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Re: what I want

Posted by ethicist on December 05, 2002 at 23:03:51

In Reply to: Re: what I want posted by ray on December 05, 2002 at 16:39:33:

Ray, I don't have any beefs with you, btw. i enjoy your thoughtful posts. The position each of us have taken is a personal one, often in a state of flux. I'm not trying to recruit, but just throw a little more into the debate, for people's consideration. I'm an evolving post-modernist -- there are many realities!

Well, not really. You asked about how the lights went on for me. It was a process -- several years. The pledges of loyalty helped a lot. I finally could not stand to live with myself, so I left. I was doing some good works in the group, a little like RF -- but not as much. But it got to where I could not stand the package deal. I wished the Fam oraganization would just F--k off and leave us alone, so we could do some good.

I also had extensive knowledge how the group liked the PR fronts like SSU. It gave Fam members a chance to keep a slick Christian veneer and respectability and rasie a little $. As I see it, it is all a scam, and many Fam members end up becoming scam artists. they do it in their sleep. they really beleive they are independent missionaries, when in fact they belong to one of the most organised, controlling 'churches' in the world.

Anyway, I'm not going to rant. But I am sufficiently along the activist continuum to where if people like RF and FCF want to project an air of respectability, I will do what I can to expose them. I'd much rather expose M&P, but they spend thousands of the taxpayers dollars to stay hidden. So I'll take some shots at these visable appendages, merely asking them to come clean and be honest. Outing them.

I don't see why RF could not continue to do good works without being part of the group.

Well, anyway, Ray, that's my take on things. Thanks for the discourse.

Take care