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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine

(Issue #107; March 1, 2001.)


       Andrew Andrews
, 3rd child, born to Paula and Michael on October 4.-USA
, born to Vera and Daniel on October 25.-Ukraine
       Ethan Clive
, born to Charity and Jace on October 29.-Zambia
       Paolo David
, born to Aura and Tim on November 5.-Philippines
       Isaac 16:15
, born to Rebecca and Marcos on December 8.-Mexico
, born to Mary and Jeremiah on December 8.-Japan
, born to Sarah and Samuel Attack on December 10.-India
       Shalimar Noelle
, born to Angela Noelle and Jonathan Michael on December 25.-India
       Enrique Sylvester
, born to Kristina and Yan on December 25.-Belorus
, born to Sara and Jonathan on December 27.-France
       Jazmin Journey
, 3rd child, born to Paz and Alejandro on December 28.-Mexico
       Liam Anthony Newlove
, born to Rose and Emanuele on January 5.-Italy
       Alan Brian
, born to Jenny and Jan on January 5.-Spain
       Christian Servant
, born to Catrina and Michael on January 8.-Latvia
       Rubina Joy
, b orn to Natacha and Kenneth on January 10.-Uganda
, born to Aurora and Timothy on January 11.-Spain
       Arthur Caleb
, born to Ina and David on January 14.-USA
       Emanuele Jordan
, born to Elisa and Paolo on January 22.-Italy
       Natalia Carmen
, born to Faithy and Peter on January 25.-Hungary


       New CM disciples …
(15, Italian) joined in Croatia.
(30, Czech) joined in Czech Republic.
(21, Romanian) joined in Romania.
(29, Ukrainian) and children Il ia and Bogdan joined in Ukraine.
(27, Ukrainian) joined in Ukraine.


       Check out MB2K (Memory Book 2000) on the MO site. The printed version is on the way, but you can start using it now by downloading it from the MO site!

       Come on a hike, groom your inner man, avoid a collision course, forge ahead despite your limitations, defog your vision, shout “Shondo!” enter the House of All Answers, taste the ultimate thirst quencher, and hold out for the real thing!-All in Blade 17.

       Leaving the frosty lands of Siberia into the searing heat of Ethiopia! Come and join Daniel Mountain and Lana, Jessica (17), Daniel (3½), and Marianna (1½) for an ongoing adventure in the famed “Land of Sheba” … page 4.

A Dozen New CAT Feasts

       Check out the MO Site, because we have now posted a dozen CAT Book studies. That's the CAT references AND the MO quotes compiled in handy RTF files. It's like having new MOP book sections!
       The files are named after the Reference Categories in the C AT Book, for example: Battles and Victories is called BAT_MO.rtf. Faith is called FAI_MO.rtf, and so on. DV, we will add more CAT studies from time to time.

CAT Topics posted on the MO Site today:

       BAT: Battles and Victories
       FAI: Faith (General)
       FAIA: Rest; Resting in the Lord
       FIR: First Love
       HAP: Happiness; Joy
       LOVD: Need for Love, The
       OBEE: Word, Obedience to the
       PRAYA: Answers to Prayer
       SELRA: Cures for Self-Righteousness
       STR: Strength and Power; Weakness
       WIL: Will of God (General)
       WOR: Word (General)

sponsorship news!

Thank you for sponsoring subscriptions for Africa

From the European Activated Desk
       God bless you, dear Family! We love you and often pray for your great exploits in this “era of action.” We wanted to say a big thank you to all the Homes who have sent in donations to sponsor Activated subscriptions for those who cannot afford it in Africa. We pray that the Lord will bless you a hundredfold for your generous giving. So far ne arly 450 subscriptions have been sponsored! It is inspiring to see how many people other than the recipient of the subscription get to read the Activated magazine. We have received several letters from people who have seen the magazine in other people's houses and want to get their own mailing.
       Here's a letter of appreciation from Hamadi Rajebu in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, who receives a sponsored subscription:

Dear Friends,
       How are you? How is your condition? How is Home? I hope you are i n good condition. Back to my side, I'm alright. The main purpose of this letter I'm very glad to inform you that I had received the magazine of
Activated. I like to send my thank you very much to my friend, dear friend, who sponsored me. Thanks to the generosity of different business men and women, friends and co-workers who have made donations to Activated who make me able to get a chance of receiving issues to the Activated magazine.
       Sir, God be with you and bless you through Jesus Christ. A men. Have a very happy and inspired new year.
       Your faithful friend, Hamadi Rajebu

If you wish to sponsor subscriptions for English speakers in other poor countries, such as Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, please let us know as we have received some requests from those countries. If you would like your donation to sponsor a subscription in a particular country, please specify on the TRF. Thank you so much.
       We love you. Happy Activating!

prayer request

       Dear Family, pleas e unite in prayer on behalf of Simon, Natasha (Pearl has changed her name), and Sam in the UK. As you well remember, a great victory was won in the courts for Sam (now nearly nine years old) during the BI court case, but Natasha's mother and the official appointed solicitor for Sam are making applications regarding his education and other matters. Please pray for the Lord's perfect will in this, for the strength and encouragement of Simon, Natasha, Sam and those involved, and that the matters ca n be resolved positively, and if possible without going to court.


CLE and CVC ordering from TEAM Foundation

       By Phil, at TEAM Foundation

Dear Family,
       Greetings and God bless you! There have been some changes with the CLE ordering that we'd like to share with you, but before we do, here's a thought for all you faithful and persevering teachers, caregivers and parents that we hope will encourage you: “Whatever you teach a child, through your words or through your actions, live s on forever in his or her heart” (Mottos: Nov. 15th).
       An explanation was recently published in the Grapevine about how the Family CLE desk and TEAM Foundation have merged, so that now you can order your CLE curriculum and materials from TEAM, as well as order any of the other educational products that TEAM has. We hope ordering your CLE materials via TEAM will be easier and faster for you, so that your educational needs are met even better than before! For your reference, our Grapevine articl e came out in Grapevine 101, Dec. 1, 2000.


       1) To date the Family has been receiving a 20% discount on all CLE Light Units and Answer Keys, and a 10% discount on all Teachers Materials and Supplementary Items. You can now receive this discount for your orders throughout the entire year!
       Over the past few years WS has been supporting the CLE desk and the cost for processing your orders, which involves a myriad of details and constant communications (phone calls, letters, e-mails, e tc), both with CLE and Family Homes all over the world. WS's help has been instrumental in keeping this rolling without snags and problems. Thank the Lord!
       We were recently informed that the CLE Desk is going to have to support itself, since the WS gift the CLE Desk has been receiving will be tapered off over the next couple months, due to reduced WS income. This means we have had to start figuring out ways to raise the extra funds needed to support the CLE Desk's expenses so that we can conti nue processing your orders. We need to keep this special arrangement of having the orders go through the Family CLE Desk in order for you to qualify for the above-mentioned discounts. So as of April 1, 2001, we will need to add a 3% service charge to every order for CLE materials in order to help offset the costs of running the Family CLE Desk.
       This service charge will only help cover the cost of processing your orders and administration, and would in effect only reduce your CLE discount to 17 %, rather than the 20% you get now. In other words, if you place an order for Light Units and Answer Keys of $200, your cost with a 17% discount will be: $200 - $34 = $166, instead of $160; a difference of $6 from when you were receiving the 20% discount. Once this goes into effect (April 1, 2001), we will begin adding the 3% to each CLE order. This “little bit” will go a long, long way. Thanks so much!

       2) We recently heard from the CLE office that a number of folks who are using the CLE Ful l Program have written to CLE asking about using certain CVC courses as electives towards a CLE High School diploma. We are presently in the process of working with CLE to get more of these courses recognized by their office, so that those on the CLE Full Program can use a number of CVC electives for credit towards a CLE High School diploma. We appreciate your prayers for the speedy completion of this approval process!
       At present CLE has recognized some CVC courses, however they have not yet a pproved every course. Because of this, we would like to ask all those who are planning to communicate with the CLE office about getting credit for a particular CVC course, to please first contact us at the Family CLE Desk, rather than sending your request directly to the CLE office. This will save both you and us the extra work and time communicating with the CLE office to work out your approvals, and allows us to help you directly with up-to-date answers to your CLE questions. Thank you for you r help with this. As you can imagine, this will also avoid confusion for the CLE company.

       3) The above-mentioned CLE gift was also used to cover all the different CVC services you have been receiving at no extra cost. Some of these services include: paying for postage costs for all materials like diploma requests, student card requests, etc.; providing a phone, e-mail and P.O. box for all communications and reference; the CVC Desk also provides a place where your questions and requests for c ounsel are answered.
       With the CLE gift, which has been helping the CVC desk as well, now being wound down, we would like to ask if each person could help with a $5 service fee for your CVC requests. This means that when you request diplomas, student cards, etc., we'd like to ask that you also include a $5 gift to cover the cost of processing and postage. To make this easy for those of you who live overseas, you could send in $5 cash (packaged securely), or $10 with your TRF ($10 is the minimum gift that can be sent via TRF). However, for those living in the USA or Canada, you could send this via normal mail including a money order or personal check made payable to “TEAM Foundation”. (Anyone overseas with a US bank account can do the same, by sending a personal check.) Thanks so much!

       4) We want to announce a change in the CLE e-mail address. As some of you may have noticed, we have been experiencing some difficulties with the present CLE e-mail address, and so have now changed it . Both present “excel.com” and the “aol.com” e-mail addresses for CLE will be closed by the end of April. The new e-mail address for the CLE, effective immediately for all CLE orders and any CLE questions, is cle@cvcollege.com.

       The CVC e-mail address remains the same, at cvc@cvcollege.com. TEAM Foundation's e-mail address also remains the same, at mail@teamfoundation.com.

       If you want or need to call either CLE or CVC, our phone number in the US at TEAM Foundation is (972) 953-0757. Our s nail mail address for all correspondence with CLE, CVC or TEAM is:

       Teaching, Education and More
       P.O box 165119
       Irving, TX 75016

       Thanks so much for your understanding and cooperation with all this. We are striving to make our services as big a blessing to each and as low cost as possible. Thanks again for your help!

prayer list

North America

       From Love, of Jasper (recovering from a very serious car accident, which took place two years ago): I can't begin to thank you fo r your faithfulness to pray for Jasper's recovery and have very good news to share with you. After almost two years Jasper has been successfully weaned from the trach tube. The hole in his throat is beginning to close up and the secretions that were produced from having that tube there will also eventually dry up. This is a tremendous, long-awaited victory, and the best part is that Jasper is beginning to talk-usually when he wants to express something negative like “Leave me alone” or “I don't want it,” etc.
       The therapists and doctors at his nursing home are so surprised as he has come much further than they ever thought he would. The Lord is doing a real miracle in answer to your prayers. Thank you so much! We know the Lord is going to continue to perform the miracle that He has begun. The following are specific prayer requests for Jasper's continued progress:

       1. For a meek and cooperative spirit; that Jasper's anger and frustration will subside and that he will work with those that are trying to help rehabilitate him.
       2. For the muscles in his neck and throat to be strengthened so that he will be able to eventually swallow well and efficiently-an important first step to eventually eating normal food. He just has taken his first two licks of ice cream!
       3. For his voice to become stronger and for him to make the effort to begin speaking more and expressing himself more often and not just when he's upset.
       4. Supply for the rest of the funds we will need for the wh eelchair van and that the Lord will lead me to the perfect vehicle that will work well for transporting Jasper to and fro.
       6. That as we get Jasper out and about more, his spirit will be lifted and also that the Lord will comfort him and help him to accept this very big change in his life.


       From Sweetie (problem with nervous system): Thank you so much, dear Family, for keeping me in your prayers. I'm still fighting the physical battles, but as a result of your prayers the Lord ha s helped me to learn to cope with this sickness and fight discouragement to where now I'm actually happy for the opportunity to slow down, have more prayer time, praise time and communion with the Lord. It's wonderful! Quiet Time - Your Life Saver says it all! TYJ! I would appreciate your continued prayer that I will recover, and that my body would go back to normal. Please pray specifically that I won't feel dizzy, have headaches, chest pains, difficulty breathing or muscle spasms, and that my eyes would focus well so that I can read more. The problem is with my nervous system, so once that gets back to normal everything else should fall into place, so you could just generally pray for my nervous system. Thank you so much for your prayers! I love you very much!
(of Steven): Fatigue and pains in various parts of body, as well as bowel problems.
(4, of Micaiah and Genty): Attending a school for the deaf. That his new hearing aids will be effective.
(of Jonathan) Gall stones.
: Large gall stone.
(of Mary): Has had multiple sclerosis for many years. Strength, and to be able to walk longer distances.

South America

       For the Argentine Court case to end in our favor.
       Magdalena and Martin (her son):
Prolapsed mitral valve, a type of disease or disorder of the heart.
       Lucas Francesco (2 months, of Claire):
Congenital torticollis. He's been doing neck exercises for a month, so he won't lose movement in his neck, but the results have been very minor. The treatment takes at least three months.
       Sara Ruth:
Advanced arthrosis (a degenerative disease of the joints) in the left hip, making it very painful to walk.
       Miguelito (4, of José and Clara):
Hernia in one of his testicles, which is painful when he exerts himself too much. That he can control his urination at night while sleeping.
       Blanca (of Andrés):
Tumor in neck.
       Juan (15, of Francisco and Beatriz):
Unable to open his fingers due to a malformation.


“Remembe r Our Teachers” Day

       We'd like to dedicate this Grapevine feature to all you hardworking teachers and caretakers in the Family. (Thanks Jaz, for the idea!) The Lord also gave the suggestion that you can decide on a day sometime in March this year to honor this special breed of people in your midst. Here's what He said:
I have a whole army of children who are growing up to serve Me, and their care and education is top priority in My books. Therefore let the teachers and caretakers be honored.
       My Family can make a special effort to make the teachers and caretakers feel loved and appreciated. The mothers and fathers have a special day, on Mother's Day and Father's Day, so this day [whatever day your Home decides] can be especially for those others who dedicate most of their time to caring for the children-whether the children are babies, toddlers, YCs, MCs, OCs or JETTs. Make sure that if JETTs in your Home help on childcare on a regular basis, that they are duly appreciated too!
       Each Home can ask Me for some special little token of appreciation you can give to the teachers and caretakers. It doesn't have to be something material. You can prepare breakfast in bed for all of them, or arrange a candlelight dinner-without the little kids-or you could give them a little allowance and they could all go out for the afternoon somewhere. There are many ideas, and I want to give your Home an idea especially suited to your situation. You can make it a surprise! The main go al is to make those special people in your Home feel just that-special! (End of prophecy.)

Contribute to “Remember Our Teachers”

       We'd like to invite all, kids and young people and adults alike, to write us with any anecdotes or words or poems of appreciation you might have up your sleeve in honor of our Family teachers and caretakers. If you send them to us, we'll post them on the MO site, in a special “Remember Our Teachers” Day section. Thanks! Don't delay, write today, so that all our wonderful teachers and caretakers worldwide can log on and have a taste of how much they mean to us all! WLY!

The Highest Praise

By Jaz
       I had an interesting experience not too long ago: I moved Homes. Now you might wonder what on earth that has to do with appreciating our wonderful teachers and caretakers, but let me follow this train of thought for a minute. And to do that, I'll need to backtrack even further.
       When my first daughter, Kimberly, was a year and a half old, a very special p erson came to our Home to help teach and take care of her and baby-to-come, so that I could give more time to my pubs work. Roxy was 19 years old and fresh from the world of outreach, pioneering and other zany and exciting adventures. But she fit right in with my little two-year-old, rooming with her while I went on to have a new baby-and all the joys that that entails.
       I won't say that I didn't appreciate Roxy while I was there, because I very much did. But I think the full realization probab ly didn't dawn on me until I left-just how much she really did. Day in and day out, rain or shine, happy or sad, she was there for those two little rascals, for the nearly two years until we left. She saw them through all their milestones, and she loved them just like a mother.
       We've been gone now for almost a year, but Roxy still lives on strong in Kimberly's little life. She lives on in the teacher doll that was gleefully named after her. She lives on in the letters that Kimby continues to w rite or dictate to her every couple of weeks, and in the endless drawings that are labeled “for Roxy.” She lives on in the little sighs that come every now and then when Kimby will look at me and mournfully say, “Mommy, when are we going to see Roxy again? I miss her!” And most of all, she lives on in everything that she has taught and imparted to these little girls.
       And isn't that the true glory of it all, anyway?-Whether or not those children are our own, they have been entrusted to us-just us-right into our hands, and they will become whatever we make of them. It's an awesome responsibility, and also a terrific challenge. Because being a teacher in the Family is not just about knowing and being able to impart the 3Rs and the 3Gs. No. It's so very much more.
       Being a teacher and childcare worker is about those children becoming exactly what you are. It's about shaping not only their minds, but their hearts. It's about molding not only their intellect, but their character. It's abo ut teaching them not just to learn, but to live.
       Every now and then I would look at Roxy and think to myself, “If Kimberly turned out exactly like her-the same cheerful spunk, the same sweet and outgoing concern for others, the same deep dedication and love for the Lord-I would be more than happy.” And that's really the highest praise that one can give any teacher-don't you think?

The History of Family Teachers

By Kevin
       Once upon a time, before us spring-chicken SGAs were even a revoluti onary sparkle in our revolutionary mother's revolutionary eye (heck, she may not have even read Revolutionary Love Making yet), the Lord called a certain revolutionary individual out of the world to be the Family's very first teacher. Can you guess who that was? No, Uncle Jim came way later. Another guess? That's right, it was none other than Dad-an experienced mentor, gifted with the ability to hold the attention of even the most drugged, catatonic hippie, whose diet consisted primarily of hemp leaves and rainwater.
       From years of experience, Dad knew the key to gaining the ear of the young, lonely, searching, counterculture children of flower-power fame: He would stand three inches from their ears and yell, “IT'S A REVOLUTION!!” and almost without exception his young students' uncombed hair would stand on end and they would respond with a resounding “FOR JESUS!!” Not only was this the first coherent sentence some of them had formulated for some time, but it also kindled a fire in th eir hearts and caused them to funnel their radical anti-System energies into showing the world salvation and boldly proclaiming the end of the world while wearing large potato sacks, which during the seventies were considered highly fashionable, especially in the bell-bottom variety.
       For the next several years Dad spent the bulk of his time teaching, educating and shepherding an ever-growing band of young people, who as it turns out, found members of the opposite sex extremely attractive in be ll-bottomed potato sacks. Suddenly, without warning, and faster than anyone could say “heavy, man,” scruffy-haired little hippie children began appearing everywhere, crying during Uncle Ephron's Bible classes, de-tuning the only three strings left on the guitar before inspiration, unraveling the Colony's last toilet paper roll and many other outstanding acts of the revolution.
       This was an adjustment for the Family of that day, but it had its advantages: Many formerly happy-go-lucky, foot-loose -and-fancy-free, rebuke-the-System-with-a-megaphone young men and women suddenly caught the vision that someone needed to stay home and start teaching these little monkeys the “three R's”-Reading, wRiting and Running circles around any churchy Systemites by quoting the book of Leviticus backwards in the original Hebrew.
       Of course, it was Dad himself who encouraged the educating of our children, as well as the creation of some far-out teaching aids by the first members of WS. One such aid was t he Mo Lion Reader series. It's a little hazy, but I vaguely remember the text of one of the first readers:
       “God is love. Love is God. See the hippie run. See the hippie jump. See the hippie flail his arms and legs during inspiration. See the hippie squat an abandoned schoolhouse and turn it in to a spanking new Colony...”
       Or something similar, anyway.
       In addition, the Childcare Handbook was, and to a certain degree continues to be, a milestone teaching aid, providing Family teachers with a basic curriculum, as well as new parents with tips for how to avoid ending up in a mental institution. From paging through these books I also learned some invaluable parenting skills, such as the right way to pump breast milk.
       Being counted among the first one or two hundred Family children, I must say that I am forever indebted to the young men and women who poured into me in spite of my behavior, which was in many ways similar to that of a raving lunatic that drinks coffee. (And if you're r eading this, dear Hagarene I'm-a-Toilet, I can never express how sorry I am for stuffing your brand new Bible into the exhaust pipe of the Colony bus, one page at a time. I guess I was just curious.) You old-time teachers made a lasting mark on the world, and we are now some of the on-fire witnessers, fund-raisers, shepherds, parents, chefs, silly column writers and of course, teachers in the Family.-And that leads me to the next historical event in the history of Family teachers.
       As time prog ressed, our population of children increased and we gradually began hearing comments from parents such as, “Do we have 17 or 18 kids now?” or “Who's that little kid, honey? He sure looks like me.” It soon became evident that an efficient way to educate the children was to group them together under the same roof with some of the most proficient teachers and professional doo-doo diaper washers. Thus were started the first school Homes, which were eventually nicknamed “Combos” because it was during the period of fading hippie trends when hair combing became more mainstream.
       The interesting thing about Combos was that a great percentage of the teachers happened to be grown-up versions of the toilet paper unraveling, guitar detuning children who had triggered the creation of the Family's now flourishing education system. Now between 10 and 18 years old, some were proficiently teaching dozens of children at a time, while also having plenty of time to continue their own studies and get deme rits for knocking over the Home's 200-gallon drinking water supply while horsing around with a member of the opposite sex.
       Furthermore, the Family's education professionals (read “teachers”) began seeing the need for new and updated material. Apparently it was suggested that the Mo Lion Readers be replaced when some children began wondering if Grandpa was indeed a man with a large lion head. Don't laugh-I actually thought that when I was a kid, but maybe I'm the only one.
       Once again, WS was there to fill the need, producing an abundance of material for both teachers and children. The Activity Book series was well used by parents who desperately needed art project ideas to keep their kids busy in a constructive manner. While parents were working for the Lord, children could now busy themselves with highly engaging projects, such as creating dozens of delightful little singing angels out of freshly completed TRFs and pasting them all over the neighbor's Mercedes with super glue.
       Ev entually, the GAP video series-a sophisticated multimedia experience-was created for both teachers and children alike. Fittingly, “GAP” stood for “Giddy Adults Productions,” which described the high levels of excitement and intensity used to get the attention of two-year-olds (who have an average attention span of three to four seconds). Family education professionals discovered that high pitched shrills accompanied by the elevating of the eyebrows and the clapping of hands were most effective, particularly when wearing a black wig.
       For example, the most effective way to teach toddlers baby quotes was something like this:

       “God is LOOOOVE!”
       “Yeahhhhhh! [Clap, clap.]”

       “Jesus heals MEEEEEEE!”
       “Yeahhhhhh! [Clap, clap.]”

       “Say please and THANK YOOUUUUUU!”
       “Yeahhhhhh! [Clap, clap.]”

       “Use four wash basins and six rinse basins when setting up a DISHLIIIIIIIIIIIIINE”
       “Yeahhhhhhhh! That's SO GOOOOOOOOD, Johnny! [Clap, clap, adjust wig, clap, clap.]”

       As peculiar as th ese methods may seem, they worked; furthermore, I've noticed many teachers still use them (though wigs are more rare these days).
       Another noteworthy and more recent addition to the Family's library of teaching material was the “CVC course,” which stands for “Christian Vocational Course course,” of course. This ingenious program was conceived to provide teenagers and young adults, who had sometimes already been working for years as a competent teacher, artist, handyman, video editor, and so on, with the opportunity to hone their vocational skills and receive accreditation. The CVC course is comprehensive, but I was dismayed to discover that the CVC had limits, and I won't be receiving a diploma for several of my outstanding skills, such as turning a clothespin into a rock hurling pistol or making my son's favorite monkey sound.
       And here we are at the dawn of a new millennium, and from the smell coming from the changing table across the room, it doesn't appear to me that our baby boo m has subsided. Here's where I would normally insert some kind of intriguing stat, such as how many red-headed children we have in proportion to teachers who engage in nude skydiving, but suffice it to say, teachers are among the most important vocations in the Family, and we can never have enough of them.
       So if you feel like you have a teaching itch to scratch, whether it be fulltime or for an hour or two a week, then what are you waiting for? Reach over there and do some scratching-and you'l l find yourself oohing and aahing at the pleasure of seeing a child grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. I'd better end this paragraph before it sounds any cornier, but I hope you get the point, catch the vision, grasp the concept and scratch the itch (uh-oh, there I go again).
       I think we all need to realize that everyone has something to give. Even if you find yourself periodically referring to the glossary at the end of the Heaven's Library color book series, you may be an expert musician who can give weekly kettledrum or triangle lessons. Or even if your singing breaks glass and kills small insects, you may know an awful lot about planets and space travel, and can provide little boys with subject matter for literally hours of space-out time on the toilet.
       And finally, let's give a big hand for our wonderful education professionals, who give their lives for our children on a daily basis. You not only give them fish, but teach them to fish. You not only educate them, bu t sometimes swing from chandeliers, speak in a German accent, and circle the room like a red Indian in order to help kids remember the lesson. You not only show them parental love and affection, but do so even after watching your favorite pen descend the toilet bowl in a circular motion.
       Great is your reward in Heaven, dear teachers. And I think it's just terrific that we are dedicating a day this year to celebrate your sacrifices of love. Let's give our teachers the credit and appreciation th ey deserve. Many of us wouldn't be here if it weren't for them, and I'd still probably be wondering if lions really could talk and write MO Letters.

Secrets of a report card

By Chandra
       I flipped through my old school records recently and smiled. I noted the scrawl of each of my teachers. Some were elegantly minute and required a magnifying glass, others were a random, illegible script because my report card was likely the twentieth in the stack. I had kept steady grades throughout school, but it wasn't that knowledge that brought a smile to my face. Rather I was remembering the imprint on my life the authors of those fading credits and school term assessments had made.
       I was schooled at home, and I usually had a different teacher every six months or less. The background din of my classroom was that of a baby crying or the clatter of pots in the kitchen. The home setting and the constant change of teachers didn't matter to me, though, because I loved learning. Exactly what I enj oyed about school? … Everything! And I owe that to my excellent teachers.
       I wasn't an outstandingly brilliant student, I was a plodder. When I excelled in some subject it was because I studied hard. Yet it was the enthusiasm of my teachers, and the way they managed to interest me in the most tedious subjects that compelled me to learn. Teaching came more natural to some than to others, but each of my teachers put forth a noble effort and I believe they succeeded.
       I don't know where I would b e today if it weren't for my faithful teachers. Because of their belief that I could learn, a feeling of confidence and satisfaction was born in me, and it helped me to face the world and understand it better.
       When I was thirteen, I had a teacher whose enthusiasm lay in English and math. I did well in English, but never felt compelled to learn more than the minimum in math. However, this teacher ignited in me a passion for the subject. It wasn't long before I found myself working through a sta ck of math pages on Sundays of my own choice … I wanted to be an accountant! He had brought to life a whole interest in learning that I never knew existed in me.
       A couple years ago I helped school the children of one of my former teachers. One day she told me something: “I think many young people fail to realize what an impact they've had on the lives of the younger ones they've cared for. The little things of teaching them and helping them learn; they all make a difference. You'll understand it one day.”
       I do understand it now, but with a twist. I realize that all my teachers have had an impact on my life whether they were fill-ins or on the long haul. All I can say is thank you, dear teachers, for helping to place the foundation stones of my life!

It's just the little things…

By Kayla
       I'm a scrawny, asthmatic eight-year-old living in India with my family in the early eighties. An old family friend has visited, and she informs me with a smile that she took care of me when I was a baby. I feel a special link with her. As she reminisces with my parents, I kneel behind her and silently braid her honey-colored hair. It's my first braid ever, and it's quite loose and impractical, to say the least. But when I'm finished and I ask her how she likes it, she places a hand at the back of her head and then says, “It's nice! It feels comfortable.” An eight-year-old who's not much good at anything gains a sense of being able to help others in little ways.
       In another place and time, also in India, we go for an all-day outing up a local “mountain” with a thousand stone steps. (My asthma forces me to rest often!) When we reach the top, we explore an old and fascinating museum. Many years ago it was a magnificient palace, and we observe some of the lifestyle of Indian royalty in the carefully preserved, fully furnished rooms. The immaculate gardens give a sense of the richness and splendor the palace once boasted.
       The next day my teacher asks us children to write an e ssay about our excursion. I am completely absorbed in the project, thinking hard about it and then writing painstakingly in clear print every event of the day, from the beginning of our hike at the foot of the mountain, to the monkeys that ate our proffered peanuts during the climb, to the massive fierce statue of a warrior at the entrance of the palace, and of course, the palace itself.
       I'm pleased with my essay, yet listen with great interest as my teacher gently explains to me that it's bet ter when writing not to overuse the word “then.” I look over my essay and only then realize that every single sentence begins with that word.
       “What do we use instead of 'then'?” I ask. She suggests some alternatives, and I like the way they sound. It's a new concept to me, and one of the many lessons that eventually leads me into a writing and editing ministry.
       Yes, just little things, so many little things-little approving smiles from teachers or caretakers when I discovered something new, helping hands when I struggled with something difficult, the little moments of time when I had a question I just had to ask. I always had so many questions! Thank you to every teacher and caretaker who ever took the time to help me, as a little girl, in little ways. Those little bits of input all added up and affected me in a big way.

Quotes throughout feature.

       (Jesus:) Teachers-those people who sacrifice their independence, their time, and their energy to pour into My little ones-are some of the most noble on the face of the earth.

       (Jesus:) Being a teacher requires a sense of humor, kindness, patience, love, longsuffering, understanding and love for life. A teacher has all these things without being noticed on the world stage, which adds yet one more wonderful attribute to their characters.-Humility.

       (Jesus:) Being a teacher requires having a vision for the future. Most of mankind struggles to win victories for today, but a teacher struggles to win victories for tomorrow. It is to such people we owe our future.

       (Jesus:) Teachers are some of the least thanked people. Children are often too young to realize the energy their teachers are expending on their behalf. Parents are often too busy to realize the time and thought teachers pour into the care of their children. People with other ministries are often too absorbed in their own daily struggles to notice what hard work the teachers have on their plates. But I see. I know. I admire you, My wonderful teachers, and I will reward you with great recognition one day. Then everyone will know the price you paid.

       (Jesus:) When you plant a seed and a tiny green blade pushes through the soil, do you decide “This plant is not worth my time and attention until it has grown strong and tall”? No. You are even more careful with the watering and tendering of this tiny creation when it is so young and delicate.
       Even so, I thank each one of you who care for the tiny creations-babies, toddlers, young children-th at have been entrusted to your care. To many people, their care is unimportant. [Children] may not talk, walk, or seem to understand much. But I thank you for caring so diligently for these, My priceless creations.
       I promise that not one drop of your time, training, teaching and caring is wasted. Some day when that tiny shoot becomes a strong and graceful tree, and people marvel at it, you can know that you played a crucial part in the life of that creation.

       (Jesus:) Teachers and caregiver s: Love them, encourage them, lend a helping hand to them, offer them a bit of time off, give them recognition in the Home, be a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on when they need it, provision a special outing for them once in a while, and convince them that they are an important part of your work. You wouldn't survive without them.


       Joy Australia
, please contact Michelle at Aaronissa@hotmail.com. Been trying to find you for years. I'm Lekisha's older sister.

       Fidel and Fu lness
, please contact Lekisha from San Francisco at Spankyou17@yahoo.com.

       This is Priscilla PI, looking for Solomon and Praise PI. Can you please write me at this e-mail ad: swm707@csi.com.ph or C.R. Jamero, P.O. Box 36221, Agora Village East Complex, 1900 Cainta, Rizal, Philippines. Looking forward to hearing from you.

       Ex Jeremias Don Quixote, now Tiago, would like to get in touch with Josias musician and Sarah. Famsalvador@aol.com.

       Esther Maria
, daughter of Spanish Meekness, used to live in Brazil. Please write me at kullconanboy@aol.com.

       Any FMers
in South Texas, anywhere in the U.S. or Latin America please get in touch with me asap. I need your fellowship! I also would like to work with you, DV. I'm a single male, 57. Please get in touch. 361-946-3969 or 852-1990. Albert l. Roach, P.O. Box 7655, Corpus Christi, TX. E-mail:peterlovebug@hotmail.com.

       Former member - seeking contact

       Robert G. (Nathaniel Ira) and Craig M. (Ezekiel Farmer), please get in touch wit h Amos Summers (Joseph Gatto) at: 1207 Union St. Schenectady, NY - 12308. Thanks a lot!

help wanted

Dear Family!
       We are Aaron and Esther with two kids (6 ½ and 4 ½). We've known the Family for more than 10 years, and for the last three years we've been FM. During that time we have done witnessing, litnessing, provisioning, helping in orphanages, hospitals and other institutions. Also we did performances for Christmas or just dressed as clowns while giving balloons to kids.

       The Lord has shown us through prophecy, revelations, dreams, etc., that He wants us to join the Family in full service, forsake our System jobs, leave this place and be 100% missionaries for Him. We first thought to go to South America, but it seemed impossible to go so far from Poland.-Impossible for man, but not for the Lord. We confirmed this with the Lord and He assured us about it.
       Step by step we've done what He was saying. We had to find a Home which would receive us. It seemed it wouldn't be so ea sy, since many Homes are “over personneled.” What a surprise when a Home from Ecuador invited us with open arms. We cried tears of joy, especially as it was in answer to the first letter we wrote. Nothing is impossible with Jesus.
       As of today we have all our documents with which we'll go to ask for visas. The Lord is still doing many miracles, opening closed doors, giving us tons of promises, helping us to prepare all things-there is only one thing left. It is money which we need for tickets. Here in Poland monthly wages are only enough for everyday life and bills, so we can't save anything. Also we don't have opportunities to raise funds. We've asked some friends to help, and a few of them said they would give, but we don't know how much. The whole amount we need is US$3,000. If somebody can help we'll be very thankful, especially since it will help to change our whole lives completely. Our joining will be like being born again. If you can't help, then please pray for us, because we believe very much in the power of prayer.
       PS. Please send your gifts via your TRF to Aaron and Esther, PO 190. If somebody wants to write us, here is our e-mail address: aroest@poczta.wp.pl.
       -With love Aaron, Esther, David and Karolina

       I'd like to make a request for funds for the Home in Beira, Mozambique. [They had a serious accident involving most of the kids in the Home and in which their vehicle was written off. One of the children has been in the hospital for three weeks now, and t he hospital bill comes to $100 per day.] They could really use some serious financial help. Their CTP projects involve: work at the local prison and hospital, postering and witnessing and Bible studies with a sweet church. Anything that you'd be able to help with, even on a regular basis would be a real blessing. Send your gifts via South African VS, to Beira Home! Thank you.-Carter

Dear Family,
       We are Chris and Windy, Robin and Autumn and little Stuart. We have just come to Kingston, Jamai ca, to pioneer a work here. So far we've found a lovely little house to make a home, and have started to go witnessing every day. But taking the bus, while a great way to see the sights (as in druggies, bums, hawkers, etc.), is very exhausting and time-consuming. We could really use a vehicle. Things are rather expensive here, as everything is imported. But we know the Lord will supply, as we're faithful to serve Him. Could you help with a donation towards getting a car? We need around US$2,000. If you'd like a newsletter, e-mail us your address at robinmolinski@netc.pt. Thank you! Much Love!! JM3000

       We are Arthur and Thai Meekness and have worked in Thailand for the past 20 years. In the last 13 years Arthur has helped with the NPC and Meekness with the Thai Lit-Pic. This year Arthur's aging parents have asked us to visit them in New Zealand. We are working on raising funds for this trip, however, with limited means and time apart from our ministries to be able to raise funds, we would be very thankful for any financial help for this visit. TYSM! (Gifts can be sent to Art/Meekness c/o ASCRO via your TRFs.)


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up


Ed Harris, Anne Heche
       While investigating whether a laywoman should be considered as a candidate for sainthood, a disillusioned Catholic priest finds himself questioning his own faith and seeking answers.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Nicolas Cage , Tea Leoni, Don Cheadle

       A single Wall Street businessman and workaholic wakes up on Christmas morning to find himself in an alternate life.


Bruce Willis, Emily Mortimer
       At 39 years old, Russel Duritz has a life that most men would envy-he has a great job, is respected (and feared), has a beautiful house and makes buckets of money. But everything comes at a cost, in this case no social life, no conscience and a fear of spending the rest of his life alone. He just needs som eone to show him the way.

Movies Rated for YCs and Up

Jay North, Martin Milner

       When Chris Carlyle's family leaves their farm for the city, Chris must give his pet puma up to the local zoo. When Chris discovers the terrible conditions that the animals are being kept in, he manages to find a way to set all of the creatures free, much to the dismay of the local residents.


The Third Miracle

       (Jesus:) This movie ministers faith-not in the church sys tem, but in Me and My simple spirit and the purity of My love. It shows the crisis of faith that this priest has, and how because of his sincerity and wanting to find Me, I showed Myself to him. It shows clearly the struggles and doubts that some have, and also exposes the hypocrisy of the church. Movies that deal with matters of faith can be delicate, and of course not everything portrayed here is 100% the way it should be, but on the overall it gives a good message and is uplifting, as well as interesting.

The Family Man

       (Jesus:) This movie shows how love, concern and unselfishness can change a person. It shows what might happen if someone was given another chance to start his life again. Love, compassion and giving are always the solutions for a happy life-not only for your own benefit, but also for the happiness of those around you.
       The man in this movie has to go through a lot of humiliation and breaking before he realizes that the simple things of life are what are importa nt, not money or wealth or authority. It's a sweet story you'll enjoy watching, and it will touch your heart and inspire you to reach out to others.

The Kid

       (Jesus:) This sweet movie really shows the futility of the push, push, push for prestige and for power. It illustrates that a fine house, a great job, an advanced education and a fancy car cannot buy love and happiness. It brings out that the simple things in life-loving others, taking time to enjoy My creation, and being kind-are the t hings that matter. Although the emphasis in the movie was on clearing up past events, reconciling with your family, and being honest with yourself, the part I liked best was how it showed that life can be fun, if you just don't push for the wrong things. Keep on living for the good things, the happy things, the loving things, and you will have a wonderful, happy life in Me.

Zebra in the Kitchen

       (Jesus:) Let your children enjoy the good clean humor of this movie, with antics of the animals, and the joy they have to bring to the children. It would be wise to explain to the children that many of these animals would normally be more dangerous than the ones shown in the movie, so that they don't think it funny to try petting or spooking an animal in the zoo, which can be very dangerous. But a word of explanation about the animals and the little boy's behavior should be sufficient, and then the kids can enjoy this movie and the excitement of the chase and the funny antics of the humans and animals alike.


       “Minimizing ungodly influences” does not mean minimizing it down to
       a button on your taskbar. It means not running the program at all.

15 people to the mission field!

By Sarah (of David), formerly in Australia, now in Pakistan
       We arrived in Pakistan two weeks ago after having left the subcontinent (India) twelve years ago. We are so thankful for the Family here so warmly receiving us!
       The Lord did SO MANY MIRACLES to get us here! First I would like to thank the couple who wrote an article regarding getting back to the mission field who made a simple but profound comment, the gist being: “Until we made getting to the mission field top priority, we just didn't make any headway.” This quote echoed in my ears (and heart) for months until we finally decided to put the Lord to the test (ha!) and see if these things be true! Of course, you can see by this testimony, the Lord passed the test … HO, HO! So THANK YOU, even though I can't remember who!
       Another incentive was the very sweet note from our CRO's (GBY, Jeff and Sweetie, and all. WRLY and TG for all your sweet and loving counsel over the years.) The note was asking the Australian brethren what our plans for the future were.
       Well, we'd just signed a 12-month lease on a new house with our projected plan of leaving Australia in 12 months (around March or April 2001.) Oh my, I wondered many times over the next months about the Lord's “lack of foresight” in having us sign for this ov er-priced white elephant which at the time was the ONLY open door for our rather large 14-member Home who needed a new Home immediately.
       The amazing thing was, by the time we got up enough nerve to commit ourselves to a departure date then give notice, the Lord laid on the landlord's heart to take over our house almost the exact same day. Then just to show just what a miracle it was, once we agreed to the date we would officially close the house, the landlord changed his mind and put the house up for rent again! We called it a miracle! The real-estate agent could only say: “Really weird!”
       The Lord did so much for us in the next five months. We were amazed at the Lord's faithfulness to answer as soon as we prayed! We just had to get our boat into motion for the Lord to have a vacuum to fill. One reason we hesitated was that our finances were still very limited, but we were just astounded how the Lord almost doubled our money overnight. I believe one issue the Lord really blessed was the Home working together to get everyone (15 people) overseas.
       For the record, for anyone else struggling to get overseas with a big family: Your conviction may only seem like a flutter of the wings of an elusive butterfly, but as you just step out and follow that little tiny twinge of conviction, if the Lord's in it at all, it will grow and grow and grow.
       The Lord told us: “Zero in on your goal, cut back on your lifestyle.” In other words, don't do anything that isn't for the purpose of l eaving the country and getting to the mission field! The goal just seemed impossible, but as we took one day at a time, the Lord would tell us what to do. As long as we obeyed, He did miracle after miracle!

Siberia to Ethiopia!

By Daniel Mountain, Ethiopia

       My Siberian wife Lana (then 7 months pregnant), my 17-year-old daughter Jessica, Daniel (3½) and Marianna (1½) and I arrived here in April 2000 from Siberia. Here are excerpts of our first two newsletters:

Laborers are few

       One poi nt that stuck out to me in our monumental move from Siberia (where I had been for just over 8 years) to Ethiopia is how indeed the laborers worldwide are so few.-Otherwise why would the Lord call us from vast Siberia, which at the time had only three Homes? We knew the Russian field and language and love it, but He very unexpectedly asked us to come to this country of 60 million people (and noFamily Home)!

Miraculous visas

       We were informed by the Consul of one Ethiopian Embassy that the lo ngest visa we could get was one month, then a three-month extension. However, after much prayer and hearing from Him we all received one-year visas!

The Lord-our ever present Team Leader

       In late April I arrived at Addis Ababa's international airport alone, at nine in the evening, with no one to greet me. (Jessica, Lana and kids arrived about eight days later. They received permission from the airlines to freely bring nearly 200 kilos of luggage, and the stewardesses moved them up to busines s class so they could all sit together on this crowded flight!)
       Thank God I was not actually alone. My Team Leader told me to go to a certain bookshop. There, in one Western magazine, I found a two-page article on Addis Ababa. It spoke of the oldest hotel in Ethiopia (recently privatized) and its “young dynamic manager.” The Lord said He wanted me to go to this hotel and meet this person.
       The young manager (in her twenties) was very surprised to hear of this article. She indeed has proven to be very dynamic and in fact, our closest friend to date in the city. Although she is not the owner, she was able to give me (and then a week later, my family) a very reasonable hotel rate. She has also given us good counsel. And by staying at the hotel we have met many people who have gotten saved and who we will have the opportunity to meet again.

Working with street kids

       After just a few days in the hotel I was invited by the editor-in-chief of one of the city's most popular English lang uage newspaper to a special Easter program for street children. Little did I realize that I was part of the program! I was introduced as a missionary who had just arrived from Siberia and I was asked to say whatever I would like to the street children.
       I threw up a quick prayer and the Lord showed what to do: I had the street children (with the help of a translator) act out the Easter story. One was Jesus, others were angels, Roman soldiers, and so on. In this way these kids could clearly unde rstand the miracle of Jesus' resurrection and all of them received the Lord!
       Since then I have been seeing these kids a couple days each week and they still remember the parts they all played.-One I still call “Jesus,” another “angel,” and so on.

Chance invitation to wedding of Prime Minister's brother
Weddings in Ethiopia are weeklong events! First there is the main wedding party, and during the week there are wedding parties for the groom's relatives and friends, then the bride's relati ves and friends, then another one thrown by the friends of the bride and groom. At our hotel one evening we met an older man who invited us to his nephew's wedding. After praying about it, Jessica received that we should go, as we would meet some influential people there.
       After a short time there our hotel manager friend told us that the groom was the Prime Minister's brother and that the man who had invited us was the Prime Minister's uncle and then she pointed out the Prime Minister's mother and others. The uncle was very kind to us throughout the wedding. He gave us his phone number and said that he would like to know us better and introduce us to some of his family (he only told us later about their being the Prime Minister's relatives).
       As the only white people at the wedding party, we did not go unnoticed. During a time of traditional dancing, Jessica impressed all with her quick learning skill, and the Prime Minister's brother (up on a stage with his bride, both sitting and dressed in traditional elaborate wedding outfits), seeing my awkward moves, gave a “thumbs up” sign to encourage my efforts.
       A little while later the uncle told me that I should introduce myself to the bride and groom. Going up to them on the stage I told them that we were missionaries recently arrived from Siberia. I showed him a few photos of my kids and then I asked if I could pray for their marriage and say a special prayer with them. He got excited about this idea and immediately asked th e hall's video man to film it. I prayed for them and then I led them in a prayer to receive the Lord. Just before leaving the hall the Prime Minister's brother said that he hoped we would meet again.
The PM's uncle was so happy to meet with us again. We met him at a hotel restaurant where he told us more about himself. He spoke of the street children's work he has been involved in and about his faith in Jesus. Despite being the PM's uncle he tries to lead a more humble style of life and even told us at one point, “I do not say to others that I am the Prime Minister's uncle. The most important thing is Jesus!” He said that he believes as is written on the sticker in his car, “I can make it in Jesus' name.”
       Before parting, he thanked us for coming to encourage people's faith in his country and then offered to drive us to wherever we needed to go next. In the car I gave him part of my testimony and when he pulled over I asked if he'd ever asked Jesus personally into his heart an d life. He humbly bowed his head and prayed with me. With a big smile on his face and putting his hand on his heart he said, “To say such a prayer with you is such a blessing for me. The words and the prayer are with me and I will not forget it. Thank you.”

Hitchhiking a key

       Being the only hitchhikers in the city, we have been picked up by one precious person after another. Before leaving each car, we share that as missionaries we like to leave them with a little prayer. This results in nea rly every person praying to receive the Lord.
       Through hitchhiking so far, we have met a government official, UN workers, aid agency persons, a factory owner, a children's doctor, an embassy official and worker, just to name a few. Most of them leave us with their name cards, hoping to meet again! Through both hitchhiking and people we have met at the hotel, nearly 150 persons have received the Lord during the first month!

Famine averted
One week before arriving here, the first major artic les of famine in Ethiopia were coming out in international publications (the United Nations defines famine as when 50% or more of the population in an area of a country will die within 3 to 4 weeks without proper aid). It is the fifth time famine has struck Ethiopia in the last 30 years (the Ethiopian famine of 1984-1985 claimed nearly 800,000 lives). This year it was estimated that 8 to 10 million persons were at risk in Ethiopia.
       We joined in prayer with many people of this country and short ly afterwards the rain came steadily (and unexpectedly) upon the main drought-affected areas (we read one unconfirmed report of it actually raining fish in one particular drought-stricken area)! This, coupled with international donations of food aid, seems to be averting what could have been a much more serious crisis.

Pray for peace

       War between Ethiopia and Eritrea broke out just 3 weeks after our arrival. Much commentary could be made here but due to the sensitivity any such conflict brin gs, it will have to suffice to say that the cost of human life in this conflict is already staggering, with estimates of over 100,000 soldiers killed. This is a war between brethren, as the Eritreans and the Tigray people of northern Ethiopia are blood related and have the same language and customs. (Ethiopia's PM is Tigran.) In fact, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia and Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki are cousins. Please pray along with us that the current peace will hold.

We came by faith and remain by faith

       The Lord supplied a beautiful home for us. It has a big lawn for the children and is in one of the nicest residential areas of the city. Compared to the low Siberian rentals it is expensive (nearly $600 per month), but we understand that it is a reasonable rent compared with several other countries in Africa.
       We came to Ethiopia by faith as the Lord supplied the funds for our tickets, this early stage at a hotel, and for the first six months (advance payment) ren t … but now the miracles of supply will have to continue!

God's supply by “sitting still”

       On June 28 we moved into our beautiful new home! We have rented it for 7 months, as that is when the owner will return from the States. We had to pay the full term of our contract in advance and after paying this amount we had only $400 dollars left, but the Lord encouraged us to keep seeking first the Kingdom of God by feeding and following up on His sheep.
       He also told us to have a two-day period t o fast and pray. By obeying His call to “cease from our own works,” we began to immediately witness the Lord's wonderful works. During those two days, two friends came over. One brought over a donation, new clothing, shoes, and household items, and another came with a donation and a sweet note. (We had not asked either person for help.)
       Here is an excerpt of that note:
       “I am sure and confident that God will provide more in the future so that I can help you to achieve the missions and objecti ves that God has set forth through you.
       “You taught me how to walk with God by having strong faith in Him. I can see how He works through you. Our coming together, somehow I believe, has all been arranged by Him and I am glad He did so.”

Fruitful follow-up

       This month we held a birthday party for our hotel manager friend and her cousin-a friend who, despite being a Muslim, has been coming over to our Home nearly nightly. We've been invited over to the homes of several new friends, and this has led to most of them and their families receiving the Lord.
       In one of those homes the husband told us that through the 17 years they suffered under communism (until 1991) they had learned a lesson to have private Bible studies. He asked us if we could give one on the spot to him and his family. This may develop in the future to giving Bible studies to them and their friends!
       LNF: Our dear Muslim friend has continued to come over regularly. Despite being very successful and having many fr iends, he chooses to come often after his work to come see us. This month (without our asking) he helped us to complete our children's room (buying a carpet and hiring a painter), bought some monthly shopping, and just recently bought the newest additions to our Home-three parrots! He also took us for a free day to a popular resort 115 kilometers outside of Addis Ababa. The countryside on the way there was beautiful with rolling hills, beautiful trees, and it was so green everywhere. At the reso rt we bathed in volcanic spring water (yes, it was hot!), and we got our first views of some African wildlife with hyenas crossing the road and monkeys and apes galore! But best of all on this trip were the precious souls who got saved at the resort-”instant in season, out of season!”
       Four years ago this friend was a big party goer and was a bit on the wild side, but after taking a trip to Pakistan with a friend he became a lot more serious about his Muslim faith. He feels that Allah brought u s together. He told us that Muslims and Christians do not usually form such close friendships here but that he knows it is Allah. We witness prayerfully as it is a bit sensitive, but at the same time he respects our convictions.

       Just recently he told us, “I thank God I met you. Before I never thought about Jesus. A week ago I bought a New Testament and I've been comparing it with the Koran every day after work. Please pray for him also, as recently the Enemy has been fighting him in his busine ss, family, and most recently through his health (kidney stones).
       If the Lord lays it on your heart and you have the opportunity to help us with a donation in this initial pioneering of Ethiopia, we would greatly appreciate it! Any donations could be sent to Daniel Mountain and team, Ethiopia via your TRF report, and any e-mail can be sent to us via the East African ABM.
       We'd appreciate your prayers as well. One prayer request we have is for the right laborers to join us. Do you have the bur den? WLY!

Interesting facts about Ethiopia:

       Ethiopia is referred to (including references to Queen Sheba) in at least 18 different Books (15 O.T./3 N.T.) and 36 different chapters! Can you find them? (For the first three people who can send us at least 75% of the books, chapters, and verses referring to Ethiopia, we will send a simple Ethiopian remembrance! (Please send us your P.O. box and/or e-mail address!)

       The capital of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa) at an altitude of 2,400 meters is the 3rd highest capital city in the world, which unlike much of Africa gives it a very moderate average temperature of 16 degrees C. (often very pleasant at 20 to 25 degrees C.)! Due to the altitude of Addis Ababa, malaria is non-existent! Ethiopia has the second largest population in sub-Saharan Africa! (Mat. 9:37)

       It is said that Ethiopia is the original home of coffee-the name “coffee” itself being derived from Kaffa, one of Ethiopia's principal coffee growing regions.

       Although several r oad and scouting teams have been to Ethiopia, this marks the first Family Home in the country!

ne month in Mama and Peter's Home-Diary of a female SGA
       (Part three of a four-part series)


Day Fifteen. Thursday.

       10:10 AM: Just finished washing a small mattress that Mama saw yesterday in the carport and wanted to use for something.
       Colette was at devotions this morning, and while we're praying she wants to cross the room. Her little shoes are quite loud on our dining room floor, so her mother instructs her she must tiptoe across. This for Colette means bending down and carefully watching each foot as she walks across the floor quietly. When she gets to the other side she bursts out in a high-pitched voice “I want to draw!” Ha!

Day Sixteen. Friday.

       Missed filling in this day, so sorry!

Day Seventeen. Saturday.

       Missed filling in this day, so sorry again!

Day Eighteen. Sunday.

       The young people went on a one-day outing together, which was fun. (Stay t uned for “Now It Can Be Told” in ten years or so, ha.)

Day Nineteen. Monday.

       Missed filling in this day too, sorry!

Day Twenty. Tuesday.

       12:30: Rose came to my door and said Mama asked if I could beep her. I go to Louise's room and use her intercom. There's a busy tone the first time I try. I retry a minute later and Mama picks up right away. She asked me if I'd written an account of our outing on Sunday yet (something she had asked me to do). I said I hadn't because I made up a movie Monday night, but I'd do it today.
       She mentioned that she and Peter were going Wednesday at 6:30 pm, not on a vacation but just to get away with a bunch of work (they've always taken work on vacations anyway). She mentioned Peter would take a bunch of GNs to look over and that way he'd get a break from the constant meetings he's had here at home the last week or so.
       Then she asked me how long it'd take for me to make muesli crunch bars like I'd made before. I told her I could probably do it after I did dinner dishes in the evening, and asked her how much I should make. She said Peter would probably like some too. Then she told me to ask the Lord before I began, if it was going to be too sweet for Mama anyway, then if He said yes, it'd save me time making it.
       Just before hanging up she said to give her love to my boyfriend.

Day Twenty-one. Wednesday.

       12:40 PM: Mama calls while I'm working in the kitchen, and asks me if I could get a timely prophecy before she and Peter leave (this happens regularly, no matter who you are, when you stay in Mama and Peter's Home)! I tell her that I've burnt my first attempt at muesli crunch, and right away she mentions that she and Peter both like to eat burnt things. (She's serious! Rose actually packs some of the burnt slice for them to take on their getaway trip.) I tell her I'm going to make the slice again, anyway. (It turned out great the second time, whew.)
       5 PM: On his way out, Peter said “Hi,” and I thanked him for the litt le mail note he'd sent me earlier in the day. He said “Thank you for your sweet note.” (Late last night I was reading the GN about his birthday celebration, which I just missed attending in person, and so I wrote him a note that said I wholeheartedly agreed with all the compliments people gave, and was sorry I didn't get a chance to write a personal birthday note. I told him I was happy to be here and that if I could ever do anything to make his and Mama's busy lives more comfortable, to not hes itate to ask. I gave the paper note to Rose, their caretaker, and I was pleasantly surprised when I received a note from Peter in my computer mail. It said (I'm including it just as it appeared):
       Thank you for your sweet note. I really appreciate it. You're a very precious girl and I love you lots.
       Love, Peter
       It was a touching ack­now­ledgement of my note-especially as I wasn't expecting a written reply.
       6:40 PM: I took some printouts to Mama's room. I knocked, then poked my head in and called out my name. Mama replied that she was in the back room. I didn't look around much in my last visit to their room. Mama and Peter's room consists of a small living room with couches, then a narrow hallway leads to the back room, which is where their bed is. They have a very high bed.-It's about chest level for me anyway. I think they have drawers or cupboards or something underneath it, because the room itself is not that big. The temperature was very warm. There are lots of dark green a rtificial plants around the place. Mama was sitting on a chair in the back room, with Rebecca drying and combing her beautiful, long hair.
       Poor Mama was squinting and asked me if I could turn off the overhead light as it was hurting her eyes. (We heard at devotions that her eyes are very sore today and we prayed she wouldn't get a headache.)
       I gave her the printouts she had asked for (they're for Peter), and briefly explained them, and she thanked me and put out her arms to give me a hug. I said goodbye and left, not wishing to make her keep opening her eyes more than she needed to.
       7 PM: Peter walked by with a laptop and some other things in his arms, on his way out. He said goodbye to me and gave me a kiss. I asked if I could help carry anything and he said that everything was loaded up already.
       7:25 PM: Mama walked by, and as always, she says goodbye and a few personal words to people who happen to be outside. She says goodbye to me too. She's dressed in a deep red sweater. Her pretty hair is in a red scrunchy, and she's wearing black slacks. She's holding a few last-minute tapes that people have given her. Her eyes must be feeling a little bit better, as she's not squinting at the moment, thank the Lord. (She's wearing her gray-tinted sunglasses.)
       Peter has already started the vehicle they're going in, so she quickly walks to the front of the house. It's going to be a bit more quiet for people with Mama and Peter gone.-They're expecting to be gone for a week or so, to get caught up on work and also rest up some more before some upcoming meetings.


[Bigger than our own circle]
       Female (18), USA:
It is so true that what goes on in our surroundings and among our circle of friends isn't what's “going on” in the worldwide Family. To think that Mama is out of touch with the Family is ridiculous! Every time an epidemic of a certain NWO is going around, out comes a Letter on the subject. I am actually amazed at how “in touch” WS is with the Family, considering they are selah.
       A couple years ago I used to think that all Family teens broke the Charter consistently; it was just what was done. I thought even the so-called “spiritual” ones did it; they just put up a better front to appear trustworthy. These attitudes, I gathered from my surroundings back then. Funny thing, now pretty much all those in that area have left the CM Family. Since then, I have seen extraordinary examples of the true Family Spirit, and a whole new side of the Famil y is becoming clear to me. A side which, of course, WS has known about all this time, and it was I who was blind to it.
       Which brings me to my next point, about our young teens getting the right kind of Family sample. Because to them, the sample they see in their area is “The Family,” and if they don't see the love and the standard that should be shown, they become disillusioned with it. And the Family without the Spirit is just dead works! Our teens don't want that! It's important that we ALL strive to be united in our sample so that it will be “in” to follow the Charter and uphold the standard; and it won't be that the occasional good samples they see are deemed “spiritual freaks” and such. I know I haven't been the best of samples myself at times, but I'm praying that with the S2K purge, we that stay will all stand firm in our convictions for the Lord.-And that our younger brothers and sisters will see that it really is cool to serve Jesus, and will jump on the bandwagon with us.

[During those tough times]
I wanted to share a lesson I've learned from being in contact with people who are going through different breakings in their lives, either with sickness, children leaving the Family, accidents or whatever, besides the incident and all the emotional hurt that is caused by it. It seems to me that the Enemy uses it as a “double whammy” to attack and make people feel they are useless, or will be soon. Then sad to say, something I've heard from people is that they feel when they are no more “use” to the Family, the Family dumps them. In the cases I have been involved with, this has certainly not been the truth, but if they had little contact with their shepherds during those tough times or soon thereafter, then the Enemy was able to really fuel the fire on this.
       It convicted me that, as shepherds, when we know someone in our area who is going through something very difficult, to check in once in awhile just to take their “pulse.” It doesn't take a lot to help make someone feel that we care-just a note saying you are praying for them or asking how they are, a call, or a little something, so they will know they have not been forgotten. I believe it would help the dear Family members who are battling something very difficult in their lives to know that not only has Jesus not abandoned them, but we as their Family still love them, even if they aren't “producing” some great works.

[Home alone?-Try this!]
       Joanne W., Holland:
All right, I thought, looking at my cute newborn sleeping in my arms, Now I'm grounded. The reality of the childcare day filled with diaper changes, whines for milk and baby-bathing was finally setting in. While I loved the idea of being a mommy (FINALLY!), in the back of my mind I wasn't sure if I would be all right caring for my newborn 24 hours a day. (Okay, let's make it 20 since my husband had him in the evenings.)
       Being the only person at home most of the day while others were out fundraising, I had no one to help me with the baby-that I didn't mind, but having no one to talk to was something that my gabby nature could not take (at least not for too long.) A few times when someone asked me if I still spoke Russian after two years in Holland, my response was, “I am glad I still speak,” ha!
       With Holland being not the sheepiest place on earth, I missed the daily witnessing and postering we did in Russia and wondered if those days were over. Well, guess what?! I still don't have a witnessing partner, I still have a baby (who is getting bigger and more demanding each day!), but I finally found a way to get out daily-for almost more than 24 hours! Don't get me wrong, I do sleep, eat and do other human things. How do I manage then? I write.
       There are literally hundreds of magazines that love “people stories”-what we call testimonies. They usually print them in their “human interest” section and don't mind if you witness as long as you've got a great story to tell. I write about Famil y members, about our witnessing adventures, and basically about anything that comes to mind-and slip a witness into those stories. Some magazines asked me to substitute the word “missionaries” for “volunteers” and asked not to give too much witness (all right, so I can't put the salvation prayer there) but most didn't mind if I told people that God changed my life and He can change theirs and gave a few examples to prove it. Many mags have their own Web sites, meaning that once my article appear s in print, it is also automatically posted on the Web for everyone to read. And here is the fun part: I get paid for it!
       While sitting at home was not my piece of cake before, now I love it! I can spend my day with my baby, and when he is snoozing at night I get two or three hours to witness-and raise some funds! I won't kid you, it's not the easiest form of outreach, but if you love writing, you just might like it. Wanna try? Drop me a note and I'll share my secrets. Here's my address:
       RCa lcatraz@zonnet.nl

Can we get “activated” in Pakistan?

By Stefan, Islamabad
       The answer is yes, obviously. But is it that obvious? As anyone who has or who is working in a Muslim field knows, things can go pretty slow, and the lack of obvious fruits that you read of being reaped in other fields can easily discourage you. Well, over the last 14 years of being here I've kind of gotten over that. I've learned to keep plodding along, knowing well and good that each field is different and in due time all the seeds sown will be reaped. There are other kind of fruits and rewards here, but it is not exactly the same.
       In any case, since reading the “Action Series” GNs and all about the Activated program, my desperation to see something happen was growing fast, along with some of the lowest and discouraging moments I have felt in a long time. The Lord did something really sweet for me this month. I want to share it with others who may be in a similar situation or field to encourage them to keep going.
       We prayed and prayed and tried to implement the Activated program the best we know how; that is, not by selling subscriptions to all we meet (although we got our first one this month with potential for more-mainly in the Christian community), but by doing the usual, plodding and faithfully giving Reflections, posters, and FARs to all we meet, and praying with our friends during each visit for their health, kids' schooling, business, etc. Then one day, clear out of the blue, came b ack dear Ali (alias).
       Ali is a 34-year-old M.D. and a psychiatrist who has read a lot on all major religions, who also has a circle of very influential friends. While attending the wedding of his sister's friend with him, the “Father of the A-Bomb” for Pakistan was present, with whom he had some dealing with in the past. We initially met him in 1997 while searching for a clinic for some of our expectant mothers. He had just opened his clinic near our house. We quickly became good friends. He c ame over a number of times for what he called his “therapy.” It is interesting how the Lord over the years kept gently leading him along. As a youth he received a N.T. in Urdu; while in medical college he met some Canadian missionaries and got a basic knowledge of Jesus and attended church with them but then stopped due to criticism and peer pressure.
       Then he got busy and we lost contact. We tried to meet him on occasions but without success. So we committed him to the Lord. Then last month he came back with apologies for not meeting us and proceeded to tell us that all his money and his car was invested in a land scheme that turned out to be a scam, and he has spent the last two years trying to get it back. As a result he became a failure, his wife divorced him and kept his three-year-old son; he couldn't keep up with his clinic, so had to close it down; after his divorce he had a potential new wife whose parents persuaded her to dump him after finding out he was broke.
       During tha t time he saw the movie Jesus, given to him by a very sweet Christian young man whom we know and who is a faithful witness. The Lord was trying to encourage him. Since then, he has been coming over almost daily to read the Word. He keeps asking if that is okay and if it is not bothering us too much if he comes over at odd hours and odd days (like our last W&R!). He said, “I am your lost lamb with nowhere to go and no one to talk to about the Lord!” What could you say to such a comment? He acts, talks, prays and praises very much like an on-fire new babe who wants to tell everyone about the Lord. Yet he can't do so openly due the possible serious repercussions for him and for us as well. It is similar to Matthew's testimony (the Orthodox Jew). His life has so radically changed that he plans to (when all his affairs are tied up) join the Family in another country. Please do pray for him and wisdom in all his interaction.
       So yes, we can get activated in Pakistan! There are many more lik e him here. Although they may be a little hard to find, when you do, you know it is worth it all! And maybe if we had more laborers to help us, who are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to live in such a country, we would probably find more! Can you help us find them all?!

ideas and tips

       Keep your receipts for important bills!
       This is nothing new, but we were recently saved two times from having to either pay twice on two monthly bills or go through the massive time-wasting troub le of fighting to get the information back from the bank where we had paid our electric bill. There was a mix-up in the reporting of the payments and the electric company was demanding that we pay or have our electricity cut off, when of course we always have been paying. Fortunately, we did have the receipts to prove our payment, but if not, it would have taken days to straighten it out.
-Sharon and John, Indonesia

African tips

       Mosquito-nets for beds are very useful to bring to Africa. We got some in the West and we use them for the younger children's beds, as the electricity doesn't always work, which means the ceiling-fans or mosquito-pellets don't work. Nets are very good protection and also mosquito-lotion for the skin is good-bring plenty of it. Either you can't find it here, or it is very, very expensive.
-Maria (of Paul), Nigeria

Specifics about you

       I'd like to suggest for the Grapevine and help wanted ads that people add a name, not just a location or Home #. I fee l better helping out a person who I can attach a name to or know a little about. For example, is it a couple with a lot of kids, a SGA couple with kids, a single or what? And who? I'm not prejudiced, but sometimes you don't even know where the person is and since we're struggling financially ourselves on the field, we want to give to our Family but especially to the most needy. Of course, you never lose by giving in any way!
-Couple in China

Thru-the-month reporting

       I've recently been taki ng my portable computer with me to work and working on the report throughout the month, little at a time. This has helped me to put more into my reporting and not to feel so pressured at the end of the month that I just basically write the bare minimum so I can get the report off on time.
-Jonathan and Clare, Japan

Fruitful Fields

Come to a country where…

By Abner and Mary, Richard and Pat, Zambia

       We step into a taxi and start witnessing to the taxi driver. His face lights up. He loo ks at us and says: “You know, it's a privilege for me to drive missionaries in my car.” We lay hands on him and pray for a safe ride. He smiles and says: “Thank you, that's really nice.”
       While witnessing shop to shop, we witness to a worker behind a shop counter. He looks at the poster and marvels. We ask him: “Do you believe in Jesus?” He replies, “Actually I am looking for a way to give my life to Jesus Christ the Savior.” We pray with him.
       We do CTP for underpriviledged children who have hardly enough to eat. They are rejoicing at our arrival. We sing, play games, teach Bible stories. The local preacher prays: “Lord, we thank You for having brought those missionaries to us. We consider it a very great privilege to have them come and minister and teach us about the Word of God.”
       We give a poster to the shop owner. He loves it and pastes it right away on his wall for all to see. A day after we give posters to a line of street-vendors, their spokesman approaches us. “We all have decided we want to join your church.” We reply that church is in our heart and the true believers worship Christ in spirit and in truth. His face shines. “Thank you so much,” he replies.
       You wonder, what country is this? Yes, it's Zambia!-A meek and peaceful African nation that hungers and thirsts after righteousness and the Word, the Word, the Word. It's a common sight to see people walking down the street with their Bible in hand, going or coming from a Bible study or to hear people talking about the Lord.
       We are, it seems, the only white people who use public transport in town. That means going by mini-buses. We pass the tracts to the passengers, who eagerly accept them. Now you see a whole bus full of people intensely reading until every word of that tract has been read. A student approaches us: “Could you please give me a few more tracts so I can give them to my friends?”
       A man approaches us who saw us witnessing in a shop. “Could you please come to our hospital [the main ho spital in town] and witness to the patients? Could you please come and show them the videos?” We do.
       We meet the head professor who urges us to go see the children's ward. We are led through lines of beds of children who are suffering from malnutrition, some at the point of death. They were brought in from the compounds. We are shocked, as we didn't realize how serious the situation really is in the compounds. (A compound, also called “township,” is a huge residential area of black people who live under extremely poor conditions. They mostly have no electricity or water in their houses. They draw water from distant wells and even then the water is not clean but murky.) The hospital staff urges us to pray for the patients. We go around laying hands on the sick children and their mothers and pray for them. We are making arrangements to come once a week.
       Many of the middle- and upper- class people are not black, but are from Lebanese and Indian backgrounds. In comparison to the popula tion of Zambia they make up a small percentage. Besides a few white people from Europe and South Africa and a few upper-class black Zambians, they run most of the business world in Zambia.
       Pharmacies have frequently given us free medication-sometimes in small portions, sometimes in bulk-to help and treat the underprivileged children (as they are called here) at the medical programs we are establishing in the compounds.
       There are so many people in this country who are Christians, yet know ver y little of the Word. We are in the process of organizing Bible studies. People are so sweet and simple and they really appreciate any time you give them to sit down and share the Word with them. Many are super turned on if we tell them about the Endtime and the soon coming of Jesus. If you go out witnessing there is practically no person who rejects you or acts critical towards you. People here like to be approached and witnessed to. It's really wonderful. We are praying that the Lord will help us to find the right labor leaders.
       The Lord has provided a simple but beautiful house with a big garden. We have running water, a phone and electricity. Although most of the Zambians are very sweet and friendly, there are also a few bad people around. Many properties have high brick walls around them. Many of the upper-class residents have night guards and electric fences and all kinds of security devices. There are armed robberies. It's real and it's happening-thank God not too often. At ni ght our house and garden is illuminated with bright spotlights. We also have a high wall around our property and a watch dog. Our home hasn't been bothered by robbers. The Lord has been protecting us and we pray daily for His protection.
       Zambia is a very poor country with many people living at a standard where they just have enough to fill their stomach with nshima (white corn meal) with a little onion sauce. There is only a thin crust of very rich people and the rest are very poor. There are many churches and registered NGOs from all over the world here. Once in a while you bump into a Jehovah's Witness out in town who tries to win you. So far they came once to our door. Besides them, we are pretty much the only missionaries in this country who are out on the streets actively witnessing, getting out the tools and visiting the shops, nursing homes, etc.
       Do you feel you want to help witness to the dear Zambian people and help find the disciples and the needed labor leaders? Do you l ike to give Bible classes? Do you like to personal witness and can you get along without a few western treats? Do you like to pioneer new ministries? Do you like... do you like... and the list goes on and on! Zambia needs you today. We love you!

After 20 years, another baby from Heaven

By Free (of Dom), USA
       Ever since I was little, I've always been one that's “wanted 15 children, but would settle for a dozen.” However, the Lord saw fit to “stop the factory” after our fourth baby was born. Our youngest is now 20 years old.
       When my last child was about 14, a dear friend sponsored the funds for check-ups and medical expenses at a fertility center to see why I wasn't getting pregnant any more. It was determined that my tubes and ovaries had scar tissue on them, thus preventing pregnancy. The doctor suggested in vitro fertilization. Knowing what a costly and iffy process that can be, I (a bit sadly) put the whole matter in the Lord's hands, knowing that if He wanted to, He could giv e more children, but for now it just wasn't His time.
       Several years passed and, as always, whenever there's a baby in our Homes, I enjoy being around 'em, helping, being the extra “grandma/wet nurse” or whatever the need is.
       In '98 I went to Indonesia and was there for 10 months, while Dom (my husband) was still in the States. Then Dom's mother died and my dad had another stroke, and the Lord indicated for me to return to the States (in September '99) for a short while to help out with the b usiness, see my dad, and then for both of us to return to the field together.
       With Dom's mother going to be with the Lord we were to receive a small financial dividend, but just as the funds were at our fingertips, things fell through and were postponed. We committed it to the Lord to help us to continue raising funds for the field whether we received these monies or not. We've launched into our fund-raising and though we have a ways to go, are excited at all the Lord is doing.
       But Romans 8: 28! On December 13th, we received the most amazing phone call! Pandita, now 21 (the daughter of Dom's former wife and her second husband), had just had her second baby. She's not been in the Family for about 15 years, but she loves the Lord, the Word and us, as we raised and trained her for the first five years of her life. She called and simply said, “I want to give you my baby. I can't raise him, and I want him to be raised in the Family, like I always wanted to be but couldn't. There's no one else that I would want to give Joshua to.”
       We were shocked and told her to pray about it, as it's a decision of an entire life. She called back the next day and told us she'd already been praying about it for quite some time and was sure she wanted to do it. We asked some people to hear from the Lord for us, and we of course took some time to get some specifics from the Lord. The Lord very specifically said that it was His will for us to have this gift and that it was an answer to our prayers . He likened it to Sarah having a baby in her old age (as I'm 45 and Dom's 57!). Within 3 days we had picked up our little “bundle” and brought him home.
       He has already effected such a change in our lives, slowing us down, helping us to look more to the Lord, pray more, and listen to and praise Him more. We've been together 22 years and already raised an entire set of children, so we are excited to be given another chance with this little life, and are so thankful that we can do it this time w ith the new weapons, which has made it all the more exciting and fulfilling!
       We've had little Joshua for six weeks now and he is all and more than we could have ever hoped for! Please keep his legal custody in your prayers, that we can take care of that without any hitches, so we can go to Indonesia soon with our little knew disciple!

Shine On -February 2000

TEAMWORK       Per Adult

Samuel/Rosita, Mexico
       2,714       5,428
Josue/Maria, Mexico
       2,615       5,229
T imothy/Windy, Colombia
       1,000       2,000
Micah/Charity/Tender, Thailand       502       4,019
John/Maria/Rose/Vicky, India       464       1,856
Promise/David, Costa Rica        375       750
Erastus/Esperanza, Chile       370       1,112
Elias/Sofia/Cristian, Peru       350       700
Meek/Ana/Rebeca, Colombia       333       1,000
Pablo/Hannah/Rut, Colombia       277       2,500

Joseph/Rosa, Chile
       2,500       5,000
Michael/Mike/Sylvia, Kenya
       1,710       10,265
Maria/Michael, Japan
       1,025       3,076
Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA       843       9,268
Samuel/Rosita, Me xico        618       1,236
Sharif/Joanne/Rima, Nigeria       573       4,589
Andrew/Mary/Martin/Michael, Kenya       571       4,000
Charity/Daniel/Happy, India
       530       2,120
Martin/Mercy/Selah/Sylvia, Mozambique       518       4,669
Felipe/Sara, Brazil       502       1,004
Tiago/Priscila, Brazil
       396       1,587
Willian, Chile
       345       690
Jessica/David, Russia
       193       387
Nina Newlife, Mexico        174       695
Cristian/Victoria, Chile       160       320
Emanuel/Angela/Sheri, Brazil       151       757
Timothy/Windy, Colombia       150       300
Christina/Dan/Dawn/ James, USA       102       512
Paul/Christian/Eden/Liz, Romania       98       987
Kitty, USA        95       285

Jessica/David, Russia
       137       275
Ben/Meekness/Sam/Ruth, Botswana
       53       160
Abel/Obed, Mexico
       35       69
Philip/Meekness/Magda, Namibia       18       56
Gabriel/Sunshine, Mexico       17       69
Marite/Alfredo/Carol, Brazil       13       157
Angel/Esperanza, Colombia       12       25
Patrick/Mark/Maria, Ghana       12       48
Steven/Christina, South Africa       11       23
Andrea/Andrew/Andy, USA       10       30

       The news and views from Family members pub lished in the Grapevine are not intended to reflect WS policy. Suggested reading age for this publication is 14 years and up. Selected portions may be read by or with those younger at parents' or shepherds' discretion. The Grapevine, P.O. Box 168751, Irving, Texas, USA 75016-8751 e-mail: gv@wsfamily.com Copyright © 2001 by The Family

Copyright © 2001 by The Family

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