In Reply to: Re: A long story... posted by Colonel on October 16, 2008 at 00:04:16:
Just consider the power of money & what it can do to help in many situations...that's not for me, but some people seem to care for it very dearly & they could make provision I suppose..it doesn't pose any hurdle if the "target"/goal is really, what some people claim & I simply look at it & think: could be...knowing that agent orange (Dioxin) was freely used, plus Napalm, phophorus bombs...an atom bomb...actually two got dropped on 2 cities...I mean where should be the reserve?...only because we have now "peacetime"...that's not convincing...I'd say, that some think like Malthus, that the earth gets to be /is overcrowded...I don't...against the malnutrition/starvation they could have done something long ago, but didn't...so why should I believe all these smiling politicians...the status quo is preserved, I am afraid...
I appreciate the doubts in that thread, cause I don't have all the "facts" straight, but I never ever pretended "too much" before or after TF that I am only surrounded by nice "systemites"...history speaks volumes against that.TF wasn't the solution as a whole, but neither is the "cozy" system.