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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue #103; January 1, 2001.)

Happy New Year, dear Family! Thanks for all the Christmas greetings, love and prayers you sent our way. We love you, and pray that you have a wonderful Feast and the best year yet!

Prayer request for Family in Mexico

       Please keep our Family in Mexico in your prayers, as they minister to those whose lives have been affected by the recent volcanic eruptions there. Pray that their witness will reach many hearts, and for the comfort of these poor p eople.


       How long should you try? Until.

, born to Luba and Pasha on May 2.--Russia
, born to Michael and Mariana on July 14.--Brazil
       Devin Leif
, 1st child, born to Marianne and David on September 7.--USA
, 4th child, born to Esther and Miguel, September 25.--USA
       Daniel Rylan
, 1st child, born to Malaysian Crystal and Peter John on September 27.--PACRO
       Ameyalli Sarai Happiness
, born to Flower and James, October 2.--Mexico
, born to Dan iel and Ana Luz on October 6.--Brazil
, born to Sarita on October 20.--Brazil
       Emma Claire
, born to Faithy Fighter and Paul Positive on October 28.--England
       Sergio Daniel
, born to Daniela on October 28.--Colombia
       Elisabeth Feed-My-Sheep
, born to Dove and Timothy, November 9th. --USA
, born to Christina and Dan on November 11.--Ukraine
       Kevin Max
, 3rd child, born to Faithy and Jesse on November 17.--China
       Nick Darren Clear
, born to Sara Clear and John Clear on November 20.- -Germany
       Baby boy
, born to Joy Jane and Tim Soldier on November 22.--Ukraine
, born to Claire on November 25.--Brazil

(32) joined in November.--Brazil
and children Vida-Maria and Jens (Swiss) joined in Germany.

world news

Performance at the Global Summit for Peace

By Joan, Mideast
       A team attended a global summit in the Mideast in November, organized from the States in conjunction with officials in the Mideast.
       We were invited to perform for the opening ceremony in the morning, and we sang three songs in conjunction with some Arab children that we have been training over the last two months, who joined in on the choruses. Due to the political climate in the region, with all the problems going on between Israel and Palestine, a few of the key VIPs who were going to come, sent top representatives instead.
       It was amazing to see the reaction to the songs that we performed. Many of the VIPs in the front row were literally in tears during o ur songs. Afterwards, most of the VIPs approached the singing team to thank them for their contribution and ask for copies of the songs. Thank the Lord we had about 80 packages on hand, with lit and letters explaining who we are and explaining about our projects.
       Shortly after this, we received a very appreciative letter from [a VIP], addressed to us, which we are enclosing below.

Dear sirs:
       I received, with gratitude and appreciation your kind and thoughtful letter with its enclosures.
       I was very impressed by all the noble work, projects and activities your organization is undertaking in many countries. I also enjoyed enormously your performance at the opening of the Global Summit on Peace, and I am very grateful for the CD of your compositions.
       Your work and selfless dedication are greatly appreciated, and they are an eloquent testament to your noble endeavors and valuable services.
       Please accept my repeated thanks and sincere best wishes for your continued success. I ho pe we can stay in touch, and you can count on my support in any way I can.

legal and media

Kazakhstan churches being investigated

By Peter and Esther
       We recently contacted our lawyer friend and inquired about any news concerning religion in Kazakhstan. He said that there is something going on and more restrictions are to be expected in the near future. Because of the recent Taliban revolts in Uzbekistan, the KGB is investigating or will investigate religious movements in Kazakhstan. We also heard from a church friend that the police started to investigate their church. In the news they showed a few times how different controversial lit has been found in this church and that mosque.
       (Please pray that the Lord will protect Family members and other Christians from unnecessary encounters or problems with officials.)

- David, Liberty and Precious: The Daily Dispatch did a favorable article about our prison ministry art exhibition, reaching 200,000.

- David, Carolina and Susana: Jornal de Noticias did a very short but favorable article with pictures about our ballooning. It mentioned that we are international missionaries, our humanitarian aid trip to Bosnia from here, and that we also work in other third world countries. It talked a little about our Family history starting in Huntington Beach. It reached 90,000.

- Michael, Joan and Anna: In the Helsingor Dagblad on the front page was a photo of Anna and me with the text: “Balloo n-clown and mother of 11.” The article that followed contained another photo and the title, “Behind the Mask of the Clown--The Balloon artist Lizzie is well known and loved, and often has performed in Helsongor. She's at the same time a person that's deeply engaged in helping kids in need around the world.” The article was all about our life as volunteers and missionaries, our different projects through the years and about the ministry we're involved in at the hospital. It also gave the story of how we're on our way to the Philippines to help make life better for kids there. The newspaper is a regional paper of the area where I often have been ballooning, so lots of people know me.

- John, Martin, Nina, Sebastian and Esther: We do a children's corner every week for The Arusha Times, reaching around 5,000 readers.

- Andrew, Miracle, Larissa, Jonathon and Simon: “Blue Sky” radio station has a play list of about ten songs from Family CDs that they play from tim e to time on their very popular radio station.


       Suggestion from Ginny and Bonnie, SSU:
What about compiling a few power-packed “What the experts say” blurbs about the TAs or other products that we could quote? Or facts like “these were used in such-and-such a country in their primary educational program”?

What a great idea! If you have any “rave reviews” on hand, particularly quotes from specific experts--along with their names, or information about educational programs th at have used our wonderful videos, or other tools, please send them in! We can then make them available to others, to help our Family worldwide better promote our products.
       You can send any raves and referrals to: gp@wsfamily.com.

Ordering Aurora Products

By WS GP department
       We hope that you enjoyed the Fall 2000 Aurora catalogue--which each Home should have received a sample copy of from their NPC--showing all the GP products that are available. What is available in each country or area varies somewhat, and you may not be able to get every single tool listed on this catalogue from your local SC. However, if you contact your SC, they will let you know whether they have this item, or plan to get it; or if it's a product they won't be carrying, they can obtain copies from another SC who carries this product. Aurora doesn't handle orders to the Homes (only to the SCs), so if there's something you're trying to order, please write your SC--which Aurora helps to supply--rather than w riting to Aurora to request copies. Thanks!

Classifieds section on the Members Only site!

       Finally. An international place to post ads. So, if you're looking for someone, or for a Home or for personnel for your Home, have something you'd like to sell, or have something you need, etc., etc., check this section out!--You just might find what you're looking for. And please do add to this section; the more the merrier. We love you and Happy New Year!
       (Grapevine editor: Please note that the GV doesn't print personnel wanted ads, only ads requesting financial support. So please direct your personnel wanted ads to the MO site, or to the CRO offices for printing in their local bulletins. Thanks!)

Spanish Members Only site address change!

       The Spanish Members Only site's address has changed. The new address is: http://sp.familymembers.com/

Take part in a coloring project!

By Kay Martin, for the Moscow SC programming department

Dear Family,
       Our programming department will so on start working on a new computer program, designed to read colorful, Family-made comic stories to the children. The program will be user-friendly, fun and interactive, and the stories will contain lots of sound effects, coloring pages and narration in several languages. The users will also be able to easily record the narration for the existing stories in their native tongues!
       We would like to include a large number of comic stories with the first issue of the program. But to make it a reali ty, we need some help with coloring the comics! Would you like to help? Do you have a spark of artistic skill? Would you like to learn how to use a picture-editing computer program? Do you feel like your life could benefit from an exciting and fun project that you can do right at home?
       We are open to working with any number of JETTs, teens or adults, so write in today! Express yourself, enhance your talents and join the ranks of artists from across the globe in the unified effort to bring the Word to our children!
       When writing us, please include the following info:

*       Do you have access to Photoshop or some other picture-editing program?
*       Do you know how to use your picture-editing program? If so, how well? If not, is there anyone who could teach you?
*       Do you have a scanner in your Home?
*       Would you be able to work on the coloring project full time, part time or occasionally?

       Contact us today via the Russian ABM and we'll send you more information! Please include your e- mail address and PGP key.

travel tip

Traveling? Don't forget…

       …to label your luggage on the inside, with your name and destination. This is very important if your luggage gets lots and/or the flimsy luggage tags on the outside are accidentally torn off. And of course, praying over your luggage is one of the best things you can do to see them through to their destination undamaged.


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up


Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen
       Action movie based on the comic series, about a group of “mutants” (humans with special powers) engaged in the classic battle of good vs. evil.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up


Keanu Reeves, Gene Hackman
       When professional football players strike in the middle of the season, a retired coach and replacement players step in.


Amanda Schull, Ethan Steifel
       A look into the world of dancing, through the eyes of a group of young p eople striving for a position in the fictitious American Ballet Company. Some good dancing scenes.


Jeremy Northam; Rebecca Pidgeon
       In Edwardian England, a thirteen year-old cadet is expelled from the naval academy for stealing a seven-shilling postal order. His father and sister become obsessed with proving his innocence at any cost to themselves. Good lessons on persevering to the end, and not prejudging someone's motives.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up


Gene Barry, Ann Robinson
       A meteorite which crash lands on Earth turns out to be an alien spaceship which precedes a full-scale invasion from the red planet. Based on the novel by H.G. Wells.

Non-Recommended Movies

(Kate Winslet, Harvey Keitel; 1999)
       (Jesus:) This is not a good movie for the Family. It is depressing and discouraging. It is very sleazy. It helped to paint exit-counselors in a bad light to the world, which was a purpose I had in this movie, but it is of no value to the Family to watch it.

       A wee word from the WS preview department:
Take note that a movie rated for lower age groups might prove enjoyable for you grownups too. We try to bring the ratings down low enough so that as many people as possible can enjoy them--and have found that we're able to rate many of the most worthwhile movies for JETTs and OCs. So if perchance you think that something rated for people much younger than you won't be interesting, think again…



       (Jesus:) The world doesn't understand you because, like the mutants, you're different than the average “Joe.” The flatlanders tried to eliminate Me when I was on Earth and now they're trying to defeat you. They don't understand the power you have in Me; they're afraid of it, so they fight you. They think wielding the weapon of prophecy or loving Me intimately is weird and bizarre, because they are living on a different plane. “The natural man receiveth not the things of the Sp irit.”
       The new weapons and spiritual powers that I have given you, My children, are much like those portrayed in this movie. In a way, you are like the X-men. You are called and chosen, and I have blessed you with special gifts and abilities--yes, and even powers. You've been in My school of training and have been learning how to hone and develop the gifts of My Spirit. You are fighting on the right side, the winning side, My side, and though the Enemy puts up quite a fight, we will win in the end.
       There are lots of interesting parallels in this movie, if you keep your spiritual eyes open. “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.”

The Replacements

       (Jesus:) This is a fun and relaxing movie, mainly for those that enjoy sports movies. It's kind of “typical” in a way as far as the plot goes, and unfortunately also has a fair bit of foul language--that's how people with that kind of lifestyle behave in the world. But it also has some worthwhile lessons on teamwork, on letting others shine, on leadership, and how to bring out the best in people. The main characters are generally sweet and likeable, and the movie provides some relatively harmless light entertainment.

Center Stage

       (Dad:) I loved the beautiful dancing. This movie has some worthwhile lessons on finding your calling. It also showed how ambition can corrupt, and what people will put themselves through just to try to succeed--because they feel the y have to. It is a showcase for the dancing, for young stars who can both act and dance.

The Winslow Boy

This is a beautiful example of the love and faith you need to have in each other in the days ahead. The boy wasn't perfect, yet the father's love for his son caused the father to fight for him even though it cost him almost everything. He had the faith to look into his son's heart, just as I look into your heart and I have the faith to know you are going to make it and that you' re worth fighting for.

War of the Worlds

Well, kids, here's a movie that I've talked about in the Letters. It's worth viewing, to show you the innocence of the world as it once was. People really did have the naivety then to believe such a thing could happen. You now know that there's no need to worry about an invasion from Mars. The real invaders will be you, along with our Big Handsome King Jesus. And we won't be invading and tearing down, but rather invading and building up. The w orld itself brings on its own destruction through their wars and disease and poverty, their own injustices of man upon man. They don't need an outsider from another planet coming in to have destruction.
       And when the real space invaders come, Jesus and us, His Army, we'll bring with us the happiness and peace that they are all looking for. We'll be coming to rebuild and give hope, not to tear down and destroy. They won't need to fear us; they'll welcome us! By the time the Lord brings us down f or our rule and reign with Him, man will be so fed up with their own destructions that they'll bow down and worship Him, whom they should have been worshipping all along.
       So come on, kids! Keep preparing yourselves for being the real Space Invaders of the future, by filling your hearts and minds up with His thoughts and sounds and words and pictures. Are you ready? Not quite, because you still have a job here to do. And part of that job is preparing the world for His invasion tomorrow. And ano ther part is preparing yourself to rule alongside Him and to be on that Invading Force!

techXcellence Network

By Dan, Hungary
       Have you searched the Web endlessly for help with your computer problems? Or wanted to share ideas of how to accomplish something with computers but did not know where to forum it? techXcellence provides a prime location for all CM/FM to come and discuss problems with computers, as well as look up FAQs on programs that most Family members use on a daily basis! - For site access use:


       Come and pay a visit at www.techxcellence.net

prayer list

Situations Requiring Extra Prayer Power

: Bone cancer. For the chemotherapy to work and against negative secondary effects.


       India Activated Desk:
Wisdom in handling the large amount of Activated subscriptions that have began to come in. For the magazines to arrive safely in spite of a recent postal strike and other logistical postal difficul ties.
Non-progressive form of leukemia. (See answered prayer section.)

South America

       For peaceand economic and political stability in the South America countries.
       Josué (of Cielo):
Recovery after heart attack.
       Tabita Vencedora:
The cartilage in her knee and pelvis has deteriorated. Sinusitis, gastritis and hair loss.
       Miguelito (
5 months, of Sam and Sara): Hernia.
       Esther (of Juan A.):
Rheumatoid arthritis and Sygren syndrome (lack of tear flow) in her eyes.
       Juan Andres (of Juan and Esperanza):
Lung infection and complicated asthma.
       Flor (of Richard):
       Salomé (of Josué):
Diabetes, high blood pressure, injured finger.
       Ana (Colombia):
Fatigue, nausea and gastric problems.

Testimonies of Answered Prayer

       Steven and Grace, Poland:
We recently sent in a prayer request for our son, Michael, who was hospitalized at six weeks old due to a serious inflammation of the kidneys and urinary system. It looked bleak, but the Lord came through and he was hea led. Also, there were no side effects whatsoever from the antibiotics he took, and the inflammation is completely gone! Praise God!

       Mary Dear, Bombay:
Kanti just called with some miraculous news. After examining Kanti, the specialist doctor told him that there is nothing to fear; he doesn't need medication and the particular form of blood cancer that he has is not progressive, that as long as he looks after himself and takes care of himself, he has nothing to worry about.


       An gie (of Philip and Jewel)
, Hua Qiao of Tefu would like to get in touch with you. She is wondering how you are. Please write her via Peter John and Crystal M., pcdesk@attglobal.net.

       Anyone know how Obed Bug could be reached? Some good news to share with him! Contact me at abifr@yahoo.com.

       Polish Grace (of Matthew) is looking for Peter and Lily, last heard of in France. Please, contact me via ABM in Russia, RU037.

       This is Tally. I am looking for the following people: Kerri (I lived wit h you in Celaya, your bro Matt, Serena (as in Mary Dear), and Jamie from Mazatlan. If you guys see this, please write me at: tallywacker00@yahoo.com.

       Serena (YA, Aussie, in Russia) is looking for Andre YA. Last heard from he was in Portland. You called me a couple times in Japan. Please write me at serenaa@mail.ru.

       (Denmark) Rachel, my wonderful sister, your two addresses aren't working and I am out of options of how to reach you since I can't call you from this part of the continent. Pl ease write to: agmagsal@interclan.net. Hope to hear from you hun. Love you!!!--Krist &&& &&&Lisa and Heaven, my other two wonderful's. Haven't heard from either of you in awhile and don't know if your adds are still being used. Hope all three of you have a great Christmas. Please write to: agmagsal@interclan.net. Lots of love to the kids, Heaven.--Love, Krist


[Effects of S2K]

       (From Genai, VS for the EE:)
When the challenge of S2K came out, it was very difficult for me. I felt despe rate, knowing that the Lord meant business. But it was hard for me to accept the practical application of it. Having visited many Homes before the S2K came out, I knew that what the Lord was asking was a complete new way of operating. On one hand I felt liberated, thinking that if everyone was really on the ball and completely sold-out to Jesus, it would help there to be more fruit borne, and in the long run make the VS/CRO job easier. I had become a bit entangled with dealing with problems. It seemed that there was a pattern of problems like disunity, discontentment, and young people being dissatisfied with the way things were going but not trying to pull things another way. (All things that were mentioned in the S2K Letters.)
       How was I going to be able to uphold this great commission? After all, I didn't feel like I could make it myself, much less make sure that others were getting on board. There are many lessons that I learned through all of this which there isn't time to get int o now! But I finally came to the point of acceptance.--I accepted that the Lord was asking me to give more of my life to Him.
       It was the uncomfortable part that I was afraid of!--Of having to go talk to people in our area that I knew were battling, and help them see that the Lord was able to change them if they wanted Him to. It was in being open to come before the Lord, asking Him where the problems were and being willing to face the answers He gave me, even if it meant that people I was clos e to or had spent a lot of time counseling would choose another path.
       I was afraid that through all of this I would be completely “branded” for the rest of my life. But I found that the Lord had begun working in people's hearts and even though I did go through some things that were a bit difficult, it wasn't because the Lord wasn't there. I had to let go and realize that I am a servant.--A servant who in deep respect and love for her Lord does His bidding in love. It's His Family and His is th e only image we should be worried about.
       Through the past year I have seen firsthand miracles!--I have seen life given to those that had no previous desire to live for Jesus. I have seen abundant supply as people use the gift of prophecy more. It has been like a window from Heaven has been opened to us, and out has poured unity, love, and desire to change and help, making it easier for us to get on board and be the army that He wants and needs us to be.
       Although there are still problems in t he Family, being that we all are human, it's a wonderful feeling to know that we're all striving towards becoming what Jesus wants us to be.
       The S2K has helped to pave the way for the Activated vision that is really just taking off! The sky is really the limit when we are on God's side!

[CVC has got it all]
       Joy (of Paul), Australia:
I've seen some of the teens who are studying in outside classes, and it makes me even more sure of what we have. Our classes in the CVC for vocational subject s cover just as much as any System certificate does and are so much more inspiring and Godly to study. I see, after looking into many courses and colleges, that in many cases our CVC certificates will be recognized as well. Mostly what you have to do for any job or anything in life is “sell yourself.” I found that the reason they always ask if you have completed your year ten for higher education, college courses or a job is to see if you are even literate. Our kids have superior intellect and o ur home education is far superior to System school. One young adult who is taking a level 4 business course said that the spelling lists they had were virtually the same as those in the How to Get Things Done book. Other young people are learning about teamworking, unity, telephone techniques and people handling, all things we teach our kids from a young age. We've got it all.

on the net

GP site feedback

[Note: God bless Promise and co. who answer and follow-up all of these e-mails!)

       I have just finished browsing your Web site and was moved by what I have read. I have been earnestly searching Web sites for spiritual kin, and came away with more of a sense of agreement of doctrine and of spirit from your site than from almost all others I have visited.
       I was ordained an Episcopalian priest and have lived in a Christian community. Currently a small band of us are worshiping and studying together and waiting upon God for direction. I would appreciate being able to communica te with any of you who might be able to deal with some additional questions that were not covered by what I saw on your Web site. You are welcome to visit my Web site.
--Yours in Christ, Reed

       Two Tests and a Wish
: WOW! Nothing else like this on the net. Thanks sincerely!

       I have found your Web site and would like to have some fellowship with the Family. I have known the Lord since the '70 where I spent some time with the Children of God in an old factory in Bromley Kent, England. I have this year left the Army after 22 years and live in London. I know God is real and would like to hear from you. I have seen a lot of bad press about you, but must say when I had met you in the seventy's you lived very strict and godly lives. It was a time of free love, but I did not see any sex orgies going on, so I think people are just making lies up about you.

       Hi. While perusing your lengthy, but very informative and organized Web site, I reflected on the show that sparked my interest in y our organization. Though the show was supposed to be a negative reflection of your group, I found it very inviting. The show was the Leeza Gibbons show. I agree about the sexual repressiveness of our worldly society and how it is not supposed to be that way. We can't even give our children the love and emotional support they need to grow spiritually and emotionally. I like what I have read about the Family's ideas and beliefs about family life.

       Hello, My name is Crystal and I had a group of Christmas carolers come out to my home for some entertainment two years ago. I was wanting to know if you still were available for December 16, 2000. Please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you.

       Hello! I was wondering if you had an e-mail address that goes directly to your Home in Thailand? I'm very interested in your work and beliefs; and I would like to know more. I have got family and friends in Thailand, and am therefore especially interested in that country. Do you have many Homes in Thailand, or just one?
       I have read some of the articles on your homepage. One of the articles was from Thailand (about a teachers' seminar), and a teacher named Sharon wrote it. I would very much like to talk to this teacher, because one of my best friends (who also is a teacher), was at this very seminar. My friend told me many good things about this teacher.
       As I have mentioned before I am very interested in your beliefs, however my parents do not approve (I am 18 years old). Therefore I would like to speak to Sharon, as my friend meant that she could be trusted.
       P.S. Is there a chat line where I could talk to Sharon?

       I was in the Family in India for 6 years. Now I work in Dubai and support them and the work for the lord. Can someone please write to me? GBY and love you!--David C.

Dear Beloved,
       I saw one of your tracts and I really enjoy your ministration and love your ministry, I want to know more about you, your services and how we can work together to promote the work of the kingdom of God, and let me know more about your beliefs.
       I have Diploma in Missions from Full Stature Mission Training Institute and have Diploma in Adult Education and Community Development from University of Ibadan, Ibadan (Nigeria).
       I call to serve with all my heart, strength, soul and with the rest of my life and I am looking for opportunity to serve especially in the area of audio visual evangelism, Christian film show in cities and villages or any media evangelism and miss ions work that I can be useful in.
       Please let me hear from you, I want full information about what you are doing and how I can be involved. Thanks.

       Thank you so much for sending me the Power Links; they're exactly what I enjoy reading when I turn my computer on. You know, there is one thing I would like to ask if it's okay--I have two tests coming up on the 8 and 14 of December and would really appreciate it if you could pray for me. Knowing that you will is gonna make it easier and I know He won't let me down. Once again, thanks.--With love, Lily

I'm still looking...
       I spent 23 years with the Navy as a special warfare operator (one of the sadly famous SEALS) and I have seen war and death up front, really, too close to be happy with. I always looked at my job as that, a job that has to be done even if it included taking another human's life; it was my job, and I did it, and I was good at it. With time I got to thinking that maybe God was not too happy with my job and I decid ed to leave the Navy, and I did.
       I grew up with a very religious family: a religion that was very restrictive, very “negativist,” don't do this, don't do that. I grew tired of that and left the house, joined the Navy and the rest you know. I've been to several religious organizations and they're all alike, about all you do or like, is a sin. I even joined some cult (the Raelians) that believe that some outer space people, “elohim,” put us here and take care of us and…. But they denied the exis tence of God and I finally left. But they were more natural, their beliefs are more natural, there are not that many “SINS,” not everything that we did was frowned upon; they were uplifting and happy, natural and sincere, but they did not believe in God (and I do), so I left. The Episcopalians, the Adventists and a lot more are just like the rest, “can't do this, can't do that,” so I keep on looking.
       A friend of mine from Costa Rica told me about you. It took me a while to find this site, but I found it, so I'm asking. Before I jump in with both feet, before I buy tapes and decide to join anybody I want to know what this is all about; if I don't think is right for me, I'll just move on and keep on looking. So, I'd like to know what you are about. What is allowed under God's orders (and what's not)? What we can do and can't do and why. Can you tell me?

       I got a gift of a CD from a friend in England from whom I learnt of the great work you're doing for Jesus' sake. God bless your ef forts. I'm a Nigerian student in Warsaw in need of gospel music and reading material in English. I presently worship with the interdenominational International Christian Fellowship (ICF) in Warsaw.
--Yours in Christ, Nick

How the Lord guides and supplies!

By Angelina, 18, in Equatorial Guinea
       I'm a person who's never lived in a country for longer than two years, and even then, I travel on road trips and such within the country or surrounding ones. For the past year I've lived on a small A frican island that is 60 by 40 km. I'd only seen one other Family face (that wasn't a part of our Home) during that time. Life is very different here than what I was used to, but life for the Lord isn't always the easiest, and that's certainly the case here. So after a year of not traveling at all, I had the itch real bad. Ha! My return ticket was just about to expire. I wanted to visit my parents and travel Europe visiting a few friends for a bit of a break and fellowship, so my Home decided it would be fine for me to have two months off.
       I left in the beginning of July, arriving in Zurich. From there I took a 24-hour bus ride to Bosnia where my parents were living. I was with them a month, and enjoyed the beautiful Croatian coast for a refreshing time of relaxation and camping on the beaches where my brother joined up with us. I helped them pack up their Home as they were moving it to Kosovo. My first month had gone by that time, and I made my way to Budapest for a music festival t hat's held every year, as I was going to meet up with a friend to travel on Interail. Five days of witnessing and fun at the festival with a variety of people from the homes in Hungary was just fabulous.
       From there Julia and I met up and we made our way to Venice, Rome, Verona, Brindisi, Patras, Athens, Thessaloniki, Istanbul, then all the way back up to Denmark. This was all in 24 incredible days. I want to thank all the Homes we visited--your hospitality was overwhelming at times to just us two traveling young people. From the witnessing and Holy Ghost samples in Rome, to visiting just for two hours in Athens, and being given a superb Greek meal and nice hot shower after being so filthy. To one day in Istanbul, and getting a guide from the Home to show us around the city and sites, you were all so wonderful! Okay, I'll get on to the miracles that happened along the way.
       I was trusting the Lord to supply the funds that I needed to get back to Equatorial Guinea. I bought another re turn ticket the same day I got off the plane, as otherwise there wouldn't have been a free seat even two months from then. I used some of my emergency funds which I have to have on hand in the field where I'm living, so I had to reimburse myself. I was quite worried about how it was going to happen, so one day I asked the Lord about it. I just got the verse in John 6, “All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; and him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” I didn't think it was any thing special at the time, but wrote it down nevertheless. A few days later I cracked open my little New Testament with my eyes closed and pointing my finger aimlessly, claiming whatever verse it would land on specifically for me. I was shocked to see that I was pointing at that very same verse. I decided to keep reading down a few verses and I came to this: “And this is the Father's will which hath sent Me, that of all which he hath given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again a t the last day” (John 6:39). “Raise it up in the last day” were the words which stood out to me. I was like, “Okay Lord, if you want to do that, it's fine by me.”
       Time went swiftly by as I neared the end of my travels. I hadn't worried as much as I usually would have about my finances, even though I hadn't had much time to do ballooning as I had planned because I was on the move constantly as I was traveling on an Interail ticket. Then in one of the countries I was visiting, a lovely family in vited me to go ballooning with them on the weekend. I went two days, and by a miracle had all the funds I needed to return to E.G., as my Grandma had also pledged to help me out with a portion of it. When telling the others I went ballooning with, that now I had all the funds I needed, I realized what a fulfillment it was. This was the last country I was visiting, and the day after the next was when I was going to be getting on my plane. Destination: Africa. The Lord literally supplied what I ne eded “in the last day.
       To add to it, while in Europe and talking to a friend, I realized that if I didn't go back to my Home in Africa, with the money I'd saved, I'd be able to buy a fancy manual camera with a 35-200mm zoom, and a laptop--two items I've wanted more than anything. I would never have considered buying those things instead of returning, but it was just a thought.
       Would you believe me if I told you that the day before getting on the plane, a couple in the Home I was visiting ga ve me their Olympus camera with a zoom lens of 35-200mm. And two weeks after being back in my Home, a friend of mine gave me a Compaq Armada 7800 laptop computer? Yes, indeed! The Lord truly gives to those “who leave the choices up to Him!” It took a while for this all to sink in, and you can just imagine how thrilled I am.

Monday night “Activated” classes

By Seek, Mexico
       We have two young men who said they wanted to be part of a weekly class. They have been coming for Bible classes on Mon day nights for over a month. Alex (far left) has a small jewelry business and Jaime (far right) is a vet. They have been very active in our CTP and Activated meetings.
       This was a big night for them as they each received a New Testament to use for witnessing, the Salvation verses and agreed to memorize one verse a day with references, a class for homework, and ten tracts to pass out during the week. We started to expect more of them and make things more “official,” and they are very excited.
       This evening they studied “Seven Ways to Know the Will of God” with us as Alex, who is at a crossroads in his life, is trying to make some major decisions. They took home with them “World Conquest Through Love,” and we asked them to give the Bible class next week, and they were happy to take on this challenge. We told them we would get the whole Home together and have music and make their first class a very special time for them.
       We also explained to them that our recent Activated seminar has generated a lot of follow-up, and we will need their help soon with the newcomers. That seemed to motivate them a lot and we know they are taking this challenge seriously and learning all they can. In the photo also are Jessica and Daniel who helped with the evening class.
       As a little P.S., recently Alex started to really go through a lot of battles, and we needed to spend more personal time with him to help him and to see how the Lord is working in his life. He was also pretty churchy and tal ked a lot, but in a sort of self-righteous way when sharing with others in the class. We talked to him about the difference between the churches and us. Last night he had changed so much in his presentation of different points, and it was very encouraging to see the Word come to life concerning the “shepherding role” that we will need to fill with our new live-out disciples.

help wanted

       Greetings from cold and snowy Russia! I'm Ivan (originally from Kazakhstan), presently live and serve t he Lord and others in Russia. I'd like to ask you, my dear Family, for prayer, as united prayer magnifies the power. I just found out that I have to go back to Kazakhstan in the beginning of the next year to do my ID and passport. The problem is that I don't have any money. Altogether I'll need about $200-250, and to get that amount here is extremely difficult. If you could pray for miraculous supply, I'd really appreciate it. Or if anyone has any little extras to donate, I'd be the most thankfu l. You can contact me through Russian ABM or write me at (walgra@mailandnews.com). Thank you, my dear brethren (Ecclesiastes 4: 9,10,12), and may the Lord bless you!

Contribute to organizing a camp for new disciples in Russia!

From the Russian VS team
       The Lord is leading us to organize an English teaching/spiritual training camp for the new disciples in Russia. Since the work is almost entirely indigenous, it is sometimes hard for the new disciples to learn English. This makes it difficult for them to study the New Wine on their own. The camp will give those who don't speak English a basis that they can later build on, and strengthen them spiritually. Even a small donation from your Home will be greatly appreciated! Please send in your donations via the TRF to RU001 marked “ND Camp.”

ideas and tips

A tip for newsletters writers

       I want to recommend “Microsoft Publisher”--especially the Office 2000 version--as a good tool for those who want to make newsletters and are in ne ed of a simple, friendly and easy computer program. “Microsoft Publisher” works in a different way than a word processor, and instead uses a different box for text, art, pictures, lines, and so on. It has a wizard capable of setting up the way you want your newsletter and is fast, reliable and neat. Try and see if you like it!
--Juan (Indian Garden Home)

Mama jewels on … faith

       Mama prays:
Thank You for the faith You give us, Lord. Please give people faith to believe and not worry about t hings, not try to analyze things and try to figure them out with their carnal minds. You're so much greater than we are, and we don't even have any idea how it's going to work [in Heaven], but we know we're going to be happy, because You do all things well and for our pleasure and happiness.


[CD card victories]
Peter and Crystal, USA:
The Christmas CD Cards have been going out like hotcakes! We ordered them as soon as we knew they were available (about 4 weeks ago) and have got ten out close to 1,000 of them so far. The neat thing is that most everyone in our Home has been involved, and it's been a real team effort--not just one “giant” who's been getting them all out. We're all having a little “Godly” competition against each other and today our son beat the record with 50 cards out in one day!
       We've mostly been going to parking lots. We each have our own personal approach, but basically we offer a poster or an Activated magazine, explain a little about our work, as k for a voluntary donation and then we add that for any donation over 7 dollars (or 5 dollars) we also “give away” this great “Christmas CD Card.” Some of the teens put the CDs up front and then offer a “free” poster to go with it.
       We've also been going to Mexican restaurants. In some of them we've gotten permission to go inside and offer the CD cards at the tables. (Sometimes it helps to offer one for free to the owner or manager.) Other teams have just stayed outside and offered them to the people going in or coming out and done real well as well.
       We've also done some business to business. This is a bit of a slower process, as often they don't make decisions on the spot and will ask you to call them back later. But we've been able to get out some 12-packs this way and I'm still waiting on some answers from places that might be interested in purchasing them as Christmas gifts for their employees.
       We've mostly been getting out the CD cards one by one, but they also go out by 3's or 4's (we lower the price per item a little) and we've gotten out a few 12-packs (I've been offering a free video as a bonus with a 12 pack).
       Our kids are all really on fire and at our last outreach meeting it was the kids who wanted to shoot for the stars and set our goal at 10,000 for total Christmas CD cards out this Christmas! Wow!

[Swapmeet sales]
       Eva and Paula, Activated Home, USA:
Last night we tried having a table at the local swapmeet with CD cards. The area that we live in is m ostly Latin; in fact, many people only speak Spanish. We went on a Friday night and it was only busy from 6-9 pm, but we were able to get out 53 CD cards. The other vendors were so sweet and helpful. They all came up to us congratulating us on having such a great product and one that was so unique. They also gave us suggestions on how to make our stall look more appealing. One Latin man told us that Latins really like to touch the product, so we should take the CD cards off the display rack that we had brought and put them in piles on the table. He also said that the piles on the table look like there is a sale and that they are getting the product for a cheap price. We ended up keeping some on the rack and then the piles on the table and it really worked well. Sure enough, all the Latins would come by and touch everything.
       Our stall was next to a Korean couple who have ordered 100 for their store and a sweet Ukrainian man who got a Christmas Activated mag. We had such a simple setup compared to the fairs that we've done before. Just a table with CDs, a boom box, and some Christmas Activated mags. We thought about taking the other tools, but wanted to keep it simple and just push CD cards. A lot of people took one CD card to try it and then will come back for more so we are going to try to go every weekend till Christmas. It was great having the new Activated catalog, as a lot of the Koreans there have stores and wanted to see a list of all the products that we have availab le for them to buy.

[First-time success]
       Bonnie, USA:
Josh and I went out for our first time with the CD Christmas cards yesterday to the apartment complex where some of us used to live a couple of years ago. We only had an hour and a half, but it went so well! We needed many more Spanish CD cards and tracts than English, and the Mexican-American's that we met were really sweet and receptive. It was a wonderful opportunity to not only get out the CD cards but personal witness as well. At on e apartment we met a 20-year-old Filipino girl who prayed with us to receive Jesus, and she is now reading her first Activated mag. We will be going back to see her and follow up on her. Even though we only had a short time out, the success rate for getting out the CD cards was high.

[Seminars with the Real Patch Adams]
       South American Home:
In this new era of greater action, the Lord has been opening some wonderful doors! Recently a friend one of the Homes has been working with, asked for o ur help in one of his projects--to bring Dr. Patch Adams (as heard of in the recent movie by the same name, starring actor Robin Williams) for a series of seminars.
       One of the top hotels here donated the use of their meeting halls, and the response was overwhelming! Over the course of two days, Patch Adams tailored his talks for each audience of doctors, businessmen and students. At the end of the first day with the doctors, he went to visit one of the local children's hospitals which is run b y the government. He went room to room, spending time with each of the patients. It was only supposed to be a two-hour visit but he ended up staying for over five hours. It was very touching to see how far a little love and attention goes, especially since most of those in this particular hospital are quite poor. Some of the children only have a short time to live as their parents don't have the money to pay for the medicine they need.
       Here's a clip of what the main daily newspaper said about his visit: One week ago, hundreds of doctors, physiologists, nurses and medical students had the opportunity to meet with (Patch Adams). The organizers had to close down the sign-up desks due to the large demand, which went way beyond the available space. The conference area turned into a type of “hospital circus,” where men and women dressed in white filled the hallways, some sporting Mickey Mouse ears and red noses á la Patch…. “We live in a society which suffers from much pain, from hopelessn ess,” said the very tall, thin, North American doctor with a big mustache, long white hair, cheerful, intimate eyes and dressed in clown clothes….
       His medicine practice is based on profound ethic values. He fights to humanize the practice of medicine. “We want to improve the quality of life with happiness, tenderness, compassion and support.”…”Why not give love? Medicine is good for sicknesses such as meningitis, but for depression, what is needed is love.”

       We were able to get complimentary tickets for about 20 of us to attend the students' seminar on the last day. It was quite an beautiful experience, not only to be able to attend, but also to see the crowd of young students who came to see him and have been inspired by his sample. Patch is a very interesting man, with quite a story to tell. And while much is already told in the movie, he said it was a very mild account of it all. His father died in war when he was a teen, and that is when he had psychiatric problems and was in a mental hospital a couple of times. There were many things in the world he didn't like and wanted to do something to change them. He is quite a radical in his field.
       One of our friends had a table set up outside the meeting hall to explain about his foundation and what they are doing here in our country. During the talks, the audience was invited to sign up to help with local projects, which will be taking place. All told, they got over 2,000 names and addresses of doctors, students and others that want to donate their time and services. And while the seminars are now over, much of the work is just beginning as there is much to do in the projects here, and helping to organize the help of those who signed up to offer their assistance!

[Happy Chinese kids]
       Michael, East Gate Home, Taiwan (for Fran, Jesse, Richard and Jay):
This month some of the kids in orphanages and children centers in hospitals here on the east side of Taiwan were in for a special treat as Robert (Fran) and his family of clowns did some shows and distributed free toys in a week of CTP shows for special kids. We were happy to help “book” them into the places we usually visit and help bring them around the Taiwan cities of Ilan and Hualien.
       In St. Camilius Catholic Children's center in Ilan even the Italian priest Guiseppe who runs the home, grabbed a chair and sat down to watch some of Robert and his son's (Jesse and Richard) hilarious show. In the Shin Fu Buddhist Orphanage, we met some precious youn g Chinese teens from broken homes. With permission from the Buddhist nuns, we gave each child or teen in this orphanage a small picture of Jesus and arranged to return to do some more activities with them.
       In Hualien City we revisited the Bethesda Home which is run by two German Lutheran nuns and continued in giving the kids a real fun time getting drenched with water from the clowns' squirt guns and getting covered with confetti from the bucket that's supposed to contain water. We were able t o stay at the New Dawn Mennonite Children's Center for the two days we were in the city and also put on our show for them and distributed the free toys, making many special kids happy. We finished up at the Tzu Chi Buddhist Hospital, a hospital started by a nun, the Chinese Buddist “Mother Teresa,” and performed for the kids and old folks inside the wards. We also distributed “Somebody Loves You” tracts to the Buddhist social workers and Chinese nurses inside the hospital. Some of the social wor ker girls who have known us for a couple of years are getting more interested in our work and specifically what we believe.

[Former UN Undersecretary-General]
       Oasis Home, Kosovo:
We have been exchanging e-mails with the former UN undersecretary-general for two years, after meeting her at the inauguration of a housing reconstruction project close to our Home. In late 2000, she was invited to come to Kosovo to speak on women's rights, a subject very dear to her heart, and as soon as she accep ted, she wrote and said she wanted to see us while she was here. We got a call from the liaison officer two days later, and were invited to a special dinner where only three other people were invited besides her delegation! It was an excellent chance to chat with her on a personal basis, and she expressed how thankful she was for the work we are doing here in Kosovo. Her only regret was that she was not going to be staying long enough to go and see one of our shows. (We did make a video for her to take home.) We had prepared a small presentation album which contained a lot of photos (thanks, Nehemiah!), appreciation and recommendation letters, a summary of our projects, and a needs list. Please pray with us that she will get inspired to promote us to her colleagues, so that the Lord will continue to be able to supply all our needs for our work in an even greater way.

[10 Handicapped Centers]
       Oasis Home, Kosovo:
We just finished performing in ten handicapped centers located through out all the major cities and towns in Kosovo. We are also pursuing contact with other NGOs and are now planning shows and animation seminars for young teachers in remote villages, since most of them have little or no experience in working with children.

[CD cards go well in a Muslim country]
       Asaph, Islamabad:
As you might know, in these lands you have to create the spirit of Christmas as no one here talks about it. Especially this year, Ramadan falls right during this time so it could look like a hopeless situation. We've been trying our best though and had a few good opportunities to get out the tools, especially the Christmas card CDs. Those tools are just beautiful!
       Today, when I got back from business and got ready to go to do the weekly subzi (fruit and veggie shopping), we got a call from a company and they wanted some Christmas CDs. I went with Caleb and Rich (JETTs) and we ended up staying there over three hours, mainly witnessing. Mr. M. was in a good relaxed spirit and we had a great time talking. He really wanted more of those Christmas CDs. I brought some other goodies as well, so he and the company ended up taking six videos, one tape, 110 Christmas cards, two calendars, one ICD, 10 Christmas books and 28 Christmas CDs. On top of it he gave us a US$200 check as his Christmas gift above the cost of the tools. Life is exciting! The next day the company called again and wanted to get nine more Christmas CD cards and 20 Christmas cards!


A ctivated Sponsorship Thanks and Reax

From Pedro and Lily, Madagascar
       As we continue to read the very inspiring testimonies about Activated, we are catching the Activated fever more and more. The tools are wonderful and we can hardly wait to have them here in French for a big Activated explosion.
       Just recently, Rakoto (one of our sheep) introduced us to a friend of his. She is a young doctor for children at the hospital in the capital. She speaks fluent English and she was very happy to know that she'll be receiving a one-year sponsored subscription. She said that she'd like to share the magazines with several of her colleagues at her work, and with her friends of a children aid association that she also belongs to.
       We want to thank all our dear brethren in Japan, and other places as well, that are getting continual Activated subscriptions sponsored for Africa. You are doing a very wonderful job and you're partaking of the same blessings as if you were here. God bless you all!
       We've received some very good comments from the sheep who are getting English sponsored magazines. In these last few months, Rakoto has been progressing spiritually, thanks to the Get Activated booklet “Prayer Power” we lent to him. (We don't have enough material here to sell yet.) He said it's the best book he's read so far, and he reads it over and over and over again. He was sharing with us that now he can feel that Jesus is real and He's right there with him all the time, guiding and helping him. He also said that he clearly feels that the words in this book are all true and alive, and the Bible references in it perfectly fit with the words written inside. He's thankful for the modern English Bible verses that are easy for him to understand.
       Just lately he commented that he had a miraculous experience with prayer. He works with and knows a lot about computers, and is a programmer. However, he had tried for a whole day to fix a problem with one computer at his workplace, without s uccess. He was quite discouraged about it, and next day he said that the Lord reminded him to pray for it. After doing that, he turned on the computer and the problem was completely gone. He said out loud in front of everybody in the office that a miracle had happened. One of his colleagues after being a witness of this event said, “You are God!” He immediately exclaimed that he was not God, but it was Jesus that answered his prayer. Now he really believes in the power of prayer.
       Now Rakoto is reading a second book, “Obstacles Are for Overcoming,” and he is totally absorbed in it. He just told us that he would like to buy all of these books for himself, and offer them to his English-speaking friends. He says that he would like to help us financially as much as possible, promoting Activated everywhere.
       All we can say is that Activated material is magical and powerful! We are amazed of the results and we believe in it fwholeheartedly!

Reaching our goals!

By Steve (18), John (18), Sarah (17) and Abi (16), Hyderabad
       This month we experienced a real high in achieving our Activated goal for the first time. A real bonus! We've always set our goal a little higher than we thought we'd reach. And we'd try hard, but without a real plan or being intent on reaching our goal. This month, two days before the month's end, we still needed 18 subscriptions. The second to the last day we got two subs. The last day with a real push and three teams out, the Lord helped us to get seven i n a day (at that time, our highest).--Inspiring to us, but still nine short of our goal. So, the same day that we needed to send our report we decided to send out our teams for a couple hours. Miraculously, we were able to get 10 subscriptions before 2 p.m., passing our month's goal by one whole, full, undivided, purely perfect and fully good subscription. That evening, a team also got three more, bringing up our record to 13 in a day. PTL! Although we have a rather small team and quite a few ki ds, we hope to double our stats this month!

Putting Activated first

From Castle Home, Bangalore
       The Lord has been blessing us as we have put Activated first. Our Home has been struggling financially for months. Several people got discouraged and actually the Home has been getting smaller and smaller. Sadly we are losing our young people (but happily to other works). This too has put a strain on each of us, as we must cover more of the ministries of the Home. However, we have still tried to stress Activated and despite the fact we felt we weren't doing as well as we wanted, the Lord encouraged us by putting us on the top ten shiner list!

Keep those folks on your mailing list

By Stephen and Rejoice, Bangalore
       Stephen's brother-in-law wrote us the sweetest letter of appreciation for our continued work. He shared how he remembered when we led him to the Lord over 25 years ago and how it was the greatest thing that ever happened to him, and how he wanted to do better in helping us and he started by sending us $1,000! It was so inspiring and encouraging and we believe it was a direct reward for obeying through Activating. It's a testimony for keeping those folks on your mailing list even when they don't respond, and praying before you drop them or if you should drop them from your list.
       Then a special couple contacted us, Cliff and Fay. He wrote a precious letter which was so heartbreaking. He said that it was the third time his wife Fay had been in the hospital this year and he didn't know if she would pull through, but she was so concerned about whether they had sent off their pledge to us. She is severely crippled by polio and arthritis. She is in her 60s. She has suffered much at the hands of the physicians and the medications she has to take now have destroyed her stomach. That is often the reason she is hospitalized because she starts hemorrhaging. She has been a foster mother of six black children through the years and been through a lot.
       When we le ft the States they were not doing well financially and didn't think they could give much or very often. (He was one of our food provisioning contacts.) However, after about a year, they sent $100, then another gift, and now this month we received $300 from them! Then today I just received another note from FCF informing us that they had sent another $100! TYJ! Cliff works for his brother in the family business, but he has faithfully helped the Family with meat and poultry for years.
       It is so i nspiring to see them step out by faith, in spite of their trials and needs to supply for us. Please pray for them--her for healing and him for the strength and grace and both of them for a closer and deeper relationship with Jesus.

mama's mailbox

[From a 20-year-old female]

Dearest Mama,
       I have been living in [a new field] for the past six months and it has been so inspiring for me. The people in the Home that I live in are so sweet and appreciative of all that I do.--Which isn't much , but for me when someone gives me a word of praise or just tells me that they love me, it makes me want to do so much more.
       At first everyone thought that I was just “another teen” and that I would leave after being here for a week, and that I would be really weird. (I guess that they only saw those types of Family-born teens and YAs come over here so they thought that I would be just like the rest of them). Well, they got a totally different person then what they were expecting. I am just a normal Family YA and I have my share of trials and battles and I am definitely not perfect, but I didn't think that it was right that they assume that all of us Family-born YAs and teens are so out of it. For sure we have our “weirdities” and whatnots, but you can't put us all in the same kind of box and say, “Just 'cause this is how one teen or YA was, the rest of you are the same.” I don't feel that is fair.
       At first they said things like “Okay, we don't go to the discos, we don't smoke, we don't listen to System music, etc.,” and I was like, “Okay, chill. I don't like that stuff anyway.” I felt sorry for them that they had to see those kind of teens, but why label us all like that and assume that we will do the same? I love these guys a lot and I have grown very close to them over the last few months, and to be honest I don't know what I'll do without them. And I'm so thankful that they took me in to the Home and let me live with them.
       Anyway, I hope these guys will understand t hat we are different--each of us! We are not perfect. Sometimes I feel that they expect more from us as we grew up in the Family, and they have this real high opinion of us, but then a person comes around who is anything but perfect and that opinion is totally shattered!
       For me, I have this thing that bothers me--the names “Nationals” and “Family-born teens and YAs.” To me, we're all the same. We are serving God and we all love the Lord. We have the same goals. I don't believe that the Lord go es by categories and names; I think He looks at our heart and He sees us as unique individuals. Why can't we look at each other through the eyes of love and admire the other for the talents or whatever the Lord gave us? I am still striving to do this, and not judge the outward appearance though that is a tough thing to do. With the Lord's help, I'll make it!


Fruit of City-Wide Childcare Council

Sao Paulo VSs, Brazil:
       In praying about how to better meet the needs of our preci ous children, parents and teachers, the Lord (through one of our dear mommies) recently gave the idea of having some city-wide childcare meetings. So we have now been alternating between having a city council once a month and a childcare council the next. These meetings are led on a volunteer basis by one of our dear mommies and one of the VSs. Some of the fruit of these meetings are that:
       We now have an OC and a JETT committee consisting of 3 to 5 FGAs and young people each. They work togethe r to plan and hold activities for these age groups.
       We are holding bimonthly childcare workshops. The first one was attended by JETTs, Juniors, new teachers and anyone else who wanted to participate and was on the topic of our cute little toddlers. The next one will, DV, be on the CVC as well as ideas and how-to's for keeping school records for all school-aged kids.

Shine On--November 2000
       Per Adult       Total
Abrek/Nohemi, Mexico        1,150       2,300
Andrew/S imon/Sunny, India       737       2,951
ohn/Ruth/Sharie/Timothy, USA       667       4,000
Juliet, Brazil       599       2,996
David Daniel/Maria Rosa, Brazil       575       1,150
Daniel/Sara/Immanuel/Richard, India       378       1,515
Juan/Maggie, Mexico        375       1,500
Amor, Mexico        313       1,250
Daniel/Crystal/Steven/Claire, India       265       1,061
Pablo Testificador, Ecuador       250       501

Lily/Michael/Paul/Youcef, India       4,178       25,070
Michael C. /Maria/Sapphire, Japan       1,019       3,058
Sharif/Joanne/Rima, Nigeria       910       7,280

Micha el/Claire/Christina, Australia       800       4,000
Matthew Saved/Gina, United Kingdom       682       1,364
Marianne/Shine/Timothy, USA       658       6,575
David/Faithy/Libertie, Japan       574       1,723
Emmanuel/Lydia/Paul, Japan       540       2,160
Martin/Mercy/Selah, Mozambique       536       4292
Martin/Maria/Dvd/Filipe/Michael, Mozambique       512       4,100
Ben/Meekness, Botswana       1,001       3,005
Joao/Clara/Luiza, Brazil       392       1,961
Jeho/Consuelo/Lizzy, Brazil       281       2,529

Crystal/Jenny/Mercy/Peter, USA       265       1,325
Esther/Je nnifer/Chloe, South Africa       200       2,410
Timoteo/Cristal/Heaven, Brazil       197       592
Marcos/Abby, Brazil       193       386
Jonathan/Jose/Marianne, Mexico       190       1,520
Peniel/Belen, Mexico        186       930
Mateus/Lily, Brazil       184       553

Samuel/Clara, Spain       93       187
Francesco/Claire/Jesse, Taiwan       83       250
Steven/Christina, South Africa       27       54

Aaron/Joanne/Joseph/Pearl/Pearl, Thailand       26       588
Esther/Jennifer/Chloe, South Africa       22       270
Ezequiel/Esther/Taines, Brazil       22       90
Eric/Ester, USA        2 2       67
Mateus/Lily, Brazil       21       65
Santiago/Ana/Lucas/Esperanza, Chile       21       84
Refugee Camp Min. Home, Hungary       20       61

Also included with this file:
Peculiar People (By Zeb)

       Caption 1 Where is everybody? It's so quiet this evening!
       Caption 2 They're busy reading!
       Caption 3 Reading? Are you sure they're not up to some kind of mischief or something?
       Caption 4 No, they're reading.
       Caption 5 Hmm. I'd better go check.
       Caption 6 So?
       Caption 7 You were right! They're reading.
       Caption 8 I told you! The new Heaven's Library book just arrived!

Copyright (c) 2001 by The Family

(End of file.)