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what I hear from you is do nothing

Posted by Passing By on December 05, 2002 at 16:57:15

In Reply to: Re: what I want posted by ray on December 05, 2002 at 16:39:33:

in fact you are not innactive in the background but intent to prevent those who are doing something from doing it saying that it will hurt some members who somehow will be drawn to the truth.

A greater gulf between members and nonmembers...??? That would be funny if it were not pathetic. There is a gulf bergism has created since the beginning between family members and everybody else.

You are starting to sound more like and implant, like somebody who is trying to protect the family is that your job here? But keep talking, the colors will show sooner or later.

For the record, I am not interested in persecuting the family or even individuals who are free to choose as they want. All I want is to be able to look at the family or family members in equal footing able to share equally in a common past they deny. Responsibility and accountability are important to reach that level.