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Posted by Julius on March 05, 2006 at 20:08:39

In Reply to: IN Reply to OT2, about leaving TF posted by Julius on March 05, 2006 at 19:44:03:

There is more leeway now and freedom to reach people according to my own faith and what the Lord shows me. Witnessing and soul winning was not Berg's idea, and it didnt originate with TF, so I know that it is of God.
The basic Christian principles TF beleived, or said they beleived, did not originate with TF.They were passed down from generations of Christians. Thats why we can read Spurgeon and Moody, Carey, and others and say "AMEN" Berg took the writings and sermons of other preachers and changed them to suit his "mystic revelations" to look like it was his own original writings inspired by God. Thats an old trick church preachers do.They take a script someone else originated and with their eloquence they learned in the Cemetary (Ha) they rewrite it. Thats what Berg did. MAny of the Mo Letters are re writes of early writers and Preachers. Much like Tamar 's art. Nothing original. No imagination. Just copied from someone else's inspiritaiton.What I am writing here is not copied from anyone. Its coming right our of my heart. My original thoughts, but the MO letters and also the Maria letters, are copies of someone elses words re written so as to get above the copywright laws , and passed off as original inspiration letters. MAria loved to research things and the childcare "Revolution" so called was no more than compilations from all the research she did in system childcare books. She didnt know anything about Childcare up until the time after Davidito was born , then she realized how dumb she was and started reading all these books on childcare. She and Sara D rewrote the material for TF making it look like it originated from TF. An old trick. its like reading a book and writing a book report in your own words. Thats what Berg and MAria did. Berg read the Bible and other peoples writings, and wrote the Mo Letters in his own words with his own interpretation and explanation, which was consistently inconsistent and completely out of harmony with theBible.
Sorry, OT2 got me going on this. Hey ,Grandpa go anything to say from wherever you are?
He may be in Heaven or he may be in hell for all I know. John the Baptist doubted Jesus the one whose path he had prepared, and Jesus said he that was least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he, so I dont know.