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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine

(Issue #109; April 1, 2001.)

front page blurb

Are you praying for your outreach teams?

By Marie Fighter, India
As we were coming towards the end of the month, I got convicted to pray throughout the day for the outreach teams, that they would all meet their goals. One day the Lord did remind me to pray maybe three times during the day. When the teams came home that night, it seemed all of them had a pretty long day, and they only got one Activated subscription each after they had gotten really desperate with the Lord. Boy, was I convicted!
       The next day, we decided to follow one of the suggestions in the GN and stop on the hour every hour to pray for the teams out.
: 60 audios, 30 videos, 60 calendars the first day and 70 Activated subscriptions the next day! Even the kids team won 60 souls in the park and got one Activated subscription! Intercessory prayer definitely works wonders!


       Happiest are the people who give the most happiness to ot hers.-Denis Diderot


       Alito Francisco
, 2nd child, born to Belén on November 24.-Ecuador
       Valentin Anthony
, 12th child, born to Joan and Asher on March 7.-France
, born to Lizzy and Cristian on February 5.-Chile
       Martin Gabriel
, born to Melanie and Pawel on February 3.-Ecuador


Correction on the CD Horizons

       The song “Sweet Jesus” that's sung by Julie on the new CD Horizons, is not “traditional,” but was actually written by Tim F., in India (the first s ong he wrote after joining the Family).

Shine On corrections

       Due to a reporting glitch, in December 2000 (GV #105), Jose and Esperanza's Home in Peru were not credited for taking second place in tape/CD distribution. Their Home distributed 3,540 CDs, or an average of 708 per adult, which puts them in second place. Please go ahead and claim your shiner prize, PE003! Congratulations!
       Also, in November 2000 (GV #103), Francesco/Claire/Jesse and Home in Taiwan were mistakenly credited as taki ng second place in video distribution, and in December 2000 (GV #105) were also mistakenly credited as taking third place in tape/CD distribution-both due to a TRF error. Thanks for letting us know about this, Francesco, Claire and Jesse.
       This means that Aaron/Joanne/Joseph/Pearl and Home in Thailand now claim the third place shiner prize from November 2000 for videos distributed! And Lalo/Ruth and Home in Mexico claim third place as tape/CD shiners for December 2000! Please feel free to claim your prizes!

tip of the day

Computer E-Zine newsletter

       Hi! My name is John Tender. I'm a FM member in Japan (JA402). For the past few years I've been sending out a computer newsletter entitled “Johnny's LTN's.” It is mainly created from gleaning articles from the Web. I send it out once a week to about 300 Family members.
       I recently opened a website which contains my past issues and other related helps and articles at
       If anyone would like to begin receiv ing a copy of my e-zine, you can send me a request at johnnysltns@johnnysltn.com and put the words SIGNUP as a subject.
       My mailings are not encrypted, but are of are a totally general nature containing only computer-related articles.


CVC credit for Uncle Dan's Algebra series

By Michelle, for NACRO CVC desk
       As you may have read in Grapevine #106, Uncle Dan recently produced a new “Algebra” video series. For those of you who are working on or are interested in getting a CVC Gen eral High School Diploma, upon completion of all 12 videos and with a score of at least 70% on the test, you can receive four CVC credits towards your diploma. The videos can be considered as alternative study material for the course Algebra 1: MAT AL-01.
       We would like to encourage those of you who are interested in studying algebra for your CVC General High School Diploma to order the videos from TEAM Foundation. Their e-mail address is: mail@teamfoundation.com.
       We love you lots and hope th e CVC program continues to be a blessing and help to all of you, our precious Family. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to write us anytime. Our e-mail address is cvc@cvcollege.com or cvc@myexcel.com.


ATTENTION: Moms, Dads, teachers and childcare experts and assistants-this notice is for you!

       Lord willing, in the near future we will be revamping the FED section of the MO Web site, and adding to it to make it more useful and a blessing to you.
       One suggested idea is to make a way to share some of the enormous amount of childcare material which is already in existence. Many parents and teachers have put a lot of time and effort into preparing their own homemade games and other Word-based, scholastic, or just plain fun activities. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could share the wealth?-Well, Lord willing, we can!
       If you have put together something that you feel could be a blessing to other parents or teachers, and you would like to sen d it in for all to benefit from, please send it to us on e-mail at the following address: kidland@wsfamily.com.
       If it is a simple text file on computer, send us the RTF or DOC file.
       If it is laid out with illustrations (art or photos) on computer, please create a PDF file. Please send this to us as well as your text file. If for some reason you are not able to create a PDF, then go to point 3.
       If it is laid out with illustrations (art or photos) NOT on computer (or you can't put it in PDF) , the quickest way for us to be able to use it would be if you scan the finished product (see Computer section of MO site for instructions).
       If you are NOT able to scan it, or PDF it, then please mail us a photocopy of it (address included below). Mailing a photocopy will of course take longer before it can be processed and put up on the site, but at least your work will be on its way to being shared with all.
       If it is simply text, NOT on computer, with no layout or illustrations, it will be best for us if you are able to re-type it on computer, so you can send us the RTF or DOC file. Or, if possible, you could scan the text file, Text Read and correct it on your computer. (A Text Reading program converts scanned text to a normal computer text file.) Or, if either of these is not possible, then mail a photocopy to us.
       If your file is bigger than 400K, you can post it on an FTP site, as there have been problems with e-mail attachments that are too large getting through properly. ( Refer to the FED section of the MO site for further FTP instructions.)
       If you need to send a photocopy, the address to send it to is:

The Grapevine
P.O. Box 168751
Irving, Texas

Please include along with your contribution:

(1)       Your name and location.
(2)       A return e-mail address where we can contact you if we have any questions or need further information (this would not be posted on the MO site unless you want it to be).
(3)       A description of exactly what you are sending, how it works, what it is used for, any game rules, etc.

       Thanks so much for making life a little easier for someone else! We look forward to hearing from you!

Charter QNA

How do we report the Interactive CD in the stats for the TRF? Do we report it as a CD or Video?

Please count ICDs (Interactive CDs) as CDs distributed, as
       this is the media format.

in My arms

       From Andrew and Faith, Holland:
(written in July 2000, but mistakenly not sent to the GV team) We want to i nform you that our son Emmanuel (former member) committed suicide and went to be with the Lord on the early morning of July 25. The Lord has given us several encouraging prophecies and we have several brethren here who are standing by us which is a blessing.

It's not by any means the end … Eman is, as always, still the Lord's child and very special to Him. He went far astray, but like the prodigal, he has now come home. Of course, like the prodigal, he has his lessons to learn and his t ime of retraining to go through, but retraining in itself signifies that he will again find usefulness, fulfillment, and fruitfulness.
       He will in time come to a place of full and wholehearted joy, rest and reassurance in the Lord's love and yours. It's difficult for him now, yet he remains the Lord's child, Heaven's property, and a valuable member of the spirit world.
       You're not surprised, are you, that I know Eman and have spent time with him? I'm always on call to receive any Family member s and their children who pass away and Eman was no exception. I was there to meet him and welcome him when he arrived through those pearly gates!

       From EURCRO:
Mylene (FM) stepped out of CM status in order to take care of her former member teen daughter, Claire. Claire then became pregnant and had the baby. In a very sad turn of events in February, Claire accidentally dropped the baby from a balcony and the baby fell several floors. Claire thought the baby was dead and was so upset she commit ted suicide. The baby miraculously survived with just bruises. Mylene is now trying to get custody of the baby who is in the care of social services (the father would not be a suitable parent), but the court is raising an objection on the basis that Mylene is part of a sect. Please pray for grace and encouragement for Mylene, and for the judge to award the baby to her.

       Jesus: Please trust in the reassurance that your darling daughter is in My hands. Though her exit from this world was tragic , she is in My hands now and is loved and cared for as I tenderly hold her close to Me. She will always be safe with Me, now and forevermore.
       I also hold your sweet granddaughter in My hands and I will do that which is best for her. Please rest assured that I will work things out. Though it seems now that everything has ended in defeat and you wonder what is to become of your daughter's precious little girl, do not worry or fear, because I will care for My Own. I will care for your granddaught er, because she is so very dear to Me-just as you are special to Me, and just as Claire is also so very loved by Me.
       I know it's hard to see any good in what has happened. Everything is confusing and muddled. I don't expect you to see the good in this situation right at this very moment, but I promise you that in time you will grow to see that I, in My love, worked a beautiful tapestry out of this earthly defeat. You may never see on Earth how I wove the golden strands together, but in Heaven you will understand.

dust off the writer within!

By Kayla, for the Grapevine team

       This ad is addressed to any and all new disciples. We want to hear YOUR story!
       Seriously, please be sure to take the time to write up your personal testimony within the first month after you join the Family. To all the Homes, if your Home has a new disciple, please make sure to give him or her the time to do this and send it in sometime during his or her first month.
       For those of you who've joined in th e last couple years, but didn't think of writing up your testimony, it's never too late! This includes you young people who were once in the Family, left and then rejoined later.
       It's also a wonderful way of witnessing to and encouraging us Family young people who get an earful from our peers who have left the Family about how glowing and great life is in the System. Counter the Enemy's lies and misconceptions! You've been there. You know what it's like. Tell us about it and let your story ben efit others!
       We want to hear from YOU, what compelled you to follow Jesus all the way and serve Him and others. Don't forget to include a photo or two if you can, as well as a contact e-mail address in case we need to get back to you asking for more details!
       Wondering where to send your testimony? Pubs@wsfamily.com would be great, and you can close it in the WSpubs PGP6 key.
       In case you're thinking, “Wow, I don't know where I'd begin!” here are a few basic examples of things that would be absolutely great to hear about from you:

       [] Basic bio: your name, age, nationality, marital status, any special points of interest, etc.
       [] When and where your search began, and what you were searching for (examples: you were searching for your destiny in life, the Lord, a meaningful existence, some way to help others, some way to be at peace, some way to escape your home town, etc.)
       [] Where your search led you-any travels you did, as well as fads or other experiences you had (examples: recreational drugs, some kind of profession, Hinduism, marriage).
       [] Share any crises in your life that brought you to the brink of giving up.
       [] Tell us about any helpful people you met along the way who gave you words of wisdom or did something that helped you on the road to meeting the Lord. Or conversely, share about any other unhelpful people who helped you on the road to meeting the Lord (by making you tired of your old job or whatever).
       [] Tell us about the day you were led to the Lord. Who led you to the Lord? Where were you, and what were you doing at the time? What made you want to know more about the Lord, and how did you find out more?
       [] Tell us how and why you got the urge to serve the Lord. Once you decided to do so, did you have to face complications or difficulties with relatives or at work?
       [] Tell us the happy ending-or rather, beginning! How long have you been serving the Lord, and what have you been doing for Him and where. Have you been tempted to waver in your commitment (we're all human!), or have relatives tried to throw obstacles in your path? Give us specific examples of how serving the Lord has benefited you, or tell us what kind of blessings you've seen in your life as a result of the sacrifices you've made.
       [] What are your burdens and desires for the future? Can you try to describe a picture for us of where you think you'd be at now if you'd never come to know the Lord? Or if you had gotten saved, but no one had followed up on you, what do you think you would be doing with your life?

       Wow, if you made it through that list of ideas without quitting, then you should be all set to dust off your writing skills and share your world with us. You don't have to answer every single one of those questions. They're just meant to help you dig into your memory banks and pull out the jewels of your personal testimony. Please try to keep your story concise! A few pages (or 3-4000 words) is great!
       We look forward to hearing from you!

Doing it with Pizzazz

By Kevin

       In an ever-changing Family it's nice to know there are certain things we can count on. We're all sure that we're saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. We all know we're living in the Time of the End. We all know “the Antichrist shall come” (as was confirmed in the Endtime CD that I've heard called “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” way too many times).
       But there's one constant that is so often overlooked and seriously under-appreciated. Can you guess what it is? I'll give you a few clues:

       It's been around since the earliest days of the Family.
       Almost every-or perhaps every-individual who has even been in the Children of God, Family of Love or The Family has engaged in it.
       It elicits emotion. I've seen people laugh, cry, scream, dance and even crawl on their knees because of it.
1)       Some of us have spent more of our time in the Family engaging in this activity than sleeping or perfecting our memory and review systems.

       Well, you'v e no doubt guessed by now that I'm talking about JJT! Or “JJT time,” as some individuals erroneously refer to it. It's time to set the record straight once and for all (I've always wanted to do this): It's incorrect to use the word “time” after the acronym “JJT.” Why? Because I've heard some old timers say that “JJT” stands for “Jesus Job Time”, and “Jesus Job Time Time” doesn't really make sense.
       However, I've also heard that it means “Johnny JETT's Tasks,” and I have evidence enough to nearl y prove that this definition is the correct one: Many years ago during the bygone Combo era, if my name were Johnny and I were a JETT, it would most certainly be my assigned task to sweep and mop three kilometers of floor, clean 531 toilets (just as many bathtubs and sinks), polish more wood than can be found in the Redwood Forest and scrub Picasso-like paintings from off the kids' rooms' walls (perhaps if I had known then what I had known now I would have kept the artwork and made millions to s upport the publishing of columns such as this).
       Like Johnny and many other now-SGAs, I've been there, done that. But here's the amazing thing: I was able to accomplish all of those astonishing feats within the time frame of only about two hours. And if that isn't incredible enough, I somehow managed to do it all after (catch this!) spending the majority of those two hours sitting on the toilet visualizing entire alien civilizations and technologies out of floor tiles, toothbrushes, cans of sha ving cream, flattened tubes of toothpaste, K-Y jelly and the cute little flowery patterns on the shower curtain.
       I look back now and wonder how in the world I was able to accomplish so much while spending so much time engaging in completely dissimilar activities. Nowadays it would be like somehow successfully opening a Family company and writing a complicated piece of software by doing a monkey dance in the back yard. As a JETT and junior teen, I was simply extraordinary-as were Johnny JETT an d the rest of us. I can only pray that those special powers will be restored to me as the End draws closer.
       Of course, you don't have to be a Family history buff to realize that it's not just JETTs and teens who've done JJT. Indeed, our fictitious Johnny JETT had a fictitious dad who might have just been one of the original founding fathers of JJT, over 30 years ago.
       What a glorious day that must have been! More than 500 people singing, praising the Lord and gypsy dancing, hardly realizing t hat they were doing so, crammed into a room the size of one of Johnny's bathtubs. After a rousing, deafening round of praises, good ol' brother Gergazite stands up, and as the Colony shepherd gives a lengthy, powerful, almost poetic proclamation of a revolution that's about to be born:
       “I really love you guys…” (The crowd immediately pipes up with 15 minutes of “Hallelujahs” and “Preach it brothers”). Gergie's oration continues in earnest, “It's a Jesus Job Time revolution!” The crowd roars wi th praises and thanksgiving, and without even a cue somehow manages to edge their tightly compacted limbs high enough to put their arms around each other, close their eyes and sing “Achoo, I Love You,” repeating as often as led.
       Unfortunately, these days it's rare we experience such a high degree of inspiration and yieldedness to moves of the spirit in regard to JJT. In this modern Family sometimes the only roars that can be heard when a JJT schedule is placed on the bulletin board are the hea rtbreaking bass groans of agony when I discover to my horror that my JTT (polishing the living room doorknob) must be completed not once, but twice a month.
       Thinking back on the days when we young folks were even younger and we often managed to knock off JJTs almost as fast as NWOs (more on that another time) and thinking back even further to when the word JJT caused people to dance wildly, it makes me wonder if I'm missing something in my life.
       Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but it sur e would make my life more enjoyable if I could capture some of that zing. If only I could grab that cloth and enthusiastically polish that brass, or grab the gears of that earthmover and clean my room-and do it all with pizzazz! Think about it. If we (particularly we of the male SGA species, who usually can't spell pizzazz without a spell checker) could stop looking at the pictures and actually read the Letter “Glamour or Glory” we might actually learn to have fun while cleaning up. That itself would be cause for a good, wholesome monkey dance in the back yard.
       Pizzazz (pi-zaz') noun, slang: color, energy, excitement, flamboyance, flavor, zing, zest

outstanding e-mail reax sent to familia@lafamilia.org

Wanna Help Follow Up?

Intro from Loochie, South America
       Here are excerpts of some of the beautiful letters we've been receiving at the Spanish GP Web site. We would like to send a heart-felt THANK YOU to Ruth (of Gabriel) in Mexico, María and Home in the south of Brazil, Germa n Stephen and Clara in Peru, Tim (of Dove) in Chile, Ruth in Colombia, Tim in Spain and all the people who have worked with these dear brethren to follow up on the e-sheep in their countries. WE COULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT YOU!
       We need help with FU in Ecuador, Bolivia, Central America, Argentina and Paraguay. If you're interested in helping us, please write today to familia@lafamilia.org. We love and need you!

       Alan P., Chile
- I know this page for quite a while now. I'm a Christian, but sometim es I feel quite unsatisfied with my work and so I would like to get in touch with you so that I may be able to receive a little bit more of your love. Honestly, thank you for feeding me daily with the Word of God. Goodbye.

       Gaby, Mexico
- I love all the work that you people are doing! When I receive the Quote of the Day I get so happy! It keeps me inspired and every time I read over it I understand it a little bit better. It's just awesome to have found you.

       Emilio M., Florida
- Hi, how a re you? I'm writing to ask you for help because I am extremely lonely. My heart is empty and I am desperate. I don't know what to do. I feel very alone, sad and I don't know where to go or what path to take. I really need your advice. I am a person who has no family and I think God has forgotten about me. Life is very tough on me and my loneliness is killing me. I hope you can help.

       Margarita C.
-I am searching for the second and third part of the children's interactive, educational CD, whic h you produce. I would like to know where to find them here in Ecuador, or what I should do to purchase the whole collection of them. Please let me know as soon as possible.

- Dear friends of The Family, by coincidence I received a Christmas poster titled, “Jesus' Birthday Party” and I liked it a lot. I found it very interesting and with a lovely message. I belong to a group of young people who want to follow Jesus and I would love to receive more information along these lines.

       O lga, Peru
- Hello, my name is Olga, I am 21 years old and in university. Today as I was walking, some guy came up to me and handed me a tract, which talked about Christmas and all the love that this holiday brings. In one part it says to give to someone the best Christmas we can remember, and as I thought about that I told myself, “I have to live and share my life not only with my immediate family and friends, but also with all the people who are so close to me and whom I never see.”
       Really, I 'm very glad that today, the 20th of December, I received this tract because I am now writing to you with the hope that you will answer me and allow me to become a member of your work. I have great hopes of joining you. I was not able to talk to the guy who gave me that tract, as I was in a hurry.

       María Elena and Luís, Argentina -
Dear Friend, for quite some time now we've been familiar with The Family's lifestyle and way of thinking. During the late '80s we were able to get to know a Home i n the northern zone of Buenos Aires, which was very close to where we lived. Then came those appalling persecutions by our hypocritical contemporaries. … But we still think that you are the best thing that has happened to this earth in a long time!

       Sandra M., Colombia
- I was at the Christmas concert that the Family performed at in Tutucan (Rionegro), and through the group who performed there I felt a warm, fresh, Heavenly feeling flooded my body. Thank you. Lately I had been feeling very de pressed and have been looking for answers in my life. It shames me to say this, now that I have discovered that around me there are people living happily and fully even though they have less opportunities in life than I do. I'm talking about the people who have had the wonderful chance to meet you and your communities. I have visited your Web page and simply, GOD BLESS YOU!

reax to the New Wine

Acting on “Action Through Prayer”

By Catherine, Brazil
       I bought a cheap spiral notebook for m y daily prayer vigil. I write down what I prayed for and beside it I write a verse, if I get one, or if the Lord tells me to get a prophecy, I go ahead and write it in that book, too, so that later, if I have to transfer it, I can easily find it. In the front, I made a “permanent prayer list” that is always valid and needed. If there isn't anything in particular to pray for at the moment, I just take a glance at that and go for it!
       When I prayed for my supporters at New Years, I prayed for a v erse for each of them and wrote it down. Our computer wasn't hooked up because of our move, so now that I am getting around to writing them for the month, I know where to find those verses. I am going to send each of them their verse, which will surely be an inspiration.
       My little vigil notebook has eliminated all those loose pages of prayer requests and verses, etc., that I always had clipped to some notebook or folded up in the back of some other notebook somewhere. I'm finding it a great to ol for prayer time. Now, whenever I sit down on my bed, I grab it and always have something to pray for at my fingertips. Also, in writing down the verse I get for certain people, if it is an ongoing prayer request, I claim that particular verse again. Saves time.
       Another idea I have been trying out is writing all the quotes or verses that I come across in reading these new pubs on prophecy or prayer (or any subject, for that matter) and keeping a printout of them in a notebook of plastic page s. It's like personal studies. Recently the Lord tested me on “waiting on Him” and I did a short study on waiting on the Lord. Now I have a good personal study at hand to look at whenever I need it. TYJ for these ideas that have helped me be deeper in the Word.


[Now hundreds want to be in touch with us]
       Gabe and Flower, Hungary:
About two years ago I was struggling with trying to teach my three children. I had no experience to lean on, and was pretty much learning on the go. W ith no solid finances and fundraising being tough, I dreamed that maybe somehow the two could be done together-me learning more about kids and making this pay somehow too.
       I promised the Lord that, though I had not tuned into my kids enough before, I would start, even if I thought I was missing out on all the work that needed to be done “on the field.”
       A friend of ours named M., the main editor of our city mayor's official newspaper, saw our desperate state and wanted to help us to raise fun ds. Since she had written a number of articles previously about the Family, she thought that writing about our home-schooling methods, and how smart our kids are would draw big enough attention. (My children speak three languages.)
       We didn't know at the time what exactly we were going to do after people started looking for us. We also thought that it was going to be a one-time fundraiser for us-we would hold a seminar for the parents that phoned us, and they in turn would give us a donation fo r this service.
       The article came out; Flower was on the front page (8 months pregnant!) standing with one-and-a-half-year-old Matija. Sure enough, about 30 people phoned in-some even showed up at our door! So we held a seminar, and the Lord supplied some funds through this.
       We were encouraged with this success, and a main editor had us appear in another newspaper. So we held another seminar. The news spread, and soon we had a seminar every weekend. Meanwhile M. lost her job, as the mayor was forced to remove her from her post, because of her association with us. So she became Flower's full-time helper at the seminars.
       We invited the media for a banquet that we held for the parents we'd met. Lo and behold, one of the country's most watched TV shows came to do a report with us. Suddenly, for days on end, the phone rang non-stop. I could barely get a lunch down for days after this.
       We started to travel and do seminars all over country, in almost all the major cities. Many parents of brain-injured kids came to see us, and their kids started making progress, which was another proof of the methods we are using! One such child and her mommy appeared with us on a TV show, so even more parents got in touch with us!
       All this time we were a very small team, only Gabe, Flower and our four kiddos (for a few months I, Flower, could say I had four kids under the age of four! Ha!) and Steve (YA) who stuck with us, and without whom we wouldn't have made it. Since I (Flower) am the n ational, I also have to take care of some of our CTP and the feeding of our closest contacts.
       It's a real miracle that the Lord is using us for all this! This definitely proves that He can use the “foolish things.” Our children are not extra smart, and compared to Family standards, they are in some ways even behind. But they are still a lot further ahead than their System counterparts.
       Now we have hundreds of people that want to be in touch with us for their kids' sake. So now we are venturi ng into a mailing course for our seminar graduates. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, helping with your prayers, your experience, or even with the making of the mailing course, we would be happy to hear from you! Whether you'd like to help us from where you are, or join us here, you can contact us through the SEEC ABM.

[Being on guard]
       Ben (of Angela), Uganda:
One day while out on outreach, Josh and I met a friend who promised to let us use one of his cars (he is a car dealer ) while we get our own shipped here (which might take two months). We weren't sure if it was really going to happen as in Africa a promise does not always mean much, but we prayed and got that his promise was for real. So we met him and were driving in his car to his place and having a very good time ministering to him. Then all of a sudden in a busy street where we had to drive very slowly, a policeman came to the car with a machinegun and stopped us. He had a piece of paper with a name and a c ar number plate written on it. He asked our friend if it was his name and number plate and he answered yes. Then the police in a very angry spirit asked him to get out of the car because he was under arrest, while at the same time three other policemen surrounded the car with machineguns pointing toward us! By this time we were praying like a house on fire!
       The first policeman then started to ask us questions in a very arrogant and aggressive way. We prayed and all of a sudden his questioning stopped and suddenly he turned back his attention to our friend and left us alone. They basically pulled him out of the car and put him in their police jeep, pinned down to the floor! Then the policeman asked us if we had hired him as a taxi driver (which they could charge against him as driver practicing without a license), which was obviously not the case. And then they let us go.
       We found a quiet place right away and prayed. The Lord told us that because we were doing His work and that part icular day there were many victories won, plus we were on the way to get a car, the Enemy was furious and pleaded before the throne and got permission from the Lord to try to get us. The Enemy's main target in this whole scene was to get us (the police could arrest our friend anywhere as he is a fairly known guy and easy to find) so the Enemy directed the police to get our friend while we were in his car. As we later found out they also tried to get him to confess that he was selling cocaine to us!
       Well, the Lord brought victory and saved us as well as our friend-he got out in a short time as the charges brought against him were from a past incident which was already closed, but apparently his accuser bribed the police to bring it up again. We are still praying for this situation as we heard the accuser will not give up.
       It was a good reminder to be on guard and keep in touch with Jesus as the Enemy is still out there roaring and trying to devour us!

[Our first Activated member]
       Peter and Topaz, USA:
Our first Activated member has been witnessing to his family about Jesus but without any real response. So he asked us if we would go with him to meet his entire family and give them a Bible study on salvation. The Lord showed us to prepare a question and answer study on Heaven and Salvation and a listing of some suitable songs from the Ultimate Family Songbook.
       It was a four-hour journey to his home and we shared our testimonies and heard his, and prayed for the Lord to go before us and prepare the way. Our friend also told us that some of his family members had already been quite skeptical about the visit. When we arrived it was obvious that some members were not at ease, but as we started to sing the songs we could feel their spirits relaxing. By the time we started the Bible study the Lord's spirit was definitely in control, and when the study was complete all eight of them prayed to receive Jesus. TYL!
       We gave them all copies of the booklets Key Bible Verses, Future Foretold and Glimpses of Heaven. As the father had recently died we were also able to encourage them that he was safe with Jesus, and we prayed with some of them for the Lord to help them over their grief. Our friend said the visit and its results were awesome and he can already see a change in his family.

[Encouragement from Heaven]
       Mercy Trust, USA:
As I was distributing the CD cards in a parking lot, a sweet-looking lady was driving out. Her vehicle was moving and I don't usually try to catch them, but the Lord spoke to me so clearly to stop her, and just as I got the check she looked at me and our eyes met. I put up my hand for her to stop and she did. I approached her and explained the CD and that I was a missionary. I told her that the Lord told me to stop her, she looked very tender and teary-eyed and told me that her husband had just passed on two weeks earlier. I shared with her that her husband and Heaven wanted her to get this message of love and life and was able to pray for her right there and comfort her.
       By the end we were both crying and she was so very thankful and encouraged that the “Other Side” was trying to reach her. Thank God for our spirit helpers and their intervention and help to reach His sheep.

[Annual song festival in Chile]
       Jonathan Nubes, South America:
You wouldn't believe who is representing the USA at the Viña del Mar (Chile) song festival this year [considered the most important song Festival in SA]. It's Jonathan (Jonatancito from Música con Vida), who used to sing with Mikol and Leila, and who Mercy and I adopted for several years. He sang last night, a beautiful song entitled “You Can Change the World.” (It's a new one, not our song, but very good). Today we got in touch with him and he was happy to talk with us. He's doing very well. He gives all the glory to the Lord and recognizes that what he is today he owes to the Family. GBH. We prayed that he would win, but he said that the only thing that real ly matters to him is having the chance to witness, and not winning the trophy. He's been interviewed several times and he always says he's the son of missionaries. When they ask him what group, he doesn't hesitate to say “The Family.” He sends love to all of us he knows.

[A typical day in Diepsloot]
       Gideon, Rachel, Meg, Chris, Jasper, Maria, Josh and Sam, South Africa:
Sometimes it is hard to express what it is like working regularly in a squatters camp in Diepsloot, South Africa. The Lord has supplied us with great food, a lovely house with a swimming pool and we have shade! In Diepsloot, there are no trees, there is very little grass, and it would be 40°c in the shade if there were any! What little shade there is comes from a tin hut (it is far too hot to sit inside) and we all try to squeeze into it for a Bible study. We are thankful as the day progresses and that little bit of shade grows longer, long enough to fit all of the 16 members of our Bible study group.
       Then there i s the filth, the squalor, the smells, the flies which encroach onto your little food garden despite all efforts to keep burning the rubbish which piles up outside the gate. Then there are the problems of the individuals with whom you work-unemployment, alcohol, witchdoctor's spells (yes, we do receive prayer requests against this sort of problem which is very real) and sickness.
       AIDS is an enormous problem, much bigger than most people in the developed world could possibly imagine, and people are dying every day. People cannot afford to give their relatives a proper burial, or even a coffin. There is no burial ground for Diepsloot and they have to pay to transport the bodies and pay for the land to bury them. Some babies are just buried in waste ground.
       It is the end of the Bible study. We have already been there several hours teaching the physically and mentally handicapped in their tin huts and we are dripping with sweat. Everyone has shared their memory verses and the news of ho w many people they have prayed with since last week. One of the members has prayed with everyone at a funeral to receive Jesus. We sing songs in Zulu and Xhosa.
       Then a woman brings her baby for prayer. The mother is in tears; in fact, it is hard from her account to tell what is wrong with the baby, but it is lying there listless, tiny and on the point of death. The mother had no food while she was pregnant except what we brought down for our feeding scheme. She is one of 70 or 80 coming for fo od. She has nothing to give the baby to eat and is just giving it anything she can find.
       We pray for her, and Sophie, our hard working live-out member, arranges to call an ambulance. We pray for the ambulance to arrive quickly as it can often take hours. Sometimes the ambulance driver refuses to come into the squatter camp for fear and will only wait at the entrance. Women in labor sometimes have to wait there and give birth by the side of the road before the ambulance arrives. As we are leavi ng we see an ambulance driving by for somebody else. We pray that by a miracle the ambulance will stop and take our mother and baby to hospital. We come back an hour later with a pick-up truck full of food and some baby formula and we find that ambulance did take her to hospital in answer to our prayers.
       We thank the Lord for His mercy as we start the evening literacy classes and thank Him also for the cool of the evening and the joy of being here in Africa trying by God's grace to make every day count! If you want to help us reach out to these extremely needy people, please send a donation to AF1513. Web site www.familysouthafrica.cjb.net.

Action: Roll On

By Ado, USA
       If you've been around teens you know that most Family teens like action with a capital “A.” They like to have fun, excitement, adventure, challenge, go to new places, see new faces and often it's because they just want to be active. Isn't that the way most of us feel?
       Since 1996 our Trips4Teens Home has been doi ng just that-taking teens on trips, doing teen camps, group excursions and activities with teens. In 1999 the Lord led us to begin a series of trips into Mexico, not only as witnessing road trips, but to help in CTP projects as well. We're presently based in Southern California, and Mexico has always been, and still is, an exciting witnessing field for us.
       It began as a program through which teens (ages 12 to 16), from across the US and Canada, could get their feet wet in a mission field, lear n some Spanish, participate in a CTP project and have some exciting adventures along the way. That was the objective at the beginning and the Lord has helped it to grow and become more exciting than ever anticipated.
       In a 12-month period there were six adventure-filled, month-long trips into Mexico with teens, and then one witnessing/camping trip to the northwestern US and Canada.
       Teens from across the country are invited for these trips, so it takes a good bit of coordination to make it hap pen. It begins with a great deal of prayer as our small mobile team seeks the Lord about the next Trip4Teens upon returning to our mobile base. [We live in trailers in campgrounds.] Then there's a lot of e-mail communication with the contacts in Mexico. Sometimes a scouting team has gone first to arrange the CTP project ahead of time. We made contact directly with the Mexican governmental agency in charge of family and welfare issues and found that this agency handles most of the CTP-type projec ts for the government. However, we've also worked with private philanthropic organizations and a committee of volunteers made up of the wives of government officials.
       After choosing four Mexican states in which to concentrate our efforts, a couple of exploratory trips were made to contact the local directors of the above agency and other officials in seven major cities. In personal meetings we offered our assistance in any way they needed by explaining our program of bringing groups of teens f rom the USA to help in their CTP projects. Everyone we spoke with was enthusiastic about the offer and wanted to coordinate activities with us. At the end of the exploratory trips officials in all seven cities had requested our help.
       It takes a fair a bit of communication via fax, phone and e-mail to coordinate activities with these offices. Some local government agencies often change personnel and their programs are usually not very well organized or consistent. This has made it difficult to plan the teen trips into Mexico much more than 6-8 weeks in advance.
       After coordinating the plans with the appropriate Mexican government office, the next step was writing an open letter of invitation to Homes in NACRO explaining the trip details and asking those who are interested to contact us for an application. The application helps us obtain the correct personal information about the teens such as their name, age, parents' names, address, etc. It also contains some general information reg arding the trips such as the required behavior guidelines, clothing, what to bring and not to bring, etc. This helps the teens to have a good idea of what to expect on the trips. Then there are several questions asked of each teen (not their parents), like “What did you get from the Lord about going on this trip?” “What rules might you find difficult and why?”
       Some teens and parents have asked why we require applications. Perhaps they're a little surprised because in the past at most camps or activities usually any teen could attend. The application makes the trip more “official” and helps the teens and parents to realize the commitment needed. The application explains that if a teen has to be sent home due to misconduct it will be at the expense of the parents. It also clearly spells out the purpose of the trip and what standard will be required. Some teens, though excited at first about going on a trip, after reading the guidelines have decided it wasn't what they really wanted to do.
       Although the trips are usually organized with a date of departure and return, the Lord always throws in His surprises, changes and new factors that keep us praying. The teens have been involved in all kinds of CTP projects such as: painting and cleaning orphanages, planting trees in poor communities, distributing food to the indigenous populations in the mountains, dressing as clowns to entertain street kids, assisting medical teams that go to rural areas to give free check-ups, visiting h ospitals, schools, orphanages, singing before crowds and … the list goes on. Then there is the FUN stuff that they get to do like riding horses on the beach, climbing mountains, kayaking, camping, swimming, eating delicious provisioned meals, bathing in cold rivers, exploring remote areas, playing soccer and basketball, etc. Our accommodations have been anything from a tent or a trailer to a luxury hotel, even sleeping on a deserted beach under the stars and listening to the ocean waves or sleep ing out in the open in the mountains around a campfire and next to a family of indigenous people.
       Everywhere the teens go they get to witness, as they seem to attract a crowd, especially young people. They've witnessed at orphanages, high schools, elementary schools, day-care centers, on the streets, at universities, on the beach, in tiny villages, in small towns, in big cities, downtown and uptown, at toll booths, at exclusive private parties and at big shindigs for hundreds of students, in p arks and, well, just about anywhere else you meet people.
       Usually there are more teen applicants than space available, and often some adults ask if they can go, and many parents have asked if we could have some organized activities for OCs. So the need for organized activities for our young people is great. We've never been disappointed when taking the teens out on the road. The Lord not only supplied our needs, but He never failed to make each trip special in its own way.
       Suffice it to say that the ACTION that teens so desire, the excitement, adventure and fun, can often be found out on the road. Serving Jesus in the Family can be such a blast. But it does require some oomph to push ourselves out the door with our teens and JETTs, so they can experience the thrill of the road themselves. The personal witnessing, the souls, the tools out, the provisioning, the mishaps, the breakdowns, the tight spots, the excursions, the unexpected, and so much more all add up to making these Trips 4Teens an answer to prayer for our young people. Look for testimonies and photos from these Trips4Teens on the MO site. Better yet, why not take “trips 4 teens” with the young people in your Home and you're sure to come back with stories to tell!

moving missionaries

“Nothing is impossible for the Lord!”

By Marco Servant and Tabitha, Japan
       It all started three days before we left Okinawa. It was supposed to rain that day, so we prayed and asked the Lord whether we should go out witnessin g, and if so, where. The Lord spoke to us, and our family went to a park by the ocean. There are many US navy and air bases in Okinawa, therefore a lot of Americans live there. We met an American couple with three young children. The husband works for the Air Force. It turned out that they are members of a non-denominational church in Okinawa.
       They had very sweet spirits, and we told them that we are a missionary family, have six kids, and are on our way to China. After we parted from them, we did some more witnessing, and all of us got in the van to go back home. Tabitha and I got a check that at least we should have asked for their phone number, as they were so sweet. At that instant, the husband came to our van and said that they would like to invite us for lunch! We made a lunch appointment for the following day.
       The next morning, all of our family got together for prayer. It was right after the Feast, and the Lord spoke through the mouth of our eight-year-old son, “Nothing is impossible for the Lord!” Another prophecy said, “Whatever we ask, the Lord will do it!”
       Encouraged by those prophecies, we asked the Lord to do three things. One of them was that He would stop the rain right away. It was raining heavily all morning. In less than five minutes, the Lord stopped the rain completely! We saw the sun coming out between clouds, and we were so encouraged! We knew “Nothing is impossible for the Lord!” We prayed that He would supply enough food for our boat trip to Tai wan, and we also asked for 50,000 yen (approx. $450), which we needed for the trip.
       When we got to the couple's apartment, we saw two more couples there. They are from the same church, and also work at the same base. We felt uneasy, but the Lord took away that feeling, as we saw they loved the Lord deeply. They were just interested in meeting a Japanese couple who have been involved with missionary work for more than 15 years, and have six kids, and are on the way to China as missionaries.
       T hey belong to a church, but they shared a similar faith to ours. They homeschool their kids and participate regularly in personal witnessing. At one point, one of the wives asked, “Do you need anything for your trip? Like food or something?” As soon as she said that, everybody started making a shopping list for us. They threw out a lot of ideas, made quite a long list, and then they bought it all for us! Not only that, they started offering all kinds of their personal stuff, such as strollers, a luggage carrier, and survival food from US Navy. Ha! They even said, “We wouldn't be Christians if we didn't help you!” We felt the Spirit was moving! This was an answer to our second prayer!
       After a few hours of conversation, we put all of the stuff they gave us in our van. As I was about to turn on the ignition, one of them handed us a donation. Guess how much it was? It was 500 dollars, which was almost exactly the amount we asked the Lord for!


       Rossy (Ruth Peruvian) of Jon athan Italian, would like to get in contact with Lucy from Puerto Rico; remember me? We lived together in Lima (Jesus Maria) with your newborn baby Manasses? Love to hear from you! Also Victor from Lebanon, we lived together in Italy, like to know how are you doing? Please get in touch to: jonruth@tin.it.

       Could Naomi (of Andrew/Ruth), last heard of in Japan, please get in touch with me. Your family lived with us briefly in Bombay, India. Peter (of Sara), last heard of on your way to South Am erica with your mum and little sister. I met you in Switzerland in 1999 at Eman's birthday party. Matthew/Magda (Polish), my dad (Peter) lived with you when you were in Bombay, India. Both of us would like to get in contact with you again. Michael Deutsch, Joy (of Simon/Joan), Corrina (of Steven/Rejoice), Maria Lupori, Asha (last heard of in Japan) and Nina and Rachel B.,please get in touch with me at whackywhazzo@yahoo.com. I'd really like to hear from all of you.

       Hey Faithy, I would like to get in touch with you. We met at the fellowship in North Italy last year. I lost your email since moving to India. Please write Claire at: earthquakelive69@yahoo.com. Ciao!

       I would like to get in contact with Angela (of Steven) and Moselle. Met you both in Italy last year at the fellowship. Please write Claire at earthquakelive69@yahoo.com. Hope to hear from you soon!!!

(from Felipe and Maria), Damaris and Pollyana (from Davi and Rute), Maria (from Joao and Sara ) is looking f or you. Add: C.X Postal 513, Cep 66017-970, Belem- P.A. Email: jungle04@datanetbbs.com.br.

       former members - seeking contact

       (From Luc S. Blais:)
I am a former member (left in 1978) but I still hold dear to my heart some brothers and sisters that I would like to find if they are of course still living within the Family. Thanks. (Contact via USA 1-800 team)

       (From Bruce Davies, Victoria, Canada:)
I was involved with the Children of God in 1972-73 in Victoria, B.C. where the Colony was l ocated on Hillside Avenue. I was in junior high school at the time and somehow drifted away-being torn between the world and God. I'll never forget the wonderful love I felt from the singing witnessers downtown ... so different and so real. I was just wondering if anyone is around who might have spent time in Victoria then. David Zee was the leader I think ... Chrysolyte Twinkle was also there ... a fellow named Aaron ... I must have other names in my old box of MO Letters and tracts ... my new name was Zephania. I was just interested in connecting with someone since I discovered from your Web site tonight that the Family still exists! (Contact via USA 1-800 team)

       (From Douglas Lehan, San Diego, Calif:)
Am wanting and needing to get in touch personally with any Family members in the north county part of San Diego ASAP ... too long time without fellowship and am not much into the organized religions because once having been with C.O.G. back in 1970 thru 1972 (then bailing out 'cause was BEFORE the “reorganization”) in Los Angeles, Dallas, Detroit ... then repenting and in 1974 with Los Hijos de Dios in Guadalajara until again bailed out due to NOT HAVING “all things lawful unto me,” then short contact in Hawaii on big island in 1979 with brother Boaz and wife Giah until I bailed out from there in 1980 ... well, once having known and LIVED the Family way-ain't much else that comes close to satisfying my soul's thirst for true communion and fellowship. So if any local/here F amily, I'd love to come back to life once again ... only am without any place to lay my head or phone number or pager (yet) so only short term way to communicate with me is by my e-mail address: douglaslehan@hotmail.com. If still any ol-timers are still around, my Bible name is Reuben Laguna.

       My name is Gabe and I'm a former member. I've been looking for a way to get in contact with certain Family members I used to know. Anyone who knew me from the Brazil Media Home about two years ago can w rite me at: klein_esp@yahoo.com or snail mail at: Gabriel K. Carol, c/Riego 128,2a, 08202 Sabadell, BCN - Spain.

help wanted

       Dear everyone! GBY! We are a Russian couple (Philip and Praise) with a one-year-old boy (Misha) presently working at the Moscow SC. The Lord showed us to go for a trip this summer to visit our friends (national church) in a city located above the Arctic Circle. It's quite far from Moscow and located on the peninsula so it can be reached only by plane. The plane tick ets are quite expensive and we would need about $600 to be able to go. If you are able to help us, it will be a great blessing and will enable us to feed the precious sheep over there. Please send your contributions (big and small) to RU001 for Philip and Praise via your TRF. Please specify “for the trip.” Thank you very much.

       The recent famine here in Ethiopia has abated, but the famine for what the Family offers remains. We came here with a lump sum of funds ten months ago, but due to very little Home support, and for now little local support, the funds are nearly gone. The daily witnessing/follow-up has been quite fruitful, but unless we can soon broaden our financial base, it may be hindered somewhat. Would anyone like to be a sister Home? Can you help on a regular or semi-regular basis (or just one time)? Do you have good Home support and are you looking for an exciting witnessing field? Please pray along with us for our monthly income to substantially increase. TXSM! We love you and appreciate all and any help. Donors, please send us your Home # and if possible your e-mail address through the ABMs. TXSM!-Love Daniel Mountain, Lana and team. Contact us through EURCRO.

       (From your Vine video editing team:)
By now you should have received or be receiving very shortly Vine 003.-Featuring Albania, the Lukthoong Phenomenon in Thailand, Chile, India and more. We are now just putting the finishing touches on Vine 004, which includes articles from Mozambique, the Middle E ast, Mexico, Romania and more!
       As you know, pumping all this news and inspiration to you dear folks out there in video land costs something. So we would like to ask for your help. We're currently in need of upgrading our old ailing computer set up and need about US$2000 to accomplish this task.
       If you're able to help in any way towards this need we will greatly appreciate it. You'll see the difference in receiving not only better quality videos, but we'll also be able to get them out faster. You can send your donation through your CRO Offices to “The Vine Editing Team” in ASCRO.
       Thank you so much for helping with this need at this time. We look forward to seeing you on an upcoming Vine. Please keep sending in those tapes! E-mail: thevine@mail-me.com


Meet Anya

       She's happy and carefree. She has dark, straight hair and green eyes, and a smile is always playing about her lips. If you want to picture her personality, picture a girl splashing in the ocean on a hot summer's day, laughing and screaming playfully. That's like Anya.
       Find out, in Blade 18, why this celestial spirit helper loves being around people like you.

“Doing the Humble Thing”

       Jesus: This is one of My favorite lists-and I have lots because I just love them!
       If everyone would regularly take time out for a serious review of this list, it would help him or her grow by leaps and bounds. I know it's human nature to forget these pointers after a time. But if you'll simply make it a habit to reg ularly go over this list, slot a time to do this at regular intervals, then go down the list, pray and ask Me to check you on which points you might need brushing up on, you'll find it a tremendous boost.
       It's good practice for all who want to truly learn and grow and make progress in their personal lives, in their walk with Me, and in their interactions with others. That's the purpose of the list to begin with, it's to be an aid, a guideline, and a guidepost, something to keep striving for. S o how about it?
[See HTK 102 for this review list!]

letters to the editor

Re: Reaction to “Teacher's Day”

       I'm so touched and I even cried a little when I read this section from GV 107-that teachers are being appreciated and that there's a Teacher's Day. I'd been a teacher for 12 years, 24 hours a day. You know, during the Combo era, you stayed with the kids 24 hours a day-you woke up with them, ate with them, slept with them, laughed with them, cried with them, etc. I still like teachin g, only presently I'm not.
       It's so precious! You feel that all your hard work and everything that you poured into the kids is remembered, and you're now being thanked for it. It makes me feel appreciated already, that I played a big part in their little lives. I think whoever thought of this Teacher's Day is a genius-so I can be thought of and remembered, ha!
-Lydia M., Indonesia


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up


Ryan Phillippe, Tim Robbins, Rachael Leigh Cook, Claire Forlani
       A genius computer programmer agrees to take a job with a giant software firm and finds himself in the position of “teacher's pet.” Soon, however, he suspects that all is not right, and sets out to discover the truth.


Christopher Lloyd, Yasmine Bleeth, John Ritter, JoBeth Williams
       Drama/comedy. Donald Bridges and his wife Alice are an unhappy couple struggling with a tragic past, when a small plane mysteriously crash-lands on their r oof. From the wreckage emerges an eccentric, wildly romantic couple-Texas millionaire Jarvis Moody and his vivacious girlfriend, Pepper Upper.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up


Andre Braugher, Rip Torn, Ruby Dee
       Back in the '60s, a small New Orleans all-black Catholic school fights to get a game between the school's champion basketball team and the town's champion all-white team. Based on a true story.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

(2000 )

Kenneth Branagh, Alessandro Nivola, Alicia Silverstone, Nathan Lane
       Comedy/musical, adapted from Shakespeare's play. A king and his three friends decide to commit to three years of study with no distractions, including women, but the arrival of a French princess and her three ladies in waiting changes everything.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up


Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland
       Sir Robin of Locksley, defender of downtrodden Saxons, runs afoul of Norma n authority and is forced to turn outlaw. With his band of Merry Men, he robs from the rich and gives to the poor, in his battle to restore King Richard III to the English throne.



       (Jesus:) This is one of those conspiracy theory movies, and although a lot of it is unrealistic, it will still be interesting for many to watch. It has some good lessons on compromising with the System for gain and standing up for what you believe. Overall it could be an entertaining movie if you aren't expecting too much.

It Came from the Sky

       (Jesus:) This is a sweet story with a good message about love and rising above. Although of course it isn't totally what you'd call “doctrinally sound,” and has some less than positive scenes, on the overall it's good and uplifting. A little bit of love goes a long way. The movie is done in a simple setting and in a simple way, yet it brings out some powerful lessons of how I can work in the heart and spirit of ones who have been hardened by difficult trials.

Passing Glory

This movie is worthwhile for several reasons. It's about racial tension among black and white high school basketball teams in the '60s, set in the South. But more than that, it has lessons about standing up for what you believe is right, learning how to relate between the older and younger generations, giving all you've got to fulfill your destiny, etc.

Love's Labor's Lost

This is a sweet comedy á la Shakespeare, with the interesting t ouch of an American musical from the '30s. It's fun and enjoyable for those who like Shakespearean plays and/or that type of old fashioned music from the '30s. It's wholesome light entertainment.

The Adventures of Robin Hood

       (Jesus:) This is a great adventure story for children to enjoy. It's exciting to see Robin Hood standing up for his beliefs and fighting back against the evil to accomplish his ends. It's got action, and adventure, but more than all it has a happy, uplifting, and harmle ss tone to it. It isn't mean-spirited or wicked in its violence, it's just the bare minimum to get the point across. If kids are looking for action in their movies, this is a good one for them.

prayer list

Europe and Africa

       Emanuel Fearless:
Thyroid cyst, insulin-dependent diabetes, hepatitis C, osteoporosis.
       For Sharon SGA (of Andrew): Will have her third caesarean in four years, which can be dangerous for her and the baby.
: Bone cancer.


       From the New Horizo ns Home:
Thanks to everyone's prayers, Jonathan Newman is off to his home country, to receive a kidney transplant. The Lord has miraculously supplied support for Jon and family to make the trip, and although there is much yet to be done, it's a testimony of the Lord's miraculous supply that they've made it to this point. Please keep the rest of the procedure in your prayers. Thank you!
(of Mary): Multiple sclerosis.
       From Ezra (for the TNT Home, Tokyo):
Two members of our Home, Philip an d Julia (CM), their son (former member), and two other young men (both former members) are being sued for a very large amount of money from the man that was injured in a fight with the three boys three years ago when they were out of the Family working in Osaka. All five are named on the civil suit, which is for a ridiculous 100 million yen (approx $80,000).

Please pray that:

       The Lord will lead and guide us, and that we can have faith and trust in His power throughout all of this.
       To give Philip and Julia “a mouth speaking wisdom that no man can gainsay nor resist,” and that we can all have clear understanding of the processes and workings of the legal situation.
       That the Lord will lead us concerning the legal representation issue.
       That the accuser will be confounded and exposed.
       That the judge will be open to the spirit helpers' and angels' voices that will be speaking to her on our behalf.
       That the court will decide either completely in our favor, and complete the case once and for all, or that the case would be thrown out of court, thus ending the ordeal. Either way, please pray that we will see the “end of the matter” quickly.
       For the Lord's miraculous supply, since it is very expensive to hire a lawyer.
       [If you should get anything specifically from the Lord for us, please send it to our e-mail address: heartzh@eurus.dti.ne.jp. Thank you.]

South America

       Protection of the Family in Colombia and Venezuela during the recent surge in crime and violen ce.
       Pablo and Love
: Thanks for praying for our daughter, Maria Fe. She's eating much better and has gained 4 kilos. We ask now that you pray the Lord helps her develop her motor skills, language and intellect in accordance with her age. She's three, but her development is somewhere between one-and-a-half and two. The doctors have done many tests but still have not been able to determine what her problem is.
: Severe headaches. Doctors are recommending a brain scan.
       Juan Amado Chepe
(6 0, of Estrella): Recovering from surgery for removal of a kidney due to a growth.
(4 months PG, of Adino): Recovery from operation to remove a cancerous growth near her uterus. Due to her being five months pregnant, the doctors were unable to remove the entire tumor. Pray for a healthy pregnancy and delivery, for faith and trust, and that the cancer does not spread during this time. For complete healing of the tumor, so that a hysterectomy after delivery won't be necessary.
: Dis comfort due to a problem with the sciatic nerve.
(21 months, of Rachael and Fabio): Loose muscles in rectum, causing problems with bowl movements.
: Can barely walk due to painful hip.
(of Andrés): Neck tumor.
(9, of Miguel and Joy): Frequent pain in different parts of his body, and constant headache.
(20, of Emanuel and Joy): Dengue fever with internal bleeding. Feeling extremely weak.
(2, of Esteban and Sara,): Unspecified eye problem, that w ill require an operation.
       Rebeca Fé
:Will need to have a pin inserted into her injured left hip. For the Lord to guide the doctors' hands.
(of Joy): Problem with spine.
(of Simon): Thyroid problems.
       Pedro Wild Wind
(of Maria): Lung problem, cough and insomnia.
       Pablo Daniel
(of Heaven Love): Fractured his skull in a fall.
(16, of Keren): Will undergo a transplant due to an eye problem that is causing pain.
:Serious circulatory problems, with ruptured v eins and varicose veins causing strong pain and making it hard for her to be on her feet. Receding gums.
: Injured muscle in left index finger.
(of Jonathan): Inflammation of the large intestine.
(13)and Cris (11, of Jonathan and Rejoice): Progressive myopia (eye problem).
(of Richard): Cancer and rectal bleeding.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer

       Simon and Praise (Brazil):
Praise is wonderfully healed from the pain in her side! In the last few years she had not been able to engage in much vigorous exercise or even walking for more than a few minutes without experiencing a lot of pain the following day. We went to doctors about the condition, but never received a clear answer from them, so about a year ago we quit going to them and decided to trust the Lord for the outcome.
       The situation was slowly worsening and we asked for prayer in our local prayer list. Two weeks ago we had a fast game of “capture the flag” with the kids, and Praise wanted so much to take part and enjoy activities with our young ones, so she joined in with all her heart. She took a step of faith that she would not suffer any after-effects, and she didn't! She's been getting regular get-outs and has suffered nothing for it. On a couple of occasions she felt a touch of the pain returning, but rebuked it as lying vanities, and it left right away! Your prayers have worked a miracle!
       Jodie (Brazil):
I recently did some heavy cleaning and over-exposed myself to dust, du st mites and fungi, and caught allergic conjunctivitis. The allergist was almost certain that my allergy would develop into asthma, since my eyes were pretty bad off, and that is the usual course it takes, but the Lord was so good to me and spared me from all of the “usual” developments. After a month of anti-allergic medicine and going ballistic against dust, not sweeping any floors, etc., the Lord totally healed my eyes! I learned so much about fighting for and claiming healing, working too ha rd in the physical, and keeping my eyes on our wonderful Husband. Also how powerful the prayer list is because of our wonderful Family and their faithfulness.
       Janet (of Sol, Peru)
: The Lord answered prayer for her hyperthyroidism! The symptoms have been disappearing, as well as the weakness and fatigue. She didn't follow any treatment other than rest and prayer!
       Cristian (of Victoria, Chile)
: Healed from allergic asthma after 18 years!
       María (70, Chile):
The Lord healed me from a persisten t humming in my ear I'd had over a year! It was so bothersome I was about to do some tests on my inner ear to see if a tumor was causing it.
       Daniel and Cielo (Chile):
While we were in Brazil, when the Lord showed us to move to Chile, we made a prayer list of everything we wanted Him to do. We asked the Lord for a car and caravan, a good standard house for not more than 200 dollars so we could be freer to witness more, the funds to open this work, food contacts, furniture and appliances, and He has supplied it all!-Plus free tickets! We made it to Chile without spending one single penny!


Getting someone Activated!-And I didn't have to go far!

By Renee Quixote Madness Earth (21), Morelia, Mexico
       Are you one of those people who feel like you are squeaking along with the Activated program? Do you read some of the “Wow” testimonies in the Grapevine or FSMs and wonder if that will ever be you? I know I have! After our Activated meetings here in Morelia, Mexico last August, I felt so thrilled and challenged to do all I could with Activated.
       Well, the truth is I really haven't broken any records, or hit the charts since that point, but I do have one really neat testimony though about how, “little is much if God is in it.”
       A few days after the meetings I was watching the kids one afternoon and wondering where to take them to play. I got a check to go to this one park near our Home that I had never gone to before. At the time I wondered why, but went ahea d anyway. A few moments after being at the park, I met a woman. She was so interested in everything I had to say. She was following me around the park and talking with me. I told her about our goal to win the world for Jesus and she flipped out. That was only the beginning of the great friendship Gloria and I were to have. She is now Activated, and not only that, she is my friend. Our whole Home loves her so much. She does everything with us.
       To give an example of how she has really become “Fa mily,” during Christmas we were doing a show per night at different orphanages around our city and she would come with us with her two children and was such a sweet witness. She would tell the orphans that there is a Father for each of them greater than any earthly one. She has gone to our seminars and helps us witness as well. She made the Christmas stockings for all 40 children at the “Santa Maria” orphanage that we regularly visit. She cooks amazing Mexican meals for our Home all the time whe n we are strapped with work or just for fun, and today she is even coming over to have get-out with us!
       This month during Christmas holidays when she went to visit her family she read with them from her Activated magazines in the mornings. She is already on mag number six and is growing so close to the Lord. Then last night we had Gloria, as well as another couple from our neighborhood, over for a “pozole” dinner at our house, which Gloria made. (“Pozole” is a traditional Mexican soup, which c onsists of boiled, cracked corn.) She told me she wants to start getting some of her neighbors to come over to our Home for Bible classes.
       I guess the main thing I wish to share through my experience in meeting Gloria is that the Lord can do it through you even if you are just one little person. I have a lot of other jobs I have to do everyday-teaching kids, cooking, cleaning, CTP, and a whole lot more, but through this experience I learned that if you can just change one life in your area the y will begin to tell others, who will tell others, who will tell others, and on and on the witnessing continues. It has been so fun witnessing and telling people about Jesus.
       I thank God for the Activated and follow up revolution!

No Matter What We're Doing

Crystal (of David,) Bangalore Service Home, India
       We are a VS Home, and as VSs we can tend to get quite busy with visitation for months, then lots of paper work and talk times when we get home. We do see the need to get out Activated as much as possible, and one way the Lord was showing us, especially during our visitations, is to do it no matter what we're doing! We have long train rides and have witnessed to people on them, and we come across some very unusual types too!

Activate Your Parent Time

Leila, Contato, Brazil
       One night Sharon VS and I went out for parent time with our kids. We had thought about going to a place close by and getting them an ice cream but the place was full and there were no parking spots ava ilable. We prayed and the Lord showed us to go somewhere else instead. We went to a small place that was quite empty and peaceful. But then my 20-month-old boy, Felipe, fell and bonked his head really hard on the floor. I took him in my arms but nothing seemed to ease his pain. The owner of the place-a sweet lady-came to help and brought Felipe some water and started playing with him. He immediately got distracted with her and stopped crying.
       On our way out, we went to talk to her and she ende d up praying and receiving the Lord. She was a precious soul going through a very rough time in her life. As the conversation continued I showed her Activated#13 that I had with me and she almost started crying right there. She subscribed on the spot and asked us to please keep in touch.
       In the end she said: “We surely need to thank the Lord for everything that happens in our lives. If it wasn't for your son's fall, I might never have come to meet you and this wonderful magazine.”

The Impa ct on Our Friend, Stanley

Jewel, Castle Home, India
       Stanley is one of our Activated sheep who we have been visiting on a monthly basis. We initially met him when we were provisioning a meal. He is Chinese and the manager of a restaurant. During one of our follow-up visits, Stanley started telling us how our first visit was a turning point in his life, and how he really looks forward to our monthly visits. He mentioned how his sister noticed the transformation in his life, and he told her abou t us. He sponsored an Activated subscription for his sister.
       We had left him with “Understanding God's Word” and he's practically got that book memorized. He keeps quoting different parts from it and since reading that book has made Bible reading his daily devotions. I had to hold back the tears as here was someone whom we only visited once a month and we didn't realize what an impact the Lord's Spirit was having on his life. It really made me thankful as we have so much to offer the sheep, an d just have to be faithful to witness to everyone we come in contact with.


Fundraise and witness-via English teaching!

Want to do more than just fundraise? Want to have lasting follow-up? Here's one way to make it pay!

By Rose-Marie, NEEC VS, Europe
       In many countries in Eastern Europe, and probably generally around the world, most people who are not native English speakers want to learn English fast and right now! I found that it doesn't take an expert English teacher or a degr ee to do this type of follow-up or fundraising. You just need to enjoy talking to people and show an outward interest in them. That's like witnessing, right?
       One day in Warsaw I was praying about how our 12 adults in our two Homes could have a nice day of Word and rest, and the Lord reminded me of how we used to provision hotels for our couples to take time away for a few days from our busy life at home. The Lord was so sweet to open the doors wide and even gave us some very interested manager s to follow-up on too, including ones at the restaurants.
       I took Sam (my junior teen) with me, and the first day after our morning Word time we went to the pool and gym for exercise. We noticed some businessmen were in the pool and were watching us, so I got a witness to talk to one of them who was sitting in the Jacuzzi. He was having a hard time speaking English, yet he was really trying. I encouraged him that he was doing well and spoke to him very slowly. He had his son with him too, so my son talked to him somewhat in Polish and in English. He was so impressed with my son talking to his son, and also that I would even try to talk to him slowly. After we left the pool, he wanted to meet again in the lounge to give me his calling card. I had explained that we were volunteer missionaries and he was very interested. Mr. Z. asked if I was interested in teaching him English. He said he would pay me and that he had other partners that wanted to learn too.
       When I returned home after o ur WNR, we got together for Home Council that week and talked about the idea of teaching English to these businessmen who owned one of the main printing companies here in Warsaw. A Polish sister, Lydia, was interested in working with me so we presented the question to the Lord for His leading. He encouraged us to take this step of faith and try it as He was the One that lead us to them. So we went to lunch with this businessman and one of his partners, and we were able to get in a good witness.
       Our next meeting and class was at their office where they took us for a tour of their workplace, introducing us to their employees. Another time, they introduced us to their wives. We came to an agreement of our payment for the classes which was $10 an hr. for each student with two classes per week. (We found that people are willing to pay up to $70 an hr. for English conversation classes.) During the first class we took time to ask questions about how far they felt they were in their understa nding of English, vocabulary, etc., and they told us what some of their goals were for conversational English. They wanted to be able to express themselves at business meetings and over the phone, at parties, and outings with English speakers and even teach their teens how to speak English.
       It was exciting that we could freely talk and read about topics such as parents, teens, and children from Raise 'em Right, pride and humility, business relations from the Christian Digest series, marriage c lasses from the Marvelous Marriage book, topics from the MOP, etc. They not only were learning English conversation but values and morals of life. After the class on “Parents and Teens,” the first man I met told Lydia how it changed his life and relations with his teen and family, as he's now having quality time with them.
       To top it all off, after about 1½ months of classes the two partners got saved! We were able to use the finances the classes generated for important needs in our Home's budg et. Some times with their printing projects for children, their color on the printing can be a tiny bit off, so they offered to give us anything that was rejected that we could use for our work. Recently they gave us packages of Walt Disney stickers, which we will be distributing to different countries.
       One of my Family girlfriends in Belgium, a few years back, started teaching English as a tutor with a school. Through them she hooked up to teaching classes over the phone to businessmen that d on't have time to stop from their busy schedule to join classes. She always seemed to get in a witness and some got quite close. The possibilities are limitless to be a winsome witness, and get paid!
       Praying for you to have fun witness and fundraising together!

now that's funny

Suspicious Mom
       Karl invited his mother over for dinner. During the meal, his mother eyed his beautiful roommate, suspicious that there was more than just a “roommate” situation going on.
       Karl saw her staring a t Ellen. “I know what you're thinking, Mom, but Ellen and I are just friends.”
       A week later, Ellen said, “Karl, ever since your mother came to dinner, I can't find the silver soup ladle. Surely she wouldn't have taken it, would she?”
       “I really don't think so,” Karl replied. “I'll write her a letter to ask, though.” He got a sheet of paper, sat down, and wrote, “Dear Mom, I'm not saying you took our silver soup ladle, and I'm not saying you didn't take it. But our soup ladle has been missing ever since you came to dinner.”
       A few days later, he received a reply from his mother.
       “Dear son, I'm not saying that you're sleeping with Ellen, and I'm not saying that you're not sleeping with Ellen. But if she were sleeping in her own bed, she would have found the soup ladle by now. Love, Mom”

Shine On-Febuary 2001

[Oops, last month's Shine On listing should have been tagged January, 2001.]

TEAMWORK       Per Adult       Total


Samuel/Rosita H.H, Mexico
       3, 119       6,237
Sweetie (of Dad), Mexico
       201       1,007
Daniel/Dove/Victor, India
       162       1,783
Pedro/Lily, Madagascar       160       800
Francisco/Mariana, Colombia       160       320
Gideon/Rachel/Magdalene, South Africa       147       1,034
Reuel/Perla/Gabe, USA        133       400
Jonathan/Lily Fighter, El Salvador       120       240
Joel/Dan/Rebecca/Claudia, Hungary       112       450
Willing, India       106       747


Lazaro/Flor, Chile
       2,675       5,350
Anna/Chris/Mark/Nic/Nikki/Tender, PI
       1,428       10,000
Clare/Dan/Gina/Jason/Jes/Jo/Marc, USA
       647       5,825
Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA       641       7,049
Sharif/Joanne/Rima, Nigeria       627       5,020
Maria/Michael, Japan       614       3,073
Crystal/Mercy/Peter, USA       492       1,969
Sam/Sara Endtime Servant, Mexico       429       857
Emmanuel/Lydia/Paul, Japan       415       1,663
Josiah/Joy/Joy/Mattithia, USA       406       1,625

Abel Alegria/Flor, Mexico
       500       1,000
Jose/Clara/Ericka, Brazil
       206       1,239
Samuel/Clara, Spain
       136       273
Sam/Maria, Brazil       135       270
Mateus/Lily, Brazil       130       391
Luna, Spain       125       250
Joao/Clara/Celeste, Brazil       107       539
Davi/Madalena/Andrew, Brazil       106       636
Juan/Rosa, Spain       103       206
Dave/Heidi/Jenny/Sophie, Czech Republic       100       1,200


Abel Alegria/Flor, Mexico
       129       257
Ben/Meekness/Sam/Ruth, Botswana
       66       200
Joseph/Clara/Mercy, Chile
       57       400
David Daniel/Maria Rosa, Brazil       42       84
Pedro/Joyful, Brazil       34       102
Jose/Celia/Joy/David, Brazil       26       210
Steven/Christina, South Africa       26       52
Pablo/Daniela, Brazil       25       50
David/Lea, Venezuela       20       40
Stephen/Ruth, United Kingdom       19       38

Included with this file:
Elite Bruce
       Elite Bruce's
Guide To Using The New TeleTRF Program
       Caption1 First press 'Ctrl-Caps Lock-Enter-Delete' go to 'My Computer.' Double-click on 'TeleTRF' then type your ATM Pin number.
       Caption2 Enter your 'bmp' password then click on 'help' when you find that you are now in a directory called 'mfzpht Fatal error 2000'
       Caption3 Copy to 'Monthly TRF Data Base Encryption ZIP XPY jpeg CD ROM file. Export this file to 'The Ultimate Family Songbook'
       Caption4 Spend the next 5 hours entering your Home's entire monthly InfoData stats update.
       Caption5 At this point the TeleTRF program will, without any prior warning, automatically send itself off the MIR Space Station.
       Caption6 ----
       Caption7 Send an urgent e-mail to: teletrf@wsfamily.com Wait.
       Next issue: How to order your Home's PPC

Copyright © 2001 by The Family

(End of File)