In Reply to: The Davidito book posted by Observer on November 26, 2003 at 09:28:20:
I thought the part about the Nanny and sucking Berg's weenie was disgusting. I just thought that was something weird that happened to him. Then they had the whole class and how Davidito liked it, etc., etc. I think I compartmentalized it and put it aside as something that I was having trouble with so it must be God testing me or teaching me a lesson. I would never think to do anything like that, however. My hubby ex wife apparently did it to her baby and he told my hubby told her he didn't like her doing t that.
When we went to Brazil in 1976 Deborah refused to print the Davidito book, she didn't agree with it. I was secretly happy that someone was telling Berg he was wrong about something. She also didn't agree with FFing and I was thrilled that she felt that way. I never wanted to get involved in that.