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The grapevine
November 15, 1996
Issue #7



In the Turkmenistan desert ...
-- Road trip to Atarau, Aktyubinsk and Uralsk

       (From Latvian Peter B. [23], Russian Esther [25], Faith David [19] and Viera [27, Kazakh catacomber]:) Imagine touching down in the Turkmenistan desert. Your destination is a small Kazakh city, Atarau, some 20 miles away. You don't know a soul. With temperatures soaring in the 50s (Celsius) (Now that's cookin'!), yo u sit beside your boxes of Gospel literature and humanitarian aid looking for a helpful face. This was the beginning of our five-week adventure to three cities in northwest Kazakhstan, over 2,500 km. (1,500 mi.) from home base, where none of us had been before.
       On this trip, we distributed 30,000 pieces of free Gospel literature, personally witnessed to 1,800 people, and prayed with over 800 people to receive Jesus. We also did five shows in orphanages where we distributed humanitarian aid.
       Atarau: This desert city in which our story begins is reputed to be quite a dangerous place. The Lord's care for us was unfailing, though, and at the airport we met a sweet Kazakh woman who helped us with a place to stay and even brought a forklift to move our boxes full of posters!
       Walking down the dusty, rundown and sometimes deserted city streets, we would often look at each other in amazement that a city existed in such a place. We heard that there are at least 27 nuclear testing sites aro und this area of Kazakhstan. Still, the 180,000 people that live there are actually better off financially than the rest of the country, thanks to the huge Tengis oil field.
       While distributing posters in the large open markets, we got mobbed a few times. People were so enthusiastic about our literature that they would practically rip the posters out of our hands. At times the press was so tight, we had to hold our posters high above our heads to distribute them. Some even opened our backpacks to take the posters out!
       Aktyubinsk: It's a mostly Kazakh city with a population of over 250,000. Going north from Atarau (13 hours by train), we found ourselves enchanted with the beautiful trees and greenery.
       Music proved to be a key with the young people here. One afternoon at the park, a group of kids saw our guitar and surrounded us. We sang songs and prayed with them. The next day, a couple of us girls were waiting for Peter in the park. We soon saw him coming up the path like the Pied Piper, playing the guitar with 20 young people and children following him! After that they came daily for songs and Bible classes.
       We also did a show at a sanitarium for 80 children with eye problems, and for a senior citizen's home. They all received Jesus!
       Uralsk: From there we took an overnight train to Uralsk, a city near the Russian border. It has about 200,000 inhabitants, mainly Russians and Cossacks. The city has three rivers running through it, and there are many statues of Lenin.
       The day after we arrived was Railway Workers' holiday. We went to the river park where people had gathered to celebrate. We talked personally with individuals about the Lord and His Love, and prayed with 88 people to receive Jesus that day.
       One evening, while looking for somewhere to eat, we met a young man named Valentine. He invited us for a meal and turned out to be very interested in learning more about God and His Word. He introduced us to his friend Marat, an officer, who also had many spiritual questions which we were able to answer. We gave them some literature and they stayed up all night reading it!
       When we moved to the next city, Valentine followed us there, and then met us daily for classes. When Peter told Valentine his testimony about how he had decided to serve the Lord, Valentine responded, "Perhaps someday I will also tell a story like this." When we left he was determined to carry on for the Lord where he was.
       We met another young man, Alexander, who had twice tried to commit suicide, as he didn't feel there was any hope left in life. We witnessed to him in depth and gave him a Bible and some lit. When he saw us off at the train, he exclaimed, "You have given me hope and a reason to live!"
       Our mail ministry members, a sweet Kazakh couple, were amazed at the timing of our visit. The wife, a doctor, had been rejected by the church for practicing acupuncture. Just two weeks earlier, she had cried out to the Lord for help to draw closer to Him, and the re we were!
       There are so many stories of how the Lord changed people's lives and supplied and cared for us that we could not possibly fit them all here! Though at times on this trip things got a bit tough physically, seeing people's lives changed and their overwhelming thankfulness to us for coming made it well worth it all.


       (From Andre, Suzanna and Timoteo, Venezuela:) Our pioneer trip to Guyana (formerly British Guiana) was an adventure all the way! We caught a plane in a tiny li ttle town on the border of Guyana and Brazil. Then we took a 20-seater plane to get to Georgetown, the capital.
       Upon arrival, we found out that the city is quite backwards and does not have a lot of things we take for granted, like an infrastructure. In front of all the houses and buildings is a little canal where all the wastewater goes. Almost all houses and buildings are made of wood, including the house of the president and the first prime minister. At night the streets are not lit, and we were warned not to be out walking on the streets.
       Our future seemed very bleak in this strange country, but we prayed and decided to trust the Lord and asked our brethren at home to pray for us too, and the Lord started pouring out His blessings! He supplied all our hotels and meals for free, and led us to some very precious people that received our videos and tapes. We won 60 souls, and prayed with the Brazilian ambassador and the mayor of Georgetown.n

tudio news

       (From Andrew V. , SGA, for the FTT team at JAS:) Our studio team consists of Jerry Paladino, Martin Music, and John (Michael) Listen, who mainly work on GP song projects, but also produce songs for the FTT series.
       Our SGA/YA producers are Francesco Paladino (20), Andrew Victory (22) and Philly D. (20), who mainly concentrate on FTT productions. Philly works with the IVM GP audio studio, but also helps produce an FTT song every month or so. (Update: Some of the FTT songs are now "going GP," having made it onto some of the upcoming GP tapes, so there aren't really separate GP or FTT studios anymore -- we're all working together on both projects -- and having a good time!)
       In the JAS we have a total of three GP studios, where Jerry, John and Martin work, and two FTT studios (we opened the second studio just recently) where Francesco and I work. These are all fully-functioning studios, where songs are started and completed by each producer, usually with some collaboration from other musicians, vocalis ts and/or producers.
       What goes into producing a song? To start with, our team gets together weekly to audition newly written song demos that we receive from the field or from Home members. We go over the content of each song, discuss suggestions and ways to improve the song, ideas for its arrangement, etc. Once a song is passed by our auditioning committee, the lyrics are sent to WS for approval, and once approved by them, we add it to our list of songs to produce.
       Deciding who will sing a s ong usually depends on the type of song, as well as who is available. Besides us studio boys occasionally singing a tune ourselves, we call upon our non-resident vocalists, to come and sing from time to time -- Sunny J. (21), Sylvia (19), Katrina L. (17), Daniel Lights (22) and Hopie (20). We also have vocalists living here at the HCS who help with recording as well -- Crystal Lily (18, of Francesco) and Japanese Suzy (of Martin).
       Jeffrey (18), one of our guitarists, works in the IVM DO audio studio, and other guitarists who come out to record on occasion are Philip (a.k.a. Brother Sun) and Japanese Makoto (18).
       Mastering is something we do on a monthly basis. Mastering is combining the finished songs from all the studios onto one tape -- FTT -- matching their levels and tones as closely as possible to make the different types of songs flow together more naturally, which makes it easier for the listener to sit back and enjoy without having to adjust his hi-fi every time the next so ng comes on.
       October Update: Right now we're working on two Spanish songs for the Latin tape: "Busca a Quien Amar," and "Una Noche Mas" (which John is adding sax to); we're also producing a song for a GP tape, called "Hands Up." Other songs we're working on include "Eternal Love" (by Michael Piano), "I Wanna Be In You" (by David Lamb), "Longer than Forever" (by Katrina L.), "My Ecstasy" (by Francesco & Crystal), and "I'll Never Let Go of You" (by Hopie).


       (From Heidi [17], for the PAS team:) The Christmas CD in Spanish has been completed -- "Aires Navideños!" The Lord did it and we've seen miracle after miracle while producing this CD/tape, just in time for our deadline!
       On our studio team here, we've got the following people: Pedro S., Clara (Quiti), Pedro Mexico, Mark (27), Mikol (23) and Heidi (17). There's also Santi and Johan (junior teens) who are getting studio training, and Dawn (17) who lives in town and comes over sometimes to sing leads.
       As far as FTT producti ons, Mark's usually the one who makes the tracks for these songs. He's been working on one of Heidi's songs called, "I Love You -- Just You!" and one of his songs, titled "Forever One." FTT songs are not our priority, we just do them whenever we can. We've got some other songs in the pipeline, but we just have to squeeze them in when we get time, as our priority at PAS is to produce songs in Spanish, which is a huge job considering how small our team is!
       Mark is our main mixer here at PAS. How ever, when they are here, Pedro Mexico and Pedro S. also help with mixing. During the deadline for the Christmas CD, for instance, they all took turns. While one was recording a song, another one would be in the other studio mixing, etc.
       Clara has recently received a few songs, some in Spanish, which were used in the Latin project and -- all glory to Him -- so far they've all been hit songs! Lord willing, you'll hear a couple of them, as they've been approved for upcoming "Burn Free" videos. W e're hoping to release the Latin tape early next year. Please pray for us!
       Lately it's been an "all hands on deck" type situation. Everybody's been pitching in and helping. We've got two studios, and an office where Clara works (mainly on translations), and at times Heidi helps her with different projects. Clara, Mikol, Heidi and Oli (who by the way is on her way to Japan soon) along with Pedro S., José Manuel and Pedro M. -- oh! and sometimes Mark -- helped with the backups on the Christmas C D.
       There was one song that required kids to sing it, but since we were pressed for time and there weren't any kids available, the guys here had the great idea of having Mikol, Heidi and Oli record it on slow speed. When playing it back on normal speed it really sounded like little kids singing! -- It was a hilarious and very needed solution.
       And in closing... let's not forget all those precious guys and girls that make it possible -- the shepherds, CC team, witnessers, kitchen team, etc. God bless them all!


       (From the BVM team:)
Hi there, everybody! We hope you and your kids are enjoying the Family Fun videos and our first Burn Free show, of which we hope there will be more to come. We here at the BVM are doing some "brain-storming" on how to produce better videos for the Family. Our digital effects and editing are getting better now (thanks to the Lord for supplying new equipment), and we think you'll enjoy the new and different spots that will be coming out soon!
       If you have any ideas for new spots or different ways of presenting the Word to our kids, don't hesitate to send them to us! We need fast-moving, colorful, educational, interesting, special, entertaining, and "rewind, not fast-forward" spots, and you can help us come up with the plan! If you have a burden to see a particular song on Burn Free -- tell us. Or, if you've got a video camera and want to help us film songs or whatever, let's talk!

Washington, D.C.

       Hot news from the DC studio! "Atten tion all you Simon Black fans!" During the month of November we will be recording, for your musical enjoyment, some of Simon's coolest hits! So please pray for us 'cause we've got some serious reggae, techno, (and some new styles that you've never heard, hot off the short-wave from Heaven) comin' at ya! -- Alrighty then! n

... a medical impossibility!
       (Editor's note: David's name incorrectly appeared as Michael in the original prayer request we received and published. -- So, Michael is now David! Thank you for continuing with us in prayer for him!)
       (From David and Charity, Jared and Rebecca:) During the motorcycle accident, David's back hit a brick wall. One of his vertebrae was smashed, and the motor nerves to his legs were torn out by the roots. Since this is medically irreparable, the doctors diagnosed him as being permanently paralyzed from the waist down.
       However, since then he actually bent one of his legs by himself -- a medical impossibility! Days later, he took 100 st eps with his walker. Today he stood up alone for one minute. This is a miracle! The doctor said he's made six months of progress in one month. He has been released from the hospital and will be continuing therapy as an outpatient. We know it is only the Lord and an answer to the many prayers that have gone up to the Lord for his healing!n

your views on issues

I've got a kid ...

       (From a female SGA:) I know in the Letter "Sex Problems," Dad talks strongly about how a man and woman should stay together if the Lord gives them a baby. I'm wondering if our policy today is still that strict.
       I'm a single mom. -- Oh, I hate that name! I'd rather just say, "I've got a kid." I did wonder when I got pregnant why we weren't asked to stay together. Now I can see how the Lord worked everything out for good in my life, and I have learned a lot through being single. I just think perhaps we could've stuck to it and then my child would have a daddy now.
       I wonder if perhaps we wouldn' t have so many single moms today if it was more the rule than the exception that people stay together. I think that when the Lord gives a baby, He has pretty much chosen the parents. Of course, not all the time, but I'd say most of the time. I think couples need to see this more, and I think if they really did try, the Lord could help them get it together.
       I don't know if we should be so strict about it, but at least somehow get through to people, especially us young people, that it is a serio us thing and if you don't want the responsibility of a mate and kid, then you should watch who you fuck. I personally don't want another kid unless the guy will marry me. I really love kids and it's hard for me to wait to have another one, but it's just too hard by myself.
       (Editor's note: See the "Sex and Affection Rules," F., page 137 of the Charter, as well as the "Questions and Answers" section of "Go for the Gold," GN #657, particularly questions 5, 14-16, 24, 28, for counsel on this matte r.)

Have you been persecuted?

       (From an adult man:)
While reading these Letters [about the Celestial Interviews], it came to me that this will be the first time in a very long time that we, the Family, will be getting out anything of this sort to the public. -- I'm talking about messages from the spirit world.
       But this is what we grew up on in the Family. We got our messages from the spirit world, through Dad, and it wasn't months or years before we got them out to the public, it was the next day almost -- as soon as we could get them printed and ready for distribution!
       This gave us a sense of immediacy about what the Lord was saying. He wasn't just saying it to us, for our benefit, He was saying it to the world, for their benefit! It made us feel like the world really needed us, that we were indispensable to the world. If we didn't tell 'em, who would? It gave us a strong sense of responsibility, that we owed it to them and the Lord to be true to our convictions. I don't think we've had that conviction for a long time. How many of our kids have felt that? -- That somebody else's eternal welfare depended on them?
       Maybe they do feel it in some ways -- they're supposed to feel it, and their parents are supposed to have instilled this in them -- but I think for us it was a lot easier. It wasn't a question of whether we wanted to do it or not, or whether there was the opportunity, you just did it. You went out litnessing and you got the Words of David out; that's what you were in the Family for.
       I think we need to return to that simplicity while there's still time, for the world's sake, and for our own sake. If hearing from the "other side" -- telling the world what Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe are doing -- isn't crazy enough and far-out enough for our kids, if that doesn't force them to stand up for what they do or don't believe, what will?
       When have our teens and YAs been persecuted for what they believe? Of course, our kids have stood u p before judges and magistrates, but they were sort of defending the Family for our common beliefs and doctrines, etc.
       When we got put in jail in the early days, it was because of what we were doing, not what the Family was doing! When the police told me to move on, it was because I was litnessing, and I was doing it because I wanted to! When I was getting out MO Letters, they were my Letters too, not just Dad's Letters. I wanted to be associated with Dad! I wanted them to think that I really believed the things this guy -- Dad -- was saying. I knew that persecution meant something. I wanted to go down with Dad if it came to that! -- And I feel the same way about going down with Mama and Peter, if it comes to that, which it probably will.
       I think our kids need to feel that themselves. Posters and tapes and videos are a part of what we believe, but we believe a lot of crazy things, let's face it! -- A lot of things that aren't in the posters or tapes. They're in the Letters, but in the past 15 years or so that we've been getting out the posters and the tapes, how much of what the Lord has been saying to us, through the Letters, has ever gotten anywhere near the general public?
       I'd do anything to help get these projects rolling. I'm a lousy litnesser and outreacher. I can't speak the local language, and even if I could, I'd probably screw it up, but I wouldn't hesitate to get this kind of wild, crazy stuff out no matter who it offended, even if it offended our own kids!
       Where do they stand in all this? I think they need to find out! Right now we're carrying a lot of dead weight in the Family, and a lot of it is our own kids, our teens and young adults who don't seem to know what they're here for!
       I'm all for this new push and the new direction that Mama and Peter are taking. I love it! I think it's great that they're just as crazy as Dad was! -- Maybe even crazier with him up There egging them on! Somebody's gotta be crazy in this Family, or we're gonna wind up watching TV all day!

Kids before business

       (From Abner [of Promise], TS:) I was so full of business and getting things done that I sorely neglected the children. I tended to not see the importance of talking to the kids around me, and sometimes got annoyed when they wanted to talk during prayer and prophecy, or at other times.
       I began to see where I was really wrong by seeing how precious it was that the children wanted to talk to me and learn from me. When I began to take time to explain and answer their questions, and stop my work to play or talk, I realized that these precious moments are their life and education, and that this communication is the most important "business" of the day! Our relationship has grown, and now it is becoming so much fun just to talk. -- It makes life fun.

Spreading the Endtime message
Detroit, USA

       (From Tim, Rejoice and Dove:) A couple of months ago, we received an "unofficial question" to all Homes in our area, asking what we thoug ht about the posters being half-size. Our Home voted not to have the posters made smaller, as we are doing well with them at the normal size, and we are concerned that their testimony will be affected by such a great reduction.
       We understand the reasoning behind the changes, as quite a few Homes are now street-lighting, canning or clowning, and feel this is a more convenient size, or they don't get as large of a donation per poster, so they can't afford the larger size. Many folks have permiss ion from store owners or managers to work in front of their stores, so this may have affected the decision to have smaller size posters, as well as mainly milky ones.
       We mainly get out the meaty, heavy-duty Endtime posters, and the people love it! Since the "Finance" GNs, and the vision of getting out the warning message to this country, there has been a tremendous change in our financial situation. Our finances have skyrocketed, we are having Endtime Bible classes for potential sheep almost d aily, and every month thousands of souls are won through personal witnessing! (Editor's note: This Home claimed first place as the soul shiners for the month of September, with 2,423 souls won! God bless them!)
       However, the titles that are not available are some of the ones we get out the most, such as "Watch Out for 666," "Lion, Dragon and the Beast," "Final Signs," etc. This was a bit of a disappointment for us; even the kids were sad about it, as they love to get out the Endtime message! Th e Endtime posters give them such good opportunities to witness!

As a team...

       (From Lucas:) Since the Charter came out, I wanted to stay in a Home that didn't have large CC groups. My reasoning was, "If we are a smaller team we can accomplish more, move quicker, and it will be simpler." At the time I didn't realize how wrong and selfish my attitude was.
       The Word began working on me and I realized it's not the Lord to think like that. So when my mate got a check to pray about invit ing another couple and their 8 children to work with us, I agreed, and the Lord confirmed it was His will. It's been a month since we have been a team of 17, and I see so many blessings the Lord bestowed upon us.
       For example: For the first time in years our Home is operating within a budget (this couple was able to bring a fair amount of landing funds, which we were not aware of before they came), the children are proving to be a blessing and not a burden; they go out singing; our witness is m ore far-reaching; and our own children are getting more training being in a group with other children.
       We used to go out more often before, but it was harder to get the tools out; now the tools go out with effortless ease. On the average, though our days of "work" are fewer, we accomplish more. Being together has also been a blessing in our spiritual walk with the Lord. All these blessings are, I believe, the result of doing things by the Lord's Spirit, and not in our own flesh. It's very enco uraging to see that when we decide to do things the Lord's way, to love and care for each other, then He is bound to bless us in every way.n

       (The Grapevine consists of news from Family members around the world, and is not intended to be an official organ to reflect WS policy or views. Family policy and spiritual guidance will continue to be published in the GNs and FSMs.)

meetings and fellowships

       (Summarized by Anaik, 21:) Roughly 40 YAs/SGAs arrived from all over -- from Okinawa 's white beaches (southern Japan) to Korea (a 3-hour flight). Our meeting lasted from October 15th through the 24th.
       We were 19 guys and 18 gals, including four YA couples and their babies: Timo and Sunny with little Brandon Rhodes; Sam and China with Anthony Jason; Aaron and Jewel with their little girl Adina Patricia, and Peter D. and Maria with Travis Tsukasa. Also Debbie with her cute tod, Alan David.
       We had a sprinkling of first generation adults with us: Jeff (CRO), Rejoice (VS), Merry , Peace and Joan. The crew leading the meetings and keeping things organized was: Jeff (our on-location CRO), Rejoice (VS), Aaron and Jewel (SGAs/VSs), Jonathan (YA/VS) and Sam (of China, YA).
       Our meetings for the next seven days consisted of watching the main Summit videos. We also had several Open Forums on subjects including: pregnancy and marriage, relating to adults, loving Jesus, shepherding teens and JETTs, conviction, upholding the Charter, etc. More than a dozen YAs turned in propheci es they received in private after viewing the Summit '96 "Gift of Prophecy" video.
       Comments from the attendees:
       (From Anique, 18:) The "Loving Jesus" inspiration night we had was really neat. I've never been able to do it practically; just a few little words and that was it. But with us all learning how to get into the Spirit -- to think about the Lord, to stop everything and rest in His arms -- it was like "wow" compared to the other times.
       (From Mark, 20:) It impressed me how Peter alway s goes to the Word for the answers. Even though he's King Peter, he doesn't just answer off the top of his head when people ask questions. He points people right back to the Word and tells them to read it and do what they have the faith for.
       (From a female, 18:) For a long time I've held on to different hang-ups and disobediences. I had a pack of cigarettes, and though I only smoked once, I held onto them, thinking, "Someday I might do it again." Now I want to be proud to be in the Family, not just to see what disobediences I can hold on to, 'cause that is so empty.
       (From Jay, 18:) "Loving Jesus" was presented very simply on the video, and now it's easier to understand it and accept it.


       (From Ben Fighter, Elena and Ramona:)
This September we had the privilege of hosting the TS/DO fellowship meetings in Mexico City. It helped to dispel any reservations and walls that had built up between the TS/DO Family here in Mexico. Some TS brethren and former members have already mo ved into DO Homes, to begin the process of rejoining as DO members!
       (From Ezekiel, CRO:) We had over 100 people (DO and TS) who came for the first day of our 3-day meeting, where we showed the footwashing video from the TS meetings in DC. Quite a few ex-members also came and were happy to participate. Seventy percent of those who attended the meetings did not speak English well enough to understand the videos, so we were thankful to have James (of Flower) who came from Cancun, to help with run ning translations.
       Two days later, we went to Guadalajara, where we held meetings in the Home of Cush and Zara, who have a beautiful property with a swimming pool, soccer court, and volleyball area. About 70 people came to the Guadalajara meetings, where we showed the Summit videos also.n

ama's mailbox
       (Editor's note: In deference to those who have written in confidence to Mama, she has omitted the full names from the letters she submits to this section of the Grapevine. Consequently we will only use these folks' initials. If you don't mind your letter being published with your name included, please make a note of this in your letter to Mama. Names will only be left in if she receives prior permission from the author of the letter.)

Dear Mama and Peter,
       Thank you for the "Help from Heaven" GN. It helped me bring many things into focus, and articulated feelings and impressions that I needed to address and pray about in my own life and Home, but which I had not taken the tim e to get a handle on.
       Reading Yvonna's and Katie's reactions (I have a Katie myself, 3 years old!) has been a great inspiration for me. The things they wrote made me very thankful and proud of our Family to have produced such thoughtful and aware adults who are able to see the causes and effects of people's actions and attitudes, how they shape the complexion of the Family, as well as seeing what we need to do about it. It gave me a sense of peace and reassurance about the leadership of the Fa mily in years to come, to hear from the hearts of these precious ladies.
       The "Praise Kisses" have helped me in much the same way; to articulate deeper feelings that are in my heart for Jesus, but I do not reach down into those wells as often as I should (or would like to). He's so thoughtful to want to draw us near, even when we're so busy (too busy!), and can't seem to find the time to pause and reach deep into our hearts to express what's there for Him. -- He hands it to us on paper from you , Mama, so we can pour it out before Him in return! It's wonderful!
       I am more deeply thankful each day for the Words, the wonderful prophecies, messages, and strengthening kisses from Heaven that give me the energy and power and spirit to carry on! Thank you, Mama and Peter, for it all. Please keep it flowing. It's our life!
       -- Michael Gardener (a.k.a. Micah Teddy Bear), Brazil

Dear Mama and Peter,
       The quotes from "The Crystal Pyramid" in "Problems and Solutions!-Pt.2" (see GN 698) were such a help for me to better understand how things work in the spirit, and how my mind can be controlled for good or bad by the choice I make to either face the light or the darkness. The Lord is so loving and merciful to help me at my slightest attempt to yield.
       Your sample of reading the Word has taught me a lot. I now see the fruit of reading the Word more slowly. I never had a problem believing prophecy; I liked prophecy, but I didn't get a whole lot out of it. Sometimes I found prophecy boring or too repetitious. Now prophecy is the best part of the GN, and I can't wait to hear what the Lord has to say! I know it's gonna be great and just what I need.
       I read them slowly and try to apply every word to me and my life and situation, or whatever I'm going through. It thrills me how the Lord speaks to my heart, answers my questions and fills me up. I can understand now and relate to what it means to be fucked with the Word.-- That's exactly how I feel, there's no better way to put it.
       -- C. (female SGA), Poland

Dearest Mama and Peter,
       I wanted to thank you once again for all you did through the time of Heidi's sickness. It's been one year since Heidi went Home to be with Jesus, and time has gone quickly. Though I miss her a lot, the Lord has been very kind in His love and mercy, and has helped me each day.
       I have been to her grave site a couple times with the children, taking some flowers. We usually pray together and thank the Lord for His Love in letting Heidi be a sweet mummy, and for the wonderful time we had, as well as for her now being in Heaven.
       We are all doing well, though we have our moments of tears. Three-year-old Ricky sometimes comes in my room and says, "I can see Mummy flying around us like an angel!" My two oldest, Michelle (17) and Samuel (16), have been such a help to me in the care of the younger ones, as have the others in the Home, Paul, Faithy and Sarah NZ. I truly could not have made it without them, and our beautiful Family' s prayers, love and care.
       Many times in my witnessing I am able to share with people about Heidi's Homegoing. It opens the door for deeper witnessing, in discussing about Heaven, Jesus and Salvation! Not having Heidi next to me has taken a lot of getting used to, but most nights I am able to use the time alone to read the Word or sing to Jesus.
       I hope to get together with Samaria (American), a single mom who has been in India for about 20 years. When we prayed about it, the Lord showed us to get together so we could help each other and the children. She is bringing two of her children, so we'll have 10 children altogether! The children are all looking forward to it too.
       -- Peter Piper, Australia n

s. news

Peter and Gabe arrived back home after a fruitful seven-week missionary journey to the US where they attended two delegates' meetings. Peter also met with some former Family members, as well as gave a video interview to David Millikan, for his TV documentary on the Fami ly which will appear on Australian TV, on a program similar to America's "20/20." All went extremely well, and we are so happy to have our King and Home shepherd back home for a spell! PTL! We're all so proud of them!
       Joy (longtime secretary in WS, and helper to Peter and Gabe at the delegates' meetings), and Bonnie (also longtime WS secretary) have joined the fledgling GPU. God bless them!
       Gary, Heather, Josiah and the others at the GPU (which at present still only has less than a dozen peo ple) have been working very hard to get the myriad of business details worked out in setting up the GPU for the production that will be done there. More on this coming soon, DV! Peter and Gary met together and were able to do a fair bit of praying and counseling together about these crucial first steps, resulting in some important decisions which we hope will bear a lot of good fruit!
       The computer department is happy to announce that the CDs of the electronic lit library now known as the Home ARC have been replicated and are on their way to the CRO areas. The aim is to have them available to the Homes by Christmas.
       The first edition of the Free Zine (pronounced Zeen, a zany new JETT/teen mag) should be hitting your Homes soon -- if it hasn't already! The Zine team, ranging from ages 17 to 24, are already working on their second issue. Please pray for them, it's a big job -- as you will see!
       This was an especially exciting month for two people -- in the first-ever SGA WS betrothal ceremony, Alec (24) and Jasmine (23) tied the knot! Jasmine is 8 months pregnant, and they are eagerly looking forward to starting their little family. Please pray for a smooth and problem-free delivery around the end of this month!n

       Yes, it's baby time again!


       + Paul and Ruthie Voluntario had their 12th child, Christie Ann, 11 lbs. 4 oz. at birth!
       + SGAs Jason and Christy had a baby girl, Kristin Kelly, born August 5, 1996. -- A natural water birth at home with Family midwife R ose (the baby's grandmother)!
       + Softy (single, SGA) had her first baby (a girl) on August 15th, with Rose Midwife.
       + April (of Mike -- formerly Zeph of "Mike and Zeph" fame; SGAs) is pregnant with #3.
       + Rachelle (of Ivan, SGAs) is pregnant with #2.
       + Debbie (of Tim Drummer, of "Stand Up for Jesus" fame; SGAs) is pregnant with #1, which means Simon and Mary (formerly Andrew and Miriam) and Josiah and Maria will be joining the "Grandparents League."
       + Gloria (of Nathanael, SGAs) is pregn ant with #2 and is due in mid-November.
       + Vicky (of Matt, SGAs) is pregnant with #1.
       + Cedar (of Jason, SGAs and on the NACRO teamwork) is pregnant with #5.
       + Sara (of Frank, SGAs and VS trainees) will be having her 1st baby in early November. If the baby is born 2 days after her due date, it will land on Frank's birthday!
       + Dawn (of Justin, SGAs) had their 1st child, a baby girl named Michelle Leiana, born one month premature, weighing 5½ pounds.
       + Vicky (SGA, of Tim GAP) will be havi ng her 1st child soon.
       -- Courtesy of NACRO Office

more little munchkins ...

PACRO: SGA/YA/Teen babies born this year
+ SGAs David G. and Kishi -- baby boy in October; Brian Shane.
       + YA Sam and Teen China -- baby boy in August; Anthony Jason.
       + SGAs Timo and Sunny -- baby boy in May; Brandon Rhodes.
       + SGAs Eman and Lisa -- baby girl in September; Jayme Brooke.
       + SGAs T.J. and Rubina -- baby boy in October; Brandyn Lawrence.
       + SGA Marie Claire -- baby boy in March; Tristan Lee .
       + YA Heidi May -- baby girl in June; Cherub Olivia.
       + YA Heidi -- baby boy in July; Jayden Shane.
       + SGAs Daniel and Sapphy -- 2nd baby boy in September; Jason Ray.
       + SGAs Aaron and Jewel -- 2nd child, 1st girl in April; Adina Patricia.
       + SGAs Aladdin and Pandita -- 2nd baby, 1st boy in April; Casey James Bryan.
       + SGAs Simon and Daniella --2nd baby girl in June; Cheryl Dianne.
       + YA Gideon and Teen Julia -- baby in October. (Sorry, no name or gender given!)
       + SGAs Josh and Laura -- 4th child, 3rd boy in August; Jeffrey Emanuel.

tying the knot ...

       + YAs Cesco and Crystal Lily got together, and she is pregnant!
       + YAs Shem and Rachel got married, and she is pregnant!
       -- Courtesy of Marie Claire (SGA), PACRO Office

letters to theeditor

Let's pull off the labels
       Although the "playing field is now leveled," as the prophecy says, it seems some DO members still have the idea that they are just a "little higher" or more righteous than the lowly TSers; like th e Concision thinking they were a little better because they were "Jewish" Christians.
       This attitude is what TSers have had to suffer with since the beginning of TS-ism. I submit that the problem which this dear mother of 11 is encountering with "TS teens" in her area is not limited to "TS Teens" (see Grapevine #5, "Increased DO/TS Fellowship"), but it seems bad behavior can be found in DO members as well!
       Agreed, it is our duty as parents to protect our children from such "rotten apple" beha vior as she describes, but to say fellowship with TSers will "pull down the standard," and to label TSers by the bad example seen in some is wrong. This is just as wrong as if I, as a TSer, would label all DO members as "bad" because I have seen bad behavior in some of their children or teens.
       Remember, people are TS for a myriad of reasons. Not all are TS because their teens "desire to pursue a life outside the Family" as seems to be the case where this woman lives. No wonder she doesn't want fellowship with them; she seems to think the "new counsel" is to work together with these kind of TSers!? I haven't heard it yet, so perhaps she is misinterpreting the "new counsel."
       It seems the term TS has a negative connotation among many Family members, which, as Peter told us at the TS/DO fellowship in Washington DC, will take a lot of effort and time to change.
       Let's pull off these labels, break down these walls and forget about any preconceived ideas of what TSers are. Let's work tog ether with each other as one Family whenever and wherever possible, to further His cause!
       -- Richard Fisher (TS), Canada

       After reading the "Bridging the Gap" GN and seeing the video [DC TS Fellowship], I have a suggestion. A step in the right direction toward more unity might be doing away with those very terms. Does DO = disciples only, mean the only disciples and doers of the Word?! And TS = outsiders who fill out a little monthly form and are supposed to support those only [DO] disciple s?!
       With a few exceptions, this has been the feeling the Belgian DO Family has given the TRF Supporters. So what's in a name? -- A lot! How about Family (F) and Charter abiding Family (CF), or anything that shows we're all Family? I pray we will again all be one Family. (Editor's note: Right on! You -- and anyone else who may have had similar thoughts and feelings -- will be happy to know that this very suggestion has already been discussed and is in the works! So, Lord willing, a "name change " is on its way.)
-- Andrew and Celeste (TS), Belgium

What's "watchable"?
       I want to comment on two articles in issue #2 of the Grapevine, entitled "Thoughts About Children's Movies" and the Letter to the Editor from a Home in Australia about movie ratings.
       Since what appeals to some will not appeal to others, I wanted to make a suggestion. When a family visits another Home, it would be nice if before turning on the TV or showing any videos, Home members would check with the visiting adu lt(s) to find out if what they are intending to put on is okay for their children/teens. Or they could phone or meet before the visit to talk about it.
       I think it's a loving thing to do, and shows consideration and respect for the visiting children and parents. It's very embarrassing to have to ask that the TV or video be turned off when you're visiting a Home, or to try to pull your children away from something you don't want them to watch.
       Since not everyone raises their children and teens the same way, talking amongst the parents beforehand, and not in front of your kids or teens, could be a solution.
       -- From Marie (TS), Canada

what's up?
- testimonies from you -

1 down ... 211 to go!

       (From Juan, CRO:) As a follow-up to some of the testimonies sent in earlier (see Grapevine #4, article "Does the Lord Answer Prayer -- or What!?"), there are a couple of answers to prayers I wanted to testify to.
       The Korean man who Jeho met that had helped with $1,000 (US) and p romised to buy them a van has now deposited his $1,000 donation for the second consecutive month. He has promised to continue doing so every month. He is working on getting the van, and is going to pay for a children's Christmas show for the Korean community of Sao Paulo, which will hopefully open up more doors to minister among that community.
       In the same Home (Jeho, Consuelo and Sam), through an old time friend and king, the Lord supplied a donation of $5,000 (US). This has been a tremendous blessing, as with Sam and Leilani (SGA VSs) pulling out of the Home to start VS visitation in Chile, we needed a miracle of supply. Both have carried a big part of the financial responsibility for the Home. We followed the guidance which He gave through prophecy and we are seeing the results!
       Steven (who for the past several years has been helping Jane handle the Argentina case) visited his family in Puerto Rico. On his way back he stopped in Miami for a few days, and while there, he contacte d the Latin representative of ACER computers to ask him to donate a laptop computer. He ministered to this man, and explained how for our Homes in South America it would be such a blessing to have computers, but we cannot afford them due to their high prices.
       This man not only donated the laptop which Steven had asked for, but promised to give a computer to each of our Homes on the continent. He asked for a letter stating the number of Homes in the continent, which we promptly sent. We underst and the donation has already been approved, and in January our Homes will be able to receive the 211 computers we asked for. Since ACER has branches in each South American country, this man has sent a memo to each branch approving the donation. All computers will have a CD-ROM drive (needed for the upcoming Family electronic library), a modem, 16 RAM memory, 486/100 Mhz chip and a 1 Gb hard disk! (Editor's note: Family, please pray that this will come through and the computers will be delivered as this would be an extremely large donation, and a mighty boon to the work in Latin America, by providing computers for all the Homes to be able to use the Home ARC program that will be arriving soon! Thank you.)

Humanitarian aid

       (From Riga Home:) Thanks to the Family in Sweden and Denmark, our team (David, Paloma and family, Patience, Latvian Andrew and Lithuanian Francesco) was able to coordinate and distribute shipments of humanitarian aid to needy families and orphanages. This included hospital equipment worth $90,000, and new clothing and shoes!

Siberia/Bosnia projects

       (From Faithy, TS:)
This month I was contacted by the shipping company that is handling our humanitarian aid shipment, and it will arrive in the Russian Far East in mid-November.
       I met with the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) program development manager concerning our Bosnia project, and she announced to me the good news that they have decided to expand Food for Progress, and are looking at Bosnia, the Middle East and Africa. This is the program that "Project Aid Siberia" has been working with for the past few years. I've presented a concept paper of what I would like to do in the way of food distribution, a program similar to our Siberian one! Please pray for this!
       The Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief called me to inform me that "Project Aid Siberia" has been given a $5,000 grant! And Lufthansa, the German national airline, answered my request letter, and agreed to donate the tickets we need this year to go to Siberia and Bosnia, thank the Lord!
       (Editor's note: Some of you folks in the fields that Faithy's humanitarian aid projects are reaching out to may have a burden to help. If your Home decides together to offer your assistance, particularly in helping with the spiritual ministering that will result from the physical aid that will be distributed, we're sure this would be a welcomed blessing.)

Eight hours and eight days
St. Petersburg, R ussia

       (From Nat:)
Good news! Our shipment of humanitarian aid made it through customs! (See "Consider the Poor," Grapevine #5.) I had found a hospital in Finland that was willing to give equipment to help the under-financed local Red Cross here, then we found a shipping company willing to transport it for free. The shipment took only about eight hours to get to Russia, but eight days to get through customs. -- But it's finished! It's all at the hospital now: fifteen hospital beds, examination tables, an operating table, an operating microscope and other specialized medical equipment, worth tens of thousands of dollars. Thanks for your prayers.

"... and Candle?"

       (From Abner and Promise, TS:) We were shamers in the amount of Word we were getting out, although we had a desire to reach the field and get the Words out. We are only two adults and three kids, one of whom is severely handicapped.
       We have a little saying in our Home, "and Candle?" Candle can't walk at all, so sh e is used to not being able to do things other kids can. Whenever someone says something like, "Let's go for get out," she always says in her feeble way, "...and Candle?" to make sure we'll take her too.
       After the "Loving Jesus" GNs (1 and 2) came out, we forsook our schedule and for the first two hours of the day we would read from the GNs, have Praise Time, and then prayer and prophecy. The Lord did miracles in giving us a stronger connection with Him. He impressed on us that He wants to rea ch the souls around us, and told us that He was giving us a new gift, the gift of seeing the spiritual need and hunger of the people.
       We've started to poster a lot more, and, the shiner has turned out to be Candle. She, in her crippled condition, gives out the posters from her wheelchair, and holds out her donation box. She is so inspired and always wants to go out. We've been going out a lot more, and we do not hear the words "...and Candle?" anymore.
       When Candle was born premature and had to spend her first six weeks in the hospital, I asked the Lord if she was going to have severe problems, and if so, to please take her Home. The Lord clearly spoke and said, "Better to have some dinky fruit that remains, than a healthy crop that rots."
       Now we see this fulfilled as Candle is reaching whole cities and towns as we travel around. She gets away with it (giving out the posters), as store owners often let her go ahead, when they would stop others of us. She also rallies the rest of u s to get out, as she doesn't seem to have as much pride, and will go out postering every day if asked. God certainly gets great victories out of seeming defeats! (From the editors: God bless you, dear Candle, we are so proud of you!)

Marilyn -- a hit!

       (From Sunny, CRO:) Last month when visiting one of our most successful witnessing Homes in Rio, I was encouraged and surprised to see how open our close friends are to the "Celestial Interviews."
       In addition to a group of 25-30 peopl e that come every Thursday for Bible classes, this Home has another group of 15 live-out members, who are advancing through a discipleship course.
       One night Jose and Faithy introduced the new pre-release of "Who Said They're Dead?" to the group. After reading Mama's preface and Jesus' introductory message, they let our friends choose which message from the departed saints they wanted to read. The decision was unanimous -- Marilyn Monroe's! Wow, what a group! Throughout the entire reading of Ma rilyn's sex message, you could feel they were turned on and "hot" about the whole thing; and the "oohs" and "ahs" could be heard, ha!
       This group is sold out on the Family's belief in communicating and hearing directly from Heaven and departed spirits. They deeply love the words of David. On Tuesdays they get together to discuss and debate the last subject studied from the Treasure Hunt course they're progressing through, and to have their weekly memory test.
       They've taken the initiative to t eam up in groups of two or three, and do "Consider the Poor" projects. They distribute posters, tracts and donated food, and do repair and painting jobs at orphanages, etc. They also faithfully support the Home with their donations and assistance. God bless them!

Puppets: A ministry for all

       (From David and Paloma:) A year ago we decided to pioneer this exciting ministry. Polish Joseph made the puppets from household materials: plastic bottles, gauze, cloth, flour, water, matches, et c. It took him nearly two months working together with Patience (20, Russian national), Cristina (14) and our JETT and OC. The end result was -- a beautiful puppet show!
       Everyone is involved, especially the kids. From behind the stage, Cristina (14), Desiree (13) and Francisco (11) manage the puppets, relating stories like "The Rock in the Road," "The Christmas Story," "The Camel's Nose" and "Zaccheus." The MC beside the puppet stage translates the show in the local language, either Russian or Latvian. Then our children and teens perform a few songs, and finally present the Salvation prayer, leading everyone to receive Jesus. We also give them posters.
       Everybody enjoys it, including the organizers (our puppet show is free of charge, ha!). We perform in government schools, orphanages, children's homes, four-star hotels -- you name it. Usually their last words are, "Please come again!" This month alone, 1,007 souls were won through our puppet show!n

umor mill
       Question: We heard that there were various meetings being held by Peter in the States; for example, the Summit meeting in the States, TS fellowship in the States, the delegates' meetings in the States, etc. Is the States special for some reason, or is WS experimenting with the States? Not that we're jealous... ha! Any comments on this? -- Anonymous, Japan.
In brief, the answer is no! The States is not "where it's at" or the "in" place. The Summit was held in the US primarily because it was the shortest, easiest and cheapest route for the greatest number of attendees. In the past, Summits have been hosted in different CRO areas.
       The DC TRF Supporter fellowship meeting had already been organized by the TRF Supporter Family in North America, and Peter and Gary attended because at the last minute the Lord intervened, saying they should go to encourage the TRF Supporter brethren, and thereby help bridge the gap between the DO and TRF Supporter Family, not only in the States (where there is a larg e TRF Supporter population), but worldwide.
       The main reason the first delegates' meetings Peter attended were in the US is because a great number of our young people have moved to the States in recent years for various reasons, but now many of those there are struggling -- perhaps more so than anywhere else. So the US was not getting the extra attention because it was doing better than anywhere else, but because it needed the most help. In fact, one of the main thrusts of the delegates' meetin gs held in the US was to encourage people to leave the US and go to other mission fields. (See GN 708, "Will You Answer the Call?" -- Coming soon!)
       The good news is that you will all be able to benefit from the recent meetings which Peter held in the US via video, just as you have from the Summit Meetings! Peter's meetings were videoed and will be sent to the CROs very shortly. The CROs, in the months ahead, will try to show them to the Homes.

       Question: I heard recently that Ready (of Dulc i, formerly Joseph Eastman) left the Family. Since he's very well known here in the EE, "news" like this travels fast. Is it true? -- From Christina, Eastern European ABM
No, it's not! Ready and Dulci and their family are faithful and active reporting DO members, currently in a Home in Illinois, USA. God bless 'em!

       Question: We've heard from various people that teen Clare (of John PI and Mary MOM), who used to be in Japan, left the Family. Is this true? If you know, please publish an answer because many say she has, but others say she hasn't. We sure hope she hasn't. -- From Daniel and Tigo (17), South America
Nope, she hasn't left the Family! Clare (now age 16) is presently living and working in Hungary. She's been in Europe for the last three years, which is why you haven't seen her on the new videos.

       Question: Is it true that the GPU is not going to be printing any of the "Who Said They're Dead" material? Mother Eve and Stephen David have apparently been saying that Mama and Peter have decided not to print this material for the public. -- Anonymous, US.
Mama and Peter definitely do intend to print the "Who Said They're Dead" series for the GP. The printing of GP books is a major undertaking which requires a great deal of legal work in order to set up a full-fledged publishing company. So the GPU will probably start by publishing some 64-page booklets of MO Letters and other materials for distribution in the near future, while it contin ues working through all the legalities and other technicalities needed to publish and distribute full-blown paperback books, including the "Who Said They're Dead" books.

movie ratings

Rated for Adults and YAs

Dennis Hopper, Amy Locane, Amy Irving
       Drama/character study set in the '60s about a middle-aged school teacher in a small rural town who gets involved with a flirty teen.

Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Steve Martin, D iane Keaton
       Fun, pro-fatherhood comedy about the joys of pregnancy and childbirth with a good central message. Supporting roles portraying homosexuals and a strong materialistic slant taint this otherwise light and entertaining movie.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Michael Douglas, Val Kilmer
       Tense drama about a British railway engineer in Africa who teams up with a hunter to track down two man-eating lions on a killing spree. Based on true eve nts that occurred in 1898. Some graphic and bloody scenes of attacking lions -- in particular a scene involving a woman and baby -- could be disturbing to some.

Antonio Banderas, Melanie Griffith, Daryl Hannah
       Romantic comedy about a swindling art dealer who becomes engaged to a rich woman, but then falls in love with her sister. Light entertainment only.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

Alison Elliot, Ellen Burstyn
       Drama/character study abo ut a female ex-con who attempts to start a new life in a small Maine town after her release from prison. Lessons on trust and labeling. Intense in parts, and younger or sensitive viewers may want to avoid the scene where the girl explains in graphic detail the reason she went to jail.

Movies Rated for MCs and Up

Mimi Rogers, Bruce Davidson
       Adventure story of a boy and his dog who survive the capsizing of their boat and fight for survi val in a forest as they try to find their way home. Good tips on wilderness survival. May not hold the attention of younger viewers.

Non-Recommended Movies

       ESCAPE FROM L.A. (Kurt Russell; 1996)
       MAD LOVE (Chris O'Donnell, Drew Barrymore; 1995)
       MR. WRONG (Ellen DeGeneres, Bill Pullman; 1996)
       SUBSTITUTE, THE (Tom Berenger, Ernie Hudson; 1996)


       I really like how the last two tapes [In It Together and Stir It Up] came out. They are great! Each of the songs are so special t o me. They draw me close to Jesus and Dad! Our music is tremendous -- the best in the whole world. I'll never ever understand those who listen to ugly System music which is so miserable in the spirit!
       -- Patience (20), Russian national, 1 year in the Family


       Often I've heard a lot about a movie [or tape] and how good it is, but frequently I've been disappointed, as it didn't measure up to my expectations. Before we received "Open for Love," I'd already heard about it from a few people and via the Grapevine.
       I was so surprised when I heard it. I wasn't disappointed at all! It is the most beautiful tape I have ever heard. No kidding! The interesting thing I found about this tape is that, if you're yielded, it makes you do what it's talking about -- take off your garment of pride. My compliments to all who worked on it!
       -- From Tom (SGA), Ukraine


       There was a time when I found Family music monotonous, and I was quite surprised that no more "variety tapes" were going to be re leased. I must admit that I am so thankful now. The new FTTs -- though I am not a teen -- are wonderful!
       -- Peter, Europe


       I especially liked "Coming of Age" and "Safe in Your Arms." Even though I'm a 45-year-old Family musician, inclined more to country music, these youthful songs were my favorites!
       -- Jonathan Harper (Obed Bugs), Romania


       Real cool! Every time I listen to the new tapes, I feel like I've been charged up! They are so much more powerful than the "variety tapes," and g ive that extra "buzz." I feel like "showing them off" to teens in the world who ask what kind of music I listen to. I feel privileged to have such Heavenly music. (Editor's note: Pray for the GP tape in the works comprised of FTT songs, so you can do just that! Thanks.)
-- Ariane (16), India


       Fantastic! -- That would be the word to describe these tapes! Great! Excellent! Amazing! Touching! Daring! Lovely! Radical! Stirring! These tapes have the pure clean waters and radical message. When I heard the tapes [FTTs] for the first time, I could hardly believe what I was listening to! Something like this is too good to be true! Is this really the Family?! After listening to these tapes, I can say they've broken all my attachments to System music.
       -- Rahul, Indian Subcontinent

"Bold 'n' Brave!" -- FTT #7 -- Coming Soon!!
       side a: (29:36)       Singer:       Lyrics:       Music:
       Essence of Life       Sylvia       Andrew V.       Andrew V.
       You Won't Go Down at All       Emmanuel       Emmanuel       Emmanuel
       Hallelujah       Philly       Man ases, Sunny       Manases
       The King's Return       Chris       Thaddeus       Thaddeus
       Things that Made Me Strong       Lara       Unknown (adapted by Anne L.)       Anne L.
       Jesse's Song       Nat S.       Nat S       .       Nat S.
       These Battleground Years       Emmanuel       Emmanuel       Emmanuel

       side b:
(29:41)       Singer:       Lyrics:       Music:
       Whispers of Love       Julia       Anne L.       Anne L./BAS
       Spend Time, Take Time       Sunny       Andrew V./Genai       Andrew V.
       Never Alone       Ben G.       Ben G.*, T.J.**       Ben G., T.J.
       Love the Sinner       Micah/Jeremy/Emmanuel       Micah/BAS       Jeremy
       When's the Last Time?        Sunny/Andrew V.       Jeff***       Jeff
       Unto You       Consuelo       Sherri       Sherri
       When Will the War Be Ended?       Angelina, Paul H., Joyful       Michael P., TAS,       Michael P. , Windy, Barry

       (Editor's note: "Bold 'n' Brave" is being shipped to your Service Center for duplication in early November.)

Credit where credit is due
       In the first few FTTs, the WS music department tried to make note of a composer/singer(s) previous name. However, they do not have enough space to continue including this information on the la bel of each new FTT. So please take note of people's new names, such as: Philip (Brother Sun), Vas (David S.), Ben G.* (Benji), T.J.** (John of Ruby), Jeff*** (Big John or Big Jesse), etc. If there is a new composer/singer whose name has not yet appeared on FTT credits, then we will try to include their former name, if applicable. Good listening!n

deas, tips & suggestions

Sister Homes

       (From Tim A., SGA:)
I have an idea for pioneer countries like the EE or Asia, to help them get needed finances, and at the same time to help the Homes in the West feel more a part of the work in these parts of the world. Homes in the West could take on a Home in a poorer country, as a sister Home. The Home on the richer field would raise funds for their sister Home, and the Home on the poorer field would keep them updated on all that the Lord is doing, just as if they were one Home.
       I lived in Japan for three years and in the US for 1-½ years. Though at times it was difficult to make e nds meet, generally it was quite easy to raise needed funds. Usually in the Homes I lived in, we were able to get the money we needed to operate the Home in only three days of fund raising per week. I know this is not always the case, but some Homes only do fund raising about three times a week.
       My suggestion is that, on a volunteer basis, a Home would choose a Home or pioneer situation in a needy area and become a support base for that Home. Initially, I am sure it will be difficult. I am sur e many feel that they are already struggling themselves, so how could they possibly take on another Home and their financial burdens as well? It could be, though, that the Lord would bless it when He sees our sacrifice and us working together in greater unity and love. If nothing else, He will bless the greater giving to His work.
       A couple other bonuses that it could bring about are: It would give more appeals for the Homes to use when approaching businesses for support, and, if it starts work ing well, it would take some of the financial burden off WS (which helps support some poorer mission fields), and free more money for other projects.
       (Editor's note: If you would like to support or "adopt a Home" on a poorer mission field, please inform the CRO office who has jurisdiction over that area, via your ABM or CRO.)

open forum

       (From Jenna:) Okay, let's kick off our Open Forum page! Your responses have been pouring in, and it's been great hearing from each of you! So it looks l ike we'll be having a little discussion, a little debate, a bit of "opinion airing" around here. -- Sound good? Let me refresh your memory as to what question "you, the people" are responding to here:

       Question: Well, what is the attraction of System music? Why do they (or you, to bring it down home) listen to it? How does it hit you? How does it make you feel? What's been the fruit of listening to it in your life, or do you have any thoughts on how it affects others?

       So here begin your r esponses! And don't forget to start sending in your responses to our Open Forum question in Grapevine #6!

think it's our attitudes that count. If our daily diet is System music -- forget it! At dance nights a little bit of System music, for me, is acceptable. Of course, Family music should have the upper hand in all of our activities.
       Why should we stoop to listen to music that is inferior in every way, when compared to our music? Why give credit to the world's music by constantly listen ing to it? Instead of complaining about our music, why don't we pray for new stylish songs and make our music the best ever! For me, Family music will always be "it!"
       -- From Ariana (16), Colombia

       For the record, I'm 35 years old, married (sorry girls!), and have five young kids. On the music issue, whew -- it's a hot one, isn't it?
       I love music and was brought up on three hours of hard rock and psychedelic music every day. I joined at the age of 17 in the late '70s, and learned to play the guitar and sing. "I ain't no square!" It may surprise our younger generation to know that a lot of us "older folks" like fast, meaty music just as much, if not more than you do. The only thing is that when we joined the Family, we forsook it for the Lord's work. Sure I miss the beats, but if that was the price to pay to serve the Lord, then it was worth it! If we leave the Lord's service because of music, then maybe our priorities are wrong somewhere! Our treasure is in Heaven.
       Granted, th ere has been a dearth of good Family music for some time, so a thirst for music is understandable, but the music coming out now is grrrrrrreat! Although it's not coming out as fast as the System puts out (they do have thousands more bands than we do), it's a trend that I'm sure is here to stay. While music has been a problem, the answer is streaming in with the FTTs!
       Personally, I've not seen any good fruit from System music. So why listen to it just because there has been a shortage of Family music? It ain't worth it. Stone me if you like, but that's my two cents, for what it's worth.
       -- Paul, Kenya

       Some System music is really cool, and like any music lover, I like to have a lot of music. Of course, most of it doesn't have the Spirit and therefore is not edifying for your spirit. I can definitely tell when I've listened to too much of it, as it affects me negatively. I know it's best to only listen to Family music, because the Lord says so in the music GN, and He explains why clearly, with very good reasons, but I think there is another side to it.
       If I like some System music, and it doesn't have a bad message or glorify Satan, etc., why not? Everyone is entitled to their own likings, so why can't we be responsible for our own actions -- and cut loose? I try not to listen to it very often; besides, the latest FTTs have made the top of the list! -- Like real good footloose! I just like a lot of different stuff.
       -- Chris (SGA), Poland

       Some people generalize and say, "All Sys- tem music is bad!" or "All Family music is good." Why listen to System music? I have a few reasons why I do. For one, I am a musician, so I like to listen to music that is technically together, has good arrangements, and good vocals.
       You may say, "There are a lot of singers out there who are really bad, both technically and vocally!" True, true, but I don't listen to them. "But what about the lyrics? System music is full of demonic lyrics that bring you down!" Yes, also true, b ut I don't listen to that stuff. I listen to music to get ideas and styles for my playing.
       Then the question comes up, "Do we want to copy 'the System' and make our music like theirs?" I think so, and I congratulate some of the FTT guys for trying. You guys are producing some good stuff, and it's getting better!
       "What about the effect of System music?" (Oooh, a biggie!) I have seen some people get depressed, sassy, and even foul from music. If you are depressed and you put on depressing musi c, for some odd reason, (ha!) you seem to get even more depressed, whether it's Family or System music. You shouldn't listen to music that's going to have a bad effect on you.
       -- From one of those Mikes (17)

       I prefer slow types of music, so I wanted to make myself a tape of well-known, slow instrumentals (since many nice System songs have trashy words). I began listening to a radio station that broadcasts instrumentals only. But in order to find one nice song, I had to listen to hours of t rash. I knew this was going a little too far, but it had become an addiction. This whole process drained me and I was so dry in the spirit.
       Then the FTTs started to come out and I made myself a tape of all the slow numbers taken from the FTTs. But then again I got back into this instrumental business. Most of these songs had no words, so to me it seemed harmless, but boy, I was heading for trouble. My interactions with others got really bad, and worst of all, I was being a bad sample to the te ens.
       I was desperate for slow tapes, so I prayed that the Family would produce a tape of just slow numbers. -- A few weeks later the "Open for Love" tape came out. I fell in love with the tape!
       I think the lesson is that sometimes we hunger for a certain kind of music, and if we're not prayerful we can find ourselves looking in the wrong places. The Family has a wide variety of songs, but not instrumentals, so some of us feel tempted to go to the System to get it. They don't feed our spirits at all; they're very subtle and little by little they eat away at us, just like a cancer.
       I decided to stay away from the radio now, and even though sometimes I feel tempted to see what's playing, the Lord has helped me not to. -- Where there's a will, there's a way!
       -- Jay P. (23), South America

       Being a musician, I like listening to different styles. But, from my own experience, the music out there never gives me the boost I need in my walk with the Lord; in fact, it nearly saps me dry . -- Never fails! Every time I listen to it (especially love songs), it gets me introverted and on an enormous bummer. Sure, there are some songs that I like, but when comparing them to our own Spirit-filled, Word-based songs, believe it or leave it, only two words come to mind: It's crap!
       -- David A. (19), Kenya

       We sometimes label anything that's not from the Family as "System music," and say that we can't listen to it! What about the "System" videos we watch, the "System" computer progra ms we use, the "System" books we read and so on? I think we shouldn't turn our ears away from every System song, or look down on our teens for listening to them!
       However, some songs seem so evil, I think it's right for the Family to turn away from those! Maybe we should have a rating or something. Plus, some songs don't affect every person the same way! Like in anything, we need to have wisdom, moderation, love, understanding and openness, but we also need discernment and prayer that our liber ty doesn't become a stumbling block for us or others!
       -- T. (TS single adult), France

       I started listening to a lot of System music when I was 11, and did so because I wanted to be "in" with the older guys. As I grew up and no longer felt that peer pressure, I just listened to it 'cause it was the best thing to listen to at the time. I had it more like a collector's item, and just listened to it from time to time and on dance nights. Since I never got too "into it," it never had a big effec t on me.
       The reason I stopped was that I saw how it affected others, especially my younger brothers. When my mom talked to me about it, I got convicted, since I didn't want to be a bad sample to them. But oh, I just couldn't forsake it. It was my little "Huddersfield."
       When I did finally forsake it, I had a real peace in my heart about it. Also, I had always felt a little guilty when I listened to it. I would always have to be on my own, and where no one could see me. But now that I don't li sten to it, I don't feel guilty anymore!
       -- Tigo Jasper (17), Brazil

       I started listening to System music because my friends did, and I was the little dork who didn't have enough guts to stand up against it. I think that's one of the main problems: peer pressure. Imagine if all the teens in the Family constantly criticized and looked down on people that listened to System music: our problem with System music would be solved.
       Next was the feeling it gave me. I would lay on my bed listening to romantic, slow music, and it would make me daydream about my girlfriend, or ex's, and all the great times we had together... and off I'd go floating on my favorite cloud.
       Let's face it! It puts you in a different world! But you don't usually stop there. It goes on until you listen to all sorts of weird stuff. The usual excuse is, "It doesn't affect me!" Give me a break! It's like saying a bullet in the head doesn't faze you. That's where the trouble lies. You don't realize that it has an e ffect on you.
       This is a touchy subject for most young people, but if you're doing something, you should at least have the courage to stand up and defend it. I was the same way. I still really like System music, but man, you've got to give up something if you want to serve the Lord! My taste for music turned from bad to worse, and pretty soon I was listening to some cosmic weirdo rapping the most perverse lyrics.
       Almost every teen in the Family listened or listens to System music at some time . I think it's okay to listen to it occasionally, maybe on dance night or something, but the bad thing is when you don't know what the word "occasionally" means.
       Just look around you! Look at the singers that sing your "favorite" songs. This one looks like a girl and his face is falling apart, that one is a pansy, and the other worships the Devil. My God! That should be enough to make you realize that a bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit. But if you don't give it up, don't look down on tho se that make the decision to. Let's still all be friends and comrades, and fight the battle together.
       To end this, I beg all my friends -- you teens -- to think about what I'm gonna say. Look what it's doing to our younger brothers and sisters! We're their role models. They look up to us. That alone should be enough for us to be willing to forsake something that we all like. We're the sample. They won't listen to the adults nearly as much as they will to us! Let's make a united stand, and let' s get rid of one of the main footholds the Devil has in our lives!
       -- JD (15), Poland

send it in!
       Please send your news, articles and contributions to TheGrapevine to the following postal or e-mail address (e-mail will reach us soonest). You can also send articles via your TRF or CRO office. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

       The Grapevine
       P.O. Box 870756
       Mesquite, TX 75187-0756

       Our e-mail address is as follows: grape@ibm.net (Please send your articles unencr ypted for now. Thanks.)

a note fromthe editors
       Thanks to all of you who have written in! Our e-mail site is being flooded with your responses and contributions! Keep 'em coming! We're sorry that we can't publish everything that comes in due to lack of space, but it's terrific having such a variety of material to keep the Grapevine informative, interesting and inspiring!
       Some tips for writing in, either by e-mail or snail-mail: Make us editors happy by ... keeping it brief! Articles sent in for Your Views on Issues, Open Forum or Letters to the Editor are best at one or two paragraphs, so we can include something from more people! Give us your name, age and location, please! Indicate clearly whether or not you want your name published along with your article. Thanks! You're wonderful!

hine on

       Dear Family, We love you! Following are the worldwide souls and tool Shiners (DO and TS) for the months of August and September. We ask the August winners to please forgive our tard iness, we will attempt to get this list pubbed monthly in the future. Although we are listing the top ten Homes in each category, to give honor to whom honor is due, only the top three Homes will receive the free tools as outlined in Grapevine #3. God bless you all for faithfully feeding and leading the sheep.


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family