the grapevine
(Issue #10, January 1, 1997)
© January 1997, The Family, Zurich, Switzerland
world news
Brasilia legal case victory!
(From Jeremias, Brasilia Media Home:) This investigation by the Minors' Court began in September 1993, as news of the Argentina persecution hit the media in Brazil. Throughout the case, the Lord said in prophecy that "He (and only He) would give us the victory!" -- That is exactly what happened!
Not long ago our case took a very bad turn when the
government's Educational Office did not approve of our home schooling and wrote a negative report about us. To make things worse, a woman psychologist from the Minors' Court visited our Home, interviewed our teens and also wrote a negative report about us. We got desperate in prayer, and again the Lord said that "He would get all the glory for the final victory."
The Lord intervened and a new District Attorney was appointed to review our case. He studied our case in detail (nearly 500 pages!),
and concluded that there was no evidence of wrongdoing, nor was the education of our children in question. His report was very positive in our favor, and with it he closed the case! All glory to the Lord!
Appeal for finances for WS!
-- From the WS finance office
God bless each of you for your love and dedication to the Lord, and the many sacrifices you make to share His love with others.
A special thank-you to all of you who have given gifts and offerings to WS this past year
above and beyond your tithes. It has been a tremendous blessing, and we appreciate your sacrifice in giving to WS, so that we in turn can give it back to the Family in the form of more pubs and services.
However, WS' finances are again at a serious low, and it looks like we may even have to institute some budget cuts (in addition to those made earlier this year, as announced in a previous GN), in order to stay within our income. So after counsel with Mama, Peter and Gary, we'd like to make an
appeal that if any of you receive any large gifts, inheritances, windfalls, etc., that you please consider sharing as much as you are able with WS.
Besides the expense of getting out regular mailings, supporting the CRO offices and pubs units, contributing to the FAF, and giving support to some poorer mission fields, WS has a number of other projects in the works or planned, which will directly benefit you, but which we need finances to be able to implement. So if you have wherewithal to give,
please do! -- And if you don't have money to give, please pray that the Lord will provide the funds needed!
In reading this, you may wonder how come WS finances are so low when it's been said in the GNs that the Family Homes' income (and therefore their tithes) are near an all-time high! Yes, it's true that the Family's income is at one of its highest levels ever, as the Lord continues providing for His children as He promised! However, WS expenses are also up considerably.
For example, wit
h the number of DO Homes having nearly tripled since the Charter, the number of individual mailings WS has to send out has also increased; not only paper mailings, but tapes and videos on top of it. And we've been sending out more GNs, kids' pubs, and audio and video tapes than ever before. We've also had a number of large expenses in setting up the GP Unit, restructuring some of our WS Homes (as announced in previous Grapevines) in order to service the Family better, large printing projects suc
h as the CVC and other booklets coming your way for the Feast, etc.
There are also a number of large printing and other projects planned for this year, but they are very costly and can't be done without your help. So please give if the Lord is blessing you with an abundance. "Give and it shall be given unto you," and in this case if you give, it will be given to others too, in the forms of new books, new pubs, new tools, new projects and in numerous other ways. Everyone, please pray for the Lo
rd to supply the needed funds so WS can produce the pubs and tools to help you reach the world with the Gospel. Thanks so much!
CLE Updates
(From Serena, James and the NACRO FED team:) We are happy to inform everyone that CLE (Christian Light Education) has increased our Family discount from 15% to 20% on Lightunits and Answer Keys only, beginning January 1st, 1997! All supplementary materials will continue to be at a 10% discount.
Please note that in CLE's "Sales Terms and Policies"
with the Family there are no returns under $100 value, and even then you have to receive prior authorization from CLE. If you send returns without receiving CLE's approval first, they will not be accepted! We would like to suggest that at least one person in each Home study the page of instructions sent out to all Homes, entitled "CLE's Ordering Instructions for the Family," and "Sales Terms and Policies."
CLE will now accept payment by credit card. They will only accept the following credit
card companies: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and Novus. If payment is made with one of these credit cards, please include on the bottom of "The Family Order Summary" the name of the company, the credit card number, the card holder's full name and the expiration date.
the "arrivals" ...
* Donna Lara Mae, 9th child born to John Fireball and Joy. -- Austria
* Amanda Sarah, 1st girl and 3rd child born to Simon and Pearl (of the BI court case). -- England
* Baby boy (no name given), 9th child
born to Michael and Michelle. -- Finland
* Joanna, 3rd child born to Polish Gabriel and Sara. -- Poland
* Baby boy (no name given), 1st child born to Russian Meekness. -- Russia
* Ivan Disciple, 1st child born to Russian Matthew and Viera. -- Russia
* Baby girl (no name given), born to Polish Peter and Russian YA Slava. -- Russia
* Joanna, 2nd child born to Polish James and Ruth. -- Ukraine
* Thomas (SGA) and Chantal (21, French-Canadian) are expecting their first baby. -- Thailand
* Meherina, 7th child born in October to David and Charity. -- India
* Tanya, born to Steven and Claire. -- India
* Amy Nozomi, born on November 16th to Victor and Maria. -- Lebanon
* Carlin, 3rd child born to Emmanuel and Julia (SGAs). -- Brazil
* Maria do Anjos, born on October 29th to Francisco and Cecilia. -- Brazil
* David Montanha, born on October 24th to John Paul and Ester. -- Brazil
* Esmeralda Naturaleza, 4th baby, born on November 13th to Esperanza. -- Chile
* Amanda N
icole, born on November 14th to Marcos and Abigail. -- Brazil
SACRO snippets ...
* David Ho and Crystal (SGAs, VSs) are moving to EURCRO, where Lord willing they will also be helping with the VS program.
* Shortly after the new year, Sunny (Brazilian CRO) and family will be joining her mate Ezekiel (CRO in North America) to help the CRO teamwork overseeing North America and Mexico.
* Zack and Lydia Lightman and family, who have been with the BVM for a number of years, are on their way
to Thailand, where, Lord willing, they will continue to help in the production of Family videos.
studio news
"Dropped Out!" -- DC Band LIVE
-- Coming soon ... to a tape recorder near you!
side a Singer(s)/Composer(s)
They Need Love Ben, Tim/Paul Gordon
Drop Out Now Vas/Joash Crow
Keep Moving Vas/Jeremy, Martin/Jeremy, Topaz
Bigger Jam Ben/Joash, Micah
Revolution Medley Vas/Chuck Berry/Ricky
Soul Retriever Joni, Arrow/Jonathan Harper
My Love Is the Wild Wind Byron, Vas/C
side b
Fifth Dimension Vas
Without Your Life Simon Black
The Room Ben/Gideon Sol
Irresistible Simplicity Vas
The Answer DC Band/Paul Michael
Cry of Revolution Arrow, Joni/Miguel/Miguel, Shadrach
I See an Army Vas
meetings and fellowships
(From Jonathan Waters [22, VS]:) We held a one-week camp in November for about 85 senior teens, YAs and SGAs in the Central US, hosted by the San Antonio Casa Blanca Home, God bless them! There was a revolution in the spir
it as we watched the videos of the recent delegates' meetings held by Peter in California.
Via video, Peter socked it to us on dedication and the dangers of worldliness, among other topics. It was a time of decision-making and commitment for all. Many folks have been doing their own thing for some time now, heavily into System jobs, music and various "trips," but now, as the new GNs say, "It's time for people to get where they're going, and start doing what they're supposed to do."
It was in
spiring to see many teens and YAs who do have the motivation and desire to do something for the Lord. There is a whole crowd of folks now on their way to the mission fields of Russia, Kenya, Hungary, Romania, China, Mexico, etc.! Life is too short to continue wondering about what you want to do with your life. So "get a life," make a decision, and get on with what God is calling you to do!
(From Abner, VS:) The Homes in this city work well together. They have a flourishing club and y
outh ministry which seems to be one of the main unifying factors in their area. Although each Home has separate ministries during the week, on the weekends all the Homes join together to participate in their youth club ministry. They have about 15 members that come every week -- very sweet teenagers! The Family teens are mainly the ones running the show, although they have a few adults there to help. Their regular visitors to the youth club have a strong foundation in the Word, love to witness a
nd bring new people each week.
Seeing how the teens and adults here work side-by-side was a sample of the Charter in action. The weekends seem to be their high point of the week, and give them something to look forward to. The city also has a united provisioning setup that is shared amongst all.
Due to the Homes being in close proximity of each other, they have been able to help each other with the schooling of their kids. They have school time together, and the families take in kids from ot
her families to spend the night at their house, etc. You feel a real family atmosphere and the "One Wife" vision in practice.
(From Anne [SGA, CRO]:) India is a far-out place to be -- and you never know what's going to happen next -- in fact, anything is possible! On our way to the meeting site we enjoyed a pleasant drive through the beautiful countryside, mixed with a few adventures, such as a car behind us overturning after its front tire went flat, and us narrowly escaping being "m
obbed," since for some strange reason (perhaps because we were foreigners), they tried to blame us for his blowout. Oh, my! We drove away with rocks being hurled at our car by the gathering crowd, and thanked the Lord for His protection as we hightailed it out of there!
We spent 12 exciting and wonderful days together with the 49 young people attending the meeting -- almost twice as many girls as boys. (Hey, guys, sound appealing?!) We partook of the tremendous Summit videos in a Heavenly and
out-of-this-world atmosphere (the property is appropriately called "Shangri-La").
We also had some fun united activities: loving Jesus inspirations, a "spirit trip," dancing and games, BBQ, talent night, star-gazing, prophecy teams, etc. On the last evening, we had a Commission ceremony. Everyone came up to the front, said their commission pledge, and then was anointed with oil and received their own personal prophecies. It was a very simple, but meaningful and touching ceremony.
When asked
what their favorite activities were, most said it was the more spiritually-oriented activities.
* From Victory (17): My favorite activity was the prophecy night. I mean, I totally fell in love with hearing from the Lord. It completely flipped me out, and I'm hooked!
* From a young person: I left the dance night really happy and had lots of fun. But after the "spirit trip" and prophecy nights, I felt I had touched the Lord! It was a "high" that wasn't really comparable!
The talent night was
a highlight. There were raps (on topics ranging from sex and pregnancy to "taking a stand"), dances, songs, essays, poems, and stories presented in one short evening together. One of the pregnant SGAs, Renee (21, of Indian Peter), got some of the teen girls together into a group called "The Great Expectations," made themselves look pregnant and came up with a "pregnancy rap," which was a big hit!
We were so impressed with each of the precious teens and YAs in India. They're such missionaries,
and are wonderful samples of being serious about giving their lives to the Lord's service. During our time together, we read prophecies that some members of WS received for this field, calling more laborers to India, and it was a great encouragement to them! Although they love India, many feel it's not the "in" or "cool" place to be, which isn't true at all! But after seeing that the Lord is looking this direction, they were filled with new inspiration, challenge and fervor to stick to their ca
lling. They were elated to hear what the Lord had to say about the exciting field of India and the potential that lies here, and that additional laborers are on their way.
Some laborers that have recently come to India are YA Beth (of Nat and Peace), Gabriella (17) from Europe, Lisa (16) and Tara (17), who are all exerting positive peer pressure in the sense of being very thankful to be on such a receptive and ripe harvest field.
(From Abner, CRO:) We have four DO Homes and six TS
Homes here, all of whom have been without visitation for quite some time. We've shown some of the Summit videos, the DC Fellowship video and the first six California delegates' meeting videos. Sharon (VS) is helping with the visitation of the Homes, and Ben Q. (ABM trainee) has been a great help in getting the Homes set up with their computers, upgrading their programs and hardware, getting the Homes on-line, etc.
(From Isaac, Ruth and Joanne:) Isaac, Ruth, their three c
hildren (Paul [14], Stephen [12] and Timmy [10]) and Joanne PI arrived in October to set up a permanent base here. The first couple of weeks were spent setting up our house, and the Lord has been providing our needs through friends and contacts. We've been able to visit the contacts and supporters who we met on previous road trips, and they were very glad to see us. At the request of a friend, we had sent 200 Burmese posters to a remote village, and we recently received an encouraging letter req
uesting more. Lord willing, we will be able to have a good mail ministry to some of these remote areas.
At home we have three little classrooms set up, as we will be setting up a kindergarten school (in the mornings), where we will teach English to little children, using Family materials and videos. Please keep us in your prayers!
Bosnia Relief Ministry
(From the pioneer team in Slovenia:) The Lord opened a special door to minister to the IFOR soldiers (Implementation Force set up by NATO
to enforce the peace accords) and IPTF (International Police Task Force set up by the UN to oversee the local Bosnian police). Two men from the IPTF visited our Home in Slovenia for three days. They have been very helpful in organizing shows for us in various towns and IFOR bases in Bosnia, as well as giving us protection when we travel between Muslim and Serb areas.
Following are excerpts from a letter B. (an IFOR soldier) wrote after our team of 11 stayed at his house in Bosnia for nearly a
"I just returned to my house and it was empty. You brought so much happiness and sunshine into it and now it's gone -- maybe from the house, but not from my heart. What I received from you will remain in my heart until the very end. Thank you for the greatest gift of all.
"Due to events in my life, I have gone to great efforts to avoid developing deep feelings or lasting relationships with others, but from the moment you all came into my life, I dropped my shield. Each of you became s
omething special to me: an extension of my family. I understand why you call yourselves The Family -- a fitting name if there ever was one. What a world this would be if each person could do for one day what you are doing every day! I hope that I have the opportunity to see each of you many times more; but should that not be the case, I have a picture of each of you etched in my mind and a special place in my heart for you."
We have seen B. again, and did more shows in some of the most needy a
reas in Bosnia, which he helped to organize. One town in particular suffered much during the war, and recently mass graves were found there. Thousands of people are missing from that town, and many houses and buildings were destroyed. The people in charge were at first hesitant to have any kind of musical program there, as people are still under a depressive spirit. But as soon as we started our show, the kids responded with so much excitement and were so happy! The local people and the IFOR off
icer in charge were so thankful that we had come, and invited us to come back as soon as possible to do more shows in other schools!
Former nuclear testing ground
(From Yana Beloved [Russian] and Jeremy YA:) Weekly nuclear testings took place near the city of Semipalatinsk (pop. 350,000) up until 1991, and the resultant radiation tragically affected the population. The government purposely did nothing to alert the people, because they wanted to experiment and observe what the ef
fects would be on the population!
To this day, the hospitals have patients maimed from the radiation they absorbed, which was several times higher than what Hiroshima received. One nearby village could actually see the mushroom clouds when the bombs exploded, and in Semipalatinsk itself, they could feel the vibrations, similar to an earthquake. This happened every week, without warning.
Today, 50% of the children in Semipalatinsk are either retarded, deformed or maimed, and do not develop no
rmally. The precious family who opened their home to us for the two weeks of our stay has three children. These children have suffered constant headaches from birth. Another student we met told us that her spine is dissolving, all because of the radiation.
The family we stayed with was so kind and open-hearted. Life is very difficult for them as they have not received their pension (social security income) for several months, and they have to face radiation-related problems with their children
's health. Though they didn't have much, they shared with us everything they had! Their kids went postering with us everywhere.
We had a fruitful time witnessing in universities; first to a group of medical students who bombarded us with deep questions, and got saved! Ten of them met us again for Bible classes the next day. One of them was contemplating suicide when he met us -- now he wants to join us! After witnessing to a Kazakh girl we met in a park, we took her up on her invitation to mee
t with her classmates at the university for 10 minutes before class. We planned to sing a couple of songs, pray with them and then go, but the teacher never showed up, so we witnessed to them for their whole class period! They were so hungry and ripe!
While on a bus, we gave a poster to a young man who works in a radio station. Right away, he wanted to do an interview with us! We gave him a Russian tape to air, with the salvation prayer and the Family's mailing address. He has already aired it
twice, and wants to air it once more, which will reach an audience of 300,000! The whole radio station crew got saved, and loved us and our songs!
During those two weeks, we prayed with 276 people to receive Jesus, and distributed 17,000 posters. The Lord broke our hearts for these precious people, who don't have much hope in anything anymore -- except in God! Many said we were like the light at the end of their tunnel.
what's up?
Marines, guns, uniforms -- the works!
(From th
e YA Russian Video Ministry team:) When praying about what message the Lord wanted us to give in our next TV program, we felt, through the prophecies we received, that "Love" was it. We were led to the Good Thots story, "He expected it of me."
But how could we come up with a war scenario? To make it interesting and exciting, we'd have to have real guns, explosions, lots of soldiers, etc. How about getting the army to help us? Of course, it would take a miracle to find an official who would let
us handle real weapons (unloaded, of course), but the Lord gave us the idea, so we thought we should at least try it.
So off went Andrew (Russian national) and Caleb SGA to a local army base. It seemed we would be able to film on their training base, but at the last minute it fell through. We got together once again and asked the Lord to do a miracle, as we had a deadline to meet and our Russian actors had limited time. So after good prayer, our "location hunters" headed out again.
They fou
nd another army base (one of the top three military academies in Russia), where the General was flipped with the idea of helping us. He said, "We've had movies filmed before at our base -- big productions!" Little did he know that our operation is probably the smallest one around, ha! He had only one request, that we perform a one-hour show for the whole academy the following Sunday. Perfect! -- Not only do we get to do our filming, but we also reach over 800 future officers in training with the
Early the next day our film crew set out. We arrived at the war simulation base where the most qualified soldiers receive their combat training. Together with us were a dozen Russian Marines in full gear, who were to take part in the skit. Andrew played the part of the older brother, Daniel (YA, of Crystal) was the younger brother, and Vasia (an outside witnesser), the commander. Nehemiah, Hungarian Matthew and Gerson played as extra soldiers. French Claire was our make-up artist and
Nehemiah handled the special effects. Gerson helped with the directing, and Daniel with the filming.
We had full cooperation from this military base. They gave us 16 working machine guns, camouflage uniforms, smoke bombs, and a box of over 2,000 blanks. We simulated a forest battle, and our 12 Marines were more than happy to perform for it. They enjoyed displaying all their tactical maneuvers and really got into it. As we hadn't finished everything by the end of the day, we asked if we could
return to finish the rest. We were welcomed to not only finish filming this particular skit, but also to do any other projects we might have in the future. The following Sunday we performed for the entire corps, and several of our songs received standing ovations. Afterwards we distributed posters and collected addresses!
On death row
(From ASCRO:) Danny (of Joy) has had a fruitful ministry for the last six months in this country's top security prison! It started when they were
looking for housing, and the Lord led them to the house of a man who is in prison. When they visited the man, they found he was an atheist, but he got saved and encouraged Danny to start a prison fellowship. When the prison board found out Danny was from the Family, the ministers drew up a petition that Danny be barred from coming to the prison.
Danny answered their questions about the Family, and was allowed to have a few months to "prove himself." He has gained such favor that they've given
him a large room to hold fellowships in, and they're amazed that atheists and others have been converted!
From what we understand, he now has a card that entitles him to get into any maximum security prison -- even death row. One of the men who was on death row -- a confirmed atheist -- is now a zealous witness, and helps Danny witness to other of the 205 men on death row.
Danny's prison ministry is supported by customs officials, 30 of whom he personally ministers to. Along with his junior
teen daughter, Nikki, who does the artwork, he has compiled a lot of material from the Word, which he distributes. The prison chaplain said he's the only one who provides the personal evangelism that the inmates need, feeding and ministering to them spiritually. One inmate who was in some sort of secret service wants to join the Family when he gets out this December!
Deaf ministry speaks loudly
(From Mark, Faithy and Tabitha:) The Family hosted the 39th International Week of the Dea
f celebrations in Hyderabad for the second year in a row. Most schools and institutions for the deaf from neighboring states participated in this event, as well as many influential people and police officials.
All three Homes in the city worked together as there were so many details. Some of the events held were: talent competitions, painting competitions, a special film show for the handicapped, a seminar on bilingualism and a valedictorian function. The people who came to see this event were
flipped out to see the deaf perform to music that they cannot hear.
We provisioned free food and snacks for the almost 500 participants during these days! The Lord also supplied the funds to give away mementos to all of our friends, as well as to the "Deaf Achievers" during these celebrations. One important benefit that has come as a result of this celebration is that the government, on the request of the Family, has agreed to open a junior college for the deaf in this city. This is a major b
reakthrough, as many organizations for the deaf have been trying to persuade the government to do this for years, but have not succeeded.
In late September we received a phone call from the personal secretary of the chief justice of our province, asking us to do a special cultural program performed by both the deaf people that we work with, as well as our children, at one of the most prestigious halls in Hyderabad. Several judges from the US would be present, including a federal judge, all the
justices from the Hyderabad High Court, and several judges from other high courts in the country; in all, about 200 attendees.
We held an area city council to seek the Lord in desperate prayer for His leading and guidance. We put in our best at this function, and got a couple of the deaf schools involved. We performed several Indian cultural dances, an upbeat Western song performed by some deaf children, and our children's singing team also performed. The program was a hit! Many commented tha
t it was one of the best performances that they had ever seen. One judge said that had we not told them that most of the performers were deaf, they would have simply presumed that it was a performance by one of the most elite institutions in the city!
Talent contests
(From Jonathan and Sarah Teacher:) "And now, for first place ... the Teacher family!" How surprised we were to hear this, but it was true! Our family entered a talent contest sponsored by the local broadcasting company .
.. and won! If there was any family voted most likely not to succeed in a talent contest, we would be it, hands down -- but God's ways are not our ways!
It started when my boss (where I teach) suggested that my family and I enter a talent contest that was being held at a downtown festival. Though our family had done a few performances for old folks' homes, etc., we'd never thought of ourselves as actual "performers" capable of entering a contest. However, after talking it over with the kids, w
e thought, "Why not? We certainly won't win, but it will be a good experience for the kids, and hopefully we can make a few new friends."
We had 10 days to come up with a song, choreograph it, make costumes, etc., while keeping up with our busy schedule! We chose the song "Little Creatures" and made little bug costumes for the kids, and our teen made himself a fine dinosaur outfit. We presented the song in sort of a skit-like dance, very simply choreographed. We practiced about six times durin
g those ten days (for about 20 minutes each) and I, Jonathan, memorized the words to the song in Japanese while driving to and from work daily.
Finally, the day came and we entered. The kids did fine, but I was so nervous that I forgot most of the words, and struggled through off-beat and off key. But miracle of miracles -- when all was said and done, we'd won third place! -- And a prize of 50,000 yen ($450)!
The next day my boss came over to tell me that there was to be another contest at t
he end of the week and he thought we'd like to enter. The sponsors would pay for any expenses incurred and would supply dinner. My boss was also willing to give me the day off so we could go! With all that going for us, how could we refuse?
We determined to do better than the last time, and this time we were much more relaxed. It went surprisingly well, and before we knew it we were back on stage to receive our award! Because of the language, we didn't understand (or believe!) that we'd won fi
rst place until the ceremony was over, the curtain was down and the other contestants were all congratulating us! Sure enough, we looked in our envelope and there was 300,000 yen ($2,700)!
The kids did wonderfully, and Sarah was interviewed on the radio a few evenings later about our performance. This shows the Lord can use anyone to do anything! TYJ!
Rockin' in Atlanta
(From Jay and Nina [TS]:) We've been hearing a few testimonies about Mom and Dad and the Ol' Hee-Haw trying to insp
ire their younger children to "keep on keeping on" for Jesus. Our kids are feeling that witnessing with Mom and Dad is the old-fashioned way, and that Dad especially should get a job. Nevertheless, every Saturday our Home goes out and beats the pavement for a few hours with the tapes and posters.
John (12) and Mike (10) have become good tape distributors in the last few months. Mike has a way of being a big hit with the ladies despite his young age. One woman that he sold a tape to last year a
pparently had gotten the tape not because she really wanted it, but because she saw a sincerity in Mike's eyes that she did not want to disappoint.
She took the tape to her church, who flipped out over the music of David. She went looking for more tapes, searching book store after book store, but no one had ever heard of Magic of Love. In desperation, she searched through her old returned checks for our name and address, which she found, but we had since moved. By a miracle the check was made
out to an address we rarely use, and she was able to find us in the phone directory! Now she is able to obtain more music of David for His sheep. We were super encouraged by this lady's persistent search and hope you are too!
Kids help Karens
(From Jeremy, Sarah, SGA Andrew and YA Emmy:) We donated two truckloads of clothes and other materials to the Karens (a Burmese hill tribe who are predominantly Christians) in refugee camps on the Thai border, as they recently lost everything
due to flooding in the area, and are undergoing persecution for their faith. Our children really wanted to help these poor refugees, so they went through their suitcases and belongings to find extra clothing and items to donate. It was a beautiful spirit of giving and sharing.
Murmansk revisited
(From Jotham and Russian Snezhana:) Greetings from the Family's northernmost witnessing outpost in the world! Murmansk, Russia's northwest port city, 200 km north of the Arctic circle, is t
he very city which Dad talked about in "A Millennial Dream Trip" (ML #1447). The city is full of hungry "new bottles" to whom we have been giving Word classes!
We followed up on the schools in Murmansk who bought Kiddie Viddies, Treasure Attics, Fantastic Friends and various audio tapes last year. One English teacher said, "I use the videos when I teach, and the children enjoy them. I even use them for myself when I get discouraged. -- They cheer me up!" Another school director who bought a se
t of Russian Treasure Attics said that she loved them and thought they were wonderful for the kids. Later, an English teacher from the same school heard about us and the English Treasure Attics. He came right to our Home and bought a whole set of everything we had for his English lessons, both at the school and with private students!
Please pray that the Lord will keep us through the coming winter. In three weeks the city will have a two-month period of darkness almost 24 hours a day, known as
the "polar nights." We are told this is an especially hard time physically, as the body does not absorb vitamins well and everyone feels constantly tired. Please also pray for the supply of a fax modem which will greatly aid our work in provisioning.
Oops ... wrong verse
(From Jesse Keepgoing, 19:) A funny thing happened to me while out the other day. I met two girls who were quite wild. At first they were a bit foolish and all they wanted to talk about was sex. However, they turned
out to be real sheep, and received Jesus. They were amazed to see that the Bible had the answers to many of their questions.
When they asked whether now they had to begin going to church, I showed them Acts 7:48. I then wanted to show them 1Cor.3:16, which reads, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"
They started to give me these coy smiles and "come hither" looks, so I looked down at my Bible to see that I had accidentally showed them 1Cor.
6:16, "Know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? For two, saith he, shall be one flesh." Ha!
"Not just any old car!"
GPU (WS GP Unit)
(From Jim and June:) After working on Family pubs for years behind the scenes in a WS Pubs unit, it has been very different and exciting to again be provisioning and witnessing. We've been thrilled at the witnessing and provisioning opportunities that have presented themselves in our day-to-day GPU business -- and at how wonderfully and
miraculously the Lord takes care of us!
After arriving at the GPU we visited Jim's parents, who donated their 1985 Ford Econoline van to us. They aren't well off by any means, and the van had been their "pride and joy" for many years. Well, the van was a blessing and filled a big need as we were having to acquire a lot of furniture (garage sales, etc.) in getting set up, but eventually we had to face the fact that the van was eating up gas, getting pretty old, and numerous mechanical glitches
were beginning to show up!
We prayed about selling it, hoping to replace it with an economical car. But selling the van looked pretty bleak, as folks told us we'd be doing well to get $1,000 for it, and after a few days of having an ad in the paper, no one even came to see it! We then got a call from June's brother, letting us know that we had $1,500 left over from an inheritance, which was great and timely news. However, even if we sold the van for $1,000, a total of $2,500 wasn't much to inv
est in a good, dependable car, so we committed it to the Lord.
After a couple of calls to used auto dealers, we met a Christian man who sounded helpful and promised to give us top dollar for our van and get us a good car. This man had a genuine admiration for missionaries. He mentioned one car that sounded great, but didn't tell us the price. Later we made an anonymous call, and discovered they wanted $5,000 for that car, which sure sounded out of our league!
This place turned out to be supe
r ritzy, but once inside we discovered that every employee was a dedicated Christian, and was just thrilled to be helping missionaries! The sales manager told us to have a look at the car and told us he would personally take care of the "numbers" on it. It looked just great, and we test drove it, wondering all the while how they could possibly give it to us for our price!
After a wait during which we witnessed to several folks, the sales manager finally came with a price quote. First of all, t
hey brought the price of the car down to $3,950, and to our astonishment offered to give us $3,570 for our van, asking us to pay only $380 for this great car! This meant a donation of about $3,500! So that's how the Lord supplied us with a nice, low-mileage station wagon, just perfect for our needs!
mama's mailbox
Dearest Mama Maria,
I wanted to write to express my thanks and gratitude for the prophecies you sent me from my dad. (Editor's note: Isaac's father is Thai Abe, who went to be
with the Lord on October 5, 1995, after battling a brain tumor.)
I was amazed at how the prophecies were so personal, and it was just the same as how he'd talk to me when he was alive. I'm so thankful to know that my dad will still be around, watching me closely and helping me from beyond. I seem to feel him much closer now.
We've been in our yearly rainy season, and since I'm on laundry, it's quite a hassle as it begins to rain at about 10:00 a.m. Often I'm quite frustrated with the circums
tances, as right when I start doing laundry it starts raining.
Recently, a couple of times I prayed, "Lord, please hold back the rain so I can get the laundry done and play basketball for P.E." Then, even if the sky is black and turbulent, and the smell of an oncoming storm is in the air, all of a sudden the sun comes out and it doesn't rain until all the laundry is done and I've had good P.E! I sort of felt like my dad intervened on my part, knowing how desperately I needed that blessing.
t's also helped me to tune in more to the spirit world and heed their checks. Recently I was witnessing at a large mall, and my partner and I got separated. Since the mall was large, I knew it would be useless to try to find her myself, so I prayed that the Lord would help me find her. While looking for her I won another soul. Then I saw an escalator and I heard a voice, telling me to sit at the tables nearby and that she would come down a particular escalator in two minutes. I thought I'd gone
nuts! Of all the escalators in the mall, why would it be this one? I thought, "Well, let's give it a try and see if it's me or the Lord."
Sure enough, in exactly two minutes my partner came down that very escalator! Wow! That sent chills down my spine. I'm no great prophet and I hardly get anything myself, but that was so far-out I'll never forget it!
-- Isaac (15), Thailand
Dear Mama,
At times over the last few years I've tried hard to break down the barriers or anything that would sta
nd in the way of a nice fruitful relationship with people. But I haven't seen too much lowliness on the part of our YA girls to want to, dare I say, sacrifice by spending time with me. This is not something that can be legislated, as it's everyone's personal decision, but I have been pretty hurt by the lack of love and interest of a number of our YA and SGA girls. I can count at least ten instances where I have worked with someone closely, and I come to the point where I have the courage to ask
them for a date, but they come back with an answer like, "Oh no, it's against my religion," or " I already have someone else," or "I don't know you well enough," or "I'll pray about it."
The Law of Love on my part is to be a cheerful soldier, and every time I have tried to be very understanding and sweet, and just say, "Okay, thanks for listening anyway." I don't want to make people feel bad, but it has happened so many times. I feel like maybe the only way to get to love the Lord with another
person is to get married. It made me question, "Lord, why don't You send love to me?" This has left me a little bitter, but nonetheless, I still try to trust the Lord. Pray for me, that in my loneliness I will turn to Jesus, and that I won't turn to worldly activities, entertainment, time wasters or just overworking myself so I won't think about it. You know the song "Famine?" Sometimes I feel like that -- that there is a famine for love that is killing my generation.
Various policy changes,
the Love Charter, persecution, the Loving Jesus revelation -- all these things have made me a stronger disciple in my convictions. The only thing the Enemy has used to make me think about leaving the Family and looking at the System, is the fact that I would be able to have sex. The last time I had sex was almost a year-and-a-half ago, and before that it was years as well. I am not going to leave the Family for that, as I have too much fear of the Lord and don't want to be out of His will. But I
feel like I know very little about loving the Lord with others, very little about relationships, and very little about the Lord's love. It's not so bad to be single, but when no one takes the time to love you, or the YA and SGA girls couldn't care less about you, that's rough.
-- From a male SGA, USA
Dear Mama,
Merry Christmas! I am pregnant with number eight and most of the time am sick with morning sickness. To be honest, I am very desperate and in need of your prayers.
I reread the
prophecy that you got for me during my pregnancy last Christmas and it comforts me greatly. "There is a commission for each child and a great work for each of thy children, and a special calling for which they have been created and given to thee to raise." It helps me to remember what Dad said, that if we could see things from the Heavenly perspective, that all these pregnancies and each child are part of God's great plan, and maybe I am just a tool to bring His plan to pass. I am willing wholeh
eartedly to be the instrument and tool He wants to use. It's just that at this moment, there is just me, Abe and our seven children, the youngest one being eleven months old.
I would like to ask you to pray for a few things: for the Lord to give me grace and strength during this pregnancy, and for the Lord to supply the needed personnel for our Home. Since we set up our Home as a border base for China, some people came and left after a while and a few times we've had to go back to where we sta
rted -- with just me, Abe and the children. We pray that the Lord will supply someone with the same vision to join us on a more permanent basis to help reach the Chinese. Also pray for my dear husband and our oldest children, Esther (13) and Elisabeth (9), as they have to take on the extra workload when I am sick in bed, and that we will all draw close to the Lord, each other and be fighters for Jesus.
We keep you in our prayers daily, for your eyes and strength. Thank you for being such a shi
ning example in your fight to endure affliction; it always convicts me. I pray I can be more like you.
-- Chinese Mercy (of Abe), Taiwan
(Editor's note: Please pray for dear Mercy and Abe, that the Lord answers their requests and provides their every need. Is the Lord calling you to join up with these dear ones to staff and provide a China border base for missionaries en route to China, or to assist them with their children?)
your views on issues
Check your jargon
(From an ad
ult man:) One area I'm afraid our [young people's] standard has dropped in is the use of foul language and cutting, negative comments. It seems to be very "cool" and natural now to use all the bad words you used to get your mouth washed out for. I've even heard 10-year-olds saying stuff like, "Kiss my ass."
I suppose some of our young people are so used to these words now through their own usage of them and through watching movies that they don't even perceive it as "bad" anymore. I've thought
, "Well, why is such and such a word a 'bad' word?" Dad answers the question well: "Words are real things. They bless or they curse, they lift up or they knock down." Our words have spirit in them, just like Jesus' words did. Every time you hear a curse word, used as a curse word, it shoos away the Spirit a little bit. Every time you make a sarcastic comment, you get a little more drained. It's not just that a word is "naughty" or a "no-no." It's the bad spirit that it gives off.
The Word says
, "Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips" (Ps.141:3). But it's not "cool" anymore to restrain yourself. Some folks may say it's hypocritical to say something good when you feel bad -- that it's just "honesty" or an "expression of freedom" to say whatever comes to your mind. But they may not realize what kind of person does that: "A fool uttereth all his mind" (Prov.29:11). If you want to be original, unique and different, try saying something nice.
I think we'd be amaz
ed at how much happier and more inspired we'd feel if we learned to keep our speech positive, "seasoned with salt," and "ministering grace" to people around us (Col.4:6; Eph.4:29). Words can change the whole atmosphere of a Home! Even when you're alone, if you can respond to situations with praise and thanks, you'll find things go better.
On a visit to the States with my daughter, my brother (not in the Family) was amazed when my daughter failed her driver's license test -- and didn't respond
with a slew of curses. He said, "Wouldn't it be better for her to just get those feelings and frustrations out of her system, rather than holding it in?" I said, "Well, that's one way to deal with it. But if you honestly can give it all to the Lord and trust Him and try to take a positive attitude, it's much better."
Steppin' out!
(From R., an adult man:) I believe the Family could step out a lot more in provisioning. Why wait until someone comes along who steps out? Why not step ou
t yourself?
In my former Home, the two Homes in the area had one reliable dentist contact, but because so many people were seeing this one dentist, including folks from another country, he was getting a bit "worn out." I went on the attack to get new contacts, and as it turned out, nearly everyone in the Home needed some kind of dental work done, and all had been "waiting for something to happen."
Well, it did happen, and the Lord supplied about 20 new dentist contacts within a couple of mon
ths. But it was sad to see that so many people had to wait to go to a dentist, just because no one stepped out to provision. After all, it's just a matter of asking! If they say yes, you got it; and if they say no, then try someone else! I think we should try provisioning more often. -- A lot of things could get done that way! (Editor's note: And you don't need special training -- anybody can do it! -- All it takes is a little faith!)
Livin' and lovin'
(From Juan:) When visiting oth
er Homes, we should be aware of the Home we are visiting, and try as much as possible to be a help, integrate into the schedule and perhaps help with a donation to cover costs.
It's not a good sample if we are visiting a Home for several days and we come late for breakfast, or try to "provision" things from the brethren in that Home, and then leave without having helped with anything. I think Homes want to help visitors, but we need to keep in mind that we all have needs; we live by faith and
sometimes we do not have much. We should try to act and conduct ourselves with a lot of love and consideration.
CVC victory
(From Mary, CRO:) The CVC has become one of the "shepherds" we have been praying in for the teens. They are interested in it and it is keeping them busy. Diligent study of this book opens all kinds of avenues for study, involvement, fulfillment and challenge! I am thrilled with the potential of this course to help our kids over some major hurdles in their lives
of not knowing what they can do or not having much to do, needing to learn responsibility, how to complete tasks, and being excited and challenged that they have so much at their fingertips to learn!
If the adults are behind it, then this CVC is part of our answer. Since receiving the CVC course and studying it together, we are shooting for setting up a darkroom, a sound studio, finding a secular German course, looking into some theater and voice training, etc. -- all to support what the kids
want to do to complete their goals.
Forsaking our privacy
(From Miguel and Mercy [TS]:) Three years ago, we were living alone with our children and starting to feel very self-sufficient, when a single mother arrived at our Home. She had one child, and was eight months pregnant. Our first reaction was to pray and counsel with other TSers in the area about what we should do. Everyone said it would be too big of a burden for us, so she said she would stay with us until she had the bab
y and would then move on. But the Lord showed us that as brothers and sisters in the Lord and as Christians, we should help without expecting anything in return.
We accepted her into our Home and have been working together for about three years now. She has been a great blessing to our Home, in our lives and to our children. It paid to forsake our own privacy to lend a helping hand to a sister. -- And in reality, we were greatly blessed by the Lord with a good team, good health, a nice Home, o
ur needs and many other blessings!
About five months ago, another single mother and her two children came by bus from the States. It hadn't worked out for her to stay in the other Homes, so we took her in. She also was a great blessing. The most important thing we learned was that every time we help someone, we are greatly helped!
Getting back on board
(From Andrew [of Hannah]:) Our family of 10 has been in Western Europe for many years, and though we had been trying to serve the
Lord faithfully, there were many areas in which we had compromised. I got into watching sports programs on TV, reading the sports pages in newspapers and looking to TV shows and videos for my inspiration, rather than looking to the Lord and His Word. This had a negative effect, especially on the older children, who were developing a perverted taste for these same things. I had lost the vision, and as a result, was having a hard time implementing the New Wine in my life. We knew we needed to cha
nge, so we made the decision to go to Eastern Europe to get back on board the "Revolution for Jesus!"
Coming to Hungary has been a life-saver! The past two months have been exciting, with new horizons, fresh witnessing opportunities, new challenges and lots of inspiration. I no longer have a desire for those System things because the Word has come alive in my life. I'm no longer just reading about prophecy, but I'm partaking of it -- and seeing the fruits of following the Lord and hearing from
Him fresh daily. I'm no longer just going out fund-raising, but I'm enjoying the thrills of personal witnessing, seeing souls saved and taking the children out witnessing and singing for the Lord. The children are inspired as they see the Lord doing miracles.
Novels and the like
(From an adult man:) One area which I feel could have adverse effects on the spiritual lives of our children is book reading. TV and video watching seems to be fairly under control, at least here, but I fee
l we need to be cautious in the amount of hours we let our children spend reading System novels.
It's not that all the books are bad, and some of them are classics, but the problem may lie in the amount of time spent reading, and like what Dad says, "The criterion is not 'Will it hurt'm?' but 'Is it good for them?'" (ML #1643:136).
Several JETTs and teens here have been reading through massive volumes of Dickens (800 pages), Sherlock Holmes (800 pages) and The Count of Monte Cristo (1130 pag
es). When I totaled up these pages, the kids could easily have read more than two MO Letter volumes in the time they spent reading these books.
In light of the probable shortness of time, as well as the desperate need to pour into our teens, I believe this time could be better spent. If our kids would spend this time doing in-depth Word studies on various themes, I believe they would grow by leaps and bounds.
On the topic of books, the Charter states, "The Enemy has many ways of lulling us t
o sleep and of getting us to waste God's precious time with activities that don't count towards eternity" (Charter, pg. 134).
Tuning in to the JETTs
(From Mary, CRO:) Teddy's (a WS worker) visit to our Home encouraged quite a few people. He was so loving and attentive to everyone, and it made quite an impression on all of us. Everyone that spent time with him said they felt they had new faith for their situations. He took time to talk to just about everyone so no one would feel left
out, and was so sweet and loving.
I have been praying desperately for a long time for some encouragement in the area of shepherding our JETTs and young teens. I was beginning to feel that the ability to connect with the JETTs and teens was a lost art. I knew I had to keep believing that it was possible for the Lord to raise up people who these kids look up to and respect, someone who shows an interest in them with a long-term vision for their care. Well, Teddy spent a few hours with my JETT d
aughter, and I haven't seen her that turned on about a person in a long time. We have an ad in our local bulletin for JETT shepherds, and this morning she said, "I wish someone like Teddy would answer our ad."
In praying about how we can reach and win our JETTs and teens, Teddy's visit was just simply an encouragement that "it can be done!" Our kids need to be with folks they look up to, similar to our teen and JETT shepherds of the past who ran our big schools and camps.
Recently, when my Y
A son, Jamie, visited me, he helped with my younger kids and was faithful to pour out to them continually. He would tell them, "Uncle Ricky (his former teen shepherd) would never let me get by with cleaning the kitchen floor like that." Or, "Uncle Martin (another teen shepherd) wouldn't let me sit there and sing like that." Even though Jamie received lots of correction from these men, he loved them to bits because they also spent every waking hour they had pouring into him and others, including
them, and making them a part of their lives. This is what is missing for the JETTs and teens now. They have a multitude of needs -- scholastics, love, witnessing, talking, learning, having fun, and most of all the Lord and the Word.
Taking Action
(From a female Home teamworker:) Our Home has had a number of changes lately, and three of our YAs (two of whom were on the teamwork) were asked to leave the Home. Their actions and sample of worldliness and lack of prayerfulness seriously con
fused a number of our young people, even the ones that were normally in tune with the Lord and strong in their convictions. This situation emphasized the principle that Peter shared during the recent delegates' meetings held in California, about being our brother's keeper, even when the "brother" is a teamworker, an older member, or someone with influence in the Home. The standard of the Word remains the same, and in love we should feel free to correct the individual and the problem. This has ca
used a major stir in our Home, and people are still recovering from the shock and the realization that action was taken in light of these problems.
Realizing that the spiritual battle has gotten more severe has made me desperate to use to the full the new weapons that we have been given -- praise, loving Jesus and prophecy -- to positively counteract the onslaughts of the Enemy. I was very thankful to have my convictions strengthened on these issues of shepherding and the need for it. If you a
re the shepherd of a Home, then in the eyes of your peers or those who you live and work with daily, you don't seem to have much authority, and I think it's much more difficult for Home teamworkers to earn respect than for any other level of leadership. These delegates' meeting videos are providing answers for this dilemma, because you can for the most part shepherd or lead people by your example, and if it's a right and well-balanced sample, the Lord's sheep will follow.
letters to the edito
Recently I've been volunteering at a local Crisis Pregnancy Center in my city which has put me in touch with a number of local, more radical System Christians. From being involved with them, I have been seeing a desperate need for real fathers -- Godly men who desire to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord!
I cannot praise enough the precious, Godly, "doing-their-job" fathers in the DO Family. They are unique and special compared to the vast number of men (saved
and unsaved) who are not even attempting to fulfill their calling as Godly role models for their children. It is my prayer that we could have some "Real Father" testimonies from the most wonderful Family on Earth which trains and produces the sweetest, most on-fire, Godly, Word-loving fathers in the world today!
-- Joan Praise (TS), USA
(Editor's note: Please write in with your "Real Father" testimonies today! We'd love to hear from you men who have teamed up with single mothers to help the
m raise and love their children. Or from you daddies who have a large family of your own, but who have still found a way to help the single mothers around you, or other children in your Home or area who need extra parenting, discipline, love and care. -- You'll encourage others to do their part to raise our children in the way they should go!)
In response to the article "Thoughts About Children's Movies" (see Grapevine #2), I do agree that the System is producing very attractive movies for c
hildren, but I feel that as far as quality input goes, what the Family has to offer far surpasses any System production.
My youngest boys (ages 3 and 6) occasionally watch movies like "Pocahontas" and excerpts of "Lion King." However, they would by far prefer a Family video. I get a thrill out of hearing them regularly quote parts of Family Fun or Treasure Attic in fitting situations. This is the beginning of their learning to apply the Word to their daily lives, which will bear tremendous fru
it as they grow up. All that to say, keep producing those fantastic Family videos -- my children just love them!
-- Lily, France
movie ratings
Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up
BYE BYE, LOVE (1995)
Matthew Modine, Randy Quaid, Paul Reiser
Comedy/drama about three divorced men, their interactions with their ex-wives and children, and their attempts to carry on normal lives.
Peter Gallagher, Michelle Pfeiffer, Claire Danes
Drama about a
widower who is still mourning the death of his wife. A well-developed character study, but a rather weak and confused depiction of communicating with a departed spirit -- in this case, one too immature herself to be much help. A thank-God-for-the-Family film. Not to everyone's liking.
Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up
Liam Neeson, Aidan Quinn, Julia Roberts
Historical drama about the Irish people's violent fight for independence from the United Kingdom in the
early part of this century, and what it cost them and the British. Beware of many unpleasant scenes of terrorism and violence.
Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner
The 24th-century crew of the Starship Enterprise travel back to 21st-century earth while battling a race of cybernetic beings who are trying to assimilate all other species into their race. Excitement and suspense, but watch out for various unexpected and graphic weirdness throughout the movie, including
the opening scene.
Movies Rated for JETTs and Up
Luke Edwards, Timothy Busfield
Comedy about a 12-year-old boy who inherits his grandfather's professional baseball team, and decides to manage and coach it himself. Lessons are learned on maturity, self-righteousness and love.
Movies Rated for MCs and Up
Jeff Daniels, Anna Paquin
After the death of her divorced mother, a 13-year-old girl goes to live with her father on a farm in Cana
da, and becomes attached to a brood of baby geese. Many good points for discussion, including coping with separation and a parent's death, accepting a new mother, and learning to take responsibility and following through with chosen undertakings. The scene in the shower may be unsettling to some children. Would not be harmful for younger ones to watch, though they might find it slow-moving.
Non-Recommended Movies
EYE FOR AN EYE, AN (Sally Field, Keifer Sutherland, Ed Harris; 1996)
WEST WAS FUN (Mary-Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen; 1996)
rumor mill
Question: I would like to know if Faithy is a WS representative. She was recently in Bosnia and in other areas of Europe, and the impression you get from her is that she was representing WS. I was confused because at times she was speaking negatively about Mama and Peter and the New Wine. She was also making it clear that she thought the DO Family was out of it. This caused some of our younger EE nationals to begin to doubt th
eir place in the Family.
She's also been telling the TRF Supporter Family that they and their children should go to the former Yugoslavia, which at present is a very dangerous place to be. As I understand it, she is saying that if they will go, the US government will pay them a salary. Is this true?
I've also heard she's also offended some good contacts by sometimes being rather belligerent and contrary.
For quite some time I've heard people comment how Faithy treats them very disrespectfu
lly, and puts down what they are doing while only promoting what she's doing. How could she be a WS representative and act this way? -- Curious in Europe
Answer: Faithy is not a WS representative. She does not speak on behalf of Mama and Peter or WS. She has chosen to be a TRF Supporter member, and as such, she has decided not to live in accordance with the Charter.
Mama and Peter recently wrote to Faithy explaining that, like all TRF Supporter members, she is expected to follow the TRF Supp
orter regulations as explained in the Statement on TRF Supporters published June 1995. She was reminded that speaking critically of Mama and Peter, the New Wine and the Family at large is in violation of the Statement on TRF Supporters, andif she continues to do so, she will be in jeopardy of losing her place as a TRF Supporter member. Please pray that the Lord will help her to keep the requirements laid down in the Statement on TRF Supporters as we love her dearly and would not want to see her
lose her place in the Family.
If Faithy speaks against the Family or Mama or Peter or the New Wine in your Home or to you personally, you should feel free to speak up and point out that she is out of line and that you don't agree with her. If you are concerned that she may not treat you or your contacts in a proper way, you are under no obligation to fellowship with her or to introduce your contacts to her.
Faithy's project of bringing humanitarian aid to Bosnia and Siberia is helping a lot
of people. She has requested that Family members help her in these areas, and the local Family has been kind enough to help. They have talked to her when she did things they considered unwise or out of line, given the local circumstances, and she responded favorably enough for them to continue working with her. The choice to work with her, or continue to work with her, is completely up to the local Homes involved.
As far as TRF Supporter brethren and their children going to Bosnia to help in
this project, and their getting financial help from the US government, we have no knowledge of any pledge of financial help at this time. Bosnia is still a dangerous place. Before anyone goes there -- especially with children -- they should make very sure it is God's will for them. If anyone is going because of promised support from the US government, it would be our advice that you wait until you see if this financial help materializes before you move there, lest you find you and your family in
a difficult and dangerous situation with little or no support.
Question: Singing Sam called to ask if we had heard about the suicide of Sam YA in Japan, the husband of teen China. Apparently, someone who recently left the Family from Japan had called Sam with this "information." -- Steven and Katrina, USA
Answer:(From PACRO:) We have no idea how this rumor started, as Sam YA is most certainly alive and well! In fact, we see him regularly, as he has been working with us over the last mont
hs. Sam is married to China (17), and they have a beautiful baby boy, Tony! Sam has been a great blessing helping us to lead the teen meetings in our area, both in Japan and Taiwan, and he is currently on the teamwork of the Japan SC, as is China.
* Micha and Chris would like to get in touch with Rose, last heard of in England in '91. Micha knew you in Chile. Also Alexandra and David, last met in France in the early '80s. Address: Die Familie, Pf 153, CH 8010 Zurich.
* P
akistan Family e-mail:
* (From Thaddeus:) The BI Media Home is helping European ex-members trace old friends and relatives they have lost contact with. Clay and Perla, from Australia, who were in S. India 11 years ago, Esther/Magdelena (now in Geneva, Switzerland) would like to get in touch with you. Her daughter would like to hear from her dad, too. Contact us at: The Family, The Manor House, Dunton Bassett, Leics. LE17 5JJ, England. E-mail:
* Gabriella Gypsy at the EE Mail Ministry Home would like to hear from those she's lost contact with. Contact her via your ABM.
* Luke (16, in Venezuela) would like to get in contact with John Paul and Helene Ross. Address: Apdo. 4491, Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela. E-mail:
ideas and tips
Disc Jockey Praise Time
(From Steven [of Katrina]:) Whoever is leading Praise Time acts as an impromptu DJ, calling on people to sing praise songs, quote praise verses or quote
s, make up on-the-spot praise poems -- according to their talents -- or give inspiring praise thoughts. It's been lots of fun, as there is variety in each DJ's presentation!
The pancake solution
(From Ahlai:) A "new day" way to approach a very old problem -- none other than -- being late for devotions! Are you having a problem getting yourself or your Home out of bed in the morning?! This chronic Home problem has been attacked in a new way by our SGA teamworkers -- the whole Home voted
to accept the punishment of making pancakes the next day for the whole body!! -- Turning your tardiness to devotions or dishes into a consumable blessing for others! Yes!! And it works, folks!
Now in the DC Home, you hear enthusiastic applause and loud cheers of "pancakes!!" eclipsing the groans and justifications of repentant tardy disciples. -- And you can be sure they won't soon be late again for devotions or for those favorite dish times!
Major cash saver
(From Ray:) Gasoline
is one of our Homes' main expenses. Some Homes need two or three cars in order to function, and the funds spent on gas can almost add up to the cost of another monthly rent. I was told that people had tried provisioning gasoline in this country before, but that it didn't work. Well, we tried again, and now have three gasoline contacts that help us! One company committed themselves to sponsor gasoline for all three of our Home's cars, and another company gave us a chip card with a large amount o
f free gasoline. One company asked if we would like to wear their sticker on our cars. It's not that we had to, but since they help so generously, we do it.
If we would find more sponsors for our gasoline, we could cut one of the main expenses we have as missionaries "on the move" for Jesus! The huge companies can certainly afford to give away a few "drops," and perhaps you could even offer to give them some free advertising in return. -- Try it and help save the Family thousands of dollars!
ws news
Mama's Home was blessed to receive three new members this month! -- Louise (21), Rusty (20) and Darren (21), bringing our YA/SGA population up to seven! It certainly is a "new day!"
Also Family Funs 15 and 16, as well as another FTT (#8), and the DC Live "Dropped Out" tape are being sent to your Service Centers in January, so you should be getting them not long after you read this Grapevine issue, Lord willing! Please keep your SCs in your prayers, as they sure have a big job in
keeping you supplied with the tools and duping new tapes and videos for you! Our studios have also been working hard on producing a couple of new audio tapes, which you'll be receiving in time for the Family Feast!
On the GPU front, Eman Artist, who has been out of the Family for five years, is beginning to work on more artwork for our pubs. "A man's gifts make room for him," and because of our need for more art, the Lord indicated through prophecy that we should use his services. Even though
he is not currently a member of the Family, we're happy that he is able to continue helping us reach the lost through the gift the Lord has given him.
open forum question
(From Jenna:) A big thanks to all of you who have written in regarding our last Open Forum question on the topic of "alimony." Your views and opinions on this subject are featured here, and Lord willing, we'll wrap it up in the next Grapevine, issue #11.
Now, on to our next question! Mama and Peter would like to get so
me further feedback from you on the subject of single mothers. We'd like to ask those of you who are single mothers (or single fathers) some questions, as well as asking some other questions to you who are not. Your input makes a difference! Hearing what you have to say may inspire others, and help them find solutions to similar difficulties they may face in their Home!
Keep in mind that conciseness is crucial when sending in your responses; space is of the essence! Stay brief and to the point
; one or two paragraphs is the ideal. You don't have to try to answer all the questions below in your response; just comment on the questions to which you feel you have something to contribute.
And remember, this is an anonymous column, so if you want your name printed -- you've got to let us know! Thanks!
Questions for single mothers or fathers:
1) Do you feel those who you live with do what they can to help to take care of you and your children, or do you feel neglected? If so, in what
ways do you feel neglected?
2) What practical things could those around you do to make you and your children feel more loved and cared for?
Questions for all other Family members:
1) Do you have any comments regarding your interaction with single mothers, either positive or negative?
2) Are you happy to have them in your Home, or is it a burden? Why?
3) Do you feel you are giving all you can to help our single mothers?
open forum
Why wouldn't the fair and loving thing to do be th
at the father is responsible for the financial care of a child that he created? We are talking about situations where the father does not want to remain with the mother or child involved. -- Not when the mother has no desire to stay with the father (though it seems in these situations, the father would try to help with financial care of the child anyway).
It seems that some people are of the opinion that since we are supposed to live the "One Wife" vision, essentially their job is everyone's j
ob, and they shun their responsibility. Single mothers already have trouble finding Homes, and by implementing a monthly gift, it would put the fathers of these children on the same level. This way, before they [fathers] join a new Home, they would have to inform the Home of their financial responsibilities. Implementing such a gift might help solve the problem of single mothers finding Homes, because they would be able to contribute financially.
-- six Home members (two male, four female), Eu
I think it's a good idea to get people that God has honored to be daddies to help out in some way. If the single mom thinks that they should help out financially, then I would agree with that. But in reality, I think what is really needed is fathers for these kids. If we really believe in "One Wife," that they're all our children, we all would feel responsible to help fill our children's needs for fathers.
-- J. (20, male), USA
I definitely think the father should take responsibil
ity for his child -- be it morally, by emotionally supporting the girl through those difficult moments, or by helping her get set up in a Home where both she and the baby will feel secure and loved. It's understandable that if two people don't hit it off, they shouldn't get together, but it's nice, loving and simply responsible when the father acknowledges the baby's existence, and helps the mother out. I would say moral and spiritual support are the most important things a father can give a mot
her and baby.
We're missionaries and don't have a steady income, but out of love and concern the father could send an occasional gift. I wouldn't say it should be a set rule. But believe it or not, $10 or $20 can make a world of difference at times; but this should be the person's own idea.
-- M. (19, female), South America
This idea could be a big blessing in some situations, though it may be difficult to make it a hard and fast rule. What if the father is a dedicated missionary in Russ
ia and the mother likes it better in the West? Whereas vice versa, if the kids are in Russia with the mother, and the father is in the West, the picture would look different.
There is a TS brother in Europe whose wife took off to South America with their five children some years ago. Ever since, he has sent them full support. He could have given a lot of reasons why not to continue, but he saw it as his responsibility to God to keep it up.
Each situation has to prayerfully be judged on its o
wn, but we would urge each father -- for the innocent children's sake -- to either shtick, or put his love for God's gift of love in cash! Let's promote caring for our own!
-- M. and C. (adult couple), Germany
As a single mother, trying to be both the father and mother to my three boys can be very difficult. When my two older boys were younger, they would often ask me why they didn't have someone to call daddy, while others did. They longed to have a father image. It's so true that they ne
ed to feel a father image in their lives to help them better relate to and understand the Lord.
For a long time this has been my heart-cry. My prayer is that the Lord will lay it on someone's heart to be a real father to my children. It doesn't have to be someone that is mated to me, but a brother with a father's heart to love and care for my boys like a father.
-- J. (adult woman), Asia
I heartily agree that those who father kids and leave the mother should be placed under some kind of
responsibility to support the child/children. If we didn't have so many single moms I would bow out. Instituting this would place a word called "responsibility" in the foreground.
I also don't think that it should be left at "with mutual agreement the rule could be lifted," as many times the sweet girl will just say, "It's okay, I can manage," while Joe is off for the next ride. The ML "Desertion" was quite frank, and I do believe we need to face the facts and make some kind of solid roadblock
s on this single mom's issue.
-- J., South America
I don't think men should be held financially responsible, but I do think it would be nice if they helped out every once in a while when they have extra funds -- it would be sweet! I'm a single mom and would appreciate the support, but I think that making a rule about it would make things a little too legislated.
-- Paula Servant (21), USA
I know what most single mothers want is somebody to be there for the children as much as possibl
e, even if they are in distant mission fields. I strongly believe that "unto each according to his ability and unto each according to his/her need" is what we are looking at here. Dad says love is a responsibility. So fathers can, according to love, give to the mothers of their children a little monthly gift whenever possible and if they can afford it.
-- E. (adult man), England
It seems the main goal of this is not to have a lot of partially supported single moms, but that this will help
men to consider marriage more seriously. Even if they can't see the responsibility of a child, they can't help from seeing that they will have this financial liability with them wherever they go.
However, I feel that this shouldn't apply to single parents who have children from a marriage but then split up. A separation must be mutually agreed upon by both parties involved. I think they should take their children into consideration and the effects that it would have on the parents with the chi
-- M. (16, male office worker), Thailand
To me, seeing how a guy treats a girl and whether or not he is willing to take responsibility for their baby in whatever way he is able to, says a lot about his character. Every situation is unique, but the one thing that each has in common is the new little life that needs to be taken care of, and no matter how you look at it, whether he will marry the mother or not, he is a daddy and will always be a parent of that child, just as much as th
e mother is the mom. The only difference is that she goes through so much more for it.
I used to be totally sold on the idea that if a guy gets a girl pregnant, he should marry her -- period! "Wait, guys, don't start throwing stones, I've seen the light!" Ha! There are some situations where it's a one-night stand, others where the actual father of the baby is a question until the baby is born. As a girl, what hurts me the most is to see fathers have absolutely nothing to do with the mother and
child. If that jabs me in the heart -- and I'm not a single mom -- I can only imagine the hurt it must cause the mother.
I know some young guys who aren't married to the mom of their kid, but they're proud of their child, like "that's my kid!" That's very touching and I would even go so far as to say that it's a turn-on. -- A turn-on in the sense that you see he's a responsible guy who doesn't mess around without thinking about what he's doing. He could be creating a new life via all that "do
ing" he's up to.
-- Anonymous female, Earth
It's been a common saying that "you cannot legislate righteousness," and you cannot force anyone to do the right thing. It behooves us all to share without partiality with those in need. Those who father children are responsible to the fruit of their actions, but all of us are responsible to each other, as members of His Body.
-- D. M. (adult man, TS), Canada
We don't think that the father should pay anything to the mother of the child if s
he gets pregnant because it was her decision as well to have sex. They took the risk of pregnancy together (at least they should have thought about it).
-- L. (16, male) and B. (17, male), Venezuela
I am not married, nor do I have a kid ... yet! But seeing these precious moms and their lovely kids without dads makes me feel like doing anything for them. I think any runaway that has fathered a child should be responsible, or at least try his best to meet the needs of his own kid. In some ca
ses this isn't the easiest thing to do, and on the other hand, the mom might be well off already.
If you have a heart for your kid and are concerned for them, you would stay with them in the first place. I'm not sure how I would do! But the Lord has the answer for your situation. I do feel they should work it out for the father to give a monthly gift until the mother agrees she is self-sufficient. If she is married, the couple should have known the consequences they might face when sharing wit
h others, and in this case they would be responsible for the outcome.
-- J. (young male adult), Hungary
I think it's ridiculous for guys to go roaming around the countryside sowing their seeds and not sticking around to help nurture the seedlings. I believe it shows a lack of maturity and is very irresponsible. If they don't want to stay and help take care of their children, they can at least send them a little regular support to help make their difficult lives a little easier. Come on, gu
ys! Don't forget that we are a Family of love!
-- S. (15, female), USA