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Posted by Acheick on October 22, 2005 at 19:04:30

In Reply to: Re: alcoholic dementia posted by Tarbaby on October 22, 2005 at 17:07:08:

magic mushrooms and talking catepillars - yes, that's a good description. Berg actually had a dream called "strange truths" where he was swimming in the dream and saw all these strange things in the water. Now I realize it was his psyche showing him how surreal his writings were and really out in left field - none of his stuff was making sense, but he wasn't listening.

Honestly, I would get so confused. In the beginning when I learned the endtime verses and endtime theories, I thought I had found nirvana. Now, I thought, I really knew what was going on in the world - after all the world is such a puzzling place to an idealistic youth like I was. So it stood to reason that of course Berg would know what the truth was in the world and I read each thing he wrote with avid interest. But as time went on I became more and more confused because he was constantly changing his mind and opposing himself in his writings. I can only think it's the upside down world of an alcoholic mind.

About the white supremist thing - I can see a lot of that in Berg's writings too. We watched a documentary on 60 min about these 2 girls that sing for white supremists. My hubby and I were getting goose bumps listening to them and to their mother. She made a comment - "We're not Christians, we're white supremists" - wow, that is their religion and they think that it's perfectly normal. It's scary. Anyway, Berg also patterned his dogmas after the JWs and the Mormons. You will see a lot of their dogmas in his writings. He drew from many things, nothing of his was original.