I remember the training to accept rape and not fight. It seemed like there was no life outside of the Family and if you questioned you were not good material.The 2nd ewxperience 1989-1990 was a nightmare in the fam with 8 children. they all rebelled. I look back and see I just didn't get it. I would always choose my gut feeling and conciencious forgive my spelling. I am a true seeker of the truth and truely messed up but I have a burning desire for fufillment in my life and I hunger for the truth. Even if I'm a weeker sister as David said I'm a sheep and child of God and I know I'm a failure by many standards but I want the true truth. Hunger and thurst. After being free I've been working for 16 yrs in a system job which has given me compassion for all the poor lost souls. I love Jesus but stay way far awaY FROM CHURCHES. i DID A jAIL MINISTRY FOR A WHILE . tHEY LET ME GO IN AND OUT AT WILL AND HANG WITH THE INMATES Opps there goes the caps lock button. thankyou for all opinnions Thank you for Jesus and his mercy or I'd have no hope.