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"falling for that 'rapture at 1993' stuff

Posted by Thinker on November 18, 2002 at 14:20:26

In Reply to: Re: We once thought we were "immortal" posted by tigress on November 18, 2002 at 02:54:35:

Don't feel too bad. Many of us did. We put our lives on hold for that. We put up with hardship because "1986 was just around the corner". What's bad is we neglected our children's needs with that thinking. We didn't plan for their future like the normal responsible parents we would have been. This false prophecy stufff started way back, right from the very beginning, with fabricated prophecies about "David". We should have seen through it all when Kohutek didn't happen, when Californis didn't fall into the sea, when Europe didn't turn into a radioactive wasteland.