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DISCLAIMER: The sole purpose of this page is to document the existence of a publication produced by The Family International a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love, Children of God and various pseudonyms (hereon referred to as TFI). It is provided for the record, for educational and research purposes, with the principal aim of promoting accountability by the TFI for its teachings and statements, which have proven detrimental to the lives of many. By replicating this material, exFamily.org neither endorses the views expressed in this publication nor justifies the existence of this publication and its statements. Reader discretion is advised. The material on this page may be unsuitable for minors and may contain disturbing words of racism, hate mongering, directives to unhealthy lifestyles and/or criminal activity, and/or contain plagiarized works.

the grapevine
December 15, 1996
© December 1996, The Family, Zurich, Switzerland
Suggested reading age for this publication is JETTs and up. Parents or shepherds may read with or allow portions to be read by younger ages, at their discretion.
The Grapevine
consists of news from Family members around the world, and is not intended to be an official organ to reflect WS policy or views. Family policy and spiritual guidance will continue to be published in the GNs and FSMs.

Dec larations of faith from China

       (From Chinese Becky:)
We have received so many inspiring replies and testimonies from China through the mail. As you read them, you'll see that your sacrificial help and donations have borne fruit in China! We appreciate you always! Here are some examples:

       (Excerpts of letters from Jeremy:)
"Your letter arrived just at a time when I was desperately seeking for help and understanding. I wanted to go somewhere else, somewhere out of China, to do something with my life. By working very hard, I saved some money in order to go abroad. When passing through Japan on my way to America, I was detained by the Japanese Immigration officers. I found out I had been cheated by the person who worked out my trip to the States, and now my journey was just a joke. I'd lost everything I had worked so hard for and would be sent back to China. Facing the loss, I could not even think straight.
       "It was Christmas time. During this dark moment of my life, I met two of your Christian friends. I felt light shining into my heart. Although we didn't speak the same language, we were 'talking' with our hands and had a wonderful 'conversation' together. I was hoping to hear from them after I gave them my address.
       "After three days, I was sent back to China. I hadn't the faintest idea of how or where I could start my life again. After returning home, bad news came from the city where my father lives. I was told that he was at the hospital dying. My father's deat h hit me terribly because I felt that I wasn't able to give him any good news. I was a failure and so ashamed of myself.
       "After my father died, we went up the mountain to bury him. Because I was so troubled, I wasn't very careful, and I fell off the mountain and injured my hand badly. I was in a desperate situation! A few days later, I received your letter. The Word you sent arrived in perfect time. I couldn't write to you with my injured hand, so I asked my brother to write for me while I dic tated.
       "I was so happy to receive mail from you. It came just in time. I felt that I wasn't forgotten. Only God Himself can bring real comfort to my broken heart and soul. Please send me more of His Word. Thank you so much for giving me God's love! It meant so much to my soul."
       (A few months later:)
"I received your letter, literature, and the Word tapes. I'm so happy! There are so many Christians around here, and I showed these words of truth to them. We've passed them around and we read ev ery single word.
       "At this point, I'm in a very tough situation. We just had a new baby boy. As you know, China is a country that enforces a 'birth control' policy. No matter who you are, if you have more than one child, you are punished by the government. The baby we just had is our second child. The local government almost bombed our house as a result. I was told the only way we could avoid this was to pay a huge amount of 'economic fine' for an 'economic punishment.' I know the baby is sent from Heaven, so I need to trust the Lord. I don't know how I'm going to pay this fine, but I do know that the Lord is not going to forsake us. With all these troubles in my life, I realize how much I need the Lord. I'm crying unto Him and I'm sure that He'll hear me!
       "Thank you and your friends for spending your precious time to write to me in my time of need. Please keep writing and sending me the Word of God." (end of excerpts from Jeremy's letters)

       (Chinese Becky:) Could you please supp ort Jeremy in prayer as he requested? And if you are moved to support him financially in this desperate time of need, please send a designated gift to Chinese Becky at the HCS, and I will send it on to him. Thank you!

       (Excerpts of letter from Sophie:) "Thinking of how the Lord has spoken to me and how He has changed my way of looking at things of the world, I realize how much my parents need to have this kind of change. (Note: Her parents hold high positions in the Central Government and are communists.) I sent copies of your material to my parents, hoping they could get a spiritual shakeup in the deepest part of their hearts and have a new attitude.
       "Because I was brought up in a family of very high political position, being educated to be a Chinese language specialist and married to a well known high-tech expert, I led a wealthy life. I lived in this material world with enough money; going to different countries, having lots of human praise and being famous everywhere. Yet, all I had could not give me real joy and a meaningful life. There was something very important missing -- the real truth of God! I would ask myself, 'What is the reason I'm living in this world?'
       "Man cannot live selfishly with a dying heart, but should live with a passionate heart of love for others as Jesus taught us; with Godly compassion towards lost souls. What people are lacking in this material world is this kind of truth and spiritual revelations. I finally learned what is the most import ant thing in my life -- not the luxurious material world, not the money, not the fame and praise, not high political positions; but the truth of God -- the only way to gain a meaningful life!
       "Thank you for sending me the Word. That's just what I need for my life. Please keep me in your prayers. I'm longing for the truth of life! I love you and need you!" (end of excerpts from Sophie's letter)

       (Chinese Becky:) Heidi got saved 11 years ago, and is an on-fire and faithful witnesser. She lead s a group of her friends in studying the Bible, and shares our literature and tapes with them. Through your financial help, we've been able to send lots of Chinese Bibles and Bible tapes, as well as our pubs, and video/audio tools into China.

       (Excerpts of letter from Heidi:) "My friends and I appreciate the Word you have sent us. There are many opportunities to witness here. Sometimes I go to churches to talk to the Christians there. Every Sunday, the churches are very crowded, full of peopl e. About 80% of the crowds are from the younger generation. To see that there are so many young people who believe in Jesus gives me an unspeakable excitement in my heart.
       "Recently I've tried a new way to attract and witness to people. I got a little cross with Jesus' figure, which I wear around my neck. Lots of people ask me questions wherever I go, such as: 'Do you believe in Jesus?' I say: 'Yes. I do!' Then they ask, 'Why do you believe in Jesus? What can Jesus do for your life if you beli eve in Him? How did you come to believe in Jesus? What should we do if we want to try?' etc. I use this golden opportunity to answer their questions and witness to them. There have been so many people who have received the Lord and became one of us in this way." (end of excerpts from Heidi's letter)

China -- 4,500 miracle miles

       (From Mike Davidson:) At the start of our 15-day, two-man road trip, we learned that our plane was canceled, and we were told to wait in the nearby hotel lob by until we received further instructions. There was supposed to be a flight the next day, but further inquiry proved that all flights were fully booked for the next week. The Lord showed us to stay at the check-in counter and that He would do a miracle.
       The Home in Korea had already paid for our ferry tickets to a small port city in North China, which was why we had to trust God for a miracle, as otherwise we would literally "miss the boat." A staff member of another airline told us of anothe r route to take, whereby we could still make it to the ferry on time. The airline booked us on the two flights we needed, but what should have been a two-hour flight turned out to be an 11-hour saga. Needless to say, the rest of the trip we took nothing for granted and bathed every move and decision with desperate prayer and hearing from the Lord!
       Our first stop was a little port city called Wei Hai, where we caught a bus to Ching Dao -- formerly a German-controlled port -- now a touristy, sum mer holiday destination for the inland Chinese. There are five million people in Ching Dao, and no Family Home. Has anyone got a burden? (If anyone wants more details or information about teaching jobs, contact me via the Taiwan ABM.) The highlight in this city was that the sweet receptionist at the hotel where we stayed for $5 dollars per person got saved.
       Further north in a port city, we found the people very receptive. There is an opening at a university there, offering two bedroom apartmen ts, visa and salary for teaching 12-18 hours a week. Interested? I would not underestimate our security, but from what we've heard and seen, they seem to pretty much leave you alone if you provide a service such as English teaching, and we met some missionaries who had been operating there for up to four years.
       We took an overnight ferry ride to Dalien where there are about eight universities and an international school. It is the northernmost Special Economic Zone and there is much foreign in vestment. The sign on the way into the Development Zone says that their goal is to "catch up with and pass Hong Kong within two years!" The food was reasonably priced, and we ate for less than two dollars for the two of us per meal.
       The people are friendly and helpful, and surprisingly fluent in English, easily on par with Bangkok or Taipei. This is true of all six of the Chinese cities we visited. Despite the past, people are striding towards the future in leaps and bounds and they are lookin g West, not East (except to Korea and Japan) for development and a better life. Eng-lish may be the key to reach them, and an open door to get free accommodations, visas, and enough for daily expenses while reaching the greatest unreached mission field left. One out of every four people on earth live in China.
       Next was a 40-hour boat trip south to Shanghai (population 20 million), China's largest and most open and westernized city. -- Such a field, as large in population as Taiwan and bigger t han Australia, has yet no Family Home. There are openings here for foreigners to obtain visa jobs with free accommodation in all kinds of schools, universities, etc.
       We went by train to Nanjing, the old capital, and found a charming city with pine tree-lined streets and bicycle lanes. While waiting at a train station, I met a man from Nanjing who bought me lunch and then coffee and tea on the train. I was praying for a way to witness to him, when "Away in a Manger" came on the background music channel. I asked him if he knew that the song was about Jesus, and he showed me a gold medallion of Jesus and Mary around his neck. He prayed with me the prayer to receive Jesus from the Somebody Loves You tract.
       In Nanjing we stayed at the student hostel in one of the universities for $7, and my Korean roommate bought me dinner. That evening I talked with some students from Laos, who were very happy to meet us. I went to see them in their room the next morning and four of them received Jesus . The foreign students in China come from all over the world, and are studying at China's top universities -- a whole mission field in themselves!
       It is definitely China's time! The Lord has opened a door for us to teach two days a week in exchange for a semi-furnished three-bedroom apartment and small salary, enough to live on.
       We would like to ask you, our dear Family, to help us by praying for the security and fruitfulness of our move to China in mid-February, Lord willing, as well as the supply of the $7,000 needed to move our family to China and to set up our Home with furniture and electrical equipment. Also, please pray for the Lord to raise up regular monthly support, which we hope to use exclusively to take weekly road trips within China to establish indigenous churches in the surrounding cities.
       (Editor's note: God bless our brave China pioneers, who are making many sacrifices to reach this desperately needy mass of humanity who are so poor in both material and spiritua l riches. Funds are needed to enable couriers to take the Wonder Working Words to our missionaries in China so they can get their mailings on a regular basis, as well as to help support teams there. Can you help? -- Or do you have friends or contacts that might want to give to our Chinese missionaries? If so, please send your donations to the "China Pioneer Fund" via your TRF. Thank you!)

What's up?
Got the Christmas fever

       (From Jason, CRO:) We caught a severe case of Christmas witnes sing fever! This past Saturday we performed at the largest juvenile detention center in the State of California (named Challengers), with approximately 700 boys, ages 9-18 years old. We didn't have much time to practice, but in spite of us the Lord did it, and we were able to pray with all of them to receive the Lord.
       The boys were divided into six different camps (each camp having about 100-120 boys). We sang and prayed with each camp individually. It was a bit of a marathon, as we ended up d oing six separate shows back to back. We did the Dr. Chainbuster skit in every group, which then led into the Salvation prayer. The boys were all very thankful and almost every one of them thanked us for taking the time to come.

Deaf ministry blossoming

       (From Willing [TS]:) I have been working closely with Happy and the Delhi Deaf Home on various outreach projects for the deaf. While praying about our deaf ministry and asking the Lord for guidance, the Lord punched through with a thr illing prophecy on making Word videos for the deaf in sign language! Happy (of Charity) got a vision of how these videos would be instrumental in bringing the deaf catacombers closer to the Family! We hope to put the GP Daily Might, Memory Book, Word Basics, Good Thots stories, Power and Protection series, and various Endtime classes in sign language on video.
       When in Hyderabad for a few days, I met a Christian lady who likes our work with the deaf. I shared this video vision with her, and tol d her we were praying for a video camera for this project. She said, "Your prayers are answered! My daughter brought me a video camera from the US and I don't know what to do with it. You can use it for your work with the deaf as long as you like!" Wow! Another man who owns a state-of-the-art studio agreed to let us use his editing facilities for this project!
       We have started film captioning Bible cartoons in sign language. None of us have any background in filming or videoing, but the Lord pu nched through, and the video was an instant hit with the deaf. We now have a professional cameraman who videos our weekly deaf class, which will now serve as a "televised" class for the other cities to which we are sending these videos.
       The Lord touched the heart of the CEO of a company providing Internet services to design a web site detailing our work with the deaf and to host it on the WWW. This is very expensive here but he agreed to do it free of charge, and it will be updated monthly. If you wish to visit our web site, here's the URL: http//:www.globemail.com/deafreach.
       E-mail add: deafreach@globemail.com. Comments are welcome!

Michael Jackson fans get message

       (From Chris [SGA], Janek S., Clair and Gloria:) Michael Jackson came to Poland for his first concert here. We packed our car full of posters and ten of us (4 DO, 3 TS members and 3 live-outs) set off. It was late evening by the time we got through the traffic to the concert site, and though Polish people do n't really like pop music, the place was packed with over 100,000 people. There was a stream of people crowding in so we stood there and gave posters to everyone passing by. Many people came out early, disappointed with the concert, so again, we got out more posters -- 6,000 in total!

       (From Ray:) We provisioned ten free tickets to the Michael Jackson concert here. About 75,000 people attended and we distributed thousands of posters. Before the concert started we looked around and co uld see young people everywhere reading the posters! The next day, we went to the hotel where Michael Jackson stayed and left a package for him which included The Lion, the Dragon and the Beast CD, two color posters in English of the same title and a personal letter.

Yes, it can happen!

South America
       (From Juan, CRO:) It pays to put the Lord on the spot! This month in Sao Paulo, we've been blessed to experience the following: free rent/housing for one of our Homes (now the second in the ar ea to get free rent); more good cars added to our Homes; one of our friends in the area has for the third consecutive month given his $1,000 donation, aside from an extra $2,000 for our young people's show group needs. Another friend has donated 50 complete meals in his restaurant for us to invite friends to, to use as a witnessing/ fundraising opportunity.
       With so many pregnant mothers in the city we were desperate for a hospital contact, as each birth has been very expensive, which is taxing on our Homes. The Lord not only supplied a hospital, but one of the very best hospitals in Sao Paulo. The cost of each birth in this hospital is normally $3,000 -- now it's free! The Adidas representative just donated 40 brand-new pairs of their "top of the line" tennis shoes. Many of these shoes were offered to the children of large families and/or single moms in the area. The SC was able to provision the printing of 400,000 posters.
       And the miracles continue as we get more desperate and fer vent in our prayers and try to obey His Words. In the first couple of days that the new Christmas Treasures CD hit the Homes, over 500 were sold! And we have not yet hit the high season!

       (From Sam [SGA, of Leilani], reporting while on a visitation trip in Chile:) Thank you for reminding us to have prayer for specific "seemingly impossible" situations, one of which was that the Lord would supply funds so that Tim and Vicky could see the Summit videos without having to worry about the money ne eded to support their newly opened Home.
       Right after we prayed, the Lord opened a tremendous door for them with the municipalities (city halls) to distribute the tapes, with a "descuento por planilla" arrangement. This is when the management of a company makes an arrangement with someone selling a product -- in this case, our videos/tapes -- and the workers of that company can purchase the tapes whether or not they have the cash on hand. Their purchase is deducted from their wages over the nex t few months. So far they have distributed over 1,200 tapes, which will be paid for over the next couple of months. They got out 150 tapes just today! We know the Lord did it in answer to prayer!
       The Lord also helped the Home get a stand in a fair that was already running full steam. They told the management they'd supply clowns and puppets at the fair in exchange for a stand, to which they agreed. The next day the wife of the President of Chile went to the fair, and Gideon and others were abl e to talk with her personally. They gave her a video, a Family brochure, and explained that we'd like to help her country. She was sweet and sincere, and took photos with Gideon and the clowns.

"Spacing out"

       (From Steven and Katrina:) We performed in the Johnson Space Center cafe-teria for about 500 people, singing upbeat Family and Latin numbers, and it was a real hit. Katrina explained a bit about our missionary work, and our young people sang three 20-minute sets.
       Many of those in attendance were managers at the Space Center, astronauts and flight commanders. Two of the astronauts, now both top administrators, wanted their picture taken with us, so we spent a few minutes with these busy VIPs. We offered to perform if they have any future moon-concerts, ha!

Prophecy and the occult

       (From Simon:) I met a guy a few months ago who introduced himself as a Methodist preacher. He has been a mail ministry member for some time now. He was calling every week and we we re meeting for classes. One day I gave him a class on hearing from God and prophecy. The next day he called me and asked if I could "hear from God," as he wanted to know if "God had a special message for him." So I did.
       The message the Lord gave was surprising! It was basically a four-page long, very loving correction. I felt bad about giving it to him, so I cut out all the parts that sounded "strong" and gave him the remaining half-a-page. The same evening I found out that it's not wise to "c ensor" the Lord's words. He called to ask, "Are you sure that you didn't miss anything?" So I gave him the entire prophecy.
       Last week he asked to see me again. He explained that he is into the occult/witchcraft. He showed me his apartment, which looked more like a temple than an apartment. He said, "You know, I thought I was very powerful, but there is one thing that neither I nor the Devil himself can do, and that is say 'no' to the Words of God! I have to obey Him!"
       He burned all of his oc cult belongings and had prayer over every room in his apartment. Now he is choosing a new name and is super turned on about the Word. He said, "Father David is the most enlightened man I've ever heard of! He made me realize that the powers I was using were nothing but toy guns compared to the power of God!"
       He finished the Treasures in one week and immediately began to implement every word of it. He said "He [Dad] is a prophet. I have to do all that he says." About Mama he said, "Living with s uch a saint [Dad], she must know God better than I know my wife!" (I don't think he knows how right he is!) TYJ for prophecy! The most amazing thing is how the Lord won the battle without my even knowing about it!

The music goes 'round

       (From German Daniella [of Philip]:) Our friend R. is a lady from Fiji who lives in Bangkok. After she returned from a visit to Fiji to see her relatives, she related the following testimony.
       She had taken the video Twenty Minutes To Go with her. S he said everyone loved it so much that people came over every day to watch it, especially teenagers from their community! They started learning the songs and they now have a band that is playing some of our songs. Their program features the theme, "Redeem the Time Because He's Coming Soon! -- And Watch Out for 666!"
       She mentioned that in February '97 there is an international Praise Meeting scheduled to be held in Fiji, and that the Family should consider sending a team there to perform, as ou r Family songs are the best!

Tailoring school set-up

       (From the Kenya Family:) While visiting Mombasa, we were told that the local boys' home, which we have been in contact with, was having difficulty meeting their budget. This, in turn, made things hard to operate properly. They mentioned the idea of setting up a small tailoring school which would provide the needed funds, while at the same time helping their community by supplying a service that is in high demand in the poor areas o f town. We liked the idea and told them we would do all we could to help.
       Time passed and, for different reasons, we were not able to get involved in the project. About a month ago, we discussed the issue again and prayed for the Lord to help us get this done. We thought we might be able to help with one or two sewing machines, which would be a good start for them.
       While David and Michael were out witnessing office-to-office, they met a lady who seemed interested in helping. She belongs to a trust, and they sponsored four sewing machines with tables. The same team found a man who deals in sewing machines and who promised to help by selling us the machines at cost price. Action continued as Juan and David were invited to perform at a baptism and the "pay" was sponsorship for another sewing machine with a table.
       There was a fund-raising event at a school, and our children were invited to perform. Besides the fact that the kids did a terrific job, we also had an electric sewing mach ine to auction, and it sold! The proceeds would go in part towards the tailoring school project. We bought the sewing machines in Nairobi and were told that it would be easier to find the tables in Mombasa, which would make things easier as far as transport goes.
       The team (Juan and Rafael) got ready, and off they were on the bus to the coast with their load of sewing machines and a fair amount of clothing to distribute, as well as some medicine. Finding tables was no small task and a lot more difficult than we had imagined. We did a lot of soul-searching prayer, as well as sole-wearing walking, ha! We finally found some though, and also found sponsors for some other needed items. When we brought everything to the center they were thrilled and thankful for it!

Mama's Mailbox

       (Editor's note: In deference to those who have written in confidence to Mama, she has omitted the full names from the letters she submits to this section of the Grapevine. Consequently we will only use these folks' initials. If you don't mind your letter being published with your name included, please make a note of this in your letter to Mama. Names will only be left in if she receives prior permission from the author of the letter.)

Dearest Mama,
       We have felt so close to you lately, almost like you are a member of our Home with Peter around this past week. (Editor's note: Peter was in the Washington DC area when giving an interview to David Millikan.) The kids prepared for Peter and Joy's vis it with expectancy, and when Peter arrived, the first ones he bent down to hug and love were the children!
       When around Peter during moments behind the scenes, when he is not being an evangelist and pastor, you get the feeling that he would love to be a "homebody," to just be home with you, Mama. He is constantly referring to "Mom" or "Mama." Your Letters reflect this love and devotion, and it makes me thank God again for such a wonderful match set up by Dad.
       Yet the three of you [Mama, Peter and Gary] still forsake each other and "home" so much, you almost have road jobs like the CROs! I know it's a sacrifice, but I promise you that it is felt 1,000 times over in our lives and on the field. You are a Queen and King to be admired and emulated!
       Thank you for your love in sending Peter, Gabe and Joy (longtime secretary in WS) to the meetings in Miami. They were such a strength to be around, so pleasant and humble, very loving representatives. Gabe was always walking, talking, huggin g or praying with someone -- and always smiling. He is so humble in sharing his lessons. His spirit lifts up Jesus in many ways, but one way is in showing how it's only the Lord, like Peter and you do.
       With Joy you are at first very taken with her love and smiles, and you get all these hugs and squeezes! But when you're around her for a few days, you see that she is not only so loving and cheerful, but really quite a card! She's funny, humble and unequivocally a unique individual! It's reassur ing to know that it's "okay" with God to just be whatever He made you to be!
       I think post-Charter individualists can take great encouragement from a person like Joy -- unique but yielded, in a very Godly way. Joy serves so cheerfully, but carries no rushed spirit as she goes about talking and ministering to others, even taking the babies while she does her other work.
       Once again, thank you for the fruit of your giving and living a life of love for us.
-- Ahlai, Washington DC

Dear Mama an d Peter,
       It was surprising to find out through the "Problems and Solutions" series that the Family was having so many problems, and that some people try to blame you and the Word for our personal problems and failures.
       The Word has always been a goal in my life, though I fall short of living it to the fullest. I always wondered why we had so many financial problems, lack of organization, lack of proper education for the children, and the list goes on of the things that I didn't understand in the Family before the Charter.
       When the Love Charter came out, my husband and I went pioneering. We had to pay debts from our former Home, but we had no funds and only 20 videos from our tool gift to pass out. We thought, "Now is our chance to try and live the counsel that Dad and Mama have taught us in the Letters." Not just spiritually, but the many practical things that we knew if we applied, we couldn't go wrong.
       I'm not saying our Home is perfect, but I know it can be done. If we try t o obey the Word, spend time with the Lord and hear from Him fresh every day, He is going to bless us. We began pioneering over a year ago, and He has been faithful to supply our every need. He even spoils us with luxuries and things that make us happy!
       We always believed that everyone in the Home should go out witnessing, whether a shepherd, teacher or sheep. This is the secret for the supply of our finances. We all take turns on the road, we all share the load, we all take turns teaching, and it is inspiring because we get to do many different things and everybody helps with the financial burden. We believe if the Homes put witnessing as a priority, He will supply abundantly.
       I am writing this letter because we felt so bad that after the Lord has given us the Love Charter, people are still not happy. I think the Devil is trying to strike at the very foundation of the Family -- the Word, and our Prophetess and Prophet.
       I want to let you know that for us the Family has never been better than it is now. We are so happy and fulfilled.
-- J. and P. (adult couple), South America

views on issues

Who's the Grapevine for?

       (From Elise [VS, 28]:)The Grapevine has been an inspiration to not only the adults, YAs and teens, but the children as well -- from the JETTs down to the MCs. There is a lot in the Grapevine which is good for them, and at first they were reading quite a bit of it on their own. Lately, however, we have seen the need to monitor it more with them.
       Sometimes there are topics which are deep and can be used as a good springboard or lesson, if read and discussed with parents or teachers. However, if it is read on their own, they may draw their own conclusions, and thus it can bring more questions to their mind.
       In some cases there are varying views and opinions on any given subject, stated as is, without much commentary showing the other side, etc. For those of us who are older, we take it as different people's opinions or thoughts on a s ubject, but the children may just figure that's the way it is. This is a lesson I learned with my 8-year-old son, and perhaps it would be helpful for other parents and teachers to be aware of.
       (Editor's note: Excellent point! May we draw your attention to the suggested reading age now found on page one of each issue -- JETTs and up! Please be prayerful and selective in the Grapevine material you allow your younger children to read. Please also take time to talk with your JETTs if they have que stions about anything they read in the Grapevine.)

Dangers of being commercially minded

       (From an adult man:)
I've noticed that lately we've become more commercially minded. Sadly, we do not always operate in the way Dad and Mama have taught us in the Letters.
       I was in need of an official receipt for some videos I was selling to a library, so I asked a brother who has them if he could let me use one, since the sale depended on this. He said yes, but that he was going to have to cha rge me 10% of the sale, which is quite a bit of money. I let it pass.
       Later we visited a school, and the director was quite upset since a brother who had passed through before hadn't been very nice. The woman had paid him with two checks to cash after a certain date, and he had deposited them before time. She called the brother, and he told her he would send her a letter to present in the bank in case the bank were to cause her trouble because of his mistake, but his letter never arrived. This brother also took back two of her videos to trade them, since they were defective, but never replaced them. Before him, another brother had visited this school, and had prayed with the entire school to receive the Lord and had been a good sample.
       Seeing the difference between these two brothers who visited the same school, and the impression left by them made me check my heart to see what my priorities have been, since many times I'm more concerned with "selling" than reaching people's hearts .

Club or sword?

       (From Marc:)
A burden the Lord has laid on my heart is regarding witnessing opportunities in North America, mainly for our JETTs and young people. Several people have mentioned that they find themselves in Gospel-glutted areas, and that they have a hard time finding places for the young people to go witnessing. One area that I feel has been sorely neglected, and which could be a tremendous source of inspiration to young and old alike, is the vision Dad gave of going to the universities, colleges and high schools.
       Some of the most exciting witnessing experiences I've had was when I was with a group of young people on a road trip at the University of Texas in Austin. We were living out of a motor home, witnessing from morning till late at night, phoning and following up on the students we met, etc. At other campuses as well, there are kids just dying on the vine; any faith they once had being destroyed by the Enemy's lies contained within higher education.
       Colleges are packed full of ethnic students from overseas, who are receptive to the radical message we have to give and are labor leaders. Yet it seems we can always find a reason why it can't be done. Common reactions are, "It's just too hard at the universities." Or, "University students give you such a hassle and hard time," etc. When praying, the Lord brought to mind the witnessing testimonies from the book of Acts. Paul witnessed to the elite scholars and professors of his day on Mars Hill, as well as to kings and queens -- many of which were difficult and hard folks to witness to, but he always came away with souls and disciples.
       I'm not saying that we're going to walk off with a harvest of new disciples, but it sure would be worth getting out and giving it a try, as nearby almost any Home there is a university that you can go witnessing at.
       I feel the best thing for our young people is to get out of the US and on to the foreign mission fields. But if those who are called to be here want an outlet for some on-fire witnessing, there are plenty of opportunities here in the US for our young people to turn their part of the world upside-down -- if they'll put their hands on the plow, persevere, and get out and sock it to their own generation. University witnessing sure will take that "dull club" and turn it into a "sharp two-edged sword" quickly, which many of our young people and even many of us "over-the-hill-gang" could use a little of.

Hello ... please respond

       (From Harvest Gold, Ben Fisher and Lily:) It might be a good idea for people who get responses to their want ads to get back to those who write them. We've written a couple of people in response to their ads, but have not heard back. Perhaps they have already found a new Home or had their need fulfilled some other way, but hearing back from them would be nice.

Shove-off solution

       (From Katrina [of Steven]:) I think the "shove-off" program could be one solution to help our teens bec ome more missionary minded. Dad always said that the mission field is the best place to go to get rid of our personal problems.
       When our first shove-off team (Phil, Shiloh, John B. and Joy), came back from Russia, they were shining with heartfelt and glorious testimonies that inspired and renewed us to keep fighting for our goal of getting teams off to the field. They were able to concentrate on witnessing wherever the need was -- without financial burdens -- as they went with funds to cover t heir own financial needs, as well as being able to give extra to help the Homes they visited.
       We have to do fundraising anyway, and this certainly makes a good appeal project. It's good to be out witnessing in mission fields and areas where the people are receptive and hungry for the message, and to experience hardships and sacrifice, because it's easy to get spoiled -- especially here in the States. Having this experience of going to different mission fields, even if just for a few months out of the year, could help keep our teens on fire and give them a broken heart for souls, etc.

movie ratings
Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Mel Gibson, Rene Russo
       Intense drama about a millionaire whose life falls apart when his young son is kidnapped and held for ransom. Hollywood entertainment; beware of some violent shooting and fighting scenes.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Charlie Sheen, Ron Silver
       Sci-fi action thriller about a radio astronomer who picks up signals seeming to prove that there is intelligent life beyond our solar system. He is promptly fired from his job -- and that is only the beginning ...

Michael Keaton, Andie MacDowell
       Fanciful comedy about a man who thinks he has found the perfect solution for his lack of time for work, family and personal pursuits: to make a clone of himself. Light entertainment, with lessons on contentment, moderation and more.

Movies Rated for OCs and Up

       (Computer animation, with voices of Tom Hanks and Tim Allen)
       A boy's favorite toy feels threatened by the arrival of a new birthday present -- a high-tech spaceman. Good discussion points on comparing, jealousy and discouragement. Not recommended for younger age groups due to scenes involving a demonic neighbor boy and his toys, which could be disturbing. Could be shown to some MCs with thorough discussion and possible fast-forwarding.

Non-Recommended Movies

(Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Caan; 1996)
(Alec Baldwin, Kelly Lynch, Mary Stuart Masterson; 1996)


       Christmas Treasures
is fantastic! Boy, Francesco did an incredible job on "Noel," and Sylvia sang "Away in A Manger" beautifully. Family music is just getting better and better! I think it broke some people's bottles to hear "Jingle Bells" on a Family tape, but I think it's terrific. "Let the Whole World Know" is so anointed! This tape is going to be a fabul ous tool to reach the lost -- and it definitely "cuts the mustard."
-- Daniella (20), Thailand

* * *

       The FTTs are cool, man! Speaking from two very different persons, who have very different appetites when it comes to music, we want to say that you've done a top-of-the-line job in catering to our musical taste buds. I, Anne, am really into the "soul" type songs with good vocals, harmonies and melodic sounds. That's not to say I don't like the others -- "Charlie" and "Double Speak" are so me of my favorites. Whereas I, Daniel, love the rap and really bassy, beaty, heavy songs. Okay, I'll confess, I'm Afro-American ("double speak" for black) and hey, each tape has plenty 'a both. There's one thing we definitely agree on: songs shouldn't be dropped just cuz' they don't fit my style -- cuz' for all I know, they may be his style! -- You get the drift?
       All that to say, while we prefer some songs better than others, we don't think you've ever put out a "dud" or "ruined" a song. Just because one person ain't into a certain style, that don't mean it's bad -- it may be someone else's style!
-- Daniel (21) and Anne (22), ASCRO

* * *

       The FTTs are electrifying! What music! Ultimate trip! Every time I listen to it, I get goose bumps all over! My heart's desire is to thank and give a big hug and kiss to Joy Farmer, Shawn and PAS! Now I can do it -- through the Grapevine! Guys, thank you for the song "Fade Away." Every time I listen to it, it really turns me on.
-- Polish M eekness (27), Africa
       I respect people who don't like rap, although I personally think it's the best, most inspiring music the Family is producing right now. Songs like "Charlie," "Tap into the Power," "Talking 'Bout our Family," etc. are really inspiring, and have helped me to stop listening to system music so much. For those who can't understand the lyrics there are songbooks, or other styles they might like better; but let's not stop one style just because it isn't everybody's taste.
-- Emm a (19), Russia

* * *

       I really like the three tapes we've recently received, "Heavenly Sunshine," "Sunbeams and Shadows" and "You Can be Healed." They make you think about the Lord and how good He is to us. These songs aren't new, but they are full of peace and joy, and carry a humble and sweet spirit. Not that I think the new songs don't - they are just different - maybe a little too "cool" for me with all that rap, etc., more "entertainment" type of music. I think we need both.
-- From Slava J. (19), Russia

* * *

       Heavy duty, man, these songs are getting better all the time! These oldie-goldie songs that have been revised are real cool, the way that rap is added, etc. The three of us were talking about some older songs that were not our favorite before, in particular "Revolutionary Children of God." The way it is now is really nice and we use it frequently; the same goes for all older revised songs.
-- Jonathan (17), Julia (16) and Anna (16), Europe

rumor mill
       Ques tion:
My kids and I have a question for you. Does King Peter have a pony tail? We thought it looked like he did on cover of "The Summit '96 Letters" part one. We think it suits him and that it's nice. "But if not" we still love him lots either way! -- Tabitha Praisemore and kids, India
Yes, you're right! Our wonderful King Peter does have a pony tail, and we think it suits him nicely too! We hope those of you who have not yet seen the Summit videos will be able to partake of them short ly, and thus be able to see Peter and Gary in full color in your own Home -- pony tail and all (Peter, that is, not Gary)!

I've heard that Ike (of Julia) has left the Family. Is that true? I thought he was involved in the GPU. I also heard others say that they have heard some rather "off the wall" comments from those working at the GPU. What's the score? -- Anonymous in the USA
(From Peter:)
Ike and Julia have not left the Family. They are, however, no longer working at t he GPU. In October they decided that they no longer wished to be part of the GPU and they have since joined a DO Home in the States.
       As far as any "off the wall" comments anyone may have heard from those working in the GPU, perhaps the article below, written by Paul (Josiah) will help to explain them.

What a Downward Spiral Being Critical and Negative Can Lead To!

-- By Paul (Josiah)

Dearest Family,
       Last summer, when Scotty, Ike and I were asked to pioneer the GPU (GP Unit assigned to publish books for the GP), in the process of trying to find ways to adapt our current methods of producing GP tools to what a System publishing company would do, we found ourselves re-evaluating our whole mode of operation, and in the end, we spent a lot of time discussing various issues that we felt needed to change in the Family. This led us to looking at the problems rather than at all the wonderful things the Lord is doing at present with the Family.
       We wrote Mama and Peter about these th ings and the result of our sharing all of our concerns with them was that, after the TS meeting that Peter and Gary attended in DC, they came to visit with us for a week and we were able to share with them all of our concerns and "gripes." They were very understanding and took time to discuss at length with us both what we considered to be problems and the solutions that we were then proposing. After Peter and Gary listened to us, they took these matters back to their Home for further prayer and discussion. They said that our addressing these problems to them was the proper thing to do, as we were telling the proper people, leadership who could properly evaluate things and who would not be hurt or stumbled by our "gripes."
       However, the not-so-good news is that before that meeting, I had let all of these things eat at me, and even afterwards, I let it continue to eat at me until I found I had become quite frustrated and angry over things I wanted to see changed right away, or that did n't seem to be changing fast enough. I was at the time very frustrated in my personal life and in my work, and I was getting very negative about things, and I stopped having simple faith and trust that the Lord could take care of all these issues. I wasn't even turning them into prayers.
       Since then, many of the things that we discussed have been implemented and put into effect by the Folks, while yet others are still being considered or prayed about. Of course, others have been dropped. But I continued to be angry and frustrated and my spirit reflected that discontentment to where it took the joy out of my heart and the smile off my face. It got to where I couldn't seem to see anything or talk about anything good. I was only focusing on the bad or what was "not working," and I had a very condemning attitude about so many things.
       Anyhow, the essence of this little note is to extend an apology to all those who might have been affected by my negativity -- either directly or indirectly -- as we shared some of these same points that we presented to Peter and Gary with people who were not in leadership, and in so doing, I am sure it has hurt and hindered the faith of many, perhaps causing them to see things in a hurtful, negative and critical way also. I've already apologized to some of you whom I shared some of my gripes with personally, but I know that these things have a way of spreading, and indeed sometimes faster than the good news, and that is why I want to apologize to all who may have been affected by my critical attitudes.
       Aside from finding renewed strength in the Word, I have spent a lot of time recently focusing on all the good that the Lord is doing in all sectors of the Family and I am seeing that there are tons of victories on so many fronts that I was just not seeing. LHM! Coming to grips with all of this, coupled with spending time with Jesus, has helped restore my faith and I'm now again able to praise and thank the Lord, and live in Him and His W ord and appreciate the many blessings that He gives us, as well as trust Him for the future. Wow, what a downward spiral being critical and negative can lead you to. -- Wish there was more time and space to tell you all about it, so you don't go down that road.

       (Note from Peter: God bless Paul (Josiah) for writing the above. It took humility and courage to do so. It was after the meetings that Gary and I held with Ike, Scotty and Paul, that Scotty and his wife, Meek, decided they no longer w ished to be DO members and chose to become TRF Supporters. As mentioned above, Ike and Julia are no longer part of the GPU, but they remain DO members.
       (Along with the above article, Paul wrote a personal letter to Mama and me, portions of which we thought would be beneficial to share with you. He graciously consented to this being published.)

Dear Mama and Peter,
       God bless you! I love you very much. Thank you for taking the time to write to me, especially when I know that you have such a big load to carry. It makes me the more appreciative whenever I hear from you.
       I mostly want to say that I'm really sorry for the trouble that I have caused and the heartache that, no doubt, all of my gripes and criticisms and murmurs and the like, have afflicted you with. In all truthfulness I want to say that to see you both look to the Lord and really hold on to Him tightly at a time when we (that is, Scotty, Ike and myself) and a number of other people were questioning so many things make s me love you the more. Your love for the Lord, truly, is what makes me look to you as His anointed shepherds and appreciate the wonderful sample that you have been to me over the years.
       I want to thank you for the series of "Problems and Solutions" GNs that you both have worked on, as they have greatly helped me turn back to the Lord. They of course were a little painful to read in parts, seeing how so very much I had displeased the Lord and Dad, but it really helped me to come to grips with how much I really had just grumbled and griped so. I'm really so thankful that the prevailing message of these GNs is the importance of returning to the Word and staying in the Word and soaking in the Word. I've been trying to give more time to the Lord and the Word, and that alone has been a real life-saver for me.
       I wish there was time for me to write the essence of what I've been through during those five months of the initial set-up stage of the GPU, and to maybe warn others of the pitfall s and dangers of criticizing, analyzing and reevaluating too much. Of course there's always room for improvement in virtually every area and sector of our life for the Lord, but the problem comes when we only see "the button off of Mutt's vest" and are not able to praise and rejoice and thank the Lord for all that He does do through so many wonderful people in the Family.
       Anyhow, I've put all this behind me now, and I'm very thankful to be out of the woods as far as this set of battles is conc erned. I would like to ask that you continue to pray for me, that I can be all that the Lord wants me to be here.
       I guess amidst all of the battles that I had in going down that spiral staircase of doubts and murmuring and being critical and then all the battles I had in coming back up -- because it was indeed a bit of an uphill fight there for awhile -- the thing that has kept me is this ever-burning desire and vision that the Lord gave me a few years back to see more of our Tools on the mark et place for the GP. I know now that I've really gone about trying to change things the wrong way and for this I want to apologize again (and I will probably continue to apologize) as I know that I have hurt you both. I know that I have no doubt also offended a number of people who might have looked up to me in the past.
       I'm very thankful, on the other hand, for all that you are investing in the different changes that are presently taking place -- and I am mostly seeing what is happening here at the GPU -- but I am extremely thankful for your patience, your perseverance, your continually looking to the Lord and petitioning Him for His guidance and leading, and this has been a tremendous sample that I want to continue holding onto, especially during this time of pioneering here at the GPU.
       I really pray that these few paragraphs of repentance which I'm writing for the Grapevine will help set the record straight with those that either have heard from me directly or indirectly during my time on the 'gripevine.' Ha!
       I do hope so and I do pray that people will realize that the way to build is not by destroying but by looking to the Lord and in seeking His input and strength and trusting that if this work is of God -- which we know it is -- and for that matter, if any of our plans and suggestions are of Him, surely He can make them come to pass, and no man can stand against it. So that alone should help us to trust Him no matter what. GBY for your sample of faith to all of us .

letters to theeditor
       I enjoyed reading the article entitled, "Are all the guys in WS?" (See Grapevine #5, Rumor Mill.) After talking with a lot of different girls, and hearing many different opinions as far as what girls are looking for in a guy, I have come to the conclusion that the majority of girls all have one thing in common. -- They like their potential suitor to be at least two years older than they are.
       So although there is only a 262 difference of girls to boys, if you were to add in the above scenario, the difference of girls to boys is much greater. In writing this I am in no way implying that there is something wrong with our 16-and 17-year-old guys, but they should instead look at it in a positive light that there is a group of 14 and 15-year-old girls that will soon be looking at them.
-- 21 year-old guy, Russia

       In Grapevine #6, a YA commented, "Adults could communicate more with teens by sharing their hearts and the mistakes that they have ma de." (See Open Forum article, "Getting Down Home.") I heartily agree and urge everyone to accept this YA wisdom.
       I thought it was standard procedure to share all via communication with our young followers -- especially they of the household of faith -- our own children. Of course, we must use wisdom and be sure it is age-appropriate, as with all subject matter. As parents we strive to teach them everything: our testimonies, life's ups and downs, victories and defeats, lessons and learnings, "t o teach others to teach others..." and by sharing these, we are fulfilling an important part of our children's schooling.
       The Bible, along with Dad's precious Letters, does just that from cover to cover. The benefit of Dad's Letters wherein he portrays exactly this communication -- that of a father to his children -- is that all is recorded. My personal family knows about my life. It's been a blessing, as things are out in the open.
-- John Frank, father of seven, USA .

Knew disciples from Munchkinland

       * Marina Willing, born to Philip (Croatian) and Vicky (Hungarian). -- Hungary
       * Natalie Joy, born to Dutch John and English Rose. -- Romania
       * Paul, born to Russian Ivan and Virginia. -- Siberia
       * Baby girl (sorry, no name given!) born to Eman and Marie. -- Greece
       * Paulo Alexis born on Sept. 30th to Isaias Cristobal (20) and Marisol (19). -- Mexico
       * Richard Dylan born on Oct. 22nd to Nick (19) and Natalie (16, of James and Mercy). -- USA
       * Sara Shannon born in Octob er to Stevie and SGA Ruthie (their fourth daughter). -- They led seven nurses to the Lord during their hospital stay -- a miracle for a Muslim field! -- ASCRO
       * Suzanne Marie, second child/first daughter born to SGAs John and Rejoice. -- ASCRO
       * Kimberly Chanel born November 30th to SGAs Alec and Jasmine. -- Home of the Free Zine (But they still managed to stay warm, ha!)
       * Kevin Lauren Richard born December 10th to SGAs Frank and Sara. -- USA

Tying the knot ...

       * After a period of en gagement, Italian John and Jasmine have decided to get married! Hip Hip Hurrah!!! -- Croatia
       * Peter and Renee SGA were recently married -- the first FGA/SGA couple in ASCRO! And what's more -- she's pregnant!

Who's expecting? -- from ASCRO

       * Angelina SGA (lead vocalist from Heart to Heart) is pregnant! She's not married yet … but almost -- to Jonathan (dancer from Heart to Heart).
       * Lily Shondo (18, of Gideon and Heidi) is four months pregnant.
       * Marie YA (of Tim SGA) is pregnant wit h number one!
       * Christina SGA (of Danny YA) is also pregnant with number one!
       * YAs John D. and Peace are expecting their second baby!
       * Magdalene (of Tommy, SGAs) is pregnant with number four!

world news
The Karachi log

       (From Daniella YA:)
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have now arrived at Karachi International Airport. We hope you had a pleasant flight. Shukriya! (Thank you.)"
       This announcement was music to our ears after the exciting six-hour flight, being the only female w hite faces, and having been fully scrutinized by every Pakistani man on board. After miraculously locating our luggage and passing through customs without problems, we found ourselves surrounded by literally hundreds of men, all eager to be of service to two foreign women. We stood helplessly as we watched our luggage being carted off in every direction! But just in time, our "knights in shining armor" (Gideon and teen Aaron) charged through and rescued us and our luggage.
       That was the start o f an exciting 10-day trip where Dawn CRO and I showed the Summit videos to all the young people in Pakistan. The Karachi Home, which hosted the meetings, has a beautiful house and swimming pool, and all three Homes benefit from an abundance of meat and dairy products, and scrumptious homemade bread (made by our professional JETT bakers)! We were impressed to meet the young people -- who are real missionaries -- the majority of whom have lived in the Indian subcontinent most of their lives.
       We showed six hours of videos each day in two separate meetings, and in the evenings we had fun activities together. On one of the last nights we had an ordination, after which we heard from the Lord beautifully! For example, He said that it was "cool" to serve Jesus on the mission field of Pakistan!
       After sitting at the Lord's feet for five days, He provided a 50% discount at the coolest and most popular youth hangout -- the one and only bowling alley in Karachi! The most impressive thing was th at each lane has its own manual operator -- a "pin boy," who hangs above the bowling pins when the ball is thrown and then jumps down immediately after to reset the pins! It took a bit of time to get adjusted to this new and unique way of operating, but we all had tons of fun!
       The Lord kept us hopping through our whole trip and there was never a dull moment. A few days before we were scheduled to leave, the government was dismissed by the President and the international airports were closed! O ne day we had to purchase a few things, and all was going well at the second-hand market, when suddenly a commotion began! Everyone began pulling down their riot shutters and turning off the lights! Someone rushed us into their shop and told us not to leave. We were praying desperately, not sure what was going on. Ten minutes later the man came back and said we could go. We asked him what had happened, but he just shook his head and replied, "Don't worry, madam, only small problem." Turbulence s eems to be routine for most of the country, and it's a miracle how the Lord has kept the Family amidst frequent political turmoil and tension.
       One interesting part of life in Karachi is that no public telephones or pagers are allowed. To our surprise, we discovered it was because "terrorists use them too!" Though this seemed odd, we thought maybe they did have to take drastic measures. You can imagine our surprise, however, when we discovered that if anyone wants to buy an AK-47 (sub-automatic assault rifle), Pakistan's the place! They are available at the open market, and people just need a license, which they can purchase at the local post office!
       Needless to say, while the country is developing (depending on who is in office that month) there are still many interesting and exotic things to be seen that makes Pakistan a fascinating and unique place to be. God bless the dear team there for the tremendous job they've done and are doing of reaching their exciting field.

meetings and fellowships
South American news bursts

       * A meeting was held with over 150 DO, TS and former members attending from the Sao Paulo area, where we showed the TS fellowship video, ending with a beautiful communion. After hearing Peter read Mama's letter to the TRF Supporter Family and the addition to the former members on video (published in "Bridging the Gap," GN #696), Sunny (CRO), also expressed regret for any hurt that anyone had experienced during their time in the Family, and expressed the heartfelt desire for a new relationship to be established amongst us all. It was inspiring to see the amount of young people in attendance -- on-fire national teens, ages 14-18, who want to do more for the Lord. At least 20 of them asked about joining DO witnessing Homes. We will be organizing this, and giving the responsibility of shepherding them to some of our young adults in Homes near them.
       * Sunny (CRO) and Marianne (VS) came back from a one-week trip to a Home in Vitória, a state of Brazil that has not been visited for seven years! Sunny reports: "It was encouraging to see this DO Home's mode of operation since the implementation of the Charter. They have six adults, four teens and six children. Everybody was working together and doing their part, they don't have financial problems, witnessing is going well, the children are very well cared for, the teens are fulfilled, being a blessing to the Home, and going out on faith-trips. They have a nice house situated by the beach . They are happy with the Charter and the new way of doing things. One shepherdess commented on how thankful she is for the Love Charter; that there hasn't been one problem so far that couldn't be solved with it. It's so neat to see people living according to their faith. They're having adventures for Jesus!"
       * Pedro (CRO) and SGA David Ho (VS) have embarked on a four-week visitation trip to show the rest of the Homes in south Brazil the Summit Videos.
       * Victoria (CRO), Jonathan (VS) and SGA Gary (VS) completed a three-week visit to Venezuela, and are now spending four weeks with our Colombian Family.
       * Samuel and Leilani (SGA VSs), Jane and Jose (VSs) are coming to the end of their visit to Chile, where they held meetings with the young people, visited all the Homes and showed most of the Summit videos.
       * We have begun to host weekend junior teen/JETT camps in Peru and Chile, led and shepherded by the young people who attended the earlier YA/SGA meetings. For one month, the JE TTs will gather together each weekend to have Word classes, prayer, prophecy and fellowship!

Middle East

       (From SGA Anne [22, CRO]:)
We spent an exciting three weeks in the Middle East, where Endureth (CRO) and I showed the Summit videos to all the young people and some of the adults in the Middle East Homes, including Turkey. The young people were a pleasure to be with; such dedicated disciples with real love for the lost and their respective fields!
       The Family provisioned the use of a co nference room for one week, where we showed the videos. This included lunch and snacks daily, as well as the use of the indoor swimming pool, jacuzzi and fitness room. We were so impressed by the Arabs and their generous hospitality -- they treat you like guests of honor, when you aren't paying a cent -- what wonderful people!
       While it's not backward and is like Europe in many ways, the landscape and surroundings are like stepping into Bible times -- it's so neat! Most people wear regular West ern dress, and depending on which country you're in, there is also the Bedouin and veiled attire. It's interesting seeing a Bedouin man with the long robes and hata (a headpiece worn by Arab men) driving a Mercedes Benz or BMW. -- It's like the movies, ha!
       We had some fun activities during our week together. One evening we took a "Space City Trip." -- One of our inspirationalists sang songs about Heaven and Space City, and kicked it off by describing what they were seeing. From there, everyone "took off" in the spirit, expressing what they saw in Heaven.
       People who didn't have the gift of prophecy before were giving beautiful, flowing prophecies, as well as describing the fun and exciting things they saw. Initially only a couple of YAs said they had the gift of prophecy, but by the end everyone received the gift after praying for it!
       On our Space City "trip" we met Jesus, Dad, the Austin girls and Michael the Archangel! There were other experiences also, such as taking a bird's e ye view from the apex of the Heavenly City, floating slowly down the City from the top while looking at the mansions and people along the way, swimming in the River of Life, and different comical things that happened in Heaven -- making food appear and disappear, and all these neat things that happen at the speed of thought.
       The Austin girls told us about the "new name" that we're going to get in Heaven -- that it's Jesus' special "lover name" for each of us -- and when called by that name, it 's your special love-up time with Him! It was quite a "high" for everyone, and the first time we had experienced anything like this!


       (From NACRO:) We held a meeting in San Antonio from November 17-24 for the senior teens, YAs and SGAs of the Central Area, showing the videos from the delegates meeting recently attended by Peter. Approximately 80 people attended.
       Simon (CRO) visited Puerto Rico, showing the delegates meeting videos to the Homes there.

studio news

       (From the BAS team:)
"Who's who on the studio crew at BAS?" -- Well, our music producers, singers and all-round musicians are Jeremy Spencer and SGAs Eman, Nat Spencer and Emmanuel. Their wives, Katrina (of Eman), Lara (of Nat) and Julia (of Emmanuel) help with vocals.
       BAS has three studios, which have been working full-time to produce not only FTT material, but also songs for the Treasure Attics and GP teen and adult songs!
       We just finished up three new songs for FTTs: "White Sails" (by Gloria), "Clo se Your Eyes" (by Julia) and "Breaking Down the Walls" (by Emmanuel). We're presently finalizing several GP songs for upcoming GP productions.
       (LNF: Some latest studio news is that SGAs Nat and Lara have now moved on to Europe. This is an exciting change for them. Thanks for your prayers for all of us here.)

       (From Byron, for the DC Studio:)
I honestly cannot recall any time when I've worked on so many songs in such a short amount of time! From September 9th through November 15th, we s tarted and finished 18 songs. That's not including six of Simon Black's songs that are now close to completion. So we actually worked on 24 songs in that time period.
       In that period of 52 working days, our average time spent on each song was 2.8 days. (That is partly due to the fact that it doesn't take as long to mix a live recording -- which we were doing for the Dropped Out live inspiration tape -- as it does a full blown studio production.) The average time spent on FTT songs and others we re approximately 4.5 days per song.

media mania
Documentary on The Family

       (Editor's note: Following is a report regarding a documentary on the Family that was aired on Australian TV as a segment of a weekly news program called "Witness." This is the show that Peter was interviewed for while on a trip to the States [see WS News sections in Grapevines #4,6,7]. When the Family was first approached by David Millikan, an Australian theologian and minister who had defended the Family during the raids in Australia, about participating in this documentary, the Lord clearly indicated through prophecy that not only should the Australian Family go ahead and participate according to their faith, but that Peter should also grant Millikan's request for a video interview. The Lord promised that He would bless our efforts and make the program a witness.
       (Despite Millikan's assurances that he would make the show truthful and fairly positive, he did not keep his word and the program t urned out to be quite negative. When Mama and Peter prayed about it, the Lord explained that it was no mistake that He had given us the go-ahead to grant these interviews, as He wanted to open the door for the truth and His message to get out to the world, which it did [although it would, of course, have done so more effectively if Millikan had kept his word]. The Lord went on to explain that Millikan, at the last minute, made his choice to go with standard sensationalism and scandal, which he f elt would give him fame and glory, instead of reporting the truth. The Lord promised to protect and care for our Homes in Australia, and the Family worldwide, as we continue to follow Him closely.)

       (From Paul and Joy:) The general consensus was that the Witness program, which aired November 12th in Australia, was unnecessarily critical. However, the fact that it portrayed us so negatively and sensationally caused a backlash against the program, and made it easy to see that the good we do was b eing ignored in favor of smut. It was slanted against us with such blatant lies that the kids are fighting mad and it has strengthened them against the lies of the Enemy.
       After the program, Angela (our 16-year-old daughter) phoned David Millikan. She was fairly emotional as she had spent a lot of time with David, cooking for parties, helping his wife clean the house and looking after their little girl. She'd had some in-depth discussions with him about FFing and sharing and felt that he had go t these issues all wrong. She said that she had trusted him; all the kids had, to portray things accurately, and he had betrayed them terribly. He had upset all the kids, the kids he had so often said he would defend to the end.
       The Lord gave Millikan the opportunity to tell the truth in a positive light, and throughout the making of this documentary, he assured us that it would be a serious, academic piece on life in the Family, which would lay to rest once and for all the allegations of chil d abuse raised against us by Community Services. At the last minute, however, he apparently decided against objectivity, proving that sensational sex stories still sell.
       The show did present some good, showing our Family witnessing and clips of Dad singing "Into my Heart." Millikan does state that he believes the Family is now a safe place for children and that no abuse has been proven through the recent court cases. There was a short segment on the Loving Jesus Revelation.
       Though Peter was interviewed by Millikan for an hour while in DC, they used only a couple snippets from his interview; his answers to the most controversial questions, such as: the Law of Love, past sexual crossovers, long-ago abolished FFing and Davidito book, etc., in an attempt to make the Family look as bad as possible. At least David did put in Peter talking about how many souls we win, and there was a clear ringing Salvation message!
       We sent out a mailing of the Loving Jesus statement to 20 former-member s and close friends, and all reactions received to date have been positive. We also received a number of positive telephone calls from around Australia after the show was aired. It's encouraging to see how much support we've gained in the community over the past few years. "Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee." (Psa.76:10)

       * Several friends told us they could see straight through the show, and that David was obviously jealous of the Family, Dad and our successes.
       * A number of other friends either called or dropped by to let us know that anyone who knows us wouldn't be swayed by the program, as it was so obviously smut journalism.
       * A Christian pastor who has read through the Loving Jesus statement commented that he had no problem taking Jesus out of the living room and into the bedroom.
       * One friend called to let us know that she faxed Channel 7, letting them know what she thought of the program.
       * Another friend said he saw nothing of concern in the Loving Jesus sta tement, and that he had always taught that "the third party" -- meaning the Lord -- should be included in the bedroom as well as in the rest of your life.

Academia on Loving Jesus

       (From Marc, Claire and Charity [SGA]:) We attended the yearly SSSR (Society for the Scientific Study of Religion) conference with two of our young people: Charity (SGA) from our Home, and Jonathan (YA) from the Tampa Home, and they were a valuable part of our team.
       It was an inspiration to pass on the Lovin g Jesus Revelation to a number of academics at the SSSR conference. Their reactions, though varied, on the overall were quite positive.
       Susan Palmer plans to incorporate the Loving Jesus Revelation into a chapter she is writing for her book. The central theme is her theory that there is a trend in NRMs of recognizing the importance of feminine qualities in spirituality as we reach the beginning of the next millennium. She got excited about the Loving Jesus Revelation, as it fit perfectly into her theory.
       James Chancellor said that the Loving Jesus Revelation statement was timely, as he is now beginning his chapter on sexuality in the Family [for a book he is writing on the Family]. He said this will be an important addition as it is the latest information regarding the Family's perspective on sexuality and how it relates to our Christian beliefs.
       One leading religious academic was jovial about the Loving Jesus Revelation throughout the conference. He said an old country-western G ospel song came to him when reading through the Loving Jesus Revelation called, "Me and Jesus Have Our Own Thing Going."
       Most others had positive reactions to the Loving Jesus Revelation statement, and seemed to enjoy the concepts of the revelation. After one academic had read most of the statement, he commented, "It was very interesting and I enjoyed reading it." When we told him that some of our acquaintances felt that our timing in making public these revelations could have been better, he said, "Well, maybe so. But who's to say this isn't God's time?"
       Another academic read through the Loving Jesus Revelation statement with great interest, and said he had to confess that we had a solid theological basis to stand on, and that by the time you finish reading the entire statement, there's not much room for debate. He said he felt the revelation made perfect sense, and he was sure that if other Christians would be honest, many others have had similar experiences.

ideas and tips
" But it's 3:00 a.m.!"

       (From Jonathan:) Has this ever happened to you? After a long day you've gone to sleep and are enjoying a peaceful night's rest. Nestled under your covers, it's 3:00 a.m. and all is well. Suddenly you hear a loud ringing noise and you are jolted awake! The telephone?! -- At 3:00 a.m.?!
       You pick up the phone and it's a dear Family member from the other side of the world, needing some timely information. You explain what time it is, and they say, "What! It's 3:00 a .m.?! That's funny, it's lunch time here!" You finish talking with them, and they hang up and go to lunch. You are now wide awake and spend the next two hours trying to fall back to sleep.
       This has happened quite a few times in our Home. So please check for time changes before making that long distance call!

Teaching English under Communism

       (From Ruth [of Ho]:) I've been teaching English composition/pronunciation to university students for seven weeks now. I have 160 students altog ether in six classes and I teach nine hours a week. It takes 3-6 hours per week to grade the compositions and 2-4 hours a week to plan these two classes, since no textbooks are provided and the teacher is supposed to write the course. Since only nine hours are required in class, I do a lot of my work at home, so I can keep up with the children, shepherding and the Home more easily. This job pays about $280/month, which pays our rent, and gives our personal family members a "green card" for one y ear temporary residence.
       I'm enjoying teaching these classes because the students are wonderful, sweet young people, and are usually quite motivated. I have the opportunity to influence their lives and thoughts using meaningful quotes, and also through talking about western culture (including Christian thoughts) and values in our discussions. We are looking for ways to introduce the students to the YAs on our team to witness more to them, and are praying about asking some of the students to be Chinese tutors to our three younger children.
       (Ho:) I've been traveling with some brethren on their "exploratory trips" to China. They commented that "everything is better and more promising than we expected." Their visits gave them the vision and were life changing. If people come and see for themselves, their outdated views of China will be changed, and they'll see the doors that are now open to us. It is so encouraging for me to able to help as a translator and guide for those that are exp loring China, and plan to come in the near future. It's thrilling to see the fulfillment of the vision and prophecies that the Lord has given Dad, Mama, and Peter regarding China.

Overseas hosting

       (From Noah, Thad and Cherish:) A 19-year-old Japanese student who Precious teaches English to was looking for someplace to stay in Australia for a one-year working holiday. The Family Homes in Perth are interested in hosting him, and since this boy's family is Christian, they are very happy to have him stay in a missionary home. This will also help with finances, as he will be paying rent.

find a friend

       * Anna (of James [Jubal] and Mary) at the Brazil LIM is looking for Ron and Rose. Contact me via your ABM/CROs.
       * Former member Eden (23), now in the US Air Force, would like to re-establish contact with friends from her time in the Family. E-mail add: cloree@93acw.jstars.af.mil.
       * Paulo (P. Branca, former member) would like to contact Virginie from Venezuela and his son, Simon Pedro. Address: P. Branca, V.C. Battisti N 14, 22038 Tavernerio, Italy.
       * This is Esteban and Bendy (TS, Spanish-speaking) in a little corner in Argentina! E-mail add: Bendy@rionet.rionegro.com.ar.
       Editor's note: 25 words is the "find-a-friend" max! -- Please only send your request to the Grapevine if you cannot locate the individual(s) via your CRO area's local bulletin. We like being able to publish these, but the Grapevine is a "news" publication, and we can't turn it into a want-ad bulletin; so if we receive too many, we may have to can this section. We'll see how it goes. Published at editors' discretion. Thanks.

axed apollos

       (From Matthew, for WS:) We hope you won't be too disappointed to hear that the Ask Apollos column has become "Axed Apollos" -- at least for the Grapevine! Not because of Apollos' unwillingness to answer your questions (which, by the way, he is starting to have a mailbag full of). God bless him, he's been happy to try to fit it in amongst the ot her pubs projects he's working on at the GPU, but after further counseling and praying about the Ask Apollos column, Mama came to the conclusion that due to the theological and doctrinal nature of this column, it would be better to publish these questions and answers in a pub that you will keep in your library, such as a GN or FSM, so you will be able to easily access them for future reference.
       Also, since this column would deal with doctrine and policy rather than just news and views, it woul d necessitate a different procedure than the rest of the Grapevine, being gone over more carefully, seeking the Lord for confirmation on matters of doctrine and other issues, etc. This would probably result in a slow-down of the Grapevine issues reaching you as regularly as you have been getting them. Since we have committed ourselves to getting the news to you as quickly as possible, while it's still hot, we are reluctant to hold the presses on the Grapevine.
       For these reasons we feel it woul d be better to find a different vehicle for the Ask Apollos column. Please pray that it will work out for Apollos to answer some of your questions amidst his important responsibilities of getting out new GP pubs for you to distribute! Thanks for your patience on this. We love you!

change address change

You guessed it! Now that you have all gotten used to our Grapevine mailing address, we're changing it! So sorry for this inconvenience, but we gotta do what we gotta do! Please take note of th e new California address below! Mail sent to the Texas box will be forwarded to California, but this means we won't get your Grapevine news as quickly! So be sure to send all new Grapevine articles to California! The Texas box will eventually be closed, so make sure you've got the latest Grapevine in hand when you address your envelope! Our e-mail address remains the same. Thanks for your contributions, and send them to ...
       PO Box 4938
       Orange, California
       USA 92863
       e-mail: gra pe@ibm.net

what's that word?

       Snail mail tip: If you can send your article typed, then it can be scanned from paper onto computer -- saving secretaries valuable time in trying to decipher and retype your handwriting!
       E-mail tip: Please save all files you send to us as "Text Only" files -- otherwise we get lots of garbled codes (from WordPerfect or Word) mixed in with your message; and it's tough sorting it all out!

one-liners from you ...
       Great name for a fantastic and much-needed pub ! - Philip, India
       A means to "sound off" to some extent! - David Michael, Canada
       I think it'll bridge the gap with the Family worldwide. - Sarah, Thailand
       Wow! Fantastic! Fun reading! - From the right source! - Promise, USA
       The best way to be "in the know" about what's going on! - Julie, Pakistan
       Newsy, informative, inspiring! Answers unspoken questions. - John, Malaysia
       I enjoy this new magazine with jokes, stories and stuff. - Miracle (12), USA
       The wording and editor's notes are in real hip language! - Christia (16), USA
       A cool idea to get the "rumor mill" officially confirmed. - Lily (17), Pakistan
       It's definitely a hit and makes the Charter come alive. - Cephas, ASCRO
       It answers a lot of questions I had been wondering about. - Gabe (16), USA
       We little people get a chance to voice our two cents. - P. (young person), Japan
       An at-a-glance "potpourri" of information about the Family! - Andre, Indonesia
       Pioneering testimonies encourage us to do greater things f or the Lord. - Stephen, USA
       Broadens my horizons and helps me pray for others more. - Paul (YA), Thailand
       The variety of subjects and fresh news makes it fun to read. - Eva Lionheart, Colombia
       It's neat to see what others are thinking and how the Lord is leading. - Jesse, USA
       A good vehicle to help the adults and teens work side by side. - Gideon, Pakistan
       Shortens the cord, and makes you realize what a "mighty" outfit this Family is! - Jason, USA
       Bad with the good keeps us from cond emnation, seeing others have problems too. - Jonathan/ Amor, Taiwan
       Gives us, as TSers, a special insight into what is happening in the DO Family. - Abner/Rosie, Denmark
       It's a break, keeping us off obstacles of gossip, hearsay and exaggerations. - Johannes/Milcah, France

       (Editor's note: What a great readership you all are! We love you tons and pray the upcoming issues are a blessing to you -- and lotsa fun! We're having a blast gettin' 'em to you!)

now that's funny

       There was an old -fashioned woman. She and her husband were planning a week-long camping trip, so she wrote to the campground for reservations. She wanted to be sure it was fully equipped, but didn't know quite how to ask about toilet facilities. She didn't want to write 'toilet' in her letter.
       After much deliberation, she thought of the old-fashioned term, 'bathroom commode', but, when she wrote it down she though she was being too straight forward, so she started all over again, rewrote the entire letter and referred to the 'bathroom commode' as the B.C.
       "Does your campground have its own B.C.?", is how she finally put it on paper.
       The campground owner wasn't old-fashioned at all. When he got her letter, he couldn't figure out what she was talking about. The B.C. business really stumped him. After worrying about it for a while, he showed the letter to some of the campers; but no one could figure out what she was talking about.
       After giving it much thought, the owner decided that she must be a sking about the location of the local Baptist Church, so he sat down and wrote the following reply:

Dear Madam,
       I regret very much the delay in answering your letter, but I now take the pleasure of informing you that the B.C. is located six miles north of the campground. It is capable of seating 250 people at one time. I will admit that it is quite a distance away if you are in the habit of going regularly. No doubt you will be pleased to know a great number of people take their lunches alo ng and make a day of it. They usually arrive early and stay late.
       The last time my wife and I went was six months ago, and it was so crowded that we had to stand up the whole time. Right now there is a supper planned to raise money for more seats. It will be held in the basement of the B.C.
       I would like to say that it pains me that I am not able to go more regularly, but it is not for lack of desire on my part. As we grow older, it seems to be more of an effort, particularly in cold weather.
       If you decide to come to our campground, perhaps I could go with you the first time that you go, sit with you and introduce you to all the other folks. Remember, this is a very friendly community.
Sincerely, The Manager
-- Courtesy of Aaron (17), Pakistan

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family