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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
(Issue #102; December 15, 2001.)

Input from Our Husband on New Year's Eve Activities

By Mama

Dearest loves,
       We here in our Home took a little time to ask the Lord what we should do to celebrate New Year's Eve, and He responded with a wonderful message, included below. I thought that you would be eager to hear what will make our Husband happy during this entry to a new year.
       Don't forget to pray yourselves and ask Jesus for further specifics on how you can make your end-o f-year celebrations fun and meaningful. I love you!

One of the best ways to get My attention is by praising Me. I love your expressions of praise, for when you praise you look up, beyond that which is around you. You put your heart and spirit in a position where the influences of the physical diminish and the spiritual is able to pervade.
       You each have come through a lot this year. You have so much to be thankful for. I would love to hear your praises unto Me as you leave this yea r and enter the new year. Tell Me what you are thankful for personally. Tell Me what you are thankful for as a Home. Tell Me what you anticipate being thankful for in the coming year. Ring out the praises as you ring in the new year, for I delight in the praises of My children, My beautiful brides, My loves, My dear ones.

       Praise! Praise! Praise! I love your praises. You can sing songs of praise. You can have each one read a pre-prayed-through praise of thankfulness to Me--first for something t hey are personally thankful for in the past year, and second for something they are thankful for that they are anticipating in their life for the new year.
       Have a list of all that you are thankful for as a Home-- all that I did for you this past year. You need not read it all, but just to see the volume of all that I have done would be phenomenal! You could print it out and enlarge this list and post it around the room for all to behold the night that you gather to praise and thank Me.
       Then after you have finished your time of praise and thankfulness, you can celebrate My love! You can play Family songs of praise to Me, and dance if you would like. Or if you prefer, you can have songs of praise playing afterwards and have a special snack and drink, and fellowship.
       You, My children of David, love Me like no others. You thrill Me like no others. Your love moves Me to love you, My dearest ones, My brides. I love you! (End of message from Jesus.)


       You develop courage by ac ting courageously whenever you feel like acting otherwise.-Brian Tracy


       Autumn Newlife
, 5th child, born to Andrea and Andrew on April 27.-USA
, 2nd child, born to Luba and Pasha on May 2.-Russia
, born to Christina Sunkist and Yanek Single-Minded on August 18.-Poland
       Ethan Kyle Messenger
, 1st child, born to Angelina Messenger on August 22.-Mexico
       Kaycee Delmar
,born to Sara and Daniel on September 8.-India
       Camila Belen
, born to Cielo and Daniel on Septembe r 24.-Brazil
       Jennifer Christine
, born to Charity and Cedro on September 24.-Chile
       Amanda Jade Fisher
, born to Sarah Fisher and Jeremy Fisher on September 24.-Romania
       Ryan Andrew River
, 1st child, born to Suzie River on September 26.-Canada
, 3rd child, born to Sara and Jay on September 26.-USA
       Sang Chai
, born to Thai Mook on October 5.-Thailand
       David Santiago
, born to Joy and Pablo on October 6.-Colombia
, born to Ana Luz and Daniel on October 6.-Brazil
, born to Raquel and Alfredo on October 10.-Brazil
       Derrikk Alex
, 2nd child, born to Marie and Michael on October 12.-USA
, born to Agnieszka and AbnerEast on October 17.-Ukraine
       Kevin Andre
, born to Danielle and Olivier on October 22.-Brazil
       Nick Darren
, 13th child, born to Sara and John on November 20.-Germany


new disciples …
(22, Romanian) joined in Romania.
(20, Romanian) joined in Romania.
       Peter Samson
(27, Russian) joined in Russia.
(20, Zambian) joined in Zambia.
(16, of Rufus/Dulce) rejoined in Romania.


-Details of Simon and Joseph's release on November 29, 2000

By Ben and Maria, Mexico

       All the desperate prayers have been answered! Simon and Joseph walked out the prison gates at 4:30 p.m. today as free men, thank You, Jesus!

Magistrates sign the sentence in Simon and Joseph's favor

       This morning (November 29) when I talked to the magistrate at 10:00 a.m., he said he'd already given the sen tence in our favor and would be sending it to the prison within a couple of hours. He said the other two magistrates still had to sign the sentence, but that it was not going to be a problem. I asked if that meant that the men would be out this day and he said yes, they should be out by the afternoon.
       I then went to our lawyers' office so one of them could go to the prison to do the legal paperwork. When I told B. the good news of the positive sentence and the release of the men he said, “A. [ his co-worker] didn't tell me this!”-He called her right then and asked her to report immediately to the prison offices to oversee the paperwork in progress for the release order. Thankfully she was close to the prison and when I got there she was already trying to push things through.

Battling for the release papers

       When I met up with A. at the court building she told me there was a bit of a problem. The sentence had not yet arrived, since one of the magistrates had not shown up to sign it . It was near closing time when the other judge who also had to sign it would leave, as well as the secretaries who needed to do all the typing and processing of the paperwork. Finally, the sentence document arrived and it was processed, and A. and I personally escorted two of the secretaries who had to take the paperwork to the other side of the prison where the warden was.
       Once there, we had more obstacles to overcome, as some of the officials didn't want to process the release order because of the late hour. Our lawyer showed her true fighting colors and went on the attack and pushed until she got the release order done! The immigrations officials were informed of Simon and Joseph's release, and they arrived three minutes before Simon and Joseph were out. They were very official in their actions and promptly escorted the men into a special vehicle they'd brought. They explained to us that it was a routine procedure for all foreigners coming out of prison to check out their immigra tion status in the country. They asked us to present all the men's ID's and documents within two hours at the immigrations office.
       This was frustrating, to have them free and then taken again to a containment office for foreigners, but Simon and Joseph were just happy to be out of that prison and it didn't phase them a bit.

Detained at immigrations

       We found the men's IDs and took them immediately to the immigrations office where the men were detained. The officers there were trying to fin d fault with every little thing, saying that Simon (who only had a driver's license-we couldn't find his visa) couldn't be legally in the country with only a license. The officer said he wouldn't give the men over to our lawyer as he'd already said he would.-They were firm that the men would have to be detained for the night.
       However, when we showed them that Joseph's paperwork was in order, they finally agreed to let him go and gave him a 20-day visa extension. But then Joseph didn't want to leave.-He said if Simon stayed, he'd stay too. We prayed about this and suggested to him that it might be better for both of them if we could at least get one of them out that night. Joseph agreed and we got all his immigrations paperwork done by 10:00 p.m. and took him to our apartment. Afterwards we went back to the immigrations to take Simon some dinner and blankets. We were able to locate Simon's visa paper the next morning and his paperwork was processed right away, TTL!
       The happy ending was watching Simon and Joseph wave goodbye as they drove away, heading for home! This is the best Christmas present from our dear Lord!

Thanks from Joseph

My dear precious Family,
       GBY! ILY! I don't know how to thank you enough for your prayers. What a terrific weapon you wielded! Through doing what you could, Jesus performed the miracle. WE ARE FREE! We were told that there was no way we could win the appeal of our arrest. Our lawyer said it was a procedural matter and that the judge did nothing wrong. Well we-including you-had the faith that Jesus would work a miracle.
       I want to say thank you to Ben and Maria and Marc and Claire. They were working so hard with the lawyers on our behalf. As a matter of fact, most of the time the courts thought of them as being our lawyers. They were in the real battle zone, engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy in the battleground of the courtroom. GBT!
       Jesus had told us that the victory was ours. Our wonderful Husband had promised that the time was at hand. I cannot help but think though, that the victory was attained just a mite sooner, not only due to the efforts of Ben and Maria and Marc and Claire, but even more so in answer to the chorus of petitions made by all of you.
       Whatta victory! The Lord made a real statement. All charges were revoked (dropped)! We were given an immediate order to sale por libertad (go free!). Simon and I knew that the end was near. We had had our bags packed for the last three days. We had begun saying our goodbyes and planned what items we would give away (blankets, extra clothes) and to whom. One would think that after five months we would have been uncontrollably excited, but we were prepared and ready. We had been trusting in Jesus for protection, for all our sheep, and for the grace to handle whatever came our way. So we trusted in Jesus for this, the final victory.
       I didn't realize the total impact Jesus had made on the prison until the final news of our release came. One of our cellmates was almost crying as shouts of “Los Gringos estan saliendo!” (the gringos [foreigners] are leaving) were ringing throughout our sector. Men were rushing to shake our hands. Even the guards were excited and wished us well.
       We made a lot of close contacts. I have over three pages of names and addresses of men to stay in contact with. As our companions saw Jesus' plan unfolding and the victory being obtained, they asked the most wonderful question: “Will you and your family pray for us also?”
       Thank you for your prayers. The Lord, our loving Husband, heard them and responded with our release. I ask now that you continue to uphold in prayer those we left behind. There are many dear men there that have a great love for Jesus. Please pray for their strength. Please pray for their protection. Please pray that they will rest in the arms of Jesus.
       Pray for Mauricio. He is a dear man who is really on fire for Jesus, a babe in training. He has developed a prayer group of 16 inmates. Mauriceo has embraced Jesus and gives our wonderful Husband all the glory for his release from drugs and cigarettes after receiving Jesus into his heart while praying with us. Mauriceo is physically alone now to carry on this mission. Please pray that he will feel the power of Jesus' love to continue in this ministry and that special spiritual helpers will be assigned to him. Pray for our cellmates: Juan, the gentle leader who taught us the ropes while we showed him Jesus' love. Juan Fr ancisco, the young street guy fighting to change his life. Philippe, father of 10 who is just trying to make it through. Crescencio, a 56-year-old proponent of AA. He is quite hung up on works, yet admired our simple message of salvation and love. Gabriel, sentenced to 20 years for murder but appealing; he is a very demonstrative man and searching. He listened intently to us, but we could never break through the churchy influence. And Peddy, a street toughie who lives by his fists.
       There are m any more. Please uphold these men in prayer. Simon's freedom, my freedom, is the proof that prayer is the greatest power we have.
       I wish I could hug each and every one of you. I love you and am so thankful for you. God bless you all. I love you.

On the road in Uganda

By Oli, Africa
       We went on the road in Uganda, ALL BY FAITH! Our road team consisted of Jason (10), Lisa (8), Julie (7), Ricky (6), Terri (5), Oli, Dan and Amber (SGAs). God bless our dear Radio Home team who let us borrow their car, which made the trip possible. We live in Kampala, and our trip took us to a town 3½ hours away called Mbarara. To get there we crossed the equator, which was quite a thrill.
       Driving in Africa is really exciting, as you get to see so many neat things.-We even saw a zebra! Oh, and one night while out driving, we saw a red moon, not to mention the countless neat birds and the big cow with huge horns that walked across the road in front of our car. Africa is so far out!
       We arrived in Mbarara in the afternoon, drove up to a cute hotel and the manageress said, “Sure you can stay here for two nights!” So, we went and put our bags in the room, had a bite to eat and off we went to provision meals for our 4½ day stay, and another hotel for our next two days there.
       We all really wanted to stay in the nicest hotel in the city, mainly because it had a swimming pool which we knew would be great fun (we don't have a swimming pool at home). So, we prayed hard and went in an d witnessed to the managers and once again they said, “Sure, you can stay here for two nights!” Wow! All the people we met loved the kids and we can honestly say that they were definitely the main asset to our team!
       The next day all eight of us piled into the car and went out to book shows. Every single school we went to received us with open arms. We had 10 school shows booked to do in three days!
       During the next three days the kids were the stars of the show as we went from school to schoo l. We sang in the sun and the shade, inside the buildings and outside the buildings, on little stages and big stages, flat surfaces and bumpy surfaces, dust and concrete, for 300 kids, then 900 kids, then 120 kids. At the end of our shows usually the headmaster or mistress would give a little appreciation speech and the kids in the school would sing a song or two for us in thanks.
       Throughout the trip the Lord helped us to win 4,200 souls and witness to over 5,000 people! We hope to return agai n and visit these schools in the near future.
       Oh, I almost forgot! Though the witnessing was really fun, it was also tiring for our kids. Can you imagine singing at the top of your lungs to a group of over 900 3- to 8-year-olds, outside without a sound system, and with just one guitar? You've really gotta SHOUT to be heard! So, since we were so tired at the end of every day we just went to sleep … what??? NO WAY! When kids have really worked hard, we discovered, they don't think of going to be d, but swimming, playing, running, jumping! We were so thankful for the swimming pool at the hotel we were staying in, as they just loved going for a swim after all that!
       Our friends let us eat in their restaurants for lunch and dinner every day. We met a sweet family from Canada who saw us off on the last day and gave the kids a bag full of fun travel things to do in the car on our way home.
       We arrived home Friday evening full of fun and excitement and thankfulness for all the Lord had done for us as we went out by faith and witnessed!-There's just nothing like it!

letters to the editor

Re: “They'll Always Be Mine, Part 1”

       GN 899 is really encouraging about the Lord's unconditional and universal love. It's great that He is not so narrow-minded, and leads the Family to be more open-minded about people who are not in the Family or are FM. I hope that CMers who still have the attitude of “either you're a CMer or you're nothing” will change their way of thinking and start seei ng people more like Jesus sees them: To look at their hearts.
-Selah (FM), Germany

Re: US Elections

       Following the counting of the votes in the US elections these past few days has been interesting to say the least. (At the time of writing this, it is still not final as to who the winner is.)
       From what we have heard here, this is sure to bring about some changes in the future-not only in the state laws regarding the voting process, but within the community itself, as it seems there are ma ny who haven't given much importance to their personal vote. This brought to mind a lesson the Lord has been teaching me over the past few years, more than anything since the onset of the Charter.
       I tend to be your fairly easygoing type of person, who can have a hard time making specific decisions. Thus, many times when things would come up for a vote in Home Councils, I would abstain and just ask the Lord to anoint the rest of the voting members to make the right decisions, ha! While it's goo d to be yielded and flexible, at the same time there have been many lessons for me in not just taking the so called “easy way out,” but to really seek Him as to the decisions which need to be made. Each one of us can and do make a difference in the decisions made by our Homes and areas. The following which I received via e-mail a few days ago (also found in the Good Thots) illustrates this point well.

Will your vote really make a difference?

Well, consider this:
*       In 1645 Oliver Cromwell won control of England, when Parliament voted 91 to 90 in his favor. King Charles 1 was beheaded on the basis of the judges' vote of 68 to 67.
*       In 1776 during the American Revolution, anti-British sentiment was high in many colonies. A bill was presented to the Continental Congress which would have abolished English as the official American language in favor of German. The bill was defeated by one vote.
*       In 1845 the Senate voted 26 to 25 to admit Texas to the Union. Indiana's Senator Hanniga n changed his mind and voted in favor of its admission. And the senator himself had won his election to office by only one vote!
*       In 1868 President Andrew Johnson escaped impeachment by one vote.
*       In 1875 France changed from a monarchy to a republic. The vote of the deputies was 353 to 352.
*       In 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes was elected President of the United States by an electoral vote of 185 to 184.
*       In 1923 the leaders of the tiny Nazi party met in a Munich tavern and elected Adolf Hitler as their leader-by a margin of one vote.
*       And in 1960 Richard Nixon lost the presidential election to John F. Kennedy by a margin of less than one vote per precinct.

-Elise, Chile

legal and media

Pray for release of Albanian prisoners in Serbia

By Mike, Margrit, Erika, Emy and David, Pristina, Kosovo
       You may have heard in the news about the daily demonstrations and around-the-clock vigils that are taking place in Kosovo's major cities. (See news article below.) During the war last ye ar over 1,000 Albanian Kosovars were taken to Serbia and jailed as “terrorists.” Some were as young as 15, others as old as 70. They are brothers, fathers, uncles, and grandfathers who are still serving long-term jail sentences. Recently Serbian prisoners mutinied in Serbia's prisons. The mutineers are loyal to Milosevic. In one of the main prisons, the sector housing the Kosovar Albanian prisoners has been burned down-there is very little news on how they are now faring.
       Please join with us i n prayer and also join with the Albanian Kosovar people who are also praying for the safety and for the release of their loved ones. (See poem by Erika Skye, written for the prisoners, on the MO site.)
With love,
Your Family in Pristina

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia
(Reuters) - Tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians swamped the center of the Kosovo capital Pristina on Monday in a demonstration to demand the release of friends and relatives in Serbian jails.
       Members of the province's e thnic Albanian majority have been campaigning since the conflict ended for the release of the prisoners detained during last year's Kosovo war.
       The most recent protests have also focused on fears that the Albanian prisoners could be targets for violence in revolts taking place in several Serbian jails over the past two weeks.
       Reporters watching the latest protest in Pristina estimated there could be up to 100,000 people on the streets.
       Demonstrators carried placards saying “There is no fre edom without the release of prisoners'' and “Freedom doesn't make sense without them.'' They called on international authorities to do more to secure the prisoners' freedom.
       Kosovo's United Nations-led administration said its head, Frenchman Bernard Kouchner, had been in touch with a number of governments to try to help resolve the issue.
       “We are also regularly in touch with the co-minister of justice in Belgrade as well as with human rights lawyers in Belgrade,” spokeswoman Claire Trevena s aid.
       Prisoners started revolts in three of Serbia's main jails early last week. Serbian officials have said the ethnic Albanian prisoners have been evacuated from the jails or are safe within them.
       According to International Red Cross sources in Pristina, 729 ethnic Albanians are in Serbian prisons and 3,500 are registered as missing.
       Kosovo remains legally part of Serb-dominated Yugoslavia but has been run as a de facto international protectorate since the end of the conflict in June of l ast year.


MO site update: December Activated Prize Race!

       If you've visited the Activated section of the MO site, you would have noticed an exciting new chart displaying the top 20 Activated subscription shiners so far this quarter. The Activated desks will be regularly updating your subscription stats as they receive subscriptions from you. So far, India and Brazil have been updated, with other areas following soon.
       If you meet the criteria for a shiner Home, your name will be displayed for all to see. However, you'll also clearly see if Homes have sent in more subscriptions than yours and which ones are hot on your heels. So far, the Bombay DF Home and Rose Garden Home (India) are at the top of the list with 170 and 167 subscriptions respectively. God bless them!
       Here's a snapshot of the online chart as of November 28th. Keep checking the MO site to see who the shiners are so far, and you may see your Home climb to first place!
       (See October-December Activated Pr ize Race chart in your paper copy of the GV.)

To those interested in obtaining seminar materials

By Gideon, for Karachi Home

       Recently our computer crashed, and we lost all the e-mail addresses of Homes that had requested seminar materials to be sent to them. If you would like to receive these materials (on the topics of education and leadership), you can now find them available for download on the MO site! If you have questions, our e-mail is: eduserve@khi.compol.com
       (Editor's note: Mor e seminar files will be posted soon! Since a lot of love, time and hard work went into that “banana there,” if you feel led to send a love gift to this team, they'd greatly appreciate it!)

net sites

RAD Web site
       By Andrew V., for RAD:
Lots of love from the RAD studio. We have a RAD studio Web site up for the Family to visit-containing photos, FTT previews, and information about our studio. Check it out!
Here's the address: http://8op.com/rad

Christmas Web site
       By Susanna, FCF:
A fo rmer member, Eduardo (of Brazil, now living in the States) made a site of Family material which has a Christmas slideshow from the old pubs. Check it out for fun!
Here's the address:

on the net

Japan Family Web site stats, November 2000

       These are our the highest stats ever! The average number of visitors for the last two days was 5,000. So, we will most likely have more than 100,000 distinct visitors in December!

       56,526 distinct visitors
       267,808 page views
       18.8 GB downloaded

GP Family Web site stats, October 2000

       Top 10 MP3 Downloads

       56 My Love for You
       52 We Cannot Be Angels
       34 Straight and Narrow Road
       30 Don't Give Up
       30 Battle for the Earth
       27 Crime Scene
       26 Wake Up and See
       16 You Never Held It Against Me
       16 Rapturous Feeling
       15 Little One

MO Web site stats, October 2000

       Top 20 Pubs Downloaded
411 FSMs
       407 Grapevine
       278 Heaven's Library books
       248 Reflections
       196 Spanish Pubs (CM/ FM/GP)
       187 Heaven's Library
       168 Activated! mags
       158 End
       149 Eve
       116 Free Zine
       84 Miscellaneous pubs
       75 Kidland
       67 New Wine (mag)
       60 GNs
       56 CLTP
       56 Mountain Streams
       50 Blade
       43 FARs
       33 Memory book
       30 LinkUP

Other Downloads

1800 MP3s
       151 News articles
       122 FTT song lyrics
       105 Book Summaries
       94 Movie lists (RTF)
       45 Screen Savers (The CS/Poster collections)
       39 Newsletters
       23 Aurora Catalog

The Fax of Life

By Anthony, Talitha and Daniel, South Afr ica

       We have been feeding our contacts every Monday with an inspirational fax from the DMs, and it's made a difference. Many of them comment on how much they like them and how they look forward to Monday morning. (How's that for fighting the Monday Blues?-Get in the Word! Ha!)
       We are also presenting it as another ministry we do in service to others, as well as our CTPs, and can offer it to those we meet provisioning, during outreach, or just casually. It's opening doors for us as we don't ask for anything but only offer. Then if we need their help later, they have been fed already and the Lord's been working in their hearts. When we phone them up, our first question is: “Have you been receiving our faxes?” It makes all the difference for opening the conversation positively.
       When we meet our friends and contacts they are full of stories and testimonies of how appropriate that week's fax was, how they xerox the faxes, how someone keeps “stealing” theirs off their desk, and so on. Ou r bread contact even has a Monday morning devotions, reading the fax with all his workers. In one shop they laminated one fax and hung it on the wall. Another contact reads the fax to her friend while driving to work. We also have a practicing Jew and a Muslim on our list (although we tell everyone beforehand that it's definitely Christian) and they both love them too.
       It has sometimes been a bit of a sacrifice of time to send them all, but definitely more than worth it. When the Lord sends Hi s Word it never returns void, even if He sends it by fax!
       One contact said that it is a known medical fact that most middle-aged men that die of a heart attack do so during the first working hours on a Monday morning. He said the “Fax of Life” helped him start the day off right, hearing from the Lord.
       (Editor's note: The
Fax of Life are now available for download on the MO site, so that you can use them to feed your own contacts via fax or e-mail. We'll be adding more as Anthony sends us his most recent faxes. Thank you, Anthony, for sharing these with us.)


Special Feature: The Work in China

*       The Lord's leading in how to use Activated material for the Chinese work.
*       Security of the Homes.
*       Continued strengthening and feeding of the national church.
*       Inspiration, conviction and fellowship of the young people in China. For more ways to fulfill their needs.
*       Communication between the Homes and the China desk, and for the Lord's leading and guidance for those wo rking on finding more secure and efficient ways to communicate.
*       The China Reception Home: new housing and personnel and smooth processing of the new teams and their placement.
*       Unity of the teams in each of the major cities.
*       More outside support for the China teams, so that they can take more road trips and provide more witnessing and fellowship activities for their young people.

Situations Requiring Extra Prayer Power

(of Rejoice, Japan): Kidney failure (see IPL 4:2). Re latives have volunteered to donate their kidneys, if there is a match. That the operation, which will take place in Australia, will go well; for supply for their temporary move there.
(of Jason), Europe: Advanced case of cervical cancer.
, France: Recently had operation for cancer of the intestines and will undergo chemotherapy.
, Pacific: Cervical cancer.
: Bone cancer. For the chemotherapy to work and against negative secondary effects.


       For the situat ion in the Middle East to stabilize. For the safety and protection of all our teams as we continue to follow up on and feed the sheep in these troublous times.
Chronic amoebic dysentery.
(6, of Simon and Sunny): Adenoids, which cause restless nights, lack of oxygen to her brain and affect her hearing.
       Becky (of Mark)
: Sciatica pains in right leg and ovarian pain.
       Mark (of Becky)
: Nightly asthmatic attacks.
       Esther Spark
: Recovery from a mild stroke. Cervical spondylitis, which has been causing muscle spasms and occasional paralysis in legs.

Europe and Africa

(14, of Tino): Rare blood disease; for supply of medication.
(11 of Samuel and Heidi): Malignant tumor on right arm.
(of Andres): Fibroid tumors, causing irregular periods.
: Longstanding serious back problems.
: Back and neck problems.


(of Paul): Large tumor on ovary.
: Recovery from a recent heart attack.

South America

       Cris tal
(of Timoteo): Cyst on neck.
(of Gabriel): Tumor in uterus, necessitating surgery.
(of Felipe and Sara): Cyst under tongue.
(of Jó): Kidney problems; for physical strength.
(of Mateo): Problems with spinal column and nervous system.
(18, of Samuel Apocalipse and Cristal): Bitten by a snake. Hospitalized for three days, and now is back home and doing fine. Against possible kidney problems, blood coagulation and necrosis* on his hand (where he was bitte n). *death of cells or tissue through injury or disease
       Ana Karina
(SGA, of David and Cristal): Scoliosis.
(of Rachel): Stomach ulcers.
       José Alejandro
(2, of Josías and Sara): Amoebas.
       Maria Clara
(of Ezequiel): Recovery after operation to remove cancer from cervix.
A myoma in the uterus and a cyst in the left ovary.
(SGA, of Ezekiel and Sunny): Lupus.
       Joseph Willing
(of Rosa, Chile): Tested positive for Hepatitis C, but it is not yet certain whether or not it is active (this disease can stay dormant for a long time).

Testimonies of Answered Prayer

Simon and Sarah, India:

       We wanted to thank YOU-each one of you dear and precious Family for upholding our dear David (12) who had cancer in your fervent desperate prayers. He is now completely clear! After one-and-a-half years of chemotherapy, he is a testimony of a miracle! He is very healthy, medically and outwardly and sure has come through the whole ordeal without the smell of smoke. He hardly h ad any side effects throughout this time and we have YOU, dear Family, to thank for it. Your effectual fervent prayers have helped him, helped us to cope with the situation and have helped us to reach and win many in the hospital to him! PTL! We share in the rewards with you. Thank you for your support. WE LOVE YOU!

Lily (of Paul), India:

       Lily's gestational diabetes and high blood pressure miraculously vanished right after the delivery, and Lily gave birth to a baby girl on September 12, 20 00.

Paul (of Lily), India:

       Paul's heart palpitations completely disappeared.

Marie Claire (11 years old, of Paul and Lily), India:

       The Lord did a miracle and her eyesight is better, meaning she doesn't have to go through any laser surgery, which has many side effects. PHN!


[Mottos for Success testimony]
       Charity (of Asaph), Pakistan:
We met a dear man today who had found a calendar in someone's office, and had liked the quotations so much that he photocopied all the p ages and basically made some sort of calendar for himself! At first he didn't know that we were the ones making these calendars, and he had just finished purchasing two of our videos and I was giving him some Quote posters, something that is appreciated very much in this Muslim country. When he saw our beautiful posters he started to tell us about these quote pages he'd found and that he'd like to send us a copy! But I got a check that perhaps he was talking about Mottos for Success so I asked h im the name and then pulled out a brand new calendar. He was just so elated; he grabbed it and bought it immediately! He got very excited and said that his company might like to order some to give as gifts to their customers.

[Just for fun]
       Maria Swiss, ME:
Four years ago, our team did a show at a function which included quite a few Catholic priests and other religious people. Samira, who was 15 at the time, thought she'd make conversation with a respectable-looking gentleman dressed in bla ck. Less than familiar with Catholic traditions, she started with what seemed like a good opening question: “Do you have children?” He replied: “I am a father!” So she continued “Oh! So, how many children do you have? …

[In the midst of chicken pox]

       Abe and Mercy, Taiwan: The Lord's will and timetable are not ours. In November, one of our kids came down with chicken pox. We were hoping and praying that no one else would get it with the Christmas season approaching. Well, two weeks later, on e by one, five more of our children got those dreaded red itchy spots. It was a bit of a trial as we had already planned some visits to institutions which we now had to postpone. But the Lord told us in prophecy not to worry and that He would bring people to us instead.
       The following Sunday, one of our provisioning contacts asked to visit us with his wife and a friend. We had a good time witnessing to our contact who is a precious and humble man, and in the end he prayed with one of the childr en to receive the Lord. That was a real answer to prayer as in his office he is always very busy.
       A few days later, Andrew, one of our former monthly supporters, suddenly called us up. We hadn't heard from this man in almost one year. He used to come for Bible classes regularly, but after he quit his job as a doctor, he traveled around and worked at different jobs and we had no way to contact him. A few months ago, Abe had a dream that Andrew came to see us and gave us a big donation with the monthly gifts for all the time he didn't see us. Then a few days ago I (Mercy) also dreamed about him. So he suddenly called us and said he wanted to see us. He had a long talk with us, updating us on his life and asking for our prayers and counsel. Before he left he handed us a big envelope and said, “This is for your family.” Later when we checked the envelope, we found out it contained the exact amount of his promised support for all those months he didn't contact us. What a miracle!
e wer e super encouraged with how the Lord supplied our needs and brought sheep to our house in the midst of all this sickness!

[Dance/singing group in Kenya]
       Andrew, Mary, Phillip, Kerenina, Kenya:
The Lord has been opening a lot of doors for us to reach the Indian youth in Kenya through our dancing, as we dance to a few Hindi songs and they all see that we are foreigners. People come up to the team after the performance, dying to meet and talk to us. This has been a great opportunity to pass ou t the tracts, which all take eagerly and read. We've even gotten e-mail from some young people who have seen them and who we are now able to follow up on.
       We were invited to perform for a large function in England, which consisted only of people who were originally from Kisumu (Kenya). This function is held once a year and we were able to perform and explain about the work that we were doing in Kenya and about the different medical camps we recently held in the Kisumu area. Parts from the show were aired on TV and there was a short explanation about who we are and that we were doing all this for our local NGO in Kenya. It was a real witness as it really shows how unique it was that these young people had given their lives to better those of others.

[TA translated for play]
       David and Liberty, South Africa:
We visited a local church here (largely white South Africans). They were putting on a play for Christmas based on the Treasure Attic video “Forever Friend.”-In fact, it wasn't just based, but was literally translated. They recorded and transcribed all the words and songs, put them on to an overhead projector and memorized them, and the whole church of about 300 witnessed a very good production.
       It has been very fruitful visiting all of the local churches with the Activated books and videos. They are very interested and are buying many.

[TEAM foundation housing supply]
       Marie, for TEAM Home, USA:
We have just set up a Foundation here in the United States which ho pefully will enable us to be a blessing to channel educational materials to the field. It's been a real fight to get started, but the Lord has been good and always taken care of us so well. At the same time we've been a CRO/VS base for the Central area, as well as the CLE/CVC office and the Central ABM desk. We've needed to raise a lot of our support from the field, which has helped us keep witnessing! We've made a push on the follow-up of our sheep and following the Activated vision in our Home . We have, as a result, a weekly Bible class, 5 live-outs and some other sheep that we are trying our best to bring in as live-out disciples.
       The Lord just did a wonderful miracle by providing a beautiful house for us. It has enough room to enable us to have our offices set up as well as being a good set up for having our Bible classes. It's amazing us how the Lord is blessing our efforts to follow Him and feed His sheep as well as to do our ministries.

ideas and tips

End-of-the-year awa rds

       For the last few years we have prepared end-of-year “thank you” certificates or awards for our supporters and provisioning contacts. They have been very effective in showing our friends how much we appreciate their faithful help, be it funds or goods supplied.
       The awards can be made very simply on a computer and printed on A4-size white or colored card on your Home's printer. We then laminate them, though you can have them framed if you have the funds.
       At the end of the year (which for us is at Chinese New Year) we go around and present them to our Chinese friends. Many have been quite touched by them as some have never received any kind of thank-you award from others, so much so that they proudly display them in their office or clinic.
       The ones we make are quite simple, but others can invest more time or funds and create whatever they need. On one occasion when presenting the award to a Chinese doctor, he carefully looked at his award and then put it down. He said, “Thank you, but you know I don't deserve this. When I give my support to you, I give to your God. He's the One I'm really giving to and He deserves all the glory, not me. Thank you anyway.” One more humble Chinese man for the Kingdom of God!
-Michael, Taiwan


All the difference!

From an SGA guy, China

       The Action Series has made all the difference in my life. It's given me a renewed sense of vision and something new to strive for. For me, and I think for a lot of others, it's a lways been a sorta “tucked away” dream. Just the whole thing of getting out among the people, living with them, shepherding them, loving them; using your sample as your witness and basically just making a difference, and a pretty major one, in their hearts and lives.
       I know that especially as young people, with a lot of the emphasis formerly on the home, we became quite absorbed in “the Family lifestyle.” You know, just kinda perfecting the art of communal living, and with time that became the priority, with witnessing slipping further and further into the back of our minds. Eventually, we spent little or no time involved in it and I think that figures for a lot of the discontentment and boredom.
       Shortly before the series came out, the Lord worked it out for me to meet some sheep which I felt led to follow-up on on a more personal basis. This was a little odd for me, to say the least, as I haven't been really into doing this stuff for years. Sure I'd done my little “Do you want to go to Heaven?” rounds as a kid. Once I passed that “little kid” stage and started becoming a more self-conscious teenager, it was a lot harder. I began doing it less and less frequently until I'd pretty much just dropped it. A little here and there was about all I managed and remained pretty much absorbed in just “getting by” in a Family Home.
       Going along and participating in a few Bible classes helped, but what really made the difference was getting out and interacting with the people. Then, you get to see them, to listen to them, to feel the need that they have, a need which you have the answer to. The knowledge that you have something that they need so desperately is enough to spur anyone on. Just that feeling of being needed, of being special to someone or someone's-seeing the need and fulfilling it. It's gratifying, satisfying, and it's the real vision and life of a missionary.
       These past few months I feel like I've been given a crash course in being a missionary all over agai n. It's just like what it said in the GN: “It's as if they will have found a whole new profession, that of being a missionary.” It's all so true. All the basics again of why we're here, why we joined this army. It's just great.

Activating companies

From Michael, Kenya

       We're pioneering doing presentations of our tools and Activated materials in big companies. We approach the human resource manager and present a catalogue and price list of all our tools, along with an explanation of our work . He then posts all that information on the board, along with the date that we will be holding the presentation, usually at the beginning or end of the month. This way we make better use of our time, and are able to approach more people at once.
       We've also approached some Christian bookshops, who have kindly decided to display our Activated material for us without taking a commission, TYJ.

It's happening!

From Michael, Maria and Nora, Kenya

       We'd been trying to have people over for the pa st year for Bible studies and in-depth witnessing, but with little success. However, just this last month we've had an average of 4 or 5 people over every week and it's just getting started. We held a Home meeting when the GN came out and discussed whether we were ready to receive all the folks who will be coming to our doors, but ready or not they're here!-And we're finding ourselves busy each night preparing classes and FU materials, etc. It's so exciting!
       We started a Bible study down at th e university and so far we've had 5 classes with an average of 30 people attending each time. Thirty-five souls have been won and we can't express how thrilling it is for us SGAs to be teaching the Word like this. All of us felt like we just couldn't do it because we'd never had any experience, but just getting out there and seeing for ourselves how little others have has given us the conviction that we need to be teachers of the Word. It's also gotten us more desperate to study up on the Endtim e, Heaven, and how to witness to Muslims, etc. There's a lot more prayer and prophecy about witnessing going on and we're sharing the Word more with each other in prep for teaching it to others.

Hungarian MM responses

       From T. A., social worker, age 30, 52nd response

       Thank you for the new pubs you sent me, they help a lot. I would like to order more of the Hearing from Heaven book. It's a fantastic book. It has an amazing amount of information and I'd like to distribute it. Thank you so mu ch!

K.Z., office worker, age 33, 47th response

       Since I'm walking with Jesus, I'm happier, more cheerful and calm. Whatever happens to me, I know that I'm in His hands. He will help me in everything and will take care of me. I have deep peace in my heart and I enjoy life much more. I love you, my brothers and sisters who the Lord gave to me.

Rock the Family!

From Andrew (of Miracle), Yugoslavia

       This entire GN (Action Series, Part 3) is so earthshattering. It's going to rock the Family! In Bosnia we tried to push Activated, but the sheep just couldn't afford subscriptions, and their English was not that good. Here in Kosovo, people speak more English, and although there isn't even a working postal system yet, I have the faith that we can even use our own GP mail address in Macedonia to receive the Activated mags for our sheep, and then distribute them when they arrive while we do FU and give Bible studies! Where there's a will, there's a way. We just need to set our minds that it “can be done!”

Changed forever
rom Cush, Mexico
       The Conéctate meeting in Monterrey changed us forever. The zeal to witness and bear lasting fruit is rekindled and the whole Home is on fire about it. We have been having people over to dinner every Friday since our return and souls are getting saved. Yes! And we have signed 10 people up for the Conéctate mags; but the beautiful thing is to see the unity which such an effort towards having a “church” is bearing. The learning of songs tog ether, the cooking, preparing of the Home, the prayers asking the Lord what to do and so on, has transformed our Home. Life is so exciting!!

The core of the whole thing

From Andrew, Annie, Maria, Mark, and Joy, Mexico

       The Conéctate (Activated) meetings were such a blessing! I went directly from the meetings into a two-week road trip with 3 YA girls, and we had a blast! Everywhere we went the Lord used us to inspire the sheep we met, as well as the different brethren we visited along the wa y-I knew it was just the Lord's “Activated anointing” Spirit. At first I got hit with “Well, I know it's the truth, and others can do it and will go on for the Lord with it, but I may be too out of it or weak or behind or whatever, to get it myself.”
       Well, first of all, the Lord told me in a quiet soft whisper, “Your anointing has been activated.” Then in those first couple weeks it was pretty obvious and didn't have to be taken so much by faith.
       One fruit I saw-this shows me how the “Activa ted anointing” goes so much deeper than merely “a new witnessing push” or groovy new tool for outreach-was that two of the YA girls on our road team and I were unified and enjoying working together like never before. Whereas we had become pretty familiar and cold and lifeless with each other, we now were laughing together, counseling (on an equal level) and praying together, receiving things from the Lord together, etc., so much fun, which also encouraged me that I'm not too much of an old bottl e to still relate and work with our young folks.
       Another fruit I saw was all the sheep the Lord was bringing across our path-being able to see firsthand how true it is that they're hungering and in need of getting connected. Whereas before it seemed I wasn't meeting that many, but now with the vision, they're everywhere!-And the Lord will bring them. Like the shoe salesman in Africa, “Everybody needs shoes!”

Growing groups
rom Marcos 16:15 (of Rebecca), Mexico
       After the Conéctate meetin gs we launched out by faith, went on the attack and held a party with the friends we already have. We did a puppet show for the friends' children and prepared songs of praise and witnessing, plus skits for the adults.
       This meeting was an opportunity for them to know more about us and afterwards we invited them to study groups. Two study groups emerged from this meeting.
       So we started the groups with the few we had and the Lord blessed our faith. Now we have a group on Tuesday (our contacts f rom the market), another one on Wednesday (young people who want to do something for the Lord), and one on Thursday in a nearby city. These three groups are growing every week and it's amazing to see how the Lord is working in their lives and has helped them to open up more to Him and us. The Lord showed us to make the groups according to the sheep's needs, like youth groups, married couples, adults, etc. We're giving a basic course from the Conéctate magazines.

Activated useful fund-raiser

From Patrick, Christina, Lydia, and Meeka, USA

       We have started to go downtown Portland with a table and all the Activated tools we have. As we witness, people come to see what's happening and we talk to them about Activated and the work we do with the youth in the city. We have now permission to bring our table to the weekly Saturday Market!
       When going DTD, whenever people asked me for info about the work we raise funds for, I used to give them a little intro letter about our work with the y outh in the city. Now I give them the same letter, along with an invitation to help us by subscribing to Activated using the appeal on the Activated Web home page.

Newsletter with Activated plug

From Victor and Love, USA

       We doubled the size of our locally produced tract that we use for fundraisers doing the lights from 2 pages to 4 pages. The first page is our standard mission statement and a “thank you for your help.” The second page is a one-page tract taken from someplace on the HomeARC or MO website. There's so much material available that we can change the page often. The third page has a couple of photos and some local testimonies. Then the back page, we've dedicated to plugging Activated!
       The top half of the page or so is a punchy plug for the mag and it explains that if they will fill out and send in the coupon below, which covers the bottom half of the page, we'll send them the first issue free along with a subscription card. If they like it and want to subscribe all t hey have to do is send the card and their check to Activated and they can get their other two free issues plus the year's subscription!
       In one month we passed out roughly 15,000 of these fliers and around 20 people wrote in to get their first free issue. Two people simply sent us checks which we passed on to Activated!


Losing the Ruts and Latching on to Change in Mexico!

By Jason CRO, Mexico

       From October 31st through November 2nd the Mexico City Studio Home hosted a two-da y national workshop meeting, attended by 12 delegates from 6 different cities across Mexico (which included our Mexico VS team, as well as Andrew and Jason from NACRO), to discuss and hear from the Lord about how we can continue to move forward with the vision the Lord has given us to get Activated. Getting together with a sampling of our faithful, front-line witnessers from across the country made for some very well rounded and variety filled discussions on a number of Activated/follow-up relat ed topics.
       One conclusion we came to unitedly as our meetings progressed was that we couldn't possibly do everything that needs to be done ourselves. It's just humanly impossible for us, as full-time Family “pastors,” to cover all the bases, and the Lord doesn't intend for it to work that way. We started to realize as the “to-do's” from our meetings mounted that, “Hey, we need to get the sheep to help us with some of these projects.” This is a new concept, which is going to rattle the way we'v e been used to doing things in the past. We had been talking about all the mags and brochures that we needed for the field, and then towards the end of this particular meeting came the very good idea that we start a sort of “catacomb” mag with testimonies from the sheep and live-outs, which would encourage and feed other live-outs and sheep.
       The idea was great, but it was yet another project that we just didn't see how we were going to pull off when came the idea that it could be done by a liv e-out. Well, what do you know? The night our national workshop meetings ended, the Mexico City Studio Home, with the invaluable help of the home in Cuernavaca, hosted their 2nd Conéctate seminar on the theme of “How to Win” right in their garage, which we all attended. Sure enough, at this meeting one of the sheep from Cuernavaca who is a professional graphic designer and printer for a newspaper ended up coming, and when Robin VS (who had attended our national workshop meeting) approached him ab out our possible need for help in getting a testimony mag going, he said he'd love to help with this project.
       As it turns out, this 27 year-old sheep who has been attending classes at the Cuernavaca Home is from an upper-class family in Cuernavaca, and has his own top-of-the-line publishing and printing equipment in his home. So this was a quick example of the pool of talent and desire to help the Lord has out there amongst our sheep, and how stepping out to make them more of an active part of the Family will in affect multiply our efforts as we press towards the mark of winning the world for Jesus.

help wanted

       Hi, everyone! I'm Victoria A. (Russian). The Lord is calling me to reach the vast and precious country of China. The Lord already did so many miracles of supplying and getting me closer to my destination. But most of the funds that I need I'd still have to raise. China is waiting for me and I'm waiting to go to China. Will you help me to get there and reach precious Chi nese with the words of love and life? My Family, my Family, I need you today! All of your support and gifts and prayers will be greatly appreciated! You can reach me through Russian ABM to RU 037. Thank you!

       Dearest Family! We are Polish Jan and Eva, greeting you from a remote town on the south of Russia! We opened a work here four years ago and now with our little team of six adults and six kids we minister to many sheep, friends and catacombers. We also do shows everywhere we can--schools, orphanages, camps for refugees, etc. Our sheep have registered a legal foundation and we are starting a street Kids Club, as the need is very big here with lots of young kids roaming the streets and getting into drugs and crime. Three of our children are home-schooled in ACE, which puts quite a financial strain on us. This year we are still short of US $230 for the books. We will be very, very thankful for any help big or small. With lots of love and prayers, Jan and Eva. (Our Home is RU037.)

       Dear Family, The Lord said “make hay while the sun is still shining,” when we asked Him if it was His time for us to do extensive road trips during the next few months. But as we are all residents of the sensitive and a poor country of Russia, we need your financial support to do these trips! Please send your donations designated to: RU003 (road trips)! We really appreciate it and will send you news! Love, M&J and Home

136 Chinese Bibles

       Since our small Home's ministry here in the Far-Ea st of Siberia is mainly witnessing to the Chinese, we've been praying desperately for the Lord to supply us with some Chinese lit. Making tracts on a Xerox machine for whatever we could save up each month was definitely not enough. We're all nationals, our expenses are quite small, but big projects like printing are out of our reach. Recently the Lord begun pouring it in. First we've got all the originals on CDs, that took care of follow-up, then a big package came from China Lit-Pic, God bless the brethren! Then the Russian Service Center sent us a printer! Miracle! Then a prominent Chinese businessman friend who I help a bit with consulting and who's been visiting and going through our follow-up course dropped in one day with a whole box of 76 Modern Chinese Bibles! Wow! Both Old and New Testament! He just thought that we might have needed those, since we are Christians! And then a nearby Home found another box of 60 Chinese Bibles for us! GBT! And now a small Home in a country about 9000 km from where we live wrote that they would help to print Chinese lit for us, as much as I can carry with me back on the train when I'll have to go there in the spring on business! Thank You Jesus for Your bountiful supply!
       Would you like to help us print some Chinese lit?-Write to RU009! We need about 1,500,000,000 pieces to be exact! Love, DJ, Davida and Joseph, Russia

       Dear brethren in the Lord! We love you all and are thankful for our place in this heavenly Family! We are Grace an d Matthew (both Polish), and we have a son (Victor, 1 year old). We arrived in Russia two months ago and are happily learning to serve the Lord in this difficult but exciting mission field. We had an opportunity to get a one-year visa and after confirming it with the Lord we gladly did so. Unfortunately, it consumed almost all our funds, leaving us with not even enough to go back to Poland if an emergency arises. As you know, in Russia fundraising is very difficult so our only hope is in you! If anyone could help us, please send your gifts to RU037 for M&G. Thank you!

       My name is Kristina. I am a young single mom and Kodie (my toddler) and I have clearance to a Home in Africa. We're basically ready to go, except for one thing: I still have quite a ways to go in raising my fare, landing funds, etc. I have lived in countries in Asia most of my life (except for the first 1½) and presently I am full time on childcare in a busy Service Home, so it is not so easy for me to raise the neede d funds. My desire is to get to my new mission field before Christmas [or as soon as possible]. Would you be able to help? Please send your gift to Kristina, TH07 via ASCRO. ILY and really appreciate your prayers and help!


       Victoria is looking for Marie (Finnish) and Clara German (of Daniel) I love you!!! Please contact me through Russian ABM (RU 037).

       Does anyone know where Japanese Noah from Sendai is? Mercy of Martin would like to contact him. Noah, if you're there write u s at: mozamfam@tropical.co.mz (or anyone who knows where he is). Thanks!

       CQ for Simon and Renee (last heard of in Greece). Interested to get in touch again! And anyone who knows us … Jonathan and Suzanna (we were Chris and Miracle, or Jonathan and Faith). Please contact us at : chris_n_sue@hotmail.com

       Looking for Joash (Printer). I need to get in contact with you again. Please write Divina at: FCINDO@Jakarta.wasantara.net.id or
       P.O. Box 1090 JKS, Jakarta, Indonesia 12010.

       Canadian John Teacher is looking for Danish Rose. We knew each other at the Osaka School, Japan. I need to contact you about something! Please send email to: roling2@hotmail.com.

       This is Tim from France, now in Spain. Looking for Brunheld and Dan and Ruthie, whom I taught school in Colombiers. A sheep from Canada wants to contact you. My e-mail: elitim@yahoo.com. &&&
       Is there really no one who knows where French Andrew (Olivier R.) could be on this planet? I am starting to wonder! Please help! Cont act me at abifr@yahoo.com.

       Priscilla (14) is looking for Heaven, who used to live at the Rio Provisioning Home and help care for Crystal's children. Add: Priscila, Av. Adolfo Ducke, 460-conf Acariquara, Manaus, Amazonas, 69085-370, Brazil.

       Precious is looking for Rachel Bower. Pls send me your e-mail, fone and address to the KidzBiz email address. TX!

, this is Tally. You lived with me in Celaya for Christmas '98. I'd like to hear from you again. Give me a buzz at: tallywacker0 0@yahoo.com

(Michael and Mary), where art thou??? I'm worried about you! Pls write Cla at: lovelights@libero.it or: earthquakelive69@yahoo.com luv!!!!

       Does anyone know where I can find Rachel (of Faithy Fighter)??? Last heard of in Denmark. Please write to: lovelights@libero.it or earthquakelive69@yahoo.com. Tx!

       I'd like to contact Stella (of Abe and Mercy, in Taiwan). I miss you, girl! Please send me your email ad! You can write me at: familyk@mail.kar.net.-Vanessa (of Chris and Ruthie, now in Ukraine). &&& &&&I'm looking for Natacha (of Sara) and Angeline (of John and Maria). I met you in France but I lost your email. I'm in Ukraine now and I would like to get in touch with you! You can write me at: familyk@mail.kar.net.-Vanessa (of Chris and Ruthie).

       former members - seeking contact

       Seth (former member, of Daniel and Dawn) is looking for Steve and Barbara who were in Indonesia in the '80s. Could he or anyone who knows how to contact him please get in touch with Seth at: Seth2Heidi@aol.com.

       Hananiah Ironside would like to get in touch with Sheba Sheep, Mercy Fighter (formerly Ester New Wine). Write to Robert Greig, Montreal Chest Institute 3650 ST-urbain floor 615 H2X-2P4.


[Anorexic girls]
       Spice (18):
I've known a couple anorexic girls, and have known about a few more. What I'm about to say, I know, is just one very minute facet of the whole anorexic scene. Nonetheless, to me it is a very important one. In no way do I want to dem ean or put anyone down, but I do want to tell it like it is. If the shoe fits, please wear it; if not, take no offense, for none is meant.
       I know a couple of girls who became anorexic partly because they were American or European and they went to Asia, only to find that because they didn't have a tiny build like Asians, people constantly told them they were “fat” and “big,” and consistently referred to their build/weight difference. I think this is very wrong, and even if these constant referr als to the American or other non-Asian girls are in jest or just meant playfully, it can still be detrimental to the girls, because already most girls are self conscious about their weight. So, any reference to it will only make it worse.
       Then of course, there are cases I know of where Asian girls/young people are malicious in talking about American/European girls' weight. I'm sorry girls, but the Lord made us all different; even if we're not as slightly built as you, that's the way the Lord m ade us. It's already hard enough for us to be in a country full of people smaller than us without continually being made to feel worse by making comments about how “big” or “fat” we are!
       These comments hurt, and can cause more serious repercussions that you can imagine! I know some of these girls that these types of comments were made about, and they are not in the least bit overweight! They are beautiful! I wouldn't want to see them any thinner for their health's sake! And it's not loving to not accept them for who they are, and try to love them as the Lord loves each of us-so completely and perfectly, just the way we are.

[Just one more day?]
       Ruthie (of Baruc), Romania:
A few days ago I had a dream about German Nina, who went to be with the Lord not long ago after she had leukemia. I woke up with the song, “Let me live just one more day in service to the King.” I was thinking of the Family members in the past years who passed away suddenly, or some after some illness, and they most likely did not know that their time would come so soon. And the thought came to me that none of us know how much time we have left. I was asking myself how much have I done to reach the lost here in Romania. If something were to happen to me tomorrow, would I feel I have done all I can to reach this country? How would folks here remember me? It was a sobering thought.
       I shared this with my Home, as I was on devotions that morning, and we sang the song together. After the song we received the following message from Nina:
       “My dear loved ones! I want to tell you how thankful I am to speak with you, and how much I love each one of you. Yes, I got unexpectedly ill, and like others in the Family, I went to meet the Lord earlier than I and others had expected. I lived a wonderful life for Jesus, won souls, taught children, and a great crown awaited me. Yet, had I known that my life would be shortened the way it was, I would have given more of myself to Jesus, to the lost, to the chi ldren. And so do the rest of us feel who came Here recently.
       “Don't get me wrong, a great crown awaited me, and I was thankful for the wonderful life He led me to live- a life of love and sharing. However, had I known the future, I would have done more for others, knowing that my time on Earth would be short. So I implore you now, please give all you can. You never know how much time you have left to live for your Savior! Live each day as it may be your last, and give all you can to reach the lost and to your loved ones! Love your brother and love your sister while they're still alive, and give your whole heart every day!”
       We then read “Die Daily” and “The Discipleship Revolution” from the DBs. We felt those Letters applied much to how the Lord is moving in the Family now, leading each one of us back to more in depth witnessing and follow up, and make that our sole purpose in all we do, as it says in “Our Activated Future” and “Putting Skin on the Era of Action.”

[Sample while c lowning]
Simon Gypsy:
I was recently reminded by the Lord of the importance of being a good sample while clowning. I sometimes get a bit too silly while clowning and the Lord showed me that I need to be prayerful in what I do, how I do it and what I represent.
       The same goes concerning face painting as a part of raising funds. Since we are Christians, I think we should paint things that represent the Lord's Spirit, as I saw suggested in one of the pubs, and not paint things that are just not g odly and that don't have a good spirit, even though people ask for it. That also goes for balloon-making. Older kids, for example, ask me to make them a gun out of balloons. Though it would bring in funds if I would do it, I don't, because it goes against all that I know to be right.
       We should remember not to compromise our convictions for material gain. If we do, we also lose the opportunity to be a sample of what is good and what isn't. If we do things that people ask though they are bad, we play a part in their wrongdoing. The little compromises are dangerous for us as they lead further and further away from the truth and we may not even realize it. It also brings more of the Lord's blessings when we do things according to God's ways, though it may not look like this at the beginning, but later we see it really pays to go His way.

[Home-schooling pays]
       Sara, Marie, and Rose, Thailand:
YA Phillip (of Gideon and Sara), who left the Family a little while ago, has obtained a plac e at a top university in UK. The university gave him the equivalent of a $10,000 scholarship for each of the years he'll be studying. As he's been totally home-schooled-this was using CLE Diplomas along with CVC certificates-they asked to see the transcript of the CVC Computer course to check the contents and were very happy with it. This university is a very coveted one to get into. The professor who interviewed Phillip was very interested in the fact that he was home-schooled and said he was c onsidering it for his own children so they could specialize in the subjects they are good at.


Christmas story overflow on the MO site

       Hi all! You can find several extra Christmas stories on the MO site now. These are to read with your Home, send to your rellies and friends, use in your English classes … whatever. They're sweet stories that didn't fit in the Christmas CLTP mags, so they're obviously not the best picks. Some are okay for kids, others are okay for sending to relatives. It's totally up to you. Have a wonderful Christmas!

Hear the NuBeat radio shows!

       RadioActive Team, Africa
       The Family Website Team has received a MP3 copy of the first 12 NuBeat shows for inclusion on the GP and DO Family websites. So soon you should be able to listen to the NuBeat shows yourself! If you have any comments or suggestions for future shows please e-mail us at: simon@radioactivated.com
       (Editor's note: And check out the NuBeat shows and a full PDF of their latest newsletter o n the MO site!)

       The Heaven's Library mags have had a face lift! You'll want to check them out! Two mags per month-one for younger kids and one for older kids, now with age-appealing presentation, and easily recognizable age bracket identity. New logo, new style! Don't miss out!


Movies Rated For YAs And Up


Victoria Foyt, Stephen Dillane
       Drama/love story about two strangers who, from the moment they meet, have a strong sense that they belong together.

Movies Rated For Senior Teens And Up


Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Duvall, Tony Goldwyn
       Action thriller set in the near future. A commercial helicopter pilot and war veteran finds himself the victim of perfected, though officially outlawed, human cloning technology.


Diane Lane, Viggo Mortensen, Liev Schreiber
       In the summer of 1969, the world of a young Jewish housewife is turned upside down when she has an affair with a free-spirited hip pie against the backdrop of Woodstock.


Robert De Niro, Cuba Gooding Jr., Charlize Theron
       True story of Carl Brashear, the first African American to become a master diver in the Navy. An inspirational story about the human spirit and determination. (Note: Beware of an unexpected graphic accident scene in the middle of the movie, which may be shocking or disturbing for sensitive viewers.)

Movies Rated For JETTs And Up


Sidney Poitier, Mary-Louise Parker
       Drama about a small-town carpenter, a reticent man, confronted by a land developer who wants to purchase his property. A visiting psychologist gets involved to protect the old man's rights.

Movies Rated For OCs And Up


Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, Basil Rathbone
       Adventuresome story about Peter Blood, a doctor, who is found guilty of treason for treating a rebel to the throne. He and others are shipped to the Colonies and sold as sla ves.

Movies Rated For MCs And Up


Animation, voices of Ben Affleck, Judith Light, Mark Hamill
       Inspiring, beautifully animated story of the life of Joseph.
       (Note: A few liberties have been taken by the script writer, such as the addition of a love interest, and also a scene that shows Potiphar sparing Joseph's life because his wife asks him to, confirming that Potiphar realized his wife was lying and that he knew Joseph was really innocent. These and other discrepancies may be pointed out to your children as you're watching the movie.)


Déjá Vu

This movie portrays the depth of the longing in each human's heart for real love. So many have a “form” of love, but it is incomplete. Even those who feel they have a complete or perfect love don't really, if they don't involve Me as well. This movie is an interesting look into several lives and many emotions, and how people's choices affect their destinies.
       I don't want to say too much and give away the storyline, but I will say to watch and pray, to ask Me to speak to you about this movie-starting by praying about whether you should watch it. Those who are battling emotionally will likely want to avoid it. Also take note that not all the personalities in this movie behave in an exemplary manner; nor are the choices they make necessarily the ones you should make in a similar situation. You can't know what's best unless you ask Me-and serious decisions about your life and future, especially those that affect the lives and hearts of others, are surely not to be taken lightly. You, My children, have the freedom of the Law of Love, and yet also the constraints that come with it-the responsibility to love others more than yourself and care for their happiness more than your own.

The 6th Day

       (Jesus:) This is an action movie with a warning. It warns the world of how a seemingly innocent and even helpful invention can “obtain the kingdom by flatteries” and gain po wer while hiding its more sinister motives.
       This idea of cloning a human is not of Me, and it is the evil imagination of the Devil at work in the hearts and minds of men who do not like to retain Me in their knowledge. This movie warns of this danger and I am pleased that the world will hear this message. You can watch this movie almost as a skit, a small-time representation of how the Antichrist could come to power. Sometimes concepts like the Endtime and the AC seem so far away and far-fetch ed, but this movie can give you a glimpse of how it can be very real and could happen.
       Be careful for the negative portrayal of the Christian activists in the movie. It is true that I am against human cloning, but at the same time, My Kingdom is not of this world, and I would not have My children take up arms and fight in the flesh, as is done by some of the Christians in this picture.

A Walk On The Moon

       (Dad:) This is a sweet story with some very good lessons on love, parenting, honesty in relationships, and finding the balance between total freedom versus getting into ruts.
       The young husband and wife in this movie are stuck in a boring relationship pattern, both placing each other in a mold and seeing each other with narrow mindsets. Although she wasn't completely wrong in her desire for excitement and freedom, the way she went about it landed her in quite a mess.
       We can be thankful for our life for the Lord, which is full of changes and excitement! And praise the Lord for His freedom in spirit as well. If you find yourself in a situation that needs changing, a stale marriage or relationship, or even just ruts in your life, you can ask the Lord for His counsel on how and what needs changing, and He'll tell you what steps you can take to make things more fresh and exciting.

Men Of Honor

       (Jesus:) Life wasn't easy for [Carl Brashear], when he was young nor when he was an adult. But it was adversity that toned him into the man of accomplishment that he became. A dversity worked in his favor. He didn't take the adversity and sit back; he focused even more diligently on the goals of his life, and he won. There's a crown waiting for each of you as you focus on the goals I have for you and run the race with not only patience, but also diligence. Be inspired by this movie to give your all to My high calling in your life!

The Simple Life Of Noah Dearborn

       (Dad:) This is one of those movies that are rare these days in that its theme and characters are unus ually true to life. Instead of taking you off to some make-believe world where people are impossibly beautiful or handsome, impossibly rich, impossibly successful, and where they get involved in all sorts of impossible situations and schemes, this one brings you into a real-life world of real-life people. It's enough to break your heart for the world and stir you to get out to find and help folks like these who are trying to do the right thing and trying to work out their own problems or help ot hers with theirs, but without the Lord and all the help He can give. It's touching without being overwrought or overly sentimental, and that's equally rare.

Captain Blood

I enjoyed watching that movie! Movies like this one that cover a serious situation but can still make you laugh a bit, get excited, and have a good time without flooding your mind with excessive violence and gore, are worth seeing. One thing that you need to explain though is about his turning into a pirate to get a long; that wasn't the solution, and he did see that, but it's not really brought out very well, so you may need to clarify that.

Joseph: King Of Dreams

Here's an uplifting account of one of the more well-known Bible stories, that will do you good to view. Take time to go over with the children the places where the movie strays from the full truth in the Scriptures. And then let the movie speak for itself about pride, gifts, and the humblings I take man through to make My gifts to h im able to come forth in My full glory.

Other movies


       (From WS preview team:) We'd like to share with you a message that the Lord gave about the movie “Cider House Rules” (with Michael Caine and Tobey Maguire) which was widely acclaimed by the world. There were mixed feelings among those who previewed this movie, as in some ways it had a good message, while on the other hand it promoted some very wrong ideals and concepts.

This movie is by and large not wort h Family members viewing. It's got good acting and a gripping, touching story, and even has a good message in there, about abiding in your calling. Yet the calling, unfortunately, in the case of this story, is performing abortions. This is, as you know, against My plan and My will, and very wrong in My sight. This movie, however, promotes abortions as the necessary and right thing to do in many cases. It is cast in the perspective of this older doctor who is very convinced of this. His arguments have some truth to them, which makes the pro-abortion message in this movie seem reasonable and acceptable-but it is not. You may think it's fine to then watch this, realizing that of course this is wrong; yet the truth is that the more exposure you give yourself to this type of propaganda, the weaker your own convictions become. Therefore this is not a wise way to look at such input. Rather, it is to be avoided.
       There are also some scenes in this movie that would be very unpleasant, even dis turbing, for mothers, teen girls, or others who are sensitive. Those who have already seen this movie may have in some cases gotten some good out of it-namely some insight into the lives that some people lead and the way they look at life, such as those exemplified in this movie with its portrayals of many complex emotions. Yet there is nothing so revelatory nor helpful that it is worth people viewing this movie. There is not a worthwhile and uplifting message therein that My Family needs. It's just like the Enemy to mix in the lies with the truth, so that unless you're very wise and wary, you sometimes can't tell them apart any more.

Also included with this file:
Dream Journey Advertisement

       Jason's CD Dream Journey now available for GP distribution!

       With attractive jacket & interactive songbook. Also included on the CD is a video track featuring song “Outlaw”. Contact Hungarian PPC at hpc@libertas.hu or visit our web site: www.libertas.hu

(End of file.)