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the grapevine

(Issue #106; February 15, 2001.)


       Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see.


       Samuel Karim
, 7th child, born to Sunshine and Sammy on November 27.-Mexico
       Samuel David
,6th child, born to Cherish and David on December 1.-Canada
       Bianca Del Rosario
, born to Belen Sierva on December 3.-Mexico
       Valorie Nicole Stone
, 3rd child, born to Maya and Tim on December 18.-USA

in My arms

       By ASCRO:
Please pray for David (20) of Tina and H appyheart and Anisa (19) of David and Joanie. During the delivery of their first child on February 6, complications set in, resulting in their newborn being called back to Heaven. Please pray for their strength, encouragement, and faith.

       (Jesus:) This little one has been a touch of My love upon your lives. I gave this angel to you only for a very short time, but during this time, a bond was created that will last forever. Your child awaits you in Heaven, and is closely connected to you, pray ing and helping and encouraging you on from My Heavenly courts.
       Though you feel the loss of My little love gift to you, do not weep and despair. You will be strengthened and deepened through this, and you will come to feel My love and My strength more clearly, and even the love of your darling child. Trust in Me, that I do all things well, and you will receive the peace and happiness that your little one is waiting to pour upon your heads-sparkles of Heavenly elixir, understanding and healing.


U. Dan's Algebra on Video

By Phil, for TEAM Foundation

       Happy New Year 2001! We would like to announce a brand-new video series that is soon to be available. This series is called Uncle Dan's Algebra. It is the continuation that you have been waiting for of Uncle Dan's Math video series.

       Here's what the video series contains
: A year's worth of algebra that you can master in a fraction of the time. It's 24 hours of clear, concise teaching on 12 two-hour videotapes and a 18 0-page workbook and solution key, on 1 CD. If you would like to see a sample of it, please log on to “Homespun for Home Schoolers” at: www.homespun4homeschoolers.com.

       Here's how you can get yours
:First of all, we are offering this algebra series at the bare-minimum price, adding very little for overhead. The entire series of 12 videos and CD will cost: $26, plus shipping. That's cheap! [Note: See shipping prices below.] You can order these via snail mail, e-mail, fax or phone. We can receiv e payments via personal check, money order and credit card, or via your TRF.
       When ordering by credit/debit card, please give us the following information for the processing of your order:
(a)       Name (person's name exactly how it appears on the credit card)
(b)       Card number
(c)       Expiration date (month/year)
(d)       Type of credit card (we can process VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express, only)
(e)       Billing address (the address where you receive your credit card bill/statement or for a de bit card it is the address where you receive your bank statement)
(f)       Mailing address (please tell us where you want us to ship you your order, if different than your billing address)

       Here's how you can contact TEAM to make your order:

       TEAM Foundation
       P.O. Box 165119
       Irving, TX 75016

       Phone/Fax: (972) 871-8898
       Toll-free: 1 (888) 871-8388
       Email: mail@teamfoundation.com

       When ordering
: Please specify your method of payment, as once we receive your payment, we will send out y our order. Please remember, too, that if you send payment via your TRF, sometimes it takes up to three months for us to receive your payment. If you send cash in the mail, it is at your own risk. Also, if you are a resident of the State of Texas (USA), your order will be subject to sales tax. We can ship this video series to you via UPS or by mail, either Airmail or Surface Mail. If you live in the United States, we would prefer to ship to you via UPS ground, as it is cheap and your shipment can be tracked easily. However, if you live outside the United States, we would probably ship via Airmail or Surface Mail, at your request.

       U. Dan's Algebra on VCD
: The videos are produced in NTSC format. For those of you who live in countries or have VCRs that use a different system, we hope to soon start producing the algebra videos on VCD. This will cut down considerably on shipping since VCDs are significantly lighter in weight than a videocassette. We will let you know as soon as these are available!

       Shipping Rates for Algebra videos series:
See chart for shipping information. Thank you.

PRICE PLAN for U. Dan's Algebra Video Series

       $6.50       $6.50
       $8.50       $8.50
       $58.00       $50.00

       ** 1 VIDEO: On orders of single videos in this series, we recommend that you also order the CD as it contains the written material that accompanies the information on each video. The CD cost is an additional $2.00 (no extra for shipping and handling).

       To help you understand our pricing plan (above): This algebra video series will be offered to the Family worldwide. To make it affordable and easy for most everyone to obtain, we tried to come up with a plan that would share the expenses of shipping. Here's the plan:

       The shipping and handling comes to a considerable additional expense, especially for the smaller size order s. The cost of shipping also varies greatly according to the differing areas of the world, with the greatest expense being some of our poorer far-flung mission fields. So what we've done, in an effort to make it easier for those of you living in the less affluent fields, is to equalize the shipping and handling costs across the board. This means that the closer Homes, especially those in the US and Canada, will pay notably higher shipping costs than those Homes say in China or Russia or even Mex ico and other far-flung areas of the world. This then makes it possible for us to subsidize the shipping costs to those poorer fields by using the extra funds that the US/Canada Homes will be paying, and in fact, in this way all Homes worldwide will be paying exactly the same costs regardless of location. In addition to this, in the interest of keeping costs as low as possible to you who live on Third World mission fields and/or in far-off countries, we'd like to offer you the option of having y our orders sent via surface mail instead of Airmail. This is cheaper for shipping, although it would take longer to reach you. (For example, having your order sent to you via Airmail will hopefully take only 7-10 days, whereas by surface mail it could take up to 2 months.)

       We do hope this makes it easier for those of you on the Third World mission fields to be able to obtain these different products. Thanks to those who are giving more to make it easier for you.-What a Family!

       As much as possible, we'll use this type of “subsidy” system on all pricing for the various products we'll be offering you.

Era of Action!

Young People Getting On Fire

By Jonathan, for Conéctate-Chile
       There is a crowd of young people here in Santiago who are getting on fire to win other young people, do skits and theater, pass out tracts, witness through the Internet, and so on. These senior teens, YAs and SGAs are letting go of their inhibitions and singing with all their hearts and burning free in the Spirit.
       These young people get together every week to plan witnessing attacks, and are having weekly meetings together for their sheep. Several times we've gone out postering with them at a central park where freethinkers, bohemians and radicals meet every weekend. The longhaired and green-haired kids were taking the posters and tracts out of our hands!
       On another occasion we arranged with the young people in our city to invite their sheep to the city park for a picnic and a Holy Gho st sample. We sang and danced for about four hours straight! It was an opportunity for our friends to meet more of the brethren and to feel a part of our Family. They really danced and joined in. People from the nearby picnic tables spent the afternoon in awe watching our Gypsy dances and listening to our songs. It was as invigorating for us as for the sheep! PTL for the era of action!

legal and media

Christmas Joy
on primetime

By Mercy Delight, Indonesia
       The KV Christmas Joy played pri metime (7AM) on Christmas morning 2000 on a popular TV channel here in Indonesia. It's a first for our tools to be broadcast on TV here, and they reached a very large audience nationwide. This is the fourth-largest country population-wise in the world, with the largest Muslim population in the world, so it is quite a thrilling breakthrough. This happened just hours after churches in nine cities were attacked with bombs during Christmas Eve services, killing 19 people and injuring over 100. The E nemy has been going all out to trouble Christians in the country, but it has been backfiring and driving them to greater desperation in prayer.

feature: Song of Victory

The Song of Victory-How It was Channeled from Heaven into Your Homes!

       A compilation of testimonies from Mike Piano, Jerry Paladino, and JAS

We hope you've been enjoying the “Song of Victory” anthem! Thank the Lord for such a beautiful song, and all those who helped bring the composition and the recording to pass. As with most songs and recordings, there's always a story that goes along with it, and this one is no exception. Want to hear it? Here goes!

       Mike P.:
The first I knew about the assignment was when I was told, “There's a timely message from Mama for you.” Since I'd never received even a non-timely message from the Folks, my brain started boiling with ideas of what it could be. As it was a little while before I was able to open and read the file, I had ample time to come to the conclusion tha t this was it-finally the “Michael Piano Series.” I could just imagine the lines: “Dear Michael has graciously agreed to have his lessons published for the benefit of you, our precious Family, etc., etc.” When I finally was able to open and read the file and find, to the contrary, a flood of love and encouragement from our wonderful Queen as well as the assignment of receiving the song for the Feast, I was, well, overwhelmed to say the least.
       I'd written songs on assignment before, like about vegetables and baby animals and stuff, but this was totally in another league. A national anthem for the Family to be played at the Feast? Way beyond me! To make it even more exciting, the time frame for its completion was very short.
       So I did what I think I should know by now that I'm supposed to do under such circumstances, and asked the Boss for His counsel, and He encouraged me to accept the assignment!

Vision of a studio in Heaven

       After some sweet time loving Jesus that night, I star ted to have a vision. It was of this amazing studio somewhere in Heaven. It was high in a building and the windows all around were glass. You could look out over the city, and for some reason it was twilight, and the lights of the city were glimmering. Very pretty. It was an extremely high-tech studio, dimly lit with those kind of soft, high-backed, black-leather rotating chairs that you can just sink into, and scoot around the room with the greatest of ease-the kind that every studio tech wishe s he had! And there was this unbelievable mixer. It wasn't just automated like the mixers they have these days. The mixer was actually alive! It could sense what each song needed at every moment, and mix all the voices and instrumental parts accordingly. Talk about intuitive technology!-Not only intuitive, but sensitive!
       Best of all, the Lord was there, dressed sharply in a black jacket and aqua-blue, polo-necked shirt, gray hair immaculately pulled back into a ponytail, looking relaxed, but i n charge, every bit the Executive Producer that He is. He smiled warmly and said something to the effect of, “Now is as good a time as any to get started.” Then He proceeded to press some kind of button and the song began to play, beginning with the intro pretty much as it is on the demo cassette I sent Jerry.
       I must have been able to catch some of what was playing, but my link definitely wasn't all I wished it would have been. I wrote down what I could remember, and early the next morning was able to get the words and tune to the chorus, which pretty much stayed that way.
       I was able over the next day to receive the bulk of the rest of the song. Not feeling the song was finalized or even good, I nevertheless sent a rough off to Mama's Home. Within a very few days I received a very encouraging reply, and further counsel about what the lyrics should say, to more effectively highlight the Feast messages. There were also more prophecies which were very helpful. One point that stood out was that the Lord was allowing it to be a teamwork effort so He could get all the glory. That was actually a big relief because I knew my channel wasn't clear enough to get the whole thing right on. It was such a good example of how prophecy and teamwork and counseling can go hand in hand. I realized that the Lord didn't allow me to be “sufficient in myself,” as that would have made it too easy for me to take a little bit of credit. Also, with a project like this, He wanted it to be a team effo rt as that was more appropriate, since one of the themes of the song is the overall unity of the Family.
       So I locked myself away again, and after some desperate prayer and pick-and-shovel work, came up with a new version of the words which I sent in. Thank the Lord for all the counsel, as it was closer to the mark this time, but there were still some adjustments to be made. It was revelatory to see how much Mama and Peter and their secretaries checked in with the Lord about every sentence, mak ing sure that the song was all that He wanted it to be!
       One other thing that really impressed me was how open the Folks are. Mama had suggested one word for the first line of the chorus which had a very good meaning on paper; however, I honestly didn't feel that it “sang” very well. So with some trepidation and after praying about it, I shared my feeling on this suggestion, and presented a few different alternatives. Mama ended up going with one of my suggestions, which is, I guess, further ev idence along the lines of “The Way Things Really Are” series. It was my first chance to experience firsthand that divine combination of desperation with the Lord and openness to others' ideas that Mama manifests, and I treasure it.
       The next step was sending a rough of the song to Jerry, which I did via e-mail. I did kind of a rough sequenced demo, to give the Folks an idea of the song, which I also sent to Jerry. Here teamwork kicked in again, as Jerry was able with his professional polish and wonderful anointing to iron out some of the rough spots in my initial idea.

On our end, the battle was on from the onset of our trying to receive the demo from Michael Piano. The first computer the demo was sent to started having major problems-so much so that we weren't able to receive the file at all! And on top of it, we had been told there was about a 12-hour deadline in which Jerry had to hear the song and make sure he agreed with the final lyrics or had any suggestions, because t he lyrics had to go to print in the Feast mailing GN the following day! The Folks rerouted the message and the instructions to another computer, but then that computer was hit with a computer virus. (Tip: Make sure your computer stays updated with the most current version of McAfee Virus Scan and detection, or whichever virus detection program you're using.) Just a few short hours before the deadline we finally managed to download the song, only to discover it was closed in the wrong encryption key. This happened twice! Needless to say, when we finally got the song, this first deadline was passed!

       Jerry P.:
It was so sweet how the Lord led once we had the song. The task ahead seemed rather daunting, but I had been assured from Mama that it was the Lord who was asking this song from all of us, and that He was therefore going to do it. She sent some beautiful prophecies and also comforted me with the fact that their Home would be praying for the song's production and progress every d ay. So I knew the Lord and His helpers would be doing their part-now all I had to do was my little part on this end! Needless to say, I was nervous and had to battle fear of failure, but as I tuned in and sought the Lord in prophecy as Mama instructed me, the Lord was faithful to lead the way.
       The original instructions suggested that two people should sing it-an FGA male and an SGA female. The Folks suggested I do the FGA male part, and asked for my suggestions as to who should do the SGA fema le. As I worked with the demo, looking at the arrangement and praying over the song, things didn't seem to fall into place until there came the inspiration to have a third singer-an SGA male. (This all had to do with the key and vocal range of the song, which perhaps someone with an incredible vocal range could do, but which some of us “normal” singers aren't able to handle! The duet idea seemed unmanageable or unattainable until the Lord inspired the idea of the third singer, which, in essence, was a male with a higher vocal range than I possess.) Once I had that clue or piece to the puzzle, everything fell into place, and I immediately got the final structure and arrangement in a very short time!
       From there the concept grew. The Lord showed me to work with Francesco on it as much as I could, and as we worked together, the number of singers grew from 3 to an assortment of singers-even to the inspiration of having the kids singing on the middle chorus! The Lord said in prophecy He wa nted them in there, and they were great!
       Once the concept was complete, we worked on the basic track and brought it to a state where it could be sent off for the singers to add their magic, the final vocals. But before that, the Lord pushed us into recording the back-up vocals, as we had a window of opportunity when we could get our female back-up vocalists from Tokyo before they went into Christmas outreach, and one was soon to have a baby. So we had a session with them that was very inspirin g, followed by a back-up vocals session with the men.
       It was wonderful to see everyone take the Lord's commission and our king and queen's request to heart and pray, do their best, and to really work in the Spirit. We heard from the Lord before both sessions and the Lord encouraged us that He wanted to use us all. At this point, all the JAS producers were able to join in the song and added their suggestions and ideas to the vocal direction as well, and that helped make it what it is today as w ell.
       Once those vocals were done, the music track was sent: 1) to Michael Piano at the OASIS studio for Joyful to sing, and for Jono to do guitar work on the song, 2) to Angelina at the TAS for lead vocal parts, and 3) to Jeff and Chris at the Gateway studio for their lead vocal parts and any ideas they had. This involved sending packages over great distances, and even under normal circumstance this doesn't usually go without some hitch. Miraculously, however, the mailings both to them and bac k to us arrived safely and without incident. PTL! There was not time to “please resend it again, it got lost,” or to remedy some other problem. We had one chance and it had to happen without a hitch, and miraculously it went smooth as silk!-I'm sure it was in answer to everyone's desperate prayers in so many places.

       Mike P.:
Our studio was commissioned to record Joy, while the Thai studio recorded Angelina's parts. It was exciting to see and feel the Lord's Spirit moving and putting the jigs aw puzzle together at different studios thousands of miles away from each other. I have to give a lot of credit to SGA Jono, who did an excellent job recording and coaching Joy on her part of the song, not to mention Joy herself who rose to the occasion tremendously and put her all into delivering her part of the song. Angelina in Thailand also did beautifully, and Christy excelled as her sound technician. I admire everyone who played the different roles they were given with so much enthusiasm, as it's not easy to be involved in something like this where the time frame is very short and the expectations are very high.

Surely the Devil was pounding his fists, and throwing lightning spears to try to thwart the completion of the song-as was evidenced by a literal electrical storm while Jerry was recording the lead vocal for the Spanish version of the song, and John Listen was preparing the master of the new “Song of Victory” CD-but the angels of the Lord were encamped about us, a nd protected it from his fit of anger, Hallelujah!

       God bless and keep you singing His “Song of Victory”!


[“Done! Anything else?”]
       Martin and Hope, Lahore, Pakistan:
Our van had been off the road as we hadn't been able to pay the tax (a new law made the tax five times last year's amount), plus it was desperately in need of new tires. Good commercial tires are very expensive (about $400 for a set), so we didn't know how we were going to get our vehicle back on the road. Hope and I (Martin) were following up on some sheep when we suddenly got a strong check to go and visit one of our contacts who occasionally helps with materials for the institutes we do CTPs at. He always says he won't give us cash, only materials, and up until this point he had only given for the institutions where we work-never anything for ourselves personally.
       We arrived at his office and as we walked in he arrived right behind us with a group of business people. He was immediately very frien dly toward us and started telling all his colleagues what a wonderful work we were doing. After some time he asked, “Well, is there anything I can do to help you?” Hope straight away said we needed five new tires for our van. Without batting an eyelid, he said, “Done! Anything else?” Knowing how expensive they are and being a bit taken back by his instant generosity, Hope said “No.” Then gathering herself said, “Well, to actually get the vehicle back on the road we also need to pay the tax,” to which he also replied, “Done!” He proceeded to call in his personal secretary and instructed her to make the necessary payments.

[The gold is still rolled!]
       Mercy Delight, Indonesia:
I picked up an interesting magazine in an office waiting room. My eyes scanned the list of contents, and surprise, surprise, there was a contribution by David Fontaine! They had printed the Reflection “Turning Trials into Treasures,” a Power and Protection story, and the DF class called “Character.” This is a q uarterly publication called “Onward, Forward” by the Sadhu Vaswani Center in Singapore, reaching readers worldwide, especially of Indian heritage. For several years we have had no permanent team in the city/state, so it is extra encouraging to see that the Lord has made sure that the Gold is still rolled in different ways there.

[Fruitful Christmas party for university students]
       June, Blades Home, Japan:
We had a Christmas party for university students. Our Home's young people, along with a Live-out, Sunny (Yoko), who just graduated from university last year worked together to organize this party. We had made many phone calls and sent lots of invitations to try to get people to come, but the real key was Sunny. She has lots of personal contact with university students and they respect her a lot. Altogether around 20 university students came to the party. At the end Marie YA led them in prayer and they all got saved. TTL!

[These would make the world a better place]
       Stacy (18), Happiness Home, Japan:
This Christmas the Lord gave me an idea to put Christmas tracts and a Japanese booklet (Dew of Love) in envelopes, and pass them out to the people at my company. [Note: She's fundraising to go to Sri Lanka.] The next day I asked them how it was and one of them replied, “If everyone received one of these, the world would be a better place.” Another one replied, “Why didn't you give me this sooner? It's just what I needed!”

[Live-outs getting out tools!]
       Dorcas, Blades Home, Japan:
The new Japanese calendar (Daily Quotes) is such a good tool to feed the Japanese, and our Live-outs really like it for their witnessing and follow-up. Three of them already ordered 45 calendars for their witnessing.
       We reprinted the Christmas in the Heart booklet in Japanese. Our Live-outs have taken about 100 of these booklets for their witnessing. It is so inspiring to see them on fire and witnessing to others.

[Homeless people touched by Christmas songs]
       Jonathan Newman, New Horizons Home, Japan:
Several months ago we started singing on a regular basis for the 1,500 or so men who receive a meal from us at our CTP in Osaka. This CTP is now run by a local volunteer organization that is headed by a very good friend of ours who was originally turned on to feeding the poor by The Family.
       This December we did another performance which was a great encouragement to the men and our most inspiring one yet. This time we added Christmas songs to our set. We started out a s usual, but as our performance went on, more and more men crowded around the stage. Rather than the usual mob of haggardly dressed men slumping down to the ground to sit and eat while we sang, this time we slowly saw the formation of a crowd of them standing respectfully listening to songs about Jesus the Savior coming here at Christmas!
       One man called on us to sing “holy songs” as he called them, and so we sang “Saint Francis' Prayer” and “Anata no Tameni.” How attentive the men were, drinki ng in the wonderful message of these songs! The handing out of the food and packing up was long over while the men were shouting “Encore! Encore!” and refused to let us go. The volunteers joined us too as we kept going with more songs, some rousing popular ones, and some slow and heartfelt which moved several of the men to tears.
       We ended up with “Silent Night” with more tears, and we were so moved that Comfort prayed together with the men to find work and for their encouragement. A loud choru s of “Amen” came from the men, and though our eyes had been closed we knew they were very sincere in joining us in prayer. Our volunteer friends, though not necessarily Christians, were thrilled with what happened. They knew it was special and thanked us over and over for feeding the men's hearts while they fed their bodies.

[Cambodian princess receives the Christmas CD card]
       Timothy and Marina, Manna Home, Japan:
We were invited to the reception for the Cambodian hospital (held in Japan). B., who is the chairman of the project mentioned us in his speech at the reception and talked about the hard work we've done to send support to their work. We also met the princess, the sister of the Cambodian king, and gave her a Christmas CD card!

[Our Angel Bell Live-outs shine for Jesus]
       June, Blades Home, Japan:
Each of the Angel Bell* mommies had great Christmas witnessing opportunities. (*Angel Bell is a group consisting of our Live-outs who have Downs syndrome children.) Three of th em were chosen to be organizers of different elementary school classes for their Christmas parties. Each party had 50 to 100 attendees. They made a program that contained the “First Christmas” story and the salvation prayer.
       Usually it is quite difficult to talk about the real meaning of Christmas in schools, because of the strong influence of Santa Claus. So it was a miracle. Our Live-outs are truly living the era of action!

[“Over 70's” prayer group!]
       Mercy Delight, Indonesia:
A dynamic 77-year-old friend of ours felt the old people within his congregation got little attention, so he initiated a prayer group for those above 70! From a few pioneers they now have 130 members from the ages of 70 to 94 and they regularly prepare a newsletter to keep them all united and fed and inspired. Our friend has been given the job of writing a slot called Reflections, and he sheepishly asked if he could use articles from the material he so often has received from us! He was especially intere sted in using some articles from the recent “Heavenly Streams”* booklet we just gave him. (*It has Reflections and Good Thots in English on one page with the local translation of the same on the facing page.)

prayer list 10

(February, 15 2001)

Situations Requiring Extra Prayer Power

(of Andrew), England: Cancer. (Excerpts of note from Tabitha, for Andrew and Joy:) The doctors have discontinued the chemotherapy and have discharged Joy from the hospital. She has not responded well to the treatment and the tumor is still growing. When Joy asked if she could pass away within a year or two, the doctors said it would be much sooner. Of course, this has not been an easy saying for Andrew or Joy. If anyone has any “grapes of thankfulness” for Joy, now would be a good time for them to send them in. Please pray for our strength during this special time.

(of Mark), India: Having contractions and a leaking water bag at only four months pregnant.

(of Gabe), WS: F ibroids in her womb. (Note from Gabe:) Amy has been diagnosed as having fibroids in her womb, one large one in particular that has caused excessive bleeding. This has weakened her body, making her severely anemic. The doctor has recommended emergency treatment. Amy will be having surgery (possible hysterectomy) to remove this growth. Please pray for the success of the operation.

, Mozambique: Serious case of malaria. (Note from Steven, Dito's brother:) Pray for my brother Dito; he is in the hospital; he has serious malaria. He's had it for two weeks now going on the third. The doctors said it is affecting his brain and if he doesn't start getting better now it will only get worse. They gave him the strongest medicine and said that he would be better the next day but he only got worse! Someone said this morning he is already a little affected in his brain, and that was this morning, so please pray for him!


(of Daniel): High blood pressure.

       Isaac, Ruth and An gie
: Protection and safety for the work in Myanmar (Burma); against security problems.

Europe and Africa

: Thyroid cyst.

South America

(SGA, of Joana): Serious stomach or abdomen problem, resulting in fever and severe nausea. Chicho was hospitalized but doctors found only a small bladder infection. Pray that further tests will determine exactly what is wrong and that he will gain strength and be able to sleep.
(of Pablo): Will have an operation to remove pre-ca ncerous growth in cervix. However, Love is suffering from anemia, and her blood count must rise to a safe level before the operation can take place.
       Joseph Willing
(of Rosa) and Flor: Hepatitis C.
       Jodie: Strange allergic reaction to something unknown. The reaction causes her eyelids to feel like sandpaper, making lacerations on her cornea.
(of Gabriel): Healing and comfort after cancer treatment.
(of Jean): Sebaceous cysts.
(of Richard): Rectal tumor.
(of Cielo) : Heart problems, causing insufficient blood circulation.
(newborn, of Claire): Congenital torticollis (a contracted state of one of the neck muscles).
(of Sol): Hyperthyroidism, causing fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, insomnia and inability to properly assimilate food.
(14, of Andrés and María): Cyst in nose.
       Lucas and Katrina
(14 and 12, of Felipe and Betânia): Abnormal bone growth in various parts of their bodies.
(of Pedro and Aurora): Cyst in the ovary .
: Low blood pressure and anemia.
(of Dulce): Problems with heart and nervous system, causing dizziness and numbness in the eye region.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer

(of Dave, Brazil): Broke her ankle in an accident. The first diagnosis was that she needed to let it heal over a period of three weeks then come back and have it checked. When she went back for the check, the doctor said it hadn't healed properly and would need to be operated on and reset, etc.-a ver y painful process. So we had desperate prayer that the Lord would heal it without going through all that, and He did! When she went to another doctor for a check-up, and he looked at the x-rays, it turned out that it had healed properly and now wouldn't need an operation! Please continue to pray for the complete healing of her ankle and that she will be able to walk properly without any pain.

Special Feature

The Arabic Language Publications (ALP) Push

Please pray for…
       The Lord's help with the “Motivated” project, which includes the editing, translating and printing of a series of magazines similar to Activated for the Arab world.
       The production of the Arabic Mottos for Success Calendar.
       The printing and production of Glimpses of Heaven and The Future Foretold in Arabic.
       For the editing, translating and production of other Activated books for the Arab world.
       Arabic computer programs that are compatible with the computer programs our printers use.
       Printing contacts t hat are able to print good quality pubs at discounted prices.
       More translators and proofreaders to help us put out more in less time.
       Our translations to be suitable for and acceptable to the entire Arab world, considering there are many different dialects.
       Our resident translator to be able to have the help, time and anointing she needs for the job of final proofreading the translations.
       Our growing Mail Ministry to the Arab world.
       Supply towards our monthly budget so that we can focu s as much of our time and attention as possible on producing the pubs in Arabic.
       Wisdom in our dealings with those we work with and the security of our work in the area.

Dear Family,
       With the New Year, the Activated vision, and the onset of the era of action, the Lord has given a renewed vision to get out more Arabic literature! There's such a need and vacuum for it, and we pray we can start meeting the need better as we make a renewed effort to concentrate on editing, translating and pri nting the Wonder Working Words in Arabic for the Arab world. Our vision is millions for the billions!
       In order to do so, we're hoping to make some needed changes, which involve streamlining our operation, and our Home operating a little more indigenously in order to be able to focus better on the task at hand. We recently moved to a different location. We have set goals for this New Year, which we pray can become a reality in the not too distant future.
       Some of our immediate goals are to pri nt Glimpses of Heaven, The Future Foretold, two more “Streams” books and the Mottos for Success calendar in Arabic. All of these projects are already translated and in the layout or proofreading stages at present. We are also working on a series of magazines for the Arab world, similar to Activated, which may be called “Motivated.” Several issues have already been edited and quite a few others are in the pre-editing stage, ready to be put together over the next few months or so.
       But in order f or us to be able to spend as much time as possible on our most important job, that of working on the Words, we need your HELP! Our specific needs at this time are:

       A one-time gift of $2,400, which we need to make up the six-month advance rent payment on our new Home, due the 1st of April.
       Monthly pledges towards the approximately $1,500 we need for our monthly budget.

       Can you help towards these needs, either with a one-time gift or a monthly pledge? Your investment will be worthwhile a nd reach far and wide through the printed pages we hope to produce this coming year. Your gifts can be sent via your TRF.
       If you would like to know more about our projects, please write us via your ABM or CRO Office. We'd be happy to send you our Monthly ALP Newsletter if you'd like, to keep you updated on our progress and pushes. We love you and thank you for helping!
-Your ALP (Arabic Lit-Pic) Family

India Deaf Catacombers' camp

By the Delhi Deaf Home, India
       Every year in January we hold the National Deaf Youth Conference. It is a seven-day Bible camp for our deaf catacombers. We have Bible classes in the mornings and the afternoons, and inspirational activities in the evenings. Last year the International Deaf Youth Conference in Goa was attended by 180 deaf catacombers from all over India, which we thought was an all-time high. This year 225 deaf catacombers from all over India came to attend the camp held in Kerala. The response to the Word classes was tremen dous. The classes we taught were, “The Word, the Word, the Word,” “Bitterness,” “Stay Humble,” “Rise Above,” “Nothing Is Impossible,” “Action through Prayer,” “Good Leaders,” “Turning Weakness into Strength,” a class on “Hot or Cold,” and we watched the movie Jesus.

world news

Seeing Voices Productions

By the Delhi Deaf Home, India
       Hi! We know you've heard of Aurora Production, but Seeing Voices Productions? This is the ministry for making Word classes on video in sign language for our deaf catacombers in India. A few years ago, when we were wondering how to feed our ever-growing catacombers in 20 different cities, the Lord and Dad showed us in prophecy to make Word classes on videos in sign language, copy them and distribute them to the different cities. We asked the Lord to supply video players and TVs for our catacombers in the different cities and the Lord did many miracles to provide. To date we have made 66 videos of three hours each and have distributed more than 1,000 copies all over India. The classes include the Memory Book, the HTKs, many old and new Letters, many recent GNs, Activated on video, and key Bible movies. Please continue to keep us in your prayers for this special ministry.


       Rachel Fireball
, I got saved with you in Dublin, Ireland, in 1972. Please write me at: Marie Smith, P.O. Box 5619, 2000 Johannesburg, South Africa. I miss you!

       Dear Heidi, we met in Chelyabinsk Home, Russia. We love you and remember you and want to find you. Please write to us through the Russian ABM. Love and prayer, Alissa and Sacha in Uzbekistan.

       Dear Joan (Swedish), please contact Michael, Indian (of Joanna, Russian), at alicja@mailandnews.com - Important!

       Michaela (of Jonatas and Hepsi) is looking for Sara (formerly known as Meekness of Marcos). Please get in touch ASAP. My e-mail is: edf.bhz@zaz.com.br.

       Claire (of Eman) is trying to find a guy called Andrew. We were in the same Home for vacations in Germany and went skiing to gether in Auntie Lily's Home. I would like to contact him. Thanks in advance! E-mail: Emanclair@aol.com

       Julie and Angie,
we met at JETT and Junior teen camp in Hungary. You probably don't remember me, but drop me a line anyways at e-mail: the1stdonjoe@usa.net. Love, Joe.

could you please get in contact with me? Our computer got a virus and erased all the addresses. Thanks.-Paloma (guaribe@uol.com.br)

, our computer got a virus and deleted all the files and I lost your add ress. Could you please get in contact with me asap? Thanks.-Paloma (guaribe@uol.com.br)

       Hi Becky, saw you in the FSM! Would like to get in touch. Write me at: deejay@plug-in.com.br. Luv, Melody (of Piper).

       Claire (of Joao and Ana) wants to get in contact with Angelina (of Andrew and Miracle), last heard of in Africa. We lived together in Portugal for a few months. Write me at rubygem@usa.net.

       Anyone know where I can find Nadia Moon (Heidi) of John? Last heard of in New Zealand. Pleas e write to: earthquakelive69@yahoo.com. Tx!

       From Heart (16, of Filo and Charity, USA): I would very much like to get in touch with Bright (17, of Peter and Pearl, I think, Thailand). Bright, I read your article a few times in Zine 042, and I can't tell you how much it has helped me. Each time I've read it, it has really lifted my spirit, 'cuz I can really relate to what you said. It was just what I needed to hear every time. TYJ! GBY! Please contact me at: heartsaflame@email.com. &&&

help wanted

       We are a Home in the North of Siberia consisting of four national adults and five kids (ages four and under) with one more on the way. It's really cold in these parts, with average winter temperatures of -25 to -30° C. We just got together as a team and our work is in the pioneering stages. The Lord showed us that this is the time for this part of Russia and we are determined by His grace to do our best to reach the people here. The possibilities are great, but one thing we realized would be very beneficial for the work here is a van. By a miracle of the Lord's supply we have most of the money for buying one, but what we lack is about $1,500. We would like to ask you, our dear Family, if you would pray about helping us with some of it. Your prayers, as well as any gift, big or small, would be appreciated. Thank you very much! We love you!
Love, Ivan, Virginia, Michal, Dana and the kids, RU007.

       Our dearest Family, thank you very much for all the donations you sent us! I t is sure a big help! By faith we are on the way to the place the Lord has called us to-Africa! We are two Russian Nationals: Lily (29) and Ester (23). The Lord has promised that there are no impossibilities to them that believe (Lord help us!). We are looking for the opportunities to raise funds ourselves in a country other than Russia. But at the same time we would like to ask you, dear Family, if you can help us in any way you can: either by praying for us or with any donations. Our Home is R U004. Thank you for the time you took to read through this ad. We love you!

       My name is Isaac Titiritero. For most       of my life I've been working in the ministry in which the Lord has gifted me-making puppets and creating programs for various performances with them. The Lord has always provided my needs, and now I have a special request to make to you, dear brothers. To help with all the puppet programs in a big way, I want to ask if any of you could help me with a donation (great or small) to help purchase a sound system of 250 watts (minimum). If the Lord puts it in your heart to help me, and thereby the Homes I work with, I would be very grateful. In advance, many thanks for your attention. You can contact me at future98@prodigy.net.mx.

India earthquake news!

       Crystal, VS, India: Due to the earthquake which hit the western part of India a few days ago, leaving over 20,000 dead (so far), quite a few Family Homes have decided to send in relief teams to help in whatever capacity i s needed. Please pray for the coordination of the Family members going into the earthquake areas to help the victims. So far there are five separate teams there and more are on the way.
       Please pray for the supply of relief materials to come through, for funds and the health of those going in (there are epidemics in various places). One team is presently working on receiving funds from abroad; we need to pray that these will come through without too much red tape.
       Please continue to pray for the protection and safety of Family members going in, as well as other relief workers, as there have been problems with some people not welcoming them. So please pray that we will be able to do the work without any hindrances.
       The local Family there where the earthquake took place need our prayers too, as all their children have just come down with whooping cough. Please pray for their supply and strength. Thanks so much!

Guadalajara Book Fair

By French Phoebe
       “Come and see us. We have a very friendly stand! “
       “Oh, you mean the one with the big dog lying on top of the computer?” exclaimed one of the exhibitors.
       “So this is 'The' stand!” commented one of the organizers when he came to see our products.
       Our stand, as small as it was, didn't go unnoticed among the general public, the professionals and even the media. Many were attracted to our beautiful music and videos playing constantly, and to our life-size furry Peepers perched on top of the computer monitor, inviting c hildren young and older (sometimes as old as 50!) to come and play our newly released Treasure Attic Interactive CD ROM.
       For nine days, 12 hours a day, our international team worked in shifts to man the stand, and it was a beautiful sample of unity across the board, with Aurora, NACRO, the Conectate Desk and the local Homes all working together with lots of fun to make it happen. We felt we were part of history in the making: it was the first time that such large exposure was given to our Span ish products, and that the local Homes were combining forces on such a level to promote and sell our tools.
       Our stand generated a lot of sales. We sold retail to people from Bolivia, Panama, Germany, the US, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, and Mexico. We have business possibilities for distribution in Argentina, Chile, Spain, the US and Mexico, as well as broadcast possibilities in Puerto Rico and Costa Rica.

the team

       From Aurora: John (American) came all the way from Europe, as the D irector of Sales and Marketing for Aurora Production.
       From NACRO: Andrew CRO (American) came from the US.
       From the Conectate Desk in Mexico: Josue (Mexican) and Phoebe (French) attended.
       From the Guadalajara Homes: Matthew (American) and Ama (Spanish), Cush (Dominican Republic), Joy (French) and Zara (from the Caribbean), Juan (Chilean) and Ruth (Canadian). Besides the adults from the 3 local Homes, their teens often came, attracting a whole new crowd of young people. Dear Phineas (America n) of Joy, and Mat (American) and Rose (Canadian) kept the Homes' fires burning.
       We were quite a team!

people's reactions to our tools

       The Treasure Attic ICD (Interactive CD ROM) was our most spectacular item, and our spearhead at the fair. Many people, professionals and GP, commented on it, and we received many compliments on the quality of the content and ideas behind it. We always had a cluster of children, and often a crowd, glued to the monitor, watching someone play the different IC D games. A distributor from Spain commented that we put so much material into it that he would be able to make four different interactive CDs with it, and sell them separately!
       We received offers right and left for distribution and rights and sold 170 ICDs retail at the fair. Our videos and CDs were also in high demand, as well as the new children's books, which should be made available to the field really soon.

the media

       We were interviewed by a local TV station, and our stand was shown on the news the next morning. A TV crew from Costa Rica came to film our stand. We gave four interviews to local newspapers, and had a picture of the clowns holding the Aurora sign in one of the local papers. It was a miracle that the Lord opened the door for so much media attention, as we didn't have big happenings to offer them, like some other stands did.

more victories

       ÄJosue and Phoebe were able to participate in a publishers and distributors' presentation for 185 American librarians, followed by a dinner with them all. It resulted in sizeable sales to many of them in the following days.
       ÄJust before the fair began, we held meetings together to see how the finances would be divided. The Homes decided to share the income equally, while Aurora and Conectate covered the seed-corn and part of the expenses incurred to rent the stand. The vision, given by WS for the fair, was to have the Homes benefit as much as possible from the sales, as they had invested so much in the past to try and market the tools in Guadalajara. It was a real fulfillment of the Activated vision of working together in unity, and we hope this can be a model, which can be repeated elsewhere.
       ÄIn order to present our Spanish tools at the Book Fair, WS produced some beautiful catalogs and flyers to advertise our products, which, DV, will be available to the Family soon.

       (Interested in more details of the role everyone played at the fair?-How the Lord supplied, more of the victories, and secrets of the team's success with the media and customers? See the full report on the Guadalajara Book Fair, only on the MO site.)

       techXellence site


       If you've been having trouble logging on to the techXellence computer help site, please note that the password changes each month. The latest password will be posted on the MO site, under “Links” section, right below the link to the techXellence site. The upcoming password will be posted around the 28-30th of each month, a nd activated on the 1st.
       The February password is:

       username: member

Singing and Interviewing!

By Gideon and Meekness, Greece
       A few days before Christmas, we were interviewed by one of the main news stations here in Greece and a very positive report about our work was aired three times on nationwide news. The reporter met Gideon while he was ballooning and took a copy of our brochure, from which she was able to contact us. Following is a transcript of what was aired:

       [News Anchor Woman:] In a period of time when alienation and indifference have become predominant factors in our lives, one large family has come to suggest a new way of life. Sean and Evana's family of ten members has discovered the joy and satisfaction that comes when offering help to others in difficult circumstances.

       [Reporter sitting in our home living room:] It is a large family with artistic but above all philanthropic sentiments. They returned to Greece about a year ago a fter having had the opportunity to travel to different countries of the world. Feeling the need to live a useful life, as they tell us, they discovered the joy and satisfaction that comes through their humanitarian work of holding free musical concerts for different orphanages, hospitals, shelters and other institutions.

       [Evana:] The children started singing from the time they were 1, 2 and 3 years old.-Very small! I remember their father, Sean, would put them on top of the guitar [case] so they would stay in place…and I think they were fantastic even back then!

       [Reporter continues:] Going through their family photo album we traveled with them to Mexico where they visited many institutions and with their music tried to transmit messages of love, hope and reconciliation. [Here they showed pictures from our album, which they had filmed with the TV camera.] Last year, immediately after the earthquake in Athens they visited the earthquake victims and held free concerts. Last Easter they accepted an invitation from Romania where they offered not only free concerts, but also other items that they procured from both large and small businesses on their own initiative.

       [Evana:] We felt that it's very important to not just look inside, but outside to the needs of others. And that's why we decided to get involved with something that would be of help not only to us, but even more so to other people. The children have sung for the 1996 Easter Egg Roll at the White House in Was hington, DC, and Sean has also sung there on different occasions. To be able to help your fellow man and place yourself in situations that need your help is the real meaning of life, what we should all do.

       [Reporter continues:] They are a multitalented family, but above all a sample worthy to imitate.

       [Los Chavitos sing a traditional Greek Christmas carol.]

       [end of transcript]

       We've been doing many shows, and have received very touching reactions from those we meet. One lady call ed us on the phone and said she was moved to tears when she heard the children singing. She told us that she knew there was something special about them, and was drawn to talk with them. After receiving a brochure of our work she said that she couldn't help reading it several times over. She then told us, “When I saw your children singing, to me it was a living proof that there is a God!”

studio news

Love is the Sweetest Thing
-Simon Black Album

       1. Traditional Chains
       2. Born Free
       3. G ive'm Love
       4. Take It by Faith
       5. My God
       6. Love Is the Sweetest Thing
       7. Oh, So Sad
       8. Can You Blame Me?
       9. I Will Not Fear
       10. Love Will Give You What You Need
       11. Magical, Marvelous, Wonderful
       12. You Mean All the World to Me


       All songs written and sung by Simon Black
       Produced by Godfrey
       Background Vocals: Robin, Godfrey, Heidi P.
       Drums: Tim A. and David L. (Born Free)
       Drum Programming: Godfrey
       Timbales: Tim A.
       African Drums and Percussion: Godfrey
       Electric Guitars: Robin and Godfrey
       Bass: Godfrey
       Acoustic Guitars: Simon Black and Godfrey
       Sax and Flute: Silas
       Piano and Keyboards: Godfrey
       Violin: Tim L.

KAT#3-My Heroes


       1. Beautiful, Wonderful World

       Guitars: Philip, Barry

       2. Noah, Noah

       Michael, JAS, Barry/Barry/Barry/Barry
       Keyboards: Michael F.
       Guitar: Philip; Violin: Windy

       3. Red Sea

       John, JAS/Barry/Barry/Barry
       Keyboards: John L.
       Guitars: Philip, Barry; Harmonica: Barry

       4. 'Round the Walls

       Jerry, Michael, John, HCS kids/Barry/Barry/Barry
       Guitars: Barry

       5. Gideon Was Brave

       Guitars: Philip: Harmonica: Barry; Drum programming: Mike D.

       6. Something Special

       Guitars: Barry

       7. Just a Little Thing

       Michael, JAS/Windy, Barry/Windy, Barry/Barry
       Guitars: Philip; Harmonica: Barry

       8. Twelve Sons

       Guitars: Barry

       9. Little Samuel

       Jerry, Barry, Cherish, John/Windy/Windy/Barry
       Guitars: Barry

       10. Shepherd Boy

       Guitars: Barry

       11. David

       Andy Paladino, JAS, Barry, (Goliath: Gabe M.)/Barry/Barry/Barry
       Guitars: Barry; Harmonica: Barry

       12. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

       Windy, Barry/Windy/Windy/Barry
       Guitars: Philip Percussion: Barry

       13. Twelve Men

       Crystal Lily, JAS, Windy/Barry/Barry/Barry
       Keyboards: Michael
       Guitars: Barry

       14. All That I Have

       Windy, Cherish, Cheer/Windy/ Windy/Barry
       Guitars: Philip, Barry

       15. Building on the Rock

       Guitars: Philip

       16. Little Sparrow

       Martin D., Mike D./Barry/Good Thots poem adapted by Barry/Mike D.
       Guitars: Philip
       Accordion: Michael

       17. What a Friend

       Barry/Casper, Barry/Casper, Barry/Barry
       Keyboards: John L.

       18. That's Why Jesus

       Mike D., Barry, Windy/Barry/Michael P., Barry/Barry
       Guitars: Philip, Barry; Slide guitar: Barry

       19. I'll Stand Strong

       Windy/Casper, Barry/Ca sper/Barry
       Guitars: Philip, Barry; Harmonica: Barry; Violin: Windy

       20. Take Your Burdens to Jesus

       Thai Audio Studio

       21. He'll Be with You Always

       Windy, Crystal Lily, JAS, Barry/Chris M./Chris M., Barry/Barry
       Guitars: Philip, Barry; Violin: Windy



       1. Our Love Will Go On

       Mercy/Steve M./Clair/Owen C.

       2. Sugar Pill

       Rachelle Spring/Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew V.
       Guitar: Mark Picker

       3. The Only Love I've Got

       Joni/Vas/Vas /Vas

       4. Serpent Slayer

       Emmanuel/Emmanuel/ Emmanuel/John T.

       5. Cloud of Smoke

       Ben/Michael, Apollos/Michael/Ben
       Guitars: David H.

       6. What's My Stand?

       Pedro/Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew V.
       Guitar, bass: Andrew V.

       7. What You Gave Me

       Mercy/Esther, Steve M./Esther, Owen C./Owen C.

       8. Sweet Jesus

       Julie/Traditional, adapted by Emmanuel/Traditional, adapted by Emmanuel/Emmanuel

       9. It Would Be Love

       Andrew V./Brian, Andrew V./Brian, Andrew V./Andrew V.
       Guitars, bass : Andrew V.

       10. Paradise

       Rachelle Spring/Andrew V., Brian/Andrew V., Brian/Andrew V.
       Drums, bass, guitars: Andrew V.

       11. Looking for Messiah

       Emmanuel/Rueben, Emmanuel/Rueben/Emmanuel

       12. Dejame Mirar Tus Ojos


       13. Believe It or Not

       Andrew V., Katrina/Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew V.
       Bass, guitar: Andrew V.

       14. What You Have Come to Be

       Meeky B./ Meeky B./Meeky B, Windy, Barry/Vas

       15. Dead Duck


NF#6 -Song of Victory

singer/music/lyrics/arranged and engineered by

       1. Song of Victory

       Jerry, Angelina, Joyful, Francesco, Jeff, Chris/Michael P./Michael P./Jerry

       2. I Know You Care

       Chris/Jeff/Thad, Jeff/Jeff

       3. We're Livin' Heaven

       Hopie/Joanna, Mike D./Joanna/Mike D.

       4. Simple Man

       Jeff/David L./David L./Francesco

       5. I Can Still Show Love

       Lucas/Andrew V./Andrew V./Andrew V.

       6. The Edge

       Michael/Michael/Michael/Mike D.

       7. Shoulder to the Boulder

       Willie D./Emm anuel/Emmanuel/Emmanuel

       8. These Kinds of Questions

       Niki/Philip/Philip/Mike D.

       9. Keep Me Singing


       10. Through the Eyes of Love

       Michael/Michael/Windy, Michael/Michael

       11. My Strength to Live

       Francesco/Francesco/Sophia, Francesco, Crystal Lily/Francesco

       12. You Called Me On

       Michael/Casper, Michael/Casper, Michael (refrain and verse 3)/Michael

News from French Activated!

By Stéphane, for actiV teamwork

       Did you know that Africa has 25 countri es, with a population of 200 million, where French is spoken to various extents? Eleven of these countries use French as their only official language and nine as one of their two or three official languages, not counting a few more in the Mideast and SE Asia, and not to forget our precious Quebecois!
       Since the height of the pre-RNR days where French had the highest amount of translated pubs, things would have hit rock bottom except for a few brave souls who managed to get a minimum done.
       Rec ently our missionaries to Africa have become acutely aware of the need for lots more French follow-up material and tools to feed the hungry souls! To them we're happy to announce that the present French pubs and audio/video studio have merged to now produce the French Activated tools and program while continuing on other follow-up tools.
       After many hesitations the name actiV (pronounced activeh) was received in prayer and agreed on. A teamwork was voted in to oversee the project and our Husban d set up some goals for 2001. Here are the main ones:

On the pubs front:

       The Activated magazines 1-14.
       Some Get Activated books starting with: The Future Foretold.
       The kids GP African project.

On the studio front:

       The videos TA 1, 3-7, and Fantastic Friends
ountdown to Armageddon

       One adult audio CD

       The CD Coloring the World is already available. Please keep these projects in your prayers. Contact addresses are:

       Studio: frastudio@aol.com (David)
       Pubs: be rniris@aol.com (Peter)


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up


       Michael Douglas, Don Cheadle, Benicio del Toro, Dennis Quaid, Catherine Zeta-Jones
       A patchwork of stories involving the high-stakes, high-risk world of the drug trade. Based on the 1980s British television mini-series TRAFFIK.


Billy Crudup, Jennifer Connely
       Nine years after the tragic death of the love of his life, a congressional candidate questions his sanity after he is suddenly flooded with thoughts and visions of his lost love. Lessons on conviction and how to be a true revolutionary-and not compromising for gain.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up


Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt
       A globetrotting FedEx troubleshooter must transform himself physically and emotionally to survive on a deserted island after a plane crash.


       RATED X (Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez; 2000)

       (Dad:) I'd call it pure trash, and certa inly not anything that we'd want any of our people to waste their precious time on! It's a true story, a traumatic testimony, about the emptiness of porn and taking drugs, but wading through it is certainly not worth it, as our Family already knows the emptiness of these pits.



This is an exposé of one of the great evils that the Enemy has brought into this world, which afflicts and debilitates the children of the U.S., as well as other nations. The demand for dru gs in the U.S. is great, and the Enemy is happy to supply them through whatever means, mostly across the border from Mexico, as this movie shows. Watching this film should give you great love and compassion for the youth of the world who are sucked into the drug scene, even to the point of having to prostitute themselves to get what they want. It's a sad story, but very realistic. I want you, My children, to go to these lost and lonely and dying children, and tell them of My love, and how I can deliver them from their destructions if they will only turn to Me.

Waking the Dead

       (Jesus:) There are many movies out today about those coming to speak or appear from beyond the grave. You have injected some of this truth into the world, and many people are wondering about it, and you have received truth from Me as to its veracity and reality-the experience of hearing from those who have passed over to the other side.
       This movie opens up real experiences that people have, real struggles w hen they think this is happening, real needs they have for closure of former events. People also need to be guided, and this girl was a guide for her boyfriend. This wish of his to be good came from her influence, and he needed this influence at this time in his life.
       I will not explain to you the outcome, but this movie is good because of how it relates to the truths and doctrines that I have shared with you. How modern man interprets these truths (without having My Word and My examples and M y teaching to guide him) is what is interesting in this movie and helpful for you to see. To see how a normal, un-churched, and barely believing man copes with this type of thing will help you in your ministry to those outside the Family.


       (Jesus:) This is a good movie. It has its sweet as well as its sad moments. I made each one to need others; I've put in the heart of every man the need to not be alone. Seeing this man's difficulty can give you so many things to be thankful for. I t may sound very cliché, but put yourself in his shoes. What if you were alone on an island? Think of all you'd miss. There are so many things that you can look at around you that you're thankful for. Doesn't it put a whole new spin on living communally? Look at all those around you that fill your life with hope, with friendship and happiness. Think how awful it would be to not have them. Think about being able to have fresh clean water and food and all these other blessings that you'd really mi ss if they were suddenly taken away from you. It gives you a whole new batch of things to be thankful for, doesn't it? When you watch this movie, think about all the things in your life that you're so very happy to have-all the fellowship, the friends, people to talk with-all these things that you would sorely miss but that you often take for granted, and thank Me for them.

[Performing for Boney M]
       Premika (17) of Mark and Faithy, India:
We had an exciting Christmas witnessing adventur e. The band Boney M, came to our city on the 17th of December to give a concert. …

       (Don't miss the full scoop from Premika-and photos-only on the MO site!)

Working at the FID (Family Information Department)

By Celeste (SGA), EURCRO Media/FID Desk

       For almost two years now I've been working on answering the hundreds of e-mails that come in from Africa and Europe via the Family's GP e-mail addresses. To do that means I get to sit behind a desk and do what often seems to be a very tediou s routine with steps that entail 1, 2, 3, so on and so forth. Due to the fact that we also have standard stock letters for those writing with particular questions, it's often a matter of just taking a document, cutting and pasting in the actual letter and perhaps adapting a sentence here or there to ensure it answers the person's query.
       I'm quite sure it's not just me that feels this way, but often those of us who sit behind a desk miss the excitement of witnessing and seeing the fruits of the labor in the fields. You could probably compare it with the poem by Grandmother in “Stop, Look, and Listen” where we just long to serve the Master out in the busy fields. Ha!-At least I do! But one thing that has stood out to me more and more as I get into the run of answering these people is how this aspect of our ministry is, in fact, a very important one when it comes to the overall benefit of the person we're witnessing to. There's the person who sows the seed and gives them the tract, then there's the ground that accepts it and is anxious for more, which leads to them writing to the e-mail address, and that's where we get to come into the picture. Then there's the watering and nourishing of that little seed of faith and belief which is usually done by sending him or her appropriate lit and pubs to read, and eventually passing on the person's contact information to a local Home for personal care and attention.
       When you think of it, it's all part of “that banana there” and not to be underestimated or thought unimportant. I'm not saying it is underestimated, but to be honest, there are days where I'll just look at those e-mails and ask myself why did this technology have to come around. Here I am struggling to keep up with people's questions, and no sooner have I sent a batch of e-mails out than I already have them coming back with round two of questions. (It's happened where we just sent off a large amount of e-mails and when the computer picks up after sending them the re's already a reply.)-And answering GP e-mails isn't my main ministry! Not to mention that we receive the widest range of questions one can imagine. There's the folks who are writing in with the simple questions of “What's the Family all about,” or “What's the Family up to in my country,” “Can I contact the Family in my country,” or “What's your view on abortion, homosexuality, drugs, alcohol, sex, etc., etc.” But you also have the controversial remarks that, needless to say, spark quite the re action. There's folks that write asking how in the world we could come up with our sexual liberties (always a bit of a tough one as it tends to get a bit too personal…ha!), or those who try to witness to us (and seeing it's my name on the letter they'll take it upon themselves to ensure that they've “delivered their soul” to the innocent at heart. Ahem!), and of course those who just want to be sure you know they don't agree with your beliefs. We even get notes from folks who are planning on com mitting suicide and are asking us to give them a reason not to! The list is endless, but it does take a lot of praying over and wading through people's notes and remarks.
       The part that makes me feel all my efforts are worth it, is when I see a result. I'd say that out of the 1,000 and something e-mails I've written over the past year, a small percentage of those have ever actually brought back a tangible proof of “difference” from my part, but the ones that we do hear about are so very encoura ging.
       For example, I got an e-mail from a Nigerian girl almost a year ago saying how a friend of hers had received a tract from someone who was witnessing on their school campus. The friend then passed it on to this girl who wrote us and she was totally turned on to the message and eager to find the people who have such an outlook on life and connection with the Lord. Prior to this, the girl had had a very rough life; she was even contemplating suicide (though she didn't tell us that right awa y). From our e-mails and the material we sent her, she found a new reason for living.-Even her boss wrote us an e-mail begging us not to discontinue writing her (I had gotten very sick and couldn't work so the e-mails were left unanswered for a couple weeks!) as it meant the world to her and he could see that the difference in her life was due to her interactions with us.
       The ideal situation with such a sheep would have been to get a local Home to follow up on her, but sad to say all the messa ges I sent out seemed to bring back no response, and my hopes were starting to dwindle. I tried to encourage her that I was trying my best to get her in touch with the Family locally; I sent her answers to her questions, and ended up creating a very personal connection with her. When it finally worked out for the local Home to get in touch with her (they had never received my messages!) they missed seeing her the first time around as she was still at work when they swung by her house, but they d id have a chance to talk with her father. This is the note I got from her right after she got home and found out the Family had finally come to see her:

       From Kitty
: I am soooooooooo glad to write to you, how are you? The good news is that they came, they came (the Family) to my house yesterday and the bad news is that I wasn't around when they came, so I didn't see and meet them but they promised to repeat their visit the first week of September. Isn't it great? I am so excited when they tol d me, at least my family saw them and again Faith [Her 8-year-old sister who is also very sheepy] wasn't around too when they came. It is so sad that the two people that want to see them badly didn't see them, but we will be ready next time they come.
       Thank you for making my dreams and my prayers come true when I least expected it. They said you told them to come. I am so happy that you are my friend, do you know what this means to me? It means sooo much to me.
       Again, they met my father and told my father that they are looking for a place that they can get a center. So, my father volunteered for them to use our parlor if they want, and they said they will pray about it. I pray God will approve to use our house for it, imagine this, that a Family center is in our house. Isn't it wonderful? I am so happy, please write and tell me you are happy for me. Remember, you are responsible for my happiness. GOD BLESS YOU AND THANK YOU AGAIN.

       Since this note the Family did finally meet her and it turns out she's been witnessing and telling her friends and co-workers all about the Family and our Christian beliefs-now there's a whole congregation that the Home can give Bible classes to.
       Another example is a man who serves in the Botswana Police service. He wrote in asking for Bible classes so he could in turn pass them around to his fellow co-workers and the inmates at the prison he works in. (I actually really enjoy these type of e-mails as that means I get to search through the Word Basics/Word Topics/Treasures/Bible and see what I can come up with. I may not be able to give him a personal Bible class but this is the closest I can get.) He recently sent me a note of appreciation and included a letter one of his colleagues sent him after he sent around the Bible class I e-mailed him. Here is his letter, followed by the note from his colleague:

       From A.: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the information I need on spiritual matters. The info on fa ith has been circulated and some of my fellow workers who are Christians do appreciate all your efforts. I am able to reach them through our local network. I think having established contact with you is a blessing to our brothers. This is one of the messages I receive from those who are reached by the spiritual food served fresh every morning.
       Note from Z.M
.: Good morning A. in the name of His Mighty Jesus Christ. Amen. I am very much happy and wish to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for the kindness you have shown and still you will show upon me. Brother, please keep it up. I pray through the Lord Jesus that He instills in you that sense of knowledge and kindness that you continue to preach the good news to people so that they can be born again. Your document of faith is the one I have since hoped and longed for. Please don't forget me in any document of Christianity. I need more in building both faith and my growth as a believer in Christ. May God bless you. AMEN.

       I could probably come up with a whole FSM of reactions and “happy endings” that derive from the GP e-mails we get in! But the thing that makes this often tedious and routine, and perhaps slightly “unnoticed” work worthwhile, is to remember that my labors are not in vain. They're making a difference somewhere, somehow, and usually a lot more than I could ever imagine. Tuning into that one person through that one e-mail may seem like just another extra five minutes of “personalizing” a class, or a nother minute to be sure I prayed and got the right answer for them, but it can turn into the decisive factor for the person on the other end who is searching and in need of our witness.-I guess when you think of it, my “personal witnessing” stats are quite up there!

European FID-A quick look at the stats for 2000!

By Abi (EMD)
       The “European Family Information Department” (“FID”) is the GP side of the EURCRO Media Desk. The Media Desk also gives counsel and assistance to Family members fac ing legal or media questions, but that's another story; here we want to give you a peek at our work with the public. Our FID team is mainly Abi (FGA), Celeste (SGA) and Hannah (FGA).
       One of the main jobs of the FID is answering requests for information about the Family. Our e-mail address has become quite well known and we regularly receive questions not only from academics and people who already know us, but students and others who want to write a thesis in full or part about us. In the past year we cooperated with 11 studies. Eight of these studies were in the United Kingdom and the rest were in other parts of Europe. We also participated in one international conference, attended and spoke at an international hearing for religious freedom and gave a presentation on the Family for a class at a London university. We send out mass mailings to those we meet or come into contact with.
       In the past year we received 1,085 e-mails from the public. Of these, about 700 came from sheep, many of whom wrote initially to the Family's international Web site. The rest were academic or media contacts and some ex-members.
       In turn we sent out 871 individual e-mail letters. We also sent out 36 different e-mail “mass mailings” which consist of a publication like a Reflections, FAR or tract plus a personal note. This amounted to another 5,562 e-mails sent out.
       We try to take care of our GP e-mail sheep with personal attention, prayer, answering their individual questions and sending them appropriate lit. Some of them are taking part in a “test run” of the 12 Foundation Stones course. We now have around 300 names on our GP e-mail mailing list. We estimate that 75 percent of these people have written us at least twice.
       A number of people write in asking to meet the Family and we try to put them in contact with Family members in their area. The area where most of these requests come from is Africa (Nigeria especially), but we also get a fair amount of requests from England and Fr ance, following by lesser amounts in other parts of Europe. This is a plug for the Family in those areas to please help with follow-up! If your Home is interested in helping, please get in touch with us at info@thefamilyeurope.org .

Living the faith life

By Gabe, Mama's Home
       I've been in the Family since 1972, and I've seen a lot of people come and go. It was a very difficult decision to join the Family, and in my opinion, I gave up a lot to do it. From the first month I joined, there was someone in our Home that decided that he had served his time and wanted to choose another lifestyle, so he left the Family. Ever since then, I've seen people come and go. I've appreciated the service of the ones who have left, and some of those who have left have been my best friends. I'm eager to be reunited with them at some point, and I'm thankful for the time they put into the Lord's army.
       People move on for various reasons, and one of them is just plain be ing tired of living by faith and not knowing where their next meal, money, or resources are going to come from, or if they're going to come.
       I was talking to a friend of mine recently. I asked him what he thought about different ones who have gone out to obtain better job security or to have steady, financial income. I said, “Do you worry about that?”
       He said, “Well, I have thought about it, but I don't worry about it. Whenever I think about it, I end up right back at our scriptural foundati on of 'labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life,' and 'lay not up for yourself treasures on earth where moth and rust doth corrupt,' etc.” He said, “I think we just need a more constant flowing of the basic foundations of the Word and the Bible on some of these issues so that they're fresh in our mind today. You have to forsake all every day, and to do that, you need faith. And to have faith, you need the Word. I think we need to remind ourse lves and remind each other that God has called us to a life of living by faith, and living by faith doesn't always come with having job security, or financial security.”
       I thought about that, and it's very true. I want to do my part to encourage people to have faith to believe that the Lord will take care of them-not only today, but five years from now, ten years from now, and until they either get raptured or God calls them Home in some other way. I personally have made a decision, by God's g race, to live by faith for the rest of my life. Not only because of what it says in the Word, but because of Dad's example.
       I lived on the field for my first eight years in the Family, and I had to abase and abound. I've been in situations where I had more than plenty, and I've been in situations where I had almost nothing. I was given a Visa credit card by a queen who said, “Use this for a month. Buy whatever you want. It's unlimited!” It was like a physical manifestation of the Lord opening the windows of Heaven. Of course, I didn't want to abuse this special privilege, so I only used it for my needs. I was traveling across the country at the time, and I used it for gas, hotels and food. After arriving at our destination, I promptly sent her credit card back to her and thanked her for her giving.
       I've also been in situations where I was stranded on the roadside with car problems-and no money in my pocket. But no matter what my situation or condition, the Lord always supplied and I never lacked, and I'm very thankful for that. Looking at my past gives me faith, not only because of the Word, but because of personal experience.
       In WS, I'll be honest and say we do not have to worry about where our money is coming from because of the faithful giving of you, our wonderful Family. We have other battles, believe me, in other areas, that we have to fight.
       I was also blessed to live around and with Dad from 1981 until the day of his departure in 1994. This is the point of thi s article that I want to write. I was there when Dad took his last breath. I was there when we had a farewell ceremony. I was there when we put him in the grave. And I also went into his room after his graduation and went through his personal belongings. His clothes, I put into forsake-all. His pens, I put into the office supply cupboard. Since he wasn't going to need any of those things, I straightened and cleaned out his room.
       But this one thing impressed me the most. When I went through his pockets and personal belongings, I found he had very little money or coins, in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of dollars that came through to him, which he passed back out to the Family. He didn't have a bank account. He didn't own a property. He didn't own a car. His only personal belongings were a few office supplies and clothing-and that was it. He didn't have much more than a little pittance in his pocket, which he wanted to have on hand to give to people when we were on get-out, o r tips for waiters and waitresses. And I really thought about that and said, “This is how I want to die. I want to die having nothing.”
       Dad had the potential to be a very wealthy man, because of all the money that was given to him by people who supported him and his work. But his principle was constant throughout the time he was here on Earth-that it was more blessed to give than to receive. So he was constantly looking for ways he could channel that money and resources to the Family, either t hrough giving emergency funds to every Home on the mission field (which eventually became part of the HER), or through the GP tool fund that went to every Home, or through the multitudes of pubs, books, magazines, tapes and videos that have been sent out.
       You and I realize that if you go into the library and look at all the books and mags and Family publications, and all of the ones that were printed in the past that probably aren't in there, that there's no way that amount of material could h ave been printed for so many people with just the tithes that come in. They were made possible by gifts and donations that were sent to Dad.
       When I go to my dad's house, who tithes to the Catholic Church, he has absolutely nothing to show for it as far as spiritual feeding and religious publications. My mother also goes to an evangelical church, and she tithes her income to that church. She has nothing to show for it other than a church building and a pastor. My sister also attends an evangeli cal church that promotes tithing, and she has nothing to show for it other than a weekly four-page church bulletin that tells the schedule of the church service for that week. No wonder so many of the people that attend church weekly are so retarded spiritually. That's not to belittle the many valuable, on-fire, witnessing Christians all around the world, as there are many of them.
       But after going through Dad's personal belongings and seeing what a simple lifestyle he lived, and how easy it wa s to go through his personal belongings after he had graduated, I made this my personal vow that this is how I want to leave this life-owning and having nothing, using all my time, energies, and resources in the Family and for the people that I live with.
       I think Dad was a tremendous sample of giving-giving his life, his time, his energy and also his income to you, our wonderful Family around the world.
       I do pray for you, that you have faith to continue to live by faith and be content with w hatsoever things you have. God bless you. I love you.


(Part two of a four-part series)


Day Eight. Thursday.

       1:30 PM. Lunch isn't quite ready, so the few of us who have shown up early help set out plates and utensils. Lunch consists of an interesting dish of leftover rice mixed with cold tuna salad, plus a green salad.

       4:10. I hear Peter's nice voice outside my room, talking to one of the SGA men. A few minutes later I step out and mention that I can't hear every word, but they might not want to discuss anything ultra-personal since the sound carries. Peter replies, “Thank you, that's very thoughtful.” Then he adds with a grin, “I guess that means we can't talk about you!” I call back over my shoulder, “Unless it's good!” with a laugh. I grab a fruit snack and come back to my room.

       5:30. I get an e-pop (a small electronic pop-up message) from one of the SGA girls who lives upstairs in the house: “U busy?” When I reply that I'm working but not having PNP (prayer and prophecy) time, she responds…

       (Her:) Wanna pop 'n' praise?-Just phrases of things Jesus does and is for us type of thing, for a minute?
       (Me:) Sure, sounds fun. You lead the way.
       (Her:) Jesus, You're the best Lover I've ever loved with.
       (Me:) Thank You Jesus that the sun is shining today.
       (Her:) Jesus, I love how You understand every detail of my heart.
       (Me:) Thank You Lord for giving us fulfilling work and for how we can be a part of feeding the Family.
       (Her:) Thank You for how gently and tenderly You treat me, Lord.
       (Me:) Thank You Jesus for being so creative in Your love for us.
       (Her:) You have such a warm and welcoming nature. I feel so comfy around You.
       (Me:) Thank You for Your sense of humor and for Your interesting personality.
       (Her:) Your words wow me. They describe just the way I am. You know me so well.
       (Me:) Thank You for being so intelligent and wise, for being so up on the things we go through.
       (Her:) Amen and amen! XXX! Thanks, that was fun! ILY!

       Later in the evening the Home shepherd drops by and we chat about the mistakes that can be made when we go too fast.-Since I recently did just that, by editing something wrong and having to go back and re-do it.

       7:30. I chat with Jenna in the exercise area. June brings me a printout of something she's asked me to read aloud at the prayer morning meeting, Friday.

       8:00. Dinner is beans and cornbread. At announcement s time Colette wants to give an announcement and her caretaker suggests she quotes her verse, “Fight the good fight of faith!” which she does with great enthusiasm. After everyone claps and praises her, she decides she wants to quote another verse, and does so, to the chuckles of everyone.-She loves performing.

       9:15. Since I haven't had get-out today, I play some MP3 music from my computer and take some in the exercise area (which is right by my room).

       10 PM. I ask Jenna if I can jump in her shower (I rotate between bathrooms in the house.) When I go upstairs to her room, I find that Colette is going to sleep on her bed, listening to a kids' tape, while Jenna continues working at her desk, a couple inches away.

       11:40. I've sent off some personal email and crawl into bed.

Day Nine. Friday.

       It's prayer morning. June and our in-house computer tech man lead it. June announces new ways to pray with the intro that “if they don't work, just pretend that they do.” We do a “w ave prayer” where everyone goes around the room doing the wave, as they pray for various aspects of a short business trip one of our Home members is going on. Then we do a “Catholic prayer” for personal prayer requests, and all kneel on the floor. The floor is cold and hard. Afterward someone comments, “Thank God we're not Catholics!”

       1:30. At lunch time, our Home shepherd announces that Mama and Peter are going away for a few days so they can concentrate on some work. Peter has had mild hea rt pains, yesterday and today. We pray for him at lunch.

       4:30. I don't go out with the team to play soccer. They come back and tell me they missed me. There's a lot of activity in the driveway today. Peter is talking in the driveway with an SGA girl. He passes by and comments, “It's like grand central station here for you!” to which I respond that compared to where I usually work back at my Home (in a centralized office situation) it's not bad, and that I have good concentration when there a re people around.

       6:50. I'm going stir-crazy in my little room, since I missed get-out, so I go for a praise time break on the back step of the house (overlooking the backyard.) As I'm sitting there, three different people pass by and say hello, and two of those people check “Are you okay?” and I have to reassure them that I'm fine, just taking a break.

       7:19. Mama walks by (she's getting things ready for her and Peter's departure). She pokes her head in and says “Hi!” She also comments o n the noise factor of my location, and says I'm in the “center of action,” and I reassure her too that I have good concentration, and that I actually like to hear and see people passing by, that it helps diminish my sense of isolation. When she hears this she comments, “You probably miss your boyfriend,” and I quickly reassure her that he writes me regular notes, so I don't miss him too badly. She finishes with “I'm so happy you're here, even though I don't get to see you much.-You're practicall y outside our door! I love you!” She smiles and walks on down the driveway and around the front of the house.
       Oh, by the way, she's wearing her light gray-tinted sunglasses but her eyes are wide open! I try not to look at her face constantly so that she'll feel comfortable closing them now and then. It's tricky though, because I don't want to look away just as she's opened her eyes to look at me!
       I've been reflecting on how thankful I am that my room is located right here. Surely, if I had a room inside the big house, I wouldn't see Mama even a tenth as much as I do out here, because walking by my room and down the driveway is the only way to get out the front gate without actually walking through the whole house. Actually, I just calculated that I would only have seen her on three occasions since being here, if I lived in the house. Hurrah for this little room!

       7:23. Mama walks back around the corner of the front with Rose. As Mama passes, she chuckles in mid-sentence and smil es and waves at me when she realizes I'm smiling at her.

       7:44. Peter walks past. “Love you.”

       7:55. Peter passes by again and blows a kiss.

       8:02. Peter walks by again, holding a bunch of paraphernalia for their trip. Mama also follows behind him. Since they're about to leave, she gives me a hug. Our conversation is interrupted twice as she says goodbye to some of the other girls who pass by on their way to dinner.

       9:00. Chat after dinner with Rebecca and Tamar. We “girl-talk” for 15 minutes.

Day Ten. Saturday.

       After checking my email and writing a couple of work notes first thing, I run inside to get something and squeeze through three young people-two girls and a guy-vigorously doing a new workout video in our narrow living room.

Day Eleven. Sunday.

       It's hard to remember to do this diary! Especially when the Folks are gone. Most Sundays are quiet, and this is no exception. One outstanding thing I did was eat a nice dinner with four others in the evening (S unday is cook-your-own-food day).

Day Twelve. Monday.

       Work! At night I watched a movie with a few others.

Day Thirteen. Tuesday.

       I led devotions and weekly communion.

       11:30 AM. I typed a work tape from Mama; she's commenting on some editing work I did. In the course of the tape, she says. “This is another message, dash, message eight, dash. I don't have to put the dashes in. I get so used to dictating and having someone else type my approvals and pubs corrections. Ha, ha. It's funny that I forget that I'm just talking to you, and since you're hearing my voice, it's clear what I'm talking about.”-A little Mama-work trivia.

       4:30. Played volleyball for get-out.

Day Fourteen. Wednesday.

       We watched the Acts Visual Bible again for devotions. Quite interesting.

       11 AM. Mama and Peter are back. Mama passes by and we chat for a minute about some work I'm doing. Colette appears with her mom, and the little girl says hi to Mama. They chat for a couple minutes about how Colette helped wash the vehicle and had gotten wet doing it. Then Colette said “You can come into my house!” and Mama replied, “Yes, maybe later, 'cause right now I'm going into this house” (Mama and Peter's place).

Copyright © 2001, by The Family

(End of file.)