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Re: 6 sq. miles - we've met for sure

Posted by Lone Wolf on May 30, 2006 at 20:38:15

In Reply to: Re: 6 sq. miles - we've met for sure posted by friend of a friend on May 30, 2006 at 19:29:35:

Yes, I saw that side of Ho too. Like I said in another post, I had lots of good times at Ho's place before it became a detention camp. My memories of Ho are far better than my memories of Faithy. I crossed paths more than once with her and I always came out the worse for it, in one way or another.

I liked Ruthie. I found her the easiest to relate to.

I wonder if that meeting you mention where Keda was the guest was the same one I remember? I encountered her there too, and I've never forgotten how she used her leadership position to coerce someone's wife to have sex with her. It happened at Danny and Becky's place, but they're not the couple I'm referring to. Everyone there knew exactly what was going on. I really felt sorry for that couple because it was obvious they were having difficulty with the whole thing.