or outside, life is what you make it...and we really can't make much of it without God.” (End of letter from John.)

       John says we've changed his life in the past three years. He calls us once or twice a day and we share Word, prayers and testimonies. Recently he was sent back to the city jail and he put an application in to have his books back, including all the Family ones he had. It was granted and we were able to bring them in on a weekly visit. Then in prayer the Lord showed me to ask him if he could get other lit in as well so he could share it with guys inside. We discussed this and prayed for it and the Lord did it and this request was also granted. He was just made the chaplain's cler k and we were able to send in over 100 Gospels of John, a dozen English Bibles, another dozen English New Testaments, and various Bibles in other languages Vietnamese, Portuguese, Chinese and Korean. Along with this we sent in copies of Know the Future, Treasures, Word Basics and Good Thots along with over 100 To You With Love tracts. The night after we got this all in there was a Christian meeting where the speaker said over and over again that the inmates should start off by reading a Gospel a nd preferably the Gospel of John. Most of these men had never read the Bible, but John got out 70 Gospels of John that night and since then has distributed nearly all the rest of the lit we sent in.
       It's been such a fulfilling few years ministering to these needy, precious men and we are so thankful the Lord led us to them. Please keep John in your prayers as he is a precious brother and at the moment is trying to get a court date to find out about a release date.

legal and media

- David, Praise, Paul, Melody, and Maria: A local newspaper, reaching the Filipino community, featured our work and Home here in Toronto (10,000 copies monthly). It showed a picture of David in his clown costume on the front page and a couple more pictures of his family and kids in the Home.

- Stephen, Mary and Mark: The Guardian (a local newspaper) did an article on us around Christmastime. It explained about our work and mentioned that we had helped to organize a Christmas party for one of the orphanages in the city at one of the main hotels here in the city, with our children's singing group, clowns and Christmas lunch, gifts, etc. It is published in Tanzania and Kenya, reaching over 30,000. Three other newspapers also covered this same show, along with a local TV station. Some of the children spoke with the reporters and it was aired on two TV stations the next evening.

       RUSSIA -
Jehovah's Witnesses Win Court Case and Will Not Be Banned In Russia

By the EURCRO M edia Desk

       Good news from Russia! The long-running case to ban the Jehovah's Witnesses has been won in their favor! This victory sets a very good and important precedent for religious liberty in Russia. Here's a newsclip:

       MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Jehovah's Witnesses won a two-year courtroom battle Friday when a judge refused to liquidate the group's Moscow communities in a case seen as a key test of Russia's attitude toward religious freedom. The battle focused international attention on a 1997 law that approved Judaism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity as Russia's traditional religions and forced faiths without a long history of Russian activity to undergo a complicated registration process.
       A city court judge threw out a case brought by the prosecutor of the city's northern region that had accused the Witnesses of breaking up families, infringing upon individuals' rights and converting minors without parents' permission. The prosecutor also charged the group with breaking Russ ia's 1997 Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Association, which the United States and the Vatican have strongly criticized.
       The Jehovah's Witnesses rejected all the charges and Sivulsky said the victory would resonate far beyond the capital.

Heavenly perspective on cloning published in magazine!

By Marc and Claire, North America
       A couple months ago, we were contacted by a religious news writer from a nationally distributed magazine. This is an alternative young people's magazine that covers a myriad of subjects from rock bands to religion, sometimes mixing the two. The subject of his article was the beliefs of different religious groups regarding cloning. We gave the interview, which went quite well, and gave us a good opportunity to witness more deeply to the reporter. We also offered to send him some news articles, both from the Web as well as the END on cloning, which he said he'd be happy to receive.
       When praying further about the article, the Lord showed us to al so send a prophecy on the subject of cloning (from an article in the END), which we did. This also gave us the opportunity to witness about prophecy, Heavenly communication, etc.
       When the article was published, we were surprised and encouraged to see that the reporter had included the message from Jesus in the section on the Family! TTL for this opportunity to witness our beliefs and that our dear Husband's message was published!
       The following is the section of the article on the Family:

(Excerpt on the Family from the article, “Holy Clones: Cloning-sacred or sacrilege?” March 2001)

       The Family, formerly known as the Children of God, is a communal Christian group who believe that any of God's creations, including clones, would have a soul. Even so, they are anti-cloning.
       “We just believe that it is intruding on God's creation, and man should leave God's creation as it is,” says Lonnie Davis, who does public relations for the Family. “In other words, God created man and woma n in His own image, and the way He created them is perfect, and the method that He gave them to reproduce is also perfect.”
       Within all of the controversy surrounding Jesus and cloning-should we clone Him, was He a clone, has He already been cloned-The Family (who regularly receives messages from the Messiah) claims to have obtained the last word from Christ Himself:
       “In this discovery, like so many others, I test and try the hearts of men. I see and know those who would use such things to he lp and to heal, and I know those who would use these things to hurt and to harm. I also know those whose interest is financial, and who care not whether a thing helps or heals so long as it is profitable. I, the Lord, see every thought and intent of the heart and mind, and I reward men accordingly. All reap what they sow. Those who do good reap reward, and those who do ill reap judgment. Let those who would meddle with life to harm life or to make merchandise of My creation beware, for they reap to themselves great judgment.”


       Africa has always held its challenges for the missionaries who have dared to take on the rigors of this field. For a team of young people in Nigeria it was no different. Don't miss “Embrace of Africa,” treasured tales and accompanying photos, in May's Free Zine #54.
       Also featured in that same issue is a continuing Zinetoon ... “Nothing Is Impossible, Part 1!”

DON'T MISS THE ARTICLE: “Bible Classes in 'The Worst Spot on Earth'” in upcoming Africa FS M #371! Here's a sneak preview!

       From Rima and Kaylee, Nigeria
… “This is what life is all about!! Life comes into focus when you're teaching the Bible to a group of students whose mouths are wide open in wonder and they are hanging onto every word you are saying. At that precise moment, you know that all the battles and trials are worth it, because you are doing the job, you are being a missionary, you are making Jesus proud.-And there is no job, talent, possession, or feeling in the world that can beat that!”

is fast becoming the craze of the millennium, calling all-young and old-to support this latest rage.
       Join Johnny Smith as he takes you into the happenings of a five-day meeting held in India in March 2001. Theme: “Activated! Are you?”
       Read “Activated Bomb ... India!” in FZ #54. Catch the latest photos which accompany the article as well.

       Find out why you didn't come out of your momma's belly looking like this, in “History Lesson Number One.” Only in Blade 1 9, coming soon!

A lesson in prophecy…

By Mama

Dear Ones,
       There was an inconsistency in a message in linkUP 15 which you recently received. There is a message from Elvis Presley in Heaven (called “Discovering Real Beauty-from Elvis), and after that message, there is a short “Tell me more” question and answer. The “Tell me more” question is “What about Presley's wife?” since Elvis talks in the main message about having a relationship with another girl in Heaven. The answer prophecy explai ns that Elvis and his wife Priscilla have worked things out and agreed to stay apart in Heaven.
       The inconsistency is that Priscilla Presley (Elvis' ex-wife) is still very much alive on Earth, so Elvis and Priscilla could not yet have met face to face in Heaven, as that little “Tell me more” prophecy suggests. We here in WS noticed this inconsistency just after the linkUP was published.
       As we have explained before, all of our pubs are read in their unfinalized state by a variety of proofreade rs. The purpose for this is so the proofreaders can put forth their questions and reactions, which are prayed about, and then changes, adjustments, additions and further explanations are added, in accordance with the Lord's further counsel. Although this process is a lot of work, it makes the pubs much better, more complete and more feeding. At times additions are made to the pub toward the end of the finalization process that are not read by the proofreaders. This is the case with the “Tell me more” question and answer about Elvis and his wife. The person who was working on this linkUP prayed about the questions from the proofreaders and additions were made. From that point, the pub was only read by a couple of final proofreaders. They apparently didn't realize that Elvis' wife was still alive and they didn't get checked on it from the Lord. The Lord also did not show me that she was still alive when I listened to the linkUP before it went to the NPCs. I'm sure the Lord allowed this f or several reasons-to teach the one who was working on the pub lessons, to help us all understand more about the mysterious workings of prophecy, and to test our faith.
       When someone in our Home read this linkUP and realized that there was this mistake, the one who received this “Tell me more” answer sought the Lord to find out why that had happened. Here is the Lord's counsel to her:

This is a special lesson for you and an illustration of the importance of desperately praying over your channel whenever you use it. You do use your channel a lot, and your faith has grown in this area, but with this can come the temptation to take it for granted, so that you don't put your channel in the right position to receive. That happens when you don't ask Me to clear your thoughts and pray desperately that your own mindsets don't get in the way.
       In this case, you were a little off-guard, and your annoyance with the proofreaders for being what you saw as nitpicky led you to rush in your asking Me about this. You were impatient and huffy, and thinking, “Why do you need proof or an explanation about everything, can't you just take some things by faith?” You did get part of the answer right, that is, the half about Elvis moving on. But the prophecy indicates that Elvis and his wife came to some sort of agreement in Heaven, when this is not the case.
       I could have easily given you a check that all was not right, that you needed to pray further. I could have convicted you that you were not in the right spirit when praying about this question; I could have gotten you in the fear of Me to the point that you would have asked Me if everything was as it should be and for a confirmation that you were getting it right, but you weren't going slow enough and you weren't listening.
       So this just proves that you are fallible, and this is a confirmation of the miracle of My Spirit, that despite your fallibility, I can still use you. Of course you're concerned, because the Famil y trusts that the channels Mama uses are sound, that they're reliable channels, and that the prophecies that are published in the GNs and other pubs are reliable. This hasn't changed. The channels Mama uses are sound, and I would not allow a serious mistake to occur. But this is a small mistake, an error, that I will use to remind you and all My channels of the seriousness of staying desperate with Me, of not letting your own spirit distract you from treating each question you bring before Me, a nd the answer I give to that question, very seriously and prayerfully. I allowed this mistake because I knew it would be detected, prayed about and corrected, therefore it would be an avenue for My Family to learn further lessons and to be renewed in their fear of Me regarding this marvelous gift.
       This is something that will remain etched in your mind, and it will help you much in future, as your usage of prophecy grows even more. It will also help you to be more humble, more open to the sugge stions of others, and more cautious about having an impatient reaction.
       So, many good things shall be gained from this error. The Family must continue to grow in their use of prophecy, and as time goes on and they grow in receiving more specific prophecy, they need to be aware of the pitfall of praying in a hasty or distracted or flippant spirit.
       Prophecy does work-thousands of My children around the world are proving this on a daily basis, as they hear from Me and then obey My words and see them work. My Family is also finding that as they follow closely the words of prophecy that I give in the GNs and other pubs, those words work, and they bear fruit, and they bring blessings. So while this error in the linkUP may stumble some of those who are already doubting prophecy and looking for an excuse not to exercise their new weapon of prophecy, it will in most cases only serve to sober My brides and to help them to be more desperate when they seek My fresh words of prophecy. And despe ration always reaps great benefits. (End of message from Jesus.)

       Mama: There have been numerous seeming contradictions and conflicts in the prophecies that my channels have been received over the years, but when we have asked the Lord about them, He has always given a good explanation for why He said what He said. When something has seemed odd or “off” or wrong it has almost always been a case of the prophecy being incomplete, since the original channel doesn't usually have the strength, sta mina or time to receive all the details. Sometimes the misinterpretation is because of a lack of faith on the parts of those questioning the prophecy, or because of preconceived attitudes not being in line with the Lord's truth. Sometimes we have received a check about a word that seemed out of place and the Lord has confirmed that it was a “slip,” meaning it was the wrong word due to a lapse of concentration of the channel or an error in the transcription of the prophecy, etc. Such slips can ea sily occur in prophecies. Possibly you've had that happen in some of your prophecies. It's nothing to worry about or overreact to, as long as you're faithful to ask the Lord about any words you might wonder about, giving Him the opportunity to show you what is the right word, if it is indeed a “slip.”
       Only on a couple of occasions has something in a prophecy received by one of my channels actually been wrong because of something going wrong with the channel, as was the case with this “Ask me m ore” addition. The few other instances took place either in messages that were never published or they were prayed further about and corrected before the material was printed. This “Ask me more” in this linkUP is the only time a mistake in prophecy has been published, so you need not worry or look at the pubs skeptically.
       Now you can choose to react to the mistake in this prophecy in a number of ways: You can say, “Oh, naughty naughty channel! Tsk tsk! I would never trust that channel again!” Or you can say, “Oh dear, what if there are lots of other mistakes in the prophecies in the pubs, or even the GNs?!” Or you can trust the Lord, admire the channel for being so honest and willing to clarify the mistake and share her lessons; and you can actually grow in faith, realizing that if there's something wrong in a prophecy that has been published, I will let you know.
       I am very proud of this sweet girl for being so desperate to receive the Lord's answers regarding this problem and for wanting to publish this explanation. She is a good reliable exercised channel. This was a mistake, but I know that overall her channel is good, and the Lord just allowed this as a lesson for us all. Instead of being critical or thinking bad things about this person, you should admire her for being willing to continue to have the faith to prophesy and trust the Lord that her prophecies will be good.
       I can't make this too long, since space is limited, but there are a couple of other important po ints that I'd like to highlight:
       --This is a lesson we can all learn from, which should make us all more desperate each time we stop to hear from the Lord, to make sure we're in the right spirit.
       --The Lord promised that He will not allow any serious mistakes to happen, so you don't need to let this rattle you or weaken your faith. We will continue to pray about any seeming contradictions, odd words that could be “slips,” or anything that seems could be “off” in any of the prophecies receive d. The Lord allowed this mistake to teach us lessons, but we can trust that He has not and will not allow anything to be published that would harm the Family, as He has promised.
       --Just as a reminder: Peter and I receive numerous confirmations on the direction that is presented to the Family in the GNs, so please don't worry that there have been or will be any serious mistakes in those prophecies.
       --Situations like this can help strengthen your faith rather than weaken it, if you realize tha t the Lord always has an explanation. So you don't need to worry as long as you keep asking and diligently checking in with the Lord. And if for whatever reason, you find that there are slips or mistakes in the prophecies you receive, don't stop prophesying. Keep trusting the Lord. Of course we don't know everything about the ins and outs and complexities of receiving guidance from “beyond the veil,” but that should not prevent us from exercising our gifts and drawing closer to the Lord and His Word so that our faith grows day by day.
       It's a great and wonderful miracle that the King of Heaven is able to use our human and fallible frames as channels of His words. It's a priceless privilege that we're able to hear from the Lord in prophecy, and we all still have a lot to learn about this fascinating gift and weapon of the spirit. I hope that you will be encouraged by this lesson and see that your coworkers in WS who dedicate so much of their time to pipe the Word to you are not spiritu al giants or special human beings who are far above you. We're all in the “school of the prophets” together, and you can be thankful for the sacrifices they make to do their jobs-including lack of fellowship with the greater Family, giving up some Charter rights, and sharing their lessons for the benefit of the entire Family. It's not easy for them to open their channels on behalf of others day after day, because it's a great responsibility. With that responsibility comes extra battles and tests which the Lord gives them to keep them desperate and close to Him, or in this case, even a mistake within a prophecy, so that they, their coworkers, and you as well, can benefit from the extra lessons.
       Please pray for your coworkers in WS. You need them, the Lord needs them, and Peter and I need them. Thanks, dear mates, I love you.


news and views

Kris (of Peter), Romania

       We are in a country where Activated is still on its way simply because this is not an Eng lish-speaking country and most people are quite poor, so it is difficult for them to afford getting Activated. However, we have a sweet sheep that we've been trying to feed for years, but she-being extremely shy to the point of us not knowing what to think sometimes, whether she wanted to be fed or not-made it hard to get in touch on a regular basis.
       Someone got her Activated without us knowing. Then one day, following the Lord's checks, we visited her at home. Since she can't understand Engli sh that well she asked us if we could help her by translating the issues for her. Since then she's been coming regularly to get fed. And she's making such progress! Every time she leaves with a stack of new mags to read; she's also started witnessing to her co-workers. She's so interested in the Endtime and is considering joining.
is what brought her close and what helped us in finding a way to feed her regularly. TYJ! We're eagerly looking forward to having Activated in Romanian.

Prem, Ruth, Simon, Sharon, India

       It's a point that the Lord seems to be driving home over and over again: If we put Activated first He will pour out all the blessings we need. As Dad said in the recent prophecies from Mama's Home for India [these prophecies were sent directly to the Indian field], while spelling out the direction the Family here needed to take, “Souls Saved = Activated!” and if we might add, “Activated! = Blessings + Supply + Finances + Joy + Fruitfulness.”
       Three months ago when the VSs visited our city, they shared the Activated vision with all the Homes, and as we all caught Activated fever, our Activated stats as a city began to skyrocket. We felt that the Lord had given our outreach and follow-up the needed boost with the emphasis on getting Activated subscriptions. The month the VSs were here we got the most subscriptions we ever had, but sad to say, other things began to crowd out the Activated vision, and our enthusiasm slowly began to cool off and last mon th we only had a handful of subscriptions. (Well, ahem. Slightly less than a handful. Lord help us!)
       But then along came “Action Series, Part 3,” and we were convicted by the Lord's vision for the “Family's Future and Expansion program.” We got desperate with the Lord and made a commitment that this time, come hell or high water, we would keep those Activated mags in the center of our schedules. And we began to send out teams with the express purpose of getting Activated subscriptions. Slowly our stats began to climb and within 25 days the Lord had helped us to get 33 paid subscriptions.
       And now for the mind-blowing part!-Since we started pushing Activated mags again and following the Lord's counsel in the “Family's Future and Expansion Program” GN, the Lord did the following over the last 25 days:
       We have met nearly 10 new potential disciples in just the last two weeks all with an incredible hunger for the Word and who want to do something for Jesus.-Just like the Lord promised we would if we would just pray for them and take the steps of necessary preparation. Some of these people have started coming over for classes and the inspiration level in our Home has taken a quantum leap!
       We received our biggest donation in the mail ever! This came at a time when we were really tight financially and things were beginning to look quite gloomy.
       Activated is the way to go, and we have come to realize yet again that it is the door through which we as a Family will enter our gl orious future!

express your love…

By Mama

Dear Family,
       I'm so very thankful that each of you love Jesus first and foremost. He is the reason we have survived and succeeded for so long. Without Him we are nothing and can do nothing.
       This is an invitation to all who are willing, to open your channels and pray down a Loving Jesus song or two, and send them in to the music studio nearest you. Songs that are based around the theme of love for Jesus, or the wonderful qualities of Jesus, are some of the best songs that we have. From what we've heard from you, they're also often the most popular songs.
       We asked the Lord for some fresh counsel about what He wants to hear in songs dedicated to Him. Following are the jewels He shared. I pray the Lord gives you the faith to take the plunge and receive a couple of the many songs that are waiting in Heaven.
Lots of love,

Instructions on how to write Loving Jesus songs.

First of all, if you want to write a Spirit-fil led Loving Jesus song, you have to be loving Me intimately. Then the words will flow from Heaven through your channel without any blockages. You have to be communing with Me. It's not enough just to piece clever words or clichés together when you're loving Me, because I see and know the heart. That might be fine for songs on other themes, but if you really want to hit it when loving Me in song, you truly have to strip yourself naked and come to Me with nothing of your own-no thoughts, no willful ness or preconceived ideas about how you want the song to be.
       Another prerequisite is to have a strong relationship with Me, manifested in daily quiet time with Me. If you're spending time with Me, you will know My thoughts and My heart, and it won't be awkward or unusual for you to stop and compose a song to Me. It will flow. Your channel will open easily.
       It's important to clear your own thoughts, and to ask Me what I want to hear. Basically, it's best to get them in prophecy, just letting it flow, and save any polishing till later. I know what I want to hear, and there are a lot of new ways of expressing your love to Me that I'm eager to share with you! So don't strain so much in the flesh to get everything to fit and rhyme and sound cool; just open your channel and let Me send anything I want through it. You'll be surprised at the results, because they won't be what you were expecting or thinking, but they will be fresh from Heaven, straight from Me.
       Pray and ask Me for fresh ideas and ways of communicating your love to Me. My brides have plenty of songs about the basics of being My bride. But there are new ways to express your love for Me. I love you to love Me with your mind, your spirit, your poetry, your prayers, your thoughts, and your writing as well. I love you to love Me in your dreams. I love you to love Me when you're on the dance floor with someone's arms wrapped around you. I love you to love Me in the shower. I love you to love Me when you're having fun -when you're on a rollercoaster, or rollerblades, or a bicycle, or just running, with the wind blowing in your hair. I love you to love Me when you're traveling alone to a new land. These are all ideas of new ways you can express your love for Me-by describing when and where you are.
       For example, you can write a song about waking up one morning with the memory of a dream in which you met Me, still lingering in your mind. Or you could write a song about how you see Me in all the sounds in natur e, from the soft and comforting call of a bird, to the roar of a great and majestic waterfall. You can write songs about the effect My Spirit has in your life, what it does and is to you. You can write a song about the power I have to dispel all evil around you and to bring you peace.
       There are so many beautiful ideas waiting for you, if you will only love Me with your whole heart-verbally and in private-and then get quiet and wait to see what I have for you. It's like lovemaking-I show you wh at I want and then you learn and make Me happy by giving Me what I need. (End of message from Jesus.)



Dear Family,
       We'd like to announce that we have a new address, phone and fax numbers for your orders, questions, inquiries, etc., for TEAM Foundation/CLE-Family Desk/International CVC Desk. This new address and phone numbers are where you can contact us. Please make note of the changes and begin using them right away. Thank you.


       TEAM Foundation, CLE Family Desk and International CVC Desk
       TEAM Foundation
       P.O. Box 797804
       Dallas, TX 75379

       [Note: Mail sent to the above address can also be addressed to CLE-Family Desk or International CVC Desk and it will arrive with no problems.]

TEAM Foundation, CLE Family Desk and International CVC Desk

       Phone: (972) 931-9335
       Fax: (972) 380-6923
       U.S. Toll-free Number: 1-888-871-8388

TEAM F oundation, CLE Family Desk and International CVC

TEAM Foundation: mail@teamfoundation.com
CLE: cle@cvcollege.com
CVC: cvc@cvcollege.com

       If you have sent any snail mail to our previous address(es), please don't worry, as all of these are being forwarded to our new address. This mail forwarding will be in effect for the next few months. We have been receiving your correspondence and e-mails from our previous addresses without any problem and are doing all we can to not miss any of your sn ail mail, e-mail, and phone calls.


       In Grapevine #107 we published an article and explanation about how we would need to begin asking a donation of $5 or $10 for each CVC request/order in order to be able to cover our costs of providing the CVC diplomas and materials to you as well as for our administrational costs. We have some good news! The CLE/CVC budget has been re-evaluated and will be continuing for the time being. This means all CVC services can continue to be free, as they have in the past! So please disregard the previous Grapevine announcement regarding any new costs involved with CVC services, and thanks so much for your understanding and patience with us.

Coloring Project Update [has two pix]

By Kay Martin, Russia

Dear Ones,
       The coloring project is in full sway (see coloring ad in GV #103)! Over 30 artists in some 20 countries (Canada, Czech Republic, England, Greece, Holland, Hungary, India, Italy, Middle East, Mozambique, Russia, Senegal, S outh Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine, U.S.) are currently participating in the project!
       Six stories are colored, 31 are in the works, and nearly 70 are still waiting to be worked on! Let's shoot for 100 stories on the first CD release!
       We'll soon start working on creating animations for the stories; if you are interested in helping, look for an “Animation Project Ad” (or something of this sort) in an upcoming GV!
       It's also about time to start working on recording the narra tion for the stories in different languages. Here we are appealing mainly to the LIMs, Lit-Pics and studios worldwide, although we'd like to hear from anyone interested in helping: Would you like to have the narration in your local language included on the first release of the story CD? Wouldn't it be nice if your kids could hear all those comic stories read in their native tongue?
       All you need are some talented narrators that can make stories fun for the kids and a simple computer recording s etup! If we explain how to do it, can you organize the recording in your local language? You'd need to have the stories translated, of course-a small detail! If you are interested in helping with this, please write in!
       And last, but not least, you can still join the coloring crew! Can you [learn to] use Photoshop? Do you have access to a scanner? We need your help! Write in today! Send in some info about yourself (see ad in GV #103) and your PGP key to Kay Martin via the Russian ABM! Looking f orward to hearing from you!


       Lisa is looking for English Paul and Faith who worked in Czech Republic, then went to England to raise funds and have disappeared. I sent you some money to your account hoping you'll get my address that way. Please write to: Lisa Fischbacher, Jones, P.O. Box 148, 8572 Berg, Switzerland

       Cristian and Anita are looking for Juan Pablo and Rosita (of Pablo and Ruthie Chilean). Last time we heard, you guys you were in Russia. Please don't forget the dea r friends you had in Paraguay, and write us at: linkup7@terra.com.br (Cristian), and br034@terra.com.br (Anita).

I'm Claire (of Eman) trying to find Drew or Andrew. We met each other in Auntie Lily's Home in Germany. Mat was with you. We were on vacations and went skiing. Please write me at e-mail: emanclair@aol.com. Hoping to hear from you soon!
       Obed and Clara looking for Andre American (Texas) that went to Africa, father of Pedro and Lisa (Brazil). Our e-mail is: beachome@uol.com.br.

       Dear Abigail, please contact me at benak@vsnl.com (+ your keys). Can't wait to hear from you! Gala L.

       Ruthie Elan
(daughter of Jacques Elan), where are you? Please write to this address: chellespring01@yahoo.com.br and U'll C who it is.

       Irish red-haired Faith, formerly Maria (Lupetha)
, where are you now? We lost touch some time back. Please get in touch again with me, Michael (formerly of Zena). My e-mail is: gnort@iname.com. Look forward to hearing from you!

       Looking for Francis M. who helped me work on two schoolrooms in Ecuador around '89-'90. I have something that belonged to his grandfather for him. Does anyone know how/where I can get in contact with him? Contact Peter Helper (US3030) through the ABM.

       Wussup! Ryan's looking for Shaina! Girlie, if you're somewhere, write me. Would luv to get back in touch. Also lookin' for Paula. I visited you in Niigata?? Somethin' like that. Don't know where U went but catch me up on wussup with Ryan at e-mail: kissme_imconfused 2@yahoo.com.

       For Josh (Vincent M.), from Pablo (Esteban), Rose Pioneer who you knew in Ecuador, and Elena who you knew in Chile. All on the same team in Taiwan! Where are you and how are you? Our fond memories of you moved us to try to get in contact with you again! Our e-mail: spurkiss@hotmail.com.


[Tracts have an impact]
       Luna, Spain:
During the month of November here in Spain and in various other Catholic countries they have “Dia de los muertos” (All Souls Day). Luna, Gi deon, and Fermin received a prophecy to go to the local cemetery and place From Jesus - With Love tracts on each tomb. We also spent half an hour walking around the cemetery praying for the salvation of the souls.
       Two months later Fermin (a live-out) was out tracting. A woman he offered the tract to said: “Hey, I found this tract on the tomb of my husband. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever read!”

[Our rent-free house]
       David and Liberty, South Africa:
After some agonizing times since arriving in this beautiful and needy country, we got to the point where we really had to check and ask the Lord, “Do You really want us in this city and even in this country?”
A very sweet Christian family whom we had come to know and had attended a prayer meeting they had invited us to, turned around and said to us that the Lord had shown them to give us their house, as they were going back up north to work and buy a new one. He had shown them to give it to us rent-free and then they can alw ays come back for the occasional break and use a room they had set aside. Wow, what a miracle! That really cut down our overhead, so we could be free to personal witness more and not have to do so much fundraising.

[Place for TA CDs]
       David and Liberty, South Africa:
When visiting a local Internet café for some help, we noticed all the software and started talking about the new TA CD-Rom. The manager tuned in and got the vision to compete with the rubbish put out nowadays in software shops. She decided to set up a kiddy corner featuring the TA CD, so that the children could play with the good stuff. The Lord blessed her efforts and we had hardly walked out of the shop when a woman saw her child so taken up with the TA that she bought one straightaway. They made an enlargement of the cover of the box at a print shop, and put it in the window.
       How about that for seeing the need? We are now praying that this kiddy corner will be a precedent for other places like this.

[Putting fe et to your prayers]
       Oasis Home, Kosovo:
All we can say is “God is good to us!” Here's what happened: Our friend in the local UN office asked us if we could do something in a very poor village school out in the countryside, as no NGOs have done anything there. We were inspired to do our clown show for them, and at the end of the program, all the kids had their turn to “go fish” for a present from our CTP box! The headmaster invited us to have coffee afterwards, and during the conversation, he t old us how his school is one of the poorest in Kosovo. He said that different organizations have come and promised things, but nobody ever came back. We told him we would see what we could do to help, taking the commitment very seriously, as we didn't want to fail him and fall into the “never came back” category.
       A couple of days later, a military officer visited an NGO we are working with, saying that they had a large-screen TV that had been confiscated, as it was stolen, and that they wanted to donate it to a poor school. When our NGO friend told us about the TV, we told him that we knew just the school, so he gave us the name of the officer in charge of the TV. The next day it was in our hands! What an answer to prayer!
       We delivered the TV, as well as a set of Treasure Attic videos that another military base had raised the funds to sponsor. We had the impression from our first meeting with the headmaster that the school already had a VCR, so we were surprised to hear that they d idn't! When we went by the base to report that the TV had been delivered, our friend told us that they had come upon a VCR (he didn't know the school needed one), and that he would give it to us next week! The Lord had already been working on that one! We also gave the school a sponsored TA interactive CD for the new computer that the UN had given them. So now they will have a nice new TV, VCR and computer, but the only videos and CD they have to use are ours! PTL! We had told the headmaster to pray for his needs-it looks like he did!

[Ricky Martin got saved!]
       Andy (of Becky), USA:
In 1984 I was booking MCV, the Family radio program, on radio stations throughout Ecuador. One trip to the town of Cuenca coincided with a Los Menudos concert, a Mexican band of four or five cute 16-year-old boys, very popular with the teenybopper crowd.
       After our radio interviews for MCV, Ecuadorian Santiago and I went to this band's hotel to try to interview them for the program. Being an American “ press reporter,” we got through the mobs of screaming girls and security took us to their room. They opened up and invited us in and we got to spend an hour witnessing to them and talking about the importance of real love, God's love, behind music that moves you. We taped the interview where the members all said that God's love was the most important thing and that they hoped their music helped others to find that. We gave them some tapes of Family music and several pieces of literature.
       Leavi ng the city the next day was a problem, as the mountain road had washed out so the airport was overcrowded. One small jet was leaving with the band on it and they wouldn't let anyone else on. I was carrying my guitar and still had the business card of the band's manager, so the guards let us on. This gave us another hour to play songs to them and follow up with a long and deeper witness. They were all very sweet and sheepy kids, and we led them to the Lord on that plane and prayed for them and t ried to give them a vision to change the world through their music. It wasn't until this spring when I read how he was part of Los Menudos that I realized one of those boys was Ricky Martin. I'm glad we were able to reach him at that young age and hope he hasn't forgotten.


-A Summit 2001 presentation

Overview of South East Asia…
Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, Pakistan, Indonesia, and the Philippines

By Steven and Dawn

Thailand has the small est Christian population percentage-wise of any country in this part of the world-less than one percent. So when Dad wrote those Letters to Japan, they really helped the work here tremendously, as we've been able to utilize that counsel in witnessing to the Thai people. The Family has found it important to become one and to be able to speak the language as well as understand Thai culture, which in many ways, has been the key to winning the hearts of the local people and establishing a work in th is country.
       Much of the Family's work in Thailand is CTP-based and is used as a springboard to witness. Last year the Homes did about 1,000 officially documented CTPs. As a result, five Family representatives received the “Outstanding Public Welfare Supporter of the Year Award” for the 5th year running, as well as several other important awards related to our work.
       With the onset of the lukthoong ministry last year, the Family in Thailand was catapulted to a whole new level of witnessing. Wh en this ministry began, the Lord said that it was built on the Family's witnessing efforts in Thailand over the last 20 years. He has said many times that He has “brought us to the Kingdom [of Thailand] for such a time as this.” It's a time of reaping the fruit of everyone's labors as this ministry doesn't impact on just one or two people, but the entire Family throughout the country.-The sample is carried far and wide.
       Due to all the media coverage, national and international, we estimate tha t the total mass witness resulting from Jonas and Christy's ministry is more than a billion. It's interesting to note that a majority of the articles, interviews and documentaries done have included significant portions on the Family, be it Jonas or Christy talking about the Family, our lifestyle, our CTP work, etc.
       More people know about us or connect us to Jonas and the lukthoong ministry, which has helped them be more open to the message of the Lord's love that we have to offer. We are ofte n able to witness more deeply to people as they have already read about “the basics” in the newspaper or seen a sample of the Family on TV and so forth; the seed is already sown, so to speak.
       The Family has reaped tremendous fruit from this and it's helped us to unite more as a body of believers and become one. The Homes have had more friends, contacts, follow-up, and support than we've ever imagined possible. It's a miracle because it's not like anybody did anything outstanding or are so extr aordinarily talented that this all just happened; it's been a miracle of the Lord's Spirit from day one. Amazingly enough, the TV program that kicked off our lukthoong ministry was done on February 19th, 2000, the day after Dad's birthday-the beginning of the era of action! TYL!

Though there are only two Homes in Burma, there has been tremendous growth in the follow-up ministry which is patterned after the Activated program. The program consists of mailing selections from the DFs, Mou ntain Streams, and Living Waters, etc. Presently there are about 600 members, and 45 who have already graduated after being on the course for a year and are now learning to be outside witnesses, etc.
       The first ten Activated issues are translated and laid out in Burmese. The Feed My Lambs are also translated and in print and have been a big hit especially in the small village Sunday schools.
       The tool marketing in local stores is still going well (music tapes, Kiddie Viddie and Treasure Attic videos). Living Waters #4 and #5 just came out and are in legal circulation after having passed censorship scrutiny. PTL!

Over the Christmas season the single Home in Cambodia won 655 souls and distributed 26,000 posters in the local language, both in Phnom Penh as well as some rural districts. They raised sponsorship from the business community for 108 videos and got out 65 Christmas CDs. They did 8 CTPs (organizing food supplies, programs and personal encouragement) for orphanage s, handicapped centers, street children and slum dwellers, Mother Theresa's AIDS hospital, landmine victims and flood relief.
       Every month the Home's average stats are approximately 4,000 posters, 100 souls, approximately 6 CTPs where they supply food, clothing and teach in orphanages and handicapped centers. They have a regular ministry of witnessing and English teaching in the red-light district. They have three potential disciples on the line, and weekly Bible classes where some of those who attend go out witnessing after the class. They also have a weekly “Open the Door for the Children.”

The Family there has one full-time national disciple who just finished her babes' training period. Their faithful live-out proofreader just got married (an arranged marriage) and has gotten all of her in-laws saved and turned on to the Word! Her father came down from the provinces, picked up 500 Christmas posters, and distributed them in towns and villages throughout the central regi on. One Home that has small children built a puppet theater and did many puppet show performances with the help of their catacombers. Their YC pre-schoolers performed three Christmas songs with cute props for countless friends, visitors, companies and their regular CTPs.
       Overall, the Homes concentrate on giving Bible studies, personal witnessing, and road trips. The Lord has also used the Family a great deal through CTPs which are a very important and major part of the Family's work there and seem to be a stabilizing factor should opposition arise in the future. Some of their CTPs have included the following projects; building a school with three classrooms in a poor area, supplying funds to the institutions for blind and handicapped, passing on donated hospital equipment, distributing donated printers and learning aids for a small blind school; buying livestock (piglets) for very poor farmer families, which helps them get on their feet economically. The people of Vietnam enjoy learn ing English, so the Family is able to use that as a way to befriend people and use the feeding Family material in their teaching. Ultimately it's been a blessing, as these people then get interested in the CTP projects and come along in their training quickly.
       There were three very fruitful road trips to Hanoi this year as well as two to DaNang. The team there has been very on the ball with translating follow-up materialincluding the Activated magazines in the local language, which they use s electively in their follow-up, Bibles studies, and one-on-one feeding of the sheep.

There are three Homes in Pakistan, located in the main cities of Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore. The Family reaches their respective areas through many different outreach methods. They conduct seminars for large firms as well as seminars for educational purposes, and this has been a key to reaching the people of Pakistan and winning favor with the community. The Homes are actively involved in various kinds of CTPs, staging singing programs as well as clown shows in government schools, orphanages and at the SOS villages throughout the country.
       The Homes in Pakistan have registered their projects with FCF, and through this the Lord has opened many new doors which has also increased their support tremendously on the field. Being that Pakistan is a Muslim field, the people are very giving and the provisioning has been fruitful and overall the Family is active with CTPs, OR, as well as the spo nsorship of lit and tools. The biggest need at the moment is laborers!

Indonesia is a country with endless opportunities, which the Family there has been tapping into. The Service Home has held regular CTPs for years with the main police-operated drug rehabilitation center in Jakarta, which has also opened other doors of service for the Family. There is a regular work with the oldest Christian orphanage in Jakarta, which has connections to many other orphanages as the lady who run s this is also in the organizing body that oversees all social organizations in Jakarta. The Family regularly distributes several tons of rice monthly to needy institutions and areas, including disaster relief from time to time. They have regular student sponsorship monthly.
       The Homes in Jakarta are involved in other very fruitful ministries and CTPs such as working with street children, getting these young people involved in activities and schooling with the help of other organizations and fr iends. The Home in Bali has a performing team, which really rocked out over Christmas, not only appearing in restaurants and hotels, but doing many CTPs as well.
       Over Christmas, one Home alone distributed more than 2,000 Christmas Treasures CDs due to a large order Toshiba made to give this CD as gifts to all their distributors throughout Asia. They mentioned on the jacket that it was produced to help charitable work through Family Care. The Family there has started to distribute our tools thr ough one of the largest bookstores in Jakarta, which went very well over Christmas, our CDs being one of their bestsellers.

Since the PI is a Christian country, they can “burn free” in witnessing a bit more, though they do stick a lot to the more “inside out of sight” type ministries. The Activated books go like hotcakes when they are available. Recently however, the Family in the PI got together for an ACM to go over their area goals, one of which was the “inside out of sight” vision. When praying about it, Dad spoke and gave the new vision of getting Activated, which is the Lord's rallying point and answer for the field there in order to get out the message. PTL!
       The Homes are also involved in other ministries such as puppet shows, distributing our tools to the schools, regular CTPs, road trips, youth witnessing, regular DTD, birthday parties and more!

Overview of the Middle East … Turkey, Lebanon and more countries

By Joan and Emmy

Even though th ere is not a large Family population in Turkey, they've made much progress in many areas; they've done tremendous at learning the language and are getting many of the tools translated into Turkish. So far they have four books of Reflections printed, five Treasure Attics dubbed and produced for distribution, Mottos for Success translated into Turkish, and a monthly Turkish magazine that they get out to their friends and contacts.
       The Lord has recently opened an amazing door through the Ministry of Culture which is promoting tourism in Turkey. SGA Dolly was asked to play the part in a documentary of a young American tourist that comes to Turkey and falls in love with the country. This documentary involved Dolly as well as another Family member who accompanied her. They traveled all over Turkey, as well as to the States for the filming, and the Lord opened amazing doors in the country. In this documentary Dolly sang three songs which we're praying will be a great witness and touch many hearts. The songs she sung were: “Ain't It Good to Know?” “Sea Wash Over Me” and “Somebody Bigger.” The documentary is scheduled to play on TV in three separate 20-minute segments in February and March and will be broadcast not only nationally but in the U.S. and other countries as well.
       The Family in Turkey has received lots of favorable coverage on TV, radio and the newspapers through the work they have going there. Please continue to pray for our Family in Turkey, as though it's a very frui tful field, it hasn't always been a very easy one.

Over the past two years, the Home there has had a very fruitful prison ministry where they are able to visit weekly and teach English; after the course has been completed, the inmates are given a diploma. Not only has this been a tremendous open door for witnessing and ministering in prison, but we now have a potential disciple on the line. This young man has been hearing from the Lord and is an on-fire witness to the other inmates.
       Although the team in Lebanon is small, they have nevertheless been very active through their provisioning, ministries and CTPs. Some of their CTPs include a weekly kids' club in a poor area of town (an ongoing, progressing project for the last four years); the prison ministry (mentioned above); weekly hospital visitation to children cancer patients; food and clothing distribution; numerous clown shows for schools or the underprivileged.
       The clown team is a big hit-the happening thing-in Leb anon as they perform (in French, English or Arabic) for private parties, functions, on TV, etc. In fact, not only are they well known over Lebanon but over the last few months we've heard from numerous people in surrounding countries that they have seen our team on TV.

Our Arabic LP has been able to work on the Activated program, which is being “Muslimized” and translated into Arabic. So far the first five booklets have been completed, but there are still many more issues and books ne eding to be done. Please keep it in your prayers! The Mottos for Success calendar which was “Muslimized” was also translated into Arabic.
       The Lord has continued to open the doors for us to send pioneer teams into other neighboring countries where, DV, in the future, we can set up more long-term works.
       With summer fast approaching, we're preparing for the many shows and festivals that the Heart to Heart performing team has already been invited to, many of them being the same as the ones we've been at for the past few years as well as other new possibilities. Please keep all the Mideast Family in your prayers, as we're still a small team and a pioneer work in many ways.

Overview of India area … India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and other

By Cephas

       In the year 2000, India's population reached a billion. The Family now has 620 CM members in India in 48 CM Homes and 37 FM members in 12 FM Homes. We have 239 Indian national disciples-122 adults and 117 kids. India, as you know, is a ver y Hindu/Muslim country, with Christians being a small minority. In the past couple of years we've had 11 full-time disciples join.
       Following are some of the exciting events of the past year. In the beginning of January 2000, four major Jeremy Spencer concerts were held in three main cities-Bombay, Bangalore and Delhi. He did three exclusive shows. One show was for the “Who's Who in the Cricket World” (India was hosting South Africa at that time), and anyone who is anyone in India has something to do with cricket and they were there! Two shows were for a jazz club-jazz, rhythm and blues are quite popular here in India. Jeremy did a newspaper, magazine or TV interview almost every day, sometimes two or three in all the three main cities. The blessing of the Jeremy Spencer concerts was that the National Association for the Blind was the main host, so we rode along with that which gave us tremendous PR in the main cities where he performed. This resulted in allowing us to meet many compa ny heads and CEOs, because they sponsored the concerts.
       Because of that we've been able to now have COLs with some of these top executives we met in these cities. Some of them are Sikhs. I think we can attribute that to the era of action, which has done many miracles in this wonderful fruitful land. Also, meeting all these executives and company heads was instrumental in us getting out so many Mottos For Success calendars, because afterwards through follow-up we were able to introduce our tool s which they sponsored or bought as corporate gifts. Little did we know that all of that was in some way preparation for Activated in India.
took off this year with each and every Home getting behind the vision and making it possible. We've reached thousands through this program and now we're working on more faithful follow-up on the subscribers, cultivating close friends, establishing COLs, youth meetings and much more.
       One main CTP in India is the deaf work that the brethren have been faithful with in various cities throughout the country. We have over 2,000 deaf catacombers and about 150 who are involved in catacomb leadership training. Now they are “signing” all the Activated magazines on video and taking these videos to the different cities and that's how they are teaching their deaf to get Activated.
       Another CTP is the prison ministryin Delhi which started about nine years ago and has continued on until today. It has resulted in other open doors and opportunities to minister to officials and authorities in other departments.
       One major CTP in India was when a huge cyclone hit the State of Orissa in late 1999. (Note: See MO site for testimony and pictures!) The whole area was devastated with millions of trees destroyed and farm land and cattle completely wiped out. Several teams, young and old, went in with relief supplies and gave hands-on help to reestablish and build various villages, putting in water pumps, rebuilding schools, etc., alongside the lo cals.

We have had one faithful Home in Nepal since the Charter-hats off to them! Despite many difficulties with obtaining their visas at different times, the Lord has kept the doors open and they have remained faithful with their follow-up, feeding their sheep and doing regular CTPs.

       SRI LANKA:
Our first Home for many years was opened in Sri Lanka in 1999 by some Indian veterans, but due to visa difficulties it closed down. There's presently a team there temporarily, and we are be ginning to make road trips into Sri Lanka with direction and goals to promote Activated, sell tools and look into the possibility of mass marketing there. The Lord has also been opening other doors in Sri Lanka through some international organizations that we hope to work with to establish a CTP work there as well.

The Hindi LitPic have produced 8 Treasure Attics in Hindi which the Homes have been using for distribution and we are in the process of seeing how it can be broadcast on Ca ble TV or national networks. The Lit-Pic team is also in the process of working on producing Hindi kids audiotapes, and are using ideas and the theme of hygiene and cleanliness to produce children's songs in Hindi to be distributed by audio cassettes and/or CDs. They have localized two Reflections-style booklets and have started translating a couple of the Activated booklets. Future Foretold and Glimpses of Heaven have also been translated and produced in Hindi.
       The Tamil Lit-Pic, consisting o f a two-man team, have produced one Treasure Attic in Tamil and are working on several more. Due to not having a complete team, they have had to hire System help through friends and contacts, so it is taking a bit of time to do the others. They have also translated local tracts and posters and are also working on the Activated booklets.

Art Course

By Tiago, Thailand

       A year-and-half ago I started an art course via e-mail with over 60 students from almost every continent. The course will r esume with the students I now have, but I want to make it available to all those who missed enrolling at the time. The course comprises over 200 color pages of classes ranging from sketching to painting, cartooning and computer art, all in one CD!
       This course entitles you to receive your CVC Art Diploma, as it not only covers most of the CVC Art Course, but adds a few other courses to it, such as comic strip drawing, book illustrations, etc. CLE has approved the course and given 4 credits for your Cle high school elective.

       My e-mail is eztel@loxinfo.co.th

       Send your order via TRF to Tiago at ASCROTH07 with US$10 (postage included).


Movies Rated for YAs and Up


Samuel L. Jackson, Greta Scacchi, Jason Flemyng
       In present-day Montreal, a famous violin, known as “The Red Violin,” is being auctioned off. The movie flashes back to the creation of the violin in 17th-century Italy, and follows the violin as it makes its way through an 18t h-century monastery, a virtuoso in 19th-century England, China during the Cultural Revolution, and back to Montreal, where a collector tries to establish the identity and discover the secrets of the Red Violin. (Note: Some found this movie intriguing, while others found it depressing.)

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up


Kate Hudson, Patrick Fugit, Billy Crudup, Frances McDormand
       A young aspiring rock-music journalist hits the road with a band and an appealing grou pie. Drama/comedy based on the teenage years of Cameron Crowe (the movie's director and screenwriter).

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up


Sean Connery, Rob Brown, Anna Paquin
       An black teen writing prodigy (and star basketball player) finds a mentor in a reclusive author.

Movies Rated for MCs and Up


Zachary Brown, Scott Wilson, Rod Steiger
       Young Marty and his family continue their struggles with the mean former owner of the dog Shiloh. Many good lessons of love and points for discussion, but beware of some intense scenes and the part where a little girl is bitten on the leg and chased by a mean dog.

Non-Recommended Movies

(Michael Douglas, Robert Downey Jr., Tobey MacGuire; 2000)

       (Jesus:)Wonder Boys
is, in some ways, similar in content and style to other movies, which expose the emptiness and despondency of so many in the world today. If done differently, it could have had the effect of breaking your hea rts for the lost, and showing the great need of reaching the world with My truth. However, because of the blatant, overwhelming display of sodomy and the acceptance of it, I would not have My children waste their time in viewing this movie.
       This is a good example of what kind of things the world glorifies-just the opposite of what I and My Word glorify and want to lift up. So many people in the worlds of art and entertainment have blatantly made the decision not to accept My truth, and therefo re they have become vain in their imaginations. They profess to being open, accepting, and wise, but in reality, their minds are closed, and their foolish hearts have become darkened. They have given themselves up to uncleanness and vile affections through the lusts of their own hearts.


The Red Violin

       (Jesus:) This is an unusual movie about people's lives, which uses an object to provide a common thread between their lives. This collection of stories, mostly sad stories, will giv e you more thankfulness for how I direct your lives and lead you to help people in difficult situations.
       This is not a light movie, for there is tragedy, misfortune, and darkness.-There is much of this in the world, and there has always been. This story does not leave you inspired but burdened for the lost, burdened to reach them before it's too late.
       It's an interesting look into the heart of musicians, what drives them, what inspires them, and the great love they have for the violin-and in this case, one in particular. There's lots of beautiful classical violin, romance, and it's observed from an interesting point of view.

Almost Famous

This movie has a tender and touching aspect, and worthwhile lessons and insight into different things, including communication between parents and children. The characters in this movie and the whole rock 'n' roll scene are somewhat romanticized, in the sense that the movie focuses more on the fun and excitement rather than the pain and problems and messed-up people-although it does touch on this somewhat. It's an interesting look at that time period and the mood of some of the youth then, which is relevant to the Family because that was the time period in which the Family was born.

Finding Forrester

       (Dad:) I think everyone who views this will get something worthwhile from it. While it does glorify education and writing somewhat, the main focus and essence of the movie, as I saw it, was the intersecting of two separate lives and the wonderful change that took place in both of these men's hearts and attitudes as a result. It certainly goes to show how much influence just one life can have on another, if people will put forth the effort needed to come out of their shells and little worlds and touch another life in a positive way.
       The old man needed to be freed from the past and the cocoon he'd formed around himself, and the young boy needed a challenge in order to rise above his circumstances and reach his fu ll potential. The consequent dependency upon each other created something beautiful in both of their lives, a beauty that transcended race, age, circumstances, obstacles and even the past. How much more can we-who have the truth burning within our hearts-effect change in the hearts and lives of those He brings across our path!

Shiloh 2

       (Dad:) This is a worthwhile movie with good lessons. It's a powerful example of the changing strength of love and kindness on even those who seem the least d eserving of it. There are also lessons on gossiping versus telling the truth.
       There is the one scene of a dog biting a girl, which could frighten some children, especially if they already have a fear of dogs. What you need to do is not necessarily fast-forward, but explain what mistakes were made. The mother told the girl to run, and the girl obeyed. Well, if you run from a dog that is manifesting an aggressive nature, you're convincing that dog that you are indeed dangerous, and therefore the dog instinctively can attack you for his own protection. She shouldn't have run. She should have moved aside and prayed that those dogs would pass her by, while her mother came to her defense. The mother takes the right action, showing the dog that she's the boss. But the girl suffered that bite, not just because the dogs were trained to be mean, but even more so because she ran. Read “The Big Dog Story” and remember the lessons I've taught you on how to deal with aggressive dogs.
       Once you've clarified that, look at the great lessons the children can gain. How about the way Marty follows the leading of his friend, Dave, instead of what his own father and mother had taught him? In fact, he even broke his promise to that old man. Look what kind of mess it got him and the rest of his family into. That's the sort of input your kids need-not that American spirit shown in so many movies of doing it your own way.

letters to the editor

Re: Mama jewels

       Thank you for those “Mama's Jew els” that come out in the Grapevine. That is the first thing I read when I get the Grapevine, and every time there's so much love and wisdom and counsel packed in.
       Especially the last one really hit home, when you said how many of us are going through a difficult time, but that the Lord has great things in store for us. It gives so much hope, as being in a remote field with very little Family fellowship, I thought I was the only one going through severe battles and that maybe the Lord has give n up on me. Thank you, Mama, for your precious jewels!
-Grace, Cambodia

To: Elite Bruce

From: TeleTRF Team
Subject: Mir space station TeleTRF bug
Date: 1 April 2001

Dear Elite Bruce:
       Thank you very much for your recent bug report regarding the TeleTRF transporting itself to the Mir space station. This is the first we've heard of this particular malfunction, and we immediately took the necessary steps to protect the pleasant nature of your TeleTRF experience!
       We hope you will be gra tified to know that the “Mir space station TeleTRF bug” has been permanently eliminated, as of 06:45 GMT on 23 March 2001, in a remote spot in the Pacific Ocean. Of course, we couldn't have done it without the tireless efforts of our colleagues in the Russian Space Agency Mission Control Center in Kaliningrad.
       We, along with millions of others, are hoping that your future TeleTRF experiences will not encounter more serious bugs than this Mir space station problem, as further actions could prov e expensive in time and personnel, not to mention millions of dollars worth of equipment permanently wasted. However, this is all but a small price to pay to ensure that you, along with all of our Family members, can look forward to the 25th of each month with joy, and not with grief.

At your service,
The TeleTRF Team


[The real look at our Homes]
       Home in Colombia:
We've heard about some of the negative comments spread around about the Family by certain people that leave our Hom es. But we can testify that today, many smart and totally in-their-right-mind young people are seriously considering serving the Lord in the Family. We have a 25-year-old young man-dropout from university-and a 22-year-old young woman, also a dropout from university, who have been living with us for some time now. Both are happy and fulfilled serving Jesus and others in the Family. They love the Words that Dad, Mama and Peter are passing on to us. All in all, they are proud to be here, TYJ!
       Ou r Saturday youth meetings are full of young people that crave the Words of David and are helping the Home as catacombers to witness and win their part of the world for Jesus. Some of us here have been 25 years or more in the Family, but we've never been so busy, active, and so fulfilled as we are now. There are sheep coming regularly to the Home for Word, prayer, to hear from the Lord in prophecy, counsel; young people dropping out and making the decision to serve the Lord with us; CTPs that bea r fruit and keep us busy changing lives and situations; fruitful provisioning; regular meetings for people that are growing in faith, etc., etc.
       Whoever says that the Family is disassembling doesn't have a real outlook of what's going on today in our Homes!

[Movie ratings are guidelines]
       Lily F., SGA, Nepal:
After reading the recent WS movie ratings “disclaimer,” I just wanted to write a small note to express how thankful I am personally for the Movie Rating Lists that are published in th e Grapevine.
       When we couldn't find any movie that was listed and we had to check out and preview something else, we've found good ones but have also run into some real losers doing that, even sometimes on ones that we thought were “going to be good for sure.” All that to say, we are thankful for the listings, and would be quite sad if they were discontinued.
       Perhaps those who don't like them should realize that they are, after all “guidelines for movie viewing”-with the emphasis on the word “guidelines.” We haven't personally loved each and every movie that was listed, but the blurbs always clearly outlined what kind of movie it would be, and sometimes we just chose not to get a certain video just cause it was no one in our Home's style. Or certain ones of us have loved a movie that others in our Home were bored to tears with.
       “Not to everyone's liking,” means what it says, but I sure am thankful for at least some help and ideas and “guidelines” when it comes to movie night. The prophecy blurbs are great too! Keep 'em coming. Thanks for going to the extra trouble to get the Lord's mind on them.

[Training our kids]
FGA woman, Europe:
I've had something on my heart regarding the training we are giving to our children. I don't want to generalize, but, sad to say, the last few families I have lived with have had this weakness.
       Our children have been raised seeing how, through provisioning, many of their needs and the Home needs are met. Sometimes we can even enjoy thi ngs that a simple person in the System cannot afford. For us adults it's easier to remember that it is the Lord providing all this, so we are thankful for it and it's easier to be faithful with what the Lord gives us. We FGAs come from the System where we saw our parents working for long hours to earn money to pay the rent, buy food, clothes, school books, etc. We know what it costs.
       What I have noticed is that some families are not teaching their children faithfulness to take care of the thin gs that the Lord gives us. This leads to children being spoiled in their eating habits, for example, serving themselves or being served big portions of food, most of which gets thrown in the garbage. Or wearing clothes once and forsaking them after getting them dirty, using good clothes for rags, breaking toys, books, kitchen utensils, plants, etc., with the attitude of “the Lord will provide.”
       I know that this is not what Dad wanted and it is against what the Word says and what we as the Fami ly believe. But I have seen that many parents are leaving their children without this training and what's more, they are letting their children get away with this behavior, even some of them excusing their children with: “He is only a child and the Lord will provide.” I also have children and I know that accidents happen, but it's different than letting a child run wild breaking things around the house.
       We are privileged to have all the training from the Word about childcare, but still there a re families in the System whose children take better care of things because they know that if they break it, Daddy won't have money to buy a new one. Parents in the System won't let the toddler play with the blender because they know that if he breaks it they will need to spend money buying a new one. Instead, I have seen parents in the Family with the attitude that if the toddler breaks it, we will call the contact to give us a new one! LHU!
       I can't expect Maria to write something about this because I think everything has been written on the subject, but at the same time we as a Family need to do something regarding this because our children are the hope of the future. What we don't teach them now, they will learn in a very hard way or the world will teach them in a very unloving way. Also, as we go in the era of action, we will have more people visiting our Homes, and the people who need to work to earn their needs are more mindful of the care of the material things, so it won't be a good testimony for them to see our children with this careless attitude.

prayer list


: Achilles tendonitis and shoulder pains from an injury years ago.
: Pain in back muscles.
: Cyst on ovary.

Europe and Africa

: Bone cancer.

North America

(of Marie): Throat tumor and severe pain from a bad wisdom tooth. Removal of the tooth could be life-threatening because of its close proximity to the tumor, so the doctors are unable to help.
       Marie Anne
: Pain resulting from a minor surgery to drain an abscess in breast. Against infection and to be able to use that breast to nurse.
       Peter Lovebug
: Weak back, arthritis, numerous dental problems, eye trouble and chronic fatigue.

Answers to prayer

       From Amy (of Gabe, WS)
: The Lord has done many, many miracles in healing me of the heavy bleeding from growths in my womb. They were able to remove the growths and not have to do a hysterectomy. I'm feeling better now than I felt before the operation. TYJ! Thank you for all of your prayers dear Family, and for the words of encouragement that were sent to me from some of you! ILY!

Also included with this file:

       Elite Bruce (by David Komic) Computer talk
       Caption 1 This issue! E-Z-Order
       Caption 2 Ordering your home's PPC using the 'E-Z-Order' program is (as its name suggests) E-Z!
       Caption 3 In fact, it is so simple that a 3-year-old can use it.
       Caption 4 …and 3,000 'Around the World' TAs and…However…
       Caption 5 …if y ou don't have a 3-year-old and want to order your Home's PPC, using 'E-Z-Order' you are in deep trouble. 'Bzzzt'
       Caption 6 Stay tuned for: 'Alternative PPC Ordering Methods'…in your next GV!

(End of File)