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Posted by Acheick on December 05, 2002 at 10:58:03

In Reply to: Re: nazi's, snakes, tares, and drug addicts... posted by MG on December 05, 2002 at 10:31:27:

Well, I know what my point is, I thought it was pretty clear, it sure is to me. I suppose if there are others that are confused, it's good to discuss it for their sakes. Although, it reminds me of when I first left the F., I had only stopped reporting for maybe a year or less. I met with an exmember friend who had really been mistreated in the F. (oh, I know, who hadn't) - she'd been kicked out with her children (lucky for her in that one), but her husband remained and she was pretty tore up about the whole mess. While visiting and talking about all the things that had upset us and hurt us, how damaging it all was, how wrong it all was, she proceeded to shock me with the statement that she believed that Berg and his household had it right, but the rest of the F. just couldn't get it. I just sat there dumbfounded. How could she have read all the Mo letters I read, knew all the things I knew, experienced nearly the same experiences, but come out with such a different conclusion. To me it was pure denial, she just couldn't admit to herself that it was all that bad and that she herself had made such a poor choice, such a horribly, horribly wrong choice. I think that's what a lot of this is. Everytime we put pressue on the F. in some way, this ugly fear comes up - "oh, we don't want to hurt them" -Perhaps it's the underlying guilt that we were like that, we did that, we were responsible for the very same things. It could be us, etc. But it should be us, and we are only enablers if we do not break the cylce of abuse. It's a hard thing to come by, but a necessary one. For the record (though I dont' why it's necessary to repeat it so many, many times) I don't want to "hurt" anybody, but I want to save lives and I want to see the F. exposed for what it is. What harm is going to come to them? Because FR gets cut out of a business, big deal. I believe the people that they are doing business with deserve to have everything spelled out for them, they deserver to know the truth and to know just whom they are dealing with. Guess who is really hurting them? They are hurting themselves by tithing to Maria, by be followers of an alcoholic pervert. Should we enable them to do that or should we let them know in no uncertain terms that we will not stand by and watch them continue on in the madness and hurt countless more lives in the process.