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Re: Attn. Admin. : Regarding "Fundies" - thanks Marina

Posted by goth88 on November 20, 2002 at 13:24:09

In Reply to: Re: Attn. Admin. : Regarding "Fundies" - my reply posted by marina on November 20, 2002 at 10:58:53:

I did post that I thought I misunderstood you, and this is clarified. What I do not understand is the demographic thing. It seems that Journeys was created to keep overly religious posts off of this board. Now most may be Christians, but until now, I have not had a run in regarding Christianity as anyones choice of religion, and still don't. It would seem that the default of this board would be to protect diversity within some constraint regarding evangelism or preaching religion. So demographics in that sense would seem to indicate that most here, incl. "Christians" would be aware of and respect that. Sometimes any person (me included, most definitely) can read something and take it personally or different from how it is written. In the case of the Fundie subject, I did explain very clearly what I meant by Fundie and I am therefore not responsible for the reaction of a few that still feel offended. I don't believe the majority here were offended. But, I could be wrong. IF that were so, then I wouldn't want to post here. Rocky seemed to understand very clearly where I was coming from and so did other "Christians". You know, I think Joshua Whitehorse got attacked for every opinion he had here. You will notice I never attacked him, although I am glad the journeys board is in existence, because I hate preaching religiosity. But I also realize the family did a real job of screwing with our minds. I am for the healing of all. So are you saying this board is not at default to protect people that are atheist or agnostic whereas the Moving On board is? I am not sure what you mean by the default thing. I do understand that there are difference between, say, the bible belt of America and how discussions go and the discussions of exers in France or elsewhere. That is why I sincerely asked about foreign boards, since the internet connects us all.