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the grapevine

(Issue #100; November 15, 2000.)

 Front page photo spread:

             Bombay DF Home: Our October world shiners with 177 Activated subscriptions! You rule!!

            North Brazil SGAs catch the Activated fever, page 8

            Mama's camera clips, transcribed, page 12


           Losers quit when they are tired. Winners quit when they have won.


 new arrivals …

            Jessica Elisabeth, 8th child, born to Philip and Jewel on July 19th.--Canada

            Alvaro Enrique, born to Joy and Miguel on July 24.--Colombia

            Twins, Clive Jordan and Kevin Joseph born to Joy and John on August 20.--India

            Patrick Khalid,born to Catherine and Luke on August 29.--Middle East

            Dominic Jamal, 2nd child, born to Joy and Nadim on August 31.--USA

            Rosalyn Maria,born to Lily and Paul Newman on September 12.--India

            Calvin Santisuk, born to Thai Heaven and Stephen on September 19.--Thailand

            Celine Love, 3rd child, born to Clara and Matthew on September 25.--Costa Rica

            Joel Conrad,born to Thai Esther and Andrew on September 29.--Thailand


 new disciples …

            Geeta Faith (Indian), joined in March, India.

            Susan Malini joined in September, India.

            James Jaya Kumar joined in September, India.

            Noel Nishanth joined in September, India.

Grapevine snail-mail address change!

             Here's the new one. Please discontinue using the old one immediately. Thanks very much! Write us!!

The Grapevine

P.O. Box 168751

Irving, Texas, USA



            There's all kinds of cool stuff whirling around in Eve #12. You can find a guide to everything you ever wanted to know (or pretty close) about abdominal exercises; home remedies for things from warts to cold sores to that pesky burnt tongue; and a hot exposé on just what that elusive “G-spot” really is. Don't miss it!

Mama reads the Blade.--Do you?

            (Mama prayed this prayer after hearing the latest Blade mag:) Thank You, Jesus, for these beautiful messages. Thank You for Your Word that doesn't return unto You void. We do ask You to make it be very powerful in the hearts and lives of our young people. Make it speak to them and have a deep impact on them. Help each message to be read over and over. Help them to meditate on it and for their faith to be strengthened through it.

          Stay tuned for Blade #14! Coming soon!

Reminder: Feast 2001 will be held from January 2-January 4. Please begin to arrange your schedules, witnessing and relative visits or trips around our 2001 Family Feast schedule!



            Come Family Feast 2001, there's going to be a NEW SONG posted on the MO site for you to download and listen to!

          If you don't have a computer with speakers, sound card, or the ability to listen to a song in MPEG format, don't despair--God willing, a tape with this song on it will reach your Home by the Family Birthday celebration (February 18), so all will be able to enjoy it!

            However, we'd like for as many people as possible to be able to download and enjoy this song at the time of the Feast, so please check out your computer setup to see if you'll be able to do this. We're not encouraging people to buy additional equipment in order to listen to this one song, but rather, please check to see if your current setup is sufficient, and if so, familiarize yourself with the necessary programs. You may need to download and install WinAMP (a free program that plays MPEG music files) from the MO site. If you are not familiar with this process, you might want to try downloading a few other songs before the Feast from the MO Web site so you can iron out any problems that might come up.

            When this new song is posted (on January 1st, DV!), the idea is to download it but not to play it until the last meeting of the Feast. By sending out this announcement so you can be prepared, we're trusting that you're going to resist the desire to play the new song for your Home in advance of the appointed time, so as not to steal the thunder. Please just download the song when it's posted, which will only be days before the Feast at the most, and then HOLD on playing it. The GN for the last day of the Feast makes it clear when the song is to be played.

            Thanks for checking into this! If you need technical help, you might try contacting a teen/SGA music lover/computer user from your Home or a nearby Home to give you a hand. God bless you!

 Christmas CD card in French!

By the French Studio team

            Happy Christmas! We are happy to announce that the French version of the English Christmas CD card is now available (front cover with the bells). The Christmas card comes with a single CD with 7 titles from Little Drummer Boy.

          The children's CD Coloring the World(Colorier le Monde) is also available in French.

            Please put in your order today to: frastudio@aol.com.

Taiwan/China e-mail changes!

            If you are interested in contacting the Reception Home in Taiwan, then please note their new e-mail address: crh01@attglobal.net. Interested in China? Or would you like to contact someone you know who lives there? Write in to: pcdesk@attglobal.net. Thank you for your attention and noticing the e-mail changes. We would love to hear from you!

in My arms

Mercy's (formerly of Michael) Homegoing

            Angela (VS, of Juan), USA, October 27: Michael called me this morning to tell me that Mercy was killed in a car accident. She was in a rental car on her way from Dallas, TX to Atlanta, GA to visit with her oldest daughter (Kelly, who is not in the Family). She was on the I20 and had just crossed the state line and was in York, Alabama when the accident happened. Michael doesn't know all the reasons involving the accident, etc., but her car apparently rolled a few times. She was unconscious when the State Troopers found her, and died upon arrival at the hospital.

          Mercy had been involved in the Mexico persecution (that was her Home), and when Phoebe and kids (of Simon) came up to the States from Mexico, she was her helper. When Juan called Phoebe a while back to see how she was doing, Phoebe told Juan what a great help and blessing Mercy had been and how thankful she was for her.

          Please pray for Michael, and his children's comfort and encouragement at this time.

            (Jesus:) Mercy is now with Me. There is sweet relief, for now she can be all she wanted to be. My dear darling Mercy, she did run well and now she is with Me and happy and free to be all she wants to be and all I want her to be.

            This is just another step in her life and your life in the journey through eternity. She is Here for you now and you can call on her for help, for she loves you and desires to help and love you while you continue on your journey there on Earth. She will be Here waiting for you, to love you and kiss you and hold you when you to come into My realm of the Spirit. So go in peace and go in love. That is her one request--that you love one another.

            Come, My loves; come into My arms now and let Me comfort you. Lay your head upon My breast and let the tears flow. It's all right. I know. I love. I care. This is just another step and piece in the puzzle of My great plan. Be not troubled, but come unto Me and I will comfort you and speak My special Words of comfort in your ears--Words just for you.

Johnny's (18, of Steven and Gina) Homegoing

                Abi, USA, October 28: We got a phone call this morning, informing us that Steven and Gina's (Shaul and Abiah's) son Johnny (18), who left the Family a while back, just died of an accidental overdose of a prescription drug. Johnny was at a friend's house when it happened, and from what they have heard thus far, it seems like he was given some pain killers for a sore back he was experiencing, and he possibly mixed this with alcohol--although this is yet to be determined. Thanks for your prayers for Steven, Gina and family.

            (Jesus:) Cry no more for your darling Jonathan, for he is now in a better place. I have set him free from the pains and sorrow of the flesh and now he can see more clearly. He is happy now and at peace. He had such turmoil there on Earth, but now he is at peace.

            Take this not upon yourself as if you could have prevented it. I know and understand there is always a certain amount of soul searching when one of My precious ones return Home, and that is good. It makes you value life more and brings out a sweetness and tenderness in those who realize that life is but a vapor, here a while and then gone. It gives you an urgency about giving love and taking hold of those opportunities to show My love more freely and not letting them slip by so easily. This is what I'm doing in your life. I'm giving you beauty out of ashes. I am making the sweet perfume ascend out of the crushing. I'm allowing the love to flow more freely out of the cracks of your broken hearts.

            I give and I take away but all that I do, I do in love. In love I gave you dear Johnny to love and to cherish and take care of, which you did. He filled your life with many happy moments and brought you great joy. At times he brought you pain and heartache, but it was all from My hand. It was all a part of the gifts of My love that I gave you in him. And now, still in love, I have taken him back to be with Me and that feels like the biggest heartache of all. I know the depths of sorrow that losing a son can bring. Come into My arms and let Me comfort you, for you have the promise of eternal life--for I conquered death. Though your dear loved one went out from among you for a while and now will be gone for some time, I assure you I never left his side. I was with him even up until the end and now we are together face to face.

Considerate Christmas Charterese!

                With Christmas nearly upon us, please remember to follow the Charter guidelines when going on road trips, Christmas blitzes and witnessing adventures in nearby countries, cities or areas where there are other Homes, or Homes nearby. Please check with local Homes before fundraising in their city, so that this Christmas will be a happy and fruitful time for all! Thanks!


Ukrainian delegates meeting

--With questions about the MM/Activated  course

By Philip and Dawn, Europe

            This past month we held a three-day delegates meeting in Ukraine. The Lord provided a nice sanatorium, located on the outskirts of Kiev--and some 24 representatives came from the nine Ukrainian Homes. Before going to this meeting, the Lord had showed us that we should concentrate on talking about the building of the Ukrainian national church and spend time pow-wowing ways to get the MM/Activated program rolling in Ukraine so we could help to bring the many sheep He has there into the fold.

            The Lord had told us that as the Ukrainian work is merging with the Russian, one of the goals for this meeting was to try to impart the vision and understanding for how the Lord has led with the raising up and training of the national church in Russia. So Magda and Kay explained how the Lord has unfolded His plan regarding that, with testimonies and examples of how they're doing it in Russia, and we spent time talking about how the Homes could apply the different lessons that had been learned in Russia to their Homes and work.

            We also spent a couple of meetings going over the MM/ Activated vision for the EE, which included explaining why the MM course was being used in the EE instead of the Activated magazines, giving everyone a basic understanding of the coming Basic Course and why we were wanting to shorten the present MM course so that the sheep could begin receiving the New Wine faster, pow-wowing points concerning the mailings in Ukraine, etc.

 prayer list

            As of this Grapevine, the Prayer List will be discontinued as a separate pub. Instead, we will regularly publish a column in each Grapevine issue, enabling your prayer requests to get out to you more quickly. Please be faithful to use this list! We'll also begin posting this column on the MO site, so that you can regularly download and print it out for Home prayer vigils, if you so desire. Your prayers can do mighty things!



     1. Many more subscriptions to Activated!

     2. That the Lord will show the Family how to more actively integrate the Activated program into their daily witnessing.

          3. Supply of funds for the Activated program.

          4. Increased distribution of Activated books and tools.

          5. Supply for the Activated desks, of finances and in some cases personnel; for anointing as they coordinate and spearhead the Activated program in their respective areas.


            Angelo (2, of Philip and Marie): Serious asthma.

            Angel (of David): Severe pains in uterus.

            Stephanie: Kidney stones.

            Rosalyn Maria:Newborn of Paul and Lily, born with the upper half of the right thigh bone missing. Miraculous growth of the bone and for it to fit into the hip socket.

            Baby Justin: Newborn of Thai John and Joanna, who has hydrosol in his testicles; for it to heal without a need for an operation.

            Lily: Against returning signs of cancer.

            Promise: Recurring cyst. Numb hands, arms and backache.

            Jewel: Severe bronchial asthma.

            Joan, Jay, Serena, Ana: Against the Hepatitis C virus. Although by a miracle it appears to be in a dormant state for now, please pray for a total cleansing and healing.

Europe and Africa

            Protection for the two Homes in Kampala, Uganda where the life-threatening Ebola virus has spread in the city. Wisdom concerning what steps for the Family there to take.

            Joy (of Andrew): Cancer recurrence. Recently returned to Europe from India to have an operation to perform a hysterectomy and remove her bowel, colon and bladder. She is recovering well from the operation, but the cancer has returned for the third time. Joy will be undergoing chemotherapy, so please pray this goes well and that she experiences no side effects.

South America

            Samuel (of Clara): Serious ingrown toenail. Samuel is the main fund-raiser of his Home, but will be unable to go out for some time.

Answered Prayers

            From Arthur, Becky, and Dave, India: Arthur's tumor is shrinking, Praise the Lord!

            From Paul and Lily, India: Lily had a safe delivery. It was a real fight and there were many complications with gestational diabetes and high blood pressure, but the Lord gave the victory. The whole delivery only took half an hour; it was natural and Lily's diabetes and high blood pressure immediately disappeared after the delivery. PTL.

Australian news crew films Lukthoong team

By Silas, Thailand

            A few weeks ago, ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) asked if they could accompany the singing team on one of their tours. They wanted to film Jonas and the team doing a concert, as well as “behind the scenes.” On October 23rd, the singing team had two concerts lined up, one at a mall in Bangkok and another in the province of Lopburi. The five-man ABC crew joined up with the team at 10 a.m.  and off they went. They had a microphone on Jonas the whole time and they followed him around, filming everything as they traveled from the make-up room at Media of Medias to the first concert in Bangkok and then eventually upcountry.

            As they were backstage getting ready for the concert, suddenly ITV (Thailand's cable TV channel) showed up out of nowhere, and started interviewing Jonas. So ABC turned around and started filming ITV filming Jonas giving an interview as Angela PI was blow-drying his hair! (As it turned out, the clip that ITV filmed was broadcast at 8 p.m. that evening, reaching about 2.5 million people.)

Web article reprinted in Asia Week

            We received an e-mail from someone in the States who had read an article on Jonas in Asia Week Magazine on his flight from Singapore to LA and was interested in getting a copy of Jonas' album. Apparently, Asia Week Magazine reprinted the Web-only interview that Time Magazine did with Jonas.

Twelve Hours to the North of Thailand

            Last weekend, the singing team went on tour in the province of Luay, where they did did three concerts: the first was for about 70,000 people; the second was for 20,000 and the last one for a smaller crowd of about 3,000 people--each of which received an enthusiastic response. On the night of the last concert, we were told that 500 people from Laos had crossed the border to come and watch Jonas perform. He had to do some extra practice to make sure he had his accent down right since some lukthoong  songs are in a Lao dialect, ha!

            One reason this trip was particularly inspiring was that in the course of four days, the singing team was able to pray with 23 people to receive the Lord, including several of the local lukthoong  dancers and the lukthoong vocal instructor.

Simple Joys that Warm Christmas

From Cari, Asia

            I was thinking about my mom today. It was her birthday and while passing through thoughts--tattered with the haze of time, yet unforgotten--I realized that there was something very special about our childhood, the times we spent together. More specifically, I was thinking about the Christmases we shared.

            The watermark of each memory page shared a certain similarity. It wasn't the huge, elaborate gifts we received; it wasn't the clamor of parties we attended. Rather, it was simple memories that I found myself reliving. There was the Christmas we spent together as a family, where we made a manger scene in our living room out of an old cupboard door covered with miniature pine trees, and then we personally dressed as the figurines. Or the cold little house that was warmed by MWM's first Christmas tape, and the joy that was felt when we found oranges in the toe of our stockings, and nuts and raisins wrapped in foil. We had a Christmas tree that year, with all the gifts of the spirit hanging on it.

            Then there was the Christmas when I was yet smaller. We popped corn and strung it on the tree. I don't know if there was one piece left by the end of December, for a faithful little soul nibbled them away when no one was looking.

          There was the Christmas when I was nine, and we six kiddos awoke to a surprise. In the very front of our caravan lay a line-up of white shoe boxes, each clearly marked with our names, and each containing something special, something we needed or could play with--skipping ropes, socks, jacks, etc. What a treat that was a treat for us missionary children!

          In remembering some of those special occasions--and now having two kids of my own--I thought about how I wanted to give my children that same love, excitement and warmth at this special season. I want them to have happy memories and times to look back on. That's when I realized what it was that made those moments so special: It was the love of a parent, and the time they invested that showed that love. Not only that, but our parents had such faith in the Word and the Lord that they gave us what we needed too--His love and salvation, the life of a missionary, the vision of going and winning the world with the Lords love.

            No, we didn't have a lot, but we had the Lord and each other--and that's what made them the happiest Christmases I can remember.

 Christmas CD cards rock!

            Ivanhoe, USA: On November 2nd, I left home at 9:00 a.m. on my way to do some shop-to-shop downtown with the Christmas card CDs! My first stop was to see a lady friend with an insurance agency. She wasn't there, but her secretary, who up to now had not been receptive to our stuff, bought three CD cards!

            I sell one for $5, two for $9 and three for $12! If they want 10 or more, I go to $3.50 each! Of course, I push the Activated program too! TYJ! Then I met a guy who bought one at a stop on the way! I got downtown and sold one to a friend working in the mall, then three to a lady in an elegant office, two to the owner of a beauty salon, one to a CPA, three to a young secretary in a big building, two to a men's store manager! But, the real banger was when I went up a small elevator to the office of a sweet secretary of the coal industries! She immediately called four more secretaries on the phone and before long, each had bought two or three Christmas card CDs and asked me to come back, because I ran out of the one with the fancy cover!

          That made 28 CD cards out in less than two hours! Then I sold four at a truck stop and one at a convenience store on the way home! TYJ! Thanks to whoever put this tool together!


By Jenna, 26

It's the Grapevine's 100th issue--CELEBRATE WITH US!

          We were wondering what to do for our 100th issue anniversary … some cool feature, interview … hmmm. But then these incredible Activated stats came in (courtesy of India), and we knew we had to take our hats off to those of you who are making Activated succeed!

          So this issue will be dedicated to the pioneers, Don Quixotes, crazy crusaders, bravers-of-the-heat-and-cold, wild witnessers, instant in-season and out-of-season, fanatical soul-winners, and lovers of the latest cool, new, in, far-out and happening thing in the Family … Activated!--And that includes every one of you mothers, teachers, drivers, handymen, cooks, JJT-doers, and on the list goes … who stay by the stuff so that your witnessing teams can get out and Activate your part of the world!

          First let's shine the spotlight on India, where Family Homes are rocking and … sorry, all other areas, but it's a fact!!! INDIA IS stealing the limelight by making their subscription stats climb off the charts! Which is why THEIR picture is on the front cover of the Grapevine! Go, INDIA!

            But not to leave the others of you out who are also ROCKING with Activated, or just starting to ROCK, we got some great pix and text from a YA/SGA gathering in Northern Brazil, which we're also featuring in this issue--dedicated to all the young people in the Family who are on board with Activated, or about to get on board with it!

            As trivia, did you know that we young people (ages 14-29, CM/FM) make up just over 30% of the Family's population? Translation: If our generation doesn't get on board with Activated, it may not succeed! There are roughly 3,700 of us young people (that includes nationals, new disciples, and anyone who falls into that age group!) in the Family. If each of us got 10 paid subscriptions each month, that would be 37,000 new subscriptions each month--we'd change the world in no time, and the Family! Maybe that's overly optimistic … but surely, we could each get five subscriptions a month, and that would still come out to 18,500 subscriptions a month! And if we could only get 1 subscription per week each, that would still total a whopping (nearly!) 15,000 new subscriptions a month! That can't be impossible, can it? Let me tell you, we'd have the Activated desks and the WS GP department spinning! Let's make 'em spin!

          Alright, let's dig into Activated, and learn some of India's secrets to success! And send in your Activated testimonies too. “We print not because you send not!” (GV 100:1).

Grapevine trivia

In the history of our 100 Grapevine  issues …

            We've printed over one million, one hundred forty-eight thousand, eight hundred and twenty-six words … of YOUR news!

            We've received 12,885 files of Grapevine contributions to-date, every one of which we thank you for!

            The current “most contributed to” sections of the Grapevine are: grapes of thankfulness, personals, and reax to the “Our Side” FSMs and “The Way Things Really Are in WS” GNs.

Secrets to Success with Activated!

From Shiner Homes in India

            (photo of Bangalore Service Home: 2nd Place! Bangalore Service Home, India--with 100 subscriptions in October!)

          The India Activated desk received 712 subscriptions from the Homes during the month of October! (Note: The previous high was 350!) That's twice as many as September, and 12 times as many as six months ago! Go, India!

A Record High!

From the India Activated Desk

            The shiner Home is the Bombay DF Home with 117 subscriptions in one month! Second place goes to the Bangalore Service Home with 100.

            Activated is starting to get known. Last month we received several enquiries via email and snail mail from people who had come across the magazine and wrote in, asking how they could subscribe and what our subscription prices are!

Don't Quit 'Til You Get It

From the Rose Garden Home, India

            Rahul and Rajan (both 16) got really excited about getting Activated subscriptions and told the children to pray that they would get out ten that day. They told us they would not come home until they had ten subscriptions. We didn't really think they were serious as generally people get two or three a day. By 8:30 in the evening we were getting a little concerned, but by 9:00 they were home with ten full subscriptions!

A Change of Outreach Focus

From Rose Garden Home, India

            Up to a few months ago our main focus was getting out videos. We were Activating and getting out about 10 or 20 subscriptions a month. While reading the “Our Activated Future,” the Lord put the faith in our hearts to get out many more subscriptions. Each team planned to reach their video goals in one week and spend the next three weeks focusing only on Activated. The Lord blessed it and we still got our video goals, and our Activated subscriptions shot up to 68 for that month.

            Now when anyone goes out they are always looking for potential subscribers.--Even when we go to the park on family days, or when we attend a friend's birthday party, we strike up conversations with people and take down addresses so we can meet them again and offer Activated.

          We are having weekly Bible studies in different friends' homes now, which we never had before. We have signed up over 350 people, so that is a lot of people and their families to follow up on.

            Everyone in the Home has personal Activated goals for the month (depending on how often they go witnessing) and everyone has a list of people they are planning to meet and Activate .

Anyone can do it

From the Rose Garden Home, India

            Rejoice is our main teacher for the little children, but she goes out on Saturday afternoons and each week signs up at least one or two people to Activated . Abner, who has not been able to go out witnessing due to health reasons, has been getting Activated subscriptions by talking to people over the phone and having them send the funds. (Abner also helps with the Activated program by typing up all the subscribers in an address list so we can always check back and get the addresses and phone numbers of the people we have signed up so we can follow up on them.)

 With That Deadline Approaching…

From Stephen, Castle Home, India

          We had 13 more subscriptions to go in order to reach our monthly goal, and we had to stretch our faith. Our young businessman friend, Prem, came to mind. He is difficult to catch in his office, but the Lord did it. Although Prem had people waiting to talk with him, he spent half an hour with us. We then asked him to sponsor 15 subscriptions for students, to which, he immediately replied, “It is done.”

 Parenteening a Hit with Teachers

From Gideon and Mercy, India

          Recently I met the librarian of one of the schools we've given sets of Activated books to. She said that Parenteening has been the number one book read by teachers for three months in a row, out of their entire library!

 Shoot for the Stars

From the Castle Home, India

            We were convicted about our Activated stats in September, so we decided to shoot for the stars and set a goal of 40 for October. With visa trips, paper work and people moving, this goal was a definite challenge--we had two weeks to meet the deadline. We were approaching the end of our reporting month and were still short of our goal, so we presented the idea of postponing our W&R till after the TRF. We also used our Family Day for witnessing. Everybody jumped at the idea and we spent a day at a resort, as a shiner prize.

 Subsidized Subscriptions

From Tim YA, Bangalore Service Home, India

            The Lord showed us to sell subsidized subscriptions to college students who can't afford to pay the full price. So we stepped out by faith, sending out teams for the specific purpose of selling half subscriptions (for a full year, but costing half the amount). At first I was a bit leery to sell all those half-price subscriptions, but as we went the Lord supplied over and above all the money that we needed to make up the balance amount.

 Where There's a Will…

From Angie (14) of David and Crystal, Bangalore Service Home, India

            It was Family Day and I wanted to reach my goal of Activated for the month. So I bugged my dad to take me out in the afternoon with my younger sister while Mom stayed at home with the other two. I mainly wanted to do youth witnessing, so on the way to a cool spot, I got a check to pray and ask the Lord where we should go; the Lord told us both separately that He wanted us to go door-to-door. In the first house we visited was a Moslem man. He received the message very well, subscribed for Activated right away, gave Rs.1,000 donation and took an audio.

 “Why Did You Wait So Long?”

From David YA, Bangalore Service Home, India

            James is the principal of a Christian college in town. For the last few years we have done shows for the college and for his birthday. When I showed him an Activated mag he said, “Why did you wait so long before showing me this? I told you that any time you get new stuff you have to show it to me right away.--I'll take everything you've got!” He took three subscriptions right away for his college and four Mottos for Success as well.

            I went to see him just a few days ago and two more people from his staff took subscriptions, and James took 30 Mottos calendars for his staff and students, and ordered 75 CD cards for Christmas gifts! Next week he has asked us to bring a sample of all the Activated materials for kids, as he wants to get them for the children at the primary school.

            (Editor's note:) Most of the Activated  testimonies are pouring in from countries that are partly or mostly English/Spanish or Portuguese-speaking--naturally. However, we also want to give recognition to all you front-liners who are putting the vision of Activated into effect--through more intensive follow-up and feeding your sheep--despite the fact that you don't yet have Activated  desks in your area, or local-language Activated materials to offer your sheep. You do us proud! Here are just a smattering of testimonies, representing all of you. You've got the vision, and we admire YOU!

            (photo of Rose Garden Home: Pioneer Shiners! Rose Garden Home, India--winners of $1,000 multi-media system in April!)

Activated is changing everything!

From an SGA VS, Mexico

            Living the “Activated Future” and the Era of Action has made this the happiest time of my life!!! Something really did happen in the spirit when we entered this New Year. Not only have we changed, but every time we go out witnessing, whether it's personal witnessing or even just fundraising at a gas station or restaurant singing, we meet the most hungry and starving sheep we've ever met!

          Also, since the team came from Brazil and the CROs from NACRO and they held the Activated meetings here, our lives have never been the same! We're working on writing up some testimonies for the Grapevine. We've been having weekly meetings and classes here in Cuernavaca with young people. We've also begun to have weekly study groups in both Mexico City and in another city nearby. When Jesus said that we would see our dreams come true, He wasn't exaggerating! All of us in this Home can attest to that!

            Last night was just beautiful! The Lord had been showing us that instead of having a rock'm sock'm inspiration as we usually do at all our meetings, that these young people who have real potential to be disciples, both CM and as live-outs, needed to experience His love in a personal and more intimate way. Thus, He showed us to have a Loving Jesus inspiration. After one of the songs, everyone said a prayer of thankfulness. I wish I could have recorded these prayers, they were so precious! Many cried as they poured out their hearts to the Lord and thanked Him “for giving them this Family.”

          One young boy, Mateo (21), who actually met the Family five years ago and who used to visit the Family every day back then (but lost contact when the Home closed), found us again about six months ago and has recently decided to join. His mom showed up with him last night to “observe.” After the meeting she said in front of all, with tears streaming down her cheeks, “When Mateo first told me of his desire (to join), I was very sad. I was worried about him, but coming here tonight and seeing all of you young people who are so sincere and only want to serve others, has brought me much joy and I am now at peace. I have seen many changes in Mateo. He has changed from being a rebellious young man into a wonderful person!” TYJ! We encouraged her that she's not losing a son, but has only gained a bigger Family! It was so beautiful! This is just one of the many, many miracles that He is doing daily.

            Our lives have changed so drastically, and as a direct fulfillment of all that Jesus has promised, we are DAILY being faced with sheep showing up at our doorsteps or calling us up. Our schedules have also been “thrown out the window”--that's for sure!

Getting Activated … Without Activated

From Senegal Home, Africa

                As far as getting Activated, we don't have the Activated in French.--Sometimes we tend to compare because so many testimonies are coming out about Activated. But we're wholeheartedly doing our part to change this area of the world that He's given us, and we're following up and giving people the Word that we do have in the French language. We are making a chart to see how many we've actually been following up on and the list is lengthy already. So maybe we won't go down in history and win the cash prize for getting Activated out, but we are activated, ha!

                However, we are getting in gear for the English-speaking sheep and we can feel the thrill and excitement already, it is definitely the “in” thing! Today the girls (Abi and Marianna) took a sweet Christian man to the beach for the day. (He is a cargo pilot from Zimbabwe who they met night singing.) They witnessed to him all day, and at the end of the day he took a subscription for Activated.--Our first subscriber! Hurrah!

From Dawn*, China

The Lord's Spirit is moving in us and causing us to be desperate for all the changes we need to make to meet the Activated challenges of the Action Series. More sheep have been coming over and we're learning to really feed them. We've had more Bible studies this month than any other month.

From Abe and Jody, China

            Reading “Our Activated! Future” Part 3 has definitely helped to spur us to action concerning our own follow up and feeding of the sheep that the Lord has led us to. Though we don't have an Activated desk in China (yet!), we still can be just as much on-board, prayerfully planning and reorganizing our methods of follow up to be more fruitful, rather than letting those we do meet slip through our fingers.

            We've also prayed about and discussed ways of how we personally can contribute to making Activated a success.--We're going to send in our mailing list of those we have been ministering to via the mail in various countries.

(Aliases used on articles with an asterisk.)

 Northern Brazil YA-SGA Activated meetings

By Brian (Salvador), Kristy (Belo Horizonte), and David (Salvador), SGAs

          We are ACTIVATED! With close to 50 attendees from six cities, we melted together and these days (September 7-14) became ones that we would never forget! These northern cities are quite far apart, with some traveling up to 48 hours by bus, so it was a precious opportunity for fellowship that doesn't come around very often.

            It took a day or two to really break the ice, but with the “Family's Future and Expansion Program” fresh on the pages, the enthusiasm was soon burning in our hearts. The main thrust of the meetings was the reading and discussing of the direction that we had up until now been somewhat sluggish in putting into practice. After tackling the issues, the inspiration levels were high! The slogans could be heard reverberating through the house, “Activated!--Act on it!” - “Let's go for it!” - “Let's do it!” - “Get with it!”--all of which were captured on our ever-rolling mini-cam.

            The very next morning, brought in directly from the Brazil Activated desk, Matt revealed the “secrets” behind the workings of the Activated system here in Brazil (Contato), and presented each attendee with their very own Activated package, including the whole set of magazines to date, subscription slips, color brochures, and even Activated cards to always keep in our wallets and encourage us to be Activated witnesses, in or out of season!

          Pedro and Joyful, longtime witnessers and veterans of the follow-up trade, presented tips and suggestions on our most important activity, and the lively discussions fueled our fires to want to get fully on board with the Activated commission! We were able to immediately TAKE ACTION by hitting the biggest campus here in Brasilia with the magazines and the message of salvation. Drawing a crowd with a “Holy Ghost sample”-style inspiration, and several renditions of the “box” skit, our teams won a whopping 84 souls in just a couple of hours, and found many people eager to receive what our new tools had to offer. Most of those people signed up for Activated right on the spot, with several paid subscriptions.

          As far as recreation, there were skits, dancing, and MUSIC! One of the highlights of the meetings was our lively praise times, hosted by the attendees themselves. We couldn't have asked for a better location. Overlooking a lake, we enjoyed many refreshing games of soccer, volleyball, table tennis, and swimming. God bless the Brasilia FED Home, which hosted the meetings with many labors of love.

            With many moments to remember, we went away from the meetings refreshed and uplifted with a burning passion in our hearts to do all that we have been commissioned to do--to put the North of Brazil on the map (help save South America's reputation, ahem!), and bring the Activated vision into reality!

          And here, weaving together the words of the attendees themselves, is a joint-reaction to the Activated vision! (The underlined words are individual comments in answer to the question, “What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Activated?”)

            These meetings showed the Family's direction for the future. It's heavy! Whatever action it takes to feed the sheep, just do it! Get out and teach the sheep the Word, because it's fresh, new, and alive!

            For those who sign the subscription, there are 15 magazines, 3 for free, and it doesn't cost me anything. It's everything! It's money and souls! The magazines are our future!--More sheep, Bible classes! It's exciting, challenging! It's cool!

          Get active, active, active! Amen? If you are tired , go witnessing! The people need it now, so I can't stay in my bed! It's a revolution, explosion! It's great! Yummy! And, you'll get blessings!

[next section in a box, offset]

Excerpts of one-liners from attendees in answer to the question: “What did you think of these meetings in general?”


          Andre (22): They're fun!

          Chiyoko (21): Amazing!

          Clara (19): Great fellowship and Activated!

          Dora (12, helper): A little bit more work, but kind of fun!

          Japes (22): Defining the road ahead!--Our future!

          Jonathan VS: Very wonderful, especially because everybody is so receptive and sheepy! Great hope for the North of Brazil!

          Lizzy (17): Very inspiring! Such a blessing for all the young people! Now I'm on fire to get out the Activated magazines!

          Marcos (32): Wow! Cool! I was surprised by the young people's potential, as it was much more than I had imagined! I felt the spiritual strength they have, and that they are really able to do it!

          Paloma (21): Going back to the basics of the Family!

            Tiago (22): Great!

            Victoria (CRO): Super far out! We have a fantastic team of young people! It proves that the Word works, and it's beautiful to see how much they love Jesus!


          Becky (17): I met some good new and old friends, but what I enjoyed most was the meetings, especially the new GN--convicting!

          Brian (27): I think it was a renewal, basically.

            Claire (19): A big help, spiritual boost and encouragement to preach the Gospel more instead of just selling tools.

          Danny (19): Cool! Fun for fellowship, and very convicting on Activated!

          David (21): Days of Heaven!

            Felipe (18): Great! I really like it because of all the fellowship, and to get a chance to talk directly to our shepherds and to hear from all the young people from the North.


           Ana (19): Reinvisioning!

          David (20): It was just what I needed to re-ignite the fire within!

          Jonathan (19): Stupendous!

          Serena (21): Wonderful! Spectacular! The best thing that's happened to me since I joined the Family!

Belo Horizonte

            Kristy (28): So cool to meet all these on-fire, dedicated young people! Totally refreshing and re-envisioning!


United praise time

            We had an idea for our united praise time. We distributed the following question on paper to all the attendees, and had them turn in their answers later on in the day. In the evening, we redistributed the filled out papers randomly and read them aloud.

          The question: What would be the first thing you would say to Jesus if you met Him today?

          Oh, Jesus, I love You! Thank You for caring for me and for carrying me! Now I can hold You in my arms and feel Your love and tender kisses! Just that is the greatest reward I can imagine! I love You, Jesus!

          Jesus, I always thought You would be this beautiful!

          Oh Jesus, You're soooo hot! Let's put into practice all the fantasies I've been having with You, and make all our dreams come true…NOW! I want You, Jesus!

          Jesus, You know I can't describe

          This thing I have inside.

          It's so much stuff,

          It's just so rough,

          So just look inside me

          And see if You can see

          All my heart is trying to say.

            'Cause to get all of this and put it in words is too hard.

          It's like--no way!

          You're so awesome! You forgive me and You still keep blessing me after all the sins and shortcomings I am so faithful in committing. No one can beat You there--You are just too good at it. I need YOU!

          Thank You that even though I'm a mess, You love me unconditionally. Thank You for being so good to me and for showing me Your love through others. I love You so deeply and I will never let this love go, cuz I know Your love will not leave me empty.

          Give me five, Dude! You are the Best! Cooler than any trip!

          Thank You for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the Family, and that I have a chance to give my life and help others the way You did for me. Give me the strength, love, humility and determination that I need, and help me carry it through till the end. I love You. Thank You.

          You know I don't deserve anything, yet You gave me all that I have. Thank You for never losing hope in me. Thank You for having faith for me.

          It's an honor to be Your bride and to be able to spend my life lovin' You and serving You. Being loved by You is my daily reward. I'm in love with You!

          Jesus, You're adorable! I'm all Yours: my mind, my soul and my body. You've saved me from the pit of pride, selfishness, and the System's grasp. I have nothing to repay You but all my life! My Love, thank You!

          First I'd scream for joy. Then after getting over the first excitement, I would say, “Thank You, Love, for Your forgiveness and mercy. Even though I've failed You so many times You still love me. Thank You. I love You more than anyone in this world. I love You.”

          Thank You for always being there for me!

          Thank You, Jesus, for touching my life in such a special way, and choosing me to be one of Your Elite troops.

          All I'll manage to say is that I can't express my gratitude and my thankfulness for Your forgiving love towards me. For though I often failed You and strayed away, You never gave up on me; You were always there to help me through the storm. I will always love You and treasure You, for You are my greatest love.

 Reaction to the dance night

Amanacer (21), Juiz de Fora

            I thought the dance night was one of the nicest dances I've had. I really saw everyone practicing the Law of Love and loving each other as true brothers and sisters. In other dances I have attended there's usually a lot of partiality, cliques, etc., but last night wasn't like that at all--everyone danced! I really felt the spirit of love! That's how every dance should be! If it happened once, it can happen again and again!

Witnessing testimonies

Jeremy (32), Salvador

            It was amazing how the Lord led me directly to two sheepy 18-year-old girls, one of whom happened to be studying piano. I gave my testimony to the girls (I am a musician also), and they were amazed that I dropped my career to serve Jesus. I explained how we can't give our whole hearts to two things. They got saved, and really appreciated the Activated program, and especially the fact that they could get the first magazines for free. They really liked that we were just giving a message of love without preaching to them.

Brian (27), Salvador

            After hearing from the Lord we decided to go to some offices with the Activated mags. One special man we met was a lawyer and asked us, “Who sent you here?” He was very much in need of encouragement, and begged us to come back the next day to talk more. It was like a special set-up from the Lord, and he was so encouraged by the love that we had to offer. We know the Activated follow-up program is really going to help him and others like him. We were also able to film some of the witnessing adventures.

 Serena (21), Fortaleza

            We came upon a group of five students and started to witness to them, talking about Bible prophecy, and answering their questions. One girl started saying that she didn't believe in the Devil or Hell. While I was trying to find a way to explain to her, one person in the group who was quite crazy and had taken all sorts of drugs, started yelling about how he has seen demons when taking drugs. It was really heavy, but I could feel in the spirit that he wanted to be liberated! It was an inspiration to everyone, and the girl got quite scared when she saw his eyes. We explained that there is a spirit world, and that when taking drugs you enter into that world. The Lord used the situation to really wake them up. PTL!

Some Mama jewels … from camera clips!

            As was explained in “That Banana There” (GN 917), in mid-September, Peter made a series of videos in which he explained to the CROs about the board vision and new Family leadership structure. At the end of these video tapes, Mama gave a brief appearance and informal talk to the CROs. We thought you'd be interested to read excerpts of it, and partake of some personal tidbits from our queen!

          (For the reader's benefit: Mama appears on screen, in front of a soft gray curtain backdrop. There is a plant on her right, with white and green leaves. She is wearing a black blouse with little red flowers and swirly designs on it. Her long hair is tied back, and flows down over her left shoulder. She is wearing brown tinted glasses--just light enough so you can see her animated and loving eyes. She has delicate, dangly earrings, with tiny outlines of a heart hanging from each ear. She's also wearing a necklace with a Family symbol pendant hanging on it. She is smiling.)

            (Mama:) Hi folks. Well, this is a surprise! It's probably as much a surprise for me as it is for you, since I didn't really know I was going to be on this video until yesterday. But the Lord did lay on my heart that it would be very nice to be able to talk to you. Of course, I would love to talk to you and be able to see you here in front of me, and that would be a lot easier! I'm pretty shy of cameras.--I've gotten over a little bit of my shyness of people now, but the cameras still pretty much frighten me and I have to pray desperately to be able to know how to handle it.

            So please pray for any future times that I'm going to be on video. I made it the first time, as you know [Peter and Mama had made a video the previous year for the CROs to view], and I thought the second time might be a little easier … but it's not! (Mama laughs.) Probably because Peter isn't here to hold my hand and walk me through it. He said he'd sit here and be with me, but since he has other meetings to attend, I decided that the best thing for me was to just hold the Lord's hand and sit here and go ahead with it.

* * *

          (Talking about moving into the Era of Action:) No change is ever easy, and at the beginning of the year the Lord told us there was going to be a lot of change in this Era of Action. And we've already seen a lot of change, and even the change in WS has been monumental and we're sort of reeling from the shock, ha! But we're going with the flow and we're seeing that the changes, even though they're difficult while they're going on, are making a difference already. So we're holding on to the Lord in faith that when we get to the final conclusion of the matter, things are going to be very different and for the better. So TTL!

            The Lord has told us that this year would be the embodiment of the word “change.” Now you probably wonder, after all these years of change after change, how we could possibly (Mama chuckles) have more change than we've already had. Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see how the Lord brings that about.

* * *

            I took a little break there to get a glass of water and to look over my notes, because I didn't want to forget to tell you anything that the Lord had laid on my heart. I'm having to practice what I preach in continuing to fight and continuing to yield and continuing to be humble, because I'm still really nervous about making this video for some reason. But that's the way it is in our walk for the Lord, we don't always get an instantaneous victory when we step out to do what He wants us to do. Sometimes it takes awhile. It takes fighting. It takes perseverance. And maybe by my third or fourth video I'll be very relaxed and I'll be able to do a better job.

            But anyway I'm here, and that's what this life for the Lord is all about. Be  available. Be yielded to whatever the Lord asks you to do.

* * *

            My dear cameraman is having a problem with me because I keep stopping and keep forgetting things and keep wanting him to stop so I can go back and do something. A moment ago I remembered something I wanted to do and the funny thing is … I'll tell you what I was going to do. Okay! Sorry to be so confusing but this is very informal here. I was going to do something I haven't done before.

          I wanted to tell you how much the Lord has healed my eyes. I still can't read or watch TV or some of those things, but as far as my normal day-to-day life and being able to use my eyes in all kinds of ways--going out and looking at things, looking at people--I can do that and I'm very, very thankful.

            After all these years with no medical help, the Lord is healing me and it's a very big miracle. I just want to thank you so much for your prayers and the prayers of the Family.

            I think I prematurely tried to use my eyes on something that maybe I need to wait on a little longer. When I was on a trip recently with Peter, I decided I had to have some way of getting my messages back home, and I can't expect poor Peter to be my secretary and type my dictation! I'm sure he would have if it had been an emergency and he'd had to, God bless him. He helps me with all kinds of other things. But I started to type on the computer and of course I know how to type, but I haven't typed for years.

            That wasn't so much of a problem, but the problem was that I was running all my words together, and you can imagine what a challenge that was for the people that had to read it! I don't know what the problem was and it was a little discouraging, and I had to keep my eyes closed pretty much while I was typing because the screen is very disastrous for my eyes. But I did that and I found that I could get some notes and some messages home and it was very satisfying, in fact, that I'm going to be able to do that when my eyes are a little better.

            Anyway, that was a first for me and it took a lot of faith but it worked out fairly well. So I'm going to become computer literate pretty soon I hope, ha.

          [Editor's note: Mama is already getting more computer literate, as she now has a laptop, and is beginning to listen to files off the computer, via MPEG format, rather than on micro tapes. Pray for Mama as she makes this big switch which is both time-saving and more efficient for her and her staff.]

          (At this point, Mama, who has been holding normal reading glasses in her hand for the last few minutes, takes off her sunglasses and puts on her normal glasses. While her face was very bright and full of the Lord's love before, now with her blue eyes in plain view, she looks more beautiful and radiant than ever. She's looking at the camera normally, without squinting. She continues:)

            Anyway, what I wanted to do was take off my sunglasses, which I hardly ever do.--I wear them all the time because of the sensitivity to light, but my eyes are really getting better.

            I got these glasses out last night when the Lord gave me this idea, and I put them on and it was a little different, but at least I could see with them. I've always worn glasses from the time I was about twelve or so, because of my near-sightedness. So probably even after my eyes are healed from the eye condition, I'll still have to wear glasses unless the Lord does another big miracle. But near-sightedness and far-sightedness is pretty much one of the battles of life that a lot of us can just expect to go through and it's something that is just one of those tests and trials--those little things that keep us humble and help us to understand what others go through also.

* * *

            Okay, here we go again. I've had so many breaks in this--thank you, dear cameraman, for being patient with me--thank you folks for your patience. Well, you know if the Lord can use me, as weak and as incapable as I am, and as shy and proud and everything else, He can certainly use you. Maybe that's why the Lord has made me this way, so it will be an encouragement to you, and if that's the case, then I'm glad for my weakness. And certainly, as the Lord has said, we should be thankful for our weaknesses. It's a hard thing--it's a hard mindset to form, to be thankful for the things you really don't like about yourself. But that's why the Lord is able to use us, because we're desperate, because we are weak and because we know we need Him.

* * *

            Oh! I wanted to show you this yoke that I'm wearing. Maybe you already noticed it. The cameraman is zooming in on it. [It is the Family symbol, and it's about 3 inches long.] The Lord gave me the idea to wear it today because I've never worn it before. I've had it for several years but I haven't had an occasion to wear it, and I think it is so beautiful! One of our dear brothers in Russia sent it to me, and sent a matching one for Peter.

          I love our Family symbol. I love this, and I wish we could use it more. I suppose some people think it's a little outdated now, but it's very beautiful--very meaningful. So I just wanted you to see it, and I wanted to thank the Lord for it and our dear brother who went to all the work to make it and to send it to us. So if any of you know him and can contact him, maybe you could tell him that we really do appreciate it, and I'm wearing it.

* * *

            Don't dread the word “change.” Don't dread the word “battles.” Don't dread the words “hard work,” or dread the word “yieldedness,” because all those are good and the Lord means to bring good out of them [your battles] and make you happy through them. At the end you'll see that they were worth it all. You'll be happy for yourself, you'll be happy for the Family, you'll be happy for those in the world that we're trying to reach with the Lord's commission to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.--That's still and always will be our main focus. That's what we're doing all this for!

            In the trips that I've made with Peter, I always try to give out tracts and I always try to talk to people. You know, those poor people in the world … you need to get out there once in awhile and talk to them, to see what they go through, to see how much they need the Lord--how much they need our message of hope and comfort and the love of Jesus. Because, folks, we have it so good! We get involved in our own little worlds sometimes and all our battles and all our problems and we get discouraged and we get down and we get complaining sometimes. But you know, you go out there and talk to … anybody in the world, and you come back with a renewed vision of what the Lord's Word has done for us and how it upholds us, it uplifts us, it gives us comfort and encouragement and hope of the future.--Just everything that we need, that we have that we need to help give them because they're so bereft without it. They're so sad and lonely and hopeless and live such meaningless existences. That's the whole thing. That's why Jesus has given us so much, that we can in turn give to others.

* * *

            (Prays:) Thank You, sweet, wonderful Love, our sweet precious Lord and Savior. We need You so much. Continue to lead and guide us each day, and we know that the final results are going to be beautiful--more than our wildest dreams. Thank You, Jesus. We love You, Lord. Praise You, Jesus.

the last of the reax … about life in WS

          Boy oh boy, reading the rebuttals to all those rumors about WS made me want to go to WS. Ha! Seriously though, it does sound like a pretty groovy place to be. Actually, though I had heard some of the rumors, they never really fazed me. I suppose that's because I used my common sense!!

          My initial reaction to the GN was somewhere between feeling insulted that anyone would have the gall to spread rumors of that class, and a feeling of genuine sympathy for the demented minds of those that chose to ask such questions. God bless Mama and Peter for having the patience and love to answer them, as well as the WS staff.

            I was having a conversation with an SGA VS a while back and we were debating as to where all the young men in the Family are. And I commented, “Ahh, I betcha they're all in WS.” I found I wasn't too far from the truth…and I just got this sudden urge to go to WS…ermm, wonder why?!?!? (Actually, just as a side note for anyone interested, I have it on good authority that after WS, the rest of them are in Eastern Europe! J)

            Back to the subject at hand: In talking about these GNs with various ones in my Home, they all said the same thing, “Why do they even bother?” They bother because they want us to know that they love us and do their best to serve us.

            So I say: “A big hand to all those in WS!” I believe many field folks feel the same way about you WS folks as many of you expressed in your testimonials about us: “We are proud to serve beside you, our dear WS family!!” Both SG and FG alike! I hope that you didn't feel in responding to some of those rumors that everyone on the field feels that way about WS or those that work there. Hogwash, if you ask me!

          We wish there was a way we could have some kind of WS appreciation night and invite some WS people over to be “appreciated”…but alas!

--With love and admiration, Stephanie (SGA), Lebanon

            I wanted to comment on the latest publications, “Our Side,” parts 1-6. I have met you, Peter, and worked around you on a couple of occasions, and all that was written in these FSMs concerning you, in my opinion, is absolutely the truth. So I'm sending a great big “ditto” to what was said in those articles. I am also well acquainted with, and have worked side-by-side many of the people who have written those articles, and am aware of or was even involved in some of the stories that were mentioned.

          I haven't seen Peter or Mama being involved in my daily routine or schedule lately. How much do they control me out here on the field? We believe that the Words that are given to us through Mama and Peter are from the Lord because they work.--Not because there is somebody standing over us to make us obey them. We are, of all people, free to live our lives as we choose. First of all, to choose to either be in the Family or out of the Family. And if we choose to be in the Family, we can choose to be FM or CM, and we can choose to go to the field or stay in our home fields. In either of these that we choose, we can choose the ministries that we want to participate in, the people we want to work with, the amount of income we want to make, the kind of vehicle to drive, the kind of food to eat, the days that we want to take off, take a vacation if we want, go and visit relatives if and when we want, change Homes, countries or continents when and if we want. So I have a difficult time seeing the “control” factor spoken of by our dear James Penn.

            I sat and talked with James for quite a while about the time of his choosing to leave the Family. I didn't see a man that held some “secret truths” or insight to the workings of the Family. I saw a man who had become weary in his efforts, and a man who was losing faith. But that is no excuse to turn around and vindictively attack those that you have lived and worked with all these years. I will be the first to agree that the Family has its faults, and has made its share of mistakes in the past. But what organization or company or religion hasn't? We are human beings and we are also individuals, and I believe that the mistakes that have been made, for the most part, were made unintentionally and were part of our growing process as a Family, as a religion and as a movement of the Lord. But dear James is also an individual and presumably makes (has made) his share of mistakes as well. So people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. He should leave well enough alone and let each of us work out our own salvation with the Lord.

            I am a mature, full-grown adult, and am fully aware of my choice to be in the Family. In fact, I don't just feel that I am “in the Family,” but that I, along with Dad and Mama and Peter and a lot of other very concerned people, with the Lord's help, built the Family. So I am not just “in” the Family, but am an integral part of the Family. I am free to go at any time, but I choose to see this thing through to the End or my end (whichever comes first), and hopefully make as much positive change in the world as I can.

            I'd also like to add that I have had battles from time to time concerning the increased use of prophecy, the Loving Jesus revelation, and probably a few other things. But I always get the victory when I read or reflect on the earlier Letters or our basic beliefs. The amazing thing is, that when I read the Letters that began the Revolution that we all were so dedicated to 20 or 30 years ago, I see that they are full of the same thing. “For God's Sake Follow God,” “Faith,” “Stop … Look … Listen,” “Listening or Lamenting,” “New Bottles,” are all full of the need for prophecy and to hear from God fresh everyday. Why weren't we yelling, “control freaks” then? And how about “Love-making In the Spirit” and those Letters that talked about loving Jesus? Maybe it is a little more graphic these days, but so is everything else around us. The language, the movies, the advertising, and the computer programs are all much more graphic than in the past. So why can't God turn up the graphics as well?

          I am thankful that God “controlled” me all these years and made something productive out of me. I would hate to think of where I would have ended up if He hadn't. I, for one, am here because I want to be here! I love this life! I don't want to do anything else! I continue to pledge my love, loyalty and allegiance to you and your leadership of the Family.

--Love, FGA man

                If the Family actually produces the “mindless zombies” that we were made out to be in Mr. Penn's letter, then why have so many Family members from both generations chosen their own diverse lifestyles over the years? Obviously, they knew what they wanted--and that wasn't to remain in the Family. By the same token, doesn't it sound more reasonable that us few (comparatively speaking) who decide the Family is for us, do so because we know what we want, rather than because we're too brainless to decide anything for ourselves, especially after seeing those of our own peers, friends and loved ones leave?--Funny thing Mr. Penn didn't think to mention that possibility!

            Being a freedom-loving, non-conformist type myself, I have taken countless long, hard looks at the costs of remaining in the Family, and of course I've experienced the myriad of sacrifices that go along with it. I'm very aware of all those “tempting careers” out there. But I also know exactly what I want out of life--and if I didn't find that in the Family, as sure as God made little green apples, I'd be outta here, ha.

            Living a purposeful life, having a personal relationship with the One I love the most, and having a sincere cause to fight and live for, is something I couldn't trade for anything! When I see there is so much to be done for the Lord, and so few to do it, I highly resent it that someone who leaves for whatever reason, will try to tear down those who are working hard to build up lives and save souls. I mean, for crying out loud, get on with your life instead of interfering with ours!

     Although there's definitely a high price to pay, for me personally, the pros of being in the Family far outweigh the cons. I've found my calling. I affirm what I believe--and no James Penn can ever take that away from me! I love Mama and Peter and know that they stand for the truth, and give the true Words of the Lord. To whom shall I go? You alone have the Words of eternal life! Come hell or high water, I'm in it for the long haul!

--Libby (17), Middle East

             Gee wiz, Mama! You are really going the nth degree to dispel all the lies, doubts and misunderstandings! Your patience and longsuffering is absolutely admirable.

            One point about the luxurious life style you are supposed to live as mentioned under “Food Issues--Indulging and Splurging:” I was trying to compare my present setup to the one Elliot described about the offices of your staff. It was a little embarrassing, and I felt like asking you to come over to our field where houses are fairly big and rent reasonable. Well, I have been living in a “poor” mission field since 1982 and yes, I have had my times where rooms were more then small or shared with other couples or a bunch of mine or others' kids, but we knew it was needed for a time until we found something better or bigger etc. So, I must say that I had it a lot smoother then your present circumstances, which you have decided to do by choice to save our funds.

            For what it's worth, since the Charter I have lived in this house on 1,000 sq. yards, for $650/mth which has eight bedrooms and seven bathrooms, two kitchens (one we use for home and ABM office but it is still 12' x 15', unlike the one you have in your bathroom), two dining rooms, two living rooms, two TV lounges, some of which of course we use for school rooms, etc. Yet sometimes we think we need a bigger place. Of course, we are 28 people (21 kids and seven adults) and two years back we were 33. It was tighter then, but we have had it very good and there is space for all.

          We are by no means rich; we struggle every month to make our budget and oftentimes come short of it, but it's not like you guys have to live like that if you didn't want to. So what are we complaining about? I wouldn't mind if you spent an extra $ of my tithe to move your office out of the bathroom into a kitchen like mine, ha! You deserve it! But of course you won't, because under Mama's and Peter's leadership you will be forever so mindful of our blood and sweat and hard-earned $. Who would want another type of boss? I don't know. Perhaps those who complain need to go out into the world and work for System bosses or in the third world countries to see how they rip off the poor to live in luxury. Hey, let's not forget how the rich get rich in any countries! Is that the case at WS? Obviously not, but are they gonna believe it?

--Love and forever grateful, FGA man, Pakistan

            Reading through the “Our Side” FSMs has been a delight. I would really like to regularly read about Mama's Home. We have a little bit of it in “Mama's Jewels” and sometimes in the testimonies about festivities in Mama's Home, but little stories that give a peek into what it's like to be there and how things are handled, somewhat like in the Davidito and Techi books, would help us to feel closer. I feel almost sad that the series is over, like I've had to go back home after a visit.

          Another reason that I had a real good time reading these series was the pleasure it gave me to see the Enemy's plans completely crushed to pieces. Here is his silly scheme to get us all to “seriously doubt” whether we're on the right side or not and here is God's splendid answer: A big fresh waterfall of His side of the story to wash us all nice and clean. And after we've been under and in it we're covered in sparkles of truth, a coat of arms that protects us even better and we're even more devoted than before to our shepherds and our Family. Foiled again!

--female, Pakistan

 WS Portfolios, Pastimes and Peeves, Part 1

By Kevin

             Are you so curious about the inner workings of WS that you can hardly contain yourself? Do you long to hear each and every fascinating detail about the handful of people who live their lives day in and day out behind the scenes? Does your heart rate increase dramatically every time you discover something new about the mysterious behind-the scenes people who work hard to pipe you the New Wine? Didn't think so.

          Nevertheless, if you've never lived in a WS unit, then you just might be at least mildly curious to hear a bit about what kind of people live behind the scenes. Well, you'll be happy to know that everyone in WS is not a nerdy and proud citizen of Dorkville like myself, and there are in fact a lot of ordinary people who can converse competently, eat ordinary food and use the john in a perfectly acceptable way.

          For obvious reasons I can't list the names of people in WS, but I will list some of the ministry categories and what that ministry is all about (and in some cases what it's not about):

 Layout artists

          Portfolio: These are the talented people who create a face for the pubs, by taking all the text and graphics and placing them on the page in an orderly manner. Gone are the days of messy, toxic glue; dangerous, razor-sharp scissors and electrocuting light tables--and in their place are toxic computer monitors; crashing, smoking computers and electrocuting pointing devices.

          Pastime: Organizing the survival food in the pantry so that it is stacked in a symmetrical, eye-pleasing way. They tend to do this again, and again, and again…

          Peeves: Paper jams; missing fonts; disorganized pantries.

          How we can help them: Layout can be a thankless job, so if you like the way a pub looks, send in your compliments. For example: “I love the way you lay out the Zine! It's the only pub that exercises both my eyes and neck!”


          Portfolio: As you probably guessed, these are the talented folks who put pen or pencil to paper and provide you with the variety of illustrations that have for years helped us more clearly picture the Word. They are also responsible for consuming approximately one third of my OC and JETT years as I paged through the MO volumes and TKs looking at the pictures.

          Pastime: Doodling and …well… that's pretty much all I see them do in their free time. (Just between you and me, doodling also takes place during announcements or Home council meetings about dish racks, but I don't think they would want that to be too widespread, so don't tell anyone.)

          Peeves: Their own artwork. I have yet to meet a WS artist who actually likes his or her artwork. After looking at the final, printed copy of their drawing, I've seen them weep bitterly, literally have baby cows and look up to the sky while shouting “I'm coming,” just because the eye on one of the birds in the far distance was off by .000004 artimeters (that's an esoteric artist's measurement).

How we can help them: Every artist I know is lifted to high Heavens when they hear or read even just a token commendation from the field. I'm sure they would also be gratified to know how much of your childhood you spent looking at their pictures.

Writers and editors

          Portfolio: Believe it or not, this category of WS worker tends to spend a lot of time writing and editing. Some are only writers, others are only editors, and some do a little of both.

          Pastime: More writing and editing. You see, there is so much to be written and especially so much to be proofread and edited that these people generally don't have time to do anything else. Occasionally they will surface for food--primarily for fellowship around the dinner table--but this can only be accomplished once the reams of paper have been cleared to make a pathway to the door.

          Peeves: Redundant words that are unnecessarily needless and pour speling and bad punctuation and run-on sentences. (Note: Above sentence is completely wrong, and you have no idea how painful it's going to be for them to leave the above sentence as is, for the humor factor.) (Editor's note: Arghhhhhhhh!)

          How can we help them: Read the Word! They work their faithful, grammatically correct buns off to get you the pubs in a clear, correct format, so make it worth their while and read them more than once.

Drivers and handymen

          Portfolio: Driving automobiles and fixing things. This would be an easy job if it weren't for the fact that automobiles tend to break, and so does just about every imaginable or unimaginable thing in the house. As Kevin's Law states, “All solid matter is probably broken.” Which reminds me of an ancient Chinese proverb I heard somewhere one time: “The ox moves slowly when the hill is steep.” What does that proverb have to do with Kevin's Law? Absolutely nothing, which is exactly what most people know how to fix without the help of a skilled handyman.

          Pastime: Spending free days in the hardware store making sure all the screws and bolts are still there, as well as that “unbelievably cool laser drill/rodent killer that doubles as a walkie-talkie, but is too expensive and we don't need it anyway, I guess” is still in stock like it has been every week for the last six years.

          Peeves: People who shun Chinese proverbs and think they know how to repair the Home's new VCR with a butter knife.

          How can we help them: It's pretty obvious how we WS butter knife wielders can help them, but you can do your part as well and pray the Lord blesses them for putting so much elbow grease into keeping our Homes running in tip-top shape. And I'm sure donations for that laser drill would be appreciated.

          And thus ends part one of the “WS Portfolios, Pastimes and Peeves.” Stay tuned for part two of this exciting glimpse into the ministries of WS, which hopefully will not contain old Tahitian proverbs such as, “He who dances with a skirt of grass, probably had too much to drink.” Instead we'll cover the many other ministries that when assembled make up an efficient WS machine. Speaking of machine, where did I put that butter knife?


Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up


Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller

            Comedy about a man who accompanies his girlfriend home to attend her sister's wedding, as well as to ask her father for permission to marry his daughter. Light entertainment.


Brendan Fraser, Elizabeth Hurley

          Romantic comedy in which a socially inept computer programmer who is in love with a woman in his office makes a deal with the Devil in order to get his dream girl.


Kim Basinger, Vincent Perez

            Drama based on the true story of Kuki Gallmann, an Italian woman who leaves Europe and starts a new life in Africa with her husband and son. Shows the beauty of the country and her passion for it, in spite of sad events, which some found depressing.

 Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up


Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, Haley Joel Osment

            A teacher challenges his 11-year-old students to come up with an idea that will change the world.


Denzel Washington, Will Patton

          True story, set in the early 70s, of a newly appointed African-American football coach and his high school team on their first season as a racially integrated team.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up


             The true story of the 19th century priest who volunteered to go to the island of Molokai, to console and care for the lepers.

Non-Recommended Movies

SNOW DAY (Chris Elliot, Mark Webber; 2000)

            (Jesus:) That movie was insipid, without any purpose or value.


 Meet the Parents

            (Dad:) This movie should be taken for what it is: a humorous account of the awkwardness that happens in an unfamiliar situation with unfamiliar people. Granted, the boyfriend didn't handle the situation with much wisdom or honesty, but what can you expect when people don't acknowledge the Lord and get their counsel and instruction from Him?

          There are some flaws in this movie, especially the deception on the part of the boyfriend in trying to cover up or not be completely honest about things. It's certainly not a characteristic to emulate, and the movie tries to excuse it by the fact that he was just trying to please the girl's parents and be the way he thought they would want him to be. Dishonesty and covering up is not good, no matter what the circumstances; it's always best to be honest and forthright. So just keep those things in mind when you watch this movie and don't take it too seriously; it's just entertainment.


            (Jesus:) This is a sweet movie. It's fun, funny, and also has a good point to it. It shows that all the wishing in the world will not bring you true happiness.

            It's just like how the Devil tempted Me with the riches of this world if I would bow down and worship him. Well, you all know the story, so you'll remember what I said to him, right? I said, “Get thee behind Me, Satan.” I had to close the door on him right then and there, because it was a temptation. Riches, fame and all those things do seem so good, but there's always a catch. The Devil doesn't give anything away for free. When you watch this movie you'll see and understand that even more.

          It's a good movie with good morals. But like any other movie, there are always little things that you'll need to wade through that are not of Me, that give the wrong message. On the whole I would say that the makers of this movie did their best to make it fun and edifying. You can expect to have a good, enjoyable time.

 I Dreamed of Africa

            (Dad:) A true story about life in Africa for a foreign woman. Has some beautiful scenes of Kenya, and is a look into their hardships and passion for the country. Beautiful, but sad. It's a good depiction of their life--the good and the bad.

          There are some good lessons in this movie, but most of all, it will break your heart for the loneliness, sorrow, and struggles of the people of this world who don't have the Lord and the support and love that we in the Family have. There are some disturbing parts, particularly one with a snake towards the end of the movie. This movie will not be to everyone's liking, but there are lessons to be gleaned from it, if you care to watch it. This is not a movie to watch just for entertainment. If sad movies leave you feeling depressed, you shouldn't watch this one. Pray and ask the Lord.

Pay It Forward

          (Jesus:) My Word says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This is the message Pay It Forward advertises. Some people don't yet know Me or aren't ready to receive Me, and yet others know Me but don't have the desire or knowledge to be My devoted servants. Movies like this plant unselfish ideas in people's minds. So much of the world is steeped in selfishness, and it doesn't even cross some people's minds to give sacrificially, so this is a good message that will spark some people to try to change the world in which they live--even if their circumstances are the worst of the worst.

            This is a very basic principle that you, My children, already understand, and it has in fact become part of your lifestyle. But even you might sometimes need a little nudge in the right direction, and this movie will serve this purpose. Although the circumstances in this movie are worldly, and in many cases not directly relatable to you, there is a clear lesson to not only give, but to give even till it hurts. As David said, “I will not give unto the Lord that which has cost me nothing.”

Remember the Titans

            (Jesus:) This movie has good lessons on unity, working together, overcoming differences, looking beyond physical appearance, taking the humble seat, leadership, and not judging a book by its cover. Unlike some other sports movies, it doesn't glorify the sport as much as it glorifies working together as a team. It's well worth your viewing time, and you can glean a lot of good from it.

Molokai: The Story of Father Damien

          (Jesus:)  Dear Damien was truly one of My saints. Though he had been misguided in a few things, his love for Me and the lost has been a sample to so many. This movie is an accurate portrayal of his story, and though some parts are pretty unpleasant, the sample of his fighting spirit and how he transformed so many lives is very moving and uplifting. It's not light entertainment, but meaty and provocative. Some parts are a bit slow but it's worth the watching.

          This movie isn't for everyone, for some it will be disheartening, thinking of the plight of the lepers. However, there is much truth and much warmth of My love portrayed in this movie. Let this message ring out for all of My children to watch, adults down through the JETTs. Let them be reminded of the wonderful spirit helpers available to them. You who are ministering to the downtrodden can call upon these saints. Not only St. Damien, but also the saints who came to be of help. And even more so, the saints in his care, those with leprosy who received My love and faith through Father Damien.

ideas and tips

New way for New Year's celebration

            For our 1998 New Year's celebration, the Lord led us to do things a bit differently--breaking up the traditional candlelight ceremony into three different night's activities. The first one, a recounting of the victories for 1998, was held on the evening of December 29. The second, claiming our verses and quotes for the New Year, was done on New Year's Eve--and it was at that time we took turns individually lighting a candle. The last, our individual prayers for the New Year, were given the following night, followed by taking time to hear from the Lord together.

            The reason we felt led to do it this way was due to the large number of people in our Home and the experiences we've had during the past few years on New Year's Eve. With many Home members looking forward to having a dance afterwards, they didn't put as much into their presentations, or others felt pressured by time to make their presentations very short. As a result some of us felt the evening was not as meaningful as it could have been, so this helped keep things short and spread it out.

--Phillip and Dawn, Europe


             Hi, this is Maria (of Nathaniel and Sarah). I'd like to get in contact with Gabe (Paul and Catherine?) I lived with you in San Diego some years back. Just wanted to say hey, if you're still around. Katie too! You can contact me at Fountainblue18@hotmail.com.

            The BVM has moved! Our new address is: Kidz@KidzVids.com; www.KidzVids.com.

            Pedro Lucas (that lives in Brazil), can you please get in touch with Lucas at e-mail: lucassong@ig.com.br.

            Tim and Maria (from Malta), this is Martin and Nina (James and Rose)--remember our school days from Napoli? We have an international school in Tanzania, Africa! What are you doing? Need a change? Any other friends and family or childcare workers remembering us from Italy, please get in touch...we need help! Rebecca, etc., it's been a long time. TYSM.

                Rainbow Dove (Pam, of Jonah Dove), Jeremiah Tree (Ron) from Valley Forge, and Cherry Hill (RNR time) would like to renew contact. Where RU? Please contact me at ASCRO - IN06, or by email: fcharmony@iname.com. Hope2CU!

            Jerry is looking for German Mikev, met U in Split '99 but lost your new e-mail address, and old friend David Komic from Jomtien--I need your new address. PLEASE contact me today at: kwproject@hotmail.com.

            Stephy and Pete, it's Chad. Lived with you guys in Madras. Write me if you can at rogue@aigraphics.com.

            Renee (from Thailand) who knew an Indonesian government official named Ben around 1983-84: If you are there (or if someone knows Renee's address), please contact John Listen at hcs@141.com. TYSM!


 Department                        E-mail address

Mama                         mama@wsfamily.com

Peter                        peter@wsfamily.com

To write BOTH Mama and Peter, write “To Mama and Peter” in your file.

Activated                         activated@wsfamily.com

Art contributions                         art@wsfamily.com

Blade                        blade@wsfamily.com

END                        end@wsfamily.com

Eve                        eve@wsfamily.com

FAR                        far@wsfamily.com

Family Care                        familycare@wsfamily.com

FED/CVC                        fed@wsfamily.com

FSM                        fsm@wsfamily.com

GP                        gp@wsfamily.com

Grapevine                         gv@wsfamily.com

Heaven's Library                         hl@wsfamily.com

Kidland                        kidland@wsfamily.com

KidzBiz                        kidzbiz@wsfamily.com

Prayer List                        pl@wsfamily.com

TeleTRF questions                        teletrf@wsfamily.com

Web team                        web@wsfamily.com

WS business                        ws@wsfamily.com

Zine                        zine@wsfamily.com

Any other pubs                        pubs@wsfamily.com

Any questions?                        question@wsfamily.com

Personal mail to anyone in WS            wsmail@wsfamily.com

 Zeb comic:

            “I think it's time we stop having to ring a bell for mealtimes! We're becoming too institutionalized! I mean, my goodness, aren't we all responsible people here? This is a small Home, not some “blob” of a hundred people!”

          A few days later:

          “You'd better come quick if you want some chicken!”

          “What?! You mean, it's already dinner time? Why didn't somebody tell me or ring the bell or something?!”

(End of file.)