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Re: Good Memories were Human experience/Bad were cultic

Posted by MG on October 08, 2005 at 02:52:51

In Reply to: Good Memories were Human experience/Bad were cultic posted by locke on October 07, 2005 at 20:26:12:

I have some further comment on what it must be like for SGs to hear any kind of FG talk and/or nostalgia about idyllic hippy days and joining the Revolution for Jesus.

The simple fact of the matter is: they grew up on it. They had to read about it, they had to listen to it day in and day out. Countless Uncle and Auntie testimonies time, teaching time, preaching time, family time.

I've been thinking about how much verbose and long winded preachy ramblings our children grew up with, non stop, 24/7, from the time they were in the womb until they grew up into their teen years or adult years and it didn't end until they left. In fact, when they weren't hearing it from a parent, a teacher, a leader, whatever uncle or auntie, they had to be reading it and memorizing it.

No wonder so many of them don't want to talk to us. It's the mere sound of our voices that gets to them.

This isn't a beat myself up post. I'm happy with who I am today, but we're on this subject and it's good to look at the facts.Year after year, as babies, toddlers, children and teens, the second generation was subjected to a non stop flood of preaching, FGs opening their mouths with what we thought were words of wisdom. They've heard it all many times over.