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The Grapevine Issue #6 November 1, 1996       DO/TS

© November 1996, The Family, Zurich Switzerland.

       your views on issues ... 2
       a note from mama ...4
       meetings & fellowships ...4
       new movie ratings ...5
       what's up? ..6
       rumor mill ...7
       open forum ... 8
       studio news ...10
       letters to the editor ...12


Vladivostok -- A witnessing paradise!

       (From Francis Peruvian:)
Imagine yourself in an exotic, far-out, Far East place! -- Near Korea, near China, r ight across from Japan; a city with beautiful beaches and hot summers, delightful springs and autumns, an untouched and virgin field ready to be ravished with the love of God and David!
       Imagine yourself witnessing daily to hundreds of kids and teens, who as soon as they see you arrive, come running up to you. Imagine yourself performing and singing to extremely receptive audiences that join in with clapping, dancing and delight, and end up praying sincerely to receive Jesus in their hearts.
       If you are a boy, imagine yourself witnessing every day to gorgeous, beautiful, receptive, sincere and sheepy girls; or if you are a girl, witnessing to strong, precious and sheepy navy officers, marines and university students that can communicate in English or Russian.
       Imagine yourself having weekly meaningful meetings with lots of sheep attending, doing an average of four shows a week, having so many open doors that you can't possibly enter them all; being officially invited to perform in a ll these places with the local administration's permission; having the best universities, hospitals, institutes and companies calling on you for seminars and concerts, as well as having lots of fun serving the Lord and enjoying life, while living and working with a united team. Welcome to a missionary's paradise!
       The Lord is doing beautiful miracles for our missionary outpost in Russia. Our Home consists of Andy and Becky and their 7 children, 5 teens, 2 Russian nationals and myself. In the pa st two-and-a-half months we have done 35 concerts, prayed with 2,800 kids and teens, and distributed tons of lit, as well as three tons of humanitarian aid to 15 orphanages. We have done seminars in hospitals and teachers institutes, shows in summer camps, orphanages, army schools and navy bases; even a show on board a Russian warship. We started weekly meaningful meetings, an English club for the largest university in the Russian Far East, and are planning to open more English clubs for the top business people in our town. We are receiving daily visitors in our Home, and the list goes on.
       "The Lord has done great things for us, whereof we are glad." Everything the Lord said in prophecy regarding this country is being fulfilled, and we are so happy serving Jesus in the Family, with such wonderful shepherds -- Mama and Peter -- and so many precious sheep to take care of. It pays to serve Jesus! It's wonderful!
       All glory to Jesus, and a big thanks to our present and future supporters that make this dream a reality. We love you! Come and join us!


A pioneer work in... Vietnam

       (From your Vietnam pioneers:)
When we first set out to pioneer this country, the Lord described the great vacuum for the love of David in this land, showing us pictures of many hands reaching out for the Word. Now, a year later, we can see clearly what the Lord was talking about. Having been isolated from the rest of the world for almost 20 years, the younger generation is starving for spiri tual input!
       One avenue the Lord showed us to use to reach the country was through CTP ministries! This approach helps our Vietnamese sheep and friends relate to us better, and many of them join in on our CTP programs. They relate to us differently from other foreigners, because, as they say, "You're helping our people."
       One of our regular CTP ministries is at a center for children with polio. Every week we visit them, teach them, and do activities with them. Once we were able to organize a f un picnic for about 30 orphaned polio victims, which was a blast! Now many of the children call the Family men "daddy"!
       We're also helping out at an old folks home. These old people have no relatives, and they are so appreciative of the love and attention we show them. With our basic Vietnamese we have been able to give them a simple message of God's Love, and several of them have gotten saved! Through the help of our friends we were able to raise sponsorship for over 250 mosquito nettings -- one for each elderly person. Their quarters are buildings over 100 years old, with no ceilings or windows, so mosquitoes were quite a problem for the old folks. -- Not any more, though!
       There is a local center for the mentally handicapped where our team teaches the children every week. We are now included in the curriculum for this center and a feature of the PTAs and any public performances. The Lord also opened the door for us to minister to and teach street children. It all started when we met two children on the streets of Saigon selling postcards, and we began teaching them English every week in a restaurant. Now our class has grown to nine students and we have the use of a classroom at the school where we teach.
       In our classes we use Family songs, videos and tapes. The children enjoy the Kiddie Viddies and Treasure Attics, and many know the songs from our tapes. Our videos are now a part of the curriculum, and many teachers at the school go around singing Family songs! Last C hristmas we showed the children the Christmas video and taught them a Christmas song, with the Communist director's blessing!
       Aside from this, we have a nucleus of close sheep and friends, many of them met through English clubs or teaching. The Lord has shown us that the best way to operate here is through personal follow-up. -- Teaching and training individuals who will then go out and reach their own people. It's working! There is already a group of catacombers who are spreading the message to others using posters and other lit.
       The Lord raised up a precious man to help with translations. Initially he would translate everything by himself, but now he has organized a team of translators and he just proofreads what they have worked on. It is working well and we are receiving a steady stream of top quality translations! -- So far all the Reflections, Mountain Streams, and Living Waters have been translated, plus other items have been or are being translated.
       It's inspiring to see how the Lord has provided for our little pioneer work here (one home with 7 adults, a teen, 2 JETTs and a baby). We're not able to provision, but our friends often bring over items we need without our even asking them! -- They may not know all of our needs, but the Lord sure knows!
       The work here has mainly been confined to Ho Chi Minh city (formerly Saigon, the capital of former South Vietnam), which is the most liberal and open part of the country. We have sent a few road teams to towns furth er north and some of the surrounding provinces, but we've barely scratched the surface of reaching this country. Please pray that the Lord multiplies our efforts and shows us what He wants us to do to get the Words of David to every corner of this country.


Close encounters -- of the Chinese kind

       (During the Taiwan teen camp, some of the teens and adults who have been living, witnessing and studying in China shared their recent adventures! Here's a few of them!)
       (From Chinese Rache l, Taiwan:)
Titus and I recently took a trip into China to advertise our show troupe, and to look for open doors and places for them to perform. When we went through the borders, they didn't even check our baggage. We had a few Bibles hidden, but they just waved us right through.
       We prayed and decided to go to some of the 5-star hotels to talk to the managers about booking our show. Overall, the response we got from the hotels was very good, the managers were right away asking us to make contr acts with them, talking about paying our airfare and putting us up, etc.
       We made an appointment with the manager of a large hotel. His name was Joshua, so we realized he must be a Christian to have a Bible name. He told us that he had been persecuted for his faith in the past, but that all the trials he went through had only made him stronger. He agreed to let the teens perform at his hotel.
       To be able to perform in China, you have to get a performing permit from the Beijing bureau, so I cal led Hong Kong to speak to my friend who works for an entertainment company. He was very willing to help us, but when he called Beijing, he found out they are only allowed to have 30 groups per year perform in Shanghai, and these 30 permits had already been given out, so the Lord showed us to move on and try another city. Just before we left, we found out about an amusement park that had just opened in Shanghai where if you perform, you do not need a permit. It seemed this park had not been doing good business as they were low on entertainment. We spoke with the manager and he was so excited about us coming, and offered us a six-month contract!
       Through counseling with some of the people we had met, we decided to go north to another large city. We went to the only 5-star hotel in the whole province, and after speaking with the manager, he offered air tickets, hotel rooms and a performing contract. He said he would help us with visas also.
       In Beijing we met Jondy who was on the road w ith all his bags, bedding, etc. He was bubbling over with exciting testimonies of all the Lord's been doing for them. We were also referred to a Romanian lady, who wants us to perform on the Great Wall of China -- far out!!
       We came back from this trip very inspired and encouraged with all the doors the Lord opened for us and the prospect of the show troupe going for it in China!


(The following are testimonies from teens and YAs in China:)

       When living at a university, we got to k now another missionary from England, who was also a teacher. He's super on fire and always shouting "PTL! TYJ!" and we have to remind him to be quiet because of security.
       There was a lame beggar on campus who always asked this missionary for money. Finally he told him to come to his apartment and that he would give him some money, feed him dinner and pray for him to be completely healed. He prayed for him, and right away the man got healed -- he could walk! Now the university board has kicked the missionary out and he can't teach next term.


       One time a girl came over and we went out to eat together. I noticed that she was wearing a Buddhist charm around her neck. Since they aren't supposed to have any religion here, I asked her if she was a Buddhist. She said, "I used to be (and then she whispered), but then I found something better!" I asked her what it was, and she said excitedly, "Jesus! Do you know Him too?" I told her I did, and from then on all she wanted to do was t alk about Jesus. She pulled out her Bible and showed me the things she didn't understand; she had them all marked, and we went over them together.


       I was talking to a man and his sister and I guessed that his sister was a Christian, and he said she was. He asked me how I knew, and I replied it was because of the glow on her face. Right away he wanted to pray and get that glow on his face, so we prayed together. Later on that day, he came back to me and said, "Sonia, look at my face. I s it glowing?"


       One time we met a minority Christian group who live in China way up in the mountains. They live high up so the authorities cannot stop them. There's about 1000 people and they live in mud shacks. They get together to pray, sing and read the Bible. When we were leaving, we were driving down the mountain and 200 of them climbed to the mountain top overlooking the city and sang to us. It was so beautiful. They asked Andy and Joy to come and sing and preach to them. They w ere crying, saying they had finally met some people who shared their hopes, dreams and love for Jesus.



VICTORY! -- Out of Marquevich's hands! Buenos Aires

       (From Jane:)
We are happy to report that the Supreme Court has once again taken our case out of Marquevich's hands and ruled that it should go to a provincial court. As you can imagine, we're thanking and praising Jesus, rejoicing and celebrating this miraculous victory!
       (Editor's note: When the children wer e released in December '93, the Appeals Court ruled that Marquevich was incompetent to judge our case, since it did not fall under his jurisdiction. That decision was appealed, and the matter went to the Supreme Court. Somehow or another -- we're not sure exactly how -- the case eventually wound up back in Marquevich's hands, and he recently began summoning some of the brethren who were originally arrested back to court. Our lawyers appealed the decision of allowing Marquevich to continue the ha ndling of our case, and now the Supreme Court has decided in our favor, hopefully wresting the case from Marquevich permanently. Praise the Lord!)

       The subpoenas which had been ordered by Marquevich are now suspended, since our case is out of his hands. We'll be counseling with our lawyers and presenting the necessary briefs to close the case.
       We hope the case will be closed in the near future, and also that its closing will help close other cases and investigations that were opened in the pa st, but were never completely closed. As Dad said in the middle of the persecution in '93, "Wait 'til you see the end!"

Visiting Teen Phillipe in the Hospital

       (From Amber, SGA:)
Two months ago Phillipe (14) was diagnosed with advanced brain cancer, and he is presently in a hospital in France. (See Prayer List #38.) Our EURCRO office team got together and heard from the Lord for him. The Lord spoke beautiful, encouraging words to Phillipe, and showed us that we should visit him perso nally and share the prophecy with him, and let him know how much we love him and are praying for him.
       When we arrived at the hospital, we found out that only two people were allowed in his hospital room each day. However, we were given an exception and were allowed to rotate people.
       For the first shift, my dad (Gallio, CRO) and I went in. We spent some time getting to know Phillipe (as neither of us had met him before). We then shared with him the prophecies we had received, and had good pra yer and talk time together. Then we had fun playing board games and talking with him; he was having so much fun, it seemed he totally forgot he was even sick!
       For the last shift I got to spend a few more hours alone with Phillipe and the other cancer patient in his room, Cyril (not in the Family). Cyril is 17 years old and so sweet. I tried to talk to him, but being that I don't speak French, it was hard to say much, but Phillipe helped translate.
       By the end of the day, Phillipe and I had be come good friends, and it was real hard for me to leave him. He's such a special boy. Despite all he's been through -- two operations and spending the last two months in the hospital -- he is so cheerful about it all, and thankful for what he does have, and how well he's being taken care of. He never once complained about his sickness or the pain, or his having to be away from his Home. He showed a trusting, positive attitude toward the whole situation.
       Please continue to keep him in your pray ers, as his condition has not improved so far. Thank the Lord, he is in a good hospital with concerned nurses and doctors, and the Lord has worked it out for his parents to be nearby, so that they can visit him on a daily basis.



the baby boomers...

       -- SGAs Andrew (singer and dancer from Heart to Heart singing team) and Praise's first baby is on the way!
       -- SGAs Paul H. and Mary (singer and dancer from Heart to Heart) are expecting their second baby! Their firs t, Robin Paul, is a year-and-a-half old.
       -- YA Jeremy (dancer from Heart to Heart) and SGA Joyful (lead vocalist and dancer from Heart to Heart), recently had their first boy, Ryan Harper!
       -- SGA Aaron (sound technician for Heart to Heart) and YA Sara (choreographer for Heart to Heart) also recently had a boy, Salem Brooks!
       -- SGAs Aaron D. and Joanne are soon to be parents of two. Their first, Jason, is just a little over a year old.

other juicy tidbits...

       -- Lily (formerly Mercy Dan cer) is presently visiting Thailand from Turkey, giving a three-week intensive dance training course to the Heart to Heart apprentices.
       -- A permanent pioneer team will be leaving for Burma this October! This team consists of Isaac, Ruth, and their three boys, Joanne PI, and YA Ivan.
       -- A donated portable walk-in freezer has been transformed into a portable studio for the ASCRO young people's music ministry and new studio!
       -- Courtesy of YA Mariko, ASCRO Office

babies, babies an d more babies...

       -- Jose and Celia, Brazil: Miguel Jose.
       -- Daniel and Flor (SGAs), Brazil: Fletcher Alen.
       -- Johnny and Fe, Venezuela: A boy. (Sorry, we didn't get the name!)
       -- David and Estrela, Brazil: Vida Maria
       -- Mateo and Belen, Argentina: Cristian Luchador.
       -- Job and Magdalena, Chile: Mercy del Cielo.

tying the knot...

       -- Joe (a.k.a. David, Ivan, Abraham, Job) and Maggie (formerly Estrela) were married on October 12.
       -- At the BVM there was a double betrothal for SGA s Forty (Philip) and Consuelo (of Pethuel and Phoebe), along with SGAs Nathaniel Spencer (of Jeremy and Fiona Spencer) and Lara (of Job and Charran). Both couples are the happy parents of little girls!
       -- David Soldier and Hannah Servant (in Chile) were married in October.
       -- Courtesy of YA Angie, SACRO Office



Fathers, where are you?

       (From Alfred Angel:)
A while back I put a "want ad" for a wife and kids in the FUN. Do you think I got any respon se? -- I haven't counted the letters, but suffice it to say that for a few months now I have had a blossoming "fe-mail" ministry that has kept me busy answering letters from every corner of the planet!
       To realize this need in such a personal way (in our otherwise so well cared for Family) has broken my heart and made me pray and want to do all I can to fill this need. Believe me, if I could, I would take all of you precious girls with every kid, and love you and be a father and husband to you, but I am only one person!
       The need has now been made so clear to all of us (not that we did not know earlier), that we are totally without excuse. Maybe we have been hesitant to legislate this kind of righteousness, but I don't know if the Lord can overlook this lack of love for each other any longer, and the weakest among us at that.
       For the sake of our children that have been born into our Family, who are the most innocent of all, but also bear the brunt the most because of this unworthy situation; for the sake of the dear women who strive with the task of trying to be both a mom and a dad; for the sake of our witness and for love's sake, and for all good reasons under Heaven, let us men, or boys, unitedly pick up this challenge and do something about it today!
       Are you with me? We each can't do more than one person can do, but if each of us take on at least one wife, that's a good start, isn't it? And all the boys said, "Amen! Power to love!"

Attending System school

       (From Maggie:)
We parents attended the children's school "sports day" and it was so interesting. They're very good in handling competition in a rather Godly way, yet it confirms the "group mentality" which we have to shepherd constantly.
       Little Yasushi (7) told me the other night that some of the kids had laughed at him because he wasn't wearing the traditional sports uniform shirt (which was being washed), but another one which was white, but which didn't have the normal collar and his name written on the front and back. Jeremy (9) heard him say this and said, "Oh, I can talk with Yasushi about that. They laugh at me for things like that sometimes, but I can help him see that it's not important and he shouldn't take it personally!" I was encouraged by the maturity Jeremy showed. We have to counter the pressure that it's "bad to be different" from anyone else -- but at the same time have a balance; appreciate what is embarrassing for the kids and help comply as much as we can, as w e made the decision to go with the school and that means all the way in these sorts of things.
       Jeremy (9) had a little problem with being bullied last week. He was hit on his back by a group of three or four boys. We talked about it, pow-wowed and prayed for him and the other kids and his teacher. We decided that he could stay home for the day but that he needed to work on his Japanese workbooks. I went to the school and talked to the principal, and they talked to the kids involved right away. We talked about what Jeremy could do when he went back the following day, and he was challenged to try to make friends of these somewhat more difficult kids, and right away the Lord seemed to bless it.
       I get up at 6:15 every morning to lie in bed with the kids and have talk time with Jesus for 15 minutes. Then we have good Word time, as their clothes, socks and all have been prepared the night before. We parents have a fuller Word time later, but since the children have to be off at 8:00 am, we make sure they get as filled up as they can before they face school and all it entails.
       The Word has been really speaking to them as it's so relevant! We read in the LOG (Life of Grandpa) how Dad handled things in "Comstock," and it was tremendous. I had thought that story was mainly about how he dealt with bullies, which hasn't been much of a factor at all, apart from the one isolated incident Jeremy had. But the kids were all impressed at how much Dad witnessed; how going to System school caused him to appreciate his Home and his loved ones, etc.
       We have been trying to teach them to reach out to Jesus, to lean on Him and ask Him for help when they don't understand things, when they feel lonely, or when they get frustrated at the things they don't catch, etc. I feel it's helping to deepen their link with Him. (Editor's note: For further background to this testimony, see GN #694:100.)

Trusting God for our kids

       (From Vessel:)
Listening to the songs on the FTTs is exh ilarating! As I hear the heart-cries, lessons learned, battles fought and victories won through the words of the songs written or sung by our young people, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude to the Lord for keeping them, leading them, and having the faith that they can take it and make it, as He has done with us.
       I've recently come to the States, and my heart breaks as I see many of our teens and YAs seeming to give up the faith, and turning their backs on what's been instilled in them for years! Many are getting System jobs instead of witnessing, saying it's an easier way to raise funds for the cars they want, vacations they want to take, etc. Others, some quite young, are looking for a way to leave the Family; waiting for a System relative to take them in, or for another opportunity which would make it possible for them to leave.
       I know in each situation the parents involved are praying desperately. Now, more than ever, it seems we must cling to the proverb, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." This is the same verse my Christian parents claimed for me as I entered my hippie days, seeming to forsake my Christian upbringing, until I returned a few years later by joining the Family.
       I guess we felt this would never happen to us, the Family, as we tried so hard not to make the same mistakes our parents made, and we felt sure this would be unheard of in our New Nation. I see, however, in this respect, we've done the same a s our Christian parents; we did the best we could, and we now have to trust the Lord for the rest.
       So when I hear the songs of our young people, it gives me hope that they are getting the point, they are passing those tests. They are going to survive the spiritual upheaval and rocky times we're all going through, and I know we'll all come out brighter and shinier for it, with more faith for the times ahead.

Upping the appeal of our tools

       (From Peter [Angelo]:)
I have been thinking that we need to enhance the quality of our tools in the eyes of the System. Although we have the best and most needed material, other groups are distributing their material in a more "appealing" way.
       With the implementation of the small Home vision, the need for more follow-up and more steady means of support became reality and we weren't ready for it. Our witnessing methods didn't work quite as well, as we found out that for some Homes, tapenessing and videoing were not bringing the needed re sults they used to. The consequences were that, in many cases, our ways of witnessing dropped to lower standards.
       This has caused a big drop in the distribution of our tools here in Italy, and therefore a big drop in the income of the Homes that started new ways of fund raising. Some did good and some didn't. Unfortunately, I heard of people resorting to going restaurant-to-restaurant selling flowers and some other gadgets. This is very sad, as I think that we have the best GP tools, but that we are just using the wrong approach.
       Some TRF Supporters and former members here in Italy are financially doing great. S and B., both former members, run an association called "I.E.S." (Info Educative Service). They don't have the personnel to go out in the street, so they, under the name of their association, are selling their material in shops, schools, etc., quite successfully.
       They also distribute their books in fairs. They sell booklets for a $4-8 donation, and at a fair in Bologna the y sold 2,500 booklets in five days. One of their books is called "Manual for Leaders." It contains quotes from the How to Love book and from the MOP. A company owner got one of these booklets, and after reading it came back and asked them if they could sell him 3,000 copies for his company employees.
       It saddens me that in many cases, our Family is living hand-to-mouth, and are reluctant to pioneer new ways to distribute our tools. Our testimony is not going very far because people look at the appearance, and like Mama said, if we are a "fly-by-night" outfit, it will be difficult to build a work because people will not trust us.
       Our Home decided to form an association, doing pretty much the same as the former members mentioned above, but with a better variety of Family tools. We are also starting a magazine containing feeding material for System families. We will start with a condo on "Forgiveness," and will then put something with the same subject in a format for the children. Ther e will be a section dedicated to suggested movies for adults and children, a section with testimonies of healing, etc. We intend to send this to people who will subscribe to the magazine, starting with our contacts and friends. In the magazine we will advertise our tools and people could order them via mail. We now have a few hundred potential people, and we will ask them to get more subscriptions for our magazine by asking their friends to subscribe. We feel that with this initiative, we can ea sily support our Home while feeding people, and Lord willing, that would give us the freedom to pioneer new things.
       (Editor's note: The Charter does allow for DO and TS Family members to create your own localized outreach tools suited to your particular ministry and needs, if it is done through the proper channels, as outlined in the "Responsibilities of WS Leadership and Publication Homes" in the Charter [pg. 75:I]. If you want to put together an outreach tool for your country, you only need to have it approved by your CRO office. If it will be distributed by Homes in more than one country, then the CRO office will forward it to WS for their approval.
       (So if any of you feel led to try some of the methods mentioned above or pioneer new ones, please do so. Just remember to send in your product to the proper authority for approval before beginning distribution of it. You may even want to send in your ideas first before going to all the actual physical work of creating the new distrib ution tool. Your CRO office will try to get back to you as quickly as they can.
       (Also, before forming any organization or association in the name of The Family, or as an affiliate of The Family, please remember to get approval from your CRO office, as Peter and his Home did, in accordance with the "Authority of Continental Officers" in the Charter [page 85:F]. Thank you!)

Three-month turnaround

Vladivostok, Russia
       (From Francis Peruvian:)
I've felt so burdened about our teens, seeing man y of them discouraged about their life in the Family and hearing of many backsliding, etc. I had to really trust the Lord about this.
       I've been working with the teens in our Home, who have come from different fields with problems and bad attitudes, yet in just three months, I have seen them change so much and become wonderful disciples, with just a basic amount of discipline, Word, love and lots of witnessing. I believe a big part of the answer for our teens and YAs is more witnessing in recep tive fields, along with shepherding and concerned adults to help them witness in an organized and fruitful way.



       Peter, Gabe and Joy have finished attending the second set of delegates meetings, held in Miami. About 70 people attended these meetings, which lasted for six days. The videos from the previous delegates' meeting were shown, and a couple additional classes and fellowship times were given by Peter. Peter, Dust (CRO) and Simon (CRO) also attended a small meeting with former members in Florida, as a further step towards reconciliation. Peter's interview with David Millikan went very well. Thank you for your prayers.
       Our main pubs unit is in the process of reorganizing, with some personnel moving on to Family Care, the GPU and the HCS. This is a pretty massive project that involves a lot of restructuring of our pubs work and personnel, so please keep this in your prayers.



       Please send your news, articles and contributions to TheGrapevine to the following postal or e-mail address (e-mail will reach us soonest). You can also send articles via your TRF or CRO office. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

       The Grapevine

       P.O. Box 870756
       Mesquite, TX 75187-0756

       Our e-mail address is as follows: grape@ibm.net (Please send your articles unencrypted for now. Thanks.)



       (From Seren a, [Lamont's mom] USA:)
I have a request from Lamont, whom some of you may know as Shem from way back. He is 26 now, and his name is Nahchey. He left the Family nine years ago, but is now eager to get in touch with those that he knew before and was close to. (Timmy West, please reply.)
       One request though: Please don't pressure him about anything. He wants some honest friends from the past. He's living in NYC and doing well in his career. He doesn't want just anybody to call him, but is looking for those that he was close to before leaving. Thanks.
       His e-mail address is: NahcheyS@aol.com
       A phone number you can reach him at is: 212-388-9782.


       (From the Kenya Family:)
This note is to let everyone know that the Homes in Kenya now have an e-mail box. If you would like any information about what's going on down here, or would like to write one of us, please feel free to send us a message at the following address: KenyaFam@Form-Net.com

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Dearest Family,
       hanks to your fervent prayers for my health, I am now feeling much stronger, even though my period has continued for six weeks now. So, needless to say, this increased strength is a miracle. However, my eyes have been severely affected because of the prolonged bleeding, and are much more painful than before.
       he Lord confirmed once again the importance of your prayers for me, when He said, "The more you pray, the more strength she will hav e, no matter how much she gives. You must feed her intravenously with your prayers. They must drop continuously into her veins, drop upon drop, prayer upon prayer, strength upon strength. With every drop of prayer, I will strengthen her moment by moment, minute by minute, and keep her and sustain her. But she must have your prayers to give back to her the life and strength that is depleted from her as she gives her life to you, for your prayers are what keep her giving and breathing and living."
       o, dear ones, though I hate to be continually asking you to take your time to pray for me, it is part of the Lord's plan, so that we will all be strengthened. As your prayers release the Lord's power for me, I, in turn, can help Him to strengthen you through His life-giving Words. We're all in this together, and dependent upon each other, and most of all, on the Lord. So please keep praying not only for me, but for your King Peter, who also gives his life daily for you. Please also pray for o ur wonderful staff, all our faithful behind-the-scenes workers, as well as David and Techi.
       rom what we have heard, many of you have been tremendously helped and recommitted through David's allowing my personal letter to him to be printed in "The Road to Commitment" GN. We all very much admire him for this, as well as his obedience to do what the Lord has required of him. Of course, as the Lord said they would be, the battles are very strong, and the Enemy is fighting him very hard. So we know he would appreciate your continued prayers. Your prayers can do mighty things, and bring about wonderful changes for us and for you, so don't neglect them. -- We need each one of them! Besides your obedience to the Lord, this is the most wonderful gift you can give us, and we feel so privileged to receive them. Thank you, thank you, thank you!




       From Sunny, CRO:)
From September 26th through October 1st, meetings were held for the you ng people from Rio, Belo Horizonte and Brasilia, led by David Ho and Crystal (SGA VSs), Jeremias (VS) Johnny B. and myself. The Summit videos were shown, and open forums were held to discuss topics such as prophecy and music (always a hot one!).
       One boy said: When I heard about the teen meetings, I didn't even want to come, but after thinking about it I decided just to go even if it was just for the fellowship. But now, as I leave the meetings, I feel I am a totally changed person! Seeing othe r teens that want to give their all to Jesus and the Family has made me want to rededicate myself to the Family again.
       Another young person commented: In these meetings, there weren't all these "trips." there's positive peer pressure like, "What is your trip, man? You don't believe in the latest Letters?" It's good, it's positive, and it's not corny at all. During the prophecy sessions people were really trying to tune in. Maybe people were a bit nervous about giving a prophecy, but they weren 't feeling worried about looking like a corn-ball because they were prophesying.


       (From Silas and Endureth, CROs:)
Cephas (CRO) has been traveling in India and Nepal, where he visited the Homes in Delhi, Nepal and Bangalore. This included showing the Summit videos to the brethren in these cities, which has been a big blessing. We held a two-day area meeting in Bangalore with representatives from the Homes in Bangalore, Madras, Goa, Delhi, and Bombay. This particular meeting has been uni fying, and we pray it will result in a number of referendums that the Homes can vote on, including decisions on the TV broadcasting of our Kiddie Viddie and Treasure Attic series, etc.
       Besides the upcoming video meetings in India, Dawn (CRO) and YA Daniella will be making a trip to Pakistan to show the Summit videos. Rejoice (VS, of Rain), along with Andrew (SGA) and Ruth (SGA) will be going to the Philippines, where they will spend a couple of weeks showing the Summit videos, and visiting and fellowshipping with the Family.
       That will pretty much cover our entire area, with a few isolated exceptions, such as Vietnam, Malaysia and some Homes in India that the VSs will visit. It is a victory to have done so much visitation showing the Summit videos, and we are praying all the countries in our area will have been covered by Christmas!


       (From Ezekiel, CRO:)
A ten-day DO/TS Teen and JETT Camp was held from October 21st through the 31st of October, which was attended by about 65 DO and TS JETTs and Junior Teens from all over Mexico. Jason (CRO), and our SGA VSs (Jonathan, Elise, Frank, Christina, Robin), along with Byron (SGA), Sam (Senior Teen), and Mexican David and Hosy (SGAs) went to help with the room shepherding and the camp in general. So our YAs and SGAs are the ones who are teamworking and completely spearheading this Teen and JETT Camp. God bless 'em!


       (From Jeff, CRO:)
A meeting with the YAs from Japan, Korea and Tahiti was held on October 16th t hrough the 24th. This did not include the YAs from the HCS, as they are watching the (Summit '96) videos there. We will be holding a senior teen meeting on November 5th, and a junior teen meeting on November 26th.


       (From Abner, CRO:)
At the end of August, another united DO/TS fellowship was held on beautiful Vashon Island in Puget Sound, above Tacoma, Washington. About 100 DO and TS Family members came from Oregon, Washington and Canada and enjoyed three days of Heaven together, camping in cabins and fellowshipping with each other, and Peter and Gary via the DC Fellowship and Summit '96 videos. We pow-wowed ways that our DO and TS Family can work more closely together.
       Another gathering of about 100 DO, TS and former members was held in early September in Corpus Christi, Texas. Judah and Pandita (TS) got this fellowship rolling, GBT!


       (From Mary, CRO:)
A JETT and junior teen Camp was held in Verona, Italy, from October 8th through the 18th. There were around 40 JETT s and junior teens in attendance, both DO and TS.


       (From SACRO:)
Victoria (CRO), Jonathan Venezuela (VS), and Gary (of India, SGA, VS) have embarked on a two-month visit to Venezuela and Colombia to visit the Homes and show the Summit '96 videos.



Movies Rated for Senior Teens and Up

Denzel Washington, Meg Ryan, Lou Diamond Phillips
       Intense, realistic drama about a US Army colonel who is assigned to investigate w hether a woman combat officer should receive a posthumous medal of honor for bravery during the Gulf War. Profiles of courage and cowardice, with the tension of wartime, are vividly portrayed. Contains the typical pro-American slant. May be suitable for some junior teens.

Hugh Grant, Gene Hackman
       Medical thriller about an emergency room doctor who decides to dig a little deeper when the corpse of one of his former patients mysteriously disappears. Interesting story line which raises thought-provoking moral questions. Contains graphic and bloody emergency room scenes, as well as a fair amount of bad language.

Movies Rated for Junior Teens and Up

Tom Cruise, Jon Voight
       Action-suspense movie about a crack team of undercover government spies on a mission. Some violence throughout. Look out for one murder scene by a gate, which is repeated in flashbacks. Hollywood entertainment only.

Robert Red ford, Michelle Pfeiffer
       Love story/drama about an ambitious young woman's rise to the top as a network news anchor. Loosely based on a true story, with interesting insight into the way the news media operates. Realistic portrayal of life and relationships.

Movies Rated for JETTs and Up

Sidney Poitier
       Thirty years later, the British teacher from the original movie goes to Chicago to teach at an inner-city school. Good lessons on teaching and shepherding; about relating to others but not compromising your convictions or lowering your standards.

Non-Recommended Movies

(Jean-Claude Van Damme; 1996)
(Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt; 1995)



       I like the more full sound in the music, along with the different styles. It makes it more enjoyable to listen to. I especially like having the saxophone and the other live instruments. I'm so thankful that we're now getting out more teen music, and the stuff we enjoy li stening to. I appreciate all the hard work that went into making something this good.

-- Stephanie (15), Europe

       The new tapes are an absolute hit here! It's neat how everything that is mentioned in "New Music for a New Day" (ML #3022) is happening! It was a little hard to accept everything that was in that GN, and it gave me a bit of a trial at first. But after hearing these new tapes, it's obvious that our music is the best! Some of my favorite songs are "God's Explosions," "No More War," "Win the World Together" and the instrumental of "All Hail to the Queen."

-- Sarah (17), Indian Subcontinent

       When I first got copies of FTTs 5 and 6, I was really surprised with the style of some of the songs. My first reaction was, "What did they do to these songs?!" But I hadn't yet read the counsel from Mama in "News and Views #2" about music. It is so true that everybody has different tastes.
       I think, though, if a majority of people don't like a certain style of music, maybe it would be a good idea to avoid this particular style. I am talking now about rap.
       The music from Hot Or Cold is very good, even the mild rap that was produced. But it's my personal feeling that the rap music on "Tap Into the Power" is too aggressive. It is such a contrast to the songs like "Friend of a Broken Heart," "Golden Butterfly," or "In It Together." If we could vote on kinds of music, I would vote against such kind of music.
       At the same time, I really enjoy other songs like "They've Got the Money." I believe it is a very good GP song, and has a good Endtime message for teens and grownups alike. Our studios are producing better and better music for us all. Those songs thrill my soul and are a big blessing.
       The song "Revolutionary Children of God" is difficult to understand, as I am not an English speaker. For me, the new version of this song is ruined. It was such a good song. I wish on any new remakes of old songs, our musicians would not put in such aggressive rap.

-- Steven, Poland

       Thank you for your efforts in getting the new tapes out to us. I honestly didn't think the Family was up to making that kind of music! It just shows how much love and concern Mama and our shepherds have for us teens. I think the two latest tapes, Plugged In and In It Together are just so cool! I was truly shocked to say the least, and I just wanted to say, "Thank you, dear Mama, Peter and our shepherds and musicians, that I don't have to wallow through the filth and garbage of the Sys tem to satisfy my musical desires!"
       The other night we had a dance night, and we decided not to put on any System music, but to just put on the new tapes, and it was so fun! Just the knowledge that this groovy music we were listening to was made by our wonderful Family doubled the fun for me.

-- Janek (15), Europe

       I like the fast songs, and most of the rap, but would prefer if the majority of the upbeat rap songs (FTT generalizing here) didn't end with talking. I think there's been a touc h too much of that. One or two songs in that style is fine, but if you produce a "hit song" that everyone likes, I think we still have to be careful to not overkill on a style that went over big. Good songs and styles are worn out by overuse, repetition, or copying too much from other songs. Then, not only is the remake a dud, but the original song loses its spark.

-- Joy (21), USA

       I'm thankful for the new tapes we received recently, because they gave me more of a love for Family music agai n. I had doubted that we could produce good (to my taste) songs, and I was listening to System music more, but now I haven't stopped listening to Hot or Cold!
       It also made me more serious about praying for WS and the studios working on them, that the Lord will anoint them to produce more, since it's hard work trying to get out songs that we teens like to hear. I guess I used to just sit around, hoping that something would happen, instead of really praying for it. LHM!

-- Francesco (17), South east Asia



-- testimonies from you --

The Lord came through!

Costa Rica
       (From David and Promise:)
A storm hit southern Costa Rica, where we live. Thankfully, we escaped most of the danger, as our area wasn't flooded as other areas were. The hardships came as all roads were closed, and we were stuck in our little town. Our contacts for food, printing and our witnessing locations depend on travel via these roads!
       The month before we'd provisioned three bikes, and thes e became a small solution for limited travel, sometimes cycling up to 20 miles a day to reach a small town to witness! But after a week we'd gone as far as we could on bikes. Our local provisioning contacts had sent lots of help to the areas hit by the storm, as the Red Cross was blanketing everywhere for donations, so once we came around, everyone was pretty well tapped out!
       Also, we were seeing the last of our witnessing tools, and our printer was located in the capital, the roads to which w ere closed. Within a week, vegetables and fruits were off the shelves, and staples were being pulled from storages to keep the stores stocked, and this began to dwindle too!
       Needless to say, we were in desperate prayer, as bad turned to worse all around us, and we weren't prepared for such a state of emergency! We started to go through all sorts of personal battles, having doubts, etc., when we remembered our recent lessons about praise. We knew the Homes had a praise time schedule, although w e'd never used one, so we decided that now was the time to start! We began to experience more than ever the power of praise and prayer!
       During the first days of our new enacted praise schedule, a neighbor stopped by with a large bag of dried beans, more than a month's supply. The one critical thing we'd been running short on was protein, and this was the first miracle the Lord did in supplying this need.
       Then, one after another, neighbors began to drop by, bringing sack after sack of fruits and vegetables. Most of our neighbors are farmers and they grow fruits and vegetables in abundance. The beautiful mystery is that though we've lived here for some time, we have received no visits from the locals, yet exactly in our time of great need, these nearby neighbors decided to come by with all this food!
       As we now began to see our needs supplied, we didn't want to get caught up in a spirit of self-preservance and forget to get out witnessing! So we began to pray for a way and means to do so, as all our tools were nearly gone. Then one afternoon, while going through the children's school books, I discovered a stack of lit from almost a year ago, which I'd put away when moving. It had been forgotten, and was found in the moment when we needed it most.
       We phoned another Home asking for prayer, and our sweet Family took a day of special prayer, just for us! This touched our hearts and lifted our spirits more than anything -- to feel such concern from our precious loved ones.
       We found a lady who agreed to help us with photocopies till we could reach our printing contact; a specific answer to one of the prayers the Family had prayed for us! It has now been approximately one month, and the roads are just beginning to open. We've had almost no financial income this month, yet we have never lacked!
       The following verses from a recent devotions sums up our hearts and feelings through these experiences this month. "The Lord is my strength and my shield: my heart trusted i n Him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise Him. The Lord is their strength, and He is the saving strength of His anointed. Save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance; feed them also, and lift them up for ever." (Psa.28:7-9)

"Jamaica has a bobsled team!"

       (From Phil D., 23:)
While clowning one day at a swap-meet [flea-market], I met Freddie Powell, one of the original Jamaican bobsledders of [the movie] "Cool Runnings" fame! I was able t o witness to him and give him some literature, for which he was very thankful. He's a Christian too, and was very encouraging, commending me for being a witness and working with kids. Freddie sells autographed memorabilia, and travels around the country, giving lectures at schools about staying in school and off drugs, etc.

Just fifteen minutes...

       (From Abe, Mercy and Irene:)
Last Christmas we were introduced to a pastor, but it never worked out for us to go to his church. One day, as we were praying for funds to go to China, Mercy remembered him and asked him if we could come to his church to appeal for our mission. The pastor was open to the idea and gave us a 15-minute slot in their Sunday service.
       When we got there we saw our names were printed on the program as the "weekly testimony." They also gave us permission to set up a table to sell our tapes and videos. When the service got rolling, the church was packed out with about 300 people. The singing was lively, with "Roll Away" type motion songs. Then came our turn.
       The children sang a few songs, and our last song was, "What Can I Give Him?" with Elisabeth (8) explaining in Chinese how she has given her heart to Jesus. Several people were moved to tears. Mercy gave a brief testimony of our years in China, of the great spiritual void in that country, and how much it is a desire of our heart to bring them the Gospel. Mercy had tears in her eyes and many people were moved. During the rest of the service, th ey prayed for us several times. After the service, many people put generous donations in our box, or bought videos. One of the church workers bought a set of everything we had, to use for their library.
       At the end when most people had left, the pastor came and asked us to count the money to see if we had gotten enough. We weren't quite sure how to react, as it seemed a bit embarrassing to count the money right there. As we were praying about what to do, we saw the pastor's wife talking to him, and a few minutes later the pastor came with an envelope containing a very generous donation. When we got home, we found out to our surprise that the Lord had supplied a total of (US) $1,700 through this one visit. -- A total miracle and wonderful encouragement from the Lord!
       Moving missionaries "in" and "out"Moving missionaries in and out

California, USA
       (From Arthur and Becky:)
Nearly two years ago in our Latin area of Los Angeles, the vision was borne of starting a Home for people who wanted to rejoin the Family. We started with a small team: Becky, myself, and our small family, and another couple, Jim and Joy, with their two sons, who came a little later. Knight (SGA) from Washington and Robin (SGA) joined us from Florida.
       In the first six months we had six new disciples, who later moved on to other Homes in the area, and others of the young folks we've received have gone off pioneering to other fields. We've helped seven YA missionaries get to Russia, Indonesia and Brazi l, all in a year-and-a-half.
       It took a toll on our Home financially to raise the funds for them to go. We got together as a teamwork and prayed about what we should do; whether we should continue with the program, or "can" it and go on the road, close down the house and go on the road and take an easier life. The Lord showed us that He had blessed us and provided for us materially and spiritually, and had protected us by the local police, with whom we are very close and have done Christmas sho ws for. The Lord showed us very specifically that we should continue bringing folks back in, and giving people the opportunity to join the DO Family through our Home.
       After making this decision, everybody was inspired with a new vision for the new batch of folks coming in. We get phone calls all the time from people who want to rejoin through our program.
       We're also involved in a local Vietnamese community, and in our immediate Latino community. Our witnessing to them has been inspiring and fruitful. We have a Church of Love weekly, with a program of singing, inspiration and reading, where on average six to ten people attend. A number of people who attend our Church of Love were met through our support methods.
       We frequent a restaurant where we witness, pass out tracts and pray with people, and we have sent several people to new mission fields through the support of those met at this restaurant. Our contacts and friends have seen them go to foreign fields, have received their new sletters, and it's been inspiring for them to see that we're actually doing what we're saying. It's given them a lot of faith to help.
       We manage a Spanish youth ministry for a local Lutheran church, and we go to Mexico with them and witness. They're very turned on about us helping them, and the church gives us a monthly donation to help with our expenses. We also have a ministry with an orphanage in Mexico, and help our king there with his local ministering, and in turn, he helps us on a weekl y basis.
       We're excited about what the Lord is doing in our Home. We've been tempted to move on, as you can tend to get fed up with your area a little bit, but when the Lord gives you a new vision for it, a whole new spectrum of untouched areas come to light that you never even thought existed. So right now we are going through that wonderful inspiration of having a new vision for an old place.
       We are establishing a lasting work, we're seeing the work grow, therefore we feel our time has not been wasted. We haven't moved on and left people hanging in the air, but we're working towards establishing something, as we want to see our friends grow in the Word and the Lord.

Bike-fall or Windfall?

       (From Jonas, Paul, Trust and Joy:)
I (Jonas) was biking back to the little house after having left the big house (we are a two-house Home), when I was hit by a car coming out of a side street. I wasn't going fast and neither was the car, just enough to knock me off my bicycle onto the hard sidewalk.
       The driver was very apologetic and knew she was in the wrong, and got out of her car to help me up. I was a bit stunned and didn't know how to react, so I was sort of quiet. The next thing I know, the lady in the back seat of the car got out, runs up to me and puts ¥20,000 (approximately $180) in my shirt pocket! I started feeling better immediately, ha!
       Actually, I had to walk the bike home, and I sustained a bump on my leg that swelled up like a golf ball, then went down th e next day. When praying about it, the Lord said it was an added blessing! You could say this was a "bike-fall," sort of like a "windfall"!



       Rumor has it that Sharon (formerly Sara Davidito) was removed from her position as CRO because "she had doubts," and has since been "put behind the scenes" to keep her quiet.
       The truth is that at Summit '94, the Lord, through prophecy, asked Sharon and two other senior CROs to step down from their positions. Among the reasons the L ord gave was that He wanted to allow the others on their teamworks to exercise more of their faith and anointing, and that the style of leadership of those asked to step down was not the way He wanted shepherds to operate now under the Charter.
       The Lord made it clear that He no longer wanted senior members on the CRO teamworks, but that all of the CROs should now work as equals, in Charter fashion. Sharon graciously agreed to step down from her senior CRO teamworker position. (See "Serve One A nother in Love," ML 2978, GN 623, paragraphs 145-155, for Mama's comments on this.)
       At that time, the Lord also said that Sharon would be used in new ways to help the Family. He has fulfilled this already, as since that time Sharon has been working in WS, mostly on childcare-related pubs and videos and helping to feed our children with the Word. She will now be working with Family Care, helping with many other children's pubs which we hope to get out in the near future.
       When asked about this rumor, Sharon commented: I'm super thankful and happy to be working on the exciting, wonderful new Word for our kids, parents and teachers! It's always been one of my heart's desires to work on children's pubs, rather than continuing on in administrational duties. In fact, I'm so excited about all that the Lord, Dad, Mama and Peter are doing these days, I just can't "keep quiet!" These are the most exciting days ever in the Family and I love it!



Getting down home...

       (Editor's note: The following are excerpts from Open Forums held at the Taiwan YA/teen meetings towards the end of September. Please bear in mind when reading the following points that this article is not representative of all sides, but rather gives the personal opinions and feelings of the young people in attendance to specific questions that were asked during these meetings. The adults would probably have a lot to say about all this too, from their point of view! So feel free, both adults and young people, to write in your observations via a Letter to the Editor.)

Unity and standards between Homes

We need to look at the Charter not as a law book but as a love book, not a book whereby we exercise our rights or have a "me first" attitude. All our actions should be governed by the Law of Love.
Some Homes don't bother to work things out, but instead split up when problems arise or they have personality clashes. The result is little families living by themselves, all n eeding more personnel, when the loving thing would be to try and talk it out with the people they were originally working with.
I've seen some Homes that don't really work together anymore. We used to, but now it's more "you survive" and "I survive." Money is a big issue, and some Homes expect payment for favors that they do for other Homes, or when there is a joint venture, such as a show, it becomes a big deal to make sure you get "your half," etc.
Some Homes compare with eac h other, and judge what the other Homes do; whether or not it's according to the standard, and sometimes even rally their teens against other Homes, saying, "Now did you hear what such-and-such a Home did? That was really out of it! We are not going to allow that in our Home." Now that we have VSs, they can visit and determine which Homes are living below the Charter, but it's not up to us to criticize each other.
People feel like they want to exercise their own independence. Maybe it' s just a phase and people will soon realize that they need to work together and have more unity.
Some people are liberal and others are conservative. Everyone is different, but it's not just up to the adults to make the decision of what standard your Home operates by; it's up to all voting members to get together and work it out.

Adult/teen relations

Parents should be encouraged to counsel and talk things out, instead of strongly imposing things on their teens.
In the Charter it talks about having a young person on the TW, but when my parents put me on the TW, it was like a big joke and I didn't feel very trusted.
The adults could communicate more with teens by sharing their hearts and the mistakes that they have made. In the past, some of us have seen our parents going through trials, being separated, or getting heavy correction from their shepherds. We don't understand what's happening or why Mom and Dad are acting a certain way, but if they wou ld explain things it would help build a bridge.
When adults correct you, some say, "It's just your attitude or your general spirit that's wrong," instead of giving specifics so that we know what to work on.

Teens living with their parents

One parent told their teen the reason they didn't want her to move on was because she wasn't mature and didn't have a good standard in her own life. The mother didn't want the teen to be a burden on another Home, but when this teen got the victory, then the mother let her move on.
It's hard to respect adults that don't respect me. The adults have to give us trust and responsibility if they want us to be mature and responsible; it's a two-way street. If they have less rules for the teens, the teens will feel more like obeying, because not so much is imposed on them.
Some parents forget what they were like before; that they used to be a teen and liked excitement, to wear funny clothes, etc., so they get down on us for it and can't understand why we like to do those things.
It's important (when possible) to have a logical explanation of why we should do such-and-such, instead of just, "do-it-cause-daddy-said-so."



       (From Ezekiel 34:)
I read that at the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem (founded, funded and controlled by that family of bankers who it is alleged are prominent members of the Illuminati), they have a model of the future Jewish temple on display.

=== ==========================================================

       (Editor's note: Here's another Open Forum question. We've just begun to receive feedback from our first "music" question from y'all, and are hoping for more! God willing, Grapevine issue #7 will include our first responses to the "music issue," so get your contributions in! We're including another question, so that once we're really rolling, we can stay rolling! So anyone -- adults, SGAs, YAs, teens [and to get specific, yes, how abo ut you?] -- write up your thoughts, feelings, and personal experiences to share with all! Your input helps! We're waiting to hear from you! -- On the question below and the last one too! Thanks to those who've already written in!)
Do you think men in the Family who have fathered children should be held responsible to pay a monthly gift to the mother of the child, if the mother is a single woman, until such a time as she finds a mate and father for her child/children? Would this be wo rkable or feasible?
       (This would exclude the scenario of a married woman becoming pregnant from a brother, and then further down the line, becoming a single mother. In this case, the ex-husband would be the one responsible to continue to care for his ex-wife and children financially.)


       (The Grapevine consists of news from Family members around the world, and is not intended to be an official organ to reflect WS policy or views. Family policy and spiritual guidance will continue to be published in the GNs and FSMs.)



       (Editor's note: In deference to those who have written in confidence to Mama, she has omitted the full names from the letters she submits to this section of the Grapevine. Consequently we will only use these folks' initials. If you don't mind your letter being published with your name included, please make a note of this in your letter to Mama. Names will only be left in if she receives prior permission from the author of the letter.)

Dear sweet Mama,
       I'm very thankful that you're going to be "filling the storehouses!" When I started to read the Letter (See GN #682), and you said the suggestion was made to hold off publishing any new GNs, my heart sank! Every Letter that has come out in the last few months have answered some need or question I've had. It's been supernatural in my mind to see how you're cove ring the exact questions and battles I've had or am having, and that you explain these things right down to the exact situation.
       Also, the way you're taking so much time to explain why things are done certain ways (i.e., your "Summit Letters" explanations). I felt so much love and concern shown for people's feelings. It's truly beautiful!
       Maybe there are those who feel it's too much Word to take in and digest, but for myself, I'm more than happy to suffer a little spiritual indigestion by cr amming in the food, because I just love it and can't wait for it! The more I get, the happier I am! -- Especially when it's new. It's life-giving and exciting! I just wanted to let you know that there are those who do want it. Keep up the flow!

-- R. (female, no age given), Thailand

Dear Mama,
       A few weeks ago I watched the movie "Nixon." I was amazed how the movie confirmed the prophecies that were included in the "Who Said They're Dead" book, both from and about Nixon. I can imagine someo ne seeing that movie and figuring that the prophets saw the movie first, thus the reason for these confirmations. -- But that's not so. I had not yet seen the movie "Nixon" at the time when I received the prophecy from him that is now in the "Who Said They're Dead" book! Later, as I watched the movie, over and over I was struck by how things concerning his personality showed up, that we who received the prophecies could never have known.
       The movie confirms what Dad got in the "Green Door" abou t Nixon. Dad saw Nixon as an insecure child, lying down, curled up, sucking his thumb. He wasn't shown in this position in the movie; however, he was shown as an exceptionally insecure man. If one were to draw a parallel, showing how Nixon was feeling in his heart, they could have easily drawn him as Dad saw him, curled up on a bed with his thumb in his mouth. The insight that Dad had into how Nixon felt is amazing, because he didn't portray this insecurity in his public interviews.
       In the pro phecy that someone at your house received (who likewise hadn't seen this movie), asking the Lord about Pat and Richard, the Lord said that when the time comes that the two of them are living together in Heaven, that, "At that time shall she be the head and he the follower, for she, even in life, had a greater knowledge of Me and a greater knowledge and understanding of the importance of love. On Earth he looked upon this as a weakness, whereas I looked upon it as strength." (See GN #680.) This i s shown clearly in the movie -- that Pat had a deeper understanding of the importance of love, and that he looked upon this as a weakness. However, for those of us who knew so little about their lives, how would any of us have known this if it hadn't been for the Lord showing it?
       The second time Nixon talked with me, I asked if he had anything to say about the news that his tapes were being released. Nixon answered, explaining how he was glad the tapes are now being released, and how he's than kful the truth is getting out about what kind of man he really was. He said it's freedom for him in Heaven to have this truth get out about him on Earth. (Editor's note: This prophecy has not yet been published.)
       I heard that Anthony Hopkins, who plays Nixon in this movie, said that he felt Nixon's presence, helping him to play Nixon correctly. Why would Nixon want to portray himself in this movie as such a rotter, unless it's like he said in the second prophecy I received from him -- that he wants people to know the truth, that this will give him freedom?
       A couple of times since receiving the last prophecy from Nixon, I've asked to be able to see him -- not talk to him unless he wanted to, but mostly just to see him, to see what he's doing. Both times I saw him sitting humbly on the floor, playing with the children in his care. I got the impression he knew I was looking in, but he just kept looking down, sort of shy about looking up. He seems like such a humble, broken, and sweet man now. The Lord's Love is amazing! It has expanded my understanding of how much the Lord loves each of us. It's also been so interesting to me the love He has given me for this man. I look forward to meeting Richard Nixon in Heaven one day, and giving him a big hug.

-- Alicia, WS Unit

Dear Mama,
       I feel so blessed at the moment and my heart is overflowing, so I wanted to share some of it with you. I just had our 10th child and she is so precious. When "Go for the Gold" came out, I was hav ing a battle about getting pregnant again. Then when my husband and I separated, I again thought getting pregnant was a mistake. But the Lord said, "she will be such a comfort to you" and "there's not one to spare." As it turned out, it was her birth that brought us back together as a family, and softened and changed my whole outlook.
       I wanted to share how wonderful it was to experience "Charter-style" love in action during my three-month separation. I moved in with three singles who totally a djusted their Home and lifestyles to look after me and the children. Anything I needed done was given top priority. One sister cooked most of the meals, another took over the training of my two-year-old who needed a lot of help. They put up with her crying at night (due to an ear infection and weaning) without complaint.
       An example of their sacrificial love was one night when I was in the bathroom coughing and vomiting with bronchitis and asthma. Rejoice heard me, and came and put her warm doo na (Editor's note: Quilt? Your guess is as good as ours, but we know it was warm and fuzzy and full of love, ha! Praise the Lord!) on me and went cold herself. I hadn't even realized my doona wasn't warm enough, but after that I had no more coughing.
       It was such a strengthening and encouraging experience of Family love.

-- P. (an adult woman), Australia



       Mama would like to request that anyone who has received messages in prophecy from any departed spirits, to pl ease send your prophecies in. Thank you! We've received several already, and they've been wonderful. Thank you everyone who has sent them in thus far. God bless you for your faith to receive and pass them on! We'd also like to thank those who have contributed by sending in suggested names of people that we might want to hear from. We love you!




       (From Andrew Fighter, SGA, of Marie:)
BLAST (Brazil Local Language Studio) has two operational audio studios, and at p resent, Daniel (of Flor, SGAs) and myself are working in them. We have so many projects right now, it'll take us to the year 2004 to complete them all, ha! (Just joking!) We take care of the local language work for Brazil, which includes ADR work (dubbing and lip-synching) for the Treasure Attics, and recording the GP songs for video and audio tapes in Portuguese. We record "mood music" for the BVM's Family Fun spots, and kids songs, which at present are the "Froggie Band" songs for the Family F un series. (I don't want to spill the beans, but they're a cool band of frog puppets ... stay tuned!)
       We're also trying to squeeze some FTT songs in our schedule. It's not our priority, but whenever we have time, we try. So far we've gotten five FTT and Loving Jesus songs out, and are presently working on "Carry On," "Jesus is Far-Out," and "Learn to Love."


       (From ASCRO:)
The Lord provided the funds to open a new YA studio at the Training Center in Bangkok. Heading up this studio will be Paul H. (26, of Mary) and Andrew J. (23, of Praise), along with a number of YAs and senior teens. Their first project will be to kick off a weekly radio program in Thai, as well as work on some new local songs. (This radio program will possibly be aired on the top FM station in the country. It will consist of Family songs in English and Thai, to be MC'd by one of our Thai nationals. We'd also have a write-in whereby we could have the Homes that are interested follow-up on "hot leads.")
       At the Thailand Audio Studio (TAS), the team consists of three people: Michael Piano, Angelina (21) and Jono (16). Michael works on most of the tracks and mixing, though Jono is now starting to work on local tracks as well. Also contributing their talents are: Joyful (21, of Jeremy), Christy (18), Andrew J. and Paul H.
       The TAS is mainly responsible for producing the GP tools in the local language. They are presently recording Treasure Attics 7 and 8, and Countdown to Armageddon. Michael is al so working on writing some new songs for the Thai GP tape that we are trying to get out before Christmas. In addition to their local language work, the TAS also contributes final recordings of English songs for FTTs and new TA shows.


       (From Jonathan Nubes:)
The Spanish Treasure Attic crew has finished a fruitful month of recordings in our Lima Studio! Treasure Attics 7, 8, 9 and 10 were all dubbed into Spanish in record time, and DV, will be out soon for distribution, along with the Spa nish version of the new Christmas CD.
       It took many miracles to get us all together from different countries. Jordán (Ojitos/Peepers) and David Siervo (Fido/Arfie) travelled from Ecuador. Pedro CRO (Tío Iván/U. Jim) was in the area already, after hosting teen/YA meetings, and Jonatán Nubes (Conejín Palabrín/Bunny Bigword) flew from Chile. Also present were Clara (Pompón/Snowflake), translating and coaching, with Mark Tender and Pedro México at the controls.
       It was great to hear Jordán's heart warming, yet very humorous version of Peepers in Spanish. And Conejín Palabrín sang for the first time in his life before a microphone!
       We put the finishing touches on the Spanish version of Countdown to Armageddon, and during spare moments we prepared a brochure of the Treasure Attics that are currently available in Spanish. We also worked on the running translations for the Summit videos, and the "Praise Time" songbooks.



       Thanks for addressing the rumor regarding the "unofficial" extra variety tape (See Grapevine #4, Rumor Mill) and for clearing up any foggy ideas concerning these types of things. When reading this clarification, I was reminded of how this exact rumor had come to our Home.
       A while ago a YA visited from the HCS. It was a lot of fun having this YA visit, and everyone enjoyed having them around. Somehow or other, though, some of the teens and YAs in our Home were given the impression that there was indeed a "sneak preview" type of variety tape floating around that the field Homes didn't get. The YA probably didn't intend to give any such impression, but somehow or other this rumor developed.
       I thought it was good how you brought out the points of the HCS being a fairly normal Service Home, aside from the ministries that WS directly oversees. I think it seems to be a tendency for a lot of us young people to take information, comments, opinions, etc., from those who live in specialized Homes or production centers, and make these things established facts. It could partly be due to the fact that a lot of people are hungry for extra training and input, and could "hitch" on to little things and make them "doctrines," but also perhaps it goes along with what was addressed at the Summit '96 about Service Homes not necessarily being "sample" Homes, and that not everything they do necessarily always reflects WS policy, or even the proper standard.
       In all of this, I'm just trying to say thank you for addressing not only this topic, but rumors in general; keeping everyone informed and up on the latest.

-- L. (20)

       (Editor's note: The following Letter to the Editor was written by an adult woman (who is on the WS movie rating committee) after this movie was discussed, as the majority of the committee felt that the movie "A Month by the Lake" should be nixed, due to the fact that nearly everyone found it slow moving and difficult to sit through. There is nothing wrong with the movie, therefore according t o normal rating guidelines, it would be rated as "watchable." However, since the majority felt that the Family would perhaps not find this movie enjoyable, they initially considered not rating it. You'll notice that "A Month by the Lake" did end up being included in the movie ratings section in Grapevine #5.)

       Yes, "A Month by the Lake" was slow; it's a character study. However, I feel it's prejudicial to ban it just because some people didn't like it. There was nothing bad or wrong with it, it was just slow. Believe it or not, some people don't mind those kind of movies (including yours truly -- I love character studies. Maybe that's because I work with people and find it extremely interesting to see how people react to situations, the choices they make, the consequences of those choices, etc.).
       You have to have a certain amount of tolerance and patience for those kind of movies, but believe it or not, there are people out there who appreciate them. Granted, they may be a minority, but they do exist! I am concerned that we have a balance in the movies we recommend, and that they are not all thrillers, suspense, adrenaline-rising; or to me, that sends a signal to the Family that these are the only type of movies that are worth seeing.
       Yes, in some people's minds [A Month by the Lake] would be a "dud," because it is not action-packed and full of chase scenes, shoot 'em ups, intrigue, mystery or suspense, which to me, is totally unrealistic. No one's life is really like th at, and people's personal lives are lived more like a character study movie -- slow and sometimes boring, but interesting, thought provoking and mentally stimulating! I find those ten-minute solid stretches in a "thriller" movie when the main star is being chased, shot at, beaten up, etc., boring, as it's the "same old thing" I've seen many times before. I know the main star is going to survive, they're not going to kill him off in the middle of the movie! It's so predictable -- to me that's bor edom!
       My concern is that our Family does not develop the type of inordinate appetite that the System has developed -- that everything has to be fast moving, full of action, "edge-of-your-seat" type entertainment, or else people get bored and restless, and anything that doesn't live up to that standard is "dull" and "boring." To me, character studies are mentally stimulating. They make you think, and, believe it or not, I don't mind if they don't have a happy ending. That's life. Life does not always have a "happy ending," especially for people who make the wrong choices and don't know the Lord.
       Maybe because our mindset is to look at it as "entertainment," we automatically reject it because people's lives and problems are not considered entertaining. I see character studies such as this one, or "Sense and Sensibility," "Pride and Prejudice," "Howard's End," "Remains of the Day" and "The Importance of Being Earnest" as springboards for discussion about the characters, the choices th ey made, the lessons they learned. How would you react if you were in the same situation? What advice would you give this person if you met them witnessing? What mistakes did they make?
       I would like to suggest that some type of "defense of character studies" be printed for the Family, to help us broaden our thinking on this topic, and to get us out of the mindset of thinking that if we don't have the burden to watch these movies solely for "entertainment," then we decide not to watch them at a ll. (Editor's note: And you just read it!)

-- Angela, WS Unit



It's a dog-gone shame what's happened to Sex!

       When I went to City Hall to renew my dog's license, I told the clerk I wanted a license for Sex. He said, "I'd like one, too!"
       Then I said, "But this is a dog."
       He said he didn't care what she looked like. Then I said, "You don't understand. I've had Sex since I was 9 years old."
       He winked at me and said, "You must have been quite a kid."
       When I got married and went on my honeymoon, I took my dog with me. I told the hotel clerk I wanted a room for my wife and me, and a special room for Sex. He said, "You don't need a special room for Sex. As long as you pay your bill, we don't care what you do."
       I said, "Look, you don't seem to understand. Sex keeps me awake at night."
       The clerk said, "Funny, I have the same problem."
       Well, one day, I entered Sex in a contest, but before the competition began, the dog got loose and ran away. Ano ther contestant asked me why I was just standing there, looking disappointed. I told him I had planned to have Sex in the contest.
       He said, "Wonderful! If you sell tickets, you'll clean up!"
       "But you don't understand," I said. "I want to have Sex on TV."
       He said, "They already have that on cable. It's no big deal anymore."
       Well, my wife and I decided to separate, so we went to court to fight for custody of the dog.
       I said to the judge, "Your honor, I had Sex before I was married."
       Th e judge said, "The court is not a confessional. Please stick to the facts." Then I told him that after I was married, Sex left me. He said, "Me, too."
       Well, last night Sex ran away again, and I spent hours looking all over town for him. A cop came over to me and asked, "What are you doing in this alley at 4 o'clock in the morning?" I said, "I'm looking for Sex."
       My case comes up on Friday.
-- Courtesy of Joy Rose (20, of Andrew), USA

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family