In Reply to: Re: Attn. Admin. : Regarding "Fundies" - thanks Marina posted by goth88 on November 20, 2002 at 13:24:09:
I think Marina has brought out some interesting points on demographics that a lot of us knew in the back of our minds but had never given thorough consideration to before. You mentioned:
"What I do not understand is the demographic thing. It seems that Journeys was created to keep overly religious posts off of this board. It would seem that the default of this board would be to protect diversity within some constraint regarding evangelism or preaching religion. So demographics in that sense would seem to indicate that most here, incl. "Christians" would be aware of and respect that."
You're right. This is the point, to protect diversity within constraints. Journeys was created as a place where Christians and those of spiritual persuasions could discuss every detail of Berg's religious doctrine and their new spiritual journey after the Family. We want to keep GenX a religiously neutral board where everyone including athiests and agnostics can come without feeling uneasy.
The default of Journeys is religious, the default of GenX is non-religious. However, as Marina pointed out, it does seem that whether they *talk religion* or not when they post on GenX, the fact remains that the majority of our readers/posters (maybe 80-90%) are Christian or somewhat Christian in outlook. On the other hand you have your own unique viewpoints and right to express yourself freely, so shouldn't let yourself be muzzled by the majority views. We do not wish conformity, only respect of all posters for one another. I hope you can express yourself honestly and even bluntly.
The *default* question is about that simple. I believe what Marina is referring to on MovingOn is that the default (or underlying assumption) is that most of the posters/readers there are burned out on faith and are either non-relgious or have the jury still out. I've read that board and though some SGAs who post there are Christian, they are in the clear minority.