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Re: nazi's, snakes, tares, and drug addicts...

Posted by MG on December 05, 2002 at 10:31:27

In Reply to: Re: nazi's, snakes, tares, and drug addicts... posted by in the archive on December 05, 2002 at 09:56:26:

Since you refer to MovingOn, over there you will find posts that say similar things to what Ray and Thinker have said, for example:

"Hey, I hate the Family as much as the next guy but let's not get carried away. I've seen a few minutes of these Cherub Wings videos and they're just cute animation for kids....If nothing else, the people working on them directly are just trying to make some money and do something decent at the same time. Call me mad but there's slimy bad and then there's the rest. ....Surprisingly there are some FGA's that take us seriously sometimes, people that do respect our plight and are somewhat openminded, but when we show no moderation in our criticism we're just as one sided as they are."

No one on Moving On called the SG that posted this mad, or said they found her point of view "tiring". I beg to disagree, it's important to bring up these questions. Even though I have no doubt in my mind that Cherub Wings is 100% a Family product, I believe it’s worth discussing what Thinker said, and I quote: “What are our intentions?.... Just to halt his sales of Cherub Wings?......If he agrees not to produce and that series, is that what we want? For what purpose would we need to accomplish that? …..Or is it a question of him admitting he is with the F. now, today? Does this have anything to do with his facing up to his horrible past? So are we looking for a confession or are we just trying to connect him to his past? Is this justice or is this revenge?..... Is this part of a bigger strategy for shutting down F. fronts? Why do we need to do this?.....As ex-members, we all have differing ideas for what we want to see accomplished against the F.”

I for one appreciate having that spelled out, and I really don’t know what the answers are? There is one thing we all do agree on, and that’s removing the head of the snake. So it must be the means that are being debated.