In Reply to: Re: Dear Coordinator posted by Coordinator on April 28, 2006 at 02:03:27:
Smiley, you have been restricted from posting for a short period of time.
Smiley claims not to be a Family Member, but every once in a while on some perceived threat, someone like Smiley will come charging in, and start a blossom of nonsensical posts, in defense of The Family or some pro-Family cause(s).
The modus operandi is: Berg and Maria parroting, faulty logic, aloofness, taunts, poor grasp of grammar, 1-liners, 50 or more posts in a course of a single day with little substance, throwing posts at others - talking AT other posters without actually addressing points and counter-points, circular arguments, callousness and insensitivity to the default sensitivities on this board, enraging posters and then blaming them for having provoked the fight in the first place, sudden display of humility and shifting of blame, etc...
OK, OK... to be fair, some people that aren't pro-Family use the very same tactics to exploit the weakness in this communication medium and mess with our boards.
The point is, I think we all know what to expect by now, when someone shows up with this behaviour. As hard as it is, as understandable as your reactions are, we should do our best not to play into it by posting 1-liners, name-calling and damning someone to hell, etc.
We are not afraid of discussions, and even pro-Family or seemingly pro-Family viewpoints should be discussed because they bring up issues which need to be addressed.
However, this is yet another non-discussion - there has been no proper dialogue with Smiley, who just skirts the issues and counter-points raised.
So Smiley, until your restriction is lifted, we urge you to take your time to go over the posts carefully, those that have been addressed to you, formulate your answers, address the points, and to refrain from making too many posts with too little substance.